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Orta Macar Sözlüyü - İngilis dili faylı

Intermediate Hungarian wordlist
File 1
Vocabulary Banks
Food and Cooking
aubergine n
You need an aubergine for this pasta dish.
baked adj
I had a baked potato with tuna for my lunch.
sült (kemencében / ​sütőben
nem zsiradékban, pl.
beans n pl
These beans are overcooked.
beef n
We always eat roast beef on Sundays.
beetroot n
I always put beetroot in my salads.
boiled adj
I like to have boiled eggs for breakfast.
cabbage n
I don’t like the taste of cabbage.
cherries n pl
Cherries are really delicious.
chicken n
Chicken is a low-fat meat.
courgette n
I used a courgette in this recipe.
crab n
Can I have a crab sandwich, please?
cucumber n
I don’t like the taste of cucumber.
duck n
I love duck with orange sauce.
egg n
I had a fried egg for breakfast.
fish n
I love oily fish like salmon.
fried adj
Fried bread is too oily for me.
sült (bő zsírban / ​olajban)
fruit n
You should eat some fresh fruit every day.
grapes n pl
Do you prefer red or green grapes?
grilled adj
I would like the grilled steak, please.
lamb n
I always order a lamb curry at that Indian restaurant.
lemon n
I always like to have some lemon with my fish.
mango n
Is there any mango in this fruit salad?
meat n
My sister doesn’t eat meat because she’s a vegetarian.
melon n
This melon isn’t sweet enough.
mussels n pl
We had some delicious mussels and chips in Belgium.
peach n
I would like a peach for dessert, please.
pear n
Would you like a pear or an apple?
pepper n
We need one red pepper and one onion.
pork n
Many people do not eat pork in Morocco.
prawns n pl
We had prawns with lemon juice and garlic.
garnéla rák
raspberries n pl
We had raspberries and ice cream.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
roast adj
We always have roast potatoes on Sundays.
sült (általában / ​zsiradékban / ​
nyílt lángon)
salmon n
Oily fish like salmon is very good for you.
seafood n
My mum loves seafood, especially prawns and mussels. tenger gyümölcsei
squid n
I ordered fried squid for my starter.
steamed adj
Steamed vegetables are very healthy.
tuna n
I made a tuna salad for my dinner.
vegetable n
Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?
affectionate adj
Dogs are friendly and affectionate pets.
aggressive adj
He’s very aggressive and often gets into fights.
ambitious adj
Paul is ambitious and studies very hard at school.
ambiciózus, nagyratörő
anxious adj
My sister is very anxious and is always stressed.
attractive adj
Darren’s new girlfriend is attractive.
bad-tempered adj
/ˌbæd ˈtempəd/
Our neighbour is bad-tempered so I don’t talk to him.
rosszkedvű, kiállhatatlan
bossy adj
My husband is bossy and tells me what to do.
parancsolgató természetű
charming adj
Nicola’s new boyfriend is charming and friendly.
clever adj
My sister is clever and wants to study medicine.
competitive adj
I don’t play football with Jason – he’s too competitive!
versengő, versenyezni akaró
dishonest adj
I think Jenny is being dishonest about her past.
nem őszinte
disorganized adj
Our secretary is so disorganized.
rendetlen, szétszórt
friendly adj
Our new neighbour is friendly.
generous adj
Diane is generous and often buys me presents.
hard-working adj
/ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/
Mary is hard-working so she will pass her exams.
honest adj
Wendy is so honest – she always tells the truth.
imaginative adj
My daughter is imaginative and loves stories.
élénk fantáziájú
immature adj
He’s nearly 26 now, but he’s still so immature.
éretlen (személy)
impatient adj
Megan is always so impatient.
independent adj
Karen lives on her own and likes to be independent.
insecure adj
Stuart is insecure about the way he looks.
insensitive adj
She asked about his divorce which was insensitive.
irresponsible adj
Don’t go out with Vanessa – she’s too irresponsible.
jealous adj
Louise is jealous of Pete because he has a great job.
kind adj
My wife is kind and enjoys helping others.
lazy adj
Ian never does any housework – he’s so lazy.
mature adj
She’s only 12, but she’s very mature for her age.
mean adj
My sister never shares her things – she’s really mean.
zsugori, fukar, utálatos
moody adj
Our teenage son is moody and bad-tempered.
obey v
You should obey your parents.
offend v
You should try not to offend people.
megbánt vkit
opinion n
What’s your opinion of the new government?
organized adj
Our administrator is really organized.
rendet tartó, szervezett
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outgoing adj
James is outgoing and has many friends.
patient adj
You need to be patient if you are a driving instructor.
quiet adj
Anna is so quiet – it’s hard to talk to her.
rebellious adj
Julie is rebellious and ignores her parents.
reliable adj
Ken is not very reliable – he’s always late.
responsible adj
Our son is very responsible and hard-working.
self-confident adj
/ˌself ˈkɒnfɪdənt/
She’s a self-confident and sociable child.
magabiztos, önbizalommal
selfish adj
Jane is really selfish and only ever thinks of herself.
sensible adj
Our teenage daughter is sensible so we can trust her.
józan eszű, okos
sensitive adj
Helen is always crying – she’s really sensitive.
shy adj
I’m shy and find it hard to meet new people.
sociable adj
Jack is sociable and has lots of friends.
társaságkedvelő, barátkozó
spoilt adj
Rachel is spoilt – her parents always give her money.
elrontott, elkényeztetett
stubborn adj
My dad is stubborn and never changes his mind.
stupid adj
My parents think that all my friends are stupid.
talkative adj
Lucy is very talkative – we chatted for hours.
tidy adj
Harry is really tidy so his house always looks great.
unambitious adj
I was unambitious at school so I didn’t study much.
nem nagyratörő
unfriendly adj
I think our new boss is rather unfriendly.
unimaginative adj
The children’s story was boring and unimaginative.
unkind adj
Don’t be unkind to your poor brother.
barátságtalan, rosszindulatú
unreliable adj
I won’t ask Colin for help because he is unreliable.
unselfish adj
Adam is unselfish and always thinks of others.
unsociable adj
Chris never comes out with us – he’s unsociable.
visszahúzódó, nem
társaságkedvelő, nem
untidy adj
Jim is very untidy – his bedroom is a mess.
Useful words and phrases
adult n
I think I became an adult when I left home.
arrangement n
Have you made an arrangement for tomorrow?
intézkedés, szervezés
attention n
I didn’t get as much attention as my brother when we
were children.
bedcovers n pl
I hid from my sister under the bedcovers.
takaró, paplan
boarding school n
/ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/
I was sent away to boarding school when I was 11.
bentlakásos iskola
carbohydrates n pl
Rice is an important source of carbohydrates.
childhood n
I had a happy childhood.
close family n
/kləʊs ˈfæməli/
Do you think you have a close family?
szerető család
decline n
There is a decline in traditional family structures.
hanyatlás, gyengülés
depressed adj
After he lost his job he became depressed.
levert, lehangolt
emotional adj
She’s really emotional and often cries.
érzelmes, elérzékenyült
extended family n
/ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/
I have a big extended family, including 18 cousins!
kiterjedt család
extrovert n
My dad is an extrovert and loves meeting new people.
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fight v
My brother always wants to fight with me.
fresh adj
I bought some wonderful fresh fish today.
frozen adj
Have we got any frozen vegetables?
gang n
I’m not comfortable with being one of a gang.
gathering n
My parents have arranged a family gathering.
immediate family n
/ɪˈmiːdiət ˈfæməli/
I have four people in my immediate family.
közeli hozzátartozók,
szorosabb értelemben vett
innocent adj
My sister hit me but my mum thought she was innocent. ártatlan
intention n
His intention is to study hard and go to university.
low-fat adj
/ləʊ fæt/
Would you like a low-fat yoghurt?
alacsony zsírtartalmú
mood n
Don’t talk to Barry today – he’s in a bad mood.
newborn adj
That newborn baby is so tiny.
no wonder
/nəʊ ˈwʌndə(r)/
My parents were always nicer to me so no wonder my
sister hated me.
nem csoda, hogy ...
only child n
/ˌəʊnli ˈtʃɑɪld/
I don’t have any brothers or sisters – I’m an only child.
prediction n
His prediction is that people will holiday in space.
promise n
I made a promise to my father when he died.
protein n
Meat is a good source of protein.
raw adj
I hate the taste of raw onions.
relative n
I’m my mother’s closest relative.
relaxed adj
My mother is really relaxed and never gets stressed.
nyugodt, laza
rivalry n
There is a lot of rivalry between me and my sister.
share v
I share a lot of hobbies with my sister.
megoszt, osztozik
sick adj
He’s been off sick for two weeks.
spicy adj
I love spicy Thai curries.
csípős, fűszeres
stressed adj
Richard works too hard and is always stressed.
feszült, ideges
suffocate v
He tried to suffocate me under the bedcovers!
megfojt vkit
tension n
There was tension at home because our parents argued. feszültség
value v
Now that I am older I really value my parents.
értékel, tud értékelni
More words in File 1
alternative therapy n
/ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈθerəpi/
Have you tried alternative therapy, like
alternatív gyógymód
argue v
My parents argue but they will never get divorced.
aware adj
Are you aware that you are your aunt’s only relative?
tudatában van, tud
cake n
I made a chocolate cake for my girlfriend’s birthday.
sütemény, torta
carton n
Can you get me a carton of orange juice?
doboz (üdítőitalos, tejes)
chef n
My brother is a chef in an Italian restaurant.
chocolate n
Clients receive free chocolate at the end of the night.
concentration n
Blueberries can improve concentration.
container n
This is a plastic container for pasta.
creamy adj
We ordered pasta in a creamy sauce.
cuisine n
I love Indian cuisine.
konyha, konyhaművészet
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cure n
I want to find a cure for my headaches.
cut down on phr v
/kʌt daʊn ɒn/
I need to cut down on sugar and fat to lose weight.
csökkenti a mennyiségét
decision n
Have you made a decision about your holiday yet?
dramatic adj
The results of the experiment were dramatic.
efficiently adv
Food that is high in protein helps your brain to work
more efficiently.
endorphins n pl
The brain releases endorphins when you eat chocolate. endorfin
expert n
My aunt is an expert on Victorian literature.
feel a bit down
/fiːl ə bɪt daʊn/
I always feel a bit down after a holiday.
lehangolt(nak érzi magát)
focused adj
After my morning coffee I feel really focused.
