Uploaded by Ronald Liria

Skaavok Aim Trainer Guide for Fortnite

The Official
Edited by Itai Aosi | @ItaiNOVOS on Discord
NOVOS.GG isn’t endorsed by EPIC Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of EPIC Games or anyone officially involved in producing or
managing Fortnite. Fortnite and EPIC Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of EPIC Games, Inc. Fortnite© EPIC Games, Inc.
Skaavok Official Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 4
Mouse Sensitivity ....................................................................................................... 5
Track your Progress...................................................................................................... 6
Scenario Setting ..................................................................................................... 7
Skaavok Scenarios ................................................................................................. 8
Warmup Routines by DestinysJesus .............................................................. 12
Routine #1 - 20 minutes ........................................................................................ 13
Routine #2 - 8 minutes ........................................................................................ 14
Advanced Training .................................................................................................... 15
FAQ ............................................................................................................................... 26
Skaavok Official Guide
This is the guide to Skaavok Aim Trainer
map for Fortnite. Here you will find how to
Fortnite Coach for FaZe Clan.
perform the scenarios, score benchmarks,
and train efficiently. This guide also includes
an overview of Skaavok Tracker, a web tool
that can help you stick to your training and
improve your aiming tremendously! Made in
A team of passionate gamers on a mission
collaboration with DestinysJesus, Machinerite
to bring professional gaming knowledge to
and Donwozi.
players all over the world. We do our best
to provide the players with all the necessary
tools to help them improve, anything from
Top notch map creator, who created Skaavok:
live meta analytics, personal training plans,
one of the most played creative aiming maps
practice routines, and this very guide to
in the world, with over 2 million players using
ensure efficient practice to take your gaming
it monthly! Nickeh30 said that Donwozi makes
skills to the next level.
the best maps without question.
Download to your PC and track your progress
Donwozi's YouTube Channel
To support others and get support
Join our Discord server
Fortnite coach since season 6 and a
content creator. Coached everyone from
absolute beginners to pro players from
organizations like Team Liquid, E11 and SRN.
His specialty is coaching players on how to
optimize their practice and thought process.
MachineRite's YouTube Channel
Skaavok Official Guide
Getting started
Practice before playing
Get into the habit of practicing before you
As a player aspiring to become the best, a
start playing. Even just 30 minutes a day
balanced lifestyle can improve overall health
of deliberate training will make sure you
as well as gaming performance.
are warmed up and ready for your playing
Mental & Physical Health Keep Team
Liquid On Top
session. When life gets in the way, practice
less and make up for the lost time later.
Consistency and discipline will lay the
foundation for a more efficient training, and
the improved results are sure to follow.
Setup Goals
You aren't really practicing, unless you have a goal.
Team Liquid
To increase your focus and beat laziness
during practice, make sure to set specific,
clear and transparent goals for your training.
adaptations that can help players reach a
This allows you to get a better understanding
higher level—both physically and mentally1.
of where you’re standing and where do you
Sleep also has a significant impact on how
want to get. We’ve provided optional goals
you perform.
starting at page 15 for you to use during your
Being in a state of sleep deprivation negatively
impacts your reaction time2 - a crucial aspect
In addition, NOVOS’S PC platform will save
of fast-paced games like Fortnite.
all your drill attempts and will provide you
with a sense of progress and motivation to
For more information regarding tools to help
always try and beat your previous high score.
you build a routine, head over to our Ultimate
Aiming Routine (PDF).
1 - Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills / Harvard Health
2 - The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Choice Reaction Time and Anaerobic Power of College Student Athletes / Asian J Sports Med
Skaavok Official Guide
Mouse Sensitivity
(controller players can skip this part)
Players often ask what is the best mouse
into any battle royale match, Team Rumble or
sensitivity, but the answer is not that simple.
creative map! We highly recommend using this
In fact, there is no correct answer, because
great map built by Teadoh. It was designed
sensitivity differs from one player to another.
to help players understand how sensitivity
But, we can help you find your ultimate
works and gives them all the needed tools to
test their new settings.
Start somewhere
Watch the Teadoh's video for a quick overview:
Pick any setting and try it. If you feel like you
Find Your Sensitivity w/ this Map!
(Fortnite Creative)
need to make a change, a solid option would
be to copy the sensitivity settings (or even
keybinds) from your favorite pro players.
