B E C O M E E L I CHAPTER 1 M F A O T U T S N D H E E R L / D C O E N O T E B E C O M P E E R E I @ @ M N B E A T L I F S T C O T S T E A A G C R A M E _ E L H E L D O E M I T N E 2 3 Copyright Notice No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved. Disclaimer The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my experiences as well as my Interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities ii T H E P R O G R A M T H W E E P E K R O 1 G : R D A M A Y 1 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Below Knee Juggles - Right Foot 1 100 10 seconds Below Knee Juggles - Left Foot 1 100 10 seconds Below Knee Juggles Alternating 1 100 10 seconds Figure 8 - Swoop Drill 8 10 25 seconds Juggles/High Kick/Juggles 1 8 each leg N/A Juggles/High Kick/Trap 1 10 each leg N/A Ronaldinho Drill 5 1 minute 30 seconds Tap-Ups - Right Foot 1 150 N/A Tap-Ups - Left Foot 1 150 N/A Tap-Ups - Alternating 1 200 N/A Stair Steps Rolling Drill - R/ L 7 1 30 seconds Pull-Backs 3 1 45 seconds Cruyff Turns 3 1 45 seconds Pull-Back in Front 3 1 45 seconds Rivelinos 3 1 45 seconds Bell Taps 5 30 seconds 15 seconds Ball Taps 5 30 seconds 15 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A 5 yard Double Shuffle 4 T H W E E P E K R O 1 G : R D A M A Y 2 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Foot Stall Repeated Switch 2 10 10 seconds Foot Stall to Chest Stall 10 1 0 seconds Foot Stall to Back Stall 10 1 0 seconds Foot Stall to Head Stall 10 1 0 seconds Pick-Up Tricks 1 5 minutes 30 seconds Ball Taps (Forward, Backward) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Ball Taps (Left, Right) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Bell Taps (Forward, Backward) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Bell Taps (Left, Right) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Freestyle Juggling 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Cone Weave - Right 7 1 30 seconds Cone Weave - Right 7 1 30 seconds Cone Weave - Right 4 1 30 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling (10 yards) 6 1 45 seconds Seated Juggling - Right 1 100 15 seconds Seated Juggling - Left 1 100 15 seconds Seated Juggling - Both 1 200 15 seconds Cool-Down 1 10 N/A 5 T H W E E P E K R O 1 G : R D A M A Y 3 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Juggle 1 5 minutes 60 seconds Tennis Ball Juggle 1 5 minutes 60 seconds Right Foot 7 1 30 seconds Left Foot 7 1 30 seconds Both Feet 4 10 minutes 30 seconds Progression Juggling 1 10 15 seconds Ronaldinho Drill 6 60 seconds 45 seconds Zig Zag Gate Dribbling 5 1 20 seconds Tap-Ups - Right Foot 1 150 0 seconds Tap-Ups - Left Foot 1 150 0 seconds Tap-Ups - Alternating 1 200 0 seconds Spinning Single Leg Cruyff R/L 3 30 seconds 60 seconds V-Taps 3 30 seconds 60 seconds Pullback - Taps 5 45 seconds 60 seconds Right Push/Pullbacks 5 60 seconds 60 seconds Left Push/Pullbacks 5 60 seconds 60 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Tennis Ball Cone Weave Stationary Dribbling 6 T H W E E P E K R O 2 G : R D A M A Y 1 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Right Foot Only 1 100 10 seconds Left Foot Only 1 100 10 seconds Alternating Feet 1 200 10 seconds Right Foot 6 1 45 seconds Left Foot 6 1 45 seconds Technical Square Dribbling 5 1 30 seconds Heel - R/L 1 8 0 seconds Instep - R/L 1 8 0 seconds Outside - R/L 1 8 0 seconds Toe - R/L 1 8 0 seconds Juggle Stationary 4 5 minutes 25 seconds Juggle Walk 4 100 yards 25 seconds Juggle Run 4 50 yards 60 seconds Juggle Maze 4 1 25 seconds Diamond Tap Drill - R/L 5 1 45 seconds Christmas Tree Juggling 5 1 10 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Waist Height Juggle Single Leg Brazilian Sole Dribbling Pancake Practice 7 T H W E E P E K R O 2 G : R D A M A Y 2 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Back Side Spin Drag 3 5 30 seconds Right Foot - Clockwise 1 10 20 seconds Left Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 10 20 seconds Right Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 10 20 seconds Left Foot - Clockwise 1 10 20 seconds Tap-Ups - Right 1 175 0 seconds Tap-Ups - Left 1 175 0 seconds Tap-Ups - Alternating 1 200 0 seconds Freestyle Juggling 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Roll, Tap, Tap, Roll 10 30 seconds 15 seconds 5x5 yd Box Freestyle Dribble 8 30 seconds 60 seconds 1x1 yd Box Freestyle Dribble 5 30 seconds 60 seconds Record Break Juggling 1 N/A 30 seconds Forward Roll - Alternating 4 1 30 seconds Backward Roll - Alternating 4 1 30 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Around the World 5 yd Shuffle 8 T H W E E P E K R O 2 G : R D A M A Y 3 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Right Foot Only 1 50 10 seconds Left Foot Only 1 50 10 seconds Alternating Feet 1 100 10 seconds Continuous Behind the Leg Swoop 5 5 25 seconds Freestyle Juggling 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Ball Taps 7 30 seconds 30 seconds Bell Taps 7 30 seconds 30 seconds Hopping Ball Taps 3 30 seconds 30 seconds Ball Taps (L,L,R,L,L,R) 5 30 seconds 30 seconds Ball Taps (R,R,L,R,R,L) 5 30 seconds 30 seconds Header Juggling 1 100 0 seconds Right Foot 1 20 10 seconds Left Foot 1 20 10 seconds Ball Taps (Forward, Backward) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Ball Taps (Left, Right 