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SEE PROFILE Proceedings International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition IHEC 2005 Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 July 2005 Black Sea, A Hydrogen Source Mehmet Haklıdır*, Şule Kapkın** *Istanbul Technical University, Mechatronics Engineering, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey **Istanbul University, Mechanical Engineering Department Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey, ABSTRACT Black Sea, a highly-isolated inland sea, has a transition layer, called suboxic zone that has simultaneously low concentration of oxygen and low concentration of hydrogen-sulfide. The suboxic zone of Black Sea is about 50 m thick and lies between the oxygenated surface layer and the anoxic depth at about 200 m. Hydrogen-sulfide layer appears in the Black Sea, mainly because it is highly isolated from the open ocean, when oxygen consumption due to the input of decomposable organic matter sinking from the upper euphotic zone or added by rivers flowing into the sea exceeds the oxygen supply to deep waters. Hydrogen-sulphide in the Black Sea, whose source is the process of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter of sulfate-reducing bacteria, is one of the world's most poisonous and is a possible energy source today. If the equilibrium in this very special sea is not maintained and steps towards healing is not taken, environmental disaster is likely to happen. The initial signs will be seen in the surface waters, and later, when the chemical equilibrium is disturbed further, the deep sulphur and Hydrogen-sulphide will possibly change into a flammable, explosive phase. Even if this gas does not ignite but only mixes into air, it will present an important environmental problem. The sea life initially will not be suitable for consumption, and later will suffer massive extinction. This situation obviously poses a great threat for the countries in the region. The usage of Hydrogen-sulphide in Black Sea for obtaining hydrogen and sulphur will require large amounts of sea water to be cleaned of Hydrogen-sulphide; this will provide a two-fold benefit: a new energy source and cleansing of Black Sea of this poisonous substance. In this paper, the mechanics of Hydrogen-sulphide production, and the effects of the environmental factors like rivers pouring into the Black Sea is explored, and alternative plans for usage of Hydrogen-sulphide in the sea water is explored. Keywords: Hydrogen, Hydrogen Sulphide, Sulfate-reducing Bacteria, Hydrogen Energy. 1. INTRODUCTION The causes of organic matter accumulation in Black Sea are its distance from the open oceans and the large amount of river water pouring in to the Black Sea. The organic compounds brought in by the rivers pouring into Black Sea are decomposed by the oxygen; but since the Black Sea is remote to oceans and it is quite closed, the decomposition by oxygen is less so that the organic matter accumulates at the deeper regions. The Hydrogen-sulphide-rich layer is about 50 m thick and lies at a depth of approximately 200 m. As a very rich source of hydrogen sulfide, The Black Sea is distinctly different from the world’s oceans with the appearance of the hydrogen sulfide at its lower boundary. In the worlds’ oceans, as well as in the particular case of the Black Sea, specific physical and biochemical processes as well as morphmetric characteristics determine the health of the marine environment and the cycling of 1 Haklidir and Kapkin elements influences fishery resources. Hydrogen is currently used in many different industry processes, such as the production of plastics, fertilizers and petroleum products. Hydrogen may be used to power steam turbines or as fuel in internal combustion engine vehicles. Perhaps the most interesting use for hydrogen in the future is in fuel cells. As the energy source of the future, the hydrogen lies deep in the waters of the Black Sea in the form of a very large amount of hydrogen sulfide. The structure of the paper is as follows: the next section is about the organic matter composition in the Black Sea. Following this, the formation and balance of Hydrogen-sulfide is explained and its environmental impact is stressed. Finally, a proposal is made for production of Hydrogen from Hydrogen-sulfate to be extracted from the waters of Black Sea. 2. ORGANIC MATTER CONCENTRATIONS IN BLACK SEA In the Black Sea, dissolved and particulate organic matter concentrations decrease with depth. In the upper layers, they are controlled by the photosynthetic input and respiration process and by the supply from rivers. The riverine sources carry both dissolved and suspended organic matter of various origins. In the Black Sea, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds are the main nutrients triggering eutrophication, and the main reasons of ecological problems. The majority of nutrients, 53% of the nitrogen and 66% of the phosphorus, discharged into the Black Sea come from the Danube River. Approximately 115,000 tons of oil enters the Black Sea each year, with %48 of it coming from the Danube. The nutrients introduced into the Danube originate from agriculture(chemical or organic fertilizer, Irrigation…), Metropolitan and Industrial Wastes (Petroleum chemicals, Lumber, Woodpulp Industry..) and domestic sources. But the Danube is not the only pollution source. Dnieper (Ukraine), Dniester (Moldova), Kızılırmak, Sakarya, Yeşilırmak (Turkey), flowing into the Black Sea, are the other sources of pollutants due to the pollutioned discharges they have. 3. H2S IN BLACK SEA Black Sea has a large anoxic zone (90% of the sea water is anaerobic in depth). Hydrogen-sulfide layer, was discovered more than 100 years ago. High content of organic matter, with maximum processes of bacterial sulfate reduction is the major source of this hydrogen sulphide zone. Other important sources of hydrogen sulfide are the geological sources – fractures and mud volcanoes, as well as the destroyed gas-hydrate deposits, which contain the solid phase of H2S. 3.1 Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria The bacteria utilize, firstly, the free dissolved oxygen in order to decompose the sinking organic matter. When the dissolved oxygen concentration is below 2-4 mg/L, combined forms of oxygen are used as electron sinks by the bacteria to oxidate. The first group of compounds that supply the combined oxygen are nitrates (NO3-) and nitrites (NO2). Metal oxides, sulfates (SO4-), carbon dioxide (CO2) and even water itself are used by bacteria as electron sinks in parallel to the decrease in redox potential of the water mass. Sulfate-reducing bacteria, one of the oldest known life forms on the planet, are the anaerobic bacteria that utilize sulfate as an oxygen source. The reduction of the sulfate is accomplished by sulfate - reducing bacteria; 2 CH2O + (SO4)-2 —> 2 (HCO3)- + H2S 2 (1) Haklidir and Kapkin Figure 1: Electron micrograph of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Sulfate reducing bacteria thrive and dominate the bacterial population, when the free oxygen concentration decreases below 1 mg/L. The most abundant bacterial population in the Black Sea belongs to the Sulfate - reducing bacteria Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus group. When oxygen consumption due to the input of decomposable organic matter sinking from the upper euphotic zone or added by rivers flowing into the sea exceeds the oxygen supply to deep waters, these bacteria thrive their population and utilize sulfate as an oxygen source. As a result, The concentration of H2S increases, reaching to 8-10 mg/l to depths of 1,500 m. 3.2 The Geological Sources Fractures and mud volcanoes, as well as the destroyed gas-hydrate deposits, which contain the solid phase of H2S are the major geological sources. Other sources are deep cracks in the sea ground and hydrothermal waters. 3.3 Hydrogen Sulphide Concentration The Hydrogen-sulphide concentration increases regularly from the anoxic interface (at 1000 m depth) to the seafloor. Near the seafloor, 2000 m depth, it attains maximum values of about 400μM. Hydrogen Sulphide and Dissolved oxygen concentrations are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Hydrogen Sulphide and Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Black Sea obtained by using the data from March – April 1995 cruise of R/V Bilim. 3 Haklidir and Kapkin 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF H2S IN THE BLACK SEA The lower range of oxygen must be 14.5-14.8 (1000 lt = 1014,5 kg) in the sea for fish to survive. For this reason, there is no life at depths more than 60 m in Black Sea. Meanwhile, Hydrogen sulphide is one of the world's most poisonous substances and it is the reason for the observed decrease of life in Black Sea ( for example; 3000 dolphines dies every year ). A full breath of H2S is usually enough to kill a human being. Hydrogen - sulphide is a colourless gas with a rotten egg odour which destroys the sense of smell rapidly and it is impossible to tell whether one is inhaling more. Environmental disaster is likely to occur in Black Sea due to Hydrogen-sulfide accumulation. The levels of Hydrogen-sulfide may reach to high enough levels in deep waters to produce the inflammable, explosive phases so that fire hazard may become a real problem. Even if this does not happen, the Hydrogen-sulfide could begin to mix into the atmosphere and pollute the air. Also the fish may become unsuitable for consumption and at later stages may suffer massive extinction. 5. PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN FROM H2S Hydrogen could be produced from H2S by using various different decompostion methods. Mainly, these are the plasma, electrochemical, photochemical and thermal methods. The plasma process uses microwave plasma chemistry to dissociate H2S into H2 and S. Backreaction of the products to H2S is minimized by in situ cyclonic separation and a rapid quench of the products. Furthermore, experiments with water and carbon dioxide concentrations typical of acid-gas streams from refinery operations and natural gas production have demonstrated that these components are compatible with the proposed process. A preliminary economic evaluation indicates that the plasma-chemical process will be substantially cheaper to operate than the conventional sulfur recovery technology and that the sulfur emissions will also be lower. Photochemical reactions use photocatalysts that absorb ultra-violet light from the solar spectrum to power chemical reaction. But this method is not effective since using UV light is very expensive to produce Hydrogen from H2S. Most of the hydrogen sulfide produced in the catalytic hydrodesulphurization of fossil fuels is processed in a Clauss process, producing sulfur and low-valued steam but doesn't produce any hydrogen. But for a long time, it has been known that H2S can be converted to H2 and elemental sulfur by thermal decomposition of H2S at high temperatures (900-1100 K). H2S can be catalytically decomposed to hydrogen and sulfur and the catalyst preparation, operating conditions, catalyst type have a significant effect on the amount of hydrogen produced and on the economics of the process. The stoichiometric equation of the thermal decomposition reaction is 2H2S 2H2 + S2 ΔH = 50 kcal/mol (Activation energy) (2) 6. CONCLUSION Natural accumulation of organic matter and Hydrogen-sulfide poses a great environmental threat for the Black Sea. If preventive measures are not taken, the sea life will be impossible in the future. We propose that the Hydrogen-sulfide in the Black Sea could be used as a source of Hydrogen by separating Hydrogen-sulfide via any of the available methods after it has been extracted from the sea water. 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