RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES Do you remember how to construct the indicated geometric figures? Do you remember what the first theorem of Thales is? Communication skills and Technology department RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES: Communication skills and Technology department RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES: Quiz Draw a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle with a radius of 5cm. Draw a regular pentagon with a side of 5cm. Solution of the quiz: Communication skills and Technology department RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES Solids and surfaces Communication skills and Technology department RECAP ON GEOMETRIC FIGURES Warped surfaces Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Definition: The development of surface of an object means the unrolling and unfolding of all surfaces of the object on a plane. If the surface of a solid is laid out on a plain surface, the shape thus obtained is called the development of that solid. Development is a complete layout of all surfaces of a solid on a plane or flat object. A surface is said to be developable if it can be unfolded / unrolled to coincide with a plane. Surfaces of polyhedral and single-curved surfaces are developable. But warped surfaces and double curved surfaces are not developable they may be developed by approximately dividing them into developable sections. Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Application: Designers and manufacturers are frequently required to have knowledge of development of surfaces of an object. Principles: Every line on the development should show the true length of the corresponding line on the surface which is developed. During making developments of surfaces, the following general rules should by observed. 1. Developments of solids are usually made with the inside surfaces up to facilitate bending or rolling during manufacturing. 2. It is possible to begin development of a solid from any edge desired, however it is a good practice to start and end with the shortest edge to provide strength of the final solid formed and ensure an economical usage of fixing material like UHU for paper models and soldering, welding and riveting for sheet metal model. Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT 3. When making the development of a solid, elements should be labeled using numbers or alphabet of letters in the clock wise direction. 4. Bend or fold lines should be clearly shown in the development so that they will be used as guides for rolling or bending when making the final product. 5. Extra material to be used as lap or seam should be provided at the end element lines of the development where fixing or fastening is required. The amount of material to be added varies depending on the thickness of the material, the type of connection and production equipment. Communication skills and Technology department SURACE DEVELOPMENT If you avoid the above principles you will end up with unacceptable outputs as indicated below. X XXXXX Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Methods of development: Parallel -line Radialline Triangul ation Approxi mate Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Methods of development: Parallel-line development It is used for developing Prisms and single curved surfaces like Cylinders, in which all the edges/generation of lateral surfaces are parallel in each other. The method divides the surface into a series of parallel lines to determine the shape of a pattern. Example: Prism, Cylinder Radial-line development It is employed for Pyramids and single curved surfaces like Cones in which the apex is taken as centre and the slant edge or generator as radius of its development. Example: Cone, Pyramid. The method uses lines radiating from a central point to construct the expanded pattern of each three-dimensional shape. Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Methods of development: Triangulation development Such developments are made from polyhedrons, single curved surfaces, and wrapped surfaces. Example: Tetrahedron and other polyhedrons. The development involve subdividing any ruled surface into a series of triangular areas. If each side of every triangle is true length, any number of triangles can be connected into a flat plane to form a development Triangulation for single curved surfaces increases in accuracy through the use of smaller and more numerous triangles. Triangulation developments of wrapped surfaces produces only approximate of those surfaces. Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Methods of development: It is used for developing transition pieces. Transition pieces are usually made to connect two different forms, such as round pipes to square pipes. These transition pieces will usually fit the definition of a non developable surface that must be developed by an approximation. This is done by assuming the surface to be made from a series of triangular surfaces laid side-by-side to form the development Approximate development It is employed for double curved surfaces like Spheres, as they are theoretically not possible to develop. The surface of the sphere is developed by approximate method. When the surface is cut by a series of cutting planes, the cut surface is called a zone. In approximate development, the shape obtained is only approximate. After joining, the part is stretched or distorted to obtain the final shape. Example: Sphere, torus and ellipsoid Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Methods of development: Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Examples of developments: Development of a Prism Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Examples of developments: Development of a right circular cylinder Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Examples of developments: Development of a right circular cone Communication skills and Technology department SURFACE DEVELOPMENT Solution for class assignment 7 Development of right pyramid. Communication skills and Technology department •EN Thank you for your patience and time.