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ASME Section V Nondestructive Examination Guide

ASME Section V
Nondestructive Examination
ASME Section V Nondestructive Examination ............................................................................. 4
1.0 ASME Section V and the API 510 Examination ..................................................................... 4
1.1 Article 1 – General Requirements ......................................................................................... 5
1.2 Article 2 – Radiographic Examination ................................................................................. 5
1.3 Article 6 – Liquid Penetrant Examination (Includes Mandatory Appendices II and
III ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Article 7 – Magnetic Particle Examination (Yoke and Prod Techniques only) .......... 6
1.5 Article 23 – (Section SE-797 only) Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by
Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method ...................................................................... 6
1.6 Navigation in ASME Section V ............................................................................................... 6
1.7 Key Words, Terms and Concepts ......................................................................................... 7
1.8 Authorized Inspector ................................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Inspection vs. Examination .................................................................................................... 7
2.0 ASME Section V - Article 1 General Requirements .............................................................. 7
3.0 ASME Section V - Article 2 Radiographic Examination ........................................................... 10
3.1 T-221 Procedure Requirements .............................................................................................. 10
3.2 Paragraphs T-222, T-223, T-224 ............................................................................................ 11
Surface Preparation T-222.............................................................................................................. 11
Backscatter Radiation – T-223 ....................................................................................................... 11
System of Identification T-224 ........................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Paragraphs T-233, T-234, T-262, T-275 ................................................................................ 11
Image Quality Indicator Design T-233 .......................................................................................... 11
Facilities for Viewing Radiographs T-234 ..................................................................................... 11
Densitometers and Step Wedge Comparison Film T-262 ......................................................... 12
Location Markers T-275 .................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Paragraphs T-276, T-277, T-282, T-284 ................................................................................ 12
IQI Selection and Use – T-276, T-277 .......................................................................................... 12
Radiographic Density T-282 ........................................................................................................... 13
Excessive Backscatter T-284 ......................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Paragraph T-290 ........................................................................................................................ 13
Documentation T-290 ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.0 ASME Section V - Article 2 Radiographic Examination - Practice Questions ...................... 14
5.0 ASME Section V - Article 6 Liquid Penetrant Examination ..................................................... 26
5.1 General T-620 ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.2 Paragraphs T-621, T-641, T642 .............................................................................................. 26
Written Procedure T-621 ................................................................................................................. 26
Control of Contaminants T-641 ...................................................................................................... 26
Surface Preparation T-642.............................................................................................................. 26
5.3 Paragraphs T-650, T-660, T-670 ............................................................................................ 27
Technique T-650 .............................................................................................................................. 27
Calibration T-660 .............................................................................................................................. 27
Examination T-670 ........................................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Paragraphs T-672, T-675, T-676 ............................................................................................ 27
Dwell Time T-672 ............................................................................................................................. 27
Developing T-675 ............................................................................................................................. 27
Final Interpretation T-676 ................................................................................................................ 28
5.5 Paragraphs T-680, T-692 and Mandatory Appendix II of Article 6 .................................... 28
Evaluation T-680 .............................................................................................................................. 28
Examination Records T-692 ........................................................................................................... 28
Mandatory Appendix II..................................................................................................................... 28
6.0 ASME Section V - Article 6 Liquid Penetrant Examination - Practice Questions ................ 29
7.0 ASME Section V - Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination .................................................... 38
7.1 General T-720 ............................................................................................................................ 38
7.2 Paragraphs T-721, T-731, T-741 ............................................................................................ 38
Written Procedure Requirements T-721 ....................................................................................... 38
Examination Medium T-731 ............................................................................................................ 38
Surface Conditioning T-741 ............................................................................................................ 38
7.3 Paragraph T-752 ........................................................................................................................ 39
Prod Technique T-752 ..................................................................................................................... 39
7.4 Paragraphs T-760, T-672, T-770, T-776 ................................................................................ 39
Calibration T-760 .............................................................................................................................. 39
Lifting Power of Yokes T-672 ......................................................................................................... 39
Examination T-770 ........................................................................................................................... 39
Excess Particle Removal T-776 ..................................................................................................... 40
7.7 Paragraphs T-777, T-778, T-792, T-793 ................................................................................ 40
Interpretation T-777 ......................................................................................................................... 40
Demagnetization T-778 ................................................................................................................... 40
Recording of Indications T-792 ...................................................................................................... 40
Examination Records T-793 ........................................................................................................... 40
8.0 ASME Section V - Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination - Practice Questions............... 41
9.0 ASME Section V - Article 23, Section SE-797 Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method ..... 49
9.1 Paragraph 1. Scope .................................................................................................................. 49
9.2 Paragraph 5. Significance and Use ........................................................................................ 49
9.3 Paragraph 6. Basis of Application ........................................................................................... 49
9.4 Paragraph 7. Apparatus............................................................................................................ 49
9.5 Paragraph 9. Technical Hazards ............................................................................................. 49
ASME Section V Nondestructive Examination
For the 2019 API 510 exams, the Effectivity Sheet published by API states that the 2017
edition of ASME Section V is required. Of this edition, only the following Articles are
subject to the exam:
Article 1 – General Requirements
Article 2 – Radiographic Examination
Article 6 – Liquid Penetrant Examination (including Mandatory Appendices II and III)
Article 7 – Magnetic Particle Examination
Article 23 – (Section SE-797 only) Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by
Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method
It is important to recognize that questions will only be taken from these portions of
ASME Section V. Exam questions dealing with other types of NDE, particularly UT,
likely come from API 577. It is recommended that exam candidates become familiar
with the differences in wording and terminology between ASME Section V and the
similar content in API 577.
