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Fluency Word Clusters Dictionary: Improve English

Kev Nair
“Quirk for grammar, Fowler for usage and Kev Nair for fluency...” – The New Indian Express.
Essential combinations of adjectives and nouns
— to help you speak and write good English
with great fluency
Third Edition
“For free flow of English.”
Adult Faculties Council
3 r ion
Prof. Kev Nair
A Dictionary of
Fluency Word Clusters
Prof. Kev Nair was born in Kerala, South India, in 1949.
He’s an eminent scholar. He’s a first class LL.B. and a first class
LL.M. And he was ranked first in university in both the LL. B. and
LL. M. exams.
• “Nair was the first person in the world to give shape to the
area of study now known as ‘English fluency development’
and to systematize it into a distinct teachable subject... So he
is better known as the father of fluency development.”
– General Knowledge Today.
• “He had been researching since 1971, and the results... led
him to new discoveries... ”
• “Prof. Kev Nair is regarded the world over as the father of
fluency lexicography... Fluency lexicography came into existence as a separate branch of dictionary writing with the
publication of Prof. Nair’s Dictionary of Active Fluency
Combinations in 1986.”
– Competition Success Review.
• “Pioneer fluency lexicographer”
– The New Indian Express.
• “An eminent scholar of international repute and a renowned
English language lexicographer”
– The New Sunday Express.
• “Prof. Nair... is respected the world over as the originator of
the word-cluster genre in lexicography (as different from the
word genre)... There is an air of enormous authority and
dignity around all Prof. Nair’s works, each of which is a
magnificent blend of scholarship and practical common
– Competition Success Review.
• “His students are spread across 35 countries; highly educated,
well-placed professionals turn to him for help... Prof. Kev
Nair... has... reached out to thousands – judicial officers,
professionals, top executives, scholars – who need that
comfort and ease in speech with his specialised fluency
– The New Indian Express.
Prof. Nair is a lawyer by profession. He lives with his wife and two
children in Kochi, Kerala, an enchanting place on the earth.
Fluent English Lexicons by Prof. Kev Nair
• A Dictionary of Active Fluency Combinations.
• A Dictionary of Fluency Word Clusters.
• The Complete Fluency Words.
• A Dictionary of Essential Fluency Phrases.
• Core Fluency Thesaurus.
• Comprehensive Adjectival Fluency Dictionary.
• Narrative Fluency Dictionary.
• Thesaurus of Phrasal Verbs.
Books by Kev Nair making up
Fluentzy: The English Fluency Encyclopedia
• B1: Idea units & Fluency.
• B2: Speech Generation & Flow Production.
• B3: Teaching your Tongue & Speech Rhythm.
• B4: Key Speech-initiators & Speech-unit Patterns.
• S1/B13 & S2/B14: Fluency in Functional English (Vols. 1 & 2).
• S3/B15: Fluency in Telephone English & Sectoral English.
• B5: How to Deal with Hesitation.
• B6: Oral Training in Fluency Vocabulary (Vol.1).
• B7: Packing of Information.
• B8: Impromptu Speech-flow Techniques.
• S4/B16: Fluency Building & Mouth Gymnastics.
• S5/B17: Fluency in speaking about people.
• B9: Fluency in Asking Questions.
• B10: Oral Training in Fluency Vocabulary (Vol.2).
• B11: Fluency & Moment-to-Moment Speech-production.
• B12: Oral Training in Fluency Vocabulary (Vol.3).
• S6/B18 & S7/B19: Fluency in Topicwise English (Vols. 1 & 2).
• S8/B20: Fluency & Pronunciation.
Note: 1). The Fluent English Lexicons do not form part of Fluentzy: The English
Fluency Encyclopedia. They’re separate publications – meant for those who want
to specialize in fluency-oriented vocabulary. For details, visit
www.fluencybookz.com. 2). As for more information about Fluentzy: The English
Fluency Encyclopedia, visit www.fluentzy.com and www.fluentenglish.com.
A Dictionary of
Fluency Word Clusters
Essential combinations
of adjectives and nouns.
Arranged nounwise. Yes.
To help you speak and write
good English. With great fluency...
Third Edition
Prof. Kev Nair
Adult Faculties Council
For Uma, Anup and Usha
First used as fluency workshop material from 1974 to 1982.
Preface, 7
First published as part of the Fluency Development Course in 1982.
Preface to the second edition, 8
First published as a separate book in 1987.
Preface to the third edition, 9
Second edition, 1992. Reprinted (six times).
Abbreviations, 10
Third edition, 2005. Reprinted, 2006, 2007.
Copyright © Prof. K. E. V. Nair, 1982, 1987, 1992, 2005.
The right of Prof. K. E. V. Nair @ KevNair to be identified as the
author of this book has been asserted by him in accordance with the
Copyright Act, 1957.
All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be copied or reproduced
or transmitted in any form or manner whatever, or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except
in the case of brief quotations or as allowed by the Copyright Act
All quotations from this book shall credit Prof. KevNair.
Any person who buys this book or acquires it in any other way, shall
not circulate it.
Any violation of these terms and conditions will invite civil and
criminal proceedings and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law.
Published in India by Mrs. Uma V. Nair, Adult Faculties Council, DP
Lane, Elamakkara PO, Kochi-682 026, Kerala.
Printed in India by Matha Offset Printers, Power House Road,
Ernakulam - 682 018, Kerala.
Price: Rs.395.00
Frequency codes, 11
Introduction, 13
Dictionary, 17
Preface to the first edition
This book gives you collections of commonly occurring combinations of adjectives and nouns.
You’ll find these combinations grouped together under various headwords.
All these headwords are nouns. At the entry for each noun, you’ll get the
combinations of that noun and the adjectives that are normally used with it.
I record my thanks to the publisher.
Do you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms? Then please do write
to me (care of the Adult Faculties Council). I would like to hear from you.
KEV Nair
Cochin, 1987.
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the third edition
I’ve now thoroughly revised and updated the collections of the word combinations.
I’ve once again revised and updated this book.
If you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms, please do write to me
(care of the Adult Faculties Council).
First, the number of headwords have gone up. The headwords that have now
been added are those that are important for fluency in content-intensive
speech and writing.
Kev Nair
Kochi, 1992.
Second, the collections of word combinations under all the headwords have
now become quite comprehensive.
And now the book stands improved mainly in three ways:
Third, you’ll find a frequency code printed next to each of the headwords.
This feature makes it easy for you to find out whether a particular headword
is relatively more (or less) frequent than another one.
If you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms, please do write to me
(care of the Adult Faculties Council).
KEV Nair
Kochi, 2005.
Frequency Codes
Most frequent among nouns of Maximum
General Utility
Nouns of Maximum General Utility:
Less frequent than AAA-nouns
Nouns of Maximum General Utility:
Less frequent than AA-nouns
To speak or write English like a native
speaker of English, and to do so with
a high degree of fluency, you need a
good command of a large collection
of habitually occurring word combinations. The technical word for these
combinations is collocations.
This book covers essential collocations
having the pattern ‘adjective + noun’.
As you know, if you want to speak or
write good English with a high degree
of fluency, you must achieve a total
mastery of the frequently-occurring
words in English. But remember this: It
won’t do if you only know the meanings of these words and their grammar
and usage. You must have a total mastery. And an important element in this
kind of total mastery is a good command of the word clusters that these
words habitually combine into.
Let me explain.
Most people are under a wrong impression: They think that individual words
can help them speak and write English,
and so they try hard and master the
meanings, grammar and usage of all
the essential words (and scores of extra
words). But still, they find it difficult to
speak and write fluently — with a free
flow of words. Words still elude them.
The truth is this: Individual words can’t,
by themselves, help you very much in
producing English (that is, in speaking
or writing) — or in receiving English
(that is, in listening and understanding
or in reading and understanding). No,
they can’t. The reason is this: Words are
not independent units of the language,
and no word can work in isolation. Every word in the English language is part
of a unified vocabulary-driven system,
and there’s a network of meaning-based
connections among all these words.
These meaning-based connections influence language production in two ways:
First, any given word needs support
from other words to do its work. And so
every word can only work in the company of other closely related words. And
inevitably, certain words tend to cluster
together with certain other words.
Second, the frequently-occurring words
(especially, the most frequent 3000 and
odd words among them) tend to do the
bulk of their job not as individual words
strung together on the spot — but as
members of a series of habitual word
clusters. This is because they can combine among themselves in a number of
fixed and semi-fixed ways and form a
large number of fixed and semi-fixed
word clusters of great general utility.
And everyone who speaks and writes
English naturally tends to use these
word clusters again and again as prefabricated language chunks, because
these chunks make it easier for them to
compose speech and writing spontaneously, and so are a great boon for them.
These prefabricated language chunks
can save you a lot of language processing time and language processing effort, because you can run them off easily as wholes (as though they’re single
words rather than groups of words) —
instead of stringing them together
anew every time you have to use them.
And you can then use the time and effort so saved in planning what to say or
write next, and how to say or write it.
This kind of on-line planning time is
very important if you want to avoid
breakdowns and unwanted hesitations
while you’re speaking or writing spontaneously.
Remember this: I’m not speaking about
random combinations that happen by
chance and without following a definite pattern. I’m speaking about combinations that happen habitually and by
following a definite pattern — and with
a frequency greater than mere chance.
And why do two or more words tend to
cluster together in this way? A chief
reason is this: If you study closely the
words that cluster together, you’ll almost always be able to find that there’s
an area of overlap among some of the
characteristic features of their meanings — and that, in that way, they’re
connected together.
These habitual clusters, together with
other makeshift combinations that
speakers or writers newly create for a
particular occasion (by stringing individual words together on the spot), can
meet about 80% (and sometimes, even
more) of all the vocabulary needs of
everyone speaking and writing every-
day English — no matter what the topic.
So if you want to achieve a total mastery
of the frequently-occurring words, you
need to have a clear idea of the various
types of clusters that these words habitually enter into. And you must learn
to put together what you want to say (or
write) as much by stringing these word
clusters together as by stringing individual words together.
In the broadest sense, the term ‘word
clusters’ includes the following types of
multi-word units:
• Collocations
• Prefabricated structure segments
• Fixed phrases and formulaic expressions
• Phrasal & prepositional verbs
• Compound words
• Idioms
• Similes, proverbs, wise sayings, etc.
Of these different types of multi-word
units, collocations are of the most frequent utility — in producing as well as
in receiving English.
Now what are collocations?
I told you at the very outset about the
underlying meaning-based connections
among words. You know, because of
these meaning-based connections, many
words in English show an interesting
tendency: When they occur in speech or
writing, they generally tend to cluster
together mainly in three ways:
First, in order to convey a particular
meaning, some words habitually occur
only together with a particular word,
and with no other. For example, the
noun coffee can combine with the adjective strong, and the result is the collocation strong coffee. Now the words concentrated, intense, powerful, etc. are synonyms of the word strong. But coffee
does not normally combine with any of
these words and produce an alternative
to strong coffee. Collocations like the
common good, cheap finance, the general
public, etc. are other examples of ‘adjective + noun’ collocations belonging
to this category. And here are a few
‘verb + noun’ collocations belonging to
this category: drop a subject, gather
dust, make gains, choose a favourite.
Second, some words habitually occur
together with a limited number of other
words having the same or similar
meaning. For example, the noun air
combines not only with the adjective
clean, but also with its synonyms clear,
fresh and pure — and we get the collocations clean air, clear air, fresh air and
pure air. The noun risk combines not
only with the verb face, but also with
the words run and take and produce
collocations that convey the same or
similar meaning: face a risk, run a risk,
take a risk. The verb laugh combines
not only with the adverb gently, but also
with the words quietly and softly, and
produce collocations that convey the
same or similar meaning: laugh gently,
laugh quietly, laugh softly. The adjective
short combines not only with the adverb extremely, but also with the words
really, very and quite, and produce collocations that convey the same or similar meaning: extremely short, really
short, very short, quite short.
Third, some words habitually occur together with all (or most) of the words
belonging to a particular semantic category. For example, the adjective bitter
combines with several words that have
the general meaning ‘conflict’. And so
we have a series of collocations bitter
argument, bitter attack, bitter disagreement, bitter fight, bitter quarrel, etc. In
the same way, the verb export combines
with any word that can be brought under the category ‘a product’. And so we
have a series of open-ended collocations to export cement, to export cars, to
export books, etc.
When one word occurs habitually with
another word or other words in this
way, it’s said to collocate with those
words, and the combination of the
words is called a collocation.
Most often, the term ‘collocation’ is used
in a restricted sense — to refer mainly
to four types of habitually occurring
• adjective + noun
Eg: correct decision, fine dust, reasonable
proportion, catchy song.
• verb + noun
Eg: achieve freedom, peel an orange,
show understanding, turn a key.
• noun + verb
Eg: my health collapsed, his muscles
ached, his opinions changed, the temperature dropped.
• adverb + verb (or verb + adverb)
Eg: bitterly regret sth, examine sth briefly,
happen suddenly, move aimlessly.
• adverb + adjective
Eg: clearly evident, completely happy,
perfectly obvious, terribly busy.
Now let me clarify something: The term
‘collocation’ is not limited to a combination of just two words — or to a combination of two lexical words. In the widest sense, a collocation is a combination
formed by the co-occurrence of two or
more words. And the co-occurrence of
the member-words does not always
have to be immediately next to one another. One or two non-member words
may also happen to occur between every two member-words of the collocation. For example, show understanding is
a collocation of show and understanding.
So are show a little understanding and
show great understanding. The intervening words don’t prevent the words show
and understanding from being collocates
of each other.
And there’s no reason why all the member-words in a collocation have to be
lexical words. They can be grammatical
words also. For example, beyond your
control, by choice and in conclusion are
collocations of grammatical words (beyond, by, in) and lexical words (control,
choice, conclusion).
The determining question is, do the
member-words habitually occur together with a frequency greater than
mere chance (though with some other
words occurring between them)?
The present book covers collocations.
Not collocations of all types, but collocations of one particular type: ‘adjective + noun’. And again, not all ‘adjective + noun’ collocations that are possible in theory, but only those formed
by adjectives and nouns that are fre-
quently needed for the production of
The headwords in this book are all
nouns. Yes, nouns, and not adjectives.
I’ve indicated how relatively more frequent or less frequent a headword is by
marking the headwords ‘AAA’ or ‘AA’ or
‘A’. Remember that all these headwords
are highly frequent in everyday speech
and writing. All of them. Only, the AAAnouns are relatively more frequent than
the AA-nouns and the A-nouns, and the
AA-nouns are relatively more frequent
than the A-nouns.
I’ve called the frequently-needed productive collocations ‘fluency clusters’ —
to underline an important point: To
achieve a high degree of fluency in English, you need a good command of
these clusters.
ability -AA
(a child’s) innate linguistic ability, (a
man of) proven ability, (a student of)
proven ability, (students of) moderate
ability, academic ability, acting ability,
amazing ability, animal abilities, artistic abilities, athletic ability, average
ability, cognitive ability, creative abilities, exceptional (musical, etc.) ability,
exceptional ability, extraordinary ability, great ability, high ability, human
ability (to reason) (the), inherent ability, innate ability, instinctive ability, intellectual ability, latent abilities, leadership ability, learned ability, limited ability, linguistic abilities, low ability,
managerial ability, mathematical ability, mental ability, mixed ability, musical ability, native ability, natural ability
(in music, etc.), natural ability (to do
sth), organizational ability, outstanding
ability, physical ability, rare ability,
reading ability, remarkable ability,
same ability (the), sufficient ability,
technical ability, uncanny ability, uncommon ability, undoubted ability, unerring ability, unique ability.
brief absence, complete absence, conspicuous absence, lengthy absence,
long absence (sb’s), notable absence,
numerous absences (from school), prolonged absence, temporary absence,
the mere absence, total absence, unauthorized absence, virtual absence.
alcohol abuse, alleged abuse, blatant
abuse, child abuse, drug abuse, elder
abuse, emotional abuse, flagrant abuse,
glaring abuse, grotesque abuses, horrifying abuse, human rights abuse, personal abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, racial abuse, racist abuse
sex/sexual abuse, shocking abuse, solvent abuse, substance abuse, suspected
abuse, the ultimate abuse, verbal abuse,
virulent abuse, widespread abuse.
direct access, easy access, equal access,
exclusive access, free access, good access, immediate access, improved access, instant access, limited access, poor
access, public access, quick access, random access, rapid access, ready access,
restricted access, unauthorized computer access, unlimited access, unrestricted access, vehicular access, wheelchair access.
aircraft accident, auto accident, automobile accident, awful accident, bad
accident, boating accident, canoeing
accident, car accident, catastrophic accident, climbing accident, dreadful accident, driving-related accident, fatal
accident, fearful road accident, flying
accident, freak accident, frightful accident, ghastly accident, hit-and-run accident, horrific accidents, industrial accident, major accident, minor accident,
motor accident, motorcycle accident,
multiple accident, nasty accident, near
accident, nuclear accident, preventable
accident, pure accident, repeated accidents, riding accident, road accident,
school-related accidents, serious accident, sheer accident, skiing accident,
slight accident, stupid accident, terrible
accident, traffic accident, tragic accident, unfortunate accident.
(full and) particular account, (give) a
confused account (of sth), accurate account, authentic account (of life), authentic account (of sth), authoritative
account, bank account, biased account,
blow-by-blow account, brief account,
building society account, business account, chilling account, chronological
account, clear account, coherent account, compelling account, comprehensive account, contradictory accounts,
current account, damning account (of
sth), deposit account, detailed account,
dodgy accounts, evocative account, expense account, eyewitness account, factual account, factual account (of
events), faithful account, faultless accounts, fictional account, fictional account (of life), first-hand account, full
account, fuzzy account, general account, generalized account, glowing
account, good account, graphic account, graphic account (of a battle,
etc.), hard-hitting account, informative
account, investment account, joint
(bank, etc.) account, lucid account, lurid account, moving account, newspaper account, numbered account, onesided account, personal account, picturesque account, quarterly accounts, revealing account, savings account, separate account, short account, stirring
account, succinct account, terminal accounts, true account, various accounts,
verbatim account, vivid account.
(no) mean achievement, (sb’s) cinematic achievement, (sb's) crowning
achievement, (sb's) main achievement,
(sb's) major achievement, academic
achievement, admirable achievement,
amazing achievement, architectural
achievement, artistic achievements, astonishing achievement, athletic
achievement, brilliant achievement,
concrete achievement, considerable
achievement, creditable achievement,
cultural achievement, economic
achievement, educational achievement,
engineering achievement, enviable
achievement, extraordinary achievement, fantastic achievement, fine
achievement, great achievement, greatest achievement, greatest scientific
achievements (the), high achievement,
human achievement, important
achievement, impressive achievement,
individual achievement, intellectual
achievement, lasting achievement, lifetime achievement, literary achievement,
magnificent achievement, modest
achievement, monumental achievement, notable achievement, outstanding
achievement, personal achievement,
positive achievement, previous achievement, prodigious achievement, proud
achievements, proudest achievement,
rare achievement, real achievement,
remarkable achievement, scientific
achievement, significant achievement,
singular achievement, sizeable achievement, solid achievement, splendid
achievement, sporting achievement,
staggering achievement, startling
achievement, stunning achievement,
superlative achievement, supreme
achievement, technical achievement,
technological achievement, towering
achievement, towering intellectual
achievement, tremendous achievement,
unique achievement.
(a) tough act to follow, (sb’s) final act
(as party leader), aggressive act, appalling act, atrocious acts, balancing act,
barbaric act, barbaric act (of violence),
barbaric acts (of war), brave act, brutal
act, cabaret act, callous act, careless act,
cautious acts, charitable act, circus act,
class act, comedy act, conscious act,
conscious act (of cruelty, etc.), considerate act, considered act, cowardly act,
crazed act (of revenge), creative act,
criminal act, cruel act, deliberate act,
deliberate act (of vandalism, etc.), despicable act, disappearing act, double
act, dramatic act, final act (the), first
act, foolish act, friendly act, generous
act, helpful act, heroic act, homosexual
act, hostile act, illegal act, immoral act,
impulsive act, instinctive act, juggling
act, kind act, last act (the), live act,
main act (the), malicious act, mental
act, outrageous act, physical act, pious
acts, political act, positive act, private
act, provocative act, public act, serious
act, serious criminal act, sex act,
sexual act, song-and-dance act, spontaneous acts, stage act, support act,
symbolic act, terrible act, terrorist act,
the Obscene Publications Act, the
opening act, the second act, tough act
(to follow), unlawful acts, vanishing
act, variety act, vindictive act, violent
act, voluntary act, wilful act, wrongful
(take a) drastic action, (take) appropriate action, (take) corrective action,
(take) evasive action, (take) firm action, (take) immediate action, (take)
industrial action, (take) legal action
(against), (take) remedial action,
(take) unilateral action, abortive action, abrupt action, admirable action,
affirmative action, alternate action,
arbitrary action, attempted unlawful
action, automatic action, bacterial action, brave action, childish action, civil
action, clumsy action, collective actions, combined action, concerted action, conscious action, courageous action, court action, criminal action,
deadly action, decisive action, deft
action, delicate action, direct action,
disciplinary action, dramatic action,
effective action, emergency action,
enemy action, experimental action,
fast action, fatal action, fierce actions,
forced action, forcible action, formal
action, freak action, fruitless actions,
generous action, gentle actions, grand
actions, harsh actions, hasty action,
heavy action, hopeful action, illegal
action, inadvertent action, indiscriminate actions, instinctive action, joint
action, judicious action, kind action,
last-minute action, libel action, loving
actions, malicious actions, military
action, neat action, noble actions, offensive action, opportunist actions,
patchwork action, physical actions, po-
litical action, positive action, precautionary actions, preventive actions,
prompt action, prudent action, punitive
actions, quick action, rearguard action,
reflex action, repeated actions, resolute
action, retrospective legal actions, revealing action, risky action, ritual actions, routine action, selective strike
action, senseless action, sensible actions, shameful action, significant action, silent action, stern action, strike
action, strong action, surgical military
actions, swift action, symbolic action,
thorough action, tough actions, unfair
action, united action, unnatural actions,
unreasonable action, urgent action,
vague action, vigorous action, voluntary
actions, wasted action, wise action.
absorbing activities, acceptable activities, after-school activities, amateur activities, athletic activities, botanical activities, commercial activities, core activities, covert activities, creative activities, cultural activities, day-to-day activities, domestic activities, hidden activities, illegal activities, legitimate activities, leisure activities, low-level activities, marginal activities, nationwide
activities, official activities, operational
activities, outdated activities, outdoor
activities, pagan activities, partisan activities, peaceful activities, peripheral
activities, physical activities, preliminary activities, presidential activities,
private activities, promotional activities,
recreational activities, related activities,
revolutionary activities, ritual activities,
social activities, subversive activities,
the core activities (of the job), undercover activities, underground activities,
voluntary activities.
activity -AA
(highly) pleasurable activity, ad hoc activity, aerobic activity, after-school activity, anti-state activity, business activity,
charitable activity, classroom activity,
cloak-and-dagger activity, commercial
activity, common activity, concentrated
activity, co-operative activity, covert
activity, criminal activity, cultural activity, diplomatic activity, economic activity, electrical activity, electronic activity,
endless activity, energetic activity, enjoyable activity, extra-curricular activity, feverish activity, frantic activity,
fraudulent activity, frenetic activity,
fundraising activity, geological activity,
government activity, group activity,
heightened activity, human activity,
humane activity, illegal activity, illicit
activity, increased activity, industrial
activity, intellectual activity, intense
activity, juvenile activity, lawful activity,
leisure activity, leisure-time activity,
lucrative activity, mental activity, messy
activity, military activity, nefarious activity, organized activity, outdoor activity, painless activity, paramilitary activity, particular activity, passing activity,
passive activity, peripheral activity,
physical activity, planetary activity, police activity, political activity, promotional activity, punishing activity, recreational activity, risky activity, scientific
activity, seismic activity, sexual activity,
social activity, specialized activity,
staple activity, strenuous activity, subversive activity, terrorist activity, the
frenzied activity, thorough activity,
unamerican activity, union activity, unsafe activity, useless activity, volcanic
(fine) comic actor, accomplished actor,
amateur actor, aspiring actor, bit-part
actor, born actor, brilliant actor, budding actor, celebrated actor, character
actor, child actor, classical actor, comedy actor, consummate actor, distinguished actor, established actor, excellent actor, experienced actor, extraordinary actor, famous actor, film actor, fine
actor, frustrated actor, good actor, great
actor, handsome actor, Hollywood ac-
tor, leading actor, mediocre actor, outof-work actors, principal actor, professional actor, promising young actor,
screen actor, second-rate actor,
Shakespearean actor, sought-after actor,
stage actor, star actor, straight actor,
struggling actor, successful actor, talented actor, television actor, the greatest actor, the supporting actor, third-rate
actor, tragic actors, travelling actor, unemployed actor, unknown actor, up-andcoming young actor, veteran actor, wellknown actor, wonderful actor, wooden
actor, would-be actor, young actor.
important addition, major addition, new
addition, notable addition, priceless
addition, recent addition, significant
addition, simple addition, the latest addition, the latest addition (to the
range), useful addition, valuable addition, welcome addition, worthy addition.
(move to) a fashionable address, (no)
fixed address, (sb’s) last address, (sb’s)
last known address, (sb’s) previous address, (your) full postal address, business address, contact address, correct
address (the), election address, established addresses, false address, fictitious
address, forwarding address, full address (the), handwritten address, home
address, inaugural address, keynote address, new address (the), permanent
address (the), posh address, postal address, presidential address (the), private
address, public address, radio address,
return address, right address (the), secret address, short address, televised/
television address, the opening address,
undisclosed address, useful address,
wrong address.
(centralized) bureaucratic administration, (strongly) reformist administra-
tion, arts administration, business administration, caretaker administration,
central administration, civic administration, civil administration, civilian
administration, Clinton administration
(the), coalition administration, college
administration, colonial administration, conservative administration, current administration, day-to-day administration, drug administration, educational administration, effective administration, efficient administration, federal administration, financial administration, general administration, good
administration, government administration, hospital administration, imperial administration, incumbent administration, inefficient administration,
interim administration, intravenous
administration, joint administration,
justice administration, Kennedy administration (the), labour administration,
local administration, military administration, minority administration, municipal administration, office administration, oral administration, outgoing
administration, poor administration,
prison administration, progressive administration, provincial administration,
public administration, Reagan administration (the), regional administration,
routine administration, smooth administration, social administration, state
administration, temporary administration.
consenting adult, responsible adult,
screwed-up adults, single adult, willing
adults, young adult.
Allied advance, amorous advance, big
advance, breathtaking advance, British
advance, cash advance, considerable
advance, dramatic advance, economic
advance, educational advance, enormous advance, exhilarating advance,
fitful advance, German advance, great
advance, important advance, inevitable
advance, large advance, major advance,
medical advance, notable advance, political advance, rapid advance, recent
advance, relentless advance, remarkable
advance, scientific advance, sexual advance, significant advance, slow advance, social advance, spectacular advance, steady advance, substantial advance, sudden advance, swift advance,
technical advance, technological advance, theoretical advance, tremendous
amorous advances, major advances (in
the field of physics), predatory advances, revolutionary advances (in
medicine), sexual advances, technological advances, unwelcome sexual advances.
(take) full advantage (of sth), (take)
maximum advantage (of sth), added
advantage, additional advantage, big
advantage, clean advantage, clear advantage, commercial advantage, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, considerable advantage, cost advantage, decided/decisive advantage,
definite advantage, distinct advantage,
dual advantage, dubious advantage,
economic advantage, educational advantage, electoral advantage, enormous
advantage, financial advantage, great
advantage (of sth) (the), home advantage, huge advantage, important advantage, key advantage, main advantage
(of sth) (the), major advantage (of sth)
(the), material advantage, military advantage, mutual advantage, natural advantage, obvious advantage, overwhelming advantage, perceived advantage, personal advantage, political advantage, positive advantage, potential
advantage, practical advantage, price
advantage, priceless advantage, psychological advantage, real advantage, rela-
tive advantage, significant advantage,
social advantage, special advantage,
speed advantage, strategic advantage,
tactical advantage, tangible advantages, tax advantage, technical advantage, technological advantage, theoretical advantage, tremendous advantage, unfair advantage.
ligious affair, romantic love affair, secret
affair, sedate affair, shabby affair, social
affair, sordid affair, sorry affair, squalid
affair, steamy love affair, stormy affair,
torrid affair, unhappy affair, whole affair
(the), wild (and romantic) love affair,
world affair.
business affairs, commercial affairs,
community affairs, consumer affairs,
cultural affairs, current affairs, domestic affairs, economic affairs, environmental affairs, erratic affairs, European
affairs, everyday affairs, external affairs,
financial affairs, foreign affairs, governmental affairs, home affairs, immoral
affairs, internal affairs, international
affairs, legal affairs, local affairs, military affairs, mundane affairs, municipal
affairs, national affairs, penal affairs,
political affairs, private affairs, public
affairs, religious affairs, routine affairs,
social affairs, world affairs.
(seek) legal advice, (seek) professional
advice, bad advice, candid advice, careers advice, clear advice, confidential
advice, conflicting advice, constructive
advice, contrary advice, detailed advice, dietary advice, excellent advice,
expert advice, fatherly advice, financial
advice, free advice, general advice,
good advice, gratuitous advice, helpful
advice, impartial advice, incisive advice, independent advice, invaluable
advice, medical advice, practical advice, scientific advice, sensible advice,
simple advice, sisterly advice, sound
advice, specialist advice, technical advice, topical advice, unsolicited advice,
useful advice, valuable advice, wrong
(sb’s) own affair, adulterous affair, brief
affair, business affair, casual affair, clandestine affair, commercial affair, community affair, consumer affair, cultural
affair, current affair, domestic affair,
economic affair, emotional affair, environmental affair, European affair, external affair, extramarital affair, family
affair, financial affair, foreign affair,
glamorous affair, glittering affair, grand
affair, grubby affair, heavy-duty affair,
home affair, illicit love affair, internal
affair, international affair, legal affair,
leisurely affair, lively affair, local affair,
love affair (with…), low-key affair,
military affair, national affair, passionate (love) affair, personal affair, political affair, private affair, public affair, re-
(what) a gorgeous afternoon!, April afternoon, chilly afternoon, cold afternoon, cold autumn afternoon, dull afternoon, early afternoon (the), fine
summer’s afternoon, following afternoon (the), freezing afternoon, Friday
afternoon, golden afternoon, good afternoon, gorgeous afternoon, grey afternoon, hot afternoon, humid afternoon,
late afternoon (the), long afternoon,
May afternoon, miserable afternoon,
murky afternoon, one afternoon, oppressive afternoon, particular afternoon,
peaceful afternoon, previous afternoon
(the), rainy afternoon, relaxing afternoon, Saturday afternoon, single afternoon, soggy afternoon, spring afternoon, sticky afternoon, summer afternoon, sunny afternoon, this afternoon,
tomorrow afternoon, warm afternoon,
wet afternoon, whole afternoon, yesterday afternoon.
(at) an impressionable age, (at) the
tender age (of), (at/from) an early
age, (early) middle age, (extreme) old
age, (green) old age, (in your) old age,
(late) middle age, (live to) a great age,
(my/ your) old age, (of) indefinite age,
(ripe) old age, (sb’s) old age, advanced
age, advancing age, another age, average age, Bronze age, bygone age, childbearing age, chronological age, computer age, different age, difficult age,
early middle age, Elizabethan age, extreme old age, geological age, golden
age, green old age, Ice age, lawless
age, legal age (for) (the), middle age,
minimum age (the), modern age (the),
nuclear age (the), pensionable age, retirement age, retiring age, same age
(as sb) (the), same age (as sth) (the),
school age, school-leaving age, statutory age, Stone age, suitable age, The
Elizabethan age, the mandatory retirement age, the median age, the minimum age (for retirement/voting), the
same age, the statutory age, Victorian
age, voting age, working age, young
agency -AA
adoption agency, advertising agency,
aid agency, appropriate agency, commercial agency, dating agency, employment agency, estate agency, exclusive
agency, external agency, federal
agency, government agency, governmental agency, independent agency,
intelligence agency, international (development, etc.) agency, international
agency, local agency, marketing agency,
multilateral agency, news agency, official agency, official news agency, outside agency, press agency, private
agency, public agency, recruitment
agency, relief agency, reputable ad
agency, research agency, state agency,
travel agency, UN agency, upmarket
agency, voluntary agencies, watchdog
advertising agent, caustic cleaning
agents, chief agent, double agent, effective agent, election agent, enemy agent,
estate agent, federal agent, foreign
agent, free agent, government agent,
human agent, insurance agent, intelligence agent, land agent, letting agent,
literary agent, local agent, main agent
(the), managing agent, moral agent,
parliamentary agent, patent agent, press
agent, primary agent, prime agent, principal agent, publicity agent, rational
agent, secret agent, the sole agent,
travel agent, undercover agents.
(of) different ages, dark ages.
(by) mutual agreement, (give) tacit
agreement, (in) entire agreement, (legally) binding agreement, absolute
agreement, ambiguously worded agreement, amicable agreement, bilateral
agreement, bipartisan agreement, bona
fide agreement, broad agreement, broken agreement, business agreement,
ceasefire agreement, complete agreement, confidentiality agreement, credit
agreement, definitive agreement, draft
agreement, final agreement, firm agreement, formal agreement, free trade
agreement, full agreement, general
agreement, harmonious agreement,
hearty agreement, hire-purchase agreement, informal agreement, interim
agreement, international (peace, etc.)
agreement, international agreement (on
sth), joint agreement, lasting agreement, legal agreement, military agreement, multilateral agreement, national
agreement, negotiated agreement, new
agreement, oral agreement, partial
agreement, peace agreement, political
agreement, prenuptial agreement, prior
agreement, reciprocal agreements, reluctant agreement, short-term agreement, solemn agreement, substantial
agreement, tenancy agreement, tentative agreement, the ensuing agreement,
total agreement, trade agreement,
transatlantic agreement, unanimous
agreement, unspoken agreement, verbal agreement, voluntary agreement,
watertight agreement, wholehearted
agreement, wide agreement, widespread agreement, written agreement.
(to have) a high aim, ambitious aim,
avowed aim, basic aim (the), broad
aims, careful aim, central aim, chief
aim (the), clear aim, common aim, declared aim, double aim, essential aim,
eventual aim, exalted aims, explicit
aim, express/expressed aim, first aim,
fundamental aim, general aim, immediate aim, initial aim (the), key aim,
legitimate aim, limited aim, lofty aims,
long-term aim, main aim (the), major
aim, modest aim, original aim (the),
overall aim, overriding aim, peaceful
aims, policy/political aim, poor aim,
primary aim (the), prime aim, principal
aim (the), short-term aim, specific
aims, stated aim, strategic aim, the
opposing aims, the sole aim, the underlying aim, true aim, ultimate aim, war
aim, wild aim, worthy aim.
(disappear into) thin air, (have) a serious air, (have) a superior air, (sb’s) elitist airs, (speak with) a confident air,
affected air, bad air, benevolent air,
chill air, clean air, clean country air
(the), clear air, cold air, cool air, cosmopolitan air, country air, damp air, dry
air, evening air, festive air, formal air,
foul air, foul prison air, foul-smelling
air, fresh air (the), grand air, hot air,
humid air, moist air, morning air,
mountain air, night air, northern air,
polluted air, proprietary air, pure air,
purposeful air, sea air, stale air, still air,
sweet air, tactical air, taut air, the crisp
air, the glorious air, the invigorating
northern air, the still night air, theatrical
air, thick air, warm air.
ageing aircraft, burning aircraft, cargo
aircraft, civil/civilian aircraft, combat
aircraft, commercial aircraft, crashed
aircraft, damaged aircraft, enemy aircraft, fighter aircraft, fixed-wing aircraft, hostile aircraft, jet aircraft, light
aircraft, long-ranged aircraft, low-flying
aircraft, micro-light aircraft, military
aircraft, model aircraft, passenger aircraft, pressurized high altitude aircraft,
private aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft,
stricken aircraft, supersonic aircraft,
surveillance aircraft, transport aircraft.
big airline, charter airline, commercial
airline, domestic airline, international
airline, large airline, major airline, national airline, private airline, scheduled
airline, state/state-owned airline, wobbly airlines,
big airport, busy airport, civilian airport,
domestic airport, fogbound airports, international airport, large airport, local
airport, major airport, military airport,
regional airport, small airport.
acceptable alternative, attractive alternative, available alternative (the),
cheap alternative, clear alternative, constructive alternative, credible alternative, decorative alternative, economical
alternative, effective alternative, good
alternative, healthy alternative, interesting alternative, obvious alternative
(the), possible alternative, practical alternative, radical alternative, real alternative, realistic alternative, reasonable
alternative, safe alternative, satisfactory
alternative, serious alternative, suitable
alternative, useful alternative, viable
(give sb the) proper amount, (in) vast
amounts, acceptable amount, aggregate amount, amazing amount (of
money), ample amount, approximate
amount, average amount (of interest),
average amount (of knowledge), certain amount (of sth), certain amount
(of sympathy, etc.), collective amount
(of money spent, etc.), collective
amount (of sth), colossal amount, considerable amount, considerable amount
(of money, etc.), copious amounts (of
sth), disproportionate amount, enormous amount, equal amount, equivalent amount, exact amount, excessive
amount, extra amounts (of money),
fair amount, fairly large amount (of
sth), fantastic amount, fixed amount,
fresh amount, full amount, generous
amount (of sth), great amount (of
time), healthy amount (of sth), horrific
extra amounts (of money), huge
amount, immense amount, increasing
amount, incredible amount (of cheese),
incredible amount (of work), inordinate amount, inordinate amount (of
money), inordinate amount (of space),
inordinate amount (of time), insignificant amounts, large amount, large
amount (of information), large amount
(of money), large amount (of property), large amount (of valuable possessions), larger amount, limited amount,
low amount, massive amount, massive
amount (of money), massive amount
(of work), maximum amount, meagre
amount, minimal amount (of time),
minute amount, moderate amount,
modest amount, negligible amount, optimum amounts, overall amount (the),
paltry amount, precise amount, previous amount, prodigious amounts, reasonable amount (of sth), relative
amount, significant amount, similar
amount (of money), small amount,
small amount (of milk), small amount
(of noise), small amount (of petrol),
small amount (of sth), small amount (of
sugar), substantial amount, sufficient
amount, the minimum amount, tidy
amount (of money), tiny amount (of
sth), total amount, tremendous amount,
undisclosed amount, unimaginable
amount (of money), unreasonable
amount, varying amount.
analysis -A
acute analysis, brief analysis, careful
analysis, chemical analysis, close analysis, coherent analysis, comparative
analysis, comprehensive analysis, costbenefit analysis, critical analysis, deep
analysis, detailed analysis, discourse
analysis, economic analysis, financial
analysis, forensic analysis, historical
analysis, in-depth analysis, linguistic
analysis, logical analysis, mathematical
analysis, microscopic analysis, objective
analysis, perceptive analysis, piercing
analysis, pungent analysis, qualitative
analysis, quantitative analysis, quantitative chemical analysis, rational analysis,
retrospective analysis, rigorous analysis,
searching analysis, semantic analysis,
sophisticated analysis, spurious analysis,
statistical analysis, strategic analysis,
structural analysis, stylistic analysis,
subjective analysis, superficial analysis,
the systematic analysis (of sth), the ultimate analysis, theoretical analysis,
thorough analysis.
angle -A
(at) a jaunty angle, (at) right angles,
acute angle, awkward angle, camera
angle, crazy angle, critical angle, external angle, gentle angle, internal angle,
narrow angle, oblique angle, obtuse
angle, odd angle, perfect angle, perilous
angle, shallow angle, sharp angle, slight
angle, steep angle, unusual angle, viewing angle, wide angle.
(man is a) social animal, abandoned
animals, aboriginal animals, adorable
animals, aggressive animal, amphibious animals, aquatic animal, barren
(female) animal, beautiful animal,
caged animal, captive animals, charming little animals, clean animals, coldblooded animal, curious animal, dangerous animals, dead animal, domestic
animal, draught animal, dumb animals,
dying animal, endangered animal,
enormous animals, exotic animal, experimental animals, extinct animal,
farm animal, female animal, feral animal, ferocious animal, fierce animal,
flying animal, forest animal, frightened
animal, furry animals, harmless animal,
healthy animal, higher animal, homeless animals, injured animal, laboratory
animal, land animal, lifeless animal,
live animal, living animal, marine animal, mature animal, myriad tiny animals, newborn animal, nocturnal animals, pack animal, pathetic animal,
political animal, prehistoric animals,
rare animal, savage animal, sick animal, small furry animal, social animals,
solitary animals, stray animal, stuffed
animal, tame animal, the lower animal,
trapped animal, unwanted animals, vicious animal, warm-blooded animal,
wild animals, wounded animal, young
animals, zoo animal.
dramatic announcement, formal announcement, government announcement, important announcement, official announcement, public announcement, shock announcement, surprise
(give a) smart answer, (give a) vague
answer, abusive answer, acceptable answer, adequate answer, affirmative answer, appropriate answer, bland answer, blunt answer, brief answer, bright
answer, brilliant answer, clear answer,
clear-cut answer, cogent answers, compelling answer, complete answer, con-
clusive answer, convincing answer, correct answer (the), curt answer, cute answers, decisive answer, defensive answer, definitive answer, detailed answer,
diplomatic answer, direct answer, dusty
answer, easy answer, effective answer,
evasive answer, exact answer (the),
favourable answer, final answer (the),
full answer, good answer, honest answer,
immediate answer, impatient answer,
incorrect answer, indecisive answer, indefinite answer, instant answer, intelligent answers, logical answer, long-term
answer, mild answer, negative answer,
obvious answer, partial answer, perfect
answer, permissible answer, positive
answer, precise answer, quick answer,
ready answer, ready-made answers, real
answer, reasonable answer, right answer
(the), satisfactory answer, sensible answer, short answer, simple answer,
speedy answer, stock answer, straight
answer, straight answer (to a straight
question), straightforward answer,
thoughtful answer, truthful answer, unambiguous answer, unsatisfactory answers, written answer, wrong answer
aesthetic appeal, broad appeal, charity
appeal, commercial appeal, considerable appeal, desperate appeal, direct
appeal, electoral appeal, eloquent appeal, emergency appeal, emotional appeal, formal appeal, fresh appeal, fundraising appeal, further appeal, great
appeal, growing appeal, immediate appeal, impassioned appeal, indirect appeal, instant appeal, intellectual appeal,
limited appeal, little appeal, mass appeal, mute appeal, obvious appeal, personal appeal, popular appeal, powerful
appeal, radio appeal, sex appeal, special
appeal, strong appeal, television appeal,
the sensuous appeal, timeless appeal,
universal appeal, urgent appeal, visual
appeal, wide appeal.
(have a) regal appearance, (have a)
wholesome appearance, (sb’s) manly
appearance, 5th, etc. consecutive appearance, attractive appearance, brief
appearance, cameo appearance, court
appearance, dishevelled appearance,
distinctive appearance, dramatic appearance, early appearance (of flowers
in spring) (the), external appearance
(the), feminine appearance, final appearance, first appearance, frequent
appearance, general appearance (the),
guest appearance, handsome appearance, last appearance, live appearance,
occasional appearance, odd appearance, outside appearance, outward appearance, overall appearance (the),
personal appearance, physical appearance, pleasant appearance, public appearance, radio appearance, rare appearance, regular appearance, scruffy
appearance, second appearance, soft
appearance, stage appearance, strange
appearance (sb’s), striking appearance,
sudden appearance, surprise appearance, television appearance, the early
appearance (of daffodils in spring), TV
appearance, unexpected appearance,
uniform appearance, unkempt appearance, unprepossessing appearance, visual appearance, wild appearance
(sb’s), youthful appearance.
agricultural application, client-server
application, database application, formal application, general application,
industrial application, job application,
membership application, multimedia
application, patent application, planning application, practical application,
software application, successful application, unsuccessful application, wide
application, written application.
academic appointment, alternative appointment, business appointment, cabi-
net appointment, court appointment,
dental appointment, diplomatic appointment, ecclesiastical appointment,
executive appointment, first appointment, fixed appointment, follow-up appointment, formal appointment, government appointment, hair appointment, hospital appointment, important
appointment, initial appointment (the),
judicial appointment, key appointment,
military appointment, ministerial appointment, official appointment, outpatient appointment, permanent appointment, political appointment, pressing
appointment, public appointment, senior appointment, short-term appointment, staff appointment, temporary appointment, university appointment, urgent appointment.
(make a) direct approach, (native and)
simplistic approach, (try a) fresh approach, academic approach, alternative
approach, analytic approach (to a problem), analytical approach, balanced approach, basic approach, bipartisan approach, calculating approach, cautious
approach, chronological approach, common-sense approach, conceptual approach, conscientious approach, conservative approach, consistent approach
(to a problem), constructive approach,
conventional approach, correct approach (the), courageous approach, creative approach, critical approach (to
sth), different approach, disciplined
approach, dogmatic approach, down-toearth approach, educated approach,
enlightened approach, flexible approach, formal approach, functional
approach (to language learning), general approach, hands-on management
approach, haphazard approach, heavyhanded approach, highly innovative
approach, holistic approach, idiosyncratic approach, illegal approach, imaginative approach, inconsistent approach
(to discipline), indirect approach, infor-
mal approach, innovative approach, integrated approach, intuitive approach
(to sth), laid-back approach, lax approach, lethargic approach, low-key
approach, masculine approach (to the
problem), methodical approach, moderate approach, multimedia approach
(to learning), new approach, no-nonsense approach, novel approach, objective approach, orthodox approach, partisan approach, piecemeal approach,
populist approach, positive approach,
practical approach, pragmatic approach (to sth), problem-solving approach, rational approach, realistic approach, reasoned approach, resolute
approach, right approach (the), robust
approach, scientific approach, shortsighted approach, sound approach,
straightforward approach, strategic
approach, structured approach, superficial approach, sympathetic approach,
systematic approach, systematic theoretical approach, theoretical approach,
thoughtful and balanced approach,
thoughtful approach (to a game), traditional approach, understanding approach, useful approach, valid approach, virile approach, wrong approach (the).
approval -A
(give) tacit approval, (meet with) universal approval, (sb’s) enthusiastic approval, conditional approval, final approval, formal approval, full approval,
general approval, government approval, grudging approval, implicit approval, initial approval (the), official
approval, overwhelming approval, parliamentary approval, popular approval,
preliminary approval, prior approval,
public approval, qualified approval,
royal approval, total approval, unanimous approval, unqualified approval,
warm approval, wholehearted approval, widespread approval, written
(bring jobs to) depressed areas, (isolated) rural areas, (one of the) remotest areas (of the world), (remote) rural
areas, (militarily) sensitive areas, agricultural area, barren mountainous
area, big area, broad area, built up
area, buoyant area, busy areas, central
area (the), coastal area, complex area,
confined area, congested area, conservation area, deprived areas, difficult
area, dining area, dubious area, embattled area, expansive area, fascinating area, flat area (of land), floor area,
forbidden area, general area (of sth)
(the), geographical area, given area,
grassy area (of land), grassy areas, grey
area, growth area, hard water area,
hilly area, huge area, immediate area,
important area, industrial area, inland
areas, inner city area (the), isolated
area, key area, large area (of land),
large flat area (of land), large physical
area, larger area, leafy suburban areas,
local area (the), lounge area, low area
(of land), low flat area, main area
(the), main tourist areas (the), mental
area, metropolitan area, mountain
area, native area, neighbouring area,
no smoking area, notorious area, open
area, operatic areas, outlying areas,
particular area, penalty area, peripheral areas, physical area, picnic area,
play area, poor area, populous areas,
problem area, public areas, quiet residential area, reception area, remote
area, residential area, restricted area,
rich area, rough area, run-down area,
run-down inner-city area, safe area,
sandy area, secure area, segregated areas, select area, sensitive area, shaded
area, shallow area (of water), small
area, smoking area, smooth area (of
grass, etc.), spacious area, specialized
area, specific areas, stricken areas, subject area, surface area, the disadvantaged areas, the outer area, the surrounding areas, total area (the), tough
area, untouched area, urban area, vast
area, vast area (of forest, etc.), welldefined area, wet area, wide area, wild
(highly) relevant argument, (perfectly)
legitimate argument, academic argument, acrimonious argument, angry
argument, balanced argument, basic
argument (the), big argument, bitter
argument, central argument, circular
argument, closing argument, cogent
argument, coherent argument, compelling argument, complex argument, conclusive argument, consistent argument,
contrary arguments, convincing argument, credible argument, defense argument, domestic argument, drunken argument, economic argument, ensuing
argument, eternal arguments, explosive arguments, factional arguments,
false argument, family argument,
feeble argument, ferocious argument,
fierce argument, final argument, flaming argument, forceful argument,
friendly argument, fruitless arguments,
full-blooded argument, furious argument, general argument, good argument, heated argument, ideological
arguments, illogical arguments, important argument (the), inconclusive arguments, interminable argument, irrational arguments, lame arguments, legal
argument, libertarian argument, lightweight argument, little argument, logical argument, long-standing argument,
main argument (the), major argument,
massive argument, moral argument,
nice academic arguments, normative
argument, one-sided argument, opening argument, persuasive arguments,
plausible argument, pointless arguments, political argument, potent arguments, powerful argument, rational
argument, reasoned argument, rival
argument, shallow argument, short argument, silly argument, solid arguments, sophisticated argument, sound
argument, spurious argument, standup argument, strategic argument,
strong argument (for sth), stupid argument, subtle argument, supporting arguments, telling argument, tenuous
argument, the sole argument, theoretical argument, thin argument, tortuous
argument, unacceptable arguments,
unprofitable argument, untenable arguments, valid argument, violent argument, watertight argument, weak argument, weighty arguments, wellthought-out argument, woolly argument, worn-out arguments.
(have a) sore arm, (receive sb with)
welcoming arms, (sb’s) good arm, (welcome sb/sth with) open arms, bad arm,
bare arm, broken arm, free arm, left
arm (the), long arm (of justice) (the),
muscular arms, outstretched arms,
plastered arm, protective arm, right
arm (the), strong arm, sturdy arms,
suspected broken arm, upper arm
(the), weak arm, withered arm.
army -AAA
advancing army, allied army, conscript
army, defeated army, disciplined army,
effective army, enemy army, foreign
army, great army, growing army, guerrilla army, hostile army, huge army, increasing army, invading army, invincible army, large army, mighty army,
modern army, multinational armies,
national army (the), occupying army,
opposing army, powerful army, private
army, professional army, rebel army,
regular army, reserve army, retreating
army, small army, standing army, strong
army, the imperial army, the triumphant army, vast army, veritable army,
victorious army, volunteer army, white
(make) the necessary arrangements,
administrative arrangement, agreed
arrangement, alternative arrangements, amicable arrangement, artistic
arrangement, better arrangement, business arrangement, careful arrangement, complex arrangement, complicated arrangement, contractual arrangement, convenient arrangement,
conventional arrangement, cosy arrangement, current arrangement (the),
detailed arrangement, different arrangement, domestic arrangements,
exclusive arrangement, existing arrangement (the), familiar arrangements, final arrangement (the), financial arrangement, flexible arrangement,
floral arrangements, flower arrangement, formal arrangement, funeral arrangements, good arrangement, holiday arrangement, informal arrangement, insecure arrangement, interim
arrangement, intricate arrangements,
lease arrangement, legal arrangement,
licensing arrangement, living arrangement, long-standing arrangement,
long-term arrangement, loose arrangement, makeshift arrangement, new arrangement (the), organizational arrangement, other arrangements, own
arrangements (your), pension arrangement, permanent arrangement, physical arrangement, practical arrangement, prior arrangement, private arrangement, proper arrangement, provisional arrangements, reciprocal arrangement, regular arrangement, satisfactory arrangement, seating arrangements, security arrangements, sensible
arrangement, sleeping arrangements,
special arrangement (of books, etc.),
suitable arrangement, temporary arrangement, tentative arrangement, the
present arrangements, the sanitary arrangements, the spatial arrangement,
the symmetrical arrangement, travel
arrangements, unconventional arrangement, unusual arrangement, voluntary
arrangement, working arrangement.
arbitrary arrest, cardiac arrest, citizen’s
arrest, close arrest, false arrest, forcible
arrest, house arrest, illegal arrest, mass
arrest, unlawful arrest, widespread arrest, wrongful arrest.
ticle, press article, provocative article,
review article, scholarly article, seminal
article, serious article, short article, the
genuine article (= a person/thing, that
is a true example of their type), toilet
arrival -A
dramatic arrival, early arrival, eventual
arrival, expected arrival, first arrival,
imminent arrival, impending arrival,
late arrival, latest arrival (the), new arrival (= someone who has recently arrived in a place), recent arrival, safe
arrival, sudden arrival, surprise arrival,
timely arrival, unexpected arrival.
art -AAA
(have/ get sth down to a) fine art, aboriginal art, abstract art, avant-garde
art, baroque art, commercial art, conceptual art, contemporary art, creative
art, decorative art, dramatic art, erotic
art, experimental art, figurative art,
Flemish art, gentle art, graphic art, great
art, heartfelt art, hermetic art, high art,
modern Art, modernist art, native art,
oriental art, performance art, performing art, plastic art, pop/popular art,
primitive art, pure art, sacred art, secular art, the lost art (of letter-writing),
three-dimensional art, visual art.
(highly) readable article, academic article, brief article, brilliant article, clear
article, controversial article, critical article, definite article, excellent article,
exclusive articles, factual articles, feature article, finished article, foreign articles, front-page article, full-page article, good article, household article,
indefinite article, in-depth article, influential article, informative article, interesting article, journal article, key article,
lead/leading article, learned article,
lengthy article, magazine article, major
article, newspaper article, occasional
article, offending article, periodical ar-
abstract artist, amateur artist, aspiring
artists, avant-garde artists, budding
artist, cabaret artist(e), celebrated artist, commercial artist, conceptual artist,
consummate artist, contemporary artist, creative artist, distinguished artist,
escape artist(e), established artist, famous artist, female artist, figurative
artist, fine artist, first-class artist, frustrated artist, gifted artist, graffiti artist,
graphic artist, great artist, great artists
(of the cinema) (the), guest artist)(e),
internationally acclaimed artist, landscape artist, leading artist, living artist,
local artist, major artist, make-up artist,
male artist, mime artist(e), modern
artist, music hall artist, nineteenth-century artist, pavement artist, performance artist, pop/popular artist, populist artist, professional artist, rap
artist(e), real artist, recording artist,
reggae artist(e), renowned artist, respected artist, scenic artist, second-rate
artists, self-styled artist, self-taught artist, serious artist, solo artist(e), struggling artist, successful artist, talented
artist, trapeze artist(e), true artist, unknown artist, unnamed artist, up-andcoming artist, variety artist(e), visual
artist, war artist, watercolour artist,
well-known artist, wildlife artist,
woman artist, would-be artist.
black arts (the), decorative arts, dramatic arts, liberal arts, plastic arts, the
creative arts, the performing arts, the
visual arts.
alarming aspect, appealing aspect, at-
tractive aspect, basic aspect, beneficial
aspect, bizarre aspect, broad aspect,
business aspect, central aspect, commercial aspect, controversial aspect, crucial
aspects, cultural aspect, curious aspect,
difficult aspect, disappointing aspect,
disturbing aspect, economic aspect,
encouraging aspect, environmental aspect, essential aspects (of sth) (the),
ethical aspect, exciting aspect, fascinating aspect, favourable aspect, financial
aspect, formal aspect, functional aspect,
fundamental aspect, general aspect,
good aspects (of sth) (the), health aspect (the), historical aspect, human aspect, important aspect, interesting aspect, intriguing aspect, key aspect, legal
aspect, main aspect (the), major aspect,
military aspect (the), moral aspect
(the), mundane aspect, negative aspect,
neglected aspect, operational aspects,
physical aspect (the), pleasant aspects
(of sth) (the), pleasing aspect, political
aspect (the), positive aspect, practical
aspects (of sth) (the), principal aspect,
psychological aspect, puzzling aspect,
religious aspect (the), remarkable aspect, safety aspect (the), scientific aspect (the), security aspect (the), significant aspect, sinister aspect, social aspect
(the), striking aspect, subtle aspect,
technical aspect, terrible aspect, the insidious aspects (of racism), the most
satisfying aspect, the unattractive aspects, the worst aspect, theoretical aspect, worrying aspects.
assembly -A
consultative assembly, correct assembly,
correct assembly (of the parts) (the),
easy assembly, elected assembly, final
assembly, general assembly, home assembly, judicial assembly, legislative assembly, local assembly, morning assembly, national assembly, peaceful assembly, provincial assemblies, public assembly, regional assembly, representative
assembly, school assembly, state assembly, unlawful assembly.
best asset, big asset, business asset,
capital asset, combined asset, commercial asset, company asset, considerable
asset, corporate asset, cultural asset,
current asset, depreciable asset, disposable asset, financial asset, fixed asset,
foreign asset, great asset, gross asset,
hidden asset, important asset, intangible asset, invaluable asset, liquid asset, main asset, major asset, national
asset, natural asset, net asset, non-cash
asset, non-monetary asset, overseas
asset, personal asset, physical asset,
precious asset, priceless asset, principal
asset, prize asset, property asset, public asset, real asset, state asset, tangible
asset, total asset, tremendous asset,
useful asset, valuable asset, wasting
capital assets, considerable assets, disposable assets, extensive assets, financial assets, frozen assets, intangible assets, liquid assets, movable assets, public assets, solid assets, tangible assets,
valuable assets, zero assets.
considerable assistance, direct assistance, economic assistance, emergency
assistance, expert assistance, external
assistance, financial assistance, foreign
assistance, generous assistance, government assistance, great assistance, humanitarian assistance, immediate assistance, international assistance, invaluable assistance, legal assistance, limited
assistance, material assistance, medical
assistance, military assistance, mutual
assistance, national assistance, occupational assistance, outside assistance,
personal assistance, practical assistance, professional assistance, prompt
assistance, public assistance, ready assistance, real assistance, social assistance, special assistance, substantial as-
sistance, tangible assistance, technical
assistance, useful assistance, valuable
assistance, vital assistance, welcome assistance, welfare assistance.
business associate, close associate,
former associate, old associate, political
associate, sleazy business associates.
academic association, arts association,
business association, clear association,
close association, community association, constituency association, consumer
association, cultural association, direct
association, early association, football
association, formal association, free association, happy association, historical
association, housing association, industry association, international association, intimate association, library association, literary association, local association, long association, long-standing
association, loose association, loose association (of artists, writers and composers), national association, negative
association, neighbourhood association,
parent-teacher association, personal association, pleasant association, positive
association, private association, professional association, public association,
regional association, strong association,
student association, trade association,
traditional association, unhappy association, unpleasant association, voluntary association.
cultural associations, happy associations, historical associations, literary
associations, motoring associations,
negative associations, pleasant associations, positive associations, strong associations, unhappy associations, unpleasant associations.
(make) a virulent attack, acute attack,
aerial attack, air attack, all-out attack,
armed attack, arson attack, asthma attack, bad attack, bitter attack, blistering attack, bomb attack, brutal attack,
cold-blooded attack, combined attack,
concerted attack, cowardly (and brutal) attack, daring attack, deliberate attack, determined attack, devastating
attack, enemy attack, faint hearted attack, fatal attack, fatal heart attack,
fierce attack, flank attack, frenzied attack, frontal attack, full-scale attack,
further attacks, guerrilla attack, gun
attack, harsh attack, heart attack, hideous attack, hit-and-run attack, horrific
attack, incendiary attack, indirect attack, ineffectual attack, knife attack,
light attack, low level bombing attacks,
major attack, massive air attacks, massive heart attack, merciless attack, mild
attack, missile attack, mock attack,
mortar attack, murderous attack, nasty
attack, nuclear attack, outspoken attack, panic attack, periodic attack, personal attack, poisonous attacks, racial
attack, racist attack, recent attack, recurrent attacks, repeated attacks (of an
illness), retaliatory attack, ruthless attack, savage attack, scathing attack,
scurrilous attack, serial attacks, serious
attack, severe asthma attack, severe
attack, sexual attack, sickening attack,
slight attack, spirited attack, stinging
attack, strong attack, sudden attack,
surprise attack, suspected heart attack,
sustained attack, terrorist attack, the
alleged attack, unpleasant attack, unprovoked attack, vehement attack, verbal attack, vicious attack, vigorous attack, violent attack, wicked attack.
(in) a desperate attempt (to do sth),
(in) a frantic attempt (to do sth), (in)
a last-ditch attempt (to do sth), (in) a
vain attempt (to do sth), (sb’s) appalling attempt, (sb’s) earliest attempt,
abortive (coup) attempt, abortive at-
tempt, active attempts, all-out attempt,
assassination attempt, belated attempts,
blatant attempt, blatant attempt (to
steal), bold attempt, botched attempt,
brave attempt, brazen attempts,
bungled attempt, calculated attempt,
clumsy attempt, concerted attempt,
conscientious attempt, conscious attempt, coup attempt, courageous attempts, creditable attempt, crude attempt, cynical attempt (to secure votes,
etc.), daring rescue attempt, deliberate
attempt, determined attempt, doomed
attempt, failed attempt, faint attempt
(at sth), feeble attempt, final attempt,
first attempt, frenzied attempt, fresh
attempt, fruitless attempt, further attempt, futile attempt, gallant attempt,
half-hearted attempt, hopeless attempt,
ill-fated attempt, ineffectual attempt,
lame attempts, last attempt, miserable
attempt, misguided attempts, numerous
attempts, pathetic attempt, pitiful attempt, ponderous attempts, pragmatic
attempt, repeated attempt, rescue attempt, robbery attempt, rough attempt,
satisfactory attempt, serious attempt,
shameless attempt, sincere attempt,
subconscious attempt, successful attempt, suicide attempt, systematic attempt, takeover attempt, the latest attempt (on a world record), the previous
attempts, token attempt, transparent
attempt (to buy votes), unsuccessful attempt, valiant attempt, weak attempt,
well-meaning attempts.
(attract) favourable attention, (need)
constant attention, (pay) small attention, (require) urgent attention, assiduous attention, careful attention, close
attention, direct attention, due attention, fastidious attention, focal attention, full attention, great attention (to
detail), immediate attention, individual
attention, international attention, media attention, medical attention, meticu-
lous attention, national attention, particular attention, personal attention,
public attention, rapt attention, religious attention (to detail), scant attention, scrupulous attention, serious attention, special attention, undivided attention, unwanted attention, unwelcome attention, worldwide attention.
(have a) feudal attitude, (mature and)
sensible attitude, (sb's) mental attitude, adolescent attitudes, aggressive
attitude, ambivalent attitude, anarchic
attitudes, archaic attitudes, bad attitude, belligerent attitude, benevolent
attitude, bourgeois attitude, brazen attitude, breezy attitude, callous attitude,
carefree attitude, caring attitude, casual attitude, cavalier attitude, changing attitude, childish attitude, common
attitude, complacent attitude, conceptual attitude, conciliatory attitude, confident attitude, conscientious attitude,
conservative attitude, considerate attitude, contemptuous attitude, contradictory attitudes, counter-productive
attitude, critical attitude, cynical attitude, defensive attitude, determined
attitude, dictatorial attitude, dismissive
attitude, dogmatic attitude, easy-going
attitude (to life), enlightened attitudes,
entrenched attitudes, favourable attitude, flexible attitude, friendly attitude, general attitude (the), generous
attitude, healthy attitude (about sth),
helpful attitude, hostile attitude, inappropriate attitudes, indifferent attitude,
inflexible attitude, insular attitudes, irresponsible attitude, irreverent attitude, irritating attitude, jaundiced attitude, laid-back attitude, liberal attitude, lukewarm attitude, mature attitude, mechanical attitude, mental attitude (the), middle-class attitude, moral
attitude, negative attitude (towards
sth), new attitude, nonchalant attitude,
old-fashioned attitudes, pagan attitudes, parochial attitude, passive atti-
tude, patriarchal attitudes, patronizing
attitude, political attitudes, popular attitudes, positive attitude, prevailing attitudes, prevalent attitudes, proprietary
attitudes, provincial attitudes, public attitude (the), racist attitudes, rational attitude, realistic attitude, reasonable attitude, receptive attitude, relaxed attitude, relaxed social attitudes, repellent
attitudes, responsible attitude, ridiculous attitude, right attitude (the), rigid
attitude, rosy attitude (of life), sceptical
attitude, sexist attitude, sexual attitude
(the), shameful attitude, shifting attitudes, short-sighted attitude, social attitudes, stuffy attitudes, subservient attitude, suburban attitudes, superior attitude, supportive attitude, sympathetic
attitude, the male chauvinist attitude,
tolerant attitude, unacceptable attitudes, uncomplicated attitude, uncompromising attitude, unfriendly attitude,
upfront attitudes, witty attitude (to sth),
wrong attitude (the).
(sb’s) intended audience, appreciative
audience, attentive audience, big audience, breathless audience, capacity audience, captive audience, cinema audience, coloured audience, cultivated audience, delighted audience, diverse audience, enthusiastic audience, hostile
audience, illiterate audience, incredulous audience, interested audience,
large audience, live audience, mass audience, packed audience, potential audience, private audience, radio audience,
receptive audience, responsive audience, segregated audience, select audience, small audience, sophisticated audience, studio audience, sympathetic
audience, target audience, television
audience, the frantic audience, thin audience, unseen audience, vast audience,
wide audience, young audience.
August -AAA
next August.
(sb’s) aged aunt, distant aunt, elderly
aunt, giddy aunt, great aunt, maiden
aunt, maternal aunt, paternal aunt, unmarried aunt.
annual average, batting average, bowling average, overall average, the national average, weighted average.
annual award, annual pay award, bravery award, compensatory award, coveted award, damages award, design
award, discretionary award, highest
award, libel award, literary award, major award, mandatory award, man-ofthe-match award, national award, pay
award, prestigious award, retrospective
pay awards, special award, the posthumous award, top award (the), yearly
pay award.
anonymous author, best-selling author,
children’s author, famous author,
favourite author (sb’s), joint author,
popular author (of children’s fiction),
prolific author, unpopular author, wellknown author, would-be author.
complacent authorities, hard-pressed
local authorities, lenient authorities,
local authorities, municipal authorities,
proper authorities, the civic authorities.
authority -AAA
(have no) executive authority, absolute
authority, competent authority, complete authority (over sth), district authority, education authority, full authority, government authority, governmental authority, health authority, highest
authority (the), judicial authority, lawful authority, leading authority, legal
authority, local authority, military authority, ministerial authority, papal authority, parental authority, planning
authority, presidential authority, public
authority, regional authority, respected
authority, statutory authority, superior
authority, tax authority, the relevant
authority, the spiritual authority, the
supreme authority, the ultimate authority, unchallenged authority, unimpeachable authority, unquestionable authority, unquestioned authority, world authority.
early autumn, last autumn, late autumn, mid autumn, next autumn, this
(coming) autumn, wet autumn.
baby -AA
(the vulnerability of) newborn babies,
abandoned baby, beautiful baby, big
baby, bonny baby, bottle-fed baby,
bouncing baby, breast-fed baby, colicky
baby, contented baby, crying baby, cuddly little baby, cute baby, even tempered baby, full-term baby, good baby,
growing baby, healthy baby, helpless
baby, hungry babies, illegitimate babies, little baby, lovely baby, low
birthweight baby, naked baby, new
baby, normal baby, normal healthy
baby, perfect baby, premature baby, preterm baby, screaming baby, six-weekold baby, sleeping baby, sleepless baby,
small baby, stillborn baby, sweet baby,
ten-month-old baby, test-tube baby,
three-day-old baby, tiny baby, unborn
baby, unwanted baby, war baby, young
bad back, bent back, broad back, erect
back, lean back, left back, lower back,
muscled back, muscular back, powerful
back, slender back, stiff back, straight
back, strong back, upper back (the).
(from) disadvantaged backgrounds,
(respectable) middle-class background,
academic background, affluent backgrounds, broad background, class background, confusing historical background, cultural background (the), deprived background, disturbed family
background, economic background
(the), educational background (the),
ethnic background, factual background, family background, general
background, historical background,
humble background, journalistic background, middle background (the), military background, mixed background,
narrow background, political background, poor background, privileged
background, professional background,
religious background, social background, socio-economic background,
technical background, upper class background, wealthy background, working
class background.
beach bag, bin bag, black bag, black
plastic rubbish/garbage bag, body bag,
camera bag, canvas bag, carrier bag,
changing bag, clutch bag, crisp bag, diplomatic bag, doggie bag, drawstring
bag, duffel bag, dustbin bag, evening
bag, garbage bag, golf bag, goody bag,
heavy bag, heavy-duty polythene bag,
kit bag, large bag, leather bag, mail bag,
medical bag, money bag, overnight
bags, pannier bag, paper bag, plastic
bag, polythene bag, post bag, rubbish
bag, saddle bag, sandwich bag, school
bag, screwed-up paper bag, sealed bag,
shopping bag, shoulder bag, sick bag,
sleeping bag, sponge bag, sports bag,
string bag, strong bag, toilet bag, travel/
travelling bag, wash bag, weekend bag.
acceptable balance, account balance,
adequate balance, appropriate balance,
bank balance, careful balance, cash balance, changing balance, cleared balance, comfortable balance, correct balance, credit balance, debit balance, delicate balance, ecological balance, equal
balance, equitable balance, ethnic balance, even balance, exact balance, excellent balance, fair balance, favourable
balance, final balance (the), fine balance, fragile balance, gender balance,
good balance, happy balance, harmonious balance, healthy balance, healthy
bank balance, hormonal balance, ideal
balance, military balance, money balance, natural balance, necessary balance, negative balance, negative trade
balance, net balance, nutritional bal-
ance, optimum balance, outstanding
balance, overall balance, perfect balance, political balance, poor balance,
positive balance, precarious balance,
proper balance, reasonable balance,
right balance (the), sensible balance,
sensitive balance, shifting balance, social balance, subtle balance, the delicate ecological balance (of the
rainforest), the opening balance, trade
balance, uneasy balance.
(curl into) a tight ball, (used) cotton
balls, bad ball, beach ball, billiard ball,
cannon ball, charity ball, college ball,
costume ball, cricket ball, cross ball,
crystal ball, deep ball (from Pele, etc.),
fancy-dress ball, fiery ball, flat ball, golf
ball, good ball, great ball, hand ball,
hard ball, high ball, hollow ball, hunt
ball, long ball, loose ball, low ball,
masked ball, match ball, musket ball,
practice ball, quick ball, rugby ball,
short ball, slow ball, solid ball, superb
ball, tennis ball, through ball
ban -A
advertising ban, blanket ban (on tobacco advertising), complete ban, controversial ban, driving ban, effective
ban, global ban, illegal ban, immediate
ban, limited ban, no-smoking ban,
overtime ban, partial ban, rigid ban,
rigorous ban, strict ban, temporary ban,
test ban, the proposed ban, total ban,
unproper ban, worldwide ban.
age band, alternate bands (of colour),
big band, blue band, blues band, brass
band, brilliant band, cool band, crap
band, dance band, dwindling band, excellent band, great band, growing
band, hardy band (of lawyers), hot new
band, indie band, jazz band, leading
band, live band, marching band, military band, new band, one-man band,
pop band, price band, punk rock band,
regimental band, rock band, roving
band (of delinquents), school band, select band, small band, string band, tax
band, the happening bands, the preeminent punk band, wind band, wonderful new band.
(on) the other bank, big banks, canal
bank, central bank, clearing bank, commercial bank, far bank (the), foreign
bank, grassy bank, huge bank, international bank, investment bank, issuing
bank, large bank, major bank, multinational bank, nearest bank (the), opposite bank (the), overseas bank, private
bank, profitable bank, reserve bank,
river bank, savings bank, small bank,
steep bank, vast bank.
bar -AA
breakfast bar, cocktail bar, coffee bar,
creamy candy bar, crowded bar, gay bar,
licensed bar, lively bar, lounge bar, public bar, salad bar, saloon bar, sandwich
bar, singles bar, sleazy bars, snack bar,
topless bar, upright bar, wine bar.
air base, air force base, broad base, client base, commercial base, computerised data bases, crusty pizza base, customer base, economic base, excellent
base, financial base, firm base, foreign
base, ideal base, ideological base, industrial base, manufacturing base, military
base, missile base, narrow base, NATO
base, naval base, perfect base, power
base, RAF base, secure base, solid base,
sound base, strong base, strong
organisational base, tax base, transatlantic military bases.
(on a) casual basis, (on a) daily basis,
(on a) day-to-day basis, (on a) monthly
basis, (on a) non-profit basis, (on a)
random basis, (on a) rational basis, (on
a) regular basis, (on a) selective basis,
(on a) voluntary basis, (on an) ad-hoc
basis, (on an) annual basis, bipartisan
basis, commercial basis, dubious basis,
firm basis, fundamental basis (the),
one-to-one basis, part-time basis, permanent basis, solid basis, sound basis,
temporary basis, trial basis, weekly basis, whole basis (the).
(hot) bubbly bath, baby bath, bird bath,
bubble bath, cold bath, communal
baths, hot bath, long bath, nice hot
bath, public baths, quick bath, refreshing bath, relaxing bath, sunken bath,
warm bath.
bitter battle, bloody battle, constant
battle, continuing battle, court battle,
decisive battle, famous battle, ferocious
battle, fierce battle, furious gun battle,
great battle, gun battle, historic battle,
important battle, indecisive battle, land
battle, legal battle, legal battle (for
compensation), long and bloody battle,
long battle, long-running battle, losing
battle, major battle, mock battle, naval
battle, ongoing battle, pitched battle,
political battles, prolonged battle, real
battle, running battle, sea battle, successful battle, the coming battle, the
ensuing battle, tough battle, uphill
battle, victorious battle, violent battle.
bathing beach, beautiful beach, breezy
beach, clean beach, deserted beaches,
empty beach, fantastic beach, fine
beach, golden beach (the), lonely
beach, lovely beach, magnificent
beach, overcrowded beach, palmfringed beach, pebble beach, pleasure
beach, private beach, remote beach,
sandy beach, secluded beach, shingle
beach, sloping beach, stony beach, sundrenched beach, white beach.
black bear.
pounding beat, regular beat, rhythmic
beat, rhythmical beat, steady beat.
beauty -A
room, modest bedroom, neat bedroom,
nursery bedroom, pleasant bedroom,
pretty bedroom, principal bedroom
(the), single bedroom, small bedroom,
spacious bedroom, spare bedroom,
study bedroom, tiny bedroom, twin
bedroom, upstairs bedroom.
(outstanding) natural beauty, (sb’s)
fabulous beauty, absolute beauty,
breathtaking beauty, classical beauty,
ethereal beauty, extraordinary beauty,
female beauty, feminine beauty, fragile
beauty, glacial beauty, great beauty, innate beauty, little beauty, manly beauty,
Nordic beauty, outstanding beauty, pastoral beauty, physical beauty, quintessential beauty, radiant beauty, rare
beauty, raving beauty, real beauty, ripe
beauty, scenic beauty, sheer beauty,
stunning beauty, sublime beauty, the
breathtaking natural beauty, the celestial beauty, the delicate beauty, timeless
beauty, unparalleled beauty, wild
beauty, youthful beauty.
big sofa bed, bunk bed, camp bed, comfortable bed, dilapidated bed, double
bed, feather bed, firm bed, flower bed,
folding bed, four-poster bed, hospital
bed, king-size bed, makeshift bed, marriage bed, narrow bed, ornamental bed,
oversized bed, raised bed, rose bed,
single bed, sofa bed, soft bed, spare bed,
strawberry bed, twin bed, unmade bed,
warm bed.
(their) respective bedrooms, attic bedroom, attractive bedroom, back bedroom, big bedroom, cell-like bedroom,
comfortable bedroom, cosy bedroom,
double bedroom, downstairs bedroom,
elegant bedroom, enormous bedroom,
ensuite bedroom, first-floor bedroom,
front bedroom, guest bedroom, hotel
bedroom, large bedroom, little bedroom, main bedroom (the), master bed-
alcohol-free beer, black beer, blonde
beer, bottle beer, cask beer, clear beer,
cold beer, continental-style beers, dark
beer, dark-coloured beer, designer beer,
draught beer, excellent beer, flat beer,
foaming beer, good beer, great beer,
home-brewed beer, ice-cold beer, keg
beer, light beer, low alcohol beer, medium strength beer, no-alcohol beer,
quality beer, stale beer, strong beer,
strong dark-coloured beer, warm beer,
watery beer.
(from) small beginnings, joyful beginning, new beginning.
abusive behaviour, acceptable
behaviour, aggressive behaviour, animal behaviour, antisocial behaviour, appalling behaviour, arrogant behaviour,
bad behaviour, bizarre behaviour, boorish behaviour, cheap behaviour, childish behaviour, compulsive behaviour,
confrontational behaviour, consumer
behaviour, conventional behaviour,
behaviour, decadent behaviour, deceptive behaviour, delinquent behaviour,
deviant behaviour, disgraceful
behaviour, disgusting behaviour, dishonest behaviour, disruptive behaviour,
erratic behaviour, exemplary behaviour,
extravagant behaviour, extrovert
behaviour, formal behaviour, good
behaviour, gross behaviour, human
behaviour, humanitarian behaviour, ignorant behaviour, illogical behaviour,
impeccable behaviour, improper
behaviour, inappropriate behaviour, inconsistent behaviour, incorrect
behaviour, infamous behaviour, instinctive behaviour, insulting behaviour, intolerable behaviour, irrational
behaviour, irresponsible behaviour, juvenile behaviour, lawless behaviour, loutish behaviour, mad behaviour, manipulative behaviour, manly behaviour,
mocking behaviour, monstrous
behaviour, natural behaviour, neurotic
behaviour, normal behaviour, normative
behaviour, obnoxious behaviour, obsessive behaviour, offensive behaviour, opportunistic behaviour, outgoing
behaviour, outlandish behaviour, outrageous behaviour, partisan behaviour,
pointed behaviour, predatory behaviour,
predictable behaviour, prima donna
behaviour, problem behaviour, problematic behaviour, promiscuous behaviour,
psychotic behaviour, racist behaviour,
rational behaviour, rebellious behaviour,
repellent behaviour, rough behaviour,
scandalous behaviour, selfish behaviour,
sexual behaviour, shameless behaviour,
shocking behaviour, social behaviour,
stiff behaviour, strange behaviour, suspicious behaviour, territorial behaviour,
theatrical behaviour, threatening
behaviour, unacceptable behaviour, uncontrolled behaviour, unconventional
behaviour, undesirable behaviour, unnatural behaviour, unprincipled
behaviour, unreasonable behaviour, unruly behaviour, violent behaviour, virtuous behaviour, wild behaviour.
belief -A
(contrary to) popular belief, (have a)
nonchalant belief, (in the) fond belief,
(in the) mistaken belief (that), absolute
belief, ancient belief, avowed belief,
basic belief, Catholic belief, central belief, Christian belief (the), common belief, commonly held belief, conflicting
belief, contradictory belief, core belief,
cultural belief, deeply held belief, deepseated belief, entrenched belief, errone-
ous belief, evangelical belief, false belief, fanatical belief, fervent belief, firm
belief, forlorn belief, fundamental belief, general belief (the), genuine belief,
growing belief, honest belief, implicit
belief (in sth), instinctive belief, invincible belief, irrational belief, long-held
belief, long-standing belief, misguided
belief, moral belief, naïve belief, old
belief, orthodox belief, pagan belief,
passionate belief, personal belief, political belief, private belief, profound belief, rational belief, reasonable belief,
religious belief, sincere belief, spiritual
belief, strange belief, strong belief (in
sth), strongly held belief, superstitious
belief, tenacious belief, traditional belief, unshakeable belief, unspoken belief, widely held belief, widespread belief.
anarchist beliefs, anti-Semitic beliefs,
christian beliefs, contrary beliefs, core
beliefs, discredited beliefs, environmental beliefs, false beliefs, fanatical
beliefs, former beliefs, hereditary beliefs, heretical beliefs, ideological beliefs, ingrained beliefs, inherited beliefs, muslim beliefs, mystical beliefs,
old beliefs, orthodox beliefs, outdated
beliefs, political beliefs, primitive beliefs, religious beliefs, socialist beliefs,
spiritual beliefs, superstitious beliefs,
traditional beliefs, unorthodox beliefs,
utopian beliefs.
blind bend, dangerous bend, final
bend, gentle bend, hairpin bend, lefthand bend, right-hand bend, sharp
bend, sharp bend (in the road), slight
bend, sudden bend (in the road), the
blunt bend (of sth), tight bend, wide
(our) common benefit, additional benefit, cash benefit, child benefit, consid-
erable benefit, disability benefit, economic benefit, enormous benefit, environmental benefits, extra benefit, financial benefit, fringe benefit, great benefit,
health benefit, housing benefit, immediate benefit, intangible benefits, lasting
benefits, limited benefit, long-term benefit, major benefit, marginal benefit,
maternity benefit, maximum benefit,
means-tested benefit, medical benefit,
mutual benefit, positive benefit, potential benefit, real benefit, short-term benefits, sickness benefit, social benefit,
social security benefit, state benefit,
substantial benefit, supposed benefits,
tangible benefits, tax benefit, therapeutic benefit, tremendous benefit, unemployment benefit, universal benefit, visible benefits, welfare benefit.
bid -A
cash bid, desperate bid, desperate bid
(for freedom, etc.), desperate bid (to
escape, etc.), failed bid, high bid, low
bid, opening bid, rival bid, successful
bid, takeover bid, unsuccessful bid, vain
big bill, clean bill (of health), controversial bill, costly repair bills, crisp $100
bill, double bill, electricity bill, emergency bill, fuel bill, gas bill, high bill,
hospital bill, hotel bill, huge bill, itemized bill, large bill, massive tax bill, new
$100 bill, new dollar bill, outstanding
bill, overdue gas bill, phone/telephone
bill, private member’s bill, tax bill, triple
bill, unexpectedly large bill, unpaid bill.
aquatic birds, beautiful bird, captive
bird, dainty birds, early bird (= sb who
always gets up very early in the morning), exotic bird, game bird, land bird,
large bird, little bird (told me) (= used
to say that sb who you are not going to
name has told you sth about another
person), male bird, mature bird, migra-
tory bird, predatory birds, rare bird, sea
bird, sick bird, small bird, tropical bird,
wading bird, wild birds, woodland bird.
(a man of) noble birth, (of) gentle
birth, breech birth, Caesarean birth,
home birth, humble birth, illegitimate
birth, legitimate birth, live birth, multiple birth, normal birth, premature
bit -A
(any) old bit (of paper), (not) the least
bit, big bit, boring bit, every last bit,
fair bit of, fair bit (a), good bit of, good
bit (a), large bit, little bit (of sth), little
bit (too tight), little bit more/ less,
little bits, nasty bit, nice bit, odd bit,
small bits, teensy bit, the odd bit (of
work), tiny bits, useful bits (of information), wee bit.
insect bite, mosquito bite, piercing bite,
poisonous bite, quick bite, snake bite.
(highly) distinctive black, matt black,
sombre black, startling black, token
entire blame (the), full blame (the),
main blame, real blame, whole blame
(chip off the) old block, administration
block, apartment block, big block,
bland office block, breeze block, building block, cell block, concrete block,
high rise block, huge block, large block,
massive block, mental block, new block
(of flats), office blocks, run-down block
(of flats), small block, solid block, solid
block (of ice), starting block, stone
block, tower block, unused office
blocks, wooden block, writer’s block.
blood -AA
(of) noble blood, aristocratic blood, arterial blood, bad blood (= ill feeling),
clotted blood, cold blood, congealed
blood, contaminated blood, dried blood,
Mediterranean blood, menstrual blood,
new blood (= new members of a group/
organization who will bring new ideas
and be full of energy), royal blood,
Spanish blood, thin blood, venous
blood, warm blood, young blood.
blow -A
big blow, bitter blow, body blow, clean
blow, considerable blow, cowardly blow,
crippling blow, cruel blow, crushing
blow, dangerous blow, deadly blow, decisive blow, destructive blow, devastating blow, direct blow, double blow, dull
blow, fatal blow, final blow, glancing
blow, great blow, grievous blow, hard
blow, heavy blow, humiliating blow,
knock-out blow, left-hand blow, light
blow, major blow, massive blow, mortal
blow, nasty blow, painful blow, powerful
blow, real blow, repeated blows, savage
blow, serious blow, severe blow, sharp
blow, shattering blow, single blow, slight
blow, smart blow, sound blow, stinging
blow, strong blow, swift blow, terrible
blow, violent blow, wicked blow.
bright blue, brilliant (reds and) blues,
brilliant blue, dark blue, deep blue, light
blue, medium blue, pale blue, pastel
blue, solid blue, the intense blue (of sb’s
eyes), translucent blue, versatile blue.
board -AA
advisory board, chess board, dart board,
departures board, drawing board, editorial board, emery board, executive
board, full board, half board, health
board, ironing board, loose floor board,
magnetic bulletin board, management
board, notice board, running board,
school board, skirting board, sounding
board, supervisory boards.
(be in) the same boat, abandoned boat,
banana boat, canal boat, cargo boat,
charter boat, ferry boat, fishing boat,
flat bottomed boat, flying boat, glassbottomed boat, inflatable boat, large
boat, little boat, massive boat, model
boat, motor boat, narrow boat, open
boat, paddle boat, paper boat, passenger boat, patrol boat, pedal boat, pilot
boat, plastic boat, pleasure boat, power
boat, racing boat, rescue boat, river
boat, rowing boat, rubber boat, sailing
boat, small boat, speed boat, steam
boat, stricken boat, sunken sailing boat,
torpedo boat, touring boat, toy boat,
unusual boat, upturned boat, wooden
body -AAA
(be of) sound body, (have a) supple
body, (horse’s) sleek body, (sb’s) ageing
body, advisory body, astral bodies, battered body, bloated body, celestial bodies, charitable body, charred bodies,
corporate body, dead body, decomposed body, decomposing body, delicate-looking body, elected body, executive body, fat body, fit body, foreign
body, government body, hard bodies,
healthy body, heavenly bodies, human
body (the), independent body, independent non-profit body, inert body,
large body, law-making body, lean body,
muscular body, legislative body, lifeless
body, main body (of the report) (the),
muscular bodies, naked body, national
body, non-profit body, official body, organized body (of workers), powerful
body, professional bodies, public body,
sexy body, slim body, sprawled body,
statutory body, streamlined bodies, student body, substantial body, taut body,
the governing body, the lower body, the
main body, the ponderous body, the ruling body, the skeletal bodies, thin body,
upper body (the), vast body, voluntary
bodies, watchdog body, well-shaped
body, whole body (the).
atom bomb, big bomb, bouncing bomb,
car bomb, cluster bomb, dummy bomb,
explosive bomb, fake bomb, fire bomb,
flying bomb, high explosive bomb,
home-made bomb, huge bomb, hydrogen bomb, incendiary bomb, large
bomb, letter bomb, live bomb, massive
bomb, mortar bomb, nail bomb, neutron
bomb, nuclear bomb, parcel bomb,
petrol bomb, small bomb, smart bombs,
smoke bomb, stray bomb, terrorist
bomb, the atomic bomb, unexploded
animal bone, ankle bone, bare bones (of
sth) (the), bleached bone, breast bone,
brittle bones, broken bone, cheek bone,
chicken bone, collar bone, cracked
bone, delicate bone, dinosaur bone, dry
bone, facial bones, fine bone, fragile
bone, frontal bone, healthy bone, hip
bone, human bone, leg bone, pelvic
bones, shattered bones, shin bone, splintered bone, thigh bone, weary bone.
(be an) open book, (highly) controversial book, absorbing book, account
book, address book, amusing book, appointment book, authoritative book,
autograph book, awful book, balanced
book, boring book, brilliant book,
charming book, cheque book, children’s
book, chunky book, classic book, clever
book, closed book (= a subject or problem that you know or understand nothing about), comic book, compact book,
complete book, complimentary book,
cookery book, definitive book, delightful book, different book (from…), dirty
book, enjoyable book, excellent book,
exciting book, exercise book, famous
book, fascinating book, fat book,
favourite book (sb’s), fine book, forthcoming book, full-length book, funny
book, glossy book, good book, good
cookery book, great book, guide book,
hard book, hardback book, helpful
book, highly influential book, hymn
book, illuminated book, important
book, incomplete book, inflammatory
book, influential book, informative
book, instructive book, interesting
book, intermediate course book, intriguing book, latest book (sb’s), latest
book (the), lengthy book, library book,
log book, long book, lost book, new
book, new book (from the pen of Martin Amis), order book, overdue library
book, oversized book, paperback book,
phone/telephone book, phrase book,
picture book, pop-up book, practical instruction book, prayer book, preposterous book, printed book, profound book,
rare book, readable book, recent book,
reference book, remarkable book, sad
book, school book, second-hand book,
seminal book, set book, sexy book,
short book, sketch book, slim book,
story book, subversive book, superbly
illustrated book, superficial book, terrible book, text book, the last book, the
red-hot book, thick book, third-rate
book, thoughtful book, travel book,
uneasy travel book, unpublished book,
useful book, valuable book, whole book
(be in sb’s) good books (infml), (in
sb’s) black books, academic books, account books, avant-garde books, botanical books, computer-related books,
dusty books, geological books, glossy
books, Gothic books, historical books,
innumerable books, learned books,
musty old books, obscene books, prophetic books, recorded books (for the
blind), unsold books, up-to-date books,
worthwhile books.
(as tough as) old boots, ankle boots,
army boot, baseball boot, calf-length
boot, climbing boot, cool boots, cosy
boots, cowboy boot, cricketing boots,
desert boot, fabric boot, football boot,
gum boot, heavy boot, high boot, highheeled boot, hiking boots, hob-nailed
boot, kid boot, knee boots, knee-length
boot, lace-up boot, leather boot, lightweight boot, muddy boots, nailed boot,
plastic boot, polished boots, riding
boots, rubber boot, rugby boot, secondbest boots, ski boots, steel-capped boot,
strong boots, studded boot, suede boot,
thick soled boot, thigh boots, thighlength boot, tough leather boots, tremendous boots, walking boots, warm
boots, Wellington boot.
brazilian border (the), closed border,
common border, complementary borders, decorative border, deep border,
disputed border, dotted border, eastern
border (the), external borders, german
border (the), internal borders, mexican
border (the), narrow border, nigerian
border (the), open border, patterned
border, swiss border (the), wide border.
(sb’s) old boss, big boss, company boss,
cruel boss, demanding boss, difficult
boss, drunken boss, greedy boss, new
boss (the), party boss, same boss (the),
union boss.
beer bottle, bulky bottle, cheap (and
nasty) bottle (of wine, etc.), clear glass
bottle, empty bottle, feeding bottle,
fragile bottle, full bottle, hot water
bottle, last bottle (the), medicine bottle,
milk bottle, miniature bottle, recyclable
bottle, returnable bottle.
(a pair of) pyjama bottoms, (a pair of)
tracksuit bottoms, (a suitcase with) a
false bottom, bare bottom, flat bottom.
box -AA
appropriate box, big box, call box, card-
board box, cash box, cassette box, CD
box, charming box, chocolate box, cigar box, collection box, commentary
box, corporate box, corporate entertainment box, deep box, deposit box,
dialog/dialogue box, director’s box, donation box, egg box, empty box, entertainment box, executive box, extra box,
first-aid box, flimsy cardboard box,
gear box, gift box, horse box, hospitality box, huge box (of chocolates), hundred boxes, internal mail box, jewel/
jewellery box, jumbo box (of sth), jury
box, large box, lunch box, money box,
oblong box, phone box, press box, private box, question box, rectangular
box, relevant box (the), Royal box,
safe/safety box, sandwich box, sealed
box, security box, several boxes, shoe
box, signal box, soundproof box, spare
boxes, square box, storage box, telephone box, tool box, upturned box,
video box, witness box.
boy -AAA
(be) a good boy, (you're) a big boy
(now), adolescent boys, baby boy, bad
boy, badly behaved boy, big boy, blackhaired boy, bony little boy, bright boy,
cheeky boy, clever boy, curious boy,
dear boy, elder boy, eldest boy, gentle
boy, golden boy, good-looking boy,
greedy little boy, grown boy, handsome
boys, happy boy, horny adolescent
boys, horrible boy, impulsive boy, kind
boy, little boy (sb’s), local boy, mean
boy, mere boy, mischievous boy,
naughty boy, old boy, older boy, poor
(little) boy, poor boy, rough boy, school
boy, selfish boy, sensitive boy, silly little
boy, slim boy, small boy, spirited boy,
stubborn boy, tall boy, teenage boys, the
big boys (= the most powerful and influential people or companies),
thoughtful boy, tidy boy, twin boys, unhappy boy, wide-eyed boy, wonder boy,
young boy.
(have) an active brain, agile brain, analytical brain, fertile brain, fine brain,
first-class brain, good brain, great brain,
human brain (the), keen brain, left
brain (the), mathematical brain,
muddled brain, nimble brain, quick
brain, right brain (the), sharp brain,
tired brain.
bare branch, central branch (the),
crooked branch, dead branch, high
branch, high street branch, lateral
branches, local branch, low branch,
overhanging branch, overseas branch,
regional branch (the), stout branches,
terminal branch (of a tree), the bare
branches (of winter trees), the uppermost branches, top branch (the), topmost branch, upper branches (the).
(your) daily bread, black bread, brown
bread, crusty bread, dry bread, French
bread, fresh bread, fried bread, garlic
bread, granary bread, hard bread,
home-baked bread, home-made bread,
irresistible granary bread, Italian bread,
mouldy bread, naan bread, new bread,
pitta bread, rye bread, sliced bread,
soda bread, soggy bread, stale bread,
unleavened bread, white bread,
wholemeal bread.
(make) a clean break, autumn break
(the), big break, career break, Christmas break (the), coffee break, commercial break, complete break, Easter break
(the), fall break (the), lucky break,
lunch break, protracted lunch break,
short break, tea break, temporary break,
the festive break, welcome break.
American-style breakfast, big breakfast,
buffet/buffet-style breakfast, champagne breakfast, continental breakfast,
cooked breakfast, early breakfast, English breakfast, fried breakfast, frugal
breakfast, full breakfast, good breakfast, hasty breakfast, hearty breakfast,
hurried breakfast, large breakfast, late
breakfast, leisurely breakfast, light
breakfast, long breakfast, modest
breakfast, proper breakfast, quick
breakfast, solid breakfast, substantial
breakfast, working breakfast.
bad breath, big breath, deep breath,
foul breath, inward breath, long
breath, quick breath, shallow breath,
short breath, slow breath, smelly
arched bridge, Bailey bridge, cantilever
bridge, dangerous bridge, high bridge,
humpback bridge, light bridge, low
bridge, narrow bridge, picturesque
stone bridge, pontoon bridge, railway
bridge, road bridge, rustic bridge, suspension bridge, toll bridge, weak
brief -A
clear brief, detailed brief, legal brief,
technical brief, written brief.
(sb’s) elder brother, (sb’s) foster
brother, (you're) a big brother (now),
baby brother, bachelor brother, beloved
brother, big brother (sb’s), dead
brother (sb’s), deceased brother, eldest
brother, full brother, half brother, kid
brother, late brother (sb’s), little
brother (sb’s), long-lost brother,
middle brother, much-loved brother,
older brother, small brother (sb’s), step
brother, twin brother, unmarried
brother, wee brother, younger brother
brown -A
bright brown, chestnut brown, choco-
late brown, dark brown, deep brown,
drab brown, dull brown, golden brown,
light brown, medium brown, muddy
brown, pale brown, reddish brown, rich
brown, ruddy brown, rusty brown, soft
brown, warm brown.
build -A
(a man of) substantial build, (a man/
woman of) square build, athletic build,
average build, heavy build, medium
build, muscular build, powerful build,
slender build, slight build, slim build,
solid build, stocky build, strong build,
sturdy build, thick-set build, thin build,
wiry build.
building -AAA
(ugly) utilitarian buildings, abandoned
building, air-port building, ancient
building, apartment building, attractive
building, beautiful building, big building, bland buildings, blind building, boring building, brick building, burning
building, burnt-out buildings, cavernous
building, charred buildings, church
building, circular building, civic buildings, collapsed buildings, colonial building, colossal building, concrete buildings, condemned building, contemporary building, crumbling building, darkened building, derelict building, dilapidated building, empire building, factory
building, familiar old buildings, famous
building, farm building, fine buildings,
futuristic building, gaunt buildings,
gloomy building, grand building, grandiose building, great building, grotesque
building, handsome building, headquarters building, high building, highest
building (the), high-rise buildings, historic building, hospital building, important building, imposing building, impressive building, industrial building,
isolated building, large building, larger
building, listed building, low building,
magnificent building, massive building,
modest building, municipal buildings,
nest building, new parliament building
(the), noble building, obsolete buildings, office building, old building,
pompous building, post-modern buildings, present building (the), prison
building, public building, ramshackle
building, redundant farm buildings,
residential building, road building, rosy
brick buildings, ruined building, school
building, secure building, segregated
buildings, seventeenth-century building, single storey building, small building, solid buildings, stone building, substantial building, tall building, team
building, temporary building, the tallest building (in the world, etc.), timber
building, tumbledown building, two
adjacent buildings, ugly building, unsafe building, vacant building, wooden
burn -A
cigarette burn, first-/second-/third-degree burn, horrific burn, minor burn,
multiple burns, nasty burn, serious
burn, severe burn, slight burn, superficial burns, terrible burn.
bus -A
airport bus, direct bus, double-decker
bus, early bus (the), empty bus, express
bus, fast bus, last bus (the), local bus,
open-topped bus, regular bus, same bus
(as yesterday) (the), school bus,
sightseeing bus, the next bus, tourist
bus, usual bus (the).
(the transaction of) government business, advertising business (the), awful
business, bad business, banking business (the), big business, brisk business,
catering business, clandestine businesses, cloth-related businesses, competitive business, computer business,
computerised business, core business,
costly business, cyclical business, daily
business, dispersed businesses, dodgy
business, dreadful business, dying business, entertainment business (the),
family business, fashion business (the),
food business (the), funny business (=
activities that are illegal/dishonest),
general business, good business, highly
profitable business, important business,
insurance business (the), international
business, investment business, large
business, local business, lucrative business, mail order business, main business
(of the meeting) (the), medium size
business, medium-sized business, ministerial business, multinational business,
murky business, music business (the),
new business, one-man business, overseas business, plus business, pressing
business, private business, problematic
business, profitable business, retail business, risky business, roaring business
(infml), serious business, slack business,
slow business, small businesses, small
family business, sorry business, specialized business, state-owned business,
strange business, successful business,
tedious business, terrible business, the
grubby business (of politics), tiresome
business, unfinished business, unprofitable businesses, urgent business, whole
business (the), wholesale business,
working business, wretched business.
buyer -A
anonymous buyer, first-time buyer, potential buyer, prospective buyers, the
discerning buyer.
call, urgent call, urgent phone call,
wake-up call.
bathroom cabinet, bedside cabinet,
china cabinet, cocktail cabinet, display
cabinet, drinks cabinet, filling cabinet,
full cabinet, glass/glass-fronted cabinet, inner cabinet, kitchen cabinet,
medicine cabinet, shadow cabinet, storage cabinet, trophy cabinet, war cabinet.
apple cake, birthday cake, carrot cake,
chocolate cake, Christmas cake, cream
cakes, delicious cake, fruit cake, heavy
cake, home-made cake, iced cakes,
layer cake, luscious cakes, moist cake,
moist chocolate cake, nutty cake, rich
cake, rich chocolate cake, rich fruit
cake, rotten cake, sandwich cake, seed
cake, sponge cake, stale cake, sticky
cake, wedding cake, wickedly tempting
anguished call, anonymous call, anonymous phone call, bird call, business
call, clarion call, close call, courtesy
call, difficult call, direct-dialled call,
distinctive call, distress call, easy call,
emergency call, formal call, fruitless
phone calls, hard call, hoax call, incoming call, incoming telephone calls, international call, international telephone call, last call (the), local call,
long call, long-distance call, long-distance phone call, loud call, nuisance
call, obscene call, outgoing calls, outside call, phone/telephone call, plaintive call, quick call, rallying call, renewed call, repeated call, reverse
charges call, short call, social call, the
haunting calls (of birds), threatening
phone calls, tough call, transatlantic
telephone call, trunk call, unsolicited
(a sensitive) electronic camera, 3D camera, automatic camera, box camera, broken camera, candid camera, cine camera, closed-circuit camera, compact
camera, digital camera, hand-held camera, hand-held TV camera, infrared
camera, intrusive television cameras,
microfilm camera, mobile camera,
movie camera, pinhole camera, polaroid
camera, primitive camera, second-hand
camera, security camera, sensitive electronic camera, SLR camera, surveillance
camera, television/TV camera, underwater camera, video camera.
armed camp, army camp, base camp,
concentration camp, death camp, detention camp, extermination camp, gypsy
camp, holiday camp, hostile camp, ideological camp, internment camp, labour
camp, makeshift camp, military camp,
opposing camp, political camp, prison
camp, prisoner-of-war camp, rebel
camp, refugee camp, rival camp, summer camp, temporary camp, training
camp, transit camp, travellers’ camp.
(carefully) organized campaign,
(electorally) effective campaign, adventurous (advertising) campaign, advertising campaign, aggressive (advertising)
campaign, aggressive (marketing) campaign, aggressive campaign, air campaign, anti-corruption campaign, antidrug campaign, anti-smoking campaign,
awareness campaign, big campaign, bitter campaign, bombing campaign, brief
campaign, civil rights campaign, concerted campaign, crucial election campaign (the), determined campaign, dirty
tricks campaign, election campaign,
electoral campaign, environmental campaigns, fierce campaign, fund-raising
campaign, glossy advertising campaign,
guerrilla campaign, hate campaign,
huge campaign, ineffectual election
campaign, intensive campaign, international campaign, joint campaign, leadership campaign, lengthy campaign, literacy campaign, lobbying campaign,
local campaign, long campaign, longrunning campaign, major campaign,
marketing campaign, massive campaign, media campaign, military campaign, mischievous campaign, national
campaign, nationwide campaign, official campaign, one-man/one-woman
campaign, orchestrated campaign, personal campaign, political campaign,
poster campaign, presidential campaign, press campaign, promotional
campaign, propaganda campaign, protest campaign, public campaign, public
relations campaign, publicity campaign, recruitment campaign, reelection campaign, referendum campaign,
relentless campaign, sales campaign,
smear campaign, strong campaign, successful campaign, sustained campaign,
systematic campaign, television/TV
campaign, terror/terrorist campaign,
unsuccessful campaign, vicious campaign, victorious campaign, vigorous
campaign, virulent campaign, whispering campaign, worldwide campaign.
11oz can, 250 ml can, 300 g can, aerosol can, beer can, coke can, empty cans,
food can, garbage can, jerry can, metal
can, oil can, paint can, petrol can, rusty
can, spray can, tin can, trash can, watering can.
breast cancer, cervical cancer, childhood cancer, localized cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer,
skin cancer, terminal cancer.
congressional candidate, credible can-
didate, disappointed candidate, good
candidate, ideal candidate, independent
candidate, likely candidate, logical candidate, Marxist candidate, ministerial
candidate, most conservative candidate
(the), parliamentary candidate, possible
candidate, potential candidate, presidential candidate, prime candidate,
probable candidate, prospective candidate, strong candidate, strong candidate
(for the job), successful candidate, suitable candidate, true candidate (the),
unlikely candidate, unsuitable candidate.
team captain.
(at) full capacity, acting capacity, advisory capacity, amazing capacity, caretaker capacity, carrying capacity, earning capacity, economic capacity, engine
capacity, enormous capacity, excess capacity, great capacity, hard disk storage
capacity, high capacity, human capacity,
innate capacities, intellectual capacity,
judicial capacity, large capacity, limited
capacity, lung capacity, maximum capacity, mental capacity, miraculous capacity,
natural capacity, nuclear capacity, official capacity, personal capacity, private
capacity, productive capacity, professional capacity, remarkable capacity,
seating capacity, small capacity, spare
capacity, storage capacity, supervisory
capacity, the cubic capacity, total capacity (the), unofficial capacity, voluntary
(battered) old car, (rusty) old car, (sb’s)
faithful old car, (sb’s) old car, abandoned car, armoured car, awesome new
car, beaten-up car, beat-up car, beautiful sports car, brand-new car, bridal car,
buffet car, burnt-out cars, classic cars,
comfortable car, compact car, company
car, deluxe car, dependable car, diesel
car, dilapidated-looking car, dining car,
economical car, electric car, estate car,
executive car, expensive car, extraordinary car, fantastic new car, fast car,
flashy car, foreign car, functional car,
futuristic cars, getaway car, handsome
car, hatchback car, high-powered car,
hire car, hot car, illegally parked car,
large car, luxury car, medium-size(d)
car, modern cars, motor car, neat car,
new car, parked car, patrol car, petrol
car, police car, posh car, powerful car,
preposterous car, pre-war cars, private
car, racing car, rally car, red car, reliable
car, rented car, runaway car, saloon car,
second car, second-hand car, sensuous
car, shiny car, sleek car, small car, smart
car, sports car, sporty car, squad car, stationary car, stock car, streamlined cars,
the same car, the ultimate sports car,
unbeatable Italian cars, unmarked car,
unmarked police car, unreliable car, unusual car, upmarket car, used car, veteran car, vintage car, weird car.
capacity -A
British capital, cultural capital, disposable capital, equity capital, financial
capital, fixed capital, foreign capital,
great capital, investment capital, Japanese capital, major capital, negative
capital, private capital, provincial capital, regional capital, risk capital, share
capital, starting capital, state capital,
unreal capital, venture capital, working
(sb’s) best card, (sb’s) strongest card,
(sb’s) trump card, (sb’s) winning card,
appointment card, birthday card,
boarding card, business card, calling
card, cash card, charge card, cheque
(guarantee) card, Christmas card, court
card, credit card, debit card, flash card,
gaurantee card, getwell card, greeting/
greetings card, highest card (the), identity card, index card, invitation card,
magnetic card, membership card, phone
card, picture card, plastic card, playing
card, ration card, record card, report
card, smart card, stiff card, swipe card,
sympathy card, Valentine’s card, visiting
card, wild card.
(in) intensive care, (take) great care,
(with) unnecessary care, affordable
health care, alternative health care, antenatal care, client care, clinical care,
community care, constant care, continuing care, customer care, daily care, day
care, day-to-day care, dental care, domestic care, domiciliary care, due care,
emergency care, exaggerated care, excessive care, exquisite care, extra care,
extreme care, fastidious care, formal
care, foster care, full-time care, geriatric care, good care, hair care, health
care, home care, home-based care, hospital care, infinite care, informal care,
inpatient care, institutional care, longterm care, loving care, managed
(health) care, medical care, meticulous
care, non-hospital care, nursing care,
nursing home care, outpatient care,
overall care (the), painstaking care, palliative care, particular care, pastoral
care, patient care, personal care, prenatal care, preventive care, primary care,
private care, proper care, psychiatric
care, public care, reasonable care, residential care, residential care (for children), respectful care, respite care,
round-the-clock care, routine care, scrupulous care, secondary care, short-term
care, skin care, special care, spiritual
care, temporary care, tender (loving)
care, tender care, tertiary care, the utmost care, universal health care, voluntary care.
