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IELTS Speaking Practice: Questions & Answers (2023)

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
PART 1................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Home/ accommodation ..............................................................................................................5
2. Study.........................................................................................................................................8
3. Work ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Bags ......................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Living Place ............................................................................................................................... 14
6. Wild Animals ............................................................................................................................. 15
7. Keeping Healthy ....................................................................................................................... 15
8. Concentration ........................................................................................................................... 16
9. Teachers ...................................................................................................................................18
10. Days Off ..................................................................................................................................21
11. Friends ..................................................................................................................................21
12. Language learning................................................................................................................. 25
13. Dreams ..................................................................................................................................27
14. Favorite Day.......................................................................................................................... 28
15. Ambition ............................................................................................................................... 29
16. Schools ..................................................................................................................................30
17. Arts ....................................................................................................................................... 30
18. Music ....................................................................................................................................32
19. Staying up ............................................................................................................................. 34
20. Chocolate .............................................................................................................................. 35
21. Jewelry ..................................................................................................................................36
22. Small business ....................................................................................................................... 36
23. Outer space and stars ............................................................................................................ 37
24. Weekends .............................................................................................................................. 38
25. Keys ......................................................................................................................................39
26. T-shirt ...................................................................................................................................40
27. Happy ...................................................................................................................................40
28. Library..................................................................................................................................42
29. Ice-cream ................................................................................................................................ 42
30. Noise .....................................................................................................................................43
30. Fix things.................................................................................................................................45
+ Thông tin khóa học Package online: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package
+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
PART 2 & PART 3 ................................................................................................................. 46
1. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied the result ....................................46
2. Describe an advertisement you don't like ................................................................................ 48
3. Describe an invention that changed people's lives. ..................................................................51
4. Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear...................................................... 54
5. Describe a popular person (who) you know. ............................................................................ 62
6. Describe a traditional festival ..................................................................................................66
7. Describe a game you played in your childhood........................................................................ 73
8. Describe a time when you spend time with a child...................................................................76
9. Describe a place you want to visit with you friends or family in the future .............................. 79
10. Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought a positive influence ...84
11. Describe a long car journey you went on ............................................................................... 90
12. Describe a new store/shop that just opened in your area. ...................................................... 97
13. Describe a crowded place you have been to ......................................................................... 104
14. Describe a book you want to read again. ............................................................................. 108
15. Describe an interesting talk or speech ................................................................................. 113
16. Describe a sport you enjoyed watching................................................................................ 117
17 Describe a perfect house you saw ......................................................................................... 122
18. Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money ........... 126
19. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future. .................................................. 131
20. Describe a movie you watched that made you feel depressed............................................... 133
21. Describe an occasion when you got lost ............................................................................... 138
22. Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information ........................................... 140
23. Describe an exciting adventure you would like to go on ....................................................... 142
24. Describe an important decision ........................................................................................... 150
25. Describe a job you think is interesting ................................................................................. 153
26. Describe a historical period you would like to know more ................................................... 156
27. Describe something that you did with one or more people ................................................... 161
28. Describe a website you often visit ........................................................................................ 166
29. Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use ................................................. 170
30. Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time ...................................................... 174
31. Describe an unusual meal you had ...................................................................................... 180
32. Describe the first day you went to school that you remember? ............................................ 184
+ Thông tin khóa học Package online: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package
+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
33. Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting .............................................. 189
34. Describe a sport you enjoyed when you were young ............................................................ 195
35. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.................................... 199
36. Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax ......................................... 203
37. Describe a character in a film or TV show .......................................................................... 207
38. Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something .............................................. 211
39. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you are familiar with............ 216
40. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by air pollution (or not clean) ............... 221
41. Describe an interesting old person you met ......................................................................... 225
42. Describe a time someone give you a gift that you really want .............................................. 229
43. Describe something you did that made you feel proud......................................................... 234
44. Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall, park,...)........... 241
45. Describe a noisy place you have been to .............................................................................. 244
46. Describe a person you from know who is from a different cultures backgrounds ................ 248
47. Describe something you would like to learn in the future .................................................... 253
48. Describe a person you know who likes to help others (or, who often helps others)............... 256
49. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy ....................................................... 263
50. Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you remember well ............................ 267
+ Thông tin khóa học Package online: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package
+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
1. Home/ accommodation
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two
bathrooms and a lovely back garden. It’s not really a spacious house, but it’s just right
for me and my family.
Who do you live with?
I live with my parents and my siblings. We always get on well with each other and have
a lot of fun.
How long have you lived there?
I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated from high school and moved to the
city to enroll at university, where I lived in a student dormitory during the semester.
(If you answer you haven't lived there long)
What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived
in the past?
Living in a dorm with other roommates is totally different from living in my own house.
My current residential area is quite small and it’s very noisy because there are a lot of
people there and I don’t have my own space. Conversely, when I was living at home, I
had my own spacious room and it made me feel comfortable.
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
To be honest, I intend to buy an apartment in an urban area after I graduate from
university. I can decorate and design my ideal home with whatever facilities I want.
Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
It’s definitely the kitchen. Not only lunch or dinner time but all our family reunions take
place in the kitchen where all the family members get together to eat tasty meals, and
chat to each other – it’s a really harmonious atmosphere.
Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
To be honest, most of the transport facilities to my place are not very modern. The bus
service from my work place to home is irregular and usually overcrowded.
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
I prefer living in a house to a flat because I value my privacy and need my own space.
Owning an independent house, I can plan and design a house layout to suit myself.
Moreover, I can modify a house according to the size of the family.
Please describe the room you live in.
My current room is actually more like a bedsit. It is a multi – purpose room, I use it to
sleep and study as well. It is painted in pink, that’s my favorite color with a bed, a
cupboard and desk. It’s not really spacious but it’s just right for me.
What part of your home do you like the most ?
I prefer my bedroom most due to its convenience and privacy. Because of my stressful
work I want to be in a quiet place and concentrate on my work. In my own room, I’m
never disturbed by anyone else.
Moreover, in my own space I can do whatever I want without bothering others.
Terraced house (noun): (ngôi nhà trong dãy nhà cùng kiểu) a house connected on both
sides by other properties
Ex: In England, most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens.
Back garden (noun phrase): (vườn ở phía sau nhà) a garden at the rear of the house.
Ex: I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two
bathrooms and a lovely back garden.
Spacious (adjective): (rộng rãi) (of a room or building) large and with plenty of space
for people to move around in
Ex: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.
Sibling(s) (noun): (anh/ chị em) a brother or sister
Ex: The younger children were badly treated by older siblings.
Get on well with sb (phrasal verb): (hòa hợp với ai đó) to have a friendly relationship
with somebody
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: She and her sister have never really got on well with each other.
Dormitory (noun): (kí túc xá) a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school
or other institution
Ex: I’ve lived there since I was a child, until I graduated high school and moved to
the city to enroll in university where I lived in a dormitory.
Residential area (noun): (nơi ở) (of an area of a town) suitable for living in; consisting
of houses rather than factories or offices
Ex: It was not safe to locate the chemicals factory in a residential area.
Urban area (noun): (vùng thành thị) connected with a town or city
Ex:Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas.
Reunion (noun): (tụ họp, xum họp) a social occasion or party attended by a group of
people who have not seen each other for a long time
Ex: The College has an annual reunion for former students.
Harmonious (adjective): (ấm cúng, yên bình) friendly, peaceful and without any
Ex: It is important to have harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups.
Irregular (adjective): not happening at the arranged time intervals
Ex: His irregular attendance at school resulted in his failure in the final exams.
Overcrowded (adjective): with too many people or things in it
Ex: The train was so overcrowded this evening that I was unable to find an empty
Privacy (noun): being alone and not disturbed by other people
Ex: I read the letter in the privacy of my own room.
Suit oneself (verb): to do exactly what you like/want
Ex: Everyone had a different opinion about what colour to paint my room, so in the
end I decided to just suit myself.
Modify (verb): (sửa đổi, thay đổi) to change something slightly, especially in order to
make it more suitable for a particular purpose
Ex: We found it cheaper to modify the existing equipment rather than buy new.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Bedsit (noun): (phòng vừa để ngủ vừa để học, tiếp khách) a room that a person rents and
uses for both living and sleeping in
Ex: He lives in a tiny student bedsit used for both sleeping and studying.
Multi-purpose (adjective): (đa chức năng) having many different uses
Ex: This room is multi-purpose – we use it for meetings, interviews and taking breaks.
2. Study
Describe your education
I started primary school when I was 7. 5 years later, I went to secondary school at 12.
Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted students in my hometown. In my country,
highschool education lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the Foreign
Trade University where I’m currently studying economics.
What is your area of specialization?
Well, my major is External Economics. I have mastered the basics of economics and
socio-economics, combined with business knowledge mainly related to the import and
export business.
Why did you choose to study that major?
I think it would help to fulfill my dream of introducing my country’s agricultural
products to the world. Vietnamese goods have a real potential, but they still struggle to
make a name for themselves, you know.
Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
Yes, of course. Studying economics, especially external economics is interesting and
practical. It helps me to keep up with current affairs and it improves my analytical and
problem-solving skills as well.
What kind of school did you go to as a child?
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my
hometown which provides both high quality education and a supportive environment,
so I think I was quite lucky.
What was your favourite subject as a child?
Well, I used to be very passionate about drawing when I was a little girl. It was fun to
work with brushes and colors, you know, as it was the time when I could indulge in my
own creative world.
Do you think your country has an effective education system?
To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system has somehow become unduly stressful, does
not promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still
cares way too much about grades and schools consequently focuses on an exam-driven
curriculum, which I find quite impractical.
(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?
Absolutely! It’s great to join the workforce, especially when I can do the job I love. Not
only will it pay the bills, but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution. It’s
hard to be happy and fulfilled without working, you know.
Higher education (chương trình đại học) [n] post-18 learning that take places at
Example: According to a research, nearly 50 percent of Vietnamese students in U.S.
higher education are studying either business or engineering, with business-related
majors making up 38 percent of all enrollments in 2012/13
Master (tinh thông, nắm vững) [v] learn how to do sowmthing well
Example: She lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language.
Make a name for oneself ( trở nên nổi tiếng) [idiom] become famous and respected by
a lot of people
Example: By the time he was thirty-five, he had made a name for himself as a successful
railway contractor
Keep up with (cập nhật thông tin về cái gì) [idiom] be aware of
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Example: Even though he's been travelling, he's kept up with what's going on back home
Analytical (thuộc về phân tích) [adj] using analysis or logical reasoning
Example: Analytical skills are essential in the workplace to ensure necessary problem
solving occurs to keep productivity and other areas of the workforce functioning
Elementary school (trường tiểu học) [n] primary school, school for children between 711 years old (in Vietnam)
Example: It’s essential that children at the official entry age for elementary school
attend classes fully.
Unduly (quá mức, không chính đáng ) [adj] excessively/ to a level that more than is
necessary, acceptable, or reasonable
For every new parents, the decision about whether to vaccinate his or herchild has bee
n unduly stressful
Exam-driven curriculum (chương trình học để phục vụ cho các kỳ thi) [expression] the
courses taught a school, college, which focus on teaching what will be on the exam
Example: Many parents believe that exam-driven curriculum can change their kid’s
attitude towards school in profoundly negative ways.
Pay the bills (trang trải cuộc sống) [ idioms] provide enough income to sustain one’s
Example: Being a dentist isn’t so glamorous, but it pays the bills
3. Work
What do you do?
I’m currently working as a graphic designer for a fashion magazine for youngsters
What are your responsibilities?
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Well I’m mainly responsible for designing the cover of the magazine. I normally work
with the concept team to make sure that the final product will both attract the potential
buyer’s attention and express the theme of the magazine.
Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
I guess it’s because of my artistic passion. The process of creating beautiful things is
somehow intriguing to me, so I chose to be a graphic designer, which combines both
art and technology. It’s quite interesting, you know.
Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
Well, if possible, I’d like to be a freelance writer. Actually I’m a big fan of action
movies, and I also care about healthy living, so, I’d love to write about these topics and
share my stories with people of the same interest.
Describe the company or organization you work for
My company is not huge, it’s just a small art designoffice, but is definitely an
inspirational workplace with a young, creative, and extremely passionate team. We work
on the basis of mutual understanding and respect for each other, so it’s kind of an ideal
environment for me.
Do you enjoy your work?
Most of the time. It’s rewarding to co-work on projects with amazing people in an open
and supportive environment to bring out an art production that will ultimately give me
a sense of satisfaction and pride.
What do you like about your job?
Well, the perk of being a graphic designer is that you’ll surround yourself with inspiring
images everyday. My daily working life involves seeking out inspiration in all sorts of
places, researching incredible illustrations and graphics, and creating them too. It’s
great, I think.
What do you dislike about your job
What I don’t like about this job is that our personal taste in design varies, and normally
I’ll have to do a thousand edits to get the final product that meets the demand of my
boss while still * relating / staying faithful to /remaining trueto the initial concept.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
* conform means ‘to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are
expected by a group or society’ – this does not relate to things like ‘concepts’.
(Possibly)Do you miss being a student?
Sometimes, when I’m burdened with heavy workloads or the pressure of everyday life,
I recall the memories of being a student. We were all carefree and innocent back then.
It’s a precious time that I cherish.
theme (đề tài,chủ đề) [n] the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc
Example: The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.
Intriguing ( hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú) [adj] very interesting because of being unusual or
Example: The Huns are intriguing not only because of their notoriously hawkish
history, but also because of their place as middlemen between Mongol and
Turkic ethnicity
On the basis of (trên cơ sở) [idiom] base on
Example: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
Rewarding (bổ ích, đáng làm) [adj] giving pleasure, satisfation
Example: The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited time to
perfect your abilities and accumulate wealth.
Ultimately (cuối cùng thì, rút cục) [adv] at the end of a process, period of time, etc.
Example: Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with
the directors next week.
Perk ( đặc quyền, thù lao thêm) [n] an advantage or something extra that you are given
because of your job
Example: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with
the job.
Conform (to sth) (tuân theo) [v] obey the rule or reach the necessary stated standard
Before buying the
baby's car seat,
make sure that
it conforms to
the official safetystandards.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Cherish (yêu mến, coi trọng) [v] keep hopes, memories in your mind because they are
important to you and bring you pleasure
Example: I cherish the memories of the time we spent together
4. Bags
- Do you use bags often?
Answer: Yes. It is one of my must-have items. Wearing a bag when going out helps me
carry my necessities as well as giving me a fashionable look.
What types of bags do you like?
Answer: Well, I use a backpack on a daily basis because I always put heavy stuff inside
the bag such as my laptop, books,… so I guess it is also my top priority thanks to its
Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
Answer: Yes. I always bring my personal stuff such as water bottles, whenever I get
outdoors; therefore, carrying a bag gives me a sense of comfort.
Do you have different bags for different occasions?
Answer: Well, I’m not a bag enthusiast, so I just use my plain leather backpack all the
1. Must-have (adjective): Bắt buộc phải có, thiết yếu.
Example: Mobile phone is my must-have item. I cannot imagine myself living without
2. Necessity (noun): Vật dụng cần thiết.
Example: Mobile phone is one of my necessities. I cannot live without it.
3. Backpack (noun): Ba lô.
Example: I think you should buy a new backpack because the one you are using is worn
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
4. Outdoors (adverb): Ở ngoài.
If the weather is good, we'll eat outdoors.
5. Enthusiast (noun): Người có đam mê 1 cái gì đó.
Example: I am a book enthusiast. I always read books before going to bed.
6. Plain (adjective): Đơn giản, giản dị, đơn sơ.
Example: I am not thrilled with your outfit. It is just a plain white dress.
6. Leather (adjective): Vật làm từ da
Example: I don’t really like leather goods because they cost me an arm and a leg.
7. All the time: Liên tục.
Example: I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time.
5. Living Place
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
Well I live in a terraced house with my family in Thai Nguyen city. It’s not a spacious
house but it’s just right for me and my family with a nice living room, a kitchen, 3
bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a lovely back garden.
2. What can you see from the windows of your home?
The first thing that I can see from my window is the lovely back garden we have where
my mom plants a lot of roses. It is so refreshing to look at my garden and the flowers
in it. If I look more widely, I can see many other houses in our neighborhood and tall
trees which are not far away from our house.
3. Are you satisfied with the place where you focus on living?
Yes, I am. For me, my house is a wonderful place as this is the place I grew up in,
went to school, made all my memories. My family-the ones I love most are in here and
my pet is always the first to greet me.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
6. Wild Animals
1. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
When I was a high school student, I loved watching wild animal TV programs. I
personally like the big, cinematic documentaries like Planet Earth, Life, North
America, and Frozen Planet. They’re so incredibly well-made that I could watch
them all day.
2. Where can you see wild animals?
Well, you can see wild animals in the zoo. But to tell the truth, I hate the zoo. I like
to see them in the wild, in their home. Not in a tiny enclosures where they get sick
or overweight due to lack of exercise. I agree, some zoos are good, taking good care
of the animals, but most zoos have tiny enclosures where animals are cramped.
3. In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?
I think every country has wild animals but it is not easy to see them as they live in
the forest. However, if you go to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, you will have
the chance to spot not only the Australia’s national icon: the kangaroo but also seals,
penguins, koalas, echidnas and even whales off the island’s shores.
Enclosure (n) a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall and is used for a
particular purpose
=> the winners’ enclosure
7. Keeping Healthy
1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
In my opinion, the best way to stay physically healthy is knowing the fundamentals of
nutrition. There are three macro nutritional values which are carbohydrates, protein
and fats. All foods have these three macros in some amounts, I just try to pick the
foods that have the best ratios for me like: Sweet potato, brown rice, broccoli, chicken,
almond butter.
2. What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise?
Well, the human body is designed to be physically active. If one is active enough,
exercise is not at all a specific requirement. Food on the other hand is a basic necessity
of life and one has to take care to choose the right and healthy food for a healthy life.
My personal experience teaches me that food plays a major role in our health. Exercise
is supportive for good health. No amount of exercise can help you with diabetes and
high cholesterol if you don't have control on your food intake (along with exercise).
3. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?
I think I should focus more on improving my sleep habits because getting enough
quality sleep is essential for my physical and mental health. However, I am quite busy
now with academic and social demands so I am still trying to figure it out and balance
the amount of time spent on studies and sleep.