1.0 ASME Section V and the API 510 Examination
ASME Section V is a reference code, meaning that its rules only apply when referenced
by a construction or repair code such as ASME VIII-1 or API 510. The user of the Code
must recognize that the referencing Code can place extra requirements, or choose not to
follow certain requirements as stated in Section V. For instance, ASME Section IX states
that RT will be carried out as per Article 2 of ASME V, except that no written procedure is
required. Article 2 specifically states that a written procedure is required.
Exam candidates will need to be careful in reading NDE questions to determine if the
authority in the question comes from ASME Section V, or the referencing Code. Often
this is accomplished by recognizing the activity in the question, such as welder testing,
vessel repair or construction. If a question simply asks about an NDE method, without
stating the activity it is used for, it is likely coming directly from ASME Section V.
It is the objective of this portion of the course to familiarize exam candidates with the
required material from ASME Section V. At the end of this portion of the course exam
candidates should be able to recognize key words, navigate to the required sections of
ASME Section V, and identify if a question is from Section V or another exam book
This consideration of ASME Section V will not give the in-depth knowledge that specific
NDE training would impart, nor is it intended to train anyone to the level where they can
perform or interpret NDE results. The questions and discussion in this portion of the
course are specifically designed to prepare candidates for the API ICP examination topics
that are described in the API Body of Knowledge.
The Body of Knowledge lists specific topics from each Article that is covered in the
examination. Examination candidates should be familiar with and understand the
following specific topics from ASME Section V when they go to write the exam.
1.1 Article 1 – General Requirements
Exam candidates need to be familiar with and understand:
1. The Scope of ASME Section V
2. Rules for use of Section V as a referenced Code
3. Responsibilities of the Owner/User and of subcontractors
4. Calibration
5. Definitions of inspection and examination
6. Record keeping requirements
1.2 Article 2 – Radiographic Examination
Exam candidates need to be familiar with and understand:
1. The Scope of Article 2 and general requirements
2. The rules for radiography as typically applied on pressure vessels such as, but not
limited to:
Required marking
Type, selection, number and placement of IQI’s
Allowable density
Control of backscatter radiation
Location markers
3. Records
1.3 Article 6 – Liquid Penetrant Examination (Includes Mandatory Appendices II
and III
Exam candidates need to be familiar with and understand:
1. The Scope of Article 6
2. The general rules for applying and using the liquid penetrant method such as, but not
limited to:
record keeping
1.4 Article 7 – Magnetic Particle Examination (Yoke and Prod Techniques only)
Exam candidates need to be familiar with and understand:
1. The scope of Article 7
2. General Requirements such as but not limited to the requirements for:
techniques (Yoke and Prod only)
documentation and record keeping
1.5 Article 23 – (Section SE-797 only) Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness
by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method
Exam candidates need to be familiar with and understand:
1. The Scope of Article 23, Section SE-797
2. General rules for applying this ultrasonic method
3. The specific procedures for UT thickness measurement as contained in paragraph 7
1.6 Navigation in ASME Section V
Fast and efficient navigation in ASME Section V is almost entirely dependent on
knowing the content of the Articles. Exam candidates should prepare with the intent of
memorizing the title of each Article that is subject to the examination. This knowledge
will allow for quicker lookups during the open book portion of the examination.
Once an Article is identified as being the reference to a question, the bookmarks will
direct a Code user to specific subject matter within the Article. Again, it is very useful to
have a good grasp of the contents of each Article.
Historically, many of the questions are based on Tables within ASME Section V.
Candidates are encouraged to become very familiar with the tables in each Article, and
how to read them accurately.
1.7 Key Words, Terms and Concepts
ASME Section V is a reference Code that is used by all sections of the ASME BPVC,
API repair codes and recommended practices, and other standards and codes. It is
important to understand that the purpose of ASME Section V is to give direction and to
standardize how various NDE methods are used.
There are no acceptance standards in ASME Section V.
There are no directions regarding the application of a certain NDE method to a specific
piece of equipment – vessels, piping, tanks, etc.
The referencing Code, (e.g. ASME IX, ASME VIII-1 or API 510) contains the specific
rules for what type of NDE must be used and where, and the acceptance criteria.
Knowing this will help identify if a question is from ASME Section V or the referencing
1.8 Authorized Inspector
There are distinct differences in the entities identified in ASME Section V and API 510.
For example, the term authorized inspector when used in an API document refers to an
API Authorized Inspector who has qualified for and successfully passed the API ICP
In ASME Section V, the Authorized Inspector is the ASME Authorized Inspector, usually
the jurisdictionally authorized inspector. This individual has different responsibilities than
the API authorized inspector.
1.9 Inspection vs. Examination
In ASME Section V only the ASME Authorized Inspector carries out inspections. All
other quality control tasks are referred to as examinations, and are the responsibility of
the Manufacturer.