Check out Prosettings.net where you can
browse between all the top Fortnite players
in the world and check their system & ingame settings.
Make sure you are borrowing the eDPI
(effective Dots Per Inch), which combines
Practice all the essential game mechanics
both the mouse DPI and the in-game
and do it for at least 5-10 minutes. After
that, you should be able to tell if you are
comfortable with the new sensitivity or if it
needs adjustments.
If you are overshooting your targets - decrease
the sensitivity. If you are undershooting increase the sensitivity. Make the necessary
Tfue's Sensitivity from ProSetting's website
changes and repeat the process until you're
Test and Adjust
satisfied with the results. Don’t rush, getting
To test if the sensitivity is right for you, jump
the right sensitivity is worth it in the long run.
Skaavok Official Guide
Track your progress
Skaavok Tracker
We believe that tracking your progress is an integral part
of efficient training. This is why we’ve made our Progress
Tracker. This tool allows you to save your scores for each
scenario, and come back to them in order to see your
progress. You can also use this tool to view the complete
routine and check off scenarios as you complete them.
Official Skaavok Tracker
Download NOVOS
NOVOS is a PC platform that can enhance your training experience. With NOVOS you can track
your progress and get on NOVOS’s Leaderboard,
to compare your achievements with the rest of the
NOVOS Platform Overview
NOVOS’s community. You can practice Skaavok
without NOVOS, but with our help you can reach
your fullest potential.
Download NOVOS and check our overview video
to use it effectively!
Download to your PC and track your progress
Tip - Do I have to use NOVOS?
You don't have to install NOVOS to train with the aiming routines provided in this guide, as they were built to be
available to all players using any platform.
That's being said, we highly recommend that PC players install NOVOS in order to track your scores, see your
progress over time and to compare your results with other players. Get started at our Discord server
Skaavok Official Guide
Scenario Settings
Every scenario has three options for settings: Close Range, Long Range and Medium Range:
To work on your speed and timing - use the close range setting
to place yourself closer to the targets. When the targets are closer and larger, they’re easier to hit.
To work on your precision - use the long range setting
to place yourself as far away from the targets. When the targets are further therefore smaller,
they’re harder to hit and require more precision.
To balance between the two - use the medium range setting.
In addition, On Tile Frenzy, Popcorn and Moving Targets scenarios you can choose 1HP or 100HP
Zombies. Make the choice by the following principles:
To work on your click timing and target switching use the 1 HP setting.
To work on your tracking skills use the 100 HP setting.
the more HP the targets have, the more you have to track them using your crosshair (therefore
practices your tracking skills).
Tip - Practice tracking the target with 100 HP setting first before attempting the 1 HP setting.
Setting buttons inside the scenarios on Skaavok’s map
Skaavok Official Guide
Written by: MachineRite
Tile Frenzy
Recommended with:
Purpose: This is a click timing drill meant to train short range flicks.
Tip Don’t click too fast. Precision is more important than speed
in this case. Try to have a smooth aim even if the correction
of the target takes longer as well as not stopping your
crosshair to shoot.
Recommended with:
100 HP setting - Practices vertical tracking.
1 HP setting - Practice click timing against vertically moving targets.
Moving Targets
Recommended with:
100 HP setting - Practice vertical, horizontal and diagonal tracking.
1 HP setting - Practice click timing against moving targets.
Recommended with:
100 HP setting - Practice predicting target flight paths and target
1 HP setting - Practice Reaction and click timing against moving targets.
Skaavok Official Guide
Bounce 180
Recommended with:
Purpose: Click timing against moving targets.
Tip You can actually jump into the arena with the targets and
bounce around, make the most of this feature and practice
aiming while moving! If you choose to jump in the arena and
practice that way, you may prefer to use the Pump Shotgun,
Tactical Shotgun or SMG instead of the Assault Rifle.
Bounce 360
Recommended with:
Purpose: Practice click timing against moving targets, 360 awareness,
target acquisition overhead tracking and mouse pad space
Tip Bouncing in the arena will help you practice aiming while
adjusting for your own movement. Practice this scenario
multiple times, with each of the different weapons.
Recommended with:
Purpose: Improve your horizontal tracking and crosshair smoothness.
Tip This is a general crosshair control scenario, and applies to all
aiming aspects of the game. Take note of what you struggle
with, whether you tend to overshoot or undershoot the
Recommended with:
Purpose: Improve vertical tracking and crosshair smoothness.
