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Congratulations Ramsha Fayyaz Khan !!
We are delighted & excited to welcome you to Hirebloc services pvt ltd as a "HR Intern". We believe
that our team is our biggest strength and we take pride in hiring ONLY the best and the brightest. We
are confident that you would play a significant role in the overall success of the venture and wish you
the most enjoyable, learning packed, and truly meaningful job experience with us.
As such, your Job Opportunity will include training/orientation and focus primarily on learning and
developing new skills and gaining a deeper understanding of concepts through hands-on application of
the knowledge you learned in class.
Date of Joining – 25 October 2023
Stipend – 15000rs after two month internship completion (minimum 6 joinings).
It is my hope and prayer that you will work to your level best to improve the efficiency and performance
of this company. After the completion of one month of internship we offer you a full time employment
and the fixed salary would be as per your performance . Congratulations and best wishes.
Please sign and reply to a copy of this letter in a token of your acceptance within 1 day from the date
of the offer. We welcome you and wish you a long and successful career with us.
Reporting Time: 10:00 AM daily
Zaid khan
Recruitment and staffing,
CEO & Founder