2.0 ASME Section V - Article 1 General Requirements
The scope of ASME Section V covers eight different NDE methods. They are:
radiographic examination
ultrasonic examination
liquid penetrant examination
magnetic particle examination
eddy current examination
visual examination
leak testing
acoustic emission examination
The requirements and methods that are listed in ASME Section V are Code
requirements to the extent that they are specifically referenced and required by other
Code Sections (such as ASME Section IX) or the referencing document (such as API
It is the responsibility of the Code User to ensure that examination equipment conforms
to the requirements of ASME Section V.
Paragraph T-150 states that when it is required by the referencing Code section, all
NDE examinations performed under ASME Section V shall be performed following a
written procedure.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ASME Section V, in T-150, states that all NDE methods require a
written procedure when required by the referencing Code section. It is important to note
that both ASME Section VIII Div.1 and ASME Section IX do not require a written
procedure for radiography. There is no such exception for other NDE methods.
T-160 requires that the Manufacturer, fabricator or installer shall be responsible for
proper calibration of equipment used in the various NDE methods.
It is the Inspectors responsibility to verify to his satisfaction that all examinations
required by the referencing Code Section have been made to the requirements of
ASME Section V. The Inspector has the right to witness any of the examinations
T-170 (b) establishes a special distinction between inspection and examination. The
term inspection applies to the functions performed by the Authorized Inspector. The
term examination applies to those quality control functions performed by personnel
employed by the Manufacturer.
Records of examinations shall be prepared and kept according to the requirements of
the referencing Code section and the requirements of each Article of ASME Section V.
Paragraph T-190 contains a list of minimum record keeping requirements.
Which of the following NDE methods is not included in the scope of ASME Section V?
a) RT
b) AET
c) VT
For those documents that directly reference Article 1 of ASME Section V for the
qualification of NDE personnel, qualification shall be in accordance with
a) the employer’s written practice
b) SNT-TC-1A
d) ASME Section V
Which of the following NDE methods require a written procedure when required by the
referencing Code Section? (choose all that apply)
a) RT
b) MT
c) PT
d) VT
Who is responsible for the calibration of the equipment used for NDE?
a) the Authorized Inspector
b) the Code User
c) the Manufacturer
d) the Owner
Who shall have the right to witness any examination to the extent stated in the
referencing document?
a) the Owner
b) the Manufacturer
c) the examiner
d) the Authorized Inspector
The term examination applies to
a) quality control functions performed by the Authorized Inspector
b) quality control functions performed by personnel employed by the Manufacturer
c) quality control functions performed by personnel employed by the Code User
d) quality control functions performed by personnel employed by the Owner
Which of the following would not be included in the minimum requirements for records
and documentation after NDE is performed?
a) date of the examination
b) examination procedure
c) name and certification level of person writing the procedure
d) results of the examination
3.0 ASME Section V - Article 2 Radiographic Examination
The scope of Article 2 of ASME Section V includes the examination of castings and
welds and is to be used with Article 1 of ASME Section V.
3.1 T-221 Procedure Requirements
It is a requirement that RT be performed in accordance with a written procedure that
contains the following information:
material type and thickness range
isotope or maximum x-ray voltage used
source to object distance
distance from source side of object to film
source size
film brand and designation
screens used
3.2 Paragraphs T-222, T-223, T-224
Surface Preparation T-222
Weld ripples, or weld surface irregularities shall be removed to the extent that they
cannot mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity on the radiograph.
Backscatter Radiation – T-223
A lead symbol “B” that measures 1/2 in. in height and 1/16 in. thick shall be attached to
the back of each film holder to determine if backscatter radiation is exposing the film.
System of Identification T-224
A system of identification is to be used to produce permanent identification on each
radiograph. The identification shall be traceable to the contract, component, weld or
weld seam, or part numbers as appropriate.
3.3 Paragraphs T-233, T-234, T-262, T-275
Image Quality Indicator Design T-233
Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be either hole type or wire type. Hole type IQI’s
shall be manufactured and identified in accordance with SE-1025. Wire type shall be
manufactured and identified in accordance with SE-747.
Table T-233.1 identifies the different hole type IQI designations, thickness and
diameters of the 1T, 2T and 4T holes in the IQI.
Table T-233.2 gives the wire identity, and wire diameter in each wire Set. Note that the
last wire in each set is the same as the first wire in the next set. (e.g. Wire identity 6 is
the last wire in Set A, and the first in Set B.)
Facilities for Viewing Radiographs T-234
The viewing facilities for radiographs shall provide subdued background lighting that
does not cause reflections, shadows, or glare that will interfere with interpreting a
Densitometers and Step Wedge Comparison Film T-262
Densitometers shall be calibrated at least every 90 days. Step wedge comparison films
shall be verified prior to first use.
Location Markers T-275
There are several rules for location markers that have been asked about on past
exams. The required location varies depending on the type of viewing and the location
of the source.
Location markers which are to appear as radiographic images on the film shall be
placed on the part, not on the holder/cassette.
Location markers shall be placed on the source side when radiographing flat
components, long joints in cylindrical components, curved or spherical components
whose concave side is toward the source and when the source to material distance is
less than the inside radius of the component.
Location markers shall be placed on the film side when radiographing either curved or
spherical components whose concave side is toward the source and the source to
material distance is greater than the inside radius.
Either side markers may be used when the source to material distance equals the inside
radius of the component.
For double wall viewing at least one location marker shall be placed adjacent to the
weld or area of interest on each radiograph.
