BS '.76D3:2014 Guide to fatigue design and assessment of steel products ...meking excellence a habit B5 ?EflB:2D1Il BRITISH STAHDAHD Publishing and copyright information The El5t copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. @ The British Standards Institution 2014 Published by E5t Standards Lirnited 21114 l5EI'-l Eli-‘E El SEE 5405"] 5 lE5 51 ,lJEl].1D The following H5! references relate to the worl: on this document: Committee reference WEEJET Draft for comment IBIEEHEIIEIEZ DE Publication history First edition April T993 Second lpresentl edition March EH11‘-l Amendments issued since publication Date Tent affected BRITISH STAN DAHD B5 TEDHIZDIII Contents Foreword iv Scope i‘ Normative references E Terms and definitions 3 Symbols and units E Fatigue assessment procedure 3 Design life H Fatigue loading 5 flI*'-il 'Ili|'-li |Il"i-|l - El'l1v'l|'Cii"llTiEI‘iII-HI CDl"iSICI'E'l'iEl‘lZIDl’iS ID SI ‘ID Factors on fatigue life l'l‘ Features influencing fatigue behaviour 11 12 13 Fracture mechanics LE Classification of details 1'2 Unclassified details 3.? 11 workmanship and Inspection ‘IS ‘IE Stress calculations #2 Ailowabie fatigue stresses S3 fl‘ 32 .|ll|.l1I'lE!1t-ES Anne:-t A [normative] Fatigue design EB Anneii B {normative} Errpianatory notes on detail classification Annex C {normative} Guidance on stress analysis B2 PD Anne:-i D [normative] Guidance on the use of fracture mechaniu Hit? Anne: E {normative} Fatigue testing and the use of test data to define design S‘lZI"E5-SES Ill-5 Anne:-i F {normative} Weld toe improvement techniques ‘HS Anne:-i G [normative] Assessment of tubular node joints ‘i3-El Anne:-i H [normative] Cycie counting by the reservoir method Bibliography T35 BB List of figures Figure ‘i -— Definition of length l. for use in thiciinesebending correction B Figure 2 - Reference stress in parent metal 43 Flgure 3 - Reference stress on weld throat 45 Figure 4 - Typical example of stress concentrations due to geometrical discontinuity 4? Figure S — Typical example of stress concentration caused by a geometric hard spot dd Figure E - Fatigue stress concentration factors =15 Figure T — Comparison of nominal, structural and hot-spot stresses in a beam with a welded cover plate SD Figure B - Fieiative stiffness effects on the fluctuating load in a bolt in a concentrically clamped and concentrically loaded bolted joint 5.? Figure El e Iviean S,-N cunres 5-if Figure ‘iii — Standard basic design S,-H curves SE Figure 11 — Sr-Al curves for bolts with threads under direct loading {class it-‘ll SB Figure 12 — Modifications made to S;l‘-l curves for welded joints in sea water E3 Figure 13 — Typical S;N relationship E5 Figure B.1 - Welds at plate edges It Figure B.2 - Failure modes at weld ends and weld toes of welded attachments 5'2 Figure B.3 — Failure modes In cruciform and T-joints for joint types indicated 5'3 Figure B.-ii — Failure modes in transverse butt welds for joint types indicated F3 Figure B-S — T-junction of two flange plates F5 Figure B.E — Cruciform junction between flange plates FE Figure BJ - Alternative method for joining two flange plates ?E Flgure B.B - Local grinding adjacent to cope hole in type 5.2 joint F? ID The British Standards Institution ZD14 e i BS TBUBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD Figure BB - Lise of continuity plating to reduce stress concentrations in type 2.1 and 2.2 joints 29 Figure B.‘iiIi — Example of type 'i".5i or 2.4 T-joint B-El Figure — Single fillet corner weld in bending {type ?.Ei} B-El Figure B.l2 — Example of a third member slotted through a main member Bf Figure C.‘i — l beam with cover plate showing distribution of structural stress and definition of hot—spot stress B-it Figure C.2 - Types of hot—spot BE Figure C3 - Possible brick element model of an I beam with a cover plate B2 Figure C.-ii - Node numbers superimposed upon the weld mesh section in Figure C.3cj BB Figure C.S -- Node numbers superimposed upon the weld mesh section in Figure C.3ej BB Figure C.E — Element numbers superimposed upon the weid mesh section in Figure C-3cl B5‘ Figure C.i' - Element numbers superimposed upon the weld mesh section in Figure C.3ei BS Figure CB - Calculation of the SSE stress at node n2 of the brick mesh shown in Figure C.3 to Figure C.S BE Figure C.'.ii — Possible shell element model of an I beam with a cover plate Ell‘ Figure C.t{i — Node numbers superimposed upon the shell element weld mesh section in Figure C.Elc} .92 Figure C.'i1 — Node numbers superimposed upon the shell element weld mesh section in Figure C.Elfi S2 Figure C.'i2 - Element numbers superimposed upon the shell element weld mesh section in Figure C.9c} and di S3 Figure C.'i3 - Element numbers superimposed upon the shell element weld mesh section in Figure C.Sfj SL5‘ Figure C.t-'-l — Calculation of the SSE stress at node n2 of the shell mesh shown in Figures CE to Figure C.1.?. Sid Figure C.tS — Stress distributions across sections of an I-beam with a cover plate E35 Figure C.tEi - Region of Til or HF integration for an edge attachment SE Figure C.'i? - Stress distribution through l beam flange underneath node n2 for solid mesh shown in Figure CA, Figure C.5 and Figure C.? St-IS Figure C.‘lB - Distribution of correctly averaged stresses plotted against distance y Si?’ Figure C.iSi — Distribution of correctly averaged nodal forces plotted against distance y lttfl Figure El-2D ~ Brick element mesh with definition of weld toe element size {fl and plate thickness {ti ldi‘ Figure C.21 - Brick element model of an I beam showing the region of connection between the connectivity representing the joining surface {shaded} to a cover plate when the weid overfill is not modelled ltif Figure C22 — Dimensions used for inclined element representation of a fillet weld H12 Figure C.23 — Dimensions used for thicker element representation of a fillet weld l'l.'.i.i-‘ Figure C24 - Example of symmetrical welded joint for which hot-spot stress is underestimated using methods in this annex IDS Figure C.25 - Types of misalignment and distortion Figure D.1 — Flaw dimensions Figure D.2 — Transverse load—carrying cruciform joint Figure D.3 — Crack opening modes fdd lid iii Figure F,1 ~— lvlulti-run weld in tubular nodal joint requiring improvement of every weld toe f2d Figure F.2 - Recommendations for weld toe grinding I22 Figure F.3 - Toe grinding to improve fatigue strength I22 Figure F.4 — Effect of TIE or plasma torch position on resulting weld profile li I ID The British Standards Institution 2014 1'23 BRITISH STAIlI DARD BS TEDBIZDIII Flgure F.S — Modification to design S-N cunre for untreated weld resulting from weld toe dressing l.2rl Figure F.Ei — ‘Weld toe peening methods Figure F.Ir' — ‘Weld toe peening l'.2ti f.?.'.i Figure EB — Modification to design S-iii curve for untreated weld resulting from weld toe peening 1Ei'lIl Figure G-1 — Example of hot—spot stresses in a tubular node joint T31‘ Figure G.2 - Locations A and B of stresses used for linear extrapolation to weld toes to determine hot-spot stresses in tubular joints is-ll Figure H.1 - Example of cycle counting by reservoir method I25 List of tables Table 1 — Classification of details: plain material free from welding f-ll Table 2 - Classification of details: bolted and riveted connections 15 Table 3 — Classification of details: butt welds and continuous welded attachments essentially parallel to the direction of applied stress T5 Table 4 - Classification of details: welded attachments on the surface or edge of a stressed member TB Table S - Classification of details: full penetration butt welds between co-planar plates 2!? Table E — Classification of details: transverse butt welds in sections, tubes and pipes .22 Table if — Classification of details: load carrying fillet and T-butt joints between plates .25 Table B - Classification of details: slotted connections and penetrations through stressed members 23 Table B — Classification of details: circular tubular members 25 Table ll] — Classification of details: branch connections in pressurized containers Ell Table 11 — Guidance on non—destructive testing of planar imperfections in welds 39 Table 12 — Fatigue based acceptance levels for embedded non-planar imperfections in butt welds -iii Table 13 - Fatigue based acceptance levels for undercut in transversely stressed welds ‘ii fl rl{.l Table 14 - Effect of misalignment on the fatigue strength of transverse butt welded joints -ill Table 1S — Effect of misalignment on the fatigue strength of cruciform welded joints -til Table IE — Effect of misalignment on the fatigue strength of transverse butt or cruciform welded joints being assessed in terms of hot-spot stress rll Table 1? - Stresses used in fatigue assessments involving applied shear stresses #2 Table 1B - Details of basic S-Al curves SH Table lfl — ltlominal probability factors Elli Table 2|] — Details of design S-ill curves for steel in sea water El Table C.l - The performance of structural stress calculation procedures SSE, Tl'l and NF for assessing hot—spot type "a" weld toes or ends iii?‘ Table D.‘i s- Use of stress intensity corrections with nominal or hot-spot Stf-ESS H5 Table E.1 — Fatigue test factor, F H5 Table F.1 — Summary of weld toe peening methods I23 Table F.2 -— improvement in fatigue strength due to weld toe peening 1.29 Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to vi, pages 1 to lilo, an inside back cover and a back cover. Q The British Standards Institution 2B1-ll e ill BS TEUBIZBIII BRITISH STANDARD Foreword Publishing information This British Standard is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence from The British Standards institution, and came into effect on 31 March 2i.'l1-ii. lt was prepared by Technical Committee WEEBT. Acceptance levels for flaws in welds. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Supersession This British Standard supersedes BS Tr'BDB:1'.?rSl3, which is withdrawn. Information about this document Guidance on general fatigue design philosophy is given in Annex A, which also contains a brief description of the method of using this British standard. A more general method for assessing welded joints using the hot-spot stress, only included previously for assessing tubular joints, is also introduced. The relevant application standard or specification for the particular product being assessed specifies the following: al the loading to be assumed for design purposes, including its magnitude and frequency: bi the required life of the structure: cl the environmental conditions; dj the required nominal probability of failure. This is a full revision of the standard, and introduces the following principal changes [1]: I Introduction of the hot-spot stress method with guidance on finite element stress analysis {FEAl. I New correction for both plate thickness and applied bending with allowance for welded joint proportions. I Additional weld details; some have been reclassified. I Weld Eluality requirements based on fitness for purpose. I Revised sea water corrosion fatigue data. I New rules for bolts. I Design data to resist shear fatigue failure. I Guidance on stress calculation for combined loading. I Revised cumulative damage rules. I Comprehensive guidance on use of weld toe improvement methods. I New guidance on acceptance fatigue testing and statistical analysis of results. European standards containing fatigue rules for steel structures and pressure vessels have been published since the 1993 edition of this British Standard. it is therefore not applicable to product areas covered by them. it is applicable to a wide range of other steel product areas that do not have specific fatigue rules. lv I D The British Standards institution 2D14 BRITISH STANDARD BS ?ElJB:2l]"lII Use of this document As a guide, this British Standard takes the form of guidance and recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification or a code of practice and claims of compliance cannot be made to it. Presentational conventions The guidance in this standard is presented in roman {i.e. upright] type. Any recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is "should". Commentary. e.xplanatlon and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element. Contractual and legal considerations This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obfigafions. El The British Standards Institution 211111-l I v BS ?EUB:2lIl1II vi I El The British Standards Institution 2Cl‘|4 BRITISH STANDARD ibis page deliberately left blank BRITISH STANDARD BS TEDBIZDIII 1 Scope 1.1 General This British Standard gives methods for assessing the fatigue life of parts of steel products that are subject to repeated fluctuations of stress. it is applicable to all areas of industrial application that are not covered by other British Standards containing fatigue assessment rules. lllDTl'E Some British Standards have specific product acceptance tests for fatigue lite, but do not have assessment rules. in such cases the guidance in this British Standard might be applicable for product development purposes. 1.: Applications not covered This British Standard is not applicable to the following application areas: al lighting columns lsee BS EH Alli: bl concrete building and civil engineering structures {see BS Elli 1592}; cl steel building and civil engineering structures [see BS Elli lBB3 {all partslj; dj composite steel and concrete building and civil engineering structures [see BS EH 1994 {all partslj; ei unfired pressure vessels {see BS EN 13--145i: and fl 1.3 fixed offshore structures isee BS EH ISD 1991112]. Illlaterials This British Standard covers: aj wrought steel material products; bl welds in fully machined areas of steel casting; cl ferritic alloy and low alloy steels; dl austenitic and duplex stainless steels; el unprotected weathering steels; and fl threaded fasteners. It is applicable to yield strengths in the range 2-Bl] llllmmi to BED lillmmf and ultimate tensile strengths in the range are to 1 2-iltl llllmmi for material thicknesses 3 mm and greater. This British Standard is not applicable to the following: 1.-is ‘ll proprietary fasteners; 2j steel castings; 3} cold drawn products; ill wire ropes: and S} steel for reinforcement in concrete. Manufacturing processes This British Standard is applicable to machined products with the following exceptions: al rough sawn surfaces: bl surfaces requiring high quality surface finish {e.g. lapping, polishing, honing. fine grindingl: and ID The British Standards Institution 2lJ14 I 1 BS TBUBIZBIII BRITISH STANDARD cl machined details with sharp corners le.g. key ways. un-radiused shouldersi. The following manufacturing processes are also covered: 1} cold formed wrought products; 2} weld toe improvement methods; 3} arc welded joints. with the exclusion of joints between rectangular and square hollow sections: it} in-line butt welds made by power beam and friction welding: S_l tensioned and un-tensioned bolted joints and hot-driven riveted lap joints loaded in shear; and Bl thermal cutting. This British Standard is not applicable to the following manufacturing processes: il resistance welding processes and brazing; ii,l- contact joints under pressure where fretting occurs; iii] adhesively bonded joints; iv} shearing and punching; and v‘,l surface hardening- Environment The fatigue design data in this British Standard are applicable to internal and external air environments. They are applicable to structural steel products exposed to sea water. They are not applicable to unprotected stainless or weathering steel products in sea water or aggressive corroding environments leg. chloride, sulphide, strong acid or alkali}. The data are applicable to products operating at temperatures below the creep range of the steel. This British Standard is not applicable to products operating in the creep regime. Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document {including any amendments] applies. BS 35113-2, lSCl metric screw threads — Part .2: Specification for selected limits of size BS 3592. lSCl metric precision hexagon bolts. screws and nuts — Specification BS iliiilli. rso metric blaclr hexagon bolts. screws and nuts - specification BS 4395 {all parts}, Specification for high strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering BS TlEl1[l, Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures BS Elli 1cn1.1, irlr'elo'.lng — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Fart l‘: General guidance for arc welding BS Etl 1ti‘i1-2, Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Fart .2: Arc welding of ferrltlc steels 2 I ID The British Standards Institution 2B1-ll BRITISH STANDARD BS TEDBIZDIII BS Elil ltl11~3. Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels BS Elli IDIE3 {all parts}, Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections BS Elsi IBB3-1-B, Eurocode 3 — Design of steel structures — Design ofjoint BS Eill ISD 3505, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Bolts, screws BS Elil ISD llIJ‘i4, Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B BS Elli lSCl 1'-lCi‘l?, Hexagon head screws - Product grades A and B BS Elsi ISD IITB2, Hexagon socket head cap screws BS EH ISD SD13, Thermal cutting — Classification of thermal cuts — Geometrical product specification and duality tolerance BS ISD 12ltiB, llrletallic materials - Fatigue testing - Fatigue cracl: growth method Terms and definitions For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. cycle counting method method of counting the numbers of stress cycles of different magnitudes which occur in a senrice stress history lllDTE The loads applied to the structure, considered in sequence, generate a particular stress history at ea ch detail of interest. Th ls stress history can be broken down into equivalent stress ranges by the operation of cycle counting- detail class rating given to a particular structural detail to indicate which of the fatigue strength {S-Nj curves should be used in the fatigue assessment lllDTE l Also known as joint class. lllClTE 2 The class ls denoted by one of the following letters: A, B, C, D, E, E F2, G, G2, 5,, S, TJ, Wt or x. The categorisation taxes into account the stress being used in the assessment l'e.g. nominal, hot~spot or shear stress}, the local stress concentration at the detail, the siae and shape of the maximum acceptable discontinuity; the stress direction. metallurgical effects. residual stresses and a post-weld improvement method. deflgnlde period within which there is a defined nominal probability that failure by fatigue cracking is unlikely to occur NDTE This can be longer or shorter than the service life {see Annex .A,l. design spectrum tabulation of the number of occurrences of all the stress ranges. 5,; of different magnitudes produced by the load spectrum in the design life of the structure or component, to be used in the fatigue assessment NDTE l‘ Also known as stress spectrum. ll|'ClTE 2 Dil'ferent components of a product can have different design spectra. ID The British Standards Institution 2lJ14 I 3 B5 TEUB 21314 BRITISH STANDARD 3.5 fatigue damage ef a structural part by the initiatien and gradual prepagatien ef a cracls er cracics caused by repeated appiicatiens ef stress 3.5 fatigue failure achievement ef a threugh-sectien fatigue craclc er a sufficiently large fatigue cracit te cause static failure er excessive determatien NOTE 3.? See Annex A. fatigue life. N number ef stress cycles that preduce a given prebabllity ef fatigue failure 3.5 fatigue leading leading en a structure which is liable te cause fatigue cracking NOTE it can he cempesed ef severai different types and magnitudes ef ieading events isee Ciause .T".i. 3.9 fatigue strength censtant amplitude stress range. 5,, causing failure in a specified number ef cycles ihl) 3.1I'J het-spet stress. SH structural stress at a weld tee er weld end 3.11 initial nen-prepagating stress range. SM censtant amplitude stress range belew which {in the absence ef any previeus leading} a craclc is assumed net te prepagate MUTE i Aise irnewn as censtant ampiitucie fatigue iimit; CAFL. HEITE .? its magnitude depends en the structurai detaii being assessed. Fer parts in air er adecruateiy pretected against cerresiurr. it is assumed te he the stress range cerrespending te a iife ef iii? cycies en the design 5-H curve fer aii detail‘ ciasses except 5, and 5, . fer which it cerrespends te ii? cycies. Fer unpretecteci ieints in a cerresive envirenment it sheuid be assumed that SM = ti fer aii ciasses. 3.11 lead spectrum tabulatien shewing the relative number ef eccurrences ef all the leading events ef different types and magnitudes expected te he experienced by the structure in its design life 3.13 leading event defined leading sequence en the structure NOTE i This can be characterized try its reiative frequency ef eccurrence as weii as its magnitude and geerrietricai arrangement. MUTE 2 Fer errarnpie. in the case ef handiing equipment this ceuid invieive the iifting, mevement and de_eesiting ef a iead. Fer design purpeses each ieading event is assumed te repeat a given numher ef times in the design iife ef the structure. 3.11‘-1 i'iiiiner‘s summatien linear cumulative damage summatien based en the rule devised by Falnrigren and Miner 3.15 rieminal stress structural stress that weuld EJti51. in the absence ef the structural discentinuity being censidered 4 I Iii The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 BRITISH 5TAH DARD 55 3505:2514 NOTE iiieminai stress is a reference stress that can he caicuiated using eiementar_v theery ef structures. it exciudes the effects ef structurai discentinuities ie.g. vveids. epenings, thicirness changes) and secendary bending due te a iecai vveid detaii. 3.15 -5-hf EUHFE quantitative relatienship between the fatigue strength 5 and the number ef cycles iv cerrespending te a specific prebability ef failure fer a detail, derived frem test data 3.15.1 basic S-hi‘ curve 5-N curve. fer the reeuired prebability ef failure. fer a detail ef basic thicltness isee 15.3.2) eperating in air witheut the appllcatien ef any fatigue strength imprevement methed apart frem these given in Table 3 te Table ‘lb 3.15.2 design S-hi curve S-iii curve adepted fer design purpeses fer the detail being assessed NDTE it is derived frem the relevant basic S—l‘1i curve medified, if necessary, te aiievv fer the influence ef materiai thicirriess, bending, envirenrnent, fatigue strength imprevement techniques iadditienai te these given in Tabie 5' te Table iti,l_. stress reiief isee er vverirmanship isee Clause ‘Hi. 3.15.3 standard basic S-N curve basic 5-N curve fer EiT.T% prebability ef suniival [twe standard deviatiens ef leghi belew the mean {d = 2]} assuming that the test data are represented by a nermal distributien ef leg life 3.1? service life peried in which a structure er cempenent is required te perferm safely with an acceptable prebabiiity [see A1} that it is unlikely te require repair er withdrawal frem senrice as a result ef fatigue craclcing 3.15 slepe transitien peint peint en the 5-hl cunre beyend which it is eictrapelated at a shallevver slepe fer use in cumulative damage calculatiens ef fatigue under variable amplitude leading 3.15 stress cycle pattern ef variatien ef stress at a peint defined by the cycle ceunting methed and censisting ef a change in stress between defined minimum itreugh} and maximum {peak} values and bacic again NOTE t Aise irnesvn as cycie ef stressNDTE 2 peint. 3.1-5 fine leading event can preduce ene er mere stress cycles at any particular stress range 5, algebraic difference between the twe extremes ireversalsi ef a stress cycle NDTE ‘l' Aise irnewn as range ef stress. NDTE 2 See 75.2 fer parent metai. NOTE 3 See 15.3 fer vveid metal‘. fii The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 I 5 55 ?5=U5:2[l14 BRITISH STANDARD 3.21 structural stress surface vaiue ef the linearly distributed stress acress the sectien thickness arising frem applied leads (ferces, mements, pressure, etc.) and the cerrespending reactien ferces en the particular structural part NOTE The linear stress distrihutien includes the effects ef gress structural discentinuities {’e.g. presence ef an attachment, aperture, change ef cress-sectien, misalignment; intersectien ef members] and clistertien-inducecl eencling mements. l-levvevei; it excludes the netch effects ef lecal structural discentinuities i'e.g. vveld tee, vveid endl which give rise te nen-linear stress distributiens acress the sectien thickness. 4 Symbels and units Unless etherwise indicated, fer the purpeses ef this British Standard, the fellewing symbeis and units apply. A l'-let area ef cress sectien {in mm‘) a Weld threat thickness [in mm,'i ti Expenent in cerrectien term fer thickness and bending in Parameter defining the mean line 5,-lil relatienship E_-, Parameter defining the 5,-lll relatienship fer twe standard deviatiens ef leg lil belew the mean line Cd Parameter defining the 5,-N relatienship fer d standard deviatiens ef leg N frem the mean line D _ P n lv1iner's surnm atien EH d t-lumber ef standard deviatiens ef leg lil frem the mean 5,-N curve E, Elastic medulus at temperature T {in Himmfl e Axial misalignment leccentricity er centrealine mismatch} [in mm} F Fatigue test facter g Gap between welds in intermittently welded jeint lin mmi h Weld length fin mm) it',, Belt stiffness {in Hlmml lily Summatien ef clamped cempenents stiffness {in lllmm} it, Stress cencentratien facter under fatigue leading km Stress magnificatlen facter due te misalignment km Eerrectien facter fer plate thickness and bending l. Overall attachment length, including welds [see Figure ‘ii [in mm] i Attachment length parallel te directien ef leading censidered fin mm} lvl, lirl' Applied bending mements {in hi-mm} m Inverse slepe ef leg 5,-leg lll curve ii.e. 5,“-lil = censtantl lil,, lill, . . . Number ef cycles te failure under censtant amplitude leading with stress ranges 5,1. 5,, . . .. etc-. cerrespending te n,. ny etc. fin cycles} 5 I him Eenstant amplitude endurance cerrespending te Sm {in cycles} NU, Endurance at slepe transitien peint. 5,,,. en 5-hi curve fin cyclesl n llfumber ef fatigue test results IE The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 BRITISH STAH DARD BS 3555:2514 n,, n; . . . l'-lumber ef cycles ef damaging stress ranges 5,1. 5,2 . . ., etc. in a design spectrum F, F", PH, PL Applied axial ferces iin fill P, Applied ferce range fin hi) Fl‘ Stress ratie {ratie ef minimum te maximum algebraic value ef applied stress] er cherd radius in rnm {see Annex G] r Radius {in mm] 5 Fatigue strength ef the structural detail under censideratien, including any required thickness cerrectien iin lllimmfl 5,, Fatigue strength ebtalned frem the basic 5,-lil curve fin hiimmfl 5,, Het-spet stress lin Nlmrnfl .5“, Het-spet stress range fin hllmml} 5“, Censtant amplitude initial nen-prepagating stress range iin air 5,, = 5, at iii = ‘iii’ cycles fer all design classes except 5, and 51 when it ceincides with if = 15“ cyclesl fin hllmmfl NOTE Als-e lines-vn as censtant amplitude fatigue limit i'C.4Fl.,l. 5,“ 5tress range at slepe transitien peint l,in Hlmmfl 5, Stress range in any ene cycle fin lillmmfl 5,,. 5,; . . . individual stress ranges l5,} in a design spectrum fin llllmmfl SW Resultant stress range en weld threat {in hilmmfl 5.5 Standard deviatien ef leg lll irii Plate width er thickness ef lengitudinal attachment [in mm) T Applied terque [in l'~l.rnml t Plate thickness ef the member under censideratien {in mm} t,_., Thiclcness relevant te the basic 5,-lll curve fer the detail {in mm} t, Cever plate thickness lin mml t,,,.,. Effective plate thickness [in mm} w tlembined site ef effective weld threats fin mm 2' Sectien medulus {in mmfl rrl, .1}, Direct stresses acting in the x- and y-directiens fin hllmm-*-l duh Applied bending stress range fin lillmmfl .»l.-rm Applied membrane stress range iin l"Iln'|n'i1} ..-in, Direct stress range en weld threat {in lllirnmfl .:1-tr“, Engineering shear stress range en weld threat fin hilmmfl rr., l‘-leminal tensile yield strength (in lillmmf} r Shear stress lln hiimmfl _-fr Shear stress range [in l'~llmm*"l Jr Transverse shear stress range en weld threat {in fllmmfl --lr,, Lengitudinai shear stress range en weld threat {in hilmmfl sll Degree ef bending la.-iglieem + dab} I5 The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 I T BS ?555:2514 BRITISH STANDARD Figure l Definitien ef length l. fer use in thickness-bending cerrectien l. -‘I F'- . ‘ll-I 5 Fatigue assessment precedure A stressed element can centain a number ef petentiai fatigue crack initiatien sites. All ef these sheuld be checked isee ‘l2.1l. The regiens subiected te the highest stress fluctuatiens andier centaining the severest stress cencentratiens sheuld nermaily be given the highest prierity. The design precedure in this British Standard invelves calculatien ef the fatigue damage accumulatien during the design life er cemparisen ef the maximum applied stress range with the relevant censtant amplitude fatigue limit. it is primarily intended fer use in “safe life" design {see A.3.1l. It might alse be suitable fer "damage—telerant" design [see A.3.2l. The steps that sheuld be feilewed are: a} establish the required design life ef the preduct isee Clause El; bl establish a censervative estimate ef the leading expected in the life ef the preduct fsee Clause T]; cl estimate the resulting stress histery at the detail under censideratien isee Clause 15}; dl reduce the stress histery te an equivalent number ef cycles n, ef different stress ranges Srl using a cycle ceunting technique fsee 15.9}; el classify the detail in accerdance with Table 1 te Table ‘I5; fl use this classificatien te define the basic design 5,-lil curve {see 15.1}; gl calculate the resulting fatigue life en the basis ef cemparisen ef the maximum applied stress range and the relevant EAFL {see 15.5} er a cumulative damage calculatien [see 15.7]; hl if all applied stress ranges are belew the relevant CAFL [see 15.5}, the detail can be assumed te have a life exceeding the specified design life in a} {see Clause El; ll if seme ef the applied stress ranges exceed the relevant EAFL and that the life calculated using the fuil design stress spectrum and the cumulative damage methed isee 1s.ri exceeds the specified design life in al. the requirement fer safe life design is met; and ll if the precedure in il results in a calculated life less than the specified design life in a}, the requirement fer safe life design is net met. The fellewing measures sheuld be taken: B I ll adjust the detail design se that a higher 5,-hi curve can be used; ll if 1} is net adequate, increase the cress-sectien at the petentiai fatigue crack initiatien site te reduce the stress ranges. I5 The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 BRITISH STANDARD BS 3555:2514 3} if measures ll and iii result in severe ecenemic censequences, use ef a damage-telerant appreach invelving periedic in-service nen-destructive testing [MDT] fer the detectien ef fatigue cracking may be empleyed te ensure that the everall prebability ef failure witheut warning during the design life is ne less than that assumed fer safe life design. Fer further guidance see A.3.2. 5 Design life The design life ef a preduct is usually pre-determined by facters such as market expectatiens, planned service life er ebselescence, centract er warranty requirements and uncentrellable deterieratien by mechanisms ether than fatigue, such as wear and tear er cerresien. Where a design life has net already been specified fer a preduct in which fatigue is a petentiai failure mede, it sheuld be selected eri the basis ef the peried ef service ever which the prebability ef failure by fatigue is required te be lew. This is achieved in design by the use ef lewer-beund fatigue strength data lsee Clause flil and upper-beund leading data [see Clause 3]. 