(distinguished) public career, (glorious)
political career, (have) a checkered career, (sb’s) acting career, (sb’s) playing
career, academic career, brief career,
brilliant career, brilliant legal career,
busy career, chosen career, colourful
career, cricketing careers, diplomatic
career, distinguished career, distinguished career (in medicine, etc.),
fabulous career, flagging career, future
career (sb’s), glittering career, glorious
career, good career, great career,
honourable career (in government), illustrious career, journalistic career, legal career, literary career, long career
(in government, etc.), lucrative career,
managerial career, medical career, mediocre career, military career, musical
career, parallel career, professional career, promising career, prospective career, recording career, remarkable career, respective careers, rewarding career, school career, short career, sporting career, stage career, successful career, teaching career, theatrical career,
turbulent career, varied career, working
career, worthwhile career.
(in the) present case, (in) exceptional
cases, (in) extreme cases, ablative case,
accusative case, acute case, acute case
(of dysentery), advanced case, attaché
case, bad case (of dangerous driving),
bad case (of flu), borderline case, carrying case, celebrated legal case,
chronic case, cigarette case, civil case,
classic case, clear case, clear case (of
theft, etc.), clear-cut case, compelling
cases, convincing case, costly court
cases, court case, criminal case, dative
case, defence case, deserving case, display case, divorce case, fancy plastic
case, flat case, genitive case, glass case,
glasses case, good case, guitar case,
hard case (= a strong and violent person), hopeless case, hypothetical case,
instrumental case, isolated case (of
cheating, etc.), jewellery case, large
case, legal case, libel case, locative
case, mild case, murder case, nomina-
tive case, notorious case, obvious case,
open-and-shut case, overnight case,
packing case, parallel case, particular
case, pencil case, pillow case, powerful
case, presentation case, prosecution/
prosecution’s case, rape case, rare case,
recent case, robbery case, sad case, serious case, severe case, severe case (of
typhoid, etc.), severe case (of
woodworm), simple case, small flat
case, special case, striking case, strong
case (of sth), terminal case, test case,
textbook case, the possessive case,
tragic case, typical case, unanswerable
case, upper case (letter), urgent case,
violin case, vocative case, watertight
case, weak case.
(have no) spare cash, cold (hard) cash,
fake cash, hard cash, hard-earned cash,
petty cash, ready cash, surplus cash.
all-female cast, all-male cast, all-star
cast, cohesive cast, huge cast, large cast,
small cast, star-studded cast, strong
cast, the supporting cast.
abandoned cats, adorable cats, alley cat,
big cat, big cats (the), black cat,
Cheshire cat, contented cat, domestic
cat, family cat, fat cat, female cat, feral
cat, Holy cats!, household cat, longhaired cat, native cat, pedigree cat, pet
cat, playful cat, pregnant cats, shorthaired cat, sleek cat, stray cat, tabby cat,
tom cat, tortoiseshell cat, wild cat.
big catch, brilliant catch, bumper catch,
clean catch, close catch, door catch,
easy catch, fine catch, good catch, huge
catch, huge catch (of fish, etc.), large
catch, nice catch, poor catch, record
catch, safe catch, safety catch, window
(all in) a good cause, (make) common
cause (with sb), (most) probable cause,
bad cause, biggest cause, bona fide
charitable causes, chief cause (the),
clear cause, communist cause, contributory cause, deeper cause, deserving cause, destructive causes, direct
cause, exact cause, fundamental cause,
good cause (for sth), great cause,
greater cause, hidden cause, hopeless
cause, humanitarian cause, immediate
cause (of death, etc.) (the), important
cause, indirect cause, initial cause
(the), just cause, known cause, leading
cause (of death) (the), likely cause,
long-term cause, lost cause (= sth that
has no chance of succeeding), main
cause (the), major cause (of sth), natural causes, noble cause, possible cause,
prime cause, principal cause, principal
cause (of sb’s success), real cause (the),
reasonable cause (for sth), root cause,
short-term cause, significant cause, social cause, socialist cause, sufficient
cause, the (most) probable cause, the
primary cause, the ultimate cause, the
underlying cause, true cause, unjust
cause, unknown cause, unworthy
cause, worthwhile cause, worthy cause.
abnormal cell, animal cell, blood cell,
brain cell, cancer cell, cancerous cells,
dead cell, egg cell, human cell, invasive
cancer cells, living cells, malignant
cells, monk’s cell, muscle cell, nerve
cell, normal cell, nun’s cell, padded
cell, plant cell, police cell, prison cell,
red blood cells, skin cell, sperm cell,
white blood cells.
city centre, civic centre, commercial
centre, cultural centre, dead centre,
dead centre (of the target) (the), economic centre, exact centre (the), financial centre, hollow centre, important
centre, important financial centres
(the), industrial centre, international
centre, leading centre, local centre,
main centre, major centre, national centre, nerve centre, regional centre, soft
centre, suburban centre, the focal centre (of sth), top centre (the), town centre, trading centre, urban centre, very
centre (the), world centre.
century -AAA
20th,etc. century, earlier century, early
19th century (the), early century (the),
last century (the), late 19th, etc century
(the), later century (the), mid century
(the), new century (the), past century
(the), present century (the), previous
century (the), the next century.
chain -A
bicycle chain, big chain, causal chain,
complex chain, daisy chain, food chain,
gold chain, hotel chain, human chain,
island chain, large chain, long chain,
mountain chain, paper chain, rusty
chain, small chain, supermarket chain,
unbroken chain.
acting chair, antique chair, comfortable
chair, comfy chair, cosy chair, cushioned
chair, deep chair, deputy chair, dilapidated chair, dining chair, empty chair,
fireside chair, folding chair, fragile chair,
hard chair, high-backed chair, kitchen
chair, low chair, mahogany chair, matching chair, non-existent chairs, old-style
barber chair, padded chair, plastic chair,
plush chair, professorial chair, reclining
chair, rickety chair, robust chair, rushseated chair, rustic chair, shaky chair,
soft chair, steel chair, straight-backed
chairs, strong chair, sturdy chair, swivel
chair, tubular chair, tubular steel chairs,
uncomfortable chairs, unstable chairs,
upholstered chairs, upright chair, vacant
chair, wing-backed chair, winged chair,
wobbly chair, wooden chair, worthless
old chairs.
admirable chairman, club chairman,
committee chairman, company chairman, former chairman (the), incoming
chairman, new chairman (the), outgoing chairman, party chairman, present
chairman (the), the acting chairman.
pionship, divisional championship, European championship, international
championship, junior swimming championships, major championship, national championship, swimming championship, tennis championship, world
big challenge, biggest challenge, considerable challenge, credible challenge,
daunting challenge, difficult challenge,
direct challenge, economic challenge,
effective challenge, enormous challenge, environmental challenge, exciting challenge, formidable challenge,
fresh challenge, frontal challenge, great
challenge, greatest challenge, huge
challenge, important challenge, important economic challenge, intellectual
challenge, interesting challenge, leadership challenge, legal challenge, main
challenge, major challenge, new challenge, new exciting challenge, political
challenge, radical challenge, real challenge, serious challenge, significant
challenge, strong challenge, technical
challenge, technological challenge, the
present challenge, the ultimate challenge, title challenge, tough challenge,
undisputed challenges.
boxing champion, defending champion, former champion, former world
champion (the), great champion, lightweight champion, national champion,
new tennis champion, Olympic champion, past champion (the), potential
champion, present-day champions,
reigning champion, singles champion,
snooker champion, the amateur champion, the reigning world champion, the
supreme champion, undisputed champion, world champion, world-class tennis champion, worthy champion.
British championship, collegiate cham-
(no) real chance, (not) an earthly
chance (infml), (not) the slightest
chance, (our) last chance, (sb’s) big
chance, (sb’s) last chance, 10, 20 etc.
per cent chance, another chance, blind
chance, clear chance, clear-cut chance,
educational chance, election chance,
electoral chance, equal chance, equal
chance (of being chosen), even chance,
excellent chance, faint chance, fair
chance, fat chance (= used to say that
sth is very unlikely to happen), fifty-fifty
chance, fighting chance, good chance,
great chance, happy chance, high
chance, ideal chance, life chance, little
chance, lost chances, lucky chance, million-to-one chance, minimal chance,
once-in-a-lifetime chance, one-in-three
chance, outside chance (= a very small
possibility that something will happen),
pure chance, realistic chance, reasonable chance, remote chance, scoring
chance, second chance, sheer chance,
slender chance, slight chance, slim
chance, slim chance (of success), small
chance (of sth happening), splendid
chance, sporting chance, strong chance,
the merest chance, unhappy chance,
unlucky chance, wonderful chance.
(make) a welcome change, (make) substantive changes, (need) a thorough
change, (the need for) radical changes
(in education), abrupt change, adverse
changes, behavioural change, beneficial
changes, big change, bio-chemical
changes, boundary changes, climate
change, climatic changes, complete
change, considerable change, constitu-
tional change, corresponding change,
cosmetic change, cultural change, culture change, definite change, demographic change, desirable change, dietary changes, distinct change, disturbing change, drastic change, economic
change, effective change, enormous
change, environmental change, evolutionary changes, exciting change, extensive change, far-reaching change,
fundamental changes, gear change,
global change, gradual change, gradual
change (in the climate), great change,
historic changes, important change,
incremental change, irreversable
change, last-minute change, legislative
change, lifestyle changes, long-term
change, loose change, major change,
mammoth changes, marginal change,
marked change (in sb/sth), massive
change, minimal change, minor
change, momentous changes, name
change, net change, nice change, noticeable change, organic change, organizational changes, overall change,
overnight change, physiological
change, piecemeal changes, pleasant
change, policy change, political
change, population change, positive
changes, procedural changes, profound
change, progressive changes, prospective changes, qualitative change, quantitative change, radical change, rapid
change, real change, recent changes,
refreshing change, revolutionary
change, rule change, sea change, seasonal change, sex change, sharp
change, short-term change, significant
change, slick gear change, slight
change, slightest change (the), small
change, social change, socioeconomic
change, spare change, structural
change, substantial change, subtle
change, sudden change, surprising
change, sweeping changes, systematic
change, technological change, the consequent climatic changes, the dramatic
changes, the instantaneous change, tu-
multuous change, unanticipated
change, unexpected change, unforeseen
change, unwelcome change, violent
changes, visible changes, wholesale
(go through) the proper channels, appropriate channel, cable channel, commercial channel, commercial TV channel, communication channel, conventional channel, dedicated satellite channels, deep channel, diplomatic channel,
direct channel, distribution channel,
drainage channel, effective channel, formal channel, governmental channels,
independent channel, indirect channel,
informal channel, irrigation channel,
movie channel, narrow channel, normal
channel, official channel, proper channel, radio channel, right channel (the),
river channel, satellite channel, shipping
channel, sports channel, television/TV
channel, terrestrial channel, terrestrial
television channels, usual channel (the),
video channel, water channel.
difficult chapter, final chapter (the), following chapter (the), introductory
chapter, later chapter, sad chapter, the
opening chapter, the penultimate chapter, unhappy chapter (in history).
(of) undeniable character, admirable
character, amiable character, annoying
characters, arrogant character, ASCII
character, bad character, believable
characters, cartoon character, central
character (the), changed character,
charismatic character, chief character,
Chinese character, colourful character,
comic character, complex character,
considerable character, curious character, distinct character, distinctive character, dodgy character, doubtful character,
dubious character, earthy character, eccentric character, elusive character,
emotional character, enigmatic character, essential character, evil character,
excellent character, exemplary character, fascinating character, favourite
characters, fictional characters, fictitious characters, forceful character, formidable character, fundamental character, generous character, gentle character, good character, great character,
gruesome characters, heroic character,
hideous character, historical character,
human character, impeccable character,
individual character, interesting character, international character, intimate
character, intrinsic character, largerthan-life character, laughable characters, leading character, likeable character, lively character, local character, lovable characters, main character (the),
major character (in the book), mean
character, military character, minor
character, moral character, national
character, numeric character, obnoxious character, obsessive and arrogant
character, odd character, oddball character, original character, outrageous
characters, peculiar character, philosophical character, picturesque character, pivotal character, political character, popular character, prickly character,
principal character, public character,
quirky character, real character, reallife character, reformed character, regional character, rounded characters,
rural character, ruthless character,
seedy characters, serious character,
shady character, sleazy character, spotless character, strange character, strong
character, stubborn character, subtle
character, suspicious character, symbolic characters, sympathetic character
(in a novel), the shifting character (of
sth), the supporting character, traditional character, tragic character, tricky
character, true character, unblemished
character, undesirable character, unforgettable character, unique character,
unpleasant character, unsavoury char-
acter, unsympathetic character, urban
character, violent character, volatile
character, weak character, well-loved
character, worthless character.
(at no) extra charge, (positive/negative) electrical charge, (small) additional charge, admission charge, annual
charge, assault charge, bank charges,
baseless charge, baton charge, call
charge, call-out charge, cancellation
charge, cavalry charge, civil charge,
commission charge, corruption charge,
cover charge, criminal charges, daily
charge, delivery charges, disciplinary
charge, drug/drugs charge, electric
charge, electricity charges, false charge,
fixed charge, fraud charge, further
charge, grave charge, groundless
charges, handling charge, heavy charge,
high charge, hire charge, interest
charge, lesser charge, maintenance
charge, minimum charge, minor
charges, murder charge, negative
charge, nominal charge, overall charge,
personal charge, positive charge, postal
charges, prescription charge, reasonable
charge, reduced charge, serious charge,
service charge, small charge, spurious
corruption charges, standing charge,
temporary charge, the sole charge, the
standard charge, total charge, trumpedup charge, unspecified charges, upfront
charges, worthwhile charges.
charity -A
animal charity, cancer charity, conservation charity, crystal charity, educational
charity, housing charity, local charity,
medical charity, national charity, private
charity, registered charity.
annual check, careful check, close
check, complete check, constant check,
continuous check, cross check, cursory
check, customs check, daily check, dental check, double check, final check, fit-
ness check, full check, health check,
identity check, immigration check, important check, independent check,
medical check, nationwide check, natural check, passport check, periodic
checks, police check, quality check,
quick check, random check, regular
check, rigorous check, rigorous safety
checks, rough check, routine check,
safety check, security check, serious
check, severe check, sound check,
spell/spelling check, spot check, stock
check, stringent check, sudden check,
thorough check, tight check, unavoidable check, unexpected check, visual
agricultural chemical, dangerous
chemical, harmful chemical, hazardous
chemicals, household chemical, industrial chemicals, inorganic chemical, lethal chemicals, organic chemical, poisonous chemicals, pure chemical, radioactive chemicals, strong chemical,
synthetic chemicals, systemic chemicals, toxic chemical, volatile chemicals,
weak chemical.
bad chest, bare chest, broad chest, flat
chest, hairless chest, hairy chest, lower
chest, manly chest, massive chest,
muscled chest, muscular chest, naked
chest, narrow chest, powerful chest,
puny chest, strong chest, upper (back
and) chest (the), valuable old chest,
weak chest, wheezy chest.
army chief, council chief, education
chief, health chief, industry chief, intelligence chief, military chief, party chief,
police chief, security chief, tribal chief,
union chief.
(my) next child, (poor) little child,
abandoned child, abused child, aca-
demic children, adorable children, adventurous children, affectionate child,
ailing child, awkward child, backward
child, bad child, battered children,
beautiful child, bouncing child, bright
child, clever child, contrary child, courageous children, curious child, dainty
child, dear (little) child, delicate child,
delighted child, delightful child, delinquent children, demanding child, dependent child, deprived children, destructive child, difficult child, disabled
child, disadvantaged children, disobedient child, docile child, dreamy child,
dull child, eldest child, emotionally disturbed children, enchanting children,
energetic child, fat child, fatherless
child, feisty child, female child, feverish
child, foster child, fractious child, frail
child, frightened children, gentle child,
ghastly children, ghostly children, gifted
children, good child, handicapped children, happy child, healthy child, homeless children, horrible children, horrid
children, hungry children, hyperactive
children, illegitimate child, illiterate
child, imaginative child, innocent
(women and) children, innocent child,
inquisitive child, intelligent child, intractable children, inventive child, irresponsible child, legitimate child, little
child, loveable child, lovely child, loving
child, male child, meek and obedient
child, middle child (the), mischievous
child, missing child, moody child, motherless child, naked child, natural children, naughty child, needy children,
neglected child, newborn child, nice
children, noisy children, obedient children, obliging child, obstinate child,
only child, overgrown child, overweigh
child, particular child, perverse child,
placid child, polite child, poor (little)
child, precocious child, pretty child,
problem child, reserved child, retarded
children, runaway child, school children, sensible child, sick child, sickly
child, skeletal children, skinny child,
sleepy child, slow child, small child,
stable children, street child, stubborn
child, sturdy child, sulky child, sweet
child, teenage children, timid child,
tiny child, troublesome child, truthful
child, ugly child, unborn children, uncontrollable children, underdeveloped
child, unhappy children, unhealthy
children, unruly child, vulnerable child,
wanton child, wayward child, well-behaved child, well-cared-for child, wilful
child, young child.
(sb’s) first choice, (sb’s) number one
choice, (sb’s) second choice, agonizing
choices, apt choice, automatic choice
(the), available choice (the), bad
choice, bewildering choice, calculated
choice, career choice, careful choice,
clear choice, consumer choice, deliberate choice, difficult choice (to make),
excellent choice, free choice, good career choice, good choice, great choice,
happy choice, happy choice (of words),
hard choice, holiday choice, ideal
choice, informed choice, judicious
choice, limited choice, logical choice,
moral choice, multiple choice, natural
choice (the), obvious choice (the), odd
choice, optional choices, painful
choice, parental choice, parental choice
(in education), perfect choice, personal
choice, popular choice, possible
choices, preferred choice (the), rational
choice, sensible choice, simple choice,
stark choice, straight choice, the right
choice, the unanimous choice, tough
choice, unfortunate choice, unhappy
choice, unpopular choice, wide choice,
wide choice (of goods, etc.), wise
choice, wrong choice (the).
believing Christian, born-again Christian, committed Christian, convinced
Christian, devout Christian, evangelical
Christian, fundamentalist Christian,
good Christian, practising Christian,
staunch Christian.
good christmas, green Christmas,
Happy Christmas, last Christmas, merry
Christmas, nice Christmas, traditional
christmas, white christmas.
baroque churches, broad church, Christian church, early church, established
church, evangelical church, free church,
fundamentalist church, gloomy church,
Gothic church, Greek Orthodox Church,
high church, interesting churches, local
church, low church, mainstream
churches, old country church, parish
church, round church, ruined church,
the charismatic church, the Presbyterian church, village church.
duty-free cigarettes, filter tip cigarette,
half-smoked cigarette, hand-rolled cigarette, illicit cigarette, king size cigarette, lighted cigarette, lit cigarette,
low-tar cigarette, menthol cigarette,
regular cigarette (the), strong cigarettes.
academic circle, Antarctic circle, Arctic
circle, aristocratic circle, artistic circle,
business circle, charmed circle, close
circle (of friends), close/closed circle,
complete circle, concentric circle, court
circle, diplomatic circle, dress circle,
exalted circle, family circle, full circle,
government circle, half circle, high
circle(s), immediate circle (the), inner
circle, intellectual circle(s), intimate
circle, large circle (of friends), literary
circle(s), magic circle, narrow circle,
narrow circle (of friends), official
circle(s), overlapping circle, perfect
circle, polar circle, political circle,
rough circle, royal circle, select circle,
small circle, social circle, sporting
circle, theatrical circle, tight circle, upper circle (the), wide circle, wide circle
(of friends), widening circle.
(in) polite circles, academic circles,
avant-garde circles, business circles, elevated circles, exclusive circles, fashionable circles, financial circles, high
circles, influential circles, intellectual
circles, literary circles, official circles,
old-fashioned circles, political circles,
powerful circles, scientific circles, sophisticated circles, wide circles.
adverse circumstance, certain circumstance, changed circumstance, changing circumstance, desperate circumstance, different circumstance, difficult
circumstance, domestic circumstance,
economic circumstance, exceptional
circumstance, extenuating circumstance, extreme circumstance, family
circumstance, favourable circumstance,
financial circumstance, mitigating circumstance, mysterious circumstance,
normal circumstance, particular circumstance, personal circumstance, political circumstance, reduced circumstance, social circumstance, special circumstance, straitened circumstance,
suspicious circumstance, tragic circumstance, trying circumstance, unavoidable circumstance, unfavourable circumstance, unforeseen circumstance,
unusual circumstance.
(changes in sb’s) material circumstances, (in the) changed circumstances, (in) exceptional circumstances, (in) normal circumstances,
(in) strange circumstances, (in) suspicious circumstances, (sb’s) material circumstances, adverse circumstances,
attendant circumstances, awkward circumstances, bizarre circumstances,
calm and easy circumstances, calm circumstances, compromising circumstances, desperate circumstances, different circumstances, difficult circumstances, domestic circumstances, easy
circumstances, economic circumstances,
extraordinary circumstances, extreme
circumstances, family circumstances,
favourable circumstances, financial circumstances, mysterious circumstances,
personal circumstances, political circumstances, reduced circumstances, social circumstances, special circumstances, tragic circumstances, trying circumstances, unfavourable circumstances, unforeseen circumstances, unusual circumstances.
average citizen, decent citizen, fellow
citizens, full citizen, good citizen, honest citizen, Indian citizen, law-abiding
citizens, leading citizen, legal citizen,
model citizen, naturalized citizen, ordinary citizen, private citizen, prominent
citizen, respectable citizen, responsible
citizen, second-class citizen, senior citizen, solid citizen, upright citizen.
city -AAA
(the major) continental cities, (your)
native city, anarchic city, ancient city,
ancient walled city, beautiful city, big
city, busy city, capital cities, cathedral
city, charming city, coastal cities, cosmopolitan city, crowded city, eastern city
(of Lahore etc.), famous city, fascinating
city, great city, handsome city, historic
city, home city, host city, impersonal city,
industrial city, inner city, insignificant
city, large busy city, large city, large impersonal city, lawless city, lovely city,
major cities, modern cities, northern cities (the), old city, orderly city, provincial
city, rough city, ruined city, small city,
strange city, teeming city, the holy city
(of Mecca), twin city, unattractive city,
unfamiliar city, university city, walled
(make) fraudulent insurance claims,
absurd claim, accident claim, astonishing claim, bogus claim, bogus insurance
claim, civil claim, compensation claim,
competing claim, conflicting claim,
damage/damages claim, debatable
claim, dubious claim, exaggerated
claims, excessive claim, extravagant
claims, false claim, fraudulent claim,
good claim, grandiose claim, groundless claims, inaccurate claim, insurance
claim, large claim, legal claim, legitimate claim, moral claim, outlandish
claims, paradoxical claim, pay claim,
phoney insurance claims, preposterous
claim, prior claim, reasonable claim,
rightful claim, rival claim, scientific
claim, silly claims, small claim, spurious claims, strong claim, territorial
claim, unfounded claim, unsubstantiated claim, untenable claims, valid
claim, wage claim.
optional classes, remedial classes, the
lower classes (of society), the middle
classes (the), the proprietary classes, the
upper classes (the), the working classes
arduous climb, dangerous climb, difficult climb, easy climb, exhausting climb,
gradual climb, hard climb, long climb,
painful climb, rapid climb, rapid climb
(to stardom, etc.), rough climb, sharp
climb, short climb, slow climb, steady
climb, steep climb, stiff climb, strenuous
climb, tortuous climb.
clothes, ordinary clothes, outdoor
clothes, outer clothes, outlandish
clothes, outrageous clothes, overnight
clothes, plain clothes, pretty clothes,
proper clothes (the), ragged clothes,
riding clothes, same clothes (the),
school clothes, scruffy clothes, secondhand clothes, see-through clothes, sensible clothes, sexy clothes, shabby
clothes, shabby old clothes, sharp
clothes, sloppy clothes, smart clothes,
sober clothes, sodden clothes, soiled
clothes, sombre clothes, sophisticated
clothes, sports clothes, strange clothes,
stylish clothes, suitable clothes, summer clothes, thin clothes, tight clothes,
trendy clothes, understated clothes,
unwanted clothes, up-to-date clothes,
usable clothes, wacky clothes, warm
clothes, way-out clothes, weird clothes,
wet clothes, winter clothes, women’s
clothes, woollen clothes, work clothes,
working clothes.
cloud -A
(of) low quality class, (of) low social
class, advanced class, average class,
beginners class, big class, biology class,
chattering class, computing class, distinct class, dominant class, dull class,
educated class, elementary class,
evening class, French class, friendly
class, great class, happy class, high
class, high social class, history class,
intermediate class, landed class,
landowning class, language class, large
class, lower class, lower middle class
(the), maths class, middle class (the),
oppressed class, opt-out class, oversized class, privileged class, professional class, rare class, real class, responsive class, ruling class (the), science class, second class (= shoddy / inferior), small class, social class, the
mercantile class, the next class, upper
class (the), upper middle class (the),
working class (the).
big client, business client, corporate client, disgruntled client, established client, existing client, important client,
new client, potential client, private client, prospective client, regular client.
(in) drab clothes, abandoned clothes,
baby clothes, baggy clothes, beautiful
clothes, best clothes, cast-off clothes,
casual clothes, cheap clothes, civilian
clothes, classic clothes, clean clothes,
colourful clothes, comfortable clothes,
conspicuous clothes, conventional
clothes, designer clothes, dirty clothes,
dishevelled clothes, dowdy clothes, elegant clothes, ethnic clothes, evening
clothes, everyday clothes, exclusive designer clothes, exotic clothes, expensive
clothes, fabulous clothes, fancy clothes,
fashionable clothes, fine clothes, flamboyant clothes, flashy clothes, formal
clothes, fresh clothes, fringed clothes,
garish clothes, grubby clothes, identical
clothes, ill-fitting clothes, informal
clothes, jazzy clothes, loose clothes,
loud clothes, lovely clothes, maternity
clothes, men’s clothes, modest clothes,
mourning clothes, nerdy clothes, neutral
clothes, new clothes, nice clothes, night
clothes, old clothes, old-fashioned
billowing cloud, black cloud(s), black
storm clouds, broken cloud, cirrus
cloud, cumulus cloud, dark cloud,
dense cloud, dust cloud, fast-moving
cloud, fluffy clouds, great cloud, grey
cloud, heavy cloud, high cloud, huge
cloud, immense cloud (of smoke), light
cloud, low cloud, menacing clouds,
mushroom cloud, patchy cloud, radioactive cloud, rain cloud, scattered
cloud, scudding cloud, smoke cloud,
storm cloud, swirling cloud, the proverbial cloud, thick clouds, thin clouds,
threatening cloud, thunder cloud,
white cloud, woolly clouds.
affiliated clubs, amateur clubs, athletic
club, book club, exclusive club, fan
club, fashionable club, football club,
gay club, golf club, groovy club, host
club, jazz club, local club (the), night
club, photography club, private club,
rambling club, record club, select club,
singles club, sleazy club, slimming club,
social club, sports club, stuffy club, tennis club, the top club, trendy night
clubs, working men’s club, youth club.
coal -A
bituminous coal, brown coal, burning
coal, coking coal, glowing coal, hard
coal, hot coal, live coal, open cast coal,
red-hot coal, soft coal.
burning coals, glowing coals, hot coals,
live coals, red-hot coals.
dangerous coast, forbidding coast, indented coast, mainland coast, north
coast, northern coast (the), rocky coast,
rugged coast, sea coast, the north-eastern coast, the south coast, the west
coast, wild coast.
coat -A
base coat, belted coat, black coat, cheap
leather coat, curly coat, dark green coat,
double-breasted coat, duffle coat, elegant coat, even coat (of paint), final
coat, fluffy coat, fresh coat (of paint),
frock coat, full-length coat, furry coat,
fur-trimmed coat, glossy coat, gorgeous
coat, hairy tweed coat, heavy coat, light
coat, long coat, long winter coat, morning coat, new coat, ragged coat, rough
coat, shaggy coat, short coat, silky coat,
single-breasted coat, smart coat, smoky
grey coat, smooth coat, spotted coat,
striped coat, tail coat, the top coat, thick
coat, thick warm coat, thin coat, threequarter length coat, trench coat, warm
coat, waterproof coat, winter coat,
woolly coat, worn-out coat.
code -A
(top) secret codes, area code, bar code,
binary codes, charge code, civil code,
criminal code, dialling code, disciplinary
code, DNA code, dress code, error code,
ethical code, genetic code, highway
code, military code, moral code, Morse
code, numerical code, penal code,
post/postal code, professional codes,
secret code, strict code, top-secret military code.
(have) several coffees, bitter coffee,
black coffee, boiling coffee, cold coffee,
dark coffee, decaffeinated coffee, ersatz coffee, excellent coffee, expensive
coffee, filter coffee, fresh coffee, frothy
coffee, good coffee, hot coffee, iced
coffee, instant coffee, lukewarm coffee,
milky coffee, nice coffee, percolated
coffee, quick coffee, real coffee, steaming coffee, strong coffee, sugary coffee,
sweet coffee, sweetened coffee, tepid
coffee, Turkish coffee, weak coffee,
white coffee.
(the) common cold, bad cold, biting
cold, bitter cold, chest cold, deadly
cold, extreme cold, freezing cold, head
cold, heavy cold, icy cold, intense cold,
nasty cold, rotten cold, severe cold,
sharp cold, slight cold, stinking cold,
streaming cold, unbearable cold.
complete collapse, devastating collapse, economic collapse, financial collapse, general collapse, mental collapse, nervous collapse, physical collapse, serious collapse, sudden collapse, swift collapse, total collapse,
unexpected collapse, utter collapse, virtual collapse.
academic colleague, business colleague, cabinet colleague, close colleague, cynical colleagues, female colleague, junior colleague, male colleague, medical colleague, parliamentary colleague, professional colleague,
senior colleague, trusted colleague,
work colleague.
amazing collection, antiques collection,
archive collection, art collection, autumn collection, beautiful collection (of
sth), big collection, bizarre collection,
book collection, CD collection, celebrated collection, charity collection,
church collection, coin collection, complete collection, comprehensive collection, core collection, data collection,
debt collection, disparate collection, distinguished collection, diverse collection,
door-to-door collection, eclectic collection, efficient collection, entire collection, extensive collection, extraordinary
collection, family collection, famous
collection, fascinating collection, fine
collection, fine collection (of bronzes,
etc.), finest collection (of paintings)
(the), free collection, good collection,
great collection, growing collection,
heterogeneous collection, historical collection, house-to-house collection, huge
collection, important collection, impressive collection, interesting collection,
international collection, jumbled collection, large collection, library collection,
local collection, loose collection, magnificent collection, major collection,
manuscript collection, miscellaneous
collection, motley collection (of sth),
museum collection, national collection,
new collection, odd collection, outstanding collection, permanent collection, personal collection, photographic
collection, picture collection, plant collection, postcard collection, prestigious
collection, priceless collection, private
collection, public collection, random
collection, ready-to-wear collection,
record collection, reference collection,
refuse collection, remarkable collection,
renowned collection, rent collection,
representative collection, research collection, reserve collection, revenue collection, rich collection, routine collection, rubbish collection, small collection,
spring collection, stamp collection,
strange collection, street collection,
stunning collection, substantial collection, superb collection, systematic collection, tax collection, unique collection, useful collection, valuable collection, varied collection, vast collection,
waste collection, weekly collection.
agricultural college, art college, community college, FE/further education
college, local college (the), medical college, military college, music college,
police college, private college, secretarial colleges, sixth form college,
teacher college, technical college, tertiary college, theological college, training college, tutorial college, university
college, veterinary college.
(bright) yellow colour, (cold) grey
colour, (dead) brown colour, (in two)
different colours, (in) drab colours, (of)
a medium colour, (pass sth with) flying
colours, (sb’s) favourite colour, (show
yourself in your) true colours, (sickly)
green colour, aqua colours, assorted
colours, attractive colour, autumn/autumnal colour, basic colour, beautiful
colour, bizarre colours, blue colour,
bold colour, bright colour, brilliant
colour, brown colour, cheerful colours,
clear colour, cold colours, complementary colour, contrasting colour, cool
colours, dark colour, dead colour, deep
colours, definite colour, dull colour,
earthy colours, even colour, exact
colour (the), eye colour, fabulous
colours, faint colour, fast colours, fluorescent colour, fresh colours, garish
colours, gaudy colour, glowing colours,
gorgeous colour, hair colour, hard
colours, harsh colours, heightened
colour, high colour, indeterminate
colour, intense colour, jazzy colours,
light brown colour, light colour, loud
colour, lovely colour, lurid colour,
matching colour, mellow autumn
colours, muddy colour, muted colour,
national colours, natural colour, neutral
colour, nice colour, orange colour, pale
colour, particular colour, pastel colours,
patchy colour, peculiar colour, pleasing
colour, primary colour, quiet colours,
red colour, reddish-blue colour, regimental colours, rich colour, same colour
(the), secondary colour, sickly green
colour, skin colour, sober colours, soft
colour, sombre colour, striking colours,
strong colour, subdued colours, subtle
colours, tasteful colours, uniform colour,
unnatural (orange) colour, various
colours, vibrant colours, violent colours,
vivid colour, vivid colours (and patterns), warm colours.
column -A
agony column, armoured column, classical column, Corinthian column, correspondence column, daily column, death
column, dense column (of smoke),
Doric column, editorial column, financial column, fluted column, gossip column, huge column, Ionic column,
leader column, letters column, lonely
hearts column, long column, long column (of troops and tanks), marching
column, newspaper column, obituary
column, personal column, political column, regular column, stone column, tall
column, tank column, the left-hand column, travel column, weekly column.
attractive combination, bad combination, colour combination, curious combination, delicious combination, disastrous combination, every conceivable
combination, fiery combination, formidable combination, good combination,
gruesome combination, happy combination, harmonious colour combinations,
heady combination, perfect combination, poignant combination, powerful
combination, rare combination, right
combination (the), strange combination, successful combination, the deadly
combination, the inseparable combination, unbeatable combination, unique
combination, unusual combination,
winning combination.
army command, complete command,
cryptic commands, direct command,
excellent command, express command,
fluent command, full command, good
command, high command, integrated
command, joint command, military
command, overall command, peremptory command, perfect command, personal command, poor command, sole
command, sure command (of the
facts), the supreme command, total
command, unified command.
(sb’s) earlier comments, adverse comment, appreciative comment, apt comment, barbed comments, bitchy comments, bland comments, brief comments, casual comment, caustic comments, classic comment, constructive
comment, critical comment, cryptic
comment, cynical comments, damning
comment, derogatory comment, detailed comment, disparaging comment,
editorial comment, fair comment,
favourable comment (about sb),
favourable comment (about sth), foolish comment, frivolous comments,
funny comment, general comment,
generalized comment, gritty comment,
helpful comment, hostile comment, inappropriate comments, incisive comments, indirect comment, innocent
comments, insulting comments, interesting comment, ironic comment, kind
comment, malicious comment, marginal comments, misleading comments,
negative comment, oblique comment,
obvious comment, official comment,
off-the-cuff comment, outspoken comments, passing comment, perceptive
comment, personal comments, pertinent comments, pointed comments,
poisonous comments, political comment, positive comment, press comment, provocative comment, public
comment, racist comments, rude comment, sad comment, sarcastic comments, sardonic comment, scathing
comment, shrewd comment, snide comments, social comment, sour comments,
stupid comment, subjective comment,
tasteless comment, terse comment,
throwaway comment, truthful comments, typical comment, unfair comment, unfavourable comment, uninformed comment, valid comment, vindictive comment, written comment,
wry comment.
10-second commercial, award-winning
commercial, cinema commercial, good
commercial future, hard-hitting commercial, popular commercial, powerful
commercial, radio commercial, television/TV commercial.
big commission, economic commission,
election commission, electoral commission, fact-finding commission, fixed
commission, government commission,
high commission, independent commission, international commission, investigating commission, investigative commission, joint commission, judicial commission, national commission, official
commission, parliamentary commission, permanent commission, planning
commission, private commission, public
commission, roving commission, royal
commission, small commission, special
commission, special parliamentary commission, standing commission, working
absolute commitment, big commitment,
binding commitment, business commitment, clear commitment, complete
commitment, considerable commit-
ment, continued commitment, continuing commitment, deep commitment,
domestic commitment, emotional commitment, family commitments, financial commitments, firm commitment,
full commitment, general commitment,
genuine commitment, government
commitment, great commitment, heavy
commitment, ideological commitment,
increased commitment, increasing
commitment, international commitment, irrevocable commitment, lifelong
commitment, long-term commitment,
major commitment, military commitment, moral commitment, ongoing
commitment, open-ended commitment, overseas commitment, passionate commitment, personal commitment, political commitment, prior commitment, professional commitment,
public commitment, real commitment,
religious commitment, serious commitment, single-minded commitment, social commitment, strong commitment,
teaching commitments, total commitment, unequivocal commitment, work
ad hoc committee, advisory committee,
appeal committee, audit committee,
bipartisan committee, central committee (the), congressional committee,
consultative committee, disciplinary
committee, executive committee, finance committee, governmental committee, health committee, housing
committee, joint committee, management committee, parliamentary committees, planning committee, select
committee, selection committee, special committee, standing committee,
steering committee, strike committee,
the welcoming committee.
business communication, direct communication, effective communication,
electronic communication, formal com-
munication, global communication,
good communication, handwritten communication, international communication, interpersonal communication,
mass communication, nonverbal communication, official communication,
online communication, open communication, oral communication, poor communication, radio communication, rail
communication, regular communication, road communication, telephone
communication, two-way communication, verbal communication, vocal communication, written communication.
global communications, good communications, international communications,
mass communications, online communications, radio communications, rail
communications, road communications,
telephone communications.
community -AAA
academic community, affluent communities, Afro-Caribbean community, anarchist community, Asian community, bilingual community, black community,
business community, caring community,
Christian community, close community,
close-knit community, contended community, ethnic communities, farming
community, gay community (the), greek
community (the), harmonious community, homogeneous community, immigrant community, international community (the), jewish community (the),
large community, lively community, local community, local Hindu/Christian
community (the), mining community,
minority community, mixed community,
multiracial community, muslim community (the), orthodox community, powerful community, religious community,
rural community, scientific community,
small community, the lesbian communities, the local Jewish community, thriving community, tight-knit community,
tightly-knit community, vibrant commu-
nity, village community, wider community (the).
company -AAA
comparison, unfair comparison,
unfavourable comparison, useful comparison, valid comparison.
(in) private company, agreeable company, ailing company, assembled company, associated company, bad company, ballet company, big companies,
big-name company, bogus company,
bus company, commercial company,
congenial company, dubious company,
dynamic young company, embattled
companies, engaging company, enterprising company, exalted company, famous company, foreign-owned company, good company, influential companies, insolvent private companies, insurance company, international company, joint stock company, large company, large engineering companies,
limited company, local company, major
company, medium-sized company,
mixed company, multimedia companies, multinational company, national
company, offshore companies, oil company, pharmaceutical companies,
phone company, pleasant company,
polite company, poor company, powerful companies, predatory companies,
present company (excepted), private
company, progressive company, public
company, record company, rival company, select few companies, small companies, solvent company, splendid company, start-up company, successful company, theatre company, theatrical company, touring company, trading company, unhealthy company, well-established companies, world-class company,
young company.
broad comparison, close comparison,
crude comparison, detailed comparison, direct comparison, fair comparison, favourable comparison, favourable
comparison (between two things),
good comparison, irrelevant comparison, meaningful comparison, simple
(inter-)collegiate competition, close
competition, cut-throat competition,
dancing competition, dishonest competition, domestic competition, economic
competition, even competition, fair
competition, fierce competition, foreign
competition, free competition, global
competition, healthy competition, hot
competition, increased competition, intense competition, international competition, keen competition, knock-out
competition, national competition, open
competition, overseas competition, piano competition, serious competition,
severe competition, sporting competition, stiff competition, stimulating competition, strong competition, tough
competition, triangular sporting competition, unfair competition.
(tired of sb’s) endless complaints, back
complaint, bitter complaint, chest complaint, chronic complaint, common
complaint, constant complaints, consumer complaint, continual complaints,
customer complaint, familiar complaint,
formal complaint, frequent complaint,
frivolous complaints, justifiable complaints, loud complaints, medical complaint, mild complaint, minor complaint, never-ending complaints, official
complaint, perennial complaint, perpetual complaints, serious complaint,
shrill complaints, vociferous complaints.
(modern) shipping complexes, castration complex, conference complex, entertainment complex, factory complex,
guilt complex, holiday complex, hospital complex, housing complex, huge
complex, industrial complex, inferiority
complex, large complex, leisure com-
plex, museum complex, Oedipus complex, office complex, persecution complex, real complex, shopping complex,
sports complex, superiority complex,
terrible complex, vast complex.
affordable computers, analogue computer, beloved computer, brand-new
computer, compact computer, desktop
computer, digital computer, hand-held
computer, home computer, intelligent
computer, laptop computer, latest computers, latest personal computer (the),
mainframe computer, notebook computer, parallel computer, personal computer, portable computer, powerful
computer, robust computer.
deep concentration, exclusive concentration, fierce concentration, geographical concentration, great concentration, heavy concentration, high concentration, high concentrations (of
minerals), increased concentration, intense concentration, large concentration, low concentration, poor concentration, strong concentrations, total
abstract concept, abstract concepts (of
justice and fair play), alien concepts,
ambiguous concept, basic concept
(the), basic concepts, bizarre concept,
broad concept, business concept, central concept, clear concept (the), complex concept, core concept, design concept, difficult concept, economic concept, elemental concept, elusive concept, entire concept (the), essential
concept, fundamental concept, general
concept, historical concept, important
concept, intellectual concept, key concept, legal concept, mathematical concept, modern concept, nebulous concept, new concept (in teaching), novel
concept, old-fashioned concept, overall
concept, political concept, precise concept, psychological concept, religious
concept, revolutionary concept, scientific concept, simple concept, sophisticated concept, the underlying concept,
theoretical concept, traditional concept,
twin concepts, useful concept, vague
concept, whole concept (the), wider
(feel) acute concern, (of) great concern,
(of) major concern, (perfectly) legitimate concern, central concern (sb’s),
chief concern, common concern, considerable concern, deep concerns, environmental concerns, grave concern(s),
groundless concerns, growing concern,
humanitarian concern, immediate concerns, main concern, major publishing
concern, mounting concern, national
concern, ostentatious concern, paramount concern, particular concern, passionate concern, primary concern, prime
concern, principal concern, public concern, serious concern, sincere concern,
the foremost concern, the overriding
concern, understandable concern, widespread concern.
(be a) foregone conclusion, correct conclusion, damning conclusion, disturbing
conclusion, erroneous conclusions, false
conclusion, general conclusion, hasty
conclusion, illogical conclusion, incorrect conclusions, inescapable conclusion, inevitable conclusion, lazy conclusions, logical conclusion, main conclusion, obvious conclusion, premature
conclusion, reasonable conclusion, satisfactory conclusion, similar conclusion,
sound conclusions, successful conclusion, successful conclusion (of a trade
treaty) (the), tentative conclusion, valid
conclusion, wrong conclusion.
(a car in) good condition, (be in a) fear-
ful condition, (be in a) fit condition, (in
a) bad condition, (in a) critical condition, (in a) serious condition, (in)
grand condition, (in) immaculate condition, (in) pristine condition, (in) terrible condition, adverse condition, appalling condition, awful condition,
chronic condition, climatic condition,
controlled condition, difficult condition, dreadful condition, driving condition, economic condition, emotional
condition, environmental condition, excellent condition, experimental condition, fair condition, favourable condition, freak condition, harsh condition,
heart condition, hereditary condition,
hopeless condition, housing condition,
human condition (the), ideal condition,
incurable condition, inflammatory condition, laboratory condition, liver condition, living condition (the), local condition, lung condition, market condition, medical condition, mental condition, mint condition, necessary condition, necessary condition (for economic
growth), nervous condition, normal
condition, operating condition, optimum condition, original condition
(the), pathological condition, peak
condition, perfect condition, person's
emotional and physical condition,
physical condition, political condition
(the), poor condition, present condition (the), prevailing condition, rare
condition, reasonable condition, serious heart condition, serious medical
condition, severe condition, shameful
condition, skin condition, social condition, soil condition, special condition,
stable condition, strict condition, stringent condition, sufficient condition,
sweltering condition, treacherous condition, weather condition, working
(abnormal) meteorological conditions,
(in) wet conditions, (in) windy condi-
tions, (under) difficult conditions, abnormal conditions, acidic conditions,
advantageous conditions, adverse
(weather) conditions, appalling conditions, arid conditions, atmospheric conditions, austere conditions, awful conditions, bad weather conditions, benign
conditions, changing conditions, climatic conditions, comfortable conditions, confined conditions, controlled
conditions, cramped conditions, degrading conditions, deplorable conditions, detailed conditions, diverse conditions, dreadful conditions, driving
conditions, easy conditions, economic
conditions, environmental conditions,
exacting conditions, existing conditions,
experimental conditions, external conditions, extreme weather conditions,
fair conditions, favourable conditions,
favourable economic conditions, fierce
conditions, filthy conditions, firm conditions, fluctuating conditions, freak
conditions, frightful conditions, generous conditions, good conditions, grim
conditions, hard conditions, harsh
prison conditions, hazardous conditions, hazy weather conditions, horrifying conditions, hostile conditions, housing conditions, humid conditions, hygienic conditions, ideal conditions,
identical conditions, improper conditions, improved conditions, indispensable conditions, inhospitable conditions, inhuman conditions, intolerable
conditions, laboratory conditions, lenient conditions, living conditions, market conditions, miserable conditions,
miserable housing conditions, normal
conditions, operating conditions, optimum conditions, physical conditions,
political conditions, poor conditions,
poor living conditions, poor working
conditions, primitive conditions, prior
conditions, provisional conditions,
recessionary conditions, rigid conditions, rigorous conditions, sanitary conditions, severe conditions, shocking
conditions, slippery conditions, social
conditions, soil conditions, squalid conditions, stable conditions, stark prison
conditions, stiff conditions, stringent
conditions, suitable conditions, surrounding conditions, terrible conditions, the gruelling conditions, the
harsh conditions (of poverty), the prevailing economic conditions, treacherous conditions, trying conditions, turbulent weather conditions, unacceptable conditions, uncomfortable conditions, unequal (pay and) conditions,
unfair conditions, unhealthy conditions, unsuitable conditions, varying
conditions, weather conditions, working conditions, wretched conditions.
aggressive conduct, appalling conduct,
bad conduct, brave conduct, business
conduct, courageous conduct, cowardly
conduct, criminal conduct, day-to-day
conduct, deplorable conduct, discreditable conduct, disgraceful conduct,
dishonourable conduct, disorderly conduct, exemplary conduct, fraudulent
conduct, frivolous conduct, generous
conduct, good conduct, homosexual
conduct, human conduct, idle conduct,
ignorant conduct, illegal conduct, immoral conduct, impeccable conduct,
improper conduct, inconsistent conduct, inexcusable conduct, inexplicable
conduct, irresponsible conduct, loyal
conduct, negligent conduct, offensive
conduct, personal conduct, police conduct, professional conduct, proper conduct, selfish conduct, sexual conduct,
shameful conduct, shocking conduct,
strange conduct, stupid conduct, subsequent conduct, treacherous conduct,
unethical conduct, ungentlemanly conduct, unlawful conduct, unprofessional
conduct, unseemly conduct, violent
conduct, wrongful conduct.
annual conference, constitutional con-
ference, consultative conference, diplomatic conference, disarmament conference, education conference, environment conference, formal conference,
full conference, high-level conference,
impromptu press conference, inaugural
conference, industry conference, intergovernmental conference, international
conference, joint conference, management conference, ministerial conference, multi-party conference, national
conference, news conference, one-day
conference, party conference, peace
conference, preliminary conference,
preparatory conference, press conference, private conference, quarterly conference, regional conference, sales conference, staff conference, successful
conference, summit conference, trade
conference, video conference, well-attended conference, world conference,
yearly conference.
(have) a quiet confidence, (in) strict
confidence, (in) the strictest confidence,
absolute confidence, added confidence,
brittle confidence, business confidence,
calm confidence, complete confidence,
considerable confidence, consumer confidence, customer confidence, easy confidence, enormous confidence, extra
confidence, false confidence, fresh confidence, full confidence, great confidence, growing confidence, high confidence, increased confidence, increasing
confidence, inner confidence, international confidence, investor confidence,
market confidence, misplaced confidence, mutual confidence, new confidence, newfound confidence, personal
confidence, popular confidence, public
confidence, real confidence, reasonable
confidence, renewed confidence, social
confidence, sublime confidence, superb
confidence, supreme confidence, total
confidence, touching confidence, tremendous confidence, utter confidence,
whispered confidence.
armed conflict, big conflict, bitter conflict, civil conflict, class conflict, constant conflict, continued conflict, continuing conflict, cultural conflict, direct
conflict, ethnic conflict, family conflict,
fundamental conflict, global conflict,
great conflict, growing conflict, ideological conflict, increasing conflict, industrial conflict, inherent conflict, inner conflict, internal conflict, international conflict, long-running conflict,
major conflict, military conflict, open
conflict, overt conflict, party-political
conflict, political conflict, racial conflict, regional conflict, religious conflict, serious conflict, sharp conflict,
social conflict, unresolved conflict, violent conflict.
aristocratic connection, bus connection,
business connection, causal connection,
clear connection, close connection (between two things), close connection
(with sth), direct connection (with
sth), electrical connection, family connection, good connection, intimate
connection, loose connection, necessary connection, obvious connection,
personal connection, pipe connection,
political connection, professional connection, rail/railway connection, social
connection, special connection (with
god), strong connection, tenuous connection, train connection.
adverse consequence, bad consequence, beneficial consequence, catastrophic consequence, damaging consequence, dangerous consequence, devastating consequence, dire consequence, direct consequence, disastrous
consequence, ecological consequence,
economic consequence, electoral consequence, environmental consequence,
far-reaching consequence, fatal conse-
quence, financial consequence, full consequence, good consequence, harmful
consequence, immediate consequence,
important consequence, indirect consequence, inevitable consequence, legal
consequence, likely consequence, logical consequence, long-term consequence, main consequence, major consequence, natural consequence, necessary consequence, negative consequence, physical consequence, political
consequence, positive consequence,
possible consequence, potential consequence, probable consequence, profound consequence, serious consequence, severe consequence, short-term
consequence, social consequence, terrible consequence, tragic consequence,
unfortunate consequence, unintended
consequence, unpleasant consequence.
bad consequences, damaging consequences, dangerous consequences, dire
consequences, economic consequences,
far-reaching consequences, fearful consequences, foreseeable consequences,
gastric consequences, harmful consequences, health consequences, unpleasant consequences.
architectural conservation, art conservation, bird conservation, building conservation, elephant conservation, energy
conservation, environmental conservation, forest conservation, nature conservation, painting/paintings conservation,
soil conservation, water conservation,
wildlife conservation.
(after) careful consideration (of sth),
(after) due consideration, (after) serious consideration (of sth), active consideration, adequate consideration, aesthetic consideration, commercial consideration, detailed consideration, economic consideration, environmental
consideration, ethical consideration, financial consideration, full consideration, health consideration, important
consideration, legal consideration,
main consideration, major consideration, minor consideration, moral consideration, overriding consideration,
paramount consideration, personal
consideration, political consideration,
practical consideration, prime consideration, proper consideration, safety consideration, scant consideration, secondary consideration, security consideration, special consideration, sufficient
consideration, urgent consideration.
(have a) strong constitution, codified
constitution, delicate constitution, draft
constitution, federal constitution, good
constitution, interim constitution, proposed constitution, sound constitution,
state constitution, unwritten constitution, weak constitution, written constitution.
active construction, adjectival construction, basic construction (the), brick
construction, bridge construction,
building construction, canal construction, careful construction, complex
construction, fibreglass construction,
gigantic construction, grammatical
construction, heavy construction,
house/housing construction, huge construction, ideological construction, infinitive construction, large construction, linguistic construction, literal construction, logical construction, massive
construction, passive construction,
predicative construction, proper construction, railway construction, road
construction, sensible construction,
sentence construction, simple construction, social construction (the), solid
construction, steel construction, strict
construction, syntactic construction,
theoretical construction, timber construction, timber-frame construction,
true construction, wooden construction.
average consumer, big consumer, commercial consumer, domestic consumer,
educated consumers, electricity consumer, energy consumer, foreign consumer, great consumer, green consumer,
hard-pressed consumers, industrial consumer, large consumer, ordinary consumer, passive consumer, potential consumer, sophisticated consumer.
(in) close contact (with sb), business
contact, direct contact, direct contact
(with sb), everyday contact, face-to-face
contact, frequent contact, good contact,
intimate contact, personal contact,
physical contact, regular contact, sexual
contact, useful contact, valuable contact.
broad contacts, friendly contacts, social
contacts, tenuous contacts, useful contacts, wide contacts.
content -A
(overt) political content, alcohol content, calorie content, carbon content, fat
content (the), fibre content, high (potassium/sugar, etc.) content, high sugar
content, low content, low fat content,
moisture content, protein content, sugar
content, sulphur content, the nutritional
content, vitamin content.
acidic contents.
African context, appropriate context,
Asian context, broad context, business
context, certain context, changed context, changing context, Christian context, classroom context, commercial
context, communicative context, contemporary context, conversational context, correct context (the), cultural
context, different context, economic
context, educational context, everyday
context, experimental context, fictional
context, general context, geographical
context, given context, global context,
historical context, human context
(the), immediate context, international
context, Islamic context, larger context
(the), legal context, literary context,
local context, meaningful context,
modern context, narrow context, national context, neutral context, new
context, normal context, novel context,
original context (the), overall context,
particular context, political context,
practical context, proper context, real
context, realistic context, regional context, religious context, right context
(the), school context, social context,
specific context, temporal context, the
relevant context, theoretical context,
wider context (the).
big contract, binding contract, bona
fide contract, business contract, casual
contract, catering contract, close contract, commercial contract, construction contract, employment contract,
enforceable contract, fixed-term contract, formal contract, haulage contract, important contract, legal contract, long-term contract, lucrative contract, maintenance contract, major contract, marriage contract, open-ended
contracts, permanent contract, research contract, service contract, shortterm contracts, three-year contract,
unenforceable contract, valid contract,
verbal contract, void contract, written
(in) marked contrast (to), (in) sharp
contrast, (in) stark contrast (to sth),
(in) striking contrast (to), artful contrast (of shapes), clear contrast, complete contrast, deep contrast, direct contrast, dramatic contrast, staggering contrasts, startling contrast, strong contrast,
violent contrast.
convention -A
big contribution, enormous contribution, generous contribution, great contribution, huge contribution, important
contribution, important contribution (to
the debate), invaluable contribution,
large contribution, major contribution,
minor contribution, modest contribution, notable contribution, outstanding
contribution, positive contribution, significant contribution, significant contribution (to scientific knowledge), small
contribution, strong contribution, substantial contribution, useful contribution, valuable contribution, voluntary
(clear) passport control, (in) practical
control, (take) effective control (in sb’s
absence), absolute control, air-traffic
control, arms control, biological pest
control, birth control, border control,
budgetary control, bureaucratic control,
close control, complete control, cost
control, crowd control, direct control,
editorial control, export control, full
control, government control, gun control, institutional control, lax control,
parental control, patriarchal control,
pest control, political control, pollution
control, price control, proper control,
quality control, remote control, rent
control, rigid control, social control,
state control, statutory control, stock
control, strict control, stringent control,
superb control, the biological control (of
insect pests), the sole political control,
tight control, total control, tough control, traffic control, variable timer control, volume control.
dual controls, export controls, ineffective controls, lax controls, price controls, stiff controls, strict controls, stringent controls, tight controls, tough controls.
(under) applicable international conventions, accepted convention, annual
convention, arbitrary convention, careers convention, climate convention,
constitutional convention, cultural convention, Democratic convention, draft
convention, dramatic convention, established convention, European convention, fictional convention, global
convention, human rights convention,
international convention, legal convention, literary convention, long-standing
convention, Marxist convention, narrative convention, national convention,
normal convention, old convention, operatic convention, orthographic convention, party convention, poetic convention, polite convention, political
convention, punctuation convention,
Republican convention, rhetorical convention, rigid convention, social convention, strict convention, the standard
convention, the usual convention, traditional convention, UN/United Nations convention, well-established convention.
adult conversation, after-dinner conversation, amiable conversation, amusing conversation, animated conversation, boring conversation, brief conversation, casual conversation, chance
conversation, civilized conversation,
complicated conversation, cordial conversation, desultory conversation, easy
conversation, endless conversation, everyday conversation, face-to-face conversation, fascinating conversation,
friendly conversation, general conver-
sation, good conversation, great conversation, halting conversation, hushed
conversation, idle conversation, imaginary conversation, informal conversation, intelligent conversation, interesting conversation, intimate conversation,
lengthy conversation, light conversation, long conversation, low-voiced conversation, murmured conversation,
muted conversation, muttered conversation, normal conversation, off-therecord conversation, one-sided conversation, ordinary conversation, overheard conversation, painful conversation, personal conversation, phone conversation, pleasant conversation, polite
conversation, private conversation,
proper conversation, quiet conversation,
real conversation, recorded conversation, serious conversation, short conversation, shouted conversation, simple
conversation, sluggish conversation,
sparkling conversation, spirited conversation, stilted conversation, stimulating
conversation, strange conversation, subdued conversation, surreptitious conversation, taped conversation, telephone
conversation, two-way conversation,
whispered conversation.
cook -A
accomplished cook, adventurous cook,
amateur cook, born cook, excellent
cook, good cook, gourmet cook, hopeless cook, indifferent cook, ingenious
cook, professional cook, skilled cook,
superb cook, the assistant cook, versatile cook.
copy -AA
accurate copy, additional copy, advance
copy, advertising copy, authentic copy,
back copy, back-up copy, bad copy, battered copy, bootleg copy, bound copy,
carbon copy, certified copy, cheap copies, clean copy, complimentary copy,
crude copy, draft copy, duplicate copy,
editorial copy, exact copy, extra copy,
facsimile copy, fair copy, faithful copy
(of sth), free copy, fresh copy, further
copy, good copy, great copy, hard copy,
hardback copy, identical copy, illegal
copy, illicit copy, imperfect copy, interesting copy, knocking copy, leatherbound copy, manuscript copy, master
copy, modern copy, multiple copy, old
copy, original copy, paper copy, paperback copy, perfect copy, personal copy,
photographic copy, photostat copy, pirate/pirated copy, poor copy, presentation copy, printed copy, pristine copy,
proof copy, review copy, rough copy,
signed copy, spare copy, tattered copy,
the top copy, true copy, unauthorized
copy, well-thumbed copy, working copy.
(in) a tight corner (= a difficult situation), awkward corner, back corner
(the), blind corner, bottom corner,
breezy corner, dark corner, distant corner, external corner (the), extreme corner, far corner (the), far-flung corner,
forgotten corner, front corner (the),
gloomy corner, hidden corner, inner
corner (the), inside corner, internal
corner, left/left-hand corner, little corner, lower corner, nasty corner, obscure
corner, odd corner, opposite corner
(the), outside corner (the), overhanging corner, penalty corner, picturesque
corner, projecting corner, quiet corner,
remote corner, right/right-hand corner,
rounded corner, secluded corner, secret
corner, shadowed corner, shadowy corner, shady corner, sharp corner, sheltered corner, short corner, small corner,
south corner, southern corner (the),
south-western corner, street corner, the
(top) left-hand corner, the outer corner,
tiny corner, top corner (the), upper corner (the), very corner.
additional cost, administration/administrative cost, annual cost, average cost,
basic cost (the), budgeted cost, capital
cost, considerable cost, development
cost, direct cost (the), dreadful cost,
enormous cost, environmental cost, environmental cost (of nuclear power)
(the), escalating cost, estimated cost,
extra cost, financial cost, fixed cost, fuel
cost, full cost (the), great cost, gross
cost, heavy cost, high cost, high cost (of
housing) (the), huge cost, human cost,
indirect cost, labour cost, legal cost
(the), likely cost, low cost, marginal
cost, minimal cost, monthly cost, net
cost, operating cost, overall cost (the),
personal cost, political cost, potential
cost (the), production cost, prohibitive
cost, real cost (the), replacement cost,
rising cost, running cost, social cost
(the), start-up cost, terrible cost, terrible
cost (of the war in death and suffering)
(the), the approximate cost, the disproportionate cost, total cost (the), transport cost, travel cost, true cost (the),
unit cost, variable cost.
additional costs, administration costs,
administrative costs, annual costs, considerable costs, enormous costs, escalating costs, excessive costs, extravagant
costs, fuel costs, great costs, heating
costs, high costs, huge costs, human
costs (of sth) (the), labour costs, legal
costs, low costs, marginal costs, operating costs, operational costs, overhead
costs, overwhelming costs, production
costs, prohibitive costs, prospective
costs, research and development costs,
rising costs, running costs, social costs
of sth (the), sundry costs, transport
costs, transportation costs, travel costs,
wasted costs.
advisory council, arts council, borough
council, city council, community council, county council, district council,
elected council, funding council, legislative council, local council (the), metropolitan council, municipal council, parish council, parochial church council,
provincial council, regional council,
representative council, research council, rural council (the), sports council,
town council, urban council (the).
(at) the last count, blood count, body
count, calorie count, cell count, head
count, high count, low count, pollen
count, sperm count.
country -AAA
(most) populous country, (politically)
stable country, adopted country, advanced country, affluent countries, African country, alien country, allied
countries, Anglophone country, Arab
country, autonomous country, backward country, beautiful country, beloved country, capitalist country, Catholic country, civilized country, cold country, communist country, continental
countries, democratic country, desert
country, developed country, developing
country, distant country, dreadful country, dry country, Eastern countries, enemy country, English-speaking country,
entire country (the), EU country, far
country, faraway country, farming
country, far-off country, fascinating
country, federal country, flat country,
foreign country, free country, friendly
countries, great country, hill/hilly
country, home country, host country,
hot country, huge country, hunting
country, indebted countries, independent countries, individual countries,
industrial country, industrialized countries, large country, less developed
countries, linguistically divided country, low-income country, majestic country, member country, Middle Eastern
countries, mountain/mountainous
country, multinational countries, Muslim country, native country, NATO
country, neutral country, non-member
country, Nordic countries, notorious
country, occupied country, oil-exporting
country, oil-producing country, open
country, oriental countries, overseas
country, patriarchal country, poor country, powerful countries, prosperous
country, rich country, rough country,
rugged country, Scandinavian countries,
scenic country, Shakespeare country,
socialist country, strange country, strong
country, subject countries, temperate
country, the most educated country, the
neighbouring country, the next country,
the non-aligned countries, the quintessential Midwestern farming country, the
Western country, Third World country,
Thomas Hardy country, tropical country,
underdeveloped country, walking country, whole country (the), wild country,
wooded country, young country.
countryside -A
attractive countryside, beautiful countryside, delightful countryside, dull
countryside, English countryside, fertile
countryside, flat countryside, French
countryside (the), glorious countryside,
green countryside, hilly countryside,
Kent countryside, local countryside
(the), lovely countryside, lush countryside, magnificent countryside, mountainous countryside, native countryside,
nearby countryside, open countryside,
peaceful countryside, picturesque countryside, pleasant countryside, pretty
countryside, quiet countryside, rolling
countryside, rugged countryside, spectacular countryside, stunning countryside, Sussex countryside (the), the surrounding countryside, tranquil countryside, undulating countryside, unspoilt
countryside, wild countryside, wonderful countryside, wooded countryside.
(like) any other couple, beautiful
couple, bridal couple, carefree couple,
childless couple, cohabiting couple,
compatible couple, cute couple, divorced couple, elderly couple, engaged
couple, fashionable couple, gay couple,
glamorous couples, good-looking
couple, handsome couple, heterosexual
couple, homely couple, homosexual
couple, honeymoon couple, incompatible couple, infertile couple, lesbian
couple, lovely couple, married couple,
middle-aged couple, newly-married
couple, newly-wed couple, perfect
couple (the), respectable couple, retired couple, royal couple (the), same
sex couple, teenage couple, unaffected
couple, unlikely couple, unmarried
couple, worthy old couple, young
(in) due course, (in) the normal course
(of events), (only) rational course, academic course, advanced course, advanced course (of study), annual
course (the), approved course (of action), best course (is to do sth) (the),
best course (of action) (the), better
course, business course, circuitous
course, college course, compulsory
courses, computing course, cookery
course, correspondence course, crash
course (in sth), day course, degree
course, different course, diploma
course, direct course, educational
course, elementary English, etc. course,
engineering course, English course,
evening course, external course, extreme course (of action), first course,
foreign language course, foundation
course, full-time course, golf course,
good course, graduate course, high
school course, high-level course, history course, honours course, induction
course, inexpensive art course, initial
course, intellectually challenging
course, intensive course, intensive language course, intermediate course, introductory course, introductory course
(for students), language course, linguistics course, main course (of a meal)
(the), main course (the), management
course, maths course, middle course
(the), moderate course of action,
modular course, natural course (of sth)
(the), obstacle course, one-year course,
online course, opposite course (of action), optional courses, part-time
course, polytechnic course, postal
course, postgrad(uate) course, preparatory course, prudent course, race
course, refresher course, remedial
course, residential course, residential
language course, safe course (of action), safest course (is to do sth) (the),
sandwich course, science course, second course, secretarial course, short
course, specialized course, superb golf
course, the (only) rational course, the
honourable course of action, training
course, two-year course, undergraduate course, university course, vocational
course, voluntary course, wise course.
full cover, ground cover, hard book
cover, hard cover, health cover, holiday
cover, indemnity cover, insurance cover,
life cover, loose cover, magazine cover,
manhole cover, maternity cover, mattress cover, medical cover, perfect
cover, protective cover, red cover (on
the sofa), removable cover, rigid book
cover, seat cover, snow cover, soft cover,
the outer cover, the standard cover,
thick cover, wide cover.
bed covers, classy covers, extensive
(in) open court, appeal court, badminton court, basketball court, civil court,
clay court, Constitutional Court, costly
court cases, country court, county court,
criminal courts (the), doubles court,
federal court, French court, grass court,
hard court, high court, inferior court of
law, juvenile court, lengthy court trial,
magistrates court, military court, modern court of law, royal court, singles
court, small claims court, squash court,
subordinate court, superior court, superior court (of law), Supreme court
(the), tennis court, the lower court.
air crash, almighty crash, armed crash,
bank crash, bitter crash, bloody crash,
car crash, coach crash, dangerous
crash, deafening crash, distant crash,
fatal crash, financial crash, furious
crash, great crash, head-on crash, helicopter crash, high-speed crash, horrific
crash, inevitable crash, loud crash,
major crash, market crash, motorway
crash, multiple crash, nasty crash, personality crash, plane crash, property
crash, rail crash, resounding crash,
ringing crash, road crash, serious crash,
sickening crash, side-on crash, stock
crash, terrible crash, thunderous crash,
train crash, tremendous crash, unavoidable crash, unpleasant crash, vicious crash, violent crash.
cousin -A
close cousin, distant cousin, female
cousin, first cousin, long-lost cousin,
male cousin, remote cousin, second
bank credit, consumer credit, direct
credit, due credit, eternal credit, everlasting credit, export credit, film credit,
final credit, foreign credit, full credit,
great credit, interest-free credit, longterm credit, opening credit, short-term
credit, trade credit, unlimited credit.
cover -AAA
additional cover, air cover, back cover
(the), bed cover, book cover, cloud
cover, comprehensive cover, cushion
cover, diplomatic cover, dust cover,
duvet cover, emergency cover, fire
cover, forest cover, front cover (the),
closing credits (the), end credits (the),
film credits, final credits, opening credits (the).
aircraft crew, ambulance crew, bomber
crew, cabin crew, camera crew, demolition crew, emergency crew, experienced
crew, film crew, fire crew, flight crew,
ground crew, gun crew, inexperienced
crew, lifeboat crew, maintenance crew,
motley crew, murderous crew, novice
crew, production crew, road crew, ship’s
crew, skeleton crew, stage crew, submarine crew, support crew, tank crew, television crew, train crew, TV crew.
alleged crime, appalling crime, atrocious crimes, attempted crime, awful
crime, barbaric crime, barbarous crime,
big crime, bloody crime, brutal crime,
business crime, capital crime, car crime,
card crime, computer crime, copycat
crime, corporate crime, cowardly
crimes, despicable crime, disgusting
crimes, dreadful crime, drug-related
crime, electronic crime, federal crime,
foul crime, grave crime, great crime,
greatest crime, grievous crime, grisly
crime, growing crime, gun-related
crime, hate crime, heinous crime, hideous crime, horrible crime, horrific
crime, indictable crime, international
crime, juvenile crime, lesser crime, local crime, major crime, middle-class
crime, minor crime, monstrous crimes,
motiveless crime, mounting crime, mysterious crime, nonviolent crime, notorious crime, organized crime, perfect
crime, petty crime, political crime,
property crime, racist crimes, rampant
crime, real crime, recorded crime, regional crime, rising crime, rural crime,
savage crime, sensational crime, serious
crime, sex crime, sex-related crime,
sexual crime, shocking crimes, street
crime, terrible crime, terrorist crime,
unforgivable crime, unpunished crime,
unrecorded crime, unsolved crime, unspeakable crimes, urban crime, vicious
crime, victimless crime, violent crime,
war crime, white-collar crime, working
class crime, youth crime.
acute (economic) crisis, acute crisis,
adolescent crises, cash crisis, constitutional crisis, debt crisis, deep crisis,
deep personal crisis, diplomatic crisis,
ecological crisis, economic crisis, energy crisis, family crisis, financial crisis,
fiscal crisis, full-blown crisis, grave crisis, growing crisis, health care crisis,
hostage crisis, housing crisis, humanitarian crisis, identity crisis, impending
crisis, international crisis, looming crisis, major crisis, mid-life crisis, mounting crisis, national crisis, oil crisis, personal crisis, political crisis, present crisis (the), refugee crisis, serious crisis,
severe crisis, systemic crisis, terrible
crisis, the worst crisis.
armchair critic, art critic, bitter critic,
chief critic, distinguished critic, drama
critic, eloquent critic, fierce critic, fiercest critic, film critic, forthright critic,
good critic, great critic, harsh critic,
hostile critic, incisive critic, influential
critic, informed critic, leading critic, literary critic, major critic, music critic,
outspoken critic, perceptive critic, persistent critic, restaurant critic, severe
critic, social critic, subtle critic, television critic, theatre critic, trenchant
critic, vehement critic, vocal critic, vociferous critic.
(sb’s) outspoken criticism, academic
criticism, adverse criticism, art criticism, barbed criticisms, basic criticism,
biblical criticism, bitter criticism, blistering criticism, cautious criticism, considerable criticism, constant criticism,
constructive criticism, cultural criticism, damaging criticism, damning
criticism, devastating criticism, direct
criticism, explicit criticism, extensive
criticism, fair criticism, feminist criticism, fierce criticism, film criticism,
fresh criticism, frivolous criticisms, fundamental criticism, general criticism,
growing criticism, harsh criticism, heavy
criticism, historical criticism, hostile
criticism, implicit criticism, implied
criticism, incisive criticism, increasing
criticism, indirect criticism, just criticism, justifiable criticism, legitimate
criticism, literary criticism, main criticism, major criticism, Marxist criticism,
media criticism, mild criticism, minor
criticism, moderate criticism, mounting
criticism, music criticism, muted criticism, negative criticism, positive criticism, practical criticism, press criticism,
public criticism, pungent criticism, relentless criticism, savage criticism,
scathing criticism, scientific criticism,
searing criticisms, serious criticism, severe criticism, sharp criticism, shrill
criticisms, social criticism, strident criticism, strong criticism, structuralist criticism, substantial criticism, telling criticism, textual criticism, trenchant criticism, unfair criticism, unjustified criticism, unrelenting criticism, unspoken
criticisms, valid criticism, veiled criticism, virulent criticism, widespread
erstwhile critics, vigorous critics.
deep cross, gold cross, low cross, market
cross, perfect cross, silver cross, stone
cross, village cross, wayside cross,
wooden cross.
absorbed crowd, admiring crowd, angry
crowd, appreciative crowd, assembled
crowd, big crowd, bumper crowd, capacity crowd, cheering crowd, delirious
crowd, dense crowd (of people), eager
crowds, ecstatic crowd, enthusiastic
crowd, excited crowd, expectant crowd,
fanatical crowd, football crowd, frenzied crowd, gathering crowd, good
crowd, great crowd, growing crowd,
home crowd, hostile crowd, huge
crowd, hysterical crowd, interested
crowd, jolly crowd, jostling crowd, jubilant crowds, large crowd, madding
crowd, massive crowd, milling crowd,
motley crowd, noisy crowds, orderly
crowd, packed crowd, partisan crowd,
raucous crowd, record crowd, respectable crowd, risky crowd, rush-hour
crowd, sell-out crowd, small crowd,
student crowd, surging crowd, theatre
crowd, tumultuous crowds, turbulent
crowds, unruly crowd, vast crowd.
bald crown, golden crown, imperial
crown, Olympic crown, royal crown
(the), world crown.
cry -A
(give) an appalled cry, (have) a good
cry, agonized cry, angry cry, anguished
cries, animal cry, battle cry, bird cry, bitter cry, choked/choking cry, despairing
cry, desperate cry, far cry (from sth),
feeble cry, frantic cry, great cry, hoarse
cry, involuntary cry, little cry, loud cry,
low cry, melancholy cry, muffled cry,
penetrating cry, piercing cry, plaintive
cry, rallying cry, sad cry, sharp cry (of
fear), shrill cry, small cry, startled cry,
stifled cry, strangled cry, subconscious
cry, terrible cry, war cry, warning cry,
weak cry, woeful cry.
(people from) diverse cultures, aboriginal culture, academic culture, African
culture, alien culture, ancient culture,
black culture, bourgeois culture, business culture, capitalist culture, coastal
culture, company culture, computer
culture, consumer culture, contemporary culture, corporate culture, dance
culture, dominant culture, drug culture, enterprise culture, folk culture,
football culture, foreign culture, Greek
culture, high culture, indigenous culture, intellectual culture, legal culture,
literary culture, local culture, mainstream culture, mass culture, materialistic culture, modern culture, national
culture, oral culture, oriental culture,
pernicious culture, political culture, pop
culture, popular culture, primitive culture, professional culture, queer culture, religious culture, rural culture,
Scandinavian culture, scientific culture,
street culture, the native culture, traditional culture, underground culture,
urban culture, varied cultures, western
culture, wide culture, wider culture,
working-class culture, world culture,
youth culture.
broken cup, challenge cup, china cup,
chipped cup, coffee cup, cracked cup,
cracked cups and saucers, empty cup,
European cup, fresh cup, full cup, good
cup (of coffee), half-empty cup, half-full
cup, knockout cup, nice cup (of tea),
paper cup, plastic cup, spotted cups and
saucers, strong cup, tea cup, throwaway
cup, World cup.
currency -A
common currency, convertible currency,
counterfeit currency, coveted hard currency, domestic currency (the), European currency, foreign currency, general
currency, hard currency, international
currency, Japanese currency, local currency (the), major currency, national
currency, single currency, stable currency, strong currency, weak currency,
wide currency, widespread currency.
current -A
air current, alternating current, dangerous current, direct current, electric current, electrical current, fast current,
fast-flowing current, input current,
negative current, ocean current, offshore current, output current, political
current, popular current, powerful current, rapid current, strong current,
swift current, the prevailing current,
tidal current, treacherous currents, upward currents (of air), warm current,
weak current.
awkward customer, best customer, big
customer, biggest customer, business
customer, commercial customer, cool
customer, corporate customer, current
customer (the), difficult customer, dissatisfied customers, domestic customer
(the), existing customer (the), external
customer, favoured customer, good customer, important customer, industrial
customer, international customer, key
customer, large customer, long-standing customer, long-time customer, loyal
customer, major customer, outside customer, overseas customer, personal customer, potential customer, private customer, prospective customer, regular
customer, rude customers, satisfied customer, slippery customer, tough customer, unhappy customer, would-be
(savage) public spending cuts, (take) a
short cut (across), bad cut, big cut,
budget cut, cheap cut, choice cut, clean
cut, cold cut, deep cut, defence cuts,
drastic cut, education cut, expenditure
cut, expensive cut, financial cut, good
cut, government cut, hair cut, interestrate cut, jagged cut, job cuts, large cut,
lean cut, lean cut (of beef), major cut,
massive cut, minor cut, nasty cut, neat
cut, pay cut, power cut, price cut, real
cut, savage cut, savage pay cuts, service
cut, severe cut, sharp cut, significant
cut, small cut, spending cut, staff cut,
substantial cut, superficial cut, sweeping cuts, swingeing cut, tax cut, wage
accidental damage, bomb damage,
brain damage, catastrophic damage,
collateral damage, considerable damage, criminal damage, emotional damage, enormous damage, environmental
damage, extensive damage, fire damage, flood damage, great damage, heavy
damage, industrial damage, irreparable
damage, irreversable damage, kidney
damage, lasting damage, liver damage,
long-term damage, major damage, malicious damage, massive damage, mechanical damage, minimal damage, minor damage, nerve damage, permanent
damage, physical damage, political
damage, psychological damage, serious
damage, severe damage, slight damage,
storm damage, structural damage, substantial damage, superficial damage,
untold damage, wanton damage, widespread damage, wilful damage.
(awarded) substantial damages, compensatory damages, exemplary damages, heavy damages, libel damages,
punitive damages.
ballroom dance, barn dance, classical
dance, contemporary dance, dinner
dance, dynamic Indian dance, fast
dance, folk dance, graceful dance,
heady dance, little dance, lively dance,
mating dance, modern dance, new
dance, rain dance, raunchy dance, ritual
dance, school dance, slow dance, square
dance, stately dance, supper dance, tea
dance, the native dance, traditional
dance, tribal dance.
acute danger, big danger, considerable
danger, constant danger, enormous dan-
ger, ever-present danger, extreme danger, grave danger, great danger, hidden
dangers, immediate danger, imminent
danger, impending danger, inherent
danger, long-term danger, mortal danger, non-existent danger, obvious danger, personal danger, physical danger,
possible danger, potential danger, public danger, real danger, serious danger,
slight danger, terrible danger, unseen
gathering dark, pitch dark.
accurate data, aggregate data, comprehensive data, computer data, credible
data, demographic data, detailed data,
empirical data, environmental data, experimental data, extensive data, factual
data, financial data, geological data,
hard data, historical data, numerical
data, observational data, raw data, reliable data, scientific data, seismic data,
statistical data, technical data.
(at a) future date, (at an) earlier date,
(earliest) possible date, (individually)
identifiable date, (no parking on) odd
dates, agreed date, anniversary date,
birth date, blind date, closing date (for
sth), commencement date, completion
date, cut-off date, delivery date, dinner
date, due date (the), earliest date, exact date (the), expiry date, firm date,
hot date, later date, latest date (the),
lunch date, provisional date, sell-by
date, significant date, specific date,
tentative date, unspecified date.
(sb’s) darling daughter, (sb's) younger
daughter, adorable daughter, baby
daughter, dutiful daughter, elder
daughter, eldest daughter, first-born
daughter, good daughter, grand daughter, grown-up daughter, illegitimate
daughter, legitimate daughter, little
daughter, long-lost daughter, married
daughter, middle daughter (the), newborn daughter, oldest daughter, only
daughter, small daughter, teenage
daughter, twin daughters, unmarried
daughter, young daughter, youngest
day -AAA
(every) single day, (have a very) full day
(before sb), (have a) stressful day, (in
sb’s) younger day, (in) the early day,
(save it for) a rainy day, (sb/you
couldn’t have picked) a worse day (for
sth), (sb’s) dying day, (the) next day,
(with every) passing day, 8-hour day,
auspicious day, autumn day, awful day,
bad day (at work), beautiful day, big
day (the), black day (= when sth very
sad/upsetting happens), bleak
winter('s) day, blistering summer day,
boiling hot day, breezy day, bright day,
bright sunny day, brisk winter’s day,
busy day, calm day, chilly day, Christmas
day, clear day, cloudless day, cloudy day,
cold day, crisp autumn day, dark day,
disastrous day, dismal day, dreary winter day, easy day, educational day, election day, enjoyable day, entire day (the),
eventful day, every alternate day, every
day, fair and breezy day, fateful day,
feast day, field day, filthy day (infml),
final day (of term) (the), fine day, foggy
day, following day (the), former day,
free day, fun day, gloomy day, glorious
day, golden day, good day, gorgeous day,
grand day, great day (the), great day,
grey day, happy day, hard day, hazy day,
heady day, heavy day, hectic day, hideous day, historic day, holy day, hot day,
last day (but two, etc.), last day (the),
lazy day, long day, lousy day, lovely day,
lucky day, market day, marvellous day,
memorable day, mild day, Mother’s day,
new day, New Year's Day, nice day, normal day, old day, olden day, one day,
opening day, ordinary day, particular
day, pay day, perfect day, polling day,
present day (the), previous day (the),
quiet day, rainy day, recent day, red-letter day, rest day, rotten day, rough day,
sad day, school day, scorching hot day,
short day, sombre January day, some
day, special day, sports day, spring day,
still summer day, still summer’s day,
student day, study day, summer/
summer’s day, sunny day, sweaty day,
the penultimate day, the very day, tiring
day, training day, trying day, tumultuous day, typical day, unfortunate day,
victorious day, visiting day, warm day,
wedding day, wet day, whole day
(through) (the), windy day, winter/
winter’s day, wonderful day, working
day, young day.
days -AAA
(emotionally) charged days, (in sb’s)
younger days, (in) recent days, (in) the
old days, (sb’s) amateur days, (sb’s)
earliest days, (several) gruelling days,
(those were) hungry days, (three etc.)
clear days, (three etc.) consecutive
days, (three) successive days, agonizing days, alternate days, bad old days
(the), bygone days, carefree days, dark
days, difficult days, early days (of sth)
(the), enlightened days, exhilarating
days, far-off days, few days, few short
days, final days, former days, golden
days, good old days (the), happy days,
inconsistent days, last days, later days,
olden days, past few days (the), school
days, sticky days, student days, the halcyon days, the heady days, the next
three days, the occasional days, young
(be worth) a great deal, (get a) raw
deal, (get a) rough deal, (get) a good
deal (on sth), (have) a good deal, (it’s)
no big deal, (make) a big deal (out of
sth), (owe) a great deal (to sb/sth),
arms deal, better deal (for sb), big
deal!, bipartisan deal, bona fide deal,
business deal, cash deal, compromise
deal, confusing deal, cosy deal, crooked
business deals, crooked deal, cut-price
deal, dodgy deals, exclusive deal, fair
deal (for sb), financial deal, five-year
deal, good deal (for sb), great deal (of
difference), long-term deal, lucrative
deal, major deal, package deal, pay
deal, political deal, prospective deals,
reciprocal trade deals, shady deal, sponsorship deal, square deal, three-film
deal, trade deal, two-book deal, weapons deal.
antique/antiques dealer, arms dealer, art
dealer, big-time cocaine dealers, car
dealer, drug dealers, foreign exchange
dealer, known dealer, licensed dealer,
reputable dealer, shady dealer, shameless dealer, small dealer, small-time drug
dealers, unscrupulous dealer.
(a slow) agonizing death, (die a) natural death, (die a) sudden death, (sb’s)
premature death (at the age of…), accidental death, approaching death, certain death, cot death, early death, floodrelated deaths, glorious death, horrible
death, immediate death, imminent
death, impending death, instant death,
living death, mysterious death, painful
death, painless death, peaceful death,
quick death, road death, slow (lingering) death, suspicious death, terrible
death, tragic death, unexpected death,
unexplained death, unfortunate death,
unnatural death, untimely death, violent death.
acrimonious debate, active debate, brief
debate, central debate, cloudy debate,
congressional debate, considerable debate, current debate (about tax,
etc.)(the), fierce debate, furious debate,
heated debate, informed debate, intense
debate, lengthy debate, lively debate,
long debate, long running debate,
long-standing debate, national debate,
ongoing debate, parliamentary debate,
philosophic debate, political debate,
public debate, raging debate, rational
debate, scholarly debate, spirited debate, sterile debate, stormy debate,
theoretical debate, vigorous debate,
vociferous debate, wider debate, wideranging debate.
debt -AA
bad debt, big debt, commercial debt,
corporate debt, crippling debt, enormous debt, external debt, foreign debt,
gambling debt, great debt, gross debt,
high debt, huge debt, international
debt, large debt, long-term debt, massive debt, mountainous debt, mounting
debt, national debt, net debt, outstanding debt, overall debt, overdue debt,
public debt, serious debt, short-term
debt, substantial debt, total debt, unpaid debt.
external debts, gambling debts, heavy
debts, staggering debts, substantial
debts, unmanageable debts, unsettled
(in) recent decades, (in/over/during/
within) the past decade, coming decade, following decade (the), last decade (the), preceding decade, present
decade (the), previous decade (the),
the intervening decades, the next decade
(highly) controversial decision, adverse decisions, agonizing decision, arbitrary decisions, astute (business) decisions, audacious decision, bad decision, balanced decision, big decision,
binding decision, brave decision, business decision, collective decision, conscious decision, correct decision (the),
courageous decision, court decision,
crucial decision, crystal-clear decisions,
debatable decision, definite decision,
deliberate decision, democratic decision, detrimental decision, difficult decision (to make), disappointing decision, disastrous decision, economic decision, editorial decision, educated decision, executive decisions, fateful decision, final decision (the), firm decision,
foolish decision, good decision, government decision, hard decision, harmful
decisions, hasty decision, historic decision, important decision, impulsive decision, individual decisions, informed
decision, insane decision, investment
decision, irreversible decision, irrevocable decision, joint decision, judicial
decisions, judicious decision, just decision, key decision, knee jerk decision,
landmark decision, major decision, majority decision, managerial decision,
momentous decision, negative decision,
official decision, operational decisions,
painful decision, personal decision, perverse decision, pivotal decision, policy
decision, political decision, poor decision, positive decision, pragmatic decision, precipitous decision, premature
decision, presidential decision, prompt
decision, prudent decision, questionable
decision, quick decision, rash decision,
rational decisions, reasonable decision,
ridiculous decision, right decision (the),
sane decision, sensible decisions,
shrewd decision, snap decision, sorry
decision, sound decision, split decision,
strategic decision, sudden decision,
swift decision, tactical decision, timely
decision, tough decision, tricky decision, unanimous decision, unchallenged
decisions, undemocratic decisions, unfair decision, unilateral decisions, unpleasant decisions, unpopular decision,
unreasonable decision, unwise decision,
weighty decisions, wise decision, wrong
(in) terminal decline, absolute decline,
catastrophic decline, considerable decline, continuing decline, corresponding decline, dramatic decline, drastic
decline, economic decline, fractional
decline, general decline, gentle decline,
gradual decline, industrial decline, inevitable decline, irreversible decline,
long-term decline, marked decline,
massive decline, modest decline, moral
decline, national decline, overall decline, political decline, precipitate decline, precipitous decline, progressive
decline, rapid decline, serious decline,
sharp decline, significant decline, slight
decline, slow decline, steady decline,
steady decline (in numbers), steep decline, steep decline (in the birth rate),
substantial decline, the inexorable decline, urban decline.
abject defeat, big defeat, bitter defeat,
catastrophic defeat, certain defeat,
complete defeat, comprehensive defeat, consecutive defeats, crucial defeat, crushing defeat, cup defeat, decisive defeat, devastating defeat, disastrous defeat, election defeat, electoral
defeat, embarrassing defeat, final defeat, heavy defeat, humiliating defeat,
ignominious defeat, inevitable defeat,
military defeat, narrow defeat, overwhelming defeat, political defeat, punishing defeat, resounding defeat, semifinal defeat, sensational defeat, serious
defeat, shattering defeat, staggering
defeat, stunning defeat, successive defeats, thumping defeat, total defeat,
unlucky defeat, world cup defeat.
adequate defence, air defence, civil defence, coastal defence, dogged defence,
effective defence, good defence, legal
defence, national defence, natural defence, nuclear defence, robust defence,
sea defence, spirited defence, stout defence, strong defence, stubborn defence,
tenacious defence, the last defence.
coastal defences, flood defences, impenetrable defences, impregnable defences.
accepted definition, adequate definition, alternative definition, broad definition, careful definition, clear definition, comprehensive definition, concise
definition, conventional definition, dictionary definition, exact definition, exhaustive definition, legal definition,
loose definition, narrow definition, official definition, precise definition, rigid
definition, satisfactory definition, statutory definition, strict definition, the
standard definition, unambiguous definition, wide definition, working definition.
(BA or) equivalent degree, (lower/upper) second-class degree, (to) a large
degree, (to) the nth degree (= extremely, or as much as possible), acceptable degree, adequate degree, alarming
degree, appropriate degree, BA degree,
BEd degree, BSc degree, business degree, college degree, combined degree,
considerable degree, dangerous degree,
exceptional degree, external degree,
extraordinary degree, extreme degree,
fair degree, first degree, first-class degree, good degree, great degree, high
degree, higher degree, history degree,
honorary degree, honours degree, joint
degree, joint honours degree, joint/
combined subject degree, law degree,
lesser degree, low degree, MA degree,
Master’s degree, meaningful degree,
medical degree, minimal degree, moderate degree, modest degree, modular
degree, MSc degree, necessary degree,
noticeable degree, ordinary degree,
part-time degree, pass degree, PhD degree, philosophy degree, poor degree,
postgraduate degree, professional degree, proper degree, real degree, remarkable degree, requisite degree, research degree, right degree (the), significant degree, single honours degree,
slight degree, small degree, standard
definition, subject degree, substantial
degree, surprising degree, the utmost
degree, third-class degree, unacceptable degree, under-graduate degree,
university degree, unusual degree,
varying degree.
delay -A
agonizing delay, airport delay, brief delay, bureaucratic delays, considerable
delay, enormous delay, excessive delay,
flight delay, frustrating delay, further
delay, inevitable delay, infuriating delays, inordinate delays, interminable
delay, irritating delay, lengthy delay,
long delay, major delay, protracted delays, serious delay, short delay, significant delay, slight delay, substantial delay, time delay, traffic delay, travel delay, unavoidable delays, understandable delays, undue delay, unexpected
delay, unforeseen delays, unnecessary
delivery -A
breech delivery, Caesarean delivery, difficult delivery, easy delivery, express
delivery, fast delivery, forceps delivery,
free delivery, guaranteed delivery, immediate delivery, large delivery, late
delivery, mail delivery, milk delivery,
morning delivery, newspaper delivery,
next-day delivery, preterm delivery,
prompt delivery, quick delivery, recorded delivery, safe delivery, scheduled delivery, service delivery, small delivery, special delivery, vaginal delivery,
ventouse delivery.
(sb's) main demand, aggregate de-
mand, big demand, buoyant demand,
burgeoning demand, central demand,
changing demand, competing demand,
conflicting demand, considerable demand (for sth), constant demand, consumer demand, contradictory demand,
current demand, customer demand,
day-to-day demand, declining demand,
domestic demand, economic demand,
effective demand, electricity demand,
emotional demand, energy demand,
enormous demand (for sth), everyday
demand, exacting demand, excess demand, excessive demand, export demand, external demand, extra demand,
falling demand, final demand, financial
demand, fluctuating demand, foreign
demand, fresh demand, future demand,
government demand, great demand
(for sth), growing demand, heavy demand, high demand (for sth), housing
demand, huge demand, immediate demand, impossible demand, increased
demand, increasing demand, insatiable
demand, key demand, labour demand,
latent demand, legitimate demand,
likely demand, limited demand, local
demand, low demand, main demand
(the), major demand, market demand,
new demand, opposition demand, overall demand, pay demand, peak demand,
pent-up demand, physical demand, political demand, popular demand, potential demand, practical demand, pressing
demand, projected demand, prospective
demand, public demand, radical demand, ransom demand, realistic demand, reasonable demand, reduced demand, renewed demand, rising demand, royal demand, seasonal demand,
sexual demand, sluggish demand, social
demand, steady demand, strong demand (for sth), tax demand, technical
demand, total demand, unprecedented
demand, unrealistic demand, unreasonable demand, urgent demand, wage
demand, world demand, worldwide demand, written demand.
(make) unreasonable demands, competing demands, conflicting demands,
considerable demands, constant demands, continual demands, contradictory demands, day-to-day demands,
economic demands, emotional demands, enormous demands, everyday
demands, exacting demands, excessive
demands, external demands, extra demands, feminist demands, financial demands, fresh demands, great demands,
growing demands, heavy demands,
high demands, immediate demands,
implicit demands, impossible demands,
incessant demands, incompatible demands, increasing demands, moderate
wage demands, modest demands, nationalist demands, opposing demands,
outspoken demands, pay demands,
physical demands, practical demands,
pressing demands, renewed demands,
selfish demands, sexual demands, social demands, technical demands, the
just demands, unrealistic demands, vociferous demands, wage demands.
democracy -AA
budding democracy, constitutional democracy, genuine democracy, liberal
democracy, multi-party democracy, new
democracies, parliamentary democracy,
plural democracy, political democracy,
representative democracy, the Western
democracy, transparent democracy, true
accident and emergency department,
accounts department, art department,
biology department, casualty department, defense department (the), design
department, education department,
emergency department, English department, finance department, fire department (the), government department,
health department, history department,
justice department (the), marketing
department, Maths department, outpatient department, personnel department, physiotherapy department, planning department, police department,
publicity department, sales department,
science department, services department, social services department, the
graphic design department, the social
department, treasury department (the).
scription, prosaic description, rough description, short description (of sb/sth),
simple description, specific description,
subjective description, superficial description, terrifying description, theoretical description, thoughtful description, vague description, verbal description, vivid description, wonderful description, written description.
(plumb) new depths, abysmal depth,
black depth, cavernous depths, considerable depth, dark depth, emotional
depth, ferocious depth, great depth,
great depth (of knowledge), hidden
depths, intellectual depth, murky depth,
shallow depth, surprising depth, unexpected depth.
deputy -AA
congressional deputy, former deputy,
opposition deputy, parliamentary
deputy, right-wing deputy, socialist
deputy, the acting deputy.
accurate description, apt description,
articulate description, basic description,
blow-by-blow description, brief description (of sb/sth), broad description, clear
description, coherent description, complete description, comprehensive description, correct description, detailed
description, exact description, excellent
description, fair description, faithful
description, false description, fitting
description, full description, fuzzy description, general description, glowing
description, good description, graphic
description, graphic description (of a
battle), gritty description, inaccurate
description, job description, journalistic
description, lengthy description, lively
description, long description, lurid description, lyrical description, objective
description, ornate descriptions, perfect
description, physical description, picturesque description (of life), precise de-
abstract design, advanced design, adventurous design, aesthetic design, architectural design, artistic design, attractive design, basic design (the),
beautiful design, bold designs, circular
design, classic design, classical design,
colourful sleeve design, complex design, computer-aided design, conventional design, desirable design, elaborate design, eloquent design, ergonomic design, ethnic design, evil design, excellent design, exclusive designs, extravagant design, fanciful designs, fascinating designs, flamboyant
designs, flexible design, floral design,
fussy designs, futuristic design, geometric design, good design, grand design, graphic design, incomplete design, industrial design, innovative design, integral design, interior design,
intricate design, inventive design, latest
design (the), linear designs, modern
design, modernist furniture designs,
novel design, original design, poor design, popular shoe design, post-modern
designs, radical designs, recent design,
revolutionary design, simple design,
sinister design, sleek design, slick designs, sophisticated design, special design, stylish design, stylized design,
subtle design, symmetrical design, traditional design, unique design, unobtrusive design, unpopular design, vibrant designs.
animal desires, burning desire (to do
sth), burning desire (to win), deep de-
sire, fervent desire, forbidden desires,
frustrated desires, genuine desire, great
desire, heartfelt desire, insane desire,
insatiable desire, intense desire, justifiable desire, natural desire, overwhelming desire, passionate desire, primal
desires, primitive desire, real desire,
sexual desire, strong desire, strong desire (for power, etc.), subconscious desires, temporal desires, unnatural desires, urgent desire, vehement desire.
antique desk, antique mahogany desk,
big desk, cash desk, check-in desk, cluttered desk, dear (little) desk, empty
desk, enormous desk, enquiry/enquiries
desk, front desk (the), help desk, high
desk, huge desk, information desk, large
desk, leather-topped desk, little desk,
office desk, reception desk, school desk,
support desk, tidy desk, untidy desk,
usual desk (sb’s), vast desk, writing
(in) excruciating detail, bare detail,
brief detail, colourful detail, complete
detail, complex detail, concrete detail,
considerable detail, essential detail, exact detail, factual detail, final detail,
fine detail(s), full detail(s), graphic detail, great detail, historical detail, intimate detail, intricate detail, little detail,
meticulous detail, minor detail, minute
detail, practical detail, precise detail,
sketchy detail, small detail, sordid detail, technical detail, tiny detail, trivial
detail, vivid detail.
(all the) gory details, (give) full details,
(give) precise details, (minor) incidental details, biographical details, closely
connected details, complete details,
complex details, considerable details,
essential details, exact details, final details, fine details, further details, fussy
details, historical details, intricate de-
tails, irrelevant details, juicy details, lurid details, microscopic details, minor
details, minute details, other details,
personal details, petty details, practical
details, sketchy details, small details,
sordid details, technical details, the
bare details, the grubby details, the
gruesome details, the superfluous details, tiny details, trivial details, unimportant details.
(a child’s) cognitive development, (the
physical and) emotional development,
agricultural development, astonishing
development, business development,
career development, child development, commercial development, cultural development, disturbing development, dramatic development, economic development, educational development, encouraging development,
evolutionary development, exciting
development, fresh development,
frightening development, full development, future development, gradual development, healthy development, historical development, hopeful development, housing development, human
development, important development,
industrial development, intellectual
development, international development, large-scale development, late
news development, latest development
(the), linear development, linguistic
development, logical development,
major development, mental development, new development, organic development, overseas development, parallel development, personal development, physical development, political
development, professional development, progressive development, property development, psychic development, psychological development, radical development, rapid development,
recent development, regional development, remarkable development, residential development, restricted devel-
opment, ribbon development, rural development, scientific development,
sexual development, significant development, social development, socio-economic development, software development, spiritual development, striking
development, suburban development,
sustainable development, technical development, technological development,
unexpected development, urban development, welcome development, worrying development.
dramatic developments, exciting developments (in biology), further developments, great developments, latest developments, latest developments (in the
war) (the), ominous developments, recent developments, revolutionary developments, startling developments, unforeseen developments.
automatic device, bugging device, builtin devices, clever device, clockwork device, compatible device, complex device, contraceptive device, cunning device, digital devices, electric device,
electrical device, electronic device, explosive device, hand-held device, hitech device, incendiary device, ingenious device, intricate devices, laboursaving device, listening device, measuring device, mechanical device, nuclear
device, optical devices, portable device,
related devices, rhetorical device, safety
device, simple device, sophisticated device, subtle device, timing device, useful
device, warning device.
adequate diet, bad diet, balanced diet,
calorie-controlled diet, crash diet, dull
diet, fibre-rich diet, gluten-free diet,
good diet, healthy diet, high-fibre diet,
high-protein diet, inadequate diet, incorrect diet, low calorie diet, low-fat
diet, low-fibre diet, low-protein diet,
meagre diet, optimum diet, poor diet,
restricted diet, salt-free diet, sensible
diet, slimming diet, spare diet, spartan
diet, special diet, staple diet, starvation
diet, strict diet, unbalanced diet, unhealthy diet, varied diet, vegan diet,
vegetarian diet, weight-loss diet,
weight-reducing diet, well-balanced
age difference, basic difference, big difference, broad difference, class difference, clear difference, considerable difference, crucial difference, cultural difference, discernible difference, distinct
difference, dramatic difference, enormous difference, essential difference,
ethnic difference, fundamental difference, gender difference, genetic difference, great difference, historical difference, huge difference, ideological difference, immense difference, important
difference, insignificant difference, irreconcilable difference, key difference,
large difference, major difference,
manifest difference, marked difference
(in sb/sth), minor difference(s), national difference(s), notable difference,
noticeable difference, obvious difference, outstanding difference, physical
difference, political difference, price
difference, profound difference, psychological difference, racial difference,
radical difference(s), real difference,
regional difference, same difference
(the), sensible difference, serious difference, sex difference, sharp difference, significant difference, slight difference, slightest difference (the),
small difference, social difference,
striking difference, substantial difference, subtle difference, temperature
difference, time difference, vast difference, wide difference.
biological differences, cultural differences, deep differences, glaring differ-
ences, ideological differences, irreconcilable differences, main differences
(the), minor differences, national differences, physical differences, political differences, profound differences, qualitative differences, radical differences, regrettable differences, sexual differences, sharp differences, subtle differences, superficial differences, the remaining differences, violent differences,
visible differences.
(children with) behavioural difficulties,
acute (financial, etc.) difficulties,
breathing difficulties, economic difficulties, emotional difficulties, financial difficulties, initial difficulties, learning difficulties, legal difficulties, logistical difficulties, marital difficulties, operational
difficulties, practical difficulties, present
economic difficulties (the), procedural
difficulties, serious difficulties, severe
difficulties, technical difficulties (the),
the present difficulties, unforeseen difficulties, unseen difficulties.
difficulty -AA
behavioural difficulty, considerable difficulty, economic difficulty, emotional
difficulty, enormous difficulty, financial
difficulty, grave difficulty, great difficulty, grinding difficulty, increasing difficulty, inherent difficulty, insurmountable difficulty, learning difficulty, major
difficulty, particular difficulty, practical
difficulty, present difficulty (the), real
difficulty, serious difficulty, severe difficulty, special difficulty, technical difficulty.
anniversary dinner, annual dinner,
awards dinner, big dinner, candlelight
dinner, candlelit dinner, celebratory dinner, charity dinner, chicken dinner,
Christmas dinner, convenience dinner,
cracking good dinner, delicious dinner,
early dinner, elegant dinner, excellent
dinner, farewell dinner, formal dinner,
four-course dinner, fund-raising dinner,
gala dinner, good dinner, gourmet dinner, heavy dinner, informal dinner, intimate dinner, lavish dinner, leisurely
dinner, light dinner, literary dinner,
lovely dinner, nice dinner, official dinner, prize-giving dinner, quiet dinner,
romantic dinner, school dinner, seafood
dinner, slap-up dinner, splendid dinner,
state dinner, sumptuous dinner, Sunday
dinner, three-course dinner, turkey dinner, TV dinner, working dinner.
(a step in the) right direction, (in a)
westerly direction, (in the) opposite direction, anticlockwise direction, clear
direction, clockwise direction, different
direction, downward direction, future
direction, general direction (of sth)
(the), good direction, government direction, new direction, northerly direction, opposite direction, policy direction, precise direction, right direction
(the), same direction (the), southerly
direction, spiritual direction, stage direction, strategic direction, unexpected
direction, upward direction, wind direction, wrong direction (the).
ambiguous directions, clear directions,
conflicting directions, confused directions, confusing directions, contradictory directions, definite directions, detailed directions, explicit directions,
firm directions, misleading directions,
precise directions, straightforward directions, unequivocal directions, vague
assistant director, commercial director,
company director, deputy director, executive director, film director, finance
director, former director (the), fullblown director, idiosyncratic film director, managing director, marketing di-
rector, musical director, non-executive
director, personnel director, production
director, regional director, sales director,
the acting director, the artistic director
(of a theatre), the ebullient director, the
outgoing directors, the retiring director,
theatre director, youthful managing director.
academic discipline, arbitrary discipline,
business discipline, commercial discipline, core discipline, distinct discipline,
effective discipline, established discipline, financial discipline, firm discipline, fiscal discipline, good discipline,
great discipline, harsh discipline, humanities discipline, inadequate discipline, independent discipline, industrial
discipline, inhuman discipline, intellectual discipline, iron discipline, lax discipline, main discipline, major discipline,
market discipline, mental discipline,
military discipline, monetary discipline,
naval discipline, party discipline, personal discipline, poor discipline, prison
discipline, professional discipline, rigid
discipline, rigorous discipline, school
discipline, science/scientific discipline,
severe discipline, spiritual discipline,
staff discipline, strict discipline, strong
discipline, subject discipline, team discipline, traditional discipline, useful discipline, valuable discipline, work discipline.
discovery -A
accidental discovery, amazing discovery,
archaeological discovery, awful discovery, big discovery, chance discovery,
chilling discovery, exciting discovery,
great discovery, grim discovery, horrid
discovery, important discovery, incidental discovery, intriguing discovery, latest
discovery (the), macabre discovery,
major discovery, medical discovery, new
discovery, notable discovery, personal
discovery, pioneering discoveries, recent
discovery, remarkable discovery, scien-
tific discovery, significant discovery,
startling discovery, surprising discovery,
terrible discovery, the grisly discovery,
unexpected discovery.
active discussions, amicable discussion,
animated discussion, arid discussions,
barren discussion, bilateral discussion,
bitter discussion, brief discussion, businesslike discussion, candid discussion,
considerable discussion, constructive
discussion, cordial discussion, deep discussion, detailed discussion, formal discussion, frank discussion, fruitful discussion, full discussion, further discussion, general discussion, generalized
discussion, good-natured discussion,
group discussion, harmonious discussion, heated discussion, historical discussion, inconclusive discussions, indepth discussion, informal discussion,
initial discussion, intense discussion,
lengthy discussions, lively discussion,
long discussion, meaningful discussion,
one-to-one discussion, ongoing discussions, open discussion, open-ended discussion, panel discussion, philosophic
discussion, philosophical discussions,
preliminary discussions, prior discussion, private discussion, public discussion, reasoned discussion, restrained
discussion, round table discussion, serious discussion, sophisticated discussion, sterile discussions, stimulating
discussion, stormy discussion, unproductive discussion, useful discussion,
well-informed discussion, wide-ranging
discussion, worthwhile discussion.
