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Political Entertainment Test Bank

FILE 5288 - Test bank for exams and quizzes
Political Entertainment (The University of Western Ontario)
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Political dramas fall into two categories: political process and?
National Security
Corry noted that Tanner ‘88 not only mocked political campaigns but also?
News media coverage of political candidates
According to tryon to create a favorable story or image about themselves politicians can best do
this by?
Political advertising
Tryon notes that political sketch comedy are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on current political events
According to fraiman, parody artists received great legal protections with the?
Copyright Modernization Act
According to tryon, one notable example of the impact of political TV over the last decade has
been the number of Americans who regularly get their news from?
Political satirists, like Jon Stewart
combine scripted satire with documentary:
political mockumentary
As a new medium, American regulators were concerned that TV?
Be profitable so public-subsidized Tv would not be needed
National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around?
According to Tasker in crime dramas the theme of political violence and Homeland Security
become ‘married’ since the events of?
Trying asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Negative political ads are effective partly because they target voters’?
Fear and resentment
William asserts that post-Cold War America's concerns about power burden an isolation reflected
in the?
Justice League
Green notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
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Jeffrey Jones notes that concerning political news fake news allows for the channeling of the
average citizen's feelings of?
Frustration and anger
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes challenge the boundary between?
Lawlessness and the Law
In scandal Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
Public relations
The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
Engaging with one’s social network online
While political free speech is important frame and notes that networks limit political comedy
because they ask the Beaverton and the others to?
Clear their jokes with their corporate lawyers????
Tryon notes that during political campaigns Saturday Night Live often uses the weeks political
events to?
Base and develop the show’s ‘cold open’
And lotz’s “network era” voters get their political information from?
News networks
Some blame national security political dramas according to tryon from misunderstanding that
counterterrorism gains beneficial information from?
Tryon suggests that this 1972 guerrilla filmmaking collective was a foreplant to fake news?
Four More Years
Tanner 88 focused on a politician engaging with many voters often and publicly and for
maximum publicity which is part of the process called?
Retail politics
Collapse of political news in a form of infotainment begins in the?
Tinic sees Rick mercer's role as one of which provides opportunity for the masses to mock those
with power which tinic terms as the role of?
Political jester
the Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
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Viewing a political debates are likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
Weakly committed and undecided voters
According to Williams the Golden age of comics ended after which global political event?
The Cold War
Tasker notes that there is a tension in crime dramas in both challenging but also reinforcing
narratives around?
Racial Profiling
Based on benoit's debate analysis it is not surprising that candidates?
Spend more time discussing their opponents character than policies
A political mockumentary combines documentary filming with?
Guerilla satire
In the USA tryon notes that the federal communication Commission has a responsibility to
ensure network TV broadcasting?
All of the answer options are correct (serves the public interest, provides a diversity of
viewpoints, provides content that serves local needs)
What is cartman's famous phrase related to showing and mocking totalitarian or fascistic
Respect my authorita!
curtis and erion note that newcomb’s claim that south patk “it properly offends everybody by
design and by doing so it reminds us all that it’s probably a good idea to be tolerant”, reflects
Popper’s idea that democratic politics may require upholding the?
Paradox of tolerance
Concerning the superfriends William asserts which group was to represent a despotic communist
league of doom
Stroud argues partisan Political News can be beneficial because?
Motivation for active political participation is increased
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which are?
Highly politicized
tryon notes that 24 was having an effect on?
Politicians’ understandings of national security issues
According to tryon, in Veep the characters pursue political actions with a focus on who has
access to power and?
Whether it is popular with the public
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Which is NOT a narrative or thematic element of terror TV?
Technology has made it easier to organize terrorist acts
while saturday night live has faced its share of controversy one could argue that it has engaged in
self-aware critique; the appearance of scandals Kerry Washington highlighted SNL's issue of?
Lack of African-American comedians in the SNL cast
Beaverton’s political impact is pursued through a web based news site and?
Television Show
Which is NOT one of the key roles of political media?
Determining relevant issues
Whom does Tyron discuss to show their attempts to use television programming to try and
influence people’s political views?
Koch Brothers
According to try on political TV dramas that the text aspects of political governance the business
of passing legislation holding elections conducting trials or otherwise managing the affairs of
running a government or melodrama‘s of
Political Process
Which if NOT one of Williams 4 components of political TV melodrama
Juxtaposed political characters representing conflicting political viewpoints
In Lotz’s post-network era, currently, people fain their political news & knowledge from a
variety , so we see?
News fragmented so it does not encourage a common, shared understanding of events, etc.
According to Jones the impact of media on our political system is that we participate in politics
through perceptions shaped by media that he says our relationship is one of
mediated citizenship
Applying Tryons ideas, 24, The Americans, The blacklist or Homeland are examples of
melodrama of?
Nation Security
In Political Tv, suspense, moral legibility, space of innocence, and realism are 4 components of
Williams framework for analyzing?
Political parody
Political TV can analyze “the realms of political experience imagination values and dispositions
that provide the setting within which a political system operates shaping the character of political
processes and political behavior.” In other words Tryon suggests it examines
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Political Culture
Which is NOT one of Tryons 3 themes related political advertising?
Democratizing political to allow more voices and viewpoints
Which type of political advertising do political groups, not involved in campaigns, largely put on
the air?
Negative advertising
Controversial political ads can get more exposure for their candidate through the textual
complicity of?
News broadcasters and analysts
Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a presidential debate, mckinney and spialek
assert debates are important because?
They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
Approximately how many Americans are said to watch a US presidential debate?
50-60 million
Tryon argues that in the USA, the most significant court case affecting political advertising was?
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
In 1980, what was Ronald Reagan’s political campaign slogan?
Restoring Americans Greatness
A notable reason online videos as political advertising is effective is because?
Sharing them is quick and easy
According to Tyron, to create a favourable story or image about themselves politicians can do
this best by?
Political advertising
Tryon notes on-line videos are?
Possibly more effective form of political advertising
Negative political ads are effective partly because they target voters?
Fear and resentment
Political advertising, drawing on Waldman, will help a candidate succeed if they?
Tell an appealing and coherent story
Tryon notes a newer and possibly more effective new form of political advertising is?
Online videos
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Which type of political advertising do political groups, not involved in campaigns, largely put on
the air?
Negative advertising
Trump used thus type of political advertising to get ‘free time’?
Controversial ads
The first televised US network debate was in 1960 between?
John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is surprising that candidates?
Discuss campaign issues more than the other candidates’ character
Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a Presidential Debate, McKinney and
Spialek assert debates are important because?
They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
When voters view a debate they are more likely to become?
Supportive of political institutions
Viewing of political debates are likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
Weakly committed and undecided voters
The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
Engaging with one’s social network online
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is not surprising that candidates?
Mostly speak about themselves, their policies and their accomplishments
Which debate had a record number of 84 million viewers?
The concept of “social watching” connects with other online in their social network with
Political debates
Tyron notes that in the case of African American shootings, Political News turned to a new,
important source for information?
Call & smartphone video
Political news on cable networks develops and profits from brand loyalty by?
Encouraging participation in particular political parties
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Political News was initially protected, but now it is increasingly affected by?
Fake news shows
According to Arceneaux and Johnson, the increased polarization of American politics is an
implication of?
Niche News
During the 2016 American Presidential election, Tryon claims Political News focussed on
As political News channels are providing their viewers a place where viewers are ‘shielded’ from
the views of their opponents and contradictory information, Jamieson and Capella call this
‘place’ a/an?
Safe haven
According to Tyron, “one of the principles most often associated with a functioning democracy”
Free and independent media
During the I2016 American presidential election, Tryon notes trump use political news to?
Bolster his claim he was a political outsider
According to Tryon, there are 3 aspects of the high-modernist belief in political news; which is
NOT one of them?
Accuracy in reporting
Baym notes that Political News is becoming like Reality Tv due to its growing focus on?
In their earlier days, Political shows were?
Protected from sponsors and advertisers’ opposition
Which is NOT one of the key news broadcasters Tryon discusses?
CBC Newsworld
Tryon notes in the African-American shootings protest coverage by political news an important
development was that protestors?
Challenged media representations of the protests and policing
In the network era, Jones suggests that objective journalism has given way to Political News as?
Television productions
Levendusky notes that political news is mostly consumed by?
Small segment of the population
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In their Earlier days, political news shows were
A – Part of the entertainment division of networks OR B- Not required to generate a profit
through advertising sale
According to Tyron, political news is less focused on informing viewers, and more focused on
building a community of
Shared political values
As a new medium, American regulators were concerned that TV?
Serve the public interest
Baym notes that Political News is increasingly focused on building audiences by generating?
Rosen notes that political journalists are less likely to focus on policy issues and positions of
politicians; rather they focus on the politicians
Verbal failings and trivial events
With the shootings of African-Americans, concerns about police brutality, and critiques of
systemic racism, political news had space to?
Avoid using the term ‘police brutality’
Political News was initially protected, but now it must be more careful of?
Business/advertiser concerns
Jones notes that political news is using their framing of the political as a form of?
Objective journalism
When 60 minutes killed a story about CEOs lying in core the CEOs were from which industry
Amongst political news stroud terms “the practice of seeking out news media that reinforces a
single political perspective” as
Partisan selective exposure OR Citizenship-led partisan consumption
Tryon notes that beyond the branding of the political news, it is also leading to the shaping of?
Network identities
Which is one of the key characteristics of post-network political news Tryon identifies?
Niche news channels
Which is NOT one of the key roles of political media?
Dissuading political activism
The collapse of Political News into a form of Infotainment begins in the
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Tryon notes in the African-American shootings protests coverage by political news an important
development was that protestors?
Confronted the media about their news stories
In Political News, Arceneux and Johson note that “two strongly opposed ideological camps
talking past each other rather than deliberating toward sound public policies” is an implication
Since its start, Tryon and others note political news has become tainted by it's becoming less
news-focused and more?
Tryon extensively discusses the impact of political news coverage of the shootings of African
Americans as propelling and solidifying the role of?
Black Lives Matter
In the 1980s, Political News because a form of branded?
The authors use which political talk show measure and understand viewer responses?
Anne Will
Prior noted that those who watched hard news over entertainment oriented news were?
Better informed about politics
The author suggests viewers reacted positively and were more likely to be engaged with political
talk shows that included showing?
Video Clips
According to Vorderer knowledge gained from political TV is enhanced by?
Being entertained, therein interested and attentive to facts, etc. OR Watching TV news
shows instead of Political Talk Shows
According to Fahr, while watching political talk shows viewers were entertained by?
Their favored guest taking part in the discussion
According to Vorderer when viewers are entertained by political TV they are likely be more
interested and attentive to the show and thus are more likely to be better at
Information Processing
The authors know that when watching political talk shows viewers felt they were more informed
when they?
Were entertained
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How does political news build loyalty and profits?
Consumer branded
The author suggests political talk shows that are heightening awareness of political issues are
increasing viewers?
Political education
The authors suggest “infotainment” is?
“programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between news, or Informational
and entertaining media content and modes of presentation”
According to Fahr while watching political talk shows viewers were entertained by?
Funny comments from the hosts and guests
The authors suggest that ”programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between news
or informational and entertaining media content of modes of presentation” are a form of?
who did they sample for political talk shows?
German (FOR IF ITS ABOUT COUNTRIES) OR University Students (when asking about
The authors suggest viewers reacted positively and were more likely to be engaged with political
talk shows that included showing?
Video clips
The authors examine the German experience of viewers who watch?
Political talk shows
According to Schultz, There is debate as to whether political talk shows are ‘respectable political
programs’ or?
Shallow entertainment
The authors focus on analysis about political talk shows in?
the authors note that watching political talk shows may be seen as a waste of time by those who
are expecting?
To gain knowledge
The author suggests political talk shows are heightening viewers factual knowledge about
politics, are increasing viewers’?
Political Knowledge
According to Schutz, there is a debate as to whether Political Talk Shows are ‘shallow
entertainment’ or?
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Respectable political programs
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Social media
Interestingly, Tron noes that, as compared to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, ‘real news
shows’ viewers are generally?
Tryon asserts that fake news functions to equip people to:
Critically think about news
In the Colbert report, Stephen Colbert takes on the role of?
Conservative news anchor
Jeffrey Hones notes that, concerning political news, fake news allows for the channeling of the
average citizens feelings of?
Frustration and anger
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Shows analyzed Dylan Roof’s attack on a church as politically
motivated and all of the following EXCEPT
Mental illness
Tryon suggests that Maher’s real times focus on incumbent candidates in US elections was to?
Raise political awareness
Both Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert used their program to see if they could impact American
elections by showing?
District election races
To show why elections need better political campaign financing regulation, the Colbert Repot set
up a?
Political action committee
Tryon suggests that this 1972 ‘guerilla filmmaking collective’ was a foreparent to fake news?
Morris and Baumgartner note that ‘viewers viewed election candidates more negatively’ as the
‘effect’ of watching?
The Daily Show
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Tryon notes the Daily Show became increasingly political after Jon Stewart took over, and this
was most evident with its focussed coverage of?
Indecision 200
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
Police violence
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
Radical violence
A key idea from The Colbert Report was the notion of political claims being correct because
you ;feel it in your gut’ which Colbert called?
Tryon suggest part of the aim of Mahers real time political panels is to?
Make sense of American politics
Jon Stewart is considered a ‘high priest’ of fake news for his early years critiquing the US
administration of?
Colbert’s Reports ‘The Word’, according to Tryon, Used irony to challenge
Truthiness of the Democratic party’s libertarian platform
What is Baumgartner and Morris’s ‘Daily Show effect’
After watch thing show, viewers viewed election candidates more negatively
Stephen Colbert’s how has him analyse political news as a fake?
Political pundit
Besides satirizing politics, The Daily Show regularly and uniquely used?
Political parody
Trying applies “critical textuality” to examine how fake news challenges?
Political authority
Tryon uses the concept of critical textuality proposed by?
Jonathan Gray
The Colbert Reports ‘truthiness’ refers to political or other claims that rely on?
Belief they are true
Interestingly Tryon notes that The Daily shows and the Colbert Reports average viewers are in
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Interestingly Tryon notes that The Daily shows and the Colbert Reports fake news have been
especially successful in attracting
Young people
Tryon notes that fake news seeks to make the political news and political processes?
More transparent
Larry Wilmores The nightly show was the only late night show whose host was a/an?
African American
Tryon focusses on which is political/legal issue extensively in the John Oliver analysis?
Hobby Lobby
Jones points out that Michael Moor’s fake news Tv show involved combining fake news with?
Guerilla political journalism
Tryon notes a key difference between other fake news shows and Last Week Tonight with John
Oliver show is?
A weekly, focused, length investigative report
Real time with Bill Maher was a controversial political show; it was first cancelled due Mahers
statement about which political event?
To show how elections are overrun, or can be dominated by, campaign finance issues and those
with money, the Colbert Report set up a?
Political action committee
Tinic sees Rick Mercer’s role as one of which provides opportunity for the masses to mock those
with power, which Tinic terms as the role of?
Carnival fool
Arguably, Tinic sees political satire as?
Tactic of resistance
Griffin notes that Talking to Americans provides a discourse which provides affirmation of moral
superiority as outsiders, which Griffin terms?
Special compensation of satire
Tinic hints that Rick Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
Central Canada
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Political satire, much like Canadian’s perspective on Americans, involves a satirist like Rick
Mercer claiming to show?
Moral superiority of Canadians
Part of the ‘frame’ from which may explain Mercer’s political satire is that he is from the
marginalized province of?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Arguably, Tinic sees political satire in Canada tied to communities and how much they are?
The Rick Mercer Report undercuts the idea of political narratives by providing a fake backstory
to newspaper pictures that are a combination of Photoshop & memes; this segment is called?
The Front Page
Tinic considers the political and cultural implications of Rick Mercer’s The Mercer Report and?
Talking to Americans
Tinic hints that Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
Tinic notes that Mercer accepts that while critiquing politicians, he needs good relationships with
politicians, because satirists and politicians have a relationship that needs to use and feed off
each other, and so is?
Which political event resulted in Mercer humbly removing himself from an award nomination
for Talking to Americans?
Tinic notes that over time the Rick Mercer Report?
Stopped focussing on the differences between Canadians and Americans
Tinic argues satire involves all of the following EXCEPT?
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Opportunity for rebuttal by those who are mocked
In analyzing Mercer’s Canadian take on political issues between Canadians and Americans, Tinic
notes Mercer had initially to react to the events of?
Tinic notes that Mercer’s friend Mary Walsh says that Mercer is no longer?
A Newfoundlander
The Rick Mercer Report uses this segment for Mercer to have a direct conversation with his
audience about politics, social issues, etc.?
The Streeter
The attempt to incorporate Rick Mercer into the American TV world could be noted in all of the
following EXCEPT?
Who wants to be a Millionaire wanted Mercer as the host
The Rick Mercer Report involved the following?
None of the options listed here (NOT talking to americans segments every week, co-anchors
including shawn Majumdar and mary walsh, using the person of J.B. Dickson to mock the
The Rick Mercer Report uses this show segment to critique politics and hypocritical or
outrageous actions of the powerful directly?
Front Page
Tinic considers the political and cultural implications of Rick Mercer’s Talking to Americans
The Mercer Report
Tryon notes that political sketch comedy are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on current political events
In America’s political landscape, Tryon asserts that Saturday Night Live is like a/an ?
Cynical political analyst
Tryon notes that during political campaigns, Saturday Night Live often uses the week’s political
events to?
Base and develop the show’s ‘cold open’
Which of these is NOT one of the key American political leaders Saturday Night Live has
extensively parodied?
Mike Pence
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live’s humour does not?
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Critique politics in a meaningful way
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live largely focuses its humour on?
Politician’s personalities
Saturday Night Live’s parodying of news shows relies on critical intertextuality which requires?
Viewers be aware of current events in order to understand the jokes and skits
Tryon notes that political serialized sitcoms are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on political culture
When Saturday Night Live had Fred Armison play Barak Obama, this put SNL in the spotlight of
political issues around?
Racism and ‘blackface’
To analyze politics, Tryon asserts comedy series and comedy shows use intertextuality combined
Narrative techniques
Pre-Trump, Tryon notes that Tina Fey’s exaggerated dialogue on Saturday Night Live was
sometimes mistaken for the political statements of?
Sarah Palin
Pre trump notes that Saturday Night Live most notably shaped the public perception of?
Sarah Palin
Tanner 88’ focused on a politician engaging with many votes often and publicly, and for
maximum publicity, which is part of a process called?
Retail politics
The character of Selina in Veep is used discuss how women politicians?
May be discouraged from speaking their views on certain issues
In the show Veep, Tryon notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt of
dislike for?
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
Media image
Tanner 88’ was a mockumentary about?
A politician seeking the Democratic party’s presidential nomination
Veep shows the incompetence and self-interest of political leaders and staffers as they try to do
their job; thus, it is also a?
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Workplace comedy
Alpha House is a show about?
Elected Congressional politicians
Park and Recreation is a show about?
Municipal politics in Pawnee
Some mockumentaries make use of the background of on-going current events, such as a
convention or political rally, to go on location to film their satirical show; Hight refers to this
technique as?