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Bell Taps (Forward, Backward) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Bell Taps (Left, Right) 2 45 seconds 30 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Above Head Juggle Drop Kick to Trap 9 T H W E E P E K R O 3 G : R D A M A Y 1 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Ball Taps 3 1 30 seconds Bell Taps 3 1 30 seconds Continuous Roll - Left 4 1 10 seconds Continuous Roll - Right 4 1 10 seconds Left Foot Ball Taps 2 1 20 seconds Right Foot Ball Taps 2 1 20 seconds Quick Inside Outside - Both 4 1 30 seconds Quick Inside Outside - Right 4 1 30 seconds Quick Inside Outside - Left 4 1 30 seconds Roll Stop - Left 4 1 15 seconds Roll Stop - Right 4 1 15 seconds Zig Zag Roll 2 1 30 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling - Left 4 1 45 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling Right 4 1 45 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling Both 4 1 45 seconds Juggle Walk 4 1 10 seconds Juggle Run 4 1 30 seconds Headers Walk 4 1 30 seconds Headers Run 4 1 45 seconds Tap-Ups - Right 4 1 45 seconds Tap-Ups - Left 4 1 Freestyle Juggle 1 10 minutes 60 seconds 5x5 yd Box Freestyle Dribble 10 45 seconds 90 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A 10 yd Dribbling Drill 10 T H W E E P E K R O 3 G : R D A M A Y 2 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Below Knee Juggles - Right 1 200 10 seconds Below Knee Juggles - Left 1 200 10 seconds Below Knee Juggles - Both 1 200 10 seconds Right Foot 1 150 15 seconds Left Foot 1 150 15 seconds Both Feet 1 250 15 seconds Spinning Single Leg Cruyff 4 30 seconds 60 seconds V-Taps 4 30 seconds 60 seconds Pull-Back Taps 6 45 seconds 60 seconds Right Foot Push/Pull Backs 6 60 seconds 60 seconds Left Foot Push/Pull Backs 6 60 seconds 60 seconds Technical Square Dribbling 5 1 30 seconds Diamond Tap Drill - R/L 5 1 45 seconds Right Foot - Clockwise 1 12 20 seconds Left Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 12 20 seconds Right Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 12 20 seconds Left Foot - Clockwise 1 12 20 seconds Stretch/Cool-Down 1 10 minutes N/A Seated Juggle Stationary Dribbling (R/L) Around the World Freestyle Trick 11 T H W E E P E K R O 3 G : R D A M A Y 3 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Right Foot 1 10 30 seconds Left Foot 1 10 30 seconds Alternating Feet 1 10 30 seconds 1 Touch Wall Juggle 1 5 minutes 60 seconds 2 Touch Wall Juggle 1 5 minutes 60 seconds 5x5 yd Box Juggling 1 200 45 seconds 1x1 yd Box Juggling 1 200 90 seconds Outside Foot Cuts - Right 2 1 120 seconds Inside Foot Cuts - Right 2 1 120 seconds Rivelino Cuts - Right 1 1 120 seconds Pull-Back Cuts - Right 1 1 120 seconds Front Pull-Back Cuts - Right 1 1 120 seconds Cruyff Turns - Right 1 1 120 seconds Pull-Back Taps - Right 1 1 120 seconds Outside Foot Cuts - Left 2 1 120 seconds Inside Foot Cuts - Left 2 1 120 seconds Rivelino Cuts - Left 1 1 120 seconds Pull-Back Cuts - Left 1 1 120 seconds Front Pull-Back Cuts - Left 1 1 120 seconds Cruyff Turns - Left 1 1 120 seconds Pull-Back Taps - Left 1 1 120 seconds Stretch/Cool-Down 1 10 minutes N/A Juggle - Stall - Juggle Shuttle Run (5,10,15,20 yd) 12 T H W E E P E K R O 4 G : R D A M A Y 1 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Bin Challenge Juggling 10 1 0 seconds Below Knee Juggle - Right 2 200 30 seconds Below Knee Juggle - Left 2 200 30 seconds Below Knee Juggle Alternating 2 200 30 seconds Right Foot Only 2 100 45 seconds Left Foot Only 2 100 45 seconds Alternating Feet 2 100 45 seconds Right Foot Only 1 100 60 seconds Left Foot Only 1 100 60 seconds Alternating Feet 1 100 60 seconds Juggles/High Kick/Juggles 1 10 20 seconds Juggles/High Kick/Trap 1 20 30 seconds Tap-Ups - Right Foot 3 50 60 seconds Tap-Ups - Left Foot 3 50 60 seconds Tap-Ups - Alternating 3 50 60 seconds Freestyle Juggling 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Seated Juggling 1 200 15 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Waist Height Juggle Above Head Juggle 13 T H W E E P E K R O 4 G : R D A M A Y 2 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Right Foot 5 1 45 seconds Left Foot 5 1 45 seconds Both Feet 5 1 45 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling (10 yards) 7 1 60 seconds Ronaldinho Drill 5 1 60 seconds Stair Steps Rolling Drill - R/ L 5 1 30 seconds 5x5 yd Box Freestyle Dribbling 5 45 seconds 60 seconds 1x1 yd Box Freestyle Dribbling 5 45 seconds 60 seconds Spinning Single Leg Cruyff R/L 4 30 seconds 60 seconds V-Taps 4 30 seconds 60 seconds Pull-Back Taps 6 45 seconds 60 seconds Right Foot Push/Pull-Backs 6 60 seconds 60 seconds Left Foot Push/Pull-Backs 6 60 seconds 60 seconds Reverse Progression Drill 1 1 0 seconds Header Juggling 1 100 0 seconds Foot Stall to Head Stall 1 10 minutes 0 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Cone Weave Stationary Dribbling 14 T H W E E P E K R O 4 G : R D A M A Y 3 **All Drills Explained in Drill Guide** Exercise Sets Reps Rest Warm Up 1 10 minutes 60 seconds Foot Stall to Repeated Switch 3 10 10 seconds Foot Stall to Chest Stall 20 1 0 seconds Foot Stall to Back Stall 20 1 0 seconds Foot Stall to Head Stall 20 1 0 seconds Juggle Stationary 4 5 minutes 25 seconds Juggle Walk 4 100 yards 25 seconds Juggle Run 4 50 yards 60 seconds