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Wetlands Restoration in Uganda: A Concept Note

Project Context.
Most Districts in Uganda have considerable diversity of environmental
resources, including fishery resources, good fertile soils, forests, minerals,
fish from Swamps, wildlife and an extensive network of mountains
ecosystem and wetlands.
Intensive deforestation practices in most parts of Uganda have reduced the
coverage of forests and woodlands and the availability of associated goods
including accelerating land degradation. Deforestation is largely carried out
as a source of firewood, charcoal and timber. According to the highlights of
Uganda National Housing Census, over 94% of households use charcoal
and firewood for cooking. Thus, there is increasing pressure on the forestry
resources for household survival.
Across the districts, wetlands have been severely degraded for cultivation
of crops such sweet potatoes, horticultural crops, rice and yams. There is
intensive excavation of sand and clay for brickworks; and grazing activities
in the wetlands.
Fishing activities in the adjourning lakes and wetlands has declined due to
intensive fishing exacerbated by poor fishing methods and anthropogenic
pollution of the lakes. These factors in play greatly impacting on the quantity
and quality of the fish yields from the lakes. Lake Victoria bears the biggest
brunt. Natural and traditional water sources such as seasonal rivers and
springs are no longer reliable. Drinking water quality and quantity has been
impaired by both anthropogenic factors and environmental issues including
climate change related factors.
Given the contextual background of increasing environmental degradation
attributed mainly due to governance and institutional challenges when it
comes to addressing issues concerning to wetlands and other environmental
resources, there is need for a robust approach from the Ministry of Water
and Environment to ensure wise use and protection of wetlands in the coun
try for sustainable development.
Concept Note on Wetlands Restoration by Ministry of Water and Environment
1.1. Proposed Project Intervention
The 5-year proposed project aims at restoration of the wetlands in the North
East and Eastern Uganda Districts through a rights-based approach
considering the environmental benefits of the wetland resources and of the
rights of the communities to using the wetlands.
Sixteen Districts in East and North Eastern Uganda shall be reached out in
this intervention. These include Mbale, Sironko, Bulambuli, Bukedea,Kumi,
Kibuku,Butebo, Ngora, Budaka, Busia, Bugiri, Tororo, Namalu, Nakapiriti,
Katwakwi and Soroti.
1.2. Project Objectives.
The project objectives are aligned to department goal of sustaining
biophysical and social-economic values of the wetlands in Uganda for
present and future generations.
The overall project objective is enhanced conservation of wetlands in east
and north eastern Uganda through wise use and alternative livelihood
practices through a rights-based approach for sustainable development.
The above overall objective will be achieved by two specific objectives;
A). To promote awareness of best practices for wetlands restoration among
targeted communities in catchment areas by 2030.
B). To initiative alternative survival livelihoods innovations for targeted
communities as a means to protect wetlands by 2030.
The project intends to mobilize and sensitize communities in wetland
catchment areas on the environment benefits and values arising from wise
use and protection of this resource.
1.3. Project Activities
Innovative alternative survival activities for the communities drawing
economic and social benefits from the wetlands shall be taken with key
consideration. Through a rights-based approach, the project shall engage
communities in alternative sources of livelihood to conserve the wetland
resource. Participatory planning approaches shall bring on board community
stakeholders, emphasizing the need to protect wetlands but seeking for
alternative sources of livelihoods.
Concept Note on Wetlands Restoration by Ministry of Water and Environment
Issues regarding ownership of wetlands by community members shall be
addressed taking into consideration the benefits from land owners, users and
indirect users previously drawing social-economic survival from wetlands.
The project shall work with communities in demarcation of the wetlands
considering core protected areas and those that need regulation in use. The
project shall seek the support of key stakeholders for example the politicians,
technical teams from respective districts and other key actors in environment
and water sector as well as civil society to build synergies in this intervention.
The project shall conduct capacity building training workshops for respective
districts technical staff and relevant actors in wetlands management and
conservation of other natural resources. This is in line with Water and
Environment Sector Plan (2018-2030). Sustainable innovations in natural
resource conservation shall be taken into consideration.
As one of the key approaches, the project shall organize learning visits to
areas were communities are striving to protect wetlands through alternative
means of survival to instill positive attitudinal change by communities
degrading the wetland resource. Lessons from the learning visits will
enhance knowledge and skills in implementing alternative economic
activities as opposed to encroachment of wetlands.
The project shall strengthen coordination, monitoring and inspection
mechanism in ensuring compliance and enforcement in conservation of the
wetlands. This entails working with other relevant actors from sister
ministries in achieving departmental outputs.
1.4. Project Outcome.
The project intervention will contribute to conservation of wetlands resources
through protection and wise use by communities in catchment areas.
1.5. Project Methodology.
The project shall apply rights-based approach in project implementation;
taking in account of the environmental benefits visa via the rights of the
communities that have been drawing livelihoods from the wetlands and other
natural resources. The approach seeks to strive a win-win situation in view
of conservation of wetlands as well as survival of affected communities
through alternative livelihood sources.
Concept Note on Wetlands Restoration by Ministry of Water and Environment
Participatory planning approaches that are inclusive considering gender and
marginalized groups shall take a centre stage while planning and
implementing the project.
The project strategies include networking and collaboration with the relevant
line ministries, partnership development, advocacy, institutional
strengthening, enforcement and ensuring compliance to standards for
wetlands management, community mobilization and awareness campaigns.
1.6. Project Outcome.
The project intervention will contribute to protection of wetlands through
conservation and sustainable wise by communities in catchment areas in
East and North Eastern Uganda.
1.7. Project Cost.
Total cost of the project is estimated at USD 20,000,000 running for 5 years
Concept Note on Wetlands Restoration by Ministry of Water and Environment