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PIB Summary May 1st Week 2023: Govt Initiatives & Policies

PIB 247- May 1st Week 2023
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PRASHAST App ................................................................................................................................................... 2
56th AGM of Asian Development Bank ............................................................................................................. 2
India-UAE CEPA .................................................................................................................................................. 3
National SC-ST Hub Scheme............................................................................................................................... 5
NTPC and NPCIL sign Agreement ....................................................................................................................... 6
Compendium on Best Practices in Social Sector 2023....................................................................................... 7
Ease of Doing Business in Telecom & Broadcasting Sector ............................................................................... 7
Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme .................................................................................................................................. 8
MoU – RITES and MoHUA .................................................................................................................................. 9
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited .................................................................................................................................. 10
India’s First International Multimodal Logistics Park ...................................................................................... 11
National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign- 2023..................................................................... 12
AHDF KCC Campaign ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Coal Ministry Action Plan 2023 -24 Targets ..................................................................................................... 14
Sittwe Port ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
BIZAMP – Amplifying Business of North East Region ...................................................................................... 15
India Health Dialogue platform ....................................................................................................................... 16
River-Cities Alliance Global Seminar ................................................................................................................ 17
Pradhan Mantri National Apprenticeship Mela............................................................................................... 18
First Mile Connectivity Projects ....................................................................................................................... 18
Convention on Migratory Species.................................................................................................................... 19
Other Important Questions in Short ................................................................................................................ 20
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What: Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education has launched
PRASHAST Mobile App.
Tell me more
PRASHAST stands for “Pre-Assessment Holistic Screening Tool”
Launch Year: September 2022
It will help in screening 21 disability conditions recognized in Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016 at the school level.
It will generate the school-wise report, for further sharing with the authorities for initiating
the certification process, as per guidelines of Samagra Shiksha.
Developed by: Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) which is a unit of
National Council of Educational Research and Training
Q.) Which mobile app has been launched by Ministry of Education for screening 21 disability
conditions recognized in Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 at the school level?
Solutions: [d]
56th AGM of Asian Development Bank
What: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will be leading Indian delegation to 56th Annual
General Meeting of Board of Governors of Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Incheon, South
Tell me more
About ADB
Established: 1966.
Headquarters: Manila, Philippines.
Membership: 68 countries, including — 48 from the Asian region (including India).
Top 5 shareholders in ADB: Japan (15.6%), United States (15.6%), China (6.4%), India
(6.3%) and Australia (5.8%)
▪ It is modelled closely on World Bank.
▪ It has a similar weighted voting system where votes are distributed in proportion with
members' capital subscriptions.
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It provides direct assistance to private enterprises of developing member countries through
equity investments and loans.
Board of Governors is its highest policy-making body.
▪ It comprises one representative from each member state
▪ It also elects the President.
➢ Traditionally, President has always been from Japan as it is one of the largest
Q.) Which of the following statements are incorrect about Asian Development Bank?
(1) It was established in 1966
(2) It is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan
(3) Its highest policy-making body Board of Governors, comprising one representative from each
member state
(4) Its top 5 shareholders are Japan, USA, China, India and Australia
(5) Traditionally, its President always has been from US, as it is largest shareholder
[a] 1, 3 and 4 Only
[b] 1, 2 and 3 Only
[c] 2 and 5 Only
[d] 2, 3 and 4 Only
[e] 4 and 5 Only
Solution: [c]
What: India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) has completed one
Tell me more
About India-UAE CEPA
It was signed on 18 February 2022
It officially entered into force on 1 May 2022.
▪ On this day, first consignment of goods comprising of Jewellery products from India to
UAE was flagged off.
• Goods Domain:
▪ Under CEPA, UAE has eliminated duties on 97.4% of its tariff lines on Indian Goods
imports, corresponding to 99% of imports from India.
▪ India has eliminated duties on over 80% of its tariff lines on Goods imported from UAE,
corresponding to 90% of India’s exports in value terms.
▪ Most of these tariff lines are on labour-intensive industries/sectors viz. oil seeds & oils,
beverages, cotton, fish & fish products, textiles, clothing, gems and jewellery, leather,
footwear, pharmaceuticals and many engineering products.
• Services Domain:
▪ Out of the 160 services subsectors, India has offered 100 sub-sectors to the UAE.
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▪ UAE has offered 111 sub-sectors to India.
NOTE: India-UAE CEPA is expected to increase total value of bilateral trade in goods to
over US$100 billion and trade in services to over US$ 15 billion within 5 years.
Impact of CEPA on India’s Bilateral Trade with UAE
Bilateral Trade: It has touched historic high during FY 2022-23 during CEPA
Implementation period (from May 2022 to March 2023),
▪ It has increased to US$ 76.9 billion (May 22-Mar 2023) – an increase of 14%.