Guerilla satire
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
Media image
Parks and Recreation’s mockumentary style is modeled after which show?
The Office
In the show Veep, Tryon notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for?
As tanner ’88 showed, political campaigning often involves ‘retail politics’ which involves>
Candidates meeting and selling themselves to as many voters as possible
Tryon notes that Parks and Recreation is?
Trying to avoid picking sides in politics
Tryon notes that Veep is mocks the idealized image of?
Tryon notes that Parks and Recreation is an antidote for?
Political cynicism
Tryon notes Alpha House tries to show the negative political effect of?
The Tea Party movement
Tryon notes Alpha House tries to show the negative political effect of?
Money in politics
A political comedy that combines documentary filming with scripted satire is called?
Political mockumentary
As tanner ’88 showed, political campaigning often involves ‘retail politics’ which involves?
Candidates meeting and selling themselves to as many voters as possible
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Corry notes that Tanner ’88 was showing how a political campaign became?
Performance art
Alpha House is a show about?
Elected Congressional politicians
A political mockumentary combines documentary filming with?
Scripted satire
Like some Fake News shows, an interesting aspect of current political dramas, like Scandal, is
that they also engage with?
Connect with viewers through social media
Political dramas shape our view of a society’s or people’s views of?
Political culture
Political dramas fall into two categories: political process and?
National security
Tryon notes shows like Scandal show how political operatives operate?
Without a moral compass
House of Cards, according to Tryon, shows that politicians?
Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
Tryon asserts The Good Wife was one of the first political dramas to look effectively at the
relationship between?
Law and Technology
Scandal shows how, regardless of their actions good or bad, Washington elites preserve and
consolidate their?
Political power
An interesting aspect of House of Cards is that it shows Frank Underwood as cunning in his
ability to?
Work around the government system to get stuff done
Who sits in the main office of the West Wing?
In Scandal, Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
Public relations
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Tryon notes that West Wing significantly showed how the White House managed the ‘threat’
from and ‘benefit’ of the?
Political Media
Tryon argues that West Wing had a pedagogical impact on Americans because it showed them?
How their government works
As with Parks and Rec, the West Wing shows the efforts of?
Dedicated political servants
An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the ‘deep state’ narrative, is that the real power
in Washington is not in the hands of elected officials but?
A secret government agency
The West Wing focussed on the senior staff of the White House, which is mainly responsible for?
Political decision-making
The West Wing also made the point, according to Tryon, that political media had a responsibility
to ensure they were providing information for the?
Public interest
In Scandal, the politicians and their ambition are caught up in a corrupt system audience seeks
the good in all this, so they are seeking?
Moral legibility
House of Cards, according to Tryon shows that, politicians?
Are powerless to make good things happen due to the political system
Interestingly, the West Wing showered that political elections were becoming fights less over
economy and politics but over _______ issues?
Tryon argues that a significant episode in Scandal raised important moral and ethical issues
Violence by the police against African-American males
West Wing showed importantly not only show how political processes work, but also how in the
short-term, politicians engage in?
Political decision-making
House of Cards, according to Tryon shows that, politicians?
Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
While the West Wing does involve connecting viewers to characters, Tryon argues it also teaches
audiences to?
Embrace the show’s political values
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The Good Wife is based on the life of a politician’s?
Tryon argues that unlike Scandal, the West Wing seeks to counter political?
Interestingly, given Trump’s election, Perry-Giles fault West Wing for portraying male-headed,
agrarian, economically-struggling, Caucasians as?
True Americans
Political dramas often show government activities, passing laws, etc., are often sacrificed due to
political spectacle (image) and?
Tryon notes that many political dramas show that good people cannot accomplish good things
because of the problems in the?
Political culture
Political dramas fall into two categories: nation security and?
Political process
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around
The Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
Middle east
Homeland provides insights into the politics around?
Trying notes that 24 was having an effect on?
Politicians’ understandings of nation security issues
The key event that has spurred or framed nation security political drams was?
Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tryon, for misunderstanding that
counter-terrorism gains beneficial information from?
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Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tryon, for increased acceptability
Tryon notes some suggest the show 24 played a ‘role’ in?
Preparing voters to elect Obama
Which national security drama focussed on Russian counter-spies
The Americans
The Americana’s looks at the counter-spying efforts of a family of
The Americans as a national security political drama seeks to show the complexity of life caught
between two different?
Political ideologies
Tryon notes nation security political dramas focus on the politics of?
Interestingly, 24 acknowledges that nation security threats often emerge from
Internal power grabs to control the government
Tryon notes some suggest the show 24 played a ‘role’ in?
Preparing voters to elect Obama
Some national security political dramas are focussed on a single episode issue, and are called
As a departure from nation security political dramas, Homeland also examines
Private/personal problems of spies
According to Tasker, crime dramas draw on the following strategies EXCEPT?
Legal complexities of victims’ lawsuits
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focussed on?
Political violence linked to Islam
What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between political violence,
homeland security, and official attempts to tackle them?
Terror TV
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Tasker notes that many homeland security crime dramas are drawing on US political culture’s?
Suspicion of authority
Hanks asserts that homeland security crime dramas often resolve by removing politics as the
motive and replacing it with?
Tasker asserts that crime dramas present the police’s gaining of confessions, use of physical or
threats, lying, or other means of leveraging alleged perpetrators, etc., as failing to address the
issue of the?
Ethics of Interrogation
According to Tasker, in crime dramas, the themes of political violence and homeland security
have focused on?
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between news, crime, espionage
and national borders?
Terror TV
Tasker is concerned that the nexus between crime dramas and homeland security are legitimating
or normalizing?
The Americans look at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
Middle East
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focussed on?
Middle Eastern Americans
Quinn notes that Law & Order is effective in generating political controversy through its claim?
Ripped from the Headlines
Quinn notes that Law & Order added women and minorities in order to?
Avoid cancellation by NBC
Quinn notes Law & Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
The justice system policing those who are its agents but violate the system’s rules
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Quinn notes Law & Order takes national issues and crimes and re-writes them for portrayal in
the criminal justice system?
New York
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which are?
Nationally divisive
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which raise issues of?
Quinn notes Law & Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
Characters representing different and opposing views on crimes
Greene notes Homer Simpson’s life and success may challenge the assumptions of limited
intelligence and lack of motivation of?
Greene does not see The Simpsons as only satirizing current American society, but also
defending it by having all of the following stereotypes EXCEPT?
Angry and stressed boss
The Simpsons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived
The Simpsons premiered on Fox in the?
The Simpsons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived
Greene asserts that The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc., political satire, in the final instance, do not
challenge by reinforce Fox’s?
Ideological leanings
Greene suggests The Simpson satirizes the American Dream by showing Homer Simpson can be
successful in spite of being a/an?
Slothful, stupid American worker
Greene notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
Curtis and Erion analyze south park using ideas & concepts from?
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Curtis and Erion analyze south park using ideas & concepts from?
Arguably, Curtis and Erion see south park as necessary or part of making society successful,
along Popperian lines, by?
Providing uninhibited criticism to solve social problems
According to Popper, a ‘closed society’ is one in which?
Criticism of social customs is not permitted but resisted
South Park is a?
Political cartoon
Interestingly, Curtis and Erion note that south park presents ‘extremist’ views if only caricatured,
in order to understand and?
Critique and ridicule their claims
While filled with juvenile humour, offensive vulgarity, and inane cartoon-style, Rushkoff would
suggest South Park provides?
Sophisticated social criticism
To mock liberal left-wingers, south park routinely uses these as a stand-in or to personalize those
political viewpoints?
Hollywood celebrities
Arguably, South Parks steadfast approach to criticizing unrelentingly all political and social
issues results in it often fighting against
Curtis and Erion note that South Park particularly chooses to?
Ridicule religion, especially religious extremists
Curtis and Erion note that south park particularity chooses to?
Reaffirm the importance of religion
According to Popper, an ‘open-society’ is one in which
Taboos, rules, political views and laws can be critiqued and changed
Arguably, along Popperian lines Curtis and Edison see South Park as going after the extreme left
wing an extreme right wing political and social views and proponents which aunt who can as
Enemies of open society
the main religious organization that has been extensively ridiculed in south park is?
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Curtis and Erion suggest South Park creators Parker and Stone would agree with Popper that?
Totalitarian tendencies are a threat to democracy
Who is not a key character in South Park?
According to Costello & Worcester, the key character that introduced the modern genre of
superheroes is?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes are used as icons for nationalism, patriotism,
and ethnicity; this has the political impact of creating
Divisions of ‘in-group’ and ‘out-groups’
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes deal with the debates about life under?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes connect the political relationship between
ideology, power and?
Political culture
According to Costello & Worcester, during the Cold War, the connections between American
political and concerns about superheroes political role led publishers themselves respond with?
According to Costello & Worcester, gay marriage, Vietnam War, etc., show that superheroes are
used to?
Express political opinions and clashing viewpoints
According to Costello & Worcester. While the state has legitimate authority over people,
superheroes express peoples?
Desire for justice when legal processes are insufficient
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes have always been politically engaged by regular
engagement with all EXCEPT?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes connect the political relationship between
ideology, political culture and?
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Costello & Worcester note while lots of books are written to analyze superheroes and politics,
but this has not been picked up in analysis by?
Political Scientists
William asserts that the Justice League shows self-doubt of superhero’s which reflect the burden
and isolation felt by?
Middle Eastern States
According to Williams, superhero’s motivations to do good, seek justice etc, used to be linked to
shared motivation of?
According to Williams, the major event that fashioned modern day representations of
superheroes is?
World War II
Concerning the Superfriends, Williams asserts the Legion of Doom represented?
A despotic community regime
William points out Bongco noted which American body affected and patrolled how superheroes
were portrayed and their storylines?
Comics Code Authority
According to Williams, the golden age of comics was?
World War II
According to Williams, superhero narratives reflect?
Political values
According to Williams, after world war II, superheroes motivations were considered singular,
harmonious and unified in line with the?
Cold War mentality
According to Williams, superheroes reinforced the false belief there were not racial, gender or
economic divisions post-World War II; this is captured in the?
Cold War mentality
William’s study of superheroes connects superheores to American values in?
Foreign policy
Williams notes Wetherams critique of the powerful superhero, who fought alongside American
forces without question and use their superpowers to help the good fight the evil, was mobilized
to see superheroes as supporting?
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According to Williams, superhero narratives reflect
Social values
Both Veep and Parks & Recreation are political mockumentaries centred on?
Women who lead or work in government
Reynolds argues that American superheroes may represent the political aspiration of?
Hall suggests that political and corporate leaders set the agenda for news, etc., and other actors
have to respond to their narratives; thus, his term for them is?
Primary definers
Marc argues the Simpson’s political satire suggests American-lower-classes are?
Poorly represented by the characters in the show
In relation to current events, National Security Political Dramas reflect and depict all except?
Legal adjudication of drone-strike war crimes
A political mockumentary combines scripted satire with?
Documentary filming
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
Many political dramas with women are considered to be based on the example or life of?
Hillary Clinton
Saturday Night Live pioneered the fake news cast with chevy chase in 1975, in a segment called?
Weekend update
According to Jones, of late, popular media outlet have realized that political content?
Can be its hottest commodity
In Saturday Night Live, the Weekend Update segment seeks to satirize politics through?
Fake news
2144 Last Year’s Exam Questions:
In Saturday Night live, the weekend update segment seeks to satirize politics through?
Fake News
Curtis and Erion note that Newcomb’s claim that south park “it properly offends everybody
and by doing so it reminds us all that’s its probably a good idea to be tolerant”, reflects
Popper’s idea that democratic politics may require upholding the?
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Paradox of tolerance
The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
Engaging with one’s social network online
Alpha House is a show about which aspect of politics?
Elected Congressional politicians
The first serialized political drama on American television was?
West Wing
Tryon notes a key reason the Tea Party became popular was because of?
Rick Santelli’s comments on MSNBC becoming a viral video
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Portrayals serve to?
Critique political Campaign’s use to pandering to women voters
Gray contrasts political texts and TV as operating as “critical intertextuality” and?
Supportive intertextuality
According to Tryon, one notable example of the impact of Political TV over the last decade
has been the number of Americans who regularly get their news from?
Political satirists, like Jon Stewart
Mattheisz et. al. note that watching Political Talk Shows may be seen as a waste of time by
those who are expecting?
Entertainment will to be secondary to factual analysis
Tryon discusses the example of Sinclair Broadcast Group Because it shows how companies?
May influence political views through targeted programming
Political News was initially protected, but now it is increasingly affected by?
Fake news shows
Tryon notes in the African-American shootings’ protest coverage by Political News, an
important development was that protestors?
Confronted the media about their news stories
Which national politician who ran for Vice-President did Tina Fey portray on SNL?
Sarah Palin
Quinn notes Law & Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
Characters representing different and opposing view on crimes
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hilary Clinton portrayals serve
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Encourage more women to get involved in top-tier political campaigns and offices
Tinic notes that Rick Mercer’s fake News show channeled Canadian’s outrage and
frustrations with their politicians into a direct conversation with Canadians through Mercers
use of?
The Rant
Tryon argues that a significant episode in Scandal raised important moral and ethical issues
Violence by police against African-American males
Tryon notes that Political TV concerned with issues of terrorism, Drugs, Military, etc. is
melodrama of?
National Security
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Appear on the show
Greene asserts that the simpsons, Family guy, etc., political satire, in the final instance, do
not challenge of reinforce Fox’s?
Ideological leanings?
What has changed most about the news?
There are many different channels
Reynolds argues that American superheroes may represent the political aspiration of?
It is suggested that the two types of Political Process Drama are?
Idealized and Cynical
Many political dramas with women are considered to be based on the example or life of?
Hillary Clinton
A political mockumentary combines scripted satire with?
Documentary filming
Political News was initially protected, but now it must be more careful of?
Business/advertiser concerns
Tryon suggests that National Security political Dramas’ relevance is noted emphatically by
24 being referenced by:
Judges, politicians, and political news in national security discussions
Williams asserts that post-Cold War America’s concerns about power, burden and isolation
were reflected in the?
Justice League
Working from Greene, the anti-intellectual streak in The Simpsons may be evident in their
criticism and mocking of which character?
Marge Simpson
Williams asserts that the justice league self-doubt of superheroes which reflect the burden
and isolation felt by?
Real Time with Bill Maher was discussed as an important example of what Jones has called
the use of?
Common sense vernacular
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Part of the ‘frame’ from which may explain Mercer’s political satire is that he is from the
marginalized province of?
Tryon notes that West Wing significantly showed how the White House managed the ‘threat’
from and ‘benefit’ of the?
Political Media
The Simpsons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be
perceived as?
In the show Veep, Tryon notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for?
The concept of intertextuality pertaining to Political TV?
Texts and show are talking or referencing each other
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
Middle East
Viral politics is a form of?
Online political advertising
Levendusky notes that Political News is mostly consumed by?
Partisan political voters
Quinn notes that Law & Order added women and minorities in order to?
Avoid cancellation by NBC
Jamieson & Cappella claim that news for viewers is increasingly presented as?
Safe havens for those with similar views
Political advertising seeks to do all of these EXCEPT?
Discourage voters from being informed before voting
The main goal Stephan Colbert’s segment “The World” led to which word ended up in the
Oxford dictionary? A Honestification
Greene notes intellectualism and social criticism of which Simpson’s character?
Viewing of political debates likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
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Weakly committed and undecided voters
Pre-Trump, Tryon notes Tina Fey’s exaggerated dialogue on Saturday Night Live was
sometimes mistaken for the political statements of?
Sarah Palin
According to Baym, we should consider political news, talk shows, dramas, etc., as a ?
Tryon notes that 24 was having an effort on?
Politicians’ understandings of national security issues
Tasker draws on Lee’s analysis of ‘postmodern psychic tension’ in crime dramas in which
viewers are reassured that?
Trauma of political violence is witnessed and managed
Who is not a key character used to voice political critiques in South Park?
During the 2016 American Presidential election, Tryon claims Political News focussed on
Tryon suggests Intertextuality is used in Political TV in order to?
Encourage the public to understand the political messaging of politicians
The Daily Show, Colbert Report and Mercer Report are examples of?
Political Fake News Satire
To decide which information and stories to tell the public, political news often relies on
Stuart hall et, al’s “primary definers” who are:
Political and corporate leaders who can define the parameters of a topic and set the
agenda for what topics are worthy of attention
The main goal of Stephan Colbert’s segment “the word” is to?
Provide the hidden subtext behind political issues
Tryon notes Fake News is?
More trusted than the regular news
The Political Drama Blackstone looks at politics?
Of governing an Indigenous territory
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
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While Saturday Night Live has faced its share of controversy, one could argue that it has
engaged in self-aware critique; the appearance of Scandal’s Kerry Washington highlighted
SNL’s issue of?
Lack of African-American comedians in the SNL cast
2144 Quizzes and Answers
Tryon argues that in the USA, the most significant court case affecting political advertising was?
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Tryon notes on-line videos are?
possibly more effective form of political advertising
Which of these is NOT part of the description of political news “primary definers”?
vet the contents of content discussed
In political TV, suspense, moral legibility, space of innocent and realism are 4 components of
Williams framework for analyzing?
In Lotz’s network era voters get their political information from?
news networks
Which of these is Tyron’s term for “the role of politicians and the media to construct idealized
images of democratic engagement and national identity?
political spectacle
Which is NOT a part of Scheuer’s sound bite society framework for analyzing Political TV?
dog whistling and virtue- signaling
In terms of getting their political information from TV, which is NOT one of Lotz’s 3 eras?
streaming era
Tyron notes that while more channels are available to connect people with political issues, etc.,
he notes that the expansion of choices may have democratized TV because of?
concentration of ownership to a handful of companies
In the USA, Tyron notes that the Federal Communication Commission has a responsibility to
ensure network TV broadcasting?
all of the options are correct
serves public interest
provide diversity of viewpoints
provides content that serves
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Tyron notes a newer and possibly more effective new form of political advertising is?
Online videos
Negative political ads are effective partly because they target voters’?
Fear and resentment
Tyron argues that in the USA, the most significant court case affecting political advertising
Citizens united versus federal elections commission
According to Tyron, to create a favourable story or image about themselves, politicians can
best do this by?
Political advertising
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is not surprising that candidates?
Mostly speak about themselves, their politics and accomplishments
Which debate had a record number of 84 million viewers?
Clinton and Trump
Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a presidential debate, McKinney and
Spialek assert debates are important because?
They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is surprising that candidates?
Spend more time discussing their opponents character than politics
Tyron notes on-line videos are?
Possibly a more effective form of political advertising
Tyron notes a key reason the Tea Party became popular was because of?
Rick Santelli’s comments on MSNBC becoming a viral video
What is the family name of the two brothers who are major political donors and discussed by
Summarizing from Tyron, political advertising may be most effective in swaying?
Low-information voters
Since when have US presidential debates been a regular event during the US election?
This article is relevant to Political TV analysis because?
Political debates do have an impact on elections
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Debates lead to voters having a better sense of all of the following except?
