lNTE&NATlONAL ECOlOMlCS ELStNER Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 Estimating exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention for Canada Diana N. Weymark Department of Economics, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA Received August 1993, revised version received April 1995 Abstract This article illustrates the method by which measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention can be obtained and applied as tools for policy analysis. Using a fairly simple model of a small open economy with rational expectations, quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention are calculated for the Canadian economy over the period 1975 to 1990. A subset of these calculated values is then employed to analyze the Bank of Canada’s conduct of exchange rate policy over the period 1981 to 1984. Key words: Exchange market pressure; Exchange market intervention; Canada policy Bank of JEL classification: F31 1. Introduction Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, and the brief experiment with freely floating exchange rates that followed it, policy authorities have favored intermediate systems of exchange rate management. Because intermediate exchange rate systems are characterized by changes in exchange rates and monetary base components, neither exchange rate nor balance of payments statistics on their own fully characterize or capture the consequences of the exchange rate policy employed. In Weymark (1992), I used Frenkel and Aizemnan’s (1982) index of managed float to develop a quantitative measure of the degree of exchange 0022-1996/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0022-1996(95)01389-X 274 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 market intervention. The intervention index I propose characterizes intervention policy in terms of the proportion of exchange market pressure relieved by exchange market intervention. The measure of exchange market pressure used to calculate the index is a generalized version of the measure introduced by Girton and Roper (1977). In this article I demonstrate how these measures of exchange market pressure and intervention activity can be obtained and applied as tools for policy analysis. Using a fairly simple model of a small open economy with rational expectations, quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention are calculated for the Canadian economy over the period 1975 to 1990.’ A subset of these calculated values is then used to analyze a number of Howitt’s (1986) observations on the Bank of Canada’s conduct of exchange rate policy over the period 1981 to 1984. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the details of the analytical model. Bilateral model-consistent measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention are discussed in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. Multilateral measures of exchange market pressure and intervention activity are derived in Section 5. Quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention are calculated using Canadian data in Section 6. A general discussion of the interpretation of the calculated values is also found in this section. In Section 7, the estimated values of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention are used to analyze the intervention practices of the Bank of Canada over the period 1981 to 1984. A brief summary and conclusion is found in Section 8. 2. The model The model employed in this section is one of a small open economy in which the domestic price level is influenced by both the level of foreign prices and the exchange rate, but purchasing power parity does not necessarily hold. Domestic output and the foreign price level are exogenous. It is assumed that the small open economy has well-developed financial markets and that domestic and foreign assets are perfect substitutes. Domestic residents hold domestic currency for transactions purposes as well as speculative balances of foreign claims. Foreign and domestic interest rates are linked through an uncovered interest parity condition. The model specification was chosen with the Canadian economy in mind. The objective in choosing this particular model specification was to make 1Models of this type have been used extensively in the optimal intervention literature. See, for example, Buiter and Eaton (1985), Eaton and Turnovsky (19&I), and Turnovsky (1983, 1985). D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 275 the estimation of exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention as simple as possible and, at the same time, capture the most essential features of the Canadian economy.* The model is given by: mf = pt + b, yl - b,i, + u, (1) pr = a, + alp: (2) + a2er i, = i: + E[e,+,lt] - e, m~=m~_,+Ad,+Ar, Ar, = - 6, be, where: mt = the logarithm of the money stock in period t with the superscripts s and d denoting supply and demand, respectively PI = the logarithm of domestic price level in period t Y, = the logarithm of real domestic output in period t = the logarithm of the domestic interest rate level in period t it vt = the stochastic money demand disturbance in period t et = the logarithm of the period t exchange rate expressed as the domestic currency cost of one unit of foreign currency where h, is the money multiplier in period t, Ad, = [h,D, - h,-lDr-l]/M,-l D, is the stock of domestic credit, and M,-, is the inherited money stock in period t where R, is the stock of foreign exchange Ar, = [h,R, - h,-,R,-JIM,-, reserves in period t, with h, and M,-, defined as above Pt = the policy authority’s time-variant response coefficient. Asterisks are used to denote the foreign counterparts of the relevant domestic variables and the notation E[e,+,lt] represents the value that rational agents expect the variable e to take on in period t + 1, conditional on the information available in period t. For concreteness, it is assumed that private agents and the policy authority have accessto the same information and that the exchange rate, e,, and the domestic interest rate, i,, are the only variables that domestic agents can observe contemporaneously. Eqs. (1) and (3) are standard to small open economy models in which output is assumed to be exogenous and domestic and foreign assets are freely-traded perfect substitutes. Eq. (2) characterizes domestic prices as responsive to the level of foreign prices and to the exchange rate but does ‘As quarterly data is used in this study, the assumption that output is exogenous simply reflects the proposition that output does not respond to changes in prices or demand conditions within one quarter. The assumption that output is exogenous within quarters was confirmed using a Wald test for simultaneity. 