medium of music vocal medium • the oldest and still the most popular of all instruments is the human voice. it is the most personal and direct of all instruments as it comes from within the body. the song projected by the human voiceis the most natural form of music. vocal register 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. soprano - high register female voice mezzo-soprano - medium-register female voice alto or contralto - low-register female voice tenor - high-register male voice baritone - medium-register male voice bass - low-register male voice musical instruments • musical instruments are in three main types: the instrument which are bowed, instrument which bare blown, and the instruments whuch are struck. these in turn are divided into four groupings. *string instruments • provide the basic orchestral sounds. They produce toned by means of vibration of a streched string. Two types of string instruments: 1. Bowed strings 2. Plucked strings *The Woodwind Instruments these instruments are blown by the player. The player alters the pitch of the notes by shortening or lengthening the column of air vibrating inside the instruments. They are the most decorative imstruments and because they are so different in timbre, they contribute the greatest variety of ensemble. Besides being prominent in the orcchestra, the woodwinds possess a solo literature and are widely used in chamber music. *Percussion Instruments • Comprises a variety of instruments that are made to sound by hitting them with spoecial sticks, or by striking or shaking their parts together. Some are made of metal or wood. In others, such as drums, vibration is set up by striking a stretched skin.