Taxation and interest-rate policies
Which type of political advertising do political groups, not involved in campaigns, largely
put on the air?
Negative advertisements
A notable reason online videos as political advertising is effective is because?
Sharing them is quick and easy
The concept of social watching connects interacting with other online in their social network
with watching?
Political debates
The concept of social watching political debates with
Engaging with ones social network online
Trump used this type of political advertising to get free time?
Controversial ads
Political advertising, drawing on Waldman, will help a candidate succeed if they?
Tell an appealing coherent story
Viewing of political debates are likely to affect the preference or choices of?
Weakly committed and undecided voters
During the 2016 American Presidential election, Tyron notes Trump used Political News to?
Bolster his claim he was a political outsider
In the network era, ones suggests that objective journalism has given way to Political News
Television production
Amongst Political news, Stroud terms “the practice of seeking out news media that reinforces
a single political perspective” as?
Partisan selective exposure
In the 1980s political news became a form of branded?
According to Schultz, there is debate as to whether Political Talk Shows are respectable
political programs or?
Shallow entertainment
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Prior noted that those who watched hard news over entertainment-oriented news were?
Better informed about politics and were more informed when they were intertained
The authors examine the German experience of viewers who watch?
Political talk shows
Tyron suggest part of the aim of Maher’s Real Time political panels is to?
Understand American voters choice and voting patterns
Make sense of America politics
Tyron suggests that this 1972 guerilla filmmaking collective was a foreparent to fake news?
Hart and Hartelius suggest that the daily show tutors’ young people to be?
Tyron asserts that fake news functions to equip people to?
Critically think about news
Tyron suggests that Maher’s Real Time’s focus on incumbent candidates in US elections was
Raise political awareness
To show why elections need better political campaign financing regulations, the Colbert
Report set up a?
Political action committee
Tyron focuses on which political/legal issue extensively in the John Oliver analysis?
Hobby Lobby
Tyron applies critical textuality to examine how fake news challenges?
Political authority
Tinic argues the mercer report encapsulates Baym’s notion of discursive integration which
includes all the following except
(therefore, entertainment, news and documentary are correct)
Famously, Mercer mocked which US president during their campaign rally?
George Bush Jr,
To analyze politics, Tyron asserts comedy series and comedy shows use intertextuality
combined with?
Narrative techniques
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Tyron suggests that SNL’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton’s portrayals serve to?
Encourage more women to get involved in top tier…
Who asserted that Parks and Recreation shows government bureaucrats using their
government roles to provide basic services and provide positive changes?
heather Hendershot.
In the show Veep, Tyron notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for?
Tyron notes Alpha house tries to show the negative political effect of?
the republican party
Alpha house is a show about?
elected congressional politicians
Veep is a show about a female politician who is a?
vice president
Veep shows the incompetence and self-interest of political leaders and staffers as they try to
do their job; thus it is also a?
workplace comedy
A political comedy that combines documentary filming with scripted satire is called?
political mockumentary
Tyron notes that Veep is mocks the idealized image of?
A political mockumentary combines scripted satire with?
Documentary filming
Tyron notes that Parks and recreation is an antidote for?
Political cynicism
The character Selina in Veep is used to discuss how women politicians?
may be discouraged
Corry noted that Tanner ’88 not only mocked political campaigns but also?
News media coverage of political candidates
While they hold different views on the role of government, Tyron notes Park and recreation
characters always come together to help each other and the community; this is a commentary
on America’s?
Political culture
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West Wing showed importantly not only show how political processes work, but also how in
the short-term, politicians engage in?
Political decision-making
Political dramas often show government activities, passing laws, etc., are often sacrificed due
to political spectacle (image) and?
Tyron asserts the Good Wife was one of the first political dramas to look effectively at the
relationship between?
law and technology
Tryon argues that West Wing had a pedagogical impact on Americans because it showed
How their government works
Political dramas often deal with question about competing values and beliefs, which
Williams refers to as?
Moral legibility
Tyron notes that shows like Scandal show how political operative operate?
without a moral compass
Scandal shows how, regardless of their actions good or bad, Washington elites preserve and
consolidate their?
political power
Political dramas fall into two categories: national security and?
Political process
Tyron argues that unlike Scandal, the West Wing seeks to counter political?
In Scandal, Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
public relations
The good wife is based on the life of a politicians?
An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the deep state narrative is that the real
power in Washington is not in the hands of elected officials but?
a secret government agency
The west wing focused on the senior staff of the White House, which is mainly responsible
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Political decision-making
Tyron notes that West Wing significantly showed how the White House managed the threat
from and benefit of the?
Political media
Interestingly, the west wing showed that political elections were becoming fights less over
economy and politics but over _____ issues?
Who sits in the main office of the west wing?
Which national security political drama focused on Russian counter-spies?
the americans
Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tyron, for misunderstanding that
counter-terrorism gains beneficial information from?
As a departure from national security political dramas, Homeland also examines?
private/personal problems of spies
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
Tyron notes national security political dramas focus on the politics of?
counter terrorism
The Americans looks at counter-spying efforts of a family of?
The Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
counter- terrorism
The key event that has spurred or framed national security political dramas was?
Tryon notes some suggest that show 24 played a role in?
preparing voters to elect obama
Homeland focuses on the activities of agents of the?
National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around?
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Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tyron, for the increased
acceptability of?
Some national security political dramas are focused on a single episode issue and are called
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of the focus in 24 has been?
middle east
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
The Americans as a national security political drama seeks to show the complexity of life
caught between two different?
political ideologies
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
According to Tasker, crime dramas draw on the following strategies except?
Legal complexities of victims’ lawsuits
Historical intratextuality of criminal behaviour
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focused on?
Political violence linked to Islam
Which is NOT a narrative or thematic element of terror tv?
Personal bravery in dangerous situations
Technology has made it easier to organize terrorist acts
Tasker notes that many homeland security crime dramas are drawing on US political
Suspicion of authority
What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between political violence,
homeland security, and official attempts to tackle them?
Terror TV
Tasker draws on Lee’s analysis of postmodern psychic tension in crime dramas in which
viewers are reassured that?
Trauma of political violence is witnessed and managed
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Tasker is concerned that the nexus between crime dramas and homeland security are
legitimating or normalizing?
No access to lawyer
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focused on?
Arab Nationals living in the US
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
Quinn asserts Law and order purposely takes on issues which are?
Highly politicized OR nationally divisive
Quinn notes Law and Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
The justice system policing those who are its agents but violate the system’s rules
Characters representing different and opposing views on crimes
Quinn asserts Law and Order purposely takes on which are raise issues of?
Quinn notes Law and Order takes national issues and crimes and re-writes them for portrayal
in the criminal justice system of?
new york
Quinn notes that Law and Order added women and minorities in order to?
Avoid cancellation by NBC
According to Tasker, in crime dramas, the themes of political violence and homeland security
become “married” since the events of?
In 1980, what was Ronald Reagan’s political campaign slogan?
Restoring Americans greatness
The first televised debate in 1960 was between?
Kennedy and Nixon
When voters view a debate they are more likely to become
Supportive of political institutions
Political news on cable networks develops and profits from brand loyalty by?
Encouraging participation in particular political parties
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According to Arceneaux and Johnson, the increased polarization of American politics is an
implication of?
Niche ews
According to Tyron, one of the principles most often associated with a functioning
democracy is?
Free and independent media
Political news was initially protected, but now it is increasingly affected by?
Fake news shows
During the 2016 American Presidential election, tryon claims political news focused on
As political news channels…. Jamieson and capella call this place an?
Safe haven
According to Tyron, there are 3 aspects of higher-moderning belief in political news; which
is NOT one of them?
Accuracy in reporting
Baym notes that political news is becoming like reality TV because it focuses on?
Baym notes that politican news is increasingly focused on building audiences by generating?
In their earlier days, political shows were?
Political sponsors and advertisers opposition
Which is NOT one of the key new broadcasters Tyron discusses?
CBC Newsworld
The authors suggest viewers react positively… political talk show that included showing?
Video clips
According to Vorderer, knowledge gain from political TV is enhanced by?
Being entertained, therein interested and attentive to facts, etc.
According to Fahr, while watching political talk shows, viewers were entertained by?
Their favoured guest taking part in the discussion
Morris and Naugmgartner notes that viewers viewed election candidates more negatively as
the effect of watching?
The daily show
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Tyron notes the daily show become increasingly political after John Stewart took over, and
this was most evident with its coverage of?
Indecision 2000
Interestingly, Tyron notes that, as compared to the daily show and Colbert report, viewers are
Tyron asserts that comedy central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Blogs/social media
By speaking to politicians, university professors and university students, Rick mercer is…?
Tinic argues satire involves all of the following except?
Opportunity for rebuttal
Part of the “Frame” mercer…
Quinn notes that Law and Order is effective in generating political controversy through its
Ripped from the headlines
Greene asserts that the sampans, family guy, etc. political satire, in the final instance, do not
challenge but reinforce Fox’s?
ideological leanings
Greene suggest the Simpsons satirizes the American dream by showing homer Simpson can
be successful in spite of being?
Slothful, stupid American worker
Greene argues that the Simpsons’ vacation episodes don’t challenge American stereotypes
but reinforce?
american ethnocentrism
Greene contrasts the Simpsons to all of the following EXCEPT?
wait til your father get home
Marc argues the Simpson’s political satire suggests American lower-classes are?
Xenophobic and jinogistic
The Simpsons is which type of show?
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Greene notes those who praise the Simpsons consider it genre-redefining because of its social
commentary and many?
Cultural references
Greene notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
Greene suggests that the Simpsons as a family are used to satirize the life and experiences of?
middle and working classes
Greene notes those who praise the Simpsons consider it genre-redefining because of its many
cultural references and?
Social commentary
Greene notes Homer Simpson’s life and success may challenge the assumptions of limited
intelligence and lack of motivation of?
Working class
Greene notes that Fox’s foray into critical and debased social commentary started with their
married with children
Working from Greene, the anti-intellectual streak in the Simpsons may be evident in their
criticism and mocking of which character?
Lisa Simpson
Greene does not see the simpsons as only satirizing current American society, but also
defending it by having all of the following stereotypes EXCEPT?
Angry and stressed boss
Curtis and Erion suggest South Park creators Parker and Stone would agree with Popper that?
totalitarianism tendencies are a threat to democracy
South park is a?
Political cartoon
Curtis and Erion analyze South Park using ideas and concepts from?
Curtis and Erion note that Newcomb’s claim that South Park “it properly offends everybody
by design and by doing so it reminds us all that it’s probably a good idea to be tolerant”,
reflects Popper’s idea that democratic politics may require upholding the?
idealism of tolerance and free speech
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Arguably, along Popperian lines, Curtis and Erion see South park as going after the extreme
left-wing and extreme right-wing political and social views and proponents, which and who
can as become?
enemies to open society
Curtis and Erion note that south park particularly chooses to?
Regularly mock Hollywood celebrities
Ridicule religion, especially religious extremists
While filled with juvenile humour, offensive vulgarity, and inane cartoon-style, Rushkoff
would suggest south park provides?
sophisticated and social criticism
South park’s strategy to challenge the political views of extremists is to?
provide a platform for fanatics to rationally present their positions
Curtis and Erion analyzed South park using ideas and concepts from?
Arguably, Curtis and Erion see south park as necessary or part of making society successful,
along Popperian lines, by?
Providing uninhibited criticism to solve social problems
What is Cartman’s famous phrase related to showing and mocking totalitarian or fascistic
Respect my authorita!
Interestingly, Curtis and Erion note that south park presents ‘extremist’ views, even if only
caricatured, in order to understand and?
critique and ridicule their claims
According to Costello ad Worcester, superheroes are used as icons for nationalism,
patriotism, and ethnicity; this has the political impact of creating?
Divisions of ingroups and outgroups
According to Costello and Worcester, the key character that introduced the modern genre of
superheroes is?
According to Costello and Worcester, gay marriage, Vietnam war, etc. show that superheroes
are used to?
express political opinions and clashing viewpoints
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes provide a way to question all of the
following except?
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According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes challenge the boundary between?
Lawlessness and the Law
According to Costello and Worcester, during the Cold war, the connection between American
politics and concerns about superheroes’ political role led publishers themselves respond
According to Costello and Worcester note readers and viewers of superheroes’ storied appear
to politically lean toward which political configuration of American states?
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes connect the political relationship between
ideology, power, and?
political culture
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes deal with debates about life under?
Costello and Worcester note while lots of books are written to analyze superheroes and
politics, but this has not been picked up in analysis by?
political scientists
According to Costello and Worcester, readers and viewers of superheroes’ stories appear to
politically lean?
Williams asserts that post-cold war America’s concerns about power, burden and isolation
were reflected in the?
Justice league
According to Williams, the golden age of comics was?
world war 2
According to Williams, the golden age of comics ended after?
World war 2
Williams points out Bongco noted which American body affected and patrolled how
superheroes were portrayed and their storylines?
comics code authority
According to Williams, superhero narratives reflect?
political values
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Williams notes Wertham’s critique of the powerful superhero, who fought alongside
American forces without question and used their superpowers to help the good fight evil,.
Was mobilized to see superheroes and supporting?
According to Williams, superheroes’ motivations to do good, seek justice, etc., used to be
linked to a shared motivation of?
Concerning superfriends, Williams asserts the Legion of Doom represents?
A despotic community regime
Concerning the superfriends, Williams asserts which group was to represent a despotic
communist regime?
Legion of doom
According to Williams, superheroes reinforced the false belief there were not racial, gender
or economic divisions post WW2; this is captured in the?
authoritarian personality
Williams asserts that the Justice league shows self-doubt of superheroes which reflect the
burden and isolation felt by?
Williams’ study of superheroes connects superheroes to American values in?
foreign policy
Since the 1980s, Political News is less characterized by presenting the facts, but instead on
Character driven-narratives
Which is one of the key characteristics of post-network Political News tryon identifies?
Niche news channels
As a new medium, American regulators were corned that TV
Serve the public interest
The rick mercer report uses this show segment to critique politics and hypocritical or
outrageous actions of the powerful
The rant
Part of the frame from which many mercer’s political satire is that he is from the
marginalized province if?
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drawing on Marcuse, Greene raises the concern that the simpsons is no longer oppositional n
its satire but has
an interesting aspect of house of cards is that it shows frank underwood as cunning in his
ability to
work around the government system to get stuff done
tyron notes that during political campaigns, Saturday night live uses …….
cold open
Tinic considers the political and cultural implications of Rick Mercer’s the Mercer Report
Talking to Americans
Tyron argues Citizens United ruling in 2010 led to more political actors engaging in, and
more financial resources being put into, what?
political advertising
In saturday night live. the weekend update segment satirize politics through?
Fake news (someone check)
alpha house is a show about which aspect of politics?
elected congressional politicians
the first serialized political drama on American television was?
west wing
Gray contrasts political texts and TV as operating as “critical intertextuality” and?
supportive intertextuality
According to tyron, one notable example of the impact of political TV over yhr last decade
has been the number of Americans who regularly get their news from?
political satirists, like Jon Stewart
political news was initially protected , but now it increasingly affected by
business - related concerns (check this)
Tyron notes in the african american shooting protest coverage by political news, an important
development was the protests?
confronted the media about their news stories (check)
Quinn notes Law and Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
characters representing different and opposing views on crimes (check)
Tyron suggests SNL sarah palin and hillary clinton serve to
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critique news media’s lack of/laziness to get involved in critical questions of candidates
Tinic notes that rick mercers fake news show chaneled Canadians outage and frustration with
their politician with a direct convo with camera
the rant
Tyron argues that a significant episode of scandal raised important ethical issues about?
violence by police against african americans
tyron notes that political TV concerned with issues of terroism, drugs, military, etc. is
national security
Tyron notes that Sarah Palin’s political image in the 2008 election was “damaged” by SNL,
so to save her image she had to?
appear on the show
Greene assets that the simpsons, family guy etc. political satire in the first instance, do not
challenge but reinforce fox’s?
ideological leaning
In SNL, the weekend update segment seeks to satirize politics through?
fake news
The first serialized political drama on American television was because of?
Rick Santelli’s comments on MSNBC becoming a viral video
Tyron suggests that SNL Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton portrayals serve to?
critique political campaigns’ use of pandering to women voters
Gray contrasts political texts and TV as operating as “critical intertextuality and?
supportive intertextuality
According to Tyron, one notable example off the impact of political TV over the last decade has
been the number of Americans regularly get the news from?
political satirists, like Jon Stewart
Mattheisz et al. note that watching political talk shows may be seen as a waste of time by those
who are expecting?
entertainment will be secondary to factual analysis
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Tyron discusses the example of Sinclair Broadcast group because it shows how companies?
may influence political views through targeted programming
Tyron notes in the African-American shootings protest coverage by Political News, an important
development was that protestors?
confronted the media about their news stories
challenged media representations of the protests and policing
Tyron argues that a specific episode in scandal raised important moral and ethical issues about?
violence by police against African-American males
Tyron notes that political TV concerned with issues of terrorism, drugs, military, etc. is
melodrama of?
national security
Tyron notes that Sarah Palin’s political image in the 2008 election was damaged by SNL…
appear on the show
What has changed the most about the news?
there are many different channels
Reynolds argues that American superheroes may represent the political aspiration of?
It is suggested that the two types of political process drama are?
idealized and cynical
many political dramas with women are considered to be based on the example or life of?
Hillary Clinton
political news was initially protected, but now it must be more careful of?
business/advertiser concerns
Tyron suggests that national security political dramas’ relevance is noted emphatically by 24
being reference by:
judges, politicians, and political news in national security discussions
Williams asserts that post-cold war America’s concerns about power, burden and isolation were
reflected in the?
justice league
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Curtis and Erion note that Newcomb’s claim that South Park “it properly offends…”
paradox of tolerance
A key aim or role of the Daily Show is to?
pull apart political rhetoric like spin-doctoring or public relations
Both Veep and parks & Recreation are political mockumentaries centred on?
women who lead or work in government ***
Hall suggests that political and corporate leaders set the agenda for news, etc., and other actors
have to respond to their narratives; thus, his term is?
primary definers
Larry Wilmore’s the nightly show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
police violence **
Tasker is concerned that the nexus between crime dramas and homeland security are legitimizng
or normalizing?
Hanks asserts that homeland security crime dramas often resolve by removing politics as the
motive and replacing it with?
greed **
In relation to current events, National security political dramas reflect and depict all except?
legal adjudication of drone-strike war crimes *
House of cards, according to Tyron, shows that politicians?
manipulate politics for personal gain and power
Scandal shows how, regardless of their actions good or bad, Washington elites preserve and
consolidate their?
political power
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
media image
Homeland provides insights into the politics around?
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An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the ‘deep state’ narrative, is that the real power
in washington is not in the hands of the elected officials but?
a secret government agency
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
SNL pioneered the fake news case with Chevy Chase in 1975, in a segment called?
Weekend Update
According to Jones, of late, popular media outlet have realized that political content?
can be its hottest commodity
Tinic considers the political and cultural implicatons of Rick Mercer’s talking to americans and?