Juggle Maze 4 1 25 seconds Right Foot - Clockwise 1 15 20 seconds Left Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 15 20 seconds Right Foot - Counter Clockwise 1 15 20 seconds Left Foot - Clockwise 1 15 20 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling - Left 4 1 45 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling Right 4 1 45 seconds Brazilian Sole Dribbling Both 4 1 45 seconds Ball Taps 3 1 30 seconds Bell Taps 3 1 30 seconds Zig Zag Roll 2 1 30 seconds Record Break Juggle 1 1 0 seconds Stretch/Cool Down 1 10 minutes N/A Around the World 10 yd Dribbling Drill 15 D R I L L G U I D E D R I L L S • 1 Touch Wall Juggle: Stand about 5 yards away from the wall and try to keep the ball off of the ground using only one touch to the wall. Pattern: Pass, wall, pass, wall, pass, wall, etc. • 10 yard Dribbling Drill: Place two cones 10 yards away from each other, each drill you will perform the exercise across the 10 yards doing as many touches as possible within the space. 1. Ball Taps: Start with the ball in the middle of your body then quickly raise your right knee and tap the top of the ball using the bottom of your right foot. As soon as you tap it, bring your right foot back down to the starting position and repeat the process with your left foot. Go as quick as possible, it should look like you are doing stationary high knees, but tapping the ball at each step. 2. Bell Taps: In this exercise, put the ball in between your feet. Tap the ball to your left foot, using the inside of right foot, then quickly tap it back using the inside of your left. Try to go as fast as possible while maintaining control of the ball between your feet. 3. Continuous Roll – Left: Using your left foot roll over the top of the ball continuously until you get to the other side. 4. Continuous Roll – Right: Using your right foot roll over the top of the ball continuously until you get to the other side. 5. Left Foot Ball Taps: Using the sole of your left foot roll the ball forward slightly each tap until you get to the other side. 6. Right Foot Ball Taps: Using the sole of your right foot roll the ball forward slightly each tap until you get to the other side. 7. Quick Inside Outside – Both: Small touches, do the pattern: Outside of the left, Inside of left, Outside of Right, Inside of Right, Repeat. 8. Quick Inside Outside – Right: Small touches, do the pattern: Outside of the right, Inside of right, Outside of Right, Inside of Right, Repeat. 9. Quick Inside Outside – Left: Small touches, do the pattern: Outside of the left, Inside of left, Outside of Left, Inside of Left, Repeat. 10. Roll Stop – Left: Using your left foot roll over the top of the ball then stop the ball with the instep of your right foot and repeat until you get to the other side. 11. Roll Stop – Right: Using your right foot roll over the top of the ball then stop the ball with the instep of your left foot and repeat until you get to the other side. 12. Zig Zag Roll: Using your left foot roll over the top of the ball so that it goes diagonally across to your right side, then using your right foot, roll over the top of the ball so it goes diagonally to your left. Repeat until you get to the other side. 13. Brazilian Sole Dribbling – Both: This drill is a combination of ball taps and bell taps. What you will do is start with the ball under the sole of your left foot. When ready, flick the ball to the right side of your body. Do not cross your left leg over your body. When the ball arrives at the right side, immediately flick it back to the other side using the sole of your right foot. You should be moving about 3-6 inches forward with each flick. Repeat until you get to the other side. 17 D R I L L S 14. Brazilian Sole Dribbling – Right: Using just the sole of your right foot roll the ball diagonally left and then back diagonally right. So you should be zig-zagging forward while hopping on your left foot. 15. Brazilian Sole Dribbling – Left: Same as above, but with the left foot. 16. Juggle Walk: Walk across and back while juggling the entire time. Try to use both feet, and ake a juggle with every step. 17. Juggle Run: Run across and back while juggling the entire time. Try to use both feet, and take a juggle with every step. 18. Headers Walk: Walk across and back while juggling the ball on your head the entire time. 19. Headers Run: Same as above, but try to move quicker. 20. Tap Ups – Right: See Tap-Ups – Right, then do that exercise there and back. 21. Tap Ups – Left See Tap-Ups – Left, then do that exercise there and back. •1x1 yard Box Freestyle Dribbling: Create a box that is 1x1 yards big, stand inside of the box with the ball at your feet and try out every dribbling move you can. Try to utilize the space while staying inside the box. This is your time to be creative! Use top, bottom, heel, outside, instep of your feet and experiment with different moves. • 1x1 yard Box Juggling: Create a box that is 1x1 yards big, stand inside of the box with the ball at your feet. When ready, start juggling the ball and try to stay inside of the box the entire time. If you exit the box, try to get back in as fast as you can. ALL JUGGLING DRILLS ARE CONSECUTIVE! If you drop the ball, continue your count, do not start back at 0. • 2 Touch Wall Juggle: Stand about 5 yards away from the wall and try to keep the ball off of the ground using only two touches between each pass to the wall. Pattern: Pass, wall, trap, pass, wall, trap, pass, wall, etc. • 5 yard Double Shuffle: Place two cones 5 yards apart. When ready, you will dribble out from the first cone to the second and perform the cut that is specified with your right foot. You will then, turn explode back to the beginning and perform the same cut with the left foot. You will turn, and repeat the process once more so that you do the 5 yard up-and-back twice. 