ADT interface in Python programming. 1.ADT only defines as what operations are to be performed but not how tnese operations will be implemented 2. It does not algorithms specify how data will be organized in memory and will be used for impleinenting the wiat operations. 3. It is called "abstract" because it qives an implementation-independent view. 4. The process of providing only the essentials and hiding the details IS KIow" as abstraction. Abstract Data Type Application Program Interface Public Private Functions Functions Data Structures Linked List Array Meinory 5. The user of data type does not need to know how that data type is implemented, for example, we have been using primitive values like int, float, and char data types only with the knowledge that these data type can operate and be performed on without any idea of how they are implemented. 6. So, a user only needs to know whal a data type can do, but not how it will be implemented. Date: C.bstract Doata Type (ADT) ADT Loita a s a e (ox class) on obrecta Set cycbenations to manpulate the elemen The deimin oy ADT Onlu menhiond Lchat obeAodicms ahe- h e perlmed but nor houa these ceeaaiensSillbe implemertrd. Dataahshrocion k possíble uita ADT puieling m Hae nelevast indumat d e hidto. lie unnecessoy detailc.. AST includles stack, queues. Link Lit_ stad ADT A stack is a ineah dala chutwhe that is LTCo suune ie last In Gaxt Dut OpeAachCn. meons the element inces te in aat wil be semaved firkdt caedo incedion, deletton botn take blace at cnE end' calledtop o he stack The stok empty stack opeotionc ae : Cseadbes a new slack a is puhtenm) adds 4he dem 4a dhe top a dhe stach 4 it beland tbung emoves dhe pop) top item ugm thhe Stack.T akes no panameteAs and hetdw 4 e xemovec item p eeko e takel - deluhnt h e top item o m stack bt dses not aenove it no pohameten iEmply)-test to see whethen he staok is empty >sizeD-Netunng he no. itemA om the stack. lous stack de int-(sel sell. Hems 1 deiskmpdy(sell eudin sel.items==t de puchlsel tem) i se.terng.oppend(ttem) de pap(sd cton sel.items.bosl) de peek (sel Snettunn sel.itemsllen(self.iems)-11. desige(se): eun len(selp. Bema) S=Stak) prind: ( GAath tpeodion Gaae talr (s.itndyts) spn(Python") pidtspeek) s.bush sue) prit (S.size.ti) pvint (s.istnely)_ Sush.(LLK) pint(s.poplJ) . pint (s popo) pint (ssizet )) Queue ADT= A ueue iç a fiFo(Sat in fiart Out litThe allnusing open Enoueue equeue Rize,sDnd Cseqes a ne Queue thodtis emelyt neealA no panamteas Cndetung.a n emph queue em engueue ( ddde 0 De t e m to dthe eanC quele quele. degueuel =Semovel dhe non e quetue item o n he Tneedsno pana- Tnen.and reuons dhe tem thad ix gemoved rt euong e cEmuL): qaetue Aests o the ont Hem Jaum bud does nat emove it, sempt sige) etuons e h e ueue. see whelhen numbe te queue o items cn Data: Paga: class tlueMe initke sel.item =t1 d isEmly(sed): etuan sel.items == J cle enquetue (sell, item) Seidems.oppend (item) del dequeue (sell: ehuon setema.poplo) cle tad(ss; hetunn aelitems[len(selHems)-1 de size (sell : ekunn len(sel, items) =tueuel) rint4 isEmpayti) enqueMe[5) enqueue ('puthan) prindlanond (3) enquee(tsue ) prin,Szet) tridt(istmhyt) ,raueue (M.s)° pyindequete ) rind(4 deaueuel) psind(sget)-