The Mercer Report
William asserts that the Justices league shows self-doubt of superheroes which reflect the burden
and isolation felt by
Real Time w/ Bill Maher was discussed as an important surprise of what Jones has called the use
Common Sense vernacular
Part of the ‘frame’ which may explain Mercer’s political satire is that he is from the marginalized
prince of Newfoundland
Tyron notes that West Wing sig showed how the White House managed ‘threat’ and ‘benefit of’
Political Media
Simpson’s human and jabs in political & social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived as
In the show Veep, Tyron nots that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for
The concept of intertextuality pertaining to political TV
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Texts and show are talking or referencing each other
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus In 24 has been
Middle East
Viral politics is a form of
Online political advertising
Levendysky notes that political new is mostly consumed by
Partisan political voters
Qunn notes that Law & Order added women and minorities in order to
Avoid cancellation by NBC
Jamieson and Cappella claim that news for views is increasingly presented as
Safe havens for those w/ similar views
Political adverting seeks to do all of these EXCEPT
Discourage voters from being informed before voting
The main goal of Stephen Colbert’s segment ’The word’ led to which word which ended up in
the Oxford dictionary
Greene notes intellectualism & social criticism are aspects of which Simpson’s character
Viewing of political debates are likely to affect the presence or voices of
Weekly committed and undecided voters
Pre Trump, Tyron notes Tina Fey’s exaggerated diagnose on SNL was sometimes mistaken…
Sarah Palin
According to Baym, we should consider political news, talk shows, dramas etc as
Tyron notes that 24 was having an effect on
Politicians understanding of national security issues
Tasker draws on lee’s analysis of ‘postmodern pyshic tension’ in crime dramas which view re
reassured that
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Trauma of political violence is witnessed and managed
Not a key character to voice political critique in South Park
Tyron suggests internally is used in political tv in order to
Encourage the public to understand the political messaging of politicians
The Daily Show, Colbert Report and mercer report are examples of
Political fake new satire
To decide which info and stories to tell the public, political news often relies on Hall et al’s
primary defines
Political and corporate leaders who can define the parameters of a topic…
Main goal of Colbert’s segment ‘ the word’ is to
Provide the hidden subtext behind political issues
Tryon notes that fake news is
More trusted than regular news
The Political drama Blackstone looks at politics
As a simple solution to historical injustices toward indigenous peoples
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as
While SNL has faced in share of controversy …. Kerry Washitnon …
Lack of African-American in the cast of SNL
According to Gray, supportive intertextuality?
a. Encourages a critical approach to political messaging in television shows and news
b. Determines how truthful messaging in television about politics has to be in order to not
be fake news
c. Attacks or subverts the meaning or power of a particular show or presentation
d. Suggests advertisements, interviews, trailers, etc. serve to promote or support political
TV shows
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To decide which information and stories to tell the public, political news often relies on Stuart
Hall et al’s “primary definers” who are
a. Socially defined groups whose role in society is to encourage a focus on the most
important political and social issues
b. Influencers of political, social and economic issues and priority for the political
community in which they are dominant voices
c. Political and corporate leaders who can define the parameters of a topic and set the
agenda for what topics are worthy of attention
d. Trend-setters who determine which news is worthy of being discussed and debated, but
also prevent more controversial stories from making the news
In Lotz’s ‘network era’ voters get their political information from
a. Steaming networks
b. News networks
c. Friend networks
d. Social media networks
In Political tv, suspense, moral legibility, space of innocence and realism are four components of
William’s framework for analyzing?
a. Dramatic intertextuality
b. Serialized drama
c. Political parody
d. Melodrama
Which is not part of Scheuer’s ‘sound bite society’ framework for analyzing political TV?
a. Dog-whistling and virtue-signalling
b. Appeals to narrow moral-political impulses
c. Blunt emotional messages
d. Filtering out complex ideas
According to Ellis, political TV in the form of drama, for example, serves the function of?
a. Raising viewers’ expectations that politicians can solve all political issues
b. Distracting from viewers from their own lives to see how much worse off everyone on
TV is going
c. Encourages viewers to consider ways to think through current political and social issues
d. Informing viewers as to the right way to think about political issues and problems
Tryon points out that this 2010 Supreme Court case changed the laws to remove limits on
political spending by non-profit and for-profit corporations?
a. Citizen’s united vs federal election committee
b. Political lobbyists of America vs national voter protection agency
c. Corporations vs the US government
d. American civil liberties union (ACLU) vs federal election regulation agency (FERA)
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Tryon suggests that advertisements, interviews, trailers, etc. serve to promote or support Political
TV shows, and so would be categorized as Grey’s?
a. Supportive intertextuality
b. Critical intertextuality
c. Promotional intertextuality
d. Peripheral intertextuality
In the USA, Tryon notes that the Federal Communication Commission has a responsibility to
ensure network TV broadcasting?
a. All of the answer choices are correct
b. Provides a diversity of viewpoints
c. Serves the public interest
d. Provides content that serves local needs
Which of these is NOT part of the description of political news’ “primary definers”?
a. Set the agenda for what topics are worthy of attention
b. Determine how those topics should be covered
c. Vet the content of topics discussed
d. Political and corporate leaders
e. Define the parameters of a topic
According to Tryon, Political TV dramas that “engage with the moral and ethical questions that
emerge for individuals or groups who are tasked with protecting the nation’s citizens from attack,
in most cases by external threats” are melodramas of?
a. National security
b. Defence security
c. Safety security
d. Ethical security
Although political parody serves as a mirror and critique of politics, shows like the Daily Show,
Saturday Night Live of Veep, are highly profitable and generate millions, and so are caught in
what Gray calls?
a. Profitability-framed critique
b. Ratings dilemmas
c. Capitalist rationalization
d. Economic complicity
A key argument Baym and Tryon are asserting is that?
a. Political parody is mistaken for news programming
b. New and entertainment programming are not separable
c. Programs referencing politics are shallow and irrelevant
d. Political TV is an oxymoron
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According to Tryon, Political TV “dramas that depict aspects of political governance: the
business of passing legislation, holding elections, conducting trials, or otherwise managing the
affairs of running a government” are melodramas of?
a. Intertextual realist process
b. Semantic process
c. Legislative and administrative process
d. Political process
According to Jones, of late, popular media outlets have realized that political content?
a. Is disliked by audiences who prefer music videos
b. Can be its hottest commodity
c. Upsets people
d. Encourages low information voters
In Lotz’s post-network era, currently, people gain their political news and knowledge from a
variety of sources, so we see?
a. News fragmented so it does not encourage a common, shared understanding of events,
b. Voters feeling they cannot affect or change politics, so they don’t get involved
c. People believing fake news about what is happening and challenging governments to
provide the truth
d. The major networks being bought by Facebook, Netflix and Amazon
In terms of getting their political information from TV, which is NOT one of Lotz’s 3 eras”
a. Post-network era
b. Steaming era
c. Multichannel transition
d. Network era
Understanding political news, talk shows, dramas, etc. as a genre is important because genres?
a. Affect what forms of new shows are streamed in online formats
b. Permit classification of political news into informed and uninformed
c. Guide how we evaluate and understand programming
d. Make it sound classier than saying Political TV is a category
Tryon suggests that political TV which attacks or subverts the meaning of power of a particular
show or presentation would be categorized as Gray’s?
a. Critical intertextuality
b. Peripheral intertextuality
c. Supportive intertextuality
d. Promotional intertextuality
According to Jones, the impact of media on our political system is that we participate in politics
through perceptions shaped by media’ thus, he says our relationship is one of?
a. TV-centred political participation
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b. Social media enfranchisement
c. Mediated citizenship
d. Cynical engagement
Applying Tryon’s ideas, Scandal, West Wing, Designated Survivor or Madam Secretary are
examples of melodramas of?
a. Legislative and administrative process
b. Semantic process
c. Intertextual realist process
d. Political process
Arguably, which type of political programming does NOT seek to hold political media and
politicians accountable?
a. Satire
b. News
c. National security
d. Parody
Which is NOT one of Gray’s main functions of political parody?
a. Pollute political TV shows’ meaning construction processes
b. Put political TV shows into different context
c. Encourage viewers to watch favoured political TV shows
d. Critique authoritative political TV shows
Which type of political programming holds political media and politicians accountable according
to Tryon?
a. Satire
b. Advertising
c. Melodrama
d. Parody
According to Scheuer, political messaging in TV has become simplified and reduces complex
ideas to blunt emotional messages targeting individuals and their narrow moral-political
impulses; Scheuer calls this?
a. Emotive fake news
b. Narrow messaging
c. Sound bite society
d. Echo chambering
Tryon discusses the example of Sinclair Broadcast group because it shows how companies?
a. Have failed to have a political role in elections and voting
b. Want to get out of owning TV stations and use the internet fot political impact
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c. May influence political views through targeted programming
d. Are trying to bring more political TV shows to rural areas
In 2010, Tryon notes that the US Supreme court’s ruling in the case of Citizen’s United vs
Federal Election Commission resulted in the end of?
a. Television for public education
b. Increasing number of Politicotainment programming
c. Limits on political spending by non-profit and for-profit corporations
d. Maximum political spending by politicians on political campaigns and advertising
Which of these is Tryon’s term for “the role of politicians and the media to construct idealized
images of democratic engagement and national identity?”
a. Political enfranchisement
b. Political spectacle
d. Political culture
Drawing on Mittel, Tryon argues we should recognize the different genres of Political TV so
that our analysis of Political TV can deal with?
a. Questions about political participation and citizenship
b. Ranking the best shows for their ability to inform political knowledge
c. Politicians picking pathetic policies
d. Big sister watching us, while we watch big brother
Tryon notes that while more channels are available to connect people with political issues, etc.,
he notes that the ‘expansion of choices’ may not have democratized TV because of?
a. Concentration of ownership to a handful of companies
b. Dumbing down TV so adults can understand what is going on
c. Many channels repeat the same shows
d. All political shows are re-makes of shows from the 1980s and 1990s
In terms of getting their political information from TV, which is NOT one of Lotz’s 3 eras?
a. Post-network era
b. Streaming era
c. Multichannel transition
d. Network era
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Quiz 3
Tryon notes a key reason the tea party became popular was because of?
a. Three billboards outside of ebbing Missouri
b. Its clear and popular plan for fixing America
c. Rick Santelli’s comments on MSNBC becoming a viral video
d. Everyone loves tea, but not taxes
Controversial political ads can get more exposure for their candidate through the textual
complicity of?
a. News broadcasters and analysts
b. Political elites
c. Facebook shares and reposts
d. Political drama producers
Tryon notes on-line videos are?
a. An older form of political advertising that is making a come-back
b. Not useful as political advertising
c. Entertainment advertising with little or no use for political messaging
d. Possibly more effective form of political advertising
Unlike political campaigns, political advertising by non-campaign political groups to tarnish and
ruin a candidates reputation is possible because these groups are?
a. Truthful
b. Big
c. Rich
d. Unaccountable
According to Tryon, political advertising allows politicians and other political actors to?
a. Support their favourite sports teams
b. Inform voters about the different sides of political issues
c. Create a favourable story or image about themselves
d. Apologize in advance for breaking their promises and scandals
What is the family name of the two brothers who are major political donors, and discussed by
a. Bezos
b. Trump
c. Koch
d. Gates
According to Tryon, to create a favourable story or image about themselves, politicians can best
do this by?
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Political advertising
Political satire
Political interviews
Singing despacito
Tryon argues that in the USA, the most significant court case affecting political advertising was?
a. Brown vs. Board of education
b. Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission
c. General Electric vs. Federal Broadcast Commission
d. Citizen PAC vs. National Broadcast Commission
Trump used this type of political advertising to get ‘free time’?
a. Explanatory ads
b. Controversial ads
c. Positive ads
d. Viral ads
Political advertising, drawing on Waldman, will help a candidate succeed if they?
a. Tell an appealing and coherent story
b. Buy more air-time than anyone else
c. Use negative advertising rarely or never
d. Are better-looking than their opponent
Tryon notes a newer and possibly more effective new form of political advertising is?
a. Political interviews
b. Political podcast
c. Online videos
d. Tweeting and Facebook posting
Tryon notes a new form of political advertising making an impact is?
a. Podcasts
b. Classroom lectures
c. Recycled memes, bye felicia
d. Online videos
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Quiz 4
Since when have US Presidential debates been a regular event during US election?
a. 1986
b. 1976
c. 1961
d. 1796
McKinney et. Al. article is relevant to political TV analysis because?
a. No one watches political debates
b. No one is studying political debates
c. Political debates are boring, so reading about them is too
d. Political debates do have an impact on elections
When voters view a political debate they are more likely to become?
a. Supportive of political institutions
b. Increasingly cynical about politics
c. Trolls on Facebook and twitter
d. Discouraged from participating in politics
Political debates lead to voters having a better sense of all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Candidates image
b. Taxation and interest-rate policies
c. Understanding of the issues
d. Candidates character
The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
a. Enjoying viral dog videos on facebook
b. Engaging with one’s social network online
c. Drinking tea or beer in a bar with your friends
d. Fact-checking all the political debaters claims and ideas
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is surprising that candidates?
a. Enjoy being yelled at by the audience
b. Discuss campaign issues more than the other candidate’s character
c. Spend more time on wardrobe and make up than on knowing policies
d. Defend their political actions more than attack their opponent
The *not question that looks the same as this was the opposite of the answer for this
- Discuss character more than issues
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Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a Presidential Debate, McKinney and
Spialek assert debates are important because?
a. Politicians come up with the best insults in debates
b. Debates encourage a better, well-informed voter who will then vote for the most qualified
c. Voters get to challenge candidates to explain and defend their policies and ideas in the
d. They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
Approximately how many Americans are said to watch a US Presidential Debate?
a. 35-40 million
b. 255-300 million
c. 70-80 million
d. 50-60 million
The Clinton-Trump debate had how many viewers?
a. 200 million
b. 76 million
c. 24 million
d. 84 million
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Quiz 5
Since its start, Tryon and others note political news has become tainted by it becoming less
news-focused and more
a. Infotainment
b. Talk-show like
c. Self-critical
d. Technologically sophisticated
As a news medium, American regulators were concerned that TV
a. Would encourage political participation
b. Be profitable so public-subsidized TV would not be needed
c. Would be rendered an ‘idiot box’ by reality tv
d. Serve the public interest
During the 2016 American presidential election, Tryon notes trump used political news to
a. Discuss important economic policies
b. Encourage young people to get out the vote, like Obama did
c. Bolster his claim he was a political outsider
d. Sell Trump brand products
In the 1980s, political news became a form of branded
a. Intertextuality
b. Polititainment
c. Infotainment
d. Advertisement
During elections, Bennett notes that political news creates candidate challenges, akin to shows
like survivor, which do all of the things except
a. Focus on candidate personalities
b. Pursue superficial storylines
c. Analyze candidate policy positions
d. Obscure policy discussion
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Since its start, Tryon and others note Political News has become tainted by it becoming newsfocused and more?
a. Infotainment
b. Talk show-like
c. Self-critical
d. Technologically sophisticated
Prior noted that those who watched hard news over entertainment-oriented news were?
a. Low-information voters
b. Better informed about politics
c. More likely to fall for fake news
d. Depressed about the horrible state of the world
Mattheisz et. Al. suggest “infotainment” is?
a. “wasting your time watching TV and thinking you’ll learn something”
b. “programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between news, or
informational, and entertaining media content and modes of presentation”
c. “programming which seeks to ensure that viewers are provided in-depth
investigate journalism news stories, but presented with infographics, dramatic reenactments, and language that is accessible to low-information voters”
d. “programs which are enjoyable, but convey no information or knowledge”
According to Schultz, there is a debate as to whether Political Talk Shows are ‘shallow
entertainment’ or?
a. Deep-level entertainment
b. Democratic deliberation opportunities
c. Respectable political programs
d. In-depth journalism
Mattheisz et. al. suggest Political Talk Shows that are heightening awareness of political issues,
and increasing viewers’?
a. Political understanding
b. Political knowledge
c. Political education
d. Political engagement
Mattheisz et. Al.’s study, 3 out of every 4 participants was?
a. Lower-middle class
b. German
c. Male
d. Female
Baym notes that Political News is becoming like Reality TV due to its growing focus on?
a. Realistic politics
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b. Increasing viewers
c. Scandal
d. Advertisements
Tryon notes in the African-American shootings’ protest coverage by Political News, an important
development was that protestors?
a. Agreed with police who said there is no institutional racism
b. Did not do any looting
c. Chose not to protest peacefully
d. Challenged media representatives of the protests and policing
With the shootings of African-Americans, concerns about police brutality, and critiques of
systematic racism, Political News had space to?
a. Examine why fascism was a political force
b. Avoid using the term ‘police brutality’
c. Challenge narratives about policing practices and racism
d. Detail stories of African-American heroes and their achievements
Which is one of the key characteristics of post-network Political News Tryon identifies?
a. Non-partisan news presentation
b. Fact checked news
c. Niche news channels
d. Fair and balanced news
Jones notes that Political News is using their framing of the political as a form of?
a. Objective journalism
b. Brand identification
c. Contested politics
d. Party identification
Mattheisz et. Al. examine the German experience of viewers who watch?
a. Fake news
b. Political satire
c. Political talk shows
d. Investigate journalism
According to Vorderer, knowledge gain from Political TV is enhanced by?
a. Watching TV news shows instead of Political Talk Shows
b. Being entertained therein interested and attentive to facts, etc.
c. Turning off the TV and reading a book
d. Being careful to watch nightly news and investigate journalism shows exclusively
Mettheisz et. Al. note that watching Political Talk Shows may be seen as a waste of time by those
who are expecting?
a. Entertainment will to be secondary to factual analysis
b. To gain knowledge
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c. To hear from well-informed academics
d. To stay awake while watching TV
According to Fahr, while watching Political Talk Shows, viewers were entertained by:
a. Violent outbursts when guests threw furniture at each other
b. Long monologues from the host
c. Funny comments from the hosts and guests
d. Commercials and their political messaging
Mettheisz et. Al. use which Political Talk Show to measure and understand viewer response?
a. The Beaverton
b. Anne will
c. John Oliver
d. Oprah
Tryon extensively discusses the impact of political news coverage of the shootings of AfricanAmericans as propelling and solidifying the role of?
a. White nationalists
b. Black panthers
c. Congressional black caucus
d. Black lives matter
Which is NOT one of the key roles of political media?
a. Dissuading political activism
b. Shaping storylines
c. Defining stakes in a political debate
d. Determining relevant issues
During elections, Bennett notes that Political News creates ‘candidate challenges’, akin to shows
like Survivor, which do all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Analyze candidate policy positions
b. Focus on candidate personalities
c. Pursue superficial storylines
d. Obscure policy discussion
Tryon notes that beyond the branding of the political news, it is also leading to the shaping of?
a. Political partisanship
b. Consumer citizenship
c. Normalized disassociation
d. Network identities
As an example of political news changes, when 60 minutes “killed” a story about CEO’s lying in
court, the CEO’s were from which industry?
a. Cigarettes
b. Children’s toys
c. Adults boys
d. Guns and ammunition
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According to Schultz, there is debate as to whether political talk shows are ‘respectable political
programs’ or?
