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The Billionaire Code Decoded - Explanation Booklet Updated

The Billionaire Code Decoded
How do I get
How do I
get further
How does
my team get
me ahead?
How does
my team
get ahead?
How does
my team get
How do we
help others
get ahead?
Who is my
How do I
How do I get
How do I
grow my
How do I
grow my
How do I
How do I
make my
Part Time
Full Time
Give Up
Autonomy of
Return on
Invest and
Give Away
and Sales
and Sales
and Team
Scale and
Legacy and
How do I stop
pressure &
What is
wrong with
Who am I?
How do I
become an
How do we
1. Seeker
Part Time
The first level of The Billionaire Code is Seeker. This is the first step towards becoming an entrepreneur. As a
Seeker you have an annual sales revenue of approximately $0 to $40 thousand. In the United States there are
around 16 million businesses at this level.
When you're a Seeker, the primary focus that you have should be to understand yourself, and understand
what it is that you want to do. You have to identify the movement that you want to start.
What is going to get you excited to get out of bed every morning?
The challenge so many entrepreneurs on the Seeker level face, is that they try to do everything all at once.
When you leave the crowd and become an entrepreneur, the biggest need you have at the start is to establish
your keystone habits. You need routine, daily planning, & to make time for personal care. Lower the pressure
and noise for yourself and allow yourself the opportunity to move forward.
To graduate from the Seeker level, you must understand who it is that you want to serve and start talking to
them and only them. That’s where you should be putting your time and focus in order to create momentum.
If you don’t have total clarity around your identity and the market that you want to serve, then this could be a
hidden key to unlocking massive potential in your business
2. Starter
Part Time
The second level of The Billionaire Code is Starter. The Starter is classified as businesses with sales of $40
to $100 thousand. It's that huge world of entrepreneurs looking at six figures as an outcome. There are
approximately 6 millions Starters in the United States.
As a Starter, your primary focus should be consistent delivery and total avatar clarity. Refine it and know
exactly who the person is that you are going after. Who is that person that you can consistently sell to?
As a Starter, the question you’re probably asking yourself is "What is wrong with me?"
You’ve started actually making real money, but you can't figure out how to make it scale, how to make it grow.
You can’t figure out how to take it to the next level.
The challenge for far too many Starters is they dilute the focus in one of two ways. It's either far too complex a
product offering or far too broad an avatar, and you just get stuck.
If you're a Starter who wants to move forward, start asking yourself, "Is my avatar to broad?" If you tighten up
your avatar and simplify your product offering, you will define your market identity. That's how you get out of
Starter and graduate to the next level of The Billionaire Code.
3. Promoter
Full Time
The third level of The Billionaire Code is Promoter. The Promoter sits at the $100-$300,000 annual revenue
mark. There are approximately 1.7 million Promoters in the United States. This is the level where now, you're
consistently monetizing some type of product or service. So, it makes sense that now you need to go and find
more of the right people to buy it.
Here's what happens to far too many entrepreneurs when they get into Promoter. They start obsessing over
the product instead of going out and finding more people to buy it. Your primary focus needs to be automated
lead generation.
This may be the first time you’re working full-time. You might be able to get a contractor or an assistant, but at
this $100-300,000 level, the thing that is going to save you is simplifying your product delivery, making it easy,
and then getting more people coming in the door so that you can convert them.
So, how do you get ahead?
The way to guarantee you get out of the Promoter level is to leverage your lead generation early, figure out
where your leads are,talk to them, listen to them. If you build a $300,000 business where your lead
generation is not automated and you don't generate leads and convert consistently, that will always be your
Achilles heel
When it comes to attracting your tribe, entrepreneurs today have a radical opportunity. Are you leveraging the
tools at your disposal?
4. Builder
Full Time
The fourth level of The Billionaire Code is Builder. The businesses sitting between $300,000 and $1,000,000.
There are 1.9 million businesses at this level in the United States.
At this level the primary focus in on starting to leverage sales. Because here's what most entrepreneurs have
done up until now: they've done all of the sales themselves. And from $300,000 to $1,000,000, you have to
get help somewhere. And in most cases, it's building leverage around sales.
The help needs to come from either a person, a process, or through a project. But you have to get leverage
around sales in some form so that you can continue to press through the Builder stage.
You want to ask "How do I get further ahead?".
The reason the Builder level is a trap for countless businesses is they become better and better at what they
can do. They max out their calendar. They max out the time they can sell, and they get stuck. Do not let that
happen to you.
These days, you absolutely can build a company to seven figures with very little help. But you will have a hard
time maintaining and getting past seven figures without getting help. And, the fastest way to do that is to build
processes early.
Getting protection and support will help you accelerate forward, and implementing systems and processes will
see your business explode faster than you ever could have imagined.
5. Operator
Leverage Time
The fifth level of The Billionaire Code is Operator. Annual sales at this level is one to three million dollars. The
amount of Operator businesses in the United States sits at just 700,000.
This is one of the most significant transitions in The Billionaire Code, and one of the most significant shifts we
ever have to make as entrepreneurs.
Your biggest need as an Operator is to build a team and scale consistent delivery systems.