összeszedett, koncentrálni
food supplement n
/fuːd ˈsʌplɪment/
I take a food supplement every day.
jar n
Can you pass me that jar of strawberry jam?
csupor, üveg
margarine n
Do you prefer butter or margarine?
meeting n
I have a meeting with my boss at 10.00 a.m.
mushroom n
I’ll have a ham and mushroom pizza, please.
nightclub n
We went to a nightclub until 2.00 a.m.
éjjeli mulatóhely, night club
public holiday n
/ˌpʌblɪk ˈhɒlədeɪ/
It’s a public holiday on Monday so we won’t go to work. hivatalos ünnep,
salt n
Don’t put too much salt on your dinner.
sausage n
Would you like a sausage or a burger?
steak n
I ordered steak and chips at the restaurant.
hússzelet, steak
sugar n
I always have sugar in my coffee.
takeaway adj
We ordered a takeaway pizza.
elvitelre rendelt (étel)
tinned adj
I don’t like the taste of tinned tuna.
konzerv (konzervdobozban
violence n
Late night violence can be a problem in some towns.
vitamin n
There is a lot of vitamin C in oranges.
weapon n
Chocolate could become a secret weapon in the fight
against crime.
afford v
I can’t afford to go on holiday this year.
megengedheti magának
bank account n
/ˈbæŋk əˌkaʊnt/
How much money do you have in your bank account?
bill n
The electricity bill came through the post today.
borrow v
Can I borrow some money, please?
kölcsön vesz
cash machine n
/kæʃ məˈʃiːn/
I took £30 out of the cash machine.
pénzkiadó automata
charge v
How much do you charge for a haircut?
kifizettet, felszámít (díjat,
coin n
I found a 10p coin on the pavement.
munkaszüneti nap
File 2
Vocabulary Banks
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
cost v
These shoes cost £70.
kerül vmennyibe
credit card n
/ˈkredɪt kɑːd/
The payment had been taken from my credit card.
debt n
I had a lot of debt when I left university.
earn v
How much do doctors earn in your country?
keres (pénzt)
inherit v
She will inherit a lot of money when her parents die.
invest v
You should invest some money in the stock market.
lend v
Can you lend me £30 until tomorrow?
live off phr v
/lɪv ɒf/
I have to live off my parents while I’m at university.
vki nyakán él
live on phr v
/lɪv ɒn/
If I lose my job, I’ll have no money to live on.
él vmin / ​vmiből
loan n
I need a loan from the bank to start my own business.
mortgage n
The bank gave me a mortgage to buy a house.
note n
I left a £20 note on my desk.
owe v
You owe me £10.
tartozik vkinek vmennyivel
pay back phr v
I pay back £50 of the loan to the bank every month.
raise v
How much money did you raise for the school?
szerez, gyűjt (pénzt)
salary n
Lawyers get a good salary.
save v
I try to save some money every month.
take out phr v
/ˈteɪk aʊt/
I never take out more than £50 at a cash machine.
tax n
How much tax do you have to pay every month?
waste v
Don’t waste your money on things you don’t need.
worth adj
How much is your house worth?
ér vmennyit
Useful words and phrases
boiling adj
It’s boiling at the moment – 34 degrees Celsius!
kánikula, hőség
boutique n
She works in a designer clothes boutique.
broke adj
I was always broke when I was a student.
le van égve (anyagilag)
cheque n
I wrote a cheque for £300.
consecutive adj
She ran three consecutive marathons in 24 hours.
egymást követő
contract n
We signed the contract.
current n
I had to paddle against the current.
folyásirány, sodrás, áramlás
delicious adj
The food was delicious.
finom, ízletes
delighted adj
My parents are delighted that I’m getting married.
örül vminek, boldog vmi
dyslexia n
My son can’t read very well because he has dyslexia.
enormous adj
His house is enormous and has six bedrooms.
óriási, hatalmas
exhausted adj
I was exhausted after the race.
exhaustion n
I suffered from heat exhaustion.
fantastic adj
I’ve had a fantastic time here.
figures n pl
He calculated figures in his head.
számok, árak
filthy adj
John’s kitchen is filthy.
piszkos, mocskos
freezing adj
The sea was freezing so we didn’t swim.
jéghideg, dermesztő
furious adj
Lyn is furious that you didn’t invite her to the party.
őrjöngő, dühös
gamble n
Starting my own business was a bit of a gamble.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
go on sale
/ɡəʊ ɒn seɪl/
When will his new book go on sale?
eladásra kerül
hilarious adj
The film was hilarious – we laughed so much.
humidity n
The humidity here is 80 per cent in the summer.
infested adj
The river is infested with crocodiles.
elárasztott, tele van
inspire v
I’ve been listening to music to inspire me.
inspirál, lelkesít
kayak v
Why did you agree to kayak down the Amazon?
make money
/meɪk ˈmʌni/
I want to make money from my paintings.
pénzt keres
millionaire n
Jeff became a millionaire, but lost most of his money.
paddle n
We used a wooden paddle to move the boat.
positive adj
Did you have a positive experience when you
went abroad?
put aside phr v
/pʊt əˈsaɪd/
Every week I put aside some money for a holiday.
recession n
Our business lost a lot of money during the recession.
gazdasági visszaesés,
risky adj
This is a very risky trip.
sponsor v
She asked me to sponsor her for a charity programme.
szponzor, támogató
starving adj
I was starving when I came home from school.
suffer v
I really suffer in hot weather.
target n
100 km per day is my target.
cél, célkitűzés
terrified adj
Are there any animals that you’re terrified of?
fél, megrémül vmitől
tiny adj
My flat is really tiny with only two rooms.
apró, pici
More words in File 2
ache n
I have an ache in my right arm from playing tennis.
ashamed adj
He felt so ashamed that he couldn’t read.
szégyenlős, szégyenkező
bandaged adj
He came to work with a bandaged head.
best-seller n
His autobiography became a best-seller.
sikerkönyv, bestseller
burst into tears
/bɜːst ˈɪntə tɪəz/
When I finished the race I burst into tears.
könnyekben tör ki
charity n
My sister works for a children’s charity.
jótékonysági szervezet
consumer society n
We live in a consumer society where people want new
things all the time.
fogyasztói társadalom
cynical adj
I’m always very cynical about our government.
/dɔː(r) tə dɔː(r)/
I went door-to-door trying to sell insurance.
házról házra
drive someone mad
/draɪv ˈsʌmwʌn mæd/ My parents drive me mad with their arguing!
employ v
We employ a gardener who comes once a week.
alkalmaz (dolgozót)
fee n
My lawyer has an hourly fee of £150!
díj (fizetendő)
foot the bill
/fʊt ðə bɪl/
My children use the phone but I foot the bill.
állja a számlát
ghost writer n
She used a ghost writer to write her autobiography.
néger (író, aki más helyett ír
meg dolgokat)
good cause n
/ɡʊd kɔːz/
I ran a marathon to make money for a good cause.
nemes cél
gorilla n
I saw a big gorilla at the zoo.
instalment n
I paid back the first instalment on my loan.
instinctively adv
He instinctively knew what people wanted.
interest n
How much interest do you pay on your credit card?
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
lorry n
A big red lorry parked outside our house.
mechanic n
I had to pay the mechanic £100 to repair my car.
melted adj
There was melted chocolate at the bottom of my bag.
olvadt, olvasztott
presenter n
I want to be a TV presenter when I grow up.
prize n
I won first prize in the competition.
díj (elnyert)
proud adj
I was so proud of my son when he passed his exams.
rough idea n
/rʌf aɪˈdɪə/
I usually have a rough idea about what I spend my
money on.
nagyjából tud vmit
salesman n
My brother is a used car salesman.
ügynök (kereskedő)
scam n
That email saying we had won some money was a scam. átverés, csalás
shopping spree n
/ʃɒpɪŋ spriː/
I always go on a shopping spree when I get paid.
vásárlási láz, költekezés
store n
He works in a grocery store.
bolt, áruház
surface n
I can see my reflection in the surface of the water.
tape n
My fingers are bandaged with white tape.
szalag, fásli
avoid v
Avoid the motorway – there is a huge traffic jam.
bus stop n
/ˈbʌs stɒp/
You can buy a ticket at the bus stop.
car crash n
/kɑː(r) kræʃ/
I broke my leg in a car crash last month.
carriage n
My seat is in carriage F.
vasúti kocsi
child seat n
/tʃaɪld siːt/
You should buy a child seat for your car.
coach n
We went on a coach to France.
busz (távolsági)
cross v
What’s the quickest way to cross a busy city?
keresztülmegy, átmegy
cycle lane n
/ˈsaɪkl leɪn/
It’s safer to use a cycle lane when you’re on your bike.
kerékpáros sáv
end up phr v
/end ʌp/
If I get on that bus, I’ll end up in the wrong place!
végül vmit csinál
get stuck phr v
/ɡet stʌk/
I always get stuck in traffic on my way to work.
go over phr v
/ɡəʊ ˈəʊvə(r)/
Don’t go over the speed limit.
lorry n
My brother drives a lorry.
motorway n
The motorway speed limit is 70 miles per hour.
parking fine n
/ˈpɑːkɪŋ faɪn/
I left my car on double yellow lines and I got a
parking fine.
parkolási bírság
pedestrian crossing n
/pəˌdestriən ˈkrɒsɪŋ/
Children should always use a pedestrian crossing.
petrol station n
/ˈpetrəl steɪʃn/
I stopped at a petrol station to fill up the car.
platform n
The train leaves from this platform.
roadworks n
Roadworks are starting on this road next week.
run out phr v
/rʌn aʊt/
What will we do if we run out of petrol?
kifogy vmiből
rush hour n
/ˈrʌʃ aʊə(r)/
The traffic is always bad in rush hour.
scooter n
My daughter uses her scooter to get to work.
seat belt n
/ˈsiːt belt/
You must wear a seat belt in cars in this country.
biztonsági öv
File 3
Vocabulary Banks
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set off phr v
/set ɒf/
We set off early to avoid the traffic.
speed camera n
/spiːd ˈkæmərə/
There’s a speed camera so don’t drive too fast.
sebességmérő kamera,
speed limit n
/ˈspiːd lɪmɪt/
What’s the speed limit on this road?
taxi rank n
/ˈtæksi rænk/
There’s a taxi rank outside the station.
traffic jam n
/ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/
Sorry I’m late – there was a terrible traffic jam.
forgalmi dugó
traffic lights n
/ˈtræfɪk laɪts/
Turn right after the traffic lights.
közlekedési jelzőlámpa
tram n
I go to work by tram.
Underground n
I use the London Underground every day.
földalatti vasút, metró
van n
My uncle is a builder and he has his own van.
watch / look out!
