1. Describe the clientele of counseling 2. Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in counseling 3. Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations and communities Clients go into counseling for various reasons. Some clients are ordered by the court. Prisoners or other offenders are sent so that they might receive help. Potential divorcees are sent for marital counseling by the court also. Others, upon examining their situations, feel the need for help or an improved life-style. Still some are referred for academic or vocational counseling. Others are driven by crisis. All clients have expectations of varying levels. Some clients expect rapid help and change. Others go into counseling with a mindset that nothing will make a difference in their outlook and behavior. They only go in order to satisfy a requirement or to stifle a potential feeling guilt. 1. People who abuse drugs 2. People who use tobacco or cigarettes 3. People who abuse alcohol 4. Women 5. Older adults 6. People with aids 7. Victims of abuse 8. People with other gender preferences 1. Neurotic – long term tendency to be in a negative emotional state 2. Psychotic – severe mental disorder that makes people lose touch with reality cause by abnormal thinking and hallucinations 3. Personality disorder – involves a long-term pattern of unhealthy and inflexible thoughts and behavior. 1. Refuse to consider yourself the target of reluctance 2. Show confidence and do not be intimidated 3. Do not ignore the feelings of the client 4. Try to interpret the reasons for the reluctance and use these as an opportunity for teaching the client greater self-understanding 5. Show the client that counseling helps one to deal with feelings if they are uncomfortable 6. Patient exploration of the client’s behavior can help reduce the reluctance 7. Go straight to work in eliminating barriers Different processes and methods involved in counseling Counseling process - is a planned, structured dialogue between a counsellor and a client Counseling process 1. Relationship Building 1. Introduce yourself 2.Invite client to sit down 3.Ensure client is comfortable 4.Address the client by name 5.Invite social conversation to reduce anxiety 6.Watch for nonverbal behavior as signs of client’s emotional state 7.Invite client to describe his or her reason for coming to talk 8.Allow client time to respond 9.Indicate that you are interested in the person Counseling process 2. Problem assessment This step involves the collection and classification of information about the client’s life situation and reasons for seeking counseling Counseling process 3. Goal setting 1. Goals should relate to the desired end or ends sought by the client. 2. Goals should be defined in explicit and measurable terms. 3. Goals should be feasible. 4. Goals should be within the range of the counselor’s knowledge and skills. 5. Goals should be stated in positive terms that emphasize growth. 6. Goals should be consistent with the school’s mission and school health policy. Counseling process 4. Intervention Helps the client work toward their goals, strengthen their capabilities, identify opportunities, increase motivation, and modify behavior. Counseling process 5. Evaluation, Follow-up, Termination or referal Terminating the counseling process will have to be conducted with sensitivity with the client knowing that it will have to end. Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES Psychoanalysis is a talking therapy that aims to treat a range of mental health issues by investigating the relationship between the unconscious and conscious elements of psychological experience using clinical techniques like free association and dream interpretation (Pick, 2015). Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES Behavioral theory seeks to explain human behavior by analyzing the antecedents and consequences present in the individual's environment and the learned associations he or she has acquired through previous experience. Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES TYPES OF BEHAVIORAL THEORY 1. Classical conditioning - behaviors are learned by connecting a neutral stimulus with a positive one 2. Operant conditioning - is a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior. Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES TYPES OF BEHAVIORAL THEORY 1. Classical conditioning - behaviors are learned by connecting a neutral stimulus with a positive one 2. Operant conditioning - is a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior. Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES Cognitive theory is characterized by their focus on the idea that how and what people think leads to the arousal of emotions and that certain thoughts and beliefs lead to disturbed emotions and behaviors and others lead to healthy emotions and adaptive behavior. Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES The humanistic approach proposed that all humans exist in a world which is loaded with experiences. Their life experiences create their reactions involving external people and objects. -This theory also believes in selfactualization Methods in counseling • FIVE COUNSELING THEORIES AND APPROACHES Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that address the “whole” person. This kind of therapy integrates spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional forms of well-being. Its goal is to help individuals develop a deeper understanding of themselves on all these levels The needs of individuals, groups, organizations and communities Vocabularies Needs - As a physiological or psychological deficiency that a person feels the compulsion to satisfy. Individual - is that which exists as a distinct entity, or a person separate from other people and possessing their own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. Group - is a number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together. Organization - is an entity, such as a company, an institution, or an association, comprising one or more people and having a particular purpose Community 1. - is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Vocabularies Client - A someone who pays for services or advice from a professional person or organization. Counseling - Refers to guidance or advice provided to help someone resolve difficulties or decide issues. Counselor - A person who give advice or counselling Individualized Counseling - Those individuals who needs to be helped to manage well a life – changing situation or personal problem or crisis and other support needs. Community Counselling- When people experience something collectively, which may be socially troubling and constitute the danger of blocking their collective capacity to move on. Vocabularies Group Counselling- This is a type of counseling extended to organizations, groups, in communities, students in schools, teachers in school, and departments in workplaces, and other entity, the desire to reduce conflict or manage it, become more productive as a team or work better together. Workplace Counseling - is a therapy offered to employees of a company, often through an employee assistance program, that provides employees with a safe place to discuss any issues that they’re struggling with. Individual needs The most common type of counseling is the individualized type. The individual who needs to be helped to manage well a life-changing situation or personal problem or crisis and other support needs may undergo counseling as an individual. Problems like alcoholism, loss of job, divorce, imprisonment, and rehabilitation can cause of shame and embarrassment. Without acquiring enough strength ad ability to go through such life experience, people are vulnerable and may come out worse. Groups and organization needs Groups exist in communities, organizations, students in schools, teachers in school, and departments in workplaces, and such entity can undergo group counseling to meet counseling needs on that level. The needs can range from desire to reduce conflict or manage it, become more productive as a team or work better together. Some of the group processes and procedures resemble those that are applied to individuals. However, some are very unique to group and organizational context. Community needs When people experience something collectively, which may be socially troubling and constitute the danger of blocking their collective capacity to move on, counseling is necessary to be undertaken on a community level.