1. Pull-Backs: Stop the ball with the sole of your foot and roll it directly behind you, turn and explode. 2. Cruyff Turns: All cuts should be Cruyff turns. A Cruyff turn is when you tap the ball behind your other leg and explode the other direction. 3. Pull-Back in Front: Stop the ball with the sole of your foot and roll it backwards in front of your body, turn and explode. If performing with your right foot, approach the ball so that your body is on the right side of the ball. Stop the ball with your right foot, and pull it back on the left side of your left leg, twist to the left and turn and explode. 4. Rivelinos: All cuts should be stepover cuts. A stepover cut is when you step over the ball with one leg and turn 90 degrees one direction, then spin around 180 degrees and take the ball with your other foot. • 5 yard Shuffle: Place two cones 5 yards apart and start with the ball at the first cone. When ready, you will do doing ball taps, but with each tap you will roll the ball forward slightly until you reach the second cone. As soon as you reach the second cone, now perform the ball taps backwards, pulling the ball back a few inches with each tap until you get back to the first cone. 1. Forward Roll – Alternating Feet 2. Backward Roll – Alternating Feet 18 D R I L L S • 5x5 yard Box Freestyle Dribbling: Create a box that is 5x5 yards big, stand inside of the box with the ball at your feet and try out every dribbling move you can. Try to utilize the space while staying inside the box. This is your time to be creative! Use top, bottom, heel, outside, instep of your feet and experiment with different moves. • 5x5 yard Box Juggling: Create a box that is 1x1 yards big, stand inside of the box with the ball at your feet. When ready, start juggling the ball and try to stay inside of the box the entire time. If you exit the box, try to get back in as fast as you can. ALL JUGGLING DRILLS ARE CUMULATIVE! If you drop the ball, continue your count, do not start back at 0. • Above Head Juggle: You must keep the ball above head height for each juggle 1. Right Foot Only: Use only your right foot. 2. Left Foot Only: Use only your left foot. 3. Alternating Feet: Alternate feet each juggle. (left, right, left, right) • Around the World: The Around the World is a freestyle juggling trick where you juggle up the ball, then make a full rotation over, around, and back under the ball all before the ball hits the ground. If you cannot perform a Around the World yet, count your attempts instead of completed reps. 1. Right Foot – Clockwise: Use your right foot to perform a Clockwise ATW. 2. Left Foot – Clockwise: Use your left foot to perform a Clockwise ATW. 3. Right Foot – Counter Clockwise: Use your right foot to perform a Counter Clockwise ATW. 4. Left Foot – Counter Clockwise: Use your left foot to perform a Counter Clockwise ATW. • Backside Spin Drag: For this exercise all you need is a ball and a piece of flat ground. Put the ball next to the instep of your right foot, then when ready start to drag the ball backwards still using the instep of your right foot. You should be spinning in the clockwise direction while hopping on your left foot that acts as your pivot point. Continue to drag and spin the ball until you have made a full 360 degree rotation with the ball, that is 1 rep. Repeat for the desired number of reps. • Ball Taps: Start with the ball in the middle of your body then quickly raise your right knee and tap the top of the ball using the bottom of your right foot. As soon as you tap it, bring your right foot back down to the starting position and repeat the process with your left foot. Go as quick as possible, it should look like you are doing stationary high knees, but tapping the ball at each step. • Ball Taps (Forward, Backward): Same as Ball Taps, except that you will be moving forward a few feet then backward a few feet, keep moving back and forth until the time has expired. • Ball Taps (L,L,R,L,L,R): Same as Ball Taps, except that instead of alternating feet with each step you will tap the ball twice with the left foot, then once with the right foot. • Ball Taps (Left, Right): Same as Ball Taps, except that you will be moving to the left and to the right a few feet while facing forward the whole time. Continue this sideways shuffle back and forth until the time has expired. • Ball Taps (R,R,L,R,R,L): Same as Ball Taps, except that instead of alternating feet with each step you will tap the ball twice with the right foot, then once with the left foot. • Bell Taps: In this exercise, put the ball in between your feet. Tap the ball to your left foot, using the inside of right foot, then quickly tap it back using the inside of your left. Try to go as fast as possible while maintaining control of the ball between your feet. 