Uploaded by Aabhas Verma

01.12.2023 CSA4016

Fibonacci series
How do we do this computation in parallel?
 This calculation cannot be made parallel.
 We cannot calculate Fib(k+2) until we have Fib(k+1) and Fib(k).
 This is an example of data dependence that results in a nonparallelizable problem.
Protein Folding
 Protein folding problems involve a large number of independent
calculations that do not depend on data from other calculations.
 Concurrent calculations with no dependence on the data from
other calculations are termed Embarrassingly Parallel.
What about ‘Matrix Multiplication’ computational problem??
Time complexity analysis: in Sequential
Matrix Addition:
For two matrices A and B of size m × n, the time
complexity of matrix addition is O(mn).
Matrix Multiplication:
Given two matrices:
• A of size m×p
• B of size p×n
• Thus, the time complexity of
multiplication is O(mnp).
standard matrix
Parallel Mode - “Practical MATMUL”
• Using P processors, we can split the task so that
each processor handles a fraction of the matrix
multiplication. The time complexity then becomes
O(n3 / P).
Note: User can't keep reducing the time indefinitely by
just adding more processors due to communication
overhead, synchronization, and other factors.
Distributed Memory System
• Clusters (most popular)
• A collection of commodity systems.
• Connected by a commodity
interconnection network.
• Nodes of a cluster are individual computers
joined by a communication network.
a.k.a. hybrid systems
CPU vs GPU – A view
CPUs: Latency Oriented Design
GPUs: Throughput Oriented Design
Work Distribution Strategies
Usecase: TensorFlow
1. tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy
2. tf.distribute.Strategy
3. tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy
4. tf.distribute.experimental.CentralStorageStrategy
5. tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy
6. tf.distribute.TPUStrategy
7. tf.distribute.experimental.experimental_distribute_datasets_from
Task: Explore how each strategy works and what are the use cases
for each strategy in ML!!
Parallelism Scalability
Load Balance
• The total amount of time to complete a parallel job is limited by the
thread that takes the longest to finish.