276 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 not impose purchasing power parity a priori. Eq. (2) allows for systematic deviations from purchasing power parity and also for the possibility that foreign price changes and exchange rate changes may have significantly different effects on the domestic price level. Clearly, Eq. (2) reduces to purchasing power parity when a, = 0 and a, = a2 = 1. Eq. (4) describes the supply of money as depending on the inherited money stock, rns-,, the change in domestic credit, Ad,, and the change in foreign exchange reserves, Arr.3 According to Eq. (5), changes in foreign exchange reserves occur as a result of the policy authority’s response to contemporaneous changes in the exchange rate, Ae,. The policy authority’s response function is Ar, = - &Ae,. When fi, = 0, the policy authority allows the exchange rate to float freely and there is no change in the domestic money supply. Under a system of perfectly fixed exchange rates, the policy authority uses direct exchange market intervention to hold the exchange rate constant and P, = w. Values of ii, that fall between 0 and 03 are characteristic of intermediate intervention policies. Negative values of p, are associated with intervention activities that generate changes in the exchange rate that are either of the opposite sign or, if of the same sign, larger than the changes that would have occurred under a pure floatP Substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (1) reveals that the demand for money in this economy is determined by: rnf = II, + alp: + (a, + b,)e, + b,y, - b,i: - b2E[ef+l(t] + u, . Under the assumption that the money market clears continuously, rn: = mf= m, for all t. Using this assumption together with Eqs. (4), (5) and (6) allows money market equilibrium to be expressed in deviation form as: Ad, - ji, Ae, = a, Ap: + (a, + 6,) Ae, + b, Ay, - b, Ai: - b, AE[e,+,]t] + u, . (7) Eq. (7) shows that the magnitude of the exchange rate change needed to restore money market equilibrium subsequent to an exogenous disturbance depends on the policy authority’s choice of ,Z,. In this model, the possible 3 Calculation of the ratio of the MlA money stock (which is later used in estimating exchange market pressure and intervention indices) to the monetary base shows that there was significant variation in the Canadian MlA money multiplier over the sample period. Girton and Roper’s original definitions, the Ad, and Ar,, have therefore been amended to allow for a time-varying money multiplier. 4 In the optimal monetary policy literature, it is assumed that p, takes on only non-negative values. This is a result of focusing on stabilization policy. If, however, one allows for the possibility that policy authorities might choose to employ monetary policy in a more aggressive manner (for example, actively depreciate a currency at a time when private market forces would generate an appreciation), then negative values should also be considered. D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 277 sources of exogenous disturbances to the economy are: changes in the foreign price level (Ap,*), changes in the level of domestic output (Ay,), changes in the foreign interest rate level (hi:), changes in domestic credit (Ad,) and the random money demand shock U, = Au,. Eq. (7) indicates that the change in the value of the exchange rate in the small open economy is given by: he,=i{Xt - b,AE[e,+lbl> where p,= - [pr+ + b21 a2 x, = [aI Ap: + b, Ay, - b, Ai,* + u, - Ad,]. The term inside the parentheses is the excess demand for money (EDM,) that is generated by the combination of exogenous disturbances that occur in period t and also by the agents’ expectations about exchange rate changes. Eq. (8) indicates that the policy authority’s choice of 3, and the structural parameters a2 and b, jointly determine the magnitude of equilibrating exchange rate changes that are observed. When P, = ~4,p, = - CQand Ae, = 0 indicating that the policy authority has chosen to hold the exchange rate fixed using some combination of direct and indirect intervention. When, at the other extreme, the policy authority refrains from all exchange market intervention, P, = 0 and /3,= - [a2 + b2]. In this case any existing excess demand for domestic money is eliminated by private market forces and Ar, = - P, Ae, = 0. When - [a2 + b,] <P, < 0, Ae, is of the same sign but greater than the exchange rate change that would have been observed in the absence of intervention by the policy authority. For all values of P, < - [a2 + b2], the observed exchange rate change, Ae,, and the change in the exchange rate that would have been observed in the absence of intervention are of the opposite sign. 3. Exchange market pressure’ Intermediate exchange rate systems generate simultaneous changes in the exchange rate and foreign exchange reserves. However, there is to date no generally accepted method of combining observed changes in these variables into a summary statistic that is useful for policy analysis. I propose a generalized version of Girton and Roper’s (1977) measure of exchange ‘This section summarizes Weymark (1993), to which the reader is referred for further details. 278 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 market pressure as a solution to this problem. As all such measures are model-specific, I also introduce a general definition of exchange market pressure from which model-consistent exchange market pressure formulae can be derived. Girton and Roper used the term “exchange market pressure” to refer to the magnitude of money market disequilibrium that must be removed either through reserve or exchange rate changes. Their model specification and their assumption that policy authorities do not employ domestic credit changes to influence exchange rate levels ensures that exchange market pressure is the simple sum of the percentage change in the exchange rate and in foreign exchange reserves. In a later article, Roper and Turnovsky (1980) used a different model specification and allowed intervention to take the form of changes in domestic credit as well as changes in reserves. Roper and Turnovsky found that the excess demand for money was equal to a linear combination of changes in the exchange rate and in the monetary base and that, in general, these two components are not equally weighted. The measures of exchange market pressure used by Girton and Roper and by Roper and Turnovsky are formulae that are derived from specific models and do not constitute a general definition of exchange market pressure. In order to provide a basis for deriving model-consistent measures of exchange market pressure for any model, I propose the following model-independent definition: Definition. Exchange market pressure measures the total excess demand for a currency in international markets as the exchange rate change that would have been required to remove this excess demand in the absence of exchange market intervention, given the expectations generated by the exchange rate policy actually implemented. From this definition it is evident that exchange market pressure can only be observed directly and without further computation when the domestic currency is allowed to float freely. Whenever this is not the case and 6, # 0, the magnitude of exchange market pressure will have to be imputed from observed changes in the exchange rate, changes in foreign exchange reserves, and (when appropriate) changes in domestic credit. Under intermediate exchange rate systems, the calculation of exchange market pressure therefore involves a measurement experiment in which observed foreign exchange reserve and domestic