8. Concentration
1. What do you need to be focused?
(Answer) Well, I think there are certain ways that keep myself always fixated on a
(Give a reason for your answer) I would normally set aside a specific time and
place and request to be left alone for a period of time. Another alternative for me
is to seek out a quiet location where I know I will be able to work undisturbed.
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2. What might distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
(Answer) Well, there are many things.
(Give a reason for your answer) I sometimes abandon a task because I am
disturbed by either a noise or sound, or other thoughts creeping into my mind
3. What do you do to help you concentrate?
(Answer) Whenever my work requires complete concentration, I played the finger
gyroscope for about 5 minutes to be mentally well-prepared to undertake the task.
(Give a reason for your answer) All you need to do when playing this toy is holding
the spinner in one hand and the other hand spinning rapidly using small continuous
strikes with indefinite practice. What really amazes me is that it keeps rotating for
a long time and seems to go on non-stop. All my vision is captivated by this little
4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
(Answer) For a very long period of time, I suffered great concentration issues and
was not able to focus on one thing for a long period of time.
(Give a reason for your answer) Until now, my focus capacity has become sharper
as I have been trying different ways to concentrate on my important work. The key
here is to prioritize and carry out your task in order with absolute commitment.
1. fixate [v]: to think about something too much and find it difficult to stop:
suy nghĩ cố định
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Eg: High achievers sometimes fixate on their own flaws.
2. alternative [n]: an alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do
not want to use another one: phương án thay thế
Eg: The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.
3. abandon [v]: to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever: rời bỏ, bỏ mặc
Eg: By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been
4. indefinite [adj]: not exact, not clear, or without clear limits: vô định
Eg: The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
5. rotate [v]: to turn or cause something to turn in a circle, especially around a
fixed point: quay vòng
Eg: The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.
6. captivate [v]: to hold the attention of someone by being extremely
interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive: quy ến rũ, thu hút
Eg: With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.
7. concentration issues [expression]: problems related to one’s concentration:
vấn đề tập trung
Eg: Tiredness and emotional stress can cause concentration issues in most people
8. capacity [n]: someone's ability to do a particular thing: năng lực
Eg: She has a great capacity for hard work.
9. prioritize [v]: to decide which of a group of things are the most important so
that you can deal with them first: ưu tiên
Eg: You must learn to prioritize your work.
10. commitment [n]: a promise or firm decision to do something: sự cam kết
Eg: Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.
9. Teachers
1. (Do you like any teacher of yours?)
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(Answer) Yes, I do.
(Give a reason for your answer) Throughout my academic life, I was instructed by
many lovely teachers whom I love and respect a lot. Among them, the person who
inspired me the most is my English major teacher in my high school.
2. (Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?)
Well, after high school graduation, I still contact my Physics and English teachers
from time to time. Besides, on special occasions like the Tet holiday or Teacher’s
day, I still visit them with my friends to express our gratitude.
3. (Do you think it’s important to like your teacher?)
(Answer) Of course yes.
(Give a reason for your answer) When you have a good relationship with your
teachers, you may find their way of teaching more understandable. Most importantly,
you will feel more motivated in studying and in the end perform academically better
when you feel deeply attached to your teachers.
4. (Do you want to be a teacher?)
(Answer) Yes, hopefully.
(Give a reason for your answer) I’m quite enthusiastic about conveying knowledge
to others, especially those who are willing to learn. As I’m capable of explaining
things in a concise and appealing way, I’m quite cut out for teaching.
5. (What qualities should a good teacher have?)
Well, one needs to have a lot of attributes to become a decent teacher, in my opinion.
Besides a good knowledge, you also need to be patient, diligent and highly
disciplined. Unless you are passionately devoted to teaching, you cannot call yourself
a good teacher.
6. (Do you have a favorite teacher?)
I had so many favorite teachers and it’s a bit difficult to pick one, but I would say
English major teacher in high school was the one I love the most. She always delivered
engaging lessons, and unlike other teachers who compel students to learn to get good
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grades, she showed the beauty in learning and encouraged us to pursue our own
respect [v]: to feel or show admiration for someone or something that you
believe has good ideas or qualities: kính trọng
Eg: I deeply respect David for w hat he has achieved.
inspire [v]: to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something: truy ền
cảm hứng
Eg: Leaders that follow the transformation style of leading, challenge and
inspire their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement.
from time to time [expression]: sometimes: thỉnh thoảng
Eg: I meet my old friends from time to time.
gratitude [n]: a strong feeling of appreciation for someone or something for what the
person has done to help you: sự biết ơn
Eg: I would like to express my gratitude to the feminists, both male and female, for
their work in the past.
understandable [adj]: easy to understand: dễ hiểu
Eg: You have to put the facts into a form that's understandable to everyone.
motivate [v]: to make someone eager to do something: cổ vũ, tiếp động lực
Eg: She managed to motivate staff to work together after the merger.
(be) enthusiastic about [adj]: showing enthusiasm: hào hứng về
Eg: Marcia’s lifelong interest in science learning stems from growing up as the
oldest child in a family enthusiastic about learning.
(be) cut out for/ to be sth [n]: have exactly the right qualities for a particular role,
task, or job: phù hợp
Eg: I'm just not cut out to be a policeman.
attribute [n]: a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: phẩm chất
Eg: Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager.
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diligent [adj]: careful and serious in your work, or done in a careful and determined
way: cần mẫn
Eg: He is also known as a documenter of literature that is persistent, diligent, and
engaging [adj]: tending to please; attractive: thu hút
Eg: He has such an engaging manner.
pursue [v]: to try to achieve something: theo đuổi
Eg: Liam plans to pursue a career in advertising.
10. Days Off
1. What do you do on your day off?
2. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
11. Friends
Do you have many close friends?
I have only one friend I would confide in. I’m quite picky and more importantly, I have
a somewhat irrational fear that none of my friends really like me and that I'm just a guy
they can barely tolerate and it is hard for me to live in harmony with them.
2. Do you think friendship is important?
There is no doubt that friendships play a vital role in our life. They make our lives
interesting and wonderful. They help us develop a sense of sharing whether they are
tangible things or just inspirational or motivational words of wisdom.
3. Which do you prefer to spend time with: a friend or spend time alone?
It depends. Normally, I'm more of a loner and generally spend more time in solitude
than with friends. But when I’m in a bad mood, lonileness makes me feel isolated from
the whole world. These days, I will hang out with my friends so that sad and unhappy
thoughts cannot come into my mind.
4. What kind of people do you like to have as friend?
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I find myself attracted to people who are honest and who know how to behave with
others. I always avoid making friends with people who have a superiority complex.
5. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?
Actually I like to talk with cyber friends more than having real-world conversations. I
think others observe me a lot, they judge me and hence I become very self conscious
and shy away from speaking face to face.
6. Are most of your friends from school or from outside school?
Most of my friends are from high school. People who I met at work or from clubs have
less in common with me, whereas at Uni we all shared interests in the same things and
7. How often do you meet with your friends?
When I was younger, I used to meet my friends almost everyday. Even friends outside
of school were a part of my daily social interactions. But now, as a 23 year old working
professional, I barely meet anyone during weekdays. I meet my closest friends only on
some weekends. These meetups are sporadic too.
8. What do you and your friends do together?
My closest friends and I have a mutual interest which is we always have a thirst for
clothes shopping, so whenever we have time, we will go shopping together until we
break the bank. Sometimes when we are out of money, just window shopping is
9. How do people in your country meet others and make friends?
I don't think it particularly matters what country you're from. In every country, you can
make friends just by sitting next to someone a few times during class, then a friendship
logically happens. Otherwise, you can make cyber friends through social networks like
Facebook or Twitter.
10. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?
Adults use self disclosure to develop trust and loyalty among friends. This is quite
complicated in practice while children usually use common interests and goals as the
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basis of their friendships. More importantly, kids have a whale of time with whoever,
but adults have to use their time for work and taking care of their family.
11. Do you think it is possible to become real friends with people you meet on the
Of course it is possible to establish real friendships with someone online. What you need
in a friendship is truthfullness, reliability, empathy, respect and loyalty. If you're getting
all that from your online friends then you can consider them as genuine friends.
Các từ thuộc chủ đề Communication and Personality
1. To live in harmony with one another
Meaning: to live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement
Example: The students who share the house are all good friends and they are able to live
in harmony with one another.
2. To have a superiority complex
Meaning: to have a feeling that one is superior to others
Example: She has a superiority complex, imagining that she is somehow better than her
classmates at everything .
Các từ thuộc chủ đề Tourism
1. To have a thirst for
Meaning: to have a strong desire for something
Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new places
and enjoying new experiences.
2. To break the bank
Meaning: to use up all one's money/ to cost too much.
Example: Having a winter vacation in the sun without breaking the bank is a dream
come true.
3. To have a whale of time
Meaning: to have an exciting or fun time
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Example: We had a whale of a time at Ninh Van Bay Resort.
Các từ khác
1. Confide
[verb] to tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust not to tell anyone
Eg: He confided (to her) that his hair was not his own.
2. Picky
[adj] very careful about choosing only what they like
Eg: Big companies can afford to be picky about who they hire.
3. Tolerate
[adj] to accept behaviours and beliefs that are different from your own, although you
might not agree with or approve of them:
Eg: I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.
4. Tangible
[adj] real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced
Eg: We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.
5. Isolate
[verb] to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed
Eg: A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village.
6. Cyber
[adj] involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet
Eg: When she did venture forth from her digs, a favorite pastime was exploring the cyber
world with Fred and his computer.
7. Genuine
[adj] If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere
Eg: He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.
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12. Language learning
1. Will you learn other languages in the future?
(Answer) Well, my foremost choice would be French.
(Give a reason for your answer) On the one hand, I am really into travelling to
France because this nation boasts a diverse range of culture like literature,
architecture, fashion, and cooking. A good command of French will equip me with
the necessary languages to interact with its native speakers. Besides, I know a lot of
engaging French movies so that’s quite a compelling reason to learn their language.
2. Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?
(Answer) Yes, of course it is. Well, there are different challenges for different people
and for different languages.
(Give a reason for your answer) For the language itself, grammar may baffle many
learners, while others can’t pick up pronunciation and struggle to memorize
vocabulary. Alphabets can be challenging, especially the complicated ones like Kanji
or Tibetan. Besides, other obstacles like the lack of time and resources generally
present themselves during the learning process.
3. What language can you speak?
(Answer) I can speak Vietnamese and English and just a bit of Korean.
(Give a reason for your answer) I try to expose myself to the language according to
my hobbies and interests. Watching movies with subtitles, reading books on my
favorite topics or listening to music are of great help to my linguistic command.
4. Why do you learn English?
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(Answer) There are many reasons to learn English nowadays.
(Give a reason for your answer) I learn English out of academic, diplomatic,
commercial or other practical considerations because it is the preferred language when
communicating with most foreigners. Practically, learning foreign language helps to
broaden my opportunities for becoming a global citizen.
1. (be) into [adj]: to be interested in something: yêu thích cái gì
Eg: My daughter is into sports all of sudden and really wants to take tennis lessons.
2. equip [v]: to provide a person or a place with objects that are necessary for a
particular purpose: trang bị
Eg: All the police officers were equipped with shields to defend themselves against
the rioters.
3. engaging [adj]: pleasant, attractive, and charming: cuốn hút
Eg: He has an engaging manner.
4. compelling [adj]: If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe
it or accept it because it is so strong: thuyết phục
Eg: It's a fairly compelling argument for going.
5. baffle [v]: to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain
something: làm lạc hướng
Eg: She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour.
6. complicated [adj]: involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to
understand: phức tạp
Eg: The rules are rather complicated to follow.
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7. obstacle [n]: something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or
action is prevented or made more difficult: chướng ngại
Eg: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
8. expose [v]: to create conditions that allow someone to have the opportunity to
learn or experience new things: tiếp xúc
Eg: Kate was exposed to new ideas when she went to college.
9. diplomatic [adj]: involving diplomats or the management of the relationships
between countries: ngoại giao
Eg: All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been fruitless.
10. broaden [n]: to increase knowledge, experience: mở rộng
Eg: Many people agree that travel broadens the mind.
13. Dreams
- How long can you remember your dream when you wake up?
Answer: Well, it usually lasts for some minutes since I usually talk with my friends
immediately about what I dreamed the night before but I can’t recall any details after
Do you like hearing others dream?
Answer: Yes. Sometimes you can gain insight into the person who tells the dream because
sometimes dreams reflect some kind of reality.
Do you think dream will affect life?
Answer: I don’t think so. Dreams while sleeping just indicate poor sleeping quality, but I
do think that dreams have special meanings.
Do you often have dream at night?
Answer: I don’t think I usually dream at night because I always sleep like a rock every
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Have you had a bad dream before?
Answer: Yes. I dreamt about how I performed poorly when I was sitting the finals and it
turned out to be one of worst nightmares I’ve ever dreamt.
What was the strangest dream you have had?
Answer: Well, the strangest dream I’ve had was travelling from VN to the US by cycling.
It took me just over 4 days to make it to the States and I was quite disappointed when I
woke up. To be honest, I do want more of this kind of strange dreams.
What do you usually dream about?
Answer: I usually dream about what happened in the daytime. For example, during the
exam week, I even take exams in my dreams. It’s like an endless nightmare.
1. To recall something (v): Nhớ lại cái gì đó.
Do you recall what we did last night?
2. Reflect (v): Phản ánh.
I do believe horoscopes reflect my personality.
3. Sleeping quality (n): Chất lượng giấc ngủ.
It is believed that doing yoga can enhance sleeping quality.
4. To sleep like a rock (idiom): Ngủ say như chết.
He was drunk last night and he slept like a rock.
5. Nightmare (n): Ác mộng.
I had a nightmare last night and I just can’t stop thinking about it.
6. In the daytime (n): Ban ngày.
You should call me in the daytime, when I have much free time
14. Favorite Day
1. Which day is your favorite day?
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My favorite day is when I met my boyfriend - the love of my life. Before him, I was
very logical, straight, driven. Life was all about achieving and overcoming things. I
rarely even smiled. After we met and despite lots of ups and down, he taught me to
enjoy life to the fullest. To care for others, to go outside my comfort zone, to explore.
He made me laugh a lot and I’m so grateful to have him in my life.
2. How do you usually spend your time?
Well, If I don’t have to go to school, I spend my time mostly at home. I watch
motivational videos, read a good book which can make me more knowledgeable and
for fun I watch “How I Met Your Mother” shows. And occasionally, I like to go to
temples or historical places because I can feel relaxed and peaceful; so there.
15. Ambition
1. What are your career ambitions or goals?
Well, as a digital marketing student, I aspire to become a specialist in the field,
developing expertise in areas such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click
(PPC) advertising, social media marketing, or email marketing.
2. Is it important to have ambitions?
I think we are actually happier when our mind is occupied with meaningful things,
rather than the time we are spending on leisure. Therefore, it is also important for us to
choose an ambition that is matched by our skills. This keeps us chasing that ambition
and challenges our mind sufficiently. In a word, ambition is what drives people to new
heights and to accomplish their meaningful goals in life.
3. What were your ambitions when you were a child?
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Well, when I was a kid, around 7–8, I always wanted to be a flight attendant. “I can go
places”- I used to think. And they dress pretty too. I'll dress pretty and go see the
world. However, when I got older, I realized that I could not meet the requirements of
being a flight attendant as I was not tall enough.
16. Schools
- Where do you go to school?
I attended a top 10 best university in Vietnam located in Hanoi, and I feel very proud
and fortunate to be a student of this university. It offered a wide range of programs and
resources for students, including strong academic programs, hands-on learning
opportunities, and a diverse student body.
- Do you think your school is good for every student?
Yes, I do. As a top 10 best university in Vietnam, my university offers a variety of
resources to their students, including libraries and specific studying spaces, each with a
distinct organization and identity. Also, there are a lot of choices of majors and
specializations for us to choose from and students here can have a chance to get access
to a huge amount of networking opportunities for internships and jobs.
- What changes do you want to make in your school?
Well, I have complained a lot about the food in the cafeteria but nothing changed. So
last year, I finally moved off campus so that I could cook for myself. Therefore, if I
had a chance to change something there, it would absolutely be the food quality in the
17. Arts
- What forms of visual art are popular in your country?
Because Vietnam has much cultural and natural diversity and a long history, we take
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pride in various types of visual art ranging from painting, sculpture, crafts, and
drawing. Take Dong Ho Folk painting, for example. With a unique drawing-printing
technique using raw materials and all-natural colors, this kind of art is preserved not
only by the government but by all Vietnamese people.
- Are there any difference between the art in your country and the art in Western
Since culture varies, there is a vast difference between art in Vietnam and western
nations. There are some unique Vietnamese art styles, such as stilt houses and martial
arts, that we do not see in the western world. Having said that, as our country was
dominated by France and China in the past, we were, to some extent, influenced by
their artistic styles while maintaining our own.
1.A vast difference (collocation): sự khác biệt lớn
2.Having said that: tuy nhiên (=however)
3.Stilt house (n): nhà sàn
4.Martial art (n): võ thuật
- Do you want to be an artist?
Not really. Though I have a strong passion for drawing, I don’t expect to become an
artist; that’s why I opted for Business as my university major. The reason is that being
a successful artist is hard, especially for those from a middle-class family like me. I
would have to hope that the public recognized my work of art to help me move from
rags to riches. I don’t want to lead a difficult life to pursue my dreams.
1. Have a strong passion for: có niềm đam mê mãnh liệt với…
2.Middle class (adj): trung lưu
3.From rags to riches (idiom): đổi đời, từ nghèo lên giàu
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18. Music
1. Do you like listening to music?
I love listening to music, especially US-UK. My favorite artists are Miley Cyrus and
Troye Sivan; their songs always sound awesome to me.
2. When do you listen to music?
Basically I listen to music whenever I feel like doing so, but maybe I most often do
that before going to sleep, when I’m on the bus, or when I don’t have any important
tasks to work on.
3. Did you learn instruments?
I didn’t take up any musical instruments, and haven’t still. I have always wanted to
learn to play the piano ever since I was a kid, but never got the chance too. I’m
planning on getting some piano lessons this summer.
4. Did you have any music classes in school?
I used to have music classes back when I was in primary school and secondary school
only. I really loved my music class in secondary school - for our midterm and final
tests, we had to form a group of at least four and perform a certain song that we chose
ourselves. It was so much fun.
5. Do you think it is necessary for children to have music classes?
In my opinion, children should always have music classes. Music has been
scientifically proven to have positive influences on one’s way of thinking and feeling,
so it will do people good if they can experience music from an early age.
