Computer Science (083) Practical File Class -XII Python Programming Student’s Name:Board Roll Number:- Q1. Read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #. Program Logic: Open text file say ‘book.txt’ in read mode using open function Pass file name and access mode to open function.Here,we want to read text file that’s why access mode should be “r”. Read the whole content of text file using readlines() function and store it in another variable say ‘lines’ Apply for loop to iterate through text file Use split function on line object and store words in variable say ‘words’. it splits a string into a list Iterate through word by word using for loop Specifies the separator “#” Display new modified contents of text file using print() function Code: def cnt(): f=open("D:\\test2.txt","r") print(cnt) v=0 cons=0 l_c_l=0 u_c_l=0 for ch in cont: if (ch.islower()): l_c_l+=1 elif(ch.isupper()): u_c_l+=1 ch=ch.lower() if( ch in ['a','e','i','o','u']): v+=1 elif (ch in ['b','c','d','f','g', 'h','j','k','l','m', 'n','p','q','r','s', 't','v','w','x','y','z']): cons+=1 f.close() print("Vowels are : ",v) print("consonants are : ",cons) print("Lower case letters are : ",l_c_l) print("Upper case letters are : ",u_c_l) #main program cnt() Output: Original File: After Execution: Q2. Read a text file and display the number of vowels/consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in the file. Code:def cnt(): f=open("D:\\test2.txt","r") print(cnt) v=0 cons=0 l_c_l=0 u_c_l=0 for ch in cont: if (ch.islower()): l_c_l+=1 elif(ch.isupper()): u_c_l+=1 ch=ch.lower() if( ch in ['a','e','i','o','u']): v+=1 elif (ch in ['b','c','d','f','g', 'h','j','k','l','m', 'n','p','q','r','s', 't','v','w','x','y','z']): cons+=1 f.close() print("Vowels are : ",v) print("consonants are : ",cons) print("Lower case letters are : ",l_c_l) print("Upper case letters are : ",u_c_l) #main program cnt() Output:Input File:- Output File:- Q3. Remove all the lines that contain the character 'a' in a file and write it to another file. Program Logic: Open input file say ‘assignment.txt’ in read mode and store in temporary file object say ‘input_file’ Open output file say ‘dataoutput.txt’ in write mode and store in temporary file object say ‘output_file’ Read the contents of input file using readlines() Iterate through input file using for loop Within for loop, if statement is used to check input file contains the character ‘a’ or not Write only those lines that does not contain character ‘a’ in output file using write() Close all input and output file Code: # open input file in read mode inputFile = open(r"D:\inputFile.txt","r") # open output file in write mode outputFile = open(r"D:\outputFile.txt","w") # read all contents of input file using readlines() lines = inputFile.readlines() for i in lines: if 'a' not in i: outputFile.write(i) outputFile.close() inputFile.close() Output:Before Executing After Executing Q4. Create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message. Code:import pickle import sys dict={} def write_in_file(): file=open("D:\\stud2.dat","ab") #a-append, b-binary no=int(input("ENTER NO OF STUDENTS: ")) for i in range(no): print("Enter details of student ", i+1) dict["roll"]=int(input("Enter roll number: ")) dict["name"]=input("enter the name: ") pickle.dump(dict,file) #dump-to write in student file file.close() def display(): #read from file and display file=open("D:\\stud2.dat","rb") #r-read,b-binary try: while True: stud=pickle.load(file) #write to the file print(stud) except EOFError: pass file.close() def search(): file=open("D:\\stud2.dat","rb") #r-read,b-binary r=int(input("enter the rollno to search: ")) found=0 try: while True: data=pickle.load(file) #read from file if data["roll"]==r: print("The rollno =",r," record found") print(data) found=1 break except EOFError: pass if found==0: print("The rollno =",r," record is not found") file.close() #main program while True: print("MENU \n 1-Write in a file \n 2-display ") print(" 3-search\n 4-exit \n") ch=int(input("Enter your choice = ")) if ch==1: write_in_file() if ch==2: display() if ch==3: search() if ch==4: print(" Thank you ") sys.exit() Output:- Q5. Create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and update the marks. Code: import pickle #creating the file and writing the data f=open("records.dat", "wb") #list index 0 = roll number #list index 1 = name #list index 2 = marks pickle.dump([1, "Wakil", 90], f) pickle.dump([2, "Tanish", 80], f) pickle.dump([3, "Priyashi", 90], f) pickle.dump([4, "Kanupriya", 80], f) pickle.dump([5, "Ashutosh", 85], f) f.close() #opeining the file to read contents f=open("records.dat", "rb") roll=int(input("Enter the Roll Number: ")) marks=float(input("Enter the updated marks: ")) List = [ ] #empty list flag = False #turns to True if record is found while True: try: record=pickle.load(f) List.append(record) except EOFError: break f.close() #reopening the file to update the marks f=open("records.dat", "wb") for rec in List: if rec[0]==roll: rec[2] = marks pickle.dump(rec, f) print("Record updated successfully") flag = True else: pickle.dump(rec,f) f.close() if flag==False: print("This roll number does not exist") Output: Q6. Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice) Code: Q7. Write a python program to implement a stack using list Here, we are going to write a python program to implement a stack using list. Before implementing stack using list, first we will see what is stack. A stack is a data structure that stores items in an Last-In/First-Out manner. This is frequently referred to as LIFO. There are many ways to implement stack in python. I will tell you some of them. We can implement stack using linear list or queue or dequeue. There are two inbuilt function to add and remove data element from stack . Pop : we can use pop() inbuilt function to remove element from stack in LIFO order. Push : We can use push () inbuilt function to add element into stack. We can use append function to add element at the top of the stack. Here we are using append () function to insert new element to the top of the stack. Code:mystack = [] # append() function to push # element in the stack mystack.append('p') mystack.append('y') mystack.append('t') mystack.append('h') mystack.append('o') mystack.append('n') print('After inserting element into stack :') print(mystack) # pop() function to pop # element from stack in # LIFO order print('\nElements popped from stack:') print(mystack.pop()) print(mystack.pop()) print(mystack.pop()) print(mystack.pop()) print(mystack.pop()) print(mystack.pop()) print('\nStack after elements are popped:') print(mystack) # uncommenting print(stack.pop()) # will cause an IndexError # as the stack is now empty Output:- Q8. Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password, read and search the password for given user id. Code: import csv with open("user_info.csv", "w") as obj: fileobj = csv.writer(obj) fileobj.writerow(["User Id", "password"]) while(True): user_id = input("enter id: ") password = input("enter password: ") record = [user_id, password] fileobj.writerow(record) x = input("press Y/y to continue and N/n to terminate the program\n") if x in "Nn": break elif x in "Yy": continue with open("user_info.csv", "r") as obj2: fileobj2 = csv.reader(obj2) given = input("enter the user id to be searched\n") for i in fileobj2: next(fileobj2) # print(i,given) if i[0] == given: print(i[1]) break Output:- 13.Program to store multiple integers in a binary file and read display it on screen DATA FILE HANDLING Input: Output: 14.Program to copy content of one file to another file Data File Handling Input: 17 Output: Test file (file1) 18 Demo File (file2) 15.Program to capitalize the first letter of sequence in a file Data File Handling Input: 19 Original file: Output file after program execution: 20 16.A menu driven program to perform read and write operation using a text file containing student information using function DATA HANDLING FILE Input: 21 22 17.Program to print a record from table in a database at run time—PYTHON-MYSQL CONNECTION Input: 23 Output: MYSQL ORIGINAL TABLE: MYSQL TABLE AFTER PROGRAM EXECUTION: 24 18.Program to print a record from table up to a certain limit PYTHON-MYSQL CONNECTION Input: Output: 25 19.Program to insert record in a table —PYTHON MYSQL CONNECTION Input: Output: MYSQL TABLE: 26 20.A menu driven program to perform all function on a table ‘student’--- PYTHON-MYSQL CONNECTION Input: 27 - 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY ● Computer science with python - Class XII By: Sumita Arora ● ● 29 Database Management System Q. Create a student table and insert data. Implement the following SQL commands on the student table: o ALTER table to add new attributes / modify data type / drop attribute o UPDATE table to modify data o ORDER By to display data in ascending / descending order o DELETE to remove tuple(s) o GROUP BY and find the min, max, sum, count and average Create a student table in MySQL and insert data Solutions CREATE TABLE command is used to create table in MySQL. When table is created,its columns are named,data types and sizes are also supplied for each column. One point is to be note that each table must have at least one column. Syntax of CREATE TABLE command is : CREATE TABLE <table-name> (<column name1><data type1>[(size1)], <column name2><data type2>[(size2)], <column name3><data type3>[(size3)]……………. <column namen><data typen>[(sizen)] ); To create student table whose schema is as follows : CREATE TABLE STUDENT (RNO INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(60),CLASS INT, SECTION VARCHAR(5),GENDER VARCHAR(10),MARKS INT); In this way ,we can create student table with multiple columns. In this table, we declare RNO column as the primary key of the table. The primary keys can not allow NULL values. Create a student table Inserting data into table We can add rows into table using INSERT command of SQL. Syntax of INSERT INTO command : INSERT INTO <table name>[ <column list> ] VALUES( <value1>,<value2>,……………………….); The INSERT statement adds a new row to table giving value for every column in the row. Note that the data values are in same order as the column names in table. We can insert number of rows into student table . If we want to