Tip This is a general crosshair control scenario, and applies to all
aiming aspects of the game. Take note of what you struggle
with, whether you tend to overshoot or undershoot the
Skaavok Official Guide
Recommended with:
Purpose: Practice vertical tracking, target switching, learning extreme
vertical angles, and adapting to changes in perspective.
Tip Watch the targets fall time. The closer the target gets, the
change in perspective makes the target appear to speed
up. You will need to learn how to adapt to that exponential
change in speed.
Stationary CT
Recommended with:
(Click Timing)
Purpose: Train reaction time, target acquisition and peripheral
Stay crouched and ADS for better accuracy, and go for
headshots to better work on your precision. Headshots will
eliminate the target faster, and also improve your score.
Reaction FS
(Flick Shots)
Recommended with:
Purpose:Train reaction time, target acquisition, and peripheral
awareness. This can also directly help you with situations where a
player may jump out from behind a wall forcing a left peek.
Tip Hold your crosshair centre and use your peripheral vision to
acquire targets.
360 Tracking
Recommended with:
Improve your horizontal tracking, and crosshair smoothness.
Skaavok Official Guide
Tfue Classic
Recommended with:
Practice performing the “Tfue Classic”, multitasking of aiming and
*This scenario is not trackable by the NOVOS PC Platform
Tfue Classic is a strategy that allows you to shoot a target from above while being covered. To perform
it you need to jump, shoot the target, then instantly build a floor to catch yourself. Watch a video
demonstration by ItsJerian.
Mongraal Classic
Recommended with:
Practice aiming after editing, and to practice the “Mongraal classic”
*This scenario is not trackable by the NOVOS PC Platform
Mongraal Classic is a strategy that allows you to shoot a target behind a wall. To perform it you need
to destroy the opponent’s wall, build your own wall, edit your wall, build a stair, edit the stair, shoot the
target and then reset your wall edit. Watch a video demonstration by ItsJerian.
Bouncy Bots
Recommended with:
Purpose: Practice aiming after editing, a direct practice to boxfighting.
Tip Practice different peeks. Don't just open up the same
window edit, use a variety of different edits.
*This scenario is not trackable by the NOVOS PC Platform
Box fighting is essentially manipulating a 1-by-1 structure offensively or defensively through edits,
resets, and taking and defending walls (as well as other structures). Watch a full explanation of it by
Skaavok Official Guide
[by DestinysJesus]
Skaavok Official Guide
20 minutes
100 HP
100 HP
Moving Targets
Moving Targets
100 HP
Moving Targets
100 HP
Bounce 180
Bounce 360
#10 Bounce 360
#11 Horizontal
#12 Horizontal
#13 Horizontal
#14 Vertical
#15 Vertical
#16 Rain Drops
Taps only
#17 360 Hip Fire
#18 Tile Frenzy
Taps only
#19 Tile Frenzy
Taps only
#20 Stationary CT
Headshots only
Skaavok Official Guide
8 minutes
Bounce 180
Bounce 360
Moving Targets
100 HP
Moving Targets
Tile Frenzy
Taps only
Skaavok Official Guide
Advanced Training
Increase your motivation and assure significant improvement
A section by MachineRite
About me: I have been coaching Fortnite since season 6. I have coached everyone from
absolute beginners to pro players from orgs like Team Liquid, E11 and SRN. My approach
to coaching has always been slightly different. My specialty is coaching players on how to
optimise their practice and thought process. You can teach someone every detail about the
game, but that won't help unless you teach them how to efficiently apply that information.
In this video, for example, I discuss how our brains work, and how you can optimise your
thought process: Why Your Creative Skills Won't Transfer To Battle Royale.
Time/Repetition based training can often lead to laziness. The solution to increase focus during
practice is to set goals, and to constantly challenge yourself. Most pro players have goals that
they set for themselves like this. Although it may not be apparent, somewhere in the back of their
mind they are challenging themselves. In this section I will be teaching you advanced methods
for each scenario to make your practice as efficient as possible.
Training with goals:
Once you figure out which scenarios you need to practice on (you can use DestinysJesus routine
from page 12), follow the training method of each scenario, and the scenario goals every time you
practice them. Start with the First Run, then attempt to complete Goal #1. Don’t proceed to Goal
#2 before you complete Goal #1.