6. What do you think of Vietnamese traditional music?
It’s not really to my taste, to be honest. I literally cannot listen to traditional kinds of
music such as “ca tru”, “cai luong” or “cheo”. I really like listening to songs created
during the war though. Maybe because my dad was a soldier, he often told me stories
about his years in the army and so I can somehow relate deeply to those kinds of
7.How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
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It depends. I often listen to music when I’m doing the housework or when I’m on the
bus. At that time, I feel like I can immerse myself in my own world. When I need to
really concentrate on school work, I don’t really listen to music as it can cause some
real unwelcomed distraction.
8.What is your favorite kind of music?
I don’t have a particular taste in music. I can pretty much listen to everything as long
as it sounds good to me. Still, I can hardly listen to Vietnamese traditional music,
some countries’ folk songs and several tracks belonging to the classical genre.
9.When did you start listening to this type of music?
[Let’s just say I’m into rock music]
The first time I heard a rock song was when my dad turned on the TV and there was
a performance of a very famous rock band in Vietnam called “Buc Tuong”. It was
amazing. I started searching for more songs from the Vietnamese band, and songs
belonging to the same genre, and have decided ever since that rock music would be a
part of my spiritual life.
10.How do you feel when you listening to music?
Relaxed and free, I guess. Music, to me, is a way of hiding from all the hustle and
bustle of everyday life. I listen to music when I’m under a lot of pressure, and I just
feel so fine. It’s the feeling of finally coming home after years and years of living far
away, I think.
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề The Arts:
folk songs
Meaning: songs in the traditional style of a country or community
Example: Traditional folk songs are part of the cultural heritage of a nation or region.
Dịch đại ý
Folk songs: nhạc cổ truyền/ dân tộc
Nghĩa: những bài hát theo phong cách truyền thống của một đất nước hay một cộng
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Ví dụ: những bài hát dân tộc cổ truyền là một phần di sản văn hóa của một quốc gia
hay một vùng miền.
to take up a musical instrument
Meaning: to start to learn to play a musical instrument
Example: Schools should encourage all those children who have an interest to take
up a musical instrument.
Dịch đại ý
To take up a musical instrument: học chơi một nhạc cụ
Nghĩa: bắt đầu học để chơi được một nhạc cụ nào đó
Ví dụ: Trường học nên khuyến khích những học sinh mà có hứng thú chơi nhạc cụ.
genres of music
Meaning: particular types or styles of music
Example: Different genres of music tend to be favoured by different age groups, with
classical music more popular among the elderly.
Dịch đại ý
Genres of music: thể loại âm nhạc
Nghĩa: những thể loại hay phong cách âm nhạc cụ thể
Ví dụ: Những thể loại âm nhạc khác nhau được yêu thích bởi những lứa tuổi khác
nhau, như là nhạc cố điển thì được người cao tuổi ưa thích hơn.
19. Staying up
- Do you go to sleep early or stay up late?
I’m definitely not a morning person. I like staying up past midnight. My brain seems to
hit a second wind around 9 PM. I’m wide awake and full of energy. I just can’t waste
something like that!
- What do you do when you stay up late?
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Well from 9 PM onwards, I have a peaceful time in the house. That is good for me to
look for statistics, search on the internet, and go around using Google Maps. I enjoy
those late hours.
- How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?
As I’ve said, I am not a morning person so I find it comfortable staying up late and
working at night.
20. Chocolate
- Do you like eating chocolate?
Yes, I absolutely adore chocolate! Chocolate is basically my life. Chocolate milk, hot
chocolate, chocolate bars, chocolate cookies, chocolate covered marshmallows,
chocolate ice cream etc., If it has the word chocolate in it, then I’m in.
- Why do you think it’s so popular?
I think one of the reasons chocolate’s so popular is that it tastes amazing: sweet, creamy
and delicious. Also, chocolate is believed to have a calming effect with mood alteration,
an increased pulse and more energy.
- Is chocolate good for our health?
Yes. Chocolate is especially rich in flavanols like epicatechin and catechin, as well as
anthocyanins and phenolic acids. All of these compounds help protect our cells from
inflammation, improve our brain function, and boost our immune and cardiovascular
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health. Therefore, chocolate is a good source of nutrients when in its pure form and eaten
in moderation.
21. Jewelry
- Do you often wear jewelry?
I wear jewelry pretty much every day or at the very least every other day. I believe that
jewelry is an accessory that a lot of people don’t take the time to acquire and it’s one
thing that allows you to make your outfits stand out and more unique to you.
- What type of jewelry do you like?
I always have my earrings and a watch on every day in addition to sometimes throwing
on a necklace every now and then.
- Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?
I think each has their own reasons. In most cases, if people get attached to a certain piece
of jewelry, there might be a story behind it. It could be a symbol of something that they
cherish or a gift from someone they love. Or sometimes people keep wearing the same
item of jewelry just out of habit. They get accustomed to it after a while and are too lazy
to change for the new one so there it stays.
22. Small business
- Are there many small businesses in the place where you live?
Well, I know very little about small companies around my place. But I remember there
are some startup companies that I have come across on the way to school but I don’t
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know what kind of products or services that they are offering because those businesses
specialize in something that I don’t know about.
- Do you prefer to buy things from a small business or large company?
It depends actually. I mean, I would go for big brand company if I needed to buy some
important products like skin care or makeup products. However, for some items like
clothes or accessories, I would love to choose products from small companies as long
as the quality is good.
23. Outer space and stars
- Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?
Yes, I have. Though they are not included in our school curriculum, exploring the
universe always holds my attention. When I was a child , my dad bought me some
books about outer space, especially the Milky Way and its stars. Needless to say, I had
my nose in those books for hours as the universe and its secrets are so mysterious and
interesting to me.
1.Hold one’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai
2.Had/Got your nose in a book: say sưa đọc sách vì hay, hấp dẫn
- Are you interested in films concerning outer space and stars?
Absolutely. I’m really into sci-fi movies mixed with a bit of fantasy instead of the dry
and boring documentaries on National Geographic. A telling example is Star Wars, a
movie I have binge-watched many times because it always keeps me on the edge of
my seat.
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1.Fantasy: giả tưởng
Clash of the Titans may refer to a fantasy film about the myth of Perseus.
2.Dry (adj): khô khốc (nghĩa bóng)
The writing style was too dry for a children's book.
3.Binge-watch (v): cày phim, xem phim liên tục
4.Keep someone on the edge of his/her seat (idiom): khiến ai đó cảm thấy thú vị
- Do you want to go into outer space in the future?
Yes, that’s the dream I’ve longed for. Traveling into space and beholding our planet
from an entirely different angle would be such a wonderful experience. Besides, I
really want to hang in mid-air in the microgravity environment of space just once.
Hopefully, in the future, with the advancement of technologies, human beings could
have space tours to explore the universe.
1.Long for (v): ao ước cái gì
2.Hand in mid-air: lơ lửng trong không trung
24. Weekends
What do you usually do on weekends?
Well literally anything. I’m supposed to do chores on Saturday and it takes me hours to
do one. On Sunday, I usually schedule a meeting with my friends. We mostly just eat
out, drink craft beers and play board games, but we occasionally watch a movie or go to
an event in the city.
Would you say weekends are important to us?
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Yes, I could say, that weekends are really important. Weekends give us the chance to
improve on ourselves as people rather than always improving our professional skills, to
spend time with friends and family, and to plan a weekend trip in a nearby place. Thanks
to weekends, we are more relaxed and productive when we go back to work.
Do you often go to the cinema on weekends?
I probably only go once every two or three months because I have less time now than
I did when I was a student, and when I do have free time, I usually want to hang out
with my friends and have a chat, rather than sit down and watch films.
1. Take (time) to do something: to spend enough time to do something well or
It took her two hours to travel from Hanoi to Phu Tho
2. Hang out with (phrasal verb) to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
They spent the whole Saturday hanging out by the lake
25. Keys
- Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
Well, I do bring keys with me every day, but just some important ones including a home
key and a locker key. They’re kind of like the daily necessities for me.
- Have you ever lost your keys?
Yes, definitely. I am quite absent-minded, and there have been many times I left my
belongings including a key in public places. Last year, I remember I lost my house key
on the way home at midnight and had to wake my father up to open the door for me.
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Luckily, the next day my friend found not only my keys, but also my license on the back
seats of his car.
26. T-shirt
- Do you usually wear T-shirts?
Yes, I do. I love T-shirts because of their comfort and they can go with everything. It is
very easy to mix and match t-shirts with other clothes and accessories.
- Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
No T-shirts with pictures and prints are not my style. I would go for some basic and
classic tee that can easily mix and match with other clothes.
- Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
Yeah, I think it is true because T-shirts can give a young vibe to people who wear them
compared to other types of clothes.
27. Happy
Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?
Yes. There is. My mom visited me three days ago and will stay with me for one week. I
am truly happy to see her and have her by my side. The moment I get home after a long
hard working day and see her making dinner for me, this makes me really emotional,
recalling the old days when I was still a kid, living with the unconditional love of my
What do you do to stay happy?
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Well, I just stop caring about things that annoy me, disturb me or make me angry. I just
leave them alone if I can’t deal with them. This is mostly meant for people I dislike or
requests I can’t fulfill; maybe questions I can’t answer. Then I will try to focus my
energy on something that gives me fulfillment instead.
Can you stay happy all the time?
Truthfully, I believe it's impossible to remain always happy. There will always be times
when you'll feel sad, depressed. The feeling of sadness is inevitable in life, but I always
try to be optimistic about the situation I’m dealing with as much as possible. This helps
not only myself but others around too, being positive about life helps those around us
by in a way somehow sharing the positivity.
Is it important to be happy?
Yes. It is. In my opinion, happiness has been linked to better decision-making and
improved creativity. So, rather than success being the key to happiness, I believe that
happiness could in fact be the key to success.
Unconditional (adj) without any conditions or limits
She gave her children unconditional love.
Fulfillment (n) the feeling of being happy and satisfied with what you are doing or have
to find personal fulfilment
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28. Library
- Do you often go to library?
Yes, at least once a week, often more. The primary thing people think of with a library
is: They contain books. I like books, and I read through them quickly; far too quickly to
purchase all of them that I might want to read. So, the library and I get along very well
in that regard. They’re also the perfect place to study where I can be assured that I won’t
be interrupted.
- Did you go the library when you were a kid?
Oh yes that's the one thing and the only thing I have been wholeheartedly punctual about
for all these years.
My obsession dates back to when I was in high school. Near my home there was a small
lending library and it welcomed me cheerfully. I had the excitement of visiting the place
and treated it as my mental gym for like 5 years continuously during my high school
- Do Vietnamese kids often go to library?
I’m not sure about this. For my generation I would say yes but now the internet has made
libraries quite obsolete, you know. Therefore, in my opinion, Vietnamese kids nowadays
do not have the habit of visiting libraries.
29. Ice-cream
Do you love ice cream?
Yes, I do like ice cream, especially something that is peanut butter flavoured or
caramel flavoured. If it has chocolate, then it’s a bonus too.
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Did you often eat ice cream when you were a child?
Yes. of course. Ice cream is one of my favourite desserts since my childhood.
Especially when I was around 13 years old, I almost ate ice-cream every day. For me
at that time, a day without ice cream was like a day without sunshine.
Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
Well, actually there are no dedicated ice cream stores around my house. However,
there are some local supermarkets near there which offer a limited selection of ice
cream brands and flavors.
30. Noise
- What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)? (Why?)
Answer: There is one sound that can lift my spirits, the sound of rain. You know, there
are moments I’m so stressed out and I immediately go online searching for rain
sounds, which helps me feel relaxed and calmed.
What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)
Answer: I can’t bear the sound made by fingernails on the blackboard since it really
drives me crazy.
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
Answer: The airplane. I was studying at an elementary school which is located near
an airport, and we could hear the sound of plane engines every time they flew through
my school.
What (kinds of) music do you like the most?
Answer: Pop songs is one my top choices since they have catchy melodies and
meaningful lyrics.
Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
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Answer: Yes. We have a study room where students are provided with tables, reading
space, computers, and of course, making noise there is not allowed.
What are some places where there is a lot of noise?
Answer: Well, noise can be frequently heard around places such as airports,
construction sites, and train stations.
Do you mind noise? (Do any noises bother you?)
Answer: Absolutely. Unwanted noises really get on my nerves especially when I’m
concentrating on study.
What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
Answer: To be honest, I have to put up with a rich variety of noise on a daily basis.
The first one is the noise of vehicles at peak hours, and then heavy machinery from
construction sites, which easily distract me from work.
1. Lift someone’s spirits (v): Làm ai đó vui hơn.
He was disappointed with the decision and all we could do was cheer him up to lift up
his spirits.
4. To bear something (v): Chịu đựng cái gì đó.
I can’t bear this noise anymore! Can you please close the door?
5. Top choice (n): Sự lựa chọn hàng đầu.
HM is always my top choice when it comes to shopping.
6. Catchy (adj): Hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn, dễ thuộc (bài hát).
This table has a catchy look! Should we buy it?
7. Construction sites (n): Công trình.
Turn right and you will see the post office, which is next to a construction site.
8. Put up with (v): Chịu đựng cái gì đó.
I can’t put up with this noise anymore! Can you please close the door?
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9. On a daily basis (adj): Thường xuyên, hằng ngày.
You should do exercises on a daily basis in order to improve health conditions.
10. Peak hours (n): Giờ cao điểm.
The train was filled with people since it was in peak hours.
11. Heavy machinery (n): Máy móc công trường.
You can hear the sound of heavy machinery from the building over there, which is
30. Fix things
Do you like to fix things? (Why/Why not?)
Depends on the item, the cost, the age (if has running parts) as well as time and if I
know how to do it. If I can easily fix them, I always do. However, for electronic
gadgets, fixing things can often cost more and take more time and effort than just
replacing them. In that case, I’m sorry to say, I’ll just replace them.
Who taught you how to fix things when you were young?
I learned that from my father who it seemed was always fixing something broken or
worn out.
What do you think is broken and cannot be repaired should be?
When you have to replace something, it is because replacement parts are not available
or cost more than a completely new assembly. For example, If I break headphones,
chances are I’m going to replace them.
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1. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
Why you were satisfied with the result
(When it happened) As a student who lives far away from home, I am left with no
choice but staying with others in the university’s dorm. However, at first, it was not
easy for me to get on well with my roommates as I am quite obsessed with hygiene,
while others are quite messy. As I was the youngest person in the room, others kept
patronising me and made me do all the household chores. I found myself being
mentally and physically bullied for only a short time before I started to find my voice.
This happened exactly one year ago.
(Who you complained to) It was one of my roommates who was a senior of the
University of Science that condescended to me the most yet was the laziest among us
all. He was a couch potato who could spend a whole day keeping his eyes glued to a
screen to play games and never got rid of his garbage, which caused the room to be so
untidy and made me raise my voice.
(What you complained about) I had just caught him littering inside the room in broad
daylight when I started to complain. Respectfully, I told him that, while others strived
to keep the room clean as we did not have much time to clean the room every single
day, he made all our efforts go to waste. Also, another roommate accused him of using
his personal stuff without permission.
(Why you were satisfied with the result) On hearing our complaints, he gave us an
apology and promised to change himself and give others a hand with household
chores. At first, I doubted his words, so it came as a surprise that he shut down his
laptop, picked up the broom and promptly swept the floor. Since then, he has tried to
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
stick to the cleaning schedule that we set up on our first days of staying with each
1. Hygiene (n): vệ sinh.
Example: Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.
Tiêu chuẩn vệ sinh thấp đồng nghĩa với việc căn bệnh lan nhanh hơn.
2. To patronise = to condescend (v): nói/đối xử kiểu bề trên.
Example: Stop patronizing me - I understand the play as well as you do.
Dừng kiểu đối xử bề trên với tôi đi – tôi có thể hiểu vở kịch tốt như bạn thôi.
He treats his players fairly and never condescends to them.
Anh ấy đối xử với những người trong team của anh ấy một cách bình đẳng và không
bao giờ giở giọng bề trên với họ.
3. To find someone’s voice (phrase): sẵn sàng nói.
Example: Witnesses often find their voices when they hear a reward has been offered.
Những người chứng kiến thường sẵn sằng nói khi họ nghe sẽ có thưởng.
4. A couch potato (idiom): người lười biếng, coi TV rất nhiều.
Example: A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a
couch potato.
Một người có có lối sống nhàm chán, thụ động hay ở nhà có thể được gọi một cách
thông tục là couch potato.
5. Raise someone’s voice (phrase): nói ra ý kiến của mình.
Example: Voices were raised in protest at the proposed changes.
Những ý kiến đã được cất lên trong cuộc biểu tình đối đầu với lại những thay đổi được
đưa ra.
6. To go to waste (idiom): mất hết/bị bác bỏ.
Example: So much effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop the film.
Rất nhiều cố gắng và tài năng sẽ bị mất nếu chúng ta bị buộc phải bỏ cuốn phim.
7. To come as a/no surprise (idiom): gây bất ngờ/không gây bớt ngờ.
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If you didn't study for that test at all, your failing grade should come as no surprise.
Nếu bạn không học bài, thì việc thi rớt sẽ không bất ngờ xíu nào.
2. Describe an advertisement you don't like
You should say:
What type of advertisement it is
What product or service it advertises
Where and when you first saw it
And explain why you don’t like it
(What type of advertisement it is) + (What product or service it advertises)
Recently, there has been an advertisement about a beverage named “24/7” that gives
me the sense of disappointment whenever it appears on the TV screen. It is about 30
seconds long and is promoted with appealing scenes and impressive sound effects by
three actors who play the roles of three people working in different industries. It
demonstrates how the products help them get over the feeling of weariness and
become much more conscious after a break.
(Where and when you first saw it)
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I first saw it broadcast right after the weather forecast several months ago when I
enjoyed a Sunday evening with my family. It actually blew my mind with exciting
storytelling in the beginning.
(And explain why you don’t like it)
However, I soon found that the benefit of that soft drink was exaggerated. And how it
is that an advertisment of a type of drink that could be harmful to our health being
replayed many times on TV really annoyed me. For me, it was an unrealistic
advertisement with fake illustrations and this kind of advertising should be banned
1. appealing (adj) : ấn tượng, hấp dẫn
Ex: Makes it even more appealing to travel those places.