a. Low-budget fake reality-TV
b. Important information sources for voters
c. Shallow entertainment
d. Divisive in democratic discussions
Mattheisz et. Al. suggest that “programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between
news, or informational, and entertaining media content and modes of presentation” are a form
a. Informational conveyers
b. Political talk show
c. Audience-focussed analysis
d. Infotainment
According to Schultz, there is debate as to whether Political Talk Shows are ‘shallow
entertainment’ or?
a. Deep-level entertainment
b. In-depth journalism
c. Democratic deliberation opportunities
d. Respectable political programs
Mattheisz et. Al. focus on analysis about political talk shows in?
a. Canada
b. Germany
c. Denmark
d. USA
Mattheisz et. Al. suggest viewers reacted positively, and were more likely to be engaged with,
political talk shows that included showing?
a. Video clips
b. Politicians and celebrities
c. Pantomimes
d. Montages of violent guests
In their earlier days, Political News shows were?
a. Required to avoid weighing in on political conflicts
b. No better than modern day fake news
c. Not required to generate a profit through advertising sale
d. Part of the entertainment division of networks
According to Fahr, while watching political talk shows, viewers were entertained by:
a. Political messaging focused on repeated talking points
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b. Funny animals pretending to be guests who were discussing political issues
c. Swearing
d. Their favoured guests taking part in the discussion
Stroud argues partisan political news can be beneficial because?
a. Politics is increasingly unified
b. Motivation for active political participation is increased
c. Alternative facts have to be created by someone
d. Greater awareness of past political issues is unimportant
The collapse of political news into a form of infotainment begins in the?
a. 1990’s
b. 1980’s
c. 2000’s
d. 1970’s
Since the 1980’s, political news is less characterized by presenting the facts, but instead on
a. Sales marketing to viewers products
b. Character driven-narratives
c. Personalities of newscasters
d. Partisan presenting of events and facts
Political news on cable networks develops and profits from brand loyalty by?
a. Selling trips to the network headquarters ‘behind the scenes’
b. Giving free tickets to shows like Fallon and Kimmell
c. Encouraging participating in particular political parties
d. Promoting branded consumer products
Political news is providing a branded experience, such that Ouellette suggests we see the rise of
practices of?
a. Political partisanship
b. Gullible voters
c. Consumer citizenship
d. Information overload
In their earlier days, political shows were?
a. Funnier and self-deprecating
b. Protected from sponsors and advertisers opposition
c. Done without reporters in the field filming video
d. Anchored mostly by women
Since its start, Tryon and others note political news has become tainted by it becoming less news
focused and more?
a. Technologically sophisticated
b. Talk show-like
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c. Self-critical
d. Infotainment
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Quiz 7 and 8
What political event resulted in Mercer humbly removing himself from an award nomination for
Talking to Americans?
a. Shooting of Ronald reagan
b. Oaklahoma bombing
c. 911
d. Iraq war
Tinic notes Talking to Americans exposes and shows the shallowness of America’s?
a. elites
b. capitalists
c. political staffers
d. working-class
Tinic argues the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
a. comedy
b. marketing
c. politics
d. news
Real time with Bill Maher was modelled as comedic version of a?
a. self-aggrandizement
b. news magazine
c. news broadcast
d. political podcast
Interestingly, Tryon notes that the Daily Show’s and the Colbert Report’s average viewers are in
a. 40s
b. 20s
c. 30s
d. 50s
Arguably, Tinic sees political satire as?
a. Critique of those who are marginalized
b. Opportunity for humiliation
c. Tactic of resistance
d. Symptom of anger and frustration against politicians
In analyzing Mercer’s Canadian take on political issues between Canadians and Americans, Tinic
notes Mercer had initially to react to the events of?
a. 9/11
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b. Canada day
c. Thanksgiving
d. New years 2001
The Rick Mercer Report uses this show segment to critique politics and hypocritical or
outrageous actions of the powerful directly?
a. Editorial page
b. The rant
c. Weekly outrage
d. The streeter
The attempt to incorporate Rick Mercer into the American TV world could be noted in all of the
following EXCEPT?
a. Nightline invited Mercer to be a panelist
b. Mercer was interviewed by major American news organizations, such as the New
York Times
c. ABC offered to run Mercer’s Talking to Americans on prime-time TV
d. The Weakest Link wanted Mercer as the host
Tinic argues the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following EXCEPT?
a. entertainment
b. politics
c. drama
d. news
Interestingly, Tryin notes that The Daily Show’s and the Colbert Report’s fake news have been
especially successful in attracting?
a. Elderly and senior people
b. Young people
c. Canadians
d. Middle-aged families
Jon Stewart is considered a ‘high priest’ of fake news from his early years critiquing the US
administration of?
a. Obama
b. Clinton
c. Trump
d. Bush
Besides satirizing politics, the Daily Show regularly and uniquely used?
a. Investigative analysis
b. Political parody
c. Political cartoons
d. Political analysis
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Tryon notes most fake news largely makes fun by challenging the narrative and style of?
a. Political podcasts
b. Cable News
c. Print Journalism
d. Late night celebrity talks shows
Tryon suggests that this 1994-5 documentary raconteur Michael Moore’s show was a for parent
to fake news
a. Four More Years
b. This Hour has 22 Minutes
c. TV Nation
To show how elections are overrun or can be dominated by campaign finance issues and those
with money the Colbert Report set up a?
a. Political action committee
b. Campaign exploratory finance committee
c. Wikipedia Go Fund me site
d. Bank account
Real Time with Bill Maher was a controversial political show; It was first cancelled due Maher’s
statements about which political event?
a. D-Day
b. JFK assassination
c. 9/11
d. Iraq War
Tyron focuses on which political/legal issue extensively in the John Oliver analysis?
a. Toys-R-Us
b. Taco Time
c. Hobby Lobby
d. Barbarshop
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show was the only late night show whose host was a/an
a. Women
b. African-American
c. Challenged person
d. Political Scientists
Jones points out that Michael Moore’s fake news TV show involved combining fake news with?
a. Chicken costumes
b. Investigative journalism
c. News broadcasting
d. Guerilla Political journalism
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Tryon notes a key difference between other fake news shows and Last Week Tonight with John
Oliver show is?
a. Lack of comedy in addressing a serious political issue
b. A weekly, focusses, lengthy investigative report
c. Oliver has a conservative bias
d. An analysis of political as seen from a Belgian’s viewpoint
Tyron notes that fake news seeks to make the political news and political processes?
a. More transparent
b. Less like a circus
c. Increasingly complicated
d. Easier to participate in
Tryon suggests that this 1972 ‘guerilla filmmaking collective’ was a foreparent to fake news?
a. Four More Years
b. Michael Moore Show
Morris and Baumgartner note that ‘viewers viewed election candidates more negatively’ as the
‘effect’ of watching?
a. the Colbert Report
b. The Amy Schumer Show
c. The Simpsons
d. The Daily Show
Tryon notes the Daily Show became increasingly political after Jon Stewart took over, and this
was most evident with its focused coverage of?
a. Indecision 2000
b. 9/11
c. American Decides 2004
d. Clinton-Bush election 1998
Larry Wilmore’s The Night Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
a. sexual reproduction
b. political leadership
c. police violence
d. Transgender rights
A key idea from The Colbert Report was the notion of political claims being correct because you
‘feel it in your gut’, which Colbert called?
a. truthiness
b. righteousness
c. trueness
d. reality
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To show why elections need better political campaign financing regulations, the Colbert Report
set up a?
a. A campaign exploratory finance committee
b. Bank account
c. Wikipedia Go Fund me site
d. Political action committee
Interestingly, Tryon notes that the daily shows and the Colbert report’s fake news have been
especially successful in attracting?
a. elderly and senior people
b. Canadians
c. young people
d. middle aged families
Tryon notes that fake news seeks to make the political news and political processes?
a. more transparent
b. less like a circus
c. increasingly complicated
d. easier to participate in
Tyron suggest part of the aim of Maher’s Real Time political panels is to?
a. Meet some celebrities that will sign his head
b. Make sense of American policies
c. Encourage viewers to joins political parities
d. Show musicians, reports, actors, etc., don’t know politics
Understand American voters’ choice and voting patterns
Ensure neither liberal or conservative politics dominates
Show politics is not something that can be analyzed through humour
Increase voter turnout amongst comedy-enjoying voters
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
a. Show transcripts
b. blogs
c. Pictionary
d. CD exchanges
Tryon asserts that fake news functions to equip people to:
a. Critically think about news
b. Seek out better news sources
c. Accept that real news no longer exists
d. Write fake news for Russian trolls
Interestingly, Tryon notes that, as compared to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, ‘real
news’ shows’ viewers are generally?
a. younger
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b. older
c. Un-S-M-R-T
d. Mediocre
In the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert takes on the role of?
a. Well-meaning and humble political analyst
b. Highly informed political scientist
c. Conservative news anchor
d. Investigate journalist
Jeffrey Jones notes hat, concerning political news, fake news allows for the channelling of the
average citizens feeling of?
a. Dolce and Gabbana
b. Love and compassion
c. Frustration and anger
d. Hatred and extremism
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show analyzed Dylan Roof’s attack on a church as politicallymotivated and all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Mental illness
b. Domestic terrorism
c. Hate crime
d. Political terrorism
Tryon suggests that Maher’s Real Time’s focus on imcumbent candidates in US elections was to?
a. Limit the information available to voters
b. Raise political awareness
c. Ensure they would win the election
d. Lower his ratings
Both Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert used their program to see if they could impact American
elections by showcasing?
a. Process of voting
b. Trump towers
c. Election voting interference by Russians
d. District election races
To show why elections need better political campaign financing regulations, the Colbert Report
set up a?
a. campaign exploratory finance committee
b. bank account
c. wikipedia Go Fund me site
d. Political action committee
What is Baumgartner and Morris’s ‘Daily Show Effect’?
a. Watching re-runs of the Daily Show will lead to sharing fake news at through
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b. Viewers who watch the Daily Show look at news more critically and analytically
c. After an endorsement from Jon Stewart, election candidates are
d. After watching the show, viewers viewed election candidates more negatively
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
a. Pictionary
b. social media
c. show transcripts
d. CD exchanges
Stephan Colbert show has him analyse political news as a fake ?
a. Alien
b. Newscaster
c. Weathercaster
d. Political pundit
Tryon suggest part of the aim of Maher’s Real Time political panels is to?
a. understand American voters’ choice and voting patterns
b. ensure neither liberal or conservative politics dominates
c. show politics is not something that can be analyzed through humour
d. increase voter turnout amongst comedy-enjoying voters
Colbert Report’s ‘The Word’, according to Tryon, used irony to challenge
a. Political polices of the white house
b. Political claims based on popular opinion or emotion
c. Hope and cynicism
d. Truthiness of the democratic party’s libertarian platform
Tryon suggests that Maher’s Real Time focus on incumbent candidates in US elections was to?
a. limit the information available to voters
b. raise political awareness
c. ensure they would win the election
d. lower his ratings
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
a. racial violence
b. political leaderships
c. women’s rights
d. gun control
Tryon applies “critical textuality” to examine how fake news challenges?
a. political authority
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b. trump administration policies
c. political legitimacy
d. public policies
Tryon uses the concept of ‘critical textuality’ proposed by?
a. Dorian Gray
b. Meredith Gray
c. Jonathon Gray
d. Earl Grey
Besides satirizing politics, The Daily Show regularly and uniquely used?
a. political cartoons
b. political analysis
c. political parody
d. investigative analysis
The Colbert Report’s ‘truthiness’ refers to political or other claims that rely on?
a. celebrity endorsements of the truth
b. truth based on factual analysis
c. loch Ness’s truth correlation coefficient
d. belief they are true
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Quiz 9
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton portrayals serve to?
a. Make political cynicism less common
b. Encourage more women to get involved in top-tier political campaigns and offices
c. Show why the show has been a ratings disaster
d. Critiques news media’s lack of/laziness in critical questioning of candidates
While Saturday Night Live has faced its share of controversy, one could argue that it has engaged
in self-aware critique; the appearance of Scandal’s Kerry Washington highlighted SNL’s issue
a. Lack of African-American in the SNL cast
b. Transgender comedians overrepresentation in the cast of SNL
c. Sex as an escape from the pressures of political life in a capital
d. SNL’s limited discussion of Mexican-American political issues in their ‘What’s News?’
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live largely focuses its humour on?
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton portrayals serve to?
a. Failures of political campaigns
b. Dysfunctional political institutions
c. Politicians personalities
d. Late-night viewers who have no social life on Saturdays
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton portrayals serve to?
a. Launch the careers of two of the 20th centuries most important comedians
b. Reinforce women are not qualified for politics
c. Critique political campaigns’ use of pandering to women’s voters
d. Decrease cynicism
In Saturday Night Live, the political fake news segment is called?
a. What’s News?
b. Weekend Update
c. The Daily Show
d. News You Can Use
Tryon suggests that Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton portrayals serve to?
a. Make political cynicism less common
b. Encourage more women to get involved in top tier political campaigns and offices
c. Show why the show has been a ratings disaster
d. Critiques news media’s lack of/laziness in critical questioning of candidates
When Saturday Night Live had Fred Armison play Barak Obama, this put SNL in the spotlight of
political issues around?
a. Racism and ‘blackface’
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b. No one making fun of Obama
c. Chicago’s political system
d. United States’ election
Pre Trump, Tyron notes Tina Fey’s exaggerated dialogue on Saturday Night Live was sometimes
mistaken for the political statements of?
a. John McCain
b. Sarah Palin
c. Donald Trump
d. Barak Obama
Tyron notes that political sketch comedy are uniquely able to provide
a. Characters which look like politicians
b. Career launches for politicians
c. Opportunities to discuss issues seriously
d. Commentary on current political events
Saturday Night Live’s parodying of news shows relies on critical intertextuality which requires
a. Studio audiences to laugh even when the show is not funny (or else they have to pay to be
in the studio audience)
b. The show writers to avoid references to popular culture
c. Viewers be aware of current events in order to understand the jokes and skits
d. Viewers to have read extensively about politics to understand the jokes and skits
Pre-Trump, Tyron notes Saturday Night Live notable shaped the public perception of?
a. John McClain
b. Sarah Palin
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Barak Obama
Tyron notes that Sarah Palin’s political image in the 2008 election was ‘damaged’ by Saturday
Night Live, so to save her image she had to?
a. Move to Mount Everest
b. Appear on the show
c. Support Donald Trump in the 2016 election
d. Get tutored in political issues
As with other types of shows, Saturday night live generates ‘buzz’ and ‘water-cooler discussion’
by encouraging?
a. social media sharing
b. viewers to send in skits for the show
c. viewers to have watching parties
d. dubbing into foreign languages like British
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To analyze politics, Tyron asserts comedy series and comedy shows use intertextuality combined
a. Meme references
b. Double entendres
c. Narrative techniques
d. Dramatic irony
In America’s political landscape, Tyron asserts that Saturday Night Live is like a/an?
a. Cultural institution
b. TV show that has ‘jumped the shark’
c. Political branch of the government
d. Cynical political analyst
Tryon notes that during political campaigns, Saturday Night Live often uses the week’s political
events to?
a. invite politicians to the show for a pie-eating contest
b. base and develop the shows ‘cold open’
c. announce who viewers should vote for
d. make up for lack of humour
In Saturday Night Live, the Weekend Update segment seeks to satirize politics through?
a. impersonating politicians
b. interrogating historical events
c. investigating journalism
d. fake news
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live’s humour does not?
a. relate well to current political issues
b. keep people from changing the channel
c. show how democracy is a great system
d. critique politics in a meaningful way
Which of these is NOT one of the key American political leaders Saturday Night Live has
extensively parodied?
a. Donald Trump
b. George Bush Sr
c. Mike Pence
d. George Bush Jr
Tryon notes that political serialized sitcoms are uniquely able to provide?
a. characters which look like politicians
b. opportunities for politicians to be on a TV show
c. commentary on political culture
d. analysis of historical events
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Downloaded by muhammad abdullah (mabdulla0803@gmail.com)
Quiz 10
Tanner’88 focused on a politician engaging with many voters often publicly, and for maximum
publicity, which is part of a process called
a. Retail Politics
b. Public Publicity
c. Meet-n-greet politics
d. Voter identification politics
The character of Selina in Veep is used discuss how women politicians?
a. May be discouraged from speaking from views on certain issues
b. Are much better at politics than men
c. Worry too little about issues like abortion or being overpaid
d. Don’t have to worry about their image
In the show Veep, Tyron notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for?
a. Voters
b. Women
c. Presidents
d. Governors
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
a. Personal quirks
b. Ability to give speeches
c. Wealth
d. Media Image
Tanner ’88 was a mockumentary about?
a. A republican Senator taking on lobbyists such as the National Rifle Association
b. White House staff and their policy challenge with President Tanner
c. Municipal officials trying to deal with challenges of local government
d. A politician seeking the Democratic party’s presidential nomination
Veep shows the incompetence and self-interest of political leaders and staffers as they try to do
their job; thus, it is also a?
a. Realistic comedy
b. Workplace comedy
c. Cynical comedy
d. Liberal comedy
Alpha House is a show about?
a. Charlie Sheen’s ‘Winnnnnnning’ life
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b. Politicians who love alphabets
c. Elected congressional politicians
d. Political lobbyists for the oil industry
Park and Recreation is a show about?
a. State politics in the state of Illinois
b. Campaigning for a Senate race
c. Municipal politics in Pawnee
d. Politics in local courthouse
Some mockumentaries make use of the background of on-going current events, such as
convention or political rally, to go on location to film their satirical show; Hight refers to this
technique as?
a. Satirical presence
b. Guerilla satire
c. Current comedy
d. Gotcha satire
Parks and Recreation’s mocumentary style is modeled after which show?
a. Scandal
b. Veep
c. Spin City
d. The Office
As Tanner ’88 showed, political campaigning often involved ‘retail politics’ which involves?
a. Encouraging voters to buy into the political campaign of the candidate and their party
b. Candidates meeting and selling themselves to as many voters as possible
c. Promising to provide voters with many economic and social benefits
d. Securing large donations from retail developers who have lots of money from campaigns
Tyron notes that Parks and Recreation is?
a. Unrealistic in showing municipal officials being effective
b. Trying to avoid picking sides in politics
c. Lacking I character who are competent and well intentioned in their activities
d. Communist because it shows Leslie and Ron getting things done
Tyron notes that Veep is mocks the idealized image of?
a. Authority
b. Running for election
c. Public service
d. Democracy
***Tyron notes Alpha House tries to show the negative political effect of?
a. The Clintons
b. The Trumps
c. The Tea Party Movement
d. The Republican Party
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Tryon argues Veep’s view of politics is?
a. Idealized
b. Cynical
c. liberal
d. positive
Parks and Recreation, according to Hendershot, shows that government?