(coronary) heart disease, acute disease,
Alzheimer’s disease, bad disease, bowel
disease, cardiac disease, cardiovascular
disease, childhood disease, chronic disease, circulatory disease, common disease, communicable disease, congenital disease, contagious disease, coronary disease, Crohn’s disease, curable
disease, dangerous disease, deadly disease, degenerative disease, dental disease, developmental diseases, dreaded
disease, dreadful disease, fatal disease,
fungal diseases, heart disease, hereditary disease, incurable diseases, infectious diseases, inflammatory disease,
inherited disease, insect-borne disease,
insidious disease, kidney disease, killer
disease, liver disease, lung disease, malignant disease, mental disease, mild
disease, muscular disease, mysterious
disease, nervous disease, non-communicable disease, obscure disease, occupational disease, organic diseases, parasitic disease, preventable disease, progressive disease, progressive muscular
disease, rampant disease, rare disease,
respiratory diseases, secondary diseases,
serious disease, sexual disease, sexually
transmitted disease, skeletal diseases,
social disease, spinal disease, terminal
disease, terrifying diseases, the fullblown disease, transmitted disease,
tropical diseases, unavoidable diseases,
universal diseases, urinary diseases, venereal disease, viral disease, waterborne disease.
display -AA
aerial display, aerobatic display, aggressive display, air display, analogue display, astonishing display, attractive display, audio-visual display, awesome display, beautiful display, breathtaking display, brief display, brilliant display,
colour display, colourful display, computer display, courtship display, data
display, dazzling display, devastating
display, digital display, disappointing
display, excellent display, eye-catching
display, fascinating display, fiery display,
fine display, firework display, flamboyant display, floral display, flying display,
fraudulent display (of emotion), good
display, graphic displays, graphics display, great display, high resolution
colour display, high resolution display,
impressive display, incredible display, in-
store display, interesting display,
lacklustre display, laser display, lavish
display, LCD/liquid crystal display, low
resolution display, magnificent display,
mating display, mono/monochrome
display, museum display, on-screen display, open display, ostentatious display,
outstanding display, outward display,
overt display, overt display (of jealousy), parachute display, permanent
display, photographic display, poor display, promiscuous display, public display, public display (of unity), pyrotechnic display, rare display, screen display, sexual display, shop display, special display, spectacular display, spectacular display (of fireworks), spirited
display, static display, striking display,
stunning display, stunning firework display, sudden display (of temper), superb display, temporary display, video
display, virtuoso display, visual display,
vulgar display, wall display, window
display, Windows display.
acrimonious dispute, bitter dispute,
border dispute, boundary disputes,
commercial dispute, considerable dispute, continuing dispute, damaging
dispute, domestic dispute, factional disputes, family dispute, fierce dispute, financial dispute, heated dispute, ideological dispute, industrial dispute, internal dispute, international dispute,
labour dispute, land dispute, latest dispute (over sth) (the), legal dispute,
lengthy dispute, local dispute, long dispute, long-standing dispute, major dispute, minor dispute, outstanding dispute, pay dispute, political dispute,
prolonged dispute, protracted disputes,
public dispute, religious dispute, serious dispute, simmering dispute, territorial dispute, the long-running dispute,
trade dispute.
(in/within) spitting distance, (within)
easy (walking) distance, appreciable
distance, average distance, blue distance, braking distance, careful distance, certain distance, comfortable distance, considerable distance, convenient
distance, correct distance (the), critical
distance (the), discreet distance, emotional distance, enormous distance,
equal distance, exact distance (the),
extra distance, fair distance, far distance
(the), finite distance, fixed distance, full
distance, geographical distance, given
distance, good distance, great distance,
huge distance, infinite distance, large
distance, large distance (between opposite sides), large distance (from sth),
little distance, long distance (from front
to back), maximum distance, mean distance, middle distance, optimum distance, orbital distance, physical distance, professional distance, psychological distance, reasonable distance, respectful distance, right distance (the),
safe distance (from sb/sth), short distance, small distance, social distance,
stopping distance, striking distance, the
minimum distance, vast distance, walking distance, whole distance (the).
administrative district, affluent district,
agricultural district, business district,
central district (the), coastal district,
commercial district, country district,
electoral district, exclusive district, federal district, financial district, health
district, industrial district, local district,
metropolitan district, military district,
mining district, northern district (the),
outlying districts, polling district, poor
district, postal district, remote district,
residential district, rich district, rural
district, shopping district, slum district,
smart residential district, southern district (the), suburban district, the ailing
districts, the neighbouring district, the
surrounding district, urban district,
wealthy district, working class district.
division -AA
administrative division, airborne division, armoured division, artificial division, bitter division, broad division, cell
division, class division, clear division,
complex division, conventional division, cultural division, deep division,
distinct division, elaborate division,
equal division, ethnic division, even
division, factional division, fair division, fair division (of resources/time),
first division, fundamental division,
gender division, great division, heavyweight division, hierarchical division,
high division, ideological division, industrial division, infantry division, internal division, lightweight division,
linguistic division, long division, low division, manufacturing division, marketing division, middleweight division,
north-south division, political division,
Premier Division, regional division, retail division, rigid division, rough division, sales division, second division,
senior division, sexual division, sharp
division, simple division, social division, societal division, theoretical division, threefold division, three-way division, time-honoured division, top division (the), traditional division, training
division, tripartite division, unequal
division, unfair division, wholesale division.
bogus doctor, capable doctor, committed doctor, excellent doctor, experienced doctor, fake doctor, family doctor, famous doctor, fine doctor, good
doctor, handsome doctor, hospital doctor, inexperienced young doctors, junior doctor, licensed doctor, local doctor,
NHS doctor, practising doctor, private
doctor, qualified doctor, resident doctor, retired doctor, school doctor, sympathetic doctor, white-coated doctor.
(legally) binding document, (top) se-
cret document, 90-page document, active document, approved document, authentic document, available document
(the), basic document (the), brief document, briefing document, classified
documents, complete document, confidential document, constitutional document, consultation document, consultative document, contract document, contractual document, counterfeit documents, current document (the), detailed
document, disclosed document, discussion document, draft document, electronic document, enclosed document,
entire document (the), final document
(the), forged document, framework
document, full document, genuine
document, government document, guidance document, historical document, illuminated document, important document, internal document, key document, large document, leaked document, legal document, lengthy document, long document, necessary documents (the), offer document, official
document, original document (the),
paper document, policy document,
printed document, private document,
privileged (law) document, privileged
document, proposal document, public
document, published document, registration document, restricted document,
restrictive documents, revised document, secret documents, seminal document, sensitive documents, short document, signed document, single document, spurious documents, strategy
document, summary document, tattered
documents, tender document, the relevant document, the supporting document, the whole document, travel document, unpublished document, unsigned
document, weighty document, working
document, written document.
dog -AA
(playful) little dog, (sb’s) missing dog,
(teach) an old dog (new tricks), abandoned dogs, bad dog, black dog, dan-
gerous dog, domestic dog, faithful dog,
family dog, farm dog, female dog, feral
dog, ferocious dogs, fierce dog, fighting
dog, flaming dog, friendly dog, good
dog, great dog, guard dog, guide dog,
gun dog, healthy dog, homeless dogs,
household dog, huge dog, huge great
dog, hunting dog, jumbo-sized hot
dogs, killer dog, lap dog, large dog,
loveable dog, loyal dog, mad dog, male
dog, mangy dog, miniature dogs, mongrel dog, pathetic dog, pedigree dog,
pet dog, police dog, powerful dog, rabid dog, savage dog, shaggy dog, sheep
dog, show dog, sledge dog, sniffer dog,
sporting dog, spotted dog, stray dog,
the top dog, toy dog, tracker dog, vicious dog, well-behaved dog, welltrained dog, wild dog, working dog.
door -A
(behind) closed doors, automatic
doors, awkward door, back door (the),
bathroom door, bedroom door, big
door, big heavy door, car door, closed
door, communicating door, double
door, external door, flat door, flimsy
door, folding door, fridge door, front
door (the), garage door, glass-panelled
door, glazed door, great door, half-open
door, heavy door, huge door, inner door,
interior doors, internal door, kitchen
door, lift door, locked door, magic door,
marked door, massive door, mysterious
door, narrow door, open door, panelled
door, rear door, red painted doors, revolving door, secret door, secure door,
shed door, shut door, side door, sliding
door, solid door, stage door, stout door,
swing door, the outer door, thick door,
trap door, unlocked door, unmarked
door, wide door.
(beyond a) reasonable doubt, (not) the
slightest doubt, considerable doubt,
gnawing doubt, grave doubt(s), growing doubt, increasing doubt, lingering
doubt, little doubt (that), nagging
doubt, niggling doubt, personal doubt,
private doubt, real doubt, religious
doubt, serious doubt, severe doubt,
slight doubt.
doubts -AA
grave doubts, growing doubts, inner
doubts, internal doubts, lingering
doubts, nagging doubts, niggling
doubts, passing doubts, persistent
doubts, serious doubts, slight doubts.
classical drama, contemporary drama,
costume drama, courtroom drama,
Elizabethan drama, high drama, historical drama, hospital drama, human
drama, imaginative drama, lyric drama,
modern drama, moral drama, musical
drama, original drama, poetic drama,
police drama, political drama, powerful
drama, profound drama, radio drama,
realistic television drama, real-life
drama, stirring TV drama, television/TV
drama, tragic drama, violent drama.
draw -A
(battle out) a grim draw, creditable
draw, dreary draw, goalless draw, oneall draw, three-three draw.
awful dream, bad dream, big dream,
distant dream, disturbing dream, empty
dreams, erotic dream, fantastic dreams,
feverish dreams, foolish dream, great
dream, horrible dream, impossible
dream, lifelong dream, pleasant dream,
prophetic dream, recurrent dream, remote dream, romantic dream, strange
dream, sweet dreams, utopian dream,
vivid dream, weird dream, wet dream.
(sb’s) best dress, (sb’s) silver dress, academic dress, ankle-length dress, attractive dress, backless dress, ball dress,
battle dress, black dress, blue cotton
dress, blue dress, bright (blue) dress,
bright yellow dress, brightly coloured
dress, casual dress, ceremonial dress,
chic black dress, civilian dress, classic
dress, clean dress, clinging dress, close
fitting dress, cocktail dress, colourful
dress, comfortable dress, cool dress,
correct dress (the), cotton dress, dark
blue dress, darling little dress, day
dress, different dress, dinner dress,
drab dress, elegant dress, evening
dress, eye-catching dress, fancy dress,
fashionable dress, figure-hugging dress,
flattering dress, flimsy dress, floral
dresses, formal dress, full-length dress,
full-skirted dress, gorgeous dress, hideous dress, high-necked dress, informal
dress, layered dress, little dress, long
dress, long white dress, loose-fitting
dress, low-cut dress, maternity dress,
military dress, modern dress, modest
dress, modest knee-length dress, national dress (the), neat dress, new
dress, nicest dress (sb’s), off-the-shoulder dress, pale dress, party dress, period dress, plain dress, posh dress,
pretty dress, red dress, revealing dress,
severe dress, shapeless dress, short
dress, silk dress, simple dress, skimpy
dress, sleeveless dress, slinky dress,
smart dress, strapless dress, sumptuous
velvet dress, Sunday dress, the native
dress, thin cotton dress, tight dress,
tight-fitting dress, topless dress, traditional dress, unfashionable old dress,
wedding dress.
after-hours drink, alcoholic drink(s),
celebratory drink, cold drink, cool
drink, diet drink, early-evening drink,
farewell drink, fiery drink, fizzy drink,
fresh drinks, heady drink, hot drink,
hot milky drink, iced drink, leisurely
drink, little drink (of milk), long drink,
low-alcohol drink, low-calorie drink,
lunchtime drink, milky drink, non-alcoholic drink, odd drink (the), popular
drink, potent drink, quick drink, quiet
drink, reduced-alcohol drink, refresh-
ing drink, regular drink, relaxing drink,
soft drink, sparkling drink, stiff drink,
straight drink, strong alcoholic drink,
strong drink, sweet drink, warm drink,
weak drink, welcome drink.
drive -AAA
2-hour/15-minute drive, all-wheel
drive, anticorruption drive, anti-drug
drive, big drive, bumpy drive, CD-ROM
drive, competitive drive, cost-cutting
drive, creative drive, disk drive, DVD
drive, easy drive, efficiency drive, emotional drive, export drive, fast drive,
floppy drive, four-wheel drive, front
drive (the), front-wheel drive,
fundraising drive, gravel/gravelled
drive, hard drive, innate drive, inner
drive, instinctive/instinctual drive, lefthand drive, leisurely drive, long drive,
marketing drive, membership drive,
modernization drive, narrative drive,
national drive, nationwide drive, personal drive, pleasant drive, private
drive, rear-wheel drive, recruitment
drive, relentless drive, right-hand drive,
sales drive, scenic drive, sex/sexual
drive, short drive, sixty-mile drive,
sweeping drive, test drive, tree-lined
drive, winding drive, zip drive.
driver -AA
(their) regular bus driver, ambulance
driver, appalling driver, bad driver, bus
driver, cab driver, capable driver, car
driver, careful driver, careless driver,
cautious driver, coach driver, competent
driver, considerate driver, dangerous
driver, drunk/drunken driver, engine
driver, experienced driver, expert driver,
fast driver, good driver, hit-and-run
driver, hopeless driver, immature drivers, inept driver, inexperienced drivers,
learner driver, long-distance driver, lorry
driver, poor driver, racing driver, rally
driver, reckless driver, rotten driver, safe
driver, skilful driver, slow driver, tanker
driver, taxi driver, train driver, truck
driver, van driver.
drop -A
alarming drop, big drop, catastrophic
drop, considerable drop, dramatic
drop, dramatic drop (in profits, etc.),
every last drop, huge drop, large drop,
long drop, marked drop, massive drop,
noticeable drop, perceptible drop, precipitous drop, rapid drop, sharp drop,
sharp drop (in prices), sharp drop (in
profits), sheer drop, significant drop,
slight drop, small drop, steady drop,
steep drop, steep drop (from the cliff),
steep drop (in share prices), substantial
drop, sudden drop, sudden drop (in
temperature), swift drop, tremendous
drop, vertical drop.
addictive drug, anti-cancer drug, antiinflammatory drug, anti-malarial drug,
dangerous drug, designer drug, generic
drug, hallucinogenic drug, hard drug,
illegal drug, modern drug, new anticancer drug, new drug, new wonder
drug, potent drug, powerful drug, prescription drug, random drug, sedative
drug, slow-acting drug, soft drug(s),
strong drug, weak drug, wonder drug,
wrong drug (the).
basic drugs, dangerous drugs, designer
drugs, established anti-cancer drugs,
established drugs, hard drugs, harmful
drugs, illegal drugs, illicit drugs, intravenous drugs, life-saving drugs, medicinal drugs, peddle drugs, soft drugs, systemic drugs, therapeutic drugs, toxic
duty -AA
absolute duty, active duty, administrative duties, alcohol duty, beat duty,
bounden duty, ceremonial duties,
christian duty, civic duties, consular
duties, contractual duty, customs duty,
daily duty, day duty, death duty, domestic duties, escort duty, ethical duty, excise duty, executive duties, export duty,
family duty, filial duty, fuel duty, fundamental duty, general duty, guard duty,
heavy duty, high duty, household duty,
import duty, legal duty, light duty, low
duty, mandatory duty, military duty,
ministerial duties, moral duty, night
duty, official duty, onerous duties, paramilitary duties, parental duty, pastoral
duties, patriotic duty, point duty, preferential import duties, primary duty,
prior duty, professional duty, public
duty, religious duty, routine duty, royal
duty, sacred duty, secretarial duties,
sentry duty, solemn duty, statutory duties, supervisory duties, tobacco duty,
trivial everyday duties, wifely duty.
(get) a thick ear, (have a) quick ear,
(have) cold ears, big ear, fine ear,
floppy ears, good ear, inner ear (the),
keen ear, large ear, left ear (the), listening ear, long ear, middle ear (the),
pierced ear, pointed/pointy ear, receptive ear, right ear (the), sharp ear, sympathetic ear, the outer ear, torn ear,
trained ear (the).
baked earth, bare earth, barren earth,
chalky earth, damp earth, dead earth,
fertile earth, fresh earth, freshly-dug
earth, infertile earth, loose earth, moist
earth, sandy earth, scorched earth, soft
earth, solid earth, wet earth.
far east (the).
economy -AAA
admirable economy, advanced
economy, agrarian economy, agricultural economy, black economy, booming economy, buoyant economy, capitalist economy, continental economy,
depressed economy, devastated
economy, developed economy, developing economies, domestic economy, dynamic economy, enterprising economy,
false economy (= sth that you think
will save money but which will really
cost you more), fast-growing economy,
flagging economy, fragile economy, frail
economy, global economy, healthy
economy, important economy, industrial economy, informal economy, internal economy, international economy,
liberal economy, local economy, major
economy, market economy, mixed
economy, modern economy, monetary
economy, moribund economy, national
economy, planned economy, prosperous
economy, richest economies (the), rigid
economy, rural economy, service-based
economy, significant economy, sluggish
economy, socialist economy, sound
economy, stable economy, stagnant
economy, strong economy, the ailing
economy, underground economy, unhealthy economy, unstable economy,
unstoppable economy, weak economy,
world economy.
(be at) the leading edge (of sth), blunt
edge, bottom edge, cliff edge, competitive edge, cutting edge, decided edge,
distinct edges, flashy edge (to sth), front
edge (the), grim edges, inner edge
(the), inside edge, jagged edge, northern edge (the), outside edge (the),
ragged edge, rough edge, serrated edge,
sharp edge, slight edge, sloping edge,
smooth edge, south edge (the), southern edge (the), straight edge, the extreme edge (of sth), the outer edge, the
south-eastern edge, top edge (the), uneven edge, very edge, water’s edge.
edition -A
abridged edition, cheap edition, compact edition, complete edition, concise
edition, critical edition, critical edition
(of Milton, etc.), earlier edition, electronic edition, evening edition, expanded edition, facsimile edition, first
edition, hardback edition, illustrated
edition, jumbo editions, latest edition,
leather-bound edition, limited edition,
low-priced edition, luxury edition,
morning edition, new edition, omnibus
edition, paperback edition, pirate edition, pocket edition, popular edition,
private edition, recent edition, revised
edition, special edition, the deluxe edition, unabridged edition, unexpurgated
art editor, assistant editor, associate editor, chief editor (the), commissioning
editor, contributing editor, cookery editor, copy editor, deputy editor, economics editor, executive editor, fashion editor, feature editor, features editor, fiction editor, film editor, financial editor,
foreign editor, freelance editor, industrial editor, joint editor, literary editor,
magazine editor, managing editor, meticulous editor, music editor, news editor, newspaper editor, picture editor,
political editor, programme editor, senior editor, specialist editor, sports editor, tabloid editor, travel editor.
adult education, advanced education,
all-round education, bilingual education, classical education, college education, compulsory education, decent
education, drugs education, early education, environmental education, excellent education, first-class education,
formal education, full-time education,
further education, general education,
good education, graduate education,
health education, higher education, liberal education, mainstream education,
mixed education, nursery education,
part-time education, physical education, poor education, postgraduate
education, pre-school education, primary education, private education,
professional education, progressive
education, public education, religious
education, remedial education, rudimentary education, secondary education, second-class education, secular
education, selective education, sex
education, single-sex education, solid
education, state education, technical
education, university education, vocational education.
(have) a detrimental effect (on), (suffer no) ill effects, (with) telling effect,
adverse effects, aggregate effect, appalling effect, apparent effect, appreciable effect, audio effect, aural effects,
bad effect (on sb's feelings), bad effect
(on sb's mind), bad effect (on sth), bad
effects, beneficial effects, big effect, biological effect (on sth), calming effect,
catastrophic effect, celestial effect,
chemical effect (on sth), chief effect,
chilling effect, cinematic effect, climatic
effects, cohesive effect, combined effect,
corrosive effect, crippling effect, cumulative effect, curative effect, damaging
effects, deadly effect, debilitating effect,
decisive effect, definite effect, deleterious effect, desired effect (the), detectable effect, deterrent effect, devastating
effect, digital effect, direct effect, disastrous effect, discernible effect, disincentive effect, disproportionate effect, disruptive effect, divisive effect, domino
effect, dramatic effect, dramatic visual
effects, elaborate effect, electric effect,
enormous effect, far-reaching effect,
formative effect, full effect, great effect
(on sb), great effect (on sth), greenhouse effect (the), harmful effects, harmonic effects, helpful effect, hypnotic
effect, immediate effect, important effect, indirect effect, inflationary effect,
knock-on effects, lasting effect, layered
effect, lighting effect, likely effect, little
effect, long-lasting effects, long-term
effect, magical effect (on sb), magnetic
effect, major effect, marginal effect,
marked effect, maximum effect, measurable effect, minimal effect, modest
effect, negative effect, negligible effect,
net effect, noticeable effect, optical effects, optimum effect, overall effect,
paradoxical effect, permanent effect,
personal effects, placebo effect, positive
effect, possible effect, potential effect,
powerful effect, practical effect, predictable effect, principal effect, probable
effect, profound effect, pronounced effect, qualitative effect, quantitative effect, real effect, remarkable effect, residual effect, restorative effect, ripple
effect, salutary effect, secondary effect,
serious effect, shattering effect, short-
lived effect, short-term effect, side effect (of…), side effects, significant effect, sobering effect, soothing effect, soporific effect, sound effect(s), special
effect, spin-off effect, stark effect, startling effect, striking effect, strong effect
(on sb’s beliefs), strong effect (on sb’s
feelings), strong effect (on sth), stunning effect, substantial effect, subtle
effect, the biological effects (of radiation), the destructive effects, the evil
effects (of racism), the evil effects (of
sth), the harmful effects (of alcohol),
the indirect effects (of the war), the
intended effect, the long-term effects of
fertilizers, the main effect, the pernicious effect, the possible side effects (of
the drug), the reverse effect, therapeutic effect, three-dimensional effects,
traumatic effect, undesirable effects,
unfortunate effect, unpleasant effect
(on people), unseen effects, unsettling
effect, useful effect, visible effect, visual
abortive effort, all-out effort, big effort,
bipartisan effort, blind effort, brave effort, collaborative effort, collective effort, combined effort, commendable effort, concentrated effort, concerted effort, conscious effort, considerable effort, constant effort, cooperative effort,
deliberate effort, desperate effort, determined effort, determined effort (to
stop smoking, etc.), diplomatic effort,
direct effort, enormous effort, enormous mental effort, evident effort, extra effort, feeble effort, final effort, forlorn effort, frantic effort, fruitless effort, fund-raising effort, futile effort,
gallant effort, genuine effort, great effort, group effort, hard effort,
Herculean effort, heroic effort, huge
effort, individual effort, intellectual effort, international effort, joint effort,
last-ditch effort, little effort, major effort, massive effort, mental effort, mus-
cular effort, peace effort, physical effort,
positive effort, real effort, relief effort,
remarkable effort, rescue effort, serious
effort, slight effort, solo effort, special
effort, sporadic effort, stout effort,
strenuous effort, successful effort, superhuman effort, supreme effort, sustained effort, team effort, the last effort,
the minimum effort, token effort, transparent effort, tremendous effort, unsuccessful effort, vain effort, valiant effort,
visible effort, voluntary effort, war effort
(the), wasted effort.
(make) strenuous efforts, (sb’s) tireless
efforts, abortive efforts, active efforts,
agonizing efforts, arduous efforts, careful efforts, combined efforts, conscientious efforts, consistent efforts, constructive efforts, continual efforts, cooperative efforts, covert efforts, creditable efforts, crude efforts, desperate efforts, determined efforts, disastrous efforts, earnest efforts, elaborate efforts,
energetic efforts, faltering efforts, feeble
efforts, feverish efforts, frantic efforts,
frenzied efforts, fruitless efforts, futile
efforts, gallant efforts, gruelling efforts,
half-hearted efforts, heroic efforts, intensive efforts, modest efforts, piecemeal efforts, pioneering efforts, prolonged efforts, sterling efforts, strong
efforts, successful efforts, superhuman
efforts, sustained efforts, tedious efforts,
tremendous efforts, unavailing efforts,
united efforts, untiring efforts, valiant
efforts, vigorous efforts, wasted efforts,
well-meaning efforts.
egg -AA
addled egg, bad egg, boiled egg, chicken
egg, chocolate egg, duck egg, Easter
egg, fertilized egg, free-range egg, fresh
egg, fried egg, hard-boiled egg, hen’s
egg, organic egg, poached egg, quail’s
egg, rotten egg, Scotch egg, scrambled
egg, soft boiled egg, unfertilised egg.
close election, congressional election,
council election, democratic election,
direct election, early election, fair election, federal election, free election,
fresh election, general election, gubernatorial election, indirect election,
leadership election, legislative election,
local election, local government election, mayoral election, mock election,
multi-party election, municipal elections, national election, new election,
parliamentary election, party election,
presidential election, primary election,
provincial elections, regional election,
rigged election, run-off election, Senate
election, state election, statewide elections, the forthcoming elections, the
upcoming elections, unconstitutional
electricity -A
high-voltage electricity, low-voltage
electricity, mains electricity, off-peak
electricity, static electricity.
basic element, competitive element,
considerable element, criminal element
(in society) (the), critical element, crucial element, decisive element, dominant element, elusive element, essential element, fundamental element, important element, integral element, key
element, large element, major element,
necessary element, principal element,
racial element, sexual element, significant element, strong element, the main
element, vital element.
antisocial elements, basic elements,
chemical elements (the), complicated
elements, component elements, conflicting elements, constituent elements,
contrasting elements, criminal elements, critical elements, crucial elements, decorative elements, dissimilar
elements, diverse elements, essential
elements, fundamental elements, identical elements, individual elements, interlocking elements, main elements,
metallic elements, militant elements,
misunderstood elements, principal elements, radioactive elements, reactionary elements, separate elements, stylistic elements, the disparate elements,
unrelated elements.
emergency -AA
dire emergency, extreme (formal) emergency, extreme emergency, international emergency, major emergency,
medical emergency, military emergency,
motoring emergencies, national emergency, real emergency, serious emergency, sudden emergency, unexpected
emergency, unforeseen emergency.
emotion -A
(sb’s) ruling emotion, artificial emotion,
authentic emotion, complex emotion,
conflicting emotion, contradictory emotion, deep emotion, destructive emotion, extreme emotion, fragile emotion,
heightened emotion, human emotion,
inner emotion, innermost emotion, intense emotion, keen emotion, mixed
emotion, naked emotion, negative emotion, overwhelming emotion, painful
emotion, pent-up emotion, positive
emotion, powerful emotion, predominant emotion, profound emotion, raw
emotion, silent emotion, strong emotion, suppressed emotion, tangled emotion, tense emotion, violent emotion.
brute emotions, conflicting emotions,
feverish emotions, mixed emotions, naked emotions, primal emotions, raw
emotions, strong emotions, strongest
emotions (the), turbulent emotions,
volatile emotions.
considerable emphasis, great emphasis,
heavy emphasis, increased emphasis,
particular emphasis, slight emphasis,
special emphasis, strong emphasis, the
main emphasis.
employee -AA
blue collar employee, cheerful employee, disgruntled employees, female
employee, full-time employee, hardworking employee, junior employee,
key employee, long-serving employee,
loyal employee, manual employee, new
employee, part-time employee, permanent employee, potential employee,
prospective employee, redundant employees, retired employee, salaried employees, senior employee, skilled employee, temporary employee, un-skilled
employee, white collar employee.
employer -A
big employer, good employer, large employer, large-scale employer, major employer, potential employer, prospective
employers, sympathetic employer, unscrupulous employer, would-be employer.
employment -A
blue collar employment, casual employment, continuous employment,
factory employment, full employment,
full-time employment, gainful employment, high employment, juvenile employment, knock-on employment,
large-scale employment, large-scale
employment (of women), lifelong employment, lifetime employment, longterm employment, low employment,
manual employment, meaningful employment, office employment, paid
employment, part-time employment,
permanent employment, regular employment, salaried employment, seasonal employment, sheltered employment, short-term employment, skilled
employment, stable employment,
steady employment, temporary employment, total employment, unskilled
employment, white-collar employment.
(at) the southern end, (come to/meet a)
sticky end, (for) commercial ends, (tie
up) the loose ends, abrupt end, apparent end, apparent end (to the strike,
etc.), back end, bad end, beneficial end,
bottom end, brittle ends (of the hair),
cheap end, common end, dead end,
dear end, deep end, desirable end, destructive end, dramatic end, early end,
economic end, educational end, expensive end, extreme end (the), far end
(the), fitting end (to sth), free end, front
end (the), ideological end, knotted end,
lower end, opposite end (the), other
end, pointed end, political end, practical end, pragmatic end, premature end,
quick end, round end, rounded end, sad
end, selfish end, shallow end, sharp end
(of sth) (the), social end, square end,
sudden end, tail end, the bottom end (of
the price range), the extreme end (of
the river), the rear end, the thin end of
(the wedge etc.), top end (the), tragic
end, untimely end, upper end (the),
utilitarian end, very end, west end,
western end (the), worthwhile end,
worthy end.
enemy -A
ancient enemy, arch enemy, bitter enemies, chief enemy, common enemy,
dangerous enemy, deadly enemies, extreme enemy, formidable enemy, great
enemy, implacable enemy, invisible enemy, main enemy (the), mortal enemy,
natural enemy, old enemy (= someone
you have known for a long time), political enemy, powerful enemy, principal
enemy, relentless enemy, sworn enemies, traditional enemy.
energy -AA
alternative energy, atomic energy,
boundless energy, creative energy, direct
energy, electrical energy, high energy,
indefatigable energy, inexhaustible energy, infinite energy, manic energy, mental energy, nervous energy, nuclear en-
ergy, pent-up energy, potential energy,
prodigious energy, psychic energy, radiant energy, raw energy, renewable energy, restless energy, sexual energy, solar energy, surplus energy, thermal energy, typical energy, unflagging energy,
vital energy, wave energy, wind energy,
youthful energy.
1200cc engine, 20-valve engine, 580-litre engine, air-craft engine, big engine,
car engine, dead engine, diesel engine,
fire engine, four-cylinder engine, highpowered engine, internal-combustion
engine, jet engine, large engine, lightweight aluminium engine, loud engine,
noisy engine, outboard engine, petrol
engine, piston engine, powerful engine,
railway engine, refined engine, rocket
engine, rotary engine, small engine,
smoky old diesel engine, stationary engine, steam engine, tailor-made engine,
tank engine, turbine engine, turbo/turbocharged engine, twin engines, twins engine, two-stroke engine, worn-out
aeronautical engineer, agricultural engineer, air-craft engineer, automotive
engineers, chartered engineer, chemical engineer, chief engineer (the), civil
engineer, consultant/consulting engineer, design engineer, electrical engineers, electronic engineer, electronics
engineer, flight engineer, heating engineer, hydraulic engineer, innovative engineers, lighting engineer, maintenance
engineer, marine engineer, mechanical
engineer, mining engineer, production
engineer, qualified engineer, railway
engineer, recording engineer, registered
engineer, service engineer, skilled engineer, software engineers, sound engineer, structural engineer, systems engineers, telephone engineer, trained engineer.
advanced engineering, aeronautical engineering, agricultural engineering,
chemical engineering, civil engineering,
conventional engineering, design engineering, ecological engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering,
genetic engineering, heavy engineering,
light engineering, mechanical engineering, precision engineering, process engineering, software engineering, systems
(in) plain English, (your) broken English, American English, BBC English,
British English, early English, elementary English, fluent English, idiomatic
English, Indian English, little English,
middle English, modern English, old
English, perfect English, precise English,
spoken English, standard english, the
Queen’s English, usable English, written
back entrance (the), blind entrance,
cave entrance, church entrance, dramatic entrance, front entrance (the),
grand entrance, harbour entrance, hidden entrance, main entrance (the), narrow entrance, school entrance, side entrance, surreptitious entrance, the rear
entrance, the rear entrance (of the
building), tunnel entrance, wide entrance.
entry -AA
diary entry, dictionary entry, dramatic
entry, envelope entry, forced entry, forcible entry, free entry, grand entry, illegal
entry, incomplete entries, school entry,
the winning entry, triumphal entry, unauthorized entry, university entry, unlawful entry.
alien environment, aquatic environment, arid environment, business envi-
ronment, changing environment, classroom environment, clean environment,
coastal environment, cold environment, commercial environment, competitive environment, congenial environment, congested environment, controlled environment, corporate environment, cultural environment, dangerous environment, domestic environment, economic environment, educational environment, emotional environment, external environment, extreme
environment, familiar environment,
family environment, favourable environment, financial environment, forest
environment, fragile environment,
friendly environment, global environment (the), harsh environment,
healthy environment, home environment, hospitable environment, hostile
environment, immediate environment
(the), learning environment, local environment (the), marine environment
(the), mountain environment, natural
environment (the), new environment,
noisy environment, office environment,
physical environment, pleasant environment, political environment, professional environment, protected environment, right environment (for sth)
(the), rural environment, safe environment, safe environment (for children),
school environment, secure environment, stable environment, stimulating
environment, sympathetic environment, teaching environment, the social
environment, training environment,
uncertain environment, unfamiliar environment, unhealthy environment, unstable environment, urban environment, volatile economic environment,
warm environment, work environment,
working environment, workplace environment, world environment (the).
affordable computers equipment, agricultural equipment, audio equipment,
basic equipment, business equipment,
camera equipment, camping equipment, communication equipment, communications equipment, computer
equipment, decent equipment, defective
equipment, digital equipment, domestic
equipment, efficient heating equipment,
electrical equipment, electronic equipment, emergency equipment, essential
equipment, expensive equipment, extra
equipment, farm equipment, faulty
equipment, fire-fighting equipment,
functional equipment, garden equipment, gardening equipment, heavy
equipment, heavy-duty equipment,
high-tech equipment, hi-tech equipment, hospital equipment, household
equipment, inadequate equipment, infrared equipment, intellectual equipment, kitchen equipment, laboratory
equipment, labour-saving equipment,
latest equipment (the), life-saving
equipment, light equipment, lighting
equipment, medical equipment, mental
equipment, military equipment, mobile
equipment, modern equipment, navigation equipment, necessary equipment,
new equipment, office equipment, oldfashioned equipment, outdated equipment, photographic equipment, physical
equipment, play equipment, portable
equipment, proper equipment (the),
protective equipment, radar equipment,
radio equipment, recording equipment,
rescue equipment, safety equipment,
school equipment, scientific equipment,
security equipment, sensitive equipment, sensory equipment, sophisticated
equipment, special equipment, specialist equipment, specialized equipment,
sports equipment, standard equipment,
state-of-the-art equipment, stereo
equipment, sterile equipment, studio
equipment, surgical equipment, technical equipment, telecommunications
equipment, up-to-date equipment,
video equipment, vital equipment.
error -A
administrative error, careless error, cleri-
cal error (= one made in copying or
calculating sth), common error, computer error, conceptual error, crucial
error (the), driver error, embarrassing
error, factual errors, fatal error, fundamental error, ghastly error, glaring error, grammatical error, grave error,
great error, grievous error, gross error,
human error, inadvertent error, instrumental error, major error, manifest error, minor error, monumental error,
negligible error, past error, pilot error,
radical error, serious error, small error,
spelling error, tactical error, typing error, unfortunate error, vital error, vulgar
amazing escape, attempted escape,
close escape, daring escape, difficult
escape, fortunate escape, great escape,
hasty escape, heroic escape, lucky escape, miraculous escape, narrow escape, near escape, providential escape,
remarkable escape, successful escape,
unsuccessful escape.
academic establishment, art establishment, British establishment, catering
establishment, educational establishment, formal establishment, French establishment, gradual establishment, legal establishment (the), literary establishment, medical establishment, military establishment, musical establishment, political establishment, rapid establishment, religious establishment,
research establishment, scientific establishment, training establishment.
big estate, council estate, great estate,
housing estate, industrial estate, large
estate, massive estate, new housing estates, personal estate, private estate,
real estate, small estate, substantial estate, trading estate, vast estate.
accurate estimate, approximate estimate, best estimate (the), conservative
estimate, cost estimate, crude estimate,
current estimate (the), early estimate,
fair estimate, good estimate (of sth),
high estimate, informed estimate, initial estimate, low estimate, official estimate, optimistic estimate, outside estimate (= a number or amount that is
the largest something could possibly
be), pessimistic estimate, preliminary
estimate, quantitative estimates, realistic estimate, reasonable estimate, recent estimate, reliable estimate, rough
estimate, unofficial estimate.
(that) fateful evening, April evening,
balmy evening, beautiful evening, boring evening, busy evening, cold
evening, convivial evening, cool
evening, cosy evenings, dark evening,
dry evening, early evening, enjoyable
evening, entertaining evening, festive
evening, fine evening, following
evening (the), Friday evening, gala
evening, golden evening, good evening,
interminable evening, late evening,
light summer evenings, long evening,
long winter evenings (the), lovely
evening, magical evening, May
evening, memorable evening, most enjoyable evening, musical evening, open
evening, parents evening, peaceful
evening, perfect evening, pleasant
evening, quiet evening, relaxing
evening, Saturday evening, social
evening, spring evening, still evening,
successful evening, summer evening,
the other evening, this evening, tomorrow evening, warm evening, warm
summer evening, whole evening, wonderful evening, yesterday evening.
(badly) organized event, (in) the unlikely event (of...), accidental event,
alternate event, annual event, apocalyptic event, big event, blessed event,
casual event, catalytic event, charity
event, coming event, commemorative
event, continuous event, disastrous
event, distance event, dramatic event,
economic event, everyday event, exciting event, family event, festive event,
fictitious event, field event, forthcoming event, freak event, fund-raising
event, grave event, great event, highprofile event, historic event, historical
event, horrific event, important event,
inaugural event, individual event, international event, jumping event, key
event, little event, lively event, long
event, long-distance event, major
event, meaningful event, men's event,
middle-distance event, miraculous
event, momentous event, monthly
event, musical event, mysterious event,
notorious event, olympic event, parochial event, pivotal event, political
event, popular event, possible event,
predictable event, prestigious event,
previous event, prolonged event, public event, quirky event, rare event, recent event, regular event, remarkable
event, routine event, running event,
sad event, seasonal event, seminal
event, shock event, significant event,
smart event, social event, social event
of the year (the), special event, spontaneous event, sporting event, sports
event, sprint event, stunning event,
subsequent event, swift event, symbolic
event, team event, tearful event, terrifying event, the golfing event, the
happy event, the main event, the opening event, throwing event, track event,
tragic event, traumatic event, violent
event, weekly event, women's event,
world event.
(sports and) cultural events, concurrent
events, consecutive events, contemporary events, continual events, crucial
events, current events, disconnected
events, disgusting events, domestic
events, ensuing events, equestrian
events, external events, fictional events,
forthcoming events, fruitless events, future events, hourly events, latest events,
parallel events, past events, promotional events, random events, repeated
events, seismic revolutionary events,
social events, solar events, subsequent
events, tumultuous events, uncommon
events, unrelated events, upcoming
events, world events.
abundant evidence, adequate evidence,
admissible evidence, ample evidence,
anecdotal evidence, archaeological evidence, astonishing evidence, available
evidence (the), believable evidence, circumstantial evidence, clear evidence,
compelling evidence, conclusive evidence, concrete evidence, conflicting
evidence, considerable evidence, conspicuous evidence, contradictory evidence, convincing evidence, copious
evidence, corroborative evidence, crucial evidence, cumulative evidence, current evidence (the), damning evidence,
decisive evidence, definite evidence,
direct evidence, documentary evidence,
empirical evidence, experimental evidence, extensive evidence, factual evidence, false evidence, firm evidence,
first-hand evidence, flimsy evidence,
forensic evidence, formal evidence,
fresh evidence, further evidence, good
evidence, growing evidence, hard evidence, historical evidence, important
evidence, inadequate evidence, inadmissible evidence. (= information that
is not allowed to be used), incomplete
evidence, inconclusive evidence, incontrovertible evidence, indirect evidence,
indisputable evidence, insufficient evidence, internal evidence, irrefutable
evidence, irrelevant evidence, material
evidence, medical evidence, more evidence, new evidence, objective evidence, oral evidence, persuasive evi-
dence, photographic evidence, physical
evidence, plentiful evidence, positive
evidence, powerful evidence (the),
prejudiced evidence, present evidence,
prima facie evidence (= evidence sufficient to establish a fact/raise a presumption of the truth unless controverted), reliable evidence, scant evidence, scientific evidence, shaky evidence, solid evidence, sound evidence,
spurious evidence, startling evidence,
statistical evidence, striking evidence,
strong evidence, substantial evidence,
sufficient evidence, supporting evidence, sworn evidence, tangible evidence, the overwhelming evidence,
trumped-up evidence, unambiguous
evidence, unequivocal evidence, valuable evidence, video evidence, visible
evidence, visual evidence, vital evidence, weak evidence, widespread evidence.
A level examination, brief examination,
careful examination, careful examination (of the facts, etc.), choice examination, clinical examination, close examination, competitive examination,
critical examination, cursory examination, detailed examination, difficult examination, easy examination, end of
term/year examination, entrance examination, external examination, final
examination (the), forensic examination, formal examination, full examination, GCSE examination, important examination, initial examination, internal
examination, lengthy examination, matriculation examination, medical examination, microscopic examination,
minute examination, mock examination, multiple examination, narrow examination, oral examination, physical
examination, post-mortem examination, practical examination, preliminary examination, professional examination, psychiatric examination, public
examination, rigorous examination,
routine examination, school examination, scientific examination, searching
examination, selection examination,
stiff examination, superficial examination, terminal examinations, thorough
examination, thorough examination (of
your body, etc.), viva voce examination,
written examination.
bad example, bizarre example, blatant
example, characteristic example, classic
example (of sth), clean example (of
sth), clear example (of sb's inefficiency,
etc.), clear example (of sth), cogent example, common example, concrete example, convincing example, dramatic
example, excellent example, extreme
example (of sth), familiar example, famous example, fascinating example,
fine example (of Gothic style, etc.), fine
example (of sth), flagrant example,
glaring example, good example, good
example (of a type), graphic example,
great example, helpful example, hypothetical example, illuminating example,
illustrative example, impressive example, inspiring example, instructive
example, interesting example, intriguing example, isolated example, magnificent example, much-quoted example,
notable example, notorious example,
obvious example, often-quoted example, oft-quoted example, outstanding
example, perfect example, poor example, practical example, prime example, rare example, ready-made example, recent example, remarkable example, representative example, shining
example, simple example, spectacular
example, straightforward example,
striking example, superb example, telling example, the (most) appalling example, the following example, true example, typical example, useful example,
vivid example, well-known example,
wonderful example.
(with a few) honourable exceptions,
conspicuous exception, important exception, major exception, minor exception, notable exception, obvious exception, rare exception, significant exception, striking exception.
academic exchange, acrimonious exchange, angry exchange, bitter exchange, brief exchange, cultural exchanges, fair exchange, frank exchange
(of ideas), fully-fledged stock exchange, heated exchange, mutual exchange, official exchange, profitable
exchange, sharp exchange, student exchange, two-way exchange, verbal exchange, warm exchange (of views),
youth exchange.
(pen and) paper exercise, academic exercise, adequate exercise, administrative exercise, aerobic exercise, arbitrary
exercise, basic exercise, breathing exercises, chest exercise, comprehension
exercise, consultation exercise, cosmetic exercise, cost-cutting exercise,
costing exercise, costly exercise, cynical exercise, daily exercise, damage
limitation exercise, difficult exercise,
easy exercise, effective exercise, energetic exercise, evaluation exercise, expensive exercise, flying exercise, free
exercise, fruitless exercise, futile exercise, gentle exercise, good exercise,
grammar exercise, hard exercise,
healthy exercise, improper exercise,
inappropriate exercise, intellectual exercise, interesting exercise, joint exercise, keep-fit exercise, leg exercise, legitimate exercise, light exercise, listening exercise, major exercise, marketing
exercise, massive exercise, mental exercise, military exercise, moderate exercise, money-making exercise, morning exercise, naval exercise, oral exercise, peaceful exercise, physical exer-
cise, pilot exercise, pointless exercise,
political exercise, practical exercise,
practice exercise, promotional exercise,
propaganda exercise, proper exercise,
public relations exercise, publicity exercise, regular exercise, relaxation exercises, remedial exercises, research exercise, simple exercise, statistical exercise,
straightforward exercise, strengthening
exercise, strenuous exercise, stretching
exercise, successful exercise, teambuilding exercise, technical exercise,
theoretical exercise, time-consuming
exercise, training exercise, translation
exercise, useful exercise, valuable exercise, vigorous exercise, warm-up exercise, weight-bearing exercise, worthless
exercise, worthwhile exercise, writing
exercise, written exercise.
exhibition -A
actual exhibition (the), annual exhibition, art exhibition, big exhibition,
changing exhibition, collaborative exhibition, concurrent exhibitions, craft exhibition, important exhibition, international exhibition, joint exhibition, large
exhibition, local exhibition, major exhibition, one-man exhibition, one-person
exhibition, one-woman exhibition, permanent exhibition, photographic exhibition, private exhibition, public exhibition, retrospective exhibition, small exhibition, solo exhibition, special exhibition, summer exhibition, temporary exhibition, touring exhibition, trade exhibition, travelling exhibition.
(lead a) nomadic existence, actual existence, autonomous existence, bare existence, brief existence, charmed existence, comfortable existence, continued
existence, daily existence, day-to-day
existence, desolate existence, drab existence, dull existence, everyday existence,
frugal existence, future existence, handto-mouth existence, human existence,
humdrum existence, independent exist-
ence, isolated existence, lonely existence, luxurious existence, material existence, meaningless existence, mere
existence, miserable existence, ordered
existence, peaceful existence, physical
existence, precarious existence, previous existence, prior existence, quiet
existence, real existence, routine existence, rural existence, secluded existence, selfish existence, separate existence, sheltered existence, social existence, solitary existence, suburban existence, urban existence, very existence.
career expectation, clear expectation,
confident expectation, disappointed
expectation, economic expectation,
false expectation, family expectation,
future expectation, general expectation, great expectation, growing expectation, heightened expectation, high
expectation(s), increased expectation,
legitimate expectation, life expectation, low expectation, lowered expectation, market expectation, naïve expectation, negative expectation, normal expectation, optimistic expectation, over-high expectation, over-optimistic expectation, parental expectation, pessimistic expectation, popular
expectation, positive expectation, public expectation, realistic expectation,
reasonable expectation, rising expectation, social expectation, teacher expectation, traditional expectation, unrealistic expectation, unreasonable expectation, widespread expectation, wild
(have) high expectations, (have) low
expectations, ambitious expectations,
clear expectations, economic expectations, future expectations, great expectations, growing expectations, increased expectations, popular expectations, public expectations, social ex-
pectations, traditional expectations,
unrealistic expectations, wild expectations.
(go to) considerable expense, additional expense, allowable expense, basic expense, big expense, business expense, considerable public expense,
enormous expense, extra expense, funeral expense, great expense, high expense, household expense, incidental
expense, legal expense, legitimate expense, living expense, management
expense, medical expense, needless
expense, operating expense, out-ofpocket expense, overhead expense,
personal expense, public expense, reasonable expense, re-location expense,
removal expense, running expense,
travel/travelling expense, unexpected
expense, unnecessary expense, vast
expense, work-related expense.
basic expenses, business expenses, clear
expenses, current expenses, day-to-day
expenses, excess expenses, funeral expenses, heavy expenses, high expenses,
hotel expenses, household expenses,
incidental expenses, initial expenses,
joint expenses, legal expenses, legitimate expenses, living expenses, medical expenses, miscellaneous expenses,
operating expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, overhead expenses, personal
expenses, reasonable expenses, related
expenses, relocation expenses, removal
expenses, running expenses, sundry
expenses, travel expenses, travelling
expenses, work-related expenses.
(a strange and) exciting experience,
(from) bitter experience, (from) past
experience, (from) previous experience, (have) limited experience, (have)
wide experience, (highly) pleasurable
experience, allowable expenses, amaz-
ing experience, awesome experience,
bad experience, beautiful experience,
childhood experiences, cinematic experience, classroom experience, common
experience, confusing experience, considerable experience, daunting experience, depressing experience, direct experience, disappointing experience,
early experience, educational experience, emotional experience, enjoyable
experience, erotic experience, everyday
experience, exhilarating experience, familiar experience, first-hand experience, formative experience, frightening
experience, fruitful experience, ghastly
experience, giddy experience, good experience, great experience, hair-raising
experience, hairy experience, hands-on
experience, harrowing experience,
harsh experience, heady experience,
horrendous experience, horrific experiences, horrifying experience, human
experience, humbling experience, humiliating experiences, instructive experience, interesting experience, invaluable experience, job-related experience, learning experience, liberating
experience, life experience, long experience, managerial experience, meaningful experience, moving experience,
mystical experience, nasty experience,
near-death experience, nerve-racking
experience, out-of-body experience,
outside experiences, painful experience, personal experience, pleasant
experience, political experience, positive experience, practical experience,
prior experience, professional experience, profitable experience, psychic
experience, punishing experience, raising experience, real-life experience,
relevant experience, religious experience, rewarding experience, romantic
experiences, salutary experience, same
experience (the), satisfying experience,
secretarial experience, sensory experience, sexual experience, shared experience, shattering experience, similar ex-
periences, sobering experience, spiritual
experience, strange experience, stressful
experience, subjective experience,
teaching experience, terrible experience, terrifying experience, thrilling experience, traumatic experience, tremendous experience, unforgettable experience, unhappy experiences, unnerving
experience, unpleasant experience, unrivalled experience, unsettling experience, upsetting experience, useful experience, valuable experience, vicarious
experience, visionary experience, weird
experience, wonderful experience, work
animal experiments, biological experiment, bold experiment, brief experiment, careful experiment, celebrated
experiment, chemical experiment, classic/classical experiment, clever experiment, control experiment, controlled
experiment, educational experiment,
failed experiment, famous experiment,
field experiment, further experiment,
ingenious experiment, interesting experiment, laboratory experiment,
loaded experiments, medical experiment, pilot experiment, pioneering experiment, practical experiment, preliminary experiment, psychological experiment, psychology experiment, science
experiment, scientific experiment,
simple experiment, social experiment,
successful experiment, systematic experiments, thought experiment, unique
experiment, unofficial experiments, unsuccessful experiment, well-known experiment.
(our) resident expert (on sth), acknowledged expert, bomb disposal expert,
bona fide experts, computer expert, external experts, financial expert, foremost expert, forensic experts, gardening
expert, health expert, horticultural ex-
pert, independent expert, international
expert, leading expert, legal expert, local expert, marketing expert, medical
expert, military expert, outside expert,
professional expert, qualified expert,
real expert, recognized expert, renowned experts, scientific expert, selfproclaimed expert, self-styled experts,
so-called expert, technical experts,
world expert.
(no) apparent explanation, acceptable
explanation, accepted explanation, ad
hoc explanation, adequate explanation,
brief explanation, causal explanation,
clear explanation, coherent explanation, common explanation, complete
explanation, complex explanation,
complicated explanation, comprehensive explanation, concise explanation,
convenient explanation, convincing
explanation, correct explanation, credible explanation, cultural explanation,
cynical explanation, decent explanation, detailed explanation, easy explanation, elaborate explanations, entirely
believable explanation, full explanation, general explanation, good explanation, highly improbable explanation,
historical explanation, implausible explanation, inadequate explanation, innocent explanation, involved explanation, lengthy explanation, likely explanation, logical explanation, long explanation, lucid explanation, mocking explanation, obvious explanation, official
explanation, only explanation (the),
partial explanation, plain explanations,
plausible explanation, political explanation, possible explanation, post hoc
explanation, prosaic explanation, psychological explanation, rational explanation, real explanation (the), reasonable explanation, rival explanation, satisfactory explanation, scientific explanation, simple explanation, sociological
explanation, sufficient explanation,
technical explanation, the (most) prob-
able explanation, the natural explanation, the sole explanation, theoretical
explanation, traditional explanation,
true explanation (the), unclear explanation, unlikely explanation, verbal explanation, very succinct explanation.
agricultural export, arms export, art
export, banana export, beef export, British export, capital export, coal export,
coffee export, commodity export, food
export, grain export, illegal export, illicit export, important export, industrial
export, invisible export, live export,
main export, major export, manufactured export, manufacturing export, oil
export, principal export, record export,
staple export, timber export, total export, US export, world export.
absent expression, abstracted expression, alert expression, American expression, amused expression, angry expression, anxious expression, appealing expression, artistic expression, baffled expression, bemused expression, benign
expression, bewildered expression, biblical expression, bitter, brooding expression, bland expression, blank expression, bleak expression, bored expression, brooding expression, characteristic
expression, classic expression, clear expression, coarse expression, coherent
expression, collective expression, colloquial expression, common expression,
concerned expression, concrete expression, confused expression, coy expressions, crazed expression, creative expression, cultural expression, curious
expression, dazed expression, deadpan
expression, direct expression, doubtful
expression, dour expression, dreamy
expression, effective expression, emotional expression, English expression,
enigmatic expression, facial expression,
faraway expression, favourite expression, fierce expression, figurative ex-
pression, fleeting expression, formal
expression, free expression, friendly expression, frightened expression, frozen
expression, full expression, furious expression, general expression, geographical expression, glad expression,
glazed expression, gloomy expression,
glum expressions, grim expression,
guarded expression, hangdog expression, haunted expression, highest expression, horrified expression, human
expression, hunted expression, idiomatic expression, impassive expression,
individual expression, informal expression, innocent expression, inscrutable
expression, intense expression, intent
expression, ironic expression, linguistic
expression, literary expressions, loose
expressions, lugubrious expression,
material expression, melancholy expression, memorable expression, metaphorical expression, mocking expression, mournful expression, musical expression, natural expression, odd expression, open expression, outdated
expression, outward expression, overt
expression, pained expression, perfect
expression, perplexed expression, personal expression, petrified expression,
physical expression, picturesque expressions, pleading expression, pleased
expression, poetic expression, political
expression, powerful expression, practical expression, public expression,
puzzled expression, quizzical expression, rapt expression, relieved expression, religious expression, remote expression, ritual expressions (of sympathy), sad expression, satisfied expression, searching expression, serious expression, set expression, severe expression, sexual expression, shocked expression, simple expression, sincere
expression, slang expression, smug expression, solemn expression, sombre
expression, spontaneous expression,
steely expression, stern expression,
strange expression, surprised expression, sympathetic expression, tangible
expression, the ultimate expression,
thoughtful expression, troubled expression, unique expression, unreadable expression, unusual expression, vacant
expression, vague expression, verbal
expression, visible expression, visual
expression, vulgar expressions, wary
expression, wistful expression, woebegone expression, woeful expression,
worried expression, wry expression.
actual extent, exact extent, full extent
(the), geographical extent, great extent,
greatest extent, lesser extent, linear extent, maximum extent, overall extent,
precise extent, small extent, territorial
extent, true extent (the).
(just that) little bit extra, added extra,
hidden extra, little extra, optional extra.
eye -AAA
(a sight for) sore eyes, (have) a canny
eye (for sth), (in the) public eye, (keep)
a close eye (on sb/sth), (keep) a sharp
eye (on sb), (open your) other eye,
(sb's) good eye, (stare with) wide eyes,
(to) the practised eye, (turn a) blind
eye, (with large) round eyes, (with) a
critical eye, (with) a jaundiced eye (=
thinking of people and situations in a
jaundiced way), (with) blazing eyes,
(with) the naked eye, amber eye, angry
eye, anxious eye, artistic eye, bad eye,
baggy eyes, beady eye, beautiful eyes,
big eye, black eyes, bleary eye, bloodshot eye, blue eyes, bright eyes, brilliant
eye, brooding eyes, brown eyes, burning
eyes, careful eye, cautious eye, clear
(blue) eyes, clear eyes, close-set eye,
cloudy eye, cold eye, cruel eye, curious
eyes, dark eyes, darkened eyes, darkringed eye, dazed eye, deep/deep-set
eye, discerning eye, downcast eye, dry
eyes, eagle eye, enormous eye, envious
eyes, exhausted eye, experienced eye,
expert eye, expressionless eye, fatherly
eye, fearful eyes, fierce eye, fiery eyes,
fresh eye, glaring eyes, glazed eyes,
golden eye, greedy eyes, grey eyes, half
closed eye, hazel eye, heavy-lidded eye,
hollow eyes, hooded eyes, huge eye,
hungry eye, inexperienced eye, infallible eye (for sth), intelligent eye, itchy
eyes, jealous eye, keen eye, kindly eye,
lacklustre eyes, large eye, left eye, lifeless eye, light (blue) eyes, limpid eye,
liquid (blue) eyes, liquid eye, luminous
eye, lustrous eye, mad eye, made-up
eyes, maternal eye, merry black eyes,
milky blue eyes, misty eye, moist eyes,
narrow eye, narrowed eye, new eye,
penetrating eyes, piercing blue eyes,
piercing eye, piggy eye, protuberant
eye, prying eye, puffy eye, quick eye,
red eye, red-rimmed eye, rheumy eye,
right eye, sad eye, same eyes (the), sensitive eyes, sharp eye (for detail), short
sighted eye, shrewd eye, sightless eye,
simple eye, sleepy eye, smoky green
eyes, soft eye, solemn eye, sore eyes,
soulful eyes, sparkling eye, staring eye,
starry eye, startled eyes, steady eye,
steely blue eyes, steely eye, stern eye,
sunken eyes, suspicious eye, swollen
eye, sympathetic eye, tear-filled eye,
tearful eye, tired eyes, unblinking eye,
unfocused eye, unseen eye, untrained
eye, vacant eye, velvety eye, vivid blue
eyes, warm eye, watchful eye, watery
eye, weak eyes, weary eye, wide-apart
eye, wide-set eye, wild eyes, wistful
eyes, woeful eyes.
(keep) a straight face, (put on a) brave
face, (same) old face, (sb’s) amiable
face, (sb’s) powdered face, (sb's) burning face, (sb's) grumpy face, (the child
has an) old face, (to pull) a silly face,
acceptable face, angelic face, angry
face, angular face, animated face, anxious face, attractive face, bearded face,
beautiful face, blank face, bloated face,
bony face, calm smiling face, changing
face, cheerful face, cliff face, clock face,
colourless face, compassionate face,
craggy face, dark face, different face,
eager faces, elfin face, excited faces,
expectant faces, expressionless face,
expressive face, familiar face, famous
face, fat face, flushed face, freckled face,
fresh face, friendly face, frightened face,
front face, frozen face, funny face, furious face, gleeful faces, gloomy face,
glum faces, good-looking face, grave
face, grey face, grim face, grinning face,
grotesque face, grubby faces, haggard
face, handsome face, happy face, hard
face, heart-shaped face, hideous face,
hollow face, honest face, human face,
impassive face, jolly face, kind face, lean
face, lined face, long face, lovely face,
masculine face, mobile face, new face,
nice face, North face, open face, oval
face, painted face, pale face, pallid face,
pinched face, pink face, plain face,
pleasant face, plump face, pock-marked
face, pretty face, raddled face, radiant
face, rapt face, red face, rock face, rosy
face, round face, ruddy face, rugged
face, sad face, sallow face, scared face,
serious face, set face, sheer rock face,
smiling face, sober faces, solemn face,
sour face, square face, steep face, stern
face, still face, stony face, strange face,
strong face, sweet face, tanned face,
tearful face, tear-stained face, tearstreaked face, terrible face, the gaunt
face, the glazed faces, the rear face, the
South face, the true face (of socialism),
the unacceptable face (of), thin face,
troubled face, true face, ugly face, ugly
face (of sth) (the), unfamiliar face, unhappy face, unshaven face, well-known
face, white face, wizened face,
wrinkled face.
adequate (car parking) facilities, adequate facilities, airport facilities, appropriate facilities, available facilities,
baby changing facilities, bar facilities,
basic facilities, bathroom facilities, canteen facilities, catering facilities,
childcare facilities, communal facilities, community facilities, computing
facilities, conference facilities, cooking
facilities, creche facilities, day care facilities, dining facilities, disabled facilities, educational facilities, en suite facilities, essential facilities, excellent
facilities, existing facilities, extensive
facilities, extra facilities, first-class facilities, good facilities, health care facilities, health facilities, holiday facilities, hospital facilities, hotel facilities,
inadequate facilities, indoor facilities,
kitchen facilities, laboratory facilities,
laundry facilities, leisure facilities, library facilities, limited facilities, local
facilities, medical facilities, modern
facilities, necessary facilities, nursery
facilities, parking facilities, play facilities, poor facilities, private facilities,
proper facilities, public facilities, recreational facilities, research facilities,
restaurant facilities, sanitary facilities,
shared facilities, shopping facilities,
shower facilities, social facilities, sporting/sports facilities, storage facilities,
suitable facilities, toilet facilities, training facilities, transport facilities, travel
facilities, up-to-date facilities, washing
facility -AA
adequate facility, airport facility, amazing facility, appropriate facility, available
facility, baby changing facility, back-up
facility, bar facility, basic facility, bathroom facility, canteen facility, catering
facility, central facility, cheque book facility, childcare facility, communal facility, community facility, computing facility, conference facility, cooking facility,
crèche facility, credit facility, day care
facility, dining facility, disabled facility,
editing facility, educational facility, en
suite facility, essential facility, excellent
facility, existing facility, extensive facility, extra facility, first-class facility, flexible facility, good facility, graphics facility, great facility, health care facility,
health facility, help facility, holiday facility, hospital facility, hotel facility, inadequate facility, kitchen facility, laboratory facility, laundry facility, leisure facility, library facility, limited facility, loan
facility, local facility, mail facility, medical facility, modern facility, necessary
facility, new health care facility, nursery
facility, overdraft facility, parking facility, play facility, poor facility, private facility, proper facility, public facility, recreational facility, research facility, restaurant facility, sanitary facility, search
facility, shared facility, shopping facility,
shower facility, social facility, special
facility, sporting facility, sports facility,
storage facility, suitable facility, support
facility, technical facility, toilet facility,
training facility, transport facility, travel
facility, up-to-date facility, useful facility,
washing facility, word processing facility.
(in) actual fact, alleged fact, astonishing
fact, bare fact, basic fact, brute fact,
comforting fact, concrete fact, disturbing fact, hard fact, harsh fact, historical
fact, important fact, incontrovertible
fact, inescapable fact, interesting fact,
intriguing fact, literal fact, little-known
fact, observable fact, obvious fact, paradoxical fact, positive fact, pretty fact,
proven fact, relevant fact, sad fact (is
that) (the), salient fact, scientific fact,
significant fact, simple fact, stark fact,
straightforward fact, surprising fact, the
mere fact, the overwhelming fact, the
plain fact, true fact, uncomfortable fact,
undeniable fact, unpalatable fact, unpleasant fact (the), vital fact, wellknown fact.
additional factor, ageing factor, aggravating factor, causal factor, causative
factor, common factor, complicating
factor, conducive factors, contentious
factor, contextual factor, contributing
factor, contributory factor, critical factor, critical factor (in the election campaign), crucial factor, deciding factor,
decisive factor, demographic factor, determining factor, distorting factor, economic factor, emotional factor, environmental factors, external factor, extraneous factor, extrinsic factor, genetic factors, hereditary factors, important factor, important motivational factor, internal factor, intrinsic factor, key factor,
limiting factor, main factor, major factor, minus factor, mitigating factor, motivational factor, operational factors,
plus factor, political factor, psychological factor, relevant factor, risk factor,
seasonal factors, secondary factor, significant factor, single factor, situational
factor, social factor, the overriding factor, the predominant factor, variable
factors, vital factor.
factory -AA
aircraft factory, car factory, chemical
factory, clothing factory, disused factory,
highly automated factory, huge factory,
inefficient factories, large factory, modern factory, munitions factory, outdated
factories, public factory, purpose-built
factory, redundant factories, small factory.
bald facts, basic facts (the), biographical facts, broad facts (the), cold facts,
detailed facts, dry facts, essential facts,
fascinating facts, fictitious facts, fresh
facts, general facts, hard facts, hidden
facts, important (general) facts, inconvenient facts, indisputable facts, salient
facts, the bare facts, the known facts,
undeniable facts, undisputed facts, universal facts (about human nature), wellknown facts.
(sb's) alleged failure (to do sth), (sb's)
apparent failure (to do sth), (sb's) stark
failure, abject failure, academic failure,
astonishing failure (of…), astounding
failures (of…), bank failure, battery failure, brain failure, brake failure, business
failure, cardiac failure, catastrophic failure, certain failure, clear failure, collective failure, commercial failure, communication failure, company failure, comparative failure, complete failure, component failure, computer failure, consistent failure, conspicuous failure, constant failure, continued/continuing failure, corporate failure, costly failure,
crop failure, disastrous failure, dismal
failure, economic failure, engine failure,
equipment failure, evident failure, financial failure, fundamental failure,
general failure, government failure,
great failure, harvest failure, heart failure, heroic failure, humiliating failure,
hydraulic failure, ignominious failure,
inevitable failure, initial failure, kidney
failure, lamentable failure, liver failure,
management failure, manifest failure,
marital failure, market failure, mechanical failure, military failure, miserable
failure, past failures, perceived failure,
persistent failure, personal failure,
power failure, rare failure, regrettable
failure, relative failure, renal failure,
repeated failure, respiratory failure, serious failure, structural failure, system
failure, technical failure, the moral failure, total failure, ultimate failure, unexpected failure, utter failure.
annual fair, antiques fair, book fair, craft
fair, horse fair, major fair, trade fair.
(act in) good faith, abiding faith, absolute faith, active faith, bad faith, blind
faith, blind faith (in God/your religion,
etc.), Catholic faith, Christian faith
(the), complete faith, enormous faith,
genuine faith, great faith, implicit faith
(in sth), Islamic faith (the), Jewish faith
(the), living faith, Muslim faith (the),
personal faith, public faith, religious
faith, simple faith, strong faith, total
faith, touching faith, tremendous faith,
true faith, unquestioning faith,
unshakeable faith, world faith.
accidental fall, awkward fall, bad fall,
big fall, big fall (in unemployment),
catastrophic fall, continuing fall, corresponding fall, dangerous fall, dark fall
(of sb’s hair) (the), demand falls, dramatic fall (in sth), expected fall, fresh
fall, further fall, great fall, heavy fall,
heavy fall (of snow), large fall, light
fall, marked fall, massive fall, modest
fall, nasty fall, overall fall, precipitous
fall, price fall, projected fall, rapid fall,
rock fall, sharp fall (in sth), significant
fall, slight fall, small fall, snow fall,
steady fall, steep fall, substantial fall,
sudden fall, sudden fall (in temperature), swift fall, terrible fall, unexpected fall.
family -AAA
(one of the) noblest families (in a
place), adoptive family, all-American
family, aristocratic family, artistic family, big family, bourgeois family, broken
family, close family (your), close-knit
family, comfortable family, conjugal
family, distinguished family, entire family (the), extended family, first family
(the), genteel families, good family,
happy family, hard-up family, homeless
families, hungry family, immediate family (your), immigrant family, intellectual family, Jones etc. family (the),
landed family, land-owning family, large
family, lone-parent family, loving (and
affectionate) family, low income families, middle-class family, musical family,
needy family, new family, noble families, noisy family, nuclear family, numerous family, old family, old-established
family, one-parent family, patriarchal
family, poor family, prosperous family,
Punjabi family, respectable family, royal
family (the), ruling family (the),
shameful family, single parent family,
small family, sporting family, substantial
family, surrogate family, the bereaved
family, the imperial family, the unitary
family, two-parent family, united family,
wealthy family, well-to-do families,
whole family (the), working family,
working-class family, young family.
fan -A
(sb’s) adoring fans, (sb's) crazed fans,
ardent fan, armchair fan, avid fan, away
fan, big fan (of sb), big fan (of yours),
ceiling fan, cooling fan, cricket fan,
dedicated fan, delirious fans, devoted
fan, disappointed fans, electric fan, extractor fan, film fan, football fan, great
fan, great football fan, home fan, jazz
fan, keen fan, lifelong fan, loyal fan,
movie fan, music fan, number fan, obsessed fan, obsessive fan, one fan, opposing fan, opposition fan, overhead
fan, pop fan, real fan, rival fan, rugby
fan, soccer fan, sports fan, tennis fan,
travelling fan, visiting fan.
100-acre farm, 200-hectare farm, arable
farm, border farm, collective farm, com-
mercial farm, commercial fish farm,
cooperative farm, dairy farm, experimental farm, factory farm, family farm,
fish farm, fruit farm, fur farm, hill farm,
home farm, intensive farm, isolated
farm, large farm, little farm, livestock
farm, local farm, lonely farm, mixed
farm, model farm, nearby farm, organic
farm, outlying farm, pig farm, poultry
farm, private farm, remote farm, sheep
farm, small farm, state farm, stud farm,
the neighbouring farm, the next farm,
the surrounding farm, traditional farm,
trout farm, turkey farm, upland farms,
viable farms, working farm.
arable farmer, big farmer, cattle farmer,
chicken farmer, commercial farmer,
dairy farmer, gentleman farmer, handsome sheep farmer, hill farmer, large
farmer, livestock farmer, local farmer,
neighbouring farmer, organic farmer,
peaceful farmers, peasant farmer, pig
farmer, productive farmers, sheep
farmer, small farmer, small-scale farmers, tenant farmer, the aggrieved farmers, wealthy farmer.
(in a) random fashion, (in) a bizarre
fashion, (in) a clustered fashion, (no)
uncertain fashion, ad hoc fashion, aimless fashion, appropriate fashion, arbitrary fashion, architectural fashion,
best fashion, business-like fashion,
cavalier fashion, changing fashion, civilized fashion, contemporary fashions,
controlled fashion, conventional fashion, cultural fashion, curious fashion,
current fashion (the), democratic fashion, designer fashion, desultory fashion, dramatic fashion, easy fashion,
ethnic fashion, exemplary fashion, familiar fashion, female fashion, friendly
fashion, growing fashion, haphazard
fashion, high fashion, intellectual fashion, jocular fashion, latest fashion
(the), leisurely fashion, limited fashion,
linear fashion, logical fashion, meaningful fashion, modern fashion, mysterious
fashion, new fashion, new season's fashions (the), normal fashion (the), orderly fashion, organized fashion, orthodox fashion, parrot fashion, passing
fashion, peculiar fashion, piecemeal
fashion, positive fashion, predictable
fashion, present-day fashions, regular
fashion, relaxed fashion, roundabout
fashion, spectacular fashion, straightforward fashion, street fashion, stylish
fashions, systematic fashion, teenage
fashions, the usual fashion, timehonoured fashion, traditional fashion,
transatlantic fashions, transient fashions, true fashion, typical fashion, upmarket fashion, way-out fashions, wobbly fashion, young fashion, youth fashion.
added fat, animal fat, bacon fat, beef
fat, body fat, cooking fat, dietary fat,
excess fat, extra fat, hot fat, mono-unsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat,
puppy fat, saturated fat, surplus fat,
unsaturated fat, vegetable fat, visible
(sb's) foster father, (sb's) natural father,
absent father, adoptive father, adoring
father, beloved father, biological father,
caring father, dead father (sb's), deceased father, dedicated father, demanding father, devoted father, doctor
father, domineering father, doting father, drunken father, elderly father, engineer father, good father, heavy father,
immigrant father, indulgent father, late
father (sb's), lone father, loving father,
marvellous father, old father, overbearing father, possessive father, proud father, real father (sb's), single father, step
father, stern father, surrogate father,
violent father, widowed father.
(sb's) stupid fault, bad fault, basic
fault, common fault, computer fault,
dangerous fault, design fault, double
fault, electrical fault, engine fault, entire fault, foot fault, geological fault,
great fault, grievous fault, inherent
fault, intermittent fault, main fault,
major fault, major fault (in the design), mechanical fault, minor fault(s),
moral fault, obvious fault, possible
fault, principal fault, radical fault, real
fault, serious fault, structural fault,
technical fault, whole fault.
faults -A
annoying faults, glaring faults, hidden
faults, ingrained faults, irritating
faults, minor faults, petty faults, serious faults, silly faults, unfortunate
faults, worst faults.
big favour, divine favour, government
favour, great favour, high favour, little
favour, particular favour, personal
favour, political favour, royal favour,
sexual favour, small favour, special
(be) (a) hot favourite (for sth), (sb's)
all-time favourite, clear favourite, cup
favourite, established favourite, even
favourite, family favourite, firm
favourite, great favourite, home
favourite, huge favourite, least
favourite, local favourite, odds-on
favourite, old favourite, overwhelming
favourite, particular favourite, perennial favourite, personal favourite,
popular favourite, race favourite, redhot favourites, second favourite, special favourite, title favourite, traditional favourite, very favourite.
(sb's) big fear, (sb's) biggest fear, (sb's)
greatest fear, (sb's) one fear, (sb's) worst
fear, constant fear, deep fear, deepseated fear, deep-seated fear (of failure), endemic fear, exaggerated fear,
excessive fear, great fear, groundless
fear, growing fear, irrational fear, justifiable fear, legitimate fear, morbid fear,
mortal fear, nagging fear, naked fear,
numb fear, pathological fear, perpetual
fear, real fear, reasonable fear, secret
fear, sneaking fear, superstitious fear,
terrible fear, uncommon fear (of
spiders,etc.), uncontrolled fear, understandable fear, unfounded fear, unspoken fear, well-founded fear, widespread
chronic fears, foolish fears, grave fears,
groundless fears, growing fears, imaginary fears, irrational fears, natural
fears, neurotic fears, paranoid fears,
parental fears, persistent fears, primal
fears, realistic fears, recurrent fears,
renewed fears, serious fears, stupid
fears, subconscious fears, unreasonable
fears, vague fears.
(the main) scenic feature, additional
feature, aquiline feature, astonishing
new feature, attractive feature, basic
feature, big feature, built-in feature,
central feature, characteristic feature,
chiselled feature, common feature, conspicuous feature, constructional feature, delicate feature, design feature,
distinctive feature, distinguishing feature, endearing feature, energy-saving
feature, essential feature, eye-catching
feature, facial feature, fine feature,
handsome feature, hawk-like feature,
important feature, in-depth feature, integral feature, interesting feature, key
feature, main feature, major feature,
new feature, notable feature, noteworthy feature, noticeable feature, novel
feature, original feature, ornamental
feature, outstanding feature, perma-
nent feature, physical feature, prominent feature, recurring feature, redeeming feature, regular feature, remarkable feature, rugged feature,
safety feature, salient feature, significant feature, special feature, special
feature (on education), striking feature, structural feature, the dominant
feature (of sth), the predominant feature, typical feature, unique feature,
unusual feature, useful feature, wellrespected feature.
acquiline features, architectural features, built-in features, chilling features, chiseled features, chubby features, coarse features, definite features,
delicate features, desirable features,
encouraging features, even features,
exquisite features, facial features, feminine features, fine features, gaunt features, geographical features, handsome
features, hard features, hawk-like features, heavy features, irregular features, masculine features, mobile features, neat features, Nordic features,
pleasant features, prominent features,
quaint features, regular features, rugged features, safety features, salient
features, soft features, striking features, strong features, stylistic features.
additional fee, administration fee, admission fee, annual fee, applicable fees,
appropriate fee, arrangement fee,
booking fee, cancellation fee, college
fee, concessionary fee, consultancy fee,
course fee, court fee, entrance fee, entry fee, exorbitant fee, extra fee, fat
fee, fixed fee, flat fee, full fee, green
fee, handling fee, handsome fee, hefty
fee, high fees, hourly fees, huge fee,
joining fee, large fee, legal fees, licence
fee, low fee, medical fees, membership
fee, modest fee, monthly fee, nominal
fee, normal fee, outstanding fee, professional fee, proportional fee, reason-
able fee, reduced fee, registration fee,
school fees, set fee, small fee, stiff fee,
student fee, subscription fee, substantial
fee, the standard fee, top-up fee, transfer fee, tuition fee, unpaid fee, usual fee
airy feel, homely feel, instinctive feel.
(have) a giddy feeling, (no) ill feeling
(between X and Y), (sb's) gut feeling,
(sb's) personal feeling, (sb's) true feeling, abiding feeling, acute feeling, ambivalent feeling, apparent feeling, awful
feeling, bad feeling, cosy feeling, curious feeling, deep feeling, deep-seated
feeling, definite feeling, distinct feeling,
dizzy feeling, dull feeling, eerie feeling,
faint feeling, fantastic feeling, fellow
feeling, funny feeling, general feeling,
generalized feeling, glorious feeling,
good feeling, great feeling, growing
feeling, guilty feeling, healthy feeling,
horrible feeling, hostile feeling, hurt
feeling, inherent feeling, initial feeling
(the), injured feeling, inner feeling, inner-most feeling, instinctive feeling, intense feeling, intuitive feeling (about
sth), lively feeling, magical feeling,
marvellous feeling, mixed feeling, nagging feeling, nasty feeling, negative feeling, new feeling, odd feeling, overpowering feeling, overwhelming feeling,
overwhelming feeling (of guilt), palpable feeling, passing feeling, peculiar
feeling, pent-up feeling, pleasurable
feeling, popular feeling, positive feeling
(about sth), powerful feeling, prickly
feeling, public feeling, queasy feeling,
queer feeling, real feeling, religious feeling, romantic feeling, secret feeling,
sexual feeling, sharp feeling, sick feeling, sick feeling (in your stomach), sinking feeling, sneaking feeling, sneaky
feeling, strange feeling, strong feeling,
strong feeling (of nausea), terrible feeling, the overriding feeling, tight feeling,
truly magical feeling, uncanny feeling,
uncomfortable feeling, uneasy feeling,
unfamiliar feeling, unpleasant feeling,
vague feeling, warm feeling, weird feeling, wonderful feeling.
(have) mixed feelings (about sth), (no)
hard feelings, affectionate feelings, aggressive feelings, ambivalent feelings,
amicable feelings, animal feelings, antisemitic feelings, bitter feelings, bitter
feelings (of disappointment), collective
feelings, conflicting feelings, deep feelings, delicate feelings, dull feelings, evil
feelings, fierce feelings, finer feelings,
guilty feelings, hidden feelings, hostile
feelings, human feelings, hurt feelings,
injured feelings, inner feelings, innermost feelings, intense feelings, inward
feelings, joyful feelings, latent feelings,
loving feelings, nasty feelings, nationalist feelings, negative feelings, painful
feelings (of rejection), partisan feelings, patriotic feelings, pent-up feelings, personal feelings, positive feelings, private feelings, real feelings, religious feelings, retrospective feelings,
romantic feelings, secret feelings,
sexual feelings, strong feelings (about
sth), subconscious feelings, submerged
feelings, tender feelings, true feelings,
unworthy feelings, vague feelings,
warm feelings.
big fellow, canny fellow, charming fellow, fine fellow, good fellow, graduate
fellow, handsome fellow, hearty and
boisterous fellow, honorary fellow, junior fellow, little fellow, lucky fellow, My
dear fellow, nice fellow, old fellow, poor
fellow, research fellow, senior fellow,
sleazy fellow, splendid fellow, stout fellow, strange fellow, stupid fellow,
teaching fellow, young fellow.
fierce female, immature females.
festival -AA
annual festival, arts festival, autumn
festival, beer festival, big festival, Christian festival, cultural festival, dance festival, drama festival, film festival, flower
festival, folk festival, great festival, harvest festival, Hindu, etc. festival, important festival, international festival, international film festival, jazz festival, literary festival, local festival, major festival,
music festival, Muslim, etc. festival, pagan festival, religious festival, rock festival, spring festival, theatre festival.
field -AA
arable field, baseball field, broad field,
chosen field, corn field, crowded field,
cultivated fields, display field, electric
field, electromagnetic fields, enclosed
field, energy field, fertile field, flooded
fields, football field, force field, frosty
fields, gravitational field, green fields,
hockey field, input field, lush fields,
magnetic field, medical field (the),
muddy field, open field, paddy field,
playing field, ploughed field, research
field, rice field, rugby field, soccer field,
special field, specialist field, sports field,
strong field, the surrounding field, weak
gravitational field, wheat field.
fight -AAA
(put up a) brave fight, big fight, bitter
fight, bloody fight, bull fight, cat fight,
championship fight, clean fight, cock
fight, confused fight, desperate fight,
dog fight, fair fight, fierce fight, fist
fight, food fight, free fight, full-blooded
fight, furious fight, gallant fight, gang
fight, good fight, great fight, hard fight,
heavyweight fight, keen fight, legal
fight, long fight, messy fight, pillow
fight, playful fight, political fight, professional fight, pub fight, real fight, running fight, scrappy fight, stand-up fight,
straight fight, street fight, strong fight,
title fight, tough fight, tremendous
fight, uphill fight, violent fight, water
(established) political figure, (sb's)
slender figure, accurate figure, ample
figure, anonymous figure, approximate
figure, athletic figure, austere figure,
authority figure, ballpark figure, beautiful figure, boyish figure, burly figure,
central figure, charismatic figure,
colourful figure, comic figure, controversial figure, cubic figure, cult figure,
dark figure, dashing figure, dim figure,
diminutive figure, dominant figure,
double figure, exact figure (the), familiar figure (of sb), father figure, feminine figure, fine figure, fine figure (of
a man), forlorn figure, full figure,
ghostly figure, good figure, government
figure, graceful figure, great figure,
grotesque figure, handsome figure, heroic figure, high figure, high-profile
public figure, historical figure, hourglass figure, human figure, hunched
figure, important figure, imposing figure, inflated figure, influential figure,
inspirational figure, intimidating figure, key figure, large figure, leading
figure, leading figure (in the music/
film industry), legendary figure, lifesize figure, lithe figure, lovely figure,
low figure, major figure (in politics),
minus figure, mother figure, national
figure, neat figure, official figure, opposition figure, outside figure, parental
figure, pre-eminent political figure,
prominent figure, public figure, real
figure, realistic figure, reliable figure,
religious figure, respected figure, ridiculous figure, rough figure, round figure, sales figure, seated figure, senior
figure, shadowy figure, significant figure (in history), single figure, sinister
figure, slight figure, slim figure, small
figure, solid figure, solitary figure,
spare figure, standing figure, stern and
unrelenting figure, stocky figure, striking figure, tall figure, target figure, the
bulky figure, the latest figure, the
mountainous figure (of sb), tiny figure,
towering figure, trade figure, tragic figure, trim figure, true figure, unemployment figure, unlikely figure, viewing
figure, well rounded figure, well-known
(in) round figures, (seasonally adjusted) unemployment figures, accurate
figures, alarming figures, annual figures, approximate figures, basic figures,
clear-up figures, confidential figures,
corresponding figures, deceptive figures, detailed figures, disappointing figures, disappointing profit figures, disastrous figures, disquieting figures, double
figures, dubious figures, encouraging
figures, exact figures, exaggerated figures, excellent figures, false figures, final figures, genuine figures, good figures, heartening figures, high figures,
horrendous figures, illustrious figures,
impressive figures, inaccurate figures,
inflated figures, influential figures, latest sales figures (the), latest trade figures (the), latest unemployment figures
(the), low figures, misleading figures,
mythical figures, official figures, overall
figures, overseas trade figures, phenomenal figures, poor figures, precise figures, preliminary figures, raw figures,
real figures, realistic figures, ridiculous
figures, rough figures, satisfactory figures, sculpted figures, six figures, skeletal figures, staggering figures, true figures, unemployment figures, unofficial
figures, worrying figures,
file -AA
(in) single file, back-up file, box file,
bulging file, bulky file, card file, case
file, client file, computer file, confidential file, court file, customer file, data
file, database file, detailed file, document file, fat file, graphics file, information file, large file, lever-arch file, manila file, master file, newspaper file, office file, official file, paper file, personal
file, personnel file, police file, program
file, rigid file, secret file, security file,
spreadsheet file, system file, text file,
thick file, Unix file, ZIP file.
autocratic files, cumbersome files.
(realistic but) disturbing film, 35
millimetre film, absorbing film, adventure film, amusing film, animated film,
awful film, bad film, black-and-white
film, blue films, boring film, brilliant
film, camera film, celebrated film, cerebral film, children's film, classic film,
colour film, comedy film, compelling
film, controversial film, creepy film,
daring film, decadent western films,
depressing film, disappointing film,
documentary film, dramatic film, dull
film, enigmatic film, enjoyable film,
epic film, exciting film, famous film,
fast film, feature film, fine film, frightful film, full-length film, funny film, futuristic film, gangster film, good film,
harrowing film, haunting film, highly
acclaimed film, historical films, Hollywood film, horror film, independent
film, intellectual film, intellectually
challenging film, interesting film, latest
film (the), long film, low budget film,
mundane film, new film, obscene films,
outstanding film, particular film, photographic film, pornographic film, pretentious film, romantic film, sad film,
science fiction film, sexually explicit
film, sexy film, short film, silent film,
successful film, television film, terminally dull film, thin film, third-rate
film, tremendous film, video film, violent film, war film, weird film, whole
film (the), wonderful film, X-rated film.
area final, championship final, cup final, grand final, men's final, national
final, regional final, women's final,
world final.
(local) government finance, additional
finance, bank finance, bridging finance,
capital finance, cheap finance, company
finance, consumer finance, corporate
finance, credit finance, debt finance,
equity finance, external finance, extra
finance, family finance, further finance,
healthy finance, high finance, household finance, housing finance, independent finance, international finance, joint
finance, loan finance, long-term finance,
medium-term finance, mortgage finance, necessary finance, outside finance, personal finance, private (sector)
finance, private finance, public (sector)
finance, public finance, shaky finance,
short-term finance, sound finance, state
company finances, family finances, government finances, healthy finances,
household finances, personal finances,
private finances, public finances, shaky
finances, sound finances, state finances.
find -A
(important) archaeological find, exciting find, good find, great find, important find, interesting find, lucky find,
medieval find, prehistoric find, real find,
remarkable find, significant find, small
find, spectacular find, startling find,
stray find, unexpected find.
fine -A
big fine, heavy fine, hefty fine, immediate fine, large fine, lenient fine, massive
fine, maximum fine, on-the-spot fines,
parking fine, stiff fine, substantial fine,
token fine.
(have) a sore finger, accusatory finger,
accusing finger, admonitory finger, arthritic finger, blunt finger, bony fingers,
broken finger, capable finger, chubby
finger, clumsy finger, deft finger, delicate finger, dirty finger, dislocated finger, elegant finger, fat finger, filthy finger, first finger, gentle finger, gnarled
finger, greasy fingers, green fingers,
grubby finger, index finger, injured finger, lean finger, little finger, middle finger (the), narrow finger (of land),
nerveless finger, nervous finger, nimble
fingers, plump finger, podgy finger,
pointing finger, prying finger, ring finger, ringed finger, skeletal finger, skilful finger, skilled finger, skinny finger,
slender fingers, slim finger, spatulate
finger, square-tipped finger, sticky finger, sticky fingers (covered in jam),
thick fingers, third finger, warning finger, wedding finger.
attractive finish, brass finish, close finish, damp-resistant finish, decorative
finish, dramatic finish, dramatic finish
(to the race), eggshell finish, exciting
finish, fine finish, floor finish, gloss finish, glossy finish, good finish, great finish, matt finish, metallic finishes, nailbiting finish, natural finish, neat finish,
paint/painted finish, perfect finish,
photo finish, professional finish, satin
finish, satisfying finish, shiny finish,
smooth finish, sprint finish, storming
finish, strong finish, surface finish, textured finish, thrilling finish, tight finish,
tremendous finish, wall finish, wood
anti-aircraft fire, artillery fire, big fire,
blazing fire, bush fire, cannon fire,
charcoal fire, coal fire, concentrated
fire, covering fire, crackling fire, devastating fire, disastrous fire, dying fire,
electric fire, fierce fire, forest fire,
friendly fire, gas fire, heavy fire, hot
fire, house fire, huge fire, little fire, log
fire, machine-gun fire, mortar fire, oil
fire, open fire, peat fire, raging fire,
rapid fire, rifle fire, roaring fire, serious
fire, small fire, smoky fires, smouldering
fire, sniper fire, the Great Fire, warm
fire, wood fire.
(highly) reputable firm, accountancy
firm, audit/auditing firm, big firm, bogus firm, broking firm, building firm,
cheap taxi firm, consulting firm, decent
firm, electronics firm, engineering firm,
established firm, family firm, foreign
firm, international firm, large firm, law
firm, local firm, mail order firm, major
firm, manufacturing firm, mediumsized firms, multinational firm, outside
firm, private firm, profitable firms, progressive firm, small firm, software firm,
start-up firm, stockbroking firm, successful firm, telecommunications firm,
well-established law firm, well-known
aquatic fish, big fish, bony fish, cold
fish, dried fish, fresh fish, freshwater
fish, fried fish, frozen fish, great fish,
huge fish, huge great fish, immature
fish, live fish, marine fish, oily fish,
predatory fish, primitive fish, queer fish
(infml), raw fish, red fish, rotting fish,
salted fish, salt-water fish, sea fish, silvery fish, smoked fish, tropical fish, true
fish, wet fish, white fish.
fit -A
(be a) tight fit, bad fit, close fit, comfortable fit, convulsive fit, correct fit,
coughing fit, epileptic fit, exact fit,
fainting fit, good fit, loose fit, major fit,
perfect fit, poor fit, recurrent fits,
screaming fit, sneezing fit, snug fit, statistical fit, violent fit.
A, B, etc. flat, attic flat, bachelor flat,
basement flat, beautiful flat, big flat,
bottom flat, coastal flat, comfortable
flat, compact flat, cosy flat, council flat,
cramped flat, downstairs flat, empty
flat, first-floor flat, furnished flat,
granny flat, ground-floor flat, high-rise
flat, holiday flat, little flat, luxury flat,
modern flat, modest flat, mud flat, nice
flat, one-bedroomed flat, one-room
flat, pent-house flat, poky flat, posh
flat, privately-owned flat, purpose-built
flat, rented flat, salt flat, sand flat, second-floor flat, self-contained flat,
shabby flat, small flat, spacious flat,
studio flat, the next door flat, the next
flat, tidal flat, tiny flat, top flat, top
floor flat, two-room flat, unfurnished
flat, unoccupied flat, upstairs flat, vacant flat.
(catch) the early flight, (hot-air) balloon flight, (next) available flight, 4hour flight, air flight, airline flight,
broad flight, bumpy flight, cargo flight,
charter flight, cheap flight, circular
flight, commercial flight, connecting
flight, curving flight, delayed flight, direct flight, domestic flight, double
flight, evening flight, final flight (the),
first flight, forward flight, headlong
flight, helicopter flight, high-speed
flight, horizontal flight, incoming
flight, intercontinental flight, internal
flight, international flight, last flight
(the), level flight, local flight, long
flight, long-distance flight, long-haul
flight, low-level flight, maiden flight,
mercy flight, midweek flight, military
flight, morning flight, narrow flight,
night flight, non-stop flight, normal
flight, onward flight, outbound flight,
overnight flight, panicked flight, passenger flight, pleasure flight, reconnaissance flight, regular flight, relief
flight, return flight, routine flight,
scheduled flight, shallow flight, short
flight, shuttle flight, smooth flight,
soaring flight, solo flight, space flight,
special flight, steady flight, steep flight
(of stairs), supersonic flight, surveil-
lance flight, sustained flight, the next
available flight, training flight, transatlantic flight, vertical flight.
floor -AA
(on) the top floor, bare floor, bathroom
floor, bottom floor, carpeted floor, cave
floor, concrete floor, dirty floors, first
floor, forest floor, ground floor, hard
wooden floor, kitchen floor, lower floor,
mezzanine floor, ocean floor, original
stone floor (the), packed dance floor,
parquet floor, polished floor, sea floor,
second floor, slippery floor, the uppermost floor, tiled floor, uneven floor, upper floors (the), valley floor, wood floor,
wooden floor.
adequate flow, air flow, annual flow,
blood flow, capital flow, cash flow,
ceaseless flow, constant flow, constant
flow (of traffic, etc.), continuous flow,
daily flow, data flow, easy flow, effortless flow (of information), endless flow,
even flow, financial flow, free flow, gas
flow, good flow, heavy flow, increased
flow, increasing flow, information flow,
investment flow, large flow, lava flow,
main flow (the), massive flow, menstrual flow, natural flow, outward flow,
poor flow, production flow, river flow,
seasonal flow, smooth flow, steady flow,
trade flow, uninterrupted flow, vertical
flow (of communication), water flow.
alpine flower, artificial flower, autumn
flower, beautiful flower, bright flower,
brilliantly-coloured flower, closed
flower, colourful flower, common
flower, crimson flower, cut flower, daffodil flower, dead flower, delicate
flower, dried flower, exotic flower, fake
flower, female flower, fragrant flower,
fresh flower, garden flower, huge
flower, lily-like flower, lovely flower,
male flower, open flower, out-of-season
flower, pressed flower, pretty flower,
purple flower, rare flower, scented
flower, seasonal flower, spring flower,
star-shaped flower, sweet-scented
flower, sweet-smelling flower, tiny
flower, tulip flower, wild flower, woodland flower.
alpine flowers, artificial flowers, bold
flowers, copious flowers, dainty flowers,
delicate pink flowers, edible flowers,
fragrant flowers, fresh flowers, perfumed flowers, scarlet flowers, sweetsmelling flowers, tubular flowers, variegated flowers, wild flowers.
fly -A
button flies, button-up flies, the common house fly, zip flies, zipped flies.
(in) crisp focus, (in) sharp focus, central
focus, clear focus, greater focus, important focus, increased focus, main focus
(the), major focus (the), narrow focus,
primary focus (the), prime focus, principal focus (the), soft focus, special focus, strong focus, virtual focus.
following -A
big following, considerable following,
cult following, dedicated following, devoted following, enthusiastical following, faithful following, fanatical following, great following, large following,
limited following, local following, loyal
following, mass following, personal following, small following, strong following.
(sb's) favourite food, (the) right food,
adequate food, ample food, animal
food, aromatic foods, authentic food,
awful food, baby food, bad food, basic
food, canned food, cat food, cheap food,
cold food, convenience food, decent
food, delicious food, diet food, dog
food, dried food, enough food, essential
food, ethnic food, everyday food, excellent food, exotic food, fake food, fast
food, fatty foods, fine food, fish food,
french food, fresh food, fried food, frozen food, genetically-modified food,
good food, gourmet food, greasy food,
Greek food, harmful food, health food,
healthy food, high-calorie food, homely
food, horrible food, horrid food, hospital food, hot food, imported food, Indian food, institutional food, Italian
food, Japanese food, junk food, leftover
food, liquid food, little food, local food
(the), natural food, nourishing food,
nutritious baby foods, nutritious food,
oily food, old food, organic food, oriental food, party food, pet food, plain
food, plastic hotel food, poor food, posh
food, prison food, processed food,
proper food, pub food, quality food,
rabbit food, raw food, ready-made food,
ready-prepared food, reasonable food,
restaurant food, rich food, rotten food,
salty foods, savoury food, simple food,
slimming foods, snack food, solid food,
speciality food, spicy food, stale food,
staple food, starchy food, stodgy food,
sufficient food, sugary food, sumptuous
food, superb food, sweet food,
takeaway food, tasty food, the right
food, the rotting food, tinned food, ultimate luxury foods, uncooked food,
unhealthy foods, vegetable food, vegetarian food, wholesome food, wonderful food.
(get off on) the wrong foot, (get/have)
cold feet, (have) a heavy foot, (have)
itchy feet (= to be restless), back foot
(the), bare feet, big foot, blistered foot,
booted foot, dainty (little) foot, dainty
feet, dirty feet, enormous foot, flat foot,
front foot, hind feet, leaden foot, left
foot (the), naked feet, narrow feet, narrow foot (the), right foot (the), silent
foot, small foot, smelly feet, stockinged
foot, swollen feet, unwashed foot, warm
(hands and) feet, webbed foot, wide
foot, winged foot.
adventurous football, amateur football,
American football, attractive football,
Aussie rules/Australian rules football,
big-time football, classy football, club
football, creative football, domestic
football, entertaining football, exciting
football, fine football, first-team football, five-a-side football, fluent football,
Gaelic football, good football, great
football, indoor football, international
football, junior football, league football, live football, neat football, onetouch football, political football, professional football, women's football,
world football.
(a member of) the armed forces, 100strong force, active force, air force, airborne force, alien forces, allied bombing forces, allied forces, amphibious
force, armed force, assault force, attractive force, balanced force, binding
force, blinding force, brute force, centrifugal force, centripetal force, coalition force, cohesive force, combined
force, competitive force, conflicting
force, considerable force, constructive
force, controlling force, conventional
force, countervailing force, crack force,
creative force, cultural force, dark
force, dark forces (of the imagination)
(the), deadly force, defence forces,
demonic force, disruptive force, dominant force (the), driving force (the),
dynamic force, economic forces, effective sales force, electromagnetic force,
electromotive force, elite force, enemy
forces, evil force, excessive force, expeditionary force, explosive force, external force, fighting forces, foreign
forces, formidable force, full force, gale
force, government forces, gravitational
force, great force, ground forces, guer-
rilla forces, hostile force, imperialist
forces, inspirational force, intellectual
force, internal force, international
forces, invasion force, irresistible force,
joint force, labour force (the), land
force, large force, lateral force, legal
force, lethal force, linear force, loyal
force, magnetic forces, main force, major force, malevolent force, market
forces (the), maximum force, mechanical force, mental force, military forces,
moral force, motivating force, moving
force (behind sth), multinational force,
natural forces, naval force(s), negative
force, nuclear force, occupation forces,
occupying force, opposition force, outside force, overwhelming force, peace
force, peacekeeping forces, persuasive
force, physical force, police force (the),
political force, positive force, potent
force, powerful fighting force, powerful
force, productive force, progressive
force, psychic forces, reactionary forces,
reasonable force, rebel forces, regular
force, repulsive force, reserve force,
revolutionary force, sales force (the),
security forces, sheer force, significant
force, small force, social force, special
forces, spent force, spiritual force, statutory force, strategic force, strike force,
strong force, subversive force, sufficient
force, superior force, supernatural
forces, terrible force, the authoritarian
forces of fascism, the blind force (of
nature), the blind forces, the destructive
force, the opposing force, the paramilitary forces, the Royal Air Force, tidal
force, token force, tremendous force,
unifying force, unlawful force, unseen
forces, volunteer force, weak force,
weak physical force, work force (the).
ancient forest, beech forest, birch forest,
corniferous forest, dark forest, deciduous forest, dense forest, impenetrable
forest, inaccessible forests, low density
forest, mixed forest, native forest, natural forest, pine forest, primeval forest,
rain forest, the dripping forest, thick
forest, tropical forests, upland forests,
virgin forest.
(potentially) fatal form (of cancer), (in)
bad form, (in) sparkling form, (in/on)
good form, (sb's) slender form, adult
form, alternate forms (of treatment),
application form, art form, booking
form, common form, complex form,
conventional social forms, corrupted
form (of Buddhism), current form (the),
daring new art form, digital form, early
form, electronic form, elitist art form,
entry form, external form, extreme
form, final form (the), fine form, fundamental form (the), graphic form, great
form, highly reactive form, human
form, life form, linear form, liquid form,
literary form, mild form (of a disease),
miserable form, musical form, myriad
forms, negative form, new art form, order form, outlandish form (of art), poor
form, popular forms (of art), present
form (the), pure form, simple form,
tabular form, terrestrial life forms, the
singular form (of a noun), valid form,
vicarious form, virulent form.
charitable foundation, concrete foundation, deep foundation, economic foundation, excellent foundation, firm foundation, good foundation, ideological
foundation, insecure foundation, intellectual foundation, philosophical foundation, political foundation, private
foundation, secure foundation, shaky
foundation, solid foundation, sound
foundation, strong foundation, theoretical foundation, weak foundation.
academic freedom, artistic freedom,
basic freedom, comparative freedom,
complete freedom, considerable freedom, creative freedom, economic freedom, full freedom, fundamental free-
dom, great freedom, greater freedom,
individual freedom, intellectual freedom, maximum freedom, new-found
freedom, perfect freedom, personal
freedom, political freedom, press freedom, relative freedom, religious freedom, sexual freedom, total freedom,
true freedom.
(sb's) dearest friend, absent friends,
best friend, bosom friend, childhood
friend, close friend, closest friend, constant friend, cool friends, dear friend,
dependable friend, devoted friend, erstwhile friends, fair-weather friend, faithful friend, false friend, family friend,
feathered friends, female friend, fickle
friend, firm friend, golfing friend, good
friend (of mine), great friend,
honourable friend, imaginary friends,
influential friends, intimate friend,
learned friend, lifelong friend, longstanding friend, loyal friend, male
friend, more fastidious friends, mutual
friend, my best friend, numerous
friends, old friend, our dumb friends,
personal friend, posh friends, real
friend, reliable friend, school friend, socalled friends, special friend, stable
(and steadfast) friend, staunch friend
and ally, supportive friends, sympathetic
friend, true friend, trusted friend, understanding friend, well-meaning
friends and relatives, wise friend,
woman friend.
front -AAA
(put on a) brave front, bold front, east
front of sth (the), eastern front (the),
north front (of sth) (the), Russian front
(the), the south front (of sth), the west
front (of sth), united front, warm front,
western front (the).
fruit -AA
acid fruit, candied fruit, canned fruit,
citrus fruit, crystallized fruit, dried fruit,
exotic fruit, forbidden fruit, fresh fruit,
good fruit, luscious fruit, mellow fruit,
organic fruit, pickled fruit, ripe fruit,
rotten fruit, round juicy fruit, soft fruit,
tinned fruit, tropical fruit, unripe fruit.
new mutual fund, pension fund, private
fund, prize fund, public fund, social
fund, sufficient fund, surplus fund, trust
fund, unlimited fund.
exotic fruits, green fruits, home-grown
fruits, organic fruits, seasonal fruits.
aviation fuel, clean fuel, domestic fuel,
fossil fuel, household fuel, nuclear fuel,
smokeless fuel, solid fuel, spent fuel,
sufficient fuel, unleaded fuel.
fun -A
enormous fun, excellent fun, glorious
fun, good fun, great fun, harmless fun,
innocent fun, terrific fun, tremendous
fun, wholesome fun, wonderful fun.
accounting function, administrative
function, automatic body functions, basic function (the), biological function,
bodily functions, body function, brain
function, charity function, chief function, crucial function, different functions, dual function, essential function,
important function, judicial function,
kidney function, legislative function,
liver function, lung function, main
function (the), major function, management function, mental function,
normal function (the), official function,
original function (the), particular functions, primary function (the), prime
function, similar functions, social function, specific functions, useful function,
valuable function, various functions,
verbal function, vital function.
appeal fund, available fund (the), benevolent fund, campaign fund, central
fund, charitable fund, charity fund,
government fund, insufficient fund, investment fund, large fund, limited
fund, memorial fund, mutual fund,
additional funds, ample funds, available
funds, common funds, deficient funds,
generous funds, government funds, insufficient funds, large funds, limited
funds, limitless funds, liquid funds,
modest funds, private funds, public
funds, separate funds, special funds,
substantial funds, sufficient funds, surplus funds, unlimited funds, vast funds,
vital funds.
furniture -A
antique furniture, bedroom furniture,
cane furniture, cheap furniture, chunky
furniture, Edwardian furniture, fashionable furniture, fine furniture, foamfilled furniture, functional furniture,
futuristic furniture, garden furniture,
good quality furniture, modern furniture, new furniture, office furniture,
outdoor furniture, period furniture, pine
furniture, rattan furniture, second-hand
furniture, simple furniture, sleek furniture, solid furniture, stylish furniture,
tasteful furniture, tubular metal furniture, ugly furniture, upholstered furniture, weather-resistant furniture,
wooden furniture.
(good/promising) commercial future,
bleak future, bright future, civilized future, dire future, distant future, economic future, financial future, foreseeable future, gloomy future, great future,
grim future, immediate future (the),
long-term future, near future, not-toodistant future, painful future, political
future, remote future (the), rosy future,
secure future, uncertain future.
big gain, commercial gain, considerable
gain, definite gain, economic gain, efficiency gain, electoral gain, enormous
gain, financial gain, huge gain, ill-gotten gain, important gain, long-term
gain, lucky gain, major gain, material
gain, maximum gain, military gain,
modest gain, negligible gain, net gain,
overall gain, permanent gain, personal
gain, political gain, potential gain, pretax gain, private gain, productivity
gain, real gain, short-term gain, significant gain, slight gain, small gain, substantial gain, territorial gain, tremendous gain, unexpected gain, visible
gain, weight gain.
gains -A
dishonest gains, efficiency gains, further gains, huge gains, ill-gotten gains,
impressive gains, large gains, long/
short-term gains, massive gains, remarkable gains, significant gains, spectacular gains, total gains.
(fifth) successive game, all-star game,
amusing game, archetypal game, away
game, ball game, basketball game, big
game, board game, brilliant game, card
game, children's game, clean game,
close game, Commonwealth game,
competitive game, computer game,
cracking game, Cup game, defensive
game, disappointing game, disastrous
game, dramatic game, easy game, English game (the), enjoyable game, even
game, excellent game, final game
(the), first game, football game, gentle
game, good game, great game, home
game, indoor game, Italian game (the),
last game (the), League game, little
game, mad game, mean game, odd
game (the), Olympic game, outdoor
game, outstanding game, party game,
popular ball game, rough game, silly
game, slow game, stupid game, team
game, the opening game, thrilling
game, tight game, video game, waiting
active games, common wealth games,
new games, noisy games, Olympic
games, straight games, the upcoming
Asian Games, virile games.
gap -A
age gap, awkward gap, big gap, credibility gap, cultural/culture gap, enormous gap, gender gap, generation gap,
great gap, growing gap, huge gap, important gap, information gap, knowledge gap, large gap, narrow gap, serious gap, short gap, significant gap, skills
gap, small gap, substantial gap, terrible
gap, time gap, trade gap, unbridgeable
gap, wide gap, widening gap, yawning
attractive garden, back garden (the),
beautiful garden, big garden, botanical
gardens, charming garden, communal
garden, cottage garden, delightful garden, flower garden, formal garden,
front garden, herb garden, kitchen garden, landscaped garden, large garden,
little garden, lovely garden, low garden,
lush gardens, ornamental gardens, overgrown garden, pretty garden, private
garden, public garden, rock garden,
rose garden, secluded garden, small
garden, stunning garden, sunken garden, sunny garden, terraced garden, the
next door garden, tidy garden, tiny garden, tiny little garden, town garden, triangular garden, trim garden, vegetable
garden, walled garden, water garden.
bottled gas, butane gas, Calor gas, coal
gas, domestic gas, exhaust gas, explosive gas, greenhouse gas, inert gases, inflammable gas, mains gas, natural gas,
nerve gas, noxious gas, poisonous gas,
propane gas, radioactive gas, tear gas,
toxic gas, volcanic gases.
back gate (the), city gate, double gate,
entrance gate, factory gate, farm gate,
five-bar/five-barred gate, front gate
(the), garden gate, great gate, heavy
gate, high gate, inner gate, iron gate,
main gate (the), metal gate, narrow
gate, open gate, ornamental gate, park
gate, portcullis gate, postern gate,
prison gate, rusty gate, school gate, security gate, side gate, sluice gate, steel
gate, the imposing wrought-iron gates,
the outer gate, wooden gate, wroughtiron gate.
consummate general.
(sb's) younger generation, bygone generations, coming generation, current
generation (the), earlier generation,
educated generation, electricity generation, first generation, former generation
(the), future generation (the), gas generation, income generation, last generation (the), later generation (the), lost
generation, new generation, older generation, past generation (the), power
generation, preceding generation,
present generation (the), previous generation (the), rising generation, second
generation, subsequent generations,
succeeding generation, the next generation, the successive generation, whole
generation (the), younger generation
country gentleman, distinguished
gentleman, landed gentleman, old
gentleman, perfect gentleman, real
gentleman, the ultimate English gentleman, true gentleman, typical gentleman.
gift -A
(beautiful) bridal gift, (receive) numerous gifts, anonymous gift, artistic gift,
birthday gift, charitable gift, charming
gift, Christmas gift, expensive gift, extravagant gifts, fabulous gift, festive gift,
free gift, generous gift, God-given gift,
great gift, handsome gift, inappropriate
gift, innate gift, kind gift, lavish gift,
musical gift, natural gift, outright gift,
outstanding gift, parting gift, perfect
gift, rare gift, remarkable gift, retirement gift, small gift, special gift, stylish
gifts, thoughtful gift, unwanted gift,
valuable gift, voluntary gift, wedding
gift, wonderful gift.
(be) a good girl, (lovely) little girl,
(you're) a big girl (now), adolescent girl,
all-American girl, attractive girl, baby
girl, beautiful girl, bright girl, bubbly
girl, chunky girl, Clever girl!, confident
girl, curious girl, curly-headed girl, dazzling beautiful girl, exuberant girl,
friendly girl, gentle girl, golden girl,
good-looking girl, gorgeous girl, grown
girl, handsome girl, happy girl, helpful
girl, horrible girl, horrid little girl, intelligent girl, little girl (sb's), lively girl,
lovely girl, luscious young girl, mean
girl, nasty girl, naughty girl, nice girl,
obedient girl, plain girl, polite girl, poor
(little) girl, pretty girl, red-haired girl,
reserved girl, responsive girl, retiring
little girl, school girl, sensible girl, shy
girl, single girl, slender girl, slim (athletic) girl, small girl, smashing girl,
strong girl, stunning girl, sweet girl, tall
thin girl, teenage girl, thin girl, twin
girls, uncomplicated girl, unmarried girl,
unprotected girl, young girl.
(pretty) smoky glass, beer glass, brandy
glass, brimming glass, broken glass, bul-
let-proof glass, champagne glass, clear
glass, coloured glass, cracked glass,
crystal glass, cut glass, empty glass, flying glass, fragile glass, fresh glass,
frosted glass, full glass, half-empty
glass, half-full glass, heat-resistant
glass, one-way glass, opaque glass, pint
glass, plain glass, plate glass, recycled
glass, safety glass, shattered glass,
sherry glass, smoked glass, stained
glass, tall glass, tinted glass, toughened
glass, translucent glass, whisky glass,
white glass, wine glass.
achievable goal, ambitious goal, attainable goal, brilliant goal, classic goal,
clear goal, common goal, decisive goal,
desirable goal, elusive goal, equalizing
goal, excellent goal, explicit goal, fabulous goal, good goal, great goal, immediate goal, important goal, impossible
goal, late goal, long-term goal, major
goal, modest goal, noble goal, open
goal, opportunist goal, own goal, personal goal, political goal, primary goal,
prime goal, realistic goal, remote goal,
scrappy goal, short-term goal, soft goal,
specific goal, spectacular goal, strategic
goal, stunning goal, superb goal, the
main goal, the ultimate goal, the winning goal, twin goal, unattainable goal,
unrealistic goal, useful goal, vital goal,
well-taken goal, woolly goals.
god -A
all-knowing god, all-powerful god, almighty god, Christian god, false god,
fertility god, good God, Greek god, heathen god, immaterial God, immortal
god, invisible god, living god, merciful
god, omnipotent god, pagan god, personal God, Roman god, strange gods,
sun god, transcendent God.
18-carat gold, beaten gold, burnished
gold, fool's gold, heavy ornate gold,
imitation gold, molten gold, Olympic
gold, pure gold, real gold, rolled gold,
solid gold, tarnished gold.
golf -A
amateur golf, mini/miniature golf, pro
golf, pro-am golf, professional golf.
good -A
common good (the), general good
goods -AA
basic goods, branded goods, cheap
goods, consumer goods, counterfeit
goods, cut-price goods, defective goods,
deluxe goods, durable goods, duty-free
goods, electrical goods, electronic
goods, executive goods, fake goods,
fancy goods, faulty goods, finished
goods (the), foreign goods, high-quality
goods, household goods, inferior goods,
low-priced goods, luxury goods, massproduced goods, material goods, ownlabel goods, perishable goods, secondhand goods, shoddy goods, staple
goods, stolen goods, surplus goods,
worldly goods.
authoritarian government, big government, british government (the), bureaucratic government, caretaker government, central government (the), centrist government, civil government, coalition government, communist government, compact government, Conservative government, constitutional government, de facto government, democratic
government, dictatorial government,
elected government, federal government, firm government, foreign government, fragile government, French government, German government (the),
good government, harsh government,
incoming government, interim government, Japanese government (the),
Labour government, left-wing govern-
ment, local government, military government, minority government, national government, open government,
present government (the), provincial
government, provisional coalition government, provisional government, puppet government, reactionary government, regional government, representative government, republican government, right-wing government, social
democratic government, social government, socialist government, stable government, state government, strong central government, strong government,
successive governments, the beleaguered government, the legitimate government (of the country), the outgoing
government, transitional government,
unpopular government, unstable government, weak government, western
government (the), woolly government.
(home) improvement grant, annual
grant, Arts Council grant, capital grant,
clothing grant, conservation grant, discretionary grant, emergency grant, EU
grant, full grant, government grant,
land grant, large grant, local authority
grant, lump-sum grant, maintenance
grant, mandatory grant, maternity
grant, project grant, purchase grant,
renovation grant, research grant, small
grant, student grant, substantial grant,
training grant, various grants.
coarse grass, damp grass, dry grass,
fresh(ly) cut grass, freshly mown grass,
green grass, long grass, lush grass, newborn grass, ornamental grasses, patchy
grass, rough grass, short grass, tall
grass, thick grass, wet grass, wild grass.
(of) a vivid green, bottle green, bright
green, brilliant green, dark green, dull
green, emerald green, light green, lime
green, lurid (orange and) green, lush
green, muddy green, muted greens, nice
fresh green, olive green, pale green, rich
deep green, triangular green.
grey -A
dark grey, light grey, medium grey, neutral grey, pale grey, silvery grey, slate
(an area of) broken ground, (an area of)
rocky ground, (break) new ground,
(moral) high ground (the), (occupy the)
middle ground, (on) weak ground,
breeding ground (for…), burial ground,
castle ground, classic ground, common
ground, cricket ground, dangerous
ground, difficult ground, dry ground,
dumping ground, dusty ground, extensive ground, familiar ground, feeding
ground, fertile ground, firm ground,
football ground, good ground, hallowed
ground (= land, especially around a
church, that has been made holy), hard
ground, high ground, holy ground,
home ground, hospital ground, hunting
ground, low ground, marshy ground,
moist ground, muddy ground, neutral
ground, open ground, palace ground,
parade ground, practice ground, reasonable ground, rough ground, rugby
ground, sacred ground, safe ground,
school ground, shaky ground, soft
ground, solid ground, sports ground,
stony ground, sufficient ground, the sodden ground, training ground, uneven
ground, valid ground, waste ground,
wet ground.
(on) compassionate grounds, (on) financial grounds, (on) legal grounds, (on)
medical grounds, (released on) humanitarian grounds, castle grounds, extensive grounds, good grounds, hospital
grounds (the), ideological grounds, palace grounds (the), political grounds,
prehistoric burial grounds, procedural
grounds, reasonable grounds, school
grounds (the), sedate hotel grounds,
sufficient grounds, valid grounds.
action group, advance group, advisory
group, advocacy group, age group, animal rescue group, backing group, big
group, blood group, book group, business group, central group, civil rights
group, closed group (of people), coherent group, cohesive group, community
group, conservation group, consumer
group, core group, corresponding
group (in other sectors), cultural group,
discussion group, diverse group, dominant group, drama group, educated
group, elite group (of senior officials),
environmental group, ethnic group,
extremist group, family group, focus
group, full group, gay rights group,
guerrilla group, hard-core group, harmonious group (of buildings), high risk
group, homogeneous group, human
rights group, income group, interest
group, interested group (of people),
large group, large group (of soldiers,
etc.), larger group, leading group (the),
little group, little group (of tourists),
lobby group, major group, management
group, militant group, minority group,
mixed group (of people), notorious
group, oppressed group, organized
group, paramiltary group, peer group,
pop group, powerful group, pressure
group, racial group, radical group, representative group, research group, rock
group, rowdy group, ruling group of
people (the), school group, select
group, self-help group, shadowy group,
small group, social group, splinter
group, superior group, terrorist group,
the predominant group, theatre group,
tight group (of people), tightly-knit
group, tour group, user group, vociferous group, watchdog group, wide
group, youth group.
(fighting between) rival groups, au-
tonomous groups, basic groups, compatible blood groups, consumer groups,
different groups, dispersed groups, distinct groups, ecological groups, factional groups, interactive groups, leftwing groups, marginal groups, middle
income groups (the), militant groups,
multinational groups, opposing groups,
paramilitary groups, primary groups,
racial (and ethnic) groups, racist
groups, religious groups, remedial
groups, representative groups, separate
groups, specific groups, the disadvantaged groups, underground groups,
various groups.
(a pattern of) consistent growth, annual
growth, average growth, bacterial
growth, benign growth, big growth,
cancerous growth, capital growth, considerable growth, continuing growth,
dividend growth, dramatic growth,
earnings growth, economic growth,
enormous growth, excessive growth,
exponential growth, fast growth, further growth, future growth (of a company) (the), healthy growth, high
growth, impressive growth, industrial
growth, intellectual growth, long-term
growth, low growth, malignant growth,
moderate growth, modest growth, monetary growth, negative growth, new
growth, normal growth, personal
growth, phenomenal economic growth,
phenomenal growth, population
growth, productivity growth, rapid
growth, residential growth, revenue
growth, sales growth, significant
growth, slow growth, spectacular
growth, spiritual growth, stagnant
growth, steady growth, strong growth,
sustainable economic growth, sustained
growth, the explosive growth (of sth),
the organic growth (of sth), the outer
growths, the uncontrolled growth (of
cities), tremendous growth, uninterrupted growth, zero growth.
1-year guarantee, absolute guarantee,
built-in guarantees, cast-iron guarantee, constitutional guarantee, dependable guarantee, firm guarantee, foolproof guarantee, full guarantee, genuine guarantee, lifetime guarantee, longterm guarantee, money-back guarantee, personal guarantee, proper guarantee, reliable guarantee, satisfactory
guarantee, solid guarantee, unconditional guarantee, valid guarantee,
worthless guarantee, written guarantee.
(under) heavy guard, advance guard,
armed guards, border guard, civil
guard, close guard, constant guard, national guard, off-duty guard, palace
guard, police guard, presidential guard,
prison guard, sadistic guards, security
guard, uniformed guard, uniformed security guards, white guard.
(at a) conservative guess, (at a) rough
guess, (make a) shrewd guess, accurate
guess, calculated guess, close guess,
correct guess, educated guess, fair
guess (about sth), good guess, informed guess, inspired guess (= a correct guess that is based on feelings
rather than facts), intelligent guess,
lucky guess, reasonable guess, safe
guess, wild guess, wrong guess.
celebrity guest, chief guest (the), dinner guest, distinguished guests, fellow
guests, frequent guest, honoured guest,
hotel guest, house guest, illustrious
guest, invited guest, occasional guest,
official guest, overnight guest, party
guest, paying guest, principal guest, reception guest, regular guest, restaurant
guest, special guest, studio guest, the
remaining guests, unexpected guest,
uninvited guest, unwanted guest, unwelcome guest, vip guest, wedding
guest, welcome guest.
guide -AA
(the most) comprehensive guide, accurate guide, approximate guide, brief
guide, complete guide, definitive guide,
essential guide, friendly guide, good
guide, helpful guide, holiday guide, hotel guide, in-depth guide, indispensable
guide, informative guide, invaluable
guide, motoring guides, mountain
guide, pocket guide, practical guide,
quick guide, reference guide, reliable
guide, rough guide, short guide, simple
guide, step-by-step guide, street guide,
tour guide, tourist guide, travel guide,
useful guide, user friendly guide, valuable guide.
guitar -A
acoustic guitar, bass guitar, C/12-string
guitar, classical guitar, electric guitar,
jazz guitar, lead guitar, rhythm guitar,
rock guitar.
gun -AA
(go) great guns, anti-aircraft gun, antitank gun, big gun (infml), Bren gun,
enemy gun, field gun, grease gun, hand
gun, harpoon gun, heavy gun, laser gun,
machine gun, machine gun, mock guns,
real guns, replica gun, roaring guns,
spear gun, spray gun, staple gun, Sten
gun, stun gun, sub-machine gun, toy
guy -A
affable guy, aged guy, attractive guy, bad
guy, big guy, black guy, crazy guy, creepy
guy, decent guy, fat guy, friendly guy,
funny guy, gay guy, great guy, kind guy
(the), little guy, middle guy, nice guy,
old guy, ordinary guy, regular guy, sweet
guy, the good guys, tough guy, white
guy, wise guy, wonderful guy, young guy.
habit -A
(have) a nasty habit (of), (have) regular habits, alarming habit, annoying
habit, anti-social habit, bad habits, buying habits, charming habit, cocaine
habit, daily habit, dietary habits, dirty
habit, disgusting habit, disgusting personal habits, disturbing habit, drinking
habits, drug habit, eating habits, eccentric habit, endearing habit, entrenched
habits, everyday habits, exercise habits,
feeding habit, filthy habit, good habit,
heroin habit, horrible habit, incurable
habits, ingrained habits, irritating
habit, lifelong habit, little habits, moderate habits, nervous habit, odd habit,
old habits, personal habit, reading habits, sexual habits, shopping habit, sleeping habits, smoking habits, social habits, spending habits, terrible habit, the
disconcerting habit, tidy habits, unconventional work habits, unfortunate
habit, unnerving habit, viewing habit,
vulgar habits, weird habit, work habits,
worst habit.
(fiery) red hair, (silvery) grey hair, auburn hair, beautiful hair, black hair,
blond(e) hair, body hair, brittle hair,
brown hair, bushy hair, cat hair, chestnut hair, coarse hair, crinkly hair,
cropped hair, curly hair, dark hair, dishevelled hair, dog hair, dry hair, dull
hair, facial hair, fair hair, false hair, fine
hair, flaming red hair, frizzy hair, fuzzy
hair, ginger hair, glossy hair, golden
hair, gorgeous hair, greasy hair, grizzled
hair, jet-black hair, kinky hair,
lacklustre hair, lifeless hair, lightcoloured hair, long hair, lovely hair,
medium brown hair, oily hair, palecoloured hair, powdered hair, pubic
hair, reddish hair, sandy hair, scruffy
hair, shaggy hair, shiny black hair, shiny
hair, short hair, shoulder-length hair,
silky hair, sleek hair, smooth hair, sparse
greying hair, spiked hair, spiky hair,
steely hair, straight hair, thick hair, thin
hair, tousled hair, unruly hair, untidy
hair, wavy hair, white hair, wild hair,
windswept hair, wiry hair, yellow hair.
assembly hall, banquet hall, banqueting
hall, bare hall, baronial hall, bingo hall,
booking hall, cavernous dining hall, cavernous hall, church hall, city hall, cold
hall, communal hall, community hall,
concert hall, conference hall, congress
hall, council hall, county hall, crowded
hall, dance hall, dark hall, darkened
hall, dining hall, draughty hall, entrance
hall, examination hall, exhibition hall,
gloomy hall, hallowed halls, huge hall,
lecture hall, magnificent hall, main hall
(the), market hall, meeting hall, narrow
hall, old-time dance hall, packed hall,
parish hall, pool hall, public hall, reception hall, school hall, small hall, snooker
hall, spacious hall, sports hall, the great
hall, ticket hall, unlit hall, vast hall, village hall.
(be in) safe hands, (gain the) upper
hand, (get a) big hand, (give sb a) big
hand, (give sb a) free hand, (have) cold
hands, (in) good hands, (on the) one
hand, (on the) other hand, (sb's) frail
hands, (sb's) outstretched hand, arthritic hand, bad hand, bare hands,
beautiful hand, big hand (for sb), bony
hands, busy hand, capable hand, careless hand, chubby hands, clammy
hands, claw-like hand, clean hand,
clumsy hand, coarse hand, cool hand,
cupped hand, dead hand of sth (the),
deft hand (at sth), delicate hands, dirty
hand, eager hand, empty hands, expert
hands, feminine hand, filthy hand, firm
hand, fragile hand, friendly hand, generous hand, gentle hands, ghostly hand,
gloved hand, gnarled hand, greasy
hand, grubby hands, hairy hand, heavy
hand of management (the), horny
hands, invisible hands, iron hand, knotted hand, left hand (the), liberal hand,
limp hand, long-fingered hand, muscular hands, nervous hand, old hand (at
sth), open hand, outspread hand, practised hand, pretty hand, right hand
(the), ring less hand, ringed hand,
round hands, royal hands (the), shaking hand, shaky hand, skilful hand,
skilled hand, soft hands, steady hand,
sticky hand, strong hand, sweaty hands,
sympathetic hand, tense hands, trembling hand, unsteady hand, unwashed
hand, warm hands, well-manicured
hand, willing hand, work-reddened
hand, work-roughened hand, workworn hand.
carrying handle, door handle, fork
handle, knife handle, long handle,
pickaxe handle, short handle.
(battered) old hat, bobble hat, bowler
hat, broad-brimmed hat, dashing hat,
feathered hats, floppy hat, fur hat,
gaudy hats, hard hat, jaunty hat, ludicrous flowery hat, panama hat, party
hat, peaked hat, picture hat, pointed
hat, ridiculous hat, riding hat, silly hat,
straw hat, sun hat, ten-gallon hat,
three-cornered hat, top hat, ugly hat,
white hat, wide-brimmed hat, woollen
hat, woolly hat.
(have a) good head (for figures), (have
a) swollen head, (have an) old head
(on young shoulders), (rear its) ugly
head, bald head, bare head, bent head,
blonde head, bowed head, clear head,
cool head (= sb who can stay calm in
difficult situations), crowned head,
dark head, departmental head, deputy
head, fair head, good head, grey head,
greying head, level head, light head,
nominal head, severed head, shaved
head, titular head.
shaven heads.
(be in) tolerable health, (in) good
health, (in) poor health, bad health,
blooming health, community health,
declining health, delicate health, dental
health, environmental health, excellent
health, failing health, fragile health,
frail health, full health, general health,
human health, ill health, mental health,
occupational health, optimum health,
perfect health, physical health, precarious health, public health, reasonable
health, reproductive health, rude
health, sexual health, vibrant health,
weak health, women's health.
(have) a good heart, (have) a tender
heart, (have) a warm heart, artificial
heart, bad heart, big heart, broken
heart, cold heart, commercial heart (of
the city) (the), hard heart, healthy
heart, heavy heart, human heart, kind
heart, light heart, sinking heart, soft
heart, strong heart, very heart, weak
80-degree heat, afternoon heat, baking
heat, blazing heat, blinding heat, blistering heat, blood heat, body heat, boiling heat, burning heat, dead heat,
desert heat, direct heat, dry heat, excess
heat, excessive heat, extreme heat,
gentle heat, great heat, high heat, humid heat, intense heat, intolerable heat,
low heat, medium heat, midday heat,
moderate heat, morning heat, oppressive heat, preliminary heat, prickly heat,
qualifying heat, radiant heat, red heat,
regional heat, residual heat, scorching
heat, searing heat, shimmering heat,
steamy heat, stifling heat, sudden heat,
suffocating heat, sultry heat, summer
heat, sweltering heat, terrible heat, the
fierce heat (of the flames), the merciless heat, tremendous heat, tropical
heat, white heat.
(a man of) medium height, (draw
yourself up to your) full height, (of)
average height, (of) medium height,
(rise to your) full height, ceiling
height, chest height, commanding
height, considerable height, dizzy
height, equal height, giddy height,
great height, head height, lofty height,
maximum height, middle height,
mountain height, new height, rocky
height, same height (the), shoulder
height, towering height, waist height.
heights -A
commanding heights, giddy heights,
lofty heights, mountain heights, new
heights, rocky heights, the dizzy
absolute hell, bloody hell, living hell,
pure hell, sheer hell, utter hell.
big help, direct help, divine help, domestic help, enormous help, expert
help, extra help, financial help, generous help, great help, immediate help,
incredible help, individual help, invaluable help, legal help, little help,
medial help, medical help, mutual
help, on-line help, outside help, practical help, professional help, psychiatric help, real help, self help, skilled
help, substantial help, technical help,
tremendous help, valuable help, voluntary help, willing help.
hill -A
bare hill, big hill, bleak hills, blue hill,
chalk hill, coastal hill, conical hill, dark
hill, densely wooded hills, distant hill,
encircling hill, far hill (the), forested
hill, gentle hill, grassy hill, green hills,
high hill, isolated hill, little hill, lonely
hill, long hill, open hill, prominent hill,
purple hill, rocky hill, rolling hills,
rough hills, rounded hills, rugged hill,
small hill, steep hill, the low hills, the
round green hills of Donegal, the surrounding hills, undulating hill, windy
hills, wooded hill.
hole, great hole, huge hole, jagged
hole, large hole, massive hole, mouse
hole, neat hole, rabbit hole, ragged
hole, round hole, shallow hole, small
hole, tiny hole, yawning hole.
holiday -AA
American history, ancient history, art
history, British history, case history,
chequered history, church history,
colourful history, contemporary history,
cultural history, early history, ecclesiastical history, economic history, employment history, family history, fascinating
history, fictitious history, human history,
interesting history, life history, literary
history, local history, long history, medical history, medieval history, military
history, modern European history, modern history, official history, oral history,
past history, personal history, pictorial
history, political history, previous history, recent history, recorded history,
rich history, sexual history, social history, subsequent history, turbulent history, world history.
(relatively) inexpensive holiday, 3night holiday, active holiday, activity
holiday, adventure holiday, annual
holiday, bank holiday, camping holiday,
cheap holiday, Christmas holidays
(the), coach holiday, continental holiday, delightful holiday, disastrous holiday, dream holiday, Easter holidays
(the), enjoyable holiday, eventful holiday, exciting holiday, exotic holidays,
expensive holiday, extended holiday,
family holiday, foreign holiday, funfilled holiday, golfing holiday, good
holiday, lovely holiday, national holiday, nice holiday, overseas holiday,
package holiday, paid holiday, patriotic
holidays, proper holiday, public holiday, really wild holiday, relaxing holiday, religious holiday, rotten holiday,
school holidays (the), skiing holiday,
smashing holiday, splendid holiday,
summer holidays (the), super holiday,
two week holiday, wild holiday, winter
holiday, wonderful holiday.
hit -A
big hit, box office hit, chart hit, clean
hit, direct hit, fantastic hit, greatest hit,
huge hit, immediate hit, instant hit,
massive hit, real hit, smash hit, the latest hit.
(sb's) ancestral home, (your) spiritual
home, adequate home, boyhood home,
broken home, caravan home, care
home, charity home, childhood home,
children's home, comfortable home,
convalescent home, council home,
country home, detached home, dream
home, executive homes, family home,
forest home, former home (of sb)
(the), foster home, happy home, holiday home, humble home, island home,
legendary home, luxurious home,
luxury home, magnificent home, marital home, matrimonial home, middleclass home, mobile home, motor
home, mountain home, native home,
history -AAA
hold -A
(get) a sure hold, (have) an insecure
hold, firm hold, fragile hold, increasing
hold, powerful hold, strong hold, tenuous hold, tight hold, weak hold.
hole -AA
big hole, bullet hole, circular hole, conspicuous hole (in sb’s shirt), deep hole,
enormous hole, gaping hole, great big
natural home, new home, nice home,
nursing home, old people's home, permanent home, pleasant home, purposebuilt home, remand home, rented
home, residential home, rest home, retirement home, riverside home, seaside
home, second home, secure home,
semi-detached home, settled home,
single-parent home, spotless home,
stable home, stately home, stylish
home, suburban home, supportive
home, surrogate home, temporary
home, terrace/terraced home, the parental home, the scenic route home,
usual way home (sb's), valley home, village home, weekend home, well-to-do
home, winter home, working class
(in the) fond hope (that), (in) the vain
hope (of dissuading sb), (no) earthly
hope, (no) real hope, (sb's) best hope,
(sb's) only hope, bright hope, championship hope, considerable hope, desperate hope, devout hope, disappointed
hope, distant hope, early hope, every
hope, faint hope, false hope, fervent
hope, forlorn hope, frail hope, fresh
hope, future hope, great hope, high
hope, last hope (the), lingering hope,
little hope, main hope (the), medal
hope, new hope, Olympic hope, personal hope, pious hope, realistic hope,
reasonable hope, renewed hope, sincere
hope, slight hope, slim hope, strong
hope, sudden hope, the remaining hope,
unfulfilled hope, vague hope, wild
(have) high hopes, boyish hopes, empty
hopes, foolish hopes, future hopes,
modest hopes, slender hopes, unborn
hopes, unfounded hopes.
bald horse, bay horse, beautiful horse,
black horse, carriage horse, cart horse,
cavalry horse, chestnut horse, dark
horse, docile horse, draught horse,
dray horse, fancied horse, fast horse,
female horse, feral horse, fiery horse,
fine horse, fresh horse, frightened
horse, good horse, good-looking horse,
grey horse, handsome horse, heavy
horse, highly-strung horse, lame horse,
loose horse, lovely horse, magnificent
horse, male horse, nervous horse,
noble horse, pack horse, pantomime
horse, piebald horse, placid horse, police horse, race horse, restless horse,
rider less horse, riding horse, roan
horse, rocking horse, runaway horse,
saddle horse, shire horse, skewbald
horse, skittish horse, startled horse,
strong horse, swift horse, terrified
horse, the winning horse, thoroughbred horse, unbroken horse, wild
children's hospital, community hospital, day hospital, district hospital, general hospital, local hospital (the), longstay hospital, maternity hospital, mental hospital, metropolitan hospitals,
NHS hospital, private hospital, psychiatric hospital, special hospital, teaching hospital.
(highly) respectable hotel, air-conditioned hotel, assorted hotels, attractive
hotel, beautiful hotel, bed and breakfast hotel, big hotel, cheap hotel, classy
hotel, comfortable hotel, country hotel, country-house hotel, crowded hotels, delightful hotel, deluxe hotel,
downtown hotel, elegant hotel, excellent hotel, exclusive hotel, expensive
hotel, family hotel, family-run hotel,
famous hotel, fashionable hotel, fine
hotel, first-class hotel, five-star hotel,
four-star hotel, friendly hotel, good
hotel, Grand Hotel, grand hotel, holiday hotel, independent hotel, international hotel, large hotel, little hotel,
local hotel, lousy hotel, luxurious hotel,
luxury hotel, medium-size(d) hotel,
modern hotel, modest hotel, nearby
hotel, new hotel, pleasant hotel, plush
hotel, posh hotel, private hotel, quality
hotel, quiet hotel, residential hotel, resort hotel, seafront hotel, seaside hotel,
second-class hotels, seedy hotel, segregated hotel, sleazy hotel, small hotel,
small hotel (with a friendly atmosphere), smart hotel, terrible hotel, the
top hotel, three-star hotel, top-class
hotel, tourist hotel, traditional hotel,
world-class hotels.
(sb's) darkest hour, (sth's) finest hour,
(wait) a good hour, antisocial hour,
darkest hour (the), every (half) hour,
every hour, flexible hour, free half hour,
full half hour, half hour, licensing hour,
long hour, lunch hour, office hour, past
hour (the), peak hour, regular hour,
rush hour (the), short hour, solid hour,
the first half hour, the opening hour, the
working hour, unearthly hour, ungodly
hour, unsocial hour, visiting hour, waking hour(s).
(eight) gruelling hours, (for two) mortal hours, (in the) past hours, (keep)
irregular hours, (keep) regular hours,
(spend many) happy hours, antisocial
hours, anxious hours, clear two hours,
countless hours, daylight hours, early
hours (the), few short hours, final hours
(the), flexible hours, flexible working
hours, hectic hours, licensing hours,
long hours, normal business hours, normal office hours, normal working
hours, office hours, one and three-quarter hours, opening hours, restless few
hours, scant five hours, school hours,
short hours, the wee (small) hours, visiting hours, working hours.
(creepy) old house, (in) the next house,
(keep) open house, (modest) little
house, (rambling) old house, (spooky)
old house, affordable houses, ancestral
house, attractive house, beautiful
house, big house, big house (on/at the
edge of town), burning house, charming house, cold house, colonial house,
comfortable house, communal house,
council house, country house, cute
house, darkened houses, delightful
house, depressing house, derelict
house, desirable house, detached
house, dilapidated house, dingy house,
dream house, dreamy little house,
eight-room house, eight-roomed house,
elegant house, empty house, enormous
house, exclusive house, expensive
house, fair-sized house, fancy house,
farm house, fine house, four-bedrooms
house, friendly house, full house, furnished house, gabled house, garish
house, gaunt house, gigantic house,
gloomy house, glorious house, grand
house, great house, half-timbered
house, halfway house, handsome
house, happy house, haunted house,
homely house, huge great house, huge
house, identical houses, large country
house, large house, last house (the),
late Victorian house, little house, lovely
house, luxurious house, magnificent
country house, magnificent house,
manor house, mansion house, mean
houses, mellow manor house, miniature house, modern house, modest
house, nasty little house, neat little
house, nice house, nice old house, oddlooking house, old houses, packed
house, palatial house, plush house,
posh house, pretty house, private
house, quiet house, rambling house,
ramshackle house, ranch house, redbrick house, religious house, rented
house, safe house, semi-detached
house, shabby house, silent house,
single house, single-storey(ed) house,
small house, spacious house, splendid
house, substantial house, suburban
house, summer house, terrace house,
terraced houses, thatched house, the
neighbouring house, the next door
house, the Royal Opera House, tiny
house, town house, tree house, trim
houses, tumble-down house, twostoryed house, ugly house, unoccupied
house, untidy house, vacant house, vulgar house, warm comfortable house,
warm house, wood-panelled house,
wrong house (the).
average household, disorganized household, domestic household, family
household, high-income household,
low-income household, married-couple
household, middle-class household, orderly household, poor household, private household, royal household (the),
rural household, single-person household, urban household, working-class
housing -AA
adequate housing, affordable housing,
authority housing, bad housing, bleak
concrete housing, cheap housing, concrete housing, costly housing, council
housing, decent housing, futuristic
housing, good housing, high-rise housing, inadequate housing, local housing,
low-cost housing, permanent housing,
poor housing, pre-war housing, private
housing, public housing, rented housing, rural housing, segregated housing,
sheltered housing, social housing, special needs housing, squalid housing,
substandard housing, temporary housing, urban housing.
primitive humans.
husband -A
(drunk and) abusive husband, (sb’s)
former husband, (sb’s) present husband,
(sb’s) prospective husband, absent husband, beloved husband, brutal husband,
caring husband, dead husband (sb’s),
deceased husband, devoted husband,
dominant husband, domineering husband, errant husband, estranged husband, ex- husband, faithful husband,
future husband (sb’s), good husband,
high-flying newspaper-editor husband,
house husband, jealous husband, late
husband (sb’s), loving husband, meek
husband, model husband, perfect husband (the), suitable husband, the bereaved husband, unfaithful husband,
violent husband, warring husbands
and wives, wonderful husband.
black ice, extra ice, polar ice, solid ice,
thick ice, thin ice.
(get the) wrong idea, (have a) fair idea
(of sth), (have a) general idea, (have a)
shrewd idea, (have the) least idea,
(have) big ideas, (need) fresh ideas,
(not a) bad idea, (not have the) faintest idea (how/what/why etc), (not
have the) remotest idea, (not have the)
slightest idea (how/what/why etc),
(not) the faintest idea, (What a) brill
idea!, (what) a clever idea!, abstract
ideas, absurd idea, accepted ideas, advanced idea, alternative idea, ambitious
idea, appealing idea, approximate idea,
artistic Economic idea, artistic idea,
awful idea, basic idea (the), better idea,
big idea, big ideas (for their firm), bourgeois ideas, bright idea, brilliant idea,
broad idea, central idea, clear idea,
clever idea, competing ideas, complex
idea, concrete idea, confused ideas,
connected ideas, conservative ideas,
constructive idea, contradictory idea,
contrary ideas, conventional idea,
crackpot idea, crass idea, crazy idea,
creative idea, damn clever idea, definite
idea, difficult idea, disparate ideas, disturbing idea, dominant idea, dumb
idea, economic idea, elitist ideas, enlightened ideas, enterprising idea, erroneous ideas, excellent idea, exciting
idea, extravagant ideas, fabulous idea,
false idea, fanciful ideas, fantastic idea,
far-out ideas, fascist idea, fashionable
ideas, feasible idea, federalist idea,
feminist ideas, firm idea, fixed ideas,
foolish idea, frightful idea, funny idea,
fuzzy ideas, general idea (the), good
idea, grand ideas, grandiose idea, great
idea, half-baked idea, hazy idea, helpful ideas, humanitarian ideas, imagina-
tive idea, incisive idea, incorrect idea
(about sth), inflexible idea, ingenious
idea, innovative idea, insane idea, inspirational idea, instinctive idea, intellectual idea, interesting idea, key idea,
left-wing ideas, linguistic ideas, loony
ideas, lovely idea, ludicrous idea, mad
idea, marvellous idea, mistaken ideas,
misty idea, modern ideas (about sth),
moral idea, musical idea, naïve idea,
nationalist idea, neat idea, new fangled
idea, new idea, new-fangled idea, nice
idea, noble idea, novel idea, nutty
ideas, odd idea, off-the-wall idea, old
idea, old-fashioned ideas, original idea,
outdated idea, outlandish idea, philosophical idea, political idea, popular
idea, positive idea, practical ideas, precise idea, pre-conceived idea, profound
idea, progressive ideas, radical idea, reactionary ideas, revolutionary ideas,
ridiculous idea, romantic idea (of sth),
rotten idea, rough idea (of sth), scientific idea, seminal idea, senseless idea,
sensible idea, set ideas (on how to
teach), silly idea, simplistic idea, smart
idea, socialist idea, splendid idea, stale
ideas, stimulating idea, strange idea,
striking idea, strong idea, stupid idea,
sudden idea, super idea, superstitious
ideas, surrealist idea, terrific idea, the
foggiest idea, the main idea, the slightest idea, theoretical idea, traditional
ideas (about sth), uncommon ideas,
up-to-date ideas, utilitarian ideas, utopian idea, vague idea (of sth), valid
idea, valuable idea, wacky idea, wayout ideas, whole idea (the), wild idea,
wonderful idea, worn-out idea, worthwhile idea, young ideas.
(sb’s) glitzy image (of sth), aural and
visual images, black-and-white image,
blurred image, clean-cut image, colour
image, corporate image, digital image,
distorted image, disturbing image,
downmarket image, dream image, familiar images, feisty image, flickering
aesthetic ideal, artistic ideal, democratic ideal, ethical ideal, high ideal,
liberal ideal, lofty ideal, moral ideal,
noble ideal, political ideal, revolutionary ideal, socialist ideal, unattainable
high ideals, lofty ideals, noble ideals,
precious ideals, romantic ideals, socialist ideals, unattainable ideals, utopian
identity -A
assumed identity, common identity, corporate identity (of the company) (the),
cultural identity, false identity, mistaken
identity, national identity, new identity,
personal identity, political identity, racial identity, sexual identity, true identity (the).
(sb's) final illness, (sb's) last illness,
acute illness, brief illness, childhood illness, chronic illness, crippling illness,
critical illness, dangerous illness, debilitating illness, depressive illness, desperate illness, fatal illness, final illness
(the), hereditary illness, incurable illness, infectious illness, last illness (the),
life-threatening illnesses, lingering illness, long illness, long-standing illness,
long-term illness, major illness, mental
illness, minor illnesses, mysterious illness, mystery illness, nasty illness, nervous illness, painful illness, physical illness, progressive illness, prolonged illness, psychiatric illness, psychosomatic
illness, psychotic illness, rare illness,
recurrent minor illnesses, respiratory
illness, serious illness, severe illness,
short illness, slight illness (in your stomach), smoking-related illness, stress-related illnesses, sudden illness, terminal
illness, unexplained illness.
image, fresh images, fuzzy image, girlnext-door image, glossy image, graven
image, hackneyed image, literary image, living image, macho image, masculine image, media image, mental
image, mirror image, monochrome image, moving image, negative image,
photographic image, pictorial images,
poetic image, poignant image, popular
image, pornographic image, positive
image, powerful image, provincial image, religious image, repellent images,
resonant images, romantic images (of
deserted beaches), sacred image,
screen brand image, screen image,
sharp (photographic) image, spitting
image, stereotyped image, stereotypical image, still image, striking image,
sudden image, tarnished image, the
public image, unintelligible images,
unitary image, upmarket image, video
image, virtual image, visual image,
vivid image, wholesome image.
added impact, adverse impact, aggregate impact, beneficial impact, big impact, catastrophic impact, combined
impact, considerable impact, cultural
impact, cumulative impact, damaging
impact, decisive impact, devastating
impact, direct impact, disastrous impact, disproportionate impact, dramatic impact, ecological impact, economic impact, emotional impact, enormous impact, environmental impact
(of pollution) (the), environmental
impact (of tourism) (the), far-reaching
impact, favourable impact, financial
impact, full impact (the), future impact, great impact, growing impact,
health impact, heavy impact, high impact, huge impact, human impact, immediate impact, important impact, increasing impact, indirect impact, initial
impact, instant impact, lasting impact,
likely impact, limited impact, longterm impact, major impact, marginal
impact, massive impact, maximum im-
pact, minimal impact, negative impact,
negligible impact, overall impact, personal impact, physical impact, political
impact, positive impact, possible impact, potential impact, powerful impact, powerful visual impact, profound
impact, psychological impact, real impact, serious impact, severe impact,
short-term impact, significant impact,
social impact, strong impact, substantial impact, the historical impact, the
main impact, the minimum impact, total impact, tremendous impact, uneven
impact, visual impact, wider impact.
adverse implication, broad implication,
clear implication, commercial implication, considerable implication, constitutional implication, cost implication,
crucial implication, damaging implication, deeper implication, direct implication, disturbing implication, economic
implication, educational implication,
enormous implication, environmental
implication, ethical implication, farreaching implication, financial implication, frightening implication, full implication, fundamental implication, further implication, future implication,
general implication, grave implication,
health implication, ideological implication, important implication, interesting
implication, legal implication, longterm implication, major implication,
massive implication, moral implication,
negative implication, obvious implication, ominous implication, philosophical implication, policy implication, political implication, possible implication,
potential implication, practical implication, profound implication, psychological implication, radical implication, resource implication, revolutionary implication, safety implication, security implication, serious implication, sinister
implication, social implication, strong
implication, tax implication, the main
implication, the underlying implica-
tion, unspoken implication, wider implication.
(of) central importance, (of) critical
importance (to sb/sth), (of) crucial importance, (of) great importance, (of)
little importance, (of) overriding importance, (of) paramount importance,
(of) supreme importance, added importance, archaeological importance,
cardinal importance, commercial importance, considerable importance,
constitutional importance, continued
importance, continuing importance,
cultural importance, declining importance, direct importance, ecological
importance, economic importance,
enormous importance, environmental
importance, equal importance, especial
importance, extreme importance, first
importance, fundamental importance,
general importance, greatest importance, growing importance, high importance, highest importance, historical importance, immediate importance, immense importance, increasing
importance, international importance,
intrinsic importance, key importance,
lasting importance, legal importance,
lesser importance, limited importance,
little real importance, local importance, major importance, marginal importance, military importance, minor
importance, national importance, no
importance, obvious importance, outstanding importance, overwhelming
importance, particular importance,
perceived importance, political importance, potential importance, practical
importance, primary importance,
prime importance, profound importance, public importance, real importance, relative importance, same importance (the), secondary importance,
social importance, special importance,
strategic importance, sufficient importance, symbolic importance, theoretical
importance, tremendous importance,
utmost importance (the), vital importance.
abiding impression, accurate impression, artificial impression, artist’s impression, bad impression, big impression, clear impression, cloudy impression, considerable impression, convincing impression, deep impression, distorted impression, early impression,
enormous impression, erroneous impression, excellent impression, fair impression, false impression, favourable
impression, final impression, firm impression, first impressions, fleeting impression, general impression, good impression, great impression, huge impression, immediate impression, indelible impression, initial impression, lasting impression, main impression (the),
misleading impression, mistaken impression, negative impression, opposite
impression, overall impression, overriding impression, over-whelming impression, perfect impression, personal impression, poor impression, powerful
impression, profound impression, reasonable impression, right impression
(the), spurious impression, strong impression, subjective impression, superficial impression, the distinct impression,
the public impression, tremendous impression, unfavourable impression, unpleasant impression, vague impression,
vivid impression, widespread impression, wrong impression (the).
actual improvement, ad hoc improvements, agricultural improvement, allround improvement, big improvement,
capital improvement, clear improvement, clinical improvement, considerable improvement, consistent improvement, constant improvement, continued
improvement, continuing improvement,
continuous improvement, definite improvement, desired improvement, discernible improvement, distinct improvement, dramatic improvement,
economic improvement, educational
improvement, efficiency improvement,
enormous improvement, environmental improvement, excellent improvement, expected improvement, further
improvement, general improvement,
genuine improvement, gradual improvement (in sb's health), great improvement, ground improvement,
health improvement, home improvements, housing improvement, huge
improvement, immediate improvement, important improvement, incremental improvement, intended improvement, land improvement, longterm improvement, major improvement, marginal improvement (in sth),
marked improvement (in sb/sth), massive improvement, material improvement, measurable improvement, minor
improvement, miraculous improvement, moderate improvements, modest improvement, moral improvement,
much-needed improvement, necessary
improvement, notable improvement,
noticeable improvement, obvious improvement, organizational improvement, overall improvement, performance improvement, positive improvement, possible improvement, potential
improvement, productivity improvement, progressive improvement, qualitative improvement, quality improvement, radical improvement, rail improvement, rapid improvement, real
improvement, recent improvement, remarkable improvement, road improvement, safety improvement, school improvement, service improvement,
sharp improvement, short-term improvement, significant improvement,
slight improvement, small improvement, social improvement, steady improvement, substantial improvement,
suggested improvement, sustained improvement, tangible improvement,
technical improvement, technological
improvement, temporary improvement,
tremendous improvement, underlying
improvement, useful improvement, vast
improvement, visible improvement,
welcome improvement.
cubic inches, every inch.
actual incident, alarming incident, alleged incident, amusing incident, bad
incident, bizarre incident, bomb/bombing incident, border incident, contrived
incident, controversial incident, curious
incident, deplorable incident, diplomatic incident, disgraceful incident,
domestic incident, dramatic incident,
embarrassing incident, exceptional incidents, famous incident, fatal incident,
funny incident, further incident, horrific
incident, horrifying incident, insignificant incidents, international incident,
isolated incident, latest incident (the),
little incident, major incident, minor
incident, mysterious incident, nasty incident, nuclear incident, off-the-ball incident, past incident, pollution incident,
racial incident, real/real-life incident,
recent incident, recorded incident, regrettable incident, reported incident,
scattered incident, separate incident,
serious incident, serious shooting incident, shooting incident, small incident,
stabbing incident, strange incident, terrible incident, terrorist incident, touching incident, tragic incident, trivial incident, two unrelated incidents, ugly incident, unfortunate incident, unpleasant incident, unrelated incident,
unsavoury incident, unusual incident,
violent incident, whole incident, witty
(on) high incomes, (on) low incomes,
(people living on) fixed incomes, (sb’s)
disposable income, above-average income, additional income, after-tax income, aggregate income and investment, annual income, arising income,
assured income, average income, below-average income, capital income,
comfortable income, corporate income,
dividend income, earned income, entire income, extra income, family income, fee income, foreign income, future income, good income, gross income, household income, interest income, investment income, large income, lost income, meagre income,
median income, minimum income,
miserable income, moderate income,
modest income, money income,
monthly income, national income
(the), net income, per capita income,
permanent income, personal income,
post-tax income, premium income, pretax income, private income, real income, regular income, rental income,
residual income, respectable income,
retirement income, rising income, secure income, small income, steady income, sufficient income, taxable income, total income (the), unearned income, weekly income.
(unprecedented) price increases, 10%
increase, across-the-board increase, annual increase, apparent increase, apparent rapid increase, astronomical increase, average increase, big increase,
budget increase, capital increase, considerable increase, corresponding increase, cost of living increase, demand
increases, dividend increase, dramatic
increase (in sth), effective increase,
enormous increase, exponential increase, fare increase, fivefold increase,
generous increase (in salary), gradual
increase, huge increase, large increase,
major increase, marked increase (in
profits), marked increase (in sb),
marked increase (in sth), massive increase, massive increase (in spending,
etc.), moderate increase, moderate
price increases, modest increase,
monthly increase, net increase, noticeable increase, overall increase, pay increase, proportional increase (in the
expense), proportionate increase, punitive price increases, rapid increase, rate
increase, rent increase, salary increase,
sharp increase (in sth), significant increase, significant increase (in sales),
slight increase, small increase, spectacular increase (in output), spending increase, steady increase, steady increase
(in numbers), steep increase (in sth),
substantial increase, substantial increase (in sales), sudden increase, tax
increase, temperature increase, ten-fold
increase, the alarming increase (in
crime), unavoidable increase, unreasonable increases, vast increase, wage increase.
academic independence, complete independence, considerable independence,
continued/continuing independence, de
facto independence, economic independence, editorial independence, financial
independence, full independence, genuine independence, great independence,
growing independence, hard-won independence, judicial independence, local
independence, national independence,
nominal independence, personal independence, political independence, professional independence, real independence, relative independence, total independence, true independence.
index -A
alphabetical index, card index, complete index, comprehensive index, computer index, computerized index, costof-living index, detailed index, Dow
Jones index, futures index, general index, good index, high index, low index,
market index, official index, reliable
index, retail price index, sensitive index, share index, stock index, subject
index, title index, weighted index,
world index.
individual -AA
autonomous individual, average individual, bilingual individuals, certain
individual, creative individual, fiery individual, gifted individuals, human individual, independent individual, inspiring individuals, isolated individual,
key individual, like-minded individual,
marginal individuals, moral individuals, named individual, ordinary individual, outstanding individual, particular individual, pioneering individual,
powerful individual, private individuals, qualified individual, single individual, smooth individual, talented individual, unique individual, wealthy
individual, well-balanced individual.
industry -AAA
(agriculture and) allied industries (=
similar/related), (fastest) growing industry, advertising industry (the),
aerospace industry (the), agricultural
industry, auto industry (the), automobile industry, banking industry (the),
boom industry, booming industry,
building industry, car industry, catering
industry, chemical industry (the), chief
industry, civil aviation industry (the),
coal industry, competitive industry,
computer industry (the), construction
industry (the), cottage industry, cyclical industries, declining industry, depressed industries, domestic industry,
dying industry, electrical industries,
electricity industry, electronics industry (the), energy industry, engineering
industry, entertainment industry (the),
film industry (the), fishing industry,
food industry, gas industry, glamorous
industry, government-owned industry,
growth industry, heavy industry, hightech industry, high-technology indus-
try, hospitality industry, hotel industry,
important industry, infant industries, insurance industry (the), international industry, key industry, labour-intensive industry, leisure industry, light industry,
local industry, major industry, manufacturing industry (the), mining industry,
modern industry, motor industry (the),
national industry, nationalized industry,
nuclear industry (the), offshore oil industry, oil industry (the), one-man cottage industry, petrochemical industry,
pharmaceutical industry (the), plastic
industry (the), private industries,
privatised industry, publishing industry
(the), record industry, run-down industry, service industry, shipbuilding industry, state-run industry, steel industry
(the), strategic industry, strong industry,
telecommunications industry (the), the
ailing cement industry, the automotive
industry, the multimedia industry, the
music industry, the staple industries, the
textile industry, the woollen industry,
thriving industry, timber industry, tobacco industry (the), tourism industry
(the), tourist industry, traditional industry, unprofitable industries.
consumer-price inflation, domestic inflation, double-digit inflation, galloping
inflation, high inflation, low inflation,
moderate inflation, mounting inflation,
price inflation, raging inflation, rampant inflation, rising inflation, runaway
inflation, soaring inflation, spiralling
inflation, uncontrollable inflation, wage
inflation, zero inflation.
(be a) bad influence (on sb/ sth), (have
a) profound influence, adverse influence, alien influences, artistic influence,
beneficial influence, big influence,
calming influence, chief influence, civilizing influence, considerable influence,
corrupting influence, crucial influence,
cultural influence, dark influence, deci-
sive influence, destructive influence,
direct influence, disruptive influences,
diverse influence, divisive influence,
dominant influence, early influence,
economic influence, enormous influence, environmental influence, evil influence, external influence, foreign influence, formative influence, genetic
influence, good influence, great influence, growing influence, harmful influence, important influence, little influence, major influence, musical influence, negative influence, outside influence, overwhelming influence, pervasive influence, planetary influence, political influence, positive influence,
powerful influence, restraining influence, significant influence, stabilizing
influence, steadying influence, strong
influence, stylistic influences, subversive influence, tremendous influence,
undesirable influence, undue influence, wholesome influence, wide influence.
(personally) identifiable information,
accurate information, additional information, available information, background information, basic information,
bibliographic information, classified information, computerised information,
confidential information, contrary information, correct information, definite information, detailed information,
disconnected information, economic
information, educational information,
extra information, factual information,
false information, financial information, firm information, first hand information, following information (the),
fresh information, full information, further information, general information,
genetic information, good information,
hard information, helpful information,
historical information, impartial information, inaccurate information, incomplete information, incorrect informa-
tion, indirect information, inside information, insufficient information, invaluable information, latest information, material information, medical information, misleading information,
missing information, necessary information, new information, objective information, personal information, pertinent information, practical information, precise information, price-sensitive information, privileged information, public information, relevant information, reliable information, secondhand information, secret information,
sensitive information, sensory information, sketchy information, social information, solid information, statistical
information, subsidiary information,
sufficient information, supplementary
information, technical information,
technological information, unreliable
information, up-to-date information,
useful information, useless information,
vague information, valid information,
valuable information, vital information,
wrong information.
initiative -A
business initiative, considerable initiative, co-operative initiative, current initiative (the), diplomatic initiative, dynamic initiatives, economic initiative,
education/educational initiative, entrepreneurial initiative, environmental initiative, exciting initiative, fresh initiative, government initiative, great initiative, important initiative, individual initiative, international initiative, joint initiative, latest initiative (the), local initiative, major initiative, marketing initiative, national initiative, new initiative, peace initiative, personal initiative, pioneering initiative, policy initiative, political initiative, practical initiative, private initiative, real initiative,
recent initiative, regional initiative, research initiative, successful initiative,
training initiative, welcome initiative.
injury -AA
accidental injury, ankle injury, appalling injury, back injury, bad injury,
bodily injury, career-threatening injury,
crippling injury, emotional injury, extensive injuries, facial injuries, fatal
injury, foot injury, fresh injuries, groin
injury, hamstring injury, head injury,
horrendous injury, horrific injuries, industrial injury, internal injuries, knee
injury, leg injury, long-term injury, major injury, minor injuries, mortal injuries, multiple injuries, muscular injuries, nagging injury, nasty injury, neck
injury, niggling injury, old injury, organic injury, painful injury, permanent
injury, personal injury, recurring injury,
repetitive strain injury, serious injury,
serious knee injury, severe injuries,
shocking injuries, shoulder injury,
slight injury, spinal injuries, sports injury, superficial injuries, terrible injury,
troublesome injury, visible injury, workrelated injury.
inquiry -A
broad inquiry, discreet inquiries, farreaching inquiry, full-scale inquiry,
house-to-house inquiries, independent
inquiry, internal inquiry, judicial inquiry, preliminary inquiries, public inquiry.
(any) given instance, classic instance,
countless instance, extreme instance,
glaring instance, innumerable instance,
isolated instance, numerous instance,
occasional instance, particular instance, rare instance, solitary instance,
specific instance, striking instance.
economic institute, education institute,
educational institute, government institute, independent institute, international economic institute, international
institute, national institute, profes-
sional institute, research institute, scientific institute, technical institute.
academic institution, administrative institution, central institution, charitable
institution, cultural institution, democratic institution, economic institution,
educational institutions, established institution, existing institution, financial
institution, government institution, governmental institution, hypocritical institution, integrated institution, international institution, legal institution, lending institution, local institution, major
institution, mental institution, national
institution, out-of-date institution, penal institution, political institution,
powerful institution, private institution,
professional institution, public institution, religious institution, representative institutions, research institution,
residential institution, same institution
(the), social institution, special institutions, state institution, traditional institution, venerable institution, voluntary
institution, young institution.
adequate instruction, advanced instruction, basic instruction, careful instruction, clear instruction, complex instruction, comprehensive instruction, cooking instruction, detailed instruction, direct instruction, explicit instruction,
express instruction, final instruction,
firm instruction, flying instruction, formal instruction, fresh instruction, full
instruction, further instruction, general
instruction, individual instruction, individualized instruction, informal instruction, manufacturer’s instruction, moral
instruction, new instruction, operating
instruction, pack instruction, packet instruction, practical instruction, precise
instruction, printed instruction, professional instruction, proper instruction,
religious instruction, safety instruction,
simple instruction, special instruction,
specific instruction, step-by-step instruction, strict instruction, technical
instruction, verbal instruction, washing
instruction, written instruction.
(give) full instructions, (give) precise
instructions, (have) strict instructions,
adequate instructions, authoritative instructions, careful instructions, clear
and concise instructions, clear instructions, complex instructions, complicated instructions, comprehensive instructions, cooking instructions, detailed instructions, direct instructions,
explicit instructions, express instructions, faulty instructions, final instructions, firm instructions, fresh instructions, further instructions, general instructions, helpful instructions, lucid
instructions, manufacturer’s instructions, misleading instructions, new instructions, operating instructions, pack
instructions, packet instructions,
printed instructions, safety instructions, simple instructions, special instructions, specific instructions, stepby-step instructions, stern instructions,
technical instructions, verbal instructions, washing instructions, written
accurate instrument, acoustic instrument, appropriate instrument, astronomical instrument, beautiful instrument, blunt instrument, brass instrument, chief instrument, chosen instrument, classical instrument, clumsy instrument, cockpit instrument, crude instrument, delicate instrument, divine
instrument, drawing instrument, effective instrument, electric instrument,
electronic instrument, fine instrument,
flexible instrument, flight instrument,
flying instrument, good instrument,
great instrument, ideal instrument, important instrument, key instrument,
keyboard instrument, main instrument
(the), major instrument, mathematical
instrument, measuring instrument,
medical instrument, mere instrument,
modern instrument, musical instrument, navigation instrument, navigational instrument, optical instruments,
orchestral instruments, percussion instrument, period instrument, pointed
instrument, political instrument, powerful instrument, precision instrument,
prime instrument, principal instrument,
reliable instrument, research instrument, scientific instrument, sensitive
instrument, sharp instrument, sharppointed instrument, small instrument,
solo instrument, sophisticated instrument, string/stringed instrument, surgical instrument, useful instrument, valuable instrument, wind instrument,
woodwind instrument, writing instrument.
accident insurance, additional insurance, adequate insurance, animal insurance, car insurance, civil liability insurance, commercial insurance, comprehensive insurance, compulsory insurance, emergency rescue insurance, expenses insurance, fire insurance, general insurance, health insurance, home
insurance, house insurance, household
insurance, indemnity insurance, legal
insurance, liability insurance, life insurance, long-term insurance, marine insurance, maritime insurance, medical
insurance, motor insurance, national
insurance, personal insurance, private
insurance, professional insurance, public liability insurance, short-term insurance, social insurance, special insurance, state insurance, third party insurance, travel insurance, unemployment
insurance, voluntary insurance.
(sb’s) declared intention, (with) the
best intentions, avowed intention, bad
intentions, broad intentions, deliberate
intention, firm intention, general intention (the), good intentions, noble
intentions, original intention (the), pious intentions, stated intention,
treacherous intentions.
(be of) considerable interest (to sb),
(be of) special interest (to sb), (causing) great interest, (in your) best interests, (in) the general interest, (in) the
public interest, (not) the slightest interest (in music), (of) botanical interest, (of) overriding interest, (of) transient interest, (point of) peculiar interest, (share a) common interest, (the)
national interest, abiding interest, academic interest, active interest, added
interest, annual interest, architectural
interest, artistic interest, avid interest,
banking interest, broad interest, burning interest (in sth), business interest,
class interest, close interest, commercial interest, competing interests, compound interest, conflicting interests,
consuming interest, continued interest,
continuing interest, contradictory interest, controlling interest, cultural interests, current interest, deep interest,
diverse interest, economic interest,
enormous interest, financial interest,
foreign interest, genuine interest,
greater interest, gross interest, growing interest, guaranteed interests, high
interest, historic/historical interest,
human interest (story), increased interest, increasing interest, initial interest (sb’s), intellectual interests, intense
interest, intrinsic interest, joint interest, keen interest (in sth), kindly interest, lasting interest, legitimate interest,
lifelong interest, little interest, lively
interest, long-term interest, love interest, low interest, main interest, majority interest, marginal interest, media
interest, mercantile interests, minority
interest, monthly interest, musical interest, mutual interest, narrow inter-
est, natural interest (in painting), outside interest, paramount interest, particular interest, passing interest, passionate interest (in music), passive interest, personal interest (in sth), polite
interest, political interest, powerful interest, predatory interests, private interest, renewed interest, scientific interest, sectional interest, self interest,
selfish interest, serious interest, shipping interest, short-term interest,
simple interest, strategic interest,
strong interest, terrestrial interests,
uncommon interest, unhealthy interest,
varied interest, vested interests, vital
interest, wide interest, wide-ranging
interest, widespread interest, worldwide interest.
interview -AA
(tele)phone interview, absorbing interview, brief interview, celebrity interview, countless interviews, exclusive interview, face-to-face interview, first interview, frank interview, group interview, in-depth interview, job interview,
lengthy interview, mock interview,
newspaper interview, newspaper interview, outspoken interview, police interview, press interview, radio interview,
recent interview, revealing interview,
subsequent interviews, television interview.
investigation -AA
careful investigation, close investigation, congressional investigation, criminal investigation, detailed investigation, diligent investigation, empirical
investigation, extensive investigation,
full investigation, government investigation, in-depth investigation, lengthy
investigations, murder investigation,
painstaking investigation, police investigation, preparatory investigations,
public investigation, rigorous investigation, scientific investigation, searching
investigation, thorough investigation,
undercover investigation.
(make a) shrewd investment, additional investment, aggregate investment, astute investments, bad investment, business investment, capital investment, considerable investment,
corporate investment, cross-border investment, direct investment, domestic
investment, emotional investment,
enormous investment, ethical investment, excellent investment, extra investment, financial investment, foreign investment, further investment,
good investment, government investment, great investment, gross investment, heavy investment, high investment, high-risk investment, huge investment, inadequate investment, industrial investment, infrastructural investment, initial investment, institutional investment, international investment, inward investment, large
investment, large-scale investment,
local investment, long-term investment, low investment, major investment, manufacturing investment,
massive investment, maximum investment, minimum investment, modest
investment, necessary investment, net
investment, new investment, offshore
investments, original investment, outside investment, overall investment,
overseas investment, personal investment, poor investment, private investment, private sector investment, profitable investment, prudent investment, public investment, public-sector
investment, risky investment, safe investment, secure investment, shortterm investment, significant investment, sizeable investment, small investment, sound investment, speculative investment, state investment,
strategic investment, substantial investment, successful investment, unwise investment, wise investment,
worthwhile investment.
involvement -A
active involvement, alleged involvement, close involvement, continued involvement, continuing involvement,
day-to-day involvement, deep involvement, democratic involvement, direct
involvement, emotional involvement,
full involvement, intense involvement,
military involvement, parental involvement, personal involvement, political
bare island, coral island, desert island,
idyllic island, offshore island, outlying
islands, remote island, solitary island,
tiny island, tropical island, uninhabited
island, untouched islands, volcanic island, wretched island.
(highly) controversial issue, (sth and)
related issues, back issue, basic issue,
big issue, bipartisan issue, bond issue,
broader issue (the), campaign issue,
central issue, commercial issue, complex issue, conceptual issues, constitutional issue, contentious issue, continuous issue, contractual issues, core issue,
critical issue, crucial issue, cultural issue, current issue (the), delicate issue,
difficult issue, divisive issue, domestic
issue, economic issue, educational issues, emotional issue, environmental
issues, equal opportunities issues, ethical issue, everyday issues, explosive issue, fundamental issue, global issue,
green issues, health issue, hot issue,
human rights issue, immediate issue,
important issue, informative issues, interesting issue, international issue, key
issue, large (and complex) issue, live
issue, local issue, main issue (the), major issue, minor issue, moral issue, national issue, obscure issue, operational
issues, other issues, outstanding issues,
partisan issues, policy issue, political
issues, pressing issue, prickly issue, real
issue (the), red-hot issue, regional issue, rights issue, safety issue, secondary issue, security issue, sensitive issue, serious issue, side issue, single issue, social issue, special issue, special
issue (of stamps), specific issues, subordinate issues, substantive issues,
technical issue, the burning issue (of
the day), the larger issues, the legal issues (involved), the wider issues, theoretical issue, thorny issue, topical issues, troublesome issue, unresolved
issue, unsettled issues, vital issue,
weighty issue, whole issue (the).
agenda item, bulky items, collectors
item, commodity item, composite
item, consumer item, data item, desirable items, domestic items, essential
item, every item, expensive item, extra
item, faulty items, food item, halfprice sale items, household item, important item, individual item, luxury
items, major item, matching fabric
items, miscellaneous items, news item,
optional items, particular item, single
item, specific item, sundry items, the
fortieth item, the main item, the opening item, unannounced extra item,
valuable item.
baggy jacket, belted jacket, blue jacket,
bolero jacket, bomber jacket, bright
yellow jacket, bulletproof jacket, camouflage jacket, check/checked jacket,
combat jacket, corduroy jacket, cotton
jacket, cropped jackets, denim jacket,
dinner jacket, dirty jacket, doublebreasted jacket, fashionable jacket, fitted jackets, flak jacket, fleece jacket,
flying jacket, heavy jacket, hooded
jacket, leather jacket, life jacket, light
jacket, light summer jacket, lightweight
jacket, linen jacket, loose jacket, new
jacket, padded jacket, pyjama jacket,
quilted jacket, sheepskin jacket, shooting jacket, simple jacket, singlebreasted jacket, ski jacket, smoking
jacket, snappy jackets, sports jacket,
striped jacket, studded leather jacket,
stylish jacket, suede jacket, suit jacket,
super new jacket, tailored jacket, torn
jacket, tweed jacket, uniform jacket,
waterproof jacket, waxed jacket, wool
jacket, zip-up jacket.
January -AAA
cold January, early January, late January.
job -AAA
(high/low) paid job, (highly) desirable
job, (it's a) good job (that …), (make a)
poor job (of sth), (sb’s) last job, (sb’s)
old job, (sb’s) previous job, 9-to-5 job,
administrative job, admirable job,
amazing job, ambitious job, awful job,
bad job, badly-paid job, bank job, better job, big job, bloody good job, bluecollar job, boring job, challenging job,
clean job, clerical jobs, comfortable job,
coveted job, cushy job, day job, deadend job, decent job, demanding job,
desk job, difficult job, dirty job, dream
job, duff job, easy job, evening job, ex-
cellent job, executive jobs, fascinating
jobs, fiddly job, fine job, first-rate job,
full-time job, future job, good job,
grand job, great job, hard job, highly
desirable job, highly-paid job, highpaying job, high-powered job, holiday
job, humdrum job, ideal job, important
job, ineffectual jobs, inside job, interesting job, laborious job, little job, long
job, lost job, lousy job, low wage job,
low-level job, lucrative jobs, magnificent job, managerial job, manual job,
manufacturing job, marvellous job,
menial job, messy job, monotonous factory job, monotonous job, mundane
job, new job, new job (as raw), nonmanual job, odd jobs, particular job,
part-time job, perfect job (the), permanent job, plum job, poor job, prestigious job, professional job, proper job,
prosaic job, real job, regular job, remarkable job, repetitive jobs, residential job, responsible job, rotten job, routine job, salaried job, Saturday job, seasonal jobs, secretarial job, secure job,
semi- skilled job, senior jobs, set jobs,
skilled job, small job, soft job, stable
job, steady job, stressful job, summer
job, taxing job, teaching job, tedious
job, temporary job, terrible job, terrific
job, thorough job, time-consuming
jobs, top job, tough job, tremendous
job, tricky job, uncomplicated job, undemanding job, unenviable job, unimportant job, unpaid job, unskilled jobs,
vac/vacation job, weekend job, well
paid job, well-paying job, white collar
job, wonderful job, worthwhile job.
joint -A
airtight joint, artificial joint, bacon
joint, elbow joint, fast-food joint, hip
joint, inflamed joint, knee joint, leaking joint, painful joint, rheumatic joint,
stiff joint, swollen joints, terminal
joints, tight joint, watertight joint.
aspiring journalists, brilliant journalist,
broadcast journalist, business journalist,
chequebook journalist, cynical journalists, environmental journalist, experienced journalist, fashion journalist,
fearless journalist, financial journalist,
foreign journalist, freelance journalist,
good journalist, intrusive journalists,
investigative journalist, leading journalist, literary journalist, magazine journalist, medical journalist, music journalist, newspaper journalist, political journalist, popular journalist, print journalist, professional journalist, radio journalist, respected journalist, science journalist, sports journalist, tabloid journalist, television journalist, well-known
journey -A
1-day journey, 50-mile journey, arduous
journey, awkward journey, bad journey,
brief journey, bumpy journey, bus journey, calm journey, car journey, circuitous journey, circular journey, coach
journey, comfortable journey, crosscountry journey, cross-country train
journeys, daily journey, dangerous journey, difficult journey, easy journey, emotional journey, enchanting journey, epic
journey, eventful journey, exciting journey, five-mile journey, four-hour journey, fruitless journey, good journey, gruelling journey, hard journey, hazardous
journey, homeward journey, hot journey, indirect journey, long hot journey,
long journey, long-distance journeys,
marathon journey, onward journey, outward journey, overland journey, overnight journey, perilous journey, personal
journey, pleasant journey, political journey, rail journey, railway journey, return
journey, safe journey, scenic journey,
sentimental journey, short journey, slow
journey, spiritual journey, tedious journey, terrible journey, thrilling journeys,
tiring journey, tortuous journey, train
journey, treacherous journey, two/
three, etc.-hour journey, wasted journey, weary journey.
judge -AA
appeal (court) judge, appellate judge,
astute judge, astute judge (of character), circuit judge, competition judge,
county court judge, court judge,
deputy judge, district judge, experienced judge, federal judge, geriatric
judges, good judge, good judge (of
character), great judge, harsh judge,
High Court judge, hopelessly biased
judge, impartial judge, independent
judge, learned judge, poor judge (of
character), presiding judge, senior
judge, shrewd judge, Supreme Court
judge, trial judge.
july -AAA
last July.
big jump, bungee jump, high jump, involuntary jump, little jump, long jump,
parachute jump, quantum jump (in
sth), record-breaking jump, risky
jump, running jump, sharp jump, ski
jump, small jump, standing jump,
triple jump.
flaming June.
civil justice, criminal justice, divine justice, economic justice, juvenile justice,
natural justice, rotten justice, rough
justice, social justice, summary justice.
key -AA
Alt key, arrow key, backspace key, car
key, control key, delete key, desk key,
duplicate key, escape key, front door
key, function key, high key, house key,
ignition key, low key, major key, master
key, minor key, return key, shift key,
shortcut key, skeleton key, spare key, the
goddamn key.
corner kick, free kick, goal kick, good
kick, hard kick, hefty kick, high kick,
overhead kick, painful kick, penalty
kick, spot kick, strong kick, swift kick.
big kid, cheeky street kid, cute kids,
dreamy kid, energetic kids, fearless kid,
good kid, homeless kids, institutionalized kids, little kid, local kid, lovely kid,
missing kid, nice kid, normal kid, older
kid, overgrown kids, poor (little) kid,
rich kid, school kid, screwed-up kids,
street kid, the smart kids, tough kid,
young kid.
(of the) obsessive kind, all kind, amusing kind (of incident), another kind, any
kind, astonishing kind (of…), best kind
(the), certain kind, different kind, different kinds (of), each kind, every kind,
fluffy kind of wool, funny kind, odd
kind, particular kind, questionable kind,
right kind (the), sick kinds, similar kind,
some kind, special kind (the), strange
kind, the most affordable kind, the
same kind, the worst kind, various
kinds, wrong kind (the).
anointed king, crowned king, deposed
king, exiled king, powerful king,
present king (the), the rightful king, the
uncrowned king.
affectionate kisses, ardent kiss, big kiss,
brief kiss, brotherly kiss, chaste kiss,
fare-well kiss, friendly kiss, gentle kiss,
goodbye kiss, goodnight kiss, hard kiss,
hungry kiss, innocent kiss, light kiss
(on the head), lingering kiss, long kiss,
loving kiss, on-screen kiss, passionate
kiss, playful kiss, quick kiss, sisterly
kiss, sloppy kiss, smacking kiss, soft
kiss, swift kiss, tender kiss, warm kiss.
big kitchen, cavernous kitchen, cheerful kitchen, clean kitchen, communal
kitchen, dark kitchen, dirty kitchen,
domestic kitchen, fitted kitchen, fullyequipped kitchen, fully-fitted kitchen,
grubby kitchen, huge kitchen, kosher
kitchen, messy kitchen, mobile kitchen,
professional kitchen, roomy kitchen,
rudimentary kitchen, shared kitchen,
small kitchen, spacious kitchen, spotless kitchen, steamy kitchen, stoneflagged kitchen, sunny kitchen, tiled
kitchen, tiny kitchen, ultra-modern
kitchen, untidy kitchen, vast kitchen,
well-equipped kitchen.
arthritic knee, bad knee, bare knees,
bent knee, bony knees, broken knee,
dodgy knee, drawn-up knee, injured
knee, muddy knees, sore knee, stiff
knee, suspected broken knee, troublesome knee, twisted knee.
bloody knife, blunt knife, bone knife,
bone-handled knife, bread knife,
butcher’s knife, carving knife, clean
knife, craft knife, fish knife, flick knife,
good knife, hunting knife, kitchen
knife, long knife, palette knife, pocket
knife, sharp knife, sheath knife, silver
knife, StanleyTM knife, steel knife,
surgeon’s knife, table knife, wickedlooking knife.
coded knock (on the door), determined
knock, gentle knock, hard knocks, light
knock, loud knock, minor knock, nasty
knock, nasty knock (on the head), severe knock, sharp knock, timid knock.
(be) public knowledge, (be/become)
common knowledge, (have a) working
knowledge (of sth), abstract knowledge, academic knowledge, background
knowledge, basic knowledge, broad
knowledge, certain knowledge, complete knowledge, comprehensive
knowledge, considerable knowledge,
deep knowledge, detailed knowledge,
direct knowledge, empirical knowledge,
encyclopaedic knowledge, esoteric
knowledge, expert knowledge, extensive knowledge (of music), factual
knowledge, first-hand knowledge, full
knowledge, general knowledge, good
knowledge (of French, etc.), great
knowledge, historical knowledge, human knowledge, imperfect knowledge,
in-depth knowledge, inside knowledge,
intimate knowledge (of sth), intuitive
knowledge, limited knowledge, linguistic knowledge, little knowledge, local
knowledge, mechanical knowledge,
medical knowledge, passing knowledge, personal knowledge, practical
knowledge, previous knowledge, prior
knowledge, procedural knowledge, professional knowledge, profound knowledge, real knowledge (of sth), remarkable knowledge (of sth), rudimentary
knowledge, scientific knowledge, second-hand knowledge, sound knowledge
(of sth), special knowledge, specialist
knowledge, specialized knowledge, superficial knowledge, superior knowledge, technical knowledge, the dreadful
knowledge, thorough knowledge, unrivalled knowledge, up-to-date knowledge, vast knowledge, wide knowledge.
casual labour, cheap labour, child
labour, difficult labour, easy labour,
forced labour, hard labour, long labour,
manual labour, migrant labour, organized labour, physical labour, productive labour, seasonal labour, short
labour, skilled labour, slave labour, surplus labour, unskilled labour.
abysmal lack, alarming lack (of devotion to duty), alarming lack (of sth),
appalling lack (of sth), apparent lack
(of sth), blithe lack, complete lack (of
sth), conspicuous lack, distinct lack (of
sth), general lack (of sth), marked lack
(of sth), notable lack, obvious lack,
pitiful lack (of confidence), profound
lack, real lack (of sth), relative lack (of
sth), serious lack (of sth), severe lack,
sheer lack, suspicious lack (of surprise), total lack (of sth), uncharacteristic lack (of modesty).
lady -AA
(accomplished) young lady, (dignified)
old lady, (eccentric) old lady, (little)
old lady, (poised) young lady, (sedate)
old lady, (sweet) old lady, (tiresome)
old lady, (vigorous) old lady, attractive
lady, beautiful lady, charming lady,
cleaning lady, correct (young) lady,
dinner lady, elderly lady, fine lady, gracious lady, leading lady, lovely lady,
mad old lady, middle-aged lady, nice
lady, old lady, poised young lady, pretty
lady, refined ladies, tea lady, titled lady,
tough lady, voluptuous lady, young
(highly) productive farming land,
(your) native land, agricultural land,
alien land, ancestral land, arable land,
arid land, barren derelict land, barren
land, building land, cloud cuckoo land,
coastal land, common land, communal
land, contaminated land, cultivated
land, derelict land, developed land, distant land, dry land, empty land, farm
land, farming land, fertile land, flat
land, foreign land, forest land, fruitful
land, good land, grazing land, green
belt land, hard land, hill land, housing
land, industrial land, low-lying land,
marginal land, marshy land, meadow
land, never-never land, open land,
parched land, poor land, prime land,
private land, promised land, public
land, rich land, rural land, sacred lands,
strange land, tribal lands, uncultivated
land, undulating land, unproductive
land, unused land, urban land, vacant
land, virgin land, waste land, wild land,
wondrous land.
(frank) simple language, (in) pretentious language, (sb’s) first language,
(sb’s) second language, (sb's) first language, abusive language, ambiguous
language, ancient language, another
language, bad language, bald language,
biblical language, bland language, blunt
language, body language, classical language, coarse language, coded language, colloquial language, colourful
language, common language, computer
language, crude language, cryptic language, dead language, different language, difficult language, easy language
(to learn), emotional language, esoteric
language, European language, everyday
language, filthy language, flowery language, foreign language, formal language, forthright language, foul language, gross language, hard language,
human language, idiomatic language,
inappropriate language, indigenous language, informal language, international
language, literary language, living languages, local language (the), metaphorical language, minority language,
modern language, natural language,
neutral language, non-verbal language,
obscene language, offensive language,
official language (the), opaque language, ordinary language, original language, plain language, poetic language, pompous language, private language, programming language, racist
language, raw language, related languages, romance language, roundabout language, salty language, same
language (the), Scandinavian languages, Semitic languages, sexist language, shared language, sign language,
source language, straightforward language, strong language, target language, technical language, the legal
language, the national language, the
native language, the spoken language,
tribal languages, unique language, vibrant language, vulgar language, written language.
laugh -A
(high) childish laugh, amused laugh,
barking laugh, belly laugh, big laugh,
bitter laugh, booming laugh, brittle
laugh, bubbly laugh, cackling laugh,
careless laugh, contemptuous laugh,
cruel laugh, cynical laugh, defiant
laugh, delighted laugh, deranged
laugh, derisive laugh, dry laugh, edgy
laugh, embarrassed laugh, evil laugh,
exaggerated laugh, extraordinary
laugh, forced laugh, fruity laugh,
gentle laugh, good laugh, great laugh,
harsh laugh, hearty laugh, hollow
laugh, humourless laugh, husky laugh,
infectious laugh, joyous laugh, light
laugh, little laugh, loud and vulgar
laugh, loud laugh, low laugh, menacing laugh, merry laugh, mirthless
laugh, mischievous laugh, mocking
laugh, nervous laugh, peculiar laugh,
polite laugh, real laugh, resonant
laugh, rueful laugh, scornful laugh,
shaky laugh, short laugh, silvery laugh,
slight laugh, small laugh, strained
laugh, throaty laugh, tinkling laugh,
uneasy laugh, unnatural laugh, vulgar
launch -A
balloon launch, book launch, campaign
launch, imminent launch, official
launch, press launch, product launch,
public launch, rocket launch, satellite
launch, shuttle launch, successful
launch, successful launch (of the
rocket) (the).
administrative law, agrarian laws, antiquated laws, anti-terrorism law, antitrust laws, applicable laws, archaic
laws, case law, civil law, commercial
law, common law, constitutional law,
contract law, copyright law, corporate
law, criminal law, discriminatory laws,
divine law, draconian laws, drug law,
emergency law, employment law, existing laws (the), federal law, fixed law,
gun law, immigration law, insolvent
laws, international law, Islamic law,
Jewish law, just law, labor law, maritime
law, martial law, mercantile law, natural law, new laws, oppressive laws, penal laws, private law, public law, repressive law, restrictive laws, retrospective
laws, rigid laws, sharia law, state law,
statute law, stiff laws, strict laws (on
sth), tax law, the cosmic laws, the elementary laws (of economics), the elementary laws (of Physics), tough laws
(on sth), unconstitutional law, unjust
immigration laws, unjust law, unwritten
law, written law.
lawyer -AA
able lawyer, academic lawyer, aspiring
lawyer, astute lawyer, capable lawyer,
civil lawyer, civil rights lawyer, clever
lawyer, commercial lawyer, competent
lawyer, constitutional lawyer, corporate
lawyer, criminal lawyer, defence lawyer,
devious lawyer, divorce lawyer, eminent
lawyer, experienced lawyer, fine lawyer,
foreign lawyer, good lawyer, govern-
ment lawyer, human rights lawyer, international lawyer, leading lawyer, libel lawyer, local lawyer, personal injury lawyer, practising lawyer, prosecuting lawyer, prosecution lawyer,
qualified lawyer, remarkable lawyer,
senior lawyer, sharp lawyer, smart lawyer, sought-after defense lawyer, successful lawyer, top lawyer, top-class
lawyer, typical lawyer, wealthy lawyer.
layer -A
(pierce) the outer layer, alternate layers, bottom layer, deep layer, double
layer, fine layer, generous layer, heavy
layer, inner layer (the), lower layer,
middle layer (the), ozone layer (the),
pristine layer, protective layer, surface
layer, thick layer, thick layer (of snow),
thin layer, top layer (the), upper layer
big lead, clean lead, clear lead, comfortable lead, commanding lead, early
lead, female lead (the), good lead,
male lead (the), molten lead, moral
lead, narrow lead, new lead, news
lead, overall lead, possible lead, romantic lead, slender lead, strong lead.
(trade) union leader, autocratic leader,
bold leader, born leader, brand leader,
business leader, championship leader,
charismatic leader, church leader, civic
leader, community leader, congressional leaders, Conservative leader,
council leader, decisive leader, deputy
leader, dynamic leader, effective
leader, embattled party leader, foolish
leaders, former leader, future leader,
gang leader, good leader, government
leader, great leader, group leader, guerrilla leader, indecisive leader, inspirational leader, inspired leader, inspiring
leader, joint leader, labour leader,
league leader, local leader, market
leader, militant leaders, military leader,
miners’ leader, national leader, nationalist leader, natural leader, noble leader,
nominal leader, nominal leader (of the
party), opposition leader, paramount
leader, parliamentary leader, party
leader, political leader, populist leader,
potential leader, powerful leader, prewar leader, project leader, prominent
leader, rebel leader, religious leader,
resolute leader, revolutionary leaders,
rival leaders, self-styled leaders, spiritual leader, squadron leader, strike
leader, strong leader, student leader,
teachers’ leader, team leader, temporal
leader, the beleaguered party leaders,
the disgraced leader, the effective leader
(of the party), the nominal leader (of
the party), the unchallenged leader,
tournament leader, treacherous leaders,
undisputed leader, undisputed market
leader, unpopular leader, virtual leader,
visionary leader, weak leader, wellmeaning leader, world leader, youth
(sb’s) inspiring leadership, charismatic
leadership, church leadership, clear
leadership, clerical leadership, collective leadership, Conservative leadership, cultural leadership, deputy leadership, dynamic leadership, effective leadership, firm leadership, government
leadership, hardline leadership, industrial leadership, intellectual leadership,
joint leadership, Labour leadership, local leadership, military leadership,
moral leadership, national leadership,
outstanding leadership, parliamentary
leadership, party leadership, personal
leadership, political leadership, poor
leadership, real leadership, spiritual
leadership, strong leadership, traditional leadership, union leadership, visionary leadership, weak leadership,
world leadership.
(shiny) green leaves, (turn over a) new
leaf, aromatic leaves, autumn leaf, bay
leaf, broad leaf, brown leaves, cabbage
leaves, crisp autumn leaves, curly cabbage leaves, curly leaves, dead leaf,
dead leaves (of autumn), dry leaf,
fallen leaf, falling leaf, fragile leaves,
fresh lettuce leaves, glossy leaf, grassy
leaves, hairy leaves, heart-shaped leaf,
jagged leaves, lacy leaves, leathery
leaf, lettuce leaf, mottled leaf, oak leaf,
oval leaf, porous leaves, rotten leaf,
rotting leaf, shiny leaf, simple leaf,
spiky leaves, tea leaf, the uppermost
leaves, variegated leaves, yellow leaf,
young leaf.
(be in a) different league (from sb/
sth), big league, cricket league, European league, football league, local
league, major league, minor league,
national league (the), northern league
(the), premier League, Sunday league,
super league, top league (the), world
annual leave, compassionate leave, extended leave (of absence), home leave,
indefinite leave, maternity leave, paid
leave, parental leave, paternity leave,
sabbatical leave, shore leave, sick
leave, special leave, study leave, unpaid leave, weekend leave.
left -A
(politicians on) the extreme left (of a
party), (sb’s) immediate left, extreme
left (the), far left (the), first left (the),
hard left (= a sharp turn to the left),
sharp left, the top left.
(on it’s) last legs, (sb’s) cramped leg,
(sb’s) good leg, (troubled by) a bad leg,
anchor leg, artificial leg, back leg (the),
bandy leg, bare leg, beautiful leg, broken leg, fat leg, final leg, first leg,
flabby legs, fractured leg, free leg, fresh
leg, front leg (the), hairy leg, hind legs,
homeward leg, injured leg, lame leg,
left leg (the), long legs, muscled leg,
muscular leg, outbound leg, outstretched legs, plastered leg, powerful
leg, right leg (sb’s), rolled-up trouser
legs, second leg, shapely leg, short leg,
skinny legs, slender leg, spindly leg, stiff
leg, strong leg, stumpy leg, sturdy legs,
thin leg, tired leg, trouser leg, tubular
legs (of a table), withered leg, wobbly
legs, wooden leg, wounded leg.
anti-abortion legislation, anti-discrimination legislation, complex legislation,
controversial legislation, current legislation, draft legislation, effective legislation, employment legislation, environmental legislation, equal opportunities
legislation, financial legislation, fresh
legislation, further legislation, gun control legislation, health legislation, housing legislation, knee jerk legislation,
new legislation, parliamentary legislation, prohibitive legislation, proposed
legislation, protective legislation, restrictive trade legislation, retrospective
legislation, social legislation, tough legislation, unworkable legislation.
length -AA
(fall) full length, (of) equal length, (of)
unequal length, (to) absurd lengths,
considerable length, entire length (the),
focal length, full length, great length,
inordinate length, maximum length,
medium length, overall length (the),
reasonable length, short length (of
chain), short length (of time), total
length (the), uniform length, unlimited
length (of time), variable length, whole
length (the).
ballet lesson, basic lesson, big lesson,
biology lesson, bitter lesson, boring lesson, central lesson, civics lesson, clear
lesson, dance lesson, disorganized les-
son, driving lessons, English lesson, flying lesson, geography lesson, good lesson, great lesson, grim lesson, hard lesson, harsh lesson, history lesson, important lesson, individual lesson, interesting lesson, introductory lesson,
maths lesson, monotonous lessons,
moral lesson, music lesson, object lesson, painful lesson, piano lesson, private lessons, remedial lessons, salutary
lesson, singing lesson, swimming lesson, tough lesson, useful lesson, valuable lessons.
(haven’t got) a single letter, (in a) recent letter, (in) gold letters, (long)
rambling letter, accompanying letter,
affectionate letter, airmail letter, angry
letter, anguished letter, anonymous letter, apologetic letter, appreciative letter, big letter, block letter, bold letter,
brief letter, business letter, capital letters, chain letter, charming letter,
chatty letter, cheerful letter, circular
letter, compromising letter, confidential letter, congratulatory letter, countless letter, courteous letter, covering
letter, critical letter, dead letter, delightful letter, desperate letter, double
letter, endless letter, explanatory letter,
fan letter, final letter, first-class letter,
form letter, formal letter, frank letter,
friendly letter, handwritten letter,
heartfelt letter, illiterate letter, impassioned letter, important letter, incoming letter, incorrectly addressed letter,
indecent letters, indignant letter, informal letter, initial letter (the), intimate
letter, large letter, lengthy letter, long
letter, love letter, lower-case letter,
miscellaneous letters, mischievous letter, mysterious letter, numerous letter,
occasional letter, official letter, open
letter, personal letter, poison pen letter,
polite letter, private letter, public letter,
registered letter, rejection letter, resignation letter, rude letter, short letter,
silent letter, small letter, specimen let-
ter, stinking letter, strong letter,
strongly-worded letter, suicide letter,
ten-page letter, thank-you letter, the
standard letter, threatening letter, unanswered letters, upper-case letter, urgent
letter, warning letter.
level -AAA
(at) a macro level, (at) an advanced
level, (at) an elementary level, (at) an
organisational level, (at) junior management level, (at) the board level, (at)
the cabinet level, (at) the highest level,
(on) a superficial level, abnormal levels
(of sugar in the blood), acceptable
level, acceptable level (of inflation,
etc.), adequate level, advanced level (in
your studies), basic level (the), bloodsugar level, cellular level, cholesterol
level, conscious level, crime level, current levels, dangerous level, decreasing
level, deep level, degree level, detailed
level, difficulty level, disproportionate
levels (of growth), economic level, entry level, exalted level, excessive level,
eye level, falling level, fitness level, general level (the), generous level, global
level, grass-roots level, ground level,
guaranteed level, high level (of achievement), high level (of intelligence), high
level (of physical fitness), high level (of
pollution), high level (of sth), high level
of (industrial/technological development), higher level, hormone level, increasing level, intermediate level, international level, local level (the), low
level, low level (of unemployment),
lower level, manageable level (of difficulty), medium levels, minimum level
(the), ministerial level, national level
(the), necessary level (the), noise level,
normal level (the), optimum level, permissible levels, permitted level, political
level, pollution level, practical level,
primary level, radiation level, realistic
level, reasonable level, recommended
level, record level, required level, rising
level, safe level, sea level, senior level,
significant level, social level, stress
level, substantial level, the regional
level, the uppermost levels, the worst
level, theoretical level, top level (the),
unacceptable level, unconscious level,
unprecedented levels (of unemployment), upper level (the), varying level,
violent storm levels, wage levels, water
bourgeois liberal, economic liberal,
leading liberal, market liberal, middleclass liberal, old-fashioned liberal, political liberal, radical liberal, social liberal, traditional liberal.
library -A
academic library, branch library, circulating library, college library, considerable library, copyright library, county library, departmental library, excellent library, extensive library, film library, fine
library, general library, good library,
impressive library, large library, lending
library, local library (the), magnificent
library, mobile library, music library,
national library, personal library, photographic library, picture library, private library, public library, reference
library, regional library, research library, school library, small library, special library, specialist library, subscription library, the municipal library, university library, user-friendly libraries,
valuable library, video library, wellstocked library.
car licence, driving licence, entertainment licence, export licence, full licence, gaming licence, gun licence, hotel licence, import licence, international driving licence, marriage licence,
music licence, operating licence, refreshment licence, restaurant licence,
software licence, special licence, television/TV licence, trade licence, trading
licence, user licence, valid licence.
lie -A
(whopping) great lie, absolute lie, barefaced lie, big lie, black lie, blatant lie,
brazen lie, complete lie, cowardly lies,
definite lie, deliberate lie, dirty lie,
downright lie, elaborate lie, evident lie,
gratuitous lie, little lie, manifest lie,
monstrous lie, obvious lie, out-and-out
lie, outright lie, palpable lie, pernicious
lies, plausible lie, pointless lie, shameless lie, thumping lie, transparent lie,
white lie, whopping lie.
(a search for) intelligent life (on other
planets), (a/the) simple life, (for) dear
life, (have) a full life, (in) private life,
(in) real life, (lead) a double life, (lead)
a nomadic life, (lead) a stirring life,
(lead) an aimless life, (live a) retired
life, (live) a retired life, (live) a worthy
life, (sb’s) early life, (sb’s) private life,
(simple) austere lives, academic life,
active life, adult life, adventurous life,
animal life, arid life, bird life, bisexual
love life, business life, busy life, busy
social life, carefree life, chaotic home
life, charmed life, city life, collegiate
life, colourful life, comfortable life, communal life, complicated life, countless
lives, cultural life, daily life, day-to-day
life, difficult life, domestic life, dreary
lives, earthly life, easy life, economic
life, elemental life, entire life, enviable
life, eternal life, eventful life, everyday
life, exciting life, family life, fantastic
life, fantastic social life, fascinating life,
fast life, foot-balling life, frugal life, future life, gay life, good life, happy life,
hard life, healthy life, hectic life, hectic
social life, high life, holy life, home life,
human life, immoral life, inner life, inner spiritual life, insect life, intellectual
life, interesting life, later life, lonely life,
long life, love life, marine life, married
life, miserable life, modern life, moral
life, musical life, new life, night life,
normal life, ordinary life, outdoor life,
past life, peaceful life, personal life
(sb’s), placid life, plant life, political
life, previous life, primitive life, prison
life, professional life, public life, quiet
life, religious life, restricted life, rich
cultural life, rich life, routine life, rugged life, sad life, satisfying life, school
life, secluded life, settled (family) life,
sex life, shattered lives, sheltered life,
short life, social life, solitary life, sordid double life, suburban life, the next
life, the prolific bird life, the spiritual
life, tranquil life, unhappy life, university life, urban life, village life, waking
life, whole life, wild life, working life,
working-class life.
baggage lift, basket lift, chair lift, electric lift, free lift, gondola lift, goods
lift, great lift, huge lift, hydraulic lift,
passenger lift, private lift, real lift, service lift, ski lift, wheel-chair lift.
(in) a favourable light, (in) the cold
light (of day), (murky) grey light,
(portray sb in) a bad light, (thin) grey
light of dawn (the), artificial light, bad
light, bedside light, blinding light,
bright lights (the), brilliant light, ceiling light, clear light, cold light, cold
pale light of dawn (the), coloured
lights, cool light, dazzling light, dim
lights, distant light, dull light, early
light, eerie yellow light, electric light,
expectant light (in sb’s eyes), failing
light, faint light, feeble light, first
light, flashing light, fluorescent light,
full light, garish lights, gas light,
gentle light, ghostly light, glaring
lights, golden light, good light, good
light (for reading), green light, harsh
light, hazard light, infrared light, intense light, landing light, low light,
mellow light, murky light, naked light,
natural light, neon lights, outside
light, overhead light, pale light, poor
light, red light, security light, silvery
lights, soft light, street light, strip light,
strong light, subdued light, the wan
light, twinkling light, ultraviolet light,
uncertain light, unsavoury light, visible
light, wall light, warm light, warning
light, watery light, weak light.
(blood) alcohol limit, (no) set time
limit, acceptable limit, age limit, allowable limit, amount limit, budget limit,
capacity limit, cash limit, certain limit,
city limits, clearly defined limits, credit
limit, current limit, daily limit, debt
limit, drink-drive limit, earnings limit,
financial limit, functional limits, giddy
limit, growth limit, height limit, higher
limit, income limit, legal limit, lower
limit, maximum limit, narrow limit,
new limit, northern limit (the), number
limit, overdraft limit, physical limit,
power limit, practical limit, prescribed
limit, reasonable limit, recommended
limit, safety limit, self-imposed limit,
size limit, southern limit (the), speed
limit, spending limit, statutory limit,
strict limit, stringent limit, term limit,
the absolute limit, the extreme limit, the
outer limit, the upper limit, three-mile
limit, tight limit, time limit, weight
(take) a firm line, (take) a hard line,
(take) a soft line, (take) a tough line,
bad line, battle line, blue line, branch
line, broad line, broken line, busy line,
commuter line, continuous line, contour
line, contrived story line, curved line,
deep line, diagonal line, direct line, disused railway line, dotted line, engaged
line, faint pencil line, feeder line, fine
line, finishing line, firing line, fishing
line, front line (the), horizontal line,
long line, long line (of people), long line
(of trees), long-distance telephone line,
main line (the), median line, moving
line (of people), new line, new line (of
perfume), new train line, oblique line,
offensive line, official line, outside line,
parallel line, party line, perpendicular
line, phone line, political line, power
line, private line, ragged line, railway
line, red line, short line, smooth line,
solid line, solid line (of traffic), starting
line, straight line (with sth), strong
line, telephone line, the bottom line
(on a page), the crooked line, the melodic line, thick line, thin line, throwaway line, train line, vertical line, wavy
line, wiggly line, wobbly line, zigzag
(along) familiar lines, (divide along)
ethnic lines, (divide along) religious
lines, (on) authoritarian lines, (on)
party-political lines, automated production lines, battle lines, bold lines,
broad lines, clean lines, crisp architectural lines, electric power lines, firing
lines, firm lines, front lines, fuzzy lines,
hard lines (= used to tell sb that you
feel sorry for them), horizontal lines,
immortal lines, official lines, overhead
power lines, parallel lines, party lines,
political lines, straight lines, strong
lines, the harsh lines (of concrete buildings), tough lines, uniform lines (of terraced houses), vertical lines.
air link, business link, causal link,
chronological link, clear link, close
link, commercial link, common link,
communication link, computer link,
connecting link, crucial link, cultural
link, definite link, diplomatic link, direct link, economic link, essential link,
family link, fast link, financial link, formal link, high speed rail link, highspeed link, historical link, important
link, indirect link, informal link, institutional links, intimate link, kinship
link, long-standing link, military link,
modem link, modern link, obvious link,
political link, possible link, professional
link, radio link, rail/railway link, road
link, satellite link, sporting link, strong
causal link (between two things), strong
link, tangible link, telephone link, tenuous link, the missing link, trade link,
transport link, unquestionable link,
valuable academic links, video link, vital link, weak link (in the chain) (the).
lip -A
(keep a stiff) upper lip, (your) bottom
lip, chapped lip, cracked lip, dry lip,
firm lip, fleshy lip, lower lip, luscious
lips, moist lips, pale lips, parted lips, red
lips, rosy lips, sensual lips, sore lips,
thick lip, thin lip, top lip (the), upper
(on the) critical list, (on) the short list,
alphabetical list, cast list, chronological
list, complete list, comprehensive list,
comprehensive list (of addresses, etc.),
detailed list, endless list (of things to
do), exhaustive list, full list, guest list,
long list, mailing list, nominal list (of
officers), partial list, reading list, select
wine list, shopping list, the waiting list,
transfer list, wine list, word list.
avant-garde literature, classical literature, comparative literature, contemporary literature, extensive literature,
great literature, medieval literature,
modern literature, obscene literature,
promotional literature, sales literature,
serious literature, voluminous literature.
living -A
adequate living, comfortable living,
communal living, daily living, decent
living, everyday living, family living,
good living, gracious living (= an easy
way of life enjoyed by rich people),
healthy living, honest living, meagre living, modern-day living, modest living,
plain living, precarious living, reasonable living, soft living.
bulky load, full load, heavy load (to
bear), heavy load (to carry), heavy
loads, light load, unstable load.
bank loan, bridging loan, governmentguaranteed loans, interest-free loan,
large loan, long-term loan, low-interest loan, massive loan, outstanding
loan, overdue loans, personal loan,
portable loan, secured loan, shortterm loan, substantial loan, temporary
loan, unsecured loans.
location -A
central location, convenient location,
desirable location, different location,
exact location (the), excellent location, exotic location, general location
(of sth) (the), geographical location,
ideal location, precise location, secret
location, specific location, suitable location, undisclosed location.
lock -A
broken lock, Chubb lock, combination
lock, door lock, faulty locks, flowing
lock, lever lock, mortise lock, special
locks, stray lock, window lock, Yale
(have) a bony look, (have) a good
look, (take a) close look (at sth),
(take) a long hard look (at sth), (take)
a pragmatic look (at sth), (the sky
has) an ugly look, absent look (on sb’s
face), absorbed look, adoring look,
amused look, angry look, anxious look
(on sb’s face), apologetic look, appealing look, apprehensive look, astounded look, backward look, baleful
look, black look, blank look, bold look,
boyish look, brief look, careful look,
casual look, cautious look, challenging
look, cheerful look, classic look, cleancut look, clear look, cold look, commanding look, compassionate look,
contemptuous look, cool look, coy look,
crafty look, craggy look, crazed look,
critical look, cross look, cruel look,
crushing look, curious look, cursory
look, dark look, dazed look, deadly
look, deep look, defiant look, delighted
look, despairing look, desperate look,
determined look, dirty look, disgruntled
look, disgusted look, distant look,
doubtful look, downward look, dreamy
look, dry look, earnest look, envious
look, exasperated look, expectant look,
expressive look, faraway look (= an expression on sb’s face which shows that
they’re thinking about something and
not paying attention to you), feminine
look, festive look, fierce look, filthy
look, fond look, forbidding look, frantic
look, fresh look, frosty look, funny look,
furious look, furtive look, glazed look,
gloomy look, glum look, grateful look,
grim look, guilty look, hangdog look,
hard look, harsh look, haunted look ,
helpless look, honest look, hostile look,
humorous look, humorous look (at the
world of fashion), hungry look, incongruous look, incredulous look, indignant
look, individual look, injured look, innocent look, intense look, intent look, irritated look, knowing look, latest look
(the), layered look, leisurely look, lighthearted look, little look, loving look,
malevolent look, mean look, meaningful
look, menacing look, mischievous look,
mournful look, murderous look, mute
look, new look, nostalgic look, odd look,
old-fashioned look, optimistic look,
overall look, pained look, penetrating
look, perplexed look, piercing look,
pleased look, pointed look, professional
look, puzzled look, questioning look,
quick look, quizzical look, radical look,
realistic look, regular look (the), relieved look, reproachful look, resentful
look, resigned look, sad look, satisfied
look, savage look, scared look, scathing
look, scornful look, searching look, seductive look, serene look, serious look,
severe look, sexy look, sharp look,
sheepish look, shifty look, shrewd look,
shy look, sideways look, significant
look, sly look, smug look, sophisticated
look, soulful look, speculation look,
speculative look, startled look, steady
look, steely look, stern look, stony look,
strange look, strange look (on sb’s
face), striking look, sullen look, superior look, surprised look, suspicious
look, sympathetic look, the classy look
(of…), thoughtful look, triumphant
look, uncompromising look, unfocused
look, unfriendly look, upward look, urgent look, vacant look, vague look,
wary look, wicked look, wild look,
wistful look, withering look, woeful
look, worried look, wretched look, wry
look, youthful look.
(striking) good looks, bohemian good
looks, boyish good looks, boyish looks,
classic looks, clean-cut looks, craggy
looks, dark looks, jealous looks, retro
looks, striking looks, tender looks,
youthful looks.
appreciable loss, big loss, blood loss,
definite loss, dramatic loss, economic
loss, financial loss, great loss (to sb),
hair loss, hearing loss, heavy loss, huge
loss, job loss, major loss, massive loss,
moderate loss, net loss, overall loss,
permanent loss, pre-tax loss, sad loss,
serious loss, severe loss, significant
loss, slight loss, small loss, substantial
loss, temporary loss, terrible loss (of
human life), the needless loss, thumping loss, total loss, trading loss, tragic
loss, tremendous loss, weight loss.
catastrophic losses, combined losses,
considerable losses, crippling losses, disastrous losses, foreseeable financial
losses, grievous losses, heavy losses,
huge losses, irreversible losses, job
losses, mounting losses, negligible
losses, serious losses, severe losses,
spectacular losses, steady losses, substantial losses, tremendous losses, unavoidable losses, worrying losses.
lot -A
awful lot (of…), empty lot, precious lot,
vacant lot, whole lot (of sth).
abiding love, brotherly love, courtly
love, deep love, divine love, eternal
love, everlasting love, first love, forbidden love, free love, genuine love, great
love, heterosexual love, homosexual
love, hopeless love, human love, illicit
love, impulsive love, intense love, lesbian love, lifelong love, long-lost love,
maternal love, mutual love, obsessive
love, overwhelming love, parental love,
passionate love, paternal love, physical
love, platonic love, pure love, real love,
redemptive love, romantic love, secret
love, selfless love, sexual love, sisterly
love, thwarted love, true love, unconditional love, undying love, unrequited
love, young love.
lunch -AA
(eat) a big lunch, annual lunch, boozy
lunch, business lunch, cold lunch, delicious lunch, early lunch, expense-account lunch, four-course lunch, healthy
lunch, hearty lunch, heavy lunch, hot
lunch, late lunch, lazy lunch, leisurely
lunch, light lunch, liquid lunch (= alcoholic drinks, rather than food), literary
lunch, long lunch, meager lunch,
packed lunch, picnic lunch, posh lunch,
pub lunch, quick lunch, sandwich
lunch, school lunch, set lunch, slap-up
lunch, splendid lunch, sumptuous
lunch, Sunday lunch, tasty lunch, threecourse lunch, working lunch.
(telephone) answering machine, administrative machine, answering machine, antiquated machine, automatic
machine, awkward machine, bulky
machine, cash machine, coffee machine, complex machine, defective
machine, efficient machine, electric
machine, electronic machine, exercise
machine, fax machine, fighting machine, foolproof machine, franking
machine, government machine (the),
great machine, heavy machine, heavyduty machines, high-powered machine, huge machine, ingenious machine, intricate machine, kidney machine, killing machine, labour-saving
machine, large machine, life-support
machine, light machines, military machine, money machine, obsolete machine, old-fashioned machine, party
machine (the), political machine, portable machine, powerful machine, propaganda machine, publicity machine,
reliable machine, revolutionary machine, same machine (the), sewing
machine, simple machine, sophisticated machine, state machine, the
same washing machine (as them/
theirs), the ultimate golfing machine,
ticket machine, unreliable machine,
unsafe machine, vending machine,
versatile machine, video machine, war
machine, washing machine, well-oiled
machine, worn-out machine.
(hard/soft) porn magazine, business
magazine, colour magazine, computer
magazine, consumer magazine, educational magazines, fashion magazine,
gardening magazine, girlie magazine,
glossy magazines, house magazine,
humorous magazine, in-flight magazine, influential magazine, informative
magazine, in-house magazine, listings
magazine, literary magazine, local
magazine, men’s magazines, monthly
magazine, motoring magazines, music
magazine, national magazine, naughty
magazines, new magazine, news magazine, nice glossy magazine, official
magazine (the), old magazine, parish
magazine, popular magazine, porno
magazine, pornographic magazines,
quality magazine, quarterly magazine,
regional news magazine, regional news
magazine on TV, rolled-up magazine,
satirical magazine, school magazine, sex
magazine, sleazy magazines, slimming
magazine, special interest magazine,
specialist magazine, student magazine,
style magazine, teen magazine, teenage
magazines, the (world’s) foremost
magazine, trade magazine, travel magazine, weekly magazine, women’s magazines.
dramatic arts major.
majority -AA
absolute majority, bare majority, big
majority, black majority (the), clear
majority, comfortable majority, committee majority, commons majority, congressional majority, decisive majority,
decreased majority, democratic majority,
government majority, great majority (of
sth) (the), handsome majority, house
majority, huge majority, increased majority, Labour majority, large majority,
massive majority, narrow majority, necessary majority, outright majority, overall majority, overwhelming majority (of
sth) (the), parliamentary majority, republican majority, requisite majority,
senate majority, silent majority (the),
simple majority, slender majority, slight
majority, slim majority, small majority,
solid majority, substantial majority, tenseat majority, the working majority,
three-to-one majority, thumping majority, tiny majority, two-thirds majority,
vast majority of sth (the), wafer-thin
majority, white majority (the),
old make (of car), well-known make.
the giant car maker.
adult male, dominant male, immature
male, large male, old male, powerful
male, sterile male, strong male, virile
young males, young male.
(a/the grand) old man, (agreeable)
young man, (amiable) young man,
(commonplace) little man, (dirty) old
man, (feeble) old man, (feel) (like) a
new man, (grumpy) old man, (harmless) old man, (most) obnoxious man,
(our) fellow men, (quiet and) reflective man, (shy) diminutive man,
(small) slightly-built man, (stocky)
little man, (venerable) old man, (warm
and) caring man, a/the grand old man,
affable man, amiable man, angular
young man, arrogant man, attractive
man, bad man, bad-tempered man,
balding man, bearded man, best man
for the job (the), betting man, big fat
man, big man, black man, blind man,
brave men, broken man, brown man,
brutal man, bulky man, burly man,
busy man, butch northern men, cautious man, changed man, charming
man, coarse, red-faced man, colossal
man, commanding man, common little
man, common man (the), compassionate man, condemned man, confused
man, considerate man, contentious
man, courteous man, crazy man (= sb
who’s insane), cruel man, cuddly man,
dark haired man, dark man, darkhaired man, dead man, decent man,
delightful young man, deranged man,
dignified man, disappointed man, dour
man, dreadful man, dumb man, dying
man, early man, easy man (to work
with), educated man, elderly man, eligible man, eligible young man, elusive
man, emotional man, evil man, fair
man, fair-haired man, family man, fascinating man, fashionable young man,
fastest man (on the park) (the), fat
man, fine man, free man, front man,
funny man, gambling man, gay men,
gentle man, good man, good natured
man, good-looking man, gorgeous man,
great man, grey men, grown man,
handsome man, hard man, hollow man,
holy man, homosexual men, honest
man, honorary man, honourable man,
horrible man, huge man, humane man,
humble man, humdrum-looking man,
husky young man, ignorant and uneducated man, immoral young man, imposing man, impractical young man, impulsive man, independent-minded young
man, injured man, innocent man, intelligent man, interesting man, jaded man,
jaunty man, kind man, kindly man, languid man, large man, large strong man,
leading man (in a film/play) (the),
learned man, literary man, little man,
lonely man, lucky man, macho man,
mad man, marked man, married man,
masked men, medical man, middleaged man, mild man, modest man,
moody man, most unpleasant man, my
dear man, mysterious man, nasty man,
Neanderthal man, nice man, noble
man, obliging man, offensive man, old
man, older man, ordinary little man,
ordinary working man, patriotic men,
pleasant (young) man, polite young
man, poor man, powerful man, powerful-looking man, precious young man,
prehistoric man, primitive man, professional man, proud man, purposeful
man, quick-tempered man, quiet man,
remarkable man, reserved man, respectable man, retiring young man, rich (and
powerful) man, right-hand man, robust
young man, same man (the), sardonic
man, self-made man, sensitive (and car-
ing) man, shabby man, sharp-featured
man, short man, shy man, shy young
man, shy, retiring young man, shy, unobtrusive man, sick man, silent man,
single men, slender man, slick man,
small compact looking man, small
man, smooth men, solitary man, sporting man, steady young man, Stone age
man, stout man, strange man, strong
man, stupid man, sturdy young man,
stylishly dressed young man, sweet
(old) man, tall bony man, tall man, tall
young man, tall, angular young man,
tall, distinguished-looking man, the
Grand Old Man (of), the inner man,
The Invisible Man, the mystical wise
man, the natural man, the odd man
(out), the one man, the outward man,
the proverbial man, the wounded
men, thin man, thinking men,
thoughtful man, tiny man, tolerant
man, ugly man, unhappy man, unidentified man, unnamed man, unpleasant
man, unprincipled man, unusual man,
upright man, vicious man, vigorous
man, violent man, virtuous man,
wanted man, weak man, well-dressed
man, well-rounded man, white man,
wicked man, wise (old) man, wise
man, wise old man, working man,
worried man, wrong man (the), young
anger management, anxiety management, asset management, bad management, business management, careful management, competent management, corporate management, crisis
management, database management,
day-to-day management, decisive
management, economic management,
effective management, efficient management, financial management, firm
management, forest management,
general management, good management, hospital management, hotel
management, household management, inefficient management, infor-
mation management, investment management, junior management, land
management, middle management,
money management, network management, new management, overall management, personnel management, poor
management, production management,
project management, resource management, routine management, school
management, senior management,
sound management, staff management,
stress management, systems management, task management, time management, top management, traffic management, waste management.
accountable manager, accounts manager, advertising manager, area manager, bank manager, beleaguered manager, branch manager, business manager, capable manager, caretaker manager, catering manager, commercial
manager, corporate manager, departmental manager, deputy manager, development manager, divisional manager, England manager, former manager
(the), functional manager, fund manager, general manager (the), hotel manager, ineffectual manager, junior manager, marketing manager, middle manager, new manager, office manager, operations manager, organized time managers, personnel manager, product
manager, production manager, project
manager, regional manager, responsible
manager, restaurant manager, sales
manager, Scotland manager, senior
manager, successful manager, sympathetic manager, team manager, technical manager, the acting manager, the
assistant manager, the retiring manager,
the virtual manager (of the business),
top manager, well-paid managers.