19 D R I L L S • Bell Taps (Forward, Backward): Same as Bell Taps, except that you will be moving forward a few feet then backward a few feet, keep moving back and forth until the time has expired. • Bell Taps (Left, Right): Same as Bell Taps, except that you will be moving to the left and to the right a few feet while facing forward the whole time. Continue this sideways shuffle back and forth until the time has expired. • Below Knee Juggles – Alternating: Juggle the ball while alternating feet each juggle and every single touch must be below the knees. If the ball pops up higher than the knees do not count the rep. EVERY JUGGLING EXERCISE THE REPS ARE CUMMULATIVE- meaning that if you drop the ball do not start you count back at 0! • Below Knee Juggles – Left Foot: Juggle the ball with your left foot only and every single touch must be below the knees. If the ball pops up higher than the knees do not count the rep • Below Knee juggles – Right Foot: Juggle the ball with your left foot only and every single touch must be below the knees. If the ball pops up higher than the knees do not count the rep • Bin Challenge Juggling: For this exercise you will need a bucket, trash can, or some type of bin that a soccer ball can fit into. Juggle the ball for a few reps, then when ready, try to hit the ball in the bin. Make sure you challenge yourself, try to take a few steps back from the bin each time you make it so that it gets harder and harder. • Brazilian Sole Dribbling (10 yards): See Brazilian Sole Dribbling under the category of 10 yard Dribbling drill. • Christmas Tree Juggling: For this drill, you must try to complete the pattern of right foot, right thigh, right shoulder, header, left shoulder, left thigh, left foot, all consecutively without dropping the ball. If this drill is too hard for you try this pattern instead: right foot, right thigh, left thigh, left foot. • Cone Weave: Create a line of 10+ cones with about 2 feet between each cone. Now weave through the cones using the technique described below. 1. Right Foot: Weave through the cones using only the outside and inside of your right foot. Try to get as many sharp and clean touches as possible within the drill. 2. Left Foot: Weave through the cones using only the outside and inside of your left foot. Try to get as many sharp and clean touches as possible within the drill. 3. Both Feet: Weave through the cones using this pattern: …outside of right foot through the cones to the right, inside of right foot to start the cut back, outside of left foot through the next set of the cones to the left, inside of left foot to set up the next cut back. • Continuous Behind the Leg Swoop: For this drill, all you need is a ball and a few feet of grass. Start with the ball under your right foot, you will then drag the ball behind you, then swoop it around your left leg so that the ball pops out in front of you on the left side of your body. Plant your right foot, and reach out and pull the ball back towards you using the sole of your left foot. Now repeat, the process. You should be working your way to the left as you complete this drill. This is a tricky one, so start slow. If it is still too hard for you, just work on the initial drag and swoop. Once down, be sure to practice it with the left. • Diamond Tap Drill – R/L: Create a diamond by placing 4 cones each about 1 foot apart from each other. Place the ball in the center of the diamond. Basically, you will be using one footed ball taps to perform a figure 8 around the front and the back cone, then immediately onto a figure 8 around the left and the right cone. The taps should be quick and sharp, the focus should be on getting the most amount of taps in as possibly instead of how fast you can finish the drill. • Drop Kick to Trap: Start with the ball in your hands, when ready drop kick/punt the ball as high and as straight up as you can. Ideally, you wouldn’t even have to move as the ball would fall directly back to you. As the ball is falling, position yourself 20 D R I L L S underneath it. Right before it hits the ground, stick out your foot and trap the ball using the laces of the foot specified. The perfect touch will cause the ball to die at your feet right in front of you. 1. Right Foot 2. Left Foot • Figure 8 – Swoop: For this drill, place two cones about 1 foot apart from each other. Place the ball in the center of the two cones. When ready, use your right foot to drag (swoop) the ball counter clockwise around one of the cones so that it makes a full loop back to the center. As soon as it does, turn around, and drag (swoop) the ball clockwise around the other cone. To drag the ball, you should be using the instep of your foot to continually push it. • Foot Stall Repeated Switch: For this drill, scoop the ball up and hold it on top of your laces and pressed against your shin bone. This is what is known as a foot stall. Once you have gained yours and the ball’s balance lift up the ball, release, and catch it in a foot stall on the other foot. One switch is a rep. Keep repeating until you have done the set number of reps. If this drill is too hard for you, just work on balancing the ball on your foot with both your left and right feet. • Foot Stall to Back Stall: Perform the foot stall like described above, then when ready lift up the ball, duck