credit changes are converted into exchangerate-equivalent units and then combined with observed exchange rate changes to yield a composite summary statistic. When all intervention takes the form of purchases or sales of foreign exchange reserves, the exchange market pressure formulae generated by log-linear small open economy models are of the form: EMP, = Ae, + qAr, where n represents the elasticity D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 279 - aAe,/ dbr,! The Girton-Roper and Roper-Turnovsky exchange market pressure measures are both special cases of this more general formula. The exchange market pressure formula that is consistent with the model employed in this article can be obtained from Eq. (8). With Ar, = - P, Ae,, Eq. (8) can be expressed as: (9) The elasticity 7) = - aAe,laAr, converts observed reserve changes into equivalent exchange rate units. In order for this conversion to be accomplished without altering the underlying size of the excess demand associated with the components of X, and the actual exchange rate policy implemented by the policy authority in period t, the expectational change, AE[e,+l]t], must be held constant when exchange market pressure is imputed. With X, independent of Ar, and AE[e,+,]t] held constant, the model-consistent elasticity n obtained on the basis of Eq. (10) is: - aAe,/aAi-, = - [a2 + b,]-‘. The measure of exchange market pressure implied by the model presented in Section 2 is therefore: EMP, = be, + n Ar, (10) where n = - [a2 + b,]- l. Because n varies with the model specification, calculated values of exchange market pressure will not, in general, be model independent. Eq. (10) was derived under the assumption that exchange market intervention is unsterilized. As the Bank of Canada is known to engage in sterilization, it is worthwhile to consider what impact, if any, sterilization has on the exchange market pressure formula.’ The foregoing analysis is quite easily modified to allow for the possibility of sterilization. The methodology presented in this article uses the conditions that exist in the domestic money market to obtain information about the conditions in ’ When, in addition to the purchase or sale of foreign exchange reserves, the policy authority employs domestic credit changes to influence the exchange rate, the exchange market pressure formula generated by log-linear models has the general form: EM’, = Ae, + n[Ar, + AAd,] where A is the proportion of the observed domestic credit change that is associated with indirect exchange market intervention. For Canada, Ad, and Ar, are most often of opposite sign over the sample period, indicating that Canada does not systematically employ domestic credit changes (indirect intervention) to influence the external value of its currency. ‘To test the strength of the negative relationship over the sample period, changes in domestic credit were regressed on changes in foreign exchange reserves. The regression results showed that the offset coefficient, AD,lAR,, was not significantly different from - 1. indicating that exchange market intervention by the Bank of Canada is fully sterilized. 280 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 the foreign exchange market. Because sterilization activity drives a wedge between money market conditions and the associated foreign exchange market conditions, it is necessary to consider the relationship between the demand for money and the money stock prior to sterilization in order to use money market conditions to obtain information about the exchange rate. The effect of the domestic country’s money market conditions on the foreign exchange market is therefore determined by: Am: - Ads = Amp (11) where Ad; represents the size of the sterilizing domestic credit change and Ad, is, as before, the autonomous domestic credit change. When the impact of sterilization on the money supply is taken into account, Eq. (4) becomes: Am: = Ad, + Ads + Ar, (12) Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11) results in the market-clearing condition Ad, + Ar, = Am,d which, when combined with Eq. (6), yields Eq. (8). Eq. (10) therefore applies to sterilized as well as unsterilized intervention. As exchange market pressure estimates based on Eq. (10) are used in Section 7 to measure the magnitude of speculative attacks against the Canadian dollar, some discussion of the practical interpretation of these estimates is in order. By definition, exchange market pressure measures the excess demand for a currency associated with the exchange rate policy actually implemented by the policy authority in a given time period in terms of exchange-rate-equivalent units. In rational expectation models, the exchange-rate-equivalent measure, EMP,, is not synonymous with the exchange rate change that would have been observed under a pure float because the expectations associated with a pure float will differ from those held under the policy actually implemented whenever forward-looking rational expectations solutions are employed.8 For this reason, the imputed exchange market pressure calculations should not generally be interpreted as the exchange rate change that would have occurred under a freelyfloating exchange rate system. What the imputed exchange market pressure values do measure is the size of the exchange rate change that would have occurred if the policy authority had unexpectedly refrained from intervening in the exchange market. Exchange market pressure is therefore best viewed *A simple example can be used to illustrate this point. Suppose that all of the forcing variables in Eq. (8) follow a random walk with a drift. Then with he, observable contemporaneously, AE[e,+,It] = Be,. As Ae, is a function of I?,, so is AE[e,+, It] causing Ae,(float) to differ from EMP, when p, # 0. D.N. Weymark / Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 281 as a measure of the size of external imbalance and, as such, is a useful measure of the magnitude of speculative attacks. 4. Intervention activity In Weymark (1992), I proposed an index of exchange market intervention that measures the intervention activity of the policy authority in terms of the proportion of exchange market pressure relieved by exchange market intervention. When the policy authority engages only in direct exchange market intervention, the intervention index, w,, is defined as: rl Ar, Of = m Art = (1 /v)Ae, + Ar, ’ (13) When a policy authority is known to use direct as well as indirect intervention, Eq. (13) must be modified in order to capture the impact of the change in domestic credit on the exchange rateP The intervention index, w,, is closely related to the index of managed float proposed by Frenkel(l980) and Frenkel and Aizenman (1982). Frenkel and Aizenman’s index, x, characterizes exchange rate policy in terms of the ratio 3/t= Ae,/Ae,(float), where Ae,(float) is the exchange rate change that would have been observed under a pure float.” At first glance it seems that the difference between the two indices is one of form rather than substance. There are however important practical advantages in using w, rather than ‘y, as an index of intervention activity. From an operational standpoint, the most