• India’s exports to the UAE: They have increased to US $28.5 billion (May 2022 – March
2023), an 8.5% y-o-y growth.
▪ During the same period, India’s global exports, excluding the UAE, grew at 3.1%.
• India’s Imports from the UAE: It has grown to US $53.2 billion (an annual increase of
18.8%) during Apr 22 to Mar 23.
▪ Non-oil imports during the same period grew by 4.1%.
• Number of Preferential Certificates of Origin (COOs) issued under the CEPA: They
have increased from 415 in May 2022 to 8440 in March 2023.
▪ Over 54,000 COOs have been issued under CEPA during the 11-month (May 2022 –
March 2023) period.
Q.) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and which country
has completed one year?
[a] Australia
[b] UAE
[c] Singapore
[d] Japan
[e] United Kingdom
Solution: [b]
Q.) India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) was signed on 18
February 2022 and officially entered into force on 1 May 2022. Which of the following statements
is incorrect about CEPA?
[a] Under it, UAE has eliminated duties on 97.4% of its tariff lines on Indian Goods imports
[b] Under it, India has eliminated duties on 95% of its tariff lines on Goods imported from UAE
[c] Out of the 160 services subsectors under it, India has offered 100 sub-sectors to the UAE
[d] UAE has offered 111 sub-sectors to India under it
[e] All are correct
Solution: [b]
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National SC-ST Hub Scheme
What: National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) Scheme has crossed more
than one lakh beneficiary registrations.
Tell me more
About National SC-ST Hub Scheme
▪ To enhance capacity of SC/ST entrepreneurs and promote entrepreneurship culture
amongst the SC/ST population
▪ To provide professional support to SC/ST entrepreneurs to fulfil obligations under
Public Procurement Policy for MSMEs.
Launch Year: 2016
▪ It has been continued from 2021-22 to 2025- 26
▪ Outlay for extended period: Rs. 438 crores.
Beneficiaries: SC-ST MSEs
Definition of SC-ST MSEs
• MSE completely owned by SC/ST
• In case of partnership MSE, SC/ST partners must hold at least 51% shares
• In case of private limited companies, at least 51% shares must be held by
SC/ST promoters.
Nodal Ministry: Ministry of MSME.
Implementing Agency: National Small Industries Corporation Limited
Sub Schemes/Components of NSSH Scheme
▪ Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) for technology enablement
▪ Special Marketing Assistance Scheme (SMAS) for SC/ST entrepreneurs
▪ Support for enhancing competitiveness through various reimbursement subschemes/interventions
▪ Capacity building of existing & aspiring SC/ST entrepreneurs
Some functions of NSSH
▪ To encourage SC/ST owned units to achieve 4% of total procurement of Central/State
Governments, CPSEs, and other government agencies
▪ To Facilitate SC/ST Entrepreneurs to be part of vendor development programs
▪ To build capacity of existing and prospective SC/ST entrepreneurs through skill
development programs
▪ To facilitate credit linkages for SC/ST entrepreneurs
▪ To share SC/ST MSEs data with CPSEs to enhance the procurement from SC/ST
National SC-ST Hub Offices (NSSHOs):
▪ Under the scheme, NSSHOs have been set up across the country to provide mentoring
and handholding support to SC/ST entrepreneurs.
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They offer technical support to SC-ST MSEs on bid participation, finance facilitation,
CPSE connects, e-tender trainings, GeM, Udyam registration, etc.
Q.) National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub Scheme launched in 2016 has crossed
more than one lakh beneficiary registrations. This scheme has been extended by Ministry of
MSME for 15th Financial Commission period with an outlay of ________.
[a] Rs. 350 crore
[b] Rs. 438 crore
[c] Rs. 756 crore
[d] Rs. 630 crore
[e] Rs. 560 crore
Solution: [b]
NTPC and NPCIL sign Agreement
What: NTPC Ltd. has signed a Supplementary Joint Venture Agreement with Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL).
Why: For development of Nuclear Power Projects.
Tell me more
The joint venture company will develop two Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor (PHWR) viz.
▪ Chutka Madhya Pradesh Atomic Power Project of 2x700 MW
▪ Mahi Banswara Rajasthan Atomic Power Project of 4x700 MW
Q.) NTPC Ltd. has signed a Supplementary Joint Venture Agreement with Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Ltd. to develop two Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor (PHWR) Nuclear
Projects. Where these two projects will be located?
(1) Madhya Pradesh
(2) Haryana
(3) Rajasthan
(4) Jharkhand
(5) West Bengal
[a] 1 and 5
[b] 2 and 3
[c] 1 and 3
[d] 4 and 5
[e] 2 and 4
Solution: [c]
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Compendium on Best Practices in Social Sector 2023
What: NITI Aayog has released “Best Practices in Social Sector: A Compendium, 2023” in
collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme
Why: To commemorate 75 years of India’s independence and highlight and laud the efforts of
Union Ministries and State Governments.