under it, and catch it between your shoulder blades and neck in what is known as a back stall. After you have steadied the ball, drop it back down to your foot. If this drill is too hard, use your hands to position the ball on your back and work on balancing it there. • Foot Stall to Chest Stall: Perform the foot stall like described above, then when ready lift up the ball, position yourself under it, lean as far back as possible and catch it between the top of your chest and collar bone. After you have steadied the ball, drop it back down to your foot. If this drill is too hard, use your hands to position the ball on your chest and work on balancing it there. • Foot Stall to Head Stall: Perform the foot stall like described above, then when ready lift up the ball, duck under it, and catch it on top of your head. After you have steadied the ball, drop it back down to your foot. If this drill is too hard, use your hands to position the ball on your head and work on balancing it there. • Freestyle Juggling: This is your time to be creative, try out all your new tricks and juggles during the allotted freestyle time. Have fun with it, but focus on improving your tekkers. • Header Juggling: By either the use of your hands or your feet, get the ball up to your head and try to just juggle the ball using small headers to yourself. • Hopping Ball Taps: For this drill, set the ball on the ground underneath your left foot. When ready, jump to the left over the ball and plant your left foot on the ground and your right foot on top of the ball. As soon as you hit the ground, bound over to the other side where your right foot is now on the ground and your left foot is on the ball. Keep repeating for the allotted amount of time/reps. The focus should be on speed, but try to stay in control the entire time. • Juggle: This is just normal juggling without the use of tricks. You are trying to keep the ball up as long as possible. • Juggle – Stall – Juggle: The pattern for this drill should be 3-10 juggles, catch in a stall, 3-10 juggles, catch in a stall, etc. 1. Right Foot: Use only your right foot to juggle and catch the ball. 2. Left Foot: Use only your left foot to juggle and catch the ball. 3. Alternating Feet: Alternate feet for each juggle and stall. • Juggle Maze: Create a maze by throwing down any number of cones or obstacles. When ready try to juggle through/around the cones while maintaining control of the ball. 21 D R I L L S • Juggle Run: Place two cones about 10-20 yards apart, and try to run to the opposite cone and back while juggling and running with the ball. • Juggle Stationary: See Juggle • Juggle Walk: Place two cones about 10-20 yards apart, and try to walk to the opposite cone and back while juggling and walking with the ball. • Juggles/High Kick/Juggles: Start by juggling the ball a few times with your alternating foot juggles, then when ready, kick the ball straight up about 10 feet in the air. As the ball is coming down, try to continue your juggling without the ball dropping. • Juggles/High Kick/Trap: Start by juggling the ball a few times with your alternating foot juggles, then when ready, kick the ball straight up about 10 feet in the air. As the ball is coming down, try to “kill” the ball by trapping it with the laces of your foot. • Pancake Practice: A pancake is a freestyle juggling trick and is done by placing the foot on the ground and letting the ball hit your foot and bounce up instead of a normal juggle. 1. Heel – R/L: For the Heel Pancake, put the trick foot behind your other leg with the toes on the ground and the heel pointed straight up towards the sky. Let the ball hit squarely off the heel so that it bounces up then continue juggling. 2. Instep – R/L: The Instep Pancake is done in the same way as the heel pancake, except that instead of pointing your heel up and toes down, you place the outside of your foot flat on the ground and the instep pointed up. Then when the ball comes down it hits squarely off the instep and should bounce upwards for you to continue juggling. 3. Outside – R/L: For this move, juggle the ball so that its trajectory is headed towards the outside of your body, but this time on the same side as your trick foot. As the ball falls towards the outside of your body, lean to the opposite side and tuck your knee inwards and down so that the instep is flat on the ground and the outside of your foot is pointed upwards towards the sky. 4. Toe - R/L: For this trick, just place your foot a step in front of you and flat on the ground. The ball should fall and hit straight off your laces and straight up. • Pick-Up Tricks: Much like Freestyle juggling, this is your time to be creative, but instead of freestyle juggling or dribbling experiment with pick up tricks. Pick Up tricks are ways to get the ball up in the air, like scooping it up, flicking it against the other foot, or rolling it back then lifting up. Be creative and have fun with it. • Progression Juggling: A simple juggling drill, start with 1 juggle with the right foot and then immediately 1 juggle with the left foot, then 2 juggles with the right foot, then 2 with the left, then 3 with the right… continue this pattern until you have gone up to 10 with each foot. • Record Break Juggle: This is your time to try to break your consecutive juggle record • Reverse Progression Drill: See Progression Juggling, but start at 10 and work your way down to 1 juggle with each foot. • Roll, Tap, Tap, Roll: For this drill, start with the ball at your right foot. When ready, roll the ball over to the left side of your body using the sole of your right foot, then tap the ball back to your right using the instep of your left foot, then tap the ball back to your left using the instep of your right foot, then roll the ball back to the right side using the sole of the left foot. Then repeat faster and faster. • Ronaldinho Drill: In a 5x5 yard grid, throw down as many cones as possible. Space them out so that there is enough room to dribble between each one, but make it as random as possible. It should look like someone dropped a bunch of cones randomly. Then take your ball and just try to quickly dribble through, backwards, cut, chop, pullback, around all the cones in 22 D R I L L S any order. Use all parts of your foot, just try to not hit any cones and be as quick and as sharp as possible. This drill is designed to increase your reactionary dribbling and instinctual skills. Nothing should be planned; you should just go out and try to do as many different things as possible. • Seated juggling: Sit on the ground, with both arms extended behind you to support your upper body as you lean back slightly. Toss the ball, or start with it on the ground, and start juggling using both feet while you stay seated. This style will force you to use more of the laces of your foot and will be weird at first as the angle is different. 1. Right Foot 2. Left Foot 3. Both Feet • Shuttle Run (5,10,15,20 yards): Place cones at the zero yard mark, 5-yard mark, 10-yard mark, 15-yard mark, and 20-yard mark. Start at the zero and sprint out with the ball at your feet. When you reach the 5-yard mark, perform the cut listed below, and explode back to the zero mark, perform the cut again and now do the same at the 10, 15, and 20 yard marks. Your pattern should go 0, 5, 0, 10, 0, 15, 0, 20, 0. 1. Outside Foot Cuts – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the outside the foot cuts at each turn. 2. Inside Foot Cuts – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the inside the foot cuts at each turn. 3. Rivelino Cuts – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the Rivelino cut at each turn. (see 5 yard shuffle drill for cut explanation) 4. Pull-Back Cuts – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the Pull-Back cut at each turn. (see 5 yard shuffle drill for cut explanation) 5. Front Pull-Back Cuts – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the Front Pull-Back cut at each turn. (see 5 yard shuffle drill for cut explanation) 6. Cruyff Turns – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the Cruyff cut at each turn. (see 5 yard shuffle drill for cut explanation) 7. Pull-Back Taps – Right: Go through the shuttle run performing the Pull-Back Taps at each turn. (see 5 yard shuffle drill for cut explanation) 8. Outside Foot Cuts – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 9. Inside Foot Cuts – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 10. Rivelino Cuts – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 11. Pull-Back Cuts – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 12. Front Pull-Back Cuts – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 13. Cruyff Turns – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. 14. Pull-Back Taps – Left: Same as above, but perform the cut with the left foot. • Single Leg Brazilian Sole Dribbling: 23 D R I L L S 1. Right Foot: Using just the sole of your right foot roll the ball diagonally left and then back diagonally right. So you should be zig-zagging forward while hopping on your left foot. 2. Left Foot: Using just the sole of your left foot roll the ball diagonally left and then back diagonally right. So you should be zig-zagging forward while hopping on your left foot. • Stair Steps Rolling Drill – R/L: For this drill, place a cone on the ground and walk out 5 yards straight in front of you and place another cone. Turn 90 degrees to your right and walk 5 more yards and place another cone. Turn 90 degrees to your left and walk out 5 yards, place a cone, turn 90 degrees to your right, walk out 5 yards, and place the final cone. You should have created a zig-zag/staircase of cones. Start at the first cone and dribble with your left foot until you get to the next cone, as soon as you get there, continuously roll the ball to the right with the sole of your left foot until you get to the next cone, then dribble out straight with the left foot. Keep repeating this process of dribbling straight and rolling to the right with the left foot until you get to the final cone. When you do, turn around and go back through the drill, but use your right foot this time. • Stationary Dribbling (R/L): Create a 3x3 yard box and perform all dribbling drills within this box. 1. Spinning Single Leg Cruyff – R/L: Start with the ball in front of you and to your right. Using your right foot, pull back the ball behind you using the bottom of your foot. Then tap it behind your left leg, using the inside of your right foot. Spin 90 degrees to your left hopping on your left foot. Quickly stop the ball with the bottom of your right foot again, and