You have to go from asking “How do I get ahead?” to “How does my team get me ahead?”
Can you get past a million dollars without building a team?
You can, but you're going to hit a limit, you're going to hit a wall, you're going to hit a barrier, usually it's right
around the three million dollar mark.
It forces you to start asking for help, and start to create the team that is going to grow the movement that is
your business.
That’s what it takes to graduate from Operator. Build a team and train them to do what you do well so that
you can help more people.
Not only do you completely change your focus and your behaviors at every single level of the code, but you
have to keep everything that you’ve already built moving forward.
Building your team is the key.
6. Leader
Leverage Time
The sixth level of The Billionaire Code is Leader. This is the elusive run towards 8 figures. Businesses on this
level are sitting between $3 to $10 million. There are just 300,000 Leader businesses in the United States.
There’s a reason why at each level of The Billionaire Code, the number of entrepreneurs who have piloted a
company to this stage drops so much. It's because the level of behavioral change at each new level of The
Billionaire Code is exponentially greater.
At this level you have to go from focusing on delivery systems, to transformational leadership. Make no
mistake, Leader is the definitive level where your ability to climb the code is 100% dependent on your ability to
lead a team. You now need other people who are going to handle outcomes for you. That's what delegating
success means.
Your ability to get your team ahead is what will create your success at this level. What you say will be heard
through a megaphone, what you do will be seen through a microscope.
At the Leader level, this is where our behavioral change is absolute, because we now have to understand that
it is no longer about us, it's about the team.
Transformational leadership is the key to how you will not only move through this level, but continue to grow
your empire. If you want to get to $10 million and beyond, then your ability to lead people is going to be
proportionate to your ability to create success, and how fast your company grows through the rest of The
Billionaire Code.
7. Owner
Buy Time
The seventh level of The Billionaire Code is Owner. Owner businesses sit at $10 to $30 million dollars a year.
There are only about 100,000 Owner businesses in the United States. This is a dramatic shift from the last
At each stage of the Billionaire Code, the level of complexity goes up exponentially. The level of behavioral
change goes up exponentially. The level of commitment it takes from the entrepreneur goes up exponentially.
At an Owner, you now must turn your time back over to your team, and ask them where they need your help
to get ahead. This is a huge shift and one that very few entrepreneurs make, because it's very hard for us to
give up control over our time. But if you're willing to do this, and you coach your team correctly, this will
change everything for you. And if you don't, it's going to be one of the biggest bottlenecks you feel
consistently, on a day to day basis.
Your ability to inspire, grow, lead, and help your team improve is going to be everything to the organization,
because it's no longer about you, and it hasn't been for a while. It's about how your team shows up. You need
a focus on culture, recruiting and team development.
How do you scale leadership systems and duplicate decision making within your team? The only way that I
know how to consistently do this is with a communication cadence, with a structure where everyone knows
what to expect. What you must do is have reporting systems and a structure, so that you know what's
happening, and you trust what's going on.
To graduate from Owner, you have to grow a leadership team to the point where they can create a second
level of leadership. That's how it works.
8. Investor
Buy Time
The eighth level of The Billionaire Code is Investor. Businesses that are sitting around 30 to 100 million
dollars. There are only approximately 70,000 of these businesses in the United States.
This is where things change dramatically in every way for an entrepreneur. Your ability to find the right
people, is what's going to drive your business.
It's been so long since you could do it all yourself, at this point you have to lean into the team. You have to
focus on scaling and expanding. Everything you had to do at the Owner level, your executive team now has to
do at Investor. You're further and further away from the people who are doing most of the work in your
When you get to Investor, everything scales exponentially in your company. Your need for systems goes up.
Your need for clear communication goes through the roof because there's a bigger population of people. You
want to ensure that each new level of leadership communicates in exactly the same way
Your ability to lead a cohesive leadership team, and your ability to have them duplicate your decision making
now becomes the biggest driver of the company. To graduate to the next, and last, level of the code you must
have implemented a leadership development system.
9. Entrepreneur
Legacy Time
The ninth, and last, level of The Billionaire Code is the Entrepreneur. Sitting at $100M+ a year, very few
businesses ever reach this milestone. There are only around 22,000 in the United States.
This is the ultimate level, this is where you can make an effect, you can make a difference, you can make a
You go from your primary focus being leadership development systems to how you can maximize your legacy
and your contribution.
This is a multi-layered organization, it's a full conglomerate team. You’ve moved past creating leadership
development systems to support the movement, as an Entrepreneur you're now scaling the effect of the
Here's what I know as an entrepreneur, when we go out and create success, it becomes constructive and we
only experience more success. We want to know, “how do we help everyone?”
So many Entrepreneurs want to have this massive impact, but they start working on impact before they work
on effect. See, when you go out and you have an effect on people, when you go out and you can cause a
consistent effect, a consistent result, you can go out and have a massive impact, easily.
People like you and I are never going to stop. Climb The Billionaire Code one step at a time.
You are meant for more. When you think of everyone in history that matters to be remembered, I want you to
remember that is our tribe. This is who you are. This is who we are.