Uploaded by Zackary Jay Origenes

Environmental Issues: Cause and Effect Analysis

Cause and Effect
Jhunaifa Maca-alin
Mikaella Medenilla
Zackary Jay Origenes
Katrina Marie Regis
Mike Anthony Trigosa
September 19, 2022
I. Overview
The climate crisis is real, and it is evident in the catastrophic natural tragedies.
Nature is fighting back and reclaiming its land, reaping lives along the way. And in its
vengeance we are the most affected, so we as the stewards of the world must be most
aware and conscious of it.
In this Activity Group A identified various environmental problems in their
different community. After identifying the said problem they conducted an analysis of
the causes and effects of the different states of the environment. Employing
observation and analysis as its thought process in conducting the activity.
II. Cause-Effects
A. Observation
1. Ocean Pollution/ Garbage in the ocean.
2. Death of Coral Reefs in the Ocean.
3. Air Pollution/ Smoke everywhere
4. Land Pollution/ Trash found in streets and even outside our houses.
5. The rising water levels are causing some households in our community to be flooded
B. Analysis
1. Ocean Pollution/ Garbage in the ocean.
Cause: People often leave trash on beaches or throw it into the water from boats or
offshore facilities. Heavy rains and floods wash trash and debris into the waters.
Effect: Garbage is dumped into the ocean, and the oxygen in the water could be
depleted. This results in poor health for marine life due to lack of oxygen and can
cause death to the sea creatures
2. Death of Coral Reefs in the Ocean.
Cause: Coral reefs are starting to die little by little because of global warming, climate
change, low water quality (due to people throwing trash in the ocean), and dynamite
Effect: This can cause some marine species to lose their habitats. This can also cause
large fish such as sharks and dolphins to lose their diet since they rely on reef fish for
their diet. This causes them to feed on smaller fish which allows the fish in the ocean to
start decreasing as the larger fish are feeding on them. Moreover, this can cause a loss
in the economy as reefs support tourism and commercial fishing.
3. Air Pollution/ Smoke everywhere
Cause: Air pollution is increasing due to the prevalent use of fossil fuels to power cars,
the smoke from smoking, and harmful smoke from forest fires and factories.
Effect: Smoke can cause people to cough and have lung problems and illnesses. This
can also allow global warming to happen as smoke emits heat as well.
4. Land Pollution/ Trash found in streets and even outside our houses.
Cause: A lot of trash is found whenever we look at the streets or even just outside our
houses because of people littering and not segregating their trash properly.
Effect: This can cause a release in toxins to the environment which will affect us in the
long run. It is also a disadvantage when it rains as the trash can clog drainages and
cause a possibility that flood may occur.
5. The rising water levels are causing some households in our community to be
flooded regularly.
Causes: I live in an area where it used to be a “sapa” or creek, since the creek dried
out more than 30 years ago, people started building homes on this creek. But because
of Housing located in the area of the supposedly Floodways, in the course of heavy
rain, water from the river will pass through the homes built in this creek, flooding
several households including ours. Additionally, the heavier rainfall that our community
is currently experiencing is another catastrophe caused by climate change that brought
about rainstorms and typhoons that are more powerful than ever, causing the dried-up
waterways to be more prone to flooding.
Effects: The effects of this flooding are extremely dangerous to the residents in our
community, as this flooding make a perfect environment for disease. The flood also
caused a lot of damage to property as the water run along our properties. And lastly,
because our community is susceptible to flooding we are more likely to experience
accidents and dangerous water levels.
Francesco Ungrano, Why are coral reefs dying?
Oishimaya Seg Nag, September 25, 2018, What Are The Harmful Effects Of Littering?
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Air pollution and your health.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Retrieved September 20, 2022,