Uploaded by John Mark Mayor

Wildlife Observation Activities in BU Grounds

Group 1:
1. Develop a “fiel uud e” to local wdl ldfe tracks an sduns dn BU Groun s.
2. Explore the d entifie areas an d entify an sketch tracks, scat, nests, an other sduns of andmal
3. Make hypotheses about whdch andmals left these traces base on thedr forms an functions.
4. Document your observation an present your output usdnu a Power Podnt Presentation.
Group 2.
A. Observe an ocument the vardous bdr specdes they encounter dn BU Groun s.
B. Note dfferences dn sdze, plumaue, behavdor, an habdtat preferences amonu the bdr s you
C. Document your observation an present your output usdnu a Power Podnt Presentation.
D. Descrdbe the dnsects base on thedr forms an functions.
Group 3
Observe an examdne dnsects avadlable dn BU Groun s.
Create a sketch collection of these dnsects an label the dfferent dnsect specdes you encounter.
Document your observation an present your output usdnu a Power Podnt Presentation.
Descrdbe the dnsects base on thedr forms an functions.
Group 4
A. Observe tree or plant specdes foun dn the BU Groun s.
B. Observe the tree's bark, leaves, an any assocdate wdl ldfe, such as dnsects or bdr s.
C. Document an present your fin dnus, dscussdnu how these plants support andmal ldfe an how
these andmals thrdve base on thedr forms an functions.
Group 5
A. Observe an ocument the andmals’ mo e of locomotion, habdtat preferences, an dnteractions
wdth other specdes.
B. Ddscuss the andmals’ forms an functions base on the ata uathere .
C. Document your observation an present your output usdnu a Power Podnt Presentation.