3 Fatigue leading when assessing fatigue perlermance a realistic estimate ef the fatigue leading is crucial te the calculatien ef life, and all types ef cyclic leading sheuld be taken inte acceunt. Cyclic leading frem different seurces might be significant at different phases ef the life ef a structure, e.g. manufacture, transpert, sterage, installatien service, and can invelve different leading medes and frequencies. Llncertainties exist in assessing beth the stresses resulting frem applied leads and the respense ef a particular jeint, which centrel fatigue perlermance. The basis ef the fatigue analysis sheuld be the use ef an upper beund estimate ef these stresses, recerding the uncertainties invelved, cembined with 5-N curves derived frem experimental data. In this way, uncertainties asseciated with the life ef a particular jeint. e.g. site. weld detail. iecai envirenment. can be separated frem these asseciated with applied stress. Llncertaintles can alse exist in the number ef applicatiens ef the lead expected te eccur during the preduct’s design life. The design lead spectrum sheuld be selected en the basis that it is an upper beund estimate ef the accumulated service cenditiens, including beth leading and number ef cycles, ever the full design life ef the preduct. The adeptien ef mean plus twe standard deviatiens data fer applied leads levels er an upper beund estimate based en knewledge ef the actual er predicted leading envlrenment and applied numbers ef cycles, when used with the design {i.e. mean minus twe standard deviatiens ef leg llll 5,-hi data in Clause 15, usually results in an acceptably lew prebability ef failure during the design life, cemmensurate with safe-life design principles. Because ef the sensitivity ef calculated life te the accuracy ef estimates ef stress, stress ranges sheuld net be underestimated. Acceunt sheuld be taken ef all likely eperatienai and envirenmental leads arising frem the fereseeable usage ef the preduct during that peried. Use ef this appreach cempensates fer the use ef design 5-lil cunres that cerrespend te a finite prebability bf failure and means that lead facters are net required. The fellewing are seme lmpertant seurces ef cyclic leading that sheuld be taken inte acceunt. any er all ef which can be relevant in particular applicatiens: al fluctuating leads: bl acceleratien ferces in meving structures; cl pressure changes; ifii The British Standards lnstitutlen 2514 I 5 BS 3555:2514 BRITISH STANDARD dl temperature fluctuatiens; el mechanical vlbratiens: and f} envirenmental leading lwind, currents and waves, especially when vertex shedding is induced, e.g. en slender members}. it is particularly impectant te assess dynamic magnificatlen effects where leading frequencies are clese te ene ef the natural frequencies ef the cempenent er structure. In seme instances the leading te be assumed fer fatigue design purpeses is specified in the design specificatien. Where such infermatien is net available, assumptiens as te the leading te be expected in seniice sheuld be made, and it might be useful te ebtain data frem existing preducts subjected te similar effects. in particular, in assessing an existing preduct, it might be pessible te cempile a design spectrum frem strain readings er leading recerds ebtalned frem centinueus menitering. in all cases. the ebjective is te define the spectrum in terms ef the numbers ef cycles ef each ef the individual stress ranges expected in the life ef the preduct. if it is required te cenvert the spectrum inte a series ef censtant amplitude blecks, the resulting simplified spectrum sheuld be equivalent in terms ef fatigue damage te the actual spectrum. Te achieve this, a sufficient number ef intenrals ef stress sheuld be selected te aveid discretien errers due te insufficient reseiutien in the stress spectrum. Envirenmental censideratiens The fatigue assessment sheuld take inte acceunt the envirenmental cenditiens that the preduct is expesed te during all phases ef its anticipated service life. Fer example, preducts designed te eperate in seawater might be censtructed and transperted in an air envirenment, installed and cemmissiened in a freely cerreding marine envirenment, and eperated in seawater with cathedlc pretectien. This British Standard prevides 5-til cunres fer three envirenmental cenditiens and the rriest apprepriate curve sheuld be used fer each segment ef the anticipated service life. Ferieds ef free cerresien sheuld be aveided, fer example during temperary sterage ef preducts awaiting lnstallatien in seawater er fellewing cemmissiening hydre-tests ef pressurized cempenents, as this can cause pitting and an asseciated reductien in the expected fatigue life. it might be necessary te take the eperating temperature inte acceunt lsee 15.3.3}. The fatigue strength ef steel preducts in air varies with temperature, in accerdance with the cerrespending change in elastic medulus- Therefere it is impreved at subaere temperatures. Hewever, in the case ef ferritic steels. as the fracture teughness is reduced, it is pessible that everall fatigue life weuld be reduced if the preduct suffers premature failure by brittle fracture frem a small fatigue crack. Censequentiy, ne ailewance sheuld be made fer the beneficial effect ef sub-aere temperature en fatigue strength but. where such eperatien is expected, fer censistency with the fatigue design data previded in this British Standard. the steel used sheuld be capable ef telerating the presence ef threugh-sectien fatigue cracking at the minimum anticipated temperature. This is achieved with steels that have minimum lew temperature impact preperties specified in the material standard and are eperated at er abeve the stated temperature. There are ne particular recemmendatiens fer austenitic stainless steels eperating at lew temperature, as they are net susceptible te brittle fracture. Fer elevated temperatures, ne effect is assumed fer temperatures up te 155 “C, but at temperatures higher than this fatigue strength decreases in line with the decrease in elastic medulus fer temperatures belew the creep range ef the steel cencerned. He guidance is previded fer cembined creep and fatigue. T5 I E The British Standards institutien 2514 BRITISH STANDARD BS 3555:2514 Facters en fatigue life The reliability ef a preduct's fatigue life is dependent en the fellewing facters: al selectien ef a safe level ef fatigue leading isee Clause 3}; bl cerrect calculatien ef stress ranges isee Clause 15}; cl cerrect detail classificatien isee Clause 12l; dl applicatien ef apprepriate centrels during manufacture lsee Clause 14l; el in seme cases, fatigue testing might be apprepriate {see Annex El. The fatigue design data previded in this British Standard are in the ferm ef mean S-lil cunres and the cerrespending standard deviatiens ef leg hi te enable different prebabilities ef survival te be adepted. The standard basic 5-lll curves isee 15.2l represent B‘.-'-T% prebability ef survival, as they are based en the mean minus at least twe standard deviatiens ef legrv curves fer relevant experimental data. Their use therefere indicates a finite prebability ef failure lup te 2.3%} fer the calculated life. in seme circumstances, fer example in a failure investigatien ef a part that has experienced fatigue cracking in service, it might be mere apprepriate te assume a higher prebability ef failure and make use ef an S—l'il curve less than twe standard deviatiens ef leg til belew the mean. Cenversely, it might be apprepriate te use 5-lil curves based en the mean minus mere than twe standard deviatiens ef leg N fer cempenents with inadequate structural redundancy er difficult access fer inspectien. In selecting the number ef standard deviatiens te be used te define the design 5-r-i curve, acceunt sheuld be taken ef the accessibility ef the _ieint and the prepesed degree ef manufacture and in-service inspectiens, as well as the censequences ef failure. As a crack grews in ene part ef a structure, the lead might be shed te ether members and lead te further fatigue cracks in these members. Features influencing fatigue behavieur Fer beth welded and belted steel preducts the fatigue life is nermaily geverned by the fatigue behavieur ef the jeints, including beth main and secendary jeints [2, 3]. Even fabricatien er handling aids, such as welded brackets er lifting lugs, that remain in the cempleted preduct ceuid previde sites fer fatigue cracking and sheuld therefere be assessed. Clptimum fatigue behavieur is ebtalned when the preduct is detailed and censtructed such that stress cencentratiens are kept te a minimum and. where pessible. the elements are able te deferm in their intended ways witheut intreducing secendary defermatiens and stresses due te iecai restraints. stresses can alse be reduced by increasing the thickned ef parent metal er the weld threat, depending en the petentiai failure mede. in the case ef the fermer, ailewance might need te be made fer the fact that fatigue strength tends te decrease with increasing plate thickness fer seme types ef jelnt when assessing the resulting benefit {see 15.3.2}. lllptimurn jeint perfermance is achieved by aveiding jeint eccentricity and misalignment. welds at free edges. and by ether centrels ever the quality ef the jeints. D The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 I 11 BS 3555:2514 BRITISH STANDARD in the specific case ef pipe-te-pipe jeints made frem seamless pipe. the accumulatien ef maximum allevvable manufacturing telerances fer thickness. evality and diameter leads te a large petentiai fer girth weld misalignment and asseciated penalty en fatigue life. Apart frem the resulting intreductien ef secendary bending stresses, such misalignment can alse intensify the stress cencentratien due tn the geemetry ef the weld reet bead in welds made frem ene side. it is therefere advantageeus te recerd the actual range ef telerances achieved fer each batch ef pipe supplied and use this infermatien te calculate the maximum petentiai misalignment. Perfermance is alse adversely affected by cencentratiens ef stress at heles. epenings and re-entrant cerners. Guidance in these aspects is given in Table l te Table 15, Annex B, Annex C and Annex G. The magnitude and nature ef stresses that cause prepagatien ef a crack and therefere reduce the number ef stress repetitiens te cause failure are affected by the presence ef residual stress. inherent flaws in welds and adjacent parent metal, surface flaws and any ether stress raisers interfering with the flew ef stress. These are taken inte acceunt in the classificatiens given in Table 1 te Table ‘i5. Fracture mechanics in seme situatiens the nermai fatigue assessment precedures might be inapprepriate. but fracture mechanics metheds might be helpful. Guidance en the use ef fracture mechanics is given in Annex 5. Classificatien ef details 12.1 General Fer the purpeses ef fatigue design, jeints are divided inte several classes, each with a cerrespending design 5-iii curve isee 15.2}. This classificatien depends upen the fellewing: a} the type ef stress being used te assess the detail lneminai er het-spet stress}; bl the geemetricai arrangement and prepertiens ef the detail; c} the directien ef the fluctuating stress relative te the detail," NCJTE Any reference te transverse er lengitudinal welds. welded jeints er welded attachments refem te their erientatien with respect te the directien ef stressing. d} the lecatien ef pessible fatigue crack initiatien at the detail; and e} the metheds ef manufacture and inspectien. in any preduct er cempenent that is liable te be subjected te repeated applicatiens ef stress. every welded jeint, including nen-structural attachments. lifting lugs and temperary fabricatien aids left in place. er ether ferrns ef stress cencentratien. such as a belt hele er cut edge, is petentially a sei.irce ef fatigue cracking. Each part ef every censtructienai detail sheuld be assessed individually and sheuld, where pessible, be placed in its relevant jeint class in accerdance with Table i te Table 15. Where this is net pessible, the detail sheuld be classified in accerdance with Clause 13. in belted er riveted jeints, fatigue cracks nermaily initiate frem the belt er rivet hele er, in the case ef frictlen-grip belted jeints. in the plate by fretting er in the belt itself. in plate with cut edges er welded details fatigue cracks can petentially initiate in the fellewing places: 1} ‘i2 frem any peint en the plate edge er plate surface; I E The British Standards institutien 2514 BRITISH STANDARD BS 3555:2514 2} in the parent metal ef either part jeined adjacent te; ll the end ef the weld: ii} a weld tee; iii} a change ef directien ef the weld; 3} in the weld metal starting frem: i} the weld reet; ii} the weld surface; iii} an internal flaw. in the case ef members er elements cennected at their ends by fillet welds er partial penetratien butt welds. crack initiatien can eccur in the parent metal er in the weld threat. Beth pessibiiities sheuld be assessed by talting inte acceunt the apprepriate classificatien and stress range- similarly. fatigue crack initiatien can eccur frem a weld tee en either the eutside er inside ef a full-penetratien girth weld between pipes er tubes. The mest critical lecatien depends en the relevant classificatien and stress range, beth ef which can differ between the eutside and inside. Fer ether details, the classificatiens given in Table 1 te Table 15 cever crack initiatien at the lecatien indicated. hletes en the petentiai medes ef failure fer each detail are given in Annex B. 12.2 Classificatien ef details Table 1 te Table 15 cerrespend te the fellewing basic types ef details: I plain material {Table 1}; I belted er riveted cennectiens {Table 2}; I centinueus lengitudinal butt welds and welded attachments l_Table 3}; I ether welded attachments lTabie rt}; I transverse butt welds in plates lTable 5}; I transverse butt welds in sectiens. tubes and pipes {Table 5}; I lead~carr"ying fillet and T-butt jeints {Table 3}; I sletted cennectiens and penetratiens threugh stressed members [Table B}; I details relating te tubular members l.Table Bl: and I branch cennectiens te vessels {Table 15}. Detail classificatiens are given fer assessments based en applied neminal stresses and, where apprepriate, het~spet stresses. Where relevant, the need te apply a cerrectien fer thickness and bending [see 15.3.2} and the applicability ef a weld tee imprevement technique {see 15.3.5} are included. Each classified detail is illustrated and given a type number. Table 1 te Table 15 alse give asseciated criteria and diagrams that illustrate the geemetricai features and petentiai crack lecatiens fer the directien ef leading shewn which determine the class ef each detail. They sheuld be used te assist with initial selectien ef the apprepriate type number. A detail sheuld enly be designated a particular classificatien if it cenferms te all criteria in Table 1 te Table 15 apprepriate te its type number er if a suitable classificatien can be justified en the basis ef relevant published fatigue data .er the results ef specific fatigue tests in accerdance with Annex E- Class A is generally inapprepriate fer structural werk and therefere ne design data are previded. The practical difficulty ef achieving the special inspectien standards relevant te classes B and C might limit the feasibility ef adepting these classificatiens in structural werk. 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BRITISH STANDARD BS ?EUB:2i]14 13 13.1 Unclassified details General Details that are nbt expressly classified shbuld be treated as class G2, br class W1 fbr lbad-carrying weld metal, unless a higher classificatibn can be justified either by reference ta published experimental wbrit pr by carrying but special tests. Such tests shbuid be sufficiently extensive tb allew the basic Ell‘ design 5~N curve tc: be determined in the manner used fbr the standard classes isee Annex E}. 13.1 Pbst-weiding treatments Where the classificatibn bf Table ti tb Table ‘Iii dbes nbt giye adequate fatigue resistance, the peribrmance bf weld details may be imprbyed by pbst-welding treatments, as detailed in 15.3.5 and Annex F. The detail types that are suitable fbr applicatien pf the techniques described in Annex F are indicated in Table 4 tb Table iii- when imprclyeci fatigue perfermance is required. and the prepesed imprbyement methed is net cbyered by Annex F, cur the imprciyement stipulated therein is insufficient, the detail shbuld be classified by testing [see 13.1}. 14 Wbrkmanship and lnspectibn 14.1 General The classificatiens fbr structural details in Table 1 tb Table Tl] refer tb specific mbdes bf fatigue failure. Hewever, the details cbncerned can cbntain features that cbuld prbyide aiternatiye sites fbr fatigue cracit initiatibn br increase the seyerity bf thbse cbyered by the classificatibn scheme, in bbth cases pbssibly resulting in lbwer fatigue perfbrrnance. Therefbre, in fatigue~lbaded steel prbducts there shbuld be adequate cbntrbl and inspectibn bf manufacturing quality, tbgether with acceptance limits related specifically tb fatigue resistance. ‘Where the classificatien bf a detail is dependent bn particuiar manufacturing c-r inspectien requirements, the necessary standards bf wbriimanship ancl inspectien sheuld be indicated bn the reieyant drawings. in practice, the byerail quality requirements fbr a prbduct are determined by a number bf perfbrmance requirements, depending bn its applicatibn. These might br might nbt be sufficient tb cbyer the quality requirements needed fbr fatigue perfermance. Typical perfermance requirements bther than fatigue can include ene br mbre bf the fellewing: ai static strength [resistance tb fatigue br buclciing}; bi resistance tb defbrmatibn br cieflectibn; cl energy absbrptibn {ductility}; dl geemetricai precisibn idimensibnal tblerancesi; ei clearance tb mbying parts: f} fit-up ta adjacent parts; g] resistance tb cbrrbsibn; hi laclt bf bbstructibn tb fluid flbw; ii aesthetic appearance; and ji hygiene {eliminatibn bf creyicesi. Sbrne bf the recbmmendatibns in the sub-clause can impbse yery high requirements fbr specific aspects bf quality. 31 1 E The British Standards lnstitutibn IBM BRITISH 5TA|lI DARD B5 2503:2014 The existing prbduct specificatlbn requirements shbuld therefbre be adequate fbr fatigue perlbrrnance purpbses. if nbt. then the nbn-cbnfbrming aspects shbuld be enhanced. It shbuld nbt be assumed that the quality requirements needed fbr fatigue perfermance albne adequately cbver thbse required fbr bther perfbrmance requirements. In sbme cases they might nbt. Eluality aspects which are detrimental tb fatigue perfermance are described in 14.2. Guidance bn quality levels needed tb ensure that the varibus detail classes are achieved is given in 14.3. 14.2 14.2.1 Quality aspects detrimental tb fatigue General The presence bf unspecified nbtches in a new prbduct can have the same effect an the remaining fatigue life as a fatigue crack pf the same site. such nbtches can therefere significantly shbrten the fatigue life bi the prbduct, by eliminating the peric-d bf early crack grbwth. The mbst severe nbtches are thbse that exhibit the fbllbwing characteristics: ai planar with a sharp tip; bi brientated nbrmal tb the directibn bf fluctuating stress; cl lbcated at br clcise tb a surface; and dl lbcated at pr clese tb bne bf the classified initiatien sites. Either quality aspects which can adversely affect fatigue life are thbse which result in an increase in cyclic stress at bne bf the classified lnltiatibn sites. These are usually caused by unspecified variatlbns in prbduct gebrnetry. The mbst cbmmbn types bf quality aspects irnpbrtant tb fatigue are listed in 14.2.2 tb 14.2.4. sbme quality restrictibns are given in Table 1 tb Table ill. Guidance bn bthers is given in 14.3. 14.2.2 Parent materials Particular material quality aspects that shbuld be cbntrblled fbr fatigue purpbses are: ai surface imperfectibns irblling flaws and their repairs, cbrrbsibn pitting, accidental damage such as arc strike and weld spatter]; bi internal laminatibns and inclusians; cl incbrrect geemetry {e.g. deviatiens in shape, flatness br thickness at the limits bf telerances. see hibtei. dl cracks due tb inadequate rembval bf hydrbgen le.g. heat treatment br plating prbcesses, bbits bf Grade 111.9 and abbve}. ei liquid metal assisted cracking iLMACl in heavy galvanized prbducts. .-'-.lL'l'TE Design stresses calculated using nbrrrinal thickness are applicable tb plates manufactured tb the thickness tblerance requirements bf BE Ell.-' ltit'.'l51 and E5 EN l'lJli2£-il:2ii1lil Classes A, E and E. 14.2.3 Bblted jbints Particular quality aspects that shbuld be cbntrplled far fatigue purpeses are: al cbrrect alignment bf hbles {in un-tensibned lap jbints in particular]; E The British Standards lnstitutibn 21114 I 33 BS TEUBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD bl cerrect fit-up between laying surfaces prier te tightening {mest impertant with pre-tensibned tensile jeints}; cl cbrrect bblt tightening prbcedure and sequence; and, in cases where a tbrque measure methbd is applied; d]l cbrrect frictibn cbefficients in threads and under washer faces and the cerrect lubricatien required by the tbrque tightening specificatien. 14.2.4 Welded jeints Particular quality aspects that sheuld be centreilecl fer fatigue purpeses are: al cracks lusually a sign ef seribus material er precess preblemsl; bl lack bf fusibn br penetratien {surface and embedded}; cl undercut at weld tbes (transverse tb stress directibn]; d]| vblumetric flaws {e.g. pbrbslty, slag}; e} excess weld cap er reet prefiles; fl less ef weld threat lbutt and fillet welds}; and g] linear br angular misalignment in crucifbrm br in-line butt welds. Nb unauthbrlzed attachments, intrbduced as fabricatien aids br later in service, shbuld be welded tb the prbduct in regiens where such attachments wbuld reduce the classificatien assumed fbr design. Unless allbwance is made fbr them at the design stage, they shbuld be rembved and the area greund but and checked by MDT te ensure that he unacceptable flaws remain. 14.3 14.3.1 Cbntrbi bf quality fbr fatigue General Table ‘l tb Table ID prbvide limited infbrmatibn bn manufacturing requirements fbr certain type numbers. In general, mbst bf the necessary cbntrbls bn fatigue-related quality aspect: described in 14.2 are nbt previded in the tables. Guidance en cbntrbl bf these quality aspects is given in 14.3.2 tb 14.3.4. The detail classes given in Table 1 te Table tlli denete the highest recemmended 5-hi curves fer each detail type. Any manufacturing recemmendatiens in the Table 1 te Table re assume that the detail is te be stressed up te the limit allbwed by that S-N witheut a shbrtfall in fatigue life. In practice there might be a number bf details in a prbduct that are stressed tb similar levels, but have different detail classes. Dn the assumptibn that all details have been assessed tb have a satisfactbry fatigue life, details with the higher classes are nbt stressed tb the maximum limit permitted by the classificatien. Fer example if a cempenent has a lbng wide welded attachment en its surface (detail type 4.5, neminal stress class G1 and there is a transverse deuble sided butt weld {detail type 5.3, class D} clese by and stressed te the same level then the butt weld cannet be stressed te its maximum permissible limit le.g. Hp iilimmif at 2 x ibii because the class G detail weuld be limited tb SE1 Himmi at 2 x Till“ cycles. Thus, in the case bf the butt weld the required class fbr this prbduct is G, l.e. 4S"l-"ii lbwer in stress terms than the maximum permitted detail class ill accbrding tb the table. The required class is therefere a functien bf the stress spectrum enly and is the lbwest S—l'ii curve which just prevides an acceptable fatigue life- 34 l E The British Standards lnstitutibn 2lI.‘ri4 BRITISH STANDARD BS 2503:2014 It is therefere pessible te select the fatigue quality centrel requirements fer a particular prbduct bn a fitness-fbr purpese basis taking intb acceunt the actual levels bf stressing, l.e. the required class. Fbr preducts with medium br lbw cyclic stressing this is likely te result in significant quality cbntrbl savings cbmpared tb thbse required fer meeting the maximum permitted class fer all the details in the prbduct. The required class at any lecatien in the preduct can be readily determined by repeating the calculatien precedures in Clause 15 and Clause 15 fer varieus Hil curves until the lewest acceptable curve is feund fer that lecatien. The required class, as in the case ef the detail class in Table 1 te Table 15, depends en the directien ef stress fluctuatien and is likely te be different in the tvvb brthegbnal dlrectibns. 14.3.2 Parent material lillaterial quality Where material is te be welded, selectien ef a suitable carben equivalent value liIE‘v'l is impertant fer preventien ef cracks. Where material is tb be used fbr transverse elements in welded crucifbrm br T-jbints {see element '1'“ in Table 2, types 2.1 te 2.4} and there is the risk bf lamellar tearing, the fellewing testing shbuld be carried eut: ai threugh-thickness defennatien {2} testing; and bl ultrasenic inspectien te ensure that it is free frem laminatiens and inclusien cluster. Surface cenditien The fellewing sheuld be carried eut te ensure the surface is in an acceptable cendltien. al visual inspectien sheuld be carried eut te ensure that the surfaces are free frem damage fer required classes D and abeve {cerresien pits, arc strikes and spatter, mechanical damage}. bl MDT bf any areas where temperary welding has been carried but fer required classes F and abeve {repair bf relling flaws, rembved temperary attachmentsl sheuld be undertaken te ensure ireedem frem cracksci Excessive irregularities isee Type 1.4. Table 11 in thermally cut edges sheuld be greund smeeth fer required classes G and abeve. dl Ebld fbrmed radiused edges shbuld be checked fbr cracks by MDT where the class requirement is G er abeve in the transverse directien and E er abbve in the lengitudinal directien. el 14.3.3 Belts bf Grade 'lti.5 and abeve which are te be ceated er galvanized sheuld preferably net be subject te acid er electreaziepesitien precesses. if this is unaveldable, heat treatment te remeve hydregen sheuld be carried eut effectively lethenrvise stress cerresien cracking might eccur}. Belted jeints Greups ef heles in lap jeints, {e.g. detail types 2.5 and 2.1}, with belts carrying lbad in bearing shbuld be jig, Eemputer Numerically Ebntrbiled {CHE} br match drilled te ensure uniferm bearing between all belts in the grbup. Apprbpriate telerances bn diameter, pesitien and alignment bf parts shbuld be specified. ID The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 I 3S BS TBUBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD when the fatigue design ef a belted jeint is based en belts being pre-tensibned tb a nbminated er minimum value, it shbuld be ensured that the required pre-tensibn is achieved. Bblt tightening, (and therefere bblt pre-tensibn}, can be ebtalned using tbrque, angle br bblt-stretch measurements. The belt pre~lbading methbd and hence pre-lead accuracy shbuld be selected after assessing the criticaiity bf the jbint. Fer all pre-leading metheds, the cerrect measurements, terque sequences and terque—checking data sheuld be defined- Calibratien tests sheuld be carried eut te cenfirm that the required pre-tensien is achieved. Established data en similar fasteners may be used if ailewance is made fer variatien between batches and preducts. A system ef menitering and recerding shbuld be implemented tb ensure that precedures are feilewed cbrrectly. Fit-up between parts with flat cbntact surfaces shbuld be designed tb ensure uniferm cbntact at the initial hand-tight stage prier tb final tensibning. The required belt pre-lead sheuld be ebtalned by the fbllbwing prbcedure. all Using a terque centrel methed apply, in a defined sequence, sufficient tbrque te bring the cempenents inte full face te face cbntact. bi Using a tbrque measurement, bblt br nut part-turn br bblt-stretch methbd, that is apprepriate fbr the criticaiity bf the jbint, apply the final pre-lead. This prbcedure dees net preclude the use bf a final stage bf tightening using ether metheds. Where a hellew jack might be used te tensien leng studs er belts, tests sheuld be carried eut te measure the pre-lead less, due te the applied dynamic leads. This sheuld be taken inte acceunt when determining the minimum pre-tensibn tb be used as the basis bf design. 14.3.4 Welded jeints Welding is a prbcess where netch-like imperfectibns and deviatiens in geemetry are difficult tb eliminate entirely, particularly in arc welds. The degree bf severity depends primarily en the level bf cbntrbl bf the prbcess, but alse en bther facters such as the type bf prbcess, the materials, the jeint geemetry and access. The size ef imperiectien that can be telerated witheut cempremising the fatigue life based en the details classified in Table 3 te Table 1-ti becemes smaller as the required class {defined in 14.3.1} increases and the chbice bf viable details becemes mere limited. Fbr example, if the required class is C and a transverse butt weld in a plate is required, enly detail type 5.1 is acceptable. This detail invelves rembval bf all lbcal geemetricai stress raisers such as weld tees, welding access frbm beth sides and a high level bf l'~l[1T. If the cempenent crbss~sectibn is a mere cemplex shape than a flat plate then the access fer welding is reduced and the likeliheed ef preducing larger imperfectibns and alse net detecting them by HDT increases significantly. Fer this reasen the maximum detail class fer a butt weld in this case is reduced tb F2 [see detail type l;'i.1l, a reductien bf fbur classes. in cbntrast, if the required class is bnly W1 er less, a very wide chbice bf jeints is available. This includes transverse lbad—carrying fillet welded jeints where the design allews majer areas bf the leint te remain unfused with severe netches at the weld reets isee detail types 2.2 and T.-'-‘ll Whilst these cruciferm and T-jeints can be stressed in the parent metal te the level ef neminal stress class F2 as far as failure frem the tee is cencerned, failure frem the reet threugh the weld metal is limited te W1 {detail type ?.B]l. 35 l E The British Standards lnstitutibn 2lI.‘ri4 BRITISH STANDARD BS 2503:2014 Dlrectien ef stress fluctuatien with respect te weld axis is a further impertant factbr. Weld imperfectibns with mere netch-like features lcracks, lack bf fusibn. lack bf penetratien. undercut, slag inclusibns} are generally brientated parallel tb the weld axis and are therefere much mbre severe in terms bf fatigue perfermance when the stress directibn is transverse tb the weld axis. l_bcal stress raisers such as weld tbes are similarly mbre unfaveurably brientated with respect te transverse stresses- This is reflected in the detail classificatiens where, fer example. a centinueusly fillet welded T-ieint stressed lengltudlnally is acceptable fer a required class bf E ler El if it centains step-starts, see detail types 3.2 and 3.3 respectivelyl; whereas if stressed transversely threugh the base ef the Tee it weuld be restricted typically tb neminal stress class E br F {detail type 4.2 br 4.3 respectively, within certain dimensibnal limits}. If stressed transversely threugh the stalk bf the Tee it weuld be restricted tb W1 with respect tb weld threat stresses. The cbntrbl ef welding in preductien is generally achieved by use ef the fellewing measures: al relevant dbcumented weld precedures qualified by test; b} welders apprbpriately qualified by test fbr the range bf precedures used bn the prbduct; c} apprepriate welding quality management system; d} apprepriate inspectien and testing precedures and acceptance criteria fer the preductien welds; and e} gbbd practice fbr sterage and handling bf welding cbnsumables tb prevent dampness and cbntaminatibn. Where fatigue perfermance is an impertant requirement fbr the prbduct [l.e. the requirement is class W1 er higher} all these cbntrbl measures shbuld be adbpted in accerdance with ES EH 1b11-1, BS EM 15111-2 {fer ferritic steels} and BS Elli 1l}11~3 lfer stainless steelsl. Fer small mass-preduced initial preducts it might be practicable te inspect the quality bn a randbm sampling basis by destructive tests [e.g. sectibning bf welds}. lilbutine perfermance testing {by leading} is usually impracticable fbr verifying fatigue life because bf the time it takes. in the maibrity bf cases verificatibn that the required quality has been achieved in prbductibn is by ll-IDT. If high fatigue classes are required the limitatiens bf the varibus testing techniques in detectien, characteriaatien and sizing bf the varieus welding imperfectibns shbuld be taken inte acceuntIn seme instances it might be current practice te use the same acceptance criteria in prbductibn as used fbr prbcedure er weld qualificatibn {see BS EH ISD 'lS5lZlEI-1 and BS Eltl 2B2-1} br these in BS EH ISD SE12. Such specificatibns are based bn arbitrary quality criteria and might have aspects that are nbt adequate fer higher fatigue class requirements. They are alsb likely te centain requirements that incur additibnal cbst fer lbwer fatigue class requirements. Fer these reasens it ls preferable te specify quality requirements that are based mere en fitness-fer-purpese principles. Guidance is given belew en apprepriate limits bf these imperfectien types which need te be centreiled fbr fatigue purpeses in additibn tb thbse specified in Table 3 tb Table ll]. This guidance is expressed in terms bf the “required class", described in 14.3.1, sb that an ecbnbmic level bf quality can be specified fbr any given prbduct. ID The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 I 32 BS 2EOB:2014 BRITISH STANDARD Where an existing preductien weld quality specificatien exists fer the preduct, it sheuld be checked te ensure that it cevers the types and limiting sizes bf imperfectien recemmended belew fbr cbntrbliing fatigue perfermance. Where it dees nbt fully cever the fatigue quality requirements the specificatien shbuld be amended accerdlngly and it shbuld be made clear that if any fatigue imperfectien limit is exceeded in preductien it is cause fbr rejectlbn. The scbpe ef inspectien might need te be enhanced in accerdance with the recemmendatiens that iellbw. if ne preductien weld quality specificatien already exists fer the preduct the specificatien sheuld be based en the recemmendatiens in this clause, previded that any bther relevant perfermance requirements {see 14.1} db nbt require enhancement abeve thbse required fbr fatigue. ‘Where the fatigue stressing requirements in a preduct are mederate, e.g. a maximum class requirement ne higher than F2 anywhere, a general fitness-fer~purpese requirement fer the preduct quality sheuld be based en the maximum class required, subject te any enhancement fer ether perfermance requirements {see 14.1}. if enly a small minerity bf specific welds in the prbduct experience high fatigue leading and have a higher class requirement than F2, it might be mere ecbnbmical tb identify these by their class requirement sb that extra inspectien and higher quality requirements can be targeted tb thbse welds that are mere critical. The welds in questien sheuld be indicated en the drawings with their class requirement as defined in 14.3.1 {nbt their detail class as given in Table 3 te Table 1-ti}. Table 12 gives guidance en the fatigue acceptance ef vblumetric embedded imperfectibns te meet Class C er lbwer {Class I3 is excluded because ne embedded imperfectibns are permitted}. Table 13 gives acceptance levels fbr undercut at transverse weld tbes. These limits might net be small eneugh fer ether perlermance requirements {see 14.1} and might be larger than in seme general quality cbntrbl specificatibns. The welds sheuld net be smaller than the specified size. This applies particularly te transversely leaded partial penetratien butt welds and beth the leg length and threat dimensibn bf transversely leaded fillet welds, where the fatigue life is significantly reduced by small shbrtfalls in these dimensibns. With regard tb deviatiens frem the neminal geemetry, particular attentibn is drawn te jeint misalignment, as the acceptance levels in many quality centrel-based specificatibns are tee large fer fatigue-leaded jeints. it is usually necessary te allew fer the effect ef even rieminally acceptable misalignment as a seurce ef additienal stress. This effect can be expressed in terms ef the stress magnificatlen facter, k,,,, which is used either te increase the estimated applied stress range er te reduce the fatigue strength ebtalned frem the relevant S-iii curve {see B.S.2.1}. Assessment bf any misalignment is required fbr transverse butt welds as Class D refers tb perfectly aligned jeints. This is alse true fbr any assessment bf petentiai weld tee failure using the het-spet stress, altheugh that effect ceuid be included in the calculatien ef the het-spet stress if the relevant type and extent ef misalignment was included in the finite element medei er the het-spet stress was ebtalned by surface stress extrapelatien frem strains measured en the actual welded detail cencerned. Hewever, linear misalignment eit up tb l1l.{lS, cerrespending te km: 1.15, is included in the data behind Classes F and F2 fbr cruciferm jeints. Therefbre, bn a fitness-fbr-purpbse basis, bnly misalignment abeve this level needs tb be censidered when assessing cruciferm jeints, Table 14 te Table 15 illustrate the effect ef misalignment en fatigue strength fer these three situatiens. 313 I E The British Standards lnstitutibn 2lI.