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SNI 1971-2011 (Eng)

SNI 1971:2011 (English)
How to Test Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... ii
Preface ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduc on ............................................................................................................................. iv
1. Scope ................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Norma ve reference ......................................................................................................... 1
3. Terms and defini ons........................................................................................................ 1
4. Uses ................................................................................................................................... 2
5. Provisions ......................................................................................................................... 2
6. Test Summary.................................................................................................................... 2
7. Equipments ...................................................................................................................... 3
8. Test Specimens .................................................................................................................. 3
9. Test Specimen Prepara on ............................................................................................... 3
10. Test Procedure .................................................................................................................. 3
11. Calcula on ........................................................................................................................ 4
12. Repor ng .......................................................................................................................... 4
13. Accuracy ........................................................................................................................... 4
Appendix A (norma ve) Form for Total Moisture Content of Aggregate Tes ng .................... 5
Appendix B (informa ve) Example Form Filling for Total Moisture Content of Aggregate
Tes ng ................................................................................................................... 6
The Indonesian Na onal Standard (SNI) on How to test total moisture content of aggregate by
drying is a revision of SNI 03-1971-1990, Aggregate moisture test method which is a modified
adop on of ASTM C566-97, Standard test method for total evaporable moisture content of
aggregate by drying.
The revisions are:
a) Addi onal norma ve references;
b) There are notes in Table 1 regarding the shape of the filter hole and weight requirements
light aggregate minimum test specimen;
c) The presence of addi onal is possible the use of other types of heaters other than ven lated
ovens temperature control included;
d) There is a change from the ASTM standard which has become SNI.
This standard was prepared by Technical Commi ee 91-01 Building Construc on Materials
and Civil Engineering through the Road Materials and Pavement Working Group in Technical
Subcommi ee 91-01-S2 Road and Bridge Engineering.
The wri ng procedure was prepared following the Na onal Standardiza on Guidelines (PSN)
Number 08 of 2007 and discussed in a consensus forum on June 12, 2008 in Bandung involving
speakers, experts and related ins tu ons.
Introduc on
This standard is intended as a reference for those in charge and laboratory technicians to
determine the total moisture content of aggregates in a uniform manner and with accurate
results. The results of this test can be used for the purpose of controlling aggregate moisture
content in cement concrete and asphalt concrete work.
The accuracy of the mass of aggregate and water components in the manufacture of cement
concrete and asphalt concrete (especially emulsion asphalt cold mix asphalt concrete) greatly
affects the quality of the concrete. But in fact, it is o en found that the aggregate stock to be
used is in wet condi ons so that the aggregate mass and water mass need to be corrected.
Therefore, it is necessary to test the aggregate moisture content, among others, according to
the method of tes ng the total moisture content of the aggregate by this drying.
How to Test Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying
1. Scope
This method of tes ng the total moisture content of the aggregate by drying involves
determining the percentage of water that can evaporate from the aggregate sample by
drying. The results of this moisture content test can be used in mix planning and quality
control work on cement concrete and emulsion asphalt cold mix asphalt concrete.
This method of tes ng does not cover safety issues associated with its use. Occupa onal
safety and health arrangements and their applica on are the responsibility of the user of
this test method.
If the aggregate can change chemically due to hea ng (e.g. lime), or more precise
measurements are required, the test should use a ven lated oven with a temperature
2. Norma ve reference
Reference documents related to this standard:
SNI 03-1969, Specific gravity and water absorp on test method of coarse aggregate.
SNI 03-1970, Specific gravity and water absorp on test method of fine aggregates.
SNI 03-6414, Specifica on of scales used in materials tes ng.
SNI 03-6865, Procedures for implemen ng interlaboratory test programs for determining
the precision of test methods for construc on materials.
SNI 03-6866, Specifica on of wire woven sieve for tes ng purposes.
SNI 03-6889, Aggregate sampling procedures.
ASTM C29/C 29M, Test method for unit weight and voids in aggregate.
ASTM C125, Terminology rela ng to concrete and concrete aggregates.
3. Terms and defini ons
The terms and defini ons used in this standard are as follows:
9.1 Anhidrous Alchohol
hydrocarbon chemical compounds also called ethyl alcohol or ethanol with the
chemical formula C2H5OH with a very low water content so that they can func on
as fuel
9.2 Light Aggregate
aggregates having a specific gravity less than 2
9.3 Moisture Content of Aggregate
The ra o between the mass of water contained in aggregate with the mass of
aggregate in the dry state of the oven and expressed in units of percent.
9.4 Spiritus
Denatured ethyl alcohol (plus toxic materials to keep it from being consumed) is
cheap because it is not taxed and can generally be used as fuel
9.5 Maximum Nominal Grain Size
indicated by a maximum sieve size that can withstand at least 10% aggregate
4. Usability of Test Results
This test method is quite accurate for general purposes, especially for mass regula on of
aggregate components in the manufacture of cement concrete or emulsion asphalt cold
mix asphalt concrete. In general, se ng the aggregate mass by measuring the water
content in the aggregate sample by this test is more precise than determining the
concrete composi on according to the moisture content of the aggregate stock.
5. Provisions
Aggregate sampling must be in accordance with SNI 03-6889 with a minimum mass
test specimens according to Table 1.
