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Network Security v1.0 - Module 1

Module 1: Securing Networks
Instructor Materials
Networking Security v1.0
Instructor Materials – Module 1 Planning Guide
This PowerPoint deck is divided in two parts:
Instructor Planning Guide
Information to help you become familiar with the module
• Teaching aids
• Instructor Class Presentation
• Optional slides that you can use in the classroom
• Begins on slide #9
Note: Remove the Planning Guide from this presentation before sharing with anyone.
For additional help and resources go to the Instructor Home Page and Course
Resources for this course. You also can visit the professional development site on
netacad.com, the official Cisco Networking Academy Facebook page, or Instructor
Only FB group.
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
What to Expect in this Module
To facilitate learning, the following features within the GUI may be included in this module:
Check Your
Expose learners to new skills and concepts.
Expose learners to new skills and concepts.
Per topic online quiz to help learners gauge content understanding.
Interactive Activities
A variety of formats to help learners gauge content understanding.
Syntax Checker
Small simulations that expose learners to Cisco command line to practice
configuration skills.
PT Activity
Simulation and modeling activities designed to explore, acquire, reinforce, and
expand skills.
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What to Expect in this Module (Cont.)
To facilitate learning, the following features within the GUI may be included in this module:
Hands-On Labs
Labs designed for working with physical equipment.
Class Activities
These are found on the Instructor Resources page. Class Activities are
designed to facilitate learning, class discussion, and collaboration.
Module Quizzes
Self-assessments that integrate concepts and skills learned throughout the
series of topics presented in the module.
Module Summary
Briefly recaps module content.
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Check Your Understanding
• Check Your Understanding activities are designed to let students quickly determine if they
understand the content and can proceed, or if they need to review.
• Check Your Understanding activities do not affect student grades.
• There are no separate slides for these activities in the PPT. They are listed in the notes area
of the slide that appears before these activities.
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Module 1: Activities
What activities are associated with this module?
Page #
Activity Type
Activity Name
Anatomy of an Attack
Check Your Understanding
Network Topology Protection Overview
Module 1 – Securing Networks Quiz
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Module 1: Best Practices
Prior to teaching Module 1, the instructor should:
• Review the activities and assessments for this module.
• Try to include as many questions as possible to keep students engaged during
classroom presentation.
Topic 1.1
• Ask the class “What’s the last cyber attack you’ve read about?” Ideally you will have
2 – 4 students volunteer but be prepared with a few high-profile examples just in case.
• Ask them to use the “News” tab in an internet search bar and search for “network
attacks”. Have them peruse the headlines to see the number of recently posted links.
Note: Not all generated links may be network related.
• Ask the students “In a company, where do you think the attacks are coming from?”
Highlight that there are internal threats and some external threats.
• Ask students “How can a company’s data be stolen or lost?”
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Module 1: Best Practices (Cont.)
Topic 1.2
• Ask the class “What do they do to protect their network at home?”
• Ask the class “What would you do to secure a company’s network?”
• Ask the class “How would you secure network communication over the internet?”
• Ask the class “How would you secure a data center?”
• Ask the class “How would you secure the personal devices that employees use to
check corporate email?”
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Module 1: Securing
Networking Security v1.0
Module Objectives
Module Title: Securing Networks
Module Objective: Explain network security.
Topic Title
Topic Objective
Current State of Affairs
Describe the current network security landscape.
Network Topology Overview
Describe how all types of networks need to be protected.
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
1.1 Current State of Affairs
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Current State of Affairs
Networks Are Targets
Networks are routinely under
attack. A quick internet search for
network attacks will return many
articles about them. Kapersky
maintains the interactive
Cyberthreat Real-Time Map
display of current network attacks.
The attack data is submitted from
Kapersky network security
products that are deployed
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Current State of Affairs
Reasons for Network Security
Network security breaches can disrupt e-commerce, cause the loss of business data, threaten people’s privacy,
and compromise the integrity of information. The Cisco Talos Intelligence Group website provides
comprehensive security and threat intelligence. The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT),
is responsible for investigating and mitigating potential vulnerabilities in Cisco products.