repeat the process. You should be spinning in a circle to your left. Check the @Become_Elite Instagram page for a video of this drill! Repeat this drill, but this time using your left foot. 2. V-Taps: Tap the ball out to in front and to your right side using the outside of your right foot, then quickly pull it back to its origin using the bottom of your right foot. Now, tap it out in front and to your left side and pull it back using the bottom of your foot again. You should be drawing out a V shape with the ball. I usually do some hops on my left, as I find that helps me perform the drill. Repeat with your left foot. Check @Become_Elite for a video on this drill as well! 3. Pull-Back Taps: Do the same process as in the Spinning Single Leg Cruyff drill but instead of turning and grabbing it with your right foot again, stay facing the same way and use your left foot to stop it. Then pull it back and tap it behind your right leg now to complete the process. Repeat faster until time is up. Check out the @Become_Elite Instagram page for a video! 4. Right Foot Push/Pull-Backs: This is just like the V-Taps, but only go back in forth in a straight line in front of you. 5. Left Foot Push/Pull-Backs: This is just like the V-Taps, but only go back in forth in a straight line in front of you. • Tap-Ups – Alternating: Start with the ball on the ground, then using a pick-up trick lift the ball up as if you were to start juggling it. Then, instead of hitting the ball back up before it touches the ground like a normal juggle, let it fall to the ground, bounce, and as soon as the ball is on its way up from the ground, sneak your foot under and lift it up a few inches. Again, let the ball go up, fall back down, bounce, and the scoop the ball up again, but this time with the other foot. Keep doing this, halfvolley juggle or tap-up for as long as possible. Like the juggling exercises, the count is cumulative, so if you mess up don’t start your count back at 0. • Tap-Ups – Left Foot: See Tap-Ups Alternative, but only use your left foot. Do not alternate feet. • Tap-Ups – Right Foot: See Tap-Ups Alternative, but only use your right foot. Do not alternate feet. • Technical Square Dribbling: Create a small 1x1 foot box (2x2 foot box if the smaller box is too hard) by placing four cones on the ground. Get the ball and then using any part of your both feet, dribble through the box, outside the box, around, in perform a cut then out, twist turn, do whatever, just don’t touch the cones. Try to go for as long as possible and as quick as possible performing as many touches, cuts, and turns without messing up. Go for 1 minute straight then rest. That is one set. 24 D R I L L S • Tennis Ball Cone Weave: See Cone Weave, but this time repeat the drill with a tennis ball instead of a soccer ball. 1. Right Foot: Just use your right foot to dribble the tennis ball through the cones. 2. Left Foot: Just use your left foot to dribble the tennis ball through the cones. 3. Both Feet: see both feet under cone weave. • Waist Height Juggle: Normal juggling with the feet except that every juggle must go above knee height and below head height. 1. Right Foot Only 2. Left Foot Only 3. Alternating Feet • Warm-Up: A standard warm-up should be about 5-10 minutes long and should get your heart rate up to about 140 bpm. Start with two laps around the field at a medium jogging pace. Then, perform 10 deep squats with you feet about shoulder width apart. Next, start on one of the end lines and do 20 walking lunges. Begin jogging again, after about 10 yards, go ten yards of quick high knees, go back to jogging, then 10 yards of quick butt kickers, then stop. Reach down and touch your toes with both hands slowly, stand back up, then reach up towards the sky and stand on your tip toes, repeat for 5 reps. Start jogging again and do 10 yards of karaoke, then switch sides. Pick up the pace about 85% of your sprint speed for about 15 yards. Stop again and pull your right leg up to your chest and hold for 2 seconds, then swing back and stretch your quad for 2 seconds, repeat 5 times for each leg. Start on the end line of the field and build up into a full sprint and then stride out for a total of about 50 yards. Recover and walk back, then do 3 knees to chest jumps as high as you can. Repeat the build up sprint and jumps once more. Finally do a fast shuttle 5 yards back, 10 yards back, and 15 yards back at 100% speed. If you feel warm continue on to the exercises, if not, continue to warm up and stretch whatever doesn’t feel right. • Zig Zag Gate Dribbling: Create a “gate” by placing two cones about 6 inches apart. Just big enough for a ball to pass through. Then 10 yards diagonally to the right place down two more cones to create a second gate. Then 10 yards diagonally to the left place down two more cones for a third gate. Finally, place another gate 10 yards diagonally to the left. You should now have 4 gates in a zig zag formation. Once you have done that, start a few yards before the first gate with the ball at your feet. When ready, dribble out with pace at the first gate. When you get there, precisely tap the ball through it and explode out the next gate where you will repeat the process, but with the other foot. Keep going like this until you finish the drill. 25 D R I L L G U I D E xxvi xxvii