Nó còn tăng thêm sức hấp dẫn cho các chuyến du lịch tại đó.
2. weariness (n) : sự mệt mỏi
Ex: In the night my hand was stretched out without weariness
Ban đêm tay tôi giơ thẳng lên không mỏi mệt
3. exaggerate (v) : nói quá, phóng đại
Ex: They often exaggerate or lie about their talents and achievements.
Họ thường sẽ phóng đại hoặc nói dối hoàn toàn về thành tích và tài năng của họ.
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1. What kind of things are advertised most in your country?
From my own experience, cosmetics are one of the most popular advertisements in
Vietnam. Nowadays, not only women, but also men are paying a lot of attention to
their physical health, which means they spend more time and money buying skincare
products for themselves. Knowing the consumers’ need, advertising companies and
cosmetics companies are cooperating to bring products to the customers as much as
possible to earn profit. Moreover, I reckon that electronic devices are also gaining lots
of popularity, as people tend to use the latest devices such as smartphones or laptops.
2. Is Newspaper advertising or online advertising more effective?
My choice is definitely an online advertisement. Unlike traditional newspapers with a
certain scope of advertising, advertisement on a single website or media platform
could reach a huge amount of customers globally, which even allows small firms to
promote their business far from their local area. In addition, using online methods to
advertise also limits the budget the businesses spend on marketing campaigns as
printing newspapers is always more costly than posting ads on Facebook.
1. scope (n): phạm vi
Ex: Understand the difference of single and multiple project management scope.
Hiểu được sự khác biệt của phạm vi quản lý dự án đơn và nhiều
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3. Describe an invention that changed people's lives.
You should say:
What it is
What benefits it has brought
How it influences people of different ages
And explain how it changed people’s lives
(What it is) Before the Internet, no innovation accomplished more to expand and
democratise information than Johannes Gutenberg's printing press, developed in 1440
in Mainz, Germany. However, he was far from the first to automate the book-printing
process. Woodblock printing dates back to the 9th century in China, while Korean
bookmakers used movable metal type a century before Gutenberg. Yet, most historians
feel Gutenberg's adaption was crucial in ushering in the modern era.
(What benefits it has brought) The printing press not only made books available to the
lower classes but also contributed to the Age of Enlightenment and promoted the
dissemination of new and often divisive ideas. Martin Luther, a religious reformer, used
the power of the printing press to spread his ideas and opinions, leading to one of the
largest reformations in history.
(How it influences people of different ages) Later on, as the printing technology
developed, more advanced printing machines have been developed. An enormous
number of books were printed, which played a crucial role in scientific revolutions.
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(And explain how it changed people’s lives) The impact of the printing press on
people’s lives is enormous. Without it, school children wouldn’t have a wide variety of
books to read, meaning that knowledge wouldn’t be able to reach the general public and
many other inventions would not have been invented. So, I would say that the printing
press is one of the most important inventions in history.
1. To usher in sth (n): dẫn vào
These changes could usher in a period of dramatic economic growth.
2. Dissemination (n): sự phổ biến kiến thức/thông tin
Anything that stands in the way of the dissemination of knowledge is a real problem.
3. Later on (phrase): về sau này
Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.
Part 3:
1. What is the most helpful innovation at home?
Well, from my own personal experience, the most helpful innovation at home is light.
Many people take this for granted until there is a blackout and everything is in the
dark. We've become accustomed to seeing these bright lights almost everywhere we go,
making our streets safer, our nights easier, and allowing us to do everything we do
during the day after the sun has set.
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2. What household appliances make us lazy?
Washing machines have greatly simplified our lives, cutting down a great deal of time
spent on washing garments, including clothes, and bed sheets. However, they’re also
making us lazier. Nowadays, it’s easy for students living far away from home to leave
their clothes dirty for a whole week before taking them to a launderette instead of
washing clothes manually. The same can be true for dishes. Lots of teenagers nowadays
do not clean up after themselves as they just put dirty dishes in the sink and wait for
their parents to do the washing.
3. What kind of invention can be used at school?
The Internet of Things should be implemented at school. Indeed, it has been a boon for
education. With the growth of mobile technology and the Internet of Things, schools
can improve campus safety, keep track of vital resources, and increase access to
information in the learning environment. Teachers can also employ this technology to
develop "smart lesson plans," as opposed to the standard stoic plans of the past.
4. Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?
Definitely no. Although AI has gone a long way since its infancy, there are some
drawbacks that prevent AI from replacing human teachers. For example, it may be
unable to explain uncommon answers from students. Also, there are many problems at
school at need to be solved, such as accidents or violence that cannot be solved by AI.
So, human teachers will continue to play a crucial role in education.
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1. Take something for granted (idiom): coi gì đó là điều hiển nhiên (không trân
It’s easy to take your parents for granted.
2. Blackout (n): cúp điện
A blackout ended the game early.
3. Launderette (n): dịch vụ giặt ủi
4. Clean up after someone (phrase): dọn dẹp sau khi ai đó sử dụng
I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.
5. Boon (n): tiện ích
Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted.
6. Keep track of (phrase): theo dõi
Keep track of the hours you work
4. Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear.
You should say:
What type (or style) of clothes
Where you usually buy these clothes
How often you buy them
How you choose what to buy
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And explain why you like this style of clothes.
(What type (or style) of clothes) I would like to talk about the type of clothes that I
usually like to wear. I have always been drawn to a casual and comfortable style of
clothing that reflects my laid-back personality. I prefer to wear jeans or trousers
paired with T-shirts or tops made of soft fabrics. This style allows me to feel relaxed
and at ease throughout the day.
(Where you usually buy these clothes) When it comes to buying clothes, I usually
visit a variety of stores. I enjoy exploring local boutiques and department stores to find
unique and fashionable pieces. Additionally, I also like to shop online as it offers a
wide range of options and convenience. However, I am cautious about making sure I
purchase clothes from reliable and reputable brands to ensure good quality and
(How often you buy them) As for the frequency of buying clothes, I tend to shop for
new items every few months. I believe in investing in quality pieces that will last
longer rather than buying clothes frequently. This approach not only saves me money
but also allows me to build a collection of timeless and versatile items that can be
mixed and matched.
(How you choose what to buy) When choosing what to buy, I consider a few factors.
Firstly, I focus on comfort and practicality. I prefer clothes that allow me to move
freely and go about my daily activities comfortably. Secondly, I pay attention to the
fabric and ensure that it is of good quality and suitable for the climate. Thirdly, I
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consider the style and fit of the clothes. I opt for designs that flatter my body shape and
reflect my personal taste.
(And explain why you like this style of clothes) The reason why I like this style of
clothes is because it aligns with my lifestyle and personality. I appreciate the
simplicity and functionality of casual clothing. It allows me to feel comfortable in my
own skin and be ready for any occasion, whether it's a casual hangout with friends or a
day at work. Moreover, this style gives me the freedom to express my individuality
through accessorizing and experimenting with different combinations.
1. To be drawn (phrasal verb): bị thu hút, bị lôi cuốn
Ex: People are more likely to be drawn and react better to positive people.
Mọi người thường bị thu hút và phản ứng tốt hơn với những người tích cực.
2. Laid-back (a): thoải mái, thư giãn
Ex: I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-back.
Tôi chưa từng thấy cô ấy lo lắng chút nào cả - cô ấy trông thật thoải mái.
3. Soft fabrics (n): vải mềm mại
Ex: People usually like wearing soft fabrics.
Mọi người thường thích mặc những loại vải mềm mại
4. Be at ease (a): thoải mái
Ex: He felt completely at ease.
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Anh ấy cảm thấy hoàn toàn thoải mái.
5. To be cautious about something (a): cẩn thận, cẩn trọng
Ex: Businesses have become cautious about spending on technology.
Các doanh nghiệp đang trở nên cẩn trọng hơn về việc đầu tư cho công nghệ.
6. Reliable and reputable brands (phrase): các nhãn hàng đáng tin cậy và có uy tín
Ex: People tend to purchase clothes from reliable and reputable brands.
Mọi người thường có xu hướng mua quần áo từ các nhãn hàng đáng tin cậy và uy tín.
7. Durability (n): tính bền bỉ, dai dẳng
Ex: This bike is still our first choice for racers, especially with its long track record for
Chiếc xe đạp là lựa chọn hàng đầu cho các tay đua, đặc biệt với sự bền bỉ đạt kỉ lục
của nó.
8. Timeless (a): không bị nhuốm màu thời gian
Ex: The city has a timeless quality as if it had existed forever.
Thành phố này có một giá trị không bị ảnh hưởng bởi thời gian, như thể là nó sẽ tồn tại
mãi mãi.
9. Versatile (a): linh hoạt, đa năng
Ex: A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.
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Chiếc áo khoác da này là một trang phục lâu bền và linh hoạt mà có thể mặc trong tất
cả các mùa.
10. Be mixed and matched (phrase): kết hợp, mặc với
Ex: You can mix and match these trousers with a white shirt.
Bạn có thể kết hợp cái quần này với áo sơ mi trắng
11. Practicality (n): tính thực tiễn, thực tế
Ex: I bought these shoes for their practicality, not their appearance.
Tôi mua đôi giày này vì tính thực tế của nó, không phải vì ngoại hình.
12. Align with (v): liên kết, phù hợp với
Ex: When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!
Khi đã liên kết khẩu súng với mục tiêu rồi thì khai hỏa.
13. Individuality (n): cá tính
Ex: It's a competent essay but it lacks individuality.
Đó là một bài văn rất hay nhưng thiếu cá tính.
14. Accessorize (v): đeo phụ kiện, kèm với
Ex: She was wearing a little black dress, accessorized simply with a silver necklace.
Cô ấy đang mặc một chiếc váy đen nhỏ, đi kèm với một cái vòng cổ bạc đơn giản
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Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes?
No, not everyone enjoys shopping for clothes. People have different preferences and
interests, and while some individuals find joy in browsing through clothing stores and
keeping up with the latest fashion trends, others may find it tedious or simply have
different priorities in life.
Why do you think some people don't like shopping for clothes?
There are several reasons why some people may not enjoy shopping for clothes.
Firstly, it could be a matter of personal style and preference. Some individuals may
prioritize comfort and practicality over fashion, and they may not feel the need to
constantly update their wardrobe. Additionally, shopping can be time-consuming and
overwhelming for some people, especially those who are not particularly interested in
fashion or find the process of selecting clothes to be stressful.
Do you think there is a difference between males and females when buying
Yes, there are often differences between males and females when it comes to buying
clothes. Traditionally, women have been more associated with fashion and have a
wider variety of clothing options available to them. They may also be more inclined to
follow trends and experiment with different styles. On the other hand, men generally
tend to prioritize functionality and simplicity in their clothing choices. However, it's
important to note that these differences are not absolute and can vary from individual
to individual.
Do you think it's important (or, good) to follow the current fashions in the
clothes you wear?
The importance of following current fashion trends depends on personal preferences
and individual circumstances. For some people, staying updated with the latest
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fashion can be a way of expressing their creativity and personality. It allows them to
feel confident and stylish. However, for others, fashion may hold little significance,
and they may prefer to dress in a way that aligns with their own unique sense of style
and comfort. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal choice and should not be seen as a
Why do many young people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in
Many young people consider wearing clothes that are "in fashion" important because
it helps them to fit in with their peers and feel socially accepted. Fashion trends often
shape popular culture and are highly visible in various media platforms, such as social
media, television, and magazines. As young people are more likely to be influenced by
these sources, they may feel pressure to conform to societal expectations and follow
the latest fashion trends to be perceived as stylish and trendy. Moreover, wearing
fashionable clothes can enhance their self-confidence and boost their self-image
among their peers. Overall, people's attitudes towards shopping for clothes, following
fashion trends, and the importance they place on clothing choices can vary greatly
based on personal preferences, cultural influences, and individual values. It's essential
to respect and acknowledge these differences to create a diverse and inclusive
perspective on fashion and personal style.
1. To keep up with the latest fashion trends (phrase) = staying updated with the
latest fashion: theo đuổi những xu hướng thời trang mới nhất
Ex: I’m a slave to fashion so I want to keep up with the latest fashion trends
Tôi là nô lệ của thời trang nên muốn theo đuổi những xu hướng thời trang mới nhất.
2. Tedious (a): buồn tẻ, chán chường
Ex: The lecturer gave us a very tedious lecture this morning
Giáo sư giảng một bài giảng rất chán sáng nay.
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3. To prioritize something over something (v): ưu tiên cái gì hơn cái gì
Ex: We need to prioritize quantity over quality when choosing something.
Chúng ta nên ưu tiên chất lượng hơn số lượng khi chọn một cái gì đó.
4. Be overwhelming (a): tràn ngập, vượt trội
Ex: An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal.
Một nhóm đông người đã bầu chọn cho hợp đồng.
5. Be associated with (a): kết nối với
Ex: Most people associate this brand with good quality.
Nhiều người kết nối với thương hiệu này nhờ vào chất lượng tốt.
6. To incline (v): có khuynh hướng, chiều hướng thiên về
Ex: The prime minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election.
Thủ tướng này được cho là có xu hướng thiên về cuộc bầu cử tháng Tư.
7. Functionality (n): chức năng
Ex: Banks realized that they need to provide additional functionality at the ATMs.
Các ngân hàng nhận ra là họ cần phải thêm các chức năng cho cây ATM.
8. Be stylish (a): đặc sắc, hợp thời trang
Ex: the film’s actress is gorgeous and stylish.
Diễn viên của phim này thật xinh đẹp và hợp thời trang.
9. To fit in (v): phù hợp
Ex: It’s a very nice sofa but it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the room.
Cái sofa này đẹp nhưng không phù hợp với phần còn lại của căn phòng.
10. To be socially accepted: được xã hội chấp thuận
11. To conform to (v): làm cho hợp với, thích nghi với
Ex: I wear a blue hat to conform to my white shirt.
Tôi mang một cái mũ xanh để hợp với áo sơ mi trắng.
12. To be inclusive (a): bao gồm, kể cả, đến hết
Ex: from May 1st to May 3rd inclusive, I won’t be in town.
Từ ngày 1 đến hết ngày 3 tháng 5, tôi sẽ không ở thị trấn.
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5. Describe a popular person (who) you know.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know about this person
What this person is famous for
Explain why you are interested in this person
(Who this person is)
I’m going to tell you about a celebrity who I really respect. He is Fernando Torres, a
Spanish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Atletico Madrid club and the
national team.
(How you know about this person)
Torres has been my idol for a long time since I was a kid. I’ve always been a sports fan
and I first watched him play when I turned 8 years old, the summer of the EUFA
European Football Championship in 2008. I watched the final match of the
championship, in which Torres contributed a truly impressive performance. He was also
the only one who scored and made Spain a winner for the second time in history. The
moment of his beautiful goal has turned me into a wholehearted admirer for 10 years
(What this person is famous for)
Fernando Torres has earned an international reputation as a valuable striker with
great vision and technical ability. He has the awareness to get in behind opposing
defenders and the ability to finish accurately with his head or with either foot. Like
the true professional that he is, he keeps himself in the peak of condition. Thanks to
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gifted talent and dedicated training, he - together with his team-mates - has won lots of
titles and set international records.
(Explain why you are interested in this person)
Personally, I find Torres an interesting person mainly because of his attitude as a team
player. In football, strikers are generally notorious for selfishness and greed for goals,
but Torres is different. Not only does he do his best to score himself, he also tries to
support and create chances for his team-mates. This has been an inspiration for me to
be unselfish, generous and cooperative in my own life and attitude towards others.
Các từ thuộc chủ đề Sport and exercise:
1. a sports fan
Meaning: a person who takes a keen interest in sport
Example: While I think that it is good to be a sports fan, people must remember that
sport is just entertainment, not a matter of life and death.
2. be in the peak of condition
Meaning: to be in the best possible physical condition
Example: Sports professionals should receive high salaries, because they must always
be in the peak of condition to perform at the highest levels.
celebrity [noun]: a well-known person, such as an actor, singer or sports star. người
nổi tiếng
Eg: After her marriage, Princess Diana became an international celebrity.
striker [noun]: a footballer whose role is to score goals. tiền đạo
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Eg: He started his football career as a striker, but he didn’t score many goals.
national team [noun]: a sports team selected to represent a country. đội tuyển quốc
Eg: In the Olympic Games, the most successful national team in recent years has been
EUFA European Football Championship: a football competition held every 4
years to be the best national team in Europe. hay EURO, giải vô địch bóng đá châu Âu
Eg: I hope that Italy will win the next EUFA European Football Championship.
idol [noun]: a person that you admire, respect (even love!), who you probably have
never met in person. Thần tượng.
Eg: In the 1960s and1970s, Ho Chi Minh was an idol for many Americans who opposed
US policy.
wholehearted [adjective]: complete, 100 per cent. hết lòng, nhiệt thành
Eg: The President enjoyed the wholehearted support of the news media for his
economic reforms.
admirer [noun]: a fan, a person who admires another person/thing. người hâm mộ
Eg: I have been an admirer of Shakespeare’s plays since my schooldays.
to earn an international reputation as/for: to become recognised internationally
for some achievement. nổi tiếng toàn thế giới, lừng danh thế giới về điều gì đó
Eg: Brazilian footballers have earned an international reputation as very skilful
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vision [noun]: ability to understand what your team-mates and opponents are likely
to do. tầm nhìn
Eg: Torres has great vision, always thinking about being in the right place at the right
time to help his team to score.
opposing defender [noun]: a player from the other team who tries to stop you from
scoring a goal. hậu vệ đội bạn
Eg: Torres ran past two opposing defenders and scored.
finish accurately [expression]: to score a goal by hitting the ball with accuracy. dứt
điểm chính xác
Eg: Although he is a great player, he doesn’t score many goals because he cannot finish
gifted talent [expression]: a natural ability to do something. tài năng bẩm sinh
Eg: She has a gifted talent for music, and she masters a new instrument very quickly.
notorious (for)…[adjective]: famous, but in a bad way. tai tiếng vì điều gì đó
Eg: Dracula was notorious for drinking the blood of his victims.
create chances for someone: to help a team-mate to score a goal. tạo cơ hội cho ai
Eg. Skilful play by Torres created many chances for his team-mates to score during
the match.
inspiration (for)…[noun]: something which gives you hope and encouragement to
do something. nguồn cảm hứng
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Eg: Her lessons were an inspiration for all her students to really understand the subject.
