Uploaded by Jasdeep Kaur

CMNS 1118 Job Application Package Assignment

Due as a hard copy ONLY by December 5
Prepare a job application for a specific job, and hand it in in person to my office (A 202c) before
4.00pm on Tuesday, December 5. The job application package that you hand in will consist of FIVE
items, all printed out on plain white paper:
1. A copy of a job advertisement (from a website, a posting, or a newspaper), that also indicates
when and where you found it;
2. A short memo explaining how this job relates to the field you wish to enter when you finish
your studies (i.e. why you want this job, what you hope to learn/practice etc.);
3. A letter to the potential employer (a.k.a. a cover letter);
4. An up-to-date, targeted résumé (appropriate to the job ad);
5. A separate, correctly formatted list of 2 references.
Please note the following points:
 Your application package must be dropped off in person at my office (A 202c) before 4.00pm
on Tuesday, December 5. Assignments submitted via email or Brightspace will not be
accepted and will receive a failing grade.
 You may apply for a volunteer or paid position, but the job you apply for must be a real job with
a real company or organization.
 If your job ad asks you to “apply online,” ignore this and find the name of an appropriate
employee and a company location, so that your cover letter can be properly addressed.
 The job should be related to the field you wish to enter when you finish your studies.
For example, do not apply for a job in a fast food restaurant unless you can convince me it is
relevant for your chosen career.
 Your résumé must be current and true. Do not fictionalize your experience or time travel to the
point when you graduate or get a designation.
 Do not recycle a résumé or cover letter from another class.
Please do not use ANY AI (other than Spellcheck) for this assignment. A job application should reflect
what you are capable of without undue assistance. If you are unsure or confused about any aspect of
this assignment, please talk to me - I am happy to help!
In order for me to give you useful feedback on layout, please format your application materials exactly
as you would if you were sending them out to the actual employer, that is
 Do not double space your text in any of the documents.
 Address the letter to the employer, not to me.
 Create your own letterhead or adapt a template (so that you are promoting yourself, not
Microsoft or some other software).
 Proofread, proofread, proofread.