Tell me more
About Compendium
• Objective: To synthesise lessons for the future to expand, enhance and improve life at the
grassroots level.
• It includes 75 case studies cutting across 14 key social sectors highlighting innovative,
sustainable, replicable and impactful models.
▪ The case studies have been sourced from all States/UTs and 30 Ministries and
Departments of Central Government.
Q.) NITI Aayog has released “Best Practices in Social Sector: A Compendium, 2023” in
collaboration with ___________.
[a] World Bank
[b] UNDP
[d] APEC
Solution: [b]
Ease of Doing Business in Telecom &
Broadcasting Sector
What: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has released the recommendations on ‘Ease of
Doing Business in Telecom and Broadcasting Sector
Tell me More
Important Recommendations
A user-friendly, transparent and responsive digital single window system-based portal
should be established
Each Ministry should establish a standing EoDB Committee to regularly review, simplify and
update the existing processes and ensure ease of doing business as an on-going activity
The Government may consider and grant ‘Infrastructure Status’ to ‘Broadcasting and Cable
Services Sector’
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Inclusion in the list of ‘Infrastructure Status’ sector implies access to concessional
funds, promotion of projects and continuity of construction for the specified
The “GatiShakti Sanchar Portal” should incorporate all the service providers including Local
Cable Operators
Submarine cable laying and repair in Indian Territorial Water and Exclusive Economic
Zones ('EEZ') of India and Cable Landing Stations in India should be classified as 'Critical
and Essential services'
Permissions of laying, operations and maintenance of submarine cables network should
also be made online as a part of SaralSanchar portal
The Department of Space should publish a list of Indian satellites details and the capacity
availability and approved foreign satellites/satellite systems, their orbital locations,
transponders and frequency availability
Q.) TRAI has released the recommendations for Ease of Doing Business in Telecom and
Broadcasting sector. As per the recommendations, Permissions of laying, operations and
maintenance of submarine cables network should also be made online as a part of ……………….
[a] GatiShakti Sanchar Portal
[b] Dur Sanchar Portal
[c] Saral Sanchar Portal
[d] Sanchar Portal
[e] Gati Sanchar Portal
Solution – [c]
Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme
What: Ministry of finance has launched Vivad Se Vishwas I – Relief for MSMEs scheme
Tell me More
About the scheme
Objective – To provide relief to all MSMEs in all contracts for procurement of goods and
services entered into by any ministry/department/attached or subordinate
office/autonomous body/ CPSE / Public sector financial institutions etc.
Launch year – 2023
Eligibility of MSME – Only those MSMEs which meet the following criteria are eligible –
▪ Registered as an MSME as per relevant scheme of Ministry of MSME on the date of
claim by supplier/ contractor.
▪ MSME could be registered for any category of Goods and Services.
▪ The original delivery period/ completion period stipulated in contract was between
19.02.2020 and 31.03.2022 (both dates are inclusive)
Under the scheme, Ministries have been asked to refund performance security, bid security
and liquidated damages forfeited/ deducted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Benefits to eligible MSMEs
▪ 95% of the performance security forfeited shall be refunded
▪ 95% of the Bid security shall be refunded
▪ 95% of the Liquidated Damages (LD) deducted shall be refunded
▪ 95% of the Risk Purchase amount realized shall be refunded
▪ In case any firm has been debarred only due to default in execution of such
contracts, such debarment shall also be revoked
Note: No interest shall be paid on such refunded amount
Last date of submission of Claims – 30th June 2023
Implementation – Government e-Marketplace (GeM) has developed a dedicated webpage for implementation of this scheme. Eligible claims shall be processed only through
Q.) Consider the following statements with respect to Vivad Se Vishwas I Relief for MSMEs
scheme and identify the correct statement/s
(1) The scheme has been launched to provide relief to MSMEs which have defaulted in paying
GST during COVID period
(2) It has been launched by the ministry of MSME
(3) The last date to submit claims under the scheme is 30th June 2023
(4) Under the scheme, Ministries have also been asked to refund performance security, bid
security and liquidated damages forfeited/ deducted during the COVID-19 pandemic
[a] Only 1 and 2
[b] Only 2, 3 and 4
[c] Only 1, 2 and 3
[d] Only 3 and 4
[e] Only 3
Solution – [d]
What: Ministry of housing and urban affairs has signed an MoU with RITES
• RITES – Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited is a PSU under ministry of
Why: For technical assistance for Solid Waste Management (SWM) & Used Water Management
(UWM) under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0
Tell me More
The Technical Support Unit (TSU) of RITES will assist SBM-U for a period of 3 years
Under SWM, the areas of engagement will be process standardization and engineering
design of waste management facilities, like Material Recovery Facility, legacy waste etc.