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Current State of Affairs
Vectors of Network Attacks
An attack vector is a path by which a threat actor can gain access to a server, host, or network. Attack vectors
originate from inside or outside the corporate network. Threat actors may target a network through the internet,
to disrupt network operations and create a denial of service (DoS) attack.)
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Current State of Affairs
Data Loss
Email/Social Networking
The most common vector for data loss includes instant messaging software and social media
sites. For instance, intercepted email or IMs could be captured and confidential information
Unencrypted Devices
A stolen corporate laptop typically contains confidential organizational data. If the data is not
stored using an encryption algorithm, the thief can retrieve valuable confidential data.
Cloud Storage Devices
Saving data to the cloud has many potential benefits. However, sensitive data can be lost if
access to the cloud is compromised due to weak security settings.
Removable Media
One risk is that an employee could perform an unauthorized transfer of data to a USB drive.
Another risk is that a USB drive containing valuable corporate data could be lost.
Hard Copy
Sensitive data should be disposed of thoroughly. For example, confidential data should be
shredded when no longer required. Otherwise, a thief could retrieve discarded reports and
gain valuable information.
Improper Access Control
Passwords are the first line of defense. Stolen passwords or weak passwords which have been
compromised can provide an attacker easy access to data.
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Current State of Affairs
Video - Anatomy of an Attack
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
1.2 Network Topology
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Network Topology Overview
Campus Area Networks
The Cisco ISR is secured. It protects data in motion that is flowing from the CAN to the outside world by establishing
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs ensure data confidentiality and integrity from authenticated sources.
ASA Firewall
A Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewall performs stateful packet filtering to filter return traffic from the
outside network into the campus network.
A Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) device continuously monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic for
malicious activity. It logs information about the activity and attempts to block and report it.
Layer 3 Switches
These distribution layer switches are secured and provide secure redundant trunk connections to the Layer 2 switches.
Several different security features can be implemented, such as ACLs, DHCP snooping, Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI), and
IP source guard.
Layer 2 Switches
These access layer switches are secured and connect user-facing ports to the network. Several different security features
can be implemented, such as port security, DHCP snooping, and 802.1X user authentication.
A Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA) and Web Security Appliance (WSA) provide advanced threat defense, application
visibility and control, reporting, and secure mobility to secure and control email and web traffic.
AAA Server
An authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server authenticates users, authorizes what they are allowed to
do, and tracks what they are doing.
End points are secured using various features including antivirus and antimalware software, Host Intrusion Protection
System features, and 802.1X authentication features.
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Network Topology Overview
Small Office and Home Office Networks
The figure displays a sample SOHO secured
with a consumer-grade wireless router which
provides integrated firewall features and
secure wireless connections. The Layer 2
Switch is an access layer switch that is
hardened with various security measures. It
connects user-facing ports that use port
security to the SOHO network. Wireless hosts
connect to the wireless network using WPA2
data encryption technology. Hosts typically
have antivirus and antimalware software
installed. Combined, these security measures
provide comprehensive defense at different
layers of the network.
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Network Topology Overview
Wide Area Networks
Wide Area Networks (WANs) span a
wide geographical area, often over the
public internet. Organizations must
ensure secure transport for the data in
motion as it travels between sites over
the public network. Network security
professionals must use secure devices
on the edge of the network. In the
figure, the main site is protected by an
Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA),
which provides stateful firewall
features and establishes secure Virtual
Private Network (VPN) tunnels to
various destinations.
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Network Topology Overview
Data Center Networks
Data center networks are typically housed in an off-site facility to store sensitive or proprietary data.
These sites are connected to corporate sites using VPN technology with ASA devices and integrated
data center switches. Because they store such vast quantities of sensitive, business-critical
information, physical security is critical to their operation. Physical security not only protects access to
the facility but also protects people and equipment. For example, fire alarms, sprinklers, seismicallybraced server racks, redundant heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and UPS systems
are in place to protect people, equipment, and data.