When markers cannot be placed by hand due to accessibility or other reason a
dimensional map may be used.
3.4 Paragraphs T-276, T-277, T-282, T-284
IQI Selection and Use – T-276, T-277
The IQI shall be selected from the same alloy group or grade identified in SE-1025 or
SE-747 as applicable to the type of IQI, or from an alloy or material with less radiation
absorption than the material being radiographed.
The thickness used to select the IQI is the nominal single wall thickness plus estimated
weld reinforcement.
Table T-276 lists various material thickness ranges, and the corresponding source or
film side, hole or wire type IQI.
Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI’s on the source side, the IQI’s shall
be placed on the film side of the part being examined, in contact with the part. A lead
letter F shall be placed adjacent to or on the IQI but must not mask the essential hole.
Hole IQI’s may be placed on or adjacent to a weld.
Wire type IQI’s shall be placed on the weld with the wires perpendicular to the length of
the weld.
At least one IQI shall appear in every radiographic image.
Radiographic Density T-282
Density limitations shall be a minimum of 1.8 for single film viewing of radiographs made
with an X-ray source, and 2.0 for radiographs made with a gamma ray source. For
composite film viewing each film shall have a minimum density of 1.3.
Maximum density for either single or composite viewing is 4.0.
The density of the radiograph shall not vary through the area of interest by more than 15% or +30%.
Excessive Backscatter T-284
If a light image of the lead letter B appears on a darker background this is cause for
rejection as protection from backscatter radiation is insufficient. A dark image of the B
on a light background is not cause for rejection.
3.5 Paragraph T-290
Documentation T-290
The Manufacturer is responsible to prepare and document the radiographic technique
details and the radiographic review form.
As a minimum the following information shall be on the technique documentation.
requirements of Article 1, T-190
identification required by T-224
dimensional map if used as per T-275.3
number of exposures
X-ray voltage or isotope used
source size
base material type, thickness, weld thickness, weld reinforcement thickness
source to object distance
distance from source side of object to film
film manufacturer and film designation
number of film in each film holder
single or double wall exposure
single or double wall viewing
The radiographic review form shall have the following information as a minimum:
a listing of each radiograph location
information as required by T-291, either included or referenced to an attached technique
details sheet
evaluation and disposition of items examined
name of the Manufacturer’s representative who performed the final acceptance of the
date of evaluation
4.0 ASME Section V - Article 2 Radiographic Examination - Practice Questions
The following Practice Questions can be answered using ASME Section V, Article 2.
Article 2 of ASME Section V shall be used with Article 1 and covers
a) radiography of castings
b) radiography of castings and welds
c) radiography of castings, welds, and plates
d) radiography of castings, welds, plates and shapes
Radiographic examination shall be performed
a) in accordance with ASME Section V
b) in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. 1
c) in accordance with a written procedure
d) in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions
Which of the following is not required to be included in a radiographic procedure?
a) material type and thickness range
b) distance from source side of object to film
c) name of the examiner who wrote the procedure
d) film brand
An inspector notices that weld ripples on the surface of a butt weld in a pipe may mask
discontinuities on a radiograph that is required. What should be done?
a) cut the weld out
b) grind off the surface ripples
c) use another form of NDE
d) no steps are needed
What are the dimensions of the required lead letter “B”?
a) 1/2 in. thick x 1/16 in. height
b) 1 in. height x 1/16 in. thick
c) 1/2 in. height x 1/16 in. thick
d) 1/4 in. height x 1/16 in. thick
What type of film shall be used for radiographs?
a) Kodak
b) commercial
c) durable
d) industrial
What wire set does wire identity 6 belong to?
a) Set A
b) Set A and B
c) Set B and C
d) Set B
Hole type IQI’s shall be manufactured in accordance with
a) SE-1025
b) SE-747
c) SE-1025 or SE-747
d) ASME Section V
What is the size of the 2T hole in an IQI designated number 45?
a) 0.045 in.
b) 0.090 in.
c) 0.180 in.
d) 0.100 in.
What is the size of the 4T hole in hole type IQ designation 12?
a) 0.048 in.
b) 0.024 in.
c) 0.050 in.
d) 0.012 in.
Facilities for viewing radiographs shall provide subdued background lighting that will not
cause (choose all that apply)
a) reflections
b) shadows
c) glare
d) interference with the interpretation of the radiograph
Verification of source size when using Iridium 192 may be determined in accordance
a) SE-747
b) SE-1025
c) SE-1114
d) SE-1165
Densitometers shall be calibrated every
a) 120 days
b) 90 days
c) 60 days
d) 30 days
Step wedge comparison films should be
a) calibrated every 90 days
b) verified prior to first use
c) calibrated every 30 days
d) traceable to a nationally calibrated densitometer
Wherever practical, what type of radiographic technique shall be used?
a) single wall exposure
b) single wall viewing
c) double wall exposure
d) double wall viewing
When performing radiography on a vessel wall that is 2.75 in. thick, what is the
maximum geometric unsharpness permitted?
a) 0.020 in.
b) 0.030 in.
c) 0.040 in.
d) 0.070 in.