‘r14 m DARD BRHE H 5T BS 2E0B ED __113I.H:-_ :%“HG "_flan “___: Em _uHm_fl"_ _u_m_ _ _ H_ _ _ _ _EmH__ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_UU__ _ _ 1IEm DH“___i P “___:U"_ _ _ _ ___1 ___: _ Hx_ Z U _fl_______ "___ 4 _E£m___m_E E U n_ Hu_wmEHcmfiw _HuE_____ _=mn"_mHu__“mHE"n_mu_HE_“Hmfl_H_____n__ Dn _ n __W __g _ _ _ “_ _ 2 HHHIE2 HI _ HgH__“ _E+__ “mD H M _my gm mHu_W_H_nHfi“m_H"_wu|fi:_m“"HEu_mH_EH_Uu_m u_E_Lm_ " E_ _ _m_ _ _E_“ u_m_ _E_ _ "_ _H _‘_ I “___ Q_m_"H_H_n____u _uH“:EHm_:DHfhmfi_|H“mE$_wU=mE:w_u_J fi_nmUH_“ hw__En3_m__E_ H_ u_E I E_fl_uH"____ ___: wCHfl_uEH|_ i_2ufiGP_H“m_m_+H_mM_u“HmFE"_m_U"flEU_._m“_ H_En_ m_H_ m"_ _flm_ _“_ H__w_:JP“m"_m"wEH€_m_“hnH_1m£Uu_t:Lfl_wE_u:HUfl_Ewu_HEm_Eu_=hUm_ E_U u_ _ _ __ _ __E_____ E _=“EU; “u_n"H_uy_| _m_“Hfl_Hun I_Ufl H_=EU_ £hm_ “_fl fi_ _“UW=_flE_H_fln_M"l_flUu 1 _“_I HH “_____n_ m_HE _____“ _§___ “Emt_m___E5E_Hm"flE“w_H:um_mfl_m___fl_E_ Uuzw_‘ mH“m_Efium_“m__ “_=m_ flmH_ _ n_ E E____H_E E U: gm E: Z _hfi____mH_:umn_H_wm£E“_mH_mn_Hd_HE"P*_fim_Ewm_H_ E_mfi_mm_ _:_Em_ _g “___:flit uD"_ _ _: H U_____ _“H_fl_“E_m“_w_D"=__mU“E_“_m____: fl_H"U_$_fl_“ __fl _fl=mn“EH____ENU__=“ U_um H_ _ _________Wu_fi_ _ _ _ _ _ hH_n_ _ _ “_U_H_ _ _1 H mg!“ mpg: L_’__ _ !_ _ _ mH_ _ H_ _ _ _ ____f__ __1 E_u_____ _U__ __u_ =_mE_E: ___“_m_E§_ fi_:H_mwr~_ _H:Dm_“n_m_uHE_%_d _F m_ _fiY _ _Efi_ _ _U _ _ “ _n__"H _L _H__ ____E "_ _ _ _ _ _"__ i _mE___“_m_fl u_:mm_"Hnu_pEw:r_n_flmufi“_$H:um_n_Mtm_ "_flE_ “_ cm L U U U U 1 H W" ___ :1: _H_ _ _H_ _ “3“ ___?_ "_+__" __: __“_ ___ ___ __|_ _1_ ___ H_____ZDH_ ____ _ "_z____E“ “ _ _ _ ____ _u"_J_ ___: _ _?_ H_ _J_ _ _ _$_ __“_ _2_ ____]___" _ _ ] _ _ _ _ “___ D___ ‘U___;_H+_ “3_"_3 EEF u__H____ EEI H _"______H__ ___H_H_____cm E#_ m_"_ _ "_u__ _ _ _____U “__D :_ “U__“m___fi___H_H_ Em _ _u_fl“_5fl“_|U_“fi___U_fi _ _EN_ "_E“_U:_ :fi“_ _ _"; _CDfi_ _ _ w_u_ _ _ _ U :|__ m_“_ _E_ _ “___” _MED: “ _HmD_" _h _m_fi_fi_ m_ _"m“_"m_r _m_ "_ _uh_ _“ n ‘Emu Z___ ]1-1 H_ _ _ L_ m_H_m_ _V _ H_H m _ um___ ED __ J" u_ U_H Mfl_ Dm__n_hI_____n______ __u__H_ _m_ _ Bd_ _; ____ _ _ _ _ Nw__*En__ __ _ _ m_r _ _ _ _ _fi_*_ _ _ E__ __ _ _ "_~ _ _ _H_ _1:5m l H__ _ _ _ m_ _"_ _ _ _ ____ U" E m_ “__ H1M __H3_ Fwfl NU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Em mm Q gm ____ H__ _n_ E T H_ E h ________t _____ H d_ ___ __-fl_ 5 m H M m H 2 fl_ 4 1 _- 39 B5 TEDBIZD14 BRITISH STANDARD Table 12 Fatigue based acceptance levels fbr embedded ncm-planar imperfectibns in butt welds -‘" Required class Maximum length crf sc-lid inclusien. mm Maximum ‘iii prejected area bf As- eeresinr an Stress welded ' relieved by Individual pare diameter. mm it I'==|"J'Eli'iP|1 "" '3 I FWHT I E 1.5 Di“ 5"] 3 'EI.25t, 5 3 mm maximum 5 2-4 We E is 4 "1 Lse 51 _ ‘lil -35 - letter - -r r -il;] E csr ' I crest. E mm - I"-lb limit - fl-:1 limit -- - i maximum .. - - t.nu1 .n'l.iu|.iu ti Applicable tc: imperfectibns which are nbt lbcated within 5 mm bf the surface er an adiacent imperfectien iclr within a distance equal tcl the maximum permitted length. whichever is the smaller]'1‘ Fur assessing pcircssitv, the area cif radicigraph used shcruld be the length cxf the weld affected bv purcrsltv multiplied bv the maximum width bf weld. '5‘ Any pbrcisitv level which cibstructs an ultrasenic inspectien sheuld be rejected. ‘"1 Univ measured by radicigraphv. El Accurate measurement clil"ficult by MDT. Table 13 Fatigue based acceptance levels fbr undercut in transversely stressed welds “l “l _ Depth crf undercut cl Required class i _ _ Butt welds Fillet welds hlcrt permitted — lIl.t]25t, £1 mm llilfit -:1 mm I[‘it, 5 l].5 mm lJ_iJ25t -F11 rnrn r i i Ii i -|1|-nur-|'si, s 1 rnrn e.as_t_, s 1 mm F2 El.ll]t, S 'l mm lll.Cl?5t, 5 1 mm E lLl.ll}t.s'l mm Ill-.ll3lt.-c l mm *i Applicable unlv td undercut with a clearlv visible reet radius. Sharp urdercut shbuld net be accepted as the depth cannat be measured and can ccrnceal craclcs c:|r laclc bf sidewall fusitan. E“ Applicable fur 10 s t s Al] mm; undercut in thinner car thicker material sheuld be assessed as a planar flaw in accerdance with E5 I-'El‘llJ. ‘ii Llndercut in centinueus welds stressed in the lengitudinal directibn crnlv dees nbt aftect the fatigue lite cn‘ a jeint. Therefcire, there are nci limits tn their sixes tram the fitness-fcir-purpcise vievvpciint- Al] e El The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 BRITISH STAN DAFID Table 14 B5 ?EDB:2D14 Effect pf misalignment cm the fatigue strength cit transverse butt welded jeints class km fl cerrespending linear misalignment. eit ‘I D E F F2 G 1 1.14 1.34 1.52 1.34 ill El-I35 B-11 D.1? El-23 ea _ 2-1? u-as """ ism is the stress magnificatidn facter due td any farm df misalignment (linear, angular nr a cnmbinati-en] that can be assumed tn be included if the butt weld is designed cm the basis bf the neminal applied stress range in cenjunctibn with the 5-l'l.l curve fer the indicated class"l The cdrrespcinding values far the extent cit angular misalignment depend an tn-d many factcirs tci tabulate them {see}- Table 15 Effect ef misalignment en the fatigue strength crf cruciferm welded jeints class i Full-penetratien butt welds ' Effective cerrespending km fl linear misalignment. I By; er F F2 Ll] 1-12 ii-U5 li-lllti G 1.35 ii-1? E3 3 .- 1-E3 Fillet pr partial-penetratien welds Effective cerrespending linear lrm fi misalignment. eft f" F -— i-l] 1-2i'.'r D-D5 i112 -- -.9-ii. -3- . -.3 _._- i-43 - ..- *5‘-if-' ‘ii Effective values bf km allew fer the fact that the neminal stress class refers tb jeints in which eit can be up tcr'3. Hewever, they refer tb the extent bf any farm bf misalignment ilinear, angular ur a cci-ml:|-inaticin} that can be assumed tcr be included it the crucifcirm jeint is designed cm the basis cif the neminal applied stress range used in cenjunctinn with the s-iii curve fer the indicated class. “l The cerrespending values fbr the extent nf angular misalignment depend cm tub many facters td tabulate them isee B-5-2-fl. Table 1E- Effect bf misalignment an the fatigue strength cl-f transverse butt cir crucifcrrm welded jeints being assessed in terms bf hcrt~sp-bt stress glass ____fr_m "ti D E F F2 G 1 1.14 1-34 1-52 1-E4 ea 2.1? "__l:i;ll'l"E.'!'!|2'|l‘.1lI1-Elll'llH linear misalignment, aft '1 El l].fi5 l]-11 i]-1? El-23 _ e-as “’ irm is the stress magnificatlen facter due te any term ef misalignment ilinear. angular er a cembinatibni that can be assumed ta be included if the weld jeint is designed an the ha-sis df the het-spet stress range calculated assuming perfect alignment used in ccrniuncticin with the 5-hi curve fcir the indicated class. Fl The cerrespending values fcir the extent crf angular misalignment depend cm ten many facters ta tabulate them isee E The British Standards lnstittrtic-n 2014 l 41 BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIZB14 15 Stress calculatiens 1s.1 General The prbcedure fer the fatigue analysis fer welded structures, including flame-cut edges, is based en the assumptibn that it is enly necessary te censider ranges ef cyclic stress in determining the fatigue life. i-e- mean stresses are net talren inte acceunt- Hewever, fer nen-welded details subjected te stress cycles which are partly er whelly in cempressien the effective stress range might be lewer [see t5.4l. The stress used tu assess the structural details included in Table 1 ta Table iii depends an the class and the mede ef petentiai fatigue craclcing censidered. In mest cases the latter is by direct {er nermai] stress fatigue failure under craclc epening mede I isee Annex [Ill and the fatigue assessments are perfermed using either neminal er het-spet structural principal stress ranges. The cerrespending appreaches are referred te as the neminal stress-based isee 15.5} er hetspet stress-based fatigue assessment methed isee 15.2}. Hewever. classes S1 and 5, refer tcs petentiai shear fatigue failure under craclt cr-pening medes ll crr lll isee Annex D]. In such cases the stress used in the fatigue assessment depends en the lecatien bf cracking, the ratie ef applied shear te direct stress and whether cembined applied shear and direct stresses act in-phase [i-e- principal stress directiens remain censtant during lead cycling} er net. as summarized in Table 1?‘. As indicated, in scrrne cases a direct stresebased class might be apprepriate. Further details are previded in 15.2. 15.3 and 15.4. Table ii’ stresses usecl in fatigue assessments invelving applied shear stresses Ease Fatigue craclting mede Fa rent metal failure Efrem Shear rnedes ll er Ill weld tee er Nermal mede I Weld threat s, cembined in-phase direct and shear Di‘ GI, B5 stresses apprepriate cembined medes I and cembined ll c1r lll but-crf-phase direct 5, but endurances and shear stresses halved Pure shear 5'2 Shear medes ll er Ill . f-lermal mede I leaded fillet er partial penetratien weld} Pure shear class Stress ' hleminal shear stress range belt surface} failure lfrcim rciet uf directly E Leading cembined in-phase direct and shear D. E. F. F2, G W1 Maximum neminal er het-spet structural principal stress range I“-ieminai shear stress range Heminal resultant stress ra nge stresses with rlne'ib.3 cembined medes l and cembined in-phase ll ur lll direct and shear 5-r stresses with n'e:-{I-3 Ecimbined mcides I and cembined ll er ill crut-crf-phase direct and shear stresses Si. but endurances halved Heminal stresses sheuld be used with neminal stress s-rr curves. The neminal stress sheuld include the effects ef lucal stress cencentratiens if the detail being assessed is net fully represented by the descriptiun and figures in Table 1 td Table iii. Alternatively, in assessments ef petentiai failure frem a weld tee, het-spet stresses sheuld be used isee 15.2]. Stress ranges fer pest-weld heat-treated jeints sheuld be assumed te be the same as fer as-welded jeints lbut see ‘le.3l- 42 l El The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 BRITISH STANDARD 15.2 BS TEBBIIDIA Stress range in parent material In mest cases the pcitential fatigue cracic is lecated in parent material adjacent tu seme fcirm cif stress cencentratien, e.g. at a weld tee er belt hele. Frci-vided that the directien ef the principal stress dees net change significantly in the cuurse ef a stress cycle {c 2i]"}, the relevant cyclic stress fer fatigue assessment sheuld be talcen as the maximum range threugh which any principal stress passes in the parent metal adjacent te the petentiai crack lecatien, as shewn in Figure 2al. Tensien stresses are censidered pesitive and cempressien stresses negative. In practice. the threugh-thickness cempenent ef stress is rarely relevant and may usually be lgnured. MUTE Fer tubular ncrdai jeints see Annex rs- ln estimating the maximum principal stress. shear stresses less than 15% ef a ceexistent direct stress may be neglected. in the case ef pure shear. the relevant stress is the neminal shear stress range en the sectien pf petentiai fatigue failure, as shewn fur applied tcirsien ef a tube in Figure 2bl. Figure 2 Fteference stress in parent metal 4----""_"l ii‘,/"" if/1 I F ii i 2 - P-P‘ iifri "— i H H m . : :| F, r —'* at 3 KL H al Applied direct stress llley 1 Welded attachment 3 Fetential cracic lecatien 2 Neminal stress = iF'r'.-4. + MEI] 4 Stress cllstributien I A _r’ j \_ _./"T ‘Tas- _ / \. gr 1 l F 2 bl Applied shear stress itey 1 Ndminal stress = Tfriir 2 Fetential craclt lecatien E The British Standards lnstitutibn 21314 ll 43 BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD if the directien ef principal stress changes during the stress cycle. e.g. as a result ef a phase difference between the twe fluctuating lead seurces. the cyclic stress range sheuld be derived frem the principal stresses calculated at the twe extremes, l.e. the pealc and treugh. ef the cembined leading cycle. The pealc and treugh values ef principal stress sheuld be these en principal planes which are net mere than 45“ apart. Therefere, if cl“, rs}, and r are the ceexistent values iwith apprepriate signsl ef the twe erthegcinal direct stresses and the shear stresses at the peint under censideratien. the relevant principal stress sheuld be selected if either: a) cr, -s tr, is at least deuble the cerrespending shear stress r at beth pealc and treugh; er bl the signs ef rs; — rig and r beth reverse er beth remain the same at the pealc and the treugh- In either all er bi. erevided that rr,1 e cl,’ at beth pealc and treugh. the required stress range is the algebraic difference between the numerically greater pealc principal stress and the numerically greater treugh principal stress. i.-'v"here cycling is ef such a cemplex nature that it is net clear which twe lead cenditiens weuld result in the greatest value ef principal stress range. they sheuld be established by calculating principal stresses fer all pairs ef lead cenditiens- Alternatively, it may be assumed that the required stress range is the difference between the algebraically greatest and smallest principal stresses eccurrlng during the whcile leading cycie regardless ef their dlrectibns. The classificatien fer welded jeints Table 3 te Table 1lJ depends en the directien ef leading and the classificatien scheme is generally arranged en the basis that the welded jeint under censideratien is either parallel {lengitudinal jeints} er nermai [transverse jeints} te the stress directien indicated. Applied stresses that are net acting in either ef these directiens might be effectively less damaging than assumed. but there might be the rlslr ef fatigue failure frem a different lecatien where the classificatien might be lewer- Fer example. the class ef a type 3.2 detail dreps frem E te E er F with respect te any stress acting nermai te the weld tee. Therefcire. fer stress directiens that are greater than =15‘ frem that shewn in the figures the welded jeint sheuld be assessed with respect te every petentiai fatigue cracic initiatien site. The assessment sheuld be based en the maximum principal stress range if it acts within 145* ef nermai te the petentiai fatigue cracic while fer greater angles it can be based en the nermai stress range acting en the plane ef petentiai fatigue craclting censidered. as determined frem the principal stress rangesLlnless etherwise stated in Table 1 te Table itl. the stress sheuld be based en the net sectien. Where apprepriate. ailewance sheuld be made fer geemetricai stress cencentratiens isee 15.5.4]. 15.3 5tress range in fillet welds in lead—carrying partial penetratien er flllet—weided jeints. where craclring ceuid eccur in the weld threat. the relevant reference stress 5,,_, is the resultant stress range in the weld metal. Frevided that the directien ef the principal stress dc:-es net change significantly in the ceurse ef a stress cycle ic2lJ“}. this sheuld be talcen. fer each stress cycle. as the vecter difference between the greatest and least vecter sum ef the applied nerrnal and shear stresses, based upen the effective dimensiens ef the weld threat. as detailed in Figure 3- It sheuld be assumed that nene ef the lead is carried in bearing between parent materials. The tin value that influences the cheice ef detail class isee Table 1?} is the ratie lengitudinal shear stresslenglneering shear stress er rtryr new in Figure 3. Hewever. the lengitudinal shear stress range er., may be neglected if .et,.,}.ecr,,, E lIl.1S. 44 1 El The British Standards lnstitutien 2lJ14 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA Where stress cycling is due te rnere than ene lead seurce but the dlrectiens ef the stresses remain fixed. the resultant stress S“, is based en the maximum ranges ef the leads {e.g. PM and P1 in Figure 3} en the weld. Hewever, if the directien ef the stress vecter en the weld threat changes by mere than 213" during a cycle between twe extreme lead cenditiens. the resultant stress range is the magnitude ef the vecter difference between the bvve stress vecters. Where cycling is ef such a cemplex nature that it is net clear which twe lead cenditiens weuld result in the greatest value ef 5,, the vecter difference sheuld be feund fer all pairs ef extreme lead cenditiens- Alternatively. it may be assumed that: fll Stir‘ = {IIF-I-,.I1'i.a.i' _ 4'7.-_min}2 +IT.max T f1|'l1rlfi)I+II,rJi'.|'i|.E|I _ Tainan}: IE5 Figure 3 Fteference stress en weld threat lpi \‘ 1 bf l l e H 1 . .4... l F, I -2,"... l E - g_h';, . - Rey 1 Transverse direct stress .1 NDTE Ifw PM PH. E 1' flrf vvh wbfrb = —-- + »---——- Alse linevvn as engineering shear stress range en weld threat 2 P Lengitudinai shear stress av. = —i— vvh 3 4 Resultant stress range 5... = lerrf.,.+erfl"-5 w = cembined siee ef effective weld threats ts.4 Effective stress range fer details in unwelded members in which the whele er part ef the stress is cempressive In unwelded details where the stress range. allewing fer dead lead and residual stresses {due te fabricatien]. is entirely cempressive, the effects ef fatigue leading may be ignered. Hewever, when the resultant stress range invelves stress reversals threugh aere. the effective stress range te be used in the fatigue assessment sheuld be ebtalned by adding Efillrir ef the range frem ;-:ere stress te maximum cempressive stress te that part ef the range frem zere stress te maximum tensile stress- El The British Standards lnstittrtien 21314 ll 4S BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIZB14 1S.S calculatien ef stresses Stresses sheuld be calculated using elastic theery and talcing acceunt ef all axial. bending and shearing stresses eccurring under the design leading. llie redistributien ef leads er stresses, [e.g. as might be allewed fer checlcing static strength at ultimate limit state. including implicit ailewance fer redistributien in simplified elastic design rules. er fer plastic design precedures}. sheuld be made. 1S.-E 15.5.1 Calculatien ef neminal stresses General The neminal stress. 5,... at any lecatien is the summatien ef the membrane and bending stresses at that lecatien. Examples ef neminal stresses in parent material and a fillet weld threat are shewn in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. 'lS.E.-I Effects te be ignered The effects ef the fellewing sheuld net be included in neminal stress calculatiens: al residual stresses in welded details [see 1'.i.l3.3fl]; bl stress cencentratiens due tez 'lS.E.3 1} a weld detail itself; 2} belt. rivet er small drilled heles {but excluding types 1.3 and 1.4 in Table 1}- Effects te be included All stresses arising frem seurces ether than these specifically excluded in ‘IS-5.2 sheuld be included in the analysis. The fellewing stresses sheuld be included tegether with any ethers that influence the stress applied te the jeint: al stress cencentratiens due te the everall jeint geemetry isee 15.5.4}: bl eccentricities er misalignment eccurring in a jeint detail, except where etherwise indicated in this cede; cl shear lag. restrained tersien and distertien. transverse stresses and flange curvature; dl stress distributien in wide plates: 15.5.4 el stresses in triangulated slreletai structures due te lead applicatiens away frem jeints. member eccentricities at jeints and rigidity ef jeints; fl residual stresses ibut enly fer nen-welded details er stress relieved welds under. neminally. fully er partly cempressive leading; see 15.4 and 15.3.5}; and gl fabricatien telerances. except as cevered in 5.2.2 fer misalignment. Eeemetrical stress cencentratiens Unless etherwise indicated in Table 1 te Table iii the stress cencentratiens inherent in the malte-up ef the structural detail cencerned le.g. arising frem the general geemetry ef a welded jeint and the weld shape} have been talren inte acceunt in the classificatien ef the details. Hewever, where there is an additienal geemetricai discentinuity, such as an aperture er a change ef cress sectien {see Figure 4 and Figure S}. which is net a natural characteristic ef the standard detail categery itself, the resulting stress cencentratien relevant te fatigue design sheuld be determined either by specific analysis er, where apprepriate. by the use ef predefined stress cencentratien facters [4, 5. E]. such as these given in Figure ti. 45 l El The British Standards lnstitutien 21314 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEI3B:2l314~ Figure 3 shews a typical example ef a member which ceuid be analysed using a stress cencentratien facter, such as given in Figure filal. and the resulting stress used in cenjunctien with the neminal stress-based assessment methed. Figure 4 Typical example ef stress cencentratiens due te geemetricai discentinuity 1 s. 2 i | I-5 I I i I‘. | 1 | 3 I -L qt llllllllllllllll! "- Isl‘- _- II- ‘I: 1- I- _ llllllfi Eli 6 4 5 ice Fetential craclr. lecatiens welded attachment Typical stress distributien The design stress is applied te the apprepriate plain material classificatien l. "l. :i-l.I 'l"-.l—-= lillanhele er re-entrant cerner. The design stress fer lecatien 4 er E sheuld be talten as the stress en the net sectien multiplied by the fatigue stress cencentratien facter (= lc,.S,]l l':i At the attachment the design stress is applied te the apprepriate neminal stress jeint classificatien In centrast, Figure 5 shews an example ef a welded jeint which weuld resluire special analysis because the geemetricai layeut ef the jeint ebvieusly creates a hard spet and hence a nen-uniferm stress distributien. in general ferm the jeint is type 2.4. El The British Standards lnstlttrtien 21314 ll 43' BS 25133221314 Figure 5 BRITISH STANDARD Typical example ef stress cencentratien caused by a geemetrlc hard spet _-n|I"" ar /1 iifl 2 A ax Q77 I-it gan_'_it —l'_*l' L _ ' —|-I‘ —I if-." i-in '- .--I i: in in -in in —|— in inin in in id-|.l_ A-| imin in ii i—-I inin in id Z.1.11-r $--r -1: ltey 5, at weld tee taking inte acceunt scr due te weld tee SI at weld tee [by extrapelatien] = Design stress = ieffectivelyjl 141.3, {neminal} SI {neminal} t.|Jf'|-. l|—I 4B l El The British Standards lnstitutien 21314 BRITISH STANDARD Figure ii BS TE13B:2D14~ Fatigue stress cencentratien facters ft 3.15 1 it,‘ 3-it H iii. ‘L 5. %. 3.13 Illt1.‘_'i\c __ 15 I"~ I 3.2 2.5 fir I as , 1 r. 1-B s -— ___ ___ 4.1 __, 4-2 "Ir. _ E__ I I _ '--I ,-, cs -I Sis "I .-r Ll ,. lit ___ E 2.13 El B "- I E S“-.. u 2.2 ‘I-5 E ' I" ___ r r’ 1| B Q I 2’its Ir--_ 4-4 “I I” r s. 11.5 53 NDTE lit’, values are censervative when E c 13.12 all Fatigue stress cencentratien facter fer unreinferced apertures it’. {based en net stress at ill-iii lfey 1 Free edge 2-ti 2 5tress fluctuatien um it 2-4 2.2 3 r/ iii1.ll1ll4$1 ms v| I 2 E 1.4 I-_ ‘Q-'|-5 1.2 1 ti K_r;_| 'l ‘S 1.-B it 1 2-4 iffy ‘I-B I r ll ll--2 ll-.4 'll.1l B-5 Sr ‘iii 1-tl fir bl Fatigue stress cencentratien facter fer resentrant cerners if. [based en net stress at it-ill} itey 1 Length ef straight a 2r 2 5tress fluctuatien Figure B-11] illustrates a case where flexibility preduces a nen-uniferm stress distributien. in all cases the cerrespending applied stress fer design purpeses sheuld be the structural stress at the weld tee. Either typical examples are tubular nedal jeints isee Annex El and the jeints shewn in Figure B-3. Figure B-5. Figure 5.5. Flgure B-3 and Figure B-5. Fer such cases and these fer which standard stress cencentratien facters are net applicable. the alternative het-spet stress-based fatigue assessment methed sheuld be adepted with stresses determined in accerdance with 15.3. il The British Standards lnstitutien 21314 ll 45' BS 25133221314 BRITISH STANDARD 15.? 15.1.1 Ealculatien ef het-spet stresses General The het-spet stress 5,. is the structural stress at the weld tee. This might vary aleng a weld tee. as illustrated in Figure T. in which case the largest value is generally used fer design. Three metheds fer calculating the het-spet stress are described in Annex E while Annex 43 prevides rules fer the specific case ef tubular jeints- Figure If cemparisen ef neminal. structural and het-spet stresses in a beam with a welded cever plate 4 Er T lte Structural stress. defined ever flange thiclcness. 1 5 Ferce. P Neminal stress = l'v'l.l'Z+F.fA E fvlement. fill Het-spet stress if sectien medulus, 2 and area. A Flange thiclcness. t .P| 1."-. l—e 1s.;'..'t Effects te be ignered The effects ef the fellewing sheuld net be included in het-spet stress calculatiens: al residual stresses in welded details [fer exceptiens. see 1S.2.3f}]; bl stress cencentratien clue te the weld tee- 1.s.?.3 Effects te be included All stresses arising frem seurces ether than these specifically excluded in 15.3.2 sheuld be included in the analysis. The fellewing stresses sheuld be included tegether with any ethers that influence the stress applied te the jeint: al stress cencentratiens due te the everall jeint geemetry; bl eccentricities er misalignment eccurring in a jeint detail, except where etherwise indicated in this cede; S13 l El The British Standards lnstitutien 21314 BS T1':i0B:2014~ BRITISH STANDARD cl shear lag. restrained tersien and distertien. transverse stresses and flange curvature: d} stress distributien in wide plates; e} stresses in triangulated slceletal structures due te lead applicatiens away frem jeints. member eccentricities at jeints and rigidity ef jeints; fl residual stresses in stress-relieved welded jeints in which the whele er part ef the applied stress cempenent is cempressive. see 15.4 and 15.3.5: gl fabricatien telerances. ‘fS.B Axial stresses in belts This sub-clause applies enly te ISD metric threads [B5 3543-2, B5 EN I50 4014. BS El‘-l 1517.3 401?, B5 Ehl ISD 4252]. It is applicable te hexagen belts, screws and nuts {E15 35512] high strength frictien grip belts lBS 4335-2] and stainless steel belts IE5 EH I513 3505]. Fer blaclc belts isee I35 4150i it sheuld enly be used fer fluctuating leads if the belt head underside has a machined face. This sub-clause is net applicable te welded belts. The stress range sheuld be calculated en the tensile stress area. BS 3532. Table 10. ef the belt and sheuld include the effects ef axial and bending leads. including any effect ef prying. It sheuld talce inte acceunt the pre-lead in the belt and the cempressibility and specified fit-up ef the cennected parts. Where the fatigue design ef a jeint relies en the pre~lead ef the belts te limit the stress range in the belts. the pre-lead sheuld be at least 1.5 times the calculated applied belt leadThe cempressibility effect in a belted jeint is determined frem the relative stiffness ef the belt and the clamped cempenents. The pertien ef the applied lead that is carried by the belt can be determined frem the relative stiffness ef the belt and clamped cempenentsFigure ti illustrates the relative stiffness effects en the fluctuating lead en the beltWhere the applied lead includes beth a permanent tensien cempenent and a fluctuating tensien cempenent, the tetal applied lead sheuld be assumed te be a fluctuating lead unless a full jeint calculatien is carried eut which acceunts fer beth the permanent and fluctuating cempenents ef applied leadNDTE l Permissible stresses in bells are cevered in 15.2.2. NDTE 2 l.r'.'-Ill .2231‘-'.l:2ti03 I;-'jl gives derailed instructiens en the calculatien precedures fer belted jeints. El The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 ll S1 BS 3"Bi3B:213‘l 4 Figure El BRITISH STANDARD lielative stiffness effects en the fluctuating lead in a belt in a cencentrlcally clamped and cencentrlcally leaded belted jeint A B If I C T i. |:|_ -------isTi5------ —"Lc _'i. F‘ M -.. -is Fr i= T it'll: , Fe I- .l 4" l. __le__ ltey en: 3., = displacement ef belt due te belt tightening displacement ef jeint interface due te F,= fluctuating lead in belt FL, = prepertien ef Fa that relieves jeint belt tightening = = = _}|cf,'_ |'1 == l_'l n_'If lead applied te jeint belt pre-lead clamping effect Fm = = clamping actien at jeint interface Eiispacement 1 Belt Belt fluctuating lead. = = 1*--r;.I__:=.:I'I residual clamping lead residual bearing lead under belt head displacement due te F, Lead clamped plates Ilia F. = —vr.. Illfis-fffcl where: lib = belt stiffness and it‘, = summatien ef clamped cempenents stiffness. A initial state E Leaded state 1s.s E Assembled state Derivatien ef stress spectrum in situatiens in which the leading spectrum is net specified. e.g. in a relevant applicatien standard. the expected spectrum sheuld be derived. S2 4 El The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 BRITISH STANDARD BS 2513522014 In general the tetal leading en a structure ls cempesed ef several different leading events. each with different magnitudes. geemetricai arrangements and frequencies ef eccurrence. Te derive the design spectrum fer any particular detail. a mix ef leading events that is representative ef the leading te be expected in a given time interval sheuld be established. it sheuld be applied te the relevant influence linelsl in erder te ebtain the pattern ef stress fluctuatlens te which the detail is te be subjected in that time interval. Acceunt sheuld be talcen ef the pessibiiity ef twe er mere leading events eccurring simultaneeusly. er fellewing each ether in particular erders. such that higher stress ranges might be caused. In selecting lead cycles fer inclusien in the spectrum lew stress ranges. belew S hli'mmf_. and eccasienal high stress ranges that centribute less than 155 ef the tetal damage may be ignered [but alse see 15.1]. This pattern sheuld be brelren dewn inte a cenvenient spectrum ef cycles. expressed in terms ef stress ranges 5,. and numbers ef applicatiens Hi. by a suitable cycle ceunting methed {see Annex H]- The numbers ef cycles ceunted sheuld be cembined with the apprepriate tetal numbers ef eccurrences ef the varieus leading events in the design life ef the structure te cempile the everall design spectrum. ln mest cemputer pregrams used fer the derivatien ef cycle ceunts the results are accumulated inte a relatively small number ef stress range intervals (semetimes called bins]. In mest instances abeut 40 intervals is sufficient- 15 Allewable fatigue stresses 15.1 Tensile stress limitatiens The precedures given in this British Standard fer deriving fatigue stresses sheuld enly be deemed te be valid if the calculated maximum fibre stress en the net area ef a member. remete frem geemetric stress cencentratiens and excluding self-regulating stresses {such as residual er thermal stressesl. dees net exceed 50‘!-ii ef yield stress under nermai eperating cenditiens and B055 ef yield stress under extreme leading cenditiens. in this centext the expected number ef cycles exceeding nermai eperating cenditiens in the anticipated life ef the structure sheuld be net greater than 100. 15.2 15.2.1 $-lil curves Plain material and welded. riveted er belted jeints Fer each design class the relatienship between the applied stress range. 5,, and the number ef cycles te failure. N. under censtant amplitude leading cenditiens is ef the fellewing ferm: legl'v'=leg i'.',,-dSD-mlegS, i2l The values ef these terms fer jeints in air are shewn in Table 1B. and the mean line relatienships are pletted in Figure El. They are applicable te all steels cevered by this British Standard, using the equatien: leg Cd = leg CD — c:iSD l3l Then Equatien 2 can be written as: 5,"“lll' = Ed ll-Ill E The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 ll S3 BS 2505:2014 BRITISH STANDARD Thus. frem Equatien 2 te Equatien 4. the required basic 5-N curve can be derived fer any desired value ef cl‘. The neminal prebability ef failure cerrespending te varieus pessible values ef d. based upen an assumed nermai distributien, is shewn in Table 151. The standard basic 5,-N cunres sheuld be talcen te represent twe standard deviatiens belew the mean lines i-e- cf = 2- They are shewn in graphical ferm in Figure 10, and the cerrespending values ef [2 are included in Table 1B. if a curve fer a welded jeint cresses the class B curve fer plain steel, the class B curve geverns isee Figure llici and 15.51. All the basic 5,-ill curves are applicable. fer the relevant value ef cl, te details in air er ether nen-cerresive envirenments. er fer details with adequate cerresien pretectien in the ferm ef paint er ether ceating. Fer design purpeses. hewever. the cunres might have te be medified in erder te allew fer the facters given in 15.3 and 15.4- Figure 5 Mean .5,-ill curves 1I S00 are 1511 100 30 Bil Tu AR Sil- .. 5|‘ ’ "'1 /Ii? / _ - I’/ 1B E —_I'./1 .1 1? Q5;._-,2 '3ls. .1_.,.*' -| \— ‘Ii II I-. IMVII mfg-m lg, :55? I I _!!E! 20 Ill‘ I 1°‘ 2315- W! 2 S11-S W‘ 2 311-S my I 3-ES W‘ it These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses [see Table 1B}. ltey it Endurance I'll. cycles al Mean 5,-N cunres fer direct stress failure S4 I El The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 "r' Stress range 5,. lilimmf BRITISH STANDARD Figure 5 BS 2505:2014 Mean 5,-iii curves ,|,s11_ 1.1111 ill 1' r e Ill if rs-11 'l' I-00 ‘P0 B0 ‘ill — - 1-allIl gspe BIB ' sr 40 34 211 _ ,,_ QI/:'III ~ Infill 2! 111-S W5 '--will‘ -‘ I 112-I I 23115 1°‘ 2 345 *- -“F 2' 3115:.-I“. These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses {see Table 1Bl. ltey it Endurance l'v', cycles bl Mean 5,~l'il cunres fer shear stress failure If F -5.: 400 - .. ‘r 5hear stress range. 5,. lilfmmf .- "' Ellllll 2-llll 15-ll 1-1111 ss an 111 5-ll Sill fill -. lllll Il l l II IIIII iiaigr 311 - i ——- "-- flltéfll I Z 24 ' “jug I Ill mi II-ES If 23115 mg. 2' 111-Sim‘ These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses isee Table 1Bl. ltey it Endurance N. cycles ‘r’ Het-spet stress range. 5H,. llllmmf cl Mean 5,-—hl curves fer use with het—spet stress 1l'.l The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 I SS BS 2505:2014 Figure 10 BRITISH STANDARD standard basic design 5,-ill curves Sllll _"" If 4110 .-J.1-l ' ' I "'-. Er I-I|I' IE Ill 1511 1411 311' lltl ‘I'll50 S0 l A illi- 2'll- 14‘ ' "I-f I-f WI”- 1' EmsBflhl lb " 23115 11f "rs l-I l W1’lfilfi1%1555“ -ll-0 10 1 1 1 hi-|. ‘E P - ll-c I q I I-l'1 F IHF ‘I 2311-S 1-if 231-5 'I|I|-_-T: I|I|"1_ 111 These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses {see Table 1B} 1 2345- H 111" -I Adjustments sheuld be made. where apprepriate in accerdance with 15.3 and 15.4. ltey it Endurance N. cycles ‘r’ 5tress range 5,. Hlmmf al Standard basic design 5,-l'1l cunres lmean minus twe standard deviatiens ef leg fl] fer direct stress failure StillIIII iifl-ll 300 Iif l ill’ 5... 2411 154 In. - ll-1: 1" 11 1‘- I _— ‘I00 - in flll- _. -:l-E l,_: 3'0 50 sri IE, .1rll l : --1"- +- I1 411' = rt‘ 1 l 30 rs -.-... 111' 14" II '|.I ll- 1.-. hill 11f‘ —|-I lil- lull . -I'- 1-Iii ' r.. til‘ I ssts ' .. ._.i...... ill , . it ... ._. f..-.-Li 211-S E 111‘ These cunres sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses {see Table 15} ltey .11 Endurance iii, cycles "1" Shear stress range 5,. llilmmf bl Standard basic design 5, -.-‘ii cunres [mean minus twe standard deviatiens ef leg lill fer shear stress failure S5 I 1'0 The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 BRITISH STANDARD Figure 10 BS 2505:2014 standard basic design 5,-iii curves S-lilll ._ -W If 1.1111 - \ -/’ _-Ia 31111 200 tsn - ~ 1-lI'lI till !!! Bill "ill 511 Sil- III .1 _ [I fill? p1:.|iSI'“——- ii-Ll-il I 1103“ - ..-. .-. I—I 1 I'I 20 Illl ill" 2311-'5 ' is‘ 231'-5 11:‘ 231-ll rrf 2111-'5 x iii‘ These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses {see Table 1Bl. Adjustments sheuld be made, where apprepriate in accerdance with 15.3 and 15.4. lt Endurance ill. cycles "r' Het-spet stress range. 