insert 10 rows into student table then we need to specify 10 INSERT command to do it. Insert 10 student record into student table ALTER TABLE Command We can add column using ALTER TABLE command .We can also redefine a column and we can change the definition of existing tables. We can change the data type or size of column using ALTER TABLE command. To add column Syntax of ALTER TABLE command is : ALTER TABLE <TABLE NAME>ADD<COLUMN NAME><DATATYPE><SIZE>[<CONSTRAINT NAME>]; To add a new column city in the above table with appropriate data type UPDATE Command Sometimes we need to change some or all of the values in an existing row. This can be done using UPDATE command of SQL. WHERE Clause and SET keyword are used with UPDATE command. Syntax of UPDATE command UPDATE <table name> SET <column name> <scalar expression> WHERE condition; To update single column, one column assignment can be specified with SET clause. To update multiple columns ,multiple columns assignments can be specified with SET clause. Suppose ,if you want to increase the marks for the student who have less than 40 by 50%, you could use the following code To increase marks by 50% for those students who have marks less than 40 Sorting result—- ORDER BY CLAUSE ORDER BY clause allows sorting of query results by one or more columns. The sorting can be done either in ascending or descending order,default order is ascending. Note that, the data in the table is not sorted;only results that appear on the screen are sorted. SYNTAX OF ORDER BY CLAUSE SELECT <COLUMN NAME>[, <COLUMN NAME>,……] FROM <TABLE NAME>[WHERE <PREDICATE>] [ORDER BY <COLUMN NAME> ASC/DESC]; To specify the sort order ,we may specify DESC for descending order or ASC for ascending order. We can perform ordering on multiple attributes or columns To display Rno, Name, Marks of those Female students in ascending order of their names To display Rno, Gender, Name,Marks in descending order of their marks ALTER TABLE Command with DROP Clause We can remove specific columns from table using ALTER TABLE command with DROP clause. This command is used to remove specific column from table. Syntax of ALTER TABLE Command with DROP Clause ALTER TABLE <TABLENAME> DROP COLUMN <COLUMNNAME>; Drop column CITY from student table DELETE command The DELETE command removes the rows from table. This removes the entire rows,not individual field values. Syntax of DELETE Command DELETE FROM <TABLENAME>[WHERE CONDITION]; To remove all the contents of specific rows, the following command is used. Delete student details from above table GROUP BY CLAUSE The GROUP BY Clause combines all those records that have identical values in particular field. It is used in SELECT statement to divide the table into groups. Grouping can be done by column name or with aggregate function. Aggregate function work with multiple rows at a time and return aggregated values. Example of aggregate function : sum(), count(), min(),max(), avg() etc. Syntax of SELECT with GROUP BY clause SELECT <COLUMN1>,<COLUMN2>,……. FROM TABLENAME GROUP BY COLUMNNAME; To find minimum,maximum,total,average marks of students (section wise) only Q. Integrate SQL with Python by importing suitable module. import mysql.connector After that we need to establish connection to MySQL database using connect() function of mysql.connector package. Then we need to create cursor instance which is control structure of database connectivity. Database cursor help to get s the access of all the record of database and allow you traverse the result-set that is your set of retrieved records row by row. So once we have created a cursor,we can execute SQL queries using execute () function with cursor object. In this way, we can integrate MySQL with python by importing mysql.connector library. Steps to create a database connectivity python application are : Step 1 : Start python Step 2 : Import package required for database programming ( ex : import mysql.connector) Step 3 : Open a connection Step 4 : Create a cursor instance (ex: cursor = connectionobject.cursor() ) Step 5 : Execute a Query ( ex. cursor.execute( query ) ) Step 6 : Extract data from result set Step 7 : Clean up environment Let us now see following code examples how these functions work. For the following code example, we shall be connecting to database student_dbl,table student that has following data in it 1] Write a python program that display first 8 rows fetched from student table of MySQl database student_dbl integrate mysql with python using mysql.connector Output 2] Write a python database connectivity program that deletes record from student table of database that have name = Meena import pandas as pd import mysql.connector as sqltor conn=sqltor.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="123456",data base="student_dbl") if conn.is_connected(): print("Successfully connected") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("delete from student where name = 'Meena'") data = cursor.fetchmany(10) count = cursor.rowcount print("Total no of records deleted from database :",count) conn.commit() conn.close() else: print("MYSqL connection problem") Output