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<b>Aimee Semple McPherson</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b>
American evangelist and founder of the Foursquare Church.<br><br></div>
<b>Significance:</b> Known for charismatic preaching and healing services.<br>"
<b>Azusa Street Revival</b><div><b>Definition:</b> Historic Pentecostal revival in Los Angeles (1906-1909).<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance:</b> Foundation of Pentecostal and charismatic movements, emphasizing spiritual gifts.</div>
<b>Benson Idahosa</b><div><b>Definition: </b>Nigerian Pentecostal preacher; founder of Church of God Mission.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance:</b> Played a key role in Pentecostal growth in Nigeria and Africa.</div>
<b>Classical Pentecostals</b><div><b>Definition: </b>Early Pentecostal movement emphasizing Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance:</b> Formative phase of Pentecostalism around the Azusa Street Revival.</div>
<b>Elizabeth Brusco’s “Pentecostal gender paradox”</b><div><b>Definition:</b> Empowerment of women alongside reinforcement of traditional gender roles.<br><br><b>Significance: </b>Reflects a dual dynamic in Pentecostal communities.</div>
<b>Lucy Leatherman</b><div><b>Definition: </b>Influential figure in the Assemblies of God, known for leadership and missions.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance: </b>Contributed to the expansion of Pentecostalism.</div>
<b>Minnie Abrams</b><div><b>Definition:</b> Prominent preacher and leader in the African-American Holiness-Pentecostal movement.</div><div><br></div> <div><b>Significance: </b>Played a key role in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC).</div>
<b>Mukti Revival</b><div><b>Definition: </b>Revival movement in India associated with Pandita Ramabai.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance: </b>Contributed to the spread of Pentecostalism in India.</div>
Neocharismatic or Neopentecostal Churches<div><b>Definition: </b>Contemporary Pentecostal churches emphasizing prosperity, healing, and spiritual warfare.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance:</b> Represents a modern form of Pentecostalism.</div>
<b>Older Church Charismatics</b><div><b>Definition:</b> Established denominations embracing charismatic practices without full Pentecostal identification.<br><br></div> <div><b>Significance: </b>Illustrates the influence of charismatic beliefs on mainstream churches.</div>
<b>Older Independent Churches</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> Independent churches adopting charismatic
practices without aligning with mainstream Pentecostalism.<br><br></div>
Highlights the diversity of charismatic influence.</div>
<div> </div>"
<b>Pandita Ramabai</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> Indian social reformer and Christian missionary
associated with the Mukti Revival.<br><br></div>
Advocated for women's rights and education in India.</div>"
<b>Pentecostalism</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> Christian movement emphasizing personal
experience of the Holy Spirit and charismatic practices.</div><div><br></div>
<div><b>Significance: </b>A
significant force in global Christianity.</div>"
<b>Peter Anim</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b>
Ghanaian charismatic Christian leader associated with Christian Action Faith
Gained attention for prophetic and healing ministry.</div>"
<b>Prayer Mountain Movement</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> Involves establishing prayer and retreat places
in mountainous areas.<br><br></div>
</b>Associated with intense prayer and seeking spiritual experiences.</div>"
<b>Prophetic Services</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>In Christian contexts, involves the expression
of spiritual gifts like prophecy during worship.</div><div><br></div>
Reflects the charismatic nature of worship.</div>"
<b>Shamanism</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>Religious practice involving interaction with
the spirit world for healing and guidance.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Distinct from Pentecostalism but may be compared due to spiritual experiences.</div>"
<b>Spirit Baptism</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>Fundamental Pentecostal concept; experience of
being baptized in the Holy Spirit.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Central to Pentecostal theology and practice.</div>"
<b>Therapeutic Failure</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>In religious context, situations where
faith-based interventions do not achieve expected healing.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Raises questions about the efficacy of spiritual approaches.</div>
<div> </div>"
<b>William Wade Harris</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>Christian evangelist in West Africa during the
early 20th century.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Played a key role in the spread of Christianity in the region.</div>"
<b>Yoido Full Gospel Church</b>"<div><b>Definition: </b>One of the largest Pentecostal churches in
Seoul, South Korea.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Known for emphasis on prayer and charismatic worship.</div>"
<b>Yonggi Cho</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> South Korean Christian minister and co-founder
of Yoido Full Gospel Church.</div><div><br></div>
</b>Influential in the growth of Pentecostalism in South Korea.</div>"
<b>Zion Christian Church</b>"<div><b>Definition:</b> One of the largest African-initiated churches,
combining Christian beliefs with indigenous practices.</div><div><br></div>
Illustrates the syncretic nature of some African Christian movements.</div>"