r qto FORM TP 2017045 TEST CODE OI2O7O2O -l MAY/JUNE 2017 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION BIOLOGY Paper 02 - General Proficiency 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections. AnswerALL questions. 2. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 3. Do NOT write in the margins. 4. Where appropriate, answers should be illustrated with diagrams. 5 If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough 6. If you space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. use the extra page(s), you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright @ 2015 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. L-'.or,oro2o. 2or7 I il]il ilil til! tilt ilil lllll llll lill llll 0120702003 llll lil lill J t- -l -4SECTION A AnswerALL questions in this section. .. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. '.-. ::l :r :1_l 1. .l (a) In an experiment, some students put corn seeds into each of two test tubes labelled A and B, as shown in Figure l. 20"c A 10 J T -J _-f + "c ..1 B a! .i -:-i = ... -..l ... = Moist cotton wool Figure 1. rji i.t Apparatus and materials used for experiment .i (i) - -li ---tt ,+ Write a suitable aim for this experiment. .ea -:!i :j}: :+ ..ti s (2 marks) (iD In which of the tubes, A or B, would germination most likely occur? Give ONE reason for your answer. ....\ = z .'-A ..\ l-s ..-.... (2 marks) (iii) State TWO roles that the moisture from the coffon wool plays in the process of germination. ---i-- .E r.t l+ .:fr ..tE ..> t\ :-_A Iffi (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t207020tr' 2017 L I il]il illt tilt tilt ilfl ll]t lffi tilt ilil uil tilt llll 0120702004 J u ..4 --:= '.fi r -l -5(b) The corn seedlings which germinated are placed in a pot and exposed to unidirectional light as shown in Figure 2. F i- I t h, Cardboard box r, !. Corn shoots Light bulb Desk lamp Figure 2. Corn seedlings exposed to unidirectional light -'i.. (i) >..: What type of movement is shown by the plants in Figure 2? -\-- $.. (1 mark) (iD State a hypothesis that the students could test by using the apparatus and materials shown in Figure 2. (2 -l *1::: E. ir- (iii) iAi- \a-.- !E-- *+' mar;;; The students want the seedlings to grow straight towards the ceiling. Suggest how they could manipulate the apparatus to get this result. E:, N.. l!{i. ttjj x-l ;] tr-.-.tr I (1 mark) *l GI G.1 :--] 'l -.t ' -l 11 j --t_l ''l --..1 ... -l l -. --1 .-t ::1'--1 :------l ] l GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2017 L 1 ilil ilil tilt tilt ilil lilfl !illl tilt !ilil t]il 0120702005 til til J ffi r -6(iv) -l The seedlings shown in Figure 2 use all the nutrients stored in the cotyledons. Discuss the process by which these plants can make more nutrients. t I -i .I 4 ': (4 marks) (v) i: :-! iti Discuss the processes by which the raw materials required for making nutrients reach the leaves of the plant. ..c = .{i t E IL -ri --- 't-t* --)E * 'i{ lE - (4 marks) ,:ti €i i-e GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t207020/F 2017 L r ilil !ilr illl llll llll lill lllll llll llll illl lllllll 0120702006 I t- -7 (c) F. (i) tt+ -l - Starch is the most coflrmon carbohydrate that is found in the leaves of green plants' Describe a test that the students could do in the laboratory to investigate whether starch is present in the leaves of the seedlings. i,!f. Ft, + >: + \ = \ x A: (4 marks) (ii) Name ONE plant organ, other than leaves, where starch may be found. (1mark) (iii) Instead of starch, animals store complex carbohydrates such as glycogen. Name TWO organs in an animal's body which store glycogen. $. "si (2 marks) Total25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2017 L I fl]il il] ilil illt l]il lilt ffi il1il ilil ilil ilr ilr 0120702007 J r 2. -l -8Figure 3 represents the Whittaker Five-Kingdom Classification of living organisms .Ir 3 ,= n LIVING ORGANISMS Type of cells I+ i -'t :E (i) II Eukaryote ,F :{i .