5,.,. flrrnmf cl standard basic design 5,-ill curves {mean minus twe standard deviatiens ef leg lill fer use with het-spet stress 15-1-1 Axially leaded belts The mean and design {mean — 2.513} S-I'll curves fer axially leaded belts up te 2S mm diameter {class it} are shewn in Figure 11- These are expressed in terms ef the stress range en the tensile stress area. calculated in accerdance with 15.5. Fer belts with diameter :.-2S mm. the fatigue strength defined by the class it curve sheuld be reduced in accerdance with 15.3.2. in additien. the fellewing cenditiens apply. al Class it is directly applicable te belts with cut er greund threads and te relied threads that have then been heat treated. bj if thread relling is carried eut after any heat treatment the fatigue strength defined by class it may be increased by 25%- cl If the belt is electre plated the fatigue strength defined by class it sheuld be reduced by 2054. il The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 I S2 BS 2505:2014 Figure 11 BRITISH STANDARD 5,-iii curves fer belts with threads under direct leading tclass lltl S00 T i1-00 V 'Iq‘!,- .- , , -4ifasII .3e iiiE "~ 200 11- - -11- I- 200 150- 2 1.! "- I-.4 -1:: e-en1:-e l.l'lTl-I-JI'|fl= -ll-ii ‘I 311 20 I'll 1-r 234!- re E E . . l r 1 ‘- LI- 2311-1'1 1-if 23115 111‘ III!- These curves sheuld net be used fer calculatien purpeses isee Table 15}‘E3’ r-.1-3-4. SB Endurance ill. cycles '1' stress range 5,. 1'-l.-lmmf Class ill. mean 3 Eenstant amplitude class it. design 4 variable amplitude I Ill The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 it 111‘ BRITISH STANDARD Table 15 class BS 2505:2014 Details ef basic 5-l'1l cunres 11,, Leg...c,, m standard c. deviatien ef leg.,.,f-1. 50 2.34-3 it 1015 1.052 x 10“ 3.5-B5 it 10"! 3.255 ls '0'" -1m-.:1r' 1:|= 1.225 it 313" F2 G 152 W1 J4 1.231 it '12“ 5.15515 ls '12" 3.502 11'. '13" 2.5130 ill 10" 5.255 it 10'" 5- 5.502 x 10"‘ 5:.- 3.5451-1 10“ 15.3552 14.0342 12.50132 12.5155 12.2320 12.0500 11.2525 11.5515 11-3525 11.5554 15.2210 15.5555 4.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3-0 3.0 3-0 3.0 5.0 5.0 0.1521 0-2041 0.2055 0.2505 0.2153 0.2225‘ 0-1253 0-1552 0.2140 0.2134 0.2350 0.3500 3.0 0.2330 5.250 x 10" 12.542 Fer example the Tl curve is leg l"-.l = 12.542 - 0.233d -— 3leg 5, Tl 1.01 4-23 1.52 1-04 5.33 4.32 2.50 1.45 5.33 3.51 2.00 x x x x x x x x x x x I015 1013 10" 10"‘ 10" 10" I0" 10" 10"’ 10“ 10" 5.55 x 1015 3.02 x 10” s,,,r1-1=1e= s,,.,r1-1-=s--111' cycles} ill.-‘mm’ cycles} 1'-l-‘mm’ 100 25 S3 42 40 35 25 25 21 33 52 50 31 25 23 21 12 14 12 15 45 lat 15" 45 lat 10“ cycles} El cycles} "1 32 lat 10“ cycles} fl 32 lat 10“ 52 fl cycles} fl 35 fl ‘ll idealized het-spet stress- fl Curve extrapelated te f-l=l0f cycles witheut slepe change. ll.ltIlTE The held figures are re be ralren as exact and definitive; figures that are net held are calculated exactly frem the exact definitive figures and then re-uhelecl te the displayed number ef significant figures. 15.3 15.3.1 Medificatiens te basic S-hi curves General In erder te derive the design 5,-N curves. the basic S,—l"1l curves sheuld be medified in accerdance with Clause 5 and. as apprepriate. te allew fer the facters given in 15.3.2 te 15-3.5. 15.3.2 Effect ef material thickness and bending in the case ef petentiai fatigue failure frem the tee er end ef a weld er frem a thread reet in a belt. the fatigue strength is te seme extent dependent en material thicltness. istrength decreases with increasing thiclrness}. The basic S,—ltl curves relate te the fellewing thiclrnesses and belt diameters: al tubular nedal jeints lciass Til: up te ta = 15 mm: b} neh-nedal jeints {classes 5 te G2}: up te ta = 25 mm: cl belts lciass it}: up te 1,, = 25 mm diameter. Similarly. in the case ef petentiai fatigue failure frem either the tee er end ef a weld threugh the thiclcness ef the leaded member er frem the reet threugh the threat ef a transversely-leaded fillet er butt weld. the fatigue strength depends en the degree ef threugh—thicl-zness bending. The fatigue strength increases with increasing bending cempenent fer a decreasing stress range gradient threugh the thickness. Hewever: the design 5,-N curves relate te applied leading cenditiens that preduce predeminantly membrane stresses- The petentially detrimental effect ef increased thicltness but beneficial effect frem applied bending are cembined by the applicatien ef the cerrectien facter lc,_., en stress ranges ebtalned frem the relevant S,-hi curve. such that: E The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 I S5 BS 2505:2014 BRITISH STANDARD 5 = fits-5a 1'52 where, fer t 5- 25 mm: 1-...=(r...= 1....-jl'**[1 +c1. 1er:r1-'1] rs} fer-4mmsts2Smm: 1--...=[1-.e11{{r,..-"tit-1}]-[1+e.1ee1-1] rh and b is 0.25 er 0.2 as indicated in Table 4 te Table 10 fer as-welded jeints er 15.3.5 fer impreved weld tees er 0.25 fer belts: t,,,.,. is the greater ef tg er the actual thiclcness t in mm ef the member er belt diameter under censideratien. Hewever, if in a neminal stress-based assessment the weld detail can be described in terms ef the dimensiens L and t isee Figure 1} and Lft s 2. then t,,,., is the greater ef 0-5L er ti.Fer het-spet stress-based assessments {see 15.2}, ta,-1. = tFer cases ef increasing threugh-thiclchess stress range gradient, s1 sheuld be assumed te be sere- lf the bending stress cempenent is due te misalignment. fl sheuld be assumed te be aere. Fer assessments ef tubular nede jeints. ti sheuld be assumed te be aere as the class already includes ailewance fer bending. NDTE The increase in fatigue strength fer thicknesses less than 25 mm resulting frem the use ef Equatien 2 enly arises in the presence ef bending. Table 15 Iilerhinal prebability facters I-iemihal prebability ef failure d ‘lt50 31 15 2.3 0-14 ‘ll Mean-line curve. '“ The standard design curve. 50 I El The British Standards lnstitutien 2014 0 fl 0-5 1-0 2.0 ‘fl 3.0 B m TE H m ____T B5 ?EDBED DAHD E___u__ _“H“___: _H_ _ _ ___: _:1.“ H_F_h _ _ __h_qfi ___“;5___“: H____H ____H__ _"_H F :2 “___; _"H__m _Mg” 5 "_______"= J tE ___“ _LE UnuJ_mE_ ;“H “___ _u___; fl__mfl____ :"U%_nH“E_m:EM|"_“Dm_Efiu‘H“|;_"muwE“_fl_“ u_L"_H _“fl_m _ _ _nHED: _E EFm_canE fl_fiHm_Uu"m_fi=____“; h_IhnE EmUfl_dh"_Em‘_" __m___?m_ _" _E _m_“m_E_u_____m _ _ “_‘g_ E_ _mnE_ _En_E "W_ _fl ____F_" t“ __ _E HE Mm mfl_HE_E___E___ mm_E=__E _HE = w_m_uE‘"_dm“_wm_E Hm_fi _Em_dE_um“_E_h _m? r_flU_m_* _H E mE:_ =_ _ _E_ E_ _ H_m_ E_ “_ _"___:_E ___‘ E _ mE__E_fi_E_E_h__ m_H_ __Em_u_ _u _ fl_ _ _ _E_ w_ _ _ _ _ "mm____ 1 :_"___;_ _H_"_ _ _____m ______m_ ___ u_ _ "_ _ E:2 _ _ _P_ _ _ _____"_qm 5_I_ ___ Nuh“ N_“ m_u__“_ _win___“ Em _ _ _Em_ _ “3“3“ _ _ _ _ _m_ _ =u_ _E_m_ "_ _ “ _ _ _ m _ “_ w_ E_ LE; I ufi E __N m _Hx__: __ m____fi3__n_ HE___“ nu H EH6 :E E _ _=_ r_ J“ um E 5 _"___m E HE Q“ E _j_“__x :5I _ _“_m___u 1 ____H___ i E: _ EH ____EH EH;in _ m“fi_H___w in__u_ _ Eu" _fi__ ___ _mF_Hh_ _ ___"__m] _u_ _ _ _m_ _ _m E; F E m_£_ _! $___ _LE E; “___ Hm_ hfl EH_fi=3_ _JE ME fifluuq u_nmm_E_u_EM_‘uI_ _Eu1M_’Em_H_Eh_ _ __ _: m_ _ _: I ___-_fl Hh_E_ M mWEu___:____u_ _“_u_$_____u“_ _h_1: ______ E _ _ _= ____"_ EH3? E HE M_ Tw_EH|_JHFm_E‘mTb_ mHu_w "_“‘ _MH‘h_ hE_ :_“u E_ _ _ _maH2m_ _ v_H “_ _ H_ _ m_ _ _ _ m_ _kY_ : _ m_ _ m_ m:_____ _W__ EH __G _w_____ R __H %fi _“_ _ _H ___: q__ ___:___ Wm mm H; ad “___” ad ___; H; E H; 1 _H_D___ _ fi_ _ _ _" “___:H “Hi :w__w___ ____n _____ I: ~_fi______ ___:i :2 mmd Hmé___ ___: 2:___ ___: H "___: :5" ___:'_E_ _ _ _____“m____H___m EH ____“ “E nhu“_ m_m_£ _ _3'_"mflhE_nmP‘_" _E _U §_“ m_ _ "EEK: _fiH“_h ____D _?_____“ UN _=___m_: U_“____“ _N“!u_ _mfl_E__“_fin_5_ ___"_uN_D“___: _ H_U_ _ __ _E“__ E m_ h_____ EH “H MN m___ :____H;_u__an___ mm! _$ ___“ _ E Q“ ___: H; HE ___“ _“___|fl “___: I E: mH_I_ _ fl____fl En____ HEM“ EH_:K_“__ _____H__ Ed “___ E E inan mm _ _H“_ _ “___:R___H___ Em ___u__H__ H '_mg.“ ___H=_ I :H__"__m_ ______ Hh I 1 _"__é_ “M m__W _“___M QM E HR E ______H__ K_“___:__ *__“___E_knE___ _ _“_ ]_ flm_ E__H__ ___h___ _u____ M_ ___“______ m_H QM qm gm _"_ _ _H_ _"___HNEH H___q___ _H_____i fl___H____ _____u_____H ____" :5? up :2 _m__m E___ _____ INN H= _ _ rm _= EH “___: M mm U D mm mm im M 3 mi E U flu I?Mm E Q M _: Q _m E _t h H_ ___“ H ________t ___ H ___"a r __"5_ m___“ M mH 2D -I1 4 - E I B5 TEUBIZU14 15.3.3 BRITISH STANDARD Effect cif temperature There are nd restrictidns an the use df the fatigue design cunres far cempenents er structures that eperate at sub-aerd temperatures, previded that the steel threugh which a fatigue craclt might prepagate is shewn tn be sufficiently tdugh tb ensure that fracture dpes nclt initiate frem a fatigue craclt. With regard tn elevated temperature, the design curves are directly applicable fbr temperatures up tn 15D ‘E. Fcir higher temperatures T, but belpw the creep range fer the steel cencerned. the fatigue strength dbtained frem the 5-H curve sheuld be multiplied by E, i2.i]Ei:-ilill‘-" far structural steels pr ET l'2.i1l-i1e‘ii15 far austenitic steels. where E. is the elastic mddulus pf the steel in tllmmf at temperature T. 15.3.11 Effect pf sea vvater The fatigue strength pf steel welded jeints might be reduced in the presence pf sea water, even if cathbdic prcitectibn is applied. Eurrnsicin prc-itecti-an in the fcirm bf paint pr bther cdatings is effective; this shbuld remain intact thrnughput the service life pf the jnint. Eathddlc prdtectidn prdducing vciltages in the range -E51] mv td -1 1i]lIl rri‘v' dfiers same resistance tp cerresien fatigue. but cinly in the highicycle regime [transitien at censtant amplitude endurance pf apprcn-iimately 1D“ cycles. depending an the class}. In particular. a penalty pf 2.5 en life, pr in the case pf tubular jeints. is applied befpre the translticin, after which the penalty reduces until inaalr perfermance is achieved fbr I"-l 2 1|]? cycles, as illustrated in Figure 13. The resulting design 5,-N curves are detailed in Table El]. Fdr unprntected jeints eitpc.-sed ta sea water the basic 5,-til curves sheuld be reduced by a facter pf 3 an life. in the case cit class is fer plain steel, the part at the ccirnpdnent pr structure cencerned is first cln-wn—graded td class E tn allew fdr surface rdughening pr pitting frem cdrrdsidn {see Table 1. Table 3 and Table 51. Far all classes the cerrectien relating ta the number pf small stress cycles lfsee 15.11} is nbt applicable. Details pf the resulting design 5,—l'il curves are included in Table 15 and an eitampie is included in Figure 14. NOTE The reccintrnendatlcins in this sub-clause are based largely dn studies bf cdrrdsipn fatigue under the cpnditldns e.=rperi'enced by dffshdre structures pr vessels ciperatlng in the hlcirth Sea {wave lciadlng frequency in the range t1. 15 tn lJ.5H.".' and sea water temperature in the range 5 tn Ed“ fl. The detrimental effect pf sea water; with pr witheut cathpdi.-: prdsectlpn, ceuid tie even greater at i'tIi'l.-ti'El' frequencies and higher temperatures. Fur high strength steels {c.r.|. 2- TDD hllmmf] these penalties might nc-t be adequate because pf their greater susceptibility tp craclting frem hydrbgen embrittlement and the use pf such materials under cbrrbsibn fatigue ccinditipns shbuld be apprdached with cautidn. He guidance is previded an the cerresien fatigue strength pf austenitic dr duplex stainless steels. Hp guidance is currently available fpr cpnsidering cbrrbsibn fatigue failure by shear [craclt dpening mbcies ll pr lll]i. E2 l El The British Standards lnstitutibn 20111 BRITISH STANDARD Figure 12 BS TEIIIBIIDIA lillpdificatipns made tp S,-N curves fer welded jeints in sea water '|ll' Eli-II l1I""l'l"'|' i. 1 I"1I'|1ll'| l 11"'Ill1|"[ I‘ I l'1l"I'l1"' ll-l.'l'l1 — —| Elllll —-.__E 1 -"5-. "1-. Eli-II - "1-i. II '|'|.|_ 3 "H. 15-II ——1il'll' .95 I1 lit lili- —- 2",-"'i "1-i HE I-I "'I-i. '-. ‘-. "1-t ‘H. "'I- S "'I-. —I “I-\__H‘ rf 5" il "-. 1--. fl- -I "\p_\‘- _"1. i i i i i i i D i ii Ii i L D i i A — '--. iii- an — 5w "-.__H _ I _ "-~.___fi| l‘“~. J i I I 1- IL! I 5"“-. illi- 1-H‘ ‘L.-|'l 1l.'l ill‘ il ""-nah H -P‘ § H_ D‘ ||— F1 H1 qil Tili- .,. _ .r'i' "1-._____:I 1I “_ .E:_1L-.-. €_ :ye; ltey i.-.:r-.i-5-t Endurance ill, cycles "i" Stress range S,, lillmmi ln air -=1 Ebnstant amplitude Freely cdrrcidlng in sea water in sea water- with cathedlc Fl rcitectipn 5 variable amplitude 15.3.5 Effect pf weld tpe imprevement Fpr welded ldints invplving pbtential fatigue cracltlng frcim the weld tde, the fatigue strength can be increased by the appiicatlnn qf a weld the imprbvement technique. Tetihniques based pn imprqvement pf the weld tpe gecimetry tn reduce the lcical stress ccincentraticin by grinding pr re-melting qr pn the intreductien pf beneficial cdrnpressive residual stress by peening are described in Al'1l"lElIl F. Frevided that the chcisen technique is applied in accerdance with Anne: F and acceunt is tal-zen pf petentiai alternative sites fur fatigue craclr initiaticin, the imprcivement in fatigue strength specified in Annex F may be assumed. In general this amdunts tn a 55% increase in fatigue strength at hi = 1[li cycles and rdtatidn pf the S-hi curve tp a sinpe pf rn = 3.5, but the benefit might be less under sbme lciading cpnditicins in the case bf the peening techniques {e.g. after tensile pre-leading dr fcir ciperaticin under high tensile mean stressl. Higher imprcivements might be achievable but these shduid be ccinfirmed by special fatigue testing in accerdance with hnneit E. In the assessment pf imprcived weld tcie with respect td pdtential fatigue failure frcim the tpe the currecticins fpr thicltness and bending, Equatibn E and Equatien 1", shciuld be applied assuming b = El..'ll'J fpr dressed weld tpes nr £1.25 fcir peened weld tbes. NOTE 1 The benefit cif dressing may be claimed cinly fdr welded jeints which are adequately prqtected frem ccirrcisibn, as the presence pf a cdrrdsiire envlrcinrrrent can cause pitting in the dressed regidn. NOTE 2 in the case pf partial penetration and fillet welds, where failure can eccur frpm the weld rpcit, imprevement cif the weld tde cannpt be relied updn tci give an increase in fatigue strength. El The British Standards lnstittrtipn 2514 l 53 BS ?5BB:Il.B14 BRITISH STANDARD 15.3.5 Effect cif stress relief fdr welded details lf the applied stress range is fully tensile. stress relief has l"lD significant effect an fatigue strength. Hewever. if it can be derndnstrated that a cempressive cempenent c-f the cembined applied and residual stress exists, and can be quantified, it may be assumed that the relevant value qf S, is the sum pf the tensile cempenent and l5lJ'il'li c:-f the cempressive cempenent. NOTE 1' As this unliliely id be satisfied very ciften this benefit is generally ignered isee 'lS.E.3,l. in assessing the pqtential influence bf stress relief, acceunt sheuld be taken cif the fcillciwing: ai the extent td which stress relief actually reduces the residual stress in large cemplex jeints is largely unltnewn; and bl if jeints are lcically stress-relieved and then welded intci a cdmplete structure lpng range tensile residual stresses still exist. NOTE ii Such icing range stresses can be as high, and have the same effect. as the residual stresses induced by welding. 15.4 Treatment pf lew stress cycles Under fluctuating cci-nstant amplitude stresses there is a stress range, which varies bath with the envirciriment ancl with the size pf any initial flaws, belew which an indefinitely large number pf cycles can be sustained. This is referred tci in this British Standard as the nan-prdpagating stress range but a cqmmcinly used alternative is CAFL. In air and sea water with adequate prptectici-n against cbrrbsibn, it is assumed that this nqn-prbpagating stress range, Sm, {given the suffix "dc" td denpte censtant amplitude leading], is the stress cerrespending tcr ill = 1l]' cycles tn failure liar 1iIl"i' cycles in the case cif classes 5, and S2} as ebtalned frem the design S-ill curve [relevant values qf Sm fbr the standard basic curves are shewn in Table 1B and Table Elli- In all cases Sm is the stress derived after allewing fpr any required mndificatipns tci the S-ill curves lsee 15.31. Far unprcitectecl jeints in sea water it sheuld be assumed that sg, = 1.1. When the applied fluctuating stress has varying amplitude, sq that sqme ci-f the stress ranges are greater than and seme less than SM, the larger stresses cause grdwth -pf the flaw, thereby reducing the value bf the nbn-prqpagating stress range belew SM. Therefcire. as time gcies qn, an increasing number cif stress ranges belew sg can themselves centribute tn cracl: grdwth. The final result is an earlier fatigue failure than weuld be calculated by assuming that all stress ranges belew SD, are ineffective. Therefc:-re, when cqnsidering variable amplitude leading acceunt sheuld be talten pf the fatigue damage due tp stress ranges belew Sm, but exceeding 5 hlimmf isee 15.51}, using a medified cunie. This is prdduced by assuming that the S-ill curve is extrapelated beybnd ill = ll]? cycles until it has a change qf inverse slcipe frem m tn lm + 2} at lllm, l,see Figure 1-ill, where NM = 5 x 1l]i cycles fcir classes E-l tq W1 and ls‘. cir 151“ cycles fcir classes 5, and 51. The stress range at this slepe transitien peint is 5,,,,, suffix "av" deneting variable amplitude leading: values are included in Table lls and Table Eli. This prbcedure is equivalent tp assuming that the number pf repetitiens pf each stress range 5, less than SD, is reduced in the prepertien l5,iS,,,,l-ii. NDTE l water. This cerrectien tides net apply in the case pf unprc.-tected jciints in sea NDTE .1‘ The fellewing might assist in calculatiens.‘ fer 5, a Sm. n H5?’ n ( 5, T" hi _ cl ' sintii s,,., E4 1 El The British Standards lnstitutibn 25111 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA fr-iJr S, 5 Sm, n i'1SI""+fI" n S. “"“'f .f'll_ cysg, _sir1eiI_s,,,) NOTE Si This appreach might be tee censervative fer seme stress spectra. including these that censlst predeminantly ef stress ranges belew SM with enly eccasienal stress ranges abeve it. A different precedure ceuid be justified en the basis ef specific tests in accerdance with Annex E. Alternatively; the damaging effect ef stress ranges belew Sm can be calculated using fracture mechanics isee Annex Oi. Figure 13 Typical S,-ill relatienship 1 T . . ‘ 2 __/_________ Sec II I lIl Ear . II I I IIII ...__H_4 I I I II 1..-ul 7% it I T -I -'I-—l-I -I -I -I —|-I -I -I L Hat NOTE Hill‘ x Only the pertien ef this figure shewn as a full line is based en experimental data. ICE I‘-.l-—I-3'5 Endurance N, cycles — leg scale "r' Stress range 5,, leg scale Static limitatiens 3 Effective curve used fer calculatiens censtant amplitude leading in clean air Ill‘-'l1fI‘"'l"*il ‘-iiltlilllllt i"_1'1PIl‘il-lilit Iilillllflll. er, with details pretected against 'l'1"il'-l""'ilIEl'lt til‘ '5hf"iBl"B 5|l7'PE ‘ill 5?” cerresien, in sea water F‘-""""E *'='h“""E New Llnpretected details in sea water. =1 15.5 Treatment ef high stress cycles Where Iecal bending er ether structural stress cencentrating features are invelved, and the relevant stress range includes ailewance fer the stress cencentratien [including by the use ef the het-spet stress}, the class B te G2, W1 and Tl design S,-N curves fer welded jeints may be extrapelated baclr. linearly len the basis ef leg 5,, versus leg Ni up te a limit ef a stress range equal te twice the material neminal tensile yield stress flag]. Hewever. fer jeints in a reglen ef simple membrane stress the design 5,-ill curves sheuld enly be extrapelated baclt te a stress range given by twice the applicable tensile stress limitatien given in 'lE.1. ill-5 all the S-N cunres fer welded jeints cress the class B curve fer plain steel in the high stressllew endurance regime te give higher fatigue lives fer a given stress range. the class B, er class E fer unpretected jeints in a cerresive envirenment, curve sheuld be used if it indicates a lewer fatigue strength than the welded jeint curve. Fer the class S, and S, cunres, extrapelatien may be made baclt as fer the ether design classes but up te a limit ef stress range defined by half the values given in this sub-clause {l.e. with reference te shear instead ef tensile stress}. El The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 l E-S BS TBBBIIIB14 BRITISH STANDARD 15.5 leints subjected te a single stress range Fer a jeint subjected te a number ef repetitiens cif a single stress range l[i.e. censtant amplitude leading], the range sheuld be net greater than that defined by Equatien It {see 15.1.1} and Table 1B er Table 25 fer the relevant envirenment, jeint class, number ef cycles and required prebability ef failure. Apart frem the case ef unpretected jeints in sea water, if the stress range is lewer than 5,,, isee ‘lti.ill it may be assumed that fatigue failure will net eccur. This might alse be the case fer seme variable amplitude leading isee 1B.1'}. 15.? Jeints subjected te a stress spectrum Fer a jeint subjected te a number ef repetitiens n, ef each ef several stress ranges, S,,, [l.e. variable amplitude leading} the value ef n, cerrespending te each 5,, sheuld be determined frem standard leading rules {if applicable}, frem stress spectra measured en a similar structural member, er by malting reasenable assumptiens as te the expected service histery. as apprepriate isee Clause 1‘ and t5.Bl. The number ef cycles te failure, N, at each stress range. S,,. sheuld then be determined frem the basic S-ill curve, medified as necessary in accerdance with 15.3, fer the relevant jeint class at the selected prebability ef failure. The fatigue damage sum O due te the stress spectrum te be endured fer the required life ef the jeint is then calculated using f-.iliner's linear cumulative damage rule. as fellews: n n n nO=—I'+-j+—3-+..etc=F,—I llli llls -‘Ills I'll. (Bl If all values ef 5,, are less than Sn, it may be assumed that fatigue failure will net eccur. Experience le.g. [B.B]l indicates that this can be assumed te be the case with a statienary narrew band variable amplitude leading spectrum, fer which the histegram ef stress cycles {including all increases due te misalignment, thicltness cerrectien etc.) fellews a Rayleigh distributien, if the stress range cerrespending te B times the reet mean square cif the stress amplitude fer the stress—time histery is ne greater than the initial nen-prepagating stress range Sm, tsee 15.1}. Hewever, if any values ef 5,, exceed 5D,, all the stress ranges, including these belew Sm, sheuld be included in the summatien. This is because the higher stresses in the spectrum are capable ef prepagating craclcs which might then be prepagated further by the lewer stresses. Seme ef the lewer stresses in the spectrum may be assumed te be less damaging than indicated by the basic S-N curve {see 15.-ill. In general, the required fatigue life is achieved if El s-.1 l.e. Fatigue testing [e.g. [1B. 11, 12]} has cenfirmed that this assumptien is safe if the leading preduces a spectrum with gradual variatien in stress range, netably narrew-band randbm leading cenferming te a Rayleigh distributien ef pealts. Hewever, under seme stress spectra, including these invelving fully-tensile stress cycling abeut a high tensile mean stress er where there is little variatien in the maximum applied tensile stress, tests have shewn that fatigue failure can eccur when D -c l, typically when D - {1.5 but semetimes even lewer I1-ill. Therefere, if there is any uncertainty abeut the nature ef the service stress spectrum, er fer particularly critical cases. it is advisable te limit D te 5.5. Alternatively. El can be established fer the particular stress spectrum and welded jeint type cencerned by reference te relevant published data er by special testing {see Annex El. 55 1 O The British Standards lnstitutien 25111 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA If the damage sum D ebtalned frem Equatien B is greater than the limiting value selected fer design {e.g. 5.5}, measures that can be taken te impreve the fatigue strength ef the jeint include strengthening the detail te reduce the applied stresses, re-design ef the detail te a higher class er the applicatien ef a weld tee imprevement technique (see Annex F}. El The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 l 5T BS ?5BB:Il.lIl14 BRITISH STANDARD Annex A [rierrnative] A.1 Fatigue design 5-N relatienships The S,-N relatienships fer the varieus structural detail classes have been based en statistical analyses ef available experimental data ebtalned under tensile er shear leading. The analyses invelved linear regressien analyses ef leg 5, and leg N with the slepes ef the curves predetermined. in additibn seme miner empirical adjustments were made te ensure cempatlbility ef results between the varieus classes [1*3]. The change ef slepe in the curves frem m te lm + 1] {see Figure 111} is a mathematical device te aveid difficulties in cumulative damage calculatiens using ii.-1iner's rule. The bent 5-ill curve sheuld net be assumed te represent the results that weuld be ebtalned in tests under censtant amplitude leading. As far as welded jeints are cencerned, it has been shewn experimentally that, when high tensile residual stresses are present, fatigue strength is a functien ef stress range alene; mean stress and stress ratie have ne significant effect. in general it ls impessible te predict what residual stresses might be present in any particular structure and therefere the design rules are based upen the assumptien that high tensile residual stresses are lil-tely te be present. Fer simplicity the same assumptien has been made with regard te nen-welded details. This is a reasenable assumptien te make fer beth welded tas-welded er stress relieved} and nen-welded details if leng range tensile residual stresses are intreduced, fer example as a result ef imperfect fit-up during subsequent assembly invelving the parts cencerned. Altheugh the fatigue test data used te determine the design S,-N relatienships were ebtalned frem arc welded jeints it has been feund that they are alse suitable fer similar jeints made with either pewer beam lelectren beam er laserl er frictien welding [15]. A.I Fatigue life fer varieus failure prebabilities The standard basic S,-N cunres in Figure 1lI'l are based en twe standard deviatiens belew the mean line assuming a leg nermai distributien, with a neminal prebability ef failure ef 2.3‘l-ll. in certain cases, a higher prebability ef failure ceuid be acceptable. fer example where fatigue craci-ting weuld net have serieus censequences er where a cracic ceuid be easily lecated and repaired. In situatiens where, fer example, there is ne structural redundancy er where the jeint is uninspectable it might be desirable te design against a lewer prebability ef failure. The neminal prebabilities ef failure fer a lcnewn stress spectrum asseciated with varieus numbers cif standard deviatiens belew the mean cunre are given in Table ls. The Sr-N curves apprepriate te ether numbers ef standard deviatiens belew the mean cunie can be derived frem Equatien it isee 15.1}. NOTE The everall prebability ef failure during the design life ef a typical preduct is substantially lew'er than the values in Table 19 lwhich are enly applicable te the fatigue strength distributien} when the upper beund values pf leading are assumed lsee clause iii. EB 1 O The British Standards lnstitutien 25111 BRITISH STANDARD A.3 A.3.1 BS TEBBIIBIA Fatigue design philesephy Safe life design The precedures and design data previded in this British Standard are primarily intended fer use in safe life design. The safe life design appreach is based en the use ef standard lewer-beund fatigue endurance data and an upper beund estimate ef the fatigue leading. it therefere prevides a censervative estimate ef fatigue strength and dees net depend en in~service inspectien fer fatigue damage. A.3.1 Damage-telerant design The damage-telerant design methed sheuld enly be used if the preduct, er the relevant part ef it, can be safely and ecenemically inspected by apprepriate NOT, and any craclts detected and repaired befere they reach a length that ceuid cause failure under static leading. The fellewing sheuld be talten inte acceunt and evaluated at the design stage when deciding te talce a damage-telerant appreach: al the strength ef the structure; bl the censequences ef failure; and cl the need fer inspectien and the feasibility ef repair. NOTE Oamage-teierant design might be suitable fer applicatien where a safe life assessment shews that fatigue has a significant effect en design ecenemy er where a higher risl: ef fatigue cracking during the design life may be justified than is permitted using safe life design principles. Damage-telerant design sheuld ensure that when fatigue craclting eccurs in service the remaining intact material can sustain the maximum werlcing lead witheut failure until the damage is detected. Therefere, a prescribed inspectien and maintenance pregramme fer detecting and cerrecting any fatigue sheuld be put in place and feilewed threugheut the life The fellewing design features sheuld be used te help achieve damage telerance: 1] selectien ef materials and stress levels te previde lew rates ef cracic prepagatien and leng critical cracic lengths; 2} previsien ef multiple lead paths; 3} previsien et cracic-arresting details; and it} previsien ef readily inspectable details. Damage telerance depends en the level ef inspectien te be applied te the preduct and is net autematically ensured by replaceable cempenents. inspectien sheuld be planned te ensure adequate detectien and menltering qf damage and te allew repair er replacement ef cempenents. The fellewing facters sheuld be talten inte acceunt: ll lecatien and mede ef failure; ii) remaining structural strength; iill detectability and asseciated inspectien technique, which sheuld be based en the largest flaw net liltely te be detected rather than the smallest it is pessible te find; iv] inspectien frequency; vi expected prepagatien rate allewing fer stress redistributien; and vi] critical craclr. length befere repair er replacement is required. El The British Standards lnstitutien 2514 1 59 BRITISH STANDARD BS T5BB:1B1l'l- The calculated fatigue lives enable critical parts te be ranked in terms ef fatigue sensitivity. when in-service inspectien is an eptien. this can be used, in cenjunctien with an assessment ef the censequences pf failure ef specific members, te establish a prierity basis fer develeping a selective inspectien pregramme tn be feilewed during the service life ef the preduct. Fer nen-structurally redundant parts where the censequence ef failure is high, er fer which in-service inspectien weuld be difficult te achieve, it is eften preferable te re-design critical parts te a higher fatigue classificatien te reduce the level at future inspectien required. Annex B lnermative] B.1 Explanatery netes en detail classificatien General This annex gives bacltgreund infermatien en the detail classificatiens given in Table 1 te Table 15. including the petentiai medes ef failure. impertant facters influencing the class ef each detail type and seme guidance en selectien fer dedgn. B.1 B.Z.1 Hen-weldecl details {see Table ‘l and Table 2} Fetential medes ef failure in unwelded steel, fatigue craclts nermaily initiate at surface irregularities, cerners ef the cress sectiens er heles and re-entrant cerners. in steel which is cennected with rivets er belts. failure generally initiates at the edge ef the hele and prepagates acress the net sectien. Hewever, in deuble cevered jeints made with high strength frictien grip belts this mede ef failure is eliminated by the pre-tensiening, previding jeint slip is aveided, and failure initiates en the surface near the beundary ef the cempressien ring due te fretting under repeated strain. B.1! B.1.I.