/wɒtʃ aʊt/lʊk aʊt/
Look out! You’re going to crash!
zebra crossing n
/ˌzebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ/
It’s safest to cross the road at the zebra crossing.
zebra (gyalogos-átkelőhely)
Dependent prepositions
afraid of prep
/əˈfreɪd ɒv/
I’m afraid of spiders.
fél vmitől
angry with prep
/ˈæŋɡri wɪð/
Are you still angry with me?
mérges vkire
apologize to prep
/əˈpɒlədʒaɪz tə/
Apologize to your sister for breaking her hairdryer.
elnézést kér vkitől
argue with prep
/ˈɑːɡjuː wɪð/
I always argue with my parents.
vitatkozik vkivel
arrive at prep
/əˈraɪv æt/
We arrive at Heathrow at 10.30 a.m.
(meg)érkezik vhova
arrive in prep
/əˈraɪv ɪn/
What time do you arrive in London?
(meg)érkezik vhova
ask for prep
/ɑːsk fɔː/
I want to ask for some help with my homework.
kér vmit
belong to prep
/bɪˈlɒŋ tə/
Who does this jacket belong to?
hozzátartozik vkihez / ​​
choose between prep
/tʃuːz bɪˈtwiːn/
You have to choose between these two dresses.
két dolog között választ
close to prep
/kləʊs tə/
I’m very close to my mum and we speak every day.
közel áll vkihez
depend on prep
/dɪˈpend ɒn/
I might go to university next year – it will depend on
my exam results.
függ vmitől
different from prep
/ˈdɪfrənt frɒm/
This house is very different from your last one.
különbözik vmitől
dream about prep
/driːm əˈbaʊt/
Do you often dream about work?
álmodik vmiről
excited about prep
/ɪkˈsaɪtɪd əˈbaʊt/
Are you excited about your holiday?
izgatott vmi miatt
famous for prep
/ˈfeɪməs fɔː/
What’s your home town famous for?
híres vmiről
fed up with prep
/fed ʌp wɪð/
I’m fed up with tidying away your clothes all the time.
elege van vmiből
fond of prep
/fɒnd ɒv/
I’m fond of my niece – she’s so sweet.
kedvel vmit
frightened of prep
/ˈfraɪtnd ɒv/
Are you frightened of heights?
megrémül vmitől
good at prep
/ɡʊd æt/
I’m really good at maths but I’m useless at history.
jó vmiben
good for prep
/ɡʊd fɔː/
Doing some exercise every day is good for you.
jó vkinek / ​vminek
interested in prep
/ˈɪntrəstɪd ɪn/
I’m really interested in history.
érdekli vmi
keen on prep
/kiːn ɒn/
I’m keen on football so I watch it most weekends.
rajong vmiért
kind to prep
/kaɪnd tə/
Please be kind to your little brother.
kedves vkihez
laugh at prep
/lɑːf æt/
Don’t laugh at me ­when I’m talking.
nevet vmin
look forward to prep
/lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə/
I look forward to seeing you next week.
várja, hogy …
married to prep
/ˈmærid tə/
How long have you been married to your wife?
házasságot köt vkivel
pay for prep
/peɪ fɔː/
How much did you pay for that car?
fizet vmiért
pleased about prep
/pliːzd əˈbaʊt/
Are you pleased about the new tax system?
elégedett vmivel
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
proud of prep
/praʊd ɒv/
I’m proud of my nephew as he’s now a doctor.
büszke vmire
remind me to prep
/rɪˈmaɪnd mi tə/
Can you remind me to call your grandma tomorrow?
szól nekem, emlékeztet
rude to prep
/ruːd tə/
Don’t be rude to your father!
goromba vkihez / ​vkivel
scared of prep
/skeəd ɒv/
I’m scared of the dark.
fél vmitől
spend money on prep
/spend ˈmʌni ɒn/
I like to spend money on good quality food.
pénzt költ vmire
tired of prep
/ˈtaɪəd ɒv/
I’m tired of working – I need to have a rest.
belefárad vmibe
worried about prep
/ˈwʌrid əˈbaʊt/
I’m worried about Jody – she seems really depressed.
aggódik vmi miatt
Useful words and phrases
according to prep
/əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə/
According to the article, women are better at
vmi szerint
adventure n
I want an adventure so let’s go travelling together.
ahead of prep
/əˈhed ɒv/
The car was ahead of the bike.
vmi előtt
almost adv
I can talk to my wife about almost anything.
choke v
Try not to choke on that apple.
claim v
They claim that women use more words than men.
állít (mond)
confusing adj
The map was confusing and we got lost.
credible adj
This research isn’t credible so I don’t trust the findings.
fit v
They want to fit me with a hearing aid.
ellát, felszerel vmivel
generally adv
Generally speaking, are women more talkative
than men?
gossip n
Have you got any gossip to share?
gossip v
She likes to gossip with her friends over coffee.
hardly adv
We hardly ever go to the cinema any more.
aligha, alig
in fact
/ɪn fækt/
We don’t eat out much, in fact, we don’t even have
takeaways any more.
manual n
I need a training manual on how to bring up children.
multitask v
Do you think women can multitask better than men?
több feladatot hajt végre
permit n
Do you have a permit to park here?
race n
I won the race.
range v
There is a wide range of products to choose from.
reach v
When do you think you will reach the station?
recorder n
They attached a recorder to them to monitor
their conversations.
reduce v
Laughing can reduce stress.
route n
Which is the best route to the station?
rush v
I was late so I had to rush to school.
sceptical adj
They are sceptical of the belief that women use three
times as many words as men.
slightly adv
Men only use slightly fewer words than women.
alig, kevéssé
stereotype n
The stereotype of British people is that they always
talk about the weather.
elfogadott (sablonos) nézet
stereotype v
They stereotype women as being better at looking
after children.
úgy tartja, hogy
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
stick v
Men usually stick to one subject for longer when
they chat.
swap v
We like to get together and swap opinions.
talk about phr v
/tɔːk əˈbaʊt/
I like to talk about politics with my friends.
beszél vmiről
tend v
Women tend to gossip more than men.
hajlamos vmire
turn around phr v
/ˈtɜːn əraʊnd/
Turn around because you’re going the wrong way!
turn red
/tɜːn red/
When the lights turn red you have to stop.
pirosra vált
whereas conj
Women talk about lots of subjects whereas men usually míg, ellenben
stick to one subject for longer.
worse adj
You should leave now because the traffic is
getting worse.
More words in File 3
check-in desk n
/tʃek ɪn desk/
Go straight to the check-in desk at the airport.
check-in (bejelentkezési)
commando n
He was a commando in the British army.
katona, kommandós
do your hair
/də jɔː(r) heə(r)/
How long does it take to do your hair?
megcsinálja a haját
driving simulator n
A British car magazine tested drivers in a driving
illegal adj
Have you ever done something illegal?
törvénytelen, jogellenes
military precision n
/ˈmɪlətri prɪˈsɪʒn/
Getting ready for school requires military precision.
katonás módszer, pontosság
motorboat n
My brother bought a motorboat last weekend.
nickname n
Did you have a nickname when you were at school?
mile n
How long does it take you to walk one mile?
egy mérföld
overground train n
/ˈəʊvəɡraʊnd treɪn/
You should take the overground train from Waterloo.
felszíni vonat
penalty n
Their best player missed the penalty.
büntetés, büntetőrúgás
public transport n
/ˈpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt/
I never use public transport because I love driving.
tömegközlekedés, közösségi
publish v
Will they publish your article in the magazine?
put make-up on
/pʊt meɪk ʌp ɒn/
I need 20 minutes to put make-up on in the morning.
(ki)sminkeli magát
ring road n
/ˈrɪŋ rəʊd/
Drive round the ring road to get to that part of town.
körgyűrű (út város körül)
rucksack n
I put my lunch box into my rucksack.
satnav n
I use my satnav when I go on long journeys.
series n
Top Gear is a very popular TV series.
évad, sorozat
silence is golden
/ˈsaɪləns aɪz
I like to spend time in quiet places – silence is golden.
hallgatni arany
sleeping tablet n
/ˈsliːpɪŋ ˈtæblət/
I took a sleeping tablet to help me sleep last night.
altató tabletta
stay-at-home dad n
/steɪ æt həʊm dæd/
I’m a stay-at-home dad and my wife works.
otthonülő apa
the Tube n
/ðə tjuːb/
I hate travelling on the Tube.
a londoni metró
trivial adj
My friends talk about trivial things like celebrities.
hétköznapi, jelentéktelen
valuable adj
My time is valuable so I don’t like to waste it.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
File 4
Useful words and phrases
amazed adj
I was amazed by our son’s exam results.
amazing adj
The view from our hotel room is amazing.
bámulatba ejtő
basic phrase n
/ˈbeɪsɪk freɪz/
Learn some basic phrases before you travel abroad.
bored adj
I’m bored – let’s do something.
unatkozó, unott
boring adj
This film is really boring.
busy adj
I’m afraid the line is busy at the moment.
consequence n
Leaving my phone on had an embarrassing consequence. következmény
depressed adj
She was feeling depressed so she went to her doctor.
levert, lehangolt
depressing adj
I find winter depressing.
dial v
Can you dial the number for me?
disappointed adj
My parents were disappointed with my exam results.
disappointing adj
My exam results were a bit disappointing.
embarrassed adj
I was embarrassed when I fell over in the town centre.
zavarban lévő
embarrassing adj
It was embarrassing when my dad decided to dance!
kínos, kellemetlen
engaged adj
I tried to call you but the line was engaged.
etiquette n
Do you know about mobile phone etiquette?
evidence n
If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence
that you tried.
excited adj
I was really excited on the first day of the course.
exciting adj
The action film was really exciting.
fabulous adj
She looks fabulous in that dress!
mesés, mesésen
fluently adv
I can speak Italian fluently.
frightened adj
I was frightened when I heard that knocking noise.
frightening adj
It’s frightening to walk through the woods at night.
frustrated adj
I’m really frustrated by our new camera.
csalódott, frusztrált
frustrating adj
Using this website is frustrating.
csalósást okozó, frusztráló
hang up phr v
/ˈhæŋ ʌp/
Don’t hang up until you’ve heard what I want to say.
leteszi a telefonkagylót
instant messaging n
/ˈɪnstənt ˈmesɪdʒɪŋ/
I use instant messaging to chat to my friends.
csevegés, azonnali
language barrier n
/ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈbæriə(r)/ For tourists, the language barrier is a real problem.
leave a message
/liːv ə ˈmesɪdʒ/
Please leave a message after the beep.