Follow the goals of each scenario on the next pages to train effectively
Skaavok Official Guide
Tile Frenzy
Try to hit the targets without stopping your crosshair. Don’t confirm your crosshair before
shooting, instead, hit each target while keeping smooth constant crosshair speed.
First run
Warmup, hit as many targets as you can, focus on speed.
Close - Hip Fire
Goal #1
Get a run with 100% accuracy before continuing the rest of
the routine. Change the distance that you do this on daily.
Goal #2
High score attempt
Extra Goal
Get a run with 100% accuracy before continuing the rest of
the routine. Change the distance that you do this on daily.
Medium - ADS
Long - ADS
Skaavok Official Guide
Make sure you can track the target on the 100 Health setting first. For the click timing
aspect, put your crosshair on target as if you were about to start tracking it, and shoot
once. Move your crosshair when you shoot. Try to not place your crosshair under targets
and wait for them to fall, you will see more long term results by learning to hit them
during any point in their movement path.
First run
Warmup, start with the 100 Health setting.
Close - Hip fire
Goal #1
On the 1 health setting, try to land as many shots as you can in
a row. Record this number, it will be your goal to hit this many
targets in a row daily. Increase that number by 1 weekly.
Goal #2
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more on the 100 Health
setting daily.
while acquiring
targets, then ADS
when adjusting
for final shot.
Medium - Hip fire
while acquiring
targets, then ADS
Goal #3
High score attempt
when adjusting
for final shot.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Long - ADS
Skaavok Official Guide
Moving Targets
First make sure you can track the targets on the 100 Health setting, then put your
crosshair on target as if you were about to start tracking it, and shoot once. Make sure
that your crosshair is moving when you shoot. Try to not place your crosshair under
targets and wait for them to fall, you will see more long term results by learning to hit
them during any point in their movement path.
First run
Warmup, start with the 100 Health setting.
Close -
Goal #1
On the 1 health setting, try to land as many shots as you can in
a row. Record this number, it will be your goal to hit this many
targets in a row daily. Increase that number by 1 weekly.
Goal #2
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more on the 100 Health
On the 1 health
setting: hipfire.
On the 100
health setting:
hipfire to place
crosshair on
setting daily.
target, then
Goal #3
High score attempt
ads to continue
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Medium - ADS
Long - ADS
Skaavok Official Guide
First make sure you can track the targets on the 100 Health setting, Then, for the 1
health setting, put your crosshair on target as if you were about to start tracking it, and
shoot once. Make sure that your crosshair is moving when you shoot. Try to not place
your crosshair under targets and wait for them to fall, you will see more long term results
by learning to hit them during any point in their movement path.
First run
Warmup, start with the 100 Health setting.
Hip fire for close
Goal #1
On the 1 Health setting, try to land as many shots as you can in
a row. Record this number, it will be your goal to hit this many
targets in a row daily. Increase that number by 1 weekly.
Goal #2
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more on the 100 Health
setting daily.
Goal #3
High score attempt
Extra Goal
Move one floor to the side every time you destroy a target.
targets, and ADS
for longer range
Skaavok Official Guide
Bounce 180
Put your crosshair on target as if you were about to start tracking it, and shoot once.
Make sure that your crosshair is moving when you shoot. Try to not place your crosshair
under targets and wait for them to fall, you will see more long term results by learning to
hit them during any point in their movement path.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Try to land as many shots as you can in a row. Record this
number, it will be your goal to hit this many targets in a row
daily. Increase that number by 1 weekly.
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal #1
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing
Extra Goal #2
Complete a run while bouncing inside the arena. Use the
Pump Shotgun, Tactical Shotgun or SMG.
Skaavok Official Guide
Bounce 360
First make sure you can track the targets on the 100 Health setting, then, on the 1 health
setting, put your crosshair on target as if you were about to start tracking it, and shoot
once. Make sure that your crosshair is moving when you shoot. Try to not place your
crosshair under targets and wait for them to fall, you will see more long term results by
learning to hit them during any point in their movement path.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Try to land as many shots as you can in a row. Record this
number, it will be your goal to hit this many targets in a row
daily. Increase that number by 1 weekly.
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Skaavok Official Guide
Focus on matching the speed of the target.
First run
Warmup run
Close - Hipfire
Goal #1
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more.