important advantage that o, has over yI is that both the numerator and the denominator of w, can be calculated using observed data, whereas the denominator of ‘yr generally cannot be observed directly. In addition to the operational problems associated with ‘ye,there is also a conceptual problemthe usefulness of ‘yt as a measure of intervention activity is restricted to analyses of small open economies. A standard assumption in small open economy analyses is that the economy under study is so small that the rest of the world never bothers to intervene against that currency. With the rest of the world effectively floating, any evidence of intervention captured by yt must be attributable to the domestic policy authority. In larger interdependent 9 In particular, intervention activity must be measured as: w(A), = [Ar, + AAhd,]/{Ae, + n[Ar, + AAd,]}, where A is the proportion of the observed domestic credit change that is associated with indirect exchange market intervention. The derivation of w(A), is discussed in Weymark (1992). “The systematic relationship between Frenkel and Aizenman’s index of managed floating and the response coefficient, p,, first noted by Cuddington (1991) also holds for the intervention index, w,. 282 D.N. Weymark / Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 economies, however, the observed exchange rate will generally be jointly determined by the intervention activities of all partner countries and x cannot capture the intervention activity of individual policy authorities. No such difficulty is encountered with the intervention index, 0,. For these reasons, o, is used to characterize the Bank of Canada’s exchange rate policy in this article.” The intervention index, w,, has a range from - ~0to + w. When the policy authority allows the exchange rate to float freely, Ar, = 0 and o, = 0. When the policy authority employs direct exchange market intervention to hold the exchange rate fixed Ae, = 0 and w, = 1. Intermediate exchange rate systems are characterized by values of o, that lie between 0 and 1. It is also possible to interpret values of o, that lie outside the [O,l] interval. Negative values of wt occur when the policy authority actively depreciates (appreciates) the domestic currency with respect to its free float value and the exogenously generated excess demand for domestic currency is negative (positive). That is, intervention by the policy authority magnifies the exchange rate change generated by private market forces. This sort of policy might be thought of as “leaning with the wind”. At the other extreme, when w, > 1, the exchange rate is observed to move in the opposite direction to that which would have occurred in the absence of intervention. In this case the policy authority actively depreciates (appreciates) the domestic currency with respect to its free float value, when the exogenously generated excess demand for domestic currency is positive (negative). In terms of reserve changes, w, > 1 implies that the intervention practices of the policy authority result in Ar, > EDM, when EDM, > 0 and Ar, < EDM, when EDM, < 0. One might interpret this as an extreme form of “leaning against the wind”. 5. Multilateral exchange market pressure and intervention measures Up to this point there has been no discussion of the practical definition of Ae,. Given that exchange market intervention has, through Eq. (5), been characterized as occurring in response to observed exchange rate changes, this issue is clearly of some theoretical as well as empirical importance. In their calculations of exchange market pressure for Canada, Girton and Roper define be, as the bilateral Canada-U.S. exchange rate and use U.S. prices and interest rates as the relevant foreign variables. Calculating Eqs. (10) and (13) using a bilateral exchange rate yields bilateral measures of exchange market pressure and exchange market intervention. Multilateral measures of exchange market pressure and exchange market intervention *’ A more detailed exposition of the properties and interpretation of w, may be found in Weymark (1992). D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 283 can be obtained by employing an effective (or weighted average) exchange rate to represent be,. Howitt (1986) has argued that when domestic prices and interest rates respond to a weighted average of bilateral exchange rates, domestic monetary policy should be formulated on the basis of an effective exchange rate, ey. In the context of this analysis, what Howitt is proposing is a time-varying, multiple partner version of Eq. (5): Ar, = - pr Ae: (14) where e{ is the domestic currency price of the jth country’s currency, wi represents the weight assigned to the jth trading partner, and 7~ is the number of trading partners . Using Eq. (14) it is relatively straightforward to derive multiple-partner measures of exchange market pressure and intervention for the small open economy. The multiple partner analogs of Eqs. (10) and (13) are given by Eqs. (15) and (16) respectively: EMPY = Aey + qw Ar, 0: = 77% _ EMP: (15) Art (l/qw)Ae: + Ar, . (16) where q”’ = - aher /aAr,. In the context of the model employed in this article, nW is given by nW= - [a2 + b&l. In the following section, the bilateral Can/U.S. exchange rate is used to obtain bilateral measures of exchange market pressure and exchange market intervention for Canada. Multilateral measures are calculated using the Bank of Canada’s G-10 and the International Monetary Fund’s MERM effective exchange rate indices. 6. Estimation of exchange market pressure and intervention indices In this section, bilateral and multilateral exchange market pressure and intervention indices are calculated for Canada from 1975 to 1990 using quarterly data. The purpose of this section is to illustrate the method by which model-consistent estimates of intervention activity can be obtained and used to characterize exchange rate policy. The calculation of model-consistent measures of exchange market pres- 284 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 sure and intervention activity requires the estimation of the bilateral elasticity 71and the multilateral elasticity 7”‘. The elasticity measures that are consistent with the model employed in this article are both composed of the parameters a2 and b,. The parameter a2 reflects the importance of the exchange rate as a determinant of the domestic price level, and b, is the interest elasticity of the demand for money. For the purposes of this article, a2 and b, were obtained on the basis of single-equation estimation of Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively. Parameter estimates were obtained using 2SLS estimation. Because all data were found to be I(l), estimation was undertaken using first-differenced data. In the final stages of the estimation procedure, the data were transformed to correct for moving-average error processes. Further details of the estimation procedures employed are provided in Appendix 1. The final regression results yielded the following parameter estimates: 6, = 0.17211 li2” = - 0.00092 6* = 0.15163 62” = 0.12720 Based on these parameter estimates, the model-consistent elasticities, $ and G”‘, are: +j = -3.0889 7jw= -7.91891. Quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention over the period 1975 to 1990 are provided in Table l(a) and (b). Bilateral and multilateral (GlO and MERM) measures of exchange market pressure are calculated in accordance with Eqs. (10) and (15), respectively. The measures of the degree of intervention reported are ot from Eq. (13) and W: from Eq. (16).