üzenetet hagy
link n
I have a strong personal link to Greece.
manners n pl
Saying please and thank you is good manners.
viselkedésmód, (jó) modor
more exceptions than rules
/mɔː(r) ɪkˈsepʃnz
ðæn ruːlz/
There seem to be more exceptions than rules in
Russian grammar.
több a kivétel, mint a
multilingual adj
He’s multilingual – he speaks eight languages.
quiet zone n
/ˈkwaɪət zəʊn/
This is a quiet zone so please turn off your mobile.
csöndes körzet
scene n
I love the car chase scene in the latest James Bond film.
screen saver n
/ˈskriːn seɪvə/
I have a picture of my children as my screen saver.
nyelvi korlát
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
silent mode n
/ˈsaɪlənt məʊd/
I switch my phone to silent mode during meetings.
csendes üzemmód
skill n
She has a skill for languages.
készség, érzék
tired adj
I’m really tired so I’m going to bed.
tiring adj
Swimming in the sea is tiring.
vibrate mode n
/vaɪˈbreɪt məʊd/
Switch your phone to vibrate mode at the cinema.
rezgő üzemmód
voicemail n
Leave a message on my voicemail.
üzenetrögzítő, hangposta
More words in File 4
accompany v
Can I accompany you to the bus stop?
Afrikaans n
He lives in South Africa and speaks Afrikaans.
afrikaans (nyelv)
app n
Have you seen the latest app for counting calories?
alkalmazás, készülék
appropriate adj
Do you think your behaviour is appropriate?
megfelelő, helyénvaló
calm adj
You seem very calm about your driving test.
Catalan n
They speak Catalan and Spanish in Barcelona.
criticize v
You should never criticize her cooking.
kritizál, bírál
declare v
You should not declare what you will and will not eat.
deserve v
People with you deserve more attention than those at
the end of the phone.
doubt v
I doubt that he’ll get good exam results because he is
really lazy.
kétli, nem hiszi
excursion n
We went on a diving excursion the next day.
face-to-face adj
/ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/
I would like to speak to you about this face-to-face.
személyesen, szemtől
finals n pl
I’m studying hard for my finals at the moment.
generate v
I didn’t think the competition would generate this
amount of media attention.
előidéz, kivált (érdeklődést)
Greek adj
I had to learn the Greek alphabet.
hands-free adj
/hændz friː/
I bought a hands-free set so I can use my phone in
the car.
Hebrew n
I learnt some Hebrew when I was young,
helping n
She gave me an enormous helping of lasagne.
instantly adv
If you learn some basic phrases it instantly shows that
you respect the culture and language.
insulting v
The player was sent off for insulting the referee.
intimate adj
They had an intimate conversation in a quiet place.
invisible adj
Sometimes I wish I could become invisible.
island n
He grew up on a small island off the coast of Scotland.
knowledge n
I don’t have much knowledge of science, I’m afraid.
media attention n
/ˈmiːdiə əˈtenʃn/
The celebrity story received a lot of media attention.
megaphone n
Use the megaphone so that everyone can hear you.
nasty adj
Heidi received a nasty email from Carolyn.
csúnya, kellemetlen
Oriental adj
Oriental languages are hard for Europeans to learn.
ought v
John just called so you ought to call him back.
illene, kellene
permission n
Don’t post photos of friends without asking their
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
reception n
The reception is really poor and I can’t hear what
you’re saying.
vétel (pl. rádióadásé)
robot n
I was dancing like a robot!
Roman adj
It’s easier to learn a language with Roman letters.
latin, római, román (stílus)
scuba dive v
/skuːbə daɪv/
I want to learn to scuba dive when we go to Spain.
see sense
/siː sens/
I hope she will see sense and find a better boyfriend.
megjön az esze
skydiving n
I went skydiving when I was in New Zealand.
ejtőernyős ugrás
snorkelling n
I love snorkelling and looking at the fish.
légzőcsöves búvárkodás
stepmother n
My father married his girlfriend so I now have
a stepmother.
mostoha anya
tactless adj
It was tactless to say you didn’t like his new shirt.
theory n
You need to study the theory to pass the test.
tip n
I have a good tip on how to make pasta sauce.
tipp, ötlet
tune n
I still try to dance when I hear a salsa tune.
whole adj
Have you finished the whole cake already?
You don’t have to shout
/ju dəʊnt ˈhæf tə ʃaʊt/ You don’t have to shout – I can hear you.
You have to keep your
phone on …
/ju ˈhæf tə kiːp jɔː(r)
fəʊn ɒn/
You have to keep your phone on so that I can
contact you.
Tartsd bekapcsolva a
telefonodat …
You must not use your
phone …
/ju məst nɒt juːs
jɔː(r) fəʊn/
You must not use your phone in the library.
Nem szabad használnod a
telefonodat …
If you must take a call …
/ɪf ju məst teɪk ə kɔːl/ If you must take a call in the car, use a hands-free set.
Nem kell kiabálnod
Ha hívást kell fogadnod ... / ​
Ha telefonálnod kell ...
File 5
Vocabulary Banks
arena n
The horse racing competition took place in the arena.
aréna, (sport)csarnok
beat v
Arsenal beat Chelsea 2-0.
captain n
Which player is the captain of your team?
circuit n
There is a Formula 1 circuit in Bahrain.
coach n
My dad is a tennis coach.
course n
We went round the 18-hole golf course together.
court n
There’s a tennis court in our local park.
crowd n
There was a huge crowd waiting to get into the stadium. tömeg
draw v
We don’t want to draw – we want to win the match.
döntetlent ér el (játékban)
eliminate v
We will eliminate their team from the competition.
kiejt (játékból, versenyből)
fan n
I’m a Manchester United fan.
get fit
/ɡet fɪt/
I want to lose weight and get fit before my wedding.
fitté válik, jó formába kerül
get injured
/ɡet ˈɪndʒəd/
Try not to get injured in the football match.
gym n
I go to the gym every morning for 45 minutes.
knock out phr v
Can we knock out their team from the competition?
lose v
They accept money to lose matches.
(el)veszít, vereséget szenved
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
pitch n
The football pitch was very muddy.
player n
Who is the best player in your team?
pool n
I dived into the pool.
referee n
The referee blew his whistle.
bíró, játékvezető
send off phr v
/ˈsend ɒf/
I think the referee should send off that player.
leküld (pályáról)
slope n
We went really fast down the ski slope.
sípálya, lejtő
spectator n
I was a spectator at the Wimbledon final this year.
sports hall n
/spɔːts hɔːl/
You can play basketball in the sports hall.
stadium n
They built a new stadium for Arsenal a few years ago.
tai-chi n
/ˌtʌɪ tʃiː/
I do tai-chi to help me relax.
team n
There are 11 players in a football team.
track n
I ran twice around the race track.
train v
How many hours do you train for every day?
umpire n
The umpire sent one of the players off the field.
warm up phr v
/ˈwɔːm ʌp/
It’s important to warm up before you do exercise.
win v
I really want to win this competition.
győz, (meg)nyer
work out phr v
I like to work out at the gym three times a week.
yoga n
I teach Ashtanga yoga on Monday evenings.
be together
/bi təˈɡeðə(r)/
I want us to be together forever.
együtt van
become friends
/bɪˈkʌm frendz/
When did you first become friends?
break up phr v
/ˈbreɪk ʌp/
I find it really hard to break up with someone.
classmate n
He’s a classmate of mine – we take maths together.
close friend n
/kləʊs frend/
Nina is a really close friend of mine.
jó barát
colleague n
James is a work colleague.
kolléga, munkatárs
couple n
How long have you and Wendy been a couple?
pár, házaspár
dump v
I’m going to dump my boyfriend this evening.
szakít vkivel, ejt
ex n
I had a text message from my ex yesterday.
elvált házastárs / ​élettárs
fall out with
/fɔːl aʊt wɪð/
I never fall out with my sister.
összeveszik vkivel
fancy v
Do you fancy anyone in your drama class?
fiancé(e) n
This is my fiancée, Heather.
vőlegény / ​​menyasszony
flatmate n
Kevin is my flatmate.
get in touch
/ɡet ɪn tʌtʃ/
Please get in touch when you are next in town.
felveszi a kapcsolatot
get married
/ɡet ˈmærid/
I’d like to get married before I’m 30.
get on phr v
/ɡet ɒn/
Do you get on with your parents?
kijön vkivel
get to know
/ɡet tə nəʊ/
I want to get to know you.
go out together
/ɡəʊ aʊt təˈɡeðə(r)/
How long did you and Nick go out together?
együtt jár
have a crush on
/həv ə krʌʃ ɒn/
I have a crush on my sister’s best friend.
beleesett vkibe
have something in common
/həv ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn
You need to have something in common with your
partner if the relationship is going to work.
van bennük valami közös
lose touch
/luːz tʌtʃ/
Don’t lose touch – let’s exchange numbers.
elveszíti a kapcsolatot
mate n
Nicola’s not my girlfriend – she’s just a mate.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
meet v
I find it quite difficult to meet new people.
találkozik, megismer
partner n
I live in a small house with my partner.
partner, pár
propose v
I want to propose to my girlfriend tonight.
megkéri a kezét
romantic adj
I took her out for a romantic meal.
split up phr v
/splɪt ʌp/
When did you split up with Marco?
szakít, különválik
Useful words and phrases
audition n
The actress was driving to an audition.
award v
They will award the title to the winner of the race.
adományoz, odaítél
barrier n
He raised the barrier to let her pass.
candle n
She lit the candle in her bedroom.
commuter n
She was a frequent commuter from London to
New York.
cute adj
She thought he was really cute.
helyes, aranyos
exceptionally adv
Usain Bolt can run exceptionally fast.
exchange a few words
/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ə fjuː
They always exchange a few words when they see
each other.
vált pár szót
fate n
I knew it was fate that we didn’t win the game.
find the courage
/faɪnd ðə ˈkʌrɪdʒ/
Try to find the courage to give him your number.