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Under UWM, RITES will provide technical support for standards & specification in the field
of sewage and faecal sludge management and reuse, engineering design and process of
wastewater treatment units
Q.) With which of the following PSUs, ministry of housing and urban affairs has signed an MoU for
technical assistance for Solid Waste Management & Used Water Management under Swachh
Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0?
[a] NTPC
[b] GAIL
[c] BEL
[d] BHEL
Solution – [e]
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
What: Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, a Central Public Sector Enterprises of Ministry of Railways, has
been granted Navratna Status
Tell me more
About RVNL
Objective: To implement projects relating to creation and augmentation of capacities of rail
infrastructure on fast-track basis
It was incorporated as PSU in 2003.
It was granted Mini-Ratna status in September 2013.
Its authorized share capital is Rs. 3000 Crore and paid-up share capital is of Rs. 2085
It performs following functions
▪ Undertakes project development and execution of works covering full project life cycle.
▪ Creates Project specific SPVs for individual works, if required
Criteria to grant Navratna status to CPSEs
It is granted to CPSEs which already are Miniratna I, Schedule ‘A’ and have obtained
‘excellent’ or ‘very good’ MoU rating in three of the last five years
▪ Memorandum of understanding (MoU) as applicable to public sector enterprises is a
negotiated document between government and the management of PSU specifying
the obligations of both the parties.
Besides, they should have composite score of 60 or above out of 100 in following six
selected performance indicators
▪ Net Profit to Net worth (Weightage-25)
▪ Manpower cost to total cost of Production or cost of services (15)
▪ PBDIT (Profit before depreciation, interest and taxes) to Capital employed (15)
▪ PBIT (Profit before interest and taxes) to Turnover (15)
▪ Earnings Per Share (10)
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Inter Sectoral Performance (20)
Benefits of Navratna Status
They enjoy greater financial and operational freedom when compared to the companies
with Miniratna status.
They can invest up to Rs.1000 crore or 15% of their net worth on a single project without
seeking any sort of approval or permission from Government.
They can even make investments up to 30% of their net worth in one whole year
provided that it should not exceed Rs.1000 crores.
They have the freedom to enter joint ventures, form alliances and float subsidiaries
Q.) Which Central Public Sector Enterprises of Ministry of Railways recently has been granted
Navratna Status?
[a] Rail Vikas Nigam
[b] Indian Railway Finance Corporation
[c] Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
[d] RailTel
[e] Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
Solution: [c]
India’s First International Multimodal Logistics Park
What: India’s first International Multi Modal Logistics Park is being set up in Jogighopa, Assam
under the ambitious Bharatmala Pariyojana.
Tell me more
About Park
It is being developed by National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation
Limited in Jogighopa of Assam.
It is being developed in 317-acre land along the Brahmaputra River.
It will be connected to road, rail, air and waterways. It shall consist of
▪ 154 km road between Jogighopa and Guwahati
▪ 3-km rail line between Jogighopa station to the MMLP.
▪ 3-km rail link to the Inland Water Transport.
▪ 4-Lane Road to newly developed Rupsi airport
It will have all the facilities like, warehouse, railway siding, cold storage, custom clearance
house, yard facility, workshops, petrol pumps, truck parking, administrative building etc.
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Q.) Where is India’s first International Multi Modal Logistics Park being set up under the ambitious
Bharatmala Pariyojana?
[a] Maharashtra
[b] Gujarat
[c] Tamil Nadu
[d] Assam
[e] Andhra Pradesh
Solution: [d]
National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign- 2023
What: National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign- 2023 has been held in New Delhi.
During the conference, Krishi Mapper app has been launched. It is an integrated app for
geospatial data.
Tell me more
About Conference
▪ To review and assess crop performance during preceding crop seasons.
▪ To fix crop-wise targets for Kharif season in consultation with State Governments
▪ To ensure supply of critical inputs and facilitate adoption of innovative technologies to
enhance production and productivity of the crops.
• Following National Targets for the year 2023-24 were set
▪ Total food grains production: 3320 lakh tonnes.
▪ Pulses production: 292.5 lakh tonnes compared to 278.1 lakh tonnes in 2022-23.
▪ Oilseeds production: Increased to 440 lakh tonnes in 2023-24 from 400 lakh tonnes in
▪ Total Shree Anna production: Increased to 170.0 lakh tonnes in 2023-24 from 159.1
lakh tonnes in 2022-23.
Special Mustard programme
• It was initiated during rabi 2020-21 season.
• Due to it
▪ Mustard production has jumped by 40% from 91.24 to 128.18 lakh
tonnes in last 3 years.
▪ Mustard productivity has increased by 11% from 1331 to 1447 kg/ha.
▪ Area under rapeseed & mustard has been enhanced by 29% from 68.56
lakh ha in 2019-20 to 88.58 lakh ha in 2022-23.
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Q.) Which integrated app for Geospatial Data in Agriculture was inaugurated during National
Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign- 2023?