‘* Exchange market pressure estimates associated with the bilateral, Can/ U.S., and multilateral, GlO and MERM, exchange rates are reported in the first three columns of Table l(a) and (b). The bilateral and multilateral exchange market pressure estimates show that there was sustained downward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar from 1975(11) to 1984(1V). From 1985 onwards, however, 18 of the 24 quarterly estimates have negative signs, indicating that there was pressure for the Canadian dollar to appreciate over this period. The large positive estimates obtained for 1989(B) and 1990(I) are evidence of speculative attacks against the Canadian dollar in those quarters. Bilateral and multilateral measures of the degree of intervention, are reported in the last three columns of Table l(a) and (b). The frequency with “The time-varying money multiplier needed to calculate Ar, was obtained quarterly as the MlA money stock divided by the monetary base. D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Table l(a) Exchange market pressure and intervention: Exchange market pressure Can/US G-10 1975(H) 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 0.126886 0.014270 -0.073320 -0.023202 0.015814 0.023579 0.057315 0.059578 0.055842 0.044660 0.169525 0.101743 -0.185857 0.122291 -0.150653 0.063748 0.064080 -0.003776 0.129647 -0.057881 0.014768 -0.026833 0.085819 0.077720 0.090841 0.044591 -0.222914 0.085843 0.077280 -0.123478 -0.039697 0.243248 0.015118 -0.138207 0.020935 0.103701 0.064674 0.094592 0.017123 0.063159 0.052804 0.321533 0.215402 -0.524872 0.249028 -0.497456 0.142005 0.255905 -0.039947 0.312329 -0.116026 0.017904 -0.039817 0.144587 0.176243 0.232715 0.087771 -0.519168 0.176038 0.101235 -0.322703 -0.045637 285 Economics 39 (199.5) 273-29.5 1975(11)-1982(IV) MERM Degree of intervention G-10 Can-U.S. MERM 0.243477 0.018079 -0.136952 0.021523 0.105315 0.064754 0.094472 0.016762 0.063158 0.052853 0.320369 0.212814 -0.524410 0.246691 -0.499472 0.142006 0.256328 -0.041568 0.312545 -0.116301 0.018128 -0.040891 0.146484 0.179354 0.236720 0.091230 -0.521388 0.177693 0.103203 -0.320721 -0.044016 0.817928 0.393928 0.823858 0.048442 2.044963 1.065062 0.736462 0.375958 0.614368 0.633935 0.825987 0.897463 1.067507 0.882314 1.197907 0.892784 1.376884 2.899868 0.944579 0.844849 0.666185 0.631160 0.747224 0.895865 0.954074 0.755537 0.925518 0.833151 0.623388 1.034082 0.625255 1.092781 0.797115 1.130748 -0.133873 0.787240 0.994240 1.145457 3.425809 1.392584 1.373268 1.120512 1.099973 0.969927 1.121308 0.926299 1.027462 0.882443 0.675252 1.004502 1.077930 1.391349 1.061776 1.122288 0.995228 0.938614 0.946735 1.014428 1.031852 1.196733 1.020657 1.445655 1.093813 0.953258 1.120480 -0.137631 0.799489 0.995475 1.144004 3.353647 1.392569 1.374541 1.116454 1.086755 0.969073 1.110784 0.930053 1.027469 0.883904 0.702658 1.005196 1.080479 1.408727 1.090422 1.137008 1.012797 0.954767 0.984050 1.018766 1.041555 1.219996 1.014388 1.394282 which the calculated bilateral values are close to 1 indicates that the Bank of Canada engages in a significant amount of defensive exchange market intervention with respect to the U.S. dollar. The calculations also show that the Bank of Canada has, from time to time, allowed the exchange rate to absorb a significant proportion of existing bilateral exchange market pressure (see, for example, o, for 19X(111), 1977(I), 19X2(11)and 1989(IV)). Calculating the mean value of W, over the entire sample period yields (3 = 0.9639 which indicates that, on average, the intervention activities of the Bank of Canada removed approximately 96% of bilateral exchange market pressure over the sample period. The sample means associated with multilateral intervention calculations are 1.0287 for the GlO index and D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 286 Table l(b) Exchange market pressure and intervention: 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1983(1)-1990(W) Exchange market pressure Can/US. G-10 MERM Degree of intervention G-10 Can-U.S. -0.188711 -0.051268 -0.069482 -0.023096 0.072817 0.182689 -0.143251 0.037529 -0.038559 -0.024973 -0.121578 -0.029265 -0.102100 0.048013 0.002433 -0.174005 -0.681319 0.143316 -0.180584 -0.135406 -0.561269 -0.609791 -0.041492 -0.174889 -0.125403 0.213720 -0.130725 -0.031926 0.283903 0.102002 -0.472127 -0.191636 -0.477771 -0.137716 -0.174644 -0.074827 0.139836 0.365520 -0.411064 0.091851 -0.178285 -0.117966 -0.302214 -0.145923 -0.340025 0.160503 -0.008901 -0.443678 -1.637726 0.370785 -0.429941 -0.332823 - 1.324955 -1.456587 -0.059034 -0.421399 -0.272552 0.556484 -0.300194 -0.044497 0.678911 0.299579 -1.172075 -0.529936 0.982194 1.059079 1.020842 1.198398 0.813235 0.840709 1.114596 0.908755 1.679693 1.466900 0.944006 1.481787 1.171342 1.290907 0.663392 0.997510 0.949410 1.025688 0.955501 0.937126 0.939744 0.950571 0.795355 0.937912 0.904824 0.994892 0.929586 0.632890 0.957885 1.101181 0.968512 1.035385 -0.477838 -0.138966 -0.176860 -0.075605 0.139121 0.365516 -0.414373 0.089765 -0.181490 -0.114927 -0.299149 -0.142264 -0.336993 0.162127 -0.006635 -0.443544 -1.634674 0.372488 -0.430598 -0.329715 -1.323918 -1.456595 -0.062997 -0.419403 -0.273526 0.553797 -0.300134 -0.042984 0.681393 0.300047 -1.169230 -0.527247 0.994432 1.001675 1.028163 0.938530 1.091237 1.077243 0.987838 0.974024 0.914878 0.817163 0.983569 0.781441 0.909807 0.980070 -0.623607 1.003236 1.014459 1.011714 1.027302 0.986635 1.021363 1.020205 1.342958 1.002659 1.063493 0.984307 1.037997 1.205141 1.923168 0.959712 1.002593 0.964775 MERM 0.994572 1.010766 1.041209 0.948296 1.085652 1.077231 0.995789 0.951905 0.931323 0.796106 0.973592 0.761849 0.901695 0.989987 0.464862 1.002932 1.012569 1.016362 1.028872 0.977422 1.020564 1.020211 1.433118 0.997909 1.067291 0.979555 1.037787 1.164165 1.026908 0.961209 1.000160 0.959880 1.0282 for the MERM index. The fact that the estimated GlO and MERM intervention indices have mean values greater than 1 indicates that, over the sample period, intervention efforts directed towards resisting depreciations (appreciations) of the Can/U.S. dollar exchange rate generated appreciations (depreciations) of the effective GlO and MERM exchange rates. The reason for this, as Howitt has observed, is that the Can/U.S. dollar exchange rate was, on average, inversely related to the weighted average Canadian dollar price of the currencies belonging to Canada’s other trading partners.r3 I3 Howitt (1986), p.120. D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 281 Although the mean bilateral intervention value of 0.9639 indicates a high level of intervention by the Bank of Canada, it would not be correct to view the resulting exchange rate regime as “virtually fixed”. What the high level of intervention does indicate is a determined effort on the part of the Bank of Canada to limit the quarter-by-quarter changes in the external value of the Canadian dollar, while at the same time allowing the Canadian dollar to drift slowly towards its underlying free-float equilibrium value. In the context of the model employed in this article, the average time path of the Can/US. dollar exchange rate that results from the Bank of Canada’s intervention activities can be described in terms of the difference equation: e, = e,-, - O.O4(e,-, - Z) (17) where e” is the underlying free-float equilibrium value and EMP, = e,-, - Z. Eq. (17) has the general solution: e, =(e, - e”)(O.96)‘+ Z (18) where e, is the initial value of the Can/US. exchange rate. Eq. (18) makes it quite clear that the Bank of Canada’s intervention activity allows a gradual convergence to the underlying free-float equilibrium. In its reports on exchange rate arrangements, the International Monetary Fund classifies Canada as “independently floating”. The foregoing discussion suggests that Canada’s exchange rate policy is more appropriately described as a “managed float”. 