6. Describe a traditional festival
You should say
When the festival occurs
What you did during it
What you like or dislike about it
And explain why this a festival or national holiday is important
(When the festival occurs) I would like to talk about the Diwali festival, which is one
of the most significant festivals in India. Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights,
occurs in the autumn season, usually in October or November. It spans over five days
and is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains across the country.
(What you did during it) During Diwali, my family and I engage in various activities
to commemorate this joyous occasion. Firstly, we thoroughly clean and decorate our
homes with vibrant lights, colorful rangoli patterns, and beautiful flowers. This
preparation symbolizes the spiritual cleansing of our surroundings and the welcoming
of prosperity and good fortune into our lives.
Furthermore, we exchange gifts and sweets with our relatives, friends, and neighbors.
It's a time for socializing and strengthening bonds with loved ones. We also set off
fireworks, which adds an element of excitement and merriment to the festivities.
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Additionally, visiting temples and participating in traditional prayers and rituals are
integral parts of the Diwali celebrations.
(What you like or dislike about it) What I particularly like about Diwali is the sense of
togetherness and unity it brings. It is a time when people from different backgrounds
come together, setting aside their differences, and rejoicing in the festivities. The
vibrant decorations and illuminations create a magical atmosphere, filling everyone's
hearts with joy and positivity.
However, there are a few aspects of Diwali that I find concerning. The extensive use of
fireworks during the celebrations leads to noise and air pollution, which can be
harmful to the environment. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about
the need to celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly manner, focusing more on lighting
diyas (traditional oil lamps) instead of bursting firecrackers.
(And explain why this a festival or national holiday is important) Nevertheless,
Diwali holds immense cultural and religious importance in India. It signifies the
victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It is a time for families to come
together, express gratitude, and seek blessings for a prosperous future. Diwali
promotes unity, happiness, and harmony in the society, fostering a sense of
belongingness among individuals.
In conclusion, Diwali is a vibrant and cherished festival celebrated in India. Its
significance extends beyond religious boundaries, bringing people together and
spreading joy. While there are concerns regarding the environmental impact, the
festival's cultural and social significance cannot be undermined. Diwali serves as a
reminder of the values and traditions that shape our identity as a nation.
1. To commemorate (v): kỷ niệm
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Ex: Commemorating the city's founding day is an important ceremony.
Kỷ niệm ngày thành lập thành phố là một nghi thức quan trọng.
2. To be joyous (a): vui mừng
Ex: The whole city is joyous as the city team won a very important match.
Cả thành phố đang rất vui mừng vì đội bóng thắng trận đấu quan trọng.
3. Vibrant lights (n): ánh sáng rực rỡ
On Christmas night, the streets are decorated with vibrant lights.
Trong đêm Giáng sinh, đường phố được trang hoàng bởi những ánh đèn vibrant.
4. Prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng
Ex: Wishing for prosperity to come for everyone this year.
Mong rằng năm nay sẽ mang đến sự thịnh vượng cho tất cả mọi người.
5. To strengthen bonds with (phrase): củng cố mối quan hệ với
Ex: This tour program will help strengthen bonds between the two countries.
Chương trình du lịch này sẽ giúp củng cố mối quan hệ giữa hai quốc gia.
6. Merriment (n): niềm vui
Ex: The cozy atmosphere and great music bring merriment to everyone.
Không gian ấm cúng và âm nhạc tuyệt vời mang lại niềm vui cho tất cả mọi người.
7. Festivities (n): lễ hội
Ex: This year's festivities include many interesting and diverse activities.
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Lễ hội năm nay bao gồm nhiều hoạt động thú vị và phong phú.
8. Prayers (n): lời cầu nguyện - pray (v): cầu nguyện
Ex: Everyone is praying for peace in the world.
Tất cả mọi người đang cầu nguyện cho hòa bình trên thế giới.
9. Rituals (n): nghi thức
Ex: Religious rituals are held every year on this holiday.
Nghi thức tôn giáo được tổ chức mỗi năm vào ngày lễ này.
10. To rejoice in (v): hân hoan
Ex: Everyone is rejoicing the return of their loved ones from overseas.
Mọi người đang hân hoan chào đón sự trở lại của người thân từ nước ngoài.
11. Illuminations (n): ánh sáng lung linh - illuminate (v): chiếu sáng
Ex: The oil paintings are illuminated by the lights at the art exhibition.
Những bức tranh sơn dầu lung linh được chiếu sáng bởi ánh đèn tại triển lãm nghệ
12. Eco-friendly (a): thân thiện với môi trường
Ex: We are promoting eco-friendly products to protect our planet.
Chúng tôi đang thúc đẩy các sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường để bảo vệ hành tinh
của chúng ta.
13. Immense (a): to lớn, khổng lồ
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Ex: The Grand Canyon is an immense natural wonder that leaves visitors in awe.
Thung lũng Grand Canyon là một kỳ quan tự nhiên to lớn khiến khách tham quan ngạc
14. A reminder of (n): lời nhắc nhở về
Ex: The old photo album is a reminder of my childhood and brings back fond
Album ảnh cũ là một lời nhắc nhở về tuổi thơ của tôi và mang lại những kỷ niệm đẹp.
Part 3:
1. How do people in Vietnam value traditional festivals?
-> Traditional festivals hold significant value in the hearts of Vietnamese people. They
are seen as important cultural and social events that provide an opportunity to connect
with traditions, ancestors, and the community. These festivals are often celebrated with
great enthusiasm and participation from people of all ages. They serve as a reminder of
the country's rich cultural heritage and are valued for their ability to foster unity,
preserve customs, and pass down cultural knowledge to future generations.
2. What’s the difference between the ways festivals are celebrated now and in the
-> The celebration of festivals has undergone some changes over time. In the past,
festivals were often more community-centered and deeply rooted in religious or
agricultural practices. They were marked by traditional rituals, processions, and
communal gatherings. However, with the influence of modernization and
globalization, the way festivals are celebrated has evolved. Nowadays, festivals may
incorporate more modern elements, such as performances, cultural exhibitions, and
entertainment activities to attract larger audiences. While the essence and significance
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of the festivals remain, their presentation and scale have adapted to contemporary
3. Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?
-> Yes, children generally show great interest in learning about traditional festivals.
These festivals are often vibrant and colorful, with captivating stories, rituals, and
performances. Children enjoy participating in various traditional activities, such as
making handicrafts, learning traditional dances, and playing traditional games
associated with the festivals. Additionally, schools and families play an important role
in educating children about the cultural significance and historical background of these
festivals, fostering a sense of pride and appreciation for their cultural heritage.
4. Is music important to traditional festivals?
-> Yes, music plays a vital role in traditional festivals. It is an integral part of the
cultural expressions and festivities associated with these events. Traditional musical
instruments, such as drums, gongs, flutes, and string instruments, are commonly used
during festival performances and rituals. The rhythmic beats and melodic tunes create
a lively and celebratory atmosphere, enhancing the overall experience for participants
and spectators. Music helps to evoke emotions, convey traditional narratives, and
bring people together in joyous celebration, making it an essential element of
traditional festivals. In conclusion, traditional festivals hold significant value in
Vietnamese culture, serving as a means to connect with traditions, foster unity, and
pass down cultural heritage. While the ways festivals are celebrated may have evolved
over time, their importance and impact remain. Children show a keen interest in
learning about these festivals, and music plays a crucial role in enhancing the festive
atmosphere and cultural expressions during these events.
1. To pass down (phrasal verb): truyền lại
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Ex: The tradition of storytelling is passed down from generation to generation.
Truyền thống kể chuyện được truyền từ thế hệ này sang thế hệ khác.
2. Community-centered: không gian tập trung vào cộng đồng
Ex: The project aims to create a community-centered space for social interaction.
Dự án nhằm tạo ra một không gian tập trung vào cộng đồng để giao lưu xã hội.
3. To foster utility (v): khuyến khích sự sử dụng
Ex: The government is implementing policies to foster the utility of renewable energy
Chính phủ đang triển khai chính sách nhằm khuyến khích sử dụng hiệu quả các nguồn
năng lượng tái tạo.
4. Processions (n): cuộc diễu hành
Ex: The religious festival included colorful processions through the streets.
Lễ hội tôn giáo bao gồm những cuộc diễu hành đầy màu sắc trên đường phố.
5. Modernization(n): hiện đại hoá
Ex: The country has undergone rapid modernization in recent years.
Đất nước đã trải qua quá trình hiện đại hóa nhanh chóng trong vài năm gần đây.
6. Globalization (n): toàn cầu hoá
Ex: The expansion of international trade has led to increased globalization.
Sự mở rộng thương mại quốc tế đã dẫn đến sự toàn cầu hoá gia tăng.
7. Essence (n): bản chất, tính chất
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Ex: The essence of the poem was captured in its beautiful imagery.
Bản chất của bài thơ được thể hiện qua những hình ảnh đẹp.
8. Be captivating (a): hấp dẫn
The movie had a captivating storyline that kept the audience engaged.
Bộ phim có một cốt truyện hấp dẫn đã giữ cho khán giả tham gia tích cực.
9. To evoke (v): gợi lên
Ex: The painting evokes a sense of nostalgia and longing.
Bức tranh gợi lên cảm giác hoài niệm và khao khát.
10. Narrative (n): chuyện kể
Ex: The narrative about wartime that you told me was really moving.
Câu chuyện về thời chiến mà bạn kể cho tôi nghe thật sự rất cảm động.
11. To play a crucial/important role in + Ving (phrase): đóng vai trò quan trọng
Ex: Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of society.
Giáo dục đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc hình thành tương lai của xã hội.
7. Describe a game you played in your childhood
You should say:
What the game is
When you played it
Who you played with
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How you feel about the game
(What the game is) My childhood imprinted my memory with so much to
remember. However, what makes me miss my childhood most is the fashion game
that my cousin, her friends and I took part in every weekend. Well, we transformed my
cousin’s house into a stage with a curtain and a red carpet, seemingly in vain as the
stage turned out a mess all the time. Also, it was sheets and blankets that were an
ideal alternative to glowing evening gowns.
(When you played it) We held a “fashion show” most Sundays after church and
breakfast. During my childhood, a fashion show organized by Aquafina aired every
Sunday on TV, which was a source of inspiration and incentive for us to hold a
model show. Also, the fashion shows resulted, more than anything, from the fact that
we were all obsessed with decorating and designing clothes for our dolls.
(Who you played with) As mentioned previously, I played the game with my cousins
and her friends. We changed our roles each show, with one being the first face to turn
up and another one being the vedette who would bring the show to a close. These two
persons played the most important roles in the show, and apparently, they would be the
most resplendent ones.
(How you feel about the game) Even today, I sometimes think about the shows that
we held in the past, and whenever the shows spring my mind, I just split my sides. I
feel that I was born in the most beautiful time as we still had to struggle to get by, to
some extent, and rack our brain to find a way to entertain ourselves, which made our
games even more meaningful. Meanwhile, most children nowadays keep their eyes
glued to smartphone screens all the time.
1. To imprint someone’s memory with little/much to remember: làm cho ai
nhớ/không nhớ nhiều.
Example: The period of time that I did volunteer work in Africa imprinted me with a
lot to remember.
Khoảng thời gian tôi làm tình nguyện ở Châu Phi làm cho tôi nhớ về nó rất nhiều.
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2. In vain (adv): không thành công, rất khó khăn.
Example: I tried in vain to start a conversation.
Tôi rất cố gắng để bắt đầu câu chuyện nhưng không thể.
3. To turn out (phrasal verb): trở nên, thành ra.
Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.
Sự thật thành ra lạ lùng hơn là chúng tôi nghĩ.
4. Air (v): phát sóng.
Example: The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning.
Cuộc phỏng vấn với tổng thống sẽ được phát sóng vào sáng mai.
5. A source of inspiration (phrase): nguồn cảm hứng.
Example: Asia is a source of inspiration to her.
Châu Á là một nguồn cảm hứng của cô ấy.
6. To bring something to a close (phrase): kết thúc.
Example: The chairperson brought the meeting to a close.
Chủ tịch là người đã kết thúc cuộc họp.
7. Resplendent (adj): rực rỡ.
Example: I saw Anna at the other end of the room, resplendent in a red dress.
Tôi thấy Anna ở phía cuối phòng, cô ấy rực rỡ trong chiếc đầm màu đỏ.
8. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng.
Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their sides!
Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hoàn hảo cho buổi tối hôm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người
cười bể bụng.
9. To rack someone’s brain (phrase): suy nghĩ rất kĩ.
Example: I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.
Tôi suy nghĩ rất nhiều cả ngày nhưng mãi cũng không nhớ được tên cô ta.
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10. To get by (phrasal verb): sống nghèo khó.
Example: How can he get by on so little money?
Làm sao anh ấy có thể sống với quá ít tiền?
11. To spring someone’s mind (idiom): đập vào đầu ai đó.
Example: Say the word "Australia" and
a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.
Mỗi khi ai đó nói về Australia là hình ảnh của biển và đại dương xanh lại đập vô đầu
8. Describe a time when you spend time with a child
Tham khảo bài: “Describe a time when you helped a child”
You should say:
When it was
Why you helped him/her
How you helped him/her
And explain how you felt about it
(When it was) I participated in an outreach programme in a community service
programme to help underprivileged children in one of Vietnam’s poorest areas in
2010. One of the students I taught, Mai, struggled with every single English test due
to his low language command. It can be said that her exposure to English was too
little to practice her skills. I was assigned to take the responsibility to tutor him by the
project facilitator.
(How you helped him/her) Mai and I went to a special classroom every day.
Sometimes, I would have my Singaporean friend talk to Mai so that she could have
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the chance to practice her listening and speaking skills, as well as to expand her
(Why you did that) I love helping others, because it somehow really excites me.
That’s the first reason. Another reason is that English has been of great significance to
me, so I believe that if Mai can develop a strong command of English, she will open
up a new chapter in her life.
(And explain how you felt about this) And finally, my belief has turned out to be
true, at least in the case of Mai. He emerged as one of the best performers in class,
which resulted in the fact that he was chosen for the provincial examination for the
best English learners. This is one of the most meaningful and exciting things I’ve ever
done in my life.
1. Command (n): một lượng kiến thức về môn học/ngôn ngữ
Example: She has an impressive command of the English language.
2. Assign (v): ra nhiệm vụ
Example: UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.
3. Expand sb’s vocabulary (phrase): mở rộng vốn từ.
Example: Reading books plays a pivotal role in expanding your vocabulary.
4. Turn out (phrase): thành ra
Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.
Part 3
1. Do you often help kids? How?
Working in the field of education, I help children quite frequently. You know, there
must be some slower students in a class who struggle to keep pace with the lessons
and their peers. Without sufficient and timely care from the teacher, those students are
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pretty much likely to fall behind with their studies and may even drop out of school.
So, as a teacher, I always try my best to provide slower students with free tutorials so
that they can revise their knowledge and gain better results.
2. Do you think people will do a lot of volunteering to help others?
From my own observation, as the society develops, more and more NGOs and other
religious organisations have been established to lend a helping hand to those in
need, especially underprivileged children. For example, Caritas, which is a Catholic
organisation, is going to great lengths to provide shelter, food and medical treatments
for the needy in society. YMCA, which is another NGO, has cooperated with young
people from wealthy countries to help them do volunteer work in less developed ones.
3. Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people
I believe that the beneficiaries definitely benefit more from the volunteer services.
They receive a lot of assistance from the volunteers, such as free education, food,
shelter. Having said that, I believe the volunteers can also greatly benefit from such
experience as they can learn to be more sympathetic about the difficulties of these
people and become more mature in life. They can also learn from the resilience of
these people so that they can overcome obstacles in life.
4. What can schools do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?
There is a growing emphasis in schools on character development in children, which
is accomplished via the study of community concerns, activities to solve these issues,
and reflection on the experience. Many schools are transitioning children from
volunteerism to service-learning projects that are integrated into the curriculum so
that students at all levels may build cooperation, empathy, citizenship, and selfesteem.
1. To keep pace with (phrase): theo kịp
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Could you slow down - I can't keep pace with (= walk or run as fast as) you.
2. To fall behind with (phrase): bị bỏ sau
He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.
3. Drop out (phrase): bỏ học
He dropped out of school when he was 16.
4. To land a helping hand (phrase): hỗ trợ
The Federal Reserve is expected to lend a hand by continuing to cut interest rates
5. Having said that (phrase): mặc dù vậy/tuy nhiên
He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.
6. Sympathetic (a): đồng cảm
He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem.
9. Describe a place you want to visit with you friends or family in the future
Tham khảo bài: “Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your
You should say:
Where it would be
How you would like to travel there
What you would do there
And explain why you would like to go there
(Where it would be) I have always dreamed of visiting Singapore, the second safest
city in the world, right behind Tokyo. This city-state takes pride in its miraculous
transformation from a fishing village with literally no human and natural resources into
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
the nation which tops many rankings in the world, from education to GDP per capita,
leaving its regional peers far behind.
(How you would like to travel there) Despite flying from Ho Chi Minh city to
Singapore only takes barely 2 hours, it would be a lot better if I had a chance to go on
a voyage in a 5-star cruise departing from Saigon Harbour to Singapore Cruise Centre,
which is a more luxurious option than flying. In this way, not only can I enjoy my trip
inside Singapore but also the journey to there.
(What you would do there) As I got to know some Singaporean students during my
participation in outreach programmes with them in Vietnam, the first thing I would do
is to have a reunion dinner with them as well as head out for some drinks at the Long
Bar of Raffles Hotel, worldwide known for its world-class cocktail called the Singapore
Sling. Also, I would love to pay a visit to the Gardens by the Bay, in which there are a
variety of trees and flowers.
(And explain why you would like to go there) Singapore is my dream destination as
it is a hub of cross-cultural exchange as people from all over Asia settled here and
built a mutual home called Singapore. Also, the architecture of buildings in this citystate has continuously made it to the top 10 most beautiful buildings in the world. Most
importantly, this is a smart city which might be a real learning experience for me.
1. To take pride in something (phrase): tự hào về cái gì đó.
We take pride in the high quality of our food.
Chúng tôi tự hào về chất lượng đồ ăn của chúng tôi.
2. Miraculous (adj): thần kì
He made a miraculous recovery from heart disease.
Anh ấy đã vượt qua căn bệnh tim một cách thần kì.
3. To leave someone far behind (phrase): vượt xa cái gì đó
The company has left its close rivals far behind.
Công ty nào đã vượt xa những đối thủ cạnh tranh của nó rất xa.