összeszedi a bátorságát
lane n
The motorway lane was closed.
sáv (úttesten)
likely adj
Is it likely that you will pass your exams?
lucky charm n
/ˈlʌki tʃɑːm/
This necklace is my lucky charm.
opera n
We went to see an Italian opera last night.
operator n
He was a tollbooth operator.
kezelő, üzemeltető
ritual n
He has a ritual that he does before every match.
run v
I want to run a company when I grow up.
visz, vezet (üzletet,
shift n
I’m working the day shift at the moment.
shoelaces n pl
Did you tie your shoelaces properly?
short cut n
/ˈʃɔːt kʌt/
If you take the short cut you will get there early.
rövidebb út
superstition n
The superstition is that seeing a black cat brings
good luck.
superstitious adj
I’m really superstitious so I hate the number 13.
sweat v
I always sweat a lot when I play tennis.
their eyes met
/ðeə(r) aɪz met/
Their eyes met across a crowded room.
találkozott a tekintetük
thruway n
She came off the thruway and stopped at the tollbooth. autópálya
title n
They awarded the title to the real winner.
tollbooth n
You have to pay money to cross the bridge via the
traffic cone n
/ˈtræfɪk kəʊn/
He put a traffic cone in front of his lane.
forgalomterelő jelzőkúp
turn out phr v
Don’t worry – everything will turn out okay.
winner n
Who was the winner?
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
More words in File 5
anecdote n
He told us a really funny anecdote at the party.
celebrity n
Have you ever met a celebrity?
híresség, híres ember, celeb
cheat v
Why did you cheat in your exams?
csal, puskázik
extra time n
/ˌekstrə ˈtaɪm/
There were no goals so the match went to extra time.
hosszabbítás (mérkőzésen)
forum n
I like to post my comments on a web forum.
I’m going to tell you about a
time when …
/aɪm ˈɡəʊɪŋ tə ˈtel ju
əˈbaʊt ə taɪm wen/
I’m going to tell you about a time when I was in a
dangerous situation.
Elmesélek egy történetet
arról, amikor …
probable adj
It’s probable that the economy won’t grow in the next
few months.
protest v
You shouldn’t protest against the referee’s decision.
quarter-finals n pl
/ˌkwɔːtə ˈfaɪnlz/
We got through to the quarter-finals of the
recover v
How long did it take to recover from the accident?
felépül, felgyógyul
This happened a few years
ago …
/ðɪs ˈhæpənd ə fjuː
jɜːz əˈɡəʊ/
This happened a few years ago – I was walking my
dog when I heard a gun shot.
Néhány éve történt, hogy …
trophy n
I really hope my team wins a trophy this year.
unpopular adj
Football referees are really unpopular in my country.
wax n
This candle is made of wax.
well-paid adj
/wel peɪd/
Professional footballers are extremely well-paid.
jól fizetett
When I was younger …
/wen aɪ wɒz
When I was younger I went to swimming lessons
every Saturday.
Fiatalabb koromban …
action film n
/ˈækʃn fɪlm/
Have you seen that new action film?
actor n
I want to be an actor so I’m studying drama.
actress n
Angelina Jolie is a famous actress.
adaptation n
I loved the recent adaptation of Jane Eyre.
adaptáció, filmre / ​színre
animation n
My children love the animation Peppa Pig.
audience n
There weren’t many people in the audience.
based on phr v
/beɪst ɒn/
The film is based on a popular novel.
alapul vmin
be on phr v
/bi ɒn/
When will the new series of Downton Abbey be on?
megy, játsszák (színdarabot,
cast n
The film has a very small cast of only five actors.
comedy n
We saw a great comedy starring Ben Stiller last week.
direct v
He’s an actor but now he wants to direct a film.
rendez (filmet, színházi
drama n
I watched an excellent drama set during the war.
színdarab, dráma, dráma
jellegű film
dub v
They usually dub American movies into German.
File 6
Vocabulary Banks
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extra n
I was an extra in the recent film about Robin Hood.
film n
What’s your favourite film?
film on location
/fɪlm ɒn ləʊˈkeɪʃn/
We want to film on location in India.
filmez vmilyen helyszínen
funny adj
That new comedy with Ricky Gervais is really funny.
historical film n
/hɪˈstɒrɪkl fɪlm/
It was a historical film about the American Civil War.
történelmi film
horror film n
/ˈhɒrə(r) fɪlm/
She was in a horror film about vampires.
movie n
They use the word movie, not film, in America.
film, mozifilm
moving adj
That film about the First World War was moving.
musical n
We saw the musical Mamma Mia! in London.
play the part of
/pleɪ ðə pɑːt ɒv/
I want to play the part of Juliet in the new film.
játssza vkinek a szerepét
plot n
The plot of the film was very complicated.
review n
The film got a really bad review in the papers.
rom-com n
/rɒm kɒm/
I don’t like action films. I prefer watching rom-coms.
romantikus komédia
scary adj
I thought that alien film was really scary.
ijesztő, félelmetes
science fiction film n
/ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn fɪlm/
He loves science fiction films about aliens.
tudományos fantasztikus
(sci-fi) film
script n
The script was written by an experienced writer.
sequel n
Will there be a sequel to this film?
set v
They set the film in the Italian Alps.
helyez (történetet vhova)
shoot on location
/ʃuːt ɒn ləʊˈkeɪʃn/
They’re going to shoot on location in Mexico.
forgat vmilyen helyszínen
soundtrack n
I love the soundtrack to this film so I bought the CD.
special effects n pl
/ˌspeʃl ɪˈfekts/
They spent millions on special effects in this film.
speciális effektusok
star n
Keira Knightley is the star of the film.
sztár, filmcsillag
studio n
It was filmed in a studio in Hollywood.
subtitles n pl
It’s a French film so it has English subtitles.
feliratozás (filmen)
thriller n
He starred in a thriller about a political scandal.
translation n
The translation of the film took three months.
violent adj
Children shouldn’t see violent films.
war film n
/wɔː(r) fɪlm/
We saw a war film set during the Vietnam war.
háborús film
western n
That actor was in a western film recently.
vadnyugati film
arms n pl
He has really strong arms.
back n
I hurt my back in a horseriding accident.
bite v
Did that dog just bite you?
harap, mar
clap v
Clap your hands!
tapsol, összeüti (kezét,
ears n pl
My dog has really big ears.
eyes n pl
She has beautiful blue eyes.
face n
She has such a pretty face.
feet n pl
What size are your feet?
lábak, lábfejek
fingers n pl
You have lovely long fingers.
ujj (kézen)
foot n
I broke my foot playing football.
hair n
I have long brown hair.
The body
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
hands n pl
Are your hands clean?
head n
I had a really big head when I was a baby.
kick v
Kick the ball as far as you can.
knees n pl
I get a lot of pain in my knees when I walk.
legs n pl
That girl has really long legs.
lips n pl
He has really thin lips.
mouth n
Keep your mouth closed when you’re eating.
neck n
My neck hurts when I work at the computer.
nod v
Nod your head if you want to say yes.
bólint, biccent
nose n
I have a large nose just like my mother.
point v
Can you point at the person who stole your money?
mutat vmire / ​vkire
shoulders n pl
My shoulders hurt from carrying that heavy bag.
smell v
I can smell garlic.
szagot érez
smile v
She’ll smile at you if you smile at her.
stare v
Don’t stare at people – it’s rude.
stomach n
My stomach hurts because I ate too much.
taste v
Taste this cake – it’s delicious.
megkóstol, megízlel
teeth n pl
I brush my teeth twice a day.
throw v
Throw the ball back to Jason.
toes n pl
Can you fit your toes into those pointy shoes?
tongue n
How far can you stick your tongue out?
tooth n
I broke a tooth on a hard bread roll.
touch v
If you touch the screen it will open the website.
whistle v
I like to whistle a tune while I do the gardening.
Useful words and phrases
a different side of yourself
/ə ˈdɪfrənt saɪd ɒv
You should show your work colleagues a different side vki másik oldala
of yourself outside of work.
academic adj
He works in an academic setting.
alley n
In films, New York is full of secret alleys.
sikátor, átjáró
architect n
The building was designed by a famous architect.
aristocratic adj
She comes from a wealthy aristocratic family.
arisztokrata, arisztokratikus
belief n
I have a strong belief that we should look after our
parents when they get old.
capacity n
I only use social media in a professional capacity.
minőség (pl. hivatalos
consultant n
I work as a business consultant.
dress up phr v
/dres ʌp/
I like to dress up when we go out for meals.
dye v
I want to dye my hair blond.
fest (hajat, szövetet)
dyed adj
She has dyed red hair.
festett (haj, szövet)
essential n
It’s essential to have a good diet if you want to be fit.
alapvető, elengedhetetlen
exhibition n
I want to go to the art exhibition in the town centre.
functional adj
I wear functional clothes, not fashionable clothes.
célszerű, funkcionális
grow up phr v
/ɡrəʊ ʌp/
I don’t want to grow up so I still live with my parents.
felnő, felnőtté válik
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
homeless adj
I gave money to the homeless man at the station.
identify v
I identify more with my work than with my private life. azonosul
inhabit v
What kind of people inhabit this land?
lakik, benépesít
institution n
This is a well-known academic institution.
intellectual adj
My aunt is very intellectual – she knows so much.
intellektuális, a szellem
embere, okos
judge v
It’s wrong to judge people by their appearance.
mainly for business or
career purposes
/ˈmeɪnli fɔː(r) ˈbɪznəs Do you use social networking sites mainly for business főként üzleti vagy
ɔː(r) kəˈrɪə(r)
álláskeresési céllal
or career purposes?
nostalgic adj
You are nostalgic for your childhood.
nosztalgiát érez
nurse n
My aunt is a nurse and works in a hospital in London.
photograph v
I would like to photograph this wonderful building.
respectable adj
The area is a home for respectable businesses as well
as gangsters.
tisztességes, tiszteletre
response n
What kind of response did you get to your email?
servant n
My aunt was a servant at Buckingham Palace.
szolgáló, cseléd
setting n
The castle was used as a setting for several films.
filmforgatási helyszín
spectacular adj
The building has a spectacular tower.
take yourself too seriously
/teɪk jɔːˈself tuː
You take yourself too seriously – relax a bit!
túl komolyan veszi a
dolgokat, túl sokat
transform v
They will transform this area into a shopping centre.
webcam n
I use a webcam to communicate with friends abroad.
welcome v
We will welcome you here whenever you want to visit.
üdvözöl, szívesen lát
well-known person n
/wel nəʊn ˈpɜːsn/
He’s a very well-known person – he’s on the radio.
jól ismert személy
wounded adj
This was a hospital for wounded soldiers.
young and carefree
/jʌŋ ænd ˈkeəfriː/
When I was a student I was young and carefree.
fiatal és gondtalan
your other half
/jɔː(r) ˈʌðə(r) hɑːf/
Where did you first meet your other half?
vki igazi párja
More words in File 6
caricature n
The artist drew a caricature of me.
class n
My parents are from the working class.
osztály (társadalmi)
dominant adj
That lion looks really aggressive and dominant.
domináns, uralkodó
escapist n
I’m a bit of an escapist and like to travel regularly.
valóságtól menekülő
gangster n
My uncle was a gangster in the mafia.
bandita, gengszter
go viral
/ɡəʊ ˈvaɪrəl/
Do you think this video clip will go viral?
gyorsan terjed az
interneten, közösségi
ID card n
/ˌaɪˈdiː kɑːd/
Do you have to carry an ID card in your country?
személyi igazolvány
identifiable adj
Are you easily identifiable from your passport photo?
felismerhető, azonosítható
interpreter n
They used an interpreter in the meeting.
metropolis n
New York City is a giant metropolis.
pen-name n
/ˈpen neɪm/
The Brontë sisters all used a pen-name.
