Uploaded by Andrew Callanan

Economics Lesson Plan: Market vs Planned Economies

Secondary Lesson Plan
Number on register
Asiru, Anu, Juyhun
Context within the Scheme of Work:
The role of markets in allocating resources
Learning Objectives:
Students analyse the costs and benefits of Planned economy vs Market
Learning Outcomes:
Define market, differentiate planned and market economy,
Key Words/Phrases:
Market/planned economy,
Key Questions:
Resources to support learning (including ICT):
PPT, worksheets, Kahoot
Teaching and Learning Tasks:
Settler: Students provided with post it notes. Create
their own questions which they swap with another
Starter – students shown images of naruntall market –
guess where they are
TPS- students provided with guided practice questions
Learning outcomes for groups of learners
(including differentiation, opportunities for
assessment and attainment target levels):
Spaced retrieval practice
Assessment via PPPB
Activity: elicit definition of market from students.
Students identify the correct market
Activity: Markets exist within different economies.
Students using sheet guess what characteristics may
exist in a market economy & free economy
Assessment through interactive PPT
Students rap about market and planned economies
Monitor students
Class discussion about which econ structure will be
Open discussion – students engage with critical
thinking and communication skills
Introduction of Supply and demand to Students – these
will be looked in greater depth in later units – students
guess the missing word from the news article as an
introduction to the topic
Assessment though interactive tool
Students can start case study or else there is a Kahoot
planned depending on classroom environment
How am I assessing learning:
● Images for definition of market
● Class discussion
Group work
Case study
● Case study
● Kahoot (extra task)
Homework: Case study
Additional Notes:
This sheet is a tool for reflection
Assessment for Learning: Do learners have opportunities to:
Identify and reflect on own learning?
reflect on feedback on the quality of their
work and how to make it better?
help to set their own learning objectives?
be involved in tracking their own progress?
determine their own criteria for success?
take part in high quality interactions, based on
thoughtful questioning and reflective
practise self- and peer assessment?
be involved in deciding the next steps in their
learning and determine where they can get
Self assessment of my lesson plan
The lesson plan contains relevant
information (eg 3 part lesson). Some
account is taken of students’ prior
Objectives relate to learning
outcomes and assessment criteria.
May link to initiatives (eg literacy
Activities match the learning
objectives and show an awareness of
learning styles.
There is a role implied for other
The lesson is well planned and takes
account of students’ prior learning,
indicates pace, variety, challenge and
different learning styles. Use of AfL is
clear, as are clear links to behaviour
management strategies.
Lesson objectives are specific and
defined and relate clearly to outcomes
and assessment criteria.
Activities are fit for purpose and
engaging. A range of teaching and
learning styles are evident.
Support staff are clear about their role
during the lesson.
Personalisation takes good account of
individual learners at the ends of the
ability range (SEN and A, G & T).
Personalisation takes adequate
Time is used effectively to achieve
account of individual learners (SEN
learning objectives and outcomes. The
and A, G & T). Learning Plans are
lesson is chunked down appropriately.
referred to.
Some use of prior data to link to activities and outcomes.
Self evaluation/Follow up:
The lesson is well planned and takes
account of students’ prior learning, it
involves risk taking and is clearly
learner focused and influenced by
learners’ prior experiences. It shows
in-depth understanding of PLTS and
learning styles.
Lesson objectives are suitably
challenging for all learners and relate
clearly to learning outcomes and
assessment criteria for all learners.
Activities are engaging. Teaching and
learning styles take into account the
needs of individual students.
Support staff are directed at
enhancing the learning of specific
Personalisation takes good account of
all learners as individuals to maximise
progress. All students challenged
Time and resources are used
efficiently to creatively maximise
learning effectiveness. Planning links
to wider curriculum areas.