(in a) selective manner, (in) a clumsy
manner, (in) a negligent manner, (in) a
rambling manner, (in) a topsy-turvy
manner, (sb’s) abrupt manner, abrasive
manner, aggressive manner, agreeable
manner, airy manner, alert manner, appropriate manner, arbitrary manner,
aristocratic manner, arrogant manner,
assertive manner, assured manner, attractive manner, austere manner, authoritarian manner, authoritative manner, autocratic manner, avuncular manner, awkward manner, bad manner,
beautiful manner, bedside manner, belligerent manner, benevolent manner,
bluff manner, blunt manner, bossy
manner, brisk (and efficient) manner,
brusque manner, brutal manner, brute
manner, bullying manner, businesslike
manner, callous manner, calm (and
controlled) manner, careful manner,
careless manner, casual manner, caustic manner, cavalier manner, charming
manner, cheerful manner, civilised
manner, clear-headed manner, clever
manner, coarse manner, cold manner,
complacent manner, condescending
manner, confident manner, confidential
manner, consistent manner, constructive manner, conventional manner, conversational manner, cordial manner,
correct manner (the), customary manner, decisive manner, defiant manner,
deliberate manner, determined manner, dictatorial manner, different manner, diffident manner, dignified manner, direct manner, disagreeable manner, discreet manner, dismissive manner, domineering manner, down-toearth manner, dry manner (of voice),
earnest manner, easy manner, easygoing manner, ebullient manner, effective
manner, efficient manner, elaborate
manner, emphatic manner, engaging
manner, exaggerated manner, excellent
manner, firm manner, flamboyant manner, flippant manner, forbidding manner, forceful manner, formal manner,
forthcoming manner, forthright manner, frank manner, friendly manner,
frigid manner, frivolous manner, furtive
manner, fussy manner, gentle manner,
good manner, gracious manner, grand
manner, grandiose manner, hale and
hearty manner, haphazard manner,
hearty manner, heavy-handed manner,
hesitant manner, high-handed manner,
hostile manner, humane manner, impeccable manner, impressive manner, inconsistent manner, indecisive manner,
informal manner, ingratiating manner,
inhuman manner, insensitive manner,
jovial manner, kindly manner, leisurely
manner, light-hearted manner, lofty
manner, logical manner, majestic manner, matter-of-fact manner, methodical
manner, meticulous manner, mild manner, nasty manner, nice manner, no-nonsense manner, non-violent manner, normal manner, objective manner, obsequious manner, offensive manner, off-hand
manner, off-putting manner, oily manner, orderly manner, organised manner,
ostentatious manner, overpowering
manner, patronizing manner, peaceful
manner, peremptory manner, perfect
manner, persuasive manner, pleasant
manner, poised manner, polite manner,
pompous manner, positive manner, precise manner, productive manner, professional manner, profitable manner, provocative manner, prudent manner, quiet
manner, rational manner, reasonable
manner, regal manner, relaxed manner,
reserved manner, responsible manner,
retiring manner, rude manner, safe
manner, sarcastic manner, satisfactory
manner, secretive manner, self-confident manner, sensible manner, serious
manner, sharp manner, shy manner,
silky manner, sloppy manner, smooth
manner, sociable manner, spontaneous
manner, standard manner (the),
stealthy manner, stiff manner, straightforward manner, stupid manner, subservient manner, subtle manner, superior
manner, suspicious manner, sympathetic manner, systematic manner, table
manner, tactful manner, telephone man-
ner, time-honoured manner, timid
manner, traditional manner (the), unaffected manner, underhand manner,
unfortunate manner, unfriendly manner, uniform manner, unorthodox
manner, unpleasant manner, usual
manner (the), vague manner, vivacious manner, vulgar manner, warm
manner, welcoming manner.
bad manners, beautiful manners,
charming manners, coarse manners,
crude manners, disgraceful manners,
elegant manners, excellent manners,
exquisite manners, genteel manners,
good manners, gross manners, impeccable manners, nice manners, perfect
manners, polished manners, rough
manners, table manners, unnatural
aircraft manufacturer, big manufacturer, car manufacturer, chemical
manufacturer, commercial manufacturer, computer manufacturer, foreign
manufacturer, independent manufacturer, large manufacturer, leading
computer manufacturer, leading
manufacturer, major manufacturer,
motor manufacturer, overseas manufacturer, shoe manufacturer, textile
manufacturer, well-known manufacturer.
map -A
accurate map, bus map, contour map,
detailed map, explanatory maps, geological map, helpful map, large-scale
map (of Europe), local map (the),
Ordnance Survey map, outline map,
physical map, political map, quick
map, relief map, road map, rough
map, route map, simple map, sketch
map, small-scale map, street map,
tourist map, tube map, underground
map, up-to-date map, wall map,
weather map, world map.
anti-racism march, approach march,
brisk march, fifty-mile march, forced
march, forward march, four-day march,
funeral march, half a day’s march, hunger march, inevitable march, inexorable
march, long march, military march,
northward march, onward march,
peace march, pre-democracy march,
protest march, southward march,
steady march, the unstoppable march,
two hours march, victory march, wedding march.
(get a) good mark, (get a) high mark,
(give sb) low mark, (give sb/get a) poor
mark, average mark, bad mark, bite
mark, burn mark, chalk mark, claw
mark, deep mark, dirty mark, distinguishing mark, easy mark, encouraging
mark, faint mark, finger mark , full
mark, good marks (for maths), grease
mark, greasy marks, grubby mark, halfway mark (the), high-water mark, identifying mark, indelible mark, low-water
mark, noticeable mark, pass mark, pencil mark, permanent mark, real mark,
scorch mark, scratch mark, scuff mark,
skid mark, special mark (sb’s), sticky
mark, stretch mark, strong mark, the
lowest marks (in the class), the median
mark, tide mark, tiny mark, top mark
(the), top marks, total mark, tyre mark,
unmistakable mark, visible mark, winning marks (for the team).
aggressive marketing, direct marketing,
effective marketing, global marketing,
good marketing, international marketing, niche marketing, poor marketing,
worldwide marketing.
continental markets, cyclical markets,
jittery financial markets, volatile stock
arranged marriage, broken marriage,
childless marriage, Christian marriage,
civil marriage, conventional marriage,
disastrous marriage, early marriage,
failed marriage, first marriage, good
marriage, happy marriage, Hindu, etc.
marriage, impending marriage, Jewish
marriage, late marriage, lawful marriage, long happy marriage, long marriage, loveless marriage, mixed marriage, modern marriage, morganatic
marriage, open marriage, plural marriage, previous marriage (the), rocky
marriage, second marriage, secret marriage, shaky marriage, short-lived marriage, shotgun marriage, stable marriage, stormy marriage, strong marriage, successful marriage, unhappy
broad mass, chaotic mass, compact
mass, compact mass (of earth), dense
mass, enormous mass, formless mass,
great mass, huge mass, large mass, requiem mass, seething mass, shapeless
mass, solid mass, solid mass (of
colours), Sunday mass, tangled mass,
the dumb masses, the hungry masses,
thick mass, vast mass.
acknowledged master, cruel master,
great master, hard master, political
away match, big match (the), boxing
match, championship match, clean
match, close match, competitive
match, cricket match, crucial match,
cup match, dead match, even match,
exact match, excellent match, exciting
match, fantastic match, football match,
friendly match, good match, heroic
match, home match, important match,
league match, lighted match, live
match, midweek match, one-sided
match, perfect match, qualifying match,
rugby match, singles match, thrilling
match, tough match, wrestling match.
abrasive materials, artificial materials,
background material, biographical material, building materials, buoyant material, cheap material, checked material, classified material, coarse material,
colourful material, combustible material, confidential material, correct material (the), curtain material, dirt-resistant materials, drawing material, dress
material, durable material, educational
material, elaborate material, explosive
materials, fascinating material, faulty
materials, fine material, flammable material, flexible material, fuzzy material,
good material, hazardous material, historical material, indecent material, industrial material, inflammable material, instructional material, long-lasting
materials, magnetic materials, manmade material, natural materials, obscene material, organic material, pornographic material, porous material,
precious materials, promotional material, radioactive material, raw materials, reading material, recyclable material, relevant material, rough material,
sensitive material, sheer material, shiny
material, soft material, source material,
strong material, synthetic materials,
teaching materials, the correct materials, thick material, thin material, tough
material, toxic material, unpublished
material, useful material, versatile material, woollen materials, woven material, writing material.
(no) easy matter, (no) simple matter,
awkward matter, complex matter, complicated matter, contentious matter,
dead matter, delicate matter, different
matter, difficult matter, economic matter, environmental matter, family matter, financial matter, foreign matter, im-
portant matter, inanimate matter, inorganic matter, legal matter, light matter,
little matter (of sth) (the), no easy
matter, organic matter, personal matter, political matter, practical matter,
pressing matter, printed matter, procedural matter, reading matter, routine
matter, serious matter, small matter,
solid matter, subject matter, subjective
matter, subsidiary matter, technical
matter, trifling matter, trivial matter,
urgent matter, vegetable matter,
weighty matter, whole matter (the),
written matter.
educational matters, female matters,
parochial matters, pressing matters,
procedural matters, sensitive matters,
serious matters, substantive matters,
temporal matters, weighty matters,
worldly matters.
May -AAA
the coldest May (on record).
appetizing meal, balanced meal, big
meal, bloody good meal!, decent meal,
delicious meal, deplorable meal,
elaborate five-course meal, evening
meal, excellent meal, expensive meal,
extravagant five-course meal, fabulous
meal, fatty meals, filling meal, fivecourse meal, four–course meal, good
meal, gorgeous meal, hasty meal,
healthy meal, hearty meal, heavy
meal, hot meal, indifferent meal, irregular meals, large meal, lavish meal,
light meal, lovely meal, main meal
(the), meagre meal, mediocre meal,
midday meal, moderate meal, nice
meal, normal meal, nourishing meal,
nutritious meal, pleasant meal, proper
meal, ready meal, ready-made frozen
meals, relatively inexpensive meal,
satisfactory meal, satisfying meal, set
meal, simple meal, slap-up meal,
spartan meal, special meal, square
meal, substantial meal, sumptuous
meals, super meal, superb meal, tasty
meal, terrible meal, typical French meal,
typical South Indian meal, vegetarian
meal, wholesome meals.
(have) the same meaning, actual meaning, added meaning, broad meaning,
clear meaning, correct meaning (the),
deep meaning, different meaning,
double meaning, exact meaning (of sth)
(the), figurative meaning, full meaning
(of sth) (the), hidden meaning, inner
meanings, literal meaning (of sth) (the),
metaphorical meaning, new meaning,
original meaning (of sth) (the), particular meaning, personal meaning, political
meaning, possible meaning, precise
meaning (of sth)(the), proper meaning
(of sth) (the), real meaning (of sth)
(the), secondary meaning, special
meaning, spiritual meaning, symbolic
meaning, the intended meaning, the
primary meaning (of a word), true
meaning (of sth) (the).
(by) devious means, adequate means,
alternative means, ample means, appropriate means, atomic means,
behavioural means, best means (the),
conventional means, diplomatic means,
effective means (for sth), efficient
means, final means, illegal means, independent means, legal means, legitimate
means, limited means, moderate means,
modest means, necessary means, other
means, peaceful means, possible means,
practicable means, private means, reliable means, slender means, sufficient
means, sure means, traditional means,
unfair means, useful means, visible
means (of support).
(give sb) short measure, (in) large measure, accurate measure, appropriate
measure, austerity measure, broad mea-
sure, considerable measure, corrective
measure, cost-cutting measure, crude
measure, defensive measure, desperate
measure, direct measure, disciplinary
measure, draconian measure, drastic
measure, economic measure, economy
measure, effective measure, efficiency
measure, emergency measure, extreme
measure, fair measure, generous measure, government measure, great measure, half measure (of lemon juice),
harsh measure, important measure, interim measure, key measure, necessary
measure, objective measure, policy
measure, practical measure, precautionary measure, precise measure, preventative measure, punitive measure,
radical measure, reliable measure, remedial measure, repressive measure,
resolute measure, safety measure, security measure, severe measure, shortterm measure, significant measure,
simple measure, special measure,
squalid measure, strong measure, substantial measure, temporary measure,
tough measure, true measure, urgent
measure, useful measure, wide measure.
(new) legislative measures, (take) extreme measures, (tough) new measures (to fight crime), active measures,
austere economic measures, coercive
measures, corrective measures, discretionary measures, discriminatory measures, draconian measures, oppressive
measures, preparatory measures, preventive measures, protective measures,
punitive measures, stern measures,
tough new measures (to do sth).
(the stench of) rotting meat, bad meat,
best meat (the), cold meat, cooked
meat, crab meat, cured meat, cut-up
meat, dark meat, dreadful meat, fatty
meats, flavoured meat, fresh meat, frozen meat, good meat, halal meat, horse
meat, kosher meat, lean meat, luncheon
meat, minced meat, organic meat, potted meat, processed meat, rancid meat,
rare meat, raw meat, red meat, roast
meat, rotten meat, salted meat, sausage
meat, smoked meat, tender meat,
tinned meat, tough meat, uncooked
meat, undercooked meat, white meat.
audio-visual media, broadcast media,
broadcasting media, electronic media,
foreign media, interactive media, international media, local media, mainstream media, mass media, new media,
official media, popular media, print
media, the national media, the western
media, visual media.
accidental meeting, acrimonious meeting, afternoon meeting, all-day meeting, angry meeting, annual meeting, biennial meeting, bilateral meeting, bitter
meeting, board meeting, breakfast
meeting, brief meeting, business meeting, cabinet meeting, casual meeting,
chance meeting, clandestine meeting,
closed meeting, committee meeting,
cordial meeting, council meeting, crisis
meeting, crucial meeting, decisive
meeting, departmental meeting, difficult meeting, discussion meeting, editorial board meeting, emergency meeting,
emotional meeting, endless meetings,
exhaustive meetings, explanatory meeting, extraordinary general meeting, extraordinary meeting, face-to-face meeting, family meeting, fateful meeting,
first ever meeting, first meeting (the),
follow-up meeting, formal meeting, frequent meetings, fruitless meeting, full
meeting, further meeting, general meeting, half-yearly meeting, high-level
meeting, historic meeting, hour-long
meeting, important meeting, impromptu meeting, inaugural meeting,
inconclusive meeting, indecisive meeting, informal meeting, initial meeting,
inter-governmental meeting, interminable meeting, inter-ministerial meeting, international meeting, inter-party
meeting, inter-tribal meeting, introductory meeting, joint meeting, key
meeting, last meeting (the), later
meeting, long meeting, lunchtime
meeting, management meeting, mass
meeting, ministerial meetings,
monthly meeting, next meeting (the),
open meeting, open-air meeting,
packed meeting, personal meeting,
plenary meeting, political meeting,
popular meetings, post-election meeting, post-results meeting, prayer meeting, pre-inquiry meeting, preliminary
meeting, preparatory meetings, presession meeting, pre-summit meeting,
previous meeting (the), private meetings, productive meeting, protest
meeting, public meeting, quarterly
meeting, recent meeting (the), regular
meetings, religious meeting, romantic
meeting, scheduled meeting, secret
meeting, senior staff meeting, shareholders’ meeting, short meeting, special meeting, staff meeting, stormy
meeting, successful meeting, summit
meeting, team meeting, the damned
meeting, top-level meeting, town
meeting, trilateral meeting, tripartite
meeting, two-hour meeting, unexpected meeting, union meeting, unprecedented meeting, unproductive
meeting, urgent meeting, valuable
meeting, vital meeting, weekend meeting, weekly meetings, yearly meeting.
(potential) party members, active
member, affiliated members, associate
member, board member, club member,
combative committee member, committed member (of the team), committee member, crew member, criminal
gang members, disaffected members,
disenchanted members, energetic
member, enterprising members, enthusiastic member, family member, fellow
members, founder member, full member, group member, hard-core members,
honorary member, important member
(of the team), individual member, influential members, informed member (of
the public), junior member, key member, leading member (of…), life member, long-serving member, long-standing
member, long-time member, loyal members, new members, one-time member,
paid-up member, permanent members
(the), powerful member, private member, prominent member, respected member, senior member, specially elected
member (of sth), staff member, team
member, the ablest members, the sole
surviving member (of the family), unimportant member, union member, unqualified members, vulnerable members, worthy member (of the team).
associate membership, closed membership, club membership, corporate membership, full membership, honorary
membership, large membership, party
membership, temporary membership,
union membership.
memory -AA
(have a) bad memory (for sth), (have a)
good memory (for sth), (have) fond
memories (of sth), (sb’s) earliest memories, abiding memory, affectionate
memory, bitter memories, bitter-sweet
memory, blurred memories, childhood
memories, clear memory, collective
memory, conscious memories, dim
memory, distant memory, distinct
memories, disturbing memory, early
memory, embarrassing memory, enduring memory, excellent memory, fading
memory, foggy memory, fresh memories,
glorious memories, golden memories,
good visual memory, happy memory,
hazy memories, horrific memory, infallible memory, lasting memory, lingering
memory, living memory, long memory,
long-term memory, lovely memory, nos-
talgic memory, old memories, painful
memory, photographic memory, pleasant memory, poor memory, positive
memory, precious memories, prodigious memory, retentive memory, sad
memory, selective memory, short
memory, short-term memory, sure
memory (for names), sweet memory,
the heady memory (of…), traumatic
memory, treasured memory, unhappy
memory, unpleasant memory, unreliable memory, vague memories, virtual
memory, visual memory, vivid memory,
warm memory, wistful memories, wonderful memory.
mention -A
brief mention, earliest mention, first
mention, passing mention, special
mention, the mere mention (of sth).
ambiguous message, anonymous message, anti-drugs message, anti-war
message, brief message, businesslike
message, catchy message, chilling message, clear message, coded message,
conciliatory message, conflicting message, cryptic message, email message,
fundamental message, garble message,
heartfelt message, hidden message,
ideological message, implicit message,
important message, incoming message,
mixed message, moral message, ominous message, political message, positive message, powerful message, radio
message, scrambled message, secret
message, short message, simple message, social message, stark message,
stern message, strong message, subliminal message, text message, the
main message, unambiguous message,
uncomfortable message, unmistakeable
message, upbeat message, urgent message, vital message.
(pale) grey metal, (valuable) grey
metal, bare metal, base metal, cold
metal, corroded metal, crude metal,
ductile metal, ferrous metal, gleaming
metal, heavy metal, hot metal, light
metal, molten metal, noble metal, nonferrous metal, precious metal, pure
metal, rare metal, rusty metal, scrap
metal, sheet metal, shining metal, shiny
metal, soft metal, solid metal, tarnished
metal, toxic metal, trace metal, transition metal, twisted metal, valuable (yellow-coloured) metal, yellowish-brown
(by) dishonest methods, (highly) productive manufacturing methods, accepted method, accounting methods,
advanced method, agricultural methods, alternative method (of doing sth),
alternative methods (of travel), analytical methods, analytical methods (of research), appropriate method, approved
method, automatic methods, bad
method, best method (the), breeding
methods, business methods, businesslike methods, cheap method, common
method, contraceptive methods, conventional method, cooking methods,
correct method (the), corrupt methods,
costly method, crude method, current
method, defective method, different
method, economical method, educational methods, effective method, efficient method, effortless methods (of
cookery), engineering methods, experimental (teaching) methods, experimental method, extreme method, farming
methods, general method, good
method, graphical methods, high-pressure selling methods, improper methods
(of treatment), ineffective method, inexpensive method, ingenious method,
laborious method, lonely method (of
reasoning), modern methods, new
method, new method (of solving a problem), old method, old-fashioned
method, ordered method, organic
methods, organic methods (of farming
and gardening), organized method, or-
thodox methods, outdated teaching
methods, outdated working methods,
policing methods, practical methods,
preferred method, primitive methods,
principal method, production methods, proper methods (the), psychological methods, random method, recruiting methods, reliable method, research
methods, safe method, scientific methods, simple method, sophisticated
method, statistical methods, statistical
sampling methods, teaching methods,
the other method, the usual method,
traditional (teaching) methods, traditional methods, training methods, unconventional methods, unfair method,
unorthodox methods, unreliable
method, unscrupulous business methods, unusual method, up-to-date methods, various methods, viable method,
working method.
(an area of) square metres, cubic
metre, extra three metres, several
metres, smooth metre.
mind, (not in your) right mind, (of)
sound mind, (with) an easy mind, active
mind, acute mind, agile mind, alert
mind, analytical mind, best mind (the),
brilliant mind, calculating mind, closed
mind, conscious mind, deliberate mind,
deranged mind, disciplined mind, diseased mind, disturbed mind, dull mind,
enquiring mind, fertile mind, filthy
mind, finest mind, generous mind, high
minds, human mind, impressionable
mind, incisive mind, interesting mind,
inventive mind, keen mind, lively mind,
logical mind, mathematical mind, nasty
mind, nimble mind, noble mind, onetrack mind, open mind, orderly mind,
overactive mind, penetrating mind, profound minds, quick mind, receptive
mind, shallow mind, sharp mind, sick
mind, subconscious mind, subtle mind,
superficial mind, the occidental mind,
tidy mind, tortuous mind, twisted mind,
unbalanced mind, unconscious mind,
vacant mind, versatile mind, warped
mine -A
good mile, good three miles, half mile,
long miles, nautical mile, several hundred miles, square miles, the last
weary mile.
abandoned mine, anti-personal mine,
coal mine, copper mine, deep mine, diamond mine, disused mine, drift mine,
land mine, limpet mine, open-cast mine,
salt mine, tin mine.
baby milk, breast milk, coconut milk,
cold milk, condensed milk, cow’s milk,
creamy milk, curdled milk, dried milk,
evaporated milk, flavoured milk, formula milk, fresh milk, full-cream milk,
full-fat milk, goat’s milk, homogenized
milk, little milk, long-life milk, low-fat
milk, non-fat milk, organic milk, pasteurized milk, powdered milk, semiskimmed milk, skimmed milk, sour
milk, soya milk, UHT milk, unpasteurized milk, warm milk, whole milk.
(have an) original mind, (no) common
admirable Minister, Baptist minister,
cabinet minister, chief minister, church
minister, congregational minister, defence minister, departmental minister,
deputy minister, education minister,
environment minister, EU minister, finance minister, Foreign Minister (the),
Foreign Office minister, former minister,
future prime minister, government minister, health minister, Home Office minister, interior minister, junior minister,
Methodist minister, non-conformist minister, outgoing minister, possible prime
minister, potential prime minister, Presbyterian minister, prime minister, prin-
cipal minister, relevant minister (the),
responsible minister, senior minister,
subordinate minister, the next prime
minister, transport minister.
ministry -AA
mission, space mission, spacecraft mission, suicide mission, top-secret mission, trade mission.
dull minute, every minute, last minute
(the), next minute (the), spare minute.
(sb's) past mistakes, bad mistake, big
mistake, biggest mistake of sth (the),
careless mistake, common mistake,
common spelling mistake, costly mistake, disastrous mistake, distastrous
mistake, dreadful mistake, elementary
mistake, embarrassing mistake, evident
mistake, expensive mistake, fatal mistake, foolish mistake, fundamental mistake, genuine mistake, ghastly mistake,
grammar mistake, grave mistake, great
mistake, grievous mistake, honest mistake, horrendous mistake, horrible mistake, huge mistake, innocent mistake,
little mistake, major mistake, obvious
mistake, regrettable mistake, serious
mistake, silly mistakes, simple mistake,
spelling mistake, stupid mistake, tactical mistake, terrible mistake, tragic mistake, uncharacteristic mistake, unfortunate mistake.
mix -A
Agriculture ministry, defence ministry,
education ministry, environment ministry, finance ministry, foreign (affairs)
ministry (the), government ministry,
health ministry, interior ministry, justice ministry, key ministry, transport
minority -AAA
ethnic minorities, large minority, malignant minority, national minority, oppressed minorities, persecuted minority, racial minority, religious minority,
significant minority, sizeable minority,
small minority, substantial minority,
tiny minority, vociferous minority.
bathroom mirror, cracked mirror, driving mirror, full-length mirror, gilt mirror, gilt-framed mirror, hand mirror,
one-way mirror, ornate mirror, oval
mirror, rear-view mirror, round mirror,
shaving mirror, the rear mirror, twoway mirror, wardrobe mirror, wing mirror.
(search and) rescue mission, bombing
mission, Christian mission, clandestine
mission, combat mission, dangerous
mission, delicate mission, diplomatic
mission, fact-finding mission, goodwill
mission, hazardous mission, humanitarian mission, hush-hush mission, important mission, joint mission, manned
mission, mercy mission, military mission, peacekeeping mission, reconnaissance mission, secret mission, shuttle
broad mix, cake mix, concrete mix, cosmopolitan mix, cultural mix, curious
mix, eclectic mix, ethnic mix, fascinating mix, good mix, good social mix (of
children), heady mix, interesting mix,
intriguing mix, judicious mix, marketing mix, mortar mix, odd mix, potent
mix, powerful mix, product mix, racial
mix, rich cultural mix, rich mix, right
mix, social mix, social mix (of children),
strange mix, uneasy mix (of humour
and violence).
bizarre mixture, cake mixture, chaotic
mixture, complex mixture, confusing
mixture, curious mixture, eclectic mixture, explosive mixture, explosive mixture (of chemicals), extraordinary mixture, fascinating mixture, good mixture,
heady mixture, interesting mixture, in-
triguing mixture, judicious mixture,
odd mixture, peculiar mixture, potent
mixture, rich mixture, smooth mixture,
stiff cake mixture, strange mixture.
(most) luxurious model, artist’s model,
authentic model (of an ancient town,
etc.), catwalk model, clay model, clinical model, computer model, conceptual model, detailed model, economic
model, excellent model, experimental
model, fashion model, female model,
full-scale model, full-size cardboard
model, good model, latest model
(the), male model, mathematical
model, medical model, moving model,
new model, normative model (of
speech), nude model, photographic
model, plastic model, political model,
popular model, positive role model, realistic model (of evolution), scale
model, scientist models, sexy models,
simple model, small-time model, statistical model, the deluxe model, the
standard model, theoretical model,
three-dimensional model, top model
(the), wooden model, working model,
would-be model.
(at) an appropriate moment, (at) the
critical moment, (catch sb at) a bad
moment, (in) a weak moment, (never)
a dull moment, anxious moments, awful moment, awkward moment, big
moment (the), brief moment, climactic moment, comic moments, convenient moment, critical moment (in history, etc.), crucial moment (the), decisive moment, difficult moment, disappointing moment, dramatic moment,
embarrassing moment, emotional moment, every moment, exact moment
(the), finest moment, fleeting moment, good moment, great moment,
happiest moment, heart-stopping moment, historic moment, horrifying moment, important moment, inconve-
nient moment, intimate moments, key
moment, last (possible) moment (the),
long moment, mad moments, magic/
magical moment, marvellous moment,
memorable moment, moving moment,
mystical moments, odd moments, opportune moment, passing moment, perfect moment, pivotal moment, poignant
moment, precious moment, precise moment, pregnant moment, proud moments, proudest moment, psychological
moment (to do sth), quiet moment,
right moment (the), sad moment, scary
moment, spare moment, sticky moments, tense moment, terrifying moment, the earliest possible moment, the
fateful moment, the final moments (of
the last game or contest in a series), the
odd moment, touching moment, unbelievable moment, unforgettable moment, unguarded moment, very moment, waking moment(s)
Monday -AAA
(on) the next Monday, (this) coming
Monday, alternate Mondays, last
money -AAA
additional money, allotted money, big
money (is) (the), birthday money,
Christmas money, correct money (the),
counterfeit money, easy money (=
money that you do not have to work
hard to get), effective money, enough
money, extra money, government
money, hot money (= money that is frequently moved from one country to another in order to make a quick profit),
more money, paper money, plastic
money, pocket money, private money,
prize money, public money, ready
money, redundancy money, serious
money, spending money, sponsorship
money, sufficient money, taxpayers’
money, the smart money, wasted money.
(for) consecutive months, (in) recent
months, alternate month, arduous
month, autumn month, bewildering
month (for sb), busy month, calendar
month, challenging month, cold
month, current month (the), depressing month, dry month, early month,
every few months, few short months,
following month (the), full month, future month, hot month, last month
(the), later month, lunar month, past
month (the), preceding month, previous month (the), record month, spring
month, summer month, the coming
month, the ensuing six months, the intervening months, the next month, the
successive month, three clear months,
wet month, winter month.
(in an) adamant mood, (in) a black
mood, (in) a buoyant mood, (in) a
combative mood, (in) a confident
mood, (in) a foul mood, (in) a reflective mood, (in) a relaxed mood, (in) a
reminiscent mood, (in) a savage mood,
(in) a subdued mood, (in) a terrible
mood, (in) a vile mood, (in) a wanton
mood, (put sb in) a bad mood, (put sb
in) a good mood, amiable mood, belligerent mood, bullish mood, changeable mood, changing mood, cheerful
mood, contemplative mood, dark
mood, defiant mood, expansive mood,
exultant mood, festive mood, filthy
mood, funny mood, generous mood,
genial mood, gloomy mood, happy
mood, introspective mood, jolly mood,
jovial mood, jubilant mood, lighthearted mood, melancholy mood, mellow mood, merry mood, nasty mood,
national mood (the), optimistic mood,
pensive mood, pessimistic mood, playful mood, popular mood (the), public
mood (the), queer mood, restless
mood, rotten mood, serious mood, sober mood, sociable mood, sombre
mood, strange mood, talkative mood,
the indicative mood, thoughtful mood,
transient moods, ugly mood, unpredictable moods, upbeat mood, variable
mood, wistful mood.
Christian morals, doubtful morals, good
morals, lax morals, loose morals, low
morals, public morals, rigid morals,
sexual morals, strict morals.
(that) fateful morning, April morning,
beautiful morning, breezy morning,
bright morning, busy morning, chilly
morning, cloudy morning, cold morning, cold winter morning, crisp winter
morning, early morning, fine morning,
following morning (the), free morning,
Friday morning, frosty morning, fruitless
morning, good morning, grey morning,
late morning, May morning, raw morning, recent morning, Saturday morning,
spring morning, summer morning,
sunny morning, the next morning, the
other morning (= on a recent morning,
etc.), this morning, tomorrow morning,
wet morning, whole morning, yesterday
(sb’s) foster mother, adoptive mother,
ageing mother, anguished mother, anxious mother, bad mother, bereaved
mother, biological mother, breast-feeding mother, conscientious mother, dead
mother (sb’s), deceased mother, distraught mother, dominant mother, domineering mother, doting mother, elderly
mother, excellent mother, expectant
mother, first-time mother, frantic
mother, full-time mother, good mother
(sb's), indulgent mother, kind mother,
late mother (sb’s), lone mother, loving
mother, mother-to-be mother, nervous
mother, new mother, old mother, overprotective mother, possessive mother,
pregnant mother, proud mother, sick
mother, single mother, step mother,
stern mother, strict mother, surrogate
mother, teenage mother, the natural
mother, the real mother, unfit mother,
unmarried mother, virtuous mothers,
widowed mother, wonderful mother,
working mother, young mother.
(in) slow motion, circular motion, effortless motion, periodic motion, perpetual motion, progressive motion,
rolling motion, rotary motion, single
motion, steady motion, swaying motion.
diesel motor, electric motor, large motor, outboard motor, powerful motor,
small motor.
beautiful mountain, big mountain,
bleak mountains, butter mountain,
debt mountain, distant mountain, dramatic mountain, fine mountain, food
mountain, great mountain, high
mountain, holy mountain, huge mountain, inland mountain, intimidating
mountains, isolated mountain, jagged
mountain, large mountain, lofty
mountain, low mountain, majestic
mountain, massive mountain, misty
mountains, paper mountain, remote
mountain, rocky mountain, rugged
mountains, small mountain, snowcapped mountain, snow-covered
mountain, snowy mountain, spectacular mountain, steep mountains, tall
mountain, the surrounding mountain,
towering mountain.
(have) a big mouth (= cannot keep
things secret), beautiful mouth, cavernous mouth, chiselled mouth, cruel
mouth, dry mouth, enormous mouth,
firm mouth, foul mouth, full mouth,
full-lipped mouth, gaping mouth, generous mouth, half-open mouth, hand-
some mouth, hard mouth, hot mouth,
huge mouth, hungry mouth, large
mouth, lipless mouth, loose mouth, lopsided mouth, lovely mouth, open
mouth, pretty mouth, sensual mouth,
sensuous mouth, slack mouth, small
mouth, soft mouth, strong mouth, swollen mouth, thin mouth, tight mouth,
toothless mouth, warm mouth, wellshaped mouth, wet mouth, wide mouth.
move -A
(one) false move (= used when warning sb that if they disobey you, make a
mistake, or move suddenly sth very bad
will happen to them), astute move, bad
move, big move, bold move, brave
move, brilliant move, canny move, career move, cautionary move, chess
move, clever move, conciliatory move,
controversial move, current move, decisive move, defensive move, diplomatic
move, dramatic move, enterprising
move, far-sighted move, first move,
good career move, good move, gradual
move, house move, important move,
initial move, inspired move, interesting
move, latest move (the), legal move,
logical move, major move, military
move, neat move, new move, obvious
move, opportunist moves, optimistic
move, permanent move, political move,
popular move, positive move, precautionary move, radical move, rapid
move, recent move, right move (the),
sensible move, serious move, shock
move, shrewd move, sideways move,
significant move, sly political move,
smart move, strategic move, strong
move, substantial move, sudden move,
surprise move, tactical move, the opening move, the present move, unexpected move, unusual move, unwise
move, wise move, wrong move.
(a/the) romantic movement, (pro-)democracy movement (the), (short) jerky
movements, a/the art movement, a/
the modernist movement, abrupt
movement, active movement, air
movements, angular movements, antiapartheid movement (the), antinuclear movement, anti-slavery movement (the), anti-smoking movement
(the), antiwar movement (the), artistic movement, awkward movement,
backward movement, big movement,
body movement, burgeoning movement, celestial movements, circular
movement, civil/human rights movement, constant movement, consumer
movement, continuous movement,
controlled movement, currency movement, dance movement, deft movement, delicate movement, democracy
movement, democratic movement, diagonal movement, downward movement, easy movement, ecological
movement (the), ecumenical movement, environmental movement, exaggerated movements, eye movement,
fascist movement, fast movement,
feminist movement (the), final movement (the), first movement, fluent
movements, fluid movement, forward
movement, free movement, fringe
movement, fundamentalist movement,
furtive movements, gay movement,
gentle movements, graceful movement, grass-roots movement, green
movements, growing movement, guerilla movement, hand movement, hasty
movement, head movement, heavy
movement, important movement, independence movement (the), international movement, involuntary movement, labour movement (the), last
movement (the), lateral movement,
left-wing movement, liberation movement, linear movement, lip movement,
literary movement, little movement,
loose bowel movements, mass movement, mechanical movement, militant
movement, militia movement, modern
movement, narrow movement, na-
tional movement, nationalist movement
(the), neat movement, onward movement, opening movement, opposition
movement, organized movement, peace
movement (the), pelvic movements,
pincer movement, pivotal movement,
political movements, ponderous movements, popular movement, populist
movement, powerful movement, precise movements, price movement, prolife movement, protest movement,
quick movement, radical movement,
random movement, rapid movement,
rebel movement, reform movement, religious movement, repetitive movement, republican movement (the), resistance movement, restricted movement, revolutionary movement, rhythmic movement, right-wing movement,
scout movement, second movement,
separatist movement (the), sharp movement, sideways movement, silky movements, slick movements, slight movement, slow movement, small movement, smooth movement, social movement, strong movement, student movement, sudden movement, suffrage
movement (the), suffragette movement, swift movement, temperance
movement (the), the avant-garde movement, the charismatic movement, the
Green movement, the non-aligned
movement, the rotary movement, tiny
movement, trade union movement
(the), troop movements, underground
movement, underground resistance
movement, unpopular movement, upward movement, upward movement (in
prices), vertical movement, violent
movement, weak movement, widespread movement, women's (liberation)
movement (the), wooden movements,
working-class movement, youth movement.
movie -A
(on) foreign movies, action movie, adult
movie, altruistic movie, art-house mov-
ies, big movie, big-budget movie,
block-buster/blockbusting movie, blue
movie, classic movie, clear movie,
clear-cut movie, cult movie, dirty
movie, disaster movie, disinterested
movie, favourite movie, gangster
movie, genuine movie, good movie,
great movie, hidden movie, highest
movie, hit movie, home movie, horror
movie, indifferent movies, in-flight
movie, late-night movie, low-budget
movie, mysterious movie, neat movie,
new movie, noble movie, obscure
movie, okay movie, porn/porno movie,
pornographic movies, powerful movie,
pretentious movie, pure movie, raunchy movie, really wild movie, satisfying
movie, scary movie, science fiction
movie, self-conscious movies, selfish
movie, selfless movie, silent movie, sinister movie, sloppy movie, smash-hit
movie, strong movie, subconscious
movie, successful movie, surreal movies, teen movies, television/TV movie,
third-rate movie, top movie, ulterior
movie, ultimate movie, unconscious
movie, underhand movie, underlying
movie, war movie, wild movie, wonderful movie, worthwhile movie.
attempted murder, brutal murder, calculated murder, cold-blooded murder,
double murder, foul murder, ghastly
murder, grisly murders, gruesome murder, horrible murder, horrific murder,
mass murder, multiple murder, nasty
murder, premeditated murder, racial
murder, ritual murder, sectarian murder, serial murders, terrible murder,
terrorist murder, unsolved murder, vicious murder, wilful murder.
abdominal muscles, arm muscle, calf
muscle, cardiac muscles, diseased
muscles, facial muscle, hard muscles,
heart muscle, leg muscle, powerful
muscles, skeletal muscle, slack muscles,
stiff muscles, stomach muscle, strong
muscles, taut muscle, tense muscle,
thigh muscle, tight muscle, tired
muscle, voluntary muscles.
archaeological museum, excellent museum, fascinating museum, folk museum, great museum, highly acclaimed
museum, history museum, industrial
museum, interesting museum, local history museum, local museum, major
museum, maritime museum, military
museum, municipal museum, national
museum, open-air museum, private
museum, provincial museum, public
museum, purpose-built museum, railway museum, regional museum, science
museum, town museum, war museum,
working museum.
anonymous background music, atmospheric music, atonal music, avantgarde music, background music, ballet
music, banal music, band music, Baroque music, beautiful music, black
music, bland background music, breakneck rock music, brooding music, calypso music, chamber music, choral
music, church music, computer music,
contemporary music, contrapuntal music, country music, dance music, disco
music, dreamy music, early music, electronic music, emotional music, ethereal
music, ethnic music, experimental music, film music, folk music, funky music,
gay music, good music, gospel music,
great music, guitar music, heavy music,
hypnotic music, incidental music, indie
music, inspiring music, instrumental
music, jazz music, jazzy music, keyboard music, light music, liturgical music, live music, loud music, lovely music,
martial music, medieval music, mediocre music, mellow music, modern music, mournful music, non-stop music,
orchestral music, organ music, original
music, period music, piano music,
piped music, polyphonic music, pop
music, popular music, pretty music,
printed music, quiet music, rap music,
rave music, recorded music, reggae
music, religious music, rock music, romantic music, rotten music, sacred
music, secular music, sensuous music,
sentimental music, serious music, sheet
music, soft music, solemn music, soul
music, soulful music, stirring music,
strident pop music, sublime music,
sweet music, symphonic music, taped
music, the classical music, theme music, tonal music, traditional music,
twelve-note music, underground music, unpretentious pop music, virile
music, vocal music, Western music,
wonderful music, world music.
(get) a bad name, (give) a false name,
(have no) specific name, apt name, aristocratic name, assumed name, big name
(in sth), brand name, Chinese name (for
sth) (the), Christian name, code name,
common name, company name, different name, double-barrelled name, established names, exotic name, familiar
names, family name, famous name, file
name, first name, French name (for sth)
(the), full name, general name, generic
name, given name, good name, household name, hyphenated name, Italiansounding name, joint name, last name,
maiden name, married name, middle
name, nickname name, odd-sounding
name, official name, ordinary name,
original name (the), pen name, personal
name, pet name, picturesque name,
place name, pompous name, pretentious
name, pretty name, professional name,
proper name (sb’s), proprietary name,
pseudonym name, real name (sb’s),
right name (the), second name, short
name, silly name, stage name, strangesounding name, street name, surname
name, surprising names, trade name,
uncommon name, various names, wellknown name.
(great) maritime nations, advanced nation, affluent nation, African nation,
ancient nation, Arab nation, Asian nation, backward nation, capitalist nation,
civilized nation, competing nations,
creditor nation, cricketing nation,
debtor nation, democratic nation, developing nation, disparate nation, divided
nation, emergent nation, emerging nation, entire nation (the), European nation, foreign nation, free nation, French
nation, friendly nations, great nation,
host nation (the), independent nation,
industrial nation, industrialized nation,
island nation, large nation, leading industrial nation, leading nation, less-developed nation, little nation, loving nation, major nation, maritime nation,
member nation, new nation, nuclear
nation, oil-producing nation, old nation, other nations, poor nation, powerful nation, progressive nation, prosperous nation, rich (and powerful) nation, rival nation, rogue nation, selfconscious nation, small island nation,
small nation, sovereign nation, strong
nation, the developed nations, the nonaligned nations, the United Nations,
Third World nation, trading nation,
united nation, wealthy nation, Western
nation, whole nation (the), young nation.
(have) a melancholy nature, (have) a
secretive nature, (have) a trusting nature, (sb’s) affectionate nature, (sb’s)
better nature, (sb’s) cynical nature,
(sb’s) merry nature, (sb’s) outspoken
nature, abstract nature, ambitious nature, arbitrary nature, artificial nature,
basic nature (the), capricious nature,
changing nature, complex nature, confidential nature, contemplative nature,
contradictory nature, controversial nature, detailed nature, distinctive nature, divine nature, easy-going nature,
economic nature, emotional nature,
ephemeral nature, essential nature,
ethereal nature, exact nature, fickle
nature, fictional nature, fictitious nature, financial nature, fragile nature,
frail human nature, fundamental nature, general nature, good nature,
highly volatile nature, historical nature,
human nature (the), inquisitive nature,
insubstantial nature, international nature, intractable nature, intrinsic nature, kind nature, legal nature (the),
limited nature, local nature, material
nature, medical nature, mother nature,
passionate nature, permanent nature,
personal nature, physical nature, placid
nature, political nature, practical nature, precise nature, private nature,
problematic nature, psychological nature, public nature, quiet nature, radical
nature, random nature, real nature (of
sth) (the), religious nature, repetitive
nature, restrictive nature, routine nature, scientific nature, seasonal nature,
second nature (= a habit, characteristic,
etc.), selective nature, sexual nature,
small spiteful nature, social nature, special nature, specialist nature, specific
nature, spiritual nature, spiteful nature,
subjective nature, suggestive nature,
superficial nature, surface nature, suspicious nature, sweet nature, temporary
nature, the cyclical nature, the frivolous
nature (of sth), traditional nature (the),
transient nature, transitory nature, true
nature (the), uncertain nature, unpredictable nature, unsatisfactory nature,
unusual nature, urgent nature, worrying
navy -A
merchant navy, strong navy, the Royal
bare neck, beautiful neck, broken neck,
crew neck, elegant neck, halter neck,
high neck, long neck, open neck, polo
neck, roll neck, round neck, scoop neck,
scraggy neck, scrawny neck, short neck,
slender neck, slim neck, square neck,
stiff neck, strong neck, swan-like neck,
thick neck, thin neck, turtle neck,
wrinkled neck.
(be in) urgent need (of), (in) sore need,
basic need, biological need, bodily need,
burning need, business need, changing
need, clear need, common need, community need, compelling need, conflicting need, considerable need, constant
need, continuing need, critical need,
crying need (for sth), customer/
customer’s need, desperate need, dietary need, dire need, driving need,
educational need, emotional need, energy need, essential need, fundamental
need, great need, greater need, growing need, health care need, human
need, humanitarian need, immediate
need, increased/increasing need, individual need, information need, local
need, long-term need, material need,
medical need, operational need, overriding need, overwhelming need, paramount need, particular need, patient/
patient’s need, perceived need, physical need, political need, possible need,
pressing need, psychological need, reduced need, sexual need, social need,
special need, specific need, spiritual
need, strong need, sudden need, the
consequent need (to do sth), the real
need, unmet need.
(special) educational needs, basic
needs, bodily needs, developmental
needs, distinct needs, immediate
needs, large needs, large scale needs,
material needs, modest needs, separate
needs, special needs, specific needs,
temporal needs.
behind-the-scenes negotiation, bilateral negotiation, constant negotiation,
continuous negotiation, delicate negotiation, detailed negotiation, difficult
negotiation, direct negotiation, fruitless negotiation, high-level negotiation,
lengthy negotiation, multilateral negotiation, pay negotiation, peace negotiation, protracted negotiation, secret negotiation, serious negotiation, successful negotiation, trade negotiation, unsuccessful negotiation, wage negotiation.
acrimonious negotiations, behind-thescenes negotiations, bilateral negotia-
tions, brief negotiations, complex negotiations, complicated negotiations, constructive negotiations, delicate negotiations, difficult negotiations, direct negotiations, face-to-face negotiations, feverish negotiations, friendly negotiations, fruitful negotiations, heated negotiations, high-level negotiations, immediate negotiations, intensive diplomatic negotiations, intensive negotiations, joint negotiations, lengthy negotiations, low-level negotiations, ongoing
negotiations, open-ended negotiations,
patient negotiations, peace negotiations, productive negotiations, prolonged negotiations, protracted negotiations, round-table negotiations, substantive negotiations, successful negotiations, tedious negotiations, top-level
negotiations, tortuous negotiations,
tough negotiations, tricky negotiations,
unproductive negotiations, unsuccessful
negotiations, urgent negotiations.
neighbour -A
(our) next-door neighbours, alert
neighbour, close neighbour, considerate
neighbours, curious neighbours,
friendly neighbour, good neighbour,
immediate neighbour (sb’s), intrusive
neighbours, law-abiding neighbours,
near neighbour, nearest neighbour, nice
neighbour, noisy neighbours, northern
neighbour (the), pleasant neighbour,
rowdy neighbours, southern neighbour
(the), suspicious neighbours.
net -A
fine net, fine-mesh net, fishing nets,
mosquito net, safety net.
bus network, cellular network, communications network, complex network,
computer network, defunct railway network, dense network, distribution network, elaborate network, extensive network, global network, integrated network, international network, intricate
network, large network, large network
(of friends, etc.), local network, motorway network, national network, nationwide network, neural networks,
news network, radio network, rail network, railway network, road network,
social network, strong network, support network, supportive network, telephone network, television network,
vast network, wide network, widespread network, worldwide network.
(more) revealing news, (the) nine
o’clock news, bad news, big news,
black news, bleak news, breaking
news, business news (the), city news,
consumer news (the), definite news,
devastating news, domestic news, dramatic news, dreadful news, economic
news (the), encouraging news, evening
news (the), excellent news, exciting
news, extraordinary news, financial
news (the), firm news, football news
(the), foreign news (the), front-page
news, glad news, gloomy news, glum
news, good news, great news, grievous
news, grim news, headline news, home
news, horrifying news, hot news,
hourly news, important news, interesting news, international news, late
news, latest news (the), local news
(the), lunchtime news (the), major
news, marvellous news, momentous
news, national news (the), nightly
news (the), old news, positive news,
radio news (the), reassuring news, recent news, regional news (the), sad
news, shattering news, shocking news,
sporting news, sports news (the), stale
news, startling news, stunning news,
surprising news, television news (the),
tennis news, terrible news, terrific
news, the disgraceful news, the joyful
news, tragic news, tremendous news,
TV news (the), unwelcome news, upto-date news, welcome news, wonderful news, world news (the), worse
ambitious newspaper, broad-sheet
newspaper, centrist newspaper, cerebral
newspaper, daily newspaper, evening
newspaper, financial newspaper, folded
newspaper, independent newspaper, influential newspaper, left-leaning newspaper, left-wing newspaper, local newspaper, morning newspaper, national
newspaper, official newspaper (the),
outspoken newspaper, popular newspapers, prominent newspaper, provincial
newspaper, quality newspaper, regional
newspaper, right-wing newspaper,
rolled-up newspapers, sensational newspaper, serious newspaper, stuffy newspaper, suburban newspaper, Sunday
newspaper, tabloid newspaper, today’s
newspaper, weekly newspaper,
yesterday’s newspaper.
(get) an early night (= going to bed
before sb’s usual time), (have) an early
night (= going to bed before sb’s usual
time), bad night, big night (the), black
night, calm night, clear night, cold
night, cold winter’s night, cool night,
dance night, dark (and stormy) night,
dark night, desperate night, dirty night,
dreadful night, election night, every
night, first night, foul night, Friday
night, frosty night, great night, last
night, late night, lonely nights, long
night, memorable night, moonlit night,
murky night, peaceful night, previous
night (the), quiz night, rainy night, restless night, rough night, Saturday night,
serene summer night, sleepless night,
starlit night, starry night, steamy tropical night, stormy night, terrible night,
the opening night, the other night, tomorrow night, tropical night, uneasy
night, wedding night, whole night
(through) (the), wild night, windy
night, winter night, yesterday night.
nod -A
(with) a wise nod (of the head), affir-
mative nod, approving nod, brief nod,
brisk nod, businesslike nod, curt nod,
distant nod, imperceptible nod, little
nod, passing nod, perfunctory nod,
quick nod, reassuring nod, satisfied
nod, slight nod, small nod, terse nod.
(make) a terrific noise, aircraft noise,
alarming noise, awful noise, background noise, banging noise, big noise,
buzzing noise, clattering noise, clicking
noise, constant noise, curious noise,
deafening noise, dreadful noise, drumming noise, engine noise, explosive
noise, faint noise, faraway noises,
funny noise, great noise, grinding
noise, harsh noise, helicopter noise,
hideous noise, horrible noise, incessant
noise, intolerable noise, invasive
noises, little noise, loud noise, low
noise, moaning noise, mysterious
noise, odd noise, peculiar noise, popping noise, ritual noises, roaring noise,
rude noise, scraping noise, scratching
noise, sharp noise, silly noise, slight
noise, strange noise, sudden loud
noise, sudden noise, terrible noise, the
perpetual noise, traffic noise, weird
extreme north (the), far north (the),
frozen north, magnetic north, true
aquiline nose, aristocratic nose, beaky
nose, big nose, bleeding nose, blocked
nose, bloodied nose, bloody nose, blunt
nose, broken nose, bulbous nose, congested nose, crooked nose, curved
nose, dripping nose, elegant nose,
enormous nose, false nose, flat nose,
flattened nose, hooked nose, huge
nose, large nose, little nose, long nose,
narrow nose, pierced nose, pink nose,
pointed nose, prominent nose, red
nose, Roman nose, runny nose, same
nose (the), sensitive nose, sharp nose,
shiny nose, small nose, snotty nose,
snub nose, straight nose, strong nose,
stubby nose, stuffy nose, swollen nose,
thin nose, tiny nose, tip-tilted nose,
turned-up nose, upturned nose, wet
(make a) mental note (of sth), (on a)
humorous note, (on a) lighter note, (on
a) positive note, (on a) sour note,
(sound a) confident note, (sound a)
hopeful note, biographical note, brief
note, briefing note, brighter note, careful note, case note, cautionary note,
cheerful note, chromatic note, clinical
note, copious note, covering note,
cracked musical note, credit note,
crumpled note, deep note, defensive
note, delivery note, detailed note, diatonic note, discordant note, dissonant
note, explanatory note, faint note, false
note, five-pound note, handwritten
note, happier note, high note, impersonal note, introductory note, jarring
note, lecture note, little note, love note,
low note, marginal note, medical note,
musical note, natural note, odd note,
optimistic note, personal note,
programme note, promissory note, pure
note, quick note, ransom note, right
note (the), sad note, scrappy note, serious note, short note, sick note, sick note
(from your doctor), sombre note, suicide note, ten-euro note, thank-you
note, top note (the), upbeat note, usage
note, warning note, wrong note (the).
biographical notes, brief notes, briefing
notes, case notes, clinical notes, copious
notes, counterfeit bank notes, detailed
notes, elaborate notes, exhaustive
notes, explanatory notes, introductory
notes, lecture notes, marginal notes,
medical notes, programme notes, rich
resonant notes, scrappy notes, the silvery notes, usage notes.
notice -A
(give sb) advance notice, due notice,
prior notice, reasonable notice, short
notice, warning notice, written notice.
notion -A
abstract notion, absurd notion, accepted notion, conventional notion, erroneous notion, faintest notion, foggiest notion, general notion, hazy notion,
impractical notion, misguided notions,
outdated notions, peculiar notion, preconceived notion, ridiculous notion,
romantic notion, simple notion, simplistic notion, traditional notion, vague
novel -AA
acclaimed novel, adult novel, adventure novel, autobiographical novel,
best-selling novel, children’s novel,
classic novel, comic novel, compelling
novel, contemporary novel, cracking
novel, crime novel, detective novels,
disappointing novel, dull novel, engaging novel, epistolary novel, famous
novel, first novel, full-length novel,
Gothic novels, hardback novel, historical novel, intellectual novel, latest
novel (the), lightweight novel, literary
novel, major novel, modern novel, new
novel, nineteenth-century novel, outstanding novel, paperback novel,
patchy novel, popular novel, prizewinning novel, psychological novel, realist novel, romantic novel, sad novel,
satirical novel, singular novel, spy
novel, third-rate novel, unfinished
novel, unwritten novel, Victorian
novel, world-famous novel.
(in) great numbers, (in) round numbers, (in) vast numbers, account number, actual number (the), adequate
number, amazing number (of people),
approximate number, average number,
back number (of a magazine), binary
numbers, busy telephone numbers, call
number, cardinal number, colossal number, considerable number, cushy number, decimal number, dial number, disproportionate number, engaged number, enormous number, equal number,
even number, exact number (the), fair
number, fax number, finite number (of
sth), fixed number (of sth), flat number,
given number (of people), great number (of people), great number (of
things), growing number (of), high
number (of sth), home number, home
telephone number, house number, huge
number, identity number, increasing
number of…, increasing number on,
indefinite number, infinite number, infinite number (of ways, etc.), inordinate
number, inordinate number (of pets),
large number (of people), large number
(of things), licence number, limited
number, loud number, low number,
lucky number, magic number (the),
maximum number, mean number, median number, negative number, new extension number, odd number, office
number, ordinal number, overwhelming
number, passport number, phone number, positive number, precise number,
prime number, random number, reasonable number, record number, reference
number, registration number, ring number, rising number, serial numbers, set
number (of sth), significant number,
small number, small number (of clients), smaller number, substantial number, sufficient number, superior numbers, surprising number, telephone
number, the lowest number (of people),
the minimum number, the optimum
number, total number, unknown number, unlucky number, unspecified number, winning number, work number,
wrong number.
junior nurse, male nurse, maternity
nurse, mental nurse, night nurse, practice nurse, private nurse, psychiatric
nurse, qualified nurse, registered
nurse, school nurse, senior nurse, specialist nurse, staff nurse, student nurse,
trained nurse, trainee nurse, triage
nurse, veterinary nurse, ward nurse.
artificial objects, authentic object,
brand-new object, bright shiny object,
commemorative object, composite object, concrete object, curved object,
decorative objects, dim object, diminutive object, everyday objects, familiar
objects, fat object, flat object, flawed
object, flexible object, foreign object
(infml), gay object, household object,
immobile object, inanimate object, light
object, lucky object, main object, metallic object, middle object (the), neat object, opaque object, open object, physical object, precious objects, primary
object, principal object, real object, rigid
object, rusty metal object, sharp object,
shattered objects, shiny object, slim object, small object, sole object, solid objects, stout objects, strong objects,
three-dimensional objects, valuable objects, wooden objects.
broad objective, business objective,
clear objective, clearly defined objectives, common objective, economic objective, educational objective, environmental objective, incoherent objectives,
key objective, limited objective, longterm objective, main objective (the),
major objective, military objective, narrow objective, overall objective, policy
objective, political objective, primary
objective, prime objective, principal
objective, short-term objective, specific
objective, stated objective, strategic objective, the overriding objective, the ultimate objective.
nurse -A
ancillary nurse, auxiliary nurse, community nurse, day nurse, district nurse,
experienced nurse, hard-working
nurses, helpful nurse, hospital nurse,
(a/an) historic occasion, (on) a previous
occasion, (on) an earlier occasion, (on)
numerous occasions, appropriate occasion, auspicious occasion, big occasion,
casual occasions, ceremonial occasion,
different occasions, every occasion,
festive occasion, formal occasions, glorious occasion, grand occasion, great
occasion, happy occasion, important
occasion (the), informal occasion, jolly
occasion, joyful occasion, joyous occasion, many occasion, memorable occasion, momentous occasion, odd occasion (the), peaceful occasions, rare occasion, right occasion, sad occasion,
separate occasion, social occasion, solemn occasion, solitary occasion, sombre occasion, special occasions, sporting occasion, state occasion, suitable
occasion, suspicious occasion, unhappy
occasion, wonderful occasion.
(a/sb's) first offence, (a/sb's) second
offence, alleged offence, arrestable offence, bookable offence, capital offence, criminal offence, disciplinary offence, driving offence, drug(s) offence,
drug-related offence, federal offence,
firearms offence, grave offence, heinous offence, imprisonable offence, indictable offence, lesser offence, major
offence, minor offence, motoring offence, parking offence, penal offence,
petty offence, political offence, previous offences, public offence, punishable offence, sackable offence, serious
offence, sex(ual) offence, speeding offence, statutory offence, terrorist offence, traffic offence, trivial offence,
violent offence.
(on) special offer, acceptable offer, alternative offer, attractive offer, cash offer, cheap offer, conditional offer,
countless offers, definite offer (of a
job), fair offer, favourable offer, final
offer (the), firm offer, formal offer, free
offer, generous offer, genuine offer (of
help), handsome offer, high offer, initial offer, introductory offer, job offer,
kind offer, long-standing offer, low of-
fer, lucrative offer, pay offer, peace offer,
reasonable offer, rival offer, spontaneous
offer (of help), sporting offer, straightforward offer, takeover offer, tempting
offer, unconditional offer.
administrative office, air-conditioned
office, area office, automated office, big
office, branch office, busy office, central
office, compact office, council office,
cramped office, district office, doctor’s
office (the), drab office, ecclesiastical
office, editorial office, Edwardian office,
electronic office, exalted office, fivestorey office, glass-fronted office, glasswalled office, glossy office, good offices
(= services provided, especially by sb in
a position of power, that help sb out of
a difficulty), government office, great
office, head office, hereditary office,
high office, high-rise office, huge office,
important office, inner office, judicial
office, large office, local office, local
tourist office (the), lucrative office,
main office (the), ministerial office,
minor office, national office, new office,
newspaper office, noisy office, openplan office, opulent office, organized
office, overseas office, paperless office,
permanent office, plush office, political
office, press office, prestigious office,
private office, public office, quiet office,
regional office, sales office, same office
(the), small office, smart new office,
spacious office, subsidiary office, temporary office, ten-storey office, the Meteorological Office, the next door office,
the outer office, ticket office, tiny office,
well-organized office.
(sb’s) superior officer, administrative
officer, air force officer, army officer,
chief financial officer (of the company)
(the), chief officer, commanding officer,
commissioned officer, undercover police
officer, customs officer, dashing officer,
duty officer, environmental health of-
ficer, executive officer, financial officer,
full-time officer, high-ranking officer,
inferior officer, investigating officer,
investigation officer, junior officer, lazy
police officers, liaison officer, medical
officer, military officer, naval officer,
non-commissioned officer, part-time officer, petty officer, plain-clothes officer,
police officer, presiding officer, press
officer, principal officer, ranking officer,
rebellious officers, recruiting officer,
regional officer, responsible officer, retired officer, senior officer, senior police
officer, subordinate officer, supervising
officer, trading standards officer, training officer, undercover (police) officer,
uniformed (police) officers, welfare officer.
(trade) union official, bank official,
company official, consular officials, corporate official, corrupt official, council
official, court official, customs official,
departmental official, elected official,
full-time official, government official,
high official, high-level officials, highranking official, incoming official, judicial official, junior official, local official,
midweek official, military official, ministry official, minor official, part-time
official, party official, permanent official, petty officials, pompous official,
prominent official, provincial official,
public official, regional official, responsible official, retired official, royal official, senior government official, senior
officials, state official, top official.
aromatherapy oil, aromatic oils, baby
oil, bath oil, body oil, castor oil, coconut oil, cod liver oil, cooking oil, crude
oil, engine oil, essential oil, evening
primrose oil, fish oil, fragrant oils, fuel
oil, groundnut oil, hair oil, heating oil,
heavy crude oil, heavy oil, herbal oils,
lavender oil, light oil, linseed oil, lubricating oil, massage oil, Middle Eastern
oil, motor oil, offshore oil, olive oil, paraffin oil, polyunsaturated oil, rancid oil,
refined oil, salad oil, scented oil, sesame
oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil.
career opening, chess opening, clear
opening, conversational opening, formal opening, grand opening, large
opening, narrow opening, new opening,
official opening, political opening, possible opening, royal opening, small
opening, state opening, successful opening, wide opening, window opening.
abdominal operation, amphibious military operation, amphibious operation,
banking operation, big operation, business operation, clandestine operations,
clean-up operation, cloak-and-dagger
operation, colossal operation, combined
operation, covert operation, critical operation, dangerous operation, daring
rescue operation, day-to-day operation,
delicate operation, delicate surgical operation, drilling operation, effective operation, efficient operation, emergency
operation, equal opportunity, exploratory operation, guerrilla operation,
hazardous operation, heart operation,
huge multinational operation, intelligence operation, international rescue
operation, joint operation, knee operation, large-scale operation, large-scale
rescue operation, life-saving operation,
major operation, massive operation,
medical operation, military operation,
mining operation, minor operation,
mopping-up operation, multinational
operation, naval operation, not much
opportunity, offensive operation, peacekeeping operation, police operation,
relief operation, rescue operation, risky
operation, routine operation, salvage
operation, security operation, serious
operation, slick operation, small operation, smooth operation, straightforward
operation, surgical operation, trans-
plant operation, tricky operation, undercover operation, unsuccessful operation, vital operation.
ing opinion, unorthodox opinions, unqualified opinion, varied opinions, wellinformed opinion, world opinion.
opinion -AA
opportunity -AA
(a/sb's) considered opinion, (contrary
to) popular opinion, (get/seek/want,
etc.) a second opinion, (have) the
same opinion (as sb) (about sth), (in
my) humble opinion, (sb’s) considered
opinion, (sb’s) firm opinion, (sb's)
honest opinion, (sb's) informed opinion, (sb's) own opinion, (sb's) personal
opinion, (sb's) private opinion, academic opinion, bad opinion (of sb),
balanced opinion, candid opinion, collective opinion, conflicting opinions,
contrary opinions, conventional opinions, critical opinion, definite opinion,
different opinions, differing opinions,
dissenting opinions, emphatic opinion,
enlightened opinions, expert opinion,
fascist opinions, favourable opinion (of
sth/sb), fixed opinions, forceful opinion, general opinion (of sth), glowing
opinion, good opinion (of sb/sth),
high opinion (of sb/sth), ignorant
opinions, impersonal opinion, indefinite opinions, independent opinion, international opinion, legal opinion, liberal opinions, liquid opinions, local
opinion, low opinion (of sb), low opinion (of sth), majority opinion (the),
medical opinion, minority opinion,
misguided opinion, mixed opinion,
moderate opinions, moderate political
opinions, negative opinion (of sb), objective opinion, old-fashioned opinion,
political opinion, poor opinion, professional opinion, public opinion, received opinion (about sth) (the), retrospective opinions, right-wing opinions, robust opinions, scientific opinion, second-hand opinions, set opinions, set opinions (on how to teach),
similar opinions, strong opinions, subjective opinion, the national opinion,
the predominant opinion, the prevail-
ample opportunity, available opportunity, business opportunity, career opportunities, commercial opportunity, considerable opportunity, countless opportunities, earliest opportunity (the), economic opportunity, educational opportunity, employment opportunity, endless
opportunities, enormous opportunity,
equal opportunities, every (available)
opportunity, every opportunity, excellent opportunities, exciting opportunity,
fabulous opportunities, fantastic opportunity, favourable opportunity, first opportunity (the), full opportunity, golden
opportunity, good opportunity, good
opportunity (to do sth), great opportunity, growth opportunity, historic opportunity, ideal opportunity, incredible opportunity, innumerable opportunities,
investment opportunity, job opportunities, limited opportunity, little opportunity, lost opportunities, lucrative opportunities, market opportunity, marketing
opportunity, marvellous opportunity,
missed opportunity, once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity, perfect opportunity, photo
opportunity, priceless opportunity, rare
opportunity, real opportunity, reasonable opportunity, ruthless opportunities,
sales opportunity, scoring opportunity,
sexual opportunities, slightest opportunity (the), suitable opportunity, superb
opportunity, training opportunity, tremendous opportunity, unique opportunity, unparalleled opportunity, unprecedented opportunity, unrivalled opportunity, wasted opportunity, welcome opportunity, wonderful opportunity.
opposite -A
polar opposite, precise opposite, the
complete opposite, the direct opposite,
the exact opposite, very opposite.
active opposition, bitter opposition,
considerable opposition, consistent opposition, continued opposition, continuing opposition, determined opposition, direct opposition, effective opposition, fierce opposition, formidable opposition, growing opposition, implacable opposition, mounting opposition,
organized opposition, outright opposition, overwhelming opposition, political opposition, powerful opposition,
public opposition, stiff opposition,
strong opposition, stubborn opposition,
uncompromising opposition, vehement
opposition, violent opposition, widespread opposition.
(take) the soft option, accepted option,
alternative option, attractive option,
available option (the), cheap option,
drastic options, easy option, expensive
option, first option, good option, menu
option, policy option, possible option,
practical option, preferred option, realistic option, safe option, share option,
stock option, the real option, vegan option, viable option, worthwhile option.
big fat orange, bright orange, clear orange, coloured orange, flaming orange,
juicy orange, light orange, lurid orange,
many more oranges, mouldy orange,
sour orange, sweet orange.
(be in good) working order, (have)
strict orders, (in) running order, (in)
serial order, (in) short order, (of) a high
order, advance order, alphabetical order, ambiguous order, apple-pie order,
ascending order, authoritative orders,
back order, Benedictine order, bulk order, categorical order, chronological order, Cistercian order, civil order, clear
orders, closed order, contemplative order, correct order (the), court order,
crisp order, descending order, direct order, distinctive order, economic order,
established order (the), executive order,
existing order (the), explicit order, export order, express order, final order,
firm order, fixed order, good order,
harsh order, ideal order, initial order,
large order, last orders, logical order,
mail order, maintenance order, monastic order, money order, natural order
(the), new order, numerical order, old
order, outstanding order, pecking order,
perfect order, place order, political order, postal order, potential order, precise
order, preservation order, public order,
random order, record order, regular order, religious order, repeat order, restraining order, reverse order, right order (the), rush order, sealed order, side
order, small order, social order (the),
special order, specific order, standing
order, tall order (infml), the cosmic order, the lower orders, urgent order,
wholesale order, word order, world order, wrong order (the).
(illegal) paramilitary organization, affiliated organizations, aid organization,
allied organizations, big organization,
bureaucratic organization, business organization, campaign organization, central organization, charitable organization, commercial organizations, community organization, controversial organization, corporate organization, democratic organization, educational organization, effective organization, efficient
organization, environmental organization, extreme nationalist organization,
government organization, grass-roots
organization, health care organization,
health maintenance organization,
healthy organization, hierarchical organization, human rights organization,
humanitarian organization, independent non-profit organization, independent organization, insolvent organization, internal organization, interna-
tional organization, labor organization,
large organization, larger organization,
lawful organization, local organization,
loose organization, major organization,
mass organization, motoring organization, multinational organizations, national organization, nationalist organization, new organization, news organization, non-governmental organization,
nonprofit organization, not-for-profit
organization, official organization,
party organization, philanthropic organization, political organization, poor
organization, powerful organization,
private organization, professional organization, profitable organization,
profit-making organization, relief organization, religious organization, revolutionary organizations, small organization, smooth organization, state organization, student organization, terrorist
organization, trade organization, traditional organization, umbrella organization, undercover organizations, vast
impersonal organization, voluntary organization, wealthy organization,
women’s organization, youth organization.
origin -A
(sb’s) racial origin, African origin, ancient origin, animal origin, class origin,
common origin, doubtful origin, early
origin, English origin, environmental
origin, ethnic origin, foreign origin,
geographical origin, historical origin,
human origin, humble origin, immediate origin, intellectual origin, local origin, lowly origin, middle-class origin,
mineral origin, mixed origin, national
origin, natural origin, noble origin, obscure origin, peasant origin, plant origin, primitive origin, recent origin,
slave origin, social origin, supernatural
origin, the true origin, unknown origin,
vegetable origin, working class origin.
actual outcome, anticipated outcome,
desirable outcome, desired outcome,
direct outcome, educational outcome,
electoral outcome, expected outcome,
fatal outcome, favourable outcome, final outcome, good outcome, happy outcome, immediate outcome, inevitable
outcome, intended outcome, likely outcome, long-term outcome, negative outcome, political outcome, positive outcome, possible outcome, practical outcome, predicted outcome, satisfactory
outcome, successful outcome, the
(most) probable outcome, the eventual
outcome, the logical outcome, the ultimate outcome, tragic outcome, unexpected outcome, unfortunate outcome,
unsatisfactory outcome.
greasy overalls.
owner -AA
car owner, current owner, dog owner,
factory owner, former owner (the), future owner (the), home owner, joint
owner, land owner, lawful owner, legal
owner (the), long-time land owners,
lucky owner, new owner, original owner
(the), part owner, present owner (of the
house) (the), present owner (the), previous owner (the), private owner, prospective owner, proud owner (of sth)
(the), real owner (the), the legitimate
owner, the rightful owner, the sole
the newspaper), the next page, the
right-hand page, title page, TV page.
pain -AA
action pack, battery pack, cigarette
pack, gift pack, heavy pack, hunting
pack, information pack, power pack,
resource pack, sample pack, sealed
pack, starter pack, study pack, training
pack, wolf pack.
accounting package, aid package, application package, assistance package,
attractive package, austerity package,
benefits package, bulky package, business package, compensation package,
complete collection package, complete
holiday package, complete package,
complete set package, comprehensive
package, desktop publishing package,
drawing package, economic package,
excellent package, financial package,
graphics package, holiday package, integrated package, international rescue
package, jobs package, neat package,
oversize package, recovery package, redundancy package, reform package, remuneration package, rescue package,
self-contained database package, set
package, software package, suspect
package, suspicious package, total
package, training package, word-processing package.
back page, back page (of a newspaper)
(the), blank page, business page, clean
page, contents page, dog-eared page,
editorial page, empty page, facing
page, fashion page, financial page
(the), following page (the), fresh page,
front page (the), full page, gardening
page, home page, left-hand page, letters page, loose page, new page, opening page, opposite page (the), previous
page (the), printed page, problem
page, sports page, the front page (of
(take) infinite pains, abdominal pains,
acute abdominal pain, acute chest
pains, acute pain, agonizing pain, awful
pain, back pain, blinding pain, burning
pain, chest pain, chronic pain, considerable pain, constant pain, continual pain,
crippling pain, dull pain, emotional
pain, excruciating pain, exquisite pain,
extreme pain, generalized pains, great
pain, grievous pain, growing pain, intense pain, intermittent pain, intractable pain, joint pain, knee pain, labour
pain, leg pain, little pain, local pain,
muscle pain, nagging pain, period pain,
persistent pain, personal pain, physical
pain, psychic pain, searing pain, severe
pain, sharp pain, shooting pain, shoulder pain, sinus pain, slight pain, stabbing pain, stomach pain, sudden pain,
terrible pain, throbbing pain, tolerable
pain, unbearable pain, unnecessary
acrylic paint, back paint, dry paint,
emulsion paint, enamel paint, fresh
paint, gloss paint, lead paint, lead-based
paint, luminous paint, matching paint,
matt paint, metallic paint, milky white
paint, oil paint, oil-based paint, peeling
paint, poster paint, red paint, runny
paint, satin paint, spray paint, the underlying paint, thick paint, thin paint,
water-based paint, wet paint, white
painting -AA
abstract painting, acrylic painting, authentic painting, avant-garde paintings,
beautiful painting, ceiling painting, contemporary paintings, Cubist painting,
cute paintings, decorative paintings,
enchanting paintings, expressive painting, exquisite little painting, fake painting, famous painting, figurative paint-
ing, figure painting, fine painting, finger painting, fresco painting, gay paintings, genre painting, good painting,
gouache painting, great painting, impressionist painting, landscape painting, life painting, little painting, miniature painting, monumental paintings,
nude painting, oil painting, Old Master
painting, original painting, pastoral
painting, portrait painting, prehistoric
cave paintings, priceless paintings, realistic paintings, sacred painting, stilllife painting, superb painting, surrealist painting, symbolic painting, ugly
painting, valuable painting, wall painting, watercolour painting, well-known
breeding pairs, clean pair (of trousers),
comfortable pair (of shoes), friendly
pair, funny pair, ghastly pair (of white
shoes), good pair, happy pair, huge pair
(of eyes), identical pair, inseparable
pair, matching pair, safe pair (of
hands), spare pair (of glasses), stiff
pair, stout pair (of shoes), strange pair,
tough pair (of shoes), warm pair (of
panel -A
advisory panel, body panel, ceiling
panel, clear glass panel, control panel,
decorative panel, display panel, distinguished panel, door panel, front panel
(the), independent panel, instrument
panel, international panel, interview
panel, interviewing panel, judging
panel, nearside panel, offside panel,
outboard wing panels, review panel,
selection panel, sliding panel, the rear
panel, wall panel.
A3 paper, A4 paper, ballot paper, blank
paper, blotting paper, brief paper, brilliant paper, broadsheet paper, brown
paper, cigarette paper, coloured paper,
commercial paper, comprehensive pa-
per, computer paper, concise paper, consultation paper, consultative paper, corrugated paper, crepe paper, crisp paper,
daily paper, discussion paper,
downmarket paper, draft paper, English
paper, evening paper, exam paper, examination paper, excellent paper, filter
paper, foolscap paper, geography paper,
glossy paper, graph paper, greaseproof
paper, identity paper, independent paper, in-house paper, jazzy writing paper,
kitchen paper, left-wing paper, lengthy
paper, lined paper, local paper, lucid
paper, masterly paper, morning paper,
necessary paper, official paper, old paper, personal paper, photographic paper,
plain paper, popular paper, position paper, printed paper, private paper, profitable paper, provincial paper, quality
paper, question paper, recent paper (in
a journal), recent paper (in the Journal
of Medicine), recycled paper, reputable
paper, research paper, right-wing paper,
rubbishy paper, scholarly paper, scientific paper, scrap paper, see-through
paper, seminal paper, shiny paper, short
paper, squared paper, sticky paper, Sunday paper, tabloid paper, technical paper, test paper, the national paper, thick
paper, thin paper, tissue paper, today’s
paper, toilet paper, tracing paper, translucent paper, transparent paper, typing
paper, underground paper, unlined paper, waste paper, waxed paper, weekly
paper, white paper, working paper,
wrapping paper, writing paper, written
paper, yesterday’s paper.
(sb’s) call-up papers, ballot papers,
commercial papers, daily papers (the),
identity papers, loose papers, necessary
papers, official papers, personal papers,
private papers, unpublished papers.
absent parent, adoptive parent, angry
parent, anxious parent, biological parent, birth parent, caring parent, de-
voted parent, distressed parent, divorced parent, doting parent, elderly
parent, fond parent, foster parent, good
parent, heart-broken parent, indulgent
parent, lone parent, loving parent,
natural parent (the), natural parent(s),
new parent, over-protective parent,
prospective parent, proud parent, real
parent, single parent(s), step parent,
stern parent, strict parent, substitute
parent, surrogate parent, understanding parent, unmarried parent, widowed
parent, working parent, would-be parent.
(a child’s) biological parents, (have)
soft parents, adoptive parents, ailing
parents, alert parents, anxious parents,
beleaguered parents, birth parents,
concerned parents, distraught parents,
doting parents, foster parents, frustrated parents, fussy parents, grateful
parents, indulgent parents, influential
parents, loving parents, natural parents, perplexed parents, possessive parents, proud parents, single parents, tender parents, traditional parents, unfit
parents, would-be parents.
amusement park, car park, city park,
country park, leisure park, local park,
national park, national safari park, proposed technology park, public park, safari park, serene park, theme park,
wildlife park.
bicameral parliament, current parliament (the), federal parliament (the),
huge parliament, hung parliament, national parliament, outgoing parliament,
present parliament (the), provincial
parliament, regional parliament (the),
state parliament (the), unicameral parliament.
(take) an active part, automotive parts,
basic part, best part (of…) (the), big
part, bit part, central part, central part
(of sb’s culture, etc.), component part,
constituent part, crucial part, decisive
part, difference part, different part, difficult part, distant parts, distinct part,
early part, easy part, electrical parts,
equal parts, essential part (in sth), essential part (of sth), final part (of sth)
(the), foreign part, fundamental part,
good part, greater part, hard part, important part, indispensable part, inevitable part (of doing sth), inherent part
(of sth), inner parts (of sth) (the), inseparable part, integral part (of sth),
interchangeable parts, intrinsic part,
key part, large part, large part (of central India), leading part, main part
(the), major part (the), mechanical
parts, minor part, moving part, normal
part (of sth), northern part (of the
country) (the), optional parts, permanent part, posh part (of town), principal part, private part, prominent part,
related parts, rough part (of town), scenic part, separate part, significant part,
small part, south part (of sth), spare
part, speaking part, strong part (of sth),
subordinate part, substantial part, supporting part, swollen part (of the
body), the affected parts, the closing
part (of an activity), the latter part, the
latter part (of the year), the lower part
(of sth), the messy part, the moving
parts (of a machine), the terrestrial
parts, the working parts (of a machine),
the worst part, unfashionable part, unimportant part, various parts, vital part,
walk-on part, walk-on parts (in a film),
working parts (of sth) (the).
active partner, biggest partner, bridge
partner, business partner, close partner
(of sb), coalition partner, dancing partner, dishonest partner, dominant partner, doubles partner, drinking partner,
equal partner, female partner, foreign
partner, former partner (the), full part-
ner, incompatible partners, junior partner, live-in partner, main partner (the),
male partner, managing partner, marriage partner, one-time business partner, playing partner, principal partner,
reliable partner, senior partner, senior
partner (in a law firm), sexual partners, sleeping partner, slimy business
partner, sparring partner, suitable partner, tennis partner, trading partner,
unwilling partners, willing partner.
business partnership, close partnership,
effective partnership, equal partnership, fertile partnership, fruitful partnership, good partnership, great partnership, improbable partnership, international partnership, limited partnership, multinational partnership, profitable partnership, strong partnership,
successful partnership, triple partnership, unique partnership, working partnership.
party -AAA
(defunct) political party, advance party,
allied political parties, all-night party,
bachelor party, birthday party, boarding
party, boisterous party, boring party,
brilliant party, bring-a-bottle party, centre party, centrist party, Christmas
party, coach party, cocktail party, Communist party, Conservative party,
crowded cocktail party, crowded party,
Democratic party, dinner party,
drunken party, extravagant parties,
fabulous party, family parties, fancydress party, farewell party, fascist party,
garden party, going-away party, good
party, great party, guilty party (the),
hen party, house-warming party, impromptu party, informal party, injured
party, innocent party, interested party,
jolly party, Labour party, landing party,
lavish party, leaving party, left-wing
party, Liberal party, lively party, lovely
party, main party (the), mainstream
parties, majority party, minority party,
noisy party, office party, opposition
party, parliamentary party, political
party, populist party, posh birthday
party, private party, progressive party,
progressive political party, radical party,
raiding party, reactionary party, reading
party, Republican party, rescue party,
revolutionary party, right-wing party,
royal garden party, ruling party (the),
search party, smart dinner parties, social democratic party, Socialist party
(the), stag party, street party, stretcher
party, surprise party, tea party, the aggrieved party, the bridal party, the governing party, the welcoming party, third
party, wild party, wonderful party, working party.
A level pass, back pass, back pass (to
the goalkeeper), boarding pass, bus
pass, careless pass, cross-field pass, day
pass, deep pass, exam pass, examination pass, forward pass, free pass, GCSE
pass, good pass, high pass, long pass,
low pass, monthly pass, mountain pass,
narrow pass, perfect pass, pretty pass,
rail pass, railway pass, security pass,
short pass (to sb), sloppy pass, square
pass, week-end pass, yearly pass.
back passage (the), connecting passage,
dark passage, descriptive passage, famous passage, fast passage, free passage, gloomy passage, hidden passages,
homeward passage, informative passages, lengthy passage, long passage,
loud passage, narrow passage, nasal
passage, outward passage, purple passage, quiet passage, rapid passage,
rough passage, safe passage, sea passage, secret passage, secret underground passage, sexy passage (from a
book), short passage, side passage, slow
passage, small passage, smooth passage, soft passage, solo passage, speedy
passage, stormy passage, subterranean
passage, the offending passages, the
opening passage, twisting passage, underground passages, well-known passage, wide passage, winding passage.
airline passenger, bus passenger, business-class passenger, economy-class
passenger, fellow passenger, first-class
passenger, front-seat passenger, pillion
passenger, rail passenger, rear-seat passenger, second-class passenger, the
standard-class passenger.
(sb's) fellow passengers (on the train),
hapless passengers, incoming passengers, outgoing passengers, second-class
passengers, the injured passengers.
past -A
(dim and) distant past, ancestral past,
ancient past (the), chequered past,
colourful past, criminal past, cultural
past, dark and distant past (the), evolutionary past, glorious past, historic
past, historical past, illustrious past,
immediate past (the), imperial past, industrial past, murky past, political past,
recent past (the), remote past (the),
rich past, sordid past.
bridle path, broad shady path, bumpy
path, career path, chosen path, cliff
path, coast path, coastal path, correct
path (the), curved path, cycle path, devious path, direct path, downward
path, eerie path, flight path, forest
path, garden path, grassy paths, long
path, narrow path, narrow windy path,
orbital path, pedestrian path, public
path, sandy path, steep path, sure path
(to success), tortuous path, uneven
path, well-defined path, well-trodden
path, well-worn path, winding path,
windy path, woodland path.
acute patient, adult patient, AIDS patient, cancer patients, cardiac patients,
child patient, diabetic patient, elderly
patient, geriatric patients, heart patient,
hospital patient, impotent patients,
long-stay patient, mental patient, mentally-ill patient, obese patients, older
patient, private patient, psychiatric patient, residential patient, seriously-ill
patient, terminal patient, terminally-ill
(endlessly) repeated pattern, abstract
pattern, basic pattern (the), beautiful
behavioural patterns, bold pattern,
changing pattern, checkerboard pattern, cheery pattern, chevron pattern,
circular pattern, coherent pattern, cohesive pattern, coloured patterns, complementary patterns, complex pattern,
complicated pattern, consistent pattern,
consumption patterns, criss-cross pattern, curly pattern, cyclic pattern, distinctive pattern, disturbing pattern, eating patterns, employment patterns,
ever-changing pattern, existing pattern
(the), familiar pattern, fancy pattern,
fixed pattern, floral pattern, general
pattern, geometric patterns, growth
patterns, herringbone pattern, honeycomb pattern, interlocking pattern, intricate pattern, irregular pattern, main
pattern (the), migration patterns, normal pattern (the), overall pattern (the),
paisley pattern, predictable pattern,
pretty pattern, radial street patterns,
recurring pattern, regular pattern, set
pattern, similar pattern, simple rhyming
pattern, sleep patterns, social patterns,
speech patterns, spending patterns,
standard pattern, the lacy pattern, traditional pattern (the), vibrant patterns,
vivid patterns, voting patterns, weather
patterns, well-defined pattern.
awkward pause, brief pause, frequent
pause, lengthy pause, long pause,
meaningful pause, momentary pause,
pregnant pause, prolonged pause,
short pause, slight pause, small pause.
pay -A
(receive) retired pay, annual pay, back
pay, basic pay, equal pay, extra pay, full
pay, gross pay, half pay, high pay, holiday pay, hourly pay, low pay, maternity
pay, meagre pay, merit pay, monthly
pay, overtime pay, performance pay,
performance-related pay, poor pay,
profit-related pay, redundancy pay, severance pay, sick pay, sickness pay, takehome pay, unemployment pay, unequal
pay, weekly pay.
payment -AA
additional payment, advance payment,
annual payment, benefit payment, cash
payment, compensation payment,
credit card payment, discretionary payments, down payment, early payment,
final payment (the), full payment, further payment, generous payment, illegal payments, immediate payment, initial payment, interest payment, interim
payment, late payment, lump sum payment, maintenance payment, monthly
payment, mortgage payment, one-off
payment, overdue payments, part payment, prompt payment, regular payment, rent payment, single payment,
sizeable cash payment, subsequent
payment, supplementary payment, tax
payment, the punctual payment,
timely payments, token payment, transitional payment, undercover payments, weekly payments.
(in) blissful peace, durable peace, fragile peace, inner peace, international
peace, lasting peace, perfect peace,
permanent peace, precarious peace,
relative peace, uneasy peace, virtual
peace, world peace.
penalty -A
death penalty (the), disputed penalty,
early penalty, financial penalty, first-half
penalty, fixed penalty, harsh penalty,
heavy penalty, late penalty, light penalty, mandatory death penalty, mandatory penalty, maximum penalty, secondhalf penalty, severe penalties, stiff penalty, strict penalty, stuff penalty, tax penalty, the minimum penalty, tough penalties, winning penalty.
pension -A
basic pension, big pension, comfortable
pension, company pension, generous
pension, good pension, occupational
pension, old age pension, personal pension, portable pension, private pension,
retirement pension, small pension, state
pension, supplementary pension.
(ambitious) young people, (fun-loving)
young people, (idealistic) young
people, (retarded) young people, (the
lowest of) the low people, (those) horrid people, (warm and) welcoming
people, aboriginal people, actual people
(the), affluent people, alert people,
ambitious people, Arab people, awful
people, black people, blind people,
brave people, British people (the), business people, busy people, common
people (the), compassionate people,
contemporary people, countless people,
country people, courteous people,
crazed people, creative people, deaf
people, decent people, deprived people,
devious people, different people, disabled people, disciplined people, diverse people, dreary people, dumb
people, earnest people, ecological
people, elderly people, envious people,
evangelical people, famous people, fascinating people, few people, forty odd
people, free people, frightened people,
good many people, hard-working
people, healthy young people, historical
people, homeless people, horrible
people, hundred people, hungry people,
ignorant people, important people, indebted people, indigenous people, influential people, informed people, innocent people, intelligent people, interesting people, intimidated people, Japanese people, Korean people (the), lame
people, last people (the), law-abiding
people, left-handed people, likeminded people, little people (the), local people, lonely people, middle-class
people, moral people, most unpretentious people, native people, needy
people, nice people, Nigerian people
(the), nomadic people, non-white
people, normal people, obese people,
old people, oppressed people, ordinary
people, paid people, pastoral people,
patriotic people, peaceful people, penniless old people, poor people, posh
people, powerful people , practical
people, primitive people, privileged
people, professional people, proud
people, racist people, radical people,
remaining people (the), responsible
people, retired people, revolutionary
people, rich people, right people (the),
righteous people, sedate people,
Semitic peoples, sensible people, serious people, sick people, simple people,
single people, Slav people, smart
people, some people, strange people,
subject people, suspect people, the
other people, the travelling people, the
working people, the working-class
people, timid people, tribal people, unarmed people, unemployed people, unscrupulous people, unsuccessful people,
vital people, weird people, well-balanced young people, well-known
people, white people (the), wretched
people, young people.
(absolutely) astounding performance,
(sb’s) devastating performance, (stunningly) atmospheric performance, academic performance, all-round performance, all-star performance, amateur
performance, amazing performance,
astonishing performance, bad performance, ballet performance, benefit performance, blinding performance, brilliant performance, business performance, cameo performance, central
performance (the), charity performance, classy performance, comic performance, competent performance, concert performance, consistent performance, consummate performance, convincing performance, cracking performance, creditable performance, dance
performance, dazzling performance,
definitive performance, disappointing
performance, disastrous performance,
dismal performance, economic performance (the), electrifying performance,
engine performance, erratic performance, evening performance, excellent
performance, fabulous performance,
farewell performance, faultless performance, final performance, financial performance, fine performance, first performance, flawless performance, good
performance, great performance, high
performance, immaculate performance,
impeccable performance, impressive
performance, improved performance,
inadequate performance, incompetent
performance, indifferent performance,
individual performance, inspired performance, inspiring performance,
lacklustre performance, last performance, lifeless performance, live performance, longer performance, low performance, magnificent performance, matinee performance, memorable performance, musical performance, opera
performance, optimum performance,
outstanding performance, overall performance (the), patchy performance,
pathetic performance, perfect performance, poetic performance, polished
performance, poor performance, professional performance, public performance, ragged performance, recent performance, remarkable performance, re-
peat performance, sales performance,
satisfactory performance, scenic performances, school performance, second-rate performance, sedate performance, sensational performance, sensitive performance, skilful performance, slick performance, solid performance, solo performance, sparkling
performance, spirited performance,
spontaneous performance, static performance, stirring performance, strong
performance, student performance,
stunning performance, superb performance, superior performance, superlative performance, theatrical performance, third-rate performance, topclass performance, tremendous performance, uneven performance, unsure
performances, useful performance, vibrant performance, virtuoso performance, wonderful performance,
wooden performance.
(in) a given period, accounting period,
barren period, blissful period (of time),
breeding period, brief period, bright
periods, busy period, Christmas period,
colourful period, consecutive periods,
cooling-off period, critical period, crucial period, dark period, dark period
(in human history, etc.), dark period
(of time), dead period, difficult period,
difficult period (in sb’s life), dormant
period, dull period, earlier period,
early period, extended period, extended period (of time), fixed period,
formative period, formative period (of
time), free period, free period (of
time), full period, geological periods,
gestation period, go-go period (of
time), happy period, hard period (of
time), heavy period, incubation period,
indefinite period, initial period, interesting period (of history), interim period, intervening period (of time), inter-war period, late period, lean period, lengthy period, light period, limited period, little period (of time),
lonely period (of time), long period,
long period (of time), meaningful period, medieval period, menstrual period, monthly period, off-peak period,
peak period, post-war period, prolific
period, prolonged period, quiet period,
recent period (of time), recessionary
period, rest period, set period, short
period, short period (of time), slack
period, solid period (of time), sunny
period, ten-day period, tense period (of
time), the baroque period, the corresponding period (last year), the glacial
period, the pre-war period, three-year
period, time period, tough period (of
time), training period, transitional period, traumatic period, trial period, Tudor period, waiting period.
(fully) developed person, abrasive person, adoring person, aesthetic person,
aggressive person, alluring person,
amusing person, annoying person, another person, anxious person, athletic
person, austere person, authentic person, autocratic person, average person,
awesome person, awkward person, bad
person, balanced person, beautiful person, beleaguered person, belligerent
person, beloved person, bereaved person, big person, black person, blind person, boring person, breezy person, brilliant person, brown person, brutal person, business person, busy person, callous person, calm person, canny person,
capable person, captive person, caring
person, celebrated person, certain person, charismatic person, charitable person, cheerful person, classless person,
clumsy person, cold person, coloured
person, compact person, competitive
person, complacent person, confident
person, congenial person, considerate
person, contemptuous person, contented person, contentious person, controversial person, corrupt person, cosmopolitan person, coy person, crafty
person, crazy person, creative person,
dangerous person, dashing person,
dead person, deaf person, decent person, decisive person, demented person,
deserving person, desolate person, determined person, dictatorial person,
different person (from…), difficult person, dignified person, diminutive person, direct person, disabled person, disgusting person, displaced person, disturbed person, down-to-earth person,
drunken person, dull person, dying
person, easy person (to please), easy
person (to talk to), eccentric person,
elderly person, energetic person, engaging person, every thinking person,
evil person, famous person, fashionable
person, favourite person, ferocious person, fierce person, fine person, first
person (to do sth) (the), fit person,
friendly person, funny person, fussy
person, gay person, generous person,
genial person, gentle person, genuine
person, gigantic person, gloomy person, good person, good-natured person, grave person, gross person, grubby
person, happy person, healthy person,
helpful person, high-flying person,
high-profile person, holy person, homeless person, hospitable person, humble
person, ideal person (the), idle person,
ill person, illustrious person, imaginary
person, immediate person (the), immoral person, important (and powerful) person, important person (in a
small community), individual person,
injured person, innocent person, innovative person, insane person, insecure
person, insensitive person, insolvent
person, intelligent person, interesting
person, kind person, large person, last
person (to do sth) (the), lazy person,
leading person (the), lifeless person,
likeable person, likely person, literal
person, lone person, loveable person,
lovely person, lukewarm person, malevolent person, married person, mature person, meek person, melancholy
person, messy person, methodical per-
son, mild person, missing person, moderate person, moral person, naïve person, nasty person, neat person, needy
person, nervous person, neurotic person, new person, nice person, noble person, noisy person, normal person, odd
person, offensive person, old person,
one and the same person, optimistic
person, ordinary person, organized person, ostentatious person, outgoing person, outspoken person, overpowering
person, overweight person, particular
person, passionate person, pathetic person, poisonous person, pompous person,
popular person, powerful person, powerless person, pragmatic person, pretentious person, private person, professional person, profound person, prudent
person, punctual person, purposeful
person, quiet person, rational person,
reasonable person, receptive person, relieved person, religious person, remarkable person, reserved person, respectably dressed person, responsible person,
retired person, rich person, right person
(the), rigid person, royal person, ruthless person, same person (as yesterday)
(the), sane person, sedate person, selfish person, sensible person, sensual person, serious person, sexist person,
shameless person, sharp person, short
person, short-sighted person, shrewd
person, shy person, sick person, silent
person, single person, slender person,
slight person, slim person, small person,
smelly person, sober person, social person, soft person, sophisticated person,
splendid person, sporty person, stable
person, stout person, strange person,
strong and violent person, stubborn person, stunning person, subtle person,
sullen person, superficial person, superior person, supportive person, sympathetic person, tall person, tense person,
terse person, the best-dressed person,
the last person (to trust with money),
the next person, the other person, thick
person, thin person, thinking person,
thoughtful person, tidy person, tolerant
person, touchy person, tough person,
traditional person, treacherous person,
tremendous person, truthful person,
trying person, unarmed person, unbalanced person, unemployed person, unfortunate person, unkind person, unknown person, unpleasant person, unreliable person, unsavoury person, unstable person, vicious person, vindictive person, violent person, virtuous
person, warm person, white person,
white-skinned person, wicked person,
wise person, wonderful person, worthy
person, wrong person (the), young person.
personality -A
(highly) volatile personality, abrasive
personality, addictive personality, attractive personality, breezy personality,
bright personality, bubbly personality,
buoyant personality, charismatic personality, charming personality, compelling personality, complementary personalities, complex personality, docile
personality, dynamic personality, endearing personality, engaging personality, extrovert personality, famous personality, forceful personality, formidable personality, genial personality, idiosyncratic personality, individual personality, inert personality, jovial personality, leading personality, lively personality, lovely personality, magnetic
personality, media personality, multiple
personality, offensive personality, outgoing personality, pleasant personality,
powerful personality, prominent personality, public personality, radio personality, screen personality, sociable
personalities, sparkling personality,
split personality, sports personality,
striking personality, strong personality,
television personality, the dominant
personality, top personality, TV personality, ubiquitous media personalities,
unattractive personality, vibrant per-
sonalities, vivacious personality, vulnerable personality, warm personality,
weak personality, well-known personality, winning personality.
bad phase (of history), critical phase,
crucial phase, current phase (the), distinct phase, early phase (the), final
phase (the), first phase, important
phase, initial phase (the), intermediate
phase, last phase (the), latest phase
(the), new phase, passing phase,
present phase (the), primary phase
(the), secondary phase, temporary
phase, the second phase, transition
philosophy -A
ancient philosophy, basic philosophy,
classical philosophy, competing philosophy, contemporary philosophy, design
philosophy, differing philosophy, Eastern philosophy, economic philosophy,
educational philosophy, experimental
philosophy, general philosophy, general
underlying philosophy (the), holistic
philosophy, homespun philosophy, liberal philosophy, management philosophy, market philosophy, modern philosophy, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, patchwork philosophy, personal philosophy, political philosophy,
religious philosophy, simple philosophy,
social philosophy, speculative philosophy, the prevailing philosophy, underlying philosophy, western philosophies.
phone -AA
car phone, cellular phone, cordless
phone, mobile phone, office phone, pay
phone, portable phone, private phone,
public phone.
photo -AAA
(good) quality photo, (sb's) favourite
photo (of sb), action photo, aerial
photo, air photo, black-and-white
photo, clear photo, colour photo, cover
photo, digital photo, excellent photo,
family photo, framed photo, glossy
photo, good photo, great photo, group
photo, inspiring photos, newspaper
photo, nude photo, old photo, passport
photo, Polaroid photo, pornographic
photo, press photo, publicity photo, recent photo, school photo, security
photo, sexy photo, signed photo, still
photo, team photo, topless photo, unseen photos, wedding photo.
(good) quality photograph, aerial photographs, air photograph, black-andwhite photograph, blurred photograph,
candid photograph, clear photograph,
close-up photograph, colour photograph, coloured photograph, compromising photograph, cover photograph,
crap photograph, digital photograph,
documentary photograph, erotic photograph, excellent photograph, explicit
photograph, facial photograph, faded
photograph, family photograph, fashion photograph, flattering photograph,
framed photograph, full-length photograph, fuzzy photograph, glossy photographs, good photograph, grainy photograph, great photograph, group photograph, indecent photograph, infrared
photograph, lovely photograph, magazine photograph, mounted photograph,
newspaper photograph, nude photograph, obscene photograph, old photograph, out-of-focus photograph, passport photograph, passport-sized photograph, polaroid photograph, pornographic photograph, portrait-sized photograph, postcard-sized photograph,
press photograph, publicity photograph, recent photograph, satellite
photograph, school photograph, sepia
photograph, sharp photograph, signed
photograph, splendid photographs, still
photograph, studio photograph, stunning photograph, superb photograph,
team photograph, tinted photograph,
topless photograph, wedding photo-
graph, wonderful photograph.
adjectival phrase, adverbial phrase, colloquial phrases, empty phrase, famous
phrase, glib phrase, hackneyed phrase,
idiomatic phrase, immortal phrase, key
phrase, memorable phrase, metaphorical phrase, musical phrase, noun
phrase, obscure legal phrases, obvious
phrases, pious phrases, poignant
phrase, rhetorical phrases, stock phrase,
unintelligible phrases, unusual phrase,
verb phrase, well-turned phrase.
(paint) a rosy picture (of), accurate picture, adorable pictures, attractive picture, balanced picture, beautiful picture, black-and-white picture, bleak picture, blurred picture, broad picture,
charming pictures, clear picture, colour
picture, complete picture, complex picture, complicated picture, composite
picture, comprehensive picture, compromising picture, confused picture,
depressing picture, detailed picture, dismal picture, distorted picture, disturbing picture, dramatic pictures, false picture, front-page picture, full picture,
full-page picture, fuzzy picture, general
picture, glamorous pictures, gloomy
picture, grand picture, grim picture,
gruesome pictures, harrowing pictures,
historical picture, huge picture, idealized picture, imposing picture, impressive picture, incomplete picture, interesting pictures, lovely picture, magnificent picture, mental picture, misleading
picture, moving picture, naughty pictures, negative picture, nude picture,
one-sided picture, optimistic picture,
overall picture, over-simplified picture,
posed picture, priceless picture, realistic picture, religious picture, representative picture, romantic picture, scandalous pictures, sexy picture, similar
pictures, simple pictures, sombre picture, striking picture, stunning picture,
stylized picture (of a car), superb picture, the larger picture (= the important general facts and questions about
a situation, problem, etc), the true picture, total picture (the), unbalanced
picture, valuable picture, vivid picture,
whole picture (the), wonderful picture,
world-famous picture.
(most) conscientious piece (of work),
a/one hundred pieces, amazing piece,
ambitious piece, atmospheric piece, authentic piece (of information), beautiful piece, big piece, bite-sized piece,
brief piece (of writing), brilliant piece,
careful piece (of work), centre piece,
choral piece, classic piece (of music),
colonial piece (of furniture), companion piece, competent piece (of work),
consummate piece (of work), damn
fine piece (of work), dense piece (of
writing), disturbing piece (of news),
dramatic piece, effective piece, equal
piece, even pieces, experimental pieces
(of music), expressive piece (of music),
exquisite little piece (of lace), faulty
piece, favourite piece (sb’s), fine piece,
finished piece, fitted piece (of clothing), good piece, heavy piece (of military equipment), hooded piece (of
clothing), hooded piece (of furniture),
huge piece (of canvas), important
piece, important piece (of legislation),
impressive piece, incredible piece (of
news), interesting piece, intricate
piece, large piece (of rock), large
pieces, lazy piece (of work), leftover
pieces, little piece, little piece (of lace),
long piece, long piece (of clothing),
lovely piece, magnificent piece, marvellous piece, modern piece, museum
piece, nasty piece (of work), neat piece
(of work), occasional piece, odd piece,
orchestral piece, original piece (of music), original piece (of writing), original
piece (the), outstanding piece (of
work), period piece, piano piece, powerful piece, remarkable piece, rugged
piece (of equipment), satisfactory piece
(of work), sensitive piece (of scientific
equipment), short piece, short piece (of
writing), single piece (of clothing),
small piece, solid piece (of work),
sound piece (of writing), specially
shaped piece (of metal), superb piece,
tiny piece, torn pieces, traditional
piece, unfinished piece (of work), useful piece (of equipment), vital piece (of
information), wonderful piece, worthless piece.
pilot -A
ace pilot, aerobatic pilot, air force pilot,
airline pilot, automatic pilot, bilingual
pilot, bomber pilot, dashing pilot, experienced pilot, fighter pilot, glider pilot,
helicopter pilot, inexperienced pilot, jet
pilot, private pilot, professional pilot,
qualified pilot, RAF pilot, trained pilot,
trainee pilot.
dusty pink, soft pink, vibrant pinks.