[a] Krishi eDristhi
[b] Krishi mData
[c] Krishi mFinder
[d] Krishi Mapper
[e] Krishi eVision
Solution: [d]
AHDF KCC Campaign
What: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying has launched Nationwide AHDF KCC
Campaign for 2023-24
▪ AHDF – Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries Farmers
Why: To expand the benefit of Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to all eligible animal husbandry, dairy and
fishery farmers in the country.
Tell me more
About Campaign
Organisers: Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Department of Fisheries and
Department of Financial Services
Duration: From 1st May 2023 to 31st March, 2024
• MoFAHD in association with Ministry of Finance are organizing various campaign since
June 2020 for providing KCC facility to all eligible Animal Husbandry and Fishery Farmers.
• As a result, more than 27 lakh fresh KCC have been sanctioned to Animal Husbandry and
Fishery Farmers to provide organizational credit facility to them to meet their working capital
• The last Nation-wide AHDF KCC Campaign was held during November 2021 to March
Q.) Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying in collaboration with which Ministry has
launched Nationwide AHDF KCC Campaign for 2023-24?
[a] Ministry of Cooperation
[b] Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
[c] Ministry of Finance
[d] Ministry of Rural Development
[e] Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Solution: [c]
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Coal Ministry Action Plan 2023 -24 Targets
What: Ministry of Coal has conceptualized an Action Plan for the FY 2023-24.
Why: To achieve Aatmanirbhar Bharat by enhancing the production, efficiency, sustainability, new
technologies etc. in the coal sector.
Tell me more
Key Highlights of Action Plan 2023 -24 Targets
Total coal production target: 1012 million tonnes for FY 2023-24.
Outsourcing of Mines: It will be done to increase coal production in CIL Mines/Blocks and
discontinued/abandoned mines
• Coking Coal Strategy: It has been formulated to enhance coking coal availability in the
country to reduce imports.
• Quality of Coal: Third party sampling agencies will be empanelled for both power and nonpower coal consumers to achieve supply of quality coal to all consumers.
• Private Investment:
▪ CAPEX and Asset Monetization:
➢ CAPEX target for FY 2023-24: It is Rs 21030 Crores.
➢ Overall projected target of Assets Monetization plan for FY 2023-24: Rs.
50,118.61 Crores
▪ Commercial Mining: It is expected that 25 coal mines will be allocated during FY 202324 for commercial mining.
Q.) How much total coal production target has been set by Ministry of Coal in its Action Plan for
the FY 2023-24?
[a] 1012 million tonnes
[b] 1450 million tonnes
[c] 1560 million tonnes
[d] 1640 million tonnes
[e] 1798 million tonnes
Solution: [a]
Sittwe Port
What: A consignment of 1,000 metric tonnes of cement was recently flagged off from Syama
Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata as the inaugural shipment to operationalise Sittwe Port in
Tell me more
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About Sittwe Port
It has been built under a grant assistance from the Government of India as part of Kaladan
Multimodal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP).
▪ Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) is project Development Consultant for its
• It has been developed under a framework agreement between India and Myanmar for the
construction and operation of a Multimodal Transit Transport Facility on Kaladan river.
▪ It connects the Sittwe port in Myanmar with the state of Mizoram in India.
• It connects to Paletwa in Myanmar through an inland waterway and from Paletwa to
Zorinpui in Mizoram through a road component.
• Once fully operationalised, KMTTP will provide alternate connectivity from Eastern coast of
India to the North-eastern states through the Sittwe port.
Q.) A consignment of 1,000 metric tonnes of cement was recently flagged off from Syama Prasad
Mookerjee Port, Kolkata as the inaugural shipment to operationalise Sittwe Port. Where is Sittwe
Port located?
[a] Bangladesh
[b] Sri Lanka
[c] UAE
[d] Myanmar
[e] Maldives
Solution: [d]
BIZAMP – Amplifying Business of North East Region
What: Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has organised BIZAMP – Amplifying
Business of NORTH EAST REGION in Dimapur, Nagaland.
Tell me more
Objective: To empower MSMEs from the North Eastern States and amplify their
businesses utilizing benefits under Self Reliant India (SRI) Fund.
Organisers: Ministry of MSME in association with NSIC Venture Capital Fund Limited
(NVCFL) under its SRI Fund.
It is first outreach programme in the North East Region of the country focused upon
maximizing capital benefits through NVCFL’s SRI Fund.
It will provide a platform for the empanelled daughter funds of SRI Fund to reach the
MSMEs in the NE Region of India.
It will also help MSMEs in the NER to interact with the Venture Capital Funds (daughter
funds) and reap the benefit through capital infusion for scaling up their business.
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About Self Reliant India Fund
Outlay Corpus: Rs 10,006 crore
Nodal Ministry: Ministry of MSME
Nodal Agency: It is being managed by NVCFL
It is an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) for providing growth capital to MSMEs through
equity/quasi-equity/equity-like structured instruments.