Data center physical security can be divided into two areas:
Outside perimeter security - This can include on-premise security officers, fences, gates,
continuous video surveillance, and security breach alarms.
Inside perimeter security - This can include continuous video surveillance, electronic motion
detectors, security traps, and biometric access and exit sensors.
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Network Topology Overview
Cloud Networks and Virtualization
The terms “cloud computing” and “virtualization” are often used interchangeably; however, they mean
different things. Virtualization is the foundation of cloud computing. Without it, cloud computing, as it is mostwidely implemented, would not be possible. Cloud computing separates the application from the hardware.
Virtualization separates the operating system from the hardware. The cloud network consists of physical and
virtual servers usually found in data centers. Data centers are increasingly using virtual machines (VM) to
provide server services to their clients. This allows for multiple operating systems to exist on a single
hardware platform. VMs are prone to specific targeted attacks:
Hyperjacking -An attacker could hijack a VM hypervisor (VM controlling software) and then use it as a
launch point to attack other devices on the data center network.
Instant On Activation - When a VM that has not been used for a period of time is brought online, it may
have outdated security policies that deviate from the baseline security and can introduce security
Antivirus Storms - This happens when all VMs attempt to download antivirus data files at the same time.
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Network Topology Overview
The Evolving Network Border
Smartphones, tablets, etc., are becoming substitutes for the office PC that is behind a firewall. This trend is known as
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). To accommodate this, Cisco developed the Borderless Network. In a Borderless
Network, access to resources can be initiated by users from many locations, on many types of end devices, using various
connectivity methods. Cisco devices support Mobile Device Management (MDM) features:
Data Encryption - MDM features can ensure that only devices that support data encryption and have it enabled can
access the network and content.
PIN Enforcement - Enforcing a PIN lock is the first and most effective step in preventing unauthorized access to a
Data Wipe - Lost or stolen devices can be remotely fully- or partially-wiped, either by the user or by an administrator
via the MDM.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) - DLP prevents authorized users from doing careless or malicious things with critical
Jailbreak/Root Detection - Jailbreaking (on Apple iOS devices) and rooting (on Android devices) are a means to
bypass the management of a device. MDM features can detect such bypasses and immediately restrict a device’s
access to the network or assets.
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1.3 Module 1: Securing
Networks Summary
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Module 1: Securing Networks Summary
What Did I Learn in this Module?
Network security breaches can disrupt e-commerce, cause the loss of business data, threaten
people’s privacy, and compromise the integrity of information.
Many tools are available to help network administrators adapt, develop, and implement threat
mitigation techniques, including the Cisco Talos Intelligence Group.
Various DLP controls must be implemented, that combine strategic, operational, and tactical
Elements of the defense-in-depth design include VPN, ASA firewall, IPS, Layer 3 switches, layer 2
switches, ESA/WSA, AAA server, and hosts.
Network security professionals must use secure devices on the edge of the network.
Data center physical security is divided into two areas: outside perimeter security and inside
perimeter security.
VMs are also prone to specific targeted attacks including hyperjacking, instant on activation, and
antivirus storms.
In a Borderless Network, access to resources can be initiated by users from many locations, on
many types of endpoint devices, using various connectivity methods.
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Mitigating Threats
New Terms and Commands
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team
Attack vector
Denial of service (DoS) attack
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Email/Social Networking
Unencrypted Devices
Cloud Storage Devices
Removable Media
Hard Copy
Improper Access Control
Campus Area Network (CAN)
Defense in-depth
ASA Firewall
Layer 3 Switches
Layer 2 Switches
AAA Server
Small office and home office (SOHO) network
Wireless Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Cisco AnyConnect VPN client
Data center network
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
Outside perimeter security
Inside perimeter security
Security trap
Cloud computing
Cloud network
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Mitigating Threats
New Terms and Commands (Cont.)
Virtual machine (VM)
Instant On Activation
VM hypervisor
Instant On Activation
Antivirus Storms
Cisco Secure Data Center solution
Secure Segmentation
Threat Defense
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Borderless Network
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Data encryption
PIN enforcement
Data wipe
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Jailbreak/Root detection
© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential