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Auditing Quality Control Flashcards

Auditing - Quality control
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Terms in this set (19)
1. Human resources
2. Engagement/client acceptance and continuance
What are six interrelated elements of quality control?
3. Leadership reaonsibilities
4. Performance of the engagement
5. Monitoring
6. Ethical requirements
Who requires CPA firms to adapt system of quality
AICPA code of professional conduct
1. Requiring timely identification of staffing requirements
2. Planning for the total personnel needs of all the firm's professional engagements
What are examples of human resources in quality
control system?
3. Requiring a background check of all new personnel
4. Requiring supervisors to prepare performance evaluations
5. Requiring personal to attend training
6. Consideration of continuity and periodic rotation of personnel
7. Consideration of opportunities for on-the-job training
What are the purpose of engagement policies and
To decide whether or not to accept or continue a client relationship and whether or not
to perform a specific engagement
1. firm minimizes likelihood of association with a client whose management lacks integrity
Engagement policies should provide firm with
2. firm undertakes only the engagements that it reasonably expects to complete with
reasonable assurance that?
professional competence
3. Can comply with legal and ethical requirements
1. Reviewing the financial statements and credit rating of the proposed client
What are examples of engagement policies?
2. Inquiring of third parties as to the reputation of the proposed client
3. Evaluating firms ability to service the client properly
1. To "set the tone at the top"
2. Emphasize quality over commercial considerations
What are leadership responsibilities in terms of quality
3. Demonstrate a commitment to quality in performance evaluation, compensation and
4. Devote sufficient resources to developing, communication and supporting the quality
control system.
1. Achieve consistent high level of performance
2. Ensure that engagement is properly supervised and work is properly reviewed
3. Maintain confidentiality, safe custody, integrity, accessibility, retrievability and retention
Performance policies and procedures should be
of engagement documentation
established to:
4. Allow for consultation with third party experts for matters in which the firm is not
properly competent
5. Provide a means to resolve a difference of opinion
6. Establish and follow guideline for engagement quality review
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Who should perform a firms monitoring activities?
How often is a CPA firm peer reviewed?
What is purpose of following ethical requirements?
A partner or someone with appropriate experience and authority
Minimum, once every three years
To maintain public confidence in the profession
1. Independence encompasses impartiality and freedom from any obligation to or
interest in the client
What are ethical requirements?
2. Independence requirements should be communicated to firm personnel
3. At least annually, all firm personnel subject to independence requirements should
confirm their independence in writing.
The nature and extent of a firms quality control policies
depend on?
1. The firm's size
2. Its organization structure
3. The nature and complexity of its practice
Relationship between GAAS and Quality control
GAAS -> each obligation
Quality Control -> the conduct of the firm as a whole
If a firm has a failed quality control system, may it still
comply with GAAS properly?
1. The work has been performed in accordance with GAAS
2. Significant findings or issues need further consideration
Review of other's work consists of consideration
3. Appropriate consultations have taken place and been documented
4. The nature, extent and timing of work performed is appropriate
5. Work performed supports conclusions
6. Sufficient evidence obtained
7. Objectives of the engagement have been achieved
Which two financial areas are usually considered
1. Revenue recognition
significant risks?
2. Management override
1. Failure to obtain sufficient audit evidence
A significant engagement deficiency exists when?
2. Reached an inappropriate conclusion
3. Report not appropriate for circumstances
4. Firm is not independent of the client
1. Engagement size and complexity
The firm should consider the following factors in
2. Personnel availability
achieving a balance of engagement manpower
3. special expertise required
requirements, personnel skills, and individual
4. Timing of the work to be performed
development and utilization?
5. Continuity and periodic rotation of personnel
6. Opportunities for on-the-job training
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