(be in) the right place (at the right
time), (be in) the wrong place (at the
wrong time), (flat) open place, (in)
high places, (put sth in a) safe place,
(put sth in) a stupid place, (the) right
place, (two, etc.) different places,
abandoned place, agreeable place, agricultural place, appointed place (the),
appropriate place, awful place, baroque
places, beautiful place, beloved place,
best place (for sth) (the), big place,
bright place, busy place, central place
(the), charmed place, classy place, college place, congenial place, convenient
place (to live), cosmopolitan place,
crowded place, cursed place, dead
place, decent place (to live), depressed
place, desolate place, dim place, disgusting place, distinguished place,
downtown places, dry place, easy
place, empty place, enchanting place,
excellent place, familiar place, faraway
places, fascinating place, few places, final resting place (sb’s), first place, forbidden place, forbidding place, foremost place, fragile place, free place,
given place, gloomy place, good place,
great place, happy place, hidden place,
hiding place, holy place, hospitable
place, hushed place, ideal place, imaginary place, important place, inaccessible place, influential place, inhospitable place, interesting place, isolated
place, last place (the), likely place,
little out-of-the-way place, lonely
place, lovely place, lower place, magical place, market place, meeting place,
modest place, murky place, neat place,
neighbouring places, nice place, noisy
place, nursery place, old place, outlying places, out-of-the way place,
packed place, painful place (on your
shoulder, etc), particular place, peaceful place, perfect place (the), perfect
place (to eat), permanent place (to
live), picturesque place, pleasant place,
popular eating place, popular place,
private places, prominent place, proper
place, public place, quiet place, relaxed
place, remote place, respective places,
resting place, right places (the), rightful place, rocky place, ruined place,
rural places, sacred place, safest place
(to talk) (the), same place (the), sanitary place, school place, second place,
secret hiding place, secure place, sinister place, sleepy place, smart place,
special place, splendid place, strange
place, suitable place, sunny places, super place, tender place, terrible place,
the damnedest places, the most happening place, the one place , tight
place, tiny place, tough place, unattractive place, undisturbed place, unexpected places, unfamiliar place, university place, unsavoury place, untouched place, usual place, vacant
place, warm and homely place, weird
place, welcoming place, wrong place
(have) big plans, (the government’s)
ambitious plans (for social reform), action plan, agreed plan, alternative plan,
ambitious plan, audacious plan, best
plan (the), best-laid plans (the), big
plans (for sb’s firm), bold plan, brilliant
plan, business plan, career plan, clearcut plans, clever plan, coherent plan,
contingency plan, controversial plan,
corporate plan, crafty plan, cunning
plan, daring plan, definite plan, detailed
plan, development plan, disappointed
plan, economic plan, elaborate plans,
emergency rescue plan, feasible plan,
fiendish plan, financial plan, firm plan,
five-point plan, fixed plan, flight plan,
fresh plans (for the conference), fullscale plan, future plans, game plan,
good plan, grand plans, grandiose plans,
health plan, immediate plan, impractical plan, ingenious plan, insecure plan,
long-range plan, long-term plans, marriage plan, master plan, master plan,
misguided plan, new plan, operational
plan, original plan (the), peace plan,
pension plan, personal pension plan,
private pension plan, realistic plan, retirement plan, rough plan, savings plan,
seating plan, secret plan, short-term
plans, simple plan, skeletal plan, sound
plan, spending plan, strategic plan,
street plan, subtle plan, successful plan,
tax-free plan, three-point plan, threeyears plan, town plan, travel plans, unitary development plans, unworkable
plan, valuable plan, viable plan, watertight plan, wedding plans, well-defined
focal plane, higher plane, horizontal
plane, incoming plane, mental plane,
mystical plane, parallel plane, private
plane, spiritual plane, vertical plane.
advance planning, careful planning,
central planning, confrontational planning, corporate planning, detailed planning, economic planning, educational
planning, environmental planning,
family planning, financial planning,
forward planning, initial planning,
long-range planning, long-term planning, meticulous planning, military
planning, pre-match planning, pre-retirement planning, short-range planning, short-term planning, strategic
planning, thoughtful planning, town
planning, urban planning.
aquatic plant, aromatic plants, assembly plant, attractive plant, bedding
plant, bisexual plant, broad-leaved
plant, bushy plant, car plant, charred
plants, chemical plant, climbing plant,
crop plant, cultivated plants, dead
plant, deficient plants, delicate plant,
desert plant, diseased plant, dried-out
plants, early flowering plants, edible
plants, efficient plant, exotic plants,
female plant, flowering plant, food
plant, fragile plant, garden plant, giant
plant, hardy plants, herbaceous plant,
house plant, huge plant, immature
plants, indoor plant, industrial plant,
inefficient plant, leafy plants, leguminous plant, male plant, manufacturing
plant, marsh plant, medicinal plants,
modern plant, nuclear plant, nuclear
power plant, nuclear reprocessing
plant, obsolescent plant, obsolete plant,
old-fashioned plant, ornamental plants,
parasitic plant, perennial plant, petrochemical plant, poisonous plants, potted plant, power plant, processing
plant, production plant, rare plant, reprocessing plant, robust plant, sewage
plant, sick plant, sickly plants, spiky
plants, strawberry plant, succulent
plants, tall plant, tender (young)
plants, the native plants (of America),
tomato plant, treatment plant, tropical
plant, ultra-modern plant, unusual
plants, up-to-date plant, wasteful plant,
water-treatment plant, weird plant,
wild plants, young plant.
biodegradable plastic, clear plastic,
flexible plastic, foam plastic, heavyduty plastic, impact-resistant plastic,
moulded plastic, recycled plastic, reinforced plastic, rigid plastic, see-through
plastic, shiny plastic, sticky-backed
plastic, strong plastic, sturdy plastic,
thin plastic, tough plastic, translucent
plastic, transparent coloured plastic,
transparent plastic.
broken plate, clean plate, dessert plate,
dinner plate, dirty plate, disposable
plates, empty plate, full plate, licence
plate, name plate, number plate, reflective car number plates, round plate,
serving plate, side plate, soup plate,
throwaway plate, white plate (with a
blue band).
play -A
avant-garde play, classic play, creative
play, dangerous play, defensive play,
dirty play, disappointing play, dreadful
play, excellent play, fair play, flimsy
play, foul play, free play (of market
forces) (the), full-length play, good
play, humorous play, imaginative play,
miracle play, morality play, musical
play, mystery play, nativity play, offensive play, one-act play, outdoor play,
passion play, pretend play, radio play,
romantic play, rough play, sad play, satirical play, sentimental play, serious
play, Shakespeare play, straight play,
taut play, television play, third-rate play,
unfair play, violent play.
player -AAA
accomplished player, ace player, aggressive player, all-American player, amazing player, attacking player, average
player, bad player, baseball player, basketball player, bass player, best player
(the), bridge player, brilliant football
player, brilliant player, burly rugby
players, chess player, chunky football
player, dangerous player, deadly players, disappointed player, erratic player,
excellent player, exciting player, experienced player, fantastic player, fine
player, first-class player, football player,
gifted player, good player, great player,
handicap player, horn player, hot
player, impressive player, intermediate
players, key player, keyboard player,
leading player, left-handed tennis players, lethargic player, major player, marvellous player, mean chess player,
midfield player, opposing player, outstanding player, poor player, professional player, professional tennis
player, rugby player, sax player, scratch
player, skilful player, skilful team
player, snooker player, sound player,
sound tennis player, speedy players,
sports player, star player, strong player,
successful player, superb player, talented player, team player, tennis player,
the exhausted players, the first player,
the victorious players, top player, topclass player, unseeded players, up-andcoming player, useful player, winning
player, world-class player.
(our) earthly pleasures, aesthetic pleasure, bodily pleasures, carnal pleasure,
considerable pleasure, deep pleasure,
doubtful pleasure, dubious pleasure,
endless pleasure, enormous pleasure,
evident pleasure, exquisite pleasure,
extreme pleasure, fleeting pleasure,
genuine pleasure, giddy pleasure, great
pleasure, gross pleasures, guilty pleasure, harmless pleasure, immense pleasure, intense pleasure, little pleasure,
malicious pleasure, masochistic pleasure, momentary pleasure, obvious
pleasure, perverse pleasure, physical
pleasure, pure pleasure, quiet pleasure,
rare pleasure, real pleasure, sadistic
pleasure, sensual pleasure, sexual plea-
sure, sheer pleasure, simple pleasure,
simple pleasures (of the countryside)
(the), temporary pleasure, the sophisticated pleasures (of city life), unaffected
pleasure, unalloyed pleasure, undiluted
pleasure, undisguised pleasure, unexpected pleasure, vicarious pleasure,
worldly pleasure.
back pocket, breast pocket, bulging
pocket, coat pocket, deep pockets, door
pocket, hip pocket, inner pocket (the),
inside pocket, isolated pocket, jacket
pocket, outer pocket, seat pocket, secret
pocket, shirt pocket, small pocket, top
pocket, trouser pocket, waistcoat
pocket, zipped pocket.
poem -A
anonymous poem, autobiographical
poem, beautiful poem, collected poem,
deeply intense poem, dramatic poem,
epic poem, fine poem, good poem,
great poem, heroic poem, humorous
poem, intense poem, love poem, lyric
poem, magnificent poem, narrative
poem, nonsense poem, occasional poems, pastoral poem, prose poem, remarkable poem, sad poem, satirical
poem, selected poem, short poem, war
point -AAA
(at) any given point, (at) strategic
points, (be at) an intermediate point,
(from) a scientific point (of view),
(highly) relevant point, (sb’s) strong
points, (sb’s) weak points, alternative
point (of view), assembly point, bad
point, basic point (the), boiling point,
breakeven point, breaking point, bursting point, central point (the), cheap
political points, cogent points, confusing point, controversial point, crucial
point (the), cut-off point, debatable
point, decimal point, depressed point,
dramatic point, environmental point (of
view), essential point, fine point (of a
pencil) (the), fine points, finer point,
fixed point, focal point, forceful point,
freezing point, fundamental point, geometrical point, good point, high point,
important point, interesting point, key
point, low point, main point (the), major point, match point, maximum
points, median point, meeting point,
melting point, minor point, minus
point, moot point, nice point, nice point
(of law), percentage point, pertinent
points, plus point, pressure point, problematic point, rallying point, reference
point, religious point (of view), saturation point, set point, sharp point, single
point, small point, sore point, sore point
(with sb), specific point (the), starting
point, subjective point (of view), subtle
point, talking point, technical point,
tender points, the extreme point, the
salient points, the westerly point,
thorny point, turning point, unanswered points, valid point, vanishing
point, vantage point, whole point (of
sth) (the), worrying point, worthwhile
anti-riot police, armed police, federal
police, local police, mounted police,
paramilitary police, plain-clothes police,
riot police (the), secret police, security
police, state police, the national police,
uniformed police.
policy -AAA
agricultural policy, austere economic
policy, bipartisan policy, centrist policies, clear policy, coherent economic
policy, coherent policy, company policy,
conscious policy, conservation policy,
conservative policies, contents policy,
controversial policy, credible policy, deliberate policy, discriminatory policies,
divisive policy, domestic policy, economic policy (the), editorial policy, educational policy (the), elaborate policies,
energy policy, enlightened policy, environmental policy (the), equal opportu-
nities policies, financial policy (the), fiscal policy, foreign policy (the), government policy, housing policy, inappropriate policies, industrial policy (the), insane policy, insurance policy, internal
policy, interventionist policies, left-wing
policies, liberal policy, life policy, macroeconomic policy, military policy (the),
moderate policies, motor policy, national policy (the), no-smoking policy,
official policy, open door policy, opendoor economic policy, party policy, political policy, present government’s
policy (on education) (the), present
policy (sb’s), prudent policy, public
policy, ramshackle government policies,
recessionary policies, reformist policies,
regional policy, restrictive policies,
right-wing policies, sane policy, selection policy, short-sighted policy, social
policy, socialist policies, strict policy,
suicidal policy, sustainable policies, the
declared policy, tough policies, transport policy.
(our) favourite politicians, ageing politician, astute politician, career politician, charismatic politician, clever politician, Conservative politician, consummate politician, controversial politician,
conviction politician, corrupt politician,
crafty politician, cunning and unscrupulous politician, driving politician, energetic politician, experienced politician, fiery politician, hugely popular
politician, immensely popular politician, independent politician, influential
politician, Labour politician, leading
politician, left-wing politician, liberal
politician, local politician, manipulative
politician, moderate politician, old-style
conservative politician, opportunist
politicians, opposition politician, paranoid politician, popular politician,
populist politician, professional politician, prominent politician, radical politician, righteous politician, right-wing
politician, second-rate politicians, se-
nior politician, shrewd politician, skilful politician, slick politician, uncompromising politician, universally popular politician, veteran politician, vigorous politician, would-be politician.
comparative politics, consensus politics, contemporary politics, conviction
politics, country politics, county politics, cultural politics, democratic politics, domestic politics, electoral politics, extreme politics, feminist politics,
gender politics, global politics, high
politics, internal politics, international
politics, left-wing politics, local politics,
mainstream politics, Middle Eastern
politics, modern politics, multiparty
politics, national politics, office politics,
pale pink politics, parliamentary politics, partisan politics, party politics,
power politics, practical politics, radical politics, right-wing politics, sectarian politics, sexual politics, workingclass politics, world politics.
air pollution, airborne pollution, atmospheric pollution, chemical pollution,
environmental pollution, industrial
pollution, lead pollution, marine pollution, nitrate pollution, noise pollution,
nuclear pollution, oil pollution, ozone
pollution, river pollution, sewage pollution, vehicle pollution, water pollution.
pool -A
big pool, birthing pool, car pool, common pool, dark pool, deep pool, empty
pool, freshwater pool, heated pool,
heated swimming pool, huge pool, indoor pool, inflatable pool, labour pool,
large pool, large pool (of software engineers), little pool, mud pool, muddy
pool, open-air pool, ornamental pool,
outdoor pool, paddling pool, perfect
pool, reflective pool, rock pool, salt-water pool, shallow pool, small pool, stag-
nant pool, stagnant pools, still pool,
swimming pool, tidal pool, typing pool.
active population, adult population
(the), ageing population, black population (the), Catholic population (the),
civil population (the), civilian population, elderly population (the), female
population (the), floating population,
general population (the), global population, homeless population, indigenous
population, large population (the), local
population (the), male population (the),
Muslim population (the), national population (the), overall population (the),
prison population, resident population,
rural population (of the country) (the),
scattered population, school population,
shifting populations, small population,
sparse population, stationary population, student population, the native
population, thin population, thinly scattered population, total population (the),
transient population, urban population
(the), white population (the), working
population (of the country) (the), world
population, young population, youthful
port -A
bustling port, busy port, cargo port,
channel port, coal port, coastal port,
commercial port, ferry port, fishing port,
foreign port, sea port, soft port.
(at) a given position, (be in) a powerless
position, (be in) a strong position, (in
the) happy position (of), (in) a pioneering position, (put sb in) a difficult position, (put sb in) an embarrassing position, administrative position, approximate position, awkward position, bargaining position, business position, central position (the), comfortable position,
commanding position, competitive position, compromising position, correct position (the), cramped body positions,
cramped position, crouched position,
crouching position, current position
(the), defensive position, desirable position, desperate position, dominant position, economic position (the), eminent
position, entrenched positions, enviable
position, envious position, exact position (the), exalted position, executive
positions, exposed position, extreme
position, favourable position, financial
position (the), first position, fixed position, foetal position, forward position,
full-time position, geographical position, good position, high position, horizontal position, ideal position, ideological position, illustrious position, important position, impossible position, impregnable position, inferior position,
influential position, intermediate position, invidious position, junior position,
key position, kneeling position, leading
position, legal position (the), lotus position, lowly position, low-ranking position, lucrative position, management
position, managerial position, menial
position, military position, modes position, negotiating position, neutral position, official position, part-time position, perfect position, permanent position, philosophical position, pivotal position, political position, precarious position, pre-eminent position, present
position (the), prestigious position,
privileged position, prominent position,
prone position, reclining position, responsible position, rightful position, secure position, senior position, sitting
position, skilled position, sleeping position, social position (the), strategic position, sunny position, superior position,
temporary position, tenuous position,
the second position, theoretical position, trading position, unassailable position, uncomfortable position, unique
position, untenable position, upright
position, vacant position, vertical position, vulnerable position, weak position.
(have) unlimited possibilities, available
possibilities, countless possibilities, extensive possibilities, infinite possibilities, limited possibilities, limitless possibilities, many possibilities, shortrange possibilities, vast possibilities.
possibility -AA
(very) real possibility, definite possibility, different possibility, distinct possibility, endless possibility, exciting possibility, faint possibility, frightening
possibility, further possibility, future
possibility, great possibility, interesting
possibility, obvious possibility, other
possibility, practical possibility, reasonable possibility, remote possibility, serious possibility, slim possibility, small
possibility , strong possibility, theoretical possibility, various possibility.
administrative post, army post, border
post, command post, far post (the), finishing post, first post, first-class post,
frontier post, full-time post, government post, inland post, job post, last
post (the), managerial post, near post,
new post, observation post, part-time
post, permanent post, police post, registered post, responsible post, second
post, second-class post, senior post,
teaching post, temporary post, university post, vacant post, winning post.
commercial potential (the), considerable potential, enormous potential, full
potential, great potential, growth potential, limitless potential, true potential (the), unfulfilled potential, untapped potential.
(earn) the odd pound, extra three
pounds, pink pound (the), strong
(have) sovereign power, absolute
power, air power, allied power, arbitrary power, atomic power, awesome
power, bargaining power, big power,
bureaucratic power, colonial power,
Communist power, complete power
(over sth), computing power, considerable power, cosmic power, destructive
power, disproportionate power, earning
power, economic power, electric power,
electrical power, enemy power, enormous power, European power, evocative power, explanatory power, fire
power, foreign power, formidable processing power, full power, great military power, great power, healing power,
hydroelectric power, hypnotic power,
immense power, imperial power, industrial power, latent power, legal power,
legislative power, limited power, magic
power, magical power, major power,
malignant power, military power, mystical power, naval power, nuclear
power, occupying power, persuasive
power (of advertising), physical power,
political power, popular power, potential power, psychic power, purchasing
power, raw power, reduced power, regal power, ruthless power, sea power,
secular power, solar power, staying
power, steam power, superior power,
supernatural power, terrible power, the
seductive power, the ultimate power,
tidal power, unchecked power, undisputed power, victorious power, water
power, Western power, wind power,
world power.
(great) maritime powers, advisory
powers, coercive powers, creative powers, dark powers, declining powers,
dictatorial powers, diminishing powers, discretionary powers, draconian
powers, effective powers, emergency
powers, European powers, exceptional
powers, excessive powers, executive
powers, extensive powers, extraordinary
powers, fading powers, failing powers,
formidable powers, full powers, imperialist powers, judicial powers, magical
powers, mandatory powers, miraculous
powers, occult powers, official powers,
persuasive powers, preventive powers,
remarkable powers, statutory powers,
supernatural powers, sweeping powers,
the arbitrary powers (of officials), the
victorious powers, undefined powers,
unimpaired powers, unseen powers,
waning powers, Western powers (the),
wide powers, wide-ranging powers.
(in) private practice, accepted banking
practices, accepted practice, accounting
practice, administrative practice, archaic
practices, basketball practice, business
practice, catching practice, choir practice, clinical practice, common practice,
corrupt practices, cultural practice, current practice, democratic practice, dental practice, discriminatory practices,
elitist practices, employment practice,
established practice, football practice,
fraudulent banking practices, general
practice, good practice, group practice,
improper business practices, irregular
practice, law practice, legal practice,
local practice, management practice,
medical practice, normal practice (the),
occult practice, old religious practices,
one hour’s practice, piano practice, professional practice, profitable practice,
questionable business practice, religious
practice, restrictive practice, ritual practices, sexual practices, sharp practice,
sound democratic practice, sound practice, successful dental practice, successful law practice, successful medical practice, successful practice, superstitious
practices, target practice, the standard
practice, unethical practice, unfair practice, universal practice, unnatural practices, unnatural sexual practices, unscrupulous practices, usual practice (the),
well-established practice, widespread
practice, working practices.
adequate preparation, careful preparation, Christmas preparation, elaborate
preparation, final preparation, inadequate preparation, initial preparation,
last-minute preparation, meticulous
preparation, military preparation, necessary preparation, secret preparation,
special preparation, thorough preparation, wedding preparation.
adequate preparations, careful preparations, Christmas preparations, detailed
preparations, elaborate preparations,
extensive preparations, feverish preparations, final preparations, haphazard
preparations, hasty preparations, herbal
preparations, inadequate preparations,
intensive preparations, last-minute
preparations, lengthy preparations, meticulous preparations, military preparations, necessary preparations, painstaking preparations, proper preparations,
secret preparations, serious preparations, special preparations, systematic
preparations, thorough preparations,
wedding preparations.
calm presence, charismatic presence,
commanding presence, constant presence, continued presence, continuing
presence, fine presence, formidable
presence, ghostly presence, great presence, imposing presence, intrusive presence, military presence, permanent
presence, physical presence, police
presence, powerful presence, stage
presence, strong presence, the mere
presence, visible police presence.
anniversary present, belated birthday
present, birthday present, christmas
present, fantastic present, great (birth-
day, etc.) present, handsome present,
small present, special present, thoughtful present, wedding present.
caretaker president, civilian president,
club president, company president,
deputy president, ebullient President,
elect president, federal president,
former president, future president, honorary president, incumbent president,
interim president, lame-duck president,
military president, national president
(the), party president, past president
(the), perpetual president, populist
president, possible future president,
previous president (the), provisional
president, state president (the), strong
president, the acting President, the embattled president, the incoming president, the outgoing president, the retiring president, university president, vice
(get) a bad press, financial press (the),
foreign press, free press, good press,
gutter press, international press (the),
local press (the), music press, national
press (the), popular press (the), printing press, provincial press, quality
press, tabloid press.
air pressure, atmospheric pressure,
barometric pressure, blood pressure,
budgetary pressures, commercial pressure, competitive pressure, considerable pressure, constant pressure, continual pressure, downward pressure,
economic pressure, enormous pressure,
evolutionary pressures, financial pressure, firm pressure, gentle pressure,
great pressure, growing pressure, high
pressure, hydraulic pressure, increasing
pressure, inflationary pressure, intense
pressure, intolerable pressure, irresistible pressure, light pressure, low pressure, mounting pressure, overwhelming
pressure, parental pressures, peer pressure, peer-group pressure, political
pressure, popular pressure, present
pressure (the), recessionary pressures,
social pressure, static pressure, strong
pressure, tremendous pressure, undue
pressure, unrelenting pressure, variable
pressure, water pressure.
(artificially) low prices, (at) affordable
prices, (at) competitive prices, (in) proportionate price, (publish at) a prohibitive price, admission price, agreed
price, approximate price, asking price
(the), astronomical prices, attractive
prices, average price (the), bargain
price, basic price (the), best price
(the), budget price, colossal price,
commodity price, consumer price, cost
price, current price, depressed prices,
discounted prices, electricity price, energy prices, excessive prices, exorbitant
price, fair price, falling prices, fancy
prices, fixed prices, flat price, food
prices, fuel prices, full price (the), good
price, half price, hefty price, high food
prices, high price, higher price, horrendous prices, house prices, inexpensive
price, inflated price, introductory price,
keen prices, knockdown price, land
price, market price (the), minimum
price, negotiable price, nominal (and
real) prices, oil prices, outrageous
prices, outside price, petrol prices, premium prices, property prices, purchase
price, reasonable price, retail price
(the), right price (the), rising prices,
ruling prices, sale price (the), selling
price (the), share prices, stable prices,
steep price, stiff price, stock prices, the
guaranteed prices, the median price,
tolerable price, top price, unbeatable
prices, unbelievable price, unreasonable price, unstable share prices,
wholesale price (the).
college principal, deputy principal,
school principal.
abstract principle, basic principle, broad
principle, cardinal principle, central
principle (the), Christian principle,
common principle, complicated principle, dearest principle, deepest principle, democratic principle, doubtful
principle, essential principle, firm principle, first principle, foremost principle,
fundamental principle, general principle, governing principle, guiding principle, high principle, implicit principle,
inflexible principle, ingenious principle,
key principle, legal principle, main principle, market principle, moral principle,
novel principle, old-fashioned principle,
outdated principle, political principle,
revolutionary principle, sacred principle, safe principle, scientific principle,
simple principle, sound principle, strict
principle, the overriding principle, theoretical principle, unchallenged principle, underlying principle, universal
principle, useful principle, well-established principle, well-known principle,
wise principle.
(generally) accepted principles, absolute principles, basic principles, basic
principles of law (the), competing principles, conservative principles, egalitarian principles, high principles, lofty
principles, noble principles, philosophical principles, rigid principles, socialist
principles, solid principles, sound principles, strict principles, worthy principles.
print -A
(in) bold print, (in) large print, (in)
small print, clear print, close print,
colour print, extra print, fine print, floral print, pretty floral print, small print
priority -A
(give sth) high priority, (give sth) top
priority, (of) uppermost priority, (place)
a high priority (on sth), (put) a high
priority (on sth), first priority, immediate priority, low priority, main priority
(the), major priority, medium priority,
misplaced priorities, number one priority, urgent priority.
closed prison, debtors’ prison, high-security prison, local prison (the), maximum security prison, military prison,
model prison, open prison, overcrowded prison, private prison, top-security prison, women’s prison.
condemned prisoners, convicted prisoner, escaped prisoner, life prisoner,
life-sentence prisoner, long-term prisoner, model prisoner, political prisoner,
remand prisoner, sentenced prisoner,
short-term prisoner, virtual prisoner.
big prize, booby prize, cash prize, consolation prize, coveted prize, first prize,
glittering prize, great prize, individual
prize, joint first prize, joint prize, literary prize, money prize, prestigious
prize, runner-up prize, second prize,
sought-after prize, special prize, third
prize, top prize (the).
acute problem, administrative problem,
age-old problem, agrarian problems, artificial problem, attendant problems,
attitude problem, back problems, basic
problem (the), behavioural problem,
big problem, central problem (the),
challenging problem, chest problems,
chief problem (the), chronic problem,
colossal problem, common problem,
complex problem, complicated problem, composite problem, compulsive
eating problems, cosmic problem,
costly problems, crime problem (the),
crippling problems, deep-seated problem, delicate problem, difficult problem, domestic problem, drink problem,
drinking problem, drug problem (the),
easy problem, economic problem, emotional problems, enormous problem,
ensuing problem, environmental problems, ethical problem, everyday problems, financial problem, foreseeable
problems, formidable problem, frivolous problems, fundamental problem,
fundamental psychological problem,
global problems, grave problem, great
problem, growing problem, hard problem, health problem, heart problem,
hereditary problem, hidden problems,
horrendous problems, housing problem, huge problem, identifiable social
problem, immediate problem, immense
problems, important problem, initial
problems, insoluble problem, insuperable problem, insurmountable problem, internal problems, intractable
problem, knee problem, knotty problem, known problem, large problem,
legal problem, little problem, logistical
problem, long-standing problem, longterm problem, main problem (the),
major problem, management problems,
marital problems, mathematical problem, mechanical problems, menstrual
problems, mental problems, minor
problem, moral problem, nasty problem, nation-wide problem, nervous
problem, nice problem, non-existent
problem, ongoing problem, operational
problems, organizational problems,
outstanding problems, paradoxical
problem, particular problems, perennial problem, personal problem, petty
problem, physical problem, potential
problems, practical problem, present
problem (the), pressing problems, psychological problems, real problem, recurrent problem, respiratory problems,
serious problem, severe problems,
sexual problems, similar problems,
simple problem, skin problems, slight
problem, social problem, solid waste
problem, special problems, specific
problems, sticky problem, stubborn
problem, technical problem, teenage
problems, testing problem, the ethical
problems (of human embryo research),
the overriding problem, thorny problem, tough problem, transient problems, tricky problem, trivial problem,
troublesome problem, twin problems,
underlying problem, unforeseen problems, unsolved problem, urgent problem, usual problems (the), weight
administrative procedure, agreed procedure, appeals procedure, application
procedure, assessment procedure, bureaucratic procedures, complaints procedure, complex procedure, complicated procedure, correct procedure
(the), court procedure, criminal procedure, disciplinary procedure, elaborate
procedures, emergency procedure, established procedure, invasive medical
procedures, lax procedures, normal
procedure (the), painless procedure,
parliamentary procedure, proper procedure (the), right procedure (the),
safety procedure, scientific procedure,
selection procedure, simple procedure,
special procedure, straightforward procedure, surgical procedure, symbolic
procedure, the reverse procedure, the
standard procedure, usual procedure
(the), well-established procedures.
(clean) chemical process, (learning is)
a cumulative process, alternate processes, artificial processes, assessment
process, automated industrial process,
automatic processes, biological process, bipartisan process, cognitive process, complex process, complicated
process, computerised process, con-
stant process, consultation process, consultative process, continual process,
continuous process, costly legal process,
costly process, cyclical process, decision-making process, democratic process, difficult process (of reforming the
education system) (the), due process,
dynamic process, electoral process,
electronic process, evolutionary processes, gradual process, historical process, incomplete process, industrial process, laborious process, law-making process, learning process, legal process (in
a court), legislative process, linear process, long process, management process, manufacturing process, mechanical processes, mental process, metabolic
process, methodical process, natural
process, neural processes, new process,
optical processes, painful process, painless process, peace process (the), physical process, planning process, political
process, production process, selection
process, selective process, self-conscious
process, slow process, social process,
straightforward process, swift process,
the ageing process, the creative process,
the digestive process, the governmental
process, the judicial process, the lengthy
process (of obtaining a visa), the reverse process, tortuous process, twoway process.
agricultural produce, animal produce,
dairy produce, farm produce, fresh produce, garden produce, local produce,
organic produce, primary produce, seasonal produce.
ace producer, agricultural producer, assistant producer, associate producer,
BBC producer, big producer, coffee producer, domestic producer, efficient producer, executive producer, film producer, foreign producer, Hollywood producer, independent producer, independent television producer, large pro-
ducer, leading producer, local producer,
major producer, milk producer, oil producer, private producer, radio producer,
small producer, small-scale producer,
software producer, specialist producer,
steel producer, television/TV producer,
wine producer.
(two) fabulous products, agricultural
products, animal products, beauty
products, best-selling product, cereal
product, commercial product, commercially viable products, consumer product, conventional product, dairy product, delicate product, different products, disposable products, end product,
everyday product, existing products,
faulty products, final product, finished
product (the), food product, generic
product, good product, green products,
herbal product, household product,
improved products, industrial product,
inferior product, innovative product,
lawful product, manufactured product,
marketable product, meat product,
multimedia products, natural product,
pharmaceutical product, premium
products, quality product, right product
(the), software product, superior product, the offending product, the staple
products, waste product, water-resistant product.
agricultural production, amateur production, annual production, awful production, Broadway production, car production, coal production, controversial
production, dazzling production, disastrous production, disciplined production, domestic production, dramatic
production, dreadful production, efficient production, energy production,
experimental production, factory production, film production, food production, full production, full-scale production, gas production, gripping production, high-spirited production, imagina-
tive production, industrial production,
inspired production, large-scale production, lavish production, livestock
production, magnificent production,
major production, mass production,
meat production, milk production,
musical production, new production (of
‘King Lear’), new production (of a
drama), oil production, patchy production, polished production, professional
production, school production, sensational production, slick production,
small-scale production, spectacular production, splendid production, stage
production, steel production, stunning
production, successful production, superb production, television/TV production, theatrical production, video production, West End production.
allied professions, chosen profession,
dental profession, honourable profession, legal profession (the), male dominated profession, medical profession
(the), teaching profession (the), the
caring professions, the learned professions, useless profession.
committed professional, computer professional, dedicated professional, experienced professional, faceless professional, fellow professional, golf professional, health (care) professional,
health professionals, independent professional, leading professional, medical
professional, mobile professionals,
qualified professional, real professional,
senior professional, tennis professional,
top golf professional, top professional,
true professional.
after/post-tax profit, annual profits, big
profit, clear profit, corporate profit,
easy profits, excess profit, fat profit,
first-quarter profit, full-year profit,
good profit, greater profit, gross profit,
group profit, half-year profits, handsome profit, healthy profit, high profit,
huge profit, interim profit, large profit,
lost profit, low profit, massive profit,
meagre profits, modest profit, net
profit, operating profit, pre-tax profit,
quarterly profits, quick profit, realized
profit, record profits, second-quarter
profit, short-term profits, small profit,
substantial profit, taxable profit, the
aggregate profit, the total profit, thin
profits, tidy profit, trading profit,
unrealised profit, yearly profits.
analysis program, competing programs, computer program, database
program, design program, desktop
publishing program, drawing program,
graphics program, image-editing program, interactive computer program,
interactive programs, page make-up
program, preventive health programs,
remedial program, shareware program, simulation program, software
program, spreadsheet program, stateof-the-art computer program, videoediting program, word-processing program.
(boring) television programmes,
(popular) television programmes,
(their) ace computer programme, acceptable
programme, adventurous programme,
programme, ambitious programme,
animated programme, assessment
programme, assistance programme,
attractive programme, austerity
programme, balanced programme,
programmes, building programme,
busy programme, care programme,
children’s programme, closure
programme, collaborative programme,
comedy programme, comprehensive
programme, concert programme, conservation programme, cookery
programme, cost-cutting programme,
programme, current affairs programme,
programme, degree programme, demanding programme, detailed
programme, development programme,
difficult programme, diverting
programme, documentary programme,
dull programme, economic programme,
education programme, educational
programme, elaborate management
training programme, entertaining
programme, excellent programme, exciting programme, exercise programme,
expenditure programme, extensive
programme, factual programme, farreaching programme, fascinating
programme, fixed programme, full
programme (of events), gigantic
programme, government programme,
health programme, heavy programme,
huge programme, humane education
programmes, imaginative programme,
imposing programme, impressive
programme, improvement programme,
integrated programme (of patient care),
interesting programme, investment
programme, joint programme, limited
programme, literacy programme, live
radio programme, live television
programme, long-term programme,
main programme (the), major
programme, massive programme,
match programme, medical aid
programme, modest programme, musical programme, nature programme,
new programme, news programme, official programme, original programme,
programme, pilot programme, political
programme, privatisation programme,
proper programme, race programme,
radical programme, radio programme,
programme, relief programme, religious
programme, rolling programme, rudimentary programme, sensible
programme, space programme, special
programme (for slow readers), sporting
programme, strict programme, TV
programme, testing programme, the
legislative programme, theatre
programme, top-rated programme,
training programme, unacceptable
programme, valuable programme, varied programme, vast programme, violent television programme, weight-loss
programme, welfare programme, wideranging
programme, worthwhile programme.
academic progress, adequate progress,
astounding progress, cautious progress,
considerable progress, current progress,
disappointing progress, dramatic
progress, economic progress, educational progress, encouraging progress,
enormous progress, erratic progress,
evolutionary progress, excellent
progress, extraordinary progress, fair
progress, fast progress, further
progress, genuine progress, good
progress, gradual progress, great
progress, human progress, imperceptible progress, impressive progress, inadequate progress, industrial progress,
inexorable progress, marked progress,
measurable progress, medical progress,
moderate progress, mutual progress,
negligible progress, normal progress,
notable progress, noticeable progress,
painstaking progress, past progress,
political progress, poor progress, rapid
progress, real progress, record progress,
remarkable progress, satisfactory
progress, scientific progress, significant
progress, slow progress, sluggish
progress, social progress, stately
progress, steady progress, substantial
progress, swift progress, technical
progress, technological progress, tremendous progress.
(sb’s) pet project, beleaguered project,
big conspicuous projects, building
project, capital project, collaborative
project, collaborative research project,
community project, construction
project, cooperative research project,
current project (the), daunting project,
development project, educational
project, elaborate project, environmental project, exciting project, expensive
project, fantastic project, fascinating
project, financial project, French
project, frivolous projects, future
project, history project, individual
project, innovative project, investment
project, joint project, large project,
large-scale project, latest project (the),
major project, mammoth project, minor
project, pilot project, research project,
short-range plan project, special
project, specialized projects, specific
project, successful project, the ambitious project, worthwhile project.
airy promise, big promise, binding
promise, broken promise, campaign
promise, considerable promise, early
promise, election promise, empty
promises, extravagant promises, false
promise, firm promise, great promise,
hollow promise, idle promise, initial
promise, pre-election promise, rash
promise, real promise, reliable promise,
shaky promise, sincere promise, solemn
promise, unfulfilled promise, vague
promise, vain promises, virtual promise, worthless promises, youthful promise.
book promotion, health promotion, internal promotion, lost promotion, rapid
promotion, sales promotion, special
promotion, tobacco promotion, trade
property -AA
adjoining property, antiseptic property,
beneficial properties, biological property, business property, catalytic properties, chemical properties, commercial
property, common property, communal
property, council property, councilowned property, detached property,
electrical property, family property,
freehold property, general property,
health-giving property, hot property,
hotel property, hottest property, individual property, intellectual property,
investment property, leasehold property, lost property, magnetic properties,
mechanical property, medical property,
medicinal property, observable property, personal property, physical properties, private property, public property, rental property, residential property, semi-detached property, stolen
property, substantial property, the adjacent property, the neighbouring property, the peculiar properties (of mercury), the therapeutic properties (of
herbs), three-bedroom property, twobedroom property, vacant properties,
valuable property.
proportion -A
alarming proportion, appreciable proportion, approximate proportion, average proportion, bodily proportion, certain proportion, classic proportion
(the), considerable proportion, correct
proportion, crisis proportion, declining
proportion, decreasing proportion, different proportion, differing proportion,
diminishing proportion, direct proportion, elegant proportion, enormous
proportion, epic proportion, epidemic
proportion, equal proportion, equivalent proportion, exact proportion, extraordinary proportion, fair proportion,
fine proportion, fixed proportion, gargantuan proportion, generous propor-
tion, gigantic proportion, good proportion, great proportion, greater proportion, growing proportion, heroic proportion, high proportion (of sth), higher
proportion, huge proportion, immense
proportion, increasing proportion, inverse proportion, large proportion, low
proportion, major proportion, mammoth proportion, manageable proportion, massive proportion, minute proportion, modest proportion, monumental proportion, negligible proportion,
noble proportion, overall proportion
(the), overwhelming proportion, perfect
proportion, reasonable proportion, relative proportion (the), rising proportion,
significant proportion, similar proportion, sizeable proportion, small proportion, staggering proportion, substantial
proportion, tiny proportion, unmanageable proportion, varying proportion.
alarming proportions, awkward proportions, beautiful proportions, bodily proportions, classic proportions, correct
proportions, cosmic proportions, crisis
proportions, elegant proportions, enormous proportions, epic proportions,
epidemic proportions, exquisite proportions, extraordinary proportions, fine
proportions, gargantuan proportions,
generous proportions, gigantic proportions, graceful proportions, harmonious
proportions, heroic proportions, huge
proportions, ideal proportions, immense
proportions, imposing proportions, majestic proportions, major proportions,
mammoth proportions, manageable
proportions, massive proportions, modest proportions, monumental proportions, noble proportions, optimum proportions, perfect proportions, pleasing
proportions, staggering proportions, terrifying proportions, ugly proportions,
unmanageable proportions.
alternative proposal, clear-cut propos-
als, coherent proposal, compromise
proposal, concrete proposals, constructive proposals, controversial proposal,
detailed proposal, fantastic proposals,
indecent proposal, peace proposal,
radical proposals, rational proposals,
reform proposal, research proposal,
sweeping proposals, wide-ranging proposals.
alluring prospect, attractive prospect,
bleak prospect, bright prospect, career
prospect, comforting prospect, daunting prospect, development prospect,
distant prospect, economic prospect,
election prospect, electoral prospect,
employment prospect, excellent prospect, exciting prospect, frightening
prospect, future prospect, gloomy prospect, good prospect, grim prospect,
growth prospect, immediate prospect,
inviting prospect, job prospect, limited
prospect, long-term prospect, poor
prospect, promotion prospect, realistic
prospect, reasonable prospect, re-election prospect, sombre prospect, terrifying prospect.
(have) bright prospects, career prospects, development prospects, economic prospects, election prospects,
electoral prospects, employment prospects, excellent prospects, exciting
prospects, future prospects, good prospects, growth prospects, job prospects,
limited prospects, long-term prospects,
poor prospects, promotion prospects,
re-election prospects.
added protection, additional protection, adequate protection, animal protection, better protection, child protection, coastal protection, consumer protection, data protection, effective protection, environmental protection, extra protection, fire protection, flood
protection, greater protection, ineffective protection, legal protection, personal protection, police protection, special protection, sun protection, wildlife
publication, weak publication.
pull -A
downward pull, gentle pull, gravitational pull, long pull, magnetic pull,
sharp pull, strong pull.
amiable protest, angry protest, antigovernment protest, anti-war protest,
continuing protest, formal protest, further protest, mass protest, mild protest,
mute protest, noisy protest, non-violent
protest, official protest, peaceful protest, political protest, popular protest,
public protest, renewed protest, restrained protest, rooftop protest, shrill
protests, silent protest, sit-down protest, street protest, strong protest, student protest, timely protest, vehement
protest, violent protest, vociferous protests, widespread protest.
pupil -A
pub -A
arms purchase, bulk purchase, cash
purchase, compulsory purchase, credit
purchase, excellent purchase, expensive purchase, good purchase, house
purchase, land purchase, major purchases, online purchase, outright purchase, share purchase.
corner pub, country pub, crowded pub,
decent pub, excellent pub, favourite
pub, friendly pub, good pub, historic
pub, local pub (the), modern pub,
nearby pub, nearest pub, theme pub,
traditional pub, village pub, welcoming
(reach) a wide public, American public
(the), book-buying public, breathless
public, british public (the), general
public (the), paying public, reading
public, sporting public, the gullible
public, the travelling public, theatregoing public, viewing public.
academic publication, business publication, forthcoming publication, government publication, leading publication,
major publication, monthly publication,
new publication, official publication,
posthumous publication, recent publication, scientific publication, sister publication, specialist publication, trade
able pupil, bright pupil, brightest pupil
(the), dilated pupil, disruptive pupil,
dull pupil, enlarged pupil, ex-pupil, fellow pupils, first-year pupil, former pupil, good pupil, grateful pupil, individual pupil, older pupils, primary pupils, private pupil, promising pupils,
satisfactory pupil, school pupil, secondary pupil, second-year pupil, senior pupil, star pupil, the brightest pupil (in
the class), the other pupils, willing pupil, younger pupil.
administrative purpose, business purpose, chief purpose (the), clear purpose, commercial purpose, common
purpose, domestic purpose, double
purpose, dual purpose, educational
purpose, general purpose, good purpose, immoral purpose, insurance purpose, legal purpose, limited purpose,
lose purpose, main purpose (the),
medical purpose, medicinal purpose,
ostensible purpose, particular purpose,
political purpose, practical purpose,
prime purpose, principal purpose, real
purpose (the), research purpose, social
purpose, sole purpose (the), special
purpose, specific purpose, stated purpose, tax purpose, teaching purpose,
the intended purpose, the primary pur-
pose, triple purpose, true purpose (the),
useful purpose, whole purpose (the).
(at) cross purposes, (for all) practical
purposes, (for) sentimental purposes,
administrative purposes, business purposes, ceremonial purposes, commercial
purposes, decorative purposes, domestic purposes, economic purposes, educational purposes, humanitarian purposes,
insurance purposes, legal purposes,
medical purposes, medicinal purposes,
military purposes, moral purposes,
peaceful purposes, political purposes,
research purposes, tax purposes, teaching purposes.
big push, final push, final push (against
the enemy), gentle push, hard push,
little push, strong push.
quality -AA
(in) great qualities, (lack) the special
qualities (required), (of) equal quality,
(of) high quality, (of) inferior quality,
(of) uncommon quality, acceptable
quality, admirable quality, aesthetic
quality, air quality, animal qualities, antiseptic qualities, aphrodisiac quality,
apparent quality, artistic quality, attractive quality, bad quality, basic human
qualities, basic quality, childlike quality,
desirable quality, distinctive quality,
dominant quality, doubtful quality, elusive quality, endearing quality, enviable
quality, essential quality, excellent quality, faint quality, feminine qualities, fine
quality, finer qualities, good qualities in
sb (the), good qualities in sth (the),
good quality, great quality, human
qualities, human quality, important
quality, inborn quality, indifferent quality, individual quality, inherent qualities
of sth (the), inherent quality, innate
quality, institutional quality, intellectual
quality, intimate quality, intrinsic qualities, leadership qualities, literary quality, loveable qualities, low quality,
magical quality, managerial quality,
manly qualities, masculine qualities,
medicinal quality, mental quality, moral
quality, mysterious quality, native quality, negative quality, new quality, obvious quality, outstanding quality, particular quality, personal qualities, physical qualities, poor quality, positive quality, product quality, psychological quality, rare quality, recording quality, redeeming quality, remarkable quality,
right qualities for sth (the), service
quality, sound quality, special mysterious quality, special quality, star quality,
strange quality, superior quality, surreal
quality, technical quality, the reproductive quality, the special quality (of light
and shade in paintings), timeless quality, top quality, true quality, undesirable
quality, uneven quality, unique quality,
unpleasant quality, unusual quality,
valuable quality, variable quality, water
quality, whimsical quality.
Arab quarter, Chinese quarter, current
quarter (the), diplomatic quarter, first
quarter, fourth quarter, historic quarter,
industrial quarter, last quarter, latin
quarter, old quarter, previous quarter
(the), residential quarter, second quarter, third quarter.
(at) close quarters, comfortable quarters, confined quarters, cramped quarters, living quarters, married quarters,
modest quarters, officers’ quarters, private quarters, servants’ quarters, sleeping quarters, soldiers’ quarters, spacious
quarters, well-informed quarters.
bad queen, crowned queen, future
queen (the), rightful queen (the), the
uncrowned queen (of).
abrupt question, academic question,
awkward question, baffling question,
banal question, barbed question, basic
question, bewildering question, big
question, Bosnian question (the), broad
question, burning question, challenging
question, childlike questions, complex
question, complicated question, compulsory questions, contentious question, controversial question, crucial
question, daft question, debatable question, delicate question, difficult question, direct question, disturbing question, easy question, economic question,
elementary questions, embarrassing
question, empirical question, endless
questions, eternal questions, ethical
question, exam question, fair question,
fascinating question, fundamental
question, general questions , good
question (= used when sb says/suggests sth interesting/important that
you had not thought of before), hard
question, hypothetical question, immaterial question, immediate question,
impertinent question, important question, inane question, incomprehensible
questions, inconvenient question, innocent question, insensitive question, intelligent questions, interesting question, intractable question, intriguing
question, Irish question (the), irritating
questions, key question, last question
(the), leading question, leftover question, legitimate question, loaded question (= a question that is unfair because it makes you answer in a particular way), main question, major question, metaphysical questions, minor
question, moral question, multiplechoice question, naïve question, nasty
question, oblique question, open-ended
questions, penetrating question, perennial question, perfunctory question,
personal question, pertinent questions,
philosophical question, plain question,
pointed question, polite question, political question, preliminary question,
pressing questions, probing question,
profound questions (about life and
death), provocative question, puzzling
question, quiz question, real question,
recurring question, related question,
relevant questions (the), religious
question, repetitive questions, rhetorical question, roundabout question, routine questions, rude question, searching question, secondary question, sensitive question, set question, sharp
question, silly question, similar question, simple question, staple question,
stiff question, stock question, straight
question, straightforward question, stupid question, subordinate question, supreme question, tantalising question,
test question, the crass questions, the
inevitable questions, the remaining
question, thorny question, topical question, touchy question, tough questions,
trick question, tricky question, trivial
question, troublesome question, unanswerable question, unanswered questions, unexpected question, unresolved
question, veiled question, vexed question, vital question, whole question
(the), worrying question.
quote -A
direct quote, famous quote, memorable
quote, quotable quote, verbatim quote.
gional railway, standard gauge railway,
state electric railway, state railway,
steam railway.
(people of) mixed race, 24-hour race,
5-kilometer race, 7-lap race, arms race,
big race (the), boat race, close race,
cracking good race, cross-country race,
difficult race, dog race, eventful race,
giant slalom races, good race, Grand
Prix race, gruelling race, hard race,
hilly road race, horse race, human
mixed race, human race (the), Irish
race, Jewish race, Latin race, long-distance race, master race, men’s race,
motor race, motorbike race, one-horse
race, presidential race (the), relay race,
road race, semitic races, statewide bicycle race, thrilling race, tight race,
tough race, two-horse race, womens’s
race, World Cup race, yacht race.
political radicals, religious radicals.
army radio, broken radio, cab radio, car
radio, CB radio, cellular radio, commercial radio, community radio, duff radio,
FM radio, local radio (the), long-wave
radio, mobile radio, national radio
(the), police radio, portable radio,
short-wave radio, state radio (the),
transistor radio, two-way radio.
altar rail, balcony rail, banister rail, curtain rail, guard rail, picture rail, rusty
rail, safety rail, towel rail.
railway -A
aerial railway, close railway, disused
railway, electric railway, feeder railway,
funicular railway, high-speed railway,
light railway, mainline railway, miniature railway, model funicular railway,
model railway, narrow gauge railway,
overhead railway, private railway, re-
autumn rain, cold rain, constant rain,
continual rain, continuous rain, driving
rain, fine rain, gentle light rain, gentle
rain, heavy rain, incessant rain, intermittent rain, lashing rain, light rain,
monsoon rain, overnight rain, patchy
rain, persistent rain, pouring rain, soft
rain, spring rain, steady rain, torrential
rain, tropical rain, unrelenting rain,
warm rain.
(shoot sb at) close range, ability range,
acceptable range, age range, astonishing range, bewildering range, breathtaking mountain range, broad range,
broad range (of backgrounds), broad
range (of issues/opinions, etc.), broad
range (of people), broad range (of
products/subjects, etc.), complete
range, comprehensive range, diverse
range, eclectic range, enormous range,
entire range, excellent range, exciting
range, extensive range, extraordinary
range, full range, gigantic mountain
ranges, good range, great mountain
range (of the Alps), great range, huge
range, impressive range, incredible
range, infinite range, infinite range (of
options), large range, limited range,
long range, low range (of hills), narrow
range, new range, new range (of software), normal range (the), point-blank
range, poor range, price range, product
range, remarkable range, restricted
range (of foods), sexy new range (of
software), short range, size range, superb range, surprising range, temperature range, the coastal mountain
ranges, up-to-date range, vast range,
vocal range, whole range, wide range,
wide range (of details), wide range (of
different things), wide range (of ideas),
wide range (of items).
(fixed and) adjustable rates, acceptable rate, accident rate, affordable
rates, alarming rate, annual growth
rate, annual rates, astounding rate, attrition rate, average annual growth
rate (of %), average rate, bank rate,
base rate, basic rate (of tax), basic rate
(the), birth rate, cheap rate, clear-up
rate, competitive rate, concessionary
rate, constant rate, crime rate (the),
current rate, daily rates, death rate,
depressed rates, divorce rate (the),
economical rates, erratic inflation rate,
ever-increasing rate, excellent rate,
excessive rate, exchange rate, existing
rates (of pay), exorbitant rate, expected rate, extortionate rate, fast rate,
fertility rate, fixed rate (of interest),
flat rate, floating exchange rate, full
rate, going rate (for) (the), good rate,
group rate, growth rate, guaranteed
rates, high failure rate, high interest
rates, high mortality rate, high rate (of
inflation), high rate (of sth), high rate
(of unemployment), high rate of (return on capital), high success rate,
higher price rate, higher rate, hourly
rate, inflation rate, initial rate, interest
rate, lending rate, low interest rates,
low rate (of inflation), low rate (of
sth), low rate (of unemployment), lowmoderate rate, market rate, marriage
rate, metabolic rate, moderate rate,
modest rate, monthly rates, mortality
rate, mortgage rate, murder rate (the),
nominal rates, phenomenal rate, poor
rate, postal rates, preferential interest
rates, preferential rate, present rate
(the), prevailing rate, pulse rate, rapid
rate, reasonable rate, reduced rate,
regular rate, respectable rates (of return), respiratory rate, rocketing rate,
seasonally-adjusted rate, second rate,
slow rate, stationary rate, steady rate,
success rate, suicide rate (the), survival
birth rate, survival rate, tax rate, the
annual crime rate, the annual divorce
rate, the fastest rate (of increase), the
standard rate, top rate, unchanged rate,
unemployment rate, uniform rates (of
pay), usual rate (the), variable rate,
volatile exchange rates, wage rates,
weekly rates.
(within) easy reach, long reach, the
eastern reaches (of the continent), the
lower reaches (of a river), the upper
reaches (of a river).
adverse reaction, affectionate reaction,
allergic reaction, angry reaction, appreciative reaction, automatic reaction, bad
reaction, bewildered reaction, biochemical reaction, biological reaction, chain
reaction, chemical reaction, common
reaction, critical reaction, delayed reaction, emotional critical reaction, emotional reaction, extreme reaction, fast
reaction, favourable reaction, first reaction, furious reaction, general reaction
(the), good reaction, gut reaction,
healthy reaction, hostile reaction, hysterical reaction, immediate reaction,
immune reaction, immunological reaction, initial reaction (the), instant reaction, instantaneous reaction, instinctive
reaction, knee-jerk reaction, learned reaction, life-threatening reaction, lightning reaction, lukewarm reaction, market reaction, mild reaction, mixed reaction, muted reaction, natural reaction,
negative reaction, nervous reaction,
nuclear reaction, official reaction, positive reaction, predictable reaction, public reaction, quick reaction, rapid reaction, severe reaction, sharp reaction,
slight reaction, slow down reaction,
slow reaction, sluggish reaction, spontaneous reaction, strong reaction, swift
reaction, the normal reaction, thermonuclear reaction, typical reaction, uncontrolled reaction, understandable reaction, violent reaction, visceral reaction.
allergic reactions, bio-chemical reactions, external reactions, fast reactions,
good reactions, inflammatory reactions,
lightning reactions, quick reactions,
slow reactions, sluggish reactions.
adult readers, alert reader, attentive
reader, audit reader, avid reader, careful reader, casual reader, competent
reader, Daily Express reader, Daily Mirror reader, discerning reader, educated
readers, fast reader, female reader
(the), fluent reader, general reader
(the), good reader, great reader, Guardian reader, informed readers, interested
reader, male reader (the), non-specialist reader, omnivorous reader, poor
reader, quick reader, regular reader,
slow readers, sophisticated reader, specialist reader, tabloid reader, Times
reader, voracious reader, women
reader, young reader.
(for) informative reading, accurate
reading, background reading, bedtime
reading, Bible reading, careful reading,
close reading, compelling reading,
compulsive reading, compulsory reading, correct reading, critical reading,
depressing reading, disturbing reading,
essential reading, extensive reading,
false reading, fascinating reading, further reading, good reading, heavy reading, high reading, holiday reading, interesting reading, introductory reading,
light reading, little light reading, low
reading, map reading, meter reading,
normal reading, poetry reading, promiscuous reading, public reading, recommended reading, required reading,
serious reading, suggested reading,
thermometer reading, zero reading.
reality -AA
awful reality, bitter reality, brutal reality, cold reality, commercial reality,
complex reality, daily reality, economic
reality, everyday reality, external reality,
grim reality, hard reality, harsh reality,
historical reality, objective reality, painful reality, physical reality, political reality, practical reality, psychological reality, sad reality, social reality, stark reality, the mundane realities (of life), the
underlying reality, virtual reality.
(for no) apparent reason, (for some)
strange reason, (for) obvious reasons,
(for) the good reason (that), (for) the
simple reason (that), (no) earthly reason, (no) particular reason, (no) possible reason, (no) real reason, adequate
reason, aesthetic reasons, apparent reason (the), arbitrary reason, big reason,
bona fide reason, chief reason (the),
clear reason, cogent reason, commercial reason, common reason, compelling reason, conceivable reason, convincing reason, cosmetic reasons, credible reasons, damn good reason, different reasons, economic reasons, educational reasons, every reason, explicit
reasons, financial reasons, health reason, historical reasons, human reason,
humanitarian reason, ideological reasons, important reason, inexplicable
reason, justifiable reason, key reason,
large reason, legal reasons, legitimate
reason, logical reason, main reason
(the), major reason, medical reasons,
obscure reason, obvious reason (the),
official reason (the), only reason (the),
opportunistic reasons, opposite reason,
personal reasons, persuasive reasons,
plausible reason, political reasons, powerful reasons, practical reasons, pragmatic reason, primary reason (the),
principal reason (the), professional reason, psychological reasons, religious
reasons, ridiculous reason, safety reasons, same reason (the), security reasons, selfish reasons, sentimental reasons, similar reason (the), social reason, sole reason (the), sound reason,
sound reason (for leaving), special reason, specified reason, strong reason,
sufficient reason, technical reason, the
crucial reason, the ostensible reason,
the precise reason, the underlying reason, unclear reason, unconnected reason, understandable reason, unexplained reasons, unknown reason, unspecified reason, valid reason, various
reasons, very reason, weird reasons,
wrong reason(s) (the).
anti-government rebel, armed rebel,
bold rebel, former rebel, left-wing
rebel, right-wing rebel, US-backed
apparent recognition, appropriate recognition, automatic recognition, belated recognition, character recognition, clear recognition, computer recognition, dawning recognition, de facto
recognition, diplomatic recognition,
due recognition, dumb recognition,
early recognition, equal recognition,
explicit recognition, face recognition,
formal recognition, full recognition,
general recognition, government recognition, greater recognition, growing
recognition, grudging recognition,
handwriting recognition, immediate
recognition, implicit recognition, increasing recognition, individual recognition, instant recognition, insufficient
recognition, international recognition,
legal recognition, legislative recognition, mutual recognition, national recognition, official recognition, optical
character recognition, overt recognition, personal recognition, positive recognition, professional recognition,
proper recognition, public recognition,
social recognition, speech recognition,
text recognition, universal recognition,
wide recognition, widespread recognition, worldwide recognition.
abysmal record, academic record, accident record, accurate records, adequate
record, administrative record, admirable record, all-comers record, all-time
record, appalling record, archaeological
record, archival record, atrocious
record, attendance record, authentic
record, bad record, best-selling record,
blameless record, brief record, brilliant
record, careful record, classical record,
clean police record, clean record, clear
record, club record, complete record,
comprehensive record, computerised
records, consistent record, contemporary record, course record, criminal
record, daily record, dental record, departmental record, deplorable record,
detailed record, disciplinary record, dismal record, distinguished record, documentary record, dreadful record, dubious record, economic record, educational record, enviable record, environmental record, exact record, excellent
record, excellent track record, exceptional record, exemplary record, extensive record, famous record, financial
record, fine record, flawed record, formal record, formidable record, fossil
record, full-length record, geological
record, glittering record, good record,
gramaphone record, great record, handwritten record, health record, helpful
records, historical record, honourable
record, human rights record, impeccable record, impressive record, inadequate record, incomplete record, jazz
record, long-playing record, long-standing record, magnificent record, medical
records, mediocre record, military
record, mono record, national record,
official records, Olympic record, outstanding record, past record, permanent
record, personnel record, photographic
record, pictorial record, police record,
poor record, pop record, priceless
records, proper record, proven record,
public record, reliable record, remarkable record, safety record, satisfactory
record, school record, shameful record,
sketchy record, small record, sorry
record, speed record, splendid record,
spotless record, statistical records, superb record, systematic record, the
world record, track record, unbeatable
record, unbeaten record, unblemished
record, unbroken record, unchallenged
record, unenviable record, unique
record, unparallelled record, unrivalled
record, up-to-date records, verbatim
record, visual record, vulnerable
record, wartime record, written record.
accurate recording, analogue recording, audio recording, bootleg recording,
careful recording, cassette recording,
commercial recording, complete recording (of sth), detailed recording,
digital recording, early recording, electrical recording, excellent recording,
fine recording, full-length recording,
good recording, last recording, later/
latest recording, live recordings, magnetic recording, modern recording,
mono recording, music recording, new
recording, old recording, orchestral recording, original recording, piano recording, pirate recording, professional
recording, recent recording, sound recording, stereo recording, studio recording, tape recording, test recording,
video recording.
recovery -A
amazing recovery, astonishing recovery,
complete recovery, continuing recovery,
dramatic recovery, economic recovery,
eventual recovery, excellent recovery,
faltering recovery, fast recovery, fragile
recovery, full recovery, good recovery,
gradual recovery, industrial recovery,
lasting recovery, limited recovery, longterm recovery, miraculous recovery,
modest recovery, national recovery, partial recovery, physical recovery, political
recovery, post-war recovery, price recovery, profits recovery, quick recovery,
rapid recovery, remarkable recovery,
satisfactory recovery, significant recovery, slow recovery, spectacular recovery,
speedy recovery, spontaneous recovery,
steady recovery, strong recovery, substantial recovery, sustained recovery,
swift recovery, the hoped-for economic
beautiful deep red, blood red, brick
red, bright red, brilliant reds, dark red,
deep red, dull red, fiery red, flaming
red, house red, light red, medium red,
pale red, rich deep red, ruby red, variegated red, vibrant red, violent red,
vivid red.
across-the-board reduction, actual reduction, arms reduction, big reduction,
capital reduction, considerable reduction, cost reduction, debt reduction,
deficit reduction, dramatic reduction,
drastic reduction, emission reduction,
expenditure reduction, further reduction, general reduction, gradual reduction, great reduction, huge reduction,
immediate reduction, initial reduction,
large reduction, long-term reduction,
major reduction, marked reduction,
massive reduction, minor reduction,
net reduction, noise reduction, overall
reduction, pay reduction, percentage
reduction, permanent reduction, pollution reduction, possible reduction,
price reduction, progressive reduction
(in sth), proposed reduction, rapid reduction, real reduction, recent reduction, remarkable reduction, severe reduction, sharp reduction (in sth), significant reduction (in costs, etc.), slight
reduction, slow reduction, small reduction, staff reduction, steady reduction,
steep reduction, substantial reduction
(in costs, etc.), sudden reduction, tariff reduction, tax reduction, troop re-
duction, wage reduction, waste reduction, weight reduction.
(make) a mocking reference (to sth),
ambiguous reference, appropriate reference, biblical reference, bibliographic
reference, bibliographical reference,
brief reference, casual reference, character reference, clear reference, coded
references, confusing reference, constant reference, copious reference,
cross- reference, cryptic reference, cultural reference, definite reference, direct reference, early reference, easy reference, excellent reference, explicit reference, express reference, extensive reference, fleeting references (to sth), frequent reference, full reference, further
reference, future reference, general reference, glowing reference, grid reference, historical reference, indirect reference, literary reference, map reference, negative reference, number reference, oblique reference, obscure reference, obvious reference, occasional reference, particular reference, passing
reference, poor reference, positive reference, quick reference, repeated reference, satisfactory reference, special reference, specific reference, tart reference, unnecessary reference, veiled reference, written reference.
administrative reform, agrarian reforms, agricultural reform, bold economic reforms, budgetary reform, comprehensive reform, constitutional reform, curriculum reform, democratic
reform, domestic reform, drastic reform, economic reform, educational reform, effective reform, electoral reform, environmental reform, far-reaching reforms, financial reform, fiscal reforms, fundamental reform, further reform, governmental reform, great reform, immediate reform, important reform, institutional reform, internal re-
form, judicial reform, land reform, law
reform, legal reform, legislative reform,
liberal reform, major reform, minor reform, modest reforms, monetary reform, moral reform, much reform, necessary reform, needed reform, new reform, overdue reform, penal reforms,
piecemeal reforms, political reform,
practical reform, prison reform, procedural reform, progressive reforms, radical reform, rapid reform, significant reform, social reform, structural reform,
substantial reform, sweeping reforms,
tax reform, welfare reform, wholesale
reform, wide-ranging reform.
(hold sb/sth in) high regard, best regard, considerable regard, critical regard, due regard, full regard, genuine
regard, great regard, high regard (for
sb/sth), highest regard, insufficient regard, kind regard, little regard, low regard, lowest regard, mutual regard, particular regard, proper regard, scant regard, special regard, specific regard,
warm regard.
best regards, kind regards, warm regards.
(ethnically) divided region, affluent regions, arid region, autonomous region,
Basque region, border region, brain region, central region (the), climatic regions, coastal region, depressed region,
desert region, developed region, developing region, distinct region, dry region,
dynamic region, economic region, entire
region (the), equatorial region, farflung region, fertile region, geographical region, Gulf region, hilly region, industrial region, jungle region, large region, lawless regions, London region,
metropolitan regions, mountain region,
mountainous region, multinational regions, neighbouring region, northern
region (the), oil-producing region, outlying region, Pacific region, particular
region, peripheral regions, poor region,
populated region, prosperous region,
remote (and inaccessible) region, rich
region, rural region, sheltered region,
small region, southern region (the),
specific region, surrounding region,
temperate region, the anal region, the
polar region, tropical region, underdeveloped region, unexplored region, urbanized region, wet region, whole region (the), wild mountain region.
address register, annual register, appropriate register, asset register, attendance register, birth register, burial register, central register, church register,
class register, detailed register, electoral
register, formal register, full register,
high register (= the style of language
used in literature), hotel register, informal register, land register, low register,
marriage register, medical register,
membership register, middle register,
national register, parish register, professional register, property register, public
register, school register, share register,
statutory register, upper formal register,
upper register, up-to-date register, voters register.
regulation -A
building regulation, draft regulation,
economic regulation, emergency regulation, environmental regulation, EU
regulation, federal regulation, financial
regulation, fire regulation, government
regulation, hygiene regulation, increased regulation, international regulation, legal regulation, official regulation, planning regulation, price regulation, prison regulation, professional
regulation, public regulation, safety
regulation, school regulation, self regulation, state regulation, statutory regulation, strict regulation, stringent regulation, temperature regulation, tight
regulation, tighter regulation, tough
regulation, tougher regulation, traffic
regulation, voluntary regulation.
building regulations, draft regulations,
emergency regulations, EU regulations,
existing regulations (the), federal regulations, fire regulations, government
regulations, hard and fast regulations,
hygiene regulations, international regulations, official regulations, petty regulations, planning regulations, prison
regulations, prohibitive regulations,
safety regulations, sanitary regulations,
school regulations, statutory regulations, strict regulations, stringent regulations, tighter regulations, tougher
regulations, traffic regulations, well-defined regulations.
Anglo-American relation, blood relation, causal relation, class relation,
close relation, cordial relation, difficult
relation, diplomatic relation, direct relation, distant relation, East-West relation, economic relation, foreign relation, friendly relation, gender relation,
good relation, harmonious relation,
human relation, improved relation, industrial relation, international relation,
labour relation, near relation, personal
relation, political relation, poor relation, power relation, public relation,
race relation, sexual relation, significant relation, social relation, strained
relation, trade relation.
(break off) diplomatic relations, (establish) diplomatic relations, (restore) diplomatic relations, amicable relations
(with…), Anglo-American, etc. relations, class relations, close relations,
cordial relations, difficult relations,
economic relations, foreign relations,
friendly relations, gender relations,
good relations, harmonious relations,
human relations, improved relations,
industrial relations, international relations, intimate relations, labour relations, normal relations, personal relations, political relations, poor relations,
power relations, public relations, race
relations, sexual relations, social relations, strained relations, trade relations.
(their) ambivalent relationship, ambiguous relationship, amicable relationship, arbitrary relationship, blood
relationship, brief relationship, broad
relationship, broken relationship, budding relationship, business relationship, caring relationship, causal relationship (between two things), causeand-effect relationship, clear relationship, clear-cut relationship, close relationship, complex relationship, complicated relationship, contractual relationship, cordial relationship, cosy relationship, crucial relationship, cuddly
relationship, difficult relationship, direct relationship, distant relationship,
distinct relationship, doctor-patient relationship, dynamic relationship, economic relationship, emotional relationship, empty relationships, enduring relationship, failed relationship, family
relationships, formal relationship, fragile relationship, friendly relationship,
fruitful relationship, functional relationship, gay relationship, good relationship, good working relationship,
great relationship, happy relationship,
harmonious relationship, healthy relationship, heterosexual relationship,
homosexual relationships, human relationships, improper relationship, inappropriate relationships, incongruous
relationship, indirect relationship, inexplicable relationship, intense relationship, interpersonal relationships,
intimate relationship, inverse relationship, kin relationship, kinship relation-
ship, lasting relationship, legal relationship, lesbian relationship, linear relationship, long relationship, long-standing relationship, long-term relationship,
love-hate relationship, loveless relationship, loving relationship, martial relationship, meaningful relationship,
messy relationship, natural relationship,
necessary relationship, negative relationship, new relationship, obvious relationship, one-to-one relationship, organic relationship, paradoxical relationship, parent-child relationship, particular relationship, passionate relationship,
past relationship, permanent relationship, personal relationship, physical relationship, platonic relationship, poor
relationship, positive relationship,
power relationship, productive relationship, professional relationship, reciprocal relationship, rocky relationship, romantic relationship, satisfying relationship, serious relationship, sexual relationship (with sb), short-lived relationship, significant relationship, six-month
relationship, social relationship, spatial
relationship, special relationship, stable
relationship, static relationship, steady
relationship, stormy relationship,
straightforward relationship, strained
relationship, strange relationship,
strong relationship, symbiotic relationship, symbolic relationship, tempestuous relationship, tenuous relationship,
ten-year relationship, the causal relationship (between poverty and disease),
troubled relationship, true relationship,
two-year relationship, uneasy relationship, unequal power relationships, unhealthy relationship, unique relationship, working relationship.
blood relative, close relatives, dependent relative, disabled relative, distant
relative, distressed relative, elderly relative, family relative, female relative,
grieving relative, ill relative, immediate
relative, living relative, male relative,
maternal relative, near(est) relative,
old relative, pious relatives, poor relative, sick relative, surviving relative,
well-meaning relatives, young relative.
book release, CD release, commercial
release, early release, emotional release, film’s release, immediate release,
imminent release, latest release (the),
new release, news release, press release, recent release, record release, simultaneous release, unconditional release, video release, welcome release.
(in) high relief, (in) low relief, alabaster relief, bas relief, blessed relief,
bronze relief, carved relief, certain relief, classical relief, comic relief, complete relief, considerable relief, debt
relief, deep relief, emergency relief,
enormous relief, evident relief, famine
relief, fast relief, flood relief, foreign
relief, great relief, Greek relief, huge
relief, humanitarian relief, immediate
relief, immense relief, infinite relief, instant relief, intense relief, interest relief,
international relief, inward relief, light
relief, marble relief, momentary relief,
mortgage relief, much-needed relief,
obvious relief, overwhelming relief,
pain relief, plaster relief, Roman relief,
sculptural relief, sculptured relief, sharp
relief, sheer relief, stark relief, stucco
relief, tangible relief, tax relief, temporary relief, tremendous relief, unexpected relief, welcome relief.
(people of) different religions, alternative religion, Catholic religion (the),
Christian religion (the), comparative
religion, dominant religion, eastern religion, established religion, Evangelical
religion, false religion, fundamentalist
religion, great religion, Hindu religion
(the), Jewish religion (the), major reli-
gion, mere religion, monotheistic religion, Muslim religion (the), new religion, official religion, old religion, organized religion, orthodox religion, pagan
religion, polytheistic religion, primitive
religion, Protestant religion, state religion, tolerant religion, true religion,
world religion.
affordable rent, annual rent, back rent,
economic rent, exorbitant rent, fair
rent, farm rent, fixed rent, ground rent,
high rent, house/housing rent, increased rent, initial rent (the), land
rent, low rent, nominal rent, office rent,
outstanding rent, peppercorn rent, reduced rent, rising rent, the monthly
rent, unpaid rent, weekly rent.
reply -A
abrupt reply, affable reply, affectionate
reply, blunt reply, brief monosyllabic
reply, brief reply, clumsy reply, contemptuous reply, correct reply (the),
courteous reply, curt reply, early reply,
evasive reply, foolish reply, formal reply,
gleeful reply, gracious reply, hesitant
reply, immediate reply, incoherent replies, intelligent reply, monosyllabic
reply, negative reply, non-committal
reply, only reply, personal reply, positive
reply, prompt reply, proper reply, quick
reply, satisfactory reply, sharp reply,
simple reply, spirited reply, straight reply, strong negative reply, strong reply,
suitable reply, swift reply, tart reply,
terse reply, the standard reply, unsatisfactory reply, usual reply (the), witty
reply, written reply.
accident report, adverse report, anecdotal reports, annual report, anonymous report, audit report, autopsy report, bad report, balanced report, brief
report, bullish report, case report, cogent report, committee report, company report, complete report, compre-
hensive report, confidential report,
conflicting report, congressional report, contradictory reports, crash report, critical report, damning report,
detailed report, diligence report, disturbing reports, draft report, due report, economic report, encouraging
report, end-of-term report, enquiry report, environmental report, exaggerated reports, excellent report, exclusive
report, exhaustive report, extensive report, eyewitness report, factual report,
false report, favourable report, final
report (the), financial report, firsthand report, formal report, full report,
further report, general report, glowing
report, good report, government report, hand-hitting report, hard-hitting
report, important report, independent
report, in-depth report, influential report, initial reports, intelligence report,
interim report, investigative report,
joint report, lab/laboratory report,
later report, latest report (the), law report, lengthy report, magazine report,
major report, market report, media report, medical report, misleading report, negative report, new report, news
report, newspaper report, objective report, official report, on-the-spot report,
oral report, original report, parliamentary report, partisan report, periodic
report, pessimistic report, police report, positive report, preliminary report, press report, probation report,
progress report, promising report, psychiatric report, public report, published
report, quarterly report, radio report,
recent report, regular report, reliable
report, research report, school report,
scientific report, second-hand report,
secret report, sensational reports, sensitive reports, short report, special report, status report, subsequent report,
survey report, technical report, television report, the most comprehensive
report, the previous report, the standard report, true report, unconfirmed
report, unofficial report, unpublished
report, up-to-date report, verbal report,
verbatim report, weather report, wideranging report, worrying report, written
accredited representative, appointed
representative, authorized representative, branch representative, church representative, club representative, committee representative, community representative, company representative,
council representative, diplomatic representative, elected representative, employee representative, government representative, industry representative,
leading representative, legal representative, local representative, main representative (the), management representative, military representative, national
representative, official representative,
parliamentary representative, permanent representative, personal representative, political representative, public
representative, regional representative,
sales representative, senior representative, special representative, student representative, the elected representatives
(in government), the sole representative, trade representative, UN representative, union representative.
(new) autonomous republic, break
away republic, democratic republic, established republic, federal republic, independent republic, Islamic republic,
new republic, people’s republic, secondclass republic, self-proclaimed republic,
socialist republic, sovereign republic,
upland republic.
awesome reputation, bad reputation,
clean reputation, considerable reputation, enviable reputation, established
growing reputation, established reputation, excellent reputation, fearsome
reputation, fine reputation, formidable
reputation, good reputation, great
reputation, growing reputation, high
reputation, intact reputation, international reputation, massive reputation,
notorious reputation, poor reputation,
professional reputation, public reputation, spotless reputation, tender reputation, undeserved reputation, unenviable reputation, unrivalled reputation,
unsavoury reputation, well-deserved
reputation, well-earned reputation,
worldwide reputation (for sth).
bogus requests, explicit request, formal
request, implicit requests, impossible
requests, official request, particular request, polite request, reasonable request, repeated requests, special request, specific request, strange request,
strong request, unreasonable request,
unusual request, urgent request, written request.
absolute requirement, academic requirement, additional requirement, annual requirement, basic minimum requirement, basic requirement, borrowing requirement, business requirement,
client requirement, commercial requirement, constitutional requirement,
contractual requirement, course requirement, curriculum requirement,
customer requirement, daily requirement, demanding requirement, detailed requirement, dietary requirement, educational requirement, energy
requirement, entrance requirement,
entry requirement, environmental requirement, essential requirement, exact
requirement, food requirement, formal
requirement, fundamental requirement, further requirement, general requirement, housing requirement, important requirement, individual requirement, information requirement,
key requirement, labour requirement,
legal requirement, legislative require-
ment, main requirement, mandatory
requirement, manpower requirement,
market requirement, minimum requirement (the), nutritional requirement,
particular requirement, personal requirement, precise requirement, prime
requirement, procedural requirement,
reasonable requirement, regulatory requirement, safety requirement, special
requirement, specific requirement,
statutory requirement, strict requirement, stringent requirement, technical
requirement, visa requirement.
competing requirements, dietary requirements, minimal requirements, system requirements, the basic requirements (of life).
academic research, AIDS research, analytical research, animal research, assiduous research, basic research, biological research, botanical research,
cancer research, clinical research, collaborative research, detailed research,
direct research, empirical research, exhaustive research, extensive research,
fundamental research (into sth), further research, geographical research,
ground-breaking research, historical
research, human embryo research, inadequate market research, in-depth research, market research, medical research, meticulous research, military
research, neurological research, ongoing research, original research, painstaking research, pioneering research,
production research (and development) cost, psychic research, psychological research, pure research, qualitative research, quantitative research, recent research, scholarly research, scientific research, social research, sociological research, space research.
reserve -A
additional reserve, army reserve, bird
reserve, capital reserve, cash reserve,
coal reserve, contingency reserve, currency reserve, deep reserve, energy reserve, exchange reserve, existing reserve, fat reserve, financial reserve,
food reserve, foreign currency/exchange reserve, foreign reserve, forest
reserve, game reserve, gas reserve,
gold reserve, great reserve, hidden reserve, huge reserve, international reserve, large reserve, low reserve, national reserve, natural reserve, nature
reserve, oil reserve, small reserve, strategic reserve, strong reserve, substantial reserve, sufficient reserve, the last
reserve, timber reserve, untapped reserve, vast reserve, volunteer reserve,
wildlife reserve.
abundant reserves, adequate reserves,
ample reserves, enormous reserves, gas
reserves, gold huge reserves, gold reserves, huge reserves, important reserves, limited reserves, limitless reserves, massive reserves, meagre reserves, oil reserves, unlimited reserves,
vast reserves.
local residents, nearby residents.
(put up) stout resistance, active resistance, antibiotic resistance, armed resistance, collective resistance, considerable resistance, determined resistance, disease resistance, drug resistance, effective resistance, fierce resistance, great resistance, guerrilla resistance, heroic resistance, high resistance, instinctive resistance, low resistance, military resistance, obstinate resistance, organized resistance, passive
resistance, peasant resistance, political
resistance, popular resistance, public
resistance, serious resistance, spirited
resistance, stiff resistance, strong resistance, stubborn resistance (to change),
sturdy resistance, substantial resistance,
token resistance, widespread resistance.
additional resource, adequate resource,
available resource, capital resource,
considerable resource, costly resource,
economic resource, energy resource,
enormous resource, extra resource, financial resource, finite resource, human
resource, important resource, information resource, inner resource, invaluable
resource, large resource, learning resource, library resource, limited resource, major resource, material
resource(s), meager resource, mineral
resource, national resource, natural resource, non-renewable resource, oil resource, personal resource, physical resource, precious resource, renewable
resource, scarce resource, staff resource,
substantial resource, sufficient resource,
sustainable resource, teaching resource,
unlimited resource, untapped resource,
useful resource, valuable resource, vital
resource, water resource.
additional resources, allotted resources,
aquatic resources, available resources,
disposable resources, finite resources,
inadequate resources, infinite resources,
library resources, material resources,
minimal resources, potential resources,
renewable resources, scarce resources,
slender resources, teaching resources.
(in all) outward respects, (with all) due
respect (to sb), certain respect, considerable respect, crucial respect, deep respect, different respect, genuine respect, great respect, grudging respect,
healthy respect, important respect, material respect, mutual respect, proper
respect, scant respect, significant respect, sneaking respect (for sb), the utmost respect, wholesome respect.
angry response, appropriate response,
automatic response, behavioural response, belated response, biological response, considered response, correct
response (the), direct response, disappointing response, discouraging response, emotional response, emphatic
response, encouraging response, enthusiastic response, favourable response,
flattering response, frosty response,
good response, hostile response, immediate response, immune response, inadequate response, inappropriate response, incorrect response, indignant
response, initial response, instantaneous response, learned response, lukewarm response, meagre response, mechanical response, muted response,
natural response, negative response,
physiological response, political response, positive response (to sth), predictable responses, public response,
quick response, rapid response, rational
response, robust response, slow response, strong response, swift response,
sympathetic response, typical response,
verbal response, written response.
responsibility -AA
(sb’s) day-to-day responsibilities, additional responsibility, altered responsibility, awesome responsibility, big responsibility, caring responsibility, civic responsibilities, collective responsibility,
contractual responsibility, corporate responsibility, departmental responsibility, diminished responsibility, direct responsibility, domestic responsibility,
enormous responsibility, family responsibility, federal responsibility, financial
responsibility, full responsibility, great
responsibility, heavy responsibility, huge
responsibility, increased responsibility,
individual responsibility, joint responsibility, legal responsibility, managerial
responsibility, ministerial responsibility,
moral responsibility, official responsi-
bilities, onerous responsibility, operational responsibility, overall responsibility, parental responsibilities, particular
responsibility, pastoral responsibilities,
personal responsibility, professional responsibility, shared responsibility, social
responsibility, sole responsibility, special
responsibility, statutory responsibility,
teaching responsibility, the primary responsibility, the ultimate responsibility,
total responsibility, weighty responsibility, well-defined responsibilities.
bed rest, complete rest, good rest, little
rest, long rest, short rest, undisturbed
rest, well-deserved rest, well-earned
a la carte restaurant, bright restaurant,
candlelit restaurant, cheap restaurant,
cheerful restaurant, chic restaurant,
Chinese restaurant, classy restaurants,
crowded restaurant, delightful restaurant, elegant restaurant, ethnic restaurant, excellent restaurant, exclusive restaurant, expensive restaurant, family
restaurant, fancy restaurant, fashionable restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
favourite restaurants, fine restaurant,
fish restaurant, five-star restaurant,
floating restaurant, French restaurant,
good restaurant, high-class restaurant,
inexpensive restaurants, intimate restaurant, inviting restaurant, Italian restaurant, large restaurant, licensed restaurant, little restaurant, local restaurant, Mexican restaurant, plush restaurant, posh restaurants, seafood restaurant, second-rate restaurant, select restaurant, self-service restaurant, small
restaurant, smart restaurant, stylish restaurant, super restaurant, tacky restaurants, take-away restaurant, three-star
restaurant, top-class restaurant, unpretentious restaurant, upmarket restaurant, vegetarian restaurant.
accurate result, alarming result, A-level
result, beneficial result, certain result,
concrete result, correct result (the),
damaging result, definite result, degree
result, desirable result, desired result,
different result, direct result (of sth),
disappointing result, disastrous result,
dramatic result, election result, encouraging result, end result (of sth)
(the), exam result, examination result,
exciting result, expected result, experimental result, fantastic result, final result (of sth) (the), fine result, football
result, good result, grand result, impressive result, improbable result, inaccurate result, indecisive result, indirect
result, inevitable result, interim result,
lasting result, likely result, logical result, marvellous result, mediocre result, natural result, net result, poor result, positive result, preliminary result,
probable result, questionable result,
racing result, referendum result, research result, respectable result, satisfactory result, satisfying result, sensational result, shock result, spectacular
result, startling result, surprise result,
surprising result, survey result, tangible result, test result, the final result
(of an activity/process), the hoped-for
result, the immediate result, the intended result, unbelievable result, unexpected result, unfortunate result,
unpredictable result, wrong result, Xray result.
actual results (the), A-level results, astonishing results, astounding results,
best results, catastrophic results, clear
results, conclusive results, conflicting
results, confusing results, consistent results, controversial results, decisive results, definite results, degree results,
disappointing results, discouraging results, dramatic results, dubious results,
early results, encouraging results,
exam/examination results, fascinating
results, final results, fruitful results,
good results, hilarious results, hopeful
results, identical results, inconclusive
results, inconsistent results, invalid results, invaluable results, measurable results, negative results, overall results,
phoney results, poor results, positive
results, pragmatic results, predictable
results, preliminary results, promising
results, puzzling results, quick results,
reliable results, sensational results, staggering results, startling results, surprising results, tangible results, the actual
(election) results, trustworthy results,
unequivocal results, unexpected results,
unexplained results, unreliable results,
valuable results.
acceptable return, adequate return, annual return(s), attractive return(s), best
return(s), big return(s), brief return,
business return, class return, complete
return, day return, decent return, diminishing return, dramatic return,
economy return, emotional return, excellent return, expected return, fair
return(s), first-class return, full return,
generous return, good return(s),
gradual return, gross return, guaranteed
return, happy return, healthy return(s),
high return, high return (on sb’s investments), immediate return(s), imminent
return, inadequate return, likely
return(s), long-term return, low
return(s), marginal return, meagre return, monthly return, net return, period
return, poor return(s), possible
return(s), potential return(s), pre-tax
return, projected return, quarterly return, reasonable return(s), safe return,
small return(s), standard return, substantial return(s), tax-free return, tourist-class return, triumphant return.
returns -A
acceptable returns, adequate returns,
after-tax returns, annual returns, attrac-
tive returns, big returns, decent returns, diminishing returns, excellent
returns, expected returns, fair returns,
generous returns, good returns, gross
returns, healthy returns, high returns,
immediate returns, inadequate returns,
likely returns, long-term returns, low
returns, marginal returns, meager returns, monthly returns, net returns,
poor returns, possible returns, potential
returns, pre-tax returns, projected returns, quarterly returns, reasonable returns, small returns, substantial returns, superior returns, tax-free returns.
annual review, bad review, book review,
brief review, complete review, complimentary review, comprehensive review,
constant review, continuous review,
critical review, detailed review, ecstatic
reviews, enthusiastic review, excellent
review, extensive review, favourable review, film review, financial review, full
review, fullscale review, fundamental
review, glowing reviews, good review,
government review, hostile review, independent review, in-depth review, internal review, judicial review, major review, mixed review, overall review, pay
review, performance review, periodic
review, policy review, poor review,
rapid review, rave review, regular review, rent review, scathing review, short
review, so-so reviews, strategic review,
sweeping review, systematic review,
thorough review, timely review, urgent
review, wide-ranging review.
revolution -A
agrarian revolution, agricultural revolution, anti-communist revolution, antidemocratic revolution, bloodless revolution, bloody revolution, bourgeois
revolution, communist revolution,
complete revolution, computer revolution, cultural revolution, economic
revolution, electronic revolution, envi-
ronmental revolution, full revolution,
industrial revolution, minor revolution,
palace revolution, peaceful revolution,
political revolution, popular revolution,
proletarian revolution, quiet revolution,
scientific revolution, sexual revolution,
social revolution, socialist revolution,
successful revolution, technological
revolution, violent revolution, virtual
revolution, world revolution.
(give sb a) rough ride, bike ride, biker
ride, bumpy ride, bus ride, cab ride,
camel ride, car ride, coach ride, comfortable ride, cycle ride, donkey ride,
easy ride, enjoyable ride, free ride,
funfair ride, gondola ride, hair-raising
ride, helter-skelter ride, leisurely ride,
long ride, pleasant ride, pony ride,
roller coaster ride, short ride, sleigh
ride, smooth ride, taxi ride, train ride,
tram ride, uncomfortable ride, whiteknuckle ride, wild ride.
right -A
absolute right, animal right, automatic
right, basic right, civil right, constitutional right, contractual right, de facto
right, divine right, equal right, exclusive right, extreme right (the), far right
(the), film right, foreign right, full
right, fundamental right, gay right,
god-given right, grazing right, hard
right (= a sharp turn to the right), human right, inalienable right, legal right,
mineral right, moral right, movie right,
parental right, pension right, perfect
right, property right, sharp right, squatters right, statutory right, the hard
right, the sole right, the top right, translation right, voting right, women’s
rights -A
aboriginal land rights, ancient fishing
rights, ancient rights, animal rights,
basic human rights, basic rights, black
rights, civil rights, contractual rights,
democratic rights, differential voting
rights, elementary human rights, equal
rights (for sb), exclusive rights (to televise an event), film rights, fishing
rights, foreign rights, fundamental human rights, gay rights, grazing rights,
human rights, legal rights, mineral
rights, moral rights, movie rights, parental rights, political rights, property
rights, proprietary rights, reciprocal
rights (and obligations), rudimentary
workers’ rights, sovereign rights, television rights, translation rights, undisputed rights.
ring -A
black ring, boxing ring, bull ring, circus
ring, concentric ring, dark ring, diamond ring, drugs ring, engagement
ring, eternity ring, expensive ring, familiar ring (about sth), gold ring,
golden ring, inner ring (the), key ring,
show ring, signet ring, smoke ring,
smuggling ring, spy ring, the outer
ring, tree ring, valuable ring, wedding
ring, wrestling ring.
10 per cent rise, abrupt rise, annual
rise, appreciable rise, big rise, dramatic
rise, general rise, hoped-for pay rise,
huge rise, inexorable rise, interest rate
rise, large rise, long-awaited pay rise,
massive rise, meteoric rise, modest rise,
monthly rise, overall rise, pay rise,
price rise, rapid rise, remorseless rise,
rent rise, sea-level rise, sharp rise,
sharp rise (in crime), significant rise,
significant rise (in profits), slight rise,
slow rise, small rise, spectacular rise,
steady rise, steep rise, steep rise (in unemployment), strong rise, substantial
rise, sudden rise, sudden rise (in violent crime), swift rise, tax rise, temperature rise, threefold rise, unstoppable rise, wage rise.
acceptable risk, additional risk, afford-
able risk, attendant risk, awful risk, bad
risk, big risk, calculated risk, cancer
risk, commercial risk, consequent risk,
considerable risk, credit risk, environmental risk, extra risk, financial risk,
fire risk, foolish risk, genuine risk, good
risk, grave risk, great risk, health risk,
high risk (of injury), high risk (of sth),
increased risk (of/from sth), inherent
risk, insurance risk, long-term risk, low
risk, major fire risk, major health risk,
major risk, minimal risk, needless risks,
occupational risk, poor risk, possible
risk, potential risk, real risk, reduced
risk, relative risk, safety risk, security
risk, serious risk, significant risk, slight
risk, small risk, substantial risk, terrible
risk, theoretical risk, tolerable risk, unacceptable risk, undue risk, unnecessary risk, unprotected risk, unreasonable risk.
rival -A
arch rival, biggest rival, bitter rival,
business rival, chief rival, close rival,
conspicuous rival, continental rivals,
deadly rivals, fierce rival, foreign rival,
formidable rivals, great rival, international rival, jealous rival, keen rival,
long-standing rival, nearest rival, old
rivals, political rival, principal rival,
serious rival, the main rival.
river -AA
broad river, deep river, fast-flowing
river, feeder river, great river, high river,
large river, lazy river, little river, long
river, low river, mighty river, narrow
river, navigable river, shallow river,
short river, slow-moving river, sluggish
river, small river, subterranean river,
swollen river, tidal river, wide river,
winding river.
(new) feeder road, (take) the high
road, access road, arterial road, B –
road, back road, bad road, blocked
road, broad road, bumpy road, busy
main road, busy road, clear road, coast
road, coastal road, congested roads,
country road, dangerous road, dead
straight road, dead-end road, deserted
road, difficult road, direct road, dirt
road, dusty road, east-west road, empty
road, fast road, forlorn road, good road,
greasy road, icy roads, local road,
lonely road, long road, long-distance
road, main road, major road, metalled
road, minor road, mountain road,
muddy road, narrow road, national
road, open road (the), orbital road,
paved road, poor road, private road,
public road, quiet country road, quiet
road, residential road, right road (the),
ring road, rough road, rural road, safe
road, scenic road, secondary road, second-class roads, service road, side road,
single-track road, slip road, slippery
road, small road, smooth road, snowbound road, snowy road, steep road,
stony road, straight road, surfaced
road, tarmac road, toll road, tree-lined
road, trunk road, twisting road, twisty
road, unclassified road, unmade road,
urban road, wet road, wide road, winding road, wrong road (the).
bare rock, cellular rock, country rock,
glam rock, grey rock, hard rock, heavy
rock, igneous rock, impermeable rock,
indie rock, jagged rocks, liquid rock,
live rock, lunar rocks, massive rock,
metaphorical rocks, molten rock, overhanging rock, permeable rock, porous
rock, progressive rock, punk rock,
rough rock, sedimentary rock, sheer
rock, smooth rock, soft rock, solid rock,
steep rock, volcanic rocks, weathered
(highly) responsible role, (play a)
prominent role, (play) a decisive role
(in sth), (sb’s) dual role (as composer
and conductor), active role, advisory
role, ambitious role, cameo role, cata-
lytic role, central role, changing role,
clear role, comic role, conflicting role,
constructive role, consultative role, crucial role, demanding role, direct role,
dominant role, economic role, educational role, energetic role, essential role
(in sth), female role (the), feminine
roles, film role, full role, fundamental
role, future role, important role, key
role, lead role (the), leading role (the),
major role, managerial role, maternal
role, military role, minor role, parental
role, passive role, pivotal role, political
role, positive role, pre-eminent role,
principal role, secondary role, significant role, social role, starring role, strategic role, subordinate role, supervisory
roles, supporting role, symbolic role,
television role, the exalted role, the primary role, the respective roles (of men
and women in society), title role, traditional role, tragic role, TV role, twin
role, useful role, valuable role, vital
role, well-defined roles.
roll -A
backward roll, bread roll, brown roll,
buttered roll, cheese roll, crusty roll,
falling roll, filled roll, forward roll, ham
roll, soft roll, the electoral roll, white
roll, wholemeal roll.
roof -A
arched roof, car roof, church roof, conical roof, corrugated iron roof, curved
roof, flat roof, gabled roof, glass roof,
low roof, mansard roof, pitched roof,
pointed roof, red tiled roofs, slate roof,
sloping roof, steep roof, thatched roof,
tiled roof, tin roof.
(busy) waiting room, (living in) separate rooms, (nice) little room, (only)
available room, adjacent rooms, adjoining room, airless room, airy room,
ample room, angular room, attic room,
attractive room, back room, bare room,
basement room, beautiful room, bed-
sitting room, best room (the), big
room, bleak room, boiler room, booklined room, breakfast room, bright
room, busy rest rooms, cavernous
room, cell-like room, changing room,
cheerful room, chilly room, claustrophobic (little) room, clean room, cold
room, comfortable room, committee
room, communal dining room, conference room, considerable room, control
room, cool room, cosy room, cramped
room, crowded rooms, dark room,
darkened rooms, depressing room, dim
room, dimly-lit room, dingy room, dining room, dirty room, double room,
downstairs room, draughty room,
dreary room, dressing room, dusty
room, elegant room, emergency room,
empty room, engine room, enormous
room, enough room, family room,
favourite room (sb’s), first-aid room,
first-floor room, fitness room, formal
room, freezing cold room, front room
(the), furnished room, gloomy room,
graceful room, gracious rooms, guest
room, handsome room, head room,
high room, high-ceilinged room,
homely room, hot room, hotel room,
huge room, identical room, immaculate room, impersonal hotel room, impersonal room, impressive room, incident room, inner room, insufficient
room, interview room, large room, lecture room, leg room, light airy room,
living room (the), locked room, locker
room, lofty rooms, long room, low
room, low-ceilinged room, L-shaped
room, luxurious room, magnificent
room, make-up room, medical room,
meeting room, moonlit room, narrow
room, neat room, newly-painted room,
news room, north-facing room, oddshaped room, old room, over-crowded
room, palatial room, panelled room,
pitch-dark room, pleasantly cool room,
press room, pretty room, private room,
quiet room, reading room, reception
room, recovery room, rehearsal room,
relaxed room, rented room, scruffy
room, second-floor room, secret room,
secure room, seminar room, shabby
room, shadowed room, shadowy room,
shower room, silent room, single room,
sitting room, small room, smelly room,
smoke-filled room, smoky room, sordid
rooms, south-facing room, spacious
room, spare room, square room, staff
room, stifling room, storage room, store
room, stuffy room, sufficient room,
sunny room, the executive dining room,
the next room, the only available room,
the outer room, three-bedded room,
tidy room, tiled room, tiny room, treatment room, twin-bedded room, unlighted room, untidy room, upper
rooms (the), upstairs room, utility
room, vacant hotel room, vast room,
warm room, weight-training room,
well-ventilated room, white-washed
room, windowless room, wood-panelled
root -A
common root, cultural root, deep root,
French root, gnarled root, historical
root, humble root, middle-class root,
peasant root, Scottish root, shallow
root, very root, working-class root.
roots -A
cultural roots, French roots, humble
roots, middle-class roots, peasant roots,
powdered ginger roots, Scottish roots,
working-class roots.
(pale) pink roses, artificial roses, climbing rose, deep pink rose, early rose, fake
roses, fresh rose, hardy roses, late rose,
long-stemmed rose, miniature roses,
pink rose, rambler rose, rambling roses,
red rose, scented rose, shrub rose, single
red rose, sweet-smelling rose, wild
roses, yellow rose.
round -A
blank round, ceaseless round, daily
round, endless round, endless round (of
parties and visits), final round (the),
fresh round, further round, live round,
long round, milk round, new round (of
pay bargaining), paper round, preliminary round, qualifying round, resounding round, the daily round (of school
life), the final round (of voting), the
first round, the opening round, the second round, the second round (of a competition), the trivial round (of daily
life), the wrong way round (the),
weekly round.
access route, accessible route, air route,
alternate route, alternative route, attractive route, beautiful route, best
route (the), bus route, circuitous route,
circular bus route, circular route,
coastal route, convenient route, cycle
route, dangerous route, dedicated
routes, devious route, direct route, eastwest route, easy route, escape route, familiar route, impractical route, indirect
route, long route, main route (the),
motoring routes, overland route, quick
route, quickest route (the), roundabout
route, safe route, scenic route, sea
route, shipping route, short route,
shortest route (the), southerly route,
supply route, the southern route, tortuous route, tourist route, trade route,
trans-Pennine route, trans-Sahara
route, trunk route, well-travelled route,
well-worn route.
almighty row, awful row, back row
(the), big row, bitter row, blazing row
(= an angry argument), bottom row,
diplomatic row, domestic row, double
row, drunken row, endless row, family
row, fearful row, ferocious row, fierce
row, flaming row, front row (the), furious row, great row, horizontal row,
huge row, long running row, major row,
middle row (the), neat row, orderly
rows, political row, public row, serious
row, serried row, single row, stand-up
row, terrible row, the front row (of the
stalls), the top row, thick row (of trees),
tremendous row, unholy row, vertical
row, violent row.
absolute rule, arbitrary rule, authoritarian rule, autocratic rule, basic rule
(the), British rule, cardinal rule, Chinese rule, civilian rule, clear rule, club
rule, colonial rule, communist rule,
company rule, competition rule, conservative rule, cultural rule, democratic
rule, direct rule, disciplinary rule,
emergency rule, ethical rule, fascist
rule, first rule (of sth) (the), foreign
rule, formal rule, fundamental rule,
general rule, golden rule, grammar
rule, grammatical rule, ground rules,
hard and fast rule, harsh rule, home
rule, immigration rule, indirect rule, inflexible rule, informal rule, iron rule,
Labour rule, legal rule, majority rule,
martial rule, military rule, minority
rule, mob rule, moral rule, official
rule(s), one-man rule, one-party rule,
petty rule, presidential rule, pretty rule,
rigid rule, safety rule, school rule,
simple rule, social rule, strict rule, stringent rule, tax rule, undemocratic rule,
union rule, unwritten rule, white rule,
written rule.
absolute rules, basic rules, binding
rules, broad rules, complicated rules,
elastic rules, existing rules (the), explicit rules, fair rules, fundamental
rules (the), hard and fast rules, ineffective rules, narrow rules, normal rules
(the), obscure rules, official rules, operational rules, oppressive rules, pointless rules, proper rules, reasonable
rules, restrictive rules, rigid rules, severe rules, standard rules, strict rules,
stringent rules, tight rules, unfiar rules,
unjust rules, unpopular rules, unreasonable rules.
airport run (the), bad run, common
run (the), disappointing run, disastrous run, dismal run, dry run, dummy
run, eight-week run, excellent run, fast
run, fine run, five-mile run, fun run,
general run (the), good run, home run,
long run, ordinary run (the), poor run,
practice run, record-breaking run, remarkable run, school run (the), sellout run, short run, six-month run,
sponsored run, successful run, training
run, trial run, unbeaten run, unbroken
run, usual run (the), winning run.
running -A
cross-country running, day-to-day running, distance running, efficient running, fell running, long-distance running, marathon running, middle-distance running, road running, the
smooth running (of an event).
bank safe, hotel safe, office safe, wall
safety -AA
air safety, airline safety, child safety,
comparative safety, extra safety, fire
safety, food safety, greater safety, home
safety, industrial safety, nuclear safety,
occupational safety, passenger safety,
perfect safety, personal safety, public
safety, rail safety, reasonable safety, relative safety, road safety, traffic safety.
annual sale, arms sale, auction sale,
bring-and-buy sale, car sale, car-boot
sale, clearance sale, closing-down sale,
clothing sale, direct sale, domestic sale,
export sale, foreign sale, furniture sale,
garage sale, global sale, good sale, gross
sale, healthy sale, high sale, high-street
sale, house sale, huge sale, illegal sale,
increased sale, international sale,
jumble sale, land sale, major sale, massive sale, net sale, overall sale, overseas
sale, poor sale, quarterly sale, quick
sale, retail sale, share sale, speedy sale,
strong sale, summer sale, tabletop sale,
telephone sale, ticket sale, total sale,
unit sale, volume sale, winter sale,
world sale, worldwide sale.
aggressive sales, annual sales, arms
sales, brisk sales, car sales, cumulative
sales, direct sales, disappointing sales,
domestic sales, encouraging sales, export sales, foreign sales, global sales,
good sales, gross sales, healthy sales,
heavy sales, high sales, high-pressure
sales, high-street sales, house sales,
huge sales, increased sales, international sales, land sales, massive sales,
net sales, overall sales, overseas sales,
phenomenal sales, poor sales, quarterly
sales, retail sales, satisfactory sales,
sluggish sales, stagnant sales, steady
sales, strong sales, telephone sales,
ticket sales, total sales, unit sales, volume sales, world sales, world wide
biopsy sample, blood sample, clinical
sample, DNA sample, faecal sample,
free sample, free sample (of shampoo),
large sample, population sample, random sample, representative sample,
RNA sample, rock sample, serum
sample, small sample, tissue sample,
urine sample, wide sample.
available sanction, civil sanction, criminal sanction, disciplinary sanction, divine sanction, economic sanction, effective sanction, final sanction, financial sanction, heavy sanction, international sanction, legal sanction, limited
sanction, military sanction, official
sanction, penal sanction, punitive sanction, religious sanction, severe sanction, social sanction, strict sanction, the
ultimate sanction, trade sanction, UN
(impose/lift) economic sanctions, financial sanctions, immediate sanctions,
international sanctions, military sanctions, punitive sanctions, sweeping
sanctions, tight sanctions, tough sanctions, trade sanctions, UN sanctions,
wide-ranging sanctions.
sand -A
black sand, black volcanic sand, burning sand, coarse sand, damp sand,
desert sand, dry sand, fine sand, golden
sand, hard sand, hot sand, moist sand,
shifting sand, silver sand, soft sand, wet
sand, white sand, yellow sand.
Saturday -AAA
last saturday.
saving -A
actual saving, big saving, considerable
saving, cost saving, energy saving, estimated saving, expected saving, financial saving, fuel saving, great saving,
life saving, long-term saving, major saving, net saving, overall saving, personal
saving, possible saving, potential saving, private saving, significant saving,
small saving, substantial saving, total
life savings, long-term savings, personal
savings, private savings, small savings.
(on) a grand scale, (on) a heroic scale,
(on) a large scale, (on) a massive scale,
(on) a small scale, ambitious scale,
armoured scale, bathroom scales, Beaufort scale, big scale, chromatic scale,
colossal scale, commercial scale, considerable scale, diatonic scale, diminished scale, evolutionary scale, false
scales, fee scale, fine scale, fish scale,
fixed scale, full scale, global scale,
greater scale, harmonic scales, huge
scale, human scale, international scale,
kitchen scales, lavish scale, major scale,
minor scale, modest scale, monumental
scale, national scale, overlapping scale,
pay scale, pentatonic scale, rating scale,
regional scale, Richter scale, salary
scale, sheer scale, sliding scale, social
scale, thin scale, time scale, unimaginable scale, unprecedented scale, vast
scale, wage scale, weighing scales,
whole-tone scale, world scale.
(charming) pastoral scene, accident
scene, action scene, angry scene, appalling scene, art scene, battle scene,
beautiful scene, bedroom scene, big
scene, bizarre scene, burgeoning scene,
charming scene, city scene, climatic
scene, closing scene, club scene,
colourful scene, comedy scene, contemporary scene (the), country scene,
crash scene, crowd scene, death scene,
distressing scene, domestic scene (the),
dramatic scene, drug/drugs scene, economic scene (the), education scene,
educational scene, emotional scene,
ever-changing scene, exciting scene,
explicit scenes, extraordinary scene, familiar scene, fashion scene, fight scene,
final scene (the), flourishing scene,
funny scene, gay scene, gory scenes,
graphic scenes, horrific scenes, idyllic
scene, international scene (the), joyous
scenes, last scene (the), literary scene,
little scene, lively scene, local scene
(the), love scene, murder scene, music/musical scene, nude scenes, peaceful scene, picturesque scene, poignant
scene, political scene (the), romantic
scene, rowdy scenes, rural scene (the),
savage scene, sex scene, social scene
(the), sporting scene, steamy love
scenes, steamy scene, strange scene,
street scene, terrible scene, the opening
scene, touching scene, tragic scene,
tranquil scene, ugly scene, unpleasant
scene, unsettled political scene, varied
scenes, violent scene, world scene.
ambitious schedule, binding schedules,
business schedule, busy schedule, daily
schedule, demanding schedule, fixed
schedule, flight schedule, full schedule,
gruelling schedule, heavy schedule,
hectic schedule, production schedule,
punishing schedule, rigid schedule,
rolling schedule (of motorway repairs),
strict schedule, tax schedules, television schedule, tight schedule, training
schedule, weekly schedule, work
(in) the global scheme (of things), after-school childcare scheme, ambitious
scheme, audacious scheme, clever
scheme (to make money, etc.), complicated schemes, crazy scheme, daring
scheme, devious scheme, effective
colour scheme, ethical schemes, fantastic scheme, feasible scheme, grand
scheme, grandiose schemes, harebrained scheme, ill-conceived scheme,
imaginative scheme, incentive scheme,
ingenious scheme, innovative scheme,
insurance scheme, insurance scheme,
local scheme, mad scheme, major
scheme, neutral colour scheme, occupational pension scheme, optional
schemes, overall scheme (of things),
pension scheme, pilot scheme, pleasing
scheme, recycling scheme, share
scheme, silly scheme, successful
scheme, training scheme, treacherous
schemes, unworkable proposal scheme,
voluntary scheme, wild scheme, workable scheme.
(one of the) old school, (sb’s) local
school, art school, blind school, boarding school, boys’ school, business
school, co-educational school, comprehensive school, dance school, day
school, direct-grant school, drama
school, elementary school, entire school
(the), exclusive private school, exclusive school, expensive school, fancy
school, fashionable school, feeder
school, film school, girls’ school, grade
school, grammar school, grant-maintained school, high school, huge school,
independent school, infant school, integrated school, international school, junior high school, junior school, language
school, law school, lousy school, mainstream schools, medical school, middle
school, mixed school, mixed-sex school,
modern school, nursery school, opt-out
school, over-crowded schools, posh
school, prep/preparatory school, prestigious schools, primary school, private
school, progressive schools, public
school, racially mixed schools, residen-
tial school, riding school, rough school,
rural school, secondary school, secondclass school, secretarial school, segregated schools, select school, selective
school, single-sex school, special
school, special school (for handicapped
children), start school, state schools,
summer school, Sunday school, the
modernist school, traditional school,
training school, village school, whole
school (the).
agricultural science, applied science,
basic science, behavioural science, cognitive science, computer science, domestic science, earth science, environmental science, exact science, experimental science, food science, forensic
science, hard science, human science,
imprecise science, inexact science, information science, life science, linguistic science, management science, marine science, medical science, modern
science, natural science, newborn science, physical science, political science,
popular science, pure science, school
science, social science, soil science,
space science, sports science, the biological sciences, veterinary science.
agricultural scientist, amateur scientist,
applied scientist, atomic scientist,
behavioural scientist, brilliant (young)
scientist, chief scientist (the), computer
scientist, distinguished scientist, earth
scientist, eminent scientist, environmental scientist, experimental scientist,
famous scientist, fellow scientist, fine
scientist, first-class scientist, food scientist, foremost scientist, forensic scientist, good scientist, government scientist, great scientist, illustrious scientists,
independent scientist, laboratory scientist, leading scientist, mad scientist,
marine scientist, medical scientist,
natural scientist, noted scientist,
nuclear scientist, physical scientist, political scientist, professional scientist,
research scientist, respected scientist,
rocket scientist, senior scientist, serious
scientist, social scientist, soil scientist,
top scientist, trained scientist, young
lice search, major search, manual
search, massive search, nationwide
search, painstaking search, police
search, random search, rigorous
search, routine search, strip search,
systematic search, thorough search,
unsuccessful search.