4. Voyage (n): chuyến tàu
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Christopher Columbus brought cattle on his second voyage to America in 1493.
Christopher Columbus đã mang một con bò trên chuyến tàu thứ hai của ông ấy đến Mỹ
vào năm 1493.
5. Head out (phrase): đi ra ngoài
I was heading out of the room when she called me back.
Tôi đang đi ra khỏi phòng thì cô ấy gọi tôi lại.
6. Pay a visit (phrase): thăm thú/ghé qua
I think I’ll pay a visit to the library when in town
Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ghé qua thư viện khi đến trung tâm.
7. Cross-cultural (adj): đa văn hóa.
This is a study of cross-cultural communication in the global marketplace.
Đây là một bài nghiên cứu về giao tiếp đa văn hóa trong thị trường quốc tế.
1. Do you think modern life gives people enough time for leisure?
I personally do not think that modern life gives people enough time for leisure. As the
economy expands, more work needs to be done to serve rising demands, which creates
heavy workloads for people and deprives them of time for leisure.
2. What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?
The most important factor for a tourist attraction is sustainable development. If a tourist
attraction expands unsustainably and welcomes an overwhelming number of visitors,
the atmosphere, cultural values and environment there will be degraded.
3. Do you think that we should have more public holidays?
I think there should be more public holidays. It is clear that tourist attractions in each
long weekend in Vietnam are packed with tourists, which places a huge burden on the
tourist attractions themselves. Therefore, giving people more public holidays will
disperse the accumulated number of people going on a trip on present public holidays.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
4. What do people need before travelling to another country?
When traveling to another country, it is essential that people learn some basic phrases
of the native language there so that they can communicate with the local who cannot
speak English. Also, travellers should also be aware of cultural differences so as not to
show inappropriate behaviour in the host country.
5. Is there any difference between young tourists and old tourists?
Absolutely yes! The clearest difference is that old tourists are more interested in
package tours while young tourists tend to travel solo.
6. Do you think tourism will harm the Earth?
I believe that tourism does do harm to the Earth although it is deemed as a smoke-free
industry. The chemicals used in restaurants and hotels are usually discharged into
water bodies without treatment while tourists oftentimes leave behind a lot of trash
wherever they go.
7. Which method of travel do you consider safest?
Definitely flying. Although I usually have butterflies before each flight, I feel a better
sense of safety when flying compared to driving a scooter on congested roads of Ho
Chi Minh city.
8. In 20 or 30 years’ time, how do you think travelling will be different from what
it is today?
Budget hotels will give way to apartments for lease on AirBnB and package tours will
become a thing of the past. More and more people, with the assistance of technology,
will be able to travel on their own and stay at their preferred lodges.
1. Workload (n): khối lượng công việc
Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.
Giáo viên luôn than vãn về khối lượng công việc lớn của họ.
2. To deprive someone of something (phrase): lấy cái gì khỏi ai đó.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
He was deprived of food for three days.
Anh ấy bị tước mất đồ ăn trong vòng ba ngày.
3. To place a burden on something (phrase): đặt gánh nặng lên cái gì đó
Buying a house often places a large financial burden on young couples.
Mua một căn nhà luôn đặt một gánh nặng tài chính lên các cặp đôi trẻ.
4. To disperse (v): phân tán
Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered.
Cảnh sát đang phân tán đám đông đang tụ tập từ trước đó.
5. Package tour (n): tour theo gói
We bought a cheap package tour to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.
Chúng tôi mua một gói tour khá rẻ đến Tây Ban Nha và ở trong một khách sạn kế biển.
6. To do harm to something (phrase): làm hại cái gì đó.
The bond offers great benefits for issuers without doing any harm to investors.
Trái phiếu mang lại lợi ích lớn cho các nhà phát thành mà không gây hại cho nhà đầu
7. To deem (v): xem là
The area has now been deemed safe.
Vùng này đã được cho là an toàn.
8. To discharge (v): thải ra
The oil that was discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.
Lượng dầu bị thải ra biển đã gây hại tới nhiều loài chim và động vật.
9. To have butterflies (idiom): rất lo lắng.
I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice.
Tôi thực sự rất run sợ và lo lắng trước khi đưa ra diễn văn đó ở Venice.
10. Give way to (phrase): nhường đường cho ai đó.
Please give way to alighting passengers before boarding the train.
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Xin vui lòng nhường đường cho các khách xuống tàu trước khi lên tàu.
11. Lodge (n): nhà nghỉ.
A ski/hunting lodge
Nhà nghỉ dành cho những người trượt tuyết hoặc săn bắn.
10. Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought a
positive influence
You should say:
Who this person is
When and where this person moved to your community
How you know this person
And explain how you feel about this person
(Who this person is) I would like to talk about a remarkable individual named Lisa,
who recently moved into our community and has brought a significant positive
influence. Lisa is an accomplished artist and an inspiring social activist. She relocated
to our neighborhood approximately six months ago, having previously lived in a
bustling city.
(How you know this person) I first became acquainted with Lisa when she organized
a community art exhibition at our local gallery. Her exceptional talent and passion for
using art as a medium for social change instantly caught my attention. We had the
opportunity to connect during the event, and since then, I have had the privilege of
getting to know her better through various community initiatives.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
(When and where this person moved to your community) Lisa's arrival has
undoubtedly revitalized our community. She has actively engaged with local
residents, organizing workshops and art programs for children and adults alike. Her
dedication to promoting creativity, inclusivity, and social justice has been truly
remarkable. Through her artistic skills and advocacy, Lisa has been able to ignite a
sense of unity and empower individuals to express themselves freely.
(And explain how you feel about this person) Personally, I find Lisa to be an
incredibly inspiring and compassionate individual. Her commitment to making a
positive impact in our community is evident in every interaction I've had with her. She
possesses a genuine warmth and a genuine desire to bring about positive change.
Lisa's ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds is truly commendable,
and she has become a role model for many, including myself.
Furthermore, Lisa's infectious enthusiasm and unwavering determination have
encouraged me to actively participate in community initiatives. I have seen firsthand
the transformative power of her work, witnessing individuals discovering their creative
potential and embracing social causes they were previously unaware of.
In summary, Lisa's presence in our community has been a breath of fresh air. Her
artistic talents, combined with her unwavering commitment to fostering positive
change, have brought new energy and a sense of purpose to our neighborhood. I am
grateful for the opportunity to know and collaborate with her, and I genuinely believe
that her positive influence will continue to shape and inspire our community for years
to come.
1. Be remarkable (a): đáng chú ý
Ex: Her artistic talent is truly remarkable.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Khả năng nghệ thuật của cô ấy thực sự đáng chú ý.
2. A social activist (n): nhà hoạt động xã hội, chính trị
Ex: The social activist organized protests to raise awareness about human rights
Nhà hoạt động xã hội tổ chức các cuộc biểu tình nhằm nâng cao nhận thức về các vấn
đề nhân quyền.
3. Be acquainted with something (a): quen thuộc với
Ex: I am acquainted with the local customs and traditions.
Tôi quen thuộc với phong tục và truyền thống địa phương.
4. Exceptional (a): ngoại lệ, độc nhất
Ex: Her academic achievements are exceptional.
Thành tích học tập của cô ấy là độc nhất.
5. To have the privilege of something (phrase): có vinh dự, có đặc quyền
Ex: I have the privilege of working with a talented team.
Tôi có vinh dự được làm việc cùng một đội ngũ tài năng.
6. To revitalize (v): tái sinh
Ex: The government launched a program to revitalize the urban areas.
Chính phủ triển khai một chương trình để tái sinh các khu vực đô thị.
7. To ignite (v): kích thích, đốt cháy
Ex: Her passionate speech ignited a spark of inspiration among the audience.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Bài diễn thuyết đầy đam mê của cô ấy đã kích thích một tia lửa cảm hứng trong khán
8. Be genuine (a): chính cống, xác thực, chân thành
Ex: I appreciate her genuine concern for others.
Tôi đánh giá cao sự quan tâm chân thành của cô ấy đối với người khác.
9. Be unwavering (a): kiên định, vững vàng
Ex: Despite the challenges, she remained unwavering in her determination to succeed.
Mặc dù gặp khó khăn, cô ấy vẫn kiên định trong quyết tâm thành công của mình.
10. Community initiatives (n): sáng kiến cộng đồng
Ex: The local residents initiated various community initiatives to improve their
Các cư dân địa phương đã khởi xướng nhiều sáng kiến cộng đồng nhằm cải thiện khu
phố của họ.
11. To be a breath of fresh air (phrase): một luồng sinh khí mới
Ex: The new employee brought innovative ideas and was a breath of fresh air in the
Nhân viên mới mang đến những ý tưởng đột phá và là một luồng sinh khí mới trong
nơi làm việc.
12. Be grateful for (a): biết ơn vì điều gì
Ex: I am grateful for the support and opportunities I have been given.
Tôi biết ơn vì sự hỗ trợ và cơ hội mà tôi đã nhận được.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Part 3:
1. What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?
-> Various individuals may choose to live by themselves for different reasons. Young
adults who have recently entered the workforce often opt for independent living as
they seek personal growth, freedom, and the ability to make their own decisions.
Additionally, professionals with demanding careers, individuals who value solitude, or
those who prioritize privacy may also prefer living alone. Moreover, elderly
individuals who have become empty nesters or have lost their partners may choose to
live independently as a way to maintain their autonomy and lifestyle.
2. What skills do you think young people need to learn in order to live
-> To live independently, young people should develop a range of essential skills.
Financial literacy is crucial, including budgeting, managing expenses, and
understanding basic economic concepts. Practical skills such as cooking, cleaning, and
household maintenance are also important for daily living. Effective time
management, organizational skills, and the ability to prioritize tasks help maintain a
balanced lifestyle. Additionally, strong communication and interpersonal skills
contribute to building relationships and resolving conflicts independently.
3. How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?
-> Parents and teachers play vital roles in preparing young people for independent
living. Firstly, they can instill a sense of responsibility and self-reliance by gradually
assigning age-appropriate tasks and responsibilities at home and in school. Financial
education programs can be introduced to teach young people about money
management and saving strategies. Practical life skills can be integrated into the
curriculum, offering workshops or courses on cooking, cleaning, and basic home
maintenance. Moreover, fostering open communication and providing guidance on
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
decision-making and problem-solving can empower young individuals to navigate
challenges they may face when living independently.
1. To opt for (v): chọn
Ex: I have decided to opt for the vegetarian option at the restaurant.
Tôi đã quyết định chọn món ăn chay ở nhà hàng.
2. Solitude (n): sự cô độc
Ex: Sometimes I enjoy the solitude of being alone in nature.
Đôi khi tôi thích sự cô độc của việc ở một mình trong thiên nhiên.
4. Autonomy (n): tính tự động, độc lập
Ex: The company encourages employees to take initiative and work with autonomy.
Công ty khuyến khích nhân viên tự chủ và làm việc độc lập.
5. Time management (n): kĩ năng quản lý thời gian
Ex: Effective time management is crucial for productivity and success.
Quản lý thời gian hiệu quả là rất quan trọng để đạt được năng suất và thành công.
6. Interpersonal skills (n): kĩ năng mềm
Ex: Good interpersonal skills are essential for building strong relationships.
Kỹ năng giao mềm là rất quan trọng để xây dựng mối quan hệ mạnh mẽ.
7. Self-reliance (n): sự độc lập, tự lực
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: Living on my own has taught me self-reliance and independence.
Sống một mình đã giúp tôi học được sự độc lập và tự lực.
8. Guidance on (n): sự chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn
Ex: The teacher provided guidance on how to solve the math problem.
Giáo viên đã cung cấp hướng dẫn về cách giải quyết bài toán toán học.
9. Decision-making (a): quyết định
Ex: The decision-making process involves careful consideration of all options.
Quá trình ra quyết định liên quan đến việc xem xét cẩn thận tất cả các lựa chọn.
10. Problem-solving (a): giải quyết vấn đề
Ex: Problem-solving skills are highly valued in the workplace.
Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề được đánh giá cao trong môi trường làm việc.
11. To navigate (v): đánh dấu
Ex: He was able to navigate through the complex maze with ease.
Anh ấy có thể điều hướng qua mê cung phức tạp một cách dễ dàng.
11. Describe a long car journey you went on
You should say:
Where you went
What you did at this place
Who you went there with
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
And explain why you went on that journey by car
(Where you went) A memorable long car journey I went on was when I traveled to the
breathtaking coastal city of San Francisco in the United States. It was a trip I had
been looking forward to for years, and the opportunity finally arose during my summer
vacation last year.
(Who you went there with) Accompanied by my close friends, Sarah and Mark, we
embarked on this exciting adventure to explore the charm and beauty of San
Francisco. The journey itself was an experience to cherish as we drove along the
picturesque coastal highways, with the cool breeze and scenic views accompanying
us throughout.
(What you did at this place) Upon reaching our destination, we immersed ourselves
in the vibrant atmosphere of the city. We indulged in the iconic attractions such as the
Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, and Alcatraz Island. We took leisurely walks
along the lively streets, sampling delicious local cuisine and capturing mesmerizing
photographs of the city's unique architecture.
One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to the renowned Muir Woods National
Monument, a tranquil forest filled with towering redwood trees. The sight of these
majestic giants left us in awe and provided a serene escape from the bustling city life.
We spent hours exploring the trails, connecting with nature, and appreciating the
immense beauty surrounding us.
(And explain why you went on that journey by car) Choosing to embark on this
journey by car was primarily driven by the desire to have the freedom and flexibility to
explore various attractions along the way. We wanted to savor the scenic coastal drive
and stop at charming towns along the route to San Francisco. The car journey allowed
+ Thông tin khóa học Package online: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package
+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
us to make impromptu detours, discover hidden gems, and truly appreciate the
diverse landscapes that unfolded before us.
Moreover, traveling by car provided us with the opportunity to bond and create lasting
memories. We shared laughter, engaging conversations, and spontaneous sing-alongs
during the journey. The camaraderie and sense of adventure that developed within the
confines of the car made the trip even more special.
In conclusion, the long car journey to San Francisco was an exhilarating experience
filled with adventure, exploration, and cherished moments with friends.
1. Breathtaking (a): đẹp đến ná thở
Ex: The view from the mountaintop was absolutely breathtaking.
Cảnh quan từ đỉnh núi thật sự đẹp đến ná thở.
2. Coastal city (n): thành phố bên biển
Ex: Barcelona is a vibrant coastal city in Spain.
Barcelona là một thành phố bên biển sôi động ở Tây Ban Nha.
3. To embark on (v): lao vào, dấn thân vào
Ex: They decided to embark on a journey around the world.
Họ quyết định dấn thân vào một cuộc hành trình xung quanh thế giới.
4. Picturesque (a): đẹp như tranh vẽ
Ex: The small village by the lake was truly picturesque.
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Ngôi làng nhỏ bên hồ thật sự đẹp như tranh vẽ.
5. Immerse oneself in something (phrase): mải mê vào
Ex: She immersed herself in the world of literature.
Cô ấy mải mê vào thế giới văn học.
6. To indulge in (v): cho phép
Ex: Sometimes, it's nice to indulge in a decadent dessert.
Đôi khi, thật tuyệt khi cho phép mình thưởng thức một món tráng miệng sang trọng.
7. To mesmerize (v): ghi nhớ
Ex: The magician's performance mesmerized the audience.
Tiết mục của ảo thuật gia khắc sâu trong trí nhớ khán giả.
8. Majestic (a): hùng vĩ, nghiêm trang
Ex: The Taj Mahal is known for its majestic beauty.
Taj Mahal nổi tiếng với vẻ đẹp hùng vĩ.
9. In awe (a): kính sợ, kinh sợ
Ex: Standing in front of the Grand Canyon, I was in awe of its vastness.
Đứng trước hẻm núi lớn, tôi kinh sợ với sự rộng lớn của nó.
10. Bustling city life (n): cuộc sống thành thị bận rộn
Ex: New York City is known for its bustling city life.
Thành phố New York nổi tiếng với cuộc sống thành thị bận rộn.
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11. Impromptu detours (n): những đường vòng một cách ngẫu hứng
Ex: During our road trip, we took impromptu detours to explore hidden gems.
Trong chuyến đi dạo bằng xe, chúng tôi đi những đường vòng ngẫu hứng để khám phá
những điểm đặc biệt.
12. Spontaneous (a): tự phát, tự ý
Ex: They decided to take a spontaneous trip to the beach.
Họ quyết định đi một chuyến đi biển tự phát.
13. Exhilarating (a): hấp dẫn
Ex: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating and filled with adrenaline.
Cuộc đi trên tàu lượn siêu tốc thật hấp dẫn và đầy cảm xúc.
1. What benefits does public transport bring to the world?
-> Public transport offers numerous benefits to society. Firstly, it helps reduce traffic
congestion in urban areas, alleviating the strain on road infrastructure and improving
overall transportation efficiency. Additionally, public transport plays a crucial role in
minimizing carbon emissions and combating environmental pollution. By encouraging
people to use shared modes of transportation, it contributes to a greener and more
sustainable future. Moreover, public transport enhances social inclusivity by providing
affordable and accessible transportation options for individuals who cannot afford
private vehicles or face mobility challenges.
2. Is it too late for people to get a driver’s license at the age of 18?
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-> The appropriateness of obtaining a driver's license at the age of 18 depends on
various factors. While some individuals may argue that 18 is relatively late compared
to the legal driving age in some countries, it is important to consider the maturity and
readiness of young adults. The age of 18 signifies a transition into adulthood, and it is
an opportune time for individuals to develop a sense of responsibility and acquire the
necessary skills for safe driving. However, it is crucial to ensure that young drivers
undergo comprehensive driver education and training programs to promote road safety
and minimize risks.
3. What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference for cars?
-> Differences in car preferences between men and women can be attributed to a
combination of societal influences and personal preferences. Traditionally, men have
been associated with a preference for powerful and sporty vehicles, emphasizing
performance and status. On the other hand, women often prioritize factors such as fuel
efficiency, safety features, and practicality when choosing a car. However, it is
important to note that these preferences are not absolute and can vary significantly
among individuals based on personal interests, lifestyle, and cultural factors.
4. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?