‘l General cemments Classes A te C ln welded censtructinn. fatigue failure rarely initiates in regiens ef unwelded material as the fatigue strength ef the welded jeints is usually much lewer. Class A requires special manufacturing precedures which generally render it inapprepriate fer structural werlt. Hence assessment ef fatigue strength fer this class is net included in this British Standard. Classes B and C sheuld be applied with cautien in cases where the high class is dependent en surface finish as this might degrade in service, fer example frem cerresien er abrasien. Hewever, with due attentien te the detrimental features mentiened. there might be scepe fer adepting a higher design curve than these specified. Such alternatives sheuld be established in accerdance with Annex E. B.1.2.2 Fit-up and pre~tensiening ef belted cennectiens The specified fit-up -ef belted cennectiens sheuld be achieved in practice- If net, the stress ranges applied te the belts might be much higher than these assumed in design. which ceuid lead te premature failure. Alter a greup ef belts has been tightened, the tergue en all the belts sheuld be checlted. This is because it is pessible fer seme pre-tensien te be lest as later enes are tightened, even if they were eriginally tightened using tensien er tbrque centrel. If net, bending ceuid be intreduced with the result that stress ranges applied te the belts weuld be higher than these assumed in design- ill] 1 El The British Standards lnstitutien 25111 BRITISH STANDARD B.2.I.3 B5 TEDBIIDI4 Fasteners In threaded fasteners fatigue craclcs normally initiate at the root of the thread, particularly at the first load-carrying thread in the joint. Alternatively, failure is sometimes located immediately under the head of the bolt, particularly in bolts with rolled threads and in joints subjected to bending loads. B3 Continuous butt welds and welded attachments essentially parallel to the direction of stress (see Table 3) B.3.1 Dressing of butt welds {type 3.1} Fatigue tests on butt welds with the weid overfill dressed flush have shown that class C is a realistic design classification provided that the weld is free of fiaws. However, this classification is reliant on the detection of surface and embedded flaws that could reduce the fatigue strength below class E. This has been shown to be possible E14] but it does require the provision of l'-IIIJT techniques and operators capable of both detecting and sizing flaws, a requirement that is generally beyond the scope of routine workmanship inspection. Guidance is provided in Clause 14 and E5 i"I-‘rill. Acceptance levels for welding flaws to meet class E are given in 14.3.4, or they can be determined using fracture mechanics {see Anne: Di. B.3.2 Potential modes of failure with the reinforcement dressed flush ltype 3-1}. failure in longitudinal butt welds tends to be associated with embedded flaws. In continuous butt welds or in butt or fillet welded continuous attachments {types 3.2 and 3.3], away from weld ends, fatigue craclcs normally initiate at ripples or lurnps at stoplstart positions on the weld surface. However, in the case of discontinuous welds ltypes 3.4 and 3.5] fatigue craclcs occur in the parent metal at the weld ends. B-3-.3 B.3.3.1 General comments Welds near plate edges [see Figure B.1} Although welding attachments to plate edges can result in a very iow classification ie.g. types 1'i.i' and i'.Tr'l there is no downgrading for welds close to a plate edge or ones that accidentally overlap an edge. However, as with edge attachment welds, in such cases the possibility of local stress concentrations occurring at unwelded corners as a result of, for ercarnple, undercut, weld spatter and eiccessive leg length at stop-start positions or accidental overweave in manual welding should be limited. Similarly, the unwelded corners of, for esrample, cover plates or bo:-r members [see Figure E.'la]i and Figure £-l.1bl] should not be undercut. lf this does occur. it should subsequently be ground out to a smooth profile. Figure El.1 Welds at plate edges ‘l ll-TE 1 l Avoid or grind out to a smooth profile any undercut to these exposed corners E The British Standards Institution 2014 l T1 BRITISH STANDARD B5 TEDBIZU14 Attachment of permanent baclcing strips if a permanent baclcing strip is used in rnaicing a longitudinal butt welded joint it should be continuous or made continuous by welding. Any welds in the baclcing strip, and those attaching it, should also conform to the relevant class requirements- The classification might reduce to class E or lower {type 5.3 or 5-4} at any transverse butt welds in the baclcing strip that have not been dressed flush or nominal stress class E at any permanent tacit weld {see type 3.Ei. Tacit welds H.333 Tacl: welds. unless carefully ground out or buried in a subsequent run. provide potential crack locations similar to any other weld end. Their use in the fabrication process should be strictly controlled. Welded attachments on the surface or edge of a stressed member [see Table 4] H.41- Potential modes of failure {see Figure 5.2] B.A.1 When the weld is parallel to the direction of the applied stress fatigue craclcs normally initiate at the weld ends, but when it is transverse to the direction of stressing they usually initiate at the weld toe; for attachments involving a single fillet weld, as opposed to a double, weld craclcs might also initiate at the weld root. In each case the craclcs then propagate into the stressed member. Figure B.2 Failure modes at weld ends and weld toes of welded attachments l r -l-—I- 2 "" *1. _ I Illlllrllllli In .r "" H. lIIIl -I-—-lh s-._,_,_-r It 5 For classification purposes, an "attachment" should be talten as the adjacent structural element connected by welding to the stressed element under consideration. Apart from the particular dimensional requirements given for each type in Table A the relative size of the "stressed element’ and the "attachment" influences the correction for thickness and bending isee 15-3.1]. lliey Long attachment Short attachments Weld failure craclcs ltype, Tr'.B and I-'.1lJ} Joint types 4.2 to 4.5 lor 4.? at edge} .h|L|I. I' -.l—I Joint types 4.1 and 11.2 lor 4.? at edgell LIT B.4.I B.ill.I.1 General comments STIESS EDFI CE l"lTl*EI'l"i'iJ I15 Stress concentrations are increased, and the fatigue strength or joint classification is therefore reduced, where the following apply: al the weld ends or toes are on an unwelded corner of the element; and bl the attachment is long in the direction of stressing and, as a result, transfer of a part of the load in the element to and from the attachment is liicely to occur through welds adjacent to its ends. This effect is further intensified with thiclc attachments. T2 l El The lilritish Standards Institution Itlillll BRITISH STANDARD B-11.2.2 BS TBBBIIBIA Weld forms Full or partial penetration butt welded joints of T form, including cruciform joints, [e.g. those that would connect attachments to the surface of a stressed element} should be completed by fillet welds of sufficient leg length to produce nominal weld toe angles no greater than Bill‘ {see Figure B-3}. The fillets exclude the possibility of an increase in stress concentration arising at an acute re-entrant angle between the element surface and the toe of the weld, and it is therefore unimportant whether the attachment is fillet or butt welded to the surface when assessing the effects on the stressed element, as a similar toe profile results in both cases- Figure B-3 Failure modes in cruciform and T-joints for joint types indicated mi- 'lS rs sEEl*' 'l.5 q IJ. 41 ii B *—" -L5 Er 75 Iii-I-P NOTE T-joint shown with minimum weld angle to be achieved when adding fillet weld to full or partial penetration butt welded joint. B-S B-S-1 Transverse butt welds [see Table 5 and Table El Potential modes of failure (see Figure B-4} With the ends of butt welds machined flush with the plate edges, fatigue craclcs normally initiate at the weld toe and propagate into the parent metal, so that the fatigue strength depends largely upon the toe profile of the weld. if the reinforcement of a butt weld is dressed flush isee type S-1i, failure is more lilcely to occur in the weld material from embedded flaws or from minor weld flaws which become e:-tposed on the surface, e.g. surface porosity in the dressing area. In the case of butt welds made on a permanent baclcing strip, fatigue craclcs initiate at the weld metal baclcing strip junction and then propagate into the weld metal- Figure B-4 Failure modes in transverse butt welds for joint types indicated 5.2. S-3 5.2. 5.3 -e ngmmxuxe 1-e E The British Standards Institution 2014 l F3 BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD B.S.Z B.S.It.1 General liiiisalignment Butt welded joints between plates or tubes are susceptible to misalignment {see E.liil and therefore transverse joints might experience secondary bending under applied axial loading. No allowance is made for this in the classifications. For elements where out-of-plane bending is resisted by contiguous construction, e.g. beam flanges supported by webs, wide plates supported by effectively continuous stiffeners, eccentricities due to axial misalignments in the thiclcness direction may be neglected. However. where such support is not provided. e.g. tension iinlis, the design stress should include an allowance for the bending effects of any misalignment ll. l.e. the nominal distance between the centres of thiclcness of the two abutting components, e. For components tapered in thiclcness, the mid~plane of the untapered section should be used. The nominal stress should be multiplied by the following stress magnification factor; —Ii lr = 1 + GE TI '" ti ti‘ rd rs. ll where t, is the thiclcness of the thinner plate ti. is the thiclcness of the thicicer plate e Thus. when t, = ta, the stress concentration factor becomes 1+3? For other cases. including angular misalignment, see B5 T910. For additional solutions specific to girth welded joints in pipes, reference should be made to Dl~lv~FlP-GIGS. B.S.I-I Element edges Fatigue failures in butt welded plates tend to be associated with plate edges and undercut at the weld toes on the corners of the cross section of the stressed element for on the edge at the toes of any return welds} should be avoided. If ft does occur, any undercut should be ground out to a smooth profile. B.S.2.3 Part width welds Butt type welds might also occur within the length of a member or individual plate, e.g. in the case of: al a plug weld to fill a small hole; bi a weld closing a temporary access hole with an infill plate. Aithough such geometries have not been given specific categories, the relevant type in Table S or Table E. may be deemed to cover plug and infill plate welds. ll This includes unintentional misalignment to the extent of the acceptance limit specified by the manufacturer or fabrication standard being used. "lightening that acceptance limit isee 1'4;-ll would be beneficial from the fatigue viewpointTld Ir El The British Standards Institution Itllllll BRITISH STANDARD B-S-2.4 BS TEBBIIDIA Joints butt welded from one side only Butt welds should be produced with full-penetration welds. The most reliable way to achieve this in joints welded from one side is by the use of permanent baclcing ltypes S-S and E-El. However, the design class is relatively low lciass Fl and the alternative use of temporary non-fusible baclcing {types S3, Sal, ti-E and E-Fl allows some improvement [15]. in this case, inspection of the weld root to assess whether or not there is full penetration is feasible and should be carried out to justify class E. ln the case of butt welds in pipes ltypes l:'i.E- and SJ} the surfaces of the pipe and baclcing should be aligned to within 1:1 mm to avoid the seepage of weld metal through the gap and the subsequent formation of a cold lap on the inside of the pipe [ll-Ir]. in the absence of any baclcing {types S-3, s.a, ii-E and G-Tl the main requirement is full penetration and to justify class E, this should be assessed by inspection. if this is only possible from one side of the joint, as in pipe girth welds, specialist MDT such as automated ultrasonic testing lALlTl should be carried out, further guidance is given in BS 1'Ei1lZi- Experience indicates that the techniques used are capable of detecting root flaws due to incomplete penetration down to approximately if-I-5 mm in depth [liliB.S.I.S Penetration of butt welds Butt welds transmitting stress between plates, sections or built-up members connected end~to*end should be ‘full penetration welds. B.S.I.=E Dressing of butt welded types S-1 and ii-Ii The information given in 5.3.1 for longitudinal butt welds is equally applicable to transverse welds, with the additional recommendation that the dressing is sufficient to ensure that all the traces of the weld toe are removed. B.S.3 Cruciform and T-joints between plates in the same plane [type 5-5] Gften, the load is transmitted from a member to a transverse member primarily via flange plates in the same plane isee Figure El-S}. This can occur in the case of a junction between cross girders and main girders, diagonals and truss chords, or in "v'ierendeel frames. Figure B-S T-junction of two flange plates i ‘\ oo*/ o-‘T l- '3' ‘Ir \ ‘*1 2 ,,o""'* / If '\ 4*‘1 tr‘ \_5 t llley I Transverse member 3 Type 4.? 2 Full penetration butt weld ti Type S-Ei lwith stress concentration factor} E The British Standards Institution ..'t[l'l1l l IFS BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD if a full penetration butt weld is used and the joint geometry is in accordance with the requirements of type S-5. and if in addition the joint is either of the cruciform type {see Figure El.E]i or if the transverse member is relatively stiff, i-e. it-s width is at least three times the width of the stressed member, the nominal stress-based classification should be as given for type S.-El with a stress concentration factor of unity. Figure lil.E ¢ , Eruclform junction between flange plates / / Z’! . A ‘IIII: $4‘ 1 A iii. \e***‘* Type S-G {with stress concentration 3 Typical stress pattern factor} 2 Full penetration butt weld Eltherwise the classification should be assumed to be that of type S-2 with the appropriate stress concentration factor. ln the case of trusses, secondary stresses due to joint fixity should be taicen into account. The fatigue strength of both flange plates can be improved by the insertion of a smoothly radiused gusset plate in the transverse member so that all butt welds are further from re-entrant corners lsee Figure E.i'l. Figure B.? Alternative method for joining two flange plates l‘ ‘Rmno-,‘.‘i*’ Ill e,‘-‘_ *5 is -*5" !'*~o ’— ,.--at all \ll"' T""'-r ii **’ \#*** Q | Sr 2 lcey 1 Types 1-3 or 1--'-I lwith stress concentration factorl if-IS e El The British Standards Institution Itllllll 2 Types S-2, S-S or E-1 BRITISH STANDARD B-E BS TBBBIIBIA Transverse butt welds in sections (see Table G) Butt welds between rolled or built up sections [type E-.1] are prone to weld flaws in the region of the weblflange junction. The low classification reflects the fact that these are very difficult to detect. The normal classifications for transverse butt welds in Table S should only be adopted if special preparations, procedures and inspection have been undertalcen that show the weld is free from significant flaws. The same types of joints are frequently made using cope holes to provide access for malting the weld in the flange. The end of the web butt weld at the cope hole {type 5.2] is equivalent to class D if the end of the butt weld, and the weld reinforcement within a distance equal to the radius of the cope hole, are ground flush isee Figure B.B]i. Gltherwise, class E is applicable {type ti.3]l.The relevant stress should include allowance for the stress concentration effect of the of the cope hole isee Dhl‘v-ltP-E2lZl3i- fvlitred cope holes of triangular shape should not be usedFigure B-3 Local grinding adjacent to cope hole in type 5.2 joint 2 -|--l-l- l /1 if / -ri Y / lg -rrr _.f~fi§'r-:-.:".-;:. - icey B-if B-if-1 1 Distance = r I Grind 3 liadius r Load-carrying fillet and T-butt joints [see Table 7) Potential modes of failure {see Figure B-3] Failure in cruciform or T—joints with full penetration welds normally initiates at the weld toe, but in joints made with load-carrying fillet or partial penetration butt welds craciting might initiate either at the weld toe and propagate into the plate or at the weld root and propagate through the weld. In welds parallel to the direction of the applied stress, however, weld failure is uncommon; craclcs normally initiate at the weld end and propagate into the plate perpendicular to the direction of applied stress. lilevertheless, provision is made for possible shear failure through the weld throat {see type ‘.l'.1lfi}. E The British Standards Institution ..'t[l11l l Til’ BS TBBBIZIII14 BRITISH STANDARD B.'l'.2 Gruciform joints [types if-1, 7.2 and i".B} Eruciform joints between plates are susceptible to misalignment [see Figure B.Sl a]] and thus secondary bending stresses are lilcely to be introduced under applied axial loading. However‘, the classifications allow for the effects of any accidental axial or centreline misalignment up to the lesser of El-GS times the thicltness of the thinner part or 2 mm. The secondary bending stress due to any misalignment that exceeds these limits should be allowed for in the calculation of the design stress. Equation B-1 is applicable for axial misalignment but other formulae for calculating the relevant fr," for assessing potential fatigue failure from the weld toe or weld root are given in BS Tull]. vvhere the third member is a plate it can be assumed that plane sections remain plane in the main members and that the axial and bending stress distributions in the 5, direction are unaffected. Where the third member is an open shape, for example, an I section or a hollow tube, particularly if different in width, a discontinuity in the main member stress pattern is iiltely to occur. in this case the stress parameter should include the stress concentration at the joint, for example by using the hot-spot stress- ln the absence of published data on a particular joint configuration, the stress concentration factor for use with the nominal stress might need to be determined by finite element or model analysis. Plane sections may be assumed to remain plane where the main member stress can be continued through the transverse member by additional continuity plating of comparable cross-sectional area, which is ln line with the rnain member components [see Figure B.El bl]. in this type of connection the joint regions of the third member should be checiced before welding for lamellar rolling flaws and after welding for lamellar tears. TB Ir El The British Standards Institution Itllllll BRITISH STANDARD Figure ti-El BS TBBBIIBIA Use of continuity plating to reduce stress concentrations in type 1'-1 and 1‘-2 joints —j1 2 al Cruciform joint between plates icey 1 Axial misalignment or eccentricity. e 2 ,_, Q. ‘F. Srw-int 2 ,, ‘ill’ =‘ill’ril ere‘-re ‘ -rs‘ ti,-lfr‘ '-.'~e~.'e-"'~. is Through-wall direction q_ "-il,I" §.|I "'rt" r-."'r-."-."'ri."'ri- '1-[I I 1 fig ‘N B-if-S -I-in * W -iris bl Gruciform joint between sections icey H — d u "I5 1 Typical stress pattern with plating 3 Eontinuity plating 2 Typical stress pattern without plating 4 Eletail it show in Figure B-Ba} T-joints [types 3'-3 and if-ill T-joints [Figure B.1lIli are distinguished from cruciform joints by the absence of a similar member in line on the far side of the joint. In this case an axial load in member it would induce a bending moment and cunrature in member "r". Unless member ‘i’ is very stiff in bending an uneven stress distribution results. Members with bolted end connections via transversely welded end plates are particularly susceptible to local increase of stress {see Figure B-10}. If the transverse member is an open or hollow section, local bending increases the pealc stress further {as in the case of types Ii’-1 and 1-2). These effects are included in the hot-spot stress but appropriate stress concentration factors should be applied to the nominal SITESS. As far as fatigue failure of the transverse member 1*‘ is concerned. member it is treated as an attachment {types A-1 to ~l'i.E,i and the stress parameter is the stress in the transverse member without the application of a stress concentration factor. In hollow or open transverse members this is often magnified by local bending of the walls. E The British Standards Institution -.'t[l11l l TB BS TBBBIZIII14 BRITISH STANDARD Figure E‘-.1El Example of type T-3 or 1'-4 T-joint I L l!..._.. 5r""i"";.i"ll l Rey 1 B-14 i L Stress distribution due to flexibility of member "'r" i-oad-carrying fillet welds failing in the weld [types 18. ?.1lIl and 9.5} Provision is made for assessing load~carrying fillet welds with respect to potential failure from applied direct and shear stresses. Depending on the proportion of shear. either class W1 or class 5,, is applicable isee 15-3 and Table Ii’). Apart from cases of pure shear, class W1 is the most lilcely relevant class in practice- Glass W1 is primarily intended to apply to all fillet or partial penetration butt weld joints where bending action across the throat does not occur. Where lapped joints are welded on two or more sides, or T- or cruciform joints are welded from both sides, such bending action is normally prevented. However. if significant bending does occur and it can be quantified, it can be included in the calculation of the resultant stress range and hence used in conjunction with class 'v'v'1. e.:r.s T-joints failing by bending in the weld {type 1-'9] in certain cases difficulty of access might only allow welding of T-joints to be done on one side of the joint. This applies particularly to small hollow members with welded corners which, if subject to loading that distorts the cross section. might cause failure of the corner weld in bending {see Figure B-ll and type Tr'-EllWhere axial stress is also present, the stress range at the face of the weld might be different from that at the root. Failure from ripples or stop-start positions on the face can give a higher strength than class G, but expert advice should be sought if a higher strength is required. in most cases, failure from stress fluctuation in the root is critical and should be classified as class G with application of the thicirness and bending correction ir,,,Figure B-11 Single fillet comer weld in bending {type I-"-Bl I —'—'JI-q, -seq,-_ '15- I“- "- —'-I "-I ".-r I-. -\-I .-.|-.—‘I I-,-r-I‘-I-I. . I l R lr|I_,|-'.vI'I§" 'I '.|-I- I icey Bl] e 1 Bending stress at root 2 Bending stress on weld face El The British Standards Institution Itlfllll 3 Corner detail BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIIBIA Slotted connections and penetrations through stressed members {see Table Bl Slotted connections exist where a narrow member is slotted through a single main member away from an end connection {see also Figure B.11l- In this case, the narrow member should be assumed to transmit the stress which the parent material would have carried before the slot was cut. The part of the narrow member projecting out of the plane of the stressed plate then becomes, effectively, a welded attachment, so that the classification becomes the same as for types 4.1 to 4.5. This detail should be avoided where possible, as slots are difficult to cut accurately and fit-up for welding is often poor. Where member B is called upon to carry high tensile stress, a slot in member A avoids any rislc from lamellar tears. However, with respect to stress fluctuation in member B, the detail shown in Figure B12 is type 4-? {nominal stress class El at point ‘r’. if member B is critical and member A is not, circular cut-outs at the corners of member is improve the class to that of type 4-3 lnominal stress class Fl. Particular attention is drawn to the maiclng of this type of joint with fillet welds instead of full penetration welds. In that case, the joint becomes type Tr‘.-T.-1 and type i‘.B- Figure rs.t-11 Exarnple of a third member slotted through a main mernh-er =-lSll if‘ ill‘ ililiiifliiiiie ‘II jil -.-.l rrrparinc 5t'*___“" \I.-\"rI.*\.-1‘IrIrI\‘\\-"\\fl,\‘ _,_,,_ A IIIIIII%I Ia "'\.-‘\-"i. "\.-‘L IIII \IeI. \ .- A rafl '\-\-‘\-'\ i. l. I.|I_I l. Iiiai “T '-nr'""s Iii‘!-1 - "?. "'9- NFJTE i GZ —- I- "'Ir .-"\-'Ia . 3 I— N~F“ -- L\-"'\-“|I-"\.- - i - Dimensions are in rnm. NGTE -1 llrlain member A is slotted while narrow member B is continuous and is welded all around the slor in ANDTE -i‘ Classes refer to nominal stress+I:rased design," hot-spot stress class is El in both EBSE5. liley 1 Class F2 {type B-El 3 Gut out 2 4 Class F ftype B-11 Alternative detail if member "E" is critical E The British Standards Institution -.'t[l11l I B1 BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIZB14 B-S B-5-‘I Branch connections (see Table 1tl) Potential modes of failure There are four main sites for fatigue craciting in branch connections, the weld toes in the shell and branch. the weld root, leading to cracicing through the weld throat, and the crotch corner. In every case account should be talcen of the stress concentration in the region of potential fatigue craciting due to the gross structural discontinuity introduced by the nozzle. B-S-2 Stress concentrations adjacent to branch connections Four possible stress concentrations due to structural discontinuities in noaales should be talcen into account when calculating 5,. al Crotch corner. The class El fatigue design curve is used, based on nominal hoop stress range multiplied by it’, at the crotch corner where it’, is as defined in 15--E-4. bi Weld toe in shell- The appropriate fatigue design curve is normally used with nominal hoop stress range multiplied by ft’, at the weld toe. where ic, is as defined in 15.5.4. Alternatively, the hot-spot stress isee 15.?) could be used directly. The possibility of stresses arising in the shell as a result of mechanical loading on the nozzle as well as pressure loading should be talcen into account- cl Weld toe in branch- This region should be treated as in item b‘,i. The possibility of mechanical as well as pressure loading should be talcen into BlZiZIIl'l.-ll"llI- d} Wald root. The class Er or F fatigue design curve is used, based on the nominal hoop stress range on the minimum transverse cross-section of the weld multiplied by it’, at the weld root, where it’, is as defined in 15-5-4. The possibility of mechanical as well as pressure loading should be talcen into account- NDTE See B-2.2 for potential failure from weld root under stresses acting normal to weld length. Annex C[normative] C-1 Guidance on stress analysis General The stress to be used with the S,-hi curves in Figure ‘El and Figure ll} depends on the choice of method. In all the cases included in Table 1 to Table ill one option is the nominal stress range at the potential cracltlng site shown in the slcetches in the tables. it ls the stress that would be calculated by conventional engineering methods, which does not talce into account the effect of the local shape of the detail or the weld on the stress field. This stress is easily calculated in the case of simple axially loaded members or simple beams in bending. In more complex details the stress should be calculated adjacent to the detail which is analogous to the stress in the simple member. This means calculating the stress which is developed by reason of the shape of the structure, but without the perturbation in the stress field caused by the detailed shape of the weld itself. This annex provides guidance lG-2 and G-ll on the determination of the resulting increase in nominal stress by means of experimental or numerical stress analysis or the use of appropriate stress concentration factors. B2 e El The British Standards Institution 2lIl11l BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA In the case of details in which the site of potential fatigue cracking is the weld toe {Table 3 to Table 1B} an alternative approach is to use the specified S,-N curve. usually class D for plate structures or class TI for tubular joints, in conjunction with the hot-spot stress range. This is intended to include any stress concentration effect arising from the nature of the structure containing the weld detail as well as that due to the weld detail itself, but to exclude the stress concentration due to the weld toe, lvlore detail is given in f-l.e. Two dimensional stress systems An example of a simple two dimensional stress system is a butt weld in a plate in a direction at right angles to the direction of stressing, such as a transverse weld in the flange of a box girder. In this situation the nominal stress can be calculated from simple bending theory. If a hole is made in the plate on the line of the weld the stress at the ends of the transverse diameter of the hole is magnified so that the weld at those points sustains a higher stress than at a distance from the hole. Figure 4 shows a typical stress distribution in such a case; further examples are shown in Figure B-5 to Figure B-ll]. it is this magnified stress which should be used as the input to the S,-iii curve for that particular detail. The effect on the fatigue life is quite marlced because life is proportional to the third or the fifth power of the stress depending on the position on the S,-N curvelvlore complex shapes can be dealt with in the same way using published solutions [4, S, til for most of the regular shapes of cut-out; two common details are shown in Figure E. For shapes not included in the standard texts, stresses can be obtained from measured strains on a model or the full scale item. in such cases, the load cycles applied should be of sufficient magnitude and quantity to ensure that a shaiten down state is reached by the strain gauge. The designs of the models and the positions at which strains are measured should recognize the basis of the S,-N curves to ensure that the relevant stress is used. This is more difficult in regions of steep stress gradients than in areas of low stress gradient. Alternatively. the stresses can be calculated using the finite element stress analysis {FEA} method. This requires careful mesh generation to model the joint so that the relevant location for stress computation is selected. Too coarse a mesh in relation to the local stress gradient gives results which are insufficiently accurate. Too fine a mesh piclcs up the influence of the weld shape, if that is modelled, or the false influence of the idealized joint shape. Convergence checlcs provide a guide to the optimum mesh size. Some other methods of stress measurement and visualization exist but tend to be more suited to experimental woric rather than the immediate needs of the designer. These include techniques such as thermal imaging and Ill-rays. Three dimensional stress systems For most of the welded joint details shown in Table 3 to Table ill the stress required to calculate the fatigue life is at the surface of the members. The stress analysis methods described in C-2 give solutions where the stress field is two dimensional or axisymmetric- in the case of more complex stress fields, such as those produced by out~of~plane bending moments in plates {Figure B-15} or by brace loads on the walls of hollow section chords {Figure G-ll, the standard analytically based solutions are not sufficient. in these cases, three dimensional methods such as photo-elasticity and FEA should be used for a fuii understanding of the stress pattern. Strain gauges give the surface stresses but if there is a need to itnow the stresses through the thicitness of the material, {e.g. to separate the membrane and bending stress componentsi, they are not suitable. El The British Standards Institution 211111 I B3 BRITISH STANDARD BS ?BBB:2lIl'll'l- Finite element methods can be used to calculate the stresses in all types of joint. The selection of element types and sizes should reflect the geometry and the stress gradient so that a sufficiently reliable estimate of the stress at the weld detail is obtained. The modelling of the joint should reflect the overall geometry and the stiffness without introducing the details of the weld profileC-ti E-4.1 Calculation of hot-spot stress introduction The hot-spot stress is widely used for the fatigue design of tubular nodal joints. The same approach offers many advantages for application more generally in the fatigue design of welded joints between plates and other structural sections when considering potential fatigue failure from a weld toe or end. An example of the difference between the nominal and structural stress is shown for the simple case of an l-beam with a welded cover plate in Figure E-1- This detail is classified in ‘l2-2 as class G for assessment based on nominal stresses- The class G design S-N curve was obtained from fatigue test results obtained from similar beams with cover plates and so the stress concentration effect of the cover plate welded to the flange is included in the S-N curve- Therefore, the relevant nominal stress that should be used with the class G S-N curve is that at the weld toe position based on the beam section, applied force and bending moment at that location, excluding the stress concentration effect of the cover plate, i-e. it is the structural stress at the weld toe that would be calculated using standard formulae for the beam in the absence of the cover plateFigure C-1 I beam with cover plate showing distribution of stnrctural stress and definition of hot-s pot stress l E FIIIB II i Rey Structural stress Nominal stress 'l-I|.lI"r-. I-l B-ll e Hot-spot stress El The British Standards Institution 2lfl11l Ifi ‘- xei-. Iwnn Innis '¥-‘P- Inll tl lo Imil wu 1IlI AIl l c I E I L III l uliurl x ul il s IHI lI * .- IIIIII k ||||||||||i|I|""" 'ILI lI h 'IJI lI l\ I‘ BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA In contrast, the actual structural stress at the weld toe. as would be obtained from stress analysis of the complete beam with a cover plate, is higher due to the stress concentrating effect of the attached cover plate and the extra stress concentration where the weld crosses over the web of the beam. This can be seen in the stress distributions across the width of the beam and approaching the cover plate {Figure C-1]. The structural stress is useful for assessment of potential fatigue craclcing from a weld toe or the end of a short or discontinuous longitudinal weld. in such cases, the assessment is based on the maximum structural stress range at the weld toe, which is also referred to as the hot-spot stress range rf5,,,lApplication of the hot-spot stress approach to tubular joints {see Annex GI was aided by the provision of parametric formulae relating the hot-spot stress concentration factor to tube form, dimensions, joint type and mode of loading for a wide range of joint configurations. However, such formulae do not exist for the much wider range of welded joints that need to be assessed in non-tubular products. Therefore. it is necessary to determine hot-spot stresses by detailed stress analysis, typically by FEA or from strain measurements. This annex presents details of procedures for calculating hot-spot stresses that are consistent with the design S~l'll curves in Clause 1'5. E-4-2 Hot-spot stress calculation from surface stresses As the through-thicltness stress distribution remote from a weld is lilcely to be linear, the stresses on free surfaces remote from the weld are equal to the structural stress. Therefore, the structural stress at the weld toe, the hot-spot stress, can be estimated by extrapolation from the surface stresses at locations near the weld. This technique is called surface stress extrapolation {SSE}. Stresses are used directly to calculate the weld toe structural stressThe hot-spot stress is the maximum principal stress at the weld toe if its direction is within :45‘ of the normal to the weld toe or. outside this range, the larger of the minimum principal stress or the stress component acting normal to the weld toe. Strictly spealcing, the extrapolation should be performed for each stress component at the extrapolation point locations and the extrapolated values at the weld toe used to calculate the corresponding principal stressesHowever, in practice it is sufficient to use either a principal stress or the stress component acting normal to the weld toe, whichever is dominant in accordance with the criteria in this sub-clause. ‘v'arious extrapolation methods have been proposed and investigated [lB], dependent on the location of the weld toe {weld toe on plate surface or edge, weld toes in tubular joints] and the nature of the stress analysis- Where the stress distribution depends upon the plate thiclrness, type “a” hot-spot regions in Flgure E-2, the most common SSE method ls linear extrapolation from stresses on the surface at distances tun and 1.llt from the weld toe. The corresponding hot-spot structural stress is given by: E-I SH = I-5?