It is concentrated towards financing an infusion of capital to MSMEs through Daughter
As on 31st March 2023, the fund has made a capital commitment of Rs. 5,120 Crore to 42
empanelled daughter funds.
Q.) Where has Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has organised BIZAMP – Amplifying
Business of NORTH EAST REGION to empower MSMEs from the NE States and amplify their
businesses utilizing benefits under Self Reliant India (SRI) Fund?
[a] Gangtok
[b] Agartala
[c] Dimapur
[d] Imphal
[e] Dispur
Solution: [c]
India Health Dialogue platform
What: India Health Dialogue (IHD) platform has been launched in New Delhi.
Why: To promote advance manufacturing capabilities among MSME’s for achieving AtamNirbhar
Bharat and export promotion.
Tell me more
About India Health dialogue (IHD)
Objective: To build robust ecosystem to revolutionise health and health care sector for the
It is a global initiative of India Chamber of Business and Commerce in partnership with
Indian Council of Medical research, Indian Medical Association (IMA).
▪ It is supported by Ministry of MSME.
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Q.) India Health Dialogue has been launched to build robust ecosystem to revolutionize health and
health care sector for the future. It is a global initiative of …………………… in partnership with
Indian Council of Medical research, Indian Medical Association. Fill the gap.
[b] CII
[e] India Chamber of Business and Commerce
Solution: [e]
River-Cities Alliance Global Seminar
What: ‘River-Cities Alliance (RCA) Global Seminar: Partnership for Building International RiverSensitive Cities’ has been organised in New Delhi.
Why: To provide a platform for officials of member cities and international stakeholders to discuss
and learn good practices for managing urban rivers.
Tell me more
About Global Seminar
Organisers: National Mission for Clean Ganga in association with the National Institute of
Urban Affairs.
Presided By: G. Asok Kumar, Director General (NMCG).
About River Cities Alliance
• Vision: To connect river cities and focus on sustainable river centric
• Launch Year: 2021 with 30 member cities.
▪ It has expanded to 110 river cities
➢ 109 cities across India.
➢ 1 international member city – Aarhus city from Denmark.
• It is a joint initiative of Department of Water Resources, River Development
& Ganga Rejuvenation under Ministry of Jal Shakti and Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs.
Q.) River Cities Alliance was launched in 2021 to connect river cities and focus on sustainable
river centric development. It has now 110 river cities as its members including international
member city – Aarhus. Where is Aarhus city located?
[a] Denmark
[b] Finland
[c] Switzerland
[d] Sweden
[e] France
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Solution: [a]
Pradhan Mantri National Apprenticeship Mela
What: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is organising Pradhan Mantri
National Apprenticeship Mela (PMNAM) in 200+ districts across the country.
Why: To connect eligible candidates with the industry and to provide them relevant apprenticeship
training opportunities.
Tell me more
Eligible candidates: Following candidates can apply in PMNAM
▪ Those who are Class 5 to 12 pass outs OR
▪ Those who have skill training certificates or are ITI certificate holders or Diploma holders
or graduates.
Through this Mela, candidates will also earn National Council for Vocational Education and
Training (NCVET)-recognized certifications.
Several local businesses and organizations have been invited to be a part of PMNAM to
provide relevant apprenticeship training opportunities to local youth.
• Apprenticeship melas are held throughout the country on the second
Monday of every month.
• In these melas, selected individuals are offered apprenticeship opportunities
during which they receive monthly stipend in accordance with government
criteria for gaining new skills.
Q.) Which Ministry is organising Pradhan Mantri National Apprenticeship Mela (PMNAM) in 200+
districts to connect eligible candidates with the industry and provide them relevant apprenticeship
training opportunities?
[a] Ministry of Education
[b] Ministry of Science and Technology
[c] Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
[d] Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
[e] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Solution: [c]
First Mile Connectivity Projects
What: Ministry of Coal is assessing the progress of First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects of Coal
• First Mile Connectivity refers to the transportation of coal from pitheads to dispatch points
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Tell me more
Ministry of Coal has developed a plan to improve mechanized coal transportation and
loading system under FMC project to eliminate road transportation of coal.
For this, it is undertaking 67 FMC projects with a capacity to load 885 Million Tonne (MT)
coal per annum.
▪ These projects will be completed by 2027.
• Ministry of Coal has set a target to generate 1.3 billion tonne (BT) coal in
FY25 and 1.5 BT in FY30 in order to
▪ Increase India's energy security
▪ Achieve self-reliance by substituting domestically mined coal for
imported coal.
Q.) Ministry of Coal has developed a plan to improve the mechanized coal transportation and
loading system under First Mile FMC projects with a capacity to load 885 MT coal per annum. By
which year these projects will be completed?