-> Bicycles and private cars represent two distinct modes of transportation with several
contrasting characteristics. Firstly, bicycles are eco-friendly and contribute to reducing
carbon emissions, while private cars are often associated with pollution and
environmental impact. Bicycles promote a healthier lifestyle as they provide an
opportunity for physical exercise, whereas cars are generally seen as sedentary means
of transportation. Moreover, bicycles are cost-effective and require minimal
maintenance compared to cars, which involve expenses related to fuel, insurance, and
maintenance. However, private cars offer greater convenience and flexibility,
especially for long-distance travel or when transporting heavy loads.
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1. Traffic congestion (n): tắc nghẽn giao thông
Ex: Traffic congestion in the city is a major problem during rush hour.
Tắc nghẽn giao thông trong thành phố là một vấn đề lớn vào giờ cao điểm.
2. To alleviate (v): giảm bớt, làm nhẹ bớt
Ex: The new public transportation system aims to alleviate traffic congestion.
Hệ thống giao thông công cộng mới nhằm giảm bớt tắc nghẽn giao thông.
3. The appropriateness (n): sự thích hợp, sự chính đáng
Ex: The appropriateness of the dress code depends on the occasion.
Sự thích hợp của quy định trang phục phụ thuộc vào dịp.
4. Maturity (n): tính cẩn thận, tính chín chắn
Ex: With age and experience, comes maturity and wisdom.
Với tuổi tác và kinh nghiệm, đến tính cẩn thận và sự khôn ngoan.
5. Readiness (n): sự sẵn sàng
Ex: The team demonstrated great readiness to tackle the challenge.
Đội kia đã thể hiện sự sẵn sàng tuyệt vời để đối phó với thách thức.
6. Be attributed to (v): có thể quy cho
Ex: The success of the project can be attributed to the hard work of the team.
Sự thành công của dự án có thể quy cho sự làm việc chăm chỉ của đội.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
7. Cost – effective (a): tiết kiệm chi phí
Ex: Using energy-efficient appliances is a cost-effective way to reduce electricity
Sử dụng thiết bị tiết kiệm năng lượng là một cách tiết kiệm chi phí để giảm hóa đơn
12. Describe a new store/shop that just opened in your area.
You should say:
What shop it is
What it sells (or, what you usually buy there)
When you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about
this shop)
And explain why you like (to go to) this shop
(What shop it is) One of the most exciting new stores that recently opened in my area
is a quaint boutique called "The Book Nook." As the name suggests, it is a bookstore
that specializes in selling a wide range of books, from best-selling novels to rare
collectibles and niche publications.
I first stumbled upon this charming store about six months ago while taking a
leisurely walk in the neighborhood. The vibrant display of books in the shop window
immediately caught my attention, and being an avid reader, I couldn't resist the
temptation to step inside and explore further.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
(When you first started going to this shop) Ever since that fateful day, I have become
a regular visitor to The Book Nook. What draws me to this shop is not only the diverse
selection of books but also the cozy and inviting atmosphere it offers. The interior is
beautifully decorated with comfortable reading nooks, warm lighting, and shelves
filled with literary treasures. It creates a serene environment that makes browsing
through books a delightful experience.
(What it sells (or, what you usually buy there)) The Book Nook has an impressive
collection that caters to all interests and ages. Whether I'm in search of a thrilling
mystery novel, a thought-provoking non-fiction work, or a classic piece of literature,
I can always find something to captivate me. The staff members are knowledgeable
and passionate about books, and their recommendations have often led me to
discover new authors and genres that I wouldn't have explored otherwise.
(And explain why you like (to go to) this shop) The reason why I appreciate this store
is its commitment to supporting local authors and hosting literary events. They
frequently organize book signings, author talks, and book club meetings, fostering a
sense of community among book lovers. It creates a wonderful opportunity to engage
with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and delve deeper into the world of
Moreover, The Book Nook offers a cozy café area where customers can enjoy a cup of
coffee or tea while immersing themselves in their latest literary find. It provides a
perfect space for relaxation and introspection, allowing me to escape from the hustle
and bustle of daily life.
In conclusion, The Book Nook is a new store that has quickly become my favorite
place to indulge in my love for books.
1. A quaint boutique (n): một cửa hàng trông thu hút, bắt mắt.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: This flower shop is a quaint boutique.
Cửa hàng hoa này là một cửa hàng trông rất thu hút.
2. Best-selling (a): bán chạy
Ex: One of the most best-selling books of the 21st century is “How to win and
influence people”
Một trong những cuốn sách bán chạy nhất thế kỉ 21 là Đắc nhân tâm.
3. Collectibles (n): hàng sưu tầm
Ex: I came across some valuable collectibles while visiting the thrift shop.
Tôi vô tình bắt gặp vài món đồ sưu tầm có giá trị ở cửa hàng đồ cũ.
4. To stumble upon: tình cờ gặp ai…
Ex: I stumbled upon Hoa while crossing the street yesterday.
Tôi tình cờ gặp Hoa khi băng qua đường hôm qua
5. To catch someone’s attention
Ex: She acted insane to catch his attention.
Cô ấy giả điên để thu hút sự chú ý của anh ấy.
6. To be an avid reader: người thích đọc sách
Ex: I’m an avid reader.
Tôi là một người đam mê đọc sách
7. Temptation: sự cám dỗ, sự quyến rũ
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: He could not resist her temptation, so he agreed to join a hand to help her.
Không thể cưỡng lại sức hút của cô ấy, anh ấy đồng ý giúp một tay.
8. Fateful: mang tính định mệnh
Ex: It was a fateful day that I meet him by chance.
Thật là một ngày định mệnh vì tôi vô tình gặp anh ấy.
9. Inviting atmosphere: không khí lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn
10. Thought -provoking (a): kích thích
Ex: This concept about body and brain is thought-provoking for many physicians.
11. Be passionate about (a): đam mê về…
I’m passionate about reading books.
Tôi đam mê đọc sách.
12. Genres (n): thể loại
Ex: Comics are my favorite genre.
Truyện tranh là thể loại yêu thích của tôi.
13. To delve into something (v): đào sâu, nghiên cứu sâu
Ex: I decided to delve into this topic for clearer explanations.
Tôi quyết định đào sâu vào chủ đề này để có những lời giải thích rõ ràng hơn
14. Introspection (n): nội tâm, sự nội quan
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
15. To escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life (phrase): thoát khỏi sự xô bồ
của cuộc sống thường ngày
Ex: She usually listens to music to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Cô ấy thường nghe nhạc để thoát khỏi sự xô bồ của cuộc sống thường ngày.
What types of shops would you recommend a visitor to your country should go
to? (Why?)
-> When visiting my country, I highly recommend exploring the local markets and
traditional handicraft shops. These places offer a unique cultural experience and
provide an opportunity to discover authentic products. Local markets are vibrant hubs
where visitors can immerse themselves in the hustle and bustle of daily life, interact
with friendly vendors, and sample a wide range of local delicacies. Additionally,
traditional handicraft shops showcase the rich heritage and craftsmanship of our
country, allowing visitors to appreciate and purchase handmade items such as textiles,
pottery, and artwork. By visiting these shops, tourists can support local artisans and
take meaningful souvenirs home that reflect the cultural identity of my country.
2. Do you ever buy anything on the internet?
-> Yes, I do purchase items on the internet from time to time. The convenience and
accessibility of online shopping have made it a popular option for many people,
including myself. I find it particularly useful for buying certain products that are not
readily available in local stores or for comparing prices and finding the best deals.
Additionally, online shopping allows me to save time and effort by avoiding crowded
stores and long queues. However, I still prefer to physically visit stores for certain
items, especially those that require personal inspection or fittings.
3. What do you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet?
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
-> Buying things on the internet offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides a vast
selection of products from around the world, giving consumers access to a wide range
of choices that may not be available locally. Online shopping also offers convenience,
as it allows people to make purchases from the comfort of their own homes, saving
time and transportation costs. Furthermore, online platforms often provide detailed
product information, customer reviews, and ratings, enabling shoppers to make wellinformed decisions. Lastly, the competitive nature of online retail often results in
lower prices and frequent discounts, making it an economical option for many
4. In your country, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?
-> Shopping in my country has witnessed significant changes over the past few
decades. With the advancement of technology and the rise of e-commerce, online
shopping has become increasingly popular. Many traditional brick-and-mortar stores
have also adapted by establishing an online presence to cater to the changing consumer
preferences. Moreover, the introduction of modern shopping malls and international
brands has transformed the retail landscape, providing a broader range of options for
consumers. Additionally, there has been a growing emphasis on customer experience,
with retailers incorporating various amenities, entertainment facilities, and dining
options within shopping complexes. Overall, these changes have made shopping more
convenient, diverse, and enjoyable for consumers in my country.
1. Traditional handicraft shops (n): các cửa hàng thủ công truyền thống
Ex: There are quite a lot of traditional handicraft shops in Hue city.
Có rất nhiều các cửa hàng thủ công truyền thống ở thành phố Huế.
2. Vendors (n): người bán hàng/ nhà cung cấp
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Ex: The vendor of the house wants to exchange contracts this week.
Người bán của ngôi nhà đó mong muốn được đổi các loại hợp đồng trong tuần này.
3. Local delicacies (n): ẩm thực địa phương
Ex: In some parts of the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great delicacy.
Ở một số nơi trên thế giới, mắt cừu được xem là một món ẩm thực tuyệt vời.
4. Craftsmanship (n): sự khéo léo, sự lành nghề
Ex: The jewellery showed exquisite craftsmanship.
Món trang sức này thể hiện sự khéo léo tinh vi.
5. Cultural identity (n): bản sắc văn hóa
Ex: Different nations have different cultural identities.
Các quốc gia khác nhau có những bản sắc văn hóa khác nhau
6. Inspection (n): sự kiểm tra, sự cẩn trọng
Ex: She arrived to make a health and safety inspection of the building.
Cô ấy đến để kiểm tra sự an toàn của tòa nhà.
7. Well-informed (a): biết rõ, thông thạo
Ex: He was well informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment.
Anh ấy rất tinh tường và khôn ngoan với phát xét bình tĩnh.
8. Brick-and-mortar stores (n): các cửa hàng trực tiếp
Ex: There are many brick-and-mortar stores in the locality of my house.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Có rất nhiều các cửa hàng trực tiếp ở gần nhà tôi.
9. Emphasis on (n): chú trọng
Ex: I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease
Tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên chú trọng ngăn ngừa dịch bệnh càng nhiều càng tốt.
10. Amenities (n): sự tiện nghi
Ex: This hotel has so many amenities such as restrooms, medical care, and a
Khách sạn này có rất nhiều tiện nghi như phòng vệ sinh, trung tâm chăm sóc sức khỏe
và phòng ăn.
13. Describe a crowded place you have been to
You should say:
When you went there
Who you went there with
Why you went there
And how you felt about it
(When you went there)
Most often, crowded places are public venues that attract a great number of people.
Megacities like New York, Beijing, and Tokyo are known for being exceptionally
crowded. Photos of massive crowds of people depict these cities' residents doing
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
everything from walking down the street to marching in parades and even sitting in
traffic. My experience at a crowded place was in one of these cities, Tokyo.
(Who you went there with)
Last month, my family decided to choose Tokyo as our holiday destination. Tokyo is
Japan's capital and the world's most populous metropolis. Today, Tokyo has become
one of the world’s most active major cities, home to cutting-edge technology,
information, culture, and fashion, as well as a high level of public safety.
(Why you went there)
Visiting Tokyo has always been one of my biggest travel dreams. It is a modern, fastpaced city that still embraces its traditional roots. Even though the city is large, there’s
a sense of cleanliness and order about Tokyo that makes it extremely accessible to
(And how you felt about it)
There are many things to talk about the once in a life time experience in Tokyo. Perhaps
best of all is its structure: lacking a clearly marked center, it’s made up of a patchwork
of different neighborhoods, each distinct in identity and atmosphere. “Animated" is
perhaps the best word to describe Tokyo. The most crowded place must be Shibuya
crossing, the biggest and busiest crossing in Tokyo, where sometimes 1000 or more
people cross the intersection at once. My family also experienced Tokyo’s crowded
trains during rush hour once, and the commotion was so bothersome. Apart from its
overwhelming number of people, I have nothing to complain about this city. Indeed, I
am particularly impressed with the civility and orderliness of the people here.
Part 3
Do people like to go to crowded places? Why?
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
(Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, I think most modern people are into
crowded places and the reasons are manifold. (Explain your reason or reasons)
Practically, vibrant young people prefer sharing their activities with the crowd and take
it as collective enjoyment. (Explain the opposite or alternative) However, while young
people like adventure & loudness, older people value their privacy and their time by
How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved?
(Give a direct answer to the question) On the one hand, adequate investment on road
improvements might help reduce chaotic traffic congestion in cities significantly
(Explain the opposite or alternative). Besides, implementing rail and subway systems
could guarantee that traffic congestion is properly addressed. (Explain your reason or
reasons) In fact, trains do not have to go through intersections and traffic lights, and
dedicated lines ensure their travel is hardly interrupted.
Why do people still like to live in big cities even though there are severe traffic
jams? (Give a direct answer to the question) Apparently, for many city dwellers, life
in the city is increasingly accessible and offers a plenty of opportunities. (Explain your
reason or reasons) Inarguably, when living in major cities, one will be presented with
better career prospects. For example, for those working in urban areas with more
qualifications, job positions in multinational companies would be more approachable.
What public facilities does your city have?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, my city offers quite a wide range of public
facilities for its residents (Explain your reason or reasons) Thanks to the governmental
financial investment in improvements in systems of public transport, like bus or
underground services; our daily travel has been greatly facilitated.
Vocabulary from Town and City:
• public transport
Meaning: public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on a fixed
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Example: This city offers an excellent system of public transport.
Other vocabulary:
1. manifold [adj]: many and of several different types: đa dạng, nhiều
Eg: Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
2. vibrant [adj]: full of energy and enthusiasm.: đầy nhiệt huyết
Eg: The director says that he has always been inspired by the vibrant energy of the youth
and the charm of campuses.
3. collective [adj]: of or shared by every member of a group of people: của chung
Eg: It was a collective decision/effort.
4. privacy [n]: the state of being alone: sự riêng tư
Eg: I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.
5. chaotic [adj]: in a state of complete confusion and lack of order: h ỗn loạn
Eg: The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.
6. implement [v]: to start using a plan or system: triển khai thực hiện
Eg: The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year.
7. properly [adv]: correctly, or in a satisfactory way: một cách phù hợp
Eg: I'm not properly dressed for this kind of weather.
8. intersection [n]: a point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect: ngã tư
Eg: If you remember back to an economics class you might have taken, much time was
spent on the intersection of lines in those graphs.
9. approachable [adj]: (of a place) able to be reached from a particular direction or by
a particular means.: dễ tiếp cận
Eg: The headland it was built on forms a natural stronghold with the sea on three sides
and is only approachable from the north.
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10. facility [n]: something such as a place, building, or equipment used for a particular
purpose or activity: cơ sở
Eg: His facility for memorizing dates was astonishing.
14. Describe a book you want to read again.
Tham khảo bài: Describe a book you have read recently
You should say:
- what it is
- who wrote the book
- what the book is about
- and explain how you felt about it
(what it is) Reading books has been a hobby since I was in grade 7, and since then, the
I’ve read 70-plus books. The last book I read was My Promised Land: The Triumph and
Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit. Many literary critics have complimented the book on
its enormous amount of information about the history of modern Israel from its very first
(who wrote the book) The author of this book, Ari Shavit, is a journalist and a writer
based in Israel. Another notable book of his is On Gaza Beach. Shavit was born
in Rehovot, Israel, and his father was a scientist and his mother was an artist. Some of his
ancestors were early leading Zionists, and he provides in-depth information about them
in the book.
(what the book is about) In accordance with the title, the book is mainly about Israel’s
history. Shavit covers the activities of Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist who gave birth
to Zionism, and how he and other Zionists, including Shavit’s ancestors, instigated
campaigns to re-establish the Land of Israel. This was a national movement of the Jewish
people to re-establish a Jewish homeland in the historic territory of the Land of Israel.
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(and explain how you felt about it) I agree with critics who say that there is an enormous
amount of information in the book. In fact, it took me more than 3 weeks to finish the
book, as it was too long and made me rack my brain at some points to compare what I’d
read with other information I’d previously read. The book gave me a chance to broaden
my knowledge about Israel, its history, and its citizens.
1. Critic (n): nhà phê bình.
Example: The play has been well received by the critics.
Vở kịch được các nhà phê bình nhận xét rất tốt.
2. To compliment (v): khen ngợi
Example: I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food.
Tôi khen Robert vì anh ấy nấu ăn khá ngon.
3. Notable (adj): đáng chú ý.
Example: Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.
Sự thỏa thuận giữa 2 bên là một thành tựu đáng chú ý.
4. Ancestor (n): tổ tiên.
Example: There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.
Có một số hình chân dung của tổ tiên nhà anh ấy trên tường trong phòng.
5. In-depth (adj/adv): sâu
Example: an in-depth report/interview/analysis
Một khảo sát/báo cáo/phân tích sâu.
6. In accordance with (phrase): tương ứng với.
Example: In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France.
Tương ứng với ước nguyện của cô ấy, thi hài của cô ấy được chôn ở Pháp.
7. To give birth to something (v): sinh ra một cái gì đó.
Example: She gave birth to twins.
Cô ấy sinh ra một cặp song sinh.
8. To instigate (v): bắt đầu một chuỗi sự kiện gì đó để đạt mục đích nào đó.
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Example: The government will instigate new measures to combat terrorism.
Chính phủ sẽ bắt đầu có một loại biện pháp mới để chống lại khủng bố.
9. To rack someone’s brain (phrase): suy nghĩ rất kĩ.
Example: I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.
Tôi suy nghĩ rất nhiều cả ngày nhưng mãi cũng không nhớ được tên cô ta.
Do you think parents should continue reading?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Of course, not only parents but everybody should
maintain reading habits (Explain your reason or reasons) Parents as adults read to keep
themselves updated and accumulate knowledge, thus being a role model for their kids
(Give an example (often a personal example)) For example, a mother who read books
on a daily basis would probably nurture the love for books in her daughter. (Explain the
opposite or alternative) Understandably, an enormous workload may sometimes deter
adults’ enthusiasm for such a time-demanding activity like reading books.
In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Normally, it is the parents’ responsibility to
encourage their children to fall into the reading habit. (Explain your reason or reasons)
The daily interaction with kids enables parents to influence them more profoundly. (Give
an example (often a personal example)) At school, reading more academic books is
strongly required, so that students could have a better grasp of subjects. (Explain the
opposite or alternative) Yet, reading in my nation has been seemingly out of the child’s
willingness and curiosity to learn about things, rather than parental incentive.