When radiography is to be performed on a curved segment, and the source to material
distance is less than the inside radius of the curved component
a) location markers shall be placed on the film side
b) location markers shall be placed on the source side
c) IQI’s shall be placed on the source side
d) IQI’s shall be placed on the film side
What hole type IQI would be selected for the film side when the material is 5.375 in.
a) 30
b) 35
c) 40
d) 50
IQI’s shall be placed on the source side
a) unless the inside radius of the part is greater than the source to object distance
b) unless inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI on the source side
c) unless a lead letter F is placed on or adjacent to the IQI
d) unless inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI on the source side and a lead
letter F is placed on or adjacent to the IQI
Hole type IQI’s shall be placed
a) on the weld
b) adjacent to the weld
c) on the weld but perpendicular to the length of the weld
d) on the weld or adjacent to the weld
Wire type IQI’s shall be placed
a) on the weld
b) adjacent to the weld
c) on the weld but perpendicular to the length of the weld
d) on the weld or adjacent to the weld
When one or more film holders are used for an exposure at least
a) one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph
b) two IQI images shall appear on each radiograph
c) three IQI images shall appear on each radiograph
d) four IQI images shall appear on each radiograph
When shims are used under IQI’s
a) the outline of at least one side of the IQI image shall be visible in the radiograph
b) the outline of at least two sides of the IQI image shall be visible in the radiograph
c) the outline of at least three sides of the IQI image shall be visible in the radiograph
d) the outline of at least four sides of the IQI image shall be visible in the radiograph
All radiographs shall be free of (choose all that apply)
a) fogging
b) processing defects such as streaks, watermarks or chemical stains
c) scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static marks, tears
d) false indications due to defective films
Density limitations for single film viewing using an X-ray source shall be
a) 1.8 to 2.0
b) 2.0 to 3.0
c) 1.8 to 4.0
d) 2.0 to 4.0
Density of the radiograph through the area of interest shall not vary more than
a) more than +30%
b) more than -15%
c) more than -30% or more than +15%
d) more than -15% or more than +30%
Equivalent hole type IQI sensitivity for a hole type designation 2T hole 50 would be
a) 1T hole 60
b) 4T hole 35
c) 1T hole 50
d) 4T hole 60
If a light image of the B shows up on a darker background
a) too much radiation was used and the radiograph is unacceptable
b) protection from backscatter radiation was sufficient and the radiograph is acceptable
c) protection from backscatter radiation was insufficient and the radiograph is
d) protection from backscatter radiation was insufficient and the radiograph is
Who is responsible for the review, interpretation, evaluation and acceptance of the
completed radiographs?
a) the Authorized Inspector
b) the examiner
c) the Manufacturer
d) the Owner
Which of the following is not required on a radiographic review form?
a) a listing of each weld location
b) evaluation and disposition of the materials or welds examined
c) identification of the Manufacturer’s representative who performed the final
acceptance of the radiograph
d) date of the Manufacturer’s evaluation
5.0 ASME Section V - Article 6 Liquid Penetrant Examination
5.1 General T-620
Liquid penetrant (PT) is an effective means for detecting surface discontinuities in
nonporous metals and other materials. A liquid penetrant is applied tp the surface to be
examined and allowed to enter discontinuities. Excess penetrant is removed, the part is
dried, and a developer is applied. The developer acts as a blotter and as a contrast,
drawing the penetrant out of discontinuities and giving an enhanced visual clarity. Dyes
in PT are either visible or fluorescent.
5.2 Paragraphs T-621, T-641, T642
Written Procedure T-621
PT shall be performed to a written procedure that shall contain at a minimum the
requirements listed in Table T-621.
Control of Contaminants T-641
It is the responsibility of the User of Article 6 to obtain certification of contaminant
content for all PT materials that are to be used on the following materials:
nickel based alloys
austenitic stainless steels
duplex stainless steels
Surface Preparation T-642
Satisfactory results can be obtained with PT when the surface of the part to be
examined is in the as-welded, as-rolled, as-cast or as-forged condition. Surface
preparation such as grinding may be needed when surface irregularities could mask
Prior to applying PT materials, the surface shall be dry and cleaned of all dirt, grease,
lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatter, paint, oil, and other matter that could interfere with
the test. This cleaning shall include the surface to be examined and adjacent areas
within at least 1 inch.
5.3 Paragraphs T-650, T-660, T-670
Technique T-650
There are three penetrant processes:
water washable
solvent removable
These can all be used with either a color contrast (visible) penetrant, or a fluorescent
penetrant. This results in a total of six possible liquid penetrant techniques.
For standard techniques with PT the temperature limits for the part to be processes
shall be a minimum of 40°F and a maximum of 125°F.
Fluorescent penetrant shall not follow a color contrast penetrant examination.
Calibration T-660
Light meters, both visible and fluorescent (black) light meters shall be calibrated:
at least once a year
whenever the meter has been repaired
if the meter has not been used for a year or more it shall be calibrated before use
Examination T-670
Penetrant may be applied by any suitable means such as dipping brushing or spraying.
5.4 Paragraphs T-672, T-675, T-676
Dwell Time T-672
The minimum penetrant dwell time shall be in accordance with Table T-672. Pay careful
attention to the footnote that changes the dwell time based on temperatures.
Developing T-675
The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after the penetrant removal. When
using color contrast penetrants, only a wet developer may be used. With fluorescent
penetrants either a wet or dry developer may be used.
Developing time begins immediately after the application of a dry developer or as soon
as a wet developer is dry.