a. Is run effectively
b. Is being undermined by Ron Swanson
c. Is run by a team of
d. Is a positive force
Who asserted that Parks and Recreation shows government bureaucrats using their government
roles to provide basic services and provide positive …
a. Heather Hendershot
b. Adam Beecham
c. Xi Pen Fu
d. Jon Stewart
Veep shows the incompetence and self-interest of political leaders and staffers as they try to do
their job; thus, it is also a?
a. Cynical comedy
b. Liberal comedy
c. Realistic comedy
d. Workplace comedy
Corry notes that Tanner’88 was showing how a political campaign became?
a. Info-tainment
b. Caught up in a scandal involving staffers
c. Performance art
d. Political circus
A political comedy that combines documentary filming with scripted satire is called?
a. Satirical political documentary
b. Political mockumentary
c. Parodomedy
d. Political documedy
According to Tryon, in Veep, the characters pursue political actions with a focus on who has
access to power and?
a. How best to pass new laws and rules
b. Whether it is popular with the public
c. How much money do they have
d. Where at the best offices in Washington
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Corry noted that Tanner 88’ not only mocked political campaigns but also?
a. political debates done as live television
b. news media coverage of political candidates
c. Bureaucratic officials use of bylaws to affect political campaigns
d. Political lobbyists influencing them
A political mockumentary combines scripted satire with?
a. Documentary filming
b. Drone wide-view film framing
c. 3D interactive graphs
d. Adult instructional videeography
Parks and Recreation is a show about?
a. politics in a local courthouse
b. satire politics in the state of Illinois
c. campaigning for a senate race
d. municipal politics in Pawnee
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Quiz 11
An interesting aspect of House of Cards is that it shows Frank Underwood as cunning in his
ability to
a. Work around the government system to get stuff done
b. Not kill people to get what he wants
c. Fool his wife into not knowing his true goals
d. Be hated by all of his congressional colleagues for becoming president
House of cards, according to Tryon, shows that politicians?
a. Seek to pursue only good intentions and always do right
b. Encourage voters to choose the most fearful and nasty leaders
c. Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
d. Are involved in their local communities
House of Cards, according to Tryon, shows that politicians?
a. Are powerless to make good things happen due to the political system
b. Encourage voters to choose the most fearful and nasty leaders
c. Seek to pursue good intentions and always do right
d. Are involved in their local communities
Scandal shows how, regardless of their actions good or bad, Washington elites preserve and
consolidate their?
a. Social standing
b. Historical importance
c. Political power
d. Economic wealth
Political dramas shape our view of a society’s or people’s views of?
a. Political culture
b. Polling results
c. Political ideology
d. Ethnic demographics
In Scandal, Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
a. Finding extra-marital affairs
b. Budgeting
c. Public relations
d. Running for municipal office
Political dramas fall into two categories: political process and?
a. National security
b. Electioneering
c. Government administration
d. Legislative process
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Tryon argues that West Wing had a pedagogical impact on Americans because it showed them?
a. Politicians worry less about polls and more about action
b. The President is unable to govern without supreme court support
c. Pediatricians are important to government functioning
d. How their government works
An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the ‘deep state’ narrative, is that the real power
in Washington is not in the hands of elected officials but?
a. A secret government agency
b. The president
c. A congressional underground leadership
d. A judicial oversight committee
Tryon notes shows like Scandal show how political operatives operate?
a. Legislations benefits the most number of people
b. By a moral code
c. Without a moral compass
d. To ensure that elections are fair and just
In Scandal, the politicians and their ambition are caught up in a corrupt system audience that
seeks the good in all of this, so they are seeking?
a. Absolution for guilty pleasures
b. Political knowledge
c. Brain candy
d. Moral legibility
Tryon argues that a significant episode in Scandal raised important moral and ethical issues about
a. Violence by police against African American males
b. Murder of many political innocents, including one crossing guard
c. Stealing of the election for President Grant by Russian hackers
d. Providing ransom to a terrorist organization
Like some fake news shows, an interesting aspect of current political dramas, like Scandal, is
that they also engage with?
a. Connect with viewers through social media
b. Focus on comedy in new stories
c. Influencing voters through the use of political topics
d. Fake news story lines
Tryon asserts The Good Wife was one of the first political dramas to look effectively at the
relationship between?
a. Elections and lawyers
b. Presidencies and domestic partnerships
c. Race and structural discrimination
d. Law and technology
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Who sits in the main office of the West wing?
a. Head of congress
b. President
c. Senate leader
d. Vice president
Tryon notes that West Wing significantly showed how the white house managed the threat from
and benefit of the
a. Russian government
b. Political lobbyists
c. Opposition parties
d. Political media
As with Parks and Rec, the west wing shows the efforts of
a. Small town politics
b. Insincere politicians and bureaucrats
c. Dedicated political servants
d. Dictators running the government
The west wing focused on the senior staff of the white house, which is mainly responsible for?
a. Developing nuclear weapons
b. Creating more jobs than the last government
c. Political decision making
d. Passing laws
The West wing also made the point, according to Tryon, that political media had a responsibility
to ensure they were providing information for the?
a. CIA
b. Congressional information service
c. Political culture
d. Public interest
Interestingly, the West wing showed that political elections were becoming fights less over
economy and politics but over ____ issues?
a. Psychological
b. Biological
c. Social
d. Inter-racial
West wing showed importantly not only show how political processes work, but also how in the
short-term, politicians engage in?
a. Running for government
b. Budgeting by congress
c. Political decision-making
d. Passing lawsuits
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While the west wing does involve connecting viewers to characters, Tryon argues it also teaches
audiences to?
a. Believe in themselves
b. Embrace the show’s political values
c. Dislike congress for being corrupt
d. Like the show’s quick dialogue and monologues
The good wife is based on the life of a politician’s?
a. Staffer
b. Spouse
c. Mistress
d. Bodyguard
Tryon argues that unlike Scandal, the west wing seeks to counter political?
a. Fake news
b. Processes
c. Media
d. Cynicism
Interestingly, given Trump’s election, Perry-Giles fault west wing for portraying male-headed,
agrarian, economically-struggling, Caucasians as?
a. True Americans
b. Ethno-nationalists
c. The deplorables
d. Underrepresented
Political dramas often show government activities, passing laws, etc. are often due to political
spectacle (image) and?
a. Voter’s choice
b. Legal rulings
c. Lack of political skill
d. Corruption
Tryon notes that many political dramas show that good people cannot accomplish good things
because of the problems in the?
a. Getting into power in a democracy
b. Political culture
c. Power of politicians
d. Law and judiciary
What does Williams explain as competing values or believes through the use of serialized
a. Moral legibility
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Many political dramas with women are considered to be based on the example or life of?
a. Condoleezza Rice
b. Michelle Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Melania Trump
The West Wing also made the point, according to Tryon, that political media had a responsibility
to ensure they were providing information for the?
a. Congressional information service
b. CIA
c. Political culture
d. Public interest
Political dramas fall into two categories: national security and?
a. Security process
b. Political process
c. Government administration
d. Procedures of legalization
House of Cards, according to Tryon, shows that politicians?
a. Seek to pursue only good intentions and always do right
b. Are involved in their local communities
c. Encourage voters to choose the most fearful and nasty
d. Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
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Quiz 13
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
a. Surveillance
b. Security
c. Legislation
d. Analysis
National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around?
a. Political excesses
b. Surveillance
c. Warfare
d. Political scandal
The Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
a. Homeland security
b. American military expansion
c. Spying
d. Counterterrorism
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
a. Northeast Asia
b. Middle East
c. Northern Europe
d. Southern Africa
Homeland provides insights into the politics around?
a. Warfare
b. Espionage
c. Counter-feiting
d. Invasion
Tryon notes that 24 was having an effect on?
a. Discussions about the use of honeypots in countersurveillance
b. Romantic lives of counter terrorism agents
c. Increased levels of anti-Christian rhetoric in politics
d. Politicians’ understandings of national security issues
The key event that has spurred or framed national security political dramas was?
a. World trade centre bombing
b. Iraq war
c. 9/11
d. Crimea invasion
Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tryon, for misunderstanding that
counterterrorism gains beneficial information from?
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Tryon notes some suggest the show 24 played a role in?
a. Preparing voters to elect Obama
b. Discouraging the use of torture
c. Effective techniques for fighting terrorism being developed
d. Electing Trump
Which national security political drama focused on Russian counter spies?
a. Spetznat team
b. The Americans
c. 24
d. Homeland
The Americans looks at the counter-spying efforts of a family of?
a. Russians
b. Iranians
c. Israelis
d. Rwandans
The Americans as a national security political drama seeks to show the complexity of life caught
between two different?
a. Economic opportunities
b. Continents
c. Social welfare systems
d. Political ideologies
Tryon notes that national security political dramas focus on the politics of?
a. Economic globalization
b. Nuclear warfare
c. Counterterrorism
d. Environmentalism
Interestingly, 24 acknowledges that national security threats often emerge from?
a. Only Muslims and Mexicans who are interested in profiting from war
b. Environmental activists attacking Keystone pipelines
c. Internal power grabs to control the government
d. Terrorist activities of Canadians
As a departure from national security political dramas, Homeland also examines
a. Cultural radicalism
b. Private/personal problems of spies
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c. Terrorist perspectives on the environmental
d. Internal threats to foreign security
Some national security political dramas are focused on a single episode issue, and are called
a. Dramas
b. Episodes
c. Procedurals
d. Culture
Homeland focus on the activities of agents of the?
Some blame national security political dramas according to Tryon, for the increased acceptability
- Non-violence
- War
- Torture
- Terrorism
Quiz 16
Greene notes Homer Simpson’s life and success may challenge the assumptions of limited
intelligence and lack motivation of?
a. Working class
b. Upper rich class
c. Canadians
d. Middle class
Greene notes those who praise The Simpsons consider it genre-redefining because many of its
cultural references and?
a. Social commentary
b. Multicultural characters
c. Political neutrality
d. Mocking of non-politicians
Greene notes those who praise The Simpsons consider it genre-redefining because of its social
commentary and many?
a. Voices
b. Cultural references
c. Archetypal characters
d. Stereotypical characters
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Green argues that The Simpsons’ vacation episodes don’t challenge American stereotypes but
a. American ethnocentrism
b. Stereotypes of Americans
c. English as the universal travel language
d. Ethnonationalism amongst Americans
Marc argues The Simpson’s political satire suggests American lower-classes are?
a. Erudite and knowledgeable
b. Xenophobic and jingoistic
c. Low information voters and cheap-goods consumers
d. Poorly represented by the characters in the show
Drawing in Marcuse, Greene raises the concern that The Simpsons is no longer oppositional in
its satire but has?**
a. Serialized
b. Synthesized
c. Coopted
d. Syndicated
Greene suggests that The Simpsons as a family are used to satirize the life and experiences of?
a. Rich and upper classes
b. White-collar and post-modern classes
c. Middle- and working-classes
d. Professional and pink-collar classes
Greene does not see The Simpsons as only satirizing current American society, but also
defending it by having all of the following stereotypes EXCEPT?
a. Blundering dad
b. Dutiful mother
c. Angry and stressed boss
d. Children who are precocious
Greene notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
a. Lisa
b. Maggie
c. Homer
d. Marge
Greene n otes that Fox’s foray into critical and debased social commentary started with their
a. Arrested development
b. Mrs. Dumpsterfire and the Trumplets
c. Family guy
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d. Married with children
Greene asserts that The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc., political satire, in the final instance, do not
challenge but reinforce Fox’s?
a. Left-wing political stances
b. Critical analysis
c. Ideological learnings
d. Status as a political satirist
Working from Greene, the anti-intellectual streak in The Simpsons may be evident in their
criticism and mocking of which character?
a. Kent Brockman
b. Marge Simpson
c. C. Yekel (can’t read it lol)
d. Lisa Simpson
The Simpsons is which type of show?
a. Sitcom
b. Documentary
c. Reality TV
d. Drama
The Simspons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived
a. Intellectual
b. Subservient
c. Anti-establishment
d. Fake news
Greene notes that All in the Family was the first political sitcom, while the Simpsons is the first?
a. Postmodern sitcom
b. Socialist sitcom
c. Cartoon sitcom
d. Family sitcom
Greene contrasts The Simpsons to all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Wait ‘Til your father get home
b. Jetsons
c. Rocky and Bullwinkle
d. Flintstones
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Quiz 17
Arguably, along Popperian lines, Curtis and Erion see South Park as going after the extreme leftwing and extreme right-wing political and social views and proponents, which and who can as
a. Enemies of open society
b. Citizens with voting powers and law-makers
c. Proponents of anti-Enlightenment ideas
d. Opponents of freedom of speech
Arguably, Curtis and Erion see South Park as necessary or part of making society successful,
along Popperian lines, by?
a. Providing uninhibited criticism to solve social problems
b. Preventing social criticism playing out as violent revolution
c. Challenging corporations use of TV advertising for brainwashing
d. Encouraging people to pick between Ethno-nationalism or Social justice
What is Cartman’s famous phrase relate dto showing and mocking totalitarian or fascistic
a. Respect my authorita!
b. It’s on witches!
c. Who’s all y’all’s daddy?!
d. OMG, you killed Kenny!
The regular stand in for the authoritarianist and anti-democratic viewpoint on politics is the
character of?
a. Jesus
b. Stan
c. Cartman
d. Joey
South Park’s strategy to challenge the political views of extremists is to?
a. Present their ideas as extreme and mock their ideas
b. Argue the opposing view
c. Provide a platform for fanatics to rationally present their positions
d. Encourage documentary-cartoon analysis
Curtis and Erion note that Newcomb’s claim that South Park “properly offends everybody by
design and by doing so it reminds us all that it’s probably a good idea to be tolerant”, reflects
Popper’s idea that democratic politics may require upholding the?
a. Contradiction of intolerance
b. Duality of tolerability
c. Idealism of tolerance and free speech
d. Paradox of tolerance
Arguably, South Park’s steadfast approach to criticizing unrelentingly all political and social
issues results in it often fighting against?
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Oprah Winfrey
Freedom of speech
The main religious organization that has been extensively ridiculed in South Park is?
a. Buddhism
b. Islam
c. Scientology
d. Hinduism
Curtis and Erion analyze South Park using ideas and concepts from?
a. Washington
b. Reagan
c. Lincoln
d. Jefferson
Curtis and Erion analyze South Park using ideas and concepts from?
a. Manheim
b. Reiner
c. Redenback
d. Popper
Curtis and Erion suggest that South Park creators Parker and Stone would agree with Popper
a. Hippies are providing important social critique against the totalizing capitalist system
b. Anti-fa and White-nationalist groups should not be mocked on their show
c. Marijuana should be legalized
d. Totalitarian tendencies are a threat to democracy
Interestingly, Curtis and Erion note that South Park presents extremist views, even if only
caricatured, in order to understand and?
a. Academically analyze their validity
b. Defend and support their ideas
c. Brainwash their audience
d. Critique and ridicule their claims
According to Popper, an open society is one in which?
a. Everyone is encouraged to snitch on their friends who favour freedom of speech
b. Citizens must use violence to change politics
c. Rational reflection is punished by exile
d. Taboos, rules, political values, and laws can be critiqued and changed
According to Popper, a closed society is one in which?
a. Criticism of social customs is not permitted but resisted
b. Everyone is encouraged to rationally reflect on social issues
c. New immigrants are not allowed and deported
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d. Citizens are encouraged freedom of speech to challenge social conventions
To mock liberal left-wingers, South Park routinely uses these as a stand-in or to personalize those
political viewpoints?
a. Hollywood celebrities
b. Feminists, anti-racists, and pre-modernists
c. Bernie Sanders supporters
d. The Clintons
Curtis and Erion note that South Park particularly chooses to?
a. Conform to prevailing views about political correctness
b. Censor itself from addressing the most controversial issues
c. Encourage koining Hollywood celebrities’ political causes
d. Ridicule relgion, especially religious extremists
Who is not a key character in South Park?
a. Stan
b. Prof
c. Kenny
d. Cartman
Curtis and Erion analyze South Park using ideas and concepts from?
a. Manheim
b. Reiner
c. Redenback
d. Popper
While filled with juvenile humor, offensive vulgarity, and inane cartoon-style, Rushkoff would
suggest that South Park provides?
a. Pant-splitting jokes
b. Sophisticated social criticism
c. Political outlets for the most marginalized
d. Satirical political affirmation
Curtis and Erion note that South Park particularly chooses to?
a. Conform to prevailing views about political correctness
b. Censor itself from addressing the most controversial issues
c. Encourage joining Hollywood celebrities’ political causes
d. Ridicule religion, especially religious extremists
Quiz 19 – Review 1(B)
Tinic argues the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of discursive integration which
includes all of the following except?
a. Entertainment
b. Marketing
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c. News
d. Documentary
Quinn asserts Law and Order purposely takes on issues which are?
a. Nationally divisive
b. Nationalistic
c. Dividing between democratic and republican states
d. Politically neutral
Tinic hints that Rick Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
a. Central Canada
b. Northern Ontario
c. Ottawa
d. Quebec
Interestingly, Tryon notes that, as compared to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, real
news shows viewers are generally?
a. Older
b. Un-S-M-R-T
c. Younger
d. Mediocre
Famously, Mercer mocked which US president during their campaign rally?
a. Al Gore
b. Bill Clinton
c. George Bush Jr
d. Barack Obama
Political TV can analyze “the realms of political experience, imagination, values, and
dispositions that provide the settings within which a political system operates, shaping the
character of political processes and political behaviour.” In other words, Tryon suggests it
a. Political institutionalism
b. Political spectacle
c. Political culture
d. Democracy
Debates lead to voters having a better sense of all of the following except?
a. Candidate’s image
b. Candidate’s character
c. Understanding of the issues
d. Taxation and interest-rate politics
Hart and Hartelius suggest that the Daily Show tutors young people to be?
a. Political party members
b. Cynical
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c. Knowledgeable
d. Political activists
An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the deep state narrative, is that the real power in
Washington is not in the hands of elected officials but?
a. A secret government agency
b. A congressional underground leadership
c. A judicial oversight committee
d. The president
Parks and Recreation is a show about?
a. State politics in the state of Illinois
b. Campaigning for a Senate race
c. Politics in a local courthouse
d. Municipal politics in Pawnee
House of Cards, according to Tryon shows that, politicians?
a. Encourage voters to choose the most fearful and nasty leaders
b. Are involved in their local communities
c. Are powerless to make good things happen due to the political system
d. Seek to pursue only good intentions and always do right
According to Costello and Worcester, while the state has legitimate authority over people,
superheroes express people’s?
a. Absolute trust in law enforcement
b. Hatred for lawyers and judges
c. Desire for justice when legal processes are insufficient
d. Hope for justice through the use of superpowers
The Clinton-Trump debate had how many viewers?
a. 24 million
b. 76 million
c. 200 million
d. 84 million
Williams points out Bongco noted which American body affected and patrolled how superheroes
were portrayed and their storylines?
a. Congressional superheroes committee
b. Committee on UnAmerican activities
c. Authority for American superheroes
d. Comics code authority
The concept of social watching connects interacting with other online in their social network
with watching?