írói álnév
persist v
Our brains persist in using stereotypes.
kitartóan csinál vmit
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
prehistoric adj
I can’t imagine what it was like in prehistoric times.
történelem előtti, őskori
rigid adj
I don’t have any rigid plans for the weekend.
Scandinavian adj
Have you ever been to a Scandinavian country?
socio-economic adj
/ˈsəʊsiəʊ ˌekəˈnɒmɪk/ Her socio-ecomomic level was clear from her
tomb n
They discovered the tomb of a young pharaoh.
underdog n
I like to support the underdog in competitions.
gyengébb, alul maradó fél
visual projection n
/ˈvɪʒuəl prəˈdʒekʃn/
My photos on Facebook are a visual projection of
my life.
képi megjelenítés
vitally adv
Judging people by their appearance was vitally
important in the past.
életbevágóan, alapvetően
worldly adj
She doesn’t have much worldly experience.
behave v
Lots of children in this class behave badly.
boarding adj
My parents sent me away to boarding school.
bring up phr v
/brɪŋ ʌp/
I want to bring up my children in the countryside.
college n
I went to art college when I left school.
compulsory adj
Maths is a compulsory subject – everyone has to do it.
do v
What will you do if you don’t pass your exams?
csinál, tesz
educate v
I want to educate my children at home.
elementary adj
His daughter goes to elementary school.
általános (iskola)
expel v
If you cheat in your exams the teacher will expel you.
kirúg (az iskolából)
fail v
Why did you fail your chemistry exam?
grades n pl
I want to study medicine, so I need really good grades.
graduate v
When did you graduate from university?
egyetemet elvégez, diplomát
head teacher n
What’s the name of the head teacher at your school?
high school n
/haɪ skuːl/
He’s a teacher at a high school in New York City.
gimnázium, középiskola
junior high school n
/ˈdʒuːniə(r) haɪ skuːl/ I went to the same junior high school as my friend.
kindergarten n
I went to kindergarten when I was three years old.
learn v
I want to learn Russian.
middle school n
/ˈmɪdl skuːl/
I went to middle school between the ages of 9 and 13.
kb. az általános iskola felső
nun n
I went to a Catholic school and my teacher was a nun.
nursery n
Before they go to school, children can go to nursery.
pass v
I really want to pass my maths exam this semester.
átmegy, sikeresen teljesít
priest n
The church priest visits our school once a week.
File 7
Vocabulary Banks
amerikai iskolatípus 12-14
éves gyerekek számára,
kb. a, középiskola alsóbb
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
primary adj
Children start primary school when they are four
or five.
általános (iskola)
private adj
Her parents paid for her to go to a private school.
punish v
Many teachers punish students with extra homework.
pupils n pl
How many pupils are there in your school?
religious adj
I went to a religious school – it was Catholic.
egyházi, vallásos
results n pl
Students in this school get really good exam results.
revise v
How many hours did you revise for the biology exam?
átnéz, ismétel, gyakorol
secondary adj
I started secondary school when I was 11.
semester n
The autumn semester starts in October.
(tanulmányi) félév
state adj
What are the state schools like in your country?
study v
What subject will you study at university?
tanul, tanulmányoz
term n
A school term usually lasts about 12 weeks.
tanulmányi félév
twelfth grade n
/twelfθ ɡreɪd/
My older sister is in twelfth grade this year.
tizenkettedik évfolyam
balcony n
There’s a great view from our balcony.
basement n
Many houses in Canada have a basement.
ceiling n
We painted the ceiling white.
chimney n
We need to clean the chimney before we light the fire.
city n
I want to live in a big city like Paris or London.
cosy adj
Our living room is small, but it’s really cosy.
kényelmes, lakályos,
country n
I live in a small cottage in the country.
east coast n
/iːst kəʊst/
I live in Aldeburgh, a small town on the east coast.
keleti part
entrance n
The entrance to the building is round the back.
fireplace n
We have a Victorian fireplace in our living room.
gate n
We painted the gate to our garden dark green.
ground floor n
/ɡraʊnd flɔː(r)/
I don’t want to live on the ground floor – it’s not safe.
light adj
We have big windows so our living room is really light.
made of stone
/meɪd ɒv stəʊn/
Our house is made of stone.
kőből készült
modern adj
We have an expensive modern kitchen.
open fire n
/ˈəʊpən ˈfaɪə(r)/
I love sitting by the open fire in winter time.
outskirts n pl
I live on the outskirts of Birmingham.
path n
A path leads through our garden to the back door.
patio n
We have chairs, a table, and a barbecue on our patio.
kis zárt belső udvar
roof n
I’ll need a ladder to get that football off the roof.
second floor n
/ˈsekənd flɔː(r)/
We live on the second floor of that apartment block.
második emelet
spacious adj
Our kitchen is really spacious so we put a table in it.
steps n pl
You have to go down three steps to get into our garden.
suburbs n pl
We moved from the city centre to the suburbs.
terrace n
You can sit outside and sunbathe on the terrace.
top floor n
/tɒp flɔː(r)/
We live on the top floor and we have great views.
legfelső emelet
town n
I was born in a town called Shrewsbury.
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village n
I grew up in a village in Wales.
wall n
There is a wall between the two gardens.
wooden floors n pl
/ˈwʊdn flɔːz/
The wooden floors in our dining room look great.
Useful words and phrases
accomplished adj
He’s an accomplished piano player.
adore v
I adore flowers, especially roses.
imád, rajong vmiért
bookcase n
How many books are in that bookcase?
competition n
I won £500 in a competition!
compose v
Can you compose your own music?
zenét szerez
co-operate v
She refused to co-operate with her parents.
determined adj
She was determined that her son would be successful.
eltökélt, elszánt,
excel v
I’m jealous of Paul – I wish I could excel in everything
I do, like him.
kiválóan teljesít
expect v
We expect you to be number one in your class.
elvár vkitől vmit
extraordinary adj
The school gets extraordinary exam results.
fault n
My dad drives me mad but it isn’t really his fault.
forbidden adj
Watching TV was forbidden by her parents.
hang v
Can you hang this picture on the wall for me?
hug n
My mum gave me a hug after the concert.
immigrant n
Her mother is a Bangladeshi immigrant.
marks n pl
She got top marks in her piano exam.
mixed adj
Is your school a mixed school with both boys and girls?
motivated adj
My son motivated himself to succeed in music.
motivált, késztetett
mystery n
Teenagers are a mystery – I don’t understand them.
optional adj
Music is an optional subject at my school.
nem kötelező, választható
orchestra n
I play the violin in the school orchestra.
outstanding adj
They were outstanding pupils who did really well.
overlook v
Does your balcony overlook the river?
néz vmire, nyílik vmire
perform v
Would you like to perform in front of 500 people?
előad vmit
plain adj
He used a plain old table in his kitchen.
property n
The house will become my property when my
brother dies.
tulajdon, birtok
punishment n
What kind of punishment will you get for being late?
push v
Be careful not to push your children too hard.
remain v
Do you think this garden will remain beautiful if we
move out?
resent v
The girls did not seem to resent their mother.
strict adj
My parents won’t let me do anything – they’re strict!
tower n
There is a large tower on the village church.
turn the house into
/tɜːn ðə haʊs ˈɪntə/
They decided to turn the house into a hotel.
a házat vmivé alakítja
unpainted adj
Our dining table is unpainted.
nincs befestve
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as soon as conj
/æz suːn æz/
As soon as Rachel gets a job she’ll move out.
choirmaster n
My uncle is the choirmaster at his local church.
kántor, karnagy
controversy n
The book caused great controversy among readers.
cord n
We fixed the picture to the wall with a cord.
eco-friendly adj
/ˈiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/
We went on an eco-friendly holiday in Greece.
genius n
Our neighbour’s daughter is a maths genius.
hi-tech adj
/ˌhaɪ ˈtek/
They have a really hi-tech TV.
hi-tech, modern
I’d get on with them even
better if …
/aɪd ɡet ɒn wɪð ðəm
ˈiːvn ˈbetə(r) ɪf/
I’d get on with my parents even better if I didn’t live
at home.
Még jobban kijönnék velük,
ha …
If I came back very late …
/ɪf aɪ keɪm bæk ˈveri
If I came back very late after a night out, I would find
my parents still awake and waiting for me.
Ha nagyon későn jönnék
haza …
If I could afford it …
/ɪf aɪ kəd əˈfɔːd it/
If I could afford it, I wouldn’t move out because I like
it here.
Ha megengedhetném
magamnak …
If I had the money …
/ɪf aɪ həd ðə ˈmʌni/
If I had the money, I would move out and rent my own Ha lenne rá pénzem …
little flat.
If I lived on my own …
/ɪf aɪ lɪvd ɒn maɪ əʊn/ If I lived on my own, I’d have to pay rent to my
Ha egyedül laknék …
If it was my place …
/ɪf ɪt wɒz maɪ pleɪs/
If it was my place, I’d be happy to do the cleaning, but Ha az én lakásom lenne …
it’s not.
mission n
Our mission is to make this school more successful.
parenting n
There is no correct way of parenting, you have to find
what works for you.
szülői gondoskodás
prestigious adj
He’s the leader of a prestigious choir group.
köztiszteletben álló
prodigy n
They think our son is some kind of prodigy.
pushy adj
A lot of pushy parents put pressure on their kids to get
good results.
rámenős, erőszakos
rap n
Have you ever been to a rap concert?
rap (zene)
relativity n
Who developed the theory of relativity?
relativitás, viszonylagosság
single-sex adj
/ˈsɪŋɡl seks/
This is a single-sex school – there are only boys here.
egynemű (azonos
neműekből álló)
take up phr v
/ˈteɪk ʌp/
I’d like to take up Spanish so that I can go to Argentina elkezd tanulni
for a holiday.
unless conj
I won’t get into university unless I pass my exams.
hacsak, kivéve ha
until conj
I won’t plan any celebrations until I know the results.
amíg (vmi be nem
achieve v
What would you like to achieve during your gap year?
agree v
Do you agree with me?
argue v
How often do you argue with your parents?