Medium - ADS
Long - ADS
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Focus on matching the speed of the target.
First run
Warmup run
Close - Hipfire
Goal #1
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more.
Medium - ADS
Long - ADS
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Skaavok Official Guide
The closer the target gets, the change in perspective makes the target appear to speed
up. You will need to learn how to adapt to that exponential change in speed, as well as
applying the same click timing method used earlier to switch between targets quickly.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy or more.
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Stationary CT
Similar to Tile Frenzy, do not confirm your crosshair on your target, time your shot as
soon as your crosshair meets the target.
First run
Warmup run
Hip fire to
Goal #1
Complete a run landing only headshots with an Assault Rifle.
acquire targets,
ADS to shoot
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch spamming and strafing side to
Skaavok Official Guide
Reaction FS
Hold your crosshair in the center, and try to react to the targets in your peripheral vision
as quickly as possible.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Try to hit 5 in a row. This goal should be increased by 1 every
time it is achieved.
Goal #2
Highscore attempt.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch and strafe spamming.
360 Tracking
Focus on the target and try to react as quick as possible to the change in movement.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Try to get a run with 70% accuracy.
Extra Goal
Complete a run while crouch and strafe spamming.
Skaavok Official Guide
Tfue Classis
The first method is to build a floor and shoot the target while running then quickly build
a floor.
The second method is to build a floor then jump as soon as you can see the target in your
camera, shooting it and catching yourself with another floor. pretend it's a real target,
try to expose yourself as little as possible. Repeat these 2 methods with cones.
Goal #1
Do a realistic run. Go slow and perform perfect peek angles on
each target.
Goal #2
Do a Speed run. Hit as many targets as you can while using the
Tfue classic.
Mongraal classic
After going through the edit course portion, break the wall with your pickaxe and keep
your LMB held, then immediately place a ramp and wall. Then perform the “Mongraal
classic edit”. You can select your Shotgun before or after you do the edit, it makes no
difference. You can also place a cone inside the box instead of a ramp.
Bouncy bots
Use this to practice mostly peeks. Don't just open up the same window edit, use a variety
of different edits.
First run
Warmup run
Goal #1
Peek only run. Peanut butter edit (top triangle), right hand
peeks, window peeks, etc..
Goal #2
Speed run. Edit whatever window is closest to the target, and
kill as many targets as possible
Skaavok Official Guide
NOVOS in order to track your scores, see
your progress over time and to compare your
results with other players. If you're a console
Should I do Skaavok or the
Ultimate Aiming Routine?
player, we recommend using Skaavok tracker
to keep track of your progress.
The Ultimate Aiming Routine is a more
Skaavok, on the other hand, gives you more
What is the role of the
Skaavok tracker in my
training sessions?
variety for your training sessions and some
The Skaavok Tracker was built mainly to help
additional scenarios. Use whichever platform
console players keep track of their progress.
is best for you, or a combination of the two!
Just like PC players can download NOVOS
structured way for players to improve their
aiming, with strict time frames and formats.
to track their scores, Console and Mobile
Should I use Skaavok or
players can use the tracker to stay organized
and track their improvement.
Both provide excellent practice, and will
aiming skills. We believe that one of the keys
How long will it take to see
to improvement (and fun) is versatility. That
If you practice everyday, you can expect to
is being said, we think that in-game practice
start seeing results after just a week. That
is important so even if your main practice is
being said, some players learn faster than
Kovaaks so make sure to incorporate some
others, and the starting point for each player
kind of creative practice as well.
is different. Keep in mind that the more skilled
provide you with a great practice to your
you are, the more practice it will take to see
Do I have to Download
No, you don't have to install NOVOS to train
Can I train with my friends?
with the routines provided in this guide. As
Absolutely. We recommend practicing Aim
they were built to be available to all players
Duels against your friends to increase your
using any platform. That being said, PC
close quarter aiming skills. (Map code 8082-
players, we highly recommend you to install
Skaavok Official Guide
How do I contribute to the
next guide?
We love working with passionate gamers. If
you have anything you would like to share or
talk with us please feel free to contact us via
I have a question, who can I
consult with?
You’re always welcome to discuss anything
regarding training or Fortnite in general with
other players at our Discord server.
To support others and get support
Join our Discord server
If you got this far, you are a player of the kind we like the most.
Keep taking gaming seriously.
Until next time, with love <3