7. Bank of Canada exchange rate policy: 1981-1984 This section illustrates the application of measures of exchange market pressure and intervention activity as tools for policy analysis. A subset of the values calculated in the foregoing section is used to examine a number of Howitt’s (1986) observations on the Bank of Canada’s conduct of exchange rate policy over the period 1981-1984. In April 1978, the Bank of Canada publicly stated that the external value of the Canadian dollar was a primary policy objective. In practice, this meant that Bank of Canada policy was largely directed towards resisting short-term fluctuations and long-term depreciation in the Can/U.S. exchange rate. The Bank’s resolution to defend the value of the Canadian dollar was severely tested in three of four years over the period 1981 to 1984. In each case, a loss of confidence in the value of the Canadian dollar generated strong upward pressure on the Can/U.S. exchange rate. Howitt (1986) provides an enlightening analysis of the Bank of Canada’s response to the speculative attacks against the Canadian dollar that occurred in 1981, 1982 and 1984. In this section, estimated values of exchange market pressure 288 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 and the degree of intervention are used to provide further insight into the actions of the Bank of Canada over the period 1981 to 1984. Although Howitt contends that the 1981 exchange rate crisis was jointly initiated early in that year by a drop in the U.S. inflation rate, a sharp rise in U.S. interest rates, and a loss of confidence in Canadian policy, the bilateral exchange market pressure calculations suggest that pressure had been building against the Canadian dollar for some time before that. According to Table l(a), bilateral exchange market pressure changed from - 2.68% to 8.58% between the third and fourth quarters of 1980. The bilateral figures also indicate that, in the absence of intervention, the Canadian dollar would have continued to depreciate in the first three quarters of 1981. The magnitude of the pressure against the Canadian dollar over this period was equivalent to successive depreciations of 7.77%, 9.08% and 4.46%.14 The bilateral intervention estimates show that the exchange market intervention by the Bank of Canada relieved between 76% and 95% of this exchange market pressure in the first three quarters of 1981. A comparison of the observed and imputed exchange rate levels provided in Table 2 gives some indication of the impact of this intervention.” By intervening in the exchange market, the Bank of Canada was able to limit the depreciation of the Canadian dollar to 2.8 cents from its 198O(IV) value of 1.1840 as compared with the imputed 6.8 cent depreciation that would have accompanied a decision to allow the Canadian dollar to float at the end of 1981(111). While the short-term Canada-U.S. interest rate differential was observed to increase steadily from mid-1981 onwards, speculative pressure persisted Table 2 Observed and imtmted Can/U.S. exchanee rates 1981 1982 1.1936 1.1986 1.2117 1.1918 1.2089 1.2446 1.2499 1.2314 1.2760 1.3020 1.2520 0.9416 1.2941 1.3023 1.0909 1.2003 1983 1984 1.2273 1.2310 1.2328 1.2385 1.2554 1.2925 1.3139 1.3184 0.9990 1.1644 1.1455 1.2043 1.3287 1.4847 1.1073 1.3632 I4 Note that EMP, = Ae,(imp) with Ae,(imp) = e,(imp) - e,-,(obs) so that the calculated percentages measure the amount of depreciation that would have occurred using last period’s observed exchange rate as the benchmark. I5 E,(imp) is calculated as: E,(imp) = [l + EMP,] * E,-,(obs) where the upper case E denotes the (unlogged) exchange rate value. D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 289 as the Bank expanded domestic credit in both the second and third quarters of that year. In the fourth quarter, however, the Bank undertook a contraction of domestic credit that amounted to approximately 5% of the monetary base thereby ending the speculative pressure against the Canadian dollar. The exchange market pressure estimate of - 0.222914 indicates that the domestic credit contraction generated significant upward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar in 1981(IV). According to this figure, the Canadian dollar would have appreciated by 22.3% in the absence of exchange market intervention. The bilateral intervention measure shows that intervention by the Bank of Canada accommodated just over 92.5% of the excess demand for Canadian dollars, allowing the Can/U.S. exchange rate to settle between its 198O(IV) and 1981(I) values. It is apparent from the exchange market pressure calculations, that the respite from the downward pressure on the Canadian dollar was short-lived. At the end of 1981 a sharp increase in U.S. interest rates led to renewed speculation against the Canadian dollar. According to Howitt, the federal government was known to be under considerable pressure to reduce interest rates to combat Canada’s rising level of unemployment.*6 The exchange market pressure estimates indicate that this bout of speculative pressure against the Canadian dollar continued through the second quarter of 1982 and would have generated a 9.3% depreciation had the Bank of Canada not intervened. As it was, intervention by the Bank of Canada removed approximately 73% of the excess supply of Canadian currency, limiting the depreciation to just under 3%. In the third quarter of 1982, the Bank of Canada ended the crisis by allowing the Canada-U.S. short-term interest rate differential to rise to 4.5% as U.S. interest rates declined. As was the case in 1981, the widening of the interest rate differential would have led to a substantial appreciation of the Canadian dollar in the absence of intervention by the Bank of Canada. It is interesting to note that the bilateral intervention estimate for 1982(111)is found to be greater than 1 indicating that the Bank’s intervention more than offset the increase.in the demand for Canadian currency and actually caused a slight depreciation from the currency’s 1982(11)value. There appears to have been a brief resurgence of upward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar in the first quarter of 1983. The figures indicate that the Canadian dollar would have appreciated by 18.9% against the U.S. dollar in the absence of intervention. Strong intervention by the Bank of Canada removed just over 98% of the excess demand for Canadian currency, limiting the observed appreciation to 0.33%. The figures show that in the second and third quarters of 1983 there was a moderate amount of upward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar. The Bank of I6 Howitt (1986), p.99. 