[a] 2030
[b] 2027
[c] 2025
[d] 2028
[e] 2024
Solution: [b]
Convention on Migratory Species
What: Meeting of Range Countries of Convention on Migratory Species has been held in New
Why: To strengthen conservation efforts for migratory birds and their habitats in the Central Asian
Flyway (CAF).
Tell me more
Organisers: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in collaboration with the
United Nations Environment Programme/ Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP/CMS).
Participation: It has been attended by the 11 countries of CAF region- Armenia,
Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Mongolia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan,
and Uzbekistan.
About Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)
• Objective: To conserve migratory species throughout their ranges.
• It is an environmental treaty that provides a global platform for the
conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory
animals and their habitats.
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It was signed in 1979 in Bonn, Germany and entered into force in 1983.
▪ It is also known as the Bonn Convention.
▪ It has been signed under the auspices of the United Nations
Environment Programme.
NOTE: It is the only global and UN-based, intergovernmental organization
established exclusively for conservation and management of terrestrial,
aquatic and avian migratory species.
Parties/Members: It has 133 signatory Parties (including India) as of March
It has different lists called Appendices that list migratory species based on
their level of endangerment and the degree of protection they need.
▪ Appendix I: Migratory species threatened with extinction are listed in it.
▪ Appendix II: Migratory species that need or would significantly benefit
from international co-operation are listed in it.
Q.) Meeting of Range Countries of Convention on Migratory Species recently has been held New
Delhi to strengthen conservation efforts for migratory birds and their habitats in the Central Asian
Flyway. Identify incorrect statement about CMS
[a] It is an environmental treaty that provides a global platform for the conservation and
sustainable use of terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory animals and their habitats
[b] It was signed in 1979 and entered into force in 1983
[c] It is also known as Stockholm Convention
[d] It has been signed under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme
[e] It has 133 signatory Parties (including India) as of March 2022
Solution: [c]
Other Important Questions in Short
Q.) The gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue collected in the month of April 2023 is
highest ever at _____________. Fill the gap
[a] Rs. 1.43 lakh crore
[b] Rs. 1.50 lakh crore
[c] Rs. 1.62 lakh crore
[d] Rs. 1.75 lakh crore
[e] Rs 1.87 lakh crore
Solution: [e]
• The gross GST revenue collected in the month of April, 2023 has reached all time high at
Rs 1,87,035 crore of which
▪ CGST is Rs. 38,440 crore
▪ SGST is Rs. 47,412 crore
▪ IGST is Rs. 89,158 crore (including Rs. 34,972 crore collected on import of goods)
▪ Cess is Rs. 12,025 crore (including Rs. 901 crore collected on import of goods).
• This is for the first time gross GST collection has crossed Rs. 1.75 lakh crore mark.
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Q.) Where is Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga under the Ministry of Ayush organising Yoga
Mahotsav to commemorate the 50 days countdown to the International Day of Yoga (June 21)?
[a] Nagpur
[b] Jaipur
[c] Bhopal
[d] Varanasi
[e] Shimla
Solution: [b]
Q.) India’s coal production has made new record of highest production during the month of April
2023 achieving __________ of coal. Fill the gap
[a] 51.78 Million Tonne
[b] 58.54 Million Tonne
[c] 67.20 Million Tonne
[d] 73.02 Million Tonne
[e] 80.67 Million Tonne
Solution: [d]
Q.) Which organisation has organised “Ekta Evam Shradhanjali Abhiyan”, a multi modal expedition
as a part of its 64th foundation Day to commemorate the sacrifices and contribution of its
Karmyogis in nation building?
[a] Indian Institute of Science
[b] Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
[c] Border Roads Organisation
[d] Indian Space Research Organisation
[e] Defence Research & Development Organisation
Solution: [c]
Q.) To connect the process of sewage treatment and Ganga Rejuvenation with the local people
and farmers, Sewage Treatment Plants made under Namami Gange have been renamed as –
[a] Nirmal Jal Kendras
[b] Saaf Paani Kendras
[c] Nir Kendras
[d] Jal Kendras
[e] Sheetal Jal Kendras
Solution: [a]
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Q.) With which of the following countries, India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
on Industrial Research and Development Cooperation with focus on several key technology areas,
like Aerospace, Electronics Instrumentation, Civil, Infrastructure & Engineering etc.?
[a] Australia
[b] UAE
[c] Jordan
[d] Israel
[e] Turkiye
Solution: [d]
Note: The MoU has been signed between CSIR, India and Directorate of Defense Research and
Development, Israel
Q.) Ministry of Tourism has participated in Arabian Travel Market 2023. Where was the market
[a] Dubai
[b] Muscat
[c] Manama
[d] Doha
[e] Damascus
Solution: [a]
Q.) Where will the 2nd meeting of the G-20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group take place
from 23rd May to 25th May?