Final Interpretation T-676
Final interpretation shall be made not less than 10 minutes or more than 60 minutes
after the start of the developing time.
Indications with a light pink color may indicate excessive cleaning.
Inadequate cleaning may leave an excessive background making interpretation difficult.
A minimum light intensity of 100fc (1000 lux) is required on the surface to be examined.
Fluorescent penetrants utilize a black light and have some special rules.
It shall be performed in a darkened area
Examiners shall be in a darkened area for at least 5 minutes prior to performing the
examinations to enable their eyes to adapt for dark viewing.
Black lights shall achieve a minimum of 1000 µW/cm² on the surface of the part to be
5.5 Paragraphs T-680, T-692 and Mandatory Appendix II of Article 6
Evaluation T-680
All indications shall be evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards of the
referencing Code.
Broad areas of fluorescence or pigmentation which could mask indications are
unacceptable and shall be cleaned and re-examined.
Examination Records T-692
For each examination using PT the following information shall be recorded:
procedure identification
liquid penetrant type (visible or fluorescent)
type of each penetrant, remover, emulsifier and developer used
examiner identity and qualification if required by the referencing Code
map of indications
material and thickness
lighting equipment
date of examination
Mandatory Appendix II
All penetrant materials shall be analyzed for sulfur content when examining nickel
based alloys.
When examining austenitic or duplex stainless steel, or titanium, all penetrant materials
shall be analyzed for halogens.
6.0 ASME Section V - Article 6 Liquid Penetrant Examination - Practice Questions
The following Practice Questions can be answered using ASME Section V, Article 6.
Liquid penetrant shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure. Which of
the following is not an essential variable of a PT procedure?
a) method of applying the penetrant
b) decrease in penetrant dwell time
c) minimum light intensity
d) personnel qualification
Which of the following is not a variable for a PT procedure?
a) surface preparation
b) hydrophilic emulsifier concentration in spray applications
c) type of indications suspected
d) post examination cleaning technique
Who is responsible for obtaining certification of the contaminant content for all PT
materials used?
a) Authorized Inspector
b) Code User
c) Owner
d) Manufacturer
What is the minimum distance that surfaces must be cleaned adjacent to the area of
a) 1 in.
b) 2 in.
c) 3 in.
d) 4 in.
How many possible PT techniques are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
What is the temperature range for standard PT techniques?
a) 30°F to 125°F
b) 40°F to 125°F
c) 50°F to 125°F
d) 40°F to 225°F
Calibration of black light meters for fluorescent PT shall include (choose all that apply)
a) calibration at least once a year
b) calibration after repair
c) calibration prior to use if the meter has not been used for more than a year
d) calibration at the start and end of each shift
How may penetrant be applied?
a) any suitable means
b) dipping
c) brushing
d) spraying
What is the dwell time for a color contrast liquid penetrant examination of stainless steel
welds at a temperature of 85°F?
a) 5 minutes
b) 10 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 20 minutes
What is the dwell time for color contrast penetrant on carbon steel welds at a
temperature of 48°F?
a) 5 minutes
b) 10 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 20 minutes
When removing water washable penetrant, the water pressure shall not exceed
a) 50 psi and 125°F
b) 60 psi and 110°F
c) 25 psi and 110°F
d) 50 psi and 110°F
When cleaning off excess solvent removable penetrant, prior to the application of
a) flushing the surface with solvent is recommended
b) flushing the surface with solvent is required
c) flushing the surface with solvent is prohibited
d) flushing the surface with solvent is sometimes required
When drying the surface after excess penetrant removal, when using post-emulsifying
technique, the surface may be dried using circulating air provided the temperature of the
surface is not raised above
a) 50°F
b) 100°F
c) 125°F
d) 150°F
After excess penetrant removal is accomplished, developer shall be applied
a) within 10 minutes
b) within 10 to 60 minutes
c) not less than 10 minutes nor more than 60 minutes
d) as soon as possible
Dry developer may be applied by (choose all that apply)
a) soft brush
b) spraying
c) hand powder bulb
d) powder gun
After the application of a dry developer, interpretation shall be made
a) within 10 minutes
b) within 10 to 60 minutes
c) not less than 10 minutes and not more than 60 minutes
d) as soon as possible
Minimum light intensity on the surface of the part to be examined shall be
a) 1000 fc
b) 100 lx
c) 1000 µW/cm²
d) 1000 lx
How long must examiners be in a darkened area before performing fluorescent PT?
a) 5 minutes
b) 10 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 20 minutes
Black lights shall achieve a minimum light intensity of
a) 1000 fc
b) 100 lx
c) 1000 µW/cm²
d) 1000 lx
All indications shall be evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards
a) of ASME Section V
b) of ASME Section VIII Div.1
c) of ASME Section IX
d) of the referencing Code
Black light intensity shall be measured: (choose all that apply)
a) prior to use
b) whenever the power source is interrupted or changed
c) at the completion of the examination
d) at the end of each shift
After a color contrast PT examination of an area, an inspector notices a broad area of
pigmentation. what should be done?
a) a fluorescent PT examination should follow the color contrast examination
b) nothing, this is acceptable
c) the developer should be re-applied
d) the area should be cleaned and re-examined
As a minimum, what should be recorded regarding rejectable indications when using
liquid penetrant? (choose all that apply)
a) type (linear or rounded)
b) location
c) extent (length, diameter, aligned)
d) acceptance or disposition
7.0 ASME Section V - Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination
7.1 General T-720
The magnetic particle examination method (MT) is applied to detect surface cracks and
other discontinuities on the surfaces of ferromagnetic materials.