\tr Number of cells .; .F Kingdom Monera Example: bacteria 2 (iD Unicellular Kingdom Protista Presence of cell wall (iiD Example No Yes (v) Tlpe of Nutrition Kingdom :E Example: fish Autotroph .-+-*- ilt \E Heterotroph :S+ + (iv) N Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Example : :{* yeast Figure 3. Whittaker Five-I(ingdom Classification of living organisms (a) Complete the classification by writing the correct answers at (i), (ii), Figure (b) 3. (iii), (iv) and (v) in (5 marks) Each kingdom is further subdivided into taxa with the lowest rank being the level of .+. species. .E' (i) -rrt :tj.. -r*- E t\{ Define the term 'species'. t .\i EI .t!r n+ ,ix-. .t*. :\] (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t207020/F 2017 L I ll]lt il] lilt till ilil ll]t ffi lill illl 0120702008 llll llil llll I iffi e '-S. :ft .:-]j a: t- -l -9- (ii) i*j Using the human species as an example, explain why physical appearance or morphology isNOT always useful for identiffing organisms belonging to the same .+. species. g1 !i+.' G, irk.' 5t ,.-$. !r+' *i. S.i -1 ;1'' (2 marks) t=-- ks. (iiD o': a. Suggest ONE reason why biologists use the biological concept of species instead of physical characteristics to classiff organisms. = ;"-'- \i{*l-. g' --- (2 marks) '.ir1. :+;Ei -1xi' (c) -|lii1 F* .E.. lii.: Some lizards were washed away on a log during a hurricane and landed on Several years later, they were classified as a new species. (i) +t, tiii:,\.' .8. -r*--- a remote island. Using the biological concept of a species, state TWO reasons why they were reclassified. .*. ..Q!. el .$. q: (2 marks) (ii) ,.X-. ..f,t}. ..1*l The new species of lizards living in the mountainous region of the island were found to be smaller than those living on the lowlands. Suggest TWO reasons for this variation. :_---- .taj .-I{. .lt+--' !r+.tlr. ..>. .-Ei .:E)' .Ei. r-J-r--' .-fi' i:ix-:-. (2 marks) ..{-.' --rA --\r-- ..ft Total 15 marks ...s-l ..Q' GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070208 2017 = == L ffi 0120702009 J r 3. -l - l0- :l t. :. ..; (a) Figure 4 illustrates the events that take place during the human menstrual cycle. = :_-] .I O q) ar] -i Hormone Y o Hormone X .F -e tr .E 6l (l) 9 U I 0 2 4 3 Time (weeks) @ Follicle develops @ o! Menstruation ffi A\ e# Cornus ruteum develops (9 Z ..= :.IQ q ::ri -fiE o rl5; --*i 'hi :ts :Ei q) p 01234 +rl -*. Time (weeks) :fi s * (i) Figure 4. Human menstrual cycle '-L1 Identifu Hormones X and Y and the event occuning at Z. :o x ,t r'.G IQ ............... Y ............... Z (3 marks) (ii) What is the role of EACH hormone in the menstrual cycle? .r9a x .E r_-k .t*{. .tsr. .:e+ .-tri. .-l\+ .-F4 iix- Y..... .-t-a. (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070208 20t7 L ililtilil] lil il]tilfl ll]fl!ilililt ult illil]illll 0120702010 J .-fr ..$. 1.ft. r -l - 11- (iiD Name the organ that produces Hormones X and Y. x Y (2 marks) (i") Discuss the fate of the following structures shown in Figure 4 the ovum occurs. if fertillzation of Corpus luteum Uterus lining (4 marks) (b) Some contraceptive pills contain hormones. Suggest how this may prevent pregnancy. (1 mark) (c) A drug company is developing a male contraceptive this could prevent pregnancy. pill. Suggest THREE ways in which (3 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070201F 2017 L I tilil illt illl illfl fllt illl lil lllll illl llil llll llll 0120702011 I t- -l -12SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. E ....