File 8
Vocabulary Banks
Word building
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
attach v
Did you attach the report to your email?
choose v
Which subject will you choose to study?
compensate v
Did they compensate you for the accident?
kártalanít, kárpótol
complain v
I would like to complain to the hotel manager.
reklamál, panaszkodik
deliver v
When will they deliver our new sofa?
demonstrate v
I’ll demonstrate how to use this new coffee machine.
bemutat, megmutat
explain v
Can you explain this mathematical formula to me?
lose v
Try not to lose your mobile phone!
pay v
I have to pay for the meal now.
respond v
I need to respond to this email before I leave.
sell v
I would like to sell my old car.
succeed v
It takes a lot of hard work to succeed in this business.
sikert ér el
application n
Have you looked at John’s application for the new job? jelentkezés (munkahelyre)
apply for phr v
/əˈplaɪ fɔː(r)/
Did you apply for that teaching job?
jelentkezik vmire
be fired
/bi ˈfaɪəd/
I think Jodie is going to be fired tomorrow.
elbocsát, kirúg
farmer n
My grandfather was a pig farmer.
full-time adj
/ˌfʊl ˈtaɪm/
Is your job full-time or part-time?
teljes munkaidős
lawyer n
I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
musician n
Peter is a musician and plays the trumpet in a band.
overtime n
How much overtime do you do every month?
part-time adj
/ˌpɑːt ˈtaɪm/
I want to find a part-time job when I go to university.
permanent adj
I wish I could get a permanent job.
pharmacist n
I plan to be a pharmacist after university.
promote v
I hope they promote me soon.
promotion n
Congratulations on your promotion, Dave!
qualifications n pl
What kind of qualifications do you have?
redundant adj
They made 20 people redundant last month.
fölösleges, szükségtelen
resign v
If they don’t promote me then I will resign.
lemond, visszavonul
resignation n
Have you read Lynne’s letter of resignation?
retire v
I will be 70 when I retire.
nyugdíjba megy,
sack v
If you are caught stealing they will sack you.
elbocsát, kirúg
scientist n
I’m a scientist and work in a laboratory.
tudományos kutató, tudós
self-employed adj
/ˌself ɪmˈplɔɪd/
I would love to be self-employed and just work
for myself.
set up phr v
/ˌset ˈʌp/
I want to set up my own company.
temporary adj
This is a temporary job which lasts for three months.
training course n
/ˈtreɪnɪŋ kɔːs/
There is a training course on time management.
translator n
She speaks French and works as a translator.
unemployed adj
How long have you been unemployed?
well-qualified adj
/wel ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/
My brother is well-qualified but he can’t get a job.
jól képzett
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
Useful words and phrases
analytical adj
Do you have an analytical mind?
bear v
I just can’t bear bad service.
chemist n
I picked up the medicine at the chemist.
compensate v
How can we compensate you for the bad meal?
kártalanít, kárpótol
complimentary adj
They offered us complimentary drinks.
ingyenes, ajándék-
crazy adj
Justin is strange – I think he’s actually a bit crazy!
enthusiastic adj
Maria is enthusiastic about her new job.
entrepreneur n
Our daughter is a promising young entrepreneur.
express oneself
/ɪkˈspres wʌnself/
It is difficult to express oneself when you get upset.
kifejezi magát
faulty adj
This kettle is faulty so I will take it back to the shop.
flattery n
People use flattery to get what they want.
get a job
/ɡet ə dʒɒb/
I’ve got no money so I really need to get a job.
munkát kap, szerez
hesitate v
Tell them that you will not hesitate to change banks.
habozik, tétovázik
humorous adj
He complained in a humorous way about the service.
vicces, humoros
impressive adj
His experience is impressive so he should get the job.
jó benyomást keltő
inspect v
The authorities wanted to inspect the cleanliness of
the restaurant.
instinct n
I have a good instinct about who to trust.
ösztönös megérzés
lose your temper
/luːz jɔː(r) ˈtempə(r)/ I lose my temper really easily.
make it clear
/meɪk ɪt klɪə(r)/
Make it clear you might change to another company.
világossá tesz
marketing n
Gareth works in marketing.
mental note n
/ˈmentl nəʊt/
Make a mental note of the circumstances.
fejben megjegyez vmit
personally adv
BA invited them personally to inspect the airline’s
catering facilities.
pharmacy n
Can you get some aspirin at the pharmacy for me?
product n
Can I ask you a few questions about your product?
profitable adj
Is your company profitable?
profits n pl
I shared the profits from the business with my wife.
nyereség, profit
properly adv
He loves complaining properly and in writing.
reject v
I hope the bank won’t reject my application for a loan.
visszautasít, elutasít
sales n
I bought this jumper in the sales and it was reduced
by 50 per cent!
akció, leárazás
season n
This is the new clothes range for the autumn season.
sense n
He has a good spatial sense so he became an architect.
érzékelés, látás(mód)
share n
Investors usually take a share of the profits.
rész, részesedés
specific adj
Don’t be too specific when you make a complaint.
spoil v
Don’t spoil your meal by getting into an argument.
swear v
Never shout and swear – it achieves nothing.
threaten v
You should threaten to tell the newspapers.
waste of time
/weɪst ɒv taɪm/
Screaming and shouting is a complete waste of time.
elveszti a türelmét, haragra
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
More words in File 8
admirable adj
The way he is coping with the death of his grandfather
is admirable.
csodálatra méltó
bargain n
I got a real bargain in town – this dress only cost £10!
alkalmi vétel
calculate v
I am able to calculate space and distance.
calculation n
I’m good at maths. I find complex calculations easy.
caring adj
I want to work in a caring profession like nursing.
catering n
I would like to run a catering company.
étel(ki)szállító, étkeztető
certain adj
I’m not certain if I will come to the party tonight.
biztos, bizonyos
charismatic adj
People like Dan because he’s so charismatic.
chief executive n
/ˌtʃiːf ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/
I wrote a letter to the chief executive of the company.
complex adj
I’m good at maths. I find complex calculations easy.
convinced adj
If they are not convinced by the presentation, they
won’t invest their money.
countless adj
I’ve had countless free meals because I complain.
courier n
Using a courier service to send this package will
be faster.
creative adj
His stories are creative and full of imagination.
den n
The children made a den in the woods where they hid.
odú, barlang
doing very well
/ˈduːɪŋ ˈveri wel/
Helen is doing very well in her new job.
nagyon jól szerepel
dreaded adj
After the test, there’s the dreaded interview stage.
eccentric adj
Our neighbour is an eccentric old man.
bogaras, különc
empty-handed adj
/ˌempti ˈhændɪd/
We had to leave the bank empty-handed because they
wouldn’t lend us the money.
üres kézzel
fair adj
Is it fair to give money to Katie but not to her sister?
méltányos, igazságos
finance director n
/ˈfaɪnæns dəˈrektə(r)/ Anthony is the finance director for the company.
fumes n pl
Horrible fumes are coming out of that old bus.
(kipufogó) gáz, füst
function n
One function of the product is to open bottles.
graphic design n
/ˈɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪn/
He used his art degree to get a job in graphic design.
grafikai tervezés
hopeless adj
British people are usually hopeless at complaining.
imagine v
I can’t imagine living anywhere else but here.
improvise v
I don’t like to improvise – I prefer to act from a script.
initiative n
We should hire her – she shows a lot of initiative.
kezdeményező képesség
lobby n
I’ll meet you in the main lobby of the hotel.
előcsarnok, hall
look for a job
/lʊk fɔː(r) ə dʒɒb/
When my exams finish, I’ll look for a job.
munkát keres
loyal adj
Our shop has loyal customers who come here regularly. hű(séges), törzs-(vásárló)
make it
/meɪk ɪt/
Do you think Philip’s company will make it?
sikert ér el
marketing director n
Who is the marketing director at this company?
marketing igazgató
mouldy adj
They served mouldy strawberries on the aeroplane.
move on phr v
/muːv ɒn/
Selling my wedding dress helped me move on from my
marriage breakdown.
obsessive adj
My younger sister is obsessive about the boy band
One Direction.
megszállott, mániákus
pénzügyi igazgató
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
outlet n
She works in a designer clothing outlet store.
gyári lerakat, outlet
practicality n
The practicality of the product convinced them to
invest money in it.
principle n
I find it easy to understand theoretical principles.
product designer n
/ˈprɒdʌkt dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ She’s a product designer and designed a can opener.
puddle n
I slipped in a puddle of water.
tócsa, pocsolya
replica n
He’s making a new table that is a replica of
Windsor Castle.
rights n pl
You should know your rights when you complain.
jog (vkié vmihez)
scratch v
Try not to scratch my mobile phone screen.
send in a CV
/send ɪn ə ˌsiː ˈviː/
You should send in a CV to that marketing company.
elküldi a szakmai
slogan n
Do you have an advertising slogan for your product?
jelmondat, szlogen
spatial adj
You need good spatial awareness to be an architect.
standards n pl
This is an unusual drop in your high standards.
stock market n
/ˈstɒk ˌmɑːkɪt/
I want to work on the stock market so I’m going to
study finance.
successful adj
He owns a really successful clothing company.
theoretical adj
I find it easy to understand theoretical principles.
type v
How fast can you type?
veil n
Did you wear a veil on your wedding day?
worthless adj
His idea for a new product was worthless.
care n
Take care of your teeth or you will have problems.
gondozás, törődés
careful adj
That drink is hot. Please be careful not to drop it.
carefully adv
Drive carefully so you don’t have an accident.
careless adj
He is a careless driver. He will cause an accident.
figyelmetlen, gondatlan
carelessly adv
He carelessly threw away an important document.
comfort n
I bought this sofa for comfort, not style.
comfortable adj
The room wasn’t great but the bed was comfortable.
uncomfortable adj
This chair is uncomfortable. I need to buy a new one.
comfortably adv
Is everyone sitting comfortably?
uncomfortably adv
The train was uncomfortably hot.
fortune n
He couldn’t believe his good fortune when he
found $20.
fortunate adj
He didn’t look when he crossed the road and was
fortunate not to have an accident.
unfortunate adj
It’s unfortunate you couldn’t be at the party.
fortunately adv
The rain was heavy, but fortunately we had umbrellas. szerencsére
unfortunately adv
Unfortunately it rained almost every day.
ipari formatervező
File 9
Vocabulary Banks
Word building
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
patience n
You need a lot of patience to work with children.
patient adj
He is patient and takes his time to explain things.
impatient adj
She is so impatient and won’t wait for anything.
patiently adv
Please wait patiently to board the plane.
impatiently adv
He kept impatiently pressing the bell to get attention.
luck n
Are luck and practice just as important as talent?
lucky adj
He was lucky enough to win the competition.
unlucky adj
Do you know anyone who is particularly unlucky?
szerencsétlen, peches
luckily adv
Luckily he caught an earlier bus or he might have
missed his flight.
unluckily adv
Unluckily for her, she missed her flight.
vki szerencsétlenségére
Useful words and phrases
adaptor n
Do you need a travel adaptor if you go abroad?
konnektor átalakító, adapter
alarm n
I programmed the alarm on my phone to wake me up.
blogger n
This blogger has some really interesting views.
co-ordinated adj
I’m bad at sports because I’m not very co-ordinated.
