Florenz T. Gravino 12E 2/4/2022 Year Current Assets 2017 2016 725.80 665.4 Current Liabilities 551.90 620.6 Current Ratio 1.32 : 1.00 1.07 : 1.00 As seen in the table, the ratio of the current assets and current liabilities, 2017, has grown over the past year. The current asset of 2016 was 665.4 while 2017's current asset is 725.80, which is more significant than before. The current liabilities have also lessened from 620.6 to 551.90 in 2017, which is good for the business. Year Net Credit Sales Average Trade Receivable Receivable Turnover 2017 2016 2,213.30 1,738.70 227.30 172.1 9.74 times 10.10 times Comparing both years, all the Net Credit Sales, Average Trade Receivable, and Receivable Turnover have lessened. It reflects that the company is not doing a good job handling its money. The higher the Receivable Turnover Rate, the better and vice versa. Year 2017 2016 2015 Total Liabilities Total Assets Debt Ratio 2,374.30 997.23 980.7 2,592.20 1,221.60 1,223.10 91.59% 81.63% 80.18% As shown in the table, both the total liabilities and total assets have grown over the years, especially the transition from 2016 to 2017. The debt ratio has also jumped from 81.63% to 91.59%. In conclusion, the company's debt has grown as time went by. Year Total Equity Total Assets Equity Ratio 2017 2016 2015 217.9 224.4 242.4 2,592.30 1,221.60 1,223.10 8.41% 18.37% 19.82% Seeing the data as time went by, the equity ratio lessens. A low equity ratio would reflect that the company has higher risks to the creditors. The low equity ratio reflects that the company is in trouble and keeps borrowing from the creditors. Year 2017 2016 2015 Gross Profit Net Sales Gross Profit Ratio 1,181.20 906.90 843.10 2,213.30 1,738.70 1,543.20 53.37% 52.16% 54.63% Both Gross Profit and Net Sales may have grown over the years it is still seen that year 2015 has the highest gross profit ratio. As the gross profit was divided by the net sales and multiplied by 100, it is shown that 2015 had the best performance so far.