Maximum Aggregate Nominal Size
Minimum Mass of Normal
Aggregate Test Specimen
Kg a)
0,187 (No. 4)
1 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2
a) To determine the mass of the light aggregate minimum specimen, mul ply the
values in Table 1 by the weight of the loose contents in kg/m3 and divide by
1600. (referred back to ASTM)
6. Summary Results
Examples of aggregates weighed, dried in the oven and weighed again then the aggregate
water content is calculated as the percent decrease in mass to oven dry aggregate mass.
7. Equipments
The equipment used in this test includes:
a) Scales
Has sufficient capacity and can weigh with an accuracy of 0.1% of Sample weight.
b) Oven
Ovens that are ven lated and can maintain sample temperatures of 110°C ± 5°C. If
temperature regula on is not required, other adequate heaters may be used such as
hea ng plates with electricity or gas, electric hea ng lamps, or ven lated microwave
c) Test Specimen Container
The specimen container must be heat resistant with sufficient volume so that it can
accommoda ng test specimens so they don't fall / spill. The specimen container must
also be has such a shape that the depth of the specimen is not more one-fi h of the
width of the test specimen container.
NOTE 1: When a microwave oven is used, the specimen container must be made of
non-metallic material.
d) Mixer
A s rrer made of metal or a spatula of suitable adequate size the size of the test
8. Test Specimens
A test specimen is an aggregate with a certain mass (see table 1).
9. Test Speciment Prepara ons
Make sure the aggregate test specimen is in good packaging (waterproof) so that it will
not experience changes in moisture content from shipping to tes ng.
10. Test Procedures
a) Weigh the specimen to 0.1% of the nearest mass (W1); (The mass of the specimen is
the mass of the container and the specimen minus the mass of the container).
b) Dry the specimen directly in the container using a heater that It is desirable and take
care not to let any par cles disappear. Too hea ng It can quickly cause par cles to
break apart and come out of the container thus reducing mass of the test specimen. If
hea ng can change the proper es of aggregate specimens or If more thorough tes ng
is required, then use an oven that has temperature regulator. If the heater does not
use an oven that has a regulator temperature, s r the specimen during the drying
process to speed up the process and avoid local hea ng. When a microwave oven is
used, s r in the sample once in a while. When hea ng plates are used, to speed up
drying can It is carried out by the following procedure:
1) Add enough anhidrous alcohol or spirits so that they soak the specimen
2) S r and let the suspended material se le
3) Pour alcohol or spiritus by sneaking (decanta on) as much as possible without any
specimens being wasted
4) Burn the remaining alcohol or spirits on the specimen and leave them to ex nguish
during drying with a hea ng plate
NOTE 2: Take care so that the combus on of specimens is controlled so that danger
and damage due to burning alcoholic or spirited specimens can be avoided.
c) A er cooling, so that it will not damage or affect the scale, weigh it the specimen dries
to 0.1% nearest mass (W2). The specimen is considered dry when Subsequent hea ng
leads to only a decrease in mass of less than 0.1%.
11. Calcula ons
a) Calculate the total moisture content with the following formula:
𝑥 100% ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (1)
P is the moisture content of the test specimen in units of percent.
W1 is the mass of the test object in units of g.
W2 is the mass of the oven dry specimen in units of g.
b) The surface moisture content is equal to the difference between the total moisture
content and the absorp on moisture content with all values to the mass of the dry
aggregate. Absorp on can be determined based on the SNI 03-1969 or SNI 03-1970
test method.
12. Repor ng
Report the aggregate moisture content in percent to two decimal points.
13. Accuracy
Two test results performed by the same technician and laboratory against the same test
sample, each other should not differ by more than 0.79%; Two test results performed by
two different laboratories on the same test sample, each other should not differ by more
than 0.79%.
(Norma ve)
Form for Total Moisture Content of Aggregate Tes ng
Head of Company Le er
Example Number
Test Sample Type
Type of Works
Received Date
Tested Date
Method of Test
Test Result
1st Test Specimen
2nd Test Specimen
Mass of Jar + Test Specimen
Mass of Jar
Mass of Test Specimen (W1)
Massa Wadah + Oven Dry
Test Specimen
Mass of Jar
Oven Dry Test Specimen
Mass (W2)
Total Moisture Content
(𝑃) =
𝑥 100%
Total Moisture Content (P)
Checked by Supervisor
Carried out by Technician
(Informa ve)
Example Form for Total Moisture Content of Aggregate Tes ng
Head of Company Le er
Example Number
Test Sample Type
: 85/AG/VIII/07/BU
: Aggregate maximum nominal size 1/2 inch (minimum test
specimen mass 2000 g)
: Research Cold Mix Asphalt Emulsion
: August 12, 2011
: August 12, 2011
: SNI 03-1971
Type of Works
Received Date
Tested Date
Method of Test
Mass of Jar + Test Specimen
Mass of Jar
Mass of Test Specimen (W1)
Test Result
Test Specimen
2.945 gram
445 gram
2.500 gram
2nd Test Specimen
3.037 gram
537 gram
2.500 gram
Massa Wadah + Oven Dry
Test Specimen
Mass of Jar
Oven Dry Test Specimen
Mass (W2)
2.883 gram
2.983 gram
445 gram
2.438 gram
537 gram
2.446 gram
Total Moisture Content
(𝑃) =
𝑥 100%
Total Moisture Content (P)
Checked by Supervisor
Date: August 31, 2011
Carried out by Technician
Date: August 12, 2011