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Political debates
Political satire
Cat memes
Drama with political themes
Besides satirizing politics, the daily show regfularly and uniquyely used?
a. Investigative analysis
b. Political analysis
c. Political parody
d. Political cartoons
Curtis and Erion note that South Park particularly chooses to?
a. Ridicule religion, especially religious extremists
b. Censor itself from addressing the most controversial issues
c. Conform to prevailing views about political correctness
d. Encourage joining Hollywood celebrities’ political causes
Tinic hints that Rick Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
a. Quebec
b. Central Canada
c. Northern Ontario
d. Ottawa
Pre-Trump, Tryon notes that Saturday Night Live most notably shaped the public perception of?
a. Sarah Palin
b. Barack Obama
c. Join McCain
d. Hilary Clinton
When voters view a debate, they are more likely to become?
a. Trolls on Facebook and Twitter
b. Increasingly cynical about politics
c. Discouraged from participating in politics
d. Supportive of political institutions
Tryon notes that during political campaigns, Saturday Night Live often uses the week’s political
events to?
a. Invite politicians to the show for a pie-eating contest
b. Make up for lack of humour
c. Announce who viewers should vote for
d. Base and develop the show’s cold open
Tasker uses Lee’s framing of crime dramas as a medium for helping the viewers work through?
a. Existential crisis of terrorism
b. Understanding cultural differences
c. Dealing with a Trump presidency
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d. Trauma of living in a violent culture
Tryon notes that while more channels are available to connect people with political issues, etc.,
he notes that the expansion of choices may not have democratized TV because of?
a. All political shows are remakes of shows from the 1980s and 1990s
b. Dumbing down of TV so adults can understand what is going on
c. Concentration of ownership to a handful of companies
d. Many channels repeat the same shows
Quinn notes Law and Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
a. Encouraging integrity and reform by villains who suffer in the prison justice system
b. Showing checks and balance in the justice system are righted by a powerful district
c. The justice system policing those who are its agents but violet the system’s rules
d. Showing the criminal justice system only punishes the guilty
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes deal with the debates about life in?
a. Farms
b. The north
c. Villages
d. Cities
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
a. Surveillance
b. Security
c. Legislation
d. Analysis
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live’s humour does not?
a. Critique politics in a meaningful way
b. Keep people from changing the channel
c. Show how democracy is a great system
d. Relate well to current political issues
Greene notes those who praise The Simpsons consider it genre-redefining because of its social
commentary and many?
a. Archetypal characters
b. Cultural references
c. Stereotypical characters
d. Voices
An interesting aspect of House of Cards is that it shows Frank Underwood as cunning in his
ability to?
a. Fool his wife into not knowing his true goals
b. Not kill people to get what he wants
c. Work around the government system to get stuff done
d. Be hated by all of his congressional colleagues for becoming president
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Greene contrasts the Simpsons to all of the following except?
a. Flintstones
b. Rocky and Bullwinkle
c. Wait ‘Til Your Father Get Home
d. Jetsons
Rick Mercer Report involved the following
a. Talking to Americans segments every week
b. Co-anchors including Shawn Majumdar and Mary Walsh
c. None of the options listed
d. Using the person of JB Dickson to mock the news
While the West Wing does involve connecting viewers to characters, Tryon argues it also teaches
audiences to?
a. Like the show’s quick dialogue and monologues
b. Believe in themselves
c. Embrace the show’s political values
d. Dislike congress for being corrupt
Quiz 20 – Review 1(B)
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is not surprising that candidates?
a. Mostly speak about themselves, their policies, and their accomplishments
b. Get acting coaches
c. Prefer to agree and work with their debate opponent
d. Spend more time discussing their opponents’ character than policies
A political mockumentary combines documentary filming with?
a. Investigative journalism
b. Scripted satire
c. Geurilla satire
d. Fake news
Which of these is NOT one of the key American political leaders Saturday Night Live has
extensively parodied?
a. Sarah Palin
b. Gerald Ford
c. Mike Pence
d. Bill Clinton
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Tinic argues the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of discursive integration which
includes all of the following except?
a. News
b. Marketing
c. Politics
d. Comedy
In the USA, Tryon notes that the Federal Communication Commission has a responsibility to
ensure network TV broadcasting?
a. Serves the public interest
b. All of the answer options are correct
c. Provides a diversity of viewpoints
d. Provides content that serves local needs
Jon Stewart is considered a high priest of fake news from his early years critiquing the US
administration of?
a. Bush
b. Clinton
c. Obama
d. Trump
Tryon notes that Veep is mocks the idealized image of?
a. Public service
b. Democracy
c. Running for election
d. Authority
While filled with juvenile humor, offensive vulgarity, and inane-cartoon-style Rushkoff would
suggest South Park provides?
a. Pant-splitting jokes
b. Sophisticated social criticism
c. Satirical political affirmation
d. Political outlets for the most marginalized
According to Fahr, while watching political talk shows, viewers were entertained by?
a. Funny animals to be guests who were discussing political issues
b. Political messaging focussed on repeating talking points
c. Swearing
d. Their favoured guest taking part in the discussion
The authors examine the German experience of viewers who watch?
a. Investigative journalism
b. Political satire
c. Fake news
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d. Political talk shows
What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between political violence,
homeland security, and official attempts to tackle them?
a. Terror TV
b. Homeland TV
c. Homeland security TV
d. Security TV
Viewing of political debates are likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
a. Those who support a candidate before the debate
b. Voters who normally read about candidates’ platforms on their website and know the
c. Those who don’t usually vote in elections
d. Weakly committed and undecided voters
Concerning the Superfriends, Williams asserts which group was to represent a despotic
communist regime?
a. Injustice league
b. Enigmas of evil
c. Sons of anarchy
d. League of doom
Quinn notes that Law and Order added women and minorities in order to?
a. Develop shows with minority viewers preferred themes
b. Avoid cancellation by NBC
c. Encourage more female role models
d. Diversify the cast of villains and victims
Political news was initially protected, but now it must be more careful of?
a. Limited social relevance
b. Political correctness
c. Business/advertiser concerns
d. Podcasts
Stroud argues partisan Political News can be beneficial because?
a. Greater awareness of past political issues is unimportant
b. Alternative facts have to be created by someone
c. Motivation for active political participation is increased
d. Politics is increasingly unified
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Political dramas often show government activities, passing laws, etc. are often sacrificed due to
political spectacle (image) and?
a. Corruption
b. Voter’s choice
c. Lack of political skill
d. Legal rulings
In Lotz’s network era, voters get their political information from?
a. Social media networks
b. Friend networks
c. News networks
d. Streaming networks
Quinn asserts Law and Order purposely takes on issues which are?
a. Political non-issues
b. Easy to solve in 50 minutes
c. Highly politicized
d. Politically violent
Political dramas fall into two categories: political process and?
National Security
Corry noted that Tanner ‘88 not only mocked political campaigns but also?
News media coverage of political candidate
According to tryon to create a favorable story or image about themselves politicians can best do
this by?
Political advertising
Tryon notes that political sketch comedy are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on current political events
According to fraiman, parody artists received great legal protections with the?
Copyright Modernization Act
According to tryon, one notable example of the impact of political TV over the last decade has
been the number of Americans who regularly get their news from?
Political satirists, like Jon Stewart
combine scripted satire with documentary:
political mockumentary
As a new medium, American regulators were concerned that TV?
Be profitable so public-subsidized Tv would not be needed
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National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around?
According to Tasker in crime dramas the theme of political violence and Homeland Security
become ‘married’ since the events of?
Trying asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Negative political ads are effective partly because they target voters’?
Fear and resentment
William asserts that post-Cold War America's concerns about power burden an isolation reflected
in the?
Justice League
Green notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
Jeffrey Jones notes that concerning political news fake news allows for the channeling of the
average citizen's feelings of?
Frustration and anger
According to Costello and Worcester, superheroes challenge the boundary between?
Lawlessness and the Law
In scandal Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
Public relations
The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
Engaging with one’s social network online
While political free speech is important frame and notes that networks limit political comedy
because they ask the Beaverton and the others to?
Clear their jokes with their corporate lawyers????
Tryon notes that during political campaigns Saturday Night Live often uses the weeks political
events to?
Base and develop the show’s ‘cold open’
And lotz’s “network era” voters get their political information from?
News networks
Some blame national security political dramas according to tryon from misunderstanding that
counterterrorism gains beneficial information from?
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Tryon suggests that this 1972 guerrilla filmmaking collective was a foreplant to fake news?
Four More Years
Tanner 88 focused on a politician engaging with many voters often and publicly and for
maximum publicity which is part of the process called?
Retail politics
Collapse of political news in a form of infotainment begins in the?
Tinic sees Rick mercer's role as one of which provides opportunity for the masses to mock those
with power which tinic terms as the role of?
Political jester
the Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
Viewing a political debates are likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
Weakly committed and undecided voters
According to Williams the Golden age of comics ended after which global political event?
The Cold War
Tasker notes that there is a tension in crime dramas in both challenging but also reinforcing
narratives around?
Racial Profiling
Based on benoit's debate analysis it is not surprising that candidates?
Spend more time discussing their opponents character than policies
A political mockumentary combines documentary filming with?
Guerilla satire
In the USA tryon notes that the federal communication Commission has a responsibility to
ensure network TV broadcasting?
All of the answer options are correct (serves the public interest, provides a diversity of
viewpoints, provides content that serves local needs)
What is cartman's famous phrase related to showing and mocking totalitarian or fascistic
Respect my authorita!
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curtis and erion note that newcomb’s claim that south patk “it properly offends everybody by
design and by doing so it reminds us all that it’s probably a good idea to be tolerant”, reflects
Popper’s idea that democratic politics may require upholding the?
Paradox of tolerance
Concerning the superfriends William asserts which group was to represent a despotic communist
league of doom
Stroud argues partisan Political News can be beneficial because?
Motivation for active political participation is increased
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which are?
Highly politicized
tryon notes that 24 was having an effect on?
Politicians’ understandings of national security issues
According to tryon, in Veep the characters pursue political actions with a focus on who has
access to power and?
Whether it is popular with the public
Which is NOT a narrative or thematic element of terror TV?
Technology has made it easier to organize terrorist acts
while saturday night live has faced its share of controversy one could argue that it has engaged in
self-aware critique; the appearance of scandals Kerry Washington highlighted SNL's issue of?
Lack of African-American comedians in the SNL cast
Beaverton’s political impact is pursued through a web based news site and?
Television Show
Which is NOT one of the key roles of political media?
Determining relevant issues
Whom does Tyron discuss to show their attempts to use television programming to try and
influence people’s political views?
Koch Brothers
According to try on political TV dramas that the text aspects of political governance the business
of passing legislation holding elections conducting trials or otherwise managing the affairs of
running a government or melodrama‘s of
Political Process
Which if NOT one of Williams 4 components of political TV melodrama
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Juxtaposed political characters representing conflicting political viewpoints
In Lotz’s post-network era, currently, people fain their political news & knowledge from a
variety , so we see?
News fragmented so it does not encourage a common, shared understanding of events, etc.
According to Jones the impact of media on our political system is that we participate in politics
through perceptions shaped by media that he says our relationship is one of
mediated citizenship
Applying Tryons ideas, 24, The Americans, The blacklist or Homeland are examples of
melodrama of?
Nation Security
In Political Tv, suspense, moral legibility, space of innocence, and realism are 4 components of
Williams framework for analyzing?
Political parody
Political TV can analyze “the realms of political experience imagination values and dispositions
that provide the setting within which a political system operates shaping the character of political
processes and political behavior.” In other words Tryon suggests it examines
Political Culture
Which is NOT one of Tryons 3 themes related political advertising?
Democratizing political to allow more voices and viewpoints
Which type of political advertising do political groups, not involved in campaigns, largely put on
the air?
Negative advertising
Controversial political ads can get more exposure for their candidate through the textual
complicity of?
News broadcasters and analysts
Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a presidential debate, mckinney and spialek
assert debates are important because?
They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
Approximately how many Americans are said to watch a US presidential debate?
50-60 million
Tryon argues that in the USA, the most significant court case affecting political advertising was?
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
In 1980, what was Ronald Reagan’s political campaign slogan?
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Restoring Americans Greatness
A notable reason online videos as political advertising is effective is because?
Sharing them is quick and easy
According to Tyron, to create a favourable story or image about themselves politicians can do
this best by?
Political advertising
Tryon notes on-line videos are?
Possibly more effective form of political advertising
Negative political ads are effective partly because they target voters?
Fear and resentment
Political advertising, drawing on Waldman, will help a candidate succeed if they?
Tell an appealing and coherent story
Tryon notes a newer and possibly more effective new form of political advertising is?
Online videos
Which type of political advertising do political groups, not involved in campaigns, largely put on
the air?
Negative advertising
Trump used thus type of political advertising to get ‘free time’?
Controversial ads
The first televised US network debate was in 1960 between?
John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is surprising that candidates?
Discuss campaign issues more than the other candidates’ character
Even though only 15-20% of Americans ever watch a Presidential Debate, McKinney and
Spialek assert debates are important because?
They have the largest viewing audience of any single televised political campaign event
When voters view a debate they are more likely to become?
Supportive of political institutions
Viewing of political debates are likely to affect the preferences or choices of?
Weakly committed and undecided voters
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The concept of “social watching” connects watching political debates while?
Engaging with one’s social network online
Based on Benoit’s debate analysis, it is not surprising that candidates?
Mostly speak about themselves, their policies and their accomplishments
Which debate had a record number of 84 million viewers?
The concept of “social watching” connects with other online in their social network with
Political debates
Tyron notes that in the case of African American shootings, Political News turned to a new,
important source for information?
Call & smartphone video
Political news on cable networks develops and profits from brand loyalty by?
Encouraging participation in particular political parties
Political News was initially protected, but now it is increasingly affected by?
Fake news shows
According to Arceneaux and Johnson, the increased polarization of American politics is an
implication of?
Niche News
During the 2016 American Presidential election, Tryon claims Political News focussed on
As political News channels are providing their viewers a place where viewers are ‘shielded’ from
the views of their opponents and contradictory information, Jamieson and Capella call this
‘place’ a/an?
Safe haven
According to Tyron, “one of the principles most often associated with a functioning democracy”
Free and independent media
During the I2016 American presidential election, Tryon notes trump use political news to?
Bolster his claim he was a political outsider
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According to Tryon, there are 3 aspects of the high-modernist belief in political news; which is
NOT one of them?
Accuracy in reporting
Baym notes that Political News is becoming like Reality Tv due to its growing focus on?
In their earlier days, Political shows were?
Protected from sponsors and advertisers’ opposition
Which is NOT one of the key news broadcasters Tryon discusses?
CBC Newsworld
Tryon notes in the African-American shootings protest coverage by political news an important
development was that protestors?
Challenged media representations of the protests and policing
In the network era, Jones suggests that objective journalism has given way to Political News as?
Television productions
Levendusky notes that political news is mostly consumed by?
Small segment of the population
In their Earlier days, political news shows were
A – Part of the entertainment division of networks OR B- Not required to generate a profit
through advertising sale
According to Tyron, political news is less focused on informing viewers, and more focused on
building a community of
Shared political values
As a new medium, American regulators were concerned that TV?
Serve the public interest
Baym notes that Political News is increasingly focused on building audiences by generating?
Rosen notes that political journalists are less likely to focus on policy issues and positions of
politicians; rather they focus on the politicians
Verbal failings and trivial events
With the shootings of African-Americans, concerns about police brutality, and critiques of
systemic racism, political news had space to?
Avoid using the term ‘police brutality’
Political News was initially protected, but now it must be more careful of?
Business/advertiser concerns
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Jones notes that political news is using their framing of the political as a form of?
Objective journalism
When 60 minutes killed a story about CEOs lying in core the CEOs were from which industry
Amongst political news stroud terms “the practice of seeking out news media that reinforces a
single political perspective” as
Partisan selective exposure
Tryon notes that beyond the branding of the political news, it is also leading to the shaping of?
Network identities
Which is one of the key characteristics of post-network political news Tryon identifies?
Niche news channels
Which is NOT one of the key roles of political media?
Dissuading political activism
The collapse of Political News into a form of Infotainment begins in the
Tryon notes in the African-American shootings protests coverage by political news an important
development was that protestors?
Confronted the media about their news stories
In Political News, Arceneux and Johson note that “two strongly opposed ideological camps
talking past each other rather than deliberating toward sound public policies” is an implication
Since its start, Tryon and others note political news has become tainted by it's becoming less
news-focused and more?
Tryon extensively discusses the impact of political news coverage of the shootings of African
Americans as propelling and solidifying the role of?
Black Lives Matter
In the 1980s, Political News because a form of branded?
The authors use which political talk show measure and understand viewer responses?
Anne Will
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Prior noted that those who watched hard news over entertainment oriented news were?
Better informed about politics
The author suggests viewers reacted positively and were more likely to be engaged with political
talk shows that included showing?
Video Clips
According to Vorderer knowledge gained from political TV is enhanced by?
Being entertained, therein interested and attentive to facts, etc. OR Watching TV news
shows instead of Political Talk Shows
According to Fahr, while watching political talk shows viewers were entertained by?
Their favored guest taking part in the discussion
According to Vorderer when viewers are entertained by political TV they are likely be more
interested and attentive to the show and thus are more likely to be better at
Information Processing
The authors know that when watching political talk shows viewers felt they were more informed
when they?
Were entertained
How does political news build loyalty and profits?
Consumer branded
The author suggests political talk shows that are heightening awareness of political issues are
increasing viewers?
Political education
The authors suggest “infotainment” is?
“programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between news, or Informational
and entertaining media content and modes of presentation”
According to Fahr while watching political talk shows viewers were entertained by?
Funny comments from the hosts and guests
The authors suggest that ”programs which blur the distinction traditionally made between news
or informational and entertaining media content of modes of presentation” are a form of?
who did they sample for political talk shows?
German (FOR IF ITS ABOUT COUNTRIES) OR University Students (when asking about
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The authors suggest viewers reacted positively and were more likely to be engaged with political
talk shows that included showing?
Video clips
The authors examine the German experience of viewers who watch?
Political talk shows
According to Schultz, There is debate as to whether political talk shows are ‘respectable political
programs’ or?
Shallow entertainment
The authors focus on analysis about political talk shows in?
the authors note that watching political talk shows may be seen as a waste of time by those who
are expecting?
To gain knowledge
The author suggests political talk shows are heightening viewers factual knowledge about
politics, are increasing viewers’?
Political Knowledge
According to Schutz, there is a debate as to whether Political Talk Shows are ‘shallow
entertainment’ or?
Respectable political programs
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Tryon asserts that Comedy Central was able to push fake news to viewers by also making it
possible to share through?
Social media
Interestingly, Tron noes that, as compared to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, ‘real news
shows’ viewers are generally?
Tryon asserts that fake news functions to equip people to:
Critically think about news
In the Colbert report, Stephen Colbert takes on the role of?
Conservative news anchor
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Jeffrey Hones notes that, concerning political news, fake news allows for the channeling of the
average citizens feelings of?
Frustration and anger
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Shows analyzed Dylan Roof’s attack on a church as politically
motivated and all of the following EXCEPT
Mental illness
Tryon suggests that Maher’s real times focus on incumbent candidates in US elections was to?