összehangolt, koordinált
desperate adj
It was very late and I was desperate to get home.
device n
I love my new smartphone – it’s a very useful device.
eszköz, készülék
disconnect v
Disconnect your MP3 player from the computer.
leválaszt, kihúz
headphones n pl
Do you normally listen to music with headphones or
with speakers?
hits n pl
I searched for the new restaurant on Google, but I didn’t találatok
get any hits.
inspector n
The inspector asked to see our train tickets.
install v
You need to install an update before using this program. telepít (programot pl.
intelligent adj
She’s very intelligent. She always does well at school.
intelligens, okos
keyboard n
Do you prefer to use a keyboard with or without
a mouse?
memory stick n
/ˈmeməri stɪk/
I save all my work on my memory stick.
memóriaeszköz, pendrive
mistake n
It’s just a small mistake – don’t worry so much.
mouse n
I bought a new wireless mouse for my computer.
off button n
/ɒf ˈbʌtn/
I pressed the off button on the TV.
kikapcsoló gomb
on button n
I pressed the on button on my laptop.
bekapcsoló gomb
owner n
I live in this house but I’m not the owner.
phone charger n
/fəʊn ˈtʃɑːdʒə(r)/
I put my phone charger into a socket.
plug n
How many pins do plugs in your country have?
plug v
Plug your computer into the socket.
relevant adj
Much of the information is not relevant or useful.
odavágó, releváns
remote control n
/rɪˌməʊt kənˈtrəʊl/
Where’s the remote control for the TV?
rescue v
We were lucky someone came to rescue us.
screen n
My mobile has a large screen and I can watch videos.
set v
I set my alarm clock for 7.30 a.m.
beállít (órát)
kalauz, jegyvizsgáló
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
socket n
I put my phone charger into a socket.
solution n
A solution to our lack of space would be to move.
speaker n
Do you normally listen to music with speakers?
stranger n
Don’t speak to that stranger. It might be dangerous.
idegen (ember)
survey n
A recent survey had some disappointing findings.
switch n
I can’t find the switch to turn it on.
switch off phr v
/swɪtʃ ɒf/
Switch off your mobile phone, please.
turn down phr v
/tɜːn daʊn/
Could you turn down the volume? It’s too loud.
turn up phr v
/tɜːn ʌp/
Can you turn up the volume? I can’t hear it.
unplug v
I always unplug my computer when I have finished.
kihúz (csatlakozódugót)
upset adj
I’m a bit upset and I don’t feel like talking.
feldúlt, zaklatott
USB cable n
/ˌjuː es ˈbiː ˈkeɪbl/
I’ll need a USB cable to transfer the pictures to
my computer.
volume n
I made the volume on the TV louder.
More words in File 9
angel n
She’s such an angel, always looking after other people.
boot n
If the car boot is full, put that bag on the back seat.
csomagtartó (autóban)
common sense n
/ˌkɒmən ˈsens/
Some things are just common sense.
józan (paraszti) ész
elite adj
We observed the training of some elite sportsmen.
hitchhike v
I tried to hitchhike once, but I was unsuccessful.
stoppol (úton)
information overload n
She always sends too many emails – it’s an
information overload.
interruption n
I need to focus without any interruptions.
félbeszakítás, közbevágás
irritation n
Information overload is an irritation for many.
bosszúság, irritálás
motorbike n
I want to ride my motorbike, but I’ve lost my helmet.
native adj
I live in London but I’m a native New Yorker.
obscure adj
The internet helps me to find obscure information.
rejtett, alig ismert
phone box n
/ˈfəʊn bɒks/
We don’t have a phone box – everyone has a mobile.
preset adj
This app disconnects you from the web at preset times.
előre megadott / ​beállított
productive adj
I’ve had lots of time, but I haven’t been productive.
rent v
I pay $800 a month to rent my flat.
several det
They took me to several places.
több különböző
shiver v
The cold wind outside made me shiver.
stroke of luck
/strəʊk ɒv lʌk/
Sometimes not getting what you want is a stroke
of luck.
mázli, (váratlan) szerencse
tank n
He opened the tank, and poured the petrol in.
technological adj
I’m not very good with technological problems.
tough adj
We’ve been through some tough times, but it’s
better now.
kemény, nehéz
tutor n
When I was at school, I had a great maths tutor.
oktató, tanár
vital adj
The extra practice is vital if we want to win.
életbevágó, alapvető
willpower n
It takes a lot of willpower to give up smoking.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
File 10
Useful words and phrases
accused adj
The dock is where an accused person sits in court.
vádlott, megvádolt
admire v
I really admire Japanese design. It’s my favourite.
adopt v
We’ve decided to adopt a child.
örökbe fogad
alibi n
He had an alibi to prove where he was.
case n
Not every criminal case can be solved.
commit v
Why do people commit crimes?
court n
The man was sentenced in court to life in prison.
defence n
He had no defence for his terrible actions.
deliberately adv
Murder is the crime of killing a person deliberately.
detective n
He was a detective in the London police force.
expression n
She was the ideal witness with her expression of
honesty and kindness.
guilty adj
She was found guilty of committing a crime.
icon n
Ronaldo is a football icon.
jelkép, ikon
ideal adj
She was the ideal person for the job.
identity n
No one is sure of the identity of the murderer.
személyazonosság, kilét
importance n
There was no malice in her, and no sense of
intend v
They intend to call four witnesses during the trial.
szándékában áll
investigation n
They spent a considerable amount of time and money
on the investigation.
nyomozás, vizsgálat
launch v
He decided to launch Facebook in 2004.
mistaken adj
I was mistaken for a waitress in the restaurant.
összetévesztik vkivel
murder v
To murder somebody is a terrible thing.
murder n
They had no idea who was responsible for the murder.
murderer n
Weeks passed, but the murderer still wasn’t caught.
original adj
Wozniak designed the original Apple computers.
prisoner n
The prisoner had to spend 25 years in jail for murder.
fogoly, rab, elítélt
prosecution n
The prosecution intended to call four witnesses.
a vád (képviselője)
prove v
They couldn’t prove that he committed the murder.
remarkable adj
You must have remarkable eyes if you can see that far!
figyelemre méltó
room-mate n
Moskovitz and Zuckerberg were room-mates.
sensation n
She became a worldwide singing sensation.
shut down phr v
The website was shut down by the university.
solve v
How did she try to solve the mystery?
suspect n
The police questioned the suspect about the murder.
transfer v
I’ll need a USB cable to transfer the pictures to
my computer.
átvisz (adatot, információt)
trial n
It was the strangest murder trial I have ever attended.
tárgyalás (bírósági)
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
unsolved adj
One of the great unsolved murder mysteries of all time
is that of Jack the Ripper.
victim n
She saw Adams on the steps of the victim’s house.
witness n
He was a witness to the crime.
More words in File 10
abolish v
In England, the death penalty was abolished in 1965.
eltöröl, megszüntet
acquit v
The judge acquitted him and he was set free.
felment (vád alól)
album cover n
/ˈælbəm ˈkʌvə(r)/
You can scroll through the album covers on your
biological adj
Steve Jobs found his biological mother in the 1980s.
bloodshot adj
You look really tired and your eyes are bloodshot.
brutal adj
It was one of the most brutal murders in history.
kegyetlen, brutális
computer programmer n
Mark Zuckerberg is an American computer
considerable adj
They spent a considerable amount of time and money
on the investigation.
cross-examine v
/ˌkrɒs ɪɡˈzæmɪn/
The lawyer began to cross-examine Mrs Salmon.
keresztkérdéseket tesz fel
dazed adj
He stood in the middle of the road, looking dazed.
death penalty n
/ˈdeθ penlti/
In England, the death penalty was abolished in 1965.
dock n
The defendant stood in the dock, waiting to hear the
judge’s decision.
vádlottak padja
eyesight n
The optician tested my eyesight yesterday.
foggy adj
A murderer walked the dark, foggy streets of London.
founder n
Zuckerberg was one of the founders of Facebook.
honesty n
Her honesty meant that many people trusted her.
iconic adj
Tower Bridge is an iconic landmark in London.
kindness n
Kindness is his great strength.
lamplight n
The lamplight made everything on the street clear.
landmark n
Tower Bridge is an iconic landmark in London.
tájékozódási pont
malice n
There was no malice in her. She didn’t want to
hurt anyone.
merchant n
Merchants were some of the main traders in the past.
monochrome adj
It had a 23-inch monochrome screen.
moonlight n
The moonlight made it a very clear evening.
novel n
Do you enjoy reading crime novels?
panic n
Please stay calm and do not cause a panic.
pánikba esik
plead v
I understand he intends to plead ‘not guilty’.
vall, állít vmit (bíróságon)
powerless adj
The police seemed powerless to stop the murders.
erőtlen, tehetetlen
recent adj
There has been another recent theory about how
it happened.
újabb keletű, nem régi
sample n
Cornwell analysed a DNA sample to prove who Jack
the Ripper really was.
silhouette n
It incorporated Jobs’ silhouette with the white
Apple logo.
árnykép, sziluett
silicon n
Silicon is used to manufacture electronic parts.
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013
Her accent isn’t very strong. It’s a slight accent.
gyenge, csekély
spectacles n pl
I don’t wear spectacles because my eyesight is perfect.
terrorize v
He terrorized the inhabitants of the city.
megfélemlít, terrorizál
tribute n
This logo was designed as a tribute to Steve Jobs.
tisztelet, elismerés
Tube map n
/tjuːb mæp/
A Tube map isn’t an accurate map of London.
a londoni metró térképe
well-built adj
/wel ˈbɪlt/
Have you seen how big he is? He’s really well-built.
jó felépítésű
slight adj
English File Intermediate Third edition Hungarian Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2013