-l'll'|j'_||,g_|j _ I:I-EliI|t'.F'"|_[];|- It J This was the method used to determine hot-spot stresses in the fatigue test database used to validate the choice of class D as the hot-spot stress-based design curve [19]. Alternatives include linear extrapolation from stresses ll.St and ‘i.St from the toe and quadratic extrapolation from three locations, fix-It, fl-9t and 1--fit from the weld toe. El The British Standards Institution 29111 I BS BS TBBBIZIII14 BRITISH STANDARD in the case of weld toes on plate edges, type "b" hot-spot region in Figure G-2. the stress distribution approaching the weld toe does not depend on the plate thiclcness. Extrapolation methods have therefore been developed that use stresses located at absolute distances from the weld toe rather than proportions of plate thiclcness. Figure E-2 Types of hot-spot /' Q I 53"-J ta; -,yyj.. -'1i- allr la \/ L. icey Type "a" 1 2 Type "b" For stress analysis based on measured strains or FEA of a relatively fine mesh model, quadratic extrapolation from stresses on the plate edge at distances 4 mm. E mm and 12 mm from the weld toe should be used. with regard to mesh site, in order to produce an accurate value of the stress at the 4 mm location the weld toe element should have a node at 4 mm. Either 2 mm linear or 4 mm quadratic elements should be usedThe corresponding hot-spot stress is given by: _ 5i-i - 3'-1-riririi " 3'1s.mra f tlrzmm ll:-El Alternatively, for stress analysis based on FEA with relatively coarse Ill mm x ll} mm quadratic elements, linear extrapolation from stresses on the plate edge at distances of S mm and lS mm is suitable [15]. The corresponding hot-spot stress is given by: SH = 1-Sogmm — B-So15mm BE I El The British Standards Institution 29111 lfl.3l BRITISH STANDARD BS ir'BDBI2D14 Guidance on the procedure for applying the SSE method on the basis of FEA is illustrated through a typical l-beam mesh of bricit elements. as shown in Figure C-3. it shows a complete mesh and the two parts when it is separated along the plane through the weld. The two resulting separate mesh regions are shown in Figure C-4 and Figure C-S where the nodes on the common face are identified. Additional nodes on the top face of the l-beam are shown in Figure C.S- The corresponding element numbers are shown in Figure C-E and Flgure C.i'- These are suitable for the SSE calculations. The weld toe is represented by nodes n2 to n1l.1- The SSE stress at node n2 is calculated from the stresses at nodes n2, n41. nS2, n-S3 and ni-'4 {Figure C-S1. The stress distribution using the values at these nodes is shown in Figure C.S- The interpolated stresses at iltlt and 1.Elt from the weld toe are used in the extrapolation, as shown. The stress at fl-r-it from the weld toe should be determined from the stresses in the element adjacent to the weld toe {e-g. elements eT1, ei'2 of Figure C-Til that are not in or under the weld- FEA software normally calculates the stress at node n2 as the average of the value at the node from all the elements it is attached to lel, e2, e21 of Figure C-5 and ei-'1, ei'2 of Figure C-31. The stresses in elements el, e2 and e21 tend to be lower than those in e21, e'l1 because there is more material on that side of the weld toe. The stresses at node n2 should therefore only be talcen from elements ei'1 and e22, where they are representative of those in the main plate- Frgure C 3 Possible briclr. element model of an l beam with a cover plate tel -II ll II \‘ ivi -?_-"5-+“_|'i-I ,,. ‘RI -i'.I -II‘I "- l-":I."=_|r-l‘ III:1 II]j,III;lg I[lg I‘ -I 1+-. .|. -I -I-I-I -—- hill: 'I -I.-hl-I -a,I| . r: .*;ll {iI"I;:i1 "',t‘,li;'.s=‘ -1 l:F- . grllll.I*';.I*';:'r,+ I_'l.... :1-I .|-Ir-I--_ -I:2:-:-I‘ Ill I:-I iii '‘IIIxi"III"I'II-1:1: Ir‘:-rtI‘ ‘III: file: "lI'IIll' tylf l'I I ,|'I'.|' I I I| - ‘I-‘I-?',|f,f I',j'I -h. I——- ‘frrf III’ tiII,-, 'I-‘Ii‘Ir 1|, II "'|"II"-fir ‘-'-hr \-qtIv-. “raw-s ft} IIIII;IlI’I'I-r , €%"€l%fl=‘-€i-ff,r’ \%$‘ I sf..SE! §' II.I!lI' Ilselit-ifil ‘dlrljl rrliri +'5'fil.'+'Il'I 1" ‘—- l bl I] -I ‘TI. ‘-‘-:_l,| II]:If Weld region and adjacent elements Elements underneath the weld II II ‘I--___.--T" H q '_",_-|:*,,_. 1-" IIII dl ei lei SS' ~ . ! . I 2-fl’ Elements in beam adjacent to the weld Close up of elements beyond the weld Close up of elements underneath the weld E The British Standards lnstittrtion 2lIl14 I El? “mu”? %%MMW%% -~.‘-~“”__%__§_ W%@%~mM" "“fl§“ “ ‘ Q fig _ F g” ~ E _3_" _H?l_ ':__Jlr _ “ ' “ Q? fl M gQQ %M_%% W”~fl4__‘Q” ‘mafiaflg‘ H?@g.EM H D d_ E U F E __L5 E _ _HW_ _M_ T_ J fig W%Q~@m .M . @ H‘_m‘ MM\E WEI’ ‘I dI "_i _‘F UW E __m__ ND M H lfl ____|D _ t h U _____E D H H E MH H W m t hE M rm __.____ _ _ r_____ _flU W _" _m F ___m____U __-E __L *h_ BS TEDBIZU14 Figure EB BRITISH STANDARD Ealculaticm crf the 55E stress at nude n2 cut the brick mesh shewn in Figure E3 tcr Figure 3* sti .—= -II‘ 'l' 1:--— -—~ nlii lte l I Stress Distance tram weld tbe bn surface n52 nf-3 3 I!"-J n‘i'L Structural stress at nude n2 A typical shell mcrdel cit the same detail is shewn in Figure EB. This mesh illustrates the use at inclined weld elements. Mc-re details c-n the use crl shell elements fcrr calculatiens UT structural stresses are given in E.5. The weld tee is represented by the rrcrde line n2 tu n1I.'Ii {Figures C.'lD and iI.'l1l. The elements representing the weld metal and the material beneath the weld are shewn in Flgure [.12. Elements adjacent td these In the main sectibn are given in Figure C.13. Surface stress extrapelatien can be used te calculate the structural stress at ncrde nit. The stress distributien aicrng the line ef n2 ta ni"'£l in Figure E.1i is used tu estimate the stresses at l.'i.-ilt and 'i.Dt frem the weld tee. The stress shbuld be -El"l1Zl5El"| cunsistently an the side bf the shell that represents the tap face at the beam sectien. The erttrapcalatibn frem these twe values shbuld be made tb the lcrcatibn bl nude n2 {Figure lI.‘l4l. The SEE methed assumes that a stress at apprcntimately i].4t fr-am the weld tbe is net influenced by the stress cencentratien effect cit the welded jeint. A definitldn df thiclcness. t. fer the I beam was made in Figure -‘.'I.1. It shbuld be assumed that the flange thicltness is used where the ccwer plate is welded tb the flange. It considerably lbwer SSE stress weuld be estimated if the whele beam depth was assumed fur lbcatictns where the ccnrer plate weld passes cwer the beam web [nudes n5, n6 and n? cri Figure {.4}. The structural stress cwer the web is liicel1.r tb be higher {Figure L1}; the flange thiclcness, t, shcruld be used fur SSE calculatiens here. The structural stress ctn the side crf the shell elements asseciated with the weld tc-e being assessed sheuld be used fer 55E. Ell] l El The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEDBIIDHI If the surface stresses are cibtained frem strain measurements. using electrical resistance strain gauges. the gauges shciuld ideally be lcicated at the eictrapelaticin pci-siticiris. Alternatively. a series bf strain measurements might be made ccwering the range that includes the eictrapcilaticin lcicaticrns, fbr eicample using multi-element strip strain gauges. In such cases, sufficient gauges shbuld be used tci enable a curve tn be fitted tci the results tcr establish the required strains at the eittrilpblatinn Pusitiens by interpcilatinn- Depending cm the extrapelatien prcrcedure adcrpted. strains icir strain ranges if they are measured under cyclic leading} shcruld be substituted ‘I'Cll' stresses in Equatien 12.1 tn Equatien 12.3. If the stress state is clese tn uni-aitial. the resulting structural strain can be ccrntrerted tn stress simply by multiplying by the elastic medulus bf the material. Hciweirer, fbr greater accuracy, acceunt shbuld be talcen bf any bi-aiciality and principal stresses established using strain gauge rcisettes. Figure {.9 Pcrssihle shell element mnctel nf an I beam with a ccnrer plate / ibl El l ‘I-1.- .-‘it-. | I - . - _- _. -__-__-_:__:__::__:___ _ _ nil:-ii. I s || J '5iiil‘l'SI\I‘lI.*ti- /’ .;"ir,||lt_ 1 '| 'I'_ |_ P‘ In 1' I-' ‘III:-IL.‘ —l-| I -I —.—.r'I' '.'--I 'F|-I _ 15+ 1:.1.‘..-+1‘ -iiJ 1" -F -_-._-_:s-__-_. 1" — '- - 1--I —-1- _l_—:-.__ | IP-‘‘Sr-"' I‘ 11|—'_-- *‘i_1l- —;.—._£ $--L-It I I-tl- r S T; If} ii Hr stir ‘L--",,1I- iieI=.€a.-sifriisi. ‘“"’ /1'I "\\$-“=* 31%.?3*!-. ..:.:~‘§‘i“i'i;i;._ dis it IISe.-"=“""'* {fill rItI'IltI'i Sffieis-‘:-fitfiryti ryr silly rI*F. rii; ;~rle-i .:~ii,tr, .firfirI‘. c#'-a."~'.“i'‘ly“"“"~"l'‘rife; lgfit i i '0 M ""'-Q-“'-"-ii I till‘-ri»""’-Ir "~:i'Ill *1t.._____,.r %-.*3-'=- ;,.";}=nmt- all--‘cc-‘Es-w 0—#;§# '0I" %;'?III #1-=1 '0 we‘i --rig“ Ii. .i". :;'IiI_l lte all Weld regictn and adjacent elements bl Element; underneath ti-IE w,_=_i|g cl Elcise up bf elements underneath the weld dl Elcise up bf elements underneath the weld with seme bf the inclined "weld" e} elements l'E-l'i‘|t'_‘i'ti'EtIl Elements beybnd the weld f] Clcise up -bf elements beycind the weld E The British Standards lnstitutibn I-!l]11I II ‘Ell RS i"El]'B:2[l14 Figure t'I.ifl BRITISH STAN DARD I II... Nude numbers superimposed upen the shell element weld mesh section in Figure E Elcl $~ 1-Lianne.» fsapgty l."l Tl s. NDTE The nodes correspond to those on elements with the same face shown in Figure if. ii Figure E.‘l1 Node numbers superimposed upon the shell element weld mesh section in Flgure E Elf] I133 nay -IZIE5 iiii; iiiiii #35555 Q?’ 9Q4%,? 5%; ‘iii-i§is ~‘"=sea7~‘~T‘i§-“fie -l'.l il'.l pg; l'} Ti NOTE SI-1 999$ Ill 5.? -'l'fl'l' i@% The nodes correspond to those on elements with the same face shown in Figure E I'll} El The British Standards Institution I-!l]‘l=!l -5‘ F “___ E ___ 1 2 EH EmM fl MD md H m _D E H 5 U D__ E ‘Hm P D M u P D H _1__h E _ _ _ _h H H E m E M W E M m E _ _ _ ___" _ %_‘W _“%WW %_uM__ gflfififink $0 §_0‘fi$ P___" ‘_ _L _ I0 _ . ___R_hp‘! “_ guafl 1‘ti “ ‘l&_1kl___l__ ____E H D H n F H M C Sd E W &£¢_£_ _ _ m afil $ é _ %I:‘ H:‘ §ll“ ‘ ___ “II W‘ II N U E _____m F B __|___ 1 d 3 m fl HPDnd % @%®M&MrWW %M$w%W g M ___|_D _ _ _L" _U_ _ _E ®% Qwfi % _____F D n _ _ _m m E H H M m m E 5Em E _____-I L" W ___ H F9 h H ____ M $ NUE __m d m f m PDH Int D M ___|__ E DH EM ______ M _“ _____-5_ Hm m E E _m m f E t h St F9 m C H h W d d M ID 1 A 93 BS TBBBIZB14 Figure!l BRITISH STANDARD Calculation of the 55E stress at node n2 of the shell mesh shown in Figures E3 tci Figure 112.12 l il 3 *--‘- l L n2 n13 l.‘l.lil i-i:ir . .. nliii .,.. 2 n35 nil-I.'i Rey l 2 Stress Distance from weld toe through thicltness c.-ca 3 structural stress at node n2 Hot-spot stress calculation using through-thickness stresses General Finite element analysis can be used to calculate the through-thicltness distribution of stress as shown in Figure E.1. Therefore a force per uriit length of weld and a moment per unit length of weld can be calculated. These values can be used with the section area per unit length and the section modulus per unit length to calculate the structural stress. This technique is called through thiclcness integration {'l'|'l]l because the stress distribution is integrated to calculate forces and moments. Surface stress eictrapolation and TTI both use stresses from FEA models to calculate the structural stresses. FEA also calculates forces. These are more fundamental quantities which of-fer an alternative method of calculating section forces and moments- Additional processing is needed to convert forces to loads per unit length of weld. The methods associated with this are described in this sub-clause and the technique is called nodal force ll'ilFl. B4 Ii El The British Standards Institution 2014 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA The Tl'l and HF methods estimate the structural stress from the distributions of forces and moments underneath the weld toe. For the ii-lF method the nodes in the finite element model should lie on the plane normal to the surface. It is therefore important to decide the section thicltness over which the calculation of force and moment is to be made. This decision is similar to the choice of thicltness that is needed for SSE. Figure C.1S shows that the distribution of stress across the beam section is linear remote from the weld toe. The same structural stress is therefore calculated irrespective of the chosen region of integration. ht the weld toe. there is a small region of stress concentration. This region is a significant proportion of the flange thiclcness. However. it is only a small proportion of the whole beam depth at the web. Integration across the whole web might not show a stress concentration because much of the stress distribution here is the baclcground linear stress. The Til and NF methods should therefore use an integration depth equal to the flange thicltness even over the region of the web- For eicample the TTI or HF stress for node nS [Figure E.-‘Ill should be calculated from nodal values at locations nS. ntis and n2? lthe stressinodal force for node n2?‘ should be from elements in the flange {elements el:'iB, eEE+ e'iB, eTi"EIl- and riot from element eB4 which is in the web, Figure E.'i'l. A similar judgement should be made for other geometries, including the edge attachment shown in Figure lI.'lE~ [see E.Ti'l. Figure C 1S Stress distributions across sections of an l-beam with a cover plate ""_‘-—-n.- il The British Standards Institution ..'t[l'l1l l SIS BS TBBBIZIII14 Figure E.lS BRITISH STANDARD Flegion of '|"I'I or HF integration for an edge attachment 1 I . y /'\ I Loading 2 'lTl and NF region Figure E.1? Stress distribution through I beam flange unclerrieatlt node n2 for solid mesh shown in Figure L4, Figure ELS and Figure CJ I S j e'll -1‘ "'-. ‘B § eit ; ’ ; ‘ edl “Te Q ellt i -I--I-H "H. 1-LL‘-L‘ "-I-i. - n2 NDTE -2 i n13 ntli The legend shows which element the unaveraged stresses were from lliey 1 2 BE Stress Distance from the weld toe through thicltness Ii D The British Standards Institution IIIJM 3 Structural stress at node n2 BRITISH STANDARD Figure 12.13 BS TEBBIIBIA Distribution of correctly averaged stresses plotted against distance y "fl rt in crlnlliil I’: ifl crlniilll ii if aiiisii in . crlrillll if Distance y is given in Figures t'1.E and (LT Rey it "i" Distance y Stress Hot-spot stress calculation using Tl'| The TTI method is illustrated through a typical l beam mesh of briclc elements as shown in Figure E3. it shows a mesh and sections of mesh separated along the plane through the weld. The separation is shown in Figure [ill and Figure CS where the nodes on the common face are identified. The weld toe is represented by nodes nil to ntti. The TTI stress at node n1 is calculated from the stresses at nodes n2. n'.i3 and n24 {Figure E.Sl. The stress distribution from these nodes is shown in Figure C.1'.i'. There are multiple results because each ncide is connected to more than one element. The elements used for the Tl'l calculation are shown in the icey. These are the elements in the flange at the weld toe but not underneath it {see Figure lI.i",l. Elements under the weld eitperience less stress and should therefore be ignored. Figure l'I.'l‘i" shows the calculated stress distribution using the correct averaging of stress at each node {continuous llnel. The equivalent linear distribution is also shown iclottedl line. The value of stress at node nit from the linear distribution is equal to the ‘l'T| structural stress at this location. The TTI structural stress has membrane and bending components. Lising the nomenclature below and shown in Figure E.‘lB,, they can be calculated as follows: I Correctly averaged stress at node nlil is iilnlill. I Height from the underside of the plate. y {Figure C.S. Figure 12.6} of node nil] is yi- I Thiclcness of the part at the location is r. -I Membrane stress Elm is calculated using Equation I:.II-. __r{~[-ii-*ii+~[ii i'+1i1}.i.i».-+1-ii fl'"_ at rl'.'.1l,l The bending stress ah is calculated using Equation E.S. El The British Standards Institution ..'t[l'i1l l ST BS TBBBIZIII14 BRITISH STANDARD TE“ =Z,(fl"~‘l"Il'lifl“l-"lit .I))l'..TIrfiI.Ff"I.})—u“£- {E15} where “I' Ilrllllrl I 1] 1 . +ri.i il +rrini'.i+ - 1iiI—rii -sir.-i .. +1:-'i.i)] —E[rriniiii{—E-irf +1-ire.--i ms; The Tl'i hot-spot structural stress is then given by Equation ET. 51-i= iitatdiiil It-5"] Shell elements generally provide structural stresses as output- The structural stress on the side of the shell associated with the weld toe should be used. l2.-1.3.3 Hot-spot stress calculation using HF The HF method is illustrated through a typical I beam mesh of briclc elements as shown in Figure C-3. The diagram shows a mesh and sections of mesh separated along the plane through the weld- The separation is shown in Figure i‘-2.4 and Figure t‘.S where the nodes on the common face are identified. The weld toe is represented by nodes n2 to n'liEl. The NF stress at node n2 is calculated from the nodal forces at nodes n2. n13 and n2-ll {Figure C.S}. The nodal force at each node is summed from elements that are at the weld toe but not underneath it. For eicample, the nodal force at node n2 should the summation of the nodal forces at that node from elements eilt and e?.'-I {Figure t2.T]|. A manipulation of the forces over a length of weld is needed to convert the nodal forces into structural stresses. The nodal forces at each section {for eirample at is = h2. Figure CZ-' and Figure C-3} are converted into a section force Fl and a section moment Mi at that section as follows [Figure E.‘lSlt Fl = .='INFi i|"t'f.B,l i'v'li = rivri til lj-'i — i_rr:rl ji i'c.s.I Where the nodal force at node nlii is HFI. The section forces and section moments should then be converted to a distribution of line forces fi {or force per unit length of weldl and a distribution of line moments mi for moment per unit length of weld}. The membrane and bending stress can be calculated as follows: r:rm.= rib -- 'fi — (I T) fC.‘l'i'll (“mi i-i IF E , The l'ilF hot-spot structural stress is then calculated using Equation C-1 SIB Ii El The British Standards Institution Itllllll fill ll BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBIA The relation between section and line forces and moments is given in Equation C-12 for linear elements and in Equation C-13 for quadratic elements: Fl ‘iii ‘T ll ' ri ii-ii F2 : ii -_ hi“: -- ,r1' _ H and fi-_ _ 1 H" E‘ H F. . ilhl hl is ,f'.3 M 2M - if 3 3"“ i_ji-;_i_:g .l'HI l --i"'-I = ii ftl K iii: _ oiii iii I-ll! Fl =i iii I5 F3 —iil ‘iii H] 1' l'i_, _1ii'I iii ll-ii’ I .-I--fl =—I- iil I5 iii-I3 —iil iiiii m I icisi i':iI is ml ——iii -.1M 1 it-:3 where F1 is the section force at corner node 1 M1 is the section moment at corner node l F2 is the section force at mid-side node 3 M2 is the section moment at mid-side node 2 F3 is the section force at corner node 3 M3 is the section moment at corner node 3 f1 is the associated line force at corner node 1 mt is the associated moment at corner node 1 fl is the associated line force at mid-side node I m2 is the associated moment at mid-side node I f3 is the associated line force at corner node 3 ir.-3 is the associated moment at corner node 3 ht is the element side length between the corner nodes Typical h values are shown in Figure C.E and Figure CJ. A similar set of matriic equations should be created for each element along the weld toe- A master matriii should then be assembled. the coefficients being added where two elements contribute to one node. The master matriii is then inverted to obtain the line forces and moments along the weld toe. C-5 C.S.1 Accuracy and limitations of hot-spot stress analysis Use of brick element models for hot-spot stress calculations Continuum elements tend to have only linear degrees of freedom. Two-dimensional {ID} models and three-dimensional {SDI models have two and three degrees of freedom per ricide respectively. Three-dimensional models are constructed from volumetric elements that are generally called briclts. El The British Standards Institution ..'tl311l l S13 BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD The assumed distributions of displacement in continuum elements are generally either linear or quadratic. Elements are therefore called linear or quadratic respectively. Bending modes of deformation tend to produce curved deformed shapes which quadratic elements are able to represent. However, linear elements are generally unable to represent bending accurately. The stress distributions at fatigue cracic initiation sites often have a bending component, so linear elements might not be suitable for accurate hot—spot stress calculations isee C-S-3l. The use of quadratic 3D briclc element models provides a relatively detailed indication of the distribution of stresses at structural details. Briclc models can accurately represent the geometry of a detail lilte a welded joint, including the weld profile. This contrasts with shell models which represent the centre-plane of thin sections. its a result, accurate calculation of the stress distribution at a potential fatigue cracic initiation site, lilte the weld toe, is possible using a very fine briclc model, The need for fine meshes, however, means that briclc models tend to be larger and more time consuming to prepare and run than equivalent shell element models [C-S-2}. The size of briclt models can be reduced and the compleicity of the assumed geometry simplified, but these changes affect the accuracy of the model. Modelling accuracy is discussed in greater detail in C.S.L'l. Some possible modelling techniques are described below. The dimension of the elements at the fatigue initiation site under consideration relative to the underlying plate thicltness is important. Figure C.2Ei shows the dimension. f, of an element normal to a weld toe. The recommendations in C-S-3 are based on the condition f E 2t. The 3D briclc model shown in Figure C-3 to Figure C-3‘ has elements that represent the overfill of the fillet weld around the cover plate. Figure C-31 shows an alternative mesh where the overfill has not been modelled. Instead, the cover plate is connected to the flange via a ring of elements around the cover plate perimeter as shown by the shading. Figure C-19 Distribution of correctly averaged nodal forces plotted against distance y . iiiFs Q liiF3 Q iirt Ii, I Distance y is given in Figures C-1’ and C-13. lliey ‘l" 1[li§l Distance y l D The British Standards Institution EDI-4 it l'-lodai force m BH W E H ____T H __H_U r E ___“ ________ __U_ _B r M E M m E H _'_____ m E m W M d__ w H M D H i___#r_#w____h“"flhw_mF_“m _ W" h h*_F_F_’_-_#‘___#"__§fl""_h“__h_h:i‘I‘-__h_&__ "_fl:__I--__+___I_fi.____-"_“."_hI__-_I_ _£_“fl-N%_ _ flm'mwvmvm w _ #H__" m_ "_ _m$“h_‘"“____ _fi ‘ h _ fi " _ l I . _ * _ ______mm _ _ _ _%_ _ _ _ _ _1h_ _ _q_ : ‘___-_ _ Jl_. ___.. _. _ __“.__" !_I ‘ *i_I___I_ f'_-_l_Il _l_ l . __"" __m_ B 5 T E D B "___ D 1 4 DAHD _mw E H t __"__E E M m ___H t *I_I_= ll it __ * __“ ___ Ill... __ _ _“fink. _z I a n ___“P H 1 E m _“H H E 5 5 I tI gmmwkg% ___+_+____" _ _ _ _‘_ _‘a *_ _"I_ fl _+H"_m _ 0' !._“r_ _fi ___“I E H __Wé§aw gI-“_ _ _ §n_ _ _“_ n_“".‘Q ‘‘"8 :."_I___..‘_“_ii.‘ ‘__ I.mK -I. ‘IH T h E d E fl H Hm D H _ _ _ _._ m E 5 h_ F _m_ U E F___ H r E ddE IE t D t h E _m ___:E t W h E r E E M m E H ______5 __H B V E b E E fl mumW? {MM O 5% H lm‘DEEhmm Em_fl_H“___ Wmifl Bmflr kflfiL_ "fl_ _" ___Emhm‘mflsEwm Esh H3gt fu _____ h{ r E m GV E _fit fi M H _r E _ _ -_ E t __H E WE H Emmi EdM“H} umf _ _ _ _D_ HmUVmm hm HE hmE3 EEEH fit t DE ‘Mmw M ____ h_____ ___ _"‘|_mh1_____1_ p'_____ _ I"q_‘ ______l__L__.____ ___ _ mH__E__?HHHm ____“ H H _ih_H._H ___“__ _I i.______“ fl_____flfl___. ____-____"fl+ __ ____. _.F‘_.- _l *_**i_ __-_________I ______ __“‘-_-h___ ‘%_.__-__ fl. _'_q___|l__' _ __ _DM|%‘m"r_ '*.__ illill _l_ ___I_r.||n‘I __ _|_|__*_. __ l1_.-_._________"__"_"__._____1| _T__hT__J __h_h| r __II__ +____H|___J_| | |_|“| P&||_| _|_ ____ _. J_ _______ H___ .__._-___; _l-_ __ _ m“_ _ _ _‘I-_ ____ “fin” H-‘fin J___-fir I__ -_I _- _ “_- __ * __-_=___ _I ._ ___?" _+_ _:_l___!“_-_-_ _ I‘ _ ha‘ %X ‘I'M‘&_q Q %;_I__I‘ W1 % :§‘:_-I .‘.-________ ix‘I ‘fifl . _ ii II E T h E B ___. ___" h -E ___§__-___E ___" d H d ______ ___“ ___“___H_ U __U__u H 1___ U 4 __| 1 _' -___ _"_ 1. F QU E __-I __LA _______ D . E H 5 _m H 5 #_ “H‘Wm%q_ “ $m U5 E d__ __iD_ I _m d M E d__ E E m E H t Mum__“_ _h _ _fi _ _ “ _ "1_ “I_flmn“‘-'_“ h_“.m_H“._ §*m_“ ___+___fi____ £__:___ _ 1_l _fl“F_l m_" I____'__f_fl_ E‘ I_______mfi_ ¢ L _______-‘ _. _ ____+_ _ _._ -_ -_ gun! ___* __ __ _flu_’ -__“_ _m_“g___$-Ifl‘ I__iI‘____. E __ __| E P H 5 E H _ _ _H t _m H D ____ B fi E t WE M Q g___‘5I‘__$““___fl Efii‘n.‘W ____“$_$ “_& $_d__§:_“§ __I’’ M g ‘__$_ l Th E 1 DI _m d _m E _- E Ifl 5 h H E E mEH t5 5 _h D U M h B U E H Ih T h _ _ _ B Int __h h HW d E _|d 5 M 5 t ___“ U t _m _" I D 4 1 ____"_H__ H E U. U flu t D WE H HL BRITISH STANDARD Figure C13 BS TEDBIIDI4 Dimensions used far thicicer element representation pf a fillet weld H1 "I-|. - II- 1-+5 ___--‘H; Ilr""' -'- Hl 91 .""-Q-"'9' .1-""""r The thickness cif the elements is based upen a weld threat thicltness cif w. llle if Thiclcness = t, | |,.I_|.l. U-J Thiclcness = it, + w} Thickness = lit; + w} E.5.I Use pf shell element mpdels fer het-spet stress calculatiens Shell elements are part pf a greup pf elements called structural elements. Meshing ef structures with shell elements dees nut require an eicplicit representatien bf the thicltness bf the plates they represent. The thicltness is a preperty which determines the stiffness bf the shell. The threugh-thicltness distributien c-if stresses is estimated can the basis bf beth linear and rcitatienal degrees pf freednrn. The HF methed uses the nedal mements bf retatienal degrees ef freeclem ta estimate the distributien bf the bending cempenent ef structural stresses. It is net pessible ta represent the geemetry and stiffness ef relatively shert structural details such as weids explicitly using shell eiements. The stiffness is that bf a sectien pf plate bf the same size as the shell element. Fillet weld details may be represented in twe ways. fine methed is based upen inclined weld elements meant tn represent the centre-plane bf the fillet weld. E1IlEll!'l1|:|-E5 are shewn in Figure [Lil] and Figure C12. Figure {L12 shews seme cif the elements representing the fillet {e-g. elements ell ta eefll rerneyed se that the unfused land underneath the weld can be seen. Figure L22 shews a suggested geemetry ta be used fer this sart af shell medel fer the I beam with a ccwer plate. Ann-ther pessible representaticsn ef fillet welds is based upen a thiclcening bf the elements in the plate underneath the fillet weld as shewn in Figure E13. fit The British Standards lnstituticin EH14 1 ‘llflil BS 1503:1514 BRITISH STANDARD The accuracy bf these metheds has been assessed and is presented in 12.5.3 tegether with a plane mesh. witheut explicit representaticrn bf the weld. The plane mesh is similar tci the geemetry shewn in Figure 12.23, except that the sectien thiclcnesses are nbt medified tn represent the stiffening bf the weld. The assumed distributibns bf displacement in structural elements in FEA are generally either linear er quadratic. Elements are therefere called linear cir quadratic. C.S.3 Accuracy bf medelling and pest-precessing metheds The accuracy nf the yaricius metheds fcir the calculatien pf het-spet stresses has been determined threugh the analysis bf seme test cases [ED]. These all censidered weld tcres er ends {referred ta as type "a" in Figure {.2}. The accuracy cif each methed was determined by cemparisen with the results ebtained frem benchmark reference cases in which the structural het-spet stresses were determined using SSE frem fine mesh brick mudels [fbur elements threugh the plate thickness]. The results bf this benchmark analysis led tn the recemmendatiens detailed in Table C.1. These are enly valid fbr element sizes, f [Figure CED), up tn twice the underlying plate thickness, t. Fer brick mcidels it is assumed that there are at least twe elements threugh the plate thiclcness. The benchmark analysis upen which the recemmendatiens in Table {.1 are based did net ccwer every circumstance. Therefere a benchmark study sheuld be cpnducted in any case where there is a need fcir additibnal ccrnfidence in the chcisen methbd bf caiculating the but-spet stress. C.S.4 Llmitatinns pf the het-spet stress calculatien metheds Attentien is clrawn tc:- the preblem bf using het-spet stress calculatien metheds that are related ta the plate thickness when cnnsiderlng the tee pr encl pf an edge attachment weld [type “b” in Figure 121.2}. At this stage enly SSE shbuld be used fbr determining the hbt-spet stress in such cases. As this is essentially a I-dimensibnal prciblem. any bf the FE mbdelling metheds is suitable, prbyicled the element sizes in the reginn being assessed meet the cenditiens described in There are alse sbme welded jeint geemetries fer which the hot—spot stress determined by the metheds described in this annex is under-estimated. such that it is yirtually the same as the neminal stress. Cpnseguently, use bf the het-spet stress design class {D} rather than the neminal stress class weuld be nun-cunseryatiye. Particular pr-bblems arise with simple cruciferm er T-jbints between plates fbr which a cress-sectien nbrmal tu the weld tee being censidered is symmetrical, as in Figure L24. The het-spet stress at the weld tee is lcnewn ta increase with increase in attachment length. but this is net detected using any pf the three calculatien metheds in this annex. 1l]4 l E The British Standards lnstitutibn 2014 BRITISH STANDARD Figure C 24 BS TEDBIIDIA Example at symmetrical welded jeint fur which het-spet stress is underestimated using metheds in this annex it _ l ./"I X \ A new methed that has been shc:-wn tp include the stress cencentrating effect cif the attachment site is tn equate the het-spet stress te the stress 1 mm belew the weld tee [21]. A disadvantage cif the methbd is the need fcir scilid FE mciciels with very small elements, altheugh it is claimed that elements dewn tci 1 mm in size are sufficient. An extensive database frem a range bf welded jeints has been shewn T.-Ci be ccinsistent with class D an the basis crf the ‘I mm stress [21]. An alternative appreach is ta assume that the piate thickness is effectively less than its actual value sa that greater weight is given ta stresses iecai tb the weld tee. This appreach is recemmended by Deng et al [22] fcir assessing any symmetrical {as described abeve} jeint assuming that the effective plate thicltness is half the actual. Thus, SSE by linear extrapcilatibn vvcruld use stresses lecated i].2t and iJ.St frem the weld tbe, while calculatien bf the equivalent membrane and bending stresses fbr the TTI and HF metheds weuld be based an half the plate thickness. A similar prablem can arise with shell element FE medeis if members that are large eneugh ta attract leading cannet de this because they are mci-delleci with twp-dimensibnal elements. Scime bf these deficiencies in the metheds bf calculating the l'il‘J‘lI-S|';lItIllI stress are the subject bf research and imprqvements might appear in future. Meanwhile, unless the neminal stress-based appreach can be used, expert advice shbuld be sciught fbr assistance in areas crf dnubt pr ccincern. As a guide te the validity bf a calculatien nf the het-spet stress fer a fillet weld. it sheuld be at least 15% higher than the neminal stress at the weld tee. Misalignment and distcirtibn A seurce bf stress cencentratien in all types bf structures can be linear er angular misalignment at jeints isee Figure LL25 and B.S.2.1}. This can arise frem pbcir attentibn tn assembly cir erecticin precedures er frem welding -EilS‘lIDl"lIlDl"|. Stresses can be set up by the iecai bending effects induced by this misalignment and these sheuld be taken inte acceunt. NOTE References i'.?3—.2'5,i' cever this in sbme detail. Er The British Standards lnstituticin EH14 1 ‘ilIlS BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD Circular sectien pipes and vessels are particularly sensitive as ciffset and angular distnrtien in the lengitudinal seams and evality can individually er in cbmbinaticin magnify the neminal qr hbt~spcit stress by an amciunt which can sericiusly degrade the fatigue perfermance under pulsating pressure. Similarly, sbme degree bf linear andibr angular misalignment is virtually unaveidabie in butt welded jeints between cu-planar plates and cruciferm jeints. Unless the extent ef misalignment is already allewed far in the 5-H curve. it sheuld be included in the calculatien at the het-spet stress. It is rarely practical te include misalignment in a FE meclel. Therefbre, if relevant, the calculated value pf the het-spet stress sheuld be multiplied by km , the stress magnificatlen facter due tci misalignment isee B.S.2.1l, tci determine the actual vaiue. Figure [.25 Types pf misalignment and distcirtiun E is ll all Linear misalignment {plate centre-line bffseti bl Angular distcirtibn I ‘i c} Clvaiity 1l]E l E The British Standards lnstitutibn Ellie ) ( i I BRITISH STANDARD Table -E.l BS TEBBIIBIA The perfermance bf structural stress calculatien prbcedures SSE. Tl'l and HF fbr assessing hbt-spbt type "a" welcl tbes br ends“ Element type Weld mbdelling metlibd Hbt-spet stress cleterminatibn methbd Eamment Quadratic brick Eluadratic brick Weld mbdelled SSE br NF 'l'Tl if benchmark study Weld nbt mbdelied Til if benchmark study Linear brick Linear brick Weld mbdelled SSE br l'~lF NF Weld nbt mbdelled NF Benchmark study required fbr assessing end bf lengitudinal weld Quadratic shell Weld mbdelied using inclined weld elements Benchmark study recemmended fbr assessing SSE, TTI br HF, weld tees by TTI er HF Quadratic shell Weld mbclelled using SSE, TTI br NF Benchmark study recemmended fbr assessing weld tbes by TTI er NF thicker elements Weld nbt mbdelled SSE, TTI br NF Weld mbdelied using inclined weld elements HF Linear shell Weld mbdelled using thicicer elements Hbt recbmmended Linear shell lnr'eld_nbt_n1bdelied I NF Quadratic shell Linear shell I l—I Benchmark study recbmmended fbr assessing weld tbes TTI if beri_chHm_a|_'k_stud_y IaJ—I fl Applicable lbr elements sixes fit s 2. Reference case was FE mbdel with lJ.25t quadratic brick mesh and weld included. Structural het-spet stress was calculated using SSE. Annex D {nbrmative} Guidance bn the use bf fracture mechanics Bacitgrbund This annex prbvides guidance bn the use bf fracture mechanics methbds fbr the fatigue assessment bf structures br cbmpbnents subjected tb high cycle fatigue cbnditibns. in situatibns where the nbrmal fatigue strength assessment metheds in this British Standard might be unreliable br inapprbpriate. in general, fracture mechanics is nbt suitable fbr calculating precise fatigue strengths br lives as the results are largely dependent upbn the assumptibns made, {e.g., the values bf the cbnstants in the cracic grbwth equatibn, the size bf the initial flawfsl and the shape bf the resulting fatigue crack, fbr example, fbr a crack at a weld tbe, whether it is semi-elliptical br straight-frbnted}. l‘~lbt all bf this infbrmatibn is available at the design stage. Therefbre, if the bbiective is tb define a particular fatigue strength br life, assumptiens made shbuld be very censervative. Fracture mechanics can, hbwever, be a useful methbd fbr carrying but parametric studies, where the bbjective is tb define the relative influence bf a particular set bf variables. in that situatibn all the variables, except the bne under cbnsideratibn, can be held cbnstant and its influence can be evaluated. The guidance in this annex dbes nbt replace the nbrmal fatigue assessment precedures butllned in this British Standard when such precedures are applicable. Far example. they are nbt intended tb be used as a methbd ta circumvent the nbrmal requirements fbr gbbd wbrkmanship. Sbme typical situatibns in which the nbrmal prbcedures might be inapprbpriate and in which the use bf fracture mechaniu might be helpful are as fbllbws. El The British Standards lnstitutibn Efll-It 1 ‘ill? BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD al When assessing the fitness fer purpbse bf a structure knbwn tb centain flaws whbse size, shape and distributien are butside nbrmally acceptable limits {see 14.3.4} but which wbuld be difficult tb repair. NOTE in this case see as rare. bl when the effects bf relatively miner variatiens in the geemetricai er stress parameters fer a given detail are being studied. cl When the jeint detail under censideratien is unusual and is net adequately represented by bne bf the standard jbint classificatiens, br when a jeint is subjected tb the influence bf anbther stress cencentratien. dl When defining the frequency ef in-service inspectiens. el When assessing the remaining fatigue life bf a structure in which fatigue cracks already exist. fl When determining the damaging effect bf stress ranges belew the cbnstant amplitude fatigue limit in the calculatien bf fatigue life under spectrum lbading. in the case bf item ej the structure wbuld centain cracks whbse sizes have tb be determined by measurement and the sizes assumed have tb allew fbr pessible errers in such measurements- In ether situatiens it has te be assumed that small, but unmeasurabie. flaws exist at pbints bf stress cencentratien {e.g. at weld tbes} and that it is frbm them that fatigue cracking can brlginate. The size bf such flaws shbuld therefere be assumed. in general this annex cevers the applicatien bf fracture mechanics tb fatigue cracking frbm a weld tee threugh the stressed member {Figure ill] br frbm a weld rbbt threugh the weld threat {Figure I12]- lteference shbuld be made tb BS i'S+'l{l fbr censideratien ef fatigue cracking frem embedded flaws. The prbcedure recemmended in I13 te D.E is based upen the principles bf linear elastic fracture mechanics. similar tb that in BS ?SilEl, which alse centains mere detailed guidance and relevant design data. b.z Symbels and units Fer the purpeses bf this annex enly, the fbllbwing symbeis and units, {which are censistent with HS it-lllll. are used. a Measure ef current crack size {length er depthl fl {in mml a, Final vaiue bf cracic size“ {in mm} a, Initial vaiue bf crack size" {in mml A {Ibnstant in the crack prepagatien equatibn E Plate thickness {in mml c Half the surface length bf a semi-elliptical surface crack bf depth a {see Figure D.1} [in mm] dardlll Flate bf fatigue crack prepagatien lmmicyclel Fm, F,, Functibns ef crack size and shape and the preximity ef the crack tip tb free surfaces fer membrane and bending stresses respectively h Weld leg length {see Figure ill} {in mml L Overall length frem weld tee te weld tee bf an attachment, measured in the directibn bf the applied stress {in mml P" Length and depth are measured in the directien ef prepagatien. 