Raise political awareness
Both Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert used their program to see if they could impact American
elections by showing?
District election races
To show why elections need better political campaign financing regulation, the Colbert Repot set
up a?
Political action committee
Tryon suggests that this 1972 ‘guerilla filmmaking collective’ was a foreparent to fake news?
Morris and Baumgartner note that ‘viewers viewed election candidates more negatively’ as the
‘effect’ of watching?
The Daily Show
Tryon notes the Daily Show became increasingly political after Jon Stewart took over, and this
was most evident with its focussed coverage of?
Indecision 200
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
Police violence
Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show notably had political authority in which particular issue?
Radical violence
A key idea from The Colbert Report was the notion of political claims being correct because
you ;feel it in your gut’ which Colbert called?
Tryon suggest part of the aim of Mahers real time political panels is to?
Make sense of American politics
Jon Stewart is considered a ‘high priest’ of fake news for his early years critiquing the US
administration of?
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Colbert’s Reports ‘The Word’, according to Tryon, Used irony to challenge
Truthiness of the Democratic party’s libertarian platform
What is Baumgartner and Morris’s ‘Daily Show effect’
After watch thing show, viewers viewed election candidates more negatively
Stephen Colbert’s how has him analyse political news as a fake?
Political pundit
Besides satirizing politics, The Daily Show regularly and uniquely used?
Political parody
Trying applies “critical textuality” to examine how fake news challenges?
Political authority
Tryon uses the concept of critical textuality proposed by?
Jonathan Gray
The Colbert Reports ‘truthiness’ refers to political or other claims that rely on?
Belief they are true
Interestingly Tryon notes that The Daily shows and the Colbert Reports average viewers are in
Interestingly Tryon notes that The Daily shows and the Colbert Reports fake news have been
especially successful in attracting
Young people
Tryon notes that fake news seeks to make the political news and political processes?
More transparent
Larry Wilmores The nightly show was the only late night show whose host was a/an?
African American
Tryon focusses on which is political/legal issue extensively in the John Oliver analysis?
Hobby Lobby
Jones points out that Michael Moor’s fake news Tv show involved combining fake news with?
Guerilla political journalism
Tryon notes a key difference between other fake news shows and Last Week Tonight with John
Oliver show is?
A weekly, focused, length investigative report
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Real time with Bill Maher was a controversial political show; it was first cancelled due Mahers
statement about which political event?
To show how elections are overrun, or can be dominated by, campaign finance issues and those
with money, the Colbert Report set up a?
Political action committee
Tinic sees Rick Mercer’s role as one of which provides opportunity for the masses to mock those
with power, which Tinic terms as the role of?
Carnival fool
Arguably, Tinic sees political satire as?
Tactic of resistance
Griffin notes that Talking to Americans provides a discourse which provides affirmation of moral
superiority as outsiders, which Griffin terms?
Special compensation of satire
Tinic hints that Rick Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
Central Canada
Political satire, much like Canadian’s perspective on Americans, involves a satirist like Rick
Mercer claiming to show?
Moral superiority of Canadians
Part of the ‘frame’ from which may explain Mercer’s political satire is that he is from the
marginalized province of?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Tinic argues that the Mercer Report encapsulates Baym’s notion of ‘discursive integration’ which
includes all of the following except?
Arguably, Tinic sees political satire in Canada tied to communities and how much they are?
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The Rick Mercer Report undercuts the idea of political narratives by providing a fake backstory
to newspaper pictures that are a combination of Photoshop & memes; this segment is called?
The Front Page
Tinic considers the political and cultural implications of Rick Mercer’s The Mercer Report and?
Talking to Americans
Tinic hints that Mercer’s political satire speaks to feelings of political subordination to?
Tinic notes that Mercer accepts that while critiquing politicians, he needs good relationships with
politicians, because satirists and politicians have a relationship that needs to use and feed off
each other, and so is?
Which political event resulted in Mercer humbly removing himself from an award nomination
for Talking to Americans?
Tinic notes that over time the Rick Mercer Report?
Stopped focussing on the differences between Canadians and Americans
Tinic argues satire involves all of the following EXCEPT?
Opportunity for rebuttal by those who are mocked
In analyzing Mercer’s Canadian take on political issues between Canadians and Americans, Tinic
notes Mercer had initially to react to the events of?
Tinic notes that Mercer’s friend Mary Walsh says that Mercer is no longer?
A Newfoundlander
The Rick Mercer Report uses this segment for Mercer to have a direct conversation with his
audience about politics, social issues, etc.?
The Streeter
The attempt to incorporate Rick Mercer into the American TV world could be noted in all of the
following EXCEPT?
Who wants to be a Millionaire wanted Mercer as the host
The Rick Mercer Report involved the following?
None of the options listed here (NOT talking to americans segments every week, co-anchors
including shawn Majumdar and mary walsh, using the person of J.B. Dickson to mock the
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The Rick Mercer Report uses this show segment to critique politics and hypocritical or
outrageous actions of the powerful directly?
Front Page
Tinic considers the political and cultural implications of Rick Mercer’s Talking to Americans
The Mercer Report
Tryon notes that political sketch comedy are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on current political events
In America’s political landscape, Tryon asserts that Saturday Night Live is like a/an ?
Cynical political analyst
Tryon notes that during political campaigns, Saturday Night Live often uses the week’s political
events to?
Base and develop the show’s ‘cold open’
Which of these is NOT one of the key American political leaders Saturday Night Live has
extensively parodied?
Mike Pence
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live’s humour does not?
Critique politics in a meaningful way
Jones asserts that Saturday Night Live largely focuses its humour on?
Politician’s personalities
Saturday Night Live’s parodying of news shows relies on critical intertextuality which requires?
Viewers be aware of current events in order to understand the jokes and skits
Tryon notes that political serialized sitcoms are uniquely able to provide?
Commentary on political culture
When Saturday Night Live had Fred Armison play Barak Obama, this put SNL in the spotlight of
political issues around?
Racism and ‘blackface’
To analyze politics, Tryon asserts comedy series and comedy shows use intertextuality combined
Narrative techniques
Pre-Trump, Tryon notes that Tina Fey’s exaggerated dialogue on Saturday Night Live was
sometimes mistaken for the political statements of?
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Sarah Palin
Pre trump notes that Saturday Night Live most notably shaped the public perception of?
Sarah Palin
Tanner 88’ focused on a politician engaging with many votes often and publicly, and for
maximum publicity, which is part of a process called?
Retail politics
The character of Selina in Veep is used discuss how women politicians?
May be discouraged from speaking their views on certain issues
In the show Veep, Tryon notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt of
dislike for?
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
Media image
Tanner 88’ was a mockumentary about?
A politician seeking the Democratic party’s presidential nomination
Veep shows the incompetence and self-interest of political leaders and staffers as they try to do
their job; thus, it is also a?
Workplace comedy
Alpha House is a show about?
Elected Congressional politicians
Park and Recreation is a show about?
Municipal politics in Pawnee
Some mockumentaries make use of the background of on-going current events, such as a
convention or political rally, to go on location to film their satirical show; Hight refers to this
technique as?
Guerilla satire
Veep shows that a politicians’ policies or qualifications matter less than?
Media image
Parks and Recreation’s mockumentary style is modeled after which show?
The Office
In the show Veep, Tryon notes that the politicians and staffers are shown to have contempt or
dislike for?
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As tanner ’88 showed, political campaigning often involves ‘retail politics’ which involves>
Candidates meeting and selling themselves to as many voters as possible
Tryon notes that Parks and Recreation is?
Trying to avoid picking sides in politics
Tryon notes that Veep is mocks the idealized image of?
Tryon notes that Parks and Recreation is an antidote for?
Political cynicism
Tryon notes Alpha House tries to show the negative political effect of?
The Tea Party movement
Tryon notes Alpha House tries to show the negative political effect of?
Money in politics
A political comedy that combines documentary filming with scripted satire is called?
Political mockumentary
As tanner ’88 showed, political campaigning often involves ‘retail politics’ which involves?
Candidates meeting and selling themselves to as many voters as possible
Corry notes that Tanner ’88 was showing how a political campaign became?
Performance art
Alpha House is a show about?
Elected Congressional politicians
A political mockumentary combines documentary filming with?
Scripted satire
Like some Fake News shows, an interesting aspect of current political dramas, like Scandal, is
that they also engage with?
Connect with viewers through social media
Political dramas shape our view of a society’s or people’s views of?
Political culture
Political dramas fall into two categories: political process and?
National security
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Tryon notes shows like Scandal show how political operatives operate?
Without a moral compass
House of Cards, according to Tryon, shows that politicians?
Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
Tryon asserts The Good Wife was one of the first political dramas to look effectively at the
relationship between?
Law and Technology
Scandal shows how, regardless of their actions good or bad, Washington elites preserve and
consolidate their?
Political power
An interesting aspect of House of Cards is that it shows Frank Underwood as cunning in his
ability to?
Work around the government system to get stuff done
Who sits in the main office of the West Wing?
In Scandal, Olivia Pope and her political operatives are involved in helping politicians with?
Public relations
Tryon notes that West Wing significantly showed how the White House managed the ‘threat’
from and ‘benefit’ of the?
Political Media
Tryon argues that West Wing had a pedagogical impact on Americans because it showed them?
How their government works
As with Parks and Rec, the West Wing shows the efforts of?
Dedicated political servants
An interesting twist in Scandal, which feeds into the ‘deep state’ narrative, is that the real power
in Washington is not in the hands of elected officials but?
A secret government agency
The West Wing focussed on the senior staff of the White House, which is mainly responsible for?
Political decision-making
The West Wing also made the point, according to Tryon, that political media had a responsibility
to ensure they were providing information for the?
Public interest
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In Scandal, the politicians and their ambition are caught up in a corrupt system audience seeks
the good in all this, so they are seeking?
Moral legibility
House of Cards, according to Tryon shows that, politicians?
Are powerless to make good things happen due to the political system
Interestingly, the West Wing showered that political elections were becoming fights less over
economy and politics but over _______ issues?
Tryon argues that a significant episode in Scandal raised important moral and ethical issues
Violence by the police against African-American males
West Wing showed importantly not only show how political processes work, but also how in the
short-term, politicians engage in?
Political decision-making
House of Cards, according to Tryon shows that, politicians?
Manipulate politics for personal gain and power
While the West Wing does involve connecting viewers to characters, Tryon argues it also teaches
audiences to?
Embrace the show’s political values
The Good Wife is based on the life of a politician’s?
Tryon argues that unlike Scandal, the West Wing seeks to counter political?
Interestingly, given Trump’s election, Perry-Giles fault West Wing for portraying male-headed,
agrarian, economically-struggling, Caucasians as?
True Americans
Political dramas often show government activities, passing laws, etc., are often sacrificed due to
political spectacle (image) and?
Tryon notes that many political dramas show that good people cannot accomplish good things
because of the problems in the?
Political culture
Political dramas fall into two categories: nation security and?
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Political process
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
National security political dramas look at the moral and ethical issues around
The Americans looks at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
Middle east
Homeland provides insights into the politics around?
Trying notes that 24 was having an effect on?
Politicians’ understandings of nation security issues
The key event that has spurred or framed nation security political drams was?
Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tryon, for misunderstanding that
counter-terrorism gains beneficial information from?
Some blame national security political dramas, according to Tryon, for increased acceptability
Tryon notes some suggest the show 24 played a ‘role’ in?
Preparing voters to elect Obama
Which national security drama focussed on Russian counter-spies
The Americans
The Americana’s looks at the counter-spying efforts of a family of
The Americans as a national security political drama seeks to show the complexity of life caught
between two different?
Political ideologies
Tryon notes nation security political dramas focus on the politics of?
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Interestingly, 24 acknowledges that nation security threats often emerge from
Internal power grabs to control the government
Tryon notes some suggest the show 24 played a ‘role’ in?
Preparing voters to elect Obama
Some national security political dramas are focussed on a single episode issue, and are called
As a departure from nation security political dramas, Homeland also examines
Private/personal problems of spies
According to Tasker, crime dramas draw on the following strategies EXCEPT?
Legal complexities of victims’ lawsuits
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focussed on?
Political violence linked to Islam
What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between political violence,
homeland security, and official attempts to tackle them?
Terror TV
Tasker notes that many homeland security crime dramas are drawing on US political culture’s?
Suspicion of authority
Hanks asserts that homeland security crime dramas often resolve by removing politics as the
motive and replacing it with?
Tasker asserts that crime dramas present the police’s gaining of confessions, use of physical or
threats, lying, or other means of leveraging alleged perpetrators, etc., as failing to address the
issue of the?
Ethics of Interrogation
According to Tasker, in crime dramas, the themes of political violence and homeland security
have focused on?
National security political dramas move from the politics of spectacle to the politics of?
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What is Tasker’s term for crime dramas which tackle the nexus between news, crime, espionage
and national borders?
Terror TV
Tasker is concerned that the nexus between crime dramas and homeland security are legitimating
or normalizing?
The Americans look at the moral and ethical questions concerning?
Due to its counter-terrorism focus, a key region of focus in 24 has been?
Middle East
Tasker acknowledges that much of post-911 US crime drama about terrorism has focussed on?
Middle Eastern Americans
Quinn notes that Law & Order is effective in generating political controversy through its claim?
Ripped from the Headlines
Quinn notes that Law & Order added women and minorities in order to?
Avoid cancellation by NBC
Quinn notes Law & Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
The justice system policing those who are its agents but violate the system’s rules
Quinn notes Law & Order takes national issues and crimes and re-writes them for portrayal in
the criminal justice system?
New York
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which are?
Nationally divisive
Quinn asserts Law & Order purposely takes on issues which raise issues of?
Quinn notes Law & Order reinforces liberal democratic values through?
Characters representing different and opposing views on crimes
Greene notes Homer Simpson’s life and success may challenge the assumptions of limited
intelligence and lack of motivation of?
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Greene does not see The Simpsons as only satirizing current American society, but also
defending it by having all of the following stereotypes EXCEPT?
Angry and stressed boss
The Simpsons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived
The Simpsons premiered on Fox in the?
The Simpsons’ humour and jabs in political and social commentary allowed Fox to be perceived
Greene asserts that The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc., political satire, in the final instance, do not
challenge by reinforce Fox’s?
Ideological leanings
Greene suggests The Simpson satirizes the American Dream by showing Homer Simpson can be
successful in spite of being a/an?
Slothful, stupid American worker
Greene notes intellectualism and social criticism are aspects of which Simpsons character?
Curtis and Erion analyze south park using ideas & concepts from?
Curtis and Erion analyze south park using ideas & concepts from?
Arguably, Curtis and Erion see south park as necessary or part of making society successful,
along Popperian lines, by?
Providing uninhibited criticism to solve social problems
According to Popper, a ‘closed society’ is one in which?
Criticism of social customs is not permitted but resisted
South Park is a?
Political cartoon
Interestingly, Curtis and Erion note that south park presents ‘extremist’ views if only caricatured,
in order to understand and?
Critique and ridicule their claims
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While filled with juvenile humour, offensive vulgarity, and inane cartoon-style, Rushkoff would
suggest South Park provides?
Sophisticated social criticism
To mock liberal left-wingers, south park routinely uses these as a stand-in or to personalize those
political viewpoints?
Hollywood celebrities
Arguably, South Parks steadfast approach to criticizing unrelentingly all political and social
issues results in it often fighting against
Curtis and Erion note that South Park particularly chooses to?
Ridicule religion, especially religious extremists
Curtis and Erion note that south park particularity chooses to?
Reaffirm the importance of religion
According to Popper, an ‘open-society’ is one in which
Taboos, rules, political views and laws can be critiqued and changed
Arguably, along Popperian lines Curtis and Edison see South Park as going after the extreme left
wing an extreme right wing political and social views and proponents which aunt who can as
Enemies of open society
the main religious organization that has been extensively ridiculed in south park is?
Curtis and Erion suggest South Park creators Parker and Stone would agree with Popper that?
Totalitarian tendencies are a threat to democracy
Who is not a key character in South Park?
According to Costello & Worcester, the key character that introduced the modern genre of
superheroes is?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes are used as icons for nationalism, patriotism,
and ethnicity; this has the political impact of creating
Divisions of ‘in-group’ and ‘out-groups’
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According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes deal with the debates about life under?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes connect the political relationship between
ideology, power and?
Political culture
According to Costello & Worcester, during the Cold War, the connections between American
political and concerns about superheroes political role led publishers themselves respond with?
According to Costello & Worcester, gay marriage, Vietnam War, etc., show that superheroes are
used to?
Express political opinions and clashing viewpoints
According to Costello & Worcester. While the state has legitimate authority over people,
superheroes express peoples?
Desire for justice when legal processes are insufficient
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes have always been politically engaged by regular
engagement with all EXCEPT?
According to Costello & Worcester, superheroes connect the political relationship between
ideology, political culture and?
Costello & Worcester note while lots of books are written to analyze superheroes and politics,
but this has not been picked up in analysis by?
Political Scientists
William asserts that the Justice League shows self-doubt of superhero’s which reflect the burden
and isolation felt by?
Middle Eastern States
According to Williams, superhero’s motivations to do good, seek justice etc, used to be linked to
shared motivation of?
According to Williams, the major event that fashioned modern day representations of
superheroes is?
World War II
Concerning the Superfriends, Williams asserts the Legion of Doom represented?
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A despotic community regime
William points out Bongco noted which American body affected and patrolled how superheroes
were portrayed and their storylines?
Comics Code Authority
According to Williams, the golden age of comics was?
World War II
According to Williams, superhero narratives reflect?
Political values
According to Williams, after world war II, superheroes motivations were considered singular,
harmonious and unified in line with the?
Cold War mentality
According to Williams, superheroes reinforced the false belief there were not racial, gender or
economic divisions post-World War II; this is captured in the?
Cold War mentality
William’s study of superheroes connects superheores to American values in?
Foreign policy
Williams notes Wetherams critique of the powerful superhero, who fought alongside American
forces without question and use their superpowers to help the good fight the evil, was mobilized
to see superheroes as supporting?
According to Williams, superhero narratives reflect
Social values
Both Veep and Parks & Recreation are political mockumentaries centred on?
Women who lead or work in government
Reynolds argues that American superheroes may represent the political aspiration of?
Hall suggests that political and corporate leaders set the agenda for news, etc., and other actors
have to respond to their narratives; thus, his term for them is?
Primary definers
Marc argues the Simpson’s political satire suggests American-lower-classes are?
Poorly represented by the characters in the show
In relation to current events, National Security Political Dramas reflect and depict all except?
Legal adjudication of drone-strike war crimes
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A political mockumentary combines scripted satire with?
Documentary filming
Tasker raises the concern state surveillance in the crime dramas is shown as?
Many political dramas with women are considered to be based on the example or life of?
Hillary Clinton
Saturday Night Live pioneered the fake news cast with chevy chase in 1975, in a segment called?
Weekend update
According to Jones, of late, popular media outlet have realized that political content?
Can be its hottest commodity
In Saturday Night Live, the Weekend Update segment seeks to satirize politics through?
Fake news
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