[a] New Delhi
[b] Bengaluru
[c] Mumbai
[d] Chennai
[e] Kolkata
Solution: [c]
Note: The first meeting took place in Gandhinagar in Gujarat.
Q.) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade has completed 60 years of its establishment. Under which
ministry does it function?
[a] Ministry of MSME
[b] Ministry of commerce and industry
[c] Ministry of external affairs
[d] Ministry of finance
[e] Ministry of heavy industries
Solution: [b]
Note: Its main campus is located in New Delhi
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Q.) Which of the following agencies has organized ‘Waste to Wealth Ideation Hackathon’ for
undergraduate and above students to solve real-world waste management challenges?
[a] NITI Aayog
[b] Centre Pollution Control Board
[c] National Institute of Urban Affairs
Solution: [b]
Q.) Which “Festival of Innovations in Arts” has been launched by Startup20, Atal Innovation
Mission, Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Pandit Jasraj Cultural
[b] UPAJ
Solution: [b]
Q.) Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers in coordination with which Ministry/ies has conducted a
virtual conference of Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the topic "Collaborations in
developing and manufacturing cost effective diagnostics and therapeutics"?
[a] Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
[b] Ministry of External Affairs
[c] Ministry of Science and Technology
[d] A and B
[e] B and C
Solution: [d]
Q.) Which University will be hosting Y20 Seminar on "Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and
Governance", one of the five themes of the Y20 India Summit?
[a] Tripura University
[b] North East Frontier Technical University
[c] Gauhati University
[d] Manipur University
[e] Sikkim University
Solution: [d]
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Q.) India’s overall coal Production has seen a quantum jump to __________ in FY 2022-23 as
compared to 728.72 MT in FY 2018-2019.
[a] 1275.34 million tonnes
[b] 893.08 million tonnes
[c] 900.34 million tonnes
[d] 1134.45 million tonnes
[e] 1345.67 million tonnes
Solution: [b]
Q.) According to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the number of total organ transplants in
the country has substantially increased from less than 5000 in 2013 to more than _________ in
[a] 15000
[b] 10000
[c] 20000
[d] 25000
[e] 30000
Solution: [a]
Q.) Which organisation has listed its Green Bonds of US $750 Million at GIFT IFSC Stock
[a] NTPC Limited
[b] REC Limited
[d] SECI
[e] PFC
Solution: [b]
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Q.) Where was Petersberg Climate Dialogue recently held?
[a] London
[b] New Delhi
[c] Moscow
[d] Berlin
[e] Singapore
Solution: [d]
• Petersberg Climate Dialogue is an annual high-level political and international forum that
took place 3 ahead of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conferences (Conference
of the Parties or COP).
Q.) Which production unit of the Indian Railways, has set a new record by manufacturing 10,000
coaches in April 2023, since its inception?
[a] Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi
[b] Integral Coach Factory, Chennai
[c] Diesel Loco Modernisation Works, Patiala
[d] Modern Rail Coach Factory, Raebareli
[e] Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan
Solution: [d]
Q.) United Nation’s Global STI Forum 2023 Side Event on Community Resilience Resource
Centers (CRRCs) For Aiding Post Covid Socio-Economic Recovery was recently held in India. It
was organized jointly by Department of Science and Technology and ________________.
[a] WEF
[c] UNDP
[d] APEC
[e] UNEP
Solution: [c]
Q.) Direct Shipping Service between Tuticorin (India) to Maldives has been flagged recently under
Memorandum of Understanding signed for Establishment of Passenger and Cargo Services.
When was this MoU signed between India and Maldives?
[a] 2016
[b] 2017
[c] 2018
[d] 2019
[e] 2021
Solution: [d]
NOTE: It is in line with ‘Neighbourhood-First Policy’ and the vision of Security and Growth for all in
the Region (SAGAR).
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Q.) Where has World Congress of “Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2023” (DTechCon
2023) been held?
[a] Chennai
[b] Chandigarh
[c] Bengaluru
[d] Hyderabad
[e] New Delhi
Solution: [e]
Q.) Project DANTAK is being implemented in Bhutan since 1961. It is an overseas development
project of the which organisation?
[a] Indian Army
[b] Border Security Force
[c] Indo-Tibetan Border Police
[d] Border Roads Organisation
[e] Sashastra Seema Bal
Solution: [d]
• BRO Project Dantak is commemorating 64th Raising Day of BRO by organising 10th mega
edition of the Enduring Friendship Mountain bike challenge at Thimphu in Bhutan.
Q.) Which of the following is the official mascot of Khelo India University Games 2022 to be held in
Uttar Pradesh?
[a] Jitu, the Barasingha
[b] Veera, the Elephant
[c] Sheera, the Tiger
[d] Dhakad, the Cow
[e] Jaya, the Black Buck
Solution: [a]
• Official Mascot: Jitu, the Barasingha
• Official Torch: ‘Shakti
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