1[lB 1 E The British Standards lnstitutibn Ellie BS ?l':i{lB:1lIl11'-'s BRITISH STANDARD rn tienstant in the crack prepagatien eguatien Mg {Ibrrectibn factbr bn stress intensity factbr dependent bn crack shape and size fbr bending stress Mm Cbrrectibn facter en stress intensity facter dependent en crack shape and size fbr membrane stress M,‘ lvlagnificatibn factbr bn stress intensity facter tb allew fbr the presence bf a stress cencentratien, such as weld tee {suffices it,“ er it], used te indicate membrane er bending} Figure D.1 N I"-lumber bf cycles {in cycles] N, Number bf cycles te crack initiatien {in cyciesl arc Range bf stress intensity facter at the tip bf the crack {in iii-mm"?-“*"l alt',,, Thresheid value bf bit fer crack prepagatien {in lil-mm'l"l qig Cbmplete elliptic integral bf the secbnd kind Flaw dimensiens r_ __ I ea-—|' 1; l lTl 2‘ 1. i lcflt ' l a} Semi-eliptical surface crack l. E ll E { E bl Dimensiens ef jeints with cracks at the weld tee E The British Standards lnstitutibn 2{li-It 1 il]El B5 TEDB EH14 Figure D I BRITISH STANDARD Transverse load-carrying cruciform joint -‘I-I l 2 i l HE _._. g If if r ] |..._ so l '| General baclcground As outlined in 11.1, fatigue craclcs in welded joints can originate either from the toe or root of the weld, depending on the type of joint, or from planar or non-planar flaws in the weld. Eraclcs originating from the weld toe normally initiate at small flaws while craclcs originating from the root often start from areas of deliberate laclr of penetration; in both cases the initiating feature can therefore be regarded as a planar discontinuity. Most fatigue craclcs in welded joints can therefore be regarded as starting from a pre-existing planar flaw and their behaviour can be described by the use of fracture mechanics analysis. The objective of such analysis is to calculate the life by integrating the relevant cracic growth law. In doing so it is assumed that the real flaws can be idealized as sharp-tipped cracits. which propagate at a rate, dardhi. which is a function of the range of the stress intensity factor, alt. Fracture mechanics is applicable to the behaviour of cracks under loading that can cause them to propagate, including fatigue loading. There are three possible modes of cracic opening, depending on the type of loading, as illustrated in Figure I13. This annex is applicable only to craclt opening mode l, generally the most severe, although the principles described would apply for any mode. When more than one mode is relevant, the corresponding stress intensity factor is normally referred to as it,, but the suffix is not included in this annex for clarity. The overall relationship between asrarv and nit’ is normally observed to be a sigmoidal curve in a log dafdfll versus log .£i.iii plot. There is a central linear portion. At low values of tilt’ the rate of growth falls off rapidly to a threshold stress intensity factor, .sir,,,, below which no significant craclr growth ls lilcely to occur. At high values of tilt, when the maximum stress intensity factor in the cycle approaches the critical stress intensity factor for failure under static load, the rate of cracli growth accelerates rapidly. However, for practical purposes, it is often sufficiently accurate to ignore the existence both of the threshold and of the failure regions and to assume that the central linear portion applies for all values of tilt’ up to failure. An important exception is item fl in D.1 when I5-H"-l is used to identify the applied load cycles that can be neglected as being effectively non-damaging. 1'lIEi l E The British Standards Institution 2014 BRITISH STAN DARD Figure I13 BS ?ElJBIID14 Eracli opening modes ai lvlode l {Opening} bl lvlode ll {In-plane shearl cl lvlode lll liIli.rt-of-plane shear]! The relevant equation for the rate of cracic propagation daldlv lin mmlcyclel is given by: da dill . lllll — = .a{.-_ixl"‘ where A is a constant that depends of the material and applied conditions including environment and cyclic frequency: rn is a constant that depends of the material and applied conditions including environment and cyclic frequency; ax is the range of stress intensity factor corresponding to the applied stress cycle and instantaneous fatigue cracic dimensions. Integration of Equation D.1 gives the number of cycles. N. required to propagate a cracic from an initial size. a_, to a final size. a,. as: l"v'- 1"‘ 1 . a *“'".ll""i'l'" H real If the case being assessed is one in which N, cycles are required to initiate a fatigue cracic, the total fatigue life is l‘il' + l'l.l,. However, N, is usually assumed to be zero for fatigue failure from stress concentration features in welded joints. The application of Equation [$1.2 for calculating the fatigue life under spectrum loading is equivalent to the use of |v|iner's rule isee 15.i'l assuming El = 1 [3]. However, in contrast to the application of Miner's rule using a constant amplitude 5-N curve. direct allowance can be made for the damaging effect of stress ranges below the constant amplitude fatigue limit on the basis that only combinations of craclc length and stress range that produce Mt’ values greater than the threshold value all-It,__ are damaging (l.e. cause cracic growth}. However, again in contrast to the use of lvliner's rule, the order of application of the stress spectrum should be talcen into account to ensure that stress ranges that actually occur when the cracic is long enough for alt to exceed .-tit,“ are not neglected. Therefore, unless the order of application of stress cycles is known. cycles should be applied in the most damaging plausible order, established if necessary by performing the calculations for various orders to determine the worst case. El The British Standards institution 21314 1 l'l1 RS TEDBIZD14 BRITISH STANDARD if there is uncertainty about the validity of IvIiner’s rule for the type of load spectrum being assessed, isee 15.7}, the life Iv calculated using Equation lJ.2 should be reduced accordingly {e.g. halved if D = IIl.S is appropriate}. Values of A and m The values of A and m depend upon the material and the applied conditions, such as stress ratio, environment. test frequency and waveformWhenever possible, data relevant to the particular material, product form and service conditions should be used and where any uncertainty exists concerning the influence of the environment such data should be obtained in accordance with BS ISD 12ilJB. Provided that sufficient data are available to enable them to be defined, the chosen values should correspond to the mean plus two standard deviations of log daldill, representing the same 92.2% probability of survival as the design 5-N cunres- Comprehensive guidance on A and m values relevant to welded materials. including allowance for applied stress ratio and various environments, is given in BS Ftilfl. in the case of structural steels under conditions comparable with those experienced by welded joints containing high tensile residual stress, the following conservative fatigue craclc growth parameters are recommended: I in air, m = 3, A = 5.21 x Iii“ and tilt,“ = E3'i"'f: I in a marine environment at temperatures up to 2!] “C. m = 3. A = 2-3 x ill“: and arr,,, = zero. Initial flaw size a, The calculated life is usually very sensitive to the assumed value of a,. Therefore a, should not be underestimated. For nominally flaw—free welded joints failing from the weld toe a, should be assumed to lie within the range D.1 mm to I125 mm l2E, 221 unless a larger size is known to be relevant. The correct value to be used is calculated from the calibration calculations isee D.Bi. In the absence of definite information about the shape of the initial flaws, for joints with welds transverse to the direction of stress it should be assumed that an the flaw at the weld toe is long and continuous, i.e. Fl = ill At the ends of c longitudinally loaded welds, however, it would be realistic to assume that the -Eli initial flaw was a semi-elliptical in shape with 2- = ill . -C Limit to fatigue craclc propagation a,. in the fatigue assessment, an upper limit should be set to the size a, to which a cracic could grow without failure occurring during operation by any of the following modes, as appropriate: al unstable fracture; bl yielding of the remaining section: 112 l cl lealiage {in containment vessels}; di stress corrosion; e) instability {buckling}; or fl creep. E The British Standards Institution 2&1-4 BRITISH STANDARD D.1 D.?.1 BS TEBBIIBIA Range of stress intensity factor, AK tiieneral Application of the crack propagation equation isee DJ] requires knowledge of the range of stress intensity factor, alt. at the cracic tip- Hence, for the actual or assumed dimensions and position of the idealized flaw. the value of alt corresponding to the range of stress isee 15.2 and 15.3} should tie estimated either from relevant published solutions, notably those in BS TE-lllli, or from specific stress analysis of the structure. D.?.1 Stress intensity factor correction factor in general the value of iilii is of the form: |— {DJ} "|"lTH .-Jilif = lhrfymfl-'fmJdm + ill-I'f|.;i;.lI-"l|;,,.rlrI|;.l? U NOTE gslu is only relevant in the assessment of elliptical embedded or semi‘-elliptical surface cracks. it is a function of air,‘ for straight-fronted cracks l'ai'c=t'l,l it is l.lJ BS '.lFl1{l provides an extensive range of solutions for the correction factors Mm, Mg and llrl,,.. in cases that apply specifically to welded joints the following apply! a} Correction factors that do not distinguish between membrane and bending stresses are used in conjunction with the total stress range dam + nah. bl If the distinction between membrane and bending stresses is not known. the correction factors for membrane stress should be used in conjunction with the total stress range .£irr,,, + deg. In the cases shown in Figure D.1 and Figure D.2, the solutions in BS TBIB allow arc to be calculated for semi-elliptical or straight-fronted lair = ill cracks at weld toes but only straight-fronted cracks propagating from the weld root in cruciform joints. In a fatigue crack propagation analysis the procedure is to calculate arr at the crack tip El isee Figure D.1} and, in the case of an elliptical flaw, 5 and use Equation D.1 to determine the incrementlsl of crack growth for the relevant .’!ill'.' valuelsl and the number of applied load cycles. The process is then repeated for the new crack size until a = aj. Depending on the purpose of the analysis this might correspond, for example, to complete failure, leakage of a container, the attainment of a detectable crack or the end of the required life. D.?.l.ll D.?.3.1 Stress range Gen erai BS 291111 provides detailed guidance on the determination of the stress range on to be used in Equation D.1 However, this annex has some additional guidance to allow a choice to be made between the use of the nominal or hot-spot stress. Table D.1 summarizes the resulting recommendations. D.T.El.2 Iilominal stress range The guidance in ES 2910 leads to the determination of the same stress range as that described in 15.5 for use in nominal stress-based assessments. Thus. do in equation I13 should include allowance for the stress concentration effects of any gross structural discontinuities and misalignment. The additional stress concentration effect of the weld detail, which is not required for nominal stress-based assessments using S-N curves, also needs to be considered. If this is not already included in the it solution it is introduced using the correction factor, Mk, which is a function of crack size, geometry and loading, as follows: El The British Standards institution 2tl1-I1 1 113 BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD My - It’ for crack in plate it for same crack in plate with stress concentration without stress lillil concentration The solution in B5 rare for weld toe surface cracks is a function of crack depth a, plate thickness .El and the overall length l. of the attachment measured from weld toe to weld toe {Figure D.1}. l'vl,, normally decreases with increase in crack depth, from a value equal to the stress concentration factor in the absence of a crack down to unity at crack depths of typically Eollt of plate thicltness. at crack depths greater than that corresponding to Mg = 1.l] it should be assumed that M, = In the corresponding B5 'i'EillI1 solution for weld root cracks in cruciform joints {Figure D.2I l'v'l,,, is a function of crack length a, weld size h and plate thickness B. It is always less than unity and its value might increase or decrease with increase in crack size, depending on the value of hill‘. In all the cases shown in Figure D.1 and Figure [Ii.2 the stress range is that in the loaded plate at the weld toe. D.?.3.3 Hot-spot stress range The potential use of the hot-spot stress range is confined to the assessment of fatigue cracking from a weld toe. It is not applicable to the case of fatigue failure from the root of a cruciform joint [Figure I12). The hot-spot stress includes the stress concentration effects of gross structural discontinuities. misalignment {which in practice is likely to be allowed for by applying l:,,, to the hot-spot stress determined for an aligned joint, see B.5.2.1l and of the weld detail, but excludes the stress concentration effect of the weld toe isee 1S.?j. Therefore, the only further correction needed before using it in Equation 13.3 is My. However, a complication with the Mk solutions in BS Tfllil is that they already include the stress concentration effect of the weld detail, as reflected in the UH value. As that effect is included in the hot-spot stress lexcept for those cases highlighted in 12.5.4} the ll-l,, solution for i.ltl = 13.5 should be used to reduce its influence. However. the actual titl value should be used if there is any uncertainty that the hot-spot stress has been determined correctly [see 12.5.11}, which is a consenrative assumption for any case. In practice, if the hot-spot stress is determined on the basis of calculation of the through-thickness stress distribution and corresponding membrane and bending stress components i,i.e- by the TTI or NF method, see t'I.lI.3]l. these can be used directly in Equation I13. M, values would also be required, as described above. D.B Calibration When the problem under consideration is one in which fatigue cracking from a weld toe is involved, the fracture mechanics formulation which is used for the fatigue assessment should be shown to predict, with acceptable accuracy, either: al the fatigue strength of a joint class with a detail similar to that under consideration: or bl test data for joints which are similar to those requiring assessment. Such calibration checks should be based upon realistic estimates of the mean values of the various parameters. 114 l E The British Standards Institution 2i]1-4 M D A in D B S _____ E D B _"____D B R" H E H _ _ _ _ T_ 1 A_ E _"ufll “fi__E HU_B E__-fl_mD_“__ HEB“HE;U _=u_DEfi_“ £__="fiium-_w___“:MHmu_¢ _fl H_“ “W_ _“_ _ “ _ H_fi=N_ _ _fi =_ _‘ENE mcicmu U-____fi___ _H_fl_m““_ _HEW _m _ m_“m_ _ _ “fl_m _ _ “m_ _+" _DHhmfl_" ___ ______________ ________w ______ "_ _ _n_ _ _ _ _ _ _fl_ _D_ _ _ _ Hga DE _ _flEmmi _ _Y E_:E u_E_"_w “_m_EDmH_“________ fi_ _ _ _ _ _________“__ _m_#H_ _ "_ _ _ fi_{ _ m_ _ “_ H_d _m_EI_ _ _ H_ 1--I-_-_-I -‘I1 .-1 Eu Eu _n_ D_‘_U_ _ _W_E_ _ mF_ _____5_m]_m&_m_§mH5 ______u E Eng: E_whH: HE: E_E_ Rpm: _ _£E“_u=E_u_ _Er_ _ _u"___ “__fi__ “__D _ 2fimtm H“_u___: _wmmhi _UuW_Hn_H:m_E=“m_M|_Hm_um=_mMu“_=_ _m_ DED_____ _E_Efi_Em_ _ _ E_um_ _h_“m_mnu _____D_WEM_HD_EN_ED_ __H_______‘ _EEda "E&_E___ _ "nu ____“___ :E_a H____________ __ t _E"_ _____ _______i E______r _mE:_ ED_2_ E_ mfi______i _Wmm? _wH_ Im“W_I1HH_m__u _% E E T h E E r ___“ _“ h 5t E H d H M S H H ___H_ _m H __J_U 4 1 - 1 1 S BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIZIII14 Annex E [normative] E.1 Fatigue testing and the use of test data to define design stresses introduction Fatigue testing might need to be carried out for two different purposes: ai to establish the relevant S-ill curve, or joint classification, for the design of some detail which is not adequately covered by the classifications given in Clause 12; or b]i to establish whether some prototype structure is capable of carrying the fatigue loading expected during the service life of the structure. in al. the objective is to obtain a design 5-ill curve, under constant amplitude loading, in a similar manner to that used for the standard classes lsee hut}. Statistical methods that are consistent with BS ISD ‘i2'llIlI-' are provided in this annex. In fatigue acceptance testing, the objective would normally be to apply to the component or structure loading simulating that to be expected in service. Guidance on the design and production of welded fatigue test specimens is provided in PD lSDiTft 14345. Any fatigue tests should be performed using equipment andlor testing machines with known calibration le.g. using equipment that conforms to B5 EH ISD Title-ll. The specimens should not be overloaded prior to fatigue testing. E.2 I5.1.1 Fatigue tests to establish joint classification Fatigue test procedure Fatigue testing for joint classification purposes involves carrying out constant amplitude tests under tensile cyclic stresses. In the case of welded specimens, ideally these should be full-scale structural components but valid data can be obtained from specimens incorporating the weld detail of particular interest provided plate and weld sizes are full-scale and allowance is made for the likelihood that they would not embody the high tensile residual stress that is likely to exist in the actual structure. Ways of doing this include local spot heating, the introduction of additional weld beads normal to the weld of interest or performing the test at a high positive stress ratio or under conditions of high tensile mean or maximum stress. Tests may be performed at various stresses, with repeat tests at some of them, selected so as to give endurances to failure reasonably evenly distributed over the linear part of the relationship between log lstress rangel and log {endurance}, {l.e. typically over the range rte to 2 x lot" cycles}. Alternatively, all tests may be performed at the same stress level. It is usually appropriate to test not less than eight nominally identical specimens representative of the detail under consideration. If the detail is subsequently to be used in an environment other than air at normal ambient temperatures, then the service environment [e-g- corrosion conditions, temperature] should be simulated in the fatigue tests. In those circumstances it is also important that the loading frequency should be similar to that expected in service. 11E l E The British Standards Institution 2iIi14 BRITISH STANDARD E.1.Z E.2.2.1 BS TEBBIIBIA Tests performed to validate a design 5-ill curve Approach Use is made of the mean 5-iii curve for the class selected, and its standard deviation of log f-l. Sflg. initially the assumption is made that the new test results form part of the same population as that used to determine the design S~l'il curve {this is called the null hypothesis]. Then, hypothesis testing is used to show that, under this assumption, it is very unlikely {at a specified significance levelj that the new results would be as high as they are. This is the basis for regarding the null hypothesis as implausible. and for accepting the alternative hypothesis that the new results actually belong to a population having longer fatigue lives than the main database. Thus. use of the selected class would be valid. Assuming a Sill significance level, the condition for accepting the alternative hypothesis is: i,,. IDQ N[Egt Z Il'J'glll|l,g' + 'i' n l'E. ll‘ where logNy.,.,y stress; is the mean logarithm of the fatigue life from the tests at a particular logl'il,, is the logarithm of the corresponding fatigue life from the mean S-lil curve for the design class; n is the number of fatigue test results. NOTE I The value l.iErt_'i .|'s obtained from standard normal probability tables for a probability of 0.95. NOTE 2 The 5% level of significance is commonly considered to give a sufficiently low probability of concluding that the populations are different in the case where they are actually the same. Alternatives include l..2B5 at the lfili-t level of significance, l.S'ElIl at 2.5% and 2.33 at lit. Equation E.1 can also be expressed: —- l.-Ii-4S sol llliliestalllfdif lllll I {E.I',l where: S‘j".l'il= C,,x IDIITE-fl -.|-1 - is the geometric mean of the test fatigue lives. lsasic assumptions are that: al the slope of the mean s-rv for the test results is the same as the slope rn of the design curve, and bl the standard deviation of log I'll about that mean 5-ill cunre {assuming that its slope is ml is the same as that for the database that produced the design curve. {l.e. Stlgji. Tests are available to check these assumptions if there is any uncertainty isee 2tll- El The British Standards institution 2[l14 1 112 BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD E.2.I.I Tests performed at the same stress level Each specimen is tested to failure- Equation E.2 is then satisfied, where filgls the geometric mean fatigue life obtained at the stress level used and n is the total number of tests. Unless the new results lie on an 5-ill curve with the same slope as the design curve. this approach only validates the selected class at the stress level used for the tests. E.2.2.3 Ftepeat tests at a number of stress levels Each specimen is tested to failure. Equation E.2 is then applied in turn for each stress level. This approach validates the design curve over the range of stress levels used, even if the s-rv curve for the new test results does not have the same slope m as the design curve for the selected class. E.2.2.4 Tests performed to produce an S-lll‘ curve The specimens are tested to failure at various stress levels and an s-rv curve is fitted by regression analysis {see A.1}. This should be of the same form as the selected design curve and have the same slope m {see E.2.2.1} such that Equation E.2 can be modified to compare this curve and the mean S-ill curve for the design class being validated to give the condition: c.,.,.,, e Cj;,xllIll%lm5' lE-31‘ Consequently, the mean curve fitted to the test results is expected to be on or above the following 5-lil curve: . , s;".rv=c,,a1crl%_i rice ltather than testing every specimen to failure, Equation E-1‘-i could be used as a target curve to be achieved in every test. In this case the specimens fatigue tested do not need to fail, simply to achieve lives on or above the target curve. E.3 Fatigue acceptance test The objective of the fatigue acceptance test is to establish if some prototype component or structure is capable of carrying the fatigue loading expected during its service life- iilihere the service loads vary in a random manner between limits, they should be represented by an equivalent series of variable amplitude load cycles. Ciccasional high service loads in the test spectrum should not be unrepresentatively large or too numerous as, if they are, the fatigue lives which are obtained might not be representative {due to the fact that occasional high stresses can retard fatigue crack growth}. Alternatively, the test could be performed under constant amplitude loading at the maximum imposed service load. with the required number of repetitions being estimated to produce fatigue damage equivalent to that produced by the actual senrice loading spectrum. allowing for fatigue crack growth retardation. if relevant. As in the case of tests to establish the classification of a joint {see E.2}, if the structure is to be used in an abnormal environment then the environment and loading frequency should be simulated in the acceptance tests- The geometric mean life obtained from the effective number of specimens should be at least equal to the design life multiplied by the factor. F. from Table E.1. 11B l E The British Standards Institution 2i]14 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIDIA Dwing to the great increase in scatter for tests carried out near the fatigue limit, stresses should be selected to give specimen lives not exceeding 2 x ID‘ cycles. Table E.1 Fatigue test factor, F lrlumber of test result. n Fatigue test factor. F I S-4 2 3 4 ‘ill 4.3 3-S 3.? 3.2 MUTE Test factor obtained from Equation E.2 modified to compare filmy, assuming SD = il.2. Annex F {nonnative} F.1 Weld toe improvement techniques Background The weld toe is a primary source of fatigue cracking because of the severity of the stress concentration it produces. Apart from a relatively sharp transition from the plate surface to the weld, dependent on the weld profile, the stress concentration effect is enhanced by the presence of minute crack-like flaws, extending to depths {below any undercut} of a few tenths of a mm [25, 2?]. These flaws are an inherent feature of fusion welds and are not regarded as defects- Fatigue cracks readily initiate at these flawsThe weld toe improvement methods described in this annex rely on two main principles: a} Reduction of the severity of the weld toe stress concentration. Two methods are given, burr grinding and re-melting by TIE or plasma dressing. The primary aim is to remove or reduce the size of the weld toe flaws and thus extend the crack initiation part of the fatigue life- A secondary aim is to reduce the local stress concentration due to the weld profile by achieving a smooth blend at the transition between the plate and the weld facebl introduction of beneficial compressive residual stress. An alternative. or additional, approach is to introduce beneficial compressive residual stresses in the weld toe region. These have the effect of clamping the weld toe in compression, with the result that an applied tensile stress would first overcome the residual stress before it became damaging. The applied stress range is therefore less damaging. This annex covers techniques that all achieve this aim by plastic deformation of the weld toe region, namely hammer, needle. high-frequency and shot peening. Compressive residual stresses are then produced as a result of the constraint imposed by the surrounding elastic material. An important practical limitation on the use of improvement techniques that rely on the presence of compressive residual stresses is that the fatigue performance of the treated weld is strongly dependent on the applied mean stress of the subsequent fatigue loading. In particular, their beneficial effect decreases as the maximum applied stress approaches tensile yield. disappearing altogether at maximum stresses above yield. Thus. in general the techniques are not suitable for structures operating at applied stress ratios {R} of more than DA or maximum applied stresses above around Bl]‘lirr yield. The occasional application of high stresses, in tension or compression, can also be detrimental in terms of relaxing the compressive residual stress. Er The British Standards institution 21314 1 115' BS TBBBIZB14 BRITISH STANDARD The techniques in this annex are particularly suitable for treating transverse fillet weld toes. Although in principle they could equally be used to treat butt weld toes, in practice it is usually more convenient simply to grind the butt weld overfill flush to improve its fatigue performance. The information provided in this annex refers specifically to transverse fillet weld toes, including the toes of external fillets in full or partial penetration joints and the toes of fillet welds that pass around the ends of longitudinal attachments. and the specified extents of improvement in fatigue performance resulting from the use of the improvement techniques apply only to such cases. This annex provides only general guidance on the application of the improvement techniques. For more detailed guidance reference can be made to llllll Recommendations I29]. The extent of the improvement in fatigue performance resulting from the use of the techniques is also defined in this annex- The improvement techniques covered by this annex are intended to increase the fatigue performance of the welded joint treated with respect to potential fatigue failure from the weld toe. In practice, the possibility of failure initiating at some other location with little improvement in fatigue life should be taken into account. This is especially relevant to joints with load-carrying fillet or partial penetration welds where fatigue cracking might still propagate from the weld root. Even nominally non-load-carrying fillet welds can fail from the root when the toe has been improved. Consequently, when weld improvement is planned, full penetration welds or fillet welds with extra~large throats should be used where possible. particularly for welds at the ends of cover plates and longitudinal stiffeners. in the case of a multi—run weld, more than one weld toe might need to be treated. This is particularly the case in situations where the stress distribution over the weld surface is fairly uniform, such as a nodal joint between tubes of nearly equal diameter under out-of-plane bending {Figure F.1}; treatment of the weld toe on the member surface would merely transfer failure to an adjacent toe between surface beads of the weld. Consequently, some or all other weld toes would need to be treated, in which case the most practical approach would be to grind the whole weld surface rather than to treat individual weld toes {see Figure F.1}. Figure F.1 liliulti-run weld in tubular nodal joint requiring improvement of every weld ‘toe //*1»-22 l A If the stress over the weld surface is fairly uniform grinding the toes A merely transfers failure to the inter-run toes ii and C- In such situations the whole weld needs to be groundThis annex applies to the treatment of weld toes on members at least E mm thick in any arc welded steel structure that is subjected to fatigue loading. Due to lack of experimental data for extra high strength steels, the specified improvements in fatigue performance apply only to structural steel and stainless steel grades up to maximum specified yield strength of E-lliti lrlimmf. However. it is reasonable to expect that. in principle, the methods would also improve the fatigue performance of welded higher strength steels, and welds on members less than E mm in thickness. In the absence of relevant published data, such benefit should be quantified by special testing {see Annex E}. 12[l 1 E The British Standards Institution 2i]14 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEDBIIDI4 with regard to service loading conditions. the tensile stress limitations ln 15.1 still applv. The specified benefits of burr grinding and TIE dressing ezctend to low-cvcle fatigue strain cvcling conditions in regions of geometric stress concentration. However, special restrictions are imposed regarding applied pealc stresses and stress ratios in the case of the peening techniques. F.1 Preparation The ease of application and benefit from anv of the improvement techniques covered by this annex: is improved if the weld to be treated has a favourable profile with a well-defined weld toe. A favourable profile has a low weld toe contact angle, 45 or less, a generous weld toe radius, ‘i mm or more, and freedom from weld toe undercut or cold laps. Therefore. if it is planned to use an improvement technique, it is advisable to trv to produce fillet welds with such features. If the weld to be treated has a poor profile, it is advisable to grind a shallow groove along the toe to help guide the improvement technique tool l_T|G or plasma torch, peening hammer. etc.l. Such preparation might not be required before shot peening, but light grinding maires it easier to checlt that the treatment has been applied correctfv and, reduce the stress concentration. In the case of the treatment of welds that pass around the ends of longitudinal attachments, including corner gussets, it is also advisable to use full-penetration welds, at least for the first 3|] mm, to reduce the rislr. of fatigue failure from the weld root. Further benefit cornes from tapering the attachment end to provide a smoother transition to the main plateIn all cases the weld to be treated should be de~siagged and cleaned bv wire-brushing to remove scale, rust or paint. It is also advisable to remove traces of oil or other surface contaminants before TIE or plasma dressing. F.3 F3 Weld toe dressing techniques Burr grinding The prlmarv aim of grinding is to remove or reduce the siae of the weld toe flaws from which fatigue craclcs propagate and to reduce the local stress concentration effect of the weid profile bv srnoothlv blending the transition between the plate and the weld face. Toe grinding is normallv carried out with a high speed pneumatic, hvdraulic or electric rotarv burr grinder with rotational speed from 15 lZllJlZl to so U-Ell] rpmThe tool bit is normally a tungsten carbide burr ior rotating filel with a hemispherical end. To avoid a notch effect from too small a groove radius fr}, it should be scaled to the plate thickness ft) at the weld toe being ground and the grinding depth id} such that the root radius of the groove is no less than lIl.25t or 4d {see Figure F2}. If a suitable burr for achieving such a radius directlv is not available, as is liicelv to be the case with thiclc sections, the final groove might need to be produced bv blending the sides of the sharp groove bv additional grinding. Er The British Standards institution EH14 1 TIT BRITISH STANDARD B5 ?El]'B:1lII'll'l- Figure F..."