Do you prefer paper books or E-books?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, I would say paper books, without hesitation
(Explain your reason or reasons) To me, the satisfaction derived from finishing the last
page of a book is much more rewarding. (Explain the opposite or alternative)
Sometimes, I would read online books to save money, but as a last resort. The sheer
feeling of having a new book and adding it to your own bookshelf is irreplaceable for
genuine book lovers.
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Do you think printed books will continue to exist?
(Give a direct answer to the question) I believe the prospect of books disappearing is
very unlikely (Explain your reason or reasons) E-books are getting more popular each
year but they will never replace regular books completely. Some people will always want
to hold and have a physical book that they can read through and share with others.
(Explain the opposite or alternative) Possibly, some forms of digital media will supplant
books as a delivery method for information and eventually the printing and publishing of
hardbound books will be a niche industry.
What kind of books do children read?
(Give a direct answer to the question) As kids begin to read books on their own, they
will develop a preference for stories of different genres. Many children like to read books
involving adventure, mystery or fantasy. Many tweens and teens also enjoy realistic
fiction, that is stories where the protagonist must deal with hard issues, such as divorce
and peer pressure. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Older children may also enjoy
reading informative books about different animals, vehicles or sports that interest them.
accumulate [v]: to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: thu thập,
tích lũy
Eg: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their
nurture [v]: to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful: nuôi dưỡng
Eg: As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent.
deter [v]: to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic
about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad
results if they do it: cản trở, làm nản lòng
Eg: High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.
fall into a habit [expression]: to gradually get into a habit: nhiễm, quen với một thói quen
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Eg: Phong falls into the habit of staying up late.
have a good grasp of [expression]: to have a firm, clear understanding or determination
of something: nắm vững
Eg: I thought I had a pretty good grasp of English idioms, but I don't understand this one
at all.
without hesitation [expression]: If you say that someone does something without
hesitation, you are emphasizing that they do it immediately and willingly: không chần
Eg: He took the offer without hesitation.
rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have
done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng
Eg: Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.
irreplaceable [adj]: too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or
someone else: không thể thay thế
Eg: Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.
prospect [n]: the idea of something that will or might happen in the future: viễn cảnh
Eg: The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror.
hardbound [adj]: of a book: having a stiff or hard cover: được đóng bìa dày
Eg: Minh has a collection of over fifty hardbound books.
preference [n]: the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or
person: sự yêu thích hơn
Eg: Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
protagonist [n]: one of the main characters in a story or a play: nhân vật chính
Eg: In the instructions given to the child, the two protagonists of the films were first
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15. Describe an interesting talk or speech
You should say
Who gave the speech
What the topic of the speech was
Whether it impressed you or not
and explain why did you like / dislike the speech.
Three months ago, I attended a seminar organized by my university. The purpose of
the seminar was to present and discuss the job opportunities for undergraduate students
in Vietnam. At first, I hadn’t planned on attending the seminar but on second thoughts,
I decided to go with a friend of mine since I believed that the talk would offer me some
constructive advice on my future career plan. The keynote speaker was a representative
of an educational agency which places strong emphasis on helping students accumulate
real working experience after university graduation. Before delivering the speech, the
speaker forged the bonds between the students in the auditorium by organizing some
warm-up games, which I consider a good approach to capture the attention of the
audience and lighten the atmosphere. He then analyzed a great number of qualities an
employer expects from applicants and he went on to demonstrate the ways to impress
employers in an interview, thus enabling us to have a thorough preparation for our
careers later on. Besides, he also presented some information about long-term career
opportunities in Vietnam and discussed the highly skilled jobs for which there is a
shortage of workers. Throughout the speech, what most impressed me was his endless
patience and dedication to delivering the information and helping the audience
understand every single matter clearly. He was always willing to answer any question
asked by the students no matter how minor the problems might be. This is one of the
most significant qualities of a speaker that he clearly possesses. In brief, I found the
speech very informative and useful as it answered a great number of questions I had at
the back of my mind.
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1. Seminar [noun]: an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of peoplemeet to
study and discuss something (buổi hội thảo, chuyên đề)
Eg: When I was a student, I used to attend a lot of seminars.
2. Plan on [phrasal verb]: intend or expect to do something
Eg: We are planning on driving to the coast on Sunday.
3. On second thoughts [expression]: used to say that you have changed your opinion
(suy đi nghĩ lại)
Eg: I am planning on staying at home tonight. Actually, on second thoughts, I will go
out with you.
4. Constructive [adjective]: helpful (có ích, mang tính xây dựng)
Eg: My father usually gives me a lot of constructive advice.
5. Representative [noun]: someone who does something on behalf of a group of people
(người đại diện)
Eg: She is the representative of the company.
6. Place emphasis on [expression]: special importance that is given to something/ to
put stress on (nhấn mạnh)
Eg: My English teacher places emphasis on grammar and word choices.
7. Accumulate [verb]: to get more and more of something over a period of time (tích
Eg: By working assiduously, she accumulated a fortune.
8. Forge the bond [expression]: to connect people together (gắn kết mọi người)
Eg: The cultural exchange agreement has forged the bonds between Vietnam and
9. Auditorium [noun]: a large room where meetings are held (khán phòng)
Eg: Smoking is prohibited in the auditorium.
10. Lighten [verb]: to reduce worry or tension (làm sôi nổi)
Eg: His great sense of humor lightened the atmosphere.
11. Thorough [adjective]: careful (tỉ mỉ, kĩ lưỡng)
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Eg: A lot of thorough preparation has been done for the meeting.
12. Shortage [noun]: lack of something (sự thiếu hụt)
Eg: There is a shortage of water in the area.
13. Dedication [noun]: the state of giving a lot of time and energy to something because
it is important (sự cống hiến, tận tụy)
Eg: Success in teaching lies in the power of hard work and dedication to students.
14. Minor [adjective]: not important or serious (nhỏ nhặt)
Eg: Some minor changes have been made to the schedule.
15. Significant [adjective]: very large or important (đáng kể/ vô cùng quan trọng)
Eg: There has been a significant increase in the number of immigrants in recent years.
16. Informative [adjective]: providing a lot of useful information (cung cấp nhiều thông
tin hữu ích)
Eg: The talk was both entertaining and informative.
17. At the back of one’s mind [expression]: having an idea in your mind but not
thinking about it frequently (tồn động trong tâm trí)
Eg: The thought that he might leave was always at the back of her mind.
Part 3
1. How to achieve public speaking skills.
There’re several ways to achieve public speaking skills, in my opinion. First, you need
to prepare the content of your speech, which I think needs to be clear enough for the
audiences to understand. Second, you need to practice over and over again, so as to make
sure you won’t make any stupid mistakes once you start delivering your speech. Most
people are afraid of speaking in public because they are worried they will be judged by
their mistakes, so intense practice should guarantee them a better performance.
2. What do you think is a good speech?
A good speech, in my opinion, needs to be clear, concise, and consistent. First, a speech
needs to be clear enough so that the audience won’t find it too difficult to understand,
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and this can be achieved by adding cohesive devices. The second characteristic would
be conciseness – as some people tend to ramble on a topic and this can cause
misunderstanding or annoyance to the audience. The final requirement is consistency,
meaning that a speech needs to be about one topic and to express one opinion only, so
as not to cause confusion for listeners.
3. What is the importance of public speaking skills?
Well, public speaking skills may help people a lot in their life. In some cases, this is a
necessary skill for work, and those who appear to be good at talking in public can create
a very good impression on other people because, say, they know how to persuade others.
Moreover, those who are good at speaking in public can easily motivate others, and this
can come in handy when they need to carry an idea forward to create a social reaction
towards some specific problems.
4. Why are some people afraid of talking in the public?
I think the most common reason is because they are afraid of being judged, especially if
they make some mistakes, like stumbling over their words or forgetting some parts of
their speech. Another thing is that for some people, the seemingly hostile stares of the
audience can sometimes be very daunting, and this is like adding fuel to the flames,
especially for those who are already afraid of talking in public.
✓ concise [adjective] (súc tích) short and clear, expressing what needs to be said
without unnecessary words
e.g. You need to make your answers clear and concise, do not make them too long.
✓ cohesive devices [noun phrase] (từ nối) useful English language conjunctions,
transitional phrases, synonyms and pronouns that link ideas in a cohesive manner.
e.g. This piece of writing lacks cohesive devices, which is why it is so confusing.
✓ ramble [verb] (nói lan man) to talk or write in a confused way, often for a long time
e.g. Sorry, I’m rambling – let me get back to the point.
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✓ come in handy [expression] (có ích) to be useful
e.g. This money will come in handy when we go on vacation.
✓ stumble [verb] (nói vấp) Make a mistake or repeated mistakes in speaking
e.g. She stumbled over her words because she was so nervous that she found it difficult
to pronounce even simple words that she knew well.
✓ seemingly [adverb] (tưởng chừng ) Appearing to be real or true, but not necessarily
being so
e.g. It was a seemingly impossible task, but in the film he managed to escape and save
the world.
✓ hostile [adjective] (hằn học, thù địch) very unfriendly and ready to argue or fight
e.g. When he was attacked by hostile gangsters, Jackie Chan used his Kung Fu skills.
✓ daunting [adjective] (làm nản chí, làm thoái chí) making somebody feel nervous and
less confident
e.g. She had the daunting task of caring for seriously ill patients.
✓ add fuel to the fire/flames [idiom] (xát muối vào vết thương) Cause a situation or
conflict to become more intense.
e.g. The situation between the US and Russia was already tense, but the violent speech
by the President added fuel to the flames.
16. Describe a sport you enjoyed watching
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it
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Who you did it with
And explain how you felt about it
(What it was) When it comes to this topic, I would say that I’m quite a sports
enthusiast, so that’s the reason why I have taken part in many sports since I was a
child. However, the most engaging one was swimming. I learned to swim when I was
a 11-year-old girl.
(Where you did it) At that time, my dad took me to the swimming centre near my
house and taught me how to swim. I would say I didn’t have a vast aptitude for
swimming, I found it hard to breathe under the water, and I was a little bit petrified of
water, too. I was about to give up as I thought this sport was too tough, but at that
time, my father always told me: “Hang in there! You can do it! Just try your best and
then you can achieve everything you want”. Finally, I found my feet and began to
swim alone.
(Who you did it with) Then, I used to ask my besties to go for a swim in a bigger
swimming pool in my town. We went there on a weekly basis, as Sunday is our day
off, which meant that we didn’t have to go to school.
(How you felt) While swimming, I was over the moon, as it was a great chance for
me to get together with friends and stay in shape. As I have got older, swimming
has helped me to unwind and temporarily forget all of the pressure of life, which is
the reason why I still hold the habit of swimming on a weekly basis.
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1. Sport enthusiast (n): người đam mê thể thao
Ex: He was a sport enthusiast: anh ấy là một người đam mê thể thao
2. Be petrified of (a): sợ
Ex: I’m petrified of snakes: tôi sợ rắn
3. Find one’s feet (a) = be comfortable (a): dần cảm thấy thoải mái
Ex: I only recently joined the firm so I’m still finding my feet: tôi chỉ mới tham gia
vào doanh nghiệp thôi, nên tôi đang cố gắng thoải mái
4. On a weekly basis: mỗi tuần một lần
Ex: In 2006, a physician, nurse or aide flew into the village on a weekly basis: vào
năm 2006, một bác sĩ, y tá hoặc phụ tá bay đến ngôi làng một lần trong tuần
5. Day off (a): ngày nghỉ
Ex: I took a day off in June to go to a friend’s wedding: tôi nghỉ một ngày ở tháng Sáu
để đến dự đám cưới một người bạn
6. Be over the moon (a) = be happy (a): hạnh phúc, vui vẻ
Ex: She was over the moon about her new bike: cô ấy hạnh phúc vì có chiếc xe đạp
7. A great chance to get together with friends: một dịp tốt để tụ họp cùng bạn bè
8. Stay in shape: giữ dáng, khỏe mạnh
Ex: You don’t have to spend a fortune on gym membership to stay in shape: bạn
không cần phải chi quá nhiều tiền vào việc làm thành viên của chỗ tập gym để giữ
dáng đâu.
9. To unwind (v): xả hơi
Ex: A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work: một ly rượu có thể
giúp tôi xả hơi sau giờ làm việc
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10. Temporarily forget all of the pressure of life: tạm thời quên đi những guồng quay cuộc
Part 3
1. Is it important to have a break during work or study?
-> I would definitely say yes. According to some research, if people continue working
or studying for a very long time without relaxation, then their brains may not function
productively. And I’ve read a report saying that we should spend 20-25 minutes
concentrating 100% on what we’re doing and after 25 minutes, we should have a 5minute break. It’s more functional. For example, people can listen to some kinds of
music or watch a video to unwind for a short time. Moreover, with longer durations,
people can choose to do meditation to calm themselves after such a hard time.
2. What sports do young people like to do now?
-> Well, for the most part, I would say young people nowadays are becoming more
conscious of their health, which means that they play sports very often. Almost all of
the young love playing outdoor sports like football, swimming, basketball,
volleyball… simply because they want to get fresh air outside after a tiring day at work
or school, and these types of sports don’t require expensive facilities or equipment.
Moreover, extreme sports like parachute jumping or windsurfing are gaining
popularity among youngsters, as they’re a big fan of adventuring and exploring.
3. Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
-> Honestly, I don’t think they have changed significantly for the last 20 years. In my
point of view, I haven’t seen any new activities for the young, like they still play
sports, extreme sports or just do whatever they like in their leisure time. However, I
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think youngsters these days pay too much attention to social media and networking
sites, which leaves them less time playing outdoor activities or doing the things they
used to do in the past.
1. Function productively: hoạt động một cách hiệu quả
2. To do meditation (n): thiền định
Ex: she found peace through yoga and meditation: cô ấy cảm thấy bình yên nhờ vào
yoga và thiền định
3. Be conscious of their health: quan tâm về sức khỏe
Ex: Consumers aren’t as conscious of prices as they were last year: người tiêu dùng
không còn quan tâm về giá cả nhiều như năm trước nữa
4. Do not require expensive facilities or equipment: không yêu cầu nhiều về những dụng
cụ đắt tiền
5. Parachute jump (n): nhảy dù
Ex: She agreed to do a parachute jump for charity: cô ấy đồng ý nhảy dù cho hoạt
động thiện nguyện
6. Gain popularity: được ưa thích
7. Be a big fan of adventuring and exploring (a): ưa thích mạo hiểm và khám phá
8. Extreme sport (n): môn thể thao mạo hiểm
Ex: She loves to travel and take part in extreme sports: cô ấy thích đi du lịch và chơi
các bộ môn thể thao mạo hiểm
9. Leisure time (n): thời gian rảnh rỗi
Ex: Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time: rất nhiều người chỉ có
một khoảng thời gian rảnh có hạn
10. Pay too much attention to something (v): dành quá nhiều thời gian cho cái gì
Ex: You weren’t paying attention to what I was saying: bạn không chú ý vào những
gì tôi nói
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17 Describe a perfect house you saw
Tham khảo bài: Describe an apartment or a house that you would like to live in
near future
You should say:
What it is like
Where it is
When you want to live there
And explain why it is ideal to you
(What it is like) Now, I would like to share with you a bit about a house that I would
love to live in. The walls will be painted in white, which will make my house look a lot
brighter and reduce the absorption of heat. Also, the doors will all be glass because there
is nothing more elegant than glass. I follow the minimalism of the Japanese, and I am
lazy, so there will be nothing much inside my house apart from a kitchen, creamy lights,
and some very essential necessities. There is no question of paintings or complicated
furniture being in my house.
(Where it is) I’ve dreamed of having a big detached house with spacious rooms in the
resort city of Danang since it was crowned the most liveable city in Vietnam, and has
won this title for 5 years, leaving far behind its rivals such as Vung Tau, which is my
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hometown, and Ho Chi Minh city, which is the wealthiest city in Vietnam. Danang is
such a stunning coastal city with magnificent views of the sea and the mountains. It’s
natural and modern at the same time, that’s why I would love to live there.
(When you want to live there) I would love to live in this house when I graduate from
university and have a stable job. Only at that time will I be able to leave Ho Chi Minh
city for Da Nang because I have to finish my degree at a university in Ho Chi Minh city.
(And explain why it is ideal to you) From what I’ve said, there are two main reasons.
This house is located in the city of Danang, which is a coastal city with beautiful beaches
and mountains. The house is built in deference to Japanese minimalism and I’m a couch
potato who does not want to spend time on tidying up the house too frequently.
Vocabulary from accommodation:
Detached house (n): a house that is not physically connected to another property
Example: Prices are rising so fast that people can't afford detached houses.
Spacious room (n): a large room
Example: a spacious house/living room
To be crowned (v): được trao vương miện/thắng cái gì đó
(queen) (=
made queen in
a special ceremony) in 1953.
Nữ hoàng Elizabeth II được trao vương miện vào năm 1953.
To leave someone far behind (n): bỏ xa ai đó.
Example: Three years later, the company had left all its close rivals far behind.
Ba năm sau đó, công ty này đã bỏ xa các đối thủ.
Absorption (n): sự hút
Example: Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.
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Một số loại khí có thể đi vào cơ thể qua đường hút của da.
In deference to something (phrase): theo cái gì đó.
Example: She covered her head in deference to Muslim custom.
Cô ấy che đầu lại theo luật Hồi giáo.
Couch potato (n): người lười biếng.
Example: A couch potato is a person who watches a lot of television and does not have
an active life
Một “couch potato” là người xem TV rất nhiều và không có một cuộc sống năng động.
1. Where do people in Vietnam like to live, in a house or an apartment?
People in Vietnam are considered to give their preference to private houses due to the
overwhelming part of the population dwelling in private houses. However, an increasing
number of citizens, especially in cities, choose to live in apartments as a result of the
population explosion, which has triggered a substantial rise in the prices of private houses.
2. What are the benefits of living in a house?
The first benefit of living in a house is that one can feel a clearer sense of privacy as they
do not face as much neighbour-driven trouble as those living in apartments. Also, it is
worth highlighting the extent to which citizens living in their own houses can save money
normally spent on different areas such as security or public area cleaning services.
3. Why do many people like to live in the city?
The answer is more than simple - it’s convenience. Not