For optimum effectiveness each area is examined twice with the lines of magnetic flux
being approximately perpendicular to the previous examination.
7.2 Paragraphs T-721, T-731, T-741
Written Procedure Requirements T-721
MT is required to be performed to a written procedure. The written procedure will as a
minimum include the requirements of Table T-721.
Examination Medium T-731
Magnetic particles shall be treated to impart color in order to make them highly visible
against the background of the surface being examined. They may be fluorescent or
non-fluorescent particles.
Particles should be in accordance with SE-709.
The manufacturer of the particles shall set the temperature limitations for the particles.
Surface Conditioning T-741
MT is usually satisfactory on surfaces that are in the as-welded, as-cast, as-rolled or asforged conditions. Some surface conditioning by grinding or machining may be required
to eliminate surface irregularities that could mask indications.
Prior to the examination the area of interest and at least 1 inch adjacent to it shall be
cleaned and free of dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oil or other matter.
7.3 Paragraph T-752
Prod Technique T-752
To avoid arcing, a remote-control switch shall be provided to permit the current to be
applied after the prods have been positioned.
Direct or rectified magnetizing current shall be used. The current shall be:
100 amp/in. to 125 amp/in. of prod spacing for sections 3/4 in. thick and greater
90 amp/in. to 110 amp/in. of prod spacing for sections less than 3/4 in.
Prod spacing shall not exceed 8 in.
Prod spacing of less than 3 in. are usually not practical.
7.4 Paragraphs T-760, T-672, T-770, T-776
Calibration T-760
Magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated:
at least once a year
after major electric repair, overhaul or damage
prior to use if it has not been used for a year or more
Light meters shall be calibrated:
at least once a year
after repair
prior to use if the meter has not been used for a year or more
Lifting Power of Yokes T-672
Prior to use, the magnetizing power of electromagnetic yokes shall have been checked
in the past year. The magnetizing power of permanent magnetic yokes shall be checked
daily prior to use.
Lifting power of yokes shall be:
alternating current electromagnetic yokes shall have a lifting power of at least 10 lb. at
the maximum pole spacing that will be used.
direct current and permanent magnetic yokes shall have a lifting power of at least 40 lb.
at the maximum pole spacing that will be used.
Examination T-770
Prior to MT being performed, the area to be examined shall be checked to locate any
discontinuity surface openings that may not attract and hold particles because of their
It is a requirement that at least two separate examinations be performed on each area.
The second examination should lace the lines of magnetic flux approximately
perpendicular to the first examination.
The magnetizing current shall remain on when dry particles are being applied and while
excess particles are removed.
The magnetizing current shall be turned on after the particles have been applied when
using wet particles. Flow of particles shall be stopped when the current is applied.
Excess Particle Removal T-776
Excess dry particles shall be removed with a light stream of air from a bulb or other
source of low pressure dry air. Current shall remain on during the removal process.
7.7 Paragraphs T-777, T-778, T-792, T-793
Interpretation T-777
When using visible color contrast MT, a minimum light intensity of 1000 lux is required
on the surface of the part to be examined.
When fluorescent MT is being used with black light:
the examination shall be performed in a darkened area
examiners shall be in the darkened area for at least 5 minutes to enable their eyes to
adapt to dark viewing
black lights shall achieve a minimum of 1000 µW/cm² on the surface of the part to be
Demagnetization T-778
If residual magnetism could interfere with subsequent usage of the part being
examined, the part shall be demagnetized after the examination.
Recording of Indications T-792
Rejectable indications shall be recorded. As a minimum the type, location and extent
shall be recorded. Non-rejectable indications shall be recorded as specified by the
referencing Code.
Examination Records T-793
For each examination, the following information shall be recorded:
procedure identification
magnetic particle equipment and type of current
magnetic particles
examination personnel identity (if required)
map or record of indications
material and thickness
lighting equipment
date of examination
8.0 ASME Section V - Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination - Practice Questions
The following Practice Questions can be answered using ASME Section V, Article 7.
Which of the following is an essential variable for a magnetic particle examination
a) personnel qualification
b) magnetizing technique
c) demagnetizing technique
d) temperature
Which of the following is a non- essential variable for a magnetic particle examination
a) minimum light intensity
b) equipment of the same type
c) method of excess particle removal
d) surface preparation
Particles shall be used within the temperature limitations set by
a) the Authorized Inspector
b) the Code User
c) the examiner
d) the manufacturer of the particles
When the prod technique is to be used on a part that is 7/8 in. thick, the magnetizing
current shall be:
a) 90 amp/in. to 110 amp/in.
b) 110 amp/in. to 125 amp/in.
c) 100 amp/in. to 125 amp/in.
d) 90 amp/in. to 125 amp/in.
Maximum prod spacing shall be
a) 3 in.
b) 4 in.
c) 6 in.
d) 8 in.