-I Recommendations for weld toe grinding d = min. I15 mm below undercut l‘l'I ::- I125 1: ,.., I ‘l rid 2 -‘-I 1 -H 2 €,..s"\ 3 '5 1. 1 E uor To scats lfey Ground profile 4 Minimum throat to be maintained Original profile '5 E Grinding depth Weld root Original toe LI.lI"-i.I—I The tool is centred over the weld toe and pushed or pulled along the toe to produce a smooth concave profile at the weld toe. The depth of the depression penetrating into the plate surface should be at least I15 mm below the bottom of any undercut or flaw at the weld toe, which can be located by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection {Figure F.3l. The maximum depth of local machining or grinding should not exceed 2 mm. lf the reduction in plate thiclcness exceeds 5% this should be talcen into account in the stress calculation. The ends of fillet welds, such as those attaching longitudinal members, can only be treated effectively if the weld can be carried around the end of the attachment member to provide a distinct weld toe. Where toe grinding is used to improve the fatigue life of fillet welded connections. care should be talcen to ensure that the required throat thicltness is maintained. The final ground surface should be inspected by suitable l‘-i[.lT to confirm that the weid toe has been removed completely and to ensure freedom from surface—brealting flaws that might have been exposed as a result of the grinding. Figure F.3 Toe grinding to improve fatigue strength 'F_ .-"' al Stress in member I T21 l E The British Standards Institution EH14 FT BRITISH STANDARD Figure F3 BS TEBBIIBI4 Toe grinding to improve fatigue strength -IIII-ii} ‘|_ 2—-. &\\‘“ 3-o NDTE Erinoling a weld toe tangentially top the plate surface as at st produces littfe improvement in strengthlSr.|'ncl'r'ng shouiol extend beiovv the surface as at B, in order to rernove toe fi'.a|.-vs- bl Stress in member "r" ltey 1 lvlember ‘r' 2 Flaw 3 4 |=.a.2 Member x Depth of grinding should be at least f.l.5 mm but s it mm below bottom of any flaw at the weld toe I TIE or plasma dressing The objective of TlE or plasma dressing is to remove the weld toe flaws by re-melting the material at the weld toe and to reduce the local stress concentration effect of the local weld toe profile by providing a smooth transition between the plate and the weld face. Figure Effect of TIE or plasma torch position on resulting weld profile —-i—|—'—2 ~+|-2 \ ii liley ‘l Elptimum shape 3 Toe :lIl.5 mm 2 tl.5 mm to 1.5 mm from weld toe 4 Unacceptable shape Standard TIE or plasma welding equipment is used, without the addition of any filler material. Argon is normally used as shielding gas. The addition of helium in TIE dressing is beneficial as this gives a larger pool of melted metal due to a higher heat input. However, one advantage of plasma dressing over TIE is that a wider re-melted material pool is produced. El The British Standards Institution 21314 1 IE3 BS TBBBIZIII14 BRITISH STANDARD if pre-heating would be required for welding the steel concerned then pre-heating to the lower end of the range of recommended temperatures should be used before TlE or plasma dressing. In both cases the position of the welding torch arc with respect to the original weld toe should be controlled. Trials should be carried out before applying TIE or plasma dressing to establish the correct conditions. The aim is to produce a profile that blends smoothly from the weld face to the plate surface, as shown in- This should be possible with the arc centred close to the weid toe on the plate side. ideally iIl.5 mm to 1.5 mm from the toe. An unacceptable result, Figure F.4, may be produced if the arc ls too close to the weld toe, within lJ.5 mm, and the dressing conditions should be modified to prevent this. Further details of the techniques can be found in Iii‘, ES and Ellll. Benefit F.3.3 The classification of welds might, where indicated in Table ll to Table ll], be raised when dressing of the weld toes is carried out in accordance with this annex isee also 13.2}. For assessments based on either nominal or hot-spot stresses. the S-I'll curve for the untreated weld can be assumed to be increased in fatigue strength at ltli cycles by a factor of 1.5 and the 5,-N curve rotated to a slope of m = 3.5, as illustrated in Figure F.5. Weld toe grinding should not be assumed to be effective in the presence of a corrosive environment as this can cause pitting of the dressed surface. The full potential of weld toe dressing might not be achieved if fatigue craclcing could initiate at a location other than the treated weld toe. The design process should still address all potential sites for fatigue cracic initiation and classify each one accordingly. Figure F.5 ' f-lodirficatlo n to design 5-N curve for untreated weld resulting from weld toe dressing T Slltl I fililfl I IIIII_l| I I fI|lIl_| I I IIII1I| ""1-. ""--. I"rlltl— ""1--. ""1-. -..H""'-i iflfl - --..___~_ ""-I-. T5-l'J — ER E q ri ~< 1 --..____h ‘H"""'-. I-Iil -I ‘?EB-Z-IE 5l'=1'5'5'oc *""""., III‘-Z SII - 555:: Lil ii fltl ill‘ IIIIl_lI I ||-||r||.J 1ll5 I I |||||| til‘ ts‘ K II‘-iey it Endurance ili, cycles 1" Stress range Sr Iilimmi‘ 1 Toe sf-izrv =,¢..;i 3-5.11.1? .1: Untreated weld sfsv = .-t Finally, the fatigue strength of toe dressed welds is limited by that of the parent material. Thus, for applied stress ranges greater than that where the s-rv curves for the treated weld and parent material [class B} intersect, the lower of the two S-I'll‘ curves should be used. 12-II l El The British Stan dards Institution Iilll-1 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEBBIIBI4 Weld toe peening techniques F.4.1 Eene ral Four weld toe peening techniques are covered by this annex: all hammer; bl needle; cl high-frequency; and dl shot peening. Methods a} - d} aim to induce compressive residual stresses by plastic deformation produced either by repeatedly hammering the weld toe region with solid blunt-nosed tools or a bundle of small-diameter rods. both with smooth, rounded tips {Figure E5}, or by directing high-velocity shot at the weld toe. In use, the tips of the solid tools wear, causing flattening, and the surface becomes rougher. Therefore, the end shape should be checlced after every use and, if necessary, the tool tip re-ground and polished. Figure F.E Weld toe peening methods rm a]l Hammer peening // bl llleedle peening cl High frequency peening In the case of the hammering techniques, the tool is centred over the weld toe and moved along it so that the repeated hammering produces an indentation at the weld toe. Effective treatment requires reasonably accurate positioning of the tip of the tool over the weld toe, which is facilitated by prior grinding, so that metal on each side [both weld metal and parent plate} is deformed. This is normally achieved by supporting the hammer firmly with the tool between 45 and Ell“ to the plate surface and approximately perpendicular {TF5 — ".-ltll to the direction of travel {Figure F.i'} and lteeping the tool tip in close contact with the weld toe as it is moved along. The peening operation is repeated until there is a clear Indication of uniform plastic deformation in the form of a groove with a uniform surface appearance. In the case of needle peening this is a surface bright in appearance with a uniform distribution of small indentations. El The British Standards Institution EH14 1 115 BS TBBBIZIII14 Flgure FJ BRITISH STANDARD Weld toe peening ‘I In . ___ _ 2 /is 9 Er .\\£5-///A Itey I Bright surface 2 Feening depth Ill mm to I15 mm depending on peening method in order to ensure full coverage of the weld toe region. the following procedure should be followed. al Apply needle peening until the relevant area is free of untreated spots, checlt for ltlllbli coverage using a low power magnifying glass and record the peening time talcen to achieve this. bl Repeat the peening for the same length of time to achieve what is termed ac-are coverage. c} A satisfactory result can normally be achieved with a total of four passes. in the case of hammer or high-frequency peening the requirement is for a surface that is smooth and free from obvious individual indentations. Again, four passes are usually sufficient. Surface flaws should also be avoided. In this respect. both peening methods. especially when applied to pealty or severely convex weld profiles, can cause the piastically deformed metal to fold over the original weld toe and leave a cracic-like lap. feature. The resulting fatigue performance of the welded joint might actually be less than that of the original. Therefore, it is advisable to grind the weld lightly before peening to improve its shape and create a groove which facilitates a steady movement of the peening tool. Any signs of folded laps or heavy flalcing of the surface should be removed by local grinding, followed by re-peening. Table F-1 summarixes the main characteristics of the equipment and objectives of the three hammer or needle peening techniquesAn important feature of shot peening ls the need to ensure full coverage of the surface to be treated. The usual technique for assessing adequate shot peening coverage is to apply a fluorescent dye before peening and then inspect it with the aid of a blaclt light. Checlcs can be made during shot peening so that particular attention can be paid to regions where access by the shot is restricted. its all the peening techniques rely on the retention of compressive residual stress they cannot be relied upon to provide any benefit unless they are applied after any operations that could introduce tensile residual stress ie.g- the assembly of components when fit-up is imperfect]. 125 l El The British Standards Institution Iilll-1 BRITISH STANDARD F.4.Z l=.rfi.2.1 BS TEBBIIBIA Practical comments Hammer peening The diameter of the tool tip influences the resulting appearance of a hammer peened surface. In general, the smaller the diameter, the greater the lilrelihood that the actual weld toe itself would be peened and eventual-ly disappear. Peening with a large diameter tool {greater than 12 mm} does not usually reach the weld toe but instead deforms material either side of it. Although in general the desired effect is achieved with fewer passes using a large diameter tool, the presence of the original weid toe is a disadvantage from the viewpoint of inspection. in particular, it is not obvious that the toe has been correctly treated ii.e. left in a state of compressive residual stress} and remnant traces of weld toe confuse in-service inspection as it is difficult to distinguish between them and fatigue craclcs. The use of a small diameter tool, or a combination of small and large diameter tools, with the aim of deforming the actual weld toe offers the best compromise. Inspection would then ensure that all traces of the original weld toe had disappeared. Hammer peening, even using modern silenced hammers, is a noisy operation; the operator and others woriring in the vicinity should use ear protection. ‘vibration from peening equipment can cause physical discomfort or harm, and the operator should wear vibration-damping gloves and not perform the operation for extended periods of time. El The British Standards Institution EH14 1 1.’-11-' BS TBBB:ZlII1l'I- Table F-1 BRITISH STANDARD Summary of weld toe peening methods Details _ Tool Machine Method Hammer peening Needle peening High frequency peening 3—5'.Irnm diameter round-tipped chisel Bundle of round-tipped steel rods {e-g- around Cine or more singie- or double—radius ended tools, thirty 2mm diameter needles} Standard weld de-siagging needle gun Pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical impacting hammer typically 3—5mm in , diameter Purpose-built impacting hammer activated by vibrations produced by ultrasonic transducer or pneumatically Typical hammering I 25-1l]tl blows per second frequency i Typical travel soo 4tl blows per second till}-4tltl blows per second sou sop speed, m-i-elder-._ Number of Typically 4 passes _ _ _ _ I Typical depth of I iIl.'lS—lIl.S {lI.'l.lSmm plastic Typically 4 I _ _ D.1-i.'l.2 i As required to produce _ req_uired surface finish fl.1S-B-4 minimum required] deformation, E15" .= Required surface finish I Uniform groove with smooth surface free from .- .; Bright surface with uniform distribution of Uniform groove with smooth surface free from obvious individual small indentations over obvious individual indentations complete surface indentations F.4.2.2 Iifeedle peening lileedle peening is noisy and ear protection should be used. However, it is less noisy than hammer peening and the equipment is lighter and generally easier to use than hammer peening equipment. F.4.2.3 High frequency peening The relatively low frequencies of hammer and needle peening mean that their effectiveness depends on the pressure on the tool against the treated surface [typically at least Ill ltgfl. The result is that the vibrations of the tool are transmitted directly to the hands of the operator and some effort might be required to maintain alignment of the peening tool along the weld. In contrast, the high-frequency peening methods are based on the generation and utilization of impacts from very high frequency vibrations, with the result that effective treatment is virtually independent of the pressure on the tool ii-3 ligfl. lvoise and vibration are also considerably lower. In view of these factors, the high frequency peening techniques offer advantages over hammer and needle peening in terms of ease of use, health and safety and quality control of the peening operation. 12B 1 El The British Standards Institution IBI4 BRITISH STANDARD F.4.I.4 BS TEBBIIDIA Shot peening Shot peening entails impacting a surface with shot iround metallic, glass or ceramic particles} varying in diameter from 5i] |.-tl'1'l to E mm with a force sufficient to create plastic deformation. it is a non-contact process so that particles are fired at the surface remotely and can be applied manually but generally in an automatic or mechanized manner for consistency of the residual stress profile. Checking for that consistency can be achieved using fluorescent dyes sprayed or brushed onto the surface before shot peening and subsequently checlired using a blaclt light during and after processing. Any residue of fluorescence, which might be localized if it reflects the presence of a sharp discontinuity lilte a steep weld profile or weld toe undercut, provides an indication of inadequate coverage and the need for further peening. The selection of shot size and type depends on the material and geometry of the part and the strain sensitivity of that material. F.r'-L3 Benefits The classification of welds might, where indicated in Table 4 to Table til, be raised by peening the weld toes isee also 13.21. However. in contrast to the behaviour of toe dressed welds the improvement in fatigue strength depends on the applied stress ratio, ii‘, and the maximum applied tensile stress, such that the benefit decreases with increase in either. If practical, some compensation for this problem arises if the peening operation is carried out while the welded joint is subiected to a tensile stress. For example, such an approach might be possible if part of the tensile stress experienced by the joint in service is due to the dead load on the structure. However, in general the peening techniques are not suitable for structures operating at applied H 1» ti-4 or maximum applied tensile stresses above around sass yield. Similarly, their value is questionable under loading conditions that include the occasional application of high stresses, in tension or compression, as they can be detrimental in terms of relaxing the compressive residual stress. With the above limitations, on the basis of the application of weld toe peening in accordance with this annex, for assessments based on either nominal or hot-spot stresses the fatigue strength of the untreated weld at lit’ cycles may be increased by a factor of up to 1.5 and the slope of the 5,-nl curve changed to i"l"f = 3.5, depending on Fl and the maximum applied tensile stress l5,,,...l. as indicated in Table F.2 and Illustrated in Figure F.B. As in the case of weld toe dressing, the fatigue strength of peened welds is limited by that of the parent material. For applied stress ranges greater than that where the S-N cunres for the treated weld and class B intersect, the lower of the two 5-I'll cunres should therefore be used. Similarly, if curve 2 in Figure crosses curve 3 then curve 3 should be used for higher applied stress ranges. Table F...‘l improvement in fatigue strength due to weld toe peening Conditions Improvement it -c o Increase fatigue strength at iii’ cycles by factor of 1.5. fl -c fl‘ E. [l.2E. Sum s EH55 yield [l..?!B -=: if s i].4, change slope of S,-N curve to m = 3.5 and treat detail as stress-relieved in accordance with 15.3.6. increase fatigue strength at ltli cycles by factor of 1.5. change slope of 5,-iii curve to m = 3.5. lncrease in fatigue strength by factor of 1.15 but no Swine Biifl-"ii___§,iIEI-til change in slope of S,-N curve. Fl’ :=- l].4 or Sm“ :=- Blfllliil yield hlo benefit unless proved by fatigue testing {see Annex El El The British Standards Institution 21314 1 1.’-ISI- BS TBBBIZB14 Flgure F.E BRITISH STANDARD Modification to design 5-Ill curve for untreated weld resulting from weld toe peening ‘I I L If 5-D“ I ll-l.'IlIl ""'-1. 3lIIl'- I I I I I L -I _| I | I- I I I I I-| I I I | | I I I | "'~=...""-:,‘__ ""'-1.1-_ ""-1.“-,, "'|1i,.-In illfll - ""1-.“-. "'1-,“.,,.‘ IS-ll - "'5... 5‘ IIII.‘ 1-.‘ ""1|. _ _ ‘III-‘- “H "'I-qh -., “*- 1,‘- ‘-.."'I-.\....“'I||_‘,.. — | .,___ ‘___‘. si=1.1ss.. ‘1- _3_ s.-I 2 Sr=S|c l"' |J"I D'I-I-I TZZ I IDEIEEI-Z‘-3'5 an ._. an J. .|._....|._.|....s...s.z..l. id Lu ...J. as .r.....L.a._.|..sJ..... 1Ill5 .|. .1. tr‘ pl if Curve I: Basic design curve for untreated weld if it 5- tI.4 or Sm” 5 E-I:I'Il"ilI yield Curve 2: SEN = l1.I5S,,,,[jf.1[li if {LIB -c Fl 5 I14 Curve 3: 5,3 if iii = lI.5S_HF'-".1i]i al H -c El, 5, _,,_,,.,,_,, = Sm" + lZl.l5S,,,,,, bl El ‘S Fl 5- lJ.El3 and Sm“ i’ Bflflb yield, S, ,,,.,,,,,,,, = 5, ltey it Endurance N, cycles "r" Stress range 5,, lllimmf Al'Il 1Eh‘. rs Assessment of tubular node joints fnormativel o.1 Fatigue of tubular joints The stress range that should be used in the fatigue analysis of a tubular node joint is the hot-spot stress range at the weld toe. This should be evaluated at sufficient locations to characterize fully the fatigue performance of each joint. For example, in the case of a tubular seteon connection at least four equally spaced points around the joint periphery should be talcen into account. For any particular type of loading, this hot-spot stress range can be defined as the product of the nominal stress range in the brace and the appropriate stress concentration factor l[5EFi, as indicated in Figure E.1, which also details the nomenclature used to describe tubular joints. 13B 1 El The British Standards Institution IBI4 m DARD BRHE H 5T B S _____ E D B _"____B 1 4 _ __ % m_H__EE_ minm$L_fi_____$ m_ _D__ _ _ H_ m_m_ _h_ _ _ E m numb“_ _ “ fi_fl _:“_ H_ mfi_ _ $_ _ )w _E mE_H“:_L"Hm_E:EMH_D_:|hU_L_ _HE m _m__E_ _ _u_m_“ W_m _ U_ L_ Ema“ pl _u_E mug m_ _ “_E_ fi_E _H _ _nEDm_ _ _Hh_ _m“l_’1m _jwNI U_HE___w__ fl_ n_m_ u_ _P_fi_ _ __ $x2:§_ m_“_H_m _H E _ _ _ _E?fl_$_ _“ M E:mumhn F_:__ _ E_m _ _H m_ “_w H_m_ _“_fi“_ "m_ M u_ _ _ _ “_u_ H_ H4| _q Nm___ U_Em_ _M H_m_ _ _ _ J_W _ "m__ _ _H_ Em _ 5_ _ _ u_ _D_ fi_m _ _ _ _E D_wm_ _“ _mEH _ _ ___” __ _H___‘ _ _m _ _ _ _ IT EWg_R" _ _UR_ _ F_ _ _ _ hmfi Egm m____ E ___m__ _E_¢_ um__5m_I m:HE:_ _“"_E_ __m_ _m_ _ _u _ _H JR_ _ m __ _m _m é __| . _l_ _|_l_ _ I_|_|1_|_ _m_“_M__: u_?m_H _u" _ _ Jm E T h E B r ___“ __h h EH_ m_ _h ____5_H E _ _ U_“mag 5t E H d ___" M _ _ _ H _____H_____“ _m H _ _ _ _U 1 4 - 1 3 I BS B R _hE H _____ B B B _____’B_ 1 4 E_mflmzfiu fl_ u_ m_ U_h _ w_fiflH_m _m _ _ _“ _w _w :E__ufi_ _ §_Efi____ _ m_"“Em_ u_ _h_m _E _wm_g_ _wm_ h_uh_mmflfi _HE _ mzflm m_ _ _ m_ “_ Eu=_mmmhflm DE; E*_ n_£u_ _fiH_ _fi="_ “___"mmh:_ E_ _H_“_H_ m H__ _ _r E L_u_m_fl_m _u_ mmmh _ _E_ _u_uE m _ _ _E fl_ m_m m_E$_m_ _ m_ _ u_NEH w_ _ _ _ _ _H_ w_ _ _ _ _ __§__ __ fi r___ + M ___ @ "___ _h @ m _M ______ IP I _____ _-I E ___m_ HHEDM_m_u_n= :“_E:u___ E_ H2:_“m“_|_m"Em_" _a_H_m_ 5 m Wm ___. 3 I _' Q ___u_ “_ :_ _m__E" “_U _ _ _uh_= E "_ m_ u T h _ _ _ B f H E In HW d E rd 5 M 5 t ___“ U t _m _" _ _ _ _ __“_ 4 I H DAR D 5T BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIIBIA In the fatigue assessment of tubular joints using the class Tl design curve presented in Clause 15, the greatest values of the hot-spot stress ranges on both the brace and chord sides should be talcen into account. Stresses arising in tubular node joints The stresses in tubular nodal joints arise from the following three main causes: al the basic structural response of the joint to the applied loads {nominal stressesl: bl the need to maintain compatibility between the tubes {geometric stresses]; and cl the highly localized deformations in part of the tube wall near to the brace-chord intersection {local stressesl. Nominal stresses arise due to the tubes behaving as beam-columns, and can be calculated by frame analysis of the structure. Eeometric stresses result from the differences in deformation between the brace and chord under load. For example, in a T-joint under axial tensile brace load, the brace extends only very slightly, whereas the circular cross section of the chord becomes significantly elongated to a pear—shape section. The differences in deformation require the tube walls to bend so that the brace and chord remain in contact at the welcl. They can also cause a maldistribution of the nominal membrane stresses around the brace circumference. Local stresses arise because of the geometric discontinuity of the tube walls at the weld toes where an abrupt change of section occurs which increases until the weld root is reached. Local stresses are not propagated far through the wall thicltness, however, and therefore a local region of three-dimensional stress occurs. The sharper the corner at the weld toe, and the greater the angle of the overall weld profile to the tube wall, the higher the local stress, Hot-spot stresses in tubular joints Any of the methods described in Annex E may be used to establish the hot—spot stress but the most widely used, including in the establishment of parametric formulae for calculating the hot~spot stress concentration factor, is linear surface stress extrapolation {SSE}. However, the locations of the stresses used to perform the linear extrapolation for tubular joints are different from those defined in Annex E for analysing plate joints, as shown in Figure E.2. These are based on the assumption that the maximum extent of the local region where the stress is influenced by the "notch" effect of the weld itself is the greater of 4 mm or El..."-!.,rt, where r and is the brace outer radius and t is the wall thicltness. MUTE The alternative value of rt mm is only used in practice for very small tubular joints with disproportionately large welds. The local region in such cases is determined by the geometry of the weld toe beacl {typically a few millimetres in slze,l as the stresses rise into the welcl which, being clisproportionately large, forms a ring of very stiff and inflexible material joining the brace to the chord. This expression was obtained empirically. though the dependence on the parameter .rt was originally drawn from a similar dependence on the wavelength of bending stress in tubes isee references [31] and I32ll. The hot-spot stress range is the maximum principal stress range at the weld toe, based on the extrapolated values of the stress components at the weld toe. Therefore, the maximum and minimum values of each stress component are determined at each extrapolation point during a load cycle, the corresponding ranges of each stress component at the weld toe are then determined by linear extrapolation and finally these are used to calculate the principal stress range- El The British Standards Institution 31314 1 133 BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBB:.3B14 Figure E.2 Locations A and El of stresses used for linear extrapolation to weld toes to determine hot-spot stresses in tubular joints EH [ '"--.. "ll-.. l I 1Sit] 1 L I - ._ ah ssrEl..-T iii A: ' ..--" is wig l. mi" _r’ I'IiI'I s» 1., l f,- \ .iei”" _--" R“ _--P‘ __.--F’ -"F.-'-_- Te hillas TE‘ -rf_g_. ..-W - .—.—I_- .-|-i-I-— _--""" _--"' .'—'-I-I-I --I . '-I-F _ .--""" "_hI_ .--" _._--' 2 '—l_|_._ I__|_-“-I—| lcey I Brace .3! E.1I. Eho rd Calculation of the hot-spot stress The calculation of hot-spot stress can be undertalcen in a variety of ways, e.g. by physical model studies, finite element analysis or from hot-spot SEFs obtained by use of semi—empirical parametric formulae. The first two allow the hot-spot stress to be determined at any location whereas parametric equations tend to concentrate on the positions of maximum hot—spot stress, usually at the crown and saddle positions- When physical models are used, the geometric stress extrapolated to the weld toe should be obtained as described in this sub-clause. 'lll.lhen finite element calculations do not allow for any effect of weld geometry. the hot-spot stress at the weld toe can be estimated from the value obtained at the bracelchord intersection. Parametric formulae should be used with caution in view of their inherent limitations," in particular they should only be used within the bounds of applicability relevant to the formula under consideration. Extensive guidance on available parametric formulae for both co~planar and multi-planar tubular connections and recommendations on the choice of solution is given in B5 Elli ISD ISSUE. Euidance is also given on the effects of ring stiffening. fvlore recent solutions are included in DI'»li.l~FiF'-I.C.3lI'l3. The hot~spot SiIFs are defined as: 134 1 El The British Standards Institution 2IEl14 BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBBIIBIA SCF Hot-spot stress Ivominal at weld toe considered stress in loaded if-ill brace with the hot-spot stress in terms of the maximum principal stress at the weld toe obtained by extrapolation as described above. The parametric formulae were developed by fitting analytical or model stress concentration factor data to equations which are functions of non—dimenslonal tubular joint geometric parameters. as follows: length H I gmean _ I radius mean mean T chord of radius radius mean J] of chord of of 2 cylinder E.2 fl E.3 I cylinder cylinder i E.4 i cylinder wall thicltness of brace wall ( . chord _wall thicltness of chord i cylinder brace of chord radius cylinder cylinder I E.5 1 thicltness of chord cylinder The form of these equations assumes that some dependence of the parameters can be deduced logically lby, for example, using simple beam theory to calculate a component of stress at the chord crown); otherwise a polynomial or power law dependence is assumed. Each set of parametric formulae is limited in application in the following three ways: al types of joint geometry; bl parametric validity range; and c} loading cases. There are also restrictions on the range of the other four variables: ct, y, [_l, 1'. These are due to limitations in the range of original data obtained, or the methods used to obtain those data, but also because marlred changes in the nature of the stress distribution occur at extreme values of these parameters. For example, high Ii iii 5- ii.".ill connections show a radically different peali. stress distribution from similar lower ,tl connections, with the hot-spot moving from the normal saddle position to the crown, and for low y connections thin shell idealization used for finite element calculation is not valid. lilon-compliance with parametric validity range can result in a considerable increase in the variation of performance, both conservative and non-conservative, of these equations. El The British Standards Institution 31314 1 135 BRITISH STANDARD BS TBBB:..'l.B1l'I- E.S Rectangular hollow sections The class T.l design curve is based on fatigue test data obtained from joints between relatively large circular section tubes, with wall thicltness generally above ‘I5 mm. Alternative guidance directed more at thinner {down to 4 mm}, circular and rectangular section tubes is available in BS ISD 1434?. Annex H [normative] H.1 Cycle counting by the reservoir method Eeneral The purpose of cycle counting is to reduce an irregular series of stress fluctuations to a simple list of constant amplitude stress ranges that are lilcely to produce the same fatigue damage. various methods exist but the most widely used is the rainflow method, as described in ASTM E1tl4S. However, in practice it is often necessary to deal with relatively short stress histories, such as those produced by individual loading events. In such cases, the reservoir method given in H.2 and shown in Figure H.1 is more convenient. It consists of imagining a plot of the graph of each individual stress history as a cross section of a reservoir, which is successively drained from each low point, counting one cycle for each draining operation. The result, after many repetitions of the loading event, is the same as that obtainable by the rainflow method. Figure H.1 Example of cycle counting by reservoir method i . E r . E Q:be E '1-r' I'|'I- Ir tr'I-' T 4 Ur; K .-.11. vf . l lte x Time l First occurance I Second occurance 3 |-|ig|-15.51 pggy H.2 tr’ 4 Stress Imaginary reservoir 5 Shaded areas are those parts of the reservoir which successively became empty Method H.2.1 Derive the pealc and trough values of the stress history, due to one loading event. Siretch the history due to two successive occurrences of this loading event. The calculated values of pealc and trough stresses may be joined with straight lines if desirable. Marlc the highest pealc of stress in each occurrence. If there are two or more equal highest pealrs in one history, marl: only the first peak- H.2.I loin the two marlred points and asses only the part of the plot that falls below this line, lilie the section of a full reservoir. 1315 1 B The British Standards Institution IEII4 BRITISH STANDARD BS TEDBIIDI4 H.2.3 Drain the reserveir tram the levrest peint leaving the water that cannet escape. If there are twp pr mpre equal lpvvest ppints the drainage can be from any cine pf them. List t:-ne cvcle having a stress range 5,, equal tci the vertical height pi vvater drained. NOTE See 15.5 fer lcivv stress ranges that may he ignered. H.2.4 Repeat H.I.3 successively with each remaining bpdv pf vvater until the vvhple reservciir is emptied. listing cine cycle at each draining pperatipn. H.2.5 Compile the final list which centains all the individual stress ranges in descending erder pf magnitude SH, Sm, etc. Where tvvcs pr mere cvcles cit equal stress range are recorded, list them separatelv. Fer nan-welded details enly, a herizental line representing IEFU stress sheuld he platted and these parts cal‘ the stress ranges in the cempressien zene medified as in 15.4. El The British Standards lnstituticsn EH14 1 131-' B5 TEDBIZD14 BFIITISH STANDARD Bibliography Standards publications For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document {including any amendments] applies. Standards publications ASTM Eton? - i.s5t2ti11le1, Standard practices for cycle counting in fatigue analysis EIS 43515-2, Specification for high strength friction grip holts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering - Part .2’: Higher grade holts and nuts and general grade washers B5 TEHD. Guide to methods of assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures B5 EN ittl lall parts}. Lighting columns BS EH 2ETl—1, Qualification test of welder — Fusion welding - Part 1': Steels EIIS EH 1992 lell parts}, Eurocode .2 — Design of concrete structures ElS El‘-I 1993 fell parts}, Eurocode Ii — Design of steel structures B5 EH 1594 lall parts], Eurocode -ll — Design of composite steel and concrete structures BS Ehl 1l]lIl29':2D'lfl, Hot-rolled steel plates 3 mm thiclc or above - Tolerances on dimensions and shape ES Ehl 1l]DS1, Continuously hot-rolled strip and platelsheet cut from wide strip of non—-alloy and alloy steels — Tolerances on dimensions and shape as EN 131145 tall parts}. tlnii.-ed pressure vessels B5 EH ISD 1SED5I-1, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure specification - Part i: Arc welding BS EH ISD 531?, Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nicltel, titanium and their alloys fhearn welding excluded} -s tjluality levels for imperfections BS El‘-I ISD i‘El'Slfl2, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Flared steel offshore structures B5 EH ISD ‘i'5I!JD-1 Metallic materials - llerification of static uniairial testing machines - Part l: Tensionicompression testing machines - Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system BS ISD 1210?, Metallic materials — Fatigue testing — Statistical planning and analysis of data BS ISD 1434?, Fatigue — Design procedure for welded hollow-section joints — Recommendations ouv~e|=~c2os. 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'.-"i-tl'- on-.l.a'.-=-=. :s|slii-s a=. -.-u-:.-'- as1l'-'--,- 'r- r1-.-r1 sole, '|l"..|; can he sI:'-'.- vou- |lI'||‘I||"‘|i-I-T-‘|I -3-": ‘S |'|i'ii'|'I1 i-:'.-I‘ li.FIl'|i-" ||"l-'IlI1!.-'|1H.‘:~" I‘-'-1"-=||l l'I=-‘III.:".i'!ie=.-ii|.':'E-'I‘||'I‘II.:;'I I'|'|II BS1 Group Headquarters '-.F."I " -ir,-_.',|i']r '-|-|]". F-'-'_-.=|r| | -'~"r. - '. ',l.'s'. -'-"'.|_ - In bsi. .--rnak|rig excellence a habit.