\ 4- (a) (i) Explain how structures in the human eye control the amount of light that enters the eye. .+i -A :-ts) ,,fr '.o '.4 "ti .-{-i. :Irl' ..t_iii:.\.. .i{. .-*-:.L=. 1Q.: E .:S. .ei (4 marks) 't;-. E' 1*{. t::. .Ea. FT'' .El 'ft+. !* i .$. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t207020tr. 2017 L r ll]il ut ilil illt uil tilil ilfl il]t tilt ilil 0120702012 ilil til J Qr. t- -l -13- (iD Jenny enters a dimly lit room and cannot see the colours of the furniture until the lights are switched on. Explain how Jenny is able to discern objects in the dimly lit room but cannot see the colours until the lights are switched on. (5 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070208 2017 L I il]il il] ilil il!il ililt ill lil lllll llll llill lil lill 0120702013 I r -l -14- .aa-_ (b) A certain form of colour-blindness is inherited as a recessive allele carried on the X chromosome. It is thus said to be 'X-linked'or'sex-linked'. Awoman with normal colour vision, whose father is colour-blind, mates with a colour-blind man. What is the chance of them having colour-blind children? Use a genetics diagram to explain your answer. _i; fti fi :v1 E lli Use B for the allele for normal vision and b for the allele for colour-blindness. E -.ha .tt: .{}: .e rA-j .-\IJ-- -A- ..rr+ .6' G.. (6 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ot2070201F 2017 L ililililllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllfl llll 0120702014 J aa:' = :':: = (t if r s- -l -15(a) Describe the chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins from the mouth until they are absorbed in the small intestines. -+ a !+ !r :|r i+ >: - H. Ei E. llt -t\r '-\:*4 t s .-s1 ::st :-\t. :III. .Er i..8, :EI. .-tr: :Jrt:: ::t!+ .ix-l (6 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2017 L ililil ulilililuilil llllilililuilil ilil]il 0120702015 il J r -l -t6- (b) (D Describe how the body systems work together to assimilate glucose molecules ::4 :,:E jfi .r-^i ,.-.-Y ,.-.4 ---h (4 marks) (ii) Explain how the assimilation of glucose by of a person suffering from diabetes. a non-diabetic person differs from that Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070208 20t7 I ilil[!il il]! ll]t ilil ilr !ilr rilr ilt ilfl til 0120702016 il i.2. .-lri (5 marks) L .'iJ\ :-+* - l+i:-Fi :!i+- J = .---l t: ;i-1 r 6. 1': -t7 (a) -l - Using a suitable example of EACH, distinguish between a predator-prey relationship and parasitism. +r *l il Li, i_, E. +i st -i -.\- \. !{l >-i l*I, F+, ]l!r. pa. !--j lra j tsr: ts+- ts f!!ij f+, F+l s{. txiL E*' .Gl {. ol + :- (6 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t207020tr. 20t7 L ililil[]lilililililill ilil llilill ill 0120702017 lill lil llll J ffi t- -l -18(b) Some environmentalists encourage the practice of introducing predators to an ecosystem to control a population of pests rather than the use of agricultural chemicals. (i) Outline THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of this method ofbiological control compared to the use of chemicals. .l: n r= -u .--E .-Jat rE :l .-1* +i ,.t :E *.s B s .E :.4 .A -L 'lA :{isi E S* E :li+ lr1 .t* -r:{iJ 'rt: .E rF .t .-€I .O .s = =rn :-* .trt .!+ .* ta. '.tFi ++ t{ EEai*j{*il 'ltq.- !+ ix1t- (6 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2017 L il!]il tilt tilt tilt ilil illl ull lilt til] ililil!il 0120702018 til I fi:, r.I-- .e r -l - 19- (iD Explain how biological control may conhibute to biological evolution through natural selection in an ecosystem. (3 marks) Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF yOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. L ffi 01207020/F 20t7 0120702019 I