290 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 Canada’s response to this situation is very interesting. Looking at the bilateral intervention figures reveals that the degree of intervention exceeds unity for both quarters: o = 1.059079 in 1983(11) and o = 1.020842 in 1983(111). The multilateral measures of exchange market pressure and intervention tell a similar story. The Bank of Canada was therefore actively generating a slight depreciation of the Canadian dollar in the face of international excess demand for Canadian currency. The figures suggest that Howitt’s conjecture was correct and that the Bank of Canada, seeing no immediate need to fight inflation or resist depreciation, was engaged in promoting economic recovery at home during the second and third quarters of 1983. The exchange market pressure estimates show that the Bank of Canada’s expansionary policy caused the international demand for Canadian dollars to fall steadily throughout 1983. According to Howitt, the Bank intensified its expansionary efforts in the third quarter of 1983. Although the resulting reduction in Canadian interest rates caused the demand for Canadian currency to fall, the exchange market pressure estimate for 1983(IV) remains negative and provides no indication of an impending speculative crisis. The figures for the first two quarters of 1984 indicate, however, that the currency crisis precipitated by the 1983 expansion was more severe than either of the previous two. In the absence of intervention, the Can1U.S. exchange rate would have depreciated by 24.6 cents between 1983(IV) and 1984(11).The 1981 and 1982 crises, by comparison, would only have resulted in reductions of 6.8 cents and 11.0 cents, respectively, over their duration.17 An increase in the Canada-U.S. interest rate differential ended the crisis in the third quarter of 1984. Once again, the Bank of Canada strongly resisted the pressure for appreciation that followed the widening of the differential. The fact that the bilateral estimate exceeds unity in the third quarter of 1984 indicates that the Bank’s intervention more than offset the upward pressure on the value of the dollar, causing the Canadian dollar to depreciate slightly against the U.S. dollar. The multilateral measures show, however, that the Bank was not prepared to allow the Can/U.S. exchange rate to depreciate enough to prevent Canada’s effective GlO and MERM exchange rates from appreciating. It seems likely the Bank’s exchange market activity in this period was the result of a compromise between a more expansionary policy and price stability. The foregoing analysis provides some interesting insights into the nature of speculative attacks and the Bank of Canada’s response to speculative pressures. The estimates of exchange market pressure and of exchange market intervention indicate that the Bank of Canada’s response to “The value of 14.5 cents reflects the difference between E,(imp) in 1982(H) and E,(obs) in 1981(IV). D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 291 speculative crises follows a common pattern. The main characteristics of a Bank of Canada counter-attack are a substantial widening of the CanadaU.S. interest rate differential followed by a high degree of intervention. In order to counter a speculative attack successfully, the Bank of Canada has to send a strong signal (e.g. allow the Canada-U.S. interest rate differential to widen significantly). When this strategy is successful and speculative pressure evaporates, the large interest rate differential puts upward pressure on the Canadian dollar causing the exchange rate to overshoot the Bank’s target. The Bank then intervenes to eliminate the overshooting. From the Bank’s perspective, this appears to be an effective strategy, at least in the short term. The frequency with which the Canadian dollar was under attack over the 1981-1984 period is even more apparent from monthly estimates of exchange market pressure than from the quarterly estimates. Monthly estimates are provided in Appendix 2 for purposes of comparison. It is interesting to note that the monthly bilateral intervention estimates indicate that the Bank of Canada used direct exchange market intervention to defend the Canadian dollar against speculative attacks in January and April of 1981. The low exchange market pressure estimates for February and May show that strong intervention by the Bank of Canada ended the speculative attacks (albeit only temporarily). 8. Conclusion In this article, bilateral and multilateral estimates of exchange market pressure and the degree of exchange market intervention were calculated for Canada over the period 1975 to 1990. The estimated intervention indices indicate that the Bank of Canada engaged in exchange rate management throughout the sample period. The estimates also suggest that the bilateral Can1U.S. exchange rate was the primary target of these intervention activities. As an illustration of the practical application of such measures to problems of policy analysis, the estimated values of exchange market pressure and exchange market intervention were used to analyze the intervention activities of the Bank of Canada over the period 1981 to 1984. Howitt’s analysis of Bank of Canada policy was conducted without the benefit of summary statistics of exchange market pressure and exchange market intervention. As a consequence, Howitt’s conclusions depend as much on his intuition about how the economy operates as on the macroeconomic data available to him. What has been shown in this article is that when an explicit model of a small open economy and model-consistent summary statistics of exchange market pressure and intervention are substituted for Howitt’s intuition, Howitt’s conclusions about the conduct of 292 D.N. Weymark / Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 Bank of Canada policy are largely supported. The summary statistics indicate that Howitt was generally correct in his description of the timing and duration of speculative attacks against the Canadian dollar as well as Bank of Canada intervention practices. The exchange market pressure calculations also provide some interesting new information. In particular, the estimated magnitudes show that the speculative attacks against the Canadian dollar became progressively more severe over the period 1981 to 1984. Owing to the simplicity of the model used to generate the modelconsistent estimates, the values obtained in this paper must be viewed with a certain degree of skepticism. One hopes of course that the essential features of the model reflect the real world well enough to provide reasonable estimates of exchange market pressure and the degree of intervention. The extent to which the results obtained here are sensitive to changes in model specification will have to be established empirically in future studies. Acknowledgments The original version of this article was completed while visiting the Department of Economics at Johns Hopkins University. I would like to thank my referees for thoughtful suggestions which have led to significant improvements. I am also grateful to David Rose, Robert Tetlow and John Murray of the Bank of Canada for conversations which increased my understanding of the Bank of Canada’s operations. Appendix 1: Estimation methodology and results The Canadian data employed was obtained from Cansim data tapes. U.S. data was obtained from the Citibase data tapes and the data for other G-10 trading partners was obtained from the IMF’s International Financial Statistics. Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests were employed to determine the order of integration of the data series needed to estimate Eqs. (1) and (2). As all data series were found to be I(l), first differenced data was employed in both bilateral and multilateral estimations. Spencer and Berk’s (1981) Wald test was used to test for the exogeneity of y, in Eq. (1). The null hypothesis of exogeneity could not be rejected at the 5% level of significance. Al. 1. Bilateral estimation Bilateral estimates of the coefficient b,, were obtained on the basis of Eq. (1) using 2SLS with the US. CPI, the 90-day U.S. Treasury Bill rate, and D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 293 Canadian GDP serving as first-stage instruments for the endogenous Canadian interest rate. Preliminary estimations of Eq. (1) were undertaken using three alternative monetary aggregates: Ml, MlA, and M2. Because the highest coefficient determination and the lowest standard errors of the coefficient estimates were obtained in the MlA regression, further estimation was conducted using the MlA monetary aggregate only. The bilateral estimate of a2 was obtained using 2SLS to estimate Eq. (2) with the previous quarter’s exchange rate, the U.S. CPI, the go-day U.S. Treasury Bill rate and Canadian GDP as first-stage instruments. The Leung-Box statistic (with four lags) was used to test for the presence of significant serial correlation in preliminary estimates of Eqs. (1) and (2). All regressions showed a significant amount of serial correlation. In order to allow for the possibility of autoregressive and moving average error processes, 2SLS estimation was undertaken under the alternative assumptions that the errors followed an autoregressive or moving average process of order 12,with IZ taking on the values of 1 through 4, successively. In each case, the residual was regressed on four lags of itself and on the relevant exogenous variables to check for remaining serial correlation. The LeungBox statistic was also recalculated. Eq. (1) was found to have no significant serial correlation once the data had been transformed to correct for an MA(4) error process. The final bilateral estimation results are: hm, - Ap, = l.l836OAy, - O.l5163Ai, (2.4217) (- 3.5932) R’(obslpred) = 0.2581 where R’(obslpred) denotes the squared correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable, and the figure in brackets is the t-statistic associated with the coefficient estimate directly above it. Eq. (2) was found to have no significant serial correlation once the data had been transformed to correct for an MA(2) error process. The final bilateral estimation results are: Ap, = 0.00773 + 0.54055 Ap,? + O.l7211Ae, (4.3754) (5.1817) (4.4717) R’(obslpred) = 0.5130 Al .2. Multilateral estimation The bilateral estimation results given above were obtained under the assumption that Canada is a small open economy with a single trading partner. The way in which this assumption is incorporated into the regression analysis is through the interpretation of the variables p: and i: in Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively and the exchange rate used to estimate Eq. (2). In the bilateral case, p: is measured in terms of the U.S. price level and 294 D.N. Weymark I Journal of International Economics 39 (1995) 273-295 if” in terms of the U.S. interest rate level, and the exchange rate employed is the bilateral Can/U.S. exchange rate. In the multilateral case, it is more appropriate to measure foreign prices and interest rates as weighted averages of the price and interest rate levels of a larger number of trading partners and to use a multilateral exchange rate to estimate Eq. (2). For this reason multilateral estimation of Eqs. (1) and (2) were carried out using G-10 weighted averages of foreign prices, interest rates, and exchange rates. The remaining methodology was identical to that employed in the bilateral case. The error processes associated with Eqs. (1) and (2) were found to be MA(4) and MA(3), respectively. Appropriate transformation of the data yielded the following multilateral estimation results: Am, - Ap, = 1.26730Ay, - 0.12755 Ai, (2.6410) (- 3.0786) R’(obslpred) = 0.2001 Ap, = 0.00788 + 0.53959 Ap,* - 0.00092 Ae, (3.7695) (5.1003) R’(obslpred) = 0.3119 ( - 2.7122) Appendix 2: Bilateral monthly measures Table 3 Bilateral Monthly Measures 1981 1982 EMP, 0, E,(oW E,(imp) 0.122022 0.033088 -0.062696 0.095881 0.015788 0.042244 0.128156 -0.203038 0.085120 0.037958 -0.356180 -0.046918 0.062954 0.193767 0.109tN5 -0.151276 0.135005 -0.006444 -0.053261 -0.143724 -0.036736 0.054383 -0.016779 -0.030320 1.041451 0.797455 0.899641 1.003862 0.463705 0.939464 0.951834 1.046618 1.215911 0.954796 0.963898 0.958944 0.902388 0.907287 0.952283 1.023553 0.944760 6.115595 0.920462 0.863032 0.770556 1.070819 0.819223 1.320558 1.190748 1.198755 1.191236 1.190795 1.200920 1.203995 1.211450 1.222971 1.200700 1.202762 1.187395 1.185110 1.192415 1.214030 1.220396 1.224752 1.233920 1.275277 1.269886 1.245132 1.234681 1.229935 1.226210 1.238186 1.342820 1.230148 1.123598 1.305453 1.209595 1.251651 1.358295 0.965480 1.327071 1.246276 0.774362 1.131685 1.259717 1.423466 1.347094 1.035779 1.390100 1.225968 1.207354 1.087373 1.199391 1.301826 1.209298 1.189031 Note: Monthly 1983 1984 measures were calculated using the bilateral EMP, 0, E,Ws) E,(imp) -0.107277 -0.095873 0.043467 -0.088263 0.082849 -0.049524 -0.007307 -0.054408 -0.052254 -0.020555 0.028052 0.096208 -0.044856 0.013591 0.117642 0.102185 -0.106508 0.199037 -0.326751 0.116869 0.038431 -0.107904 0.130580 -0.029054 0.926299 0.990401 1.020798 1.054927 1.033009 1.055286 1.026766 1.018528 0.980925 0.978718 0.860099 0.915200 1.026429 1.022223 0.850891 0.928035 1.108604 0.963146 1.046940 1.134108 0.782113 1.031120 1.014287 1.100341 1.228435 1.227305 1.226196 1.232155 1.228790 1.232159 1.232400 1.233643 1.232414 1.231875 1.236719 1.246850 1.248329 1.247952 1.270036 1.279410 1.294295 1.303824 1.323976 1.303387 1.314347 1.318768 1.316310 1.320153 1.105357 1.110661 1.280653 1.117969 1.334238 1.167936 1.223156 1.165347 1.169181 1.207082 1.266432 1.355702 1.190921 1.265296 1.394764 1.399815 1.143143 1.551907 0.877798 1.478708 1.353478 1.172524 1.490973 1.278066 elasticity estimate i = -3.0889. 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