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SmartTest SRS: Android App Requirements

Software Requirement Specification
“SmartTest is an android mobile application that
allows user to test the android device’s software
and hardware and help user in buying decision”
The purpose of this SRS document is to provide a
detailed overview of our product SmartTest, its
parameters and goals.
Project Scope
 The SRS fully describes what SmartTest will
do and how it will be expected to perform.
 We have functional and non functional
requirements of the SmartTest
 Principal Actors includes two types of users
i-e: Buyers and Sellers
Functional Requirements
It includes following features
1- Registration and login
 User Registration
 Login
 Logout
 Change Password
 Forgot Password
 View Account Details
Profile Details
Phone Condition
Phone Pictures
Model Information
Contact Information
Phone availability
User Information
Delete Account
3- Feedback
 Response Time
 Quality
 Form
 Rating
4- Cellular Connectivity
 Call Placement
 Call Receive
 Cellular Network
 SMS Receiving
 SMS Sending
 Mobile Data
 Edge/4g/3g
 Airplane Mode
 Cellular connectivity result
5- Bluetooth
 Turn ON
 Turn OFF
 Version
 Scan
 Connectivity
 Bluetooth connectivity result
6- Wifi Connectivity
 Turn ON
 Turn OFF
 Version
 Scan
 Connectivity
 Wifi Connectivity Result
7- Speaker and Mic functinonality
 Play sound
 Increase volume
 Decrease volume
 Mic
 Speaker result
 Mic result
8- Device Screen
 Resolution
 Pixels
 Increase brightness
 Decrease brightness
 Screen result
9- Grip Sensor
 Phone gripped
 Phone released
 Grip sensor result
10- Battery Charging
 Charge
 Discharging
 Charging result
11- Device Buttons
 Volume up
 Volume down
 Power
 Home
 Buttons result
12- Report Generation
 Report generation
 Report download
 Report linking
 Report sharing
Non Functional Requirements
It includes following some non-functional requirements
Performance requirements
 Initial load time of application will be 2 seconds
 Application and DB server available 24/7 hour
 It shall support 1000 users at a time
Reliability requirements
 The system shall be recovered within 2 minutes if it is down.
• The system shall have 99% reliability during day time.
• The system shall show appropriate messages at terminal when
system is down.
Accessibility requirements
 The system shall provide multi language support.
 The system shall use the English language possible for instructions,
prompts and outputs.
 The system shall provide the 16 - 20 font size to be seen by every person.
Security requirements
 The system shall not leave any cookies on the customer’s handset containing the
user’s password or any of the user’s confidential information.
 On handset, it shall never display a customer’s password.
 Password shall be encrypted and stored in the database.
 The system’s back-end databases shall be encrypted.
 The system shall encrypt the password when user is typing it.
 Password shall be encrypted and stored in the database.
Legal requirements
 Business Structure/Intellectual Property Rights which includes patents, designs,
trademarks, code and copyright.
 Development Agreement with in house developers.
 Data Protection and Privacy App users right.
 The Federal Trade Commission's Truth-in-Advertising laws additionally require that all
information about the app be truthful and complete, and that any objective
statements about the app be backed with evidence. Other state-specific laws, and the
laws of foreign countries, can apply.
Portability requirements
• Our application shall be portable it may be transfer and run on multiple android
devices without making any changes.
Usability requirements
The system shall provide a uniform look and feel between different android
The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.
The product must be responsive according to different mobile devices.
The product will also provide a user/help guide
Logical database requirements
Database shall contain sufficient database space so that to run the system in more
efficient way.
The system shall store all the user information username, password, full name,
phone number, email, country, parent id and user type in table ‘Application_user’.
The email address gives the user option to receive any further information or
update about the software.
Design Constraints
 The design constraints for the system are as follows:
 The code for the application will be written in Java.
 The application shall not make use of Internet Services and
will calculate and show results using hardware resources.
The application size should not exceed than 20 MB.
The application shall make use of the libraries which will
support versions from Android 5.0
The application shall make use of such libraries that are
being updated in 365 days of the usage.
The application shall have the Android 5.0 base target
External interfaces
 System Interface
 User Interface
 Hardware Interface
 Software Interface
 Communication Interface
 Memory Constraints
 Operations
Requirements Summary
Risk Management Plan
Risk identification
Risk Management
 In this project we have identified all potential
risks for SmartTest project. A generic policy
has been designed to handle each risks. A
tool set or equivalent technique have been
selected to report and manage project risks.
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