(be) a useful score, (pay) an old score,
(settle an) old score, aggregate score,
average score, bad score, big score,
bouncy musical score, close score,
cricket score, equal scores, excellent
score, final score (the), football score,
full score, good score, high score, identical scores, IQ score, level score, low
score, low score (in the game), mean
score, music score, musical score, orchestral score, perfect score, piano
score, poor score, record score, same
score (the), test score, the overall score,
top score (the), total score (the), vocal
big screen (the), blank screen, computer screen, folding screen, giant
screen, huge screen, large screen, small
screen, television screen, TV screen,
video screen.
blue sea, calm sea, choppy sea, cold
sea, crystal-clear sea, dangerous sea,
deep sea, foul sea, grey sea, heavy sea,
inland sea, mountainous sea, open sea
(the), raging sea, rough sea, shallow
sea, smooth sea, stormy sea, tranquil
sea, vast sea, warm sea, wild sea.
body search, careful search, computer
search, constant search, desperate
search, diligent search, exhaustive
search, extensive search, fingertip
search, frantic search, fruitless search,
house-to-house search, intensive
search, Internet search, large-scale po-
calm seas, choppy seas, cold seas (the),
dangerous seas, heavy seas, inland
seas, raging seas, rough seas (the),
stormy seas, the mountainous seas, turbulent seas.
(during the) present season, breeding
season (the), busy season, dead season
(the), dry season, fascinating season,
festive season (the), fishing season
(the), five consecutive seasons, growing season (the), holiday season (the),
hunting season (the), inconsistent season, mating season (the), rainy season
(the), shooting season (the), the coldest season (of the year), the hectic holiday season, tourist season (the).
(be in) the hot seat (= to have the job
of making difficult and sometimes unpleasant decisions), (take) a back seat
(to), aisle seat, baby seat, back seat
(the), bicycle seat, car seat, cheap seats
(the), child seat, comfortable seat,
comfy seat, complimentary seat, congressional seat, cushioned seat, driver’s
seat, driving seat, empty seat, free seat,
front seat (the), good seat, Labour seat,
lavatory seat, marginal seat, parliamentary seat, passenger seat, pillion
seat, plastic seat, ringside seat, safe
seat, safety seat, secure seat, Senate
seat, spare seat, spare seat (in the front
row), the customary seat, the rear seat,
toilet seat, Tory seat, upholstered seats,
vacant seat, window seat, wooden
(be) a poor second, bad second, brief
second, close second, closing seconds,
creditable second, distant second, equal
second, fleeting second, good second,
heart-stopping second, joint second,
lower second, single second, split second, upper second, worthy second.
(closely) guarded secret, big secret,
close secret, commercial secret, dark secret, deadly secret, deep secret, family
secret, great secret, guilty secret, hidden secret, horrifying secret, inner secret, innermost secret, intimate secret,
jealously guarded secret, little secret,
military secret, official secret, open secret, shameful secret, state secrets, terrible secret, top secret, trade secret,
well-kept secret.
secretary -AAA
able secretary, Agriculture secretary,
assistant secretary, branch secretary,
cabinet secretary, chief secretary (the),
club secretary, company secretary, confidential secretary, Defence secretary,
deputy secretary, district secretary, Economic secretary, Education secretary,
efficient secretary, Employment secretary, Energy secretary, Environment secretary, executive secretary, Financial
secretary, first secretary, foreign secretary, former secretary, general secretary
(the), group secretary, Health secretary,
Home secretary, honorary secretary, Industry secretary, legal secretary, lousy
secretary, national secretary (the), parliamentary secretary, perfect secretary
(the), permanent secretary, perpetual
secretary, personal secretary, press secretary, private secretary, publicity secretary, regional secretary, school secretary,
shadow secretary, social secretary, state
secretary (the), temporary secretary, the
acting secretary, then secretary, Trade
secretary, Transport secretary, Treasury
secretary, under secretary.
biology section, brass section, business
section, cello section, cross section (of
the society), finance section, history
section, horn section, large section,
long section, main section (the), percussion section, personnel section, political section, reference section,
rhythm section, short section, small section, string section, the disadvantaged
sections, travel section, wind section,
woodwind section.
agricultural sector, banking sector, business sector, commercial sector, corporate sector, economic sector (the), financial sector (the), formal sector, further/higher education sector, growing
sector, growth sector, health sector, important sector, independent sector, industrial sector (the), industry sector,
informal sector, key sector, manufacturing sector, market sector, primary sector, private sector (the), public sector
(the), retail sector, rural sector (the),
service sector, state sector (the), the independent sector (in education), urban
sector (the), voluntary sector, wobbly
finance sectors.
company securities, foreign securities,
gilt-edged securities, government securities, listed securities, negotiable securities, overseas securities, unlisted securities.
security -AAA
(on) social security, additional security,
collective security, company security,
economic security, emotional security,
financial security, foreign security, giltedged security, government security,
greater security, heightened security,
home security, internal security, job security, lax security, listed security, maximum security, national security, overseas security, personal security, psycho-
logical security, regional security, state
security, strict security, tight security,
top security, unlisted security.
airborne seeds, bird seed, black seeds,
edible seeds, first seed, grass seed,
number one seed, number two seed,
poppy seed, shiny (black) seeds, the
second seed, top seed.
careful selection, comprehensive selection, excellent selection, extensive selection, final selection, fine selection,
good selection, great selection, huge
selection, initial selection, interesting
selection, judicious selection, jury selection, large selection, limited selection, natural selection, random selection, representative selection, sexual
selection, small selection, superb selection, team selection, varied selection,
vast selection, well-chosen selection,
wide and varied selection (of cheeses),
wide selection.
(be like your) old self, (look like your)
old self, better self, cheerful self, conscious self, deep self, former self (sb’s),
good self, inner self (the), innermost
self, normal self (the), physical self
(the), private self (the), public self
(the), real self (sb’s), real self (the), the
subconscious self, the usual self, true
self (the), unaffected self.
high school seniors.
(a man of) eminent good sense, (in)
the broad sense (of the term/word,
etc.), (in) the conceptual sense, (in)
the narrowest sense, (in) the proper
sense (of the word), (in) the strict
sense (of the word), accepted sense,
acute sense (of smell), aesthetic sense,
bad sense, basic sense, business sense,
clear sense, common sense, confused
sense, deep sense, deep sense (of loss),
delicate sense (of smell/touch, etc.),
delightful sense, developed sense, distorted sense, dress sense, dry sense,
dull sense, earthy sense (of humour),
exaggerated sense, exquisite sense,
fabulous sense (of humour), false sense
(of security), figurative sense, fullest
sense, good business sense, good sense,
great sense, growing sense, guilty sense
(of relief), heightened sense, horse
sense, innate sense, innate sense (of
style), inner sense (of security), intuitive sense, irreverent sense, keen sense,
keen sense (of tradition), legal sense,
literal sense, lively sense, macabre
sense (of humour), marked sense,
metaphorical sense, misplaced sense
(of humour), moral sense, mythical
sense, narrow sense, natural sense,
natural sense (of rhythm), old-fashioned sense, outrageous sense, overwhelming sense, overwhelming sense
(of loss), palpable sense (of loss), palpable sense (of relief), peculiar sense
(of humour), pejorative sense, perfect
sense, pervasive sense (of guilt), poor
sense, profound sense, quiet sense, real
sense, sardonic sense (of humour),
sharp sense, sharp sense (of humour),
silly sense (of humour), sixth sense,
slight sense, sly sense (of humour),
special sense, strong sense, strong
sense (of duty), strong sense (of identity), strong sense (of purpose), sturdy
common sense, subtle sense, superficial
sense, technical sense, traditional
sense, tremendous sense, true sense,
truest sense, underdeveloped sense,
underlying sense, usual sense, vague
sense, warped sense, weird sense,
whimsical sense (of humour), wicked
sense, wicked sense (of humour), wide
awkward series, comedy series, complex series, concert series, continuous
subtle senses.
(grammatically) correct sentence,
(grammatically) incorrect sentence,
(in) the concluding sentence, (served)
two concurrent sentences, (short)
abrupt sentences, affirmative sentence,
ambiguous sentence, appropriate sentence, broken sentence, coherent sentence, complete sentence, complex sentence, compound sentence, conditional
sentence, custodial sentence, death sentence (the), disconnected sentences,
exemplary sentence, grammatical sentence, harsh sentence, heavy sentence,
incomplete sentence, indefinite sentence, indeterminate sentence, introductory sentence, involved sentence,
jail sentence, lenient sentence, life sentence, light prison sentence, light sentence, long sentence, mandatory (life)
sentences, maximum sentence, negative
sentence, non-custodial sentence, passive sentence, penal sentence, previous
sentence, prison sentence, severe sentence, short sentence, simple sentence,
stiff sentence, suspended sentence, the
minimum sentence, the whole sentence,
ungrammatical sentence.
action sequence, alphabetical sequence,
chronological sequence, closing sequence, complete sequence, complex
sequence, connected sequence, continuous sequence, correct sequence (the),
dance sequence, DNA sequence, dream
sequence, film sequence, gene sequence, logical sequence, natural sequence (the), numerical sequence,
opening sequence, orderly sequence,
random sequence, short sequence (of
actions), short sequence (of jokes),
short sequence (of movements), short
sequence (of remarks), whole sequence
series, crime series, documentary series, drama series, endless series, lecture series, long series, long series (of
events), long-running television series,
never-ending series, new TV drama series, popular series (of books), radio
series, television/TV series, test series,
wacky television series, whole series.
civil servant, competent civil servant,
cowardly civil servants, devoted servant, domestic servant, faithful servant,
farm servant, female servant, good servant, hired servant, household servant,
indentured servant, loyal servant, maid
servant, male servant, obedient servant, personal servant, public servant,
retired Civil servant, royal servant,
trusted servant, unfaithful servant.
(in) active service (= fought in a war),
(on) active service, adequate service,
advisory service, afternoon service, after-sales service, ambulance service,
appalling customer service, armchair
service, armed service (the), attentive
service, available service, back-up service, bad service, banking service, basic
service, bus service, church service,
civil service, coach service, community
service, complete dinner service, complete service, comprehensive service,
counselling service, courteous service,
customer service, deluxe service, diplomatic service, direct service, divine service, domestic service, efficient health
service, efficient service, emergency
service, erratic service, essential service, evening service, excellent health
service, excellent service, existing service, faithful service, fast service, ferry
service, financial service, fire service,
first-class service, first-rate service, foreign service, frequent service, friendly
service, full service, funeral service,
good service, great service, health service, immense service, inadequate ser-
vice, inefficient health service, inefficient service, information service, infrequent service, intelligence service, intermittent service, invaluable service,
library service, limited service, long service, marriage service, medical service,
memorial service, meritorious service,
military service, morning service, National health service, national service,
news service, outstanding service, personal service, police service, poor service, postal service, prison service, probation service, professional service,
prompt service, prosecution service,
public health service, public service,
quality service, quick service, rail service, reduced service, regular service,
reliable service, religious service, rescue
service, room service, scheduled service, secret service, security service,
shoddy service, slow service, social service, standard service, support service,
taxi service, telephone service, terrible
service, the colonial civil service, train
service, tram service, tube service, underground service, unreliable service,
unsatisfactory service, unwieldly health
service, valuable service, vital service,
voluntary jury service, voluntary service.
(in) essential services, (perform) useful
services, basic services, cut-price services, domestic services, emergency
services (the), express delivery services,
feeder airline services, feeder railway
services, financial services, infrequent
train services, multimedia services, private services, rural bus services, sundry
services, the armed services, the caring
services, voluntary services, welfare
annual session, attractive session, bargaining session, beautiful session, briefing session, charming session, closed
session, closing session, coaching ses-
sion, congressional session, contemporary session, cultural session, current
session, default session, delightful session, domestic session, dramatic session, drinking session, educational session, emergency session, extraordinary
session, family session, final session,
follow-up session, formal session, full
session, high session, historical session,
hospital session, idyllic session, inaugural session, informal session, intimate
session, jam session, jazz session, joint
session, laboratory session, last session,
lengthy session, long session, lovely
session, low session, magnificent session, moderate session, natural session,
negotiating session, open session,
opening session, parliamentary session,
peaceful session, perfect session, photo
session, photographic session, picturesque session, plenary session, practice
session, private session, public session,
question and answer session, recording
session, regular session, rural session,
secluded session, short session, stormy
session, the current parliamentary session, the standard session, training session, tranquil session, unfamiliar session, unlikely session, weekly session,
work session, work-out session, yoga
tural settlement, amicable settlement,
ancient settlement, cash settlement,
compensation settlement, comprehensive settlement, compromise settlement,
constitutional settlement, debt settlement, diplomatic settlement, dispute
settlement, divorce settlement, durable
settlement, early settlement, fair settlement, final settlement, financial settlement, friendly settlement, full settlement, human settlement, isolated settlement, just settlement, land settlement,
lasting peace settlement, lasting settlement, long-term settlement, marriage
settlement, mining settlement, native
settlement, negotiated settlement, outof-court settlement, pay settlement,
peace settlement, peaceful settlement,
penal settlement, permanent settlement,
political settlement, prehistoric settlement, primitive settlement, prompt
settlement, reasonable settlement, remote settlement, rural settlement, satisfactory settlement, separate settlement,
speedy settlement, straightforward cash
settlement, temporary settlement, tiny
settlement, wage settlement.
anal sex, casual sex, consensual sex, discrimination sex, equality sex, explicit
sex, extra-marital sex, fair sex (the),
fairer sex (the), female sex (the), gay
sex, gentle sex, good sex, gratuitous sex,
great sex, heterosexual sex, homosexual
sex, illicit sex, kinky sex, lesbian sex,
male sex (the), non-consensual sex, opposite sex (the), oral sex, passionate sex,
penetrative sex, premarital sex, promiscuous sex, safe sex, single sex, unlawful
sex, unprotected sex, unsafe sex, vaginal
band's set, chess set, closed set, common set, complete set (of sb’s novels),
complete set (of CDs), complex set,
data set, dinner set, film set, finite set
(of sth), framed set (of prints), full set,
identical sets, incomplete set, instruction set, musician's set, new set (of
rules), open set, perfect set (of teeth),
printing set, rigid set (of values), smart
set (the), special set (of clothes), stage
set, studio set, tea set, television set,
the complete set, train set, whole set
(few) scattered settlements, agricul-
the present set-up.
dancing shadow, dark shadow, deep
shadow, dense shadow, flickering
shadow, giant shadow, grotesque
shadow, long shadow, monstrous
shadow, pale shadow, sinister shadow,
strange shadow, strong shadow, terrible
(be no) great shakes, brisk shake, fair
shake, good shake, little shake, mental
shake, rueful shake, slight shake, vigorous shake.
(bad/ good/ great, etc.) physical shape,
(in) various shapes, (in) very good
shape, (of any) old shape , aerodynamic
shape, angular shape, arch shape, arrow shape, asymmetrical shape, awkward shape, bad shape, banana shape,
basic shape, black shape, blurred shape,
body shape, bold geometric shapes,
changing shape, characteristic shape,
circular shape, clean shape, complex
shape, cone shape, conical shape, cross
shape, curious shape, cylindrical shape,
dark shape, definite shape, diamond
shape, distinctive shape, dome shape,
egg shape, elliptical shape, elongated
shape, excellent shape, fearful shapes,
final shape (the), fine shape, flat shape,
future shape (the), general shape, geometric shapes, geometrical shape,
ghostly shape, great shape, grey shape,
hemispherical shape, hexagonal shape,
huge shape, human shape, interesting
shape, irregular shape, linear shape,
massive shape, oblong shape, odd
shape, pear shape, pentagonal shape,
perfect shape, pleasing shape, pointed
shape, poor shape, pyramid/pyramidal
shape, random shape, rectangular
shape, regular shape, round shape,
rounded shape, shadowy shape, simple
shape, smooth shape, solid shape,
spherical shape, standard shape, star
shape, symmetrical shape, T shape, the
original shape, three-dimensional
shape, tiptop shape, triangular shape,
uniform shape, unusual shape, vague
shape, wedge shape, weird shape.
5, 10, etc. percentage share, bigger
share, disproportionate share, equal
share, fair share, full share, half share,
large share, major share, market share,
modest share, ordinary share, preference share, proportionate share, significant share, substantial share, the lion’s
ordinary shares, preference shares.
(start/ begin with) a clean sheet, answer sheet, baking sheet, balance sheet,
bed sheet, blank sheet, blank sheet (of
paper), bottom sheet, canvas sheet,
clean sheet (of paper), clean sheet (of
your behaviour), clean sheet (of your
work), clean sheets (on the bed), cool
sheet, cotton sheet, crisp sheets,
crumbled sheet, data sheet, diet sheet,
double sheet, dust sheet, fact sheet, fitted sheet, flat sheet, fresh sheet, ice
sheet, information sheet, large sheet,
linen sheet, loose sheet, lyric sheet,
news sheet, plastic sheet, polythene
sheet, printed sheet, record sheet, rubber sheet, satin sheet, score sheet, separate sheet, silk sheet, single sheet,
smooth sheet (of ice), thin sheet, top
sheet (the), typed sheet, white sheet.
abrupt shift, afternoon shift, alarming
shift, belated shift, big shift, climate
shift, cultural shift, day shift, decisive
shift, definite shift, demographic shift,
discernible shift, distinct shift, double
shift, dramatic shift, dramatic shift (in
public opinion), early shift, eight-hour
shift, evening shift, fundamental shift,
gradual shift, ideological shift, important shift, irreversible shift, late shift,
long shift, long-term shift, major shift,
marked shift, massive shift, morning
shift, night shift, noticeable shift, policy
shift, population shift, profound shift,
pronounced shift, radical shift, rapid
shift, significant shift, slight shift, split
shift, substantial shift, subtle shift, sudden shift, ten-hour shift, unexpected
shift, weekend shift.
(run) a tight ship, abandoned ship,
beautiful ship, cargo ship, container
ship, cruise ship, enemy ship, fine ship,
huge ship, merchant ship, model ship,
neutral ships, pirate ship, sailing ship,
sunken ship, supply ship, the stricken
ship, wooden ship.
(brightly) coloured shirt, baggy shirt,
best shirt (= clothing that you keep for
special occasions), blue shirt, buttondown shirt, casual (short-sleeved)
shirt, cheap shirt, checked shirt, clean
shirt, collarless shirt, cool shirt, cream
shirt, crisp shirt, crisp white shirt, football shirt, fresh shirt, gaudy shirt, grey
shirt, Hawaiian shirt, light blue shirt,
long-sleeved shirt, loose shirt, loud
shirt, man’s shirt, open-necked shirt,
plain (blue) shirt, polo shirt, pristine
white shirts, rugby shirt, short-sleeved
shirt, sports shirt, sporty shirt, striped
shirt, tailor-made shirt, tattered shirt,
torn shirt, unbuttoned shirt, unironed
shirt, white shirt.
awesome shock, awful shock, big
shock, complete shock, considerable
shock, culture shock, deep shock, delayed shock, dreadful shock, dull
shock, electric shock, electrical shock,
fearful shock, first shock, great shock,
initial shock (the), major shock, massive shock, mild shock, nasty shock,
numb shock, profound shock, real
shock, rude shock, severe shock, sharp
shock, short shock, slight shock, sud-
den shock, terrible shock, tremendous
ballet shoe, buckled shoe, built-up shoe,
clumpy shoe, comfortable shoe, court
shoe, dancing shoe, fashion shoe, flat
shoe, flat-heeled shoe, gym shoe, heavy
shoe, high-heeled shoe, lace-up shoe,
left shoe (the), light shoe, low-heeled
shoe, outdoor shoe, platform shoe, running shoe, sensible shoe, sports shoe,
stout shoe, strong shoe, sturdy shoe,
tennis shoe, tight shoe, training shoe,
walking shoe.
(dark) brown shoes, (shiny) black
shoes, (stout) walking shoes, affordable
shoes, best shoes, cheap shoes, clumsy
shoes, flat shoes, flimsy shoes, funky
shoes, great shoes, handmade shoes,
heavy shoes, high-heeled shoes, horrible
shoes, indoor shoes, light shoes, lightweight shoes, men’s shoes, narrow
shoes, old shoes, pointed shoes, practical shoes, running shoes, sensible shoes,
shiny shoes, spiked running shoes, stout
shoes, stout walking shoes, strong
shoes, suitable shoes, tight shoes, tiny
shoes, uncomfortable shoes, white
shoot -A
bamboo shoot, fashion shoot, film
shoot, flowering shoot, fresh shoot,
green shoot, lateral shoots, location
shoot, new shoot, photo shoot, photographic shoot, side shoot, tender shoot,
video shoot, young shoot.
(highly) reputable shop, antique shop,
betting shop, boarded up shop, busy
shop, butcher’s shop, charity shop,
clothes shop, colourful shop, convenient
shop, corner shop, cut-price shop, delightful shop, dingy shop, disused shop,
electrical shop, elegant shop, empty
shop, excellent shop, exclusive (designer) shops, exclusive shop, expensive shop, fine shop, furniture shop, gift
shop, good shop, grand shop, great
shop, greengrocer’s shop, hardware
shop, high-class shop, high-street shop,
junk shop, large shop, local shop, mobile shop, nearby shop, nearest shop
(the), neighbouring shops, old-fashioned shop, one-stop shop, pet shop,
photographic shop, posh shops, quaint
shop, record shop, retail shop, shabby
shop, shoe shop, smart shop, specialist
shop, stylish shop, suburban shop,
sumptuous shop, sweet shop, the dutyfree shop, tiny shop, traditional shop,
trendy shops, upmarket shop, vacant
shop, village shop, villager shop, wellstocked shop, wonderful shop.
action shot, aerial shot, bad shot, beautiful shot, big shot (= an important person), booster shot, camera shot, cannon
shot, close-up shot, cover shot, crack
shot, crowd shot, deep shot, direct shot,
dreamy shots, excellent shot, fashion
shot, fatal shot, fine shot, first shot,
good shot, great shot, gun shot, leftfooted shot, left-handed shot, location
shot, long shot, lucky shot, opening
shot, parting shot, pistol shot, poor
shot, publicity shot, random shot, rifle
shot, small shot, still shot, superb shot,
tracking shot, warning shot, wayward
shot, wide-angle shot, wild shot, zoom
cold shoulder (infml), dislocated shoulder, frozen shoulder, left shoulder (the),
sore shoulder.
bare shoulders, big shoulders, bony
shoulders, bowed shoulders, broad
shoulders, delicate shoulders, frozen
shoulders, great shoulders, huge shoulders, manly shoulders, massive shoul-
ders, muscled shoulders, muscular
shoulders, naked shoulders, narrow
shoulders, powerful shoulders, round
shoulders, shapely shoulders, slim
shoulders, sore shoulders, square shoulders, strong shoulders, tense shoulders,
thin shoulders, tight shoulders, tired
shoulders, wide shoulders, young
shout -A
angry shout, distant shout, faint shout,
great shout, indignant shout, loud
shout, low shout, muffled shout, raucous shouts, sudden shout, triumphant
shout, warning shout, wild shout.
(make) a brave show, (sb’s) own show,
agreeable show, agricultural show, air
show, amusing show, annual show, art
show, benefit show, big show, boat
show, boring show, brazen show (of
force), cabaret show, cat show, charity
show, chat show, comedy show, dog
show, dumb show, extravagant shows,
faint show (of resistance), family show,
fascinating show, fashion show, festive
show, film show, floor show, flower
show, freak show, game show, great
show, horse show, horticultural show,
jaded show, light show, live show, local
show (the), magic show, motor show,
musical show, one-man show, onewoman show, peep show, popular show,
public show, puppet show, quiz show,
radio show, road show, slide show, solo
show, spring show, stage show, summer
show, talent show, talk show, television
show, topless show, touring show, trade
show, travelling show, trivial TV game
show, TV show, variety show, wonderful show.
(be on) the wrong side (of thirty/forty,
etc), (get on) the wrong side (of sb) (=
to do something that gives someone a
bad opinion of you, so that they do not
like or respect you in the future), (look
on) the bright side (of things), (on the)
safe side, (on) the other side, (the)
right side, away side, bad side, business
side, caring side, commercial side, creative side, dark side, dark side (to sth),
east side, far side (the), feminine side,
financial side, flip side, good side,
home side, league side, left side (the),
losing side, management side, marketing side, near side, negative side, opposite side (the), positive side, right side
(of sth) (the), right side (up), strong
side, Test side, the blunt side (of the
axe), the dark side (of the human
soul), the dark side (of things), the
darker side (of human nature), the lefthand side (of the street), the north
side, the opposing sides, the reverse
side, the right side (of the brain), the
right-hand side, the same side, the
shady side, the south side, the starboard side, the victorious side, the west
side, the whimsical side, the winning
side, ugly side, unchanged side, wrong
(not a) pretty sight, awe-inspiring
sight, awesome sight, bad sight, beautiful sight, big sight, bizarre sight,
breathtaking sight, collective sight,
common sight, deep sight, defective
sight, depressing sight, exaggerated
sight, excellent sight, failing sight, familiar sight, famous sight, fine sight,
frightening sight, funny sight, ghastly
sight, glorious sight, good sight, great
sight, gruesome sight, heartfelt sight,
heavy sight, historic sight, horrifying
sight, huge sight, impressive sight, incongruous sight, inspiring sight, keen
sight, little sight, long sight, magnificent sight, near sight, normal sight,
pathetic sight, perfect sight, pitiful
sight, poor sight, proud sight, rare
sight, regular sight, resigned sight, sad
sight, sharp sight, short sight, sickening
sight, small sight, soft sight, sorry sight,
spectacular sight, splendid sight,
strange sight, terrible sight, terrifying
sight, touching sight, unexpected sight,
unfamiliar sight, unforgettable sight,
unlikely sight, unusual sight, weak
sight, weary sight, welcome sight, woeful sight, wonderful sight, wondrous
famous sights, historic sights.
(show) little sign, ‘For sale’ sign, ‘Stop’
sign, ‘To Let’ sign, bad sign, birth sign,
cautious sign, clear sign, comforting
sign, danger sign, definite sign, direction sign, discernible signs, discreet
sign, distinct sign, disturbing sign, early
sign, encouraging sign, equals sign, euro
sign, exit sign, external sign, first sign,
flashing sign, frantic sign, garish signs,
good sign, Gothic signs, handwritten
sign, healthy sign, hopeful sign, huge
sign, illuminated sign, increasing sign,
indicative signs, inn sign, luminous road
signs, minus sign, mysterious sign,
negative sign, neon sign, no-smoking
sign, obscure sign, obvious sign, ominous sign, outward sign, overhead sign,
painted sign, plain sign, plus sign, positive sign, pound sign, prominent sign,
pub sign, real sign, road sign, rude sign,
rudimentary sign, sacred sign, secret
sign, shop sign, solemn sign, star sign,
street sign, strong sign, sure sign, tangible sign, tell-tale sign, thumbs-up sign,
traffic sign, unclear sign, unmistakable
sign, V sign, visible sign, warning sign,
welcome sign, worrying sign.
acoustic signals, agreed signal, alarm
signal, analogue signal, audio signal,
chemical signal, clear signal, conflicting
signals, confusing signal, contradictory
signal, danger signal, digital signal, distress signal, electrical signal, electronic
signal, faint signal, hand signal, high
frequency signal, important signal, light
signal, low-frequency signal, mixed signals, mono signal, non-verbal signal,
ominous signal, powerful signal, prearranged signal, radar signal, radio signal, railway signal, semaphore signal,
smoke signal, sonar signal, sound signal, strong signal, the engaged signal,
the wrong signal, traffic signal, transatlantic radio signals, TV /television signal, unmistakable signal, verbal signal,
video signal, visual signal, warning signal, weak radio signal, weak signal,
wireless signal, worrying signals.
(in) respectful silence, a moment’s silence, absolute silence, appalled silence, attentive silence, awkward silence, brief silence, brooding silence,
companionable silence, complete silence, dead silence, deadly silence,
deafening silence, deathly silence, deep
silence, deliberate silence, dignified silence, eerie silence, embarrassed silence, embarrassing silence, excruciating silence, expectant silence, fraught
silence, heavy silence, hostile silence,
hushed silence, icy silence, incredulous
silence, lengthy silence, long silence,
momentary silence, mournful silence,
ominous silence, pregnant silence, profound silence, prolonged silence, resentful silence, shocked silence, short
silence, stony silence, strained silence,
stunned silence, sudden silence, sullen
silence, tense silence, total silence, unbroken silence, uncomfortable silence,
uneasy silence, unnerving silence, utter
silence, virtual silence.
best-selling single, biggest single (the),
debut single, first single, forthcoming
single, hit single, junior single, largest
single (the), men’s single, new single,
the latest single, women’s single.
junior singles, men’s singles, women’s
(sb’s) elder sister, (you’re) a big sister
(now), baby sister, beloved sister, big
sister (sb’s), dead sister (sb’s), deceased
sister, eldest sister, full sister (sb’s), half
sister, kid sister, late sister (sb’s), little
sister (sb’s), much-loved sister, older
sister, small sister (sb’s), step sister,
twin sister, unmarried sister, wee sister,
younger sister (sb’s).
(waste) disposal site, 20-acre site, accident site, ancient site, archaeological
site, attractive site, bomb site, breeding
site, browse/browsing site, building
site, burial site, camp site, camping site,
caravan site, central site, chat site, construction site, convenient site, crash
site, demolition site, designated site,
destination site, development site,
dump site, expensive site, exposed site,
factory site, free site, good site,
Greenfield site, historical/historic site,
home site, hospital site, huge site, ideal
site, important site, industrial site,
Internet site, iron-/bronze-age site, key
site, landfill site, landing site, launch
site, logical site, manufacturing site,
nest/nesting site, official site, perfect
site, picnic site, possible site, possible
site (for a building), potential site, prehistoric site, prime site, protected site,
sacred site, school site, search site, suitable site, surf/surfing site, the adjacent
site, the proposed site, unsuitable site,
web site, WWW site.
(potentially) explosive situation, absurd situation, acceptable situations,
actual situation, acute situation, alarming situation, anxious situation, apparent situation, artificial situation, awk-
ward situation, bad situation, beautiful
situation, bizarre situation, blissful situation, casual situation, catch situation,
chaotic situation, charged situation,
charmed situation, chronic situation,
collective situations, comfortable situation, commanding situation, complex
situation, complicated situation, compromising situation, concrete situation,
concurrent situations, confusing situation, continual situation, covert situation, crisis situation, critical situation,
current situation (the), dangerous situation, deadly situation, delicate situation, deplorable situation, desirable
situation, desperate situation, different
situation, difficult situations, dire situation, disgraceful situation, dodgy situation, domestic situations, dramatic
situation, economic situation, embarrassing situation, emergency situation,
emotional situation, everyday situations, exceptional situations, extraordinary situation, familiar situation,
favourable situation, financial situation, fluid situation, frightening situation, funny situation, general situation
(the), ghastly situation, good situation,
gory situations, grave situation, happy
situation, hazardous situation, healthy
situation, hectic situation, helpful situation, historical situations, hopeless
situation, hostile situations, hypothetical situation, ideal situation, idyllic
situation, immediate situation, impossible situation, informal situation, international situation, intolerable situation, irregular situation, legal situation,
local situation, lonely situation, ludicrous situation, messy situation, mestic
situation, military situation, nasty situation, nationwide situations, novel situation, no-win situation, odd situation,
one-to-one situation, overall situation
(the), paradoxical situation, parallel
situations, peaceful situations, perilous
situation, pleasant situation, political
situation (the), positive situation, pos-
sible situation, precarious situation,
present situation (the), previous situation, privileged situation, prolonged
situation, real/real-life situation, relaxed situation, ridiculous situation,
risky situation, rocky situation, romantic situation, routine situation, sad situation, satisfactory situation, serious situations, similar situation, simple situation, social situation, stable situation,
steady situation, sterile situation, sticky
situation, strange situation, strategic
situation, stressful situation, tense situation, terrible situation, testing situation, the national situation, the present
economic situation, the present financial situation, the present political situation, tight situation, total situation,
tragic situation, tricky situation, true
situation (the), typical romantic situation, uncomfortable situation, uneven
situation, unfair situation, unhappy
situation, unique situation, unlikely
situation, unpleasant situation, unreal
situations, unsatisfactory situation, unstable situation, unusual situation, volatile political situation, volatile situation,
vulnerable situation, whole situation
(the), win-win situation, work situation, world situation.
(in) various sizes, (of any) old size, (of)
equal size, (of) medium size, (of) unequal size, 1-litre size, 4-pound size,
actual size (the), appropriate size, assorted sizes, average size, bra size,
children’s size, class size, collar size,
combined size (of sth) (the), comparable size, considerable size, convenient
size, correct size (the), desirable size,
diminutive size, enormous size, equivalent size, exact size (the), fair size, family size, foot size, full size, giant size,
good size, great size, group size, handy
size, household size, imperial size, impressive size, large size, larger size, life
size, limited size, manageable size, mar-
ket size, massive size, maximum size,
medium size, men’s chest size, metric
size, middle size, moderate size, modest size, non-standard size, normal size
(the), optimum size, overall size, population size, reasonable size, relative
size, ridiculous size, right size (the),
sample size, sheer size (of sth) (the),
shoe size, similar size, small size,
smaller size, standard size (the), substantial size, sufficient size, the minimum size, total size (the), uniform size,
vast size, very size, women’s chest size,
wrong size (the).
academic skills, advanced skill, advanced technical skills, analytical skills,
artistic skills, basic skills, business skills,
clerical skills, communication skills,
communicative skills, computer skills,
considerable skill, consummate skill,
conversational skills, culinary skills, diagnostic skill, diplomatic skill, effortless
skill, elementary computer skills, elementary reading skills, entrepreneurial skills, equestrian skill, essential skill,
excellent organizational skills, exceptional skill (at football), extinct skill,
extraordinary skill, foot-balling skills,
forensic skills, good skill, great skill,
important skill, interpersonal skills,
journalistic skill, language skills, leadership skills, linguistic skills, literacy
skills, management skills, managerial
skills, manual skills, marketable skill,
mathematical skills, medical skill, military skill, motor skill, musical skill,
natural skill, necessary skill (the), negotiating skill, new skill, numeracy skills,
old skill, organizational skills, parenting
skills, polished skills, political skill, poor
skill, practical skill, problem-solving
skills, professional skill, reading skills,
remarkable skill, requisite skill, research skill, scientific skill, social skills,
spatial skills, special skill, specialist
skill, specialized skills, study skill, sufficient skill, superb skill, superior skill,
surgical skills, survival skill, tactical
skill, technical skill, transferable skill,
tremendous skill, unbelievable skill,
useful skill, verbal skills, vocational
skills, writing skills.
southern sky (the), starry sky, steely
sky, sullen sky, summer sky (the),
sunny sky, the seamless blue sky,
threatening sky, vivid blue sky, watery
animal skin, armoured skin, banana
skin, bare skin, beautiful skin, black
skin, blistered skin, blotchy skin,
bronze skin, bronzed skin, brown skin,
chilled skin, clear skin, coarse skin,
cold skin, congested skin, cool skin,
creamy skin, crocodile skin, dark skin,
dead skin, delicate skin, dry skin, facial
skin, fair skin, fine skin, flaky skin,
flawless skin, freckled skin, goat skin,
golden skin, good skin, greasy skin,
hairless skin, hairy skin, hard skin,
healthy skin, irritable skin, leather skin,
leathery skin, leopard skin, loose skin,
lovely skin, milky skin, moist skin, naked skin, oily skin, olive skin, olivetinged/tinted skin, onion skin, orange
coloured skin, pale skin, pallid skin,
perfect skin, potato skin, puffy skin,
raw skin, rough skin, sallow skin, scaly
skin, sensitive skin, sheep skin, sheep
skin, silky skin, smooth skin, soft skin,
sunburnt skin, supple skin, swarthy
skin, tanned skin, taut skin, tender
skin, thick skin, tough skin, translucent
skin, transparent skin, weathered skin,
white skin, wrinkled skin, young skin,
youthful skin.
sky -A
autumn sky, azure sky, big sky, black
sky, blue sky, bright sky, clear blue sky,
clear sky, cloudless sky, cloudy sky,
crimson sky, dark sky, darkening sky,
dull sky, eastern sky (the), empty sky,
gloomy sky, grey sky, heavy sky, huge
sky, January sky, leaden sky, lowering
sky, lurid sky, morning sky, mournful
(grey) sky, night sky (the), nocturnal
sky, northern sky (the), open sky, overcast sky, pale sky, radiant blue sky, red
sky, rosy sky, serene sky, sombre sky,
(nice) refreshing sleep, beauty sleep,
broken sleep, dead sleep, deep sleep,
disturbed sleep, dreamless sleep,
drunken sleep, exhausted sleep, fitful
sleep, good night’s sleep, good sleep,
heavy sleep, light sleep, little sleep,
long sleep, peaceful sleep, profound
sleep, REM sleep, restful sleep, restless
sleep, short sleep, sound sleep, unbroken sleep, uneasy sleep, uninterrupted
betting slip, Freudian slip, inadvertent
slip, little slip, pay slip, rejection slip,
slight slip, tiny slip, unfortunate slip,
voting slip.
affectionate smiles, alluring smile,
amused smile, anxious smile, apologetic smile, appreciative smile, arch
smile, artificial smile, awkward smile,
beaming smile, beatific smile, beguiling
smile, bemused smile, benevolent
smile, big smile, bright smile, brilliant
smile, broad smile, careless smile,
charming smile, cheerful smile, cheery
smile, chilling smile, comforting smile,
compassionate smile, complacent
smile, conciliatory smile, confident
smile, conspiratorial smile, contented
smile, cordial smile, coy smile, crooked
smile, cruel smile, cryptic smile, cunning smile, cynical smile, dazzling
smile, delighted smile, diplomatic
smile, disarming smile, elated smile,
embarrassed smile, encouraging smile,
endearing smile, engaging smile, enigmatic smile, faint smile, fake smile,
fixed smile (on your face), fleeting
smile, fond smile, forced smile, friendly
smile, gentle smile, gracious smile,
grateful smile, greasy smile, grim smile,
happy smile, hesitant little smile, hopeful smile, humourless smile, indulgent
smile, inviting smile, ironic smile,
knowing smile, lazy smile, little smile,
lopsided smile, magnetic smile, malevolent smile, melancholy smile, mirthless
smile, mischievous smile, mocking
smile, modest smile, mysterious smile,
nervous smile, nice big smile, obligatory
smile, patronizing smile, placid smile,
plastic smile, pleasant smile, polite
smile, radiant smile, ready smile, reassuring smile, relieved smile, reluctant
smile, reminiscent smile, resigned
smile, rueful smile, sad smile, sardonic
smile, satisfied smile, scornful smile, seductive smile, self-conscious smile, serene smile, set smile, sexy smile, sheepish smile, shy smile, significant smile,
slight smile, sly smile, stiff smile, sunny
smile, supercilious smile, superior
smile, sweet smile, sympathetic smile,
tentative smile, thin smile, timid smile,
toothless smile, triumphant smile, uncertain smile, understanding smile, uneasy smile, usual smile (the), vacant
smile, vague smile, wan smile, warm
smile, watery smile, weak smile, weary
smile, welcoming smile, whimsical
smile, wide smile, winning smile, wry
(have) a quiet smoke, acrid smoke, billowing smoke, black smoke, blue
smoke, choking smoke, cigar smoke,
cigarette smoke, dense smoke, grey
smoke, heavy smoke, holy smoke!, light
smoke, pipe smoke, stale cigarette
smoke, stale smoke, thick smoke, tobacco smoke.
snow -A
artificial snow, compacted snow, crisp
snow, damp snow, deep snow, dirty
snow, drifting snow, driving snow, fallen
snow, falling snow, fine snow, first snow,
fresh snow, frozen snow, hard snow,
heavy snow, light snow, melted snow,
melting snow, new snow, newly fallen
snow, nostalgic snow, packed snow,
powder/powdery snow, soft snow,
spring snow, swirling snow, thick snow,
wet snow, winter snow.
society -AAA
(in) polite society, active society, advanced society, affluent society, agricultural society, ailing society, amateur
dramatics society, American society,
backward society, benevolent society,
bourgeois society, British society, capitalist society, cashless society, charitable
society, choral society, civil society, civilized society, class society, classless society, closed society, communist society,
consumer society, consumerist society,
contemporary society (the), corrupt society, cosmopolitan society, debating
society, decadent society, democratic
society, diseased society, divided society, drama society (the), dramatic society, educated society, egalitarian society, eminent society, equal society, exclusive society, fair society, feudal society, free society, hierarchical society,
high society, historical society, homogeneous society, horticultural society, human society, humane society, ideal society, illustrious society, industrial society, Japanese society, just society, law
society, learned societies, literary society, local dramatic society, matriarchal
society, medical society, mixed society,
mobile society, modern society (the),
multicultural society, multiethnic society, multiracial society, musical society,
open society, operatic society, organic
society, patriarchal society, peaceful society, permissive society, philosophical
society, plural society, pluralist society,
pluralistic society, post-industrial society, pre-industrial society, pressurized
society, primitive societies, promiscuous
society, prosperous society, racist society, religious society, repressive society,
rich society (the), rural society, scientific society, secret society, secular society, self-governing society, socialist society, stagnant societies, static society,
stratified society, technological society,
the Royal Society of Arts, throwaway
society, totalitarian society, traditional
society (the), tribal societies, urban society, village society, voluntary society,
Western society (the), wider society.
soldier, loyal soldier, mercenary soldier,
mounted soldier, old soldier, ordinary
soldier, private soldier, professional soldier, rank-and-file soldier, rebel soldier,
regular soldier, retired soldier, the advancing soldiers, toy soldiers, trained
soldier, triumphant soldiers, undercover soldier, uniformed soldier, veteran soldier, volunteer soldier,
wounded soldiers.
accounting software, affordable software, anti-virus software, application
software, compatible software, computer software, corrupt software, design software, educational software, efficient database software, innovative
software, intelligent software, management software, music-sharing software,
peripheral software, pirated software,
portable software, proprietary software.
acid soluble soils, acid soil, acidic soils,
alkali soluble soils, alkaline soil, alluvial
soil, barren soil, chalky soil, clay/clayey
soil, contaminated soil, damp soil, deep
soil, desert soil, dry soil, fertile soil, foreign soil, forest soil, garden soil, good
soil, heavy soil, infertile soil, light soil,
loose soil, moist soil, native soil, organic soil, peaty soil, polar soil, poor
soil, porous soil, productive soil, rich
organic soil, rich soil, rich well-drained
soil, rocky soil, sandy soil, shallow soil,
stony soil, thin soil, top soil (the), volcanic soil, waterlogged soil, wet soil.
Allied soldier, armed soldier, barbaric
soldiers, brave soldier, British soldier,
common soldier, conscript soldier, crack
soldier, dead soldier, enemy soldier, experienced soldier, fellow soldier, fine
soldier, foot soldier, former soldier,
good soldier, government soldier, great
soldier, inexperienced soldier, injured
(no) earthly solution, acceptable solution, acid solution, alkaline solution,
amateur solutions, amicable solution,
aqueous solution, bicarbonate solution,
brilliant solution, complete solution,
comprehensive solution, compromise
solution, concentrated solution, correct
solution (the), cost-effective solution,
creative solution, definitive solution,
dilute solution, diplomatic solution,
drastic solution, early solution, easy solution, effective solution, elegant solution (to a problem), fairest solution
(the), feasible solution, final solution
(the), good solution, happy solution,
ideal solution, imaginative solution,
immediate solution, ingenious solution,
instant solution, interim solution, lasting solution, long-term solution, military solution, neat solution, negotiated
solution, novel solution (to a problem),
obvious solution, optimal solution,
painless solution, partial solution (to a
problem), peaceful solution, perfect solution, permanent solution, political solution, possible solution, practical solution, pragmatic solution, proposed solution, quick solution, radical solution,
radical solution (to a problem), real
solution, realistic solution, right solution (the), saline solution, salt solution,
sane solution, satisfactory solution,
saturated solution, short-term solution
(to a problem), simple solution, sodium
chloride solution, speedy solution,
straightforward solution, strong solution, technical solution, temporary so-
lution, the most equitable solution, the
second-best solution, the ultimate solution, viable solution, weak bleach solution, weak solution, workable solution.
(sb’s) fictitious son, (sb’s) small son,
(sb’s) younger son, baby son, devoted
son, dutiful son, elder son, eldest son,
estranged son, fine son, first-born son,
good son, grown-up son, illegitimate
son, legitimate son, little son (sb’s),
long-lost son, married son, middle son
(the), natural son, newborn son, oldest
son, only son, prodigal son, strong son,
surrogate son, teenage son, the younger
son, unmarried son, young son, youngest son.
(sb’s) famous song, bawdy song, beautiful song, bouncy pop songs, catchy
song, charming song, children’s song,
comic song, country song, dreary song,
drinking song, excellent song, folk
song, good song, great song, haunting
song, lively songs, love song, lovely
song, mournful song, old folk song,
original song, patriotic song, pop/popular song, protest song, religious song,
sacred songs, sad song, sentimental
song, silly songs, spiritual songs, theme
song, title song, topical song, traditional song, unforgettable songs, weird
best sort (the), casual sort, funny sort,
hearty sort (of guy), left-wing sort (of
people), odd sort, ordinary sort (of
camera, etc), plain sort (of man), reasonable sort, responsible sort (of person), right sort (the), straightforward
sort (of man), strange sort, the worst
sort, the wrong sort (of clothes), wrong
(little) old soul, (poor) little soul, (sb’s)
naked soul, bad soul, brave soul,
damned soul, dear soul, gentle soul,
good soul, human soul (the), immortal
soul, individual soul, inner soul (the),
kind soul, kindly soul, living soul, lost
soul, poor (little) soul, romantic soul,
sensitive soul, simple soul, tormented
soul, tortured soul, troubled soul, unfortunate soul, very soul, whole soul
(deep) roaring sound, (ominous) rattling sound, amazing sound, audible
sound, awful sound, beautiful sound,
big sound, booming sound, brittle
sound, buzzing sound, clanking sound,
clean sound, clear sound, clicking
sound, dead sound, deep sound, distant
sound, distinctive sound, distorted
sound, dull sounds, evocative sounds,
faint sound, familiar sound, frightening
sound, fuzzy sound, good sound, guitar
sound, hard sounds, harsh sounds,
haunting sound, high sound, hollow
sound, horrible sound, identical sound,
light sound, little sound, loud sound,
lovely sound, low sound, meaningful
sounds, merry sounds, metallic sounds,
mono sound, monotonous sound,
muffled sound, nasal sounds, overpowering sound, piano sound, piercing
sound, pleasant sound, pleasing sound,
powerful sound, recorded sound, sharp
sound, sickening sound, soft sound,
speech sound, stereo sound, strange
sound, strong sound, subtle sounds,
sweet sounds, tapping sound, the chilling sound, the deafening sound, the different sounds and smells (of the forest),
the distant sound (of music), the eerie
sound, the happy sounds (of children at
play), unfamiliar sound, unmistakable
sound, vowel sound.
(sb's) main source (of income), additional source, alternative source,
anonymous source, authoritative
source, biographical source, cheap
source, cheap source (of energy), data
source, dependable source (of income),
diplomatic sources, documentary
source, energy source, excellent source,
external source, fertile source, food
source, foreign source, fruitful source
(of information), good source, government source, heat source, historical
source, important source, independent
source, information source, informed
sources, intelligence source, invaluable
source, light source, literary source,
lucrative source, main source (the),
major source, military source, natural
source, natural sources (of energy), official source, original independent
source, original source, perennial
source, police source, potential source
(of conflict), power source, principal
source, published source, ready source
(of income), reliable source, reliable
source (of information), renewable energy sources, renewable source, reputable source, rich source, rich source
(of humour), rich source (of ideas),
rich source (of information), rich
source (of sth), same source (the), secondary source, sustainable source, the
primary source, ultimate source, unidentified sources, unlikely source, unnamed source, unreliable source, useful source, valuable source, water
source, well-informed sources, written
extreme south (the), far south (the).
2-minute space, 2-second space, adequate space, advertising space, air
space, ample space, available space,
awkward space, barren spaces, big
space, blank space, breathing space,
brief space, confined space, congested
air space, cupboard space, deep outer
space, deep space, disk advertising
space, empty space, enclosed space,
enough space (for …), exhibition gallery space, extra space, floor space, free
parking space, free space, free space
(in the car park), green space, handy
space, inconvenient space, large space,
limited space, living space, long space,
minute space, narrow space, office
space, open space, outer space, parking
space, personal space, private space,
public space, remaining space, reserved parking spaces, restricted space,
roof space, shelf wall space, short
space, short space (of time), small
space, storage space, sufficient space,
the wide open spaces, tiny space, unlimited space, vacant space, vast space,
virtual space, wall space, white space,
whole space, wide space.
after-dinner speaker, brilliant speaker,
capable speaker, clear speaker, eloquent speaker, eminent speakers, English speaker, fluent speaker, forceful
speaker, good speaker, guest speaker,
hesitant speaker, invited speaker, Japanese speaker, keynote speaker, main
speaker (the), mother-tongue speaker,
native speakers, non-native speaker,
principal speaker (the), public speaker,
Russian speaker, Spanish speaker, subversive speaker, Urdu speaker, visiting
speaker, witty speaker.
alien species, ancestral species, animal
species, bird species, common species,
different species, distinct species,
dominant species, endangered species,
extinct species, fish species, human
species (the), insect species, live species, living species, mammal species,
mammalian species, native species,
plant species, protected species, rare
species, rare tropical species, related
species, terrestrial species, threatened
species, tree species, tropical species,
unidentified species, wild species.
(long) rambling speech, acceptance
speech, after-dinner speech, anecdotal
speech, belligerent speech, blurred
speech, boring speech, brave speech,
brief speech, Budget speech, campaign
speech, careful speech, casual speech,
children’s speech, clear speech, clipped
speech, closing speech, clumsy speech,
conference speech, confident speech,
confusing speech, connected speech,
continuous speech, conversational
speech, convincing speech, defective
speech, defiant speech, direct speech,
effective speech, eloquent speech, emotional speech, entertaining speech, everyday speech, excellent speech, fair
speeches, farewell speech, female
speech, fiery speech, fluent speech,
forceful speech, formal speech, free
speech, good speech, halting speech,
hard-hitting speech, harsh speech, hesitant speech, human speech, impaired
speech, impassioned speech, impressive
speech, impromptu speech, inaugural
speech, indirect speech, indistinct
speech, influential speech, interesting
speech, interminable speech, keynote
speech, lengthy speeches, light-hearted
after-dinner speech, little speech, long
speech, long-winded speech, lucid
speech, maiden speech, major speech,
middle-class speech, militant speech,
moving speech, natural speech, normal
speech, opening speech, ordinary
speech, passionate speech, political
speech, ponderous speech, poor speech,
powerful speech, provocative speech,
public speech, rambling speech, reported speech, rhetorical speeches, robust speech, rousing speech, seminal
speech, short speech, slurred speech,
spontaneous speech, stirring speech,
tedious speeches, televised speech, the
customary speech, the gracious speech,
wide-ranging speech, windy speech,
working-class speech.
(sb’s) blazing speed, (with) commendable speed, air speed, amazing speed,
astonishing speed, average speed,
breakneck speed, breathless speed,
breathtaking speed, constant speed,
cracking speed, cruising speed, deceptive speed, dizzy speed, engine speed,
excess speed, excessive speed, fast
speed, flying speed, full speed, furious
speed, giddy speed, glacial speed, great
speed, high speed, incredible speed,
lightning speed, low speed, maximum
speed, moderate speed, operating
speed, phenomenal speed, reading
speed, remarkable speed, running
speed, sensible speed, slow connection
speed, slow speed, slower speed, startling speed, steady speed, supersonic
speeds, surprising speed, terrific speed,
top speed, traffic speed, unnatural
speed, variable speed, wind speed.
adventurous spirit, anarchic spirit, ancestral spirit, brave spirit, carefree
spirit, Christmas spirit, community
spirit, competitive spirit, democratic
spirit, entrepreneurial spirit, essential
spirit, evil spirit, festive spirit, fighting
spirit, flagging spirit, free spirit, generous spirit, genuine spirit, great spirit,
grudging spirit, guiding spirit, human
spirit, independent spirit, indomitable
spirit, kindred spirit, leading spirit,
malevolent spirit, malignant spirit,
mean spirit, moving spirit (behind sth)
(the), party spirit, pioneer/pioneering
spirit, proud spirit, public spirit, restless
spirit, revolutionary spirit, right spirit
(the), team spirit, the seasonal spirit,
the true spirit, tremendous spirit, underlying spirit.
(in) high spirits, (in) low spirits, buoyant spirits, cheerful spirits, evil spirits,
excellent spirits, fine spirits, flagging
spirits, good spirits, great spirits, poor
spirits, royal spirits (the).
split -A
clear split, damaging split, deep split,
growing split, major split, serious split.
active sport, adventure sport, alpine
sports, amateur sports, aquatic sports,
athletic sports, blood sport, combat
sport, combat sport, competitive sport,
contact sport, country sport, cruel
sport, dangerous sport, equestrian
sport, equine sports, extreme sports,
famous sports, field sport, good sport,
gruelling sport, hazardous sport, individual sport, indoor sport, inter-club
sport, international sport, inter-school
sport, mainstream sport, major sport,
manly sport, minor sport, minority
sport, motor sport, non-contact sport,
organized sports, outdoor sport, popular sport, professional sports, racket
sport, risky sport, semi-professional
sport, spectator sport, summer sport,
team sport, virile sports, water sport,
winter sport.
(in) a tight spot, (the only) bright spot
(of the day), bald spot, beautiful spot,
beauty spot, blind spot, convenient
spot, danger spot, deserted spot, desolate spot, exact spot (the), favourite
spot, food spot, good spot, grassy spot,
great picnic spot, high spot, holiday
spot, hot spot, ideal spot (the), idyllic
spot, isolated spot, lonely spot, lovely
spot, nice spot, number spot, one/two
spot, out-of-the-way spot, particular
spot, perfect spot (the), picnic spot,
pleasant spot, popular hot spot, popular spot, precise spot, pretty spot (for a
picnic), private spot, privileged spot,
quiet spot, red spots, remote spot, right
spot (the), secluded spot, sensitive
spot, shady spot, sheltered spot, soft
spot (for sb), soft spot (for sth), sore
spot, suitable spot, sunny spot, tender
spot, tender spot (on sb’s shoulder),
top spot (the), tourist spot, trouble
spot, vulnerable spot, weak spot.
broad spread (of investments), broad
spread (of opinions), geographical
spread, global spread, good spread,
gradual spread, great spread, polyunsaturated spread, rapid spread, savoury
spread, slow spread, vast spread (of
water), wide spread.
bubbling spring, clean spring, early
spring, hot springs, last spring (the),
late spring, mid- spring, mineral spring,
mountain spring, next spring, thermal
springs, this (coming) spring, tide
spring , wet spring.
central square (the), city square, main
square (the), market square, neat
square, perfect square, public square
(the), town square, village square.
academic staff, administrative staff,
ambulance staff, ancillary staff, bar
staff, cabin staff, clerical staff, demoralized staff, editorial staff, educated
staff, entire staff (the), experienced
staff, extra staff, friendly staff, full-time
staff, general staff, ground staff, helpful staff, high-level staff, hospital staff,
hotel staff, inexperienced staff, junior
staff, kitchen staff, library staff, medical staff, new staff, nursing staff, office
staff, overworked staff, part-time staff,
permanent staff, professional staff,
qualified engineering staff, qualified
staff, redundant staff, restaurant staff,
salaried staff, secretarial staff, security
staff, senior staff, skeleton staff, skilled
staff, supervisory staff, support staff,
surplus staff, teaching staff, temporary
staff, the remaining staff, trained staff,
unhelpful staff, unqualified staff, unskilled staff.
(in the) primary stage, centre stage,
committee stage, critical stage, crucial
stage (the), delicate stage, design stage,
development stage, difficult stage, distinct stage, earlier stage, easy stage,
embryonic stage, exploratory stage, final stage (the), first stage, formative
stages, halfway stage, important stage,
initial stage(s), international stage
(the), key stage, knockout stage, larval
stage, last stage (the), late stage, late
stage (of development), main stage
(the), moving stage, opening stage,
planning stage, political stage (the),
preliminary stage, problematic stage,
pupal stage, revolving stage, secondary
stage, semi-final stage, terminal stage,
the advanced stages (of a disease), the
closing stages, the concluding stages (of
sth), the latter stage, the successive
stage, transitional stage, vulnerable
stage, world stage (the).
back stairs, main stairs, narrow stairs,
rickety stairs, steep stairs, wide stairs.
big stake, controlling stake, direct
stake, equity stake, financial stake, high
stake, large stake, low stake, majority
stake, minority stake, political stake,
significant stake, small stake, substantial stake.
big stakes, high stakes, low stakes, political stakes, small stakes.
(take) a firm stand, (take) a tough
stand, courageous stand, defiant stand,
desperate stand, determined stand, display stand, exhibition stand, hat stand,
hot-dog stand, information stand, last
stand, last-ditch stand, market stand,
microphone stand, moral stand, music
stand, newspaper stand, populist
stands, principled stand, public stand,
resolute stand, strong stand, tiny bus
stand, trade stand, umbrella stand.
(of) sufficient standard, academic standard, acceptable standard, accounting
standard, adequate standard, adequate
standard (of living), advertising standard, clear standard, comfortable standard (of living), consistent standard,
conventional standard, decent standard, declining standard, double standard, educational standard (the), enviable standard (of living), environmental standard (the), ethical standard,
exacting standard, falling standard,
health standard, high literary standard,
high living standard, high standard,
high standard (of craftsmanship), high
standard (of fitness), high standard (of
living), improved standard, inadequate
standard (of living), intellectual standard, international standard, low standard, low standard (of living), luxurious standard (of living), minimum standard, miserable standard (of living),
modest standard (of living), moral standard, national standard, objective standard, official standard, poor standard,
poor standard (of living), professional
standard, proper standard, qualifying
standard, quality standard, reasonable
standard, required standard, rigorous
standard, rising standard, royal standard (the), safety standard, satisfactory
standard (of living), strict standard,
stringent standard, technical standard,
trading standard, uniform standard,
universal standard, unsatisfactory standard (of living), usual standard.
academic standards, accepted standards, aesthetic standards, all relevant
standards, arbitrary standards, consis-
tent standards, declining standards,
double standards, ethical standards,
falling standards, high moral standards, lax standards, low safety standards, lower standards, modern standards, moral standards, poor living
standards, present-day standards,
safety standards, stringent standards.
ageing movie stars, big star, binary star,
bright star, brilliant star, child star,
dense star, distant star, evening star,
faint star, falling star, famous film star,
film star, flamboyant star, football star,
glamorous film stars, gold stars, guest
star, Hollywood star, luminous star,
morning star, movie star, nearby star,
nearer star, nearest star, new star, pop
star, remote stars, rising star (of sth),
rock star, screen star, shooting star,
soap star, tennis star, true star, TV star,
undisputed star, up-and-coming stars,
world-famous pop star, would-be rock
star, young star.
(have/ make) a fine start, acceptable
start, auspicious start, bad start (to
sth), bright start, bright start (to the
week), buoyant start, clean start, confident start, disappointing start, disastrous start, early start, encouraging
start, excellent start, false start, flying
start, fresh start, good start (to sth),
great start, impressive start, late start,
new start, perfect start (to the day),
poor start, promising start, rocky start,
shaky start, slow start, sound start, uncertain start, very start, wonderful
(be in) a fearful state, (be in) a fit state,
(be in) a hopeless state, (in) a bad
state, (in) a critical state, (in) a dreadful state, (in) a pitiful state, (in) a poor
state, (in) a shattered state, (in) a
shocking state, (in) a terrible state, (in)
a worried state (of mind), (in) an appalling state, (in) an awful state, acceptable state, advanced state, advanced state (of decay, etc.), artificial
state, authoritarian state, autonomous
states, balanced state (of mind),
breakaway state, captive state, chaotic
state, constant state, continual state,
continuous state, current state, democratic state, desperate state, dire state,
dry state, emotional state (the), fascist
state, federated state, final state, financial state (the), foreign state, former
state (the), free and natural state,
friendly state, good state, hardline
Communist state, healthy state, hostile
state, hypnotic state, independent
state, leading state, member state,
mental state (the), mild state (of
shock), nation state, natural state
(the), nervous state, non-aligned state,
one-party state, optimum state, perilous state, permanent state, permanent
state (of tension), perpetual state,
physical state (the), police state, powerful state, present state (of knowledge), present state (the), previous
state (the), psychological state, puppet
state, religious state, run-down state,
sad state (of affairs), satellite state,
secular state, socialist state, sorry state,
sorry state (of affairs), sovereign state,
strong state, suicidal state, super state,
the continental United States, the
neighbouring state, the north-eastern
states, the present state (of knowledge), the south-eastern states, the
Southern states, the southern States (of
the US), the United States of America,
topsy-turvy state, totalitarian state,
trace-like state, unfriendly state, unhappy state (of affairs), unitary state,
unrefined state, untreated state (of
sth), weak state, woeful state.
accurate statement, ambiguous statement, authentic statement, bald statement, bank statement, belligerent
statement, bland statement, blunt
statement, bold statement, brash statements, brief statement, candid statement, categorical statement, clear
statement, clumsy statement, coherent
statement, comprehensive statement,
conflicting statement, contradictory
statements, courageous statement,
cryptic statement, deceptive statement,
defamatory statement, definitive statement, detailed statement, emphatic
statement, enigmatic statement, erroneous statements, explanatory statement, explicit statement, factual statement, false statement, fashion statement, faxed statement, financial statement, firm statement, flat statement,
formal statement, fraudulent statements, full statement, general statement, generalized statement, government statement, honest statement, inaccurate statement (an), inconsistent
statement, incriminating statement,
joint statement, libelous statement,
meaningless statement, ministerial
statement, misleading statement, mission statement, negative statement,
obvious statement, official statement,
opening statement, oral statement, outrageous statement, political statement,
positive statement, pre-budget statement, prepared statement, press statement, previous negative statement,
previous statement, proxy statement,
public statement, quarterly bank statements, recent statement, revealing
statement, serious statement, short
statement, signed statement, simple
statement, stark statement, strong
statement, sweeping statements, sworn
statement, terse statement, unambiguous statement, unequivocal statement,
unofficial statement, verbal statement,
voluntary statement, witness statement, written statement.
bus station, busy station, cable station,
central station (the), coach station,
commercial radio station, commercial
station, conventional power station,
electric power station, foreign station,
illegal radio station, intermediate stations, large station, last station (the),
local radio station, local station, local
TV station, metro station, nearest station (the), nuclear power station, outof-date nuclear power station, police
station, power station, radio station,
railway station, run-down television
station, satellite station, subway station, television station, terminal station, the next station, thermal power
stations, train station, tube station, TV
station, underground stations, up-todate electric power station.
amateur status, celebrity status, charitable status, classic status, cult status,
current status (the), diplomatic status,
economic status (the), educational status (the), employment status, equal
status, financial status (the), full status,
great status, high status, immigrant status, independent status, inferior status,
international status, legal status, legendary status, low status, lowly status,
marital status, mutual status, occupational status, privileged status, professional status, refugee status, relative
status, resident status, social status,
socio-economic status, special status,
superior status, the inferior status (of
stay -A
3-week stay, 3-weeks’ stay, brief stay,
comfortable stay, enjoyable stay, hospital stay, indefinite stay, lengthy stay,
long stay, overnight stay, pleasant stay,
prolonged stay, short stay, temporary
stay, week-long stay.
active step, additional step, back step,
backward step, big step, bold step,
brave step, careful step, considerable
step, critical step, crucial step, dance
step, decisive step, dramatic step, drastic step, essential step, extraordinary
step, false step, faltering step, final step
(the), first step, forward step, front
step (the), further step, giant step, giant step (towards achieving sth), great
step, heavy step, hesitant step, huge
step, immediate step, important step,
initial step (the), intermediate step (in
a process), involuntary step, irreversible step, irrevocable step, jive step, key
step, large step, last step (the), light
step, logical step, major step, massive
step, necessary step, outside step (the),
positive step, practical step, precautionary step, preliminary step, quick
step, rare step, reasonable step, reckless step, retrograde step, slow step,
small step, tango step, tentative step,
the bottom step (of a flight of stairs),
the inevitable step, the next step, top
step (the), unprecedented step, unsteady step, unusual step, unwise step,
urgent step, vital step, welcome step.
(short) jerky steps, active steps, back
steps, complicated steps, front steps,
outside steps.
little stick, long stick, pointed stick,
short stick, stout stick, strong stick, the
big stick, thick stick, thin stick.
adequate stock, blue-chip stock, breeding stock (= animals you keep and
breed from), capital stock, chicken
stock, declining stock, dwindling stock,
existing fish stock (the), falling buffer
stock, fish stock, food stock, fresh
stock, gilt-edged stock, good stock,
high stock, housing stock, huge stock,
index-linked stock, large stock, library
stock, low stock, money stock, new
stock (the), old stock (the), reserve
stock, surplus stock, vegetable stock.
building stone, carved stone, foundation stone, frosty stones, gem stone,
grey stone, grinding stone, hard stone,
heavy stone, lifeless stones, loose
stone, memorial stone, paving stone,
precious stone, rough stone, round
stone, semi-precious stone, sharp
stone, small round stone, small stone,
smooth stone, soft stone, stepping
stone, weathered stone.
abrupt stop, brief stop, bus stop, coffee
stop, dead stop, emergency stop, fuel
stop, full stop, long stop, lunch stop,
overnight stop, pit stop, refreshment
stop, refuelling stop, request stop,
scheduled stop, sharp stop, short stop,
sudden stop, toilet stop, tram stop, unscheduled stop.
ammunition store, big department
store, big store, chain store, clothes
store, cold store, considerable store,
convenience store, cool store, cooperative stores, corner store, cut-price store,
department stores, discount store, dry
store, electrical store, equipment store,
fat store, food store, furniture store,
general store, good store, grain store,
great store, grocery store, hardware
store, hardware store, high-street store,
inexhaustible store, large store, local
store, major store, multiple store,
record store, retail store, retro clothing
stores, self-service store, small store,
sporting goods store, temporary store,
vast store, village store.
story -AAA
(the same) old story, adventure story,
after-dinner story, age-old story, amazing stories, amazing success story,
amusing story, apocryphal story, astonishing story, awful story, bedtime story,
Bible story, biblical story, big story, bizarre story, blue stories, charming story,
children's story, chilling ghost story,
classic story, cock-and-bull story, coherent story, colourful story, comic story,
compelling story, complex story, convincing story, cover story, crazy story,
creepy ghost story, crime story, delightful story, depressing story, detective
story, dramatic story, elaborate story,
entertaining story, epic story, exciting
story, exclusive story, extraordinary
story, fairy story, false story, familiar
story, fanciful story, fantastic stories,
fascinating story, front-page story,
funny story, ghost story, good story,
great story, hard-luck story, harrowing
story, haunting story, heart-rending
story, heroic story, horrific story, horrifying story, horror story, human interest
story, immortal love story, improbable
story, incredible story, inside story
(the), inspiring story, interesting story,
intriguing story, juicy stories, known
story, lead story, life story, likely story!
(= used to tell sb you do not believe
what they have just said), love story,
lovely story, lurid story, macabre ghost
story, macabre stories, made-up stories,
main story (the), marvellous story,
melodramatic story, moving story,
mythical story, mythological story, nasty
stories, news story, nice story, official
story, old stories, original story, outrageous story, particular story, plausible
story, poignant love story, poignant
story, popular story, private-eye story,
prize-winning story, rags-to-riches story,
raunchy story, red-hot news story, remarkable story, romance story, romantic story, sad story, scare story, secondhand stories, sensational story, shocking story, short story, sickly, sentimental
story, sordid story, sorry story, speculative stories, spicy story, spy story,
straightforward story, strange story,
success story, suspense story, tall story
(infml), terrible story, the full story, the
same old story, thrilling story, top story
(the), touching story, tragic story, true
story, typical romantic story, typical
story, unbelievable story, unconfirmed
story, unconvincing story, unlikely story,
uplifting love story, weird story, wellknown story, whole story (the), wild
story, witty story, wonderful story.
strategy -AA
anti-inflationary strategy, anti-racist
strategy, bad strategy, basic strategy
(the), broad strategy, business strategy,
calculated strategy, campaign strategy,
clear strategy, coherent strategy, commercial strategy, company strategy,
complementary strategies, comprehensive strategy, corporate strategy, defence strategy, defensive strategy, draft
strategy, dual strategy, economic strategy, economics-based strategy, effective
strategy, election strategy, electoral
strategy, energy strategy, environmental strategy, financial strategy, future
strategy (the), general strategy, global
strategy, good strategy, government
strategy, grand strategy, high-risk strategy, industrial strategy, investment
strategy, learning strategy, legislative
strategy, long-range strategy, long-term
strategy, management/managerial
strategy, marketing strategy, marketoriented strategy, medium-term strategy, military strategy, off-the-wall investment strategy, overall strategy,
pedagogic strategy, political strategy,
poor strategy, prevention strategy,
product strategy, promotional strategy,
radical strategy, recruitment strategy,
research strategy, risky strategy, sales
strategy, short-term strategy, subtle
strategy, successful strategy, survival
strategy, teaching strategy, twopronged strategy, viable strategy.
(a maze of narrow) rambling streets,
back street, bleak inner-city streets,
bright street, broad street, bumpy
streets, bustling street, busy street, city
street, clean street, cobbled street, congested streets, crowded streets, dangerous street, dark street, dead-end street,
deserted street, desolate street, dim
street, dimly-lit street, dusty street,
empty streets, endless street, filthy
streets, gloomy street, grubby street,
high street, lawless streets, leafy street,
lonely street, main street (the), mean
street, narrow streets, noisy street, oneway
pedestrianized street, principal street,
quiet street, residential street, right
street (the), shopping street, side
street, small street (behind the station),
steep street, suburban street, teeming
streets, terraced street, traffic-free
street, tree-lined street, two-way street,
unpaved street, unsafe street, urban
street, village street, well-lit street,
wide street, winding street, wrong
street (the).
alcoholic strength, bargaining strength,
brute strength, collective strength, considerable strength, continuing strength,
economic strength, electoral strength,
emotional strength, enormous
strength, extra strength, financial
strength, full strength, great strength,
greater strength, growing strength,
high strength, immense strength, industrial strength, inner strength, maximum strength, mental strength, military strength, muscle strength, muscular strength, numerical strength, phenomenal strength, physical strength,
police strength, political strength, rare
strength, real strength, relative
strength, same strength (the), sheer
strength, spiritual strength, super-human strength, superior strength, supernatural strength, surprising strength,
tremendous strength, ultimate tensile
strength, unexpected strength, union
strength, unparalleled strength, upperbody strength, wind strength.
acute stress, additional stress, climatic
stresses, considerable stress, constant
stress, daily stress, direct stress, economic stress, emotional stress, enormous stress, equal stress, excessive
stress, extra stress, extreme stress, financial stress, firm stress, general
stress, great stress, greater stress, heavy
stress, high stress, immediate stress,
increased stress, indirect stress, low
stress, main stress, major stress,
marked stress, mental stress, particular
stress, primary stress, principal stress,
psychological stress, secondary stress,
sentence stress, severe stress, social
stress, special stress, specific stress,
strong stress, unbearable stress, undue
stress, weak stress, word stress.
beautiful stretch, broad stretch (of
land), coastal stretch, continuous
stretch, dangerous stretch, dangerous
stretch (of land), dangerous stretch (of
road), deserted stretch, empty stretch,
fast stretch, final stretch (the), finishing
stretch (the), gentle stretch, good
stretch, great stretch, hazardous
stretch, home stretch (the), huge
stretch, large stretch, lonely stretch,
long stretch, long stretches (of land),
lovely stretch, narrow stretch, open
stretch, sandy stretch, short stretch,
small stretch, straight stretch, unbroken
stretch, unspoilt stretch (of coastline),
vast stretch, vast stretches (of land),
wide stretch.
air strike, all-out strike, bitter strike,
crippling strike, damaging strike, dock
strike, dockers strike, general strike,
hunger strike, illegal strike, indefinite
strike, lightning strike, long strike, major strike, mass strike, military strike,
miners' strike, national strike, nationwide strike, nuclear strike, official
strike, pay strike, political strike, postal
strike, pre-emptive strike, protest
strike, railworkers' strike, rent strike,
retaliatory strike, short strike, sit-down
strike, stage strike, surgical strike, sympathy strike, teacher's strike, token
strike, train strike, tube strike, unlawful strike, unofficial strike, warning
strike, wildcat strike, year-long strike.
A string, first string, G string, guitar
string, landing strip, loose string, open
string, plastic string, second string,
slack string, stopped string, tangled
string, taut string, thin string, tight
string, violin string.
administrative structure, anatomical
structure, atomic structure, basic structure (the), body structure, bone structure, bureaucratic structure, career
structure, cell/cellular structure, chemical structure, class structure, coherent
structure, colossal structure, committee
structure, complex structure, complicated structure, control structure, corporate structure (the), delicate structure, democratic structure, economic
structure (the), elaborate structures,
family structure, fanciful structures,
federal structure (the), financial structure (the), flimsy structure, formal
structure, grammatical structure, harmonic structures, hierarchical structure, household structure, institutional
structure, internal structure, language
structure, linguistic structure, logical
structure, macromolecular structures,
management structure, melodic structure, molecular structure, normative social structure, open structure,
organisational structure, pay structure,
political structure, power structure,
price structure, rigid structure, salary
structure, sentence structure, simple
structure, skeletal/skeleton structure,
social structure, solid structure, stable
structure, strong structure, syntactic
structure, tax structure, the brittle
structure (of Communist power), the
complex structure (of the human
brain), the internal structure (of a
building), three-dimensional structure,
wage structure.
(a book for) elementary students, able
student, active students, advanced student, advanced student (of English),
advanced students, art student, assiduous student, brightest students (the),
brilliant student, careless student,
clever student, college student, conscientious student, diffident young student, disadvantaged students, disruptive students, doctoral student, elementary students, engineering student, English student, excellent student, exceptional student, exemplary student, external student, fellow students, female
student, first-year student, foreign student, full-time student, good student,
graduate student, high school student,
history student, idle student, intermediate students, keen student (of human
nature), law student, MA student, mature student, medical student, mediocre student, model student, new student, non-English-speaking students,
outstanding student, overseas student,
painstaking student, part-time student,
past students, postgraduate student,
potential student, radical students, research student, same student (the),
school student, second-year student,
several students, star student, straight
student, the (most) able student (in the
class), the ablest student (in the class),
the less fortunate students, top student,
university student, unobtrusive student.
advanced studies, business studies,
classical studies, countless studies, cultural studies, further studies, independent studies, liberal studies, manage-
ment studies, oriental studies, religious
studies, veterinary studies, women's
art studio, artist's design studio, broadcasting studio, dance studio, film studio, movie studio, photographer's studio, photographic studio, photography
studio, portrait studio, radio studio,
recording studio, rehearsal studio,
sound studio, television/TV studio.
study -AAA
academic study, anthropological study,
business study, careful study, case
study, classic study, clear study, close
study, comparative study, comprehensive study, concentrated study, conclusive study, critical study, definitive
study, detailed study, earlier study, elegant study, empirical study, excellent
study, exhaustive study, experimental
study, exploratory study, famous study,
fascinating study, feasible study (on
sth), feasiblity study (on sth), field
study, flawed study, full-scale study,
full-time study, further study, graduate
study, ground-breaking study, historical
study, inconclusive study, independent
study, in-depth study, initial study
(the), intensive study, laboratory study,
language study, lengthy study, literary
study, major study, management study,
nationwide study, new study, ongoing
study, original study, part-time study,
penetrating study, perceptive study, pilot study, pioneering study, postgraduate study, preliminary study, present
study (the), previous study (the), private study, profound study, qualitative
study, quick study, recent study, religious study, research study, retrospective study, rigorous study, scientific
study, searching study, serious study,
small-scale study, sociological study, sophisticated study, specialized study, superficial study, systematic study, theoretical study, thorough study, thought-
ful study, unprofitable study, useful
study, valuable study, well-balanced
study, women's study, worthwhile
(be) hot stuff (= to be very good at a
particular activity), camping stuff,
cleaning stuff, cloak-and-dagger stuff,
fancy stuff, good stuff, harmful stuff,
heavy stuff, painting stuff, rough stuff
(infml), sick stuff, statistical stuff,
sticky stuff, tame stuff, the green stuff
(= money), the hard stuff, way-out
old style (of dancing), old-fashioned
style, opaque style, orded style, organized style, ornate style, period style,
personal style, pleasing style, polished
style, political style, ponderous style,
powerful style, prosaic style, prose
style, pungent style, quirky style, real
style, relaxed style, Renaissance style,
restrained style, singular style, singular
style (of dress), singular style (of writing), spare prose style, spontaneous
style, subtle style, teaching style, terrific style, traditional style (the), transparent style, unorthodox style, unpopular style, vocal styles, writing style.
style -AA
(great) comic style, (highly) original
style, (highly) readable style, (in) a
terse style, (simple and) unpretentious
style, 19th century style, aggressive
style, architectural style, austere style,
autocratic style, bald style, baroque
style, casual style, certain style, characteristic style, classic style, classical
style, cloak-and-dagger style, combative style, confrontational style, conservative style (of dress), contemporary
style, conversational style, decadent
style, democratic management style,
detached style, dictatorial style, diffident style, distinctive style, easy-going
style, economical prose style, economical style, elegant style, enormous style,
exalted style, exclusive styles, expansive style, exuberant comic style, fine
style, flamboyant style, forceful style,
formal style, Gothic style, grand style,
grandiose style, great style, heavyhanded style, high style, idiosyncratic
style, individual style, informal style,
informative style, inimitable style, involved style, laborious style, latest style
(the), leadership style, literary style,
lively style, lyrical style, management
style, managerial style, melodramatic
style, modern style (the), musical
styles, narrative style, neoclassical
style, new style, official style, old style,
(anthropology and) allied subjects,
(books on many) different subjects, (intellectually) challenging subject, (sb’s)
pet subject, academic subject, additional subject, applied subject (of
study), artist's subjects, arts subject, big
subject, cheerful subject, chosen subject, closed subject, complex subject,
compulsory subject, conceivable subject, delicate subject, difficult subject,
easy subject, embarrassing subject, excellent subject, explosive subject, fascinating subject, fit subject, forbidden
subject, gloomy subject, good subject,
inaccessible subject, intellectually challenging subject, interesting subject,
main subject (the), masculine subjects,
master subject, optional subjects, practical subjects, prickly subject, safe subject (for discussion), science subject,
sensitive subject, serious subjects,
simple subject, special subject, specialist subject, static subjects, strong subject, subsidiary subject, taboo subject,
tender subject, the core subjects, thorny
subject, tired (old) subject , touchy subject, unpleasant subject, unpleasant
subject (of conversation), vast subject.
abrasive substances, acidic substances,
active substance, added substance, ad-
dictive substance, adhesive substance,
banned substance, benign substance,
brown substance, carcinogenic substance, catalytic substance, caustic
chemical substances, chemical substances, clear substance, crude substances, crystalline substance, dangerous substance, dense substance, fatty
substance, flame-resistant substance,
fluorescent substance, harmful substances, hazardous substances, heavy
substance, illegal substances, illicit substance, innocuous substance, inorganic
substance, irritating substance, lethal
substances, liquid substance, medicinal
substance, natural substance, noxious
substance, oily substance, opaque substance, organic substances, physical
substance, poisonous substance, powdered substance, powerful substance,
pure substance, radioactive substance,
raw substances, real substance, rigid
substance, same substance (the), slimy
substance, solid substance, soluble substance, sticky substance, strange substance, tough substance, toxic substances, unidentified cancer-causing
substances, useful substance, valuable
substance, vicious substance, volatile
(sb's) fabulous success, (with) similar
success, academic success, amazing
success, big success, breeding success,
brilliant success, business success, commercial success, complete success, considerable success, conspicuous success,
early success, economic success, educational success, electoral success, enormous success, entire success, financial
success, great success, huge success,
immediate success (the), initial success
(the), instant success, international
success, limited success, literary success, little success, long-term success,
major success, mere success, military
success, mixed success, moderate suc-
cess, modest success, notable success,
outstanding success, overnight success,
overwhelming success, partial success,
phenomenal success, popular success,
public success, qualified success, raving
success, real success, remarkable success, resounding success, roaring success, runaway success, short-lived success, short-term success, spectacular
success, total success, tremendous success, undoubted success, unparalleled
success, unprecedented success, unqualified success, worldly success.
(contains some) added sugar, beet
sugar, blood sugar, brown sugar, cane
sugar, caster sugar, Demerara sugar,
excess sugar, fruit sugar, granulated
sugar, icing sugar, little sugar, lump
sugar, natural sugar, raw sugar, refined
sugar, refined white sugar, simple
sugar, unrefined sugar, white sugar.
(highly) relevant suggestion, (infinitely) preferable suggestion, (make)
sexy suggestions, absurd suggestion,
alternative suggestion, bizarre suggestion, bright suggestions, broad suggestion, constructive suggestion, constructive suggestions, crazy suggestion,
damn good suggestion, excellent suggestion, faint suggestion, fanciful suggestion, feasible suggestion, good suggestion, helpful suggestion, hypnotic
suggestion, implicit suggestion, impractical suggestion, improper suggestion, indecent suggestion, interesting
suggestion, inviting suggestion, lewd
suggestion, ludicrous suggestion, mere
suggestion, modest suggestion, outrageous suggestion, positive suggestion,
practical suggestion, preposterous suggestion, ridiculous suggestion, rude
suggestion, sensible suggestion, slightest suggestion, smart suggestion, splendid suggestion, stupid suggestion, ten-
tative suggestion, unhelpful suggestion, valuable suggestion, vulgar suggestion.
(be sb's) strong suit, (classic) grey suit,
(sb's) chic suit, (severe) grey suits, (sober) grey suit, bathing suit, best suit
(the), black suit, business suit, conservative suit, cream linen suit, crisp suit,
dark suit, designer suit, dinner suit,
diving suit, double-breasted suit, dress
suit, Edwardian suit, elegant suit,
evening suit, formal suit, good suit,
half-price suit, ill-fitting suit, immaculate suit, linen suit, lounge suit, man's
suit, morning suit, neat suit, off-thepeg suit, one-piece bathing suit, onepiece suit, pin-stripe/pinstriped suit,
ragged suit, ready-made suit, safari
suit, second-best suit, second-hand
suit, shabby suit, sharp suit, singlebreasted suit, ski suit, smart suit,
striped suit, summer suit, tailored suit,
tailor-made suit, three-piece suit, trouser suit, trump suit, tweed suit, twopiece bathing suit, two-piece suit, wellcut suit, wet suit.
(not) inconsiderable sum, (win) astronomical sums, agreed sum, annual
sum, average sum, capital sum, cash
sum, colossal sum, considerable sum,
derisory sum, difficult sum, easy sum,
enormous sum, exorbitant sum, fabulous sum, fat sum, five-figured sum,
fixed sum, full sum, generous sum,
good sum, guaranteed sum, handsome
sum (= a large amount of money),
handsome sum (of money), hard sum,
hefty sum, high sum, huge sum, large
sum, large sum (of money), lump sum,
magnificent sum, massive sum, modest
sum, monthly sum, net sum, nominal
sum, nominal sum (of money), overall
sum, paltry sum, princely sum, reasonable sum, record sum, regular sum,
round sum, significant sum, simple
sum, six-figured sum, small sum, staggering sum, substantial sum, tax-free
sum, tidy sum, token sum, total sum
(the), trifling sum, trivial sum, undisclosed sum, unspecified sum, vast sum.
(carefree) past summers, (spend) a lazy
summer, blazing hot summers, cool
summer, dry summer, early summer,
glorious summer, good summer, high
summer, hot dry summer, hot summer,
Indian summer, last summer, late summer, long hot summer, mid summer,
mild summers, next summer, scorching
summer, this (coming) summer, wet
summer, whole summer.
afternoon sun, August sun, autumn
sun, baking sun, blood-red sun, bright
sun, brilliant sun, Caribbean sun, desert
sun, direct sun, dying sun, early sun,
early-morning sun, evening sun, February sun, fierce sun, full sun, golden sun,
harsh sun, hazy sun, high sun, hot sun,
Italian sun, late sun, low sun, midday
sun, morning sun, noon/noonday sun,
pale sun, red sun, rising sun, scorching
sun, setting sun, sinking sun, spring
sun, strong sun, summer sun, the blazing sun, the burning sun, the dazzling
sun, the radiant sun, thin sun, tropical
sun, warm sun, watery sun, weak sun,
westering sun, western sun, winter sun,
wintry sun, yellow sun.
Sunday -AAA
grey Sunday, lazy Sunday, next Sunday,
normal Sunday, typical Sunday.
abundant supplies, arms supplies, deficient supplies, domestic electricity supplies, domestic gas supplies, domestic
water supplies, emergency supplies,
food supplies, fresh supplies, inadequate supplies, insufficient supplies,
limited supplies, meagre supplies,
medical supplies, military supplies, office supplies, plentiful supplies, relief
supplies, vital supplies.
supply -AA
(be in) short supply, (in) abundant supply, abundant supply (of fruit), adequate supply, air supply, ample supply,
arms supply, blood supply, bountiful
supply, coal supply, constant supply,
continuous supply, domestic supply,
dwindling supply, electricity supply,
emergency supply, endless supply, energy supply, food supply, fresh supply,
fuel supply, gas supply, good supply,
good supply (of food/drinks), inadequate supply, inexhaustible supply, infinite supply, labour supply, large supply, liberal supply (of sth), limited supply, limitless supply, mains supply, meagre supply, medical supply, military
supply, milk supply, money supply,
natural water supply, never-ending supply, office supply, oil supply, oxygen
supply, plentiful supply (of sth), power
supply, ready supply, regular supply,
reliable supply, relief supply, rich supply
(of ideas), small supply, steady supply,
sufficient supply, total supply, unending
supply, vital supply, water supply.
active support, additional support, adequate support, administrative support,
air support, all-party support, back support, bipartisan support, broad support,
child support, community support,
complete support, considerable support, consistent support, continued support, continuing support, cross-party
support, direct support, economic support, electoral support, emotional support, enough support, enthusiastic support, euphoric support, extra support,
family support, fantastic support, financial support, firm support, full support,
general support, generous support,
good support, government support,
great support, greater support, ground
support, growing support, heartfelt
support, income support, increased
support, increasing support, indirect
support, institutional support, international Labour support, international
support, knee support, labour support,
lateral support, Liberal support, limited
support, logistical support, long-term
support, loud support, loyal support,
lukewarm support, majority support,
mass support, massive support, military
support, moral support, muted support,
mutual support, naval support, official
support, overwhelming support, parental support, passionate support, personal support, political support, popular support, practical support, price
support, public support, qualified support, reluctant support, rigid support
(for a tent), roof support, social support, solid support, specialized support,
state support, strong support, substantial support, sufficient support, tacit
support, technical support, tepid support, the main support, thin support,
total support, tremendous support,
unanimous support, unequivocal support, unflagging support, unqualified
support, unstinting support, unswerving support, unwavering support, verbal support, vocal support, wholehearted support, wide/widespread support, willing support.
active supporter, ardent supporter,
avowed supporter, close supporter,
committed supporter, Conservative
supporter, constant supporter, devoted
supporter, devout supporter, die-hard
supporter, energetic supporter, enthusiastic supporter, faithful supporter, fanatical supporter, fervent supporter,
football supporter, government supporter, grass-roots supporter, great supporter, keen supporter, Labour supporter, leading supporter, lifelong supporter, long-time supporter, loyal supporter, opposition supporter, party sup-
porter, passionate supporter, political
supporter, principal supporter, prominent supporter, rank-and-file supporter,
reliable supporter, reluctant supporter,
rugby supporter, Socialist supporter,
solid supporter (of sth), stalwart supporter, staunch supporter, strong supporter, traditional supporter.
fanatical supporters, hardy supporters,
vigorous supporters.
all-weather surface, artificial surface,
bare surface, bumpy surface, calm surface, continuous surface, curved surface, earth's surface, even surface, exterior surface, external surface (the),
firm surface, flat surface, floor surface,
floured surface, fluorescent surface,
frozen surface, glassy surface, grass
surface, ground surface, hard surface,
horizontal surface, inferior surface, inner surface (the), interior surface, internal surface, kitchen surface, land
surface, level surface, lower surface,
non-stick surface, outside surface,
pleasantly hard surface, polished surface, reflective surface, road surface,
rock surface, rough surface, shiny surface, slippery surface, sloping surface,
smooth surface, smoothly bending surface, soft surface, solid surface, textured surface, the outer surface, uneven surface, upper surface (the), wall
kitchen surface, water surface, wet surface, work/working surface.
(in) stunned surprise, agreeable surprise, big surprise, blinding surprise,
complete surprise, great surprise, initial surprise (the), lovely surprise, major surprise, mild surprise, mock surprise, nasty surprise, nice surprise,
pleasant surprise, some surprise, total
surprise, unpleasant surprise, utter surprise, wonderful surprise.
survey -AA
aerial survey, annual survey, archaeological survey, attitude survey, brief survey, comparative survey, comprehensive survey, customer survey, detailed
structural survey, detailed survey, doorstep survey, extensive survey, field survey, full survey, geological survey, geophysical survey, historical survey,
house-to-house survey, independent
survey, in-depth survey, initial survey,
land survey, local survey, major survey,
market(research) survey, marketing
survey, monthly survey, national survey,
nationwide survey, opinion survey, pilot
survey, postal survey, quarterly survey,
questionnaire survey, quick survey, random surveys, recent survey, regional
survey, regular survey, representative
survey, sample survey, seismic survey,
structural survey, systematic survey,
telephone survey, thorough survey,
valuation survey.
chief suspect, likely suspect, murder
suspect, number one suspect, obvious
suspect, possible suspect, potential suspect, prime suspect, terrorist suspect,
the main suspect, the usual suspect.
boiled sweet, chewy sweet, flavoured
sweets, mixed sweets, smell sweet, sugary sweet.
(violent) mood swings, 10 percentage
swing, adverse swing, backward swing,
big swing, dramatic swing, electoral
swing, forward swing, golf swing, huge
swing, late swing, modest swing, mood
swing, national swing, negative swing,
practice swing, sharp swing, small
swing, sudden swing, violent swing,
wild swing.
abrupt switch, automatic time switch,
big switch, complete switch, dimmer
switch, electric switch, electrical
switch, faulty switch, ignition switch,
immediate switch, intercom switch,
light switch, mains switch, master
switch, off switch, on-off switch, power
switch, sudden switch, tactical switch,
time switch, timer switch.
system -AAA
(central) nervous system, (democratic)
political system, (existing) education
system, (highly) developed system, (in)
the postal system, (powerful) computer
systems, (sophisticated) communication systems, (the country's) fiscal system, (worldwide) distribution systems,
accounting system, ad hoc system, administrative system, advanced communications system, advanced system, agricultural system, air-conditioning system, alarm system, antiquated system
(of privileges and elitism), audio system, auditory system, authoritarian system, back-up system, banking system,
bankrupt system, belief system, benefit/benefits system, biased system (of
justice), bureaucratic system, capitalist
system, cardiovascular system, care system, cast system, central heating system, centralized system, circulatory
system, class system (the), classification system, classificatory system,
closed system, coherent system, cold
frontal system, commercial system,
communications system, communist
system, compatible system, complex
road system, complex system, complicated system, comprehensive system,
computer-based system, computer-controlled systems, corrupt system, costly
system (of…), court system, credible
system, cultural system, cumbersome
computer system, current system, database system, decentralized system, defensive weapon system, deficient system, democratic system, digital systems, disciplinary system, disparate
computer systems, early warning system, economic system, educational system (the), effective public transport
system, efficient system, elaborate
computer system, elaborate systems,
electrical systems, electronic system,
electronic-mail system, elitist education system, equitable system, examination system, exhaust system, existing
system, experimental system, fair system, federal system (of government),
filing system, flexible system, fool proof
system, fuzzy systems, good system (of
working), grammatical system, health
(care) system, healthy system, heating
system, hierarchical system, humane
prison system, immune system, imperfect system, incompatible computer
systems, incompatible system, inefficient heating system, inflexible system,
information system, integral system, integrated distribution system, integrated
transport system, intelligent system, interactive systems, intricate system, justice system, language system, legal system (the), liberal system, life-support
system, local government system, management system, manual system, market system, mechanical system, metric
system, modern computer system,
monetary system, multimedia systems,
multi-party system, national/social insurance system, new computer system,
new system (for assessing sth), new
weapons system, old-fashioned system,
one-way system, online ticket booking
system, open system, operating system,
operational system, oppressive system,
organized system (of childcare), orthodox systems, outdated system, PC system, parallel system, parliamentary
system, patriarchal system, perfect system, phone system, planetary system,
plumbing system, plural system, potent
new weapons system, powerful system,
presidential system (of government),
prison system, processing system, public address system, public education
system, rail system, railway system,
recognition system, repressive education system, reproductive systems, retrieval system, rigid systems, rigorous
system, river system, road system, satellite system, school system, security
system, sensory system, server system,
simple system, skeletal system, social
security system, software system, sophisticated computer system, sound
system, sprinkler system, stable system, standard system, state social security system, state system, stereo system, subway system, support system,
tax system, taxation system, telephone
system, the (international) monetary
system, the binary system, the criminal
justice system, the digestive system,
the electoral system, the existing education system, the feudal system, the
governmental system, the imperial system of measurement, the judicial system, the male reproductive system, the
penal system, the public transport system, the respiratory system, the solar
system, traditional system, transport
system, two-party system, two-tier system, unequal political system, uneven
system, unfair system, unique system,
university system, unjust system, unwieldy legal systems, user-friendly hifi system, value system, ventilation system, viable system, visual system, voting system, warning system, wasteful
system, welfare system, workable system.
baize-covered table, bare table, battered table, big table, billiard table,
breakfast table, circular table, conference table, corner table, crooked table,
dark table, dining (room) table, dinner
table, drop-leaf table, empty table,
fold-away table, folding table, free
table, giant oak table, glass table, glasstopped table, high table, high-tech
table, huge table, kitchen table, large
table, league table, little table, long
table, low table, lunch table, makeshift
table, nearby table, negotiating table,
oval table, ping-pong table, plastic
table, polished table, pool table, ramshackle table, rectangular table, regular
table (the), rickety table, rough table,
rough wooden table, round table,
scrubbed table, shaky table, shiny polished table, small table, snooker table,
square table, statistical table, table-tennis table, the next table, trestle table,
vacant table, white-clothed table,
white-napped table, window table,
wobbly table, wooden table.
all-party talk, amusing talk, arms talk,
baby talk, bilateral talk, boring talk,
brief talk, careless talk, cheap talk, constitutional talk, controversial talk, crisis talk, dangerous talk, direct talk,
dirty talk, double talk, easy talk, emergency talk, empty talk, entertaining
talk, excited talk, exploratory talk, faceto-face talk, fancy talk, fascinating talk,
fighting talk, filthy talk, fine talk, formal talk, fresh talk, fruitless talk, further talk, good talk, grand talk, heady
talk, heart-to-heart talk, helpful talk,
high-level talk, idle talk, inconclusive
talk, informal talk, informative talk, instructive talk, interesting talk, interparty talk, intimate talk, introductory
talk, joint talk, lengthy talk, little talk,
long talk, loose talk, mere talk, multilateral talk, non-stop talk, official talk,
open talk, pay talk, peace talk, pep talk,
pillow talk, pious talk, political talk,
preliminary talk, private talk, provocative talk, quiet talk, radio talk, ridiculous talk, round-table talk, sales talk,
scandalous talk, secret talk, serious
talk, shop talk, short talk, small talk,
stimulating talk, straight talk, team
talk, top-level talk, tough talk, trade
talk, trilateral talk, tripartite talk, urgent talk, wide-ranging talk, wild talk.
abortive talks, all-party talks, approaching talks, arms talks, bilateral talks, bipartisan talks, constitutional talks, crisis talks, critical talks, direct talks,
emergency talks, exploratory talks,
face-to-face talks, formal talks, fresh
talks, fruitful talks, fruitless talks, further talks, future talks, high-level talks,
inconclusive talks, informal talks, intensive talks, inter-party talks, joint
talks, last-minute talks, lengthy talks,
merger talks, multilateral talks, multilateral trade talks, multi-party talks,
official talks, open talks, pay talks,
peace talks, political talks, preliminary
talks, preparatory talks, private talks,
productive talks, round-table talks, secret talks, top-level talks, trade talks,
trilateral talks, tripartite talks,
uproductive talks, urgent talks, wideranging talks.
100-gallon tank, 100-litre tank, 10-foot
tank, armoured tank, army tank, battle
tank, empty tank, fish tank, fuel tank,
full tank, gas tank, glass tank, hot water tank, oil tank, oxygen tank, petrol
tank, septic tank, slurry tank, steel
tank, storage tank, water tank.
adhesive tape, audio tapes, blank tape,
blinding tape, bootleg tape, cassette
tape, compilation tape, computer tape,
demo tape, double-sided tape, excellent tape, finishing tape, insulating
tape, magnetic tape, masking tape,
master tape, measuring tape, music
tape, paper tape, pirated tape, plastic
tape, pre-recorded tape, recording
tape, Scotch tape, sound tape, steel
tape, sticky tape, ticker tape, video
achievable target, ambitious target,
annual target, attainable target, attainment target, chief target, civilian target, clear target, demanding target, difficult target, easy target, economic target, favourite target, financial target,
future target, ground target, growth
target, high target, identifiable target,
immediate target, important target,
impossible target, inflation target, initial target, intended target, key target,
legitimate target, likely target, longterm target, low target, main target
(the), major target, military target,
modest target, moving target, natural
target, non-military target, obvious target, perfect target, performance target,
possible target, potential target, prime
target, principal target, production target, profit target, realistic target, recruitment target, sales target, sitting
target, soft target, spending target, stationary target, suitable target, tempting
target, terrorist target, the primary target, the ultimate target, tough target,
unreal targets, unrealistic target, vulnerable target.
(no) easy task, absorbing task, administrative task, arduous task, awesome
task, basic task, boring task, central
task, challenging task, complex task,
daily task, dangerous task, daunting
task, day-to-day task, delicate task, demanding task, difficult task, domestic
task, elementary tasks, enormous task,
enviable task, essential task, exacting
task, exhausting task, formidable task,
fruitless task, fundamental task, great
task, hard task, hazardous task,
Herculean task, hopeless task, household task, huge task, immediate task,
important task, impossible task, laborious task, major task, mammoth task,
manly tasks, manual task, massive task,
menial task, mind-boggling task, mindless task, monotonous tasks, monumental task, mundane tasks, onerous
tasks, painful task, painstaking task,
pleasant task, principal task, principle
task, repetitive household tasks, repetitive task, routine task, satisfying task,
self-appointed task, self-imposed tasks,
simple task, small task, stiff task, tedious task, thankless task, the main
task, the primary task, time-consuming
task, tough task, tricky task, unenviable
task, unpleasant task, uphill task, urgent task, vital task, well-defined task,
worthwhile task.
(have) extravagant tastes, (have) similar tastes (in sth), (have) sophisticated
tastes, (have) the same taste (in sth),
(in) good taste, (in) poor taste, (leave)
a nasty taste (in the mouth)(= make
you feel upset or angry afterwards),
[best/ worst, etc] possible taste (the),
acidic taste, acquired taste, advanced
taste, aesthetic taste, appalling taste,
artistic taste, audience taste, authentic
taste, awful taste, bad taste, bitter
taste, bitter-sweet taste, bizarre tastes,
bland taste, bourgeois tastes, burning
taste, buttery taste, catholic taste,
chocolate taste, citrus taste, coarse
tastes, complicated tastes, conservative
tastes, consumer taste, contemporary
taste, creamy taste, cultured taste, delicious taste, deplorable taste, different
tastes, distinctive taste, doubtful taste,
dubious taste, eccentric taste, eclectic
taste, educated tastes, esoteric tastes,
excellent taste, exotic taste, expensive
taste, exquisite taste, first taste, fishy
taste, foul taste, fresh taste, good taste,
great taste, impeccable taste, literary
taste, little taste, local taste, lovely
taste, metallic taste, middle-class
tastes, mild taste, modern taste, modest taste, musical tastes, national taste,
natural taste, nutty taste, peculiar taste,
peppery taste, personal taste, pleasant
taste, popular taste, private taste, pungent taste, questionable taste, rancid
taste, reading taste, real taste (the),
refined taste, refreshing taste, rich
taste, salty taste, sexual taste, sharp
taste, shifting tastes, sickly taste, simple
taste, smooth taste, sour taste, spicy
taste, strange taste, strong taste, subtle
tastes, sweet taste, tangy taste, terrible
taste, the public taste, the revolting
taste, unpleasant taste, unusual taste,
varied taste, vile taste, vulgar tastes,
Western taste, wide taste.
applicable taxes, back taxes, basic tax,
basic-rate tax, capital gains tax, capital
tax, capital transfer tax, car tax, carbon
tax, company tax, consumption tax,
corporation tax, council tax, direct tax,
energy tax, excise tax, fuel tax, high
taxes, higher-rate tax, import tax, income tax, indirect tax, inheritance tax,
investment tax, land tax, low tax, marginal taxes, petrol tax, poll tax, profits
tax, progressive tax, prohibitive tax,
property tax, provincial taxes, punitive
taxes, purchase tax, redistributive tax,
regressive tax, road tax, sales tax, savings tax, unpaid taxes, value added tax,
vehicle tax, wealth tax, windfall tax.
(early) morning tea, (have) several
teas, afternoon tea, birthday tea, black
tea, camomile tea, China tea, Chinese
tea, cold tea, cream tea, decaffeinated
tea, Earl Grey tea, excellent tea, fragrant tea, fresh tea, fruit tea, funeral
tea, green tea, herb tea, herbal tea,
high tea, hot tea, iced tea, Indian tea,
jasmine tea, lemon tea, little tea, loose
tea, lukewarm tea, milky tea, mint tea,
nice tea, ordinary tea, rotten tea, scalding tea, stewed tea, strong tea, sugary
tea, sweet tea, sweetened tea, weak
tea, white tea.
(highly) competent teacher, (highly)
confident teacher, (sb's) favourite
teacher, (sb's) remedial teacher, (secondary) school teacher, art teacher, bad
teacher, bilingual teachers, brilliant
teacher, capable teacher, chemistry
teacher, class teacher, classroom
teacher, college teacher, committed
teacher, dedicated teacher, dictatorial
teacher, dull teacher, dynamic teacher,
easy-going teacher, efficient teacher,
EFL teacher, eminent teachers, English
teacher, experienced teacher, fellow
teacher, female teacher, former teacher,
friendly teacher, full-time teacher, good
teacher, hard-working teachers, history
teacher, hopeless teacher, incompetent
teacher, inexperienced teacher, infant
teachers, influential teachers, inspired
teacher, inspiring teacher, intimidated
teachers, kind teachers, language
teacher, male teacher, maths teacher,
music teacher, new teacher, non-specialist teacher, old teacher, part-time
teacher, PE teacher, peripatetic teacher,
popular teachers, practising teacher,
primary (school) teacher, qualified
teacher, resident teacher, respected
teacher, retired teacher, school teacher,
science teacher, secondary teachers,
senior teacher, skilful teacher, skilled
teacher, specialist teacher, spiritual
teacher, stern teacher, strict teacher,
subject teacher, Sunday school teacher,
supply teacher, support teacher, sympathetic teacher, the (acting) head
teacher, tough teacher, trained language teachers, trendy teachers, typical
teacher, university teacher, unorthodox
teacher, woman teacher, woodwork
academic teaching, ancient teaching,
biblical teaching, Buddhist teaching,
Christian teaching, classroom teaching,
collaborative teaching, college graduate teaching, creative teaching, effective teaching, English teaching, experimental teaching, formal teaching, good
teaching, graduate teaching, history
teaching, individual teaching, interactive teaching, language teaching,
mixed-ability teaching, moral teaching,
music teaching, one-to-one teaching,
poor teaching, postgraduate teaching,
primary school teaching, religious
teaching, remedial teaching, secondary
teaching, support teaching, team teaching, traditional teaching, undergraduate teaching, university teaching,
whole-class teaching.
A team, advance team, away team, B
first team, basketball team, campaign
team, core team, creative team, decent
team, design team, development team,
disciplined team, display team, dream
team, editorial team, emergency rescue
team, England team, feeder team, fiveman team, five-person team, fivestrong team, five-women team, football
team, French team, high-powered team
(of officials), home team, husband and
wife team, international team, investigation team, invincible team, Ireland,
Scotland, etc. team, Irish, etc. team,
joint team, jubilant team, junior team,
legal team, local team, management
team, marketing team, medical team,
multidisciplinary team, production
team, project team, relay team, rescue
team, research team, rival team, sales
team, senior team, sports team, strong
management team, strong team, successful team, the national team, the op-
posing team, the second team, the victorious team, unbeaten team, unchanged team, under-16 team, visiting
team, weak team, winning team,
women's team, youth team.
angry tear, bitter tear, burning tear,
crocodile tear, emotional tear, fresh
tear, genuine tear, great tear, helpless
tear, hot tear, huge tear, jagged tear,
large tear, real tear, salty tear, scalding
tear, silent tear, single tear, solitary
tear, sudden tear, uncontrollable tear,
unshed tear.
copious tears, false tears.
advanced technique, alternative technique, analytical technique, assessment
technique, basic technique (the), cinematic techniques, communication
technique, conventional technique,
corrective techniques, dating technique, effective technique, established
technique, evaluation technique, exam
technique, examination technique, excellent technique, experimental (teaching) techniques, experimental technique, farming technique, fictional
techniques, ingenious technique, interview technique, management technique, manipulative techniques, manufacturing technique, marketing technique, mathematical technique, medical technique, modern (marketing)
techniques, modern technique, photographic technique, powerful technique,
problem-solving technique, recording
technique, relaxation technique, research technique, sales technique, scientific technique, simple technique, sophisticated technique, special technique, statistical technique, subtle
technique, surgical technique, teaching
technique, the standard technique, traditional technique, training technique,
unconventional techniques, useful technique.
technology -AA
advanced technology, alternative technology, analogue technology, basic
technology (the), broadband technology, communication technology, communications technology, complex technology, computer technology, current
technology (the), cutting-edge technology, digital technology, educational
technology, efficient technology, emerging technology, energy technology, environmental technology, existing technology (the), flashy technology, high
technology, information technology, innovative technology, latest technology
(the), leading-edge technology, low
technology, management technology,
manufacturing technology, medical
technology, military technology, missile
technology, modern technology, new
technology, nuclear technology,
present-day technology, primitive technology, production technology, satellite
technology, software technology, sophisticated technology, state-of-the-art
technology, superior technology, telecommunications technology, up-to-date
technology, useless technology, weapons technology, white-hot technology,
wireless technology.
cellular telephone, cordless telephone,
dead telephone, inactive telephone,
mobile telephone, office telephone, pay
telephone, portable telephone, private
telephone, public telephone, radio telephone, satellite telephone.
black-and-white television, cable television, closed-circuit television, colour
television, commercial television, digital television, high-definition television,
late-night television, live television, local television, national television, por-
table television, satellite television,
state television, stereo television, terrestrial television.
tension, slight tension, social tension,
string tension, tremendous tension, unresolved tension.