How often shall magnetizing equipment with an ammeter be calibrated? (choose all that
a) at least once a year
b) after major electric repair
c) after it has been subjected to periodic overhaul or damage
d) prior to use if it has not been used for a year or more
Magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated and the unit’s meter
reading shall not deviate
a) by more than ±10% of full scale
b) by more than ±20% of full scale
c) by more than ±15% of full scale
d) by more than ±5% of full scale
What is the required lifting power of AC electromagnetic yokes?
a) 5lb
b) 10 lb
c) 30 lb
d) 40 lb
What are Hall-Effect probe gaussmeters used for?
a) to verify magnetic flux direction
b) to verify magnetic particle adherence
c) to verify magnetizing field strength
d) to verify magnetic particle direction
How often shall Hall-Effect probe gaussmeters be calibrated? (choose all that apply)
a) at least once a month
b) after major repair
c) after periodic overhaul or damage
d) prior to use if it has not been used for a week or more
Pie type magnetic field indicators are best used with
a) AC current
b) wet particles
c) dry particles
d) fluorescent particles
At least ______ separate MT examinations shall be performed on each area.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
The lines of magnetic flux in the second examination shall be approximately
a) parallel to those in the first examination
b) perpendicular to those in the first examination
c) the same as those in the first examination
d) the opposite to those in the first examination
When using MT the magnetizing current shall
a) remain on when applying wet particles
b) remain off while applying dry particles
c) remain on while excess examination medium dry particles are removed
d) remain on while the flow of wet particles is continued
A minimum light intensity of ________ is required on the surface to be examined during
a) 10 fc
b) 100 fc
c) 1000 fc
d) 10000 fc
Black lights shall achieve a minimum of
a) 10 µW/cm²
b) 100 µW/cm²
c) 1000 µW/cm²
d) 10000 µW/cm²
If the fluorescence excitation light source emits visible light intensities greater than
a) 20 lux the examiner shall terminate the examination
b) 20 lux the examiner shall switch from fluorescent particles to color contrast particles
c) 20 lux the examiner shall wear fluorescence enhancing filter glasses
d) 20 lux the examiner shall not wear filter or reflective lenses
If residual magnetism in the part could interfere with subsequent use or processing, the
part shall be demagnetized
a) immediately
b) within 1 hour of examination
c) prior to final cleaning
d) any time after the completion of the examination
An inspector notices that there is a broad area of particle accumulation while performing
MT. What should the inspector do?
a) no steps necessary, this is fine
b) switch to fluorescent MT
c) clean the area and re-examine
d) clean the area and switch to fluorescent particles
What shall be recorded in the examination records for MT? (choose all that apply)
a) magnetic particle equipment and type of current
b) magnetic particles (visible or fluorescent, wet or dry)
c) map of inspected areas
d) surface condition as found
9.0 ASME Section V - Article 23, Section SE-797 Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact
9.1 Paragraph 1. Scope
This practice provides guidelines for measuring the thickness of materials using the
contact pulse-echo method at temperatures not to exceed 200°F.
9.2 Paragraph 5. Significance and Use
Techniques described in this standard are for measuring thickness at temperatures not
to exceed 200°F. measurements are mad from one side of the object, without requiring
access to the rear surface.
9.3 Paragraph 6. Basis of Application
Where specified in the contractual agreement, personnel performing examinations to
this standard shall be qualified in accordance with a nationally recognized or
internationally recognized standard such as ANSI/ASNT CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS-410
or a similar document, and certified by the employer or certifying agency.
If specified in the contractual agreement, NDT agencies shall be qualified and evaluated
as described in Specification E543.
9.4 Paragraph 7. Apparatus
Thickness measurement instruments are divided into three groups:
1. flaw detectors with an A-scan display readout
2. flaw detectors with an A-scan display and direct thickness readout
3. direct thickness readout
9.5 Paragraph 9. Technical Hazards
Highest accuracy can be obtained from material will parallel or concentric surfaces.
High temperature materials up to 1000°F can be measured with specially designed
instruments with high temperature compensation, search unit assemblies and
When measurements are taken on steel having elevated temperatures a rule of thumb
is that the apparent thickness reading is too high by about 1% per 100°F. So if the UT
instrument was calibrated at 68°F and the reading was taken at 860°F, the apparent
reading would be too thick by about 8%. (1%/100°F)
The guidelines in SE-797 of ASME Section V are to be used to what temperature limit?
a) 100°F
b) 125°F
c) 200°F
d) 225°F
Personnel performing thickness measurement examinations may be required by the
contractual agreement to be qualified to
a) NAS-410
b) SE-797
c) CP-199
d) all the above
If the contractual agreement specifies, NDT agencies shall be qualified and evaluated
as described in
a) Specification E797
b) Specification E747
c) Specification E1025
d) Specification E543
Thickness measurement instruments are divided into
a) 3 groups
b) 2 groups
c) 1 groups
d) 4 groups
The groups that thickness measurements instruments are divided into include: (choose
all that apply)
a) flaw detectors with an A-scan display readout
b) flaw detectors with a B-scan display and direct thickness readout
c) Direct C-scan readout
d) direct thickness readout
Measuring high temperature materials up to 1000°F is possible using specially designed
instruments with (choose all that apply)
a) high temperature compensation,
b) search unit assemblies,
c) couplants
d) high temperature calibration blocks
A rule of thumb is that elevated temperature thickness readings are
a) too high by about 1% per 200°F
b) too low by about 1% per 100°F
c) too high by about 1% per 100°F
d) too low by about 1% per 125°F