(at) raised temperatures, air temperature, ambient temperature, April temperature, average temperature, body
temperature, boiling temperature, cold
temperature, constant temperature,
cool temperature, daily temperature
(the), daytime temperature, even temperature, extreme temperature, freezing temperatures, global temperature,
ground temperature, high temperature,
July etc. temperature, low temperature,
lower temperature, melting temperature, moderate temperature, normal
temperature (the), outside temperature
(the), oven temperature, right temperature (the), room temperature, sea
temperature, slight temperature, stable
temperature, stationary temperature,
steady temperature, sub-zero temperature, summer temperature, surface
temperature, the glacial temperatures,
the lowest temperature (ever recorded), the maximum temperature,
the mean temperature, the minimum
temperature, the optimum temperature, uniform temperature, variable
temperature, warm temperature, water
temperature, winter temperature.
tension -A
(with) added tension, communal tension, considerable tension, constant
tension, create tension, emotional tension, ethnic tensions, family tension,
great tension, growing tension, heightened tension, high tension, increased
tension, increasing tension, inner tension, internal tension, international tension, interstate tensions, mounting tension, muscle tension, muscular tension,
national tension, nervous tension, political tension, pre-menstrual tension,
racial tension, regional tension, religious tension, renewed tension, sexual
(in) the medium term, (in) the short
term, absolute term, abstract term, affectionate term, ambiguous term, autumn term, beneficial term, blanket
term, broad term, clear term, clinical
term, college term, colloquial term,
concrete term, contract term, credit
term, cultural term, derogatory term,
economic term, express term,
favourable term, financial term, fixed
term, full term, general term, generic
term, implied term, inadequate term,
international term, jail term, legal
term, long term, long term (of imprisonment), material term, medical term,
mild term, money term, musical term,
peace term, pejorative term, political
term, practical term, precise term,
prison term, real term, relative term,
school term, scientific term, slang term,
social term, specific term, spring term,
strong term, summer term, teaching
term, technical term, the collective
term, the presidential term,
unfavourable term, university term,
vague term, well-defined term.
(be on) familiar terms (with sb), (be
on) intimate terms (with), (compete
on) equal terms, (in no) uncertain
terms, (in) broad terms, (in) crude
terms, (in) general terms, (in) glowing
terms, (in) real terms, (in) specific
terms, (on) amicable terms, (on) easy
terms, (on) friendly terms, absolute
terms, agreed terms, apocalyptic terms,
attractive terms, businesslike terms,
confusing terms, contract terms, contractual terms, coy terms (and expressions), credit terms, express terms,
favourable terms, flexible terms, generous terms, harsh terms, implied terms,
metaphorical terms, nautical terms,
neutral terms, peace terms, political
terms, preferential credit terms, rigid
terms, satisfactory terms, stiff terms,
strict terms, the technical terms, tough
unfavourable terms, unsatisfactory
territory -A
adjacent territory, alien territory, breeding territory, colonial territory, common
territory, conquered territory, dangerous territory, dependent territory, disputed territory, enemy territory, enemyoccupied territory, familiar territory,
foreign territory, former territory, home
territory, hostile territory, large territory, lost territory, national territory,
neutral territory, new territory, occupied territory, overseas territory, sovereign territory, the neighbouring territory, the surrounding territory, uncharted territory, unexplored territory,
unknown territory, unoccupied territory, vast territory, virgin territory, wide
achievement test, alpha test, aptitude
test, arduous test (of faith), atomic test,
beta test, biology test, blood test,
breath test, breathalyser test, challenging test, cloze test, critical test, crucial
test, definitive test, demanding test, diagnostic test, difficult test, DNA test,
dope test, driving test, drug(s) test,
easy test, empirical test, endurance
test, exhaustive test, experimental test,
extensive test, eye test, fair test, field
test, fitness test, flight test, forensic
test, good test, gruelling test, hearing
test, HIV test, infallible test, intelligence test, IQ test, key test, laboratory
test, language test, lie-detector test, listening test, means test, medical test,
memory test, mental test, multiplechoice test, negative test, nuclear test,
objective test, oral test, personality test,
placement test, political test, polygraph
test, positive pregnancy test, positive
test, practical test, pregnancy test, proficiency test, psychological test, psychometric test, reading test, real test, rigorous test, road test, safety test, scientific test, screen exhaustive test, screening test, serious test, severe test, sight
test, simple test, skin test, smear test,
spelling test, statistical test, stiff test,
stringent test, subjective test, successful
test, supreme test (the), the ultimate
test, thorough test, tough test, true test,
urine test, vital test, written test.
nuclear testing, psychological testing,
random testing, the relevant testing.
aural comprehension tests, compulsory
drug tests, critical tests, diagnostic
tests, exhaustive tests, exploratory
medical tests, exploratory tests, extensive tests, gruelling physical tests, initial tests, laboratory tests, medical tests,
nuclear tests, periodic tests, preliminary tests, regular tests, rigorous tests,
routine tests, scientific tests, severe
tests, standard tests, stiff tests, stringent tests, thorough tests, vital tests.
academic text, accompanying text, authoritative text, basic text (the), biology text, complete text (the), draft text,
dramatic text (the), electronic text, final text (the), full text (the), handwritten text, influential text, informative
text, introductory text, key text, legal
text, literary text, main text (the),
mathematics text, original text (the),
poetic text, prepared text, printed text,
recommended text, sacred text, scientific text, set text, standard text (on sth)
(the), the earliest Ayurvedic texts, typewritten text, written text (the).
big thanks, grateful thanks, heartfelt
thanks, sincere thanks, special thanks,
warm thanks.
alternative theatre, amateur theatre,
avant-garde theatre, classical theatre,
commercial theatre (the), community
theatre, contemporary theatre (the),
crowded theatre, daring political theatres, Elizabethan theatre, experimental
theatre, fringe theatre, good theatre,
great theatre, large theatre, little theatre, live theatre, mobile theatre, modern theatre (the), music theatre, musical theatre, national theatre, Open Air
Theatre, operating theatre, packed theatre, political theatre (the), popular
theatre, professional theatre, provincial
theatre, puppet theatre, repertory theatre, small theatre, street theatre, the
Open Air Theatre, youth theatre.
basic theme (the), biblical theme, broad
theme, campaign theme, central theme,
common theme, conference theme,
constant theme, contemporary theme
(the), dominant theme, familiar theme,
favourite theme, general theme (the),
historical theme, important theme, key
theme, main theme, major theme, musical theme, popular theme, pronounced theme, recurrent theme, recurring theme, related theme, religious
theme, research theme, topical theme,
underlying theme, unifying theme, universal theme.
theory -AA
(sb’s) pet theory, abstract theory, bigbang theory, capitalist theory, chaos
theory, circular theory, classical theory,
coherent theory, competing theories,
complete theory, conflicting theory, conspiracy theory, critical theory, current
theory (the), defective theory, domino
theory, economic theory, evolutionary
theory, feminist theories, game theory,
general theory, half-baked theory, legal
theory, liberal theories, linguistic
theory, literary theory, Marxist theory,
metaphysical theories, music theory,
new theory, orthodox theories, partial
theory, particle theory, plausible theory,
political theory, popular theory, populist theories, post-modernist theory,
prevailing theory, probability theory,
quantum theory, recent theory, relativity theory, scientific theory, semantic
theory, social theory, sociological theories, structuralist theory, the classical
theory (of unemployment), the quantum number theory, unified theory,
weird theory, working theory.
(any) old thing, (be on to) a good thing
(infml), (do the) decent thing, (do) an
astonishing thing, (do) the honourable
thing, (for) one thing, (has been) a fine
thing (for sb), (it's) a bad thing (that),
(It's) a common thing (to …), (make)
a big thing (out of sth), (not know) a
blessed thing, (not) a mature thing (to
do), (not) a solitary thing, (perfectly)
reasonable thing (to do), (too much of)
a good thing, amazing thing, appalling
thing, average thing, awful thing, bad
thing (to do), basic thing, beautiful
thing, beloved thing, best thing (to do)
(the), bloody thing, brave thing, breakfast thing, celebrated thing, cheeky
thing (to do), clever thing (to do),
close thing, close-run thing, closest
thing (to sth) (the), correct thing (the),
crazy thing (to do), crucial thing, curious thing, daft thing (to do/say), damn
thing, damned thing, dangerous thing,
deplorable thing, difficult thing (to do),
done thing, dreadful thing, easy thing,
essential thing, everyday thing, exact
thing (the), exciting thing, extraordinary thing (to do), favourite thing, fictitious thing, first thing (in the morning), first thing (tomorrow), first thing
(Wednesday, etc.), foolish thing (to
say), fresh thing, frightening thing, fun
thing, funny thing (is) (the), good
thing (about sth) (the), good thing (to
know), great thing (about sb/sth),
groovy thing (to do), hard thing, horrible thing (to do), horrible thing (to
say), humorous thing, ideal thing
(the), imaginary thing, immediate
thing (the), impolite thing (to do), important thing (the), interesting thing,
key thing, large thing, last thing (on
sb's mind) (the), leading thing, likely
thing, little thing, logical thing, lone
thing, lovely thing, lunch thing, main
thing (the), mortal thing, natural
thing, nearest thing, neat thing, negative thing, nice thing, noisy thing, odd
thing is (that) (the), one particular
thing, overwhelming thing, personal
thing, poor thing, positive thing, previous thing, proper thing, prudent
thing, rare thing, real thing (the), relevant thing (the), remarkable thing, ridiculous thing, right thing (to do)
(the), risky thing (to do), rotten thing
(to say), sad thing (is) (the), same
thing (the), scary thing, sensible thing
(to do) (the), significant thing, silly
thing (to do), silly thing (to say),
single thing, small thing, startling
thing, strange thing (is) (the), strange
thing (to say), striking thing, stunning
thing, stupid thing (to do), stupid
thing (to say), superior thing, sure
thing (infml) (= something guaranteed to be successful), surprising thing,
swimming thing, tennis thing, terrible
thing, the (most) revolting thing, the
amusing thing (is…), the annoying
thing (is…), the best thing (that…),
the damnedest thing, the foremost
thing is… , the hardest thing (is), the
irritating thing (is…), the last thing (=
at the end of the day), the last thing
(at night), the most satisfying thing,
the next best thing, the next thing, the
obvious thing (to do), the ruddy thing,
the safe thing (to do), the slightest
thing, the smart thing, the worrying
thing (is…), trivial thing, unpleasant
thing, unsavoury thing, usual thing
(the), very thing, vital thing, weird
thing (is) (the), whole thing (the), wonderful thing, worthy thing, wrong thing.
(do) nasty things (to sb), (one of the)
nice things (about…), (say) stupid
things, (say) the right things, (say) unkind things, (say) unpleasant things,
(these) damn things, additional things,
all good things (come to an end), assorted things, breakfast things, cast-off
things, coarse things, compact things,
complementary things, contemporary
things, daring things, day-to-day things,
different things, disgusting things, diverse things, female things, feminine
things, few things, football things, functional things, future things, golden
things, heavenly things, historical
things, lifeless things, lunch things,
masculine things, material things, missing things, more things (than), natural
things, neighbouring things, novel
things, official things, ordinary things,
ornamental things, outdoor things,
painting things, particular things, past
things, physical things, practical things,
presidential things, pretty feminine
things, private things, remaining things
(the), scattered things, sewing things,
shiny things, slimy things, smart things,
suspect things, swimming things, tennis
things, the other things, the wrong
abstract thinking, analytical thinking,
clear thinking, contemporary thinking,
conventional thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, current thinking,
deep thinking, deviant thinking, disciplined thinking, divergent thinking,
economic thinking, educational thinking, feminist thinking, forward thinking, fresh thinking, fuzzy thinking, good
thinking, government thinking, hard
thinking, historical thinking, indepen-
dent thinking, innovative thinking,
labour thinking, lateral thinking, linear
thinking, logical thinking, loose thinking, military thinking, modern thinking, muddled thinking, new thinking,
old thinking, original thinking, political
thinking, positive thinking, precise
thinking, quick thinking, rapid thinking, republican thinking, scientific
thinking, serious thinking, sloppy
thinking, socialist thinking, straight
thinking, strategic thinking, traditional
thinking, wishful thinking, woolly
(sb's) first thought, 20th-century
thought, abstract thought, analytical
thought, anxious thought, appalling
thought, awful thought, bad thought,
black thought, brilliant thought, careful
thought, coherent thought, comforting
thought, conscious thought, cowardly
thought, creative thought, critical
thought, dark thought, deep thought,
depressing thought, disquieting
thought, disturbing thought, Eastern
thought, economic thought, feminist
thought, fleeting thought, free thought,
fresh thought, frightening thought,
gloomy thought, good thought, happy
thought, immediate thought, independent thought, initial thought, intellectual thought, intense thought, interesting thought, intriguing thought, kind
thought, kindly thought, liberal
thought, little thought, logical thought,
modern thought, negative thought,
nice thought, passing thought, philosophical thought, pleasant thought,
political thought, positive thought, profound thought, proper thought, quick
thought, rational thought, sad thought,
scientific thought, second thought, serious thought, sobering thought, socialist thought, sudden thought, terrible
thought, terrifying thought, unspoken
thought, waking thought, Western
anxious thoughts, banal thoughts, conscious thoughts, dark thoughts, dismal
thoughts, envious thoughts, foolish
thoughts, inner thoughts, innermost
thoughts, intimate thoughts, inward
thoughts, jealous thoughts, private
thoughts, rational thoughts, righteous
thoughts, sad thoughts, secret
thoughts, sombre thoughts, stray
thoughts, treacherous thoughts, troubling thoughts, uneasy thoughts.
(under) permanent threat, apparent
threat, big threat, bomb threat, considerable threat, constant threat, continual threat, continuous threat, covert
threat, credible threat, dangerous
threat, dark threats, deadly threat,
death threat, dire threat, direct threat,
empty threat, environmental threat,
ever-present threat, explicit threat, external threat, grave threat, great threat,
growing threat, hollow threats, idle
threat, imaginary threats, immediate
threat, imminent threat, implicit
threat, implied threat, increasing
threat, insidious threat, long-term
threat, main threat (the), major threat,
military threat, non-existent threat,
nuclear threat, perceived threat, physical threat, political threat, potential
threat, present threat (the), real threat,
renewed threat, serious threat, severe
threat, short-term threat, significant
threat, suicide threat, terrible threat,
terrorist threat, ugly threats, veiled
threats, verbal threat, violent threat.
(have) a sore throat, bad throat, dry
throat, infected throat.
accurate throw.
admission ticket, advance ticket, air
ticket, airline ticket, bus ticket, cheap
tickets, cinema ticket, complimentary
ticket, concert ticket, concessionary
ticket, cut-price tickets, day ticket, entrance ticket, entry ticket, family ticket,
first-class ticket, fixed-penalty ticket,
free ticket, invalid ticket, library ticket,
lottery ticket, monthly ticket, one-way
ticket, parking ticket, plane ticket,
raffle ticket, rail ticket, return ticket,
round-trip ticket, season ticket, secondclass ticket, single ticket, the winning
ticket, train ticket, valid ticket, weekly
(dressed in) immaculate bow tie and
suit, askew tie, black tie, blood tie,
boot-lace tie, bow tie, business tie,
close tie, club tie, college tie, commercial tie, cultural tie, diplomatic tie, dotted bow tie, economic tie, emotional
tie, family tie, jazzy tie, kipper tie,
loose tie, loud tie, personal tie, political tie, qualifying tie, rather brash tie,
regimental tie, school tie, social tie,
striped tie, strong tie, traditional tie,
undone tie, weak tie, white tie.
blood ties, business ties, close ties,
commercial ties, cultural ties, diplomatic ties, economic ties, emotional
ties, family ties, friendly ties, personal
ties, political ties, social ties, strong
ties, traditional ties, weak ties.
(any) old time, (at a) certain time, (at
a) critical time, (at some) indefinite
time, (at the) proper time, (at) any
given time, (at) the appropriate time,
(at) the proper time, (at) the same
time, (be having) a thin time (of it),
(before) the usual time, (catch sb at) a
bad time, (for) the nth time, (give sb)
a hard time (of it) (= made sb's time
difficult), (give sb) a high old time,
(have a) relaxed time, (have a) rotten
time, (have a) super time, (have) a
beautiful time, (have) a bumpy time (=
to have a lot of problems for a long
time), (have) a busy time, (have) a
good time, (have) a grand time, (have)
a great time, (have) a hard time (of it)
(= found life difficult), (have) a nice
time, (have) a relaxed time, (have) a
rotten time, (have) a rough time,
(have) a royal time, (have) an amazing
time, (have) an easy time (of it), (high)
old time, (hit) the big time, (in sb's)
spare time, (in) a short time, (in)
double quick time, (in) real time, (it is)
high time, (join) the big time (in the
music business, etc.), (make up for)
lost time, (sb’s) usual time, (stay for) a
long time, (the) next time, adequate
time (to do sth), allotted time, ample
time, ancient time, another time, anxious time, appointed time, approximate
time, arrival time, awful time, bad time
(to do sth), brief time, British time, broken time, charmed time, closing time,
coming time, considerable time, convenient time (to do sth), countless time,
departure time, depressing time, difficult time, double time, dreadful time,
each time, early time, enjoyable time,
every time, exact time (the), extra
time, fast response time, fast time, first
time (the), fixed time, former time,
four-four time, free time, full time, fun
time, future time, glorious time, good
time (to do sth), Greenwich Mean time,
halcyon time, happy time, hard time,
harrowing time, horrible time, idle
time, inconvenient time, incredible
time, insufficient time, jolly time, journey time, last time (the), later time,
lead time, leisure time, limited time,
little time, local time, lovely time,
march time, marvellous time, medieval
time, miserable time, modern time,
mutually agreeable time, nice long
time, one time, opening time, peaceful
time, peak time, perfect time (the),
pleasant time, precious time, prehis-
toric time, present time (the), prime
time, quick time, quiet time (for
prayer), reasonable time, recent time,
record time, record-breaking time,
right time (the), right time (to do sth)
(the), sad time, second time (the), set
time, short time ago, slow waltz time,
solar time, specific time, splendid time,
sufficient time, suitable time, summer
time, terrible time, terrific time, testing
time, that time, the best time (for the
meeting), the best time (of my life), the
big time, the intervening time, the precise time, third time (the), this time,
three-four time, travel time, travelling
time, troubled time, umpteenth time,
unhappy time, valuable time, waiting
time, waltz time, whole time (the),
wonderful time, worrying time, wrong
time (to do sth) (the).
(at) inconvenient times, (at) various
times, (for) old times’ sake (= if you
do something for old times’ sake, you
do it to remind yourself of a happy time
in the past), (from the) earliest times,
(in) historic times, affluent times, ancient times, bad times, biblical times,
blue times, bygone times, dangerous
times, depressing times, difficult times,
early times, fixed entry times, former
times, good times, great times, happy
times, hard times, hundred times, joyous times, medieval times, modern
times, momentous times, normal times,
odd times, old times, past times, prehistoric times, prosperous times, recent
times, recessionary times, rough times,
sad times, ten consecutive times, the
heady times, the unsettled times,
troubled times, trying times, unhappy
times, worrying times.
best-selling title, book title, catchy title,
championship title, courtesy title, descriptive title, diplomatic title, essay
title, European title, film title, French
Open title, full title (the), grand title,
heavy weight title, hereditary title,
honorary title, honorific title, job title,
long title, middleweight title, national
title, new title, official title, Premier
League title, song title, the coveted
title, working title, world title.
(in) a brisk tone, (in) an injured tone,
(in) ringing tones, abrasive tone (of
voice), aggressive tone, aggrieved tone
(of voice), appealing tone (of voice),
arrogant tone, assertive tone, authoritative tone (of voice), bantering tone,
biting tone, bright tone, businesslike
tone, casual tone, clear tone, clipped
tones, colour tone, comic tone, commanding tone, complacent tone (of
voice), conciliatory tone, confidential
tone, conspiratorial tone, contemptuous tone, conversational tone, cool
tone, crisp authoritative tone, curt
tone, cynical tone (of voice), dark tone,
deep tone, dial tone, dialling tone, dictatorial tone, disapproving tone, dismissive tone, dismissive tone (of
voice), dominant tone, dramatic tone,
dry tone, dry tone (of voice), dulcet
tone, earthy tone, engaged tone (on
the phone), engaged tone (the), even
tone, expressionless tone, falling tone,
favourable tone, firm tone, flat tone,
flesh tone, formal tone, forthright tone,
fortnight tone, frigid tone, general
tone, gentle tone, gravelly tone, grey
tone, hard tone, harsh tone, honeyed
tone, humorous tone, hushed tones, icy
tone, imperative tone, informal tone,
ironic tone, level tone, light tone, low
tone, matter-of-fact tone, measured
tone, mild tone, mocking tone, moral
tone, muscle tone, muted tone, natural
tone, negative tone, neutral tone, normal tone, offensive tone, offhand tone,
overall tone, pale tone, pastel tone, patronizing tone, patronizing tone (of
voice), pleasant tone, political tone,
pure tone, quiet tone, reasonable tone,
reproachful tone, reverential tone, rich
tone, ringing tone, rising tone, sarcastic tone, sardonic tone, scathing tone,
sepulchral tone, sharp tone, shocked
tone, shrill tone, silvery tone, skin tone,
social tone, soft tone, solemn tone,
stentorian tone, strident tone, subdued
tones, sympathetic tone, tart tone, the
mellow tones, the prevailing tone,
threatening tone, urgent tone, warm
tone, wheedling tone.
(handy) little tool, agricultural tool,
analysis tool, analytical tool, basic tool,
communication tool, cordless tool, cutting tool, design tool, desktop tool, development tool, diagnostic tools, drawing tool, educational tool, effective
tool, engineering tool, essential tool,
farm tool, garden tool, gardening tool,
general-purpose tool, hand tool, handy
tool, ideological tool, important tool,
indispensable tool, industrial tool, invaluable tool, learning tool, machine
tool, major tool, management tool,
marketing tool, measuring tool, multimedia tool, multi-purpose tool, necessary tool, negotiating tool, pointed
tool, political tool, power tool, powerful tool, presentation tool, primitive
tool, programming tool, propaganda
tool, reference tool, research tool, rusting tool, rusty tool, sharp tool, simple
tool, software tool, sophisticated tool,
special tool, sufficient tools, the standard tool, traditional tool, useful tool,
valuable tool, vital tool, woodworking
tooth -A
(a set of) false teeth, (fed up to) the
back teeth, aching tooth, baby tooth,
back tooth (the), bad teeth, big tooth,
bottom tooth, broken tooth, canine
tooth, capped tooth, crooked tooth, decayed tooth, discoloured teeth, enormous tooth, even teeth, front teeth,
gappy tooth, gold tooth, good tooth,
healthy tooth, huge tooth, irregular
teeth, jagged tooth, loose tooth, milk
teeth, misshapen tooth, missing tooth,
needle-sharp tooth, peari-like tooth,
pearl-white tooth, perfect teeth,
pointed teeth, prominent teeth, razorsharp tooth, regular teeth, rotten teeth,
savage tooth, sensitive teeth, sharp
teeth, sharp tooth, sound teeth, splendid tooth, sticking-out tooth, straight
tooth, strong teeth, the offending tooth,
top tooth (the), uneven teeth, white
teeth, wisdom tooth, wobbly tooth, yellow tooth
top -AAA
baggy top, bikini top, black (bottle) top,
black top, bottle top, cliff top, close-fitting top, cropped tops, extreme top
(the), flat top, hill top, hooded top,
long-sleeved top, loose top, majestic
mountain tops, pyjama top, roof top,
sleeveless top, table top, tight top,
tracksuit top, tree top, very top (the).
topic -A
(highly) controversial topic, broad
topic, central topic (the), chosen topic,
complex topic, conversational topic, difficult topic, diverse topic, dominant
topic, essay topic, general topic, historical topic, hot topic, important topic, key
topic, large topic, lecture topic, main
topic, major topic, narrow topic, optional topics, philosophical topic, principal topic, research topic, scientific
topic, selected topic, sensitive topic, social topic, specialized topic, wide topic,
wide-ranging topic.
annual total, combined total, cumulative total, estimated total, final total
(the), global total, grand total (the),
high total, huge total, jobless total,
large total, low total, monthly total,
national total (the), overall total (the),
record total, running total, small total,
staggering total, sum total, unemploy-
ment total, world total, worldwide total.
touch -A
(in) close touch (with sb), (keep in)
close touch, (stay in) close touch,
charming touch (to sth), classy touch,
decorative touch, deft touches, delicate
touch, discreet touch (of red lipstick,
etc.), discreet touch (of rouge), easy
touch, feminine touch, festive touch,
final touch (the), finalising touch,
gentle touch, golden touch, homely
touch, human touch (the), humorous
touch, idiosyncratic touch, individual
touch, light touch, little touch, lovely
touch, magic touch, nice touch, personal touch, political touch, professional touch, romantic touch, slight
touch, soft touch, subtle touch, sure
touch, tender touch, the common touch
(= the ability to deal with and understand), welcome touch.
American tour, arduous tour, brief tour,
bus tour, camping tour, circular tour,
circular tour (of the city, etc.), city tour,
coach tour, comprehensive tour, concert
tour, conducted tour, cricket tour, cycle
tour, extensive tour, fact-finding tour,
factory tour, fascinating tour, foreign
tour, global tour, grand tour, gruelling
tour, guided tour, inclusive tour, international tour, lecture tour, lengthy tour,
lightning tour, long tour, marathon
tour, motoring tour, mystery tour, national tour, nationwide tour, official
tour, overseas tour, package tour, promotional tour, provincial tour, quick
tour, rail tour, rugby tour, self-guided
tour, sell-out tour, sightseeing tour,
speaking tour, study tour, successful
tour, theatre tour, three-country tour,
three-week tour, two city tour, twoweek tour, UK tour, walking tour, whirlwind tour, whistle-stop tour, world tour,
year-long lecture tour.
American tourist, enterprising tourist,
foreign tourists, Japanese tourist, modern tourist, nineteenth-century tourist,
overseas tourist, western tourist.
(sleepy) little town, ancient town, big
town, boom town, border town, boring
town, busy town, cathedral town,
coastal town, country town, county
town, dead town, delightful town, dormitory town, dreary town, embattled
town, Flemish town, fortified town,
ghost town, historic town, holiday
town, home town, industrial town, inland towns, large town, lawless frontier
town, little town, major town, market
town, medieval town, medium size
town, modern town, native town,
nearby town, new town, old town, onehorse town (infml) (= a small and boring town), provincial town, quaint
town, quiet seaside town, quiet town,
resort town, run-down town, satellite
town, scruffy little town, seaside town,
shanty town, sizeable town, sleepy
town, small town, southern town,
strange town, the neighbouring town,
the principal town (of the district), the
surrounding town, thriving town, twin
town, university town, unsuitable
towns and villages, walled town.
(be on) the wrong track , album track,
all-weather track, ancient track, animal
track, backing track, boot track, broadgauge track, bumpy track, car track, career track, cart track, cinder track,
cycle track, dance track, deep track,
defined track, dirt track, disco track,
dog track, double track, drum track,
dusty track, eastbound track, elevated
track, farm track, fast track, forest
track, forestry track, fresh track, gauge
track, grassy track, guitar track, hillside
track, indoor track, inside track, live
track, medieval track, mountain track,
mud track, muddy track, narrow gauge
track, narrow track, outdoor track, parallel track, perimeter track, race track,
rail track, railway track, rhythm track,
rough track, running track, rutted
track, sandy track, sheep track, single
track, ski track, slippery track, solo
track, sound track, standard gauge
track, standard track (the), steep track,
stony track, title track, tortuous mountain track, training track, tram track,
twin track, tyre track, unpaved track,
unreleased track, vocal track, warm-up
track, westbound track, wide track,
woodland track.
(do) a roaring trade (in), agricultural
trade, allied trades, arms trade (the),
bilateral trade, book trade, booming
trade, brisk trade, busy trade, coastal
trade, commercial trade, diamond
trade (the), direct trade, domestic
trade, evil trade, export trade, external
trade, fair trade, flourishing trade, foreign trade, free trade, fur trade (the),
global trade, growing trade, healthy
trade, illegal trade, illicit trade, import
trade, import-export trade, indirect
trade, internal trade, international
trade, inter-provincial trade, inter-regional trade, invisible trade, legal
trade, legitimate trade, lively trade,
lucrative trade, maritime trade, mutual
trade, overseas trade, private trade,
profitable trade, prosperous trade, reciprocal trade, regional trade, slave
trade, the international trade (in oil),
the retail trade, thriving trade, timber
trade, tourist trade, two-way trade,
unilateral trade, wholesale trade, wine
trade, wool trade, world trade.
18th-century tradition, academic tradition, age-old tradition, ancestral tradition, ancient (Hindu) traditions, ancient (Jewish) traditions, ancient tradi-
tion, archaic tradition, artistic traditions, catholic tradition, centuries-old
tradition, cherished tradition, Christian
tradition, classical tradition, cultural
tradition, cultural traditions (of a society), deep-rooted tradition, democratic
tradition, distinguished tradition, dominant tradition, dying tradition, Eastern
tradition (the), enduring tradition, English tradition, European tradition,
family tradition, fine tradition, folk tradition, great tradition, hallowed tradition, herbal traditions, Hindu tradition
(the), historical traditions, honourable
tradition, ideological tradition, liberal
tradition, literary tradition, living tradition, local tradition (the), long tradition, long-established tradition, lyric
tradition, medieval tradition, military
tradition, modernist tradition, musical
tradition, national tradition (the), native tradition(s), old tradition, oral tradition, outdated traditions, pagan tradition, philosophical tradition, poetic tradition, political tradition (the), popular
tradition (the), powerful tradition,
proud tradition, radical tradition, religious tradition, revolutionary tradition,
sociological tradition, sporting tradition, strong tradition, stuffy tradition,
teaching tradition, theatrical tradition,
time-honoured tradition, unbroken tradition, well-established tradition.
traffic -A
air traffic, airline traffic, arms traffic,
bad traffic, boat traffic, busy traffic, city
traffic, city-centre traffic, commercial
traffic, commuter traffic, congested
traffic, constant traffic, cycle traffic,
data traffic, direct traffic, dreadful traffic, drug traffic, fast traffic, fast-flowing
traffic, foot traffic, freight traffic,
freight traffic, goods traffic, heavy
goods vehicle traffic, heavy traffic, holiday traffic, illegal traffic, industrial traffic, international traffic, Internet traffic,
light traffic, local traffic, lorry traffic,
maritime traffic, motor traffic,
motorway traffic, Net traffic, network
traffic, noisy traffic, northbound traffic,
oncoming traffic, one-way traffic, passenger traffic, pedestrian traffic, radio
traffic, rail traffic, railway traffic, river
traffic, road traffic, rush-hour traffic,
sea traffic, site traffic, slow-moving
traffic, sluggish traffic, solid traffic,
south-bound traffic, stationary traffic,
summer traffic, telephone traffic, terrible traffic, thick traffic, through traffic, tourist traffic, town-centre traffic,
two-way traffic, urban traffic, vehicular
traffic, voice traffic, Web traffic,
Website traffic, wheeled traffic.
10.45 train, approaching train, bullet
train, camel train, coal train, commuter
train, crowded train, delayed train, departing train, diesel train, direct train,
early train, electric train, empty train,
evening train, express train, fast train,
first train, four-coach train, freight
train, frequent trains, full train, ghost
train, goods train, high-speed train, intercity train, international train, last
train (the), late-running train, loaded
train, local train (the), long-distance
train, luxury train, mail train, metro
train, midnight train, military train,
model train, morning train, moving
train, mule train, night train, northbound train, oncoming train, overcrowded trains, overnight train, passenger train, passing train, railway train,
return train, runaway train, slow train,
southbound train, special train, speeding train, stationary train, steam train,
stopping train, suburban train, subway
train, supply train, the next train,
three-coach train, through train, troop
train, tube train, two o'clock train, underground train, wagon train.
(rigorous) army training, (rigorous)
military training, academic training,
adequate training, advanced training,
assertiveness training, basic training,
clinical training, comprehensive training, computer-based training, continuous training, corrective training, educational training, essential training, excellent training, extensive training, external training, first-aid training, firstclass training, formal training, hand-on
training, hard training, high training,
higher training, high-level training,
high-quality training, inadequate training, individual training, industrial
training, informal training, initial training, in-service training, intellectual
training, intensive training, internal
training, job training, job-related training, journalistic training, legal training,
lengthy training, long-term training,
management training, medical training, mental training, minimal training,
minimum training, moral training,
musical training, necessary training,
occupational training, off-the-job training, one-to-one training, ongoing training, on-site training, on-the-job training, physical training, potty training,
practical training, preliminary training,
pre-season training, professional training, proper training (the), rigorous
training, scientific training, secretarial
training, serious training, social training, specialist training, specialized
training, staff training, strict training,
systematic training, teacher training,
technical training, theoretical training,
thorough training, tough training, vocal training, vocational training, weight
training, work-related training.
(illegal) fund transfers, 5-millionpound transfer, bank transfer, capital
transfer, cash transfer, charge transfer,
close-season transfer, credit transfer,
data transfer, direct transfer, efficient
transfer, electron transfer, electronic
transfer, embryo transfer, energy trans-
fer, file transfer, financial transfer, free
transfer, gene transfer, heat transfer, information transfer, inter-company
transfer, inter-hospital transfer, knowledge transfer, land transfer, massive
transfer, money transfer, multimedia
transfer, net transfer, nuclear transfer,
permanent transfer, population transfer, property transfer, resource transfer,
share transfer, smooth transfer, software transfer, stock transfer, successful
transfer, technology transfer, telegraphic transfer, thermal transfer.
air transport, canal transport, cheap
transport, city transport, efficient
transport, freight transport, ground
transport, horse-drawn transport, land
transport, local transport, marine
transport, mass transport, motor transport, passenger transport, private
transport, public transport, rail transport, railway transport, rapid car transport, river transport, road transport,
rural transport, sea transport, urban
transport, water transport.
travel -A
air travel, bus travel, business travel,
car travel, cheap travel, coach travel,
concessionary travel, first-class travel,
foreign travel, free travel, frequent
travel, high-speed travel, international
travel, leisure travel, long-distance
travel, overseas travel, rail travel, return travel, sea travel, space travel,
time travel, train travel, world travel.
anniversary treat, birthday treat,
Christmas treat, family treat, great
treat, groovy treat, holiday treat, little
treat, occasional treat, rare treat, real
treat, special treat, tasty treat.
(give sb) the red carpet treatment,
(sb's) disgraceful treatment, alterna-
tive treatment, analytical treatment (of
sth), bad treatment, barbaric treatment,
beauty treatments, brutal treatment,
constitutional treatment, conventional
treatment, corrective treatment, cruel
treatment, cursory treatment, definitive
treatment, degrading treatment, dental
treatment, dietary treatment, differential treatment, discriminatory treatment, drastic treatment, drug treatment, effective treatment, emergency
treatment, equal treatment, exhaustive
treatment, extended hospital treatment,
fair treatment, favourable treatment,
fertility treatment, follow-up treatment,
free treatment, further treatment, generous treatment, good treatment, hair
treatment, handsome treatment, harsh
homoeopathic treatment, hormone
treatment, hospital treatment, humane
treatment, ill treatment, immediate
treatment, inhuman treatment, inhumane treatment, inpatient treatment,
laser treatment, lengthy treatment, lenient treatment, life-saving treatment,
long-term treatment, manipulative
treatment, medical treatment, new
treatment, NHS treatment, non-operative treatment, non-surgical treatment,
nutritional treatment, on-the-spot treatment, operative treatment, orthodox
treatment, outpatient treatment, painful treatment, painless treatment, philosophical treatment, physical treatment,
preferential treatment, private treatment, prompt treatment, proper treatment, proven treatment, psychiatric
treatment, radical treatment, regular
treatment, remedial treatment, rough
treatment, ruthless treatment, sensitive
treatment, sewage treatment, shabby
treatment, special treatment, specialist
treatment, star treatment, stern treatment, successful treatment, superficial
treatment, surface treatment, surgical
treatment, sympathetic treatment, systematic treatment, the harsh treatment
(of slaves), theoretical treatment,
therapeutic treatment, ultraviolet treatment, unequal treatment, unfair treatment, unjust treatment, unkind treatment, unsuccessful treatment, urgent
treatment, veterinary treatment, violent treatment, VIP treatment, water
trend, present trends, recent trend,
sexy trends, social trend, steady trend,
strong trend, the main trend, the national trend, the prevailing trend, underlying trend, unfortunate trend, universal trend, upward trend, welcome
trend, wider trend, worldwide trend,
worrying trend.
apple tree, bare tree, barren tree, beech
tree, big tree, Christmas tree, citrus
trees, coniferous tree, crooked tree, deciduous tree, elm tree, enormous tree,
evergreen tree, exotic tree, forest tree,
fruit tree, fruitful trees, gnarled tree,
great big tree (infml), great tree,
healthy tree, high tree, hollow tree,
huge great tree, huge tree, large tree,
leafless tree, leafy trees, low tree, massive tree, mature tree, mighty tree, naked trees, native tree, noble trees, oak
tree, old tree, orange tree, ornamental
trees, peach tree, pear tree, shade tree,
shady trees, single tree, small tree, solitary tree, spiky trees, stunted tree, tall
tree, thorny trees, tropical tree, willow
tree, winter trees, woodland tree,
young tree.
accelerating trend, adverse trend, apparent trend (the), clear trend, climatic
trends, consistent trend, constant trend,
contrary trend, cultural trend, current
trend (the), dangerous trend, demographic trend, discernible trend, disturbing trend, dominant trend, downward trend, dynamic trends, economic
trend, evolutionary trend, fashion
trend, general trend, global trend,
gradual trend, growing trend, growth
trend, healthy trend, historical trend,
increasing trend, inflationary trend, international trend, latest trend (the),
long-term trend, major trend, marked
trend, market trend, negative trend,
new trend, opposite trend (the), parallel trends, population trend, positive
(sb's) eventual (capture and) trial, civil
trial, clinical trials, controlled trial,
controversial trial, court trial, criminal
trial, crown court trial, double-blind
trial, experimental trial, fair trial, field
trial, fraud trial, free trial, full trial,
full-scale trial, high court trial, home
trial, jury trial, large-scale trial, lengthy
court trial, murder trial, notorious trial,
Olympic trial, public trial, randomized
trial, rape trial, rowing trial, sensational trial, show trial, soccer trial, sore
trial, speed trial, speedy trial, summary
trial, Supreme Court trial, unfair trial.
abortive trip, adventurous trip, annual
trip, arduous trip, boat trip, brief trip,
bus trip, business trip, car trip, coach
trip, cycle trip, day trip, enticing trips,
European trip, extended trip, fact-finding trip, fantastic trip, fast trip, fateful
trip, field trip, fishing trip, foreign trip,
forthcoming trip, frequent trip, fruitless
trip, glorious trip (to Rome), good trip,
great trip, ill-fated trip, Japan trip,
little trip, long trip, memorable trip,
nice trip, nocturnal trip, nostalgia trip,
occasional trip, one-way trip, overnight
trip, overseas trip, pleasant trip, pleasure trip, quick trip, rare trip, regular
trip, return trip, rewarding trip, round
trip, round-the-world trip, school trip,
shopping trip, short trip, sightseeing
trip, skiing trip, study trip, successful
trip, train trip, wasted trip, weekend
trip, weekly shopping trip, weekly trip,
whole trip, world trip.
troops -AA
additional troops, airborne troops, allied troops, armed troops, armoured
troops, auxiliary troops, border troops,
combat troops, crack troops, elite
troops, embattled troops, enemy
troops, extra troops, fighting troops,
foreign troops, front-line troops, garrison troops, government troops, ground
troops, loyal troops, paramilitary
troops, peacekeeping troops, rebel
troops, regular troops, security troops,
stationary troops.
(be in) big trouble, (be in) dead
trouble, (be in) deep trouble (= in a
very bad situation), (be in) serious
trouble, (take) a special trouble, (take)
particular trouble, back trouble, bad
trouble, boyfriend trouble, considerable trouble, crowd trouble, deep
trouble, desperate trouble, digestive
trouble, dire trouble, domestic trouble,
economic trouble, endless trouble, engine trouble, enormous trouble, family
trouble, financial trouble, girl trouble,
great trouble, heart trouble, man
trouble, marital trouble, mechanical
trouble, money trouble, needless
trouble, political trouble, real trouble,
stomach trouble, teething troubles, terrible trouble, tummy trouble.
trust -AA
absolute trust, basic trust, blind trust,
charitable trust, childlike trust, complete trust, family trust, fragile trust,
great trust, hospital trust, implicit trust,
independent trust, investment trust,
misplaced trust, mutual trust, offshore
trust, overseas trust, public trust, sacred trust, self-governing trust, total
trust, unit trust.
(have) a grim truth (in it), absolute
truth (the), ancient truth, awful truth,
bald truth, basic truth, bitter truth,
blunt truth, central truth (the), common truth (the), cruel truth, divine
truth, dreadful truth, elemental truth,
empirical truth, essential truth (the),
eternal truths, exact truth (the), full
truth (the), fundamental truth (the),
general truth, gospel truth (the), great
truth, half truth, hard truth (the), harsh
truth, historical truth, home truth, honest truth (the), horrible truth, horrid
truth, important truth, inescapable
truth (the), literal truth (the), manifest
truth, moral truth, naked truth (the),
necessary truth (the), objective truth,
obvious truth, painful truth, partial
truth, philosophical truth, plain truth
(the), poetic truth, profound truth, psychological truth, real truth (about sth)
(the), religious truth, sad truth (the),
scientific truth, self-evident truth (the),
shocking truth, simple truth (the), spiritual truth, substantial truth, terrible
truth (the), the bare truth, the brutal
truth, the primal truths, the underlying
truth, ultimate truth (the), uncomfortable truth, undeniable truth (the), undisputed truth, universal truth, unpalatable truth (the), unpleasant truth, unwelcome truth, whole truth (the).
try -A
another try, dazzling try, decisive try,
excellent try, first try, good try, great try,
last-minute try, late try, nice try, opening try, penalty try, pushover try, respectable try, second try, splendid try,
superb try, well-taken try, winning try.
turn -A
(many) abrupt turns, 180-degree turn,
different turn, downward turn, dramatic turn, full turn, good turn (= a
helpful and friendly act), half turn, left
turn, left-hand turn, new turn, next
turn, quarter turn, quick left turn, right
turn, right-hand turn, sharp turn (to
the left/right), sudden turn, three-point
turn, unexpected turn, wide turn,
wrong turn (the).
inexpensive TV, live TV, portable TV, the
same TV.
type -AA
uncle -A
alternative type, artistic type, basic
types, blood type, bold type, broad
type, careful type, cell type, city type,
common type, conventional type, creative type, distinct type, diverse type,
early type (of computer), entrepreneurial type, exact type (the), extreme type,
habitat type, hair type, heavy type,
italic type, literary type, main type
(the), major type, new type (of car),
new type (of soft drink), Nordic type,
odd type (of fish), old-fashioned type,
personality type, physical type (the),
principal type (the), product type, rare
blood type, rock type, roman type, skin
type, small type (of camera), small type
(of car), small type (of cassette), soil
type, standard type (the), the (shy and)
silent type, the (strong) silent type, the
macho type, the sociable type, tissue
type, traditional type (the), vegetation
type, well-defined type.
bachelor uncle, benevolent uncle, generous uncle, great uncle, kindly uncle,
maternal uncle, paternal uncle, sympathetic uncle.
acute understanding, adequate understanding, basic understanding, broad
understanding, clear understanding,
common understanding, complete understanding, conceptual understanding
(of sth), critical understanding, deep
understanding, deeper understanding,
full understanding, general understanding, good understanding, great
understanding, growing understanding, historical understanding, human
understanding, imperfect understanding, influential understanding, instinctive understanding, intellectual understanding, international understanding,
limited understanding, musical understanding, mutual understanding, profound understanding, proper understanding, rational understanding, rudimentary understanding, scientific understanding, sophisticated understanding, sound understanding (of sth),
strict understanding, sufficient understanding, tacit understanding, theoretical understanding, thorough understanding, true understanding, unspoken understanding, verbal understanding, written understanding.
unemployment -A
chronic unemployment, considerable
unemployment, falling unemployment,
graduate unemployment, high unemployment, huge unemployment, involuntary unemployment, large-scale unemployment, long-term unemployment, low unemployment, mass unem-
ployment, massive unemployment, permanent unemployment, recurrent unemployment, rising unemployment, rural unemployment, school-leaver unemployment, seasonal unemployment,
serious unemployment, severe unemployment, short-term unemployment,
structural unemployment, temporary
unemployment, urban unemployment,
widespread unemployment, youth unemployment.
close union, economic union, European
Union, full union, labor union, loose
union, monetary union, perpetual
union, political union, strong union, the
former Soviet Union, tight union, trade
union, white-collar unions.
air-conditioning unit, armoured units,
army unit, basic unit (the), bomb disposal unit, casualty unit, cohesive social
unit, cohesive unit, control unit, conventional sink unit, cooking unit, coronary care unit, discrete unit, emergency
unit, enemy unit, family unit, fundamental unit (the), individual unit (the),
intelligence unit, intensive care unit,
kitchen unit, large unit, lexical unit, linguistic unit, maternity unit, military
unit, mobile unit, monetary unit, policy
unit, power unit, processing unit, psychiatric unit, research unit, secure unit
(for child offenders), shower unit,
single unit, sink unit, small unit, social
unit, standard unit (the), storage unit,
surgical unit, the central processing
unit (of a computer), thermal units.
university -AAA
ancient university, collegiate university,
ivy league university, leading university,
local university, major university, new
university, prestigious university, provincial university, public university, redbrick university, research university,
state university, teaching university.
(for) external use, (in) constant use,
(make) efficient use (of sth), (make)
good use (of sb/sth), (no) earthly use,
appropriate use, careful use, clever use,
clinical use, commercial use, common
use, considerable use, continual use,
continued use, correct use, creative use,
current use, daily use, different use,
drug use, economical use (of land/
space), effective use, efficient use (of
energy, etc.), energy use, everyday use,
excessive use, exclusive use, extensive
use, free use, frequent use, full use,
general use, great use, heavy use,
heroin use, home use, illegal use, illegitimate use, immediate use, inappropriate use, increased use, increasing
use, indiscriminate use, industrial use,
internal use, judicious use, land use,
language use, legitimate use, liberal
use, library use, limited use, maximum
use, minimal use, new use, normal use,
occasional use, official use, optimum
use, ordinary use, personal use, poor
use, practical use, practical uses (of
sth), private use, progressive drug use,
prolonged use, proper use, recreational
use, regular use, repeated use, routine
use, safe use, selective use, subtle use
(of lighting in a play), the improper use
(of medicine), the skilful use (of sth),
unauthorized use, unscrupulous use,
wide use, widespread use, worthwhile
bus user, business user, car user, casual
user, computer user, concurrent users,
current user (the), daily user (the),
drug user, electricity user, end user, energy user, existing user (the), first-time
user, frequent user, heavy user, heroin
user, home user, intravenous drug users, known drug user, large user, library
user, novice user, PC user, rail road user,
regular user, service user, small user,
telephone user, transport user, wheelchair user.
valley -A
broad expansive valley, broad valley,
deep valley, fertile valley, forested valley, glacial valley, green valley, high valley, little valley, long valley, lower valley, mountain valley, narrow valley,
Rhine valley, river valley, shallow valley, small valley, solitary valley, steep
valley, Thames valley, upper valley
(the), wide valley, wooded valley.
value -AAA
(little) diagnostic value, (of) equal
value, (of) great value, (of) little value,
(of) real value, aesthetic value, commercial value, common value, conservative value, constant value, conventional value, cultural value, democratic
value, dominant value, doubtful value,
dubious value, educational value, enormous value, ethical value, excellent
value, excellent value (for money),
face value, family value, full value,
good value, good value (for money),
guaranteed value, high value, human
value, immense value, incalculable
value, institutional value, intrinsic
value, lasting value, liberal value, limited value, low value, main value, market value, middle-class value, minimal
value, monetary value, moral value,
outstanding value, parental value, political value, poor value, practical
value, real value (of sth), resale value,
residual value, sentimental value,
shared value, social value, spiritual
value, symbolic value, the aggregate
value, the inherent value (of sth), the
median value, the nominal value, the
nutritional value, therapeutic value, total value, traditional value, tremendous
value, true value (the), unbeatable
value, universal value, Victorian value,
Western value.
aesthetic values, alternative values, basic values, common values, competing
values, conservative values, conventional values, core values, cultural values, democratic values, dominant values, educational values, eternal values,
ethical values, family values, female
values, fundamental values, human
values, humane values, idealistic values, lasting values, liberal values, male
values, materialistic values, middleclass values, moral values, numeric values, old-fashioned values, parental values, political values, shared values,
shifting values, social values, spiritual
values, traditional moral values, traditional values, universal values, Victorian values, Western values.
variety -AA
amazing variety, astonishing variety,
bewildering variety, common variety,
common-or-garden variety, considerable variety, cultivated varieties, different varieties, distinctive variety, eclectic variety, endless variety, enormous
variety, exciting variety, extraordinary
variety, fascinating variety, good variety, great variety, great variety (of
people), great variety (of things),
great(er) variety, huge variety, immense variety, impressive variety, incredible variety, infinite variety, interesting variety (of things), large variety,
new variety, old variety, rare variety,
rare variety (of orchid), remarkable variety, rich variety, several varieties, surprising variety, the standard variety,
tremendous variety, unlimited variety
(of cookies), unusual variety, vast variety, whole variety (of sth), wide variety,
wide variety (of different things), wonderful variety.
cooked vegetable, crisp vegetable,
early vegetable, fresh vegetable, frozen
vegetable, green vegetable, leafy vegetable, organic vegetable, raw vegetable, root vegetable, rotten vegetable,
salad vegetable, seasonal vegetable,
spring vegetable, summer vegetable,
tinned vegetable, winter vegetable.
cut-up vegetables, delicious vegetables,
early vegetables, fresh vegetables,
green vegetables, gritty vegetables,
home-grown vegetables, leafy vegetables, leftover vegetables, pickled
vegetables, succulent vegetables.
(heavy) goods vehicle, abandoned vehicles, ageing vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, amphibious vehicles, armoured
vehicles, burnt-out vehicles, commercial vehicle, delivery vehicle, diesel vehicle, dilapidated vehicle, electric vehicle, emergency vehicle, empty vehicle, excellent vehicle, four-wheeldrive vehicle, heavy vehicles, horsedrawn vehicle, ideal vehicle, important
vehicle, large road vehicle, leading vehicle (the), light vehicles, main vehicle
(the), major vehicle, military vehicle,
motor vehicle, moving vehicle, off-road
vehicle, oncoming vehicle, parked vehicle, passing vehicle, perfect vehicle,
petrol vehicle, petrol-driven vehicle,
police vehicle, private vehicle, road vehicle, rugged vehicle, slow vehicle, stationary vehicle, stolen vehicle, unattended vehicle, vintage vehicle,
wheeled vehicle.
abridged version, accurate version, advance version, advanced version,
amended version, authorized version,
basic version (the), bilingual version,
CD-ROM version, cheap version, compact version, complex version, condensed version, cover version, current
version (the), customized version, cutdown version, definitive version, deluxe
version, different version, draft version,
earlier version, early version, elaborate
version, electronic version, enhanced
version, enlarged version, expanded
version, expensive version, extreme
version, faithful version, film version,
final version (the), finished version,
French version, French-language version, full version, full-blown version,
full-length version, full-size version,
future version (the), hardback version,
high-performance version, improved
version, initial version, interactive version, later version, latest version (of
sth) (the), low-cost version, luxury version, miniature version, modified version, movie version, musical version,
new version, new version (of a computer game, etc.), official version, paperback version, popular version, portable version, preliminary version,
primitive version, prototype version,
radical version, refined version, revamped version, rough version, scaleddown version, screen version, short version, simplified version, smaller version
(of sth), small-scale version, sophisticated version, stage version, standard
version (the), subsequent version, television version, the original version, unabridged version, unauthorized version, unofficial version, unsimplified
version, updated version, up-to-date
version, watered-down version, weak
(sb's) intended victims, accident victim,
AIDS victim, bomb victim, brave cancer
victim, cancer victim, child victim,
crash victim, disaster victim, earthquake victim, easy victim, elderly victim, famine victim, fashion victim,
flood victim, heart-attack victim, helpless victim, innocent victim, kidnap victim, murder victim, passive victim,
plague victim, poor victim, potential
victim, rape victim, sacrificial victim,
stroke victim, the alleged victim, the
devastated victim, the hapless victim,
the helpless victims (of war), unfortunate victim, unlucky victim, unsuspecting victim, unwilling victim, unwitting
victims, willing victim.
victory -AA
astounding victory, clear victory, clearcut victory, comfortable victory, complete victory, comprehensive victory,
conclusive victory, convincing victory,
crucial victory, crushing victory, decisive victory, deserved victory, dramatic
victory, easy victory, election victory,
electoral victory, emphatic victory, famous victory, four consecutive victories, glorious victory, great victory,
handsome victory, historic victory, hollow victory, important victory, impressive victory, landside victory, landslide
victory, massive victory, military victory,
moral victory, narrow victory, notable
victory, outright victory, outstanding
victory, overwhelming victory, partial
victory, political victory, Pyrrhic victory,
record-breaking victory, remarkable
victory, resounding victory, runaway
victory, sensational victory, shock victory, significant victory, spectacular victory, stunning victory, successive victories, superb victory, surprise victory,
sweeping victory, symbolic victory,
thrilling victory, total victory, unexpected victory, vital victory, well-deserved victory.
video -AA
amateur video, blank video, corporate
video, cut-price videos, educational
video, excellent new video, exercise
video, fitness video, home video, horror video, hour-long video, instructional video, interactive video, music
video, new video, police video, pop
video, porn video, porno video, pornographic videos, pre-recorded video,
promo video, promotional video, rock
video, security video, sex video, sexy
video, stunning video, ten-minute
video, training video.
(in the) public view, (in) full view (of
sb), (sb's) candid view, (take a less)
sanguine view, (take) a broad view,
(take) a more robust view, (take) a
prosaic view (of life), (take) the large
view, back view, beautiful view, bird's
eye view, breathtaking view, breathtaking view (of the mountains, etc.), clear
view, close view, close-up view, commanding view, conflicting view, conservative view, conventional view, cynical
view, detached view, differing view, divergent view, dogmatic view, extreme
view, extremist view, fabulous view,
fine view, forthright view, front view
(the), frontal view, general view, global
view, glorious view, good view, gorgeous view, grandstand view, great
view, hard-line view, held view, idealized view, ill-informed view, indulgent
view, informed view, jaundiced view
(of sth), lenient view, liberal view, linear view (of time), lovely view, magnificent view, majority view (the), marvellous view, materialist view, minority
view, moderate view, modern view,
mountain view, narrow view, negative
view, nice view (of the sea), official
view (the), opposing view, optimistic
view, overall view, panoramic view,
pessimistic view, pessimistic view (of
life), pleasant view, polarized view, political view, poor view, popular view,
positive view, prejudiced view, private
view, progressive view, radical view, reactionary view, realistic view, rear
view, relaxed view, restricted view,
rigid view, romantic view (of sth), rosy
view, sceptical world view, sea view,
side view, side-on view, simplistic view,
spectacular view, splendid view, stereotyped view, stereotypical view, strong
view, stunning view, stunning view (of
the lake), superb view, superficial view,
superlative view (of a place), terrible
view, the prevailing view, unfashionable
view, unimpeded view, uninformed
view, uninterrupted view, unobstructed
view, unorthodox view, unrestricted
view, widely held view, wider view
(the), wonderful view, world view.
(extreme) left-wing views, (extreme)
right-wing views, (have) unconventional views, (take) wide views, anarchist views, archaic views, authoritarian views, biased views, blunt views,
broad views, clear views, complex
views, conflicting views, confusing
views, conservative views, contradictory decided views, contrary views,
definite views, deplorable views, dissenting views, divergent views, dogmatic views, eccentric views, enlightened views, explicit views, extreme
views, foolish views, forthright views,
frank views, holistic views, identical
views, insular views, irreconcilable
views, liberal views, lucid views, majestic views, mistaken views, moderate
views, naïve views, narrow views, oldfashioned views, opposing views, orthodox views, outdated views, outmoded
views, out-of-date views, outspoken
views, partisan views, plain views,
populist views, prevalent views, progressive views, pronounced views, racist views, radical views, reactionary
views, real views, romantic views, sceptical views, sectarian views, sensible
views, set views, set views (on how to
teach), sound views, strange views,
strict views, strong views, tenacious
views, the conservative views (of sb’s
parents), tolerant views, unbiased
views, unorthodox views, wide-ranging
(outlying) remote village, (sleepy) little
village, abandoned village, agricultural
village, alpine village, ancient village,
attractive village, beautiful village, big
village, charming village, coastal village, country village, deserted village,
entire village (the), every village, farming village, fictional village, fishing village, global village, holiday village,
home village, large village, little village,
mellow stone villages, mining village,
naive village, native village, nearby village, old village, outlying villages, overgrown village, picturesque village,
pretty village, quiet village, romantic
village, rough village, rural village,
scattered village, seaside village, sedate
village, Sicilian village, small village,
the neighbouring village, the surrounding village, tiny village, unsuitable
towns and villages, whole village (the).
brutal violence, cold-blooded violence,
communal violence, considerable violence, continuing violence, criminal
violence, crowd violence, domestic violence, drug-related violence, electionrelated violence, endemic violence, escalating violence, ethnic violence, excessive violence, extreme violence, family violence, ferocious violence, football
violence, fresh violence, gang violence,
gratuitous violence, great violence,
growing violence, gun violence, increasing violence, institutionalised violence, inter-communal violence, interethnic violence, large-scale violence,
left-wing violence, male violence, marital violence, meaningless violence (on
TV), mindless violence, mob violence,
mounting violence, physical violence,
political violence, racial violence, rampant violence, random violence, renewed violence, revolutionary violence,
right-willing violence, sectarian violence, senseless violence, separatist violence, serious violence, sexual violence,
sporadic violence, street violence, suppressed violence, teen violence, terrorist violence, unchecked violence, un-
controlled violence, unlawful violence,
unnecessary violence, wanton violence,
widespread violence.
virus -A
(common) cold virus (the), AIDS virus
(the), computer virus, deadly virus,
ebola virus (the), exotic virus, flu virus
(the), hepatitis virus (the), herpes virus
(the), HIV virus (the), influenza virus
(the), killer virus, macro virus, measles
virus, new virus, polio virus (the), rare
virus, virulent virus.
vision -A
all-round vision, alternative vision,
apocalyptic vision, binocular vision,
bleak vision, blurred vision, bourgeois
vision, broad vision, clear vision, common vision, comprehensive vision, defective vision, distance vision, distorted
vision, disturbing vision, double vision,
dreadful vision, excellent vision,
ghastly vision, global vision, great vision, heavenly vision, horrible vision,
imaginative vision, impaired vision, inner vision, intuitive vision, mental vision, momentary vision, mystic vision,
mystical vision, narrow vision, night
vision, normal vision, overall vision,
perfect vision, peripheral vision, personal vision, poetic vision, political vision, poor vision, prophetic vision, religious vision, remarkable vision, revolutionary vision, romantic vision, spiritual
vision, stereoscopic vision, strategic vision, sudden vision, tunnel vision, Utopian vision, wide vision, X-ray vision.
visit -A
(on) a flying visit, (on) a private visit,
(sb's) previous visit, annual visit, brief
visit, casual visit, constant visit, courtesy visit, customer visit, daily visit,
domiciliary visit, educational visit,
eight-day visit, exchange visit, factfinding visit, fleeting visit, follow-up
visit, foreign visit, formal visit, forthcoming visit, frequent visits, goodwill
visit, high-profile visit, historic visit,
home visit, hospital visit, hour-long
visit, impending visit, informal visit, infrequent visits, initial visit (the), inspection visit, last visit (the), lengthy
visit, long visit, long-awaited visit,
memorable visit, ministerial visit,
monitoring visit, monthly visit, moraleboosting visit, neighbourly visit, nocturnal visit, occasional visit, official
visit, on-site visit, overdue visit, overseas visit, periodic visit, personal visit,
preliminary visit, presidential visit,
prison visit, quick visit, rare visit, recent visit (the), reciprocal visit, regular visit, research visit, return visit, return visit, royal visit, school visit, short
visit, site visit, social visit, state visit,
study visit, surprise visit, surreptitious
visits, trade visit, twice-weekly visit,
unannounced visit, unexpected visit,
unofficial visit, unwelcome visit.
visitor -A
annual visitor, business visitor, casual
visitor, constant visitor, first-time visitor, foreign visitor, frequent visitor,
health visitor, holiday visitor, home
visitor, hospital visitor, illustrious visitors, international visitor, museum visitor, occasional visitor, out-of-town visitors, overseas visitor, potential visitor,
prison visitor, prospective visitor, rare
visitor, regular visitor, seasonal visitor,
surprise visitor, tourist visitor, unexpected visitor, uninvited visitor, unwanted visitor, unwelcome visitor, welcome visitor, would-be visitor, yearly
(deep) manly voice, (most) unusual
voice, (sb’s) melting voice, (sb’s) seductive voice, (sb's) clipped voice,
(sweet) soprano voice, alluring voice,
alto voice, amused voice, angry voice,
anxious voice, appealing voice, authentic voice, authoritative voice, baritone
voice, bass voice, beautiful voice, big
voice, booming voice, calm voice,
cheerful voice, childlike voice, clear
voice, commanding voice, contralto
voice, cool voice, cracked voice, critical
voice, dead voice, deep voice, dignified
voice, disembodied inner voice, dissenting voice, distinctive voice, drunken
voice, dry voice, educated voice, faint
voice, falsetto voice, familiar voice,
feminine voice, fine voice, firm voice,
flat voice, friendly voice, fruity voice,
funny voice, genteel voices, gentle
voice, ghostly voice, gloomy voice,
good voice, gorgeous voice, grating
voice, gravelly voice, gruff voice, hard
voice, harsh voices, hearty voice, hesitant voice, high pitched voice, high
voice, high-pitched voice, hoarse voice,
hollow voice, hushed voice, husky
voice, injured voice, inner voice, jerky
voice, kindly voice, lifeless voice, light
voice, lone voice, loud voice, lovely
voice, low voice, male voice, matter-offact voice, mellifluous voice, melodic
voice, metallic voice, monotonous
voice, muffled voice, musical voice,
muted voice, nasal voice, nervous
voice, neutral voice, normal voice
(sb's), offensive voice, oily voice, pale
voice, penetrating voice, plaintive
voice, pleasant voice, posh voice, powerful voice, pretty voice, pure voice,
quiet voice, raised voices, rasping voice,
resentful voice, rich resonant voices,
rich voice, ringing voice, rough voice,
sad voice, shaky voice, sharp voice,
shrill voice, silky voice, silly voice, singing voice, sing-song voice, slurred
voice, small voice, smooth voice,
smoothing voice, soft voice, sonorous
voice, soothing voice, soulful voice,
squeaky voice, steady voice, stentorian
voice, stern voice, strained voice, strangulated voice, strident voice, strong
voice, sweet voice, tenor voice, the authentic voice (of young black Americans), the still small voice (of con-
science), thin voice, tiny voice, tired
voice, treble voice, tremendous voice,
unemotional voice, unfriendly voice,
unnatural voice, urgent voice, velvet
voice, velvety voice, warm voice, wary
voice, weak voice, wobbly voice.
volume -AA
bound volume, bulky volume, compact
volume, companion volume, considerable volume, dusty volume, enormous
volume, fat volume (on American history), few odd volumes, full volume,
glossy volume, great volume, heavy
volume, hefty volume, high volume (of
sth), huge volume, jumbo volume,
large volume, leather-bound volume,
low volume, massive volume, old volume, rare volume, separate volume,
sheer volume (of sth) (the), single volume, slim volume, slim volume (of poetry), small volume, substantial volume, the collective volume, the huge
volume (of traffic), the maximum volume, thick volume, total volume (the),
vast volume, weighty volume.
vote -A
absent vote, adverse vote, affirmative
vote, anonymous vote, block vote, casting vote, close vote, congressional vote,
crucial vote, decisive vote, democratic
vote, direct vote, dissenting vote, expatriate vote, fair vote, favourable vote,
floating vote, free vote, historic vote,
huge vote, individual vote, invalid vote,
knife-edge vote, majority vote, massive
vote, narrow vote, negative vote, overwhelming vote, parliamentary vote,
popular vote, postal vote, protest vote,
proxy vote, resounding vote, secret
vote, sizeable vote, swing vote, tactical
vote, the working class vote, transferable vote, two-thirds vote, two-to-one
vote, unanimous vote, valid vote, yes
voter –AA
communist voter, disaffected voters,
disillusioned voters, eligible voter,
faithful voters, first-time voter, floating
voters, liberal voter, loyal voters, new
voter, ordinary voter, overseas voter,
potential voter, proxy voter, registered
voter, the conservative voters, uncommitted voter, undecided voter, wavering voter.
individual votes, scant votes.
after-tax wage, annual wage, average
wage, basic wage, decent wage, fair
wage, good wage, gross wage, high
wage, hourly wage, inadequate wage,
inflationary wage, living wage, low
wage, meagre wage, minimum wage
(the), miserable wage, money wage,
net wage, pre-tax wage, real wage,
regular wage, small wage, the standard
wage, weekly wage.
back wages, high wages, meagre
wages, pitiful wages, poor wages, real
wait -A
agonizing wait, anxious wait, boring
wait, endless wait, frustrating wait,
long wait, nerve-racking wait, nervous
wait, short wait, tedious wait, weary
wait, worrying wait.
after-dinner walk, afternoon walk,
brief walk, brisk walk, charity walk,
circular walk, coastal walk, country
walk, daily walk, easy walk, evening
walk, exhilarating walk, fast walk, five
minutes' walk, forest walk, funny walk,
gentle walk, good walk, guided walk,
hard walk, hill walk, jaunty walk, lake
side walk, leisurely walk, little walk,
long walk, long-distance walk, looselimbed walk, lovely walk, marathon
walk, mincing walk, nature walk, nice
long walk, nocturnal walks, peaceful
walk, pleasant walk, ponderous walk,
pretty walk, riverside walk, rolling
walk, romantic walk, sedate slow walk,
short walk, silly walk, slow walk, solitary walk, space walk, sponsored walk,
stately walk, strenuous walk, tenminute walk, tight-rope walk, two-
mile walk, ungainly walk, vigorous
walk, woodland walk.
adjacent walls, adjoining wall, back
wall (the), bare wall, bathroom wall,
blank wall, blank whitewashed walls,
blind wall, boundary wall, brick wall,
brown walls, bumpy walls, city wall,
clean wall, concrete wall, cracked
walls, dismal brown walls, dividing
wall, exterior wall, external wall (the),
front wall (the), garden wall, harbour
wall, high wall, inner wall, inside wall,
interior walls, internal wall, kitchen
wall, load-bearing wall, long wall, low
wall, masonry wall, massive walls, outside wall (the), panelled walls, partition wall, party wall, perimeter wall,
retaining wall, sea wall, short wall, side
wall, solid wall, stone wall, straight
wall, sturdy wall, supporting wall, the
grim walls (of the prison), the outer
wall, thick wall, thin wall, uneven
walls, unstable walls, vertical wall.
human want.
air war, all-out (trade/price) war,
atomic war, bidding war, bloody civil
war, bloody war, civil war, class war,
cold war, conventional wars, devastating war, economic war, falklands war
(the), ferocious war, first world war
(the), full-scale war, ghastly wars, global war, ground war, guerrilla war, gulf
war (the), holy war, inconclusive war,
just war, limited war, long war, longrunning war, major war, naval war,
nuclear war, offensive war, political war
(of words), price war, protracted civil
wars, second world war (the), short
war, terrible war, the political war of
words (over tax), total war, trade war,
tribal wars, vietnam war (the), whole
war (the), world war.
(give sb) advance warning, adequate
warning, air-raid warning, ample warning, audible warning, awful warning,
blunt warning, bomb warning, cautionary warning, chilling warning, clear
warning, clear warning (of the risks,
etc), coded warning, dire warning, direct warning, due warning, early warning, explicit warnings, faint warnings,
fair warning, final warning, fire warning, flood warning, formal warning,
friendly warning, gale warning, government warning, grim warning, hazard
warning, health warning, hurricane
warning, initial warning, oblique warning, official warning, ominous warning,
prior warning, prophetic warning, repeated warnings, safety warning, salutary warning, severe warning, solemn
warning, stark warning, stern warning,
storm warning, strong warning, sufficient warning, timely warning, urgent
warning, useful warning, veiled warning, verbal warning, visual warning,
written warning.
(give sth) a good wash, car wash, quick
absolute waste, agricultural waste, animal waste, awful waste, chemical
waste, clinical waste, colossal waste,
commercial waste, complete waste,
complete waste (of money), conspicuous waste, criminal waste, dangerous
waste, domestic waste, dreadful waste
(of sth), energy waste, expensive
waste, flagrant waste, food waste, frozen waste, garden plant waste, great
waste, harmful waste, hazardous
waste, high-level waste, hospital waste,
household waste, human waste, icy
waste, industrial waste, intermediatelevel waste, kitchen waste, liquid
waste, low-level radioactive waste,
low-level waste, medical waste, mu-
nicipal waste, needless waste, nontoxic waste, nuclear waste, organic
waste, plastic waste, poisonous waste,
radioactive waste, reckless waste, recyclable waste, scandalous waste (of
money), senseless waste, sheer waste
(of time), shocking waste, solid waste,
terrible waste, total waste, toxic waste,
tragic waste, tremendous waste, unnecessary waste, useless waste, utter
waste (of time).
icy wastes, the frozen wastes (of Siberia), toxic wastes.
accurate watch, analogue watch, broken watch, careful watch, close watch
(on sb/sth), constant watch, designer
watch, digital watch, expensive watch,
fake Swiss watch, fine watch, fob
watch, gold watch, man's watch, night
watch, pocket watch, quartz watch, reliable watch, round-the-clock watch,
shockproof watch, sports watch, tight
watch, waterproof watch, wrist watch.
(get into) hot water, (in) deep water,
Antarctic water, Artic water, Atlantic
water, bathing water, blue water, boiling water, bottled water, brackish water, bubbly water, calm water, choppy
water, clean water, clear blue water
(between …), clear water, coastal water, cold water, crystal-clear water, dangerous water, deep water, designer water, dirty water, domestic water, drinking water, dripping water, fast-moving
water, flood water, flowing water, foreign water, foul water, fresh water,
hard water, holy water, home water,
ice-cold water, icy water, international
water, lukewarm tepid water, lukewarm water, mineral water, muddy
water, murky water, northern water,
Pacific water, placid water, pure water,
rising water, river water, rough water,
running water, safe water, salt water,
salted water, salty water, scarce water,
sea water, shallow water, soft water,
southern water, spring water, stagnant
water, stale water, sterile water, still
mineral water, still water, stormy water, surface water, sweet water, tap
water, tepid water, territorial water,
tropical water, warm water, waste water.
Antartic/Artic waters, Atlantic/Pacific
waters, blue waters, calm waters,
coastal waters, crystal-clear waters,
dangerous waters, deep waters, domestic waters, foreign waters, home
waters, international waters, Japanese,
etc. waters, neutral waters, northern
waters, placid waters, restricted waters, safe waters, southern waters, stagnant waters, stormy waters, territorial
waters, the murky waters, the sparkling blue waters, tropical waters, turbulent waters, uncharted waters.
airy wave (of sb’s hand), big wave,
breaking wave, cheery wave, crime
wave, electromagnetic wave, enormous wave, extraordinary heat wave,
farewell wave, first wave, freak wave,
fresh wave, friendly wave, giant wave,
great wave, huge wave, incoming
wave, languid wave, light wave, massive wave, monstrous wave, mountainous wave, negligent wave (of sb's
hand), new wave, next wave, parting
wave, proud wave (of the hand), quick
wave, radio wave, recent wave, savage
wave, seismic wave, shock wave, small
wave, sound wave, sudden brain wave,
the second wave, tidal wave, tiny
wave, white-capped wave, whitecrested wave, white-topped wave.
waves -AA
mountainous waves, seismic waves,
sonic waves, turbulent waves.
way -AAA
(a/only one) sure way (to do sth), (answer in a) particular way, (behave in a)
sensible way, (by) a long way, (dress in
a) respectable way, (go) a long way (towards doing sth), (has come) a long
way (since), (in a fair and) reasonable
way, (in a fair and) responsible way, (in
a very) open way, (in a) big way, (in a)
conspiratorial way, (in a) jaundiced
way, (in a) matter-of-fact way, (in a)
secret way, (in a) selective way, (in the
most) desirable way, (in your own)
sweet way, (in your) usual way, (in) a
bad way, (in) a bipartisan way, (in) a
carefree way, (in) a challenging way,
(in) a coherent way, (in) a confused
way, (in) a familiar way, (in) a forceful
way, (in) a forthright way, (in) a grownup way, (in) a light-hearted way, (in) a
naïve way, (in) a peculiar way, (in) a
pointless way, (in) a purposeful way,
(in) a rambling way, (in) a sensational
way, (in) a small way, (in) a suspicious
way, (in) a systematic way, (in) a very
elusive way, (in) a wholehearted way,
(in) an affordable way, (in) an amusing
way, (in) an astonishing way, (in) an excited way, (in) an off-hand way, (in) an
undesirable way, (in) every conceivable
way, (in) every way, (in) the most awful way, (in) the nicest possible way,
(in) the ordinary way, (just) any old
way, (no) other way, (sb's) usual way
(home), (take sth) the wrong way,
(the) wrong way (around/round), a/
only one sure way (to do sth), absent
way, abstract way (of thinking), affectionate way, affectionate way (of saying
sth), alternative way, american way of
life (the), analytical way (of doing sth),
appropriate way, austere way (of life),
awkward way, bad way (to treat sb),
best way (the), bohemian way, both
way, British way of life (the), calm way,
careless way, casual way, charming way
(to do sth), cheaper way (of doing sth),
cheerful way, clear way, clever way,
clipped way (of speaking), closed way
(of life), compact way, complicated
way, confident way, confidential way,
conservative way, convenient way, correct way (the), cost-effective way, covered way, creative way, crude way, different way, direct way, dual carriage
way, easy way, easy way (of life), easy
way (to do sth), easy way out (the),
economical way, effective way, effective
way (of doing sth), efficient way, either
way (= in one way or the other), embarrassed way, enthusiastic way, fair
(and reasonable) way, familiar way (towards sb), fancy way (of doing sth),
fast way (of life), firm way, following
way (the), formal way, friendly way,
funny way, general way, German way
(of life) (the), good way, hard way
(the), hermetic way, honest (and open)
way, hopeless way, ideal way (the), illegitimate way (of doing sth), immoral
way (of life), important way, indirect
way, ineffective way, irregular way,
light way, little way, long way (from
sw), merry way, methodical way,
middle way (the), mysterious way, neat
way (of achieving sth), neat way (of
doing sth), neat way (of explaining
sth), neat way (of expressing sth), neat
way (of organizing sth), new way, nice
way (to do sth) (infml), normal way
(the), noticeable way, obvious way
(the), odd way, offensive way, old-fashioned way, own way, painless way, palatable way, perverse way, polite way (of
greeting sb), polite way (of introducing
sb), possible way, practical way, pragmatic way (of dealing with sth), pragmatic way (of doing sth), proper way
(the), prudent way, quick way, quickest
way, received way (of doing sth) (the),
ridiculous way (to do sth), right way
(the), rough way, roundabout way (of
saying sth), rude way (to do sth), rural
way (of life), scientific way, secure way
(to do sth), separate way, serious way,
settled way (of life), shameless way,
sharp way, short way, shortest way, shy
way, similar way, simple way (of doing
sth), smooth (and controlled) way, special way, steady way, strange way,
strong way, structured way, stubborn
way, subtle way, terrible way (to do
sth), the best way (to do sth), the most
encouraging way (to do sth), the other
way round, the quickest way (from A to
B), thorough way, tough way (of life),
traditional way (the), understandable
way, unhelpful way, unpleasant way,
unreasonable way, untidy way, useful
way, winning way, wrong way (the).
ways -AAA
(go our/their/your) separate ways ,
(in) beneficial ways, artful ways, disgusting ways, eccentric ways, old-fashioned ways, respective ways, strange
ways, vital ways.
accurate weapon, atomic weapon, automatic weapon, best weapon (the),
biological weapon, chemical weapon,
deadly weapon, effective weapon,
heavy weapon, lethal weapon, light
weapon, murder weapon, nuclear
weapon, offensive weapon, potent
weapon, powerful nuclear weapon,
powerful weapon, secret weapon,
sharp weapon, sophisticated weapon,
strategic weapon, tactical weapon, the
ultimate weapon, useful weapon.
advanced weapons, atomic weapons,
automatic weapons, biological weapons, blunt weapons, chemical weapons,
conventional weapons, deadly weapons, murderous weapons, obsolete
weapons, short-range nuclear weapons, smart weapons, strategic weapons.
bridal wear, casual wear, children's
wear, day wear, designer wear, engine
wear, evening wear, everyday wear, ex-
cessive wear, fashion wear, hard wear,
heavy wear, leisure wear, maternity
wear, men's wear, outdoor wear, summer wear, tyre wear, weekend wear,
winter wear, women's wear.
(What) blooming weather!, adverse
weather, agreeable weather, appalling
weather, atrocious weather, awful
weather, bad weather, balmy weather,
beautiful weather, bitter weather, blustery weather, breezy weather, bright
weather, calm weather, changeable
weather, chilly weather, clear weather,
cloudy weather, cold weather, cool
weather, damp weather, dismal
weather, dreadful weather, drowsy
summer weather, dry weather, excellent weather, extraordinary weather,
extreme weather, fair weather, fickle
weather, fierce weather, filthy weather,
fine weather, foggy weather, foul
weather, freezing weather, frosty
weather, gloomy weather, glorious
weather, good weather, gorgeous
weather, grand weather, great weather,
grey weather, grim weather, harsh
weather, heavenly weather!, horrible
weather, horrid weather, hot weather,
humid weather, icy weather, ideal
weather, inclement weather, inhospitable weather, lousy weather, lovely
weather, marvellous weather, mild
weather, miserable weather, muggy
weather, nasty weather, nice weather,
normal weather, oppressive weather,
overcast weather, perfect weather, persistent bad weather, predictable
weather, rainy weather, raw weather,
reasonable weather, reliable weather,
rotten weather, rough weather, scorching weather, settled weather, severe
weather, shocking weather, sticky
weather, stormy weather, sultry
weather, sunny weather, superb
weather, terrible weather, the local
weather, tropical weather, uncertain
weather, unpleasant weather, unpredictable weather, unseasonable
weather, unseasonably … weather,
unseasonal weather, unseasonally …
weather, unsettled weather, variable
weather, vile weather, violent weather,
warm weather, warmer weather, wet
weather, wicked weather, wild weather,
windy weather, wintry weather,
wretched weather.
wedding -A
(just) a quiet wedding, church wedding, double wedding, great wedding,
posh wedding, registry office wedding,
royal wedding, white wedding.
Wednesday -AAA
(be) next Wednesday, first thing
wednesday, last wednesday.
(average) working week, (have) an
easy week, (in) recent weeks, (in) the
coming week, (in) the past few weeks,
3-day week, 48-hour week, 5th consecutive week, alternate weeks, average working week, black week, busy
week, entire three weeks, entire week
(the), eventful week, every alternate
week, fabulous week, few short weeks,
few weeks, following week (the), full
week, generous six weeks (of holiday),
hard week, last week (the), lazy week,
magical week, normal week, past week,
previous week (the), quiet week, successive week, tense weeks, the ensuing
weeks, the last few weeks, the next few
weeks, the next week, the opening
week, the other week, the working
week, three hideous weeks, tiring
week, unproductive week, whole week
(the), worrying week.
(on) a recent weekend, alternate weekends, dirty weekend (= a weekend
when a man and woman who are not
married to each other go away to have
sex), enjoyable weekend, good weekend, long weekend, lousy weekend,
odd weekend (the), ordinary weekend,
quiet weekend, sunny weekend, wet
atomic weight, average weight, birth
weight, body weight, considerable
weight, correct weight, dead weight,
desirable weight, due weight, economic
weight, enormous weight, excess
weight, extra weight, financial weight,
full weight, good weight (the), great
weight, gross weight, heavy weight,
heavy weight (to carry), ideal weight
(the), immense weight, imperial
weight, insufficient weight, intellectual
weight, large weight, leaden weight,
light weight, low weight, mean weight,
metric weight, molecular weight, net
weight, normal weight, political
weight, right weight (the), sheer
weight (of numbers), sheer weight (of
sth) (the), sufficient weight, surplus
weight, target weight.
big welcome, broad welcome, cautious
welcome, ceremonial welcome, cheerful welcome, chilly welcome, cold welcome, cool welcome, cordial welcome,
ecstatic welcome, enthusiastic welcome, friendly welcome, frosty welcome, general welcome, great welcome, guarded welcome, hearty welcome, hero's welcome, impressive welcome, lukewarm welcome, magnificent
welcome, moving welcome, noisy welcome, official welcome, proper welcome, qualified welcome, rapturous
welcome, real welcome, rough welcome, rousing welcome, royal welcome, special welcome, stiff welcome,
strange welcome, tremendous welcome, tumultuous welcome, unenthusiastic welcome, warm welcome.
artesian well, deep well, holy well, oil
well, shallow well, wishing well.
far west (the), the west side.
alloy wheel, back wheel (the), bicycle
wheel, car wheel, front wheel (the),
loose wheel, nearside wheel, offside
wheel, rear wheel, spare wheel, the
front wheels (of the car), wobbly
brief while, fair while, good while, little
while, long while, short while, some
loving wife, loyal wife, model wife,
nagging wife, new wife, perfect wife,
pregnant wife, supportive wife, the bereaved wife, understanding wife, unfaithful wife, virtuous wife, warring
husbands and wives, wonderful wife,
working wife.
wind, offshore wind, prevailing wind
(the), prosperous wind, sharp wind,
slight wind, south wind, stiff wind,
strong wind , tail wind, terrible winds,
the proverbial ill wind, the westerly
wind, vicious wind, violent winds, wanton wind, warm wind, west wind.
collective will, conscious will, divine
will, free will, general will, God's will,
human will, ill will, individual will, indomitable will, inflexible will, invincible will, iron will, living will, majority will, political will, popular will,
royal will, strong will, the national will,
the public will, valid will, weak will.
win -A
coherent whole, cohesive whole, complex whole, harmonious whole, homogeneous whole, integrated whole,
meaningful whole, organic whole, organized whole, seamless whole, single
5th, etc. consecutive win, away win, big
win, comfortable win, convincing win,
cup final win, decisive win, Democrat
win, deserved win, easy win, emphatic
win, encouraging win, excellent win,
famous win, fine win, five-point win,
good win, great win, handsome win,
hard-earned win, hard-fought win,
home win, impressive win, improbable
win, Labour win, landslide win, lastgasp win, league win, narrow win,
nine-wicket win, record-breaking win,
remarkable win, resounding win, runaway win, semi-final win, shock win,
single-shot win, surprising win, thrilling win, two-goal win, unexpected win,
well-earned win.
bone white, bright white, brilliant
white, creamy white, dazzling white,
dead white, dirty white, egg white ,
ghastly white, gleaming white, icy
white, milky white, off white, plain
white, pure white, snow white, stark
whole -A
(sb’s) adoring wife, (sb's) present wife,
(sb's) stylish wife, attractive wife, battered wives, beautiful wife, beloved
wife, charming wife, dead wife (sb's),
dear wife (sb's), dependent wife, deserted wife, divorced wife, domineering wife, dutiful wife, estranged wife,
excellent wife, ex-former wife, faithful
wife, former wife (sb's), future wife
(sb's), good wife, jealous wife, late wife
(sb's), long-suffering wife, lovely wife,
(raw) north wind, adverse winds, biting wind, bitter wind, blustery wind,
brisk wind, chill wind, cold north wind,
cold wind, cool wind, damp wind, east
wind, fair wind, favourable wind, fierce
wind, fierce wind (coming in off the
sea), following wind, gale-force wind,
glacial winds, good wind, gusty wind,
harsh wind, head wind, high wind,
howling wind, icy winds, ill wind, invigorating wind, light wind, moderate
active window, arched window, back
window, balcony window, barred window, basement window, bay window,
bedroom window, big window, blank
window, boarded-up window, bow window, bright window, broken window,
car window, carriage window, casement window, clean window, closed
windows, colourful shop windows, curtained window, curtainless window,
dark window, deep-set arched window,
dirty window, display window, distraught window, dormer window,
double-glazed window, draughty window, driver's window, dusty window,
elderly window, electric window, filthy
window, first floor window, floor-length
window, floor-to-ceiling window,
French window, front windows, glasspanelled window, glazed window,
Gothic stained glass windows, Gothic
window, great window, grieving window, ground floor window, high window, huge window, ill-fitting window,
kitchen window, lattice window, leaded
window, long window, middle-aged
window, narrow window, offside front
window, offside window, open window,
panelled window, panoramic windows,
passenger window, picture window,
plate-glass window, poor window, rainlashed window, rain-streaked window,
rear windows, rich window, rose window, round window, sash window, shattered windows, shop window, shuttered
window, side window, skylight window,
small window, small-paned window,
smeared windows, smoked window,
south-facing window, stained-glass window, steamed-up window, steamy win-
dows, sunny window, symmetrical windows, tall window, tinted window, top
most window, top window, train window, triangular window, upper windows (the), upstairs window, war window, wealthy window, wide window,
wind-up windows, young window.
wing, right wing (the), short wing,
starboard wing, stubby wing, the new
wing (of the hospital), the north wing,
the rear wing, the south wing, the tail
cheap wine, chilled wine, crisp wine,
dandelion wine, deluxe wine, dessert
wine, dry wine, elderberry wine, excellent wine, expensive wine, fine wine,
first-class wine, fizzy wine, fortified
wine, fruity wine, full-bodied wine,
full-flavoured wine, good wine, great
wine, heady wine, home-made wine,
house wine, indifferent wine, light
white wine, light wine, mature wine,
medium-dry wine, mellow wine,
mulled wine, new wine, noble wine,
old wine, organic wine, palatable wine,
quality wine, red wine, rice wine, rose
wine, rough wine, smooth textured
wine, sour wine, sparkling wine, spiced
wine, strong wine, successive wins, superior wine, superlative wines, sweet
wine, table wine, tart wine, vinegary
wine, vintage wine, white wine, worldclass wines, young wine.
(gold/silver/bronze) medal winner,
award winner, big winner, certain winner, championship winner, clear winner, comfortable winner, competition
winner, consistent winner, contest winner, convincing winner, cup winner, deserved winner, easy winner, election
winner, eventual winner, eventual winner (of the tournament), first-time winner, frequent winner, impressive winner, jackpot winner, joint winner,
league winner, league winner, likely
winner, lucky winner, match winner,
outright winner, overall winner (the),
possible winner, potential winner, prize
winner, prolific winner, proven winner,
race winner, regular winner, runaway
winner, shock winner, surprise winner,
the eventual winner (of the tournament), three-times winner, title winner,
tournament winner, trophy winner, unexpected winner, unlikely winner, worthy winner.
aircraft wing, back wing (the), broad
wing, broken wing, butterfly wing,
chicken wing, conservative wing (the),
curved wings, damaged wing, delicate
wing, dissident wing, extreme wing,
fixed wing, folding wing, fore wing,
front wing (the), hind wing, hospital
wing, leathery wing, left wing (the),
liberal wing (the), long wing, maternity
wing, maximum security wing, membranous wing, military wing (the),
moderate wing, narrow wing, nearside
wing, offside wing, outspread wing,
outstretched wings, paramilitary wing,
pointed wing, political wing, port wing,
private wing, progressive wing, radical
wing, reformist wing, revolutionary
bad winter, bitter winter, bleak winter,
cold winter, dreary winter, early winter,
grey winter, hard winter, harsh winter,
last winter, late winter, mid-winter
winter, mild winter, nuclear winter, severe winter, stormy winter, terrible
winter, the coldest winter, the coldest
winter (in living memory), the next
winter, this (coming) winter, unusual
winter, wet winter.
(sb's) dearest wish, (sb's) declared
wish, (sb's) express wish(es), (sb's)
greatest wish, best wish, conscious
wish, death wish, deepest wish, devout
wish, dying wish, every wish, fervent
wish, genuine wish, good wish, honest
wish, last wish, parental wish, personal
wish, pious wish, secret wish, strong
wish, unconscious wish.
(sb's) dying wishes, best wishes, fervent wishes, good wishes.
(a terribly) earnest young woman,
(cultivated) young woman, (determined) young woman, (feeble) old
woman, (feel) (like) a new woman,
(heavily) pregnant woman, (intelligent) young woman, (lively) young
woman, (pathetically) shy woman,
(scholarly) young woman, (slender)
young woman, (sophisticated) young
woman, (sparkling) young woman,
(striking) young woman, (strongwilled) young woman, (wise) old
woman, abusive woman, adult woman,
agile young women, anxious woman,
artful woman, articulate woman, attractive (young) woman, bad woman,
barren woman, battered women, beautiful woman, bereaved women, big fat
woman, brave (men and) women, business woman, calm woman, capable
woman, career woman, changed
woman, charitable woman, charming
woman, childless woman, commonlooking woman, condemned woman,
confident woman, contentious woman,
courageous woman, decent woman,
desirable woman, diffident women,
disappointed woman, disillusioned
woman, divorced woman, easy women
(to work with), elderly woman, elegant
woman, eligible woman, enterprising
woman, evil woman, fascinating
woman, fashionable woman, feminine
woman, fine woman, fine-looking
woman, foolish woman, funny woman,
glamorous women, good woman,
good-looking woman, gorgeous
women, gracious woman, grown
woman, handsome woman, hard
woman, heavily pregnant woman, hefty
woman, holy woman, homely woman,
hysterical woman, important woman,
independent woman, inner woman
(the), innocent women (and children),
interesting woman, jolly woman, literary woman, lively young woman, lovely
woman, mad woman, marked woman,
married woman, mature woman, mean
woman, middle-aged woman, mild
woman, motherly woman, mountainous woman, nervous woman, no-nonsense woman, non-working woman,
nude woman, obese woman, old
woman, older woman, passionate
woman, patriotic (men and) women,
perceptive woman, plain woman,
pretty woman, professional woman,
proud woman, remarkable woman, resourceful woman, seductive woman,
sensual woman, sensuous woman, sexy
women, short woman, shy woman, silent woman, single (men and) women,
single woman, small woman, sour
woman, stately old woman, stunning
woman, stylish woman, successful business woman, tall woman, the distraught woman, the little woman (= an
expression meaning sb's wife, often
considered offensive especially by
women), the odd woman (out), the
other woman, the working woman,
thin woman, thinking women, tiny
woman, token woman, trim woman,
ugly woman, unattached woman, unmarried woman, veiled woman, weird
woman, well-dressed woman, wicked
woman, widowed woman, wretched
woman, young woman.
(it's) little wonder, boy wonder, childlike wonder, constant wonder, great
wonder, little wonder, natural wonder,
nine days’ wonder, one-hit wonder, perpetual wonder, scientific wonder,
seven-day wonder, wide-eyed wonder.
balsa wood, beech wood, birch wood,
broad-leaved wood, carved wood,
charred wood, dark wood, dead wood,
deciduous wood, deep wood, dense
wood, green wood, hard wood, kindling wood, laminated wood, large
wood, light wood, natural wood, oak
wood, oiled wood, painted wood, pale
wood, petrified wood, pine wood, polished wood, rot-resistant wood, rotten
wood, rotting wood, rough wood, seasoned wood, shady wood, small wood,
soft wood, solid wood, stained wood,
thick wood, varnished wood.
native word, naughty word, new word,
obscene word, obsolete word, odd
word (the), plain word, polite word,
precise word, prophetic word, quick
word, reassuring word, right word
(the), rude word, similar word, soft
word, solemn word, strong word,
swear word, taboo word, the last word,
the spoken word, the written word
(infml), three-letter word, three-syllabic word, two-letter word, two-syllabic word, unkind word, unspoken
word, very word, vogue word, weasel
word, well-chosen word, whispered
word, wise word, wrong word (the).
beautiful woods, deep woods.
(every) single word, (have) a brief
word (with sb), (have) a good word (to
say) (for sb/sth), (have) a quiet word
(with), (not) a solitary word, abstract
word, ambiguous word, angry word,
archaic word, bad word, bad word (to
say about sb), big word, bitter word,
blunt word, bold word, borrowed word,
brave word, buzz word, cautionary
word, choice word, clear word, code
word, compound word, concrete word,
content word, cross word, cruel word,
dirty word, disyllabic word, dying
word, easy word (to spell), empty
word, every word (= everything sb says
or writes), everyday word, exact word
(the), famous word, fateful word, final
word (the), fine word, flattering word,
forbidden word, foreign word, four-letter word, friendly word, function word,
general word, generic word, hard word,
harsh word, heated word, honeyed
word, house-hold word, hurtful word,
immortal word, jaded word, key word,
kind word, last word in (the), last word
on (the), loaded word, loan word, long
word, magic word (the), meaningless
word, mild swear word, misunderstood
word, monosyllabic word, naked word,
(sb's) actual words, (sb's) dying words,
(sb's) silly words, acrimonious words,
affectionate words, big words, choice
words, closing words, colloquial words,
dreaded words, encouraging words,
fair words, famous last words (= used
when sb has said too confidently that
they can do sth or that sth will happen), filthy words, fine-sounding
words, humiliating words, immortal
words, impolite words, incendiary
words, innocuous words, kind words
(of praise), literary words, loose words,
loving words, made-up words, malicious words, picturesque words,
Roosevelt's immortal words, rough
words, sharp words, shocking words,
stern words, tender words, the prophetic words.
(make) short work (of), (totally) mindless work, abstract work, abstract work
(of art), academic work, accomplished
work, additional work, administrative
work, agricultural work, amateur detective work, ambitious work, arduous
work, art work, artistic work, autobiographical work, avant-garde work,
back-breaking work, background work,
bad work, badly paid work, bar work,
beautiful work, biographical work, bor-
ing work, breathtaking work, brilliant
work, building work, careful work, casual work, challenging work, charitable
work, charity work, choral work, classic work, classical work, clerical work,
close work, collaborative work, collected work, commercial work, community work, competent work, complete work, complicated work, construction work, contemporary work,
controversial work, costly work, course
work, creative work, critical work,
cumbersome work, daily work, dangerous work, day-to-day work, definitive
work, delicate work, demanding work,
demolition work, detective work, difficult work, dirty work, domestic work,
donkey work, dramatic work, dry
work, early work, easy work, educational work, electrical work, environmental work, equal work, erudite
work, everyday work, excellent work,
exhaustive work, experimental work,
extensive work, extra ten hours' work,
extra work, extraordinary work, farm
work, fascinating work, fearful hard
work, field work, figurative work, fine
work, first-class work, follow-up work,
freelance work, fruitful day's work, full
hour's work, full-time work, gentle
work, gloomy work, good work,
graphic work, great work, great work
(of art), ground-breaking work, group
work, gruelling work, handsome work,
hard work, hazardous work, heavy
work, honest work, humanitarian
work, humdrum work, idiosyncratic
work, imaginative work, immature
work, important work, impressive
work, individual work, indoor work, influential work, innovative work, inspired work, inspiring work, intellectual work, intensive work, interesting
work, inventive work, investigative
work, joint work, jolly hard work,
labour-intensive work, late work,
learned work, leg work, legal work,
lengthy work, light work, literary work,
little gentle work, lucrative work, lyrical work, magnificent work, maintenance work, major work, managerial
work, manual work, mature work, melodious work, men's work, mental
work, meticulous work, minimal work,
minor work, missionary work, misunderstood work, modern work, momentous work, monotonous work, monumental work, moving work, mysterious
work, naïve work, neat work, needless
work, nice work, non-stop work, notable work, obedient work, office work,
orchestral work, original work, original
work (of art), outdoor work, outside
work, outstanding work, painstaking
work, paper work, part-time work, peculiar work, permanent work, physical
work, piano work, piece work, pioneering work, police work, poor work, practical work, preliminary work, preparatory work, principal work, prison work,
professional work, profound work,
project work, promotional work, publishable work, punishing work, purposeful work, radical work, readable
work, real work (the), regular work, remedial work, repair work, repetitive
work, research work, restoration work,
rewarding work, road work, routine
work, scholarly work, scientific work,
seasonal work, secretarial work, seminal work, semi-skilled work, sheer hard
work, shocking work, shoddy work,
skilled work, sloppy work, social work,
sophisticated work, splendid work,
standard work (on sth), steady work,
sterling work, strenuous work, stupendous work, teaching work, tedious
work, temporary work, thirsty work,
thoughtful and considerate work, tireless work, tiring work, tough work,
transitional work, tremendous work,
tuneful work, undercover work, unique
work, unnecessary work, unpaid work,
unpublishable work, unreadable work,
unrelenting hard work, unskilled work,
valuable research work, valuable work,
voluntary work, welfare work, wellpaid work, women's work, written
work, your own work, youth work.
able worker, agricultural worker, aid
worker, assembly-line worker, average
worker, black worker, blue-collar
worker, care worker, careful worker,
careless worker, casual worker, charity
worker, cheerful worker, clerical
worker, committed social worker, community worker, conscientious worker,
construction worker, core worker, council worker, dedicated worker, diligent
worker, domestic worker, excellent
worker, factory worker, faithful worker,
farm worker, fast worker (= used to say
that sb can get what they want very
quickly, especially in starting a sexual
relationship with another person), fellow worker, female worker, field research worker, freelance worker, fulltime worker, good worker, hard worker,
health worker, healthcare worker, hospital worker, key worker, low-paid
worker, maintenance worker, male
worker, manual worker, manufacturing
worker, metal worker, methodical
worker, meticulous worker, migrant
worker, municipal worker, neat worker,
office worker, paid worker, painstaking
worker, part-time worker, permanent
worker, poor worker, post office worker,
postal worker, precise worker, privatesector worker, production worker, productive worker, professional worker,
public-sector worker, quick worker, railway worker, redundant worker, reliable
worker, relief worker, research worker,
retired worker, rural worker, safe
worker, seasonal worker, self-employed
worker, semi-skilled worker, shift
worker, shop-floor worker, skilled
worker, sloppy worker, slow worker, social worker, solid worker, steady
worker, tireless worker, transport
worker, unemployed worker, unskilled
worker, untidy worker, voluntary
worker, volunteer worker, welfare
worker, white immigrant worker,
white-collar worker, willing worker,
woman worker, youth rescue worker,
zealous worker.
agricultural workers, clerical workers,
electrical workers, erstwhile workers,
fellow workers, general workers, idle
workers, illegal workers, industrial
workers, militant mine workers, nonmanual workers, paid workers, redundant car workers, redundant workers,
salaried workers, seasonal workers,
skilled workers, temporary workers,
unskilled workers, white-collar workers.
(sb's) most celebrated works, complete
works (of sb) (the), complete works (of
Tolstoy, etc.), demolition works, extensive works, learned works, maintenance works, major road works, major
works, repair works, restoration works,
road works, the surviving artistic works
(of the period).
world -AAA
(big) wide world, (brave) new world
(of technology), (sb's) own little world,
(the) real world, academic world, ancient world (the), animal world, Arab
world, arcane world, art world, astounded world, brave new world, business world, chaotic world, closed
world, confusing world, contemporary
world, crazy world, cruel world, developed world (the), developing world
(the), different world, dog-eat-dog
world, dream world, English-speaking
world, entire world (the), ever-changing world, external world (the), fantasy world, fashion world, fictional
world, First World War (the), hard
world, hazy world, hectic world, ideal
world, imaginary world, imperfect
world, industrial world (the), industrialized world, inner world (the), insect
world, known world, literary world,
mad world, male-dominated world,
medical world (the), medieval world,
merry world, modern world (the),
natural world (the), New world (the),
Old world (the), outside world (the),
physical world (the), plant world, private world, rich world, Roman world,
secretive world, seedy world, self-sufficient world, shadowy world, simulated world, small world, spirit world,
spiritual world, sports world, the big
wide world, the brave new world (of
technology), the classical world, the
glossy world (of fashion), the golfing
world, the material world, the modern
industrial world, the pagan world, the
social world, the tangible world, the
underdeveloped world, the virtual
world, Third world, today's world,
topsy-turvy world, tough world, turbulent world, vanishing world, weird
world, Western world (the), whole
(wide) world (the), wide world, wider
worries -A
dreadful worries, economic worries,
growing worries, inflation worries,
nagging worries, niggling worries, serious worries, silly worries.
worry -A
(sb's) biggest worry, (sb's) main worry,
(sb's) one worry, (sb's) only worry, big
worry, business worry, considerable
worry, constant worry, continual worry,
continued worry, day-to-day worry,
economic worry, financial worry, future
worry, great worry, groundless worry,
growing worry, health worry, huge
worry, immediate worry, incessant
worry, increasing worry, lingering
worry, major worry, money worry, nagging worry, needless worry, niggling
worry, persistent worry, real worry, rel-
egation worry, secret worry, serious
worry, slight worry, the main worry, unnecessary worry.
(the) present writer, academic writer,
accomplished writer, ancient writer,
anonymous writer, aspiring writer,
avant-garde writers, award-winning
writer, best-selling writer, black woman
writer, bohemian writer, born writer,
budding writer, celebrated writer,
Christian writer, classical writer, clever
writer, comedy writer, comic writer,
communist writer, contemporary writers, cookery writer, copy writer, creative writer, crime writer, descriptive
writer, disillusioned writer, distinguished writer, early writer, eminent
writer, experienced writer, famous
writer, fashion writer, favourite writer,
feature writer, female writer, feminist
writer, fiction writer, film writer, fine
writer, food writer, football writer, foremost writer, freelance writer, gay
writer, ghost writer, golf writer, good
writer, gossip writer, great writer, Greek
writer, headline writer, humorous
writer, imaginative writer, influential
writer, later writer, leader writer, leading writer, lesbian writers, letter writer,
living writer, magazine writer, major
writer, male writer, marvellous writer,
modern writer, music paperback writer,
original writer, outstanding writer, political writer, popular writer, prize-winning writer, productive writer, professional writer, prolific writer, prominent
writer, promising writer, prosaic writer,
prose writer, radical writer, recent
writer, religious writer, Renaissance
writer, report writer, Roman writer, science writer, science-fiction writer,
screenplay writer, script writer, sensational writer, short-hand writer, shortstory writer, sixteenth-century writer,
sloppy writer, socialist writer, software
writer, spiritual writer, sports writer,
entific writings, selected writings, unpublished writings.
staff writer, talented writer, textbook
writer, the present writer, thriller
writer, travel writer, unknown writer,
versatile writer, Victorian writer, wellknown writer, witty writer, woman
writer, world-class writer, would-be
writer, young writer.
wrong -A
civil wrong, criminal wrong, great
wrong, legal wrong, moral wrong, past
wrong, plain wrong, terrible wrong.
yards -AA
academic writing, ancient writing, anecdotal writing, bad writing, childish
writing, clear writing, close writing,
collected writing, contemporary writing, courageous writing, creative writing, critical writing, cursive writing, descriptive writing, early writing, effective writing, essay writing, feminist
writing, fiction writing, fine writing,
freelance writing, good writing, great
writing, historical writing, illegible
writing, imaginative writing, influential
writing, joined-up writing, later writing, legible writing, letter writing, lucid
writing, modernist writing, mystical
writing, neat writing, novel writing,
philosophical writing, political writing,
ponderous writing, popular writing,
prose writing, published writing, religious writing, report writing, sacred
writing, scholarly writing, scientific
writing, script writing, selected writing,
small writing, spidery writing, technical
writing, tiny writing, travel writing, unpublished writing, untidy writing.
(every) second year, (five) short years,
(in) the coming year, (the) academic
year, alternate year, bad year, calendar
year, consecutive year, current year
(the), early year, easy year, election
year, eventful year, final year (the), financial year (the), fiscal year (the),
following year (the), formative year,
future year (the), golden year, good
year, happy year, hard year, intervening year, inter-war year, last year
(the), later year (the), lean year, leap
year, light year, memorable year, momentous year, new year, one year = In
a particular year), past year (the),
peak year, poor year, post-war year,
preceding year, presidential year, previous year (the), pre-war year, prior
year (the), profitable year, recent year,
record year, sabbatical year, school
year (the), short year, tax year (the),
tender year, the (corresponding period) last year, the (third) successive
year, the ensuing year, the next year,
unhappy year, war year, whole year
through (the), worrying year.
years -AAA
(sb's) earliest writings, academic writings, ancient writings, bad writings,
collected writings, contemporary writings, critical writings, early writings,
feminist writings, fine writings, good
writings, great writings, historical writings, influential writings, later writings,
modernist writings, mystical writings,
philosophical writings, political writings, popular writings, prose writings,
published writings, religious writings,
sacred writings, scholarly writings, sci-
(go) the whole nine yards.
year -AAA
(a man of) mature years, (five) short
years, (millions of) light years (away
from the Earth), (of) tender years,
(two) fruitless years, adolescent years,
advanced years, advancing years, alternate years, barren years, bygone
years, childhood years, coming years,
consecutive years, creative years, dangerous years, declining years, early
years, eventful years, fertile years, final years, formative years, former
years, fruitful years, future years, glorious years, happy years, later years,
lean years, long years, lost years,
middle years, past (two) years, post-/
pre-war years, previous years, productive years, recent years, several years,
subsequent years, teen years, tender
years, the go-go years, the intervening
years, the latter years, the next four/
five years, the usual three years, turbulent years, twilight years, useful years,
wasted years.
yellow -A
bright yellow, brilliant yellow, canary
yellow, chrome yellow, creamy yellow,
dark yellow, deep yellow, dirty yellow,
dull yellow, golden yellow, lemon yellow, light yellow, pale yellow, primrose
yellow, rich yellow, saffron yellow,
sickly yellow, soft yellow, strong yellow,
sunshine yellow, vibrant yellows, vivid
yellow, warm yellow.
youth -AA
black youth, callow youth, comparative
youth, delinquent youth, disaffected
youth, early youth, educated youth,
eternal youth, extreme youth, freshfaced youth, gangling youth, gilded
youth, lawless youth, local youth (the),
lost youth, male youth (the), masked
youths, misspent youth, modern youth
(the), pimply youth, spotty youth,
training youth, unemployed youth
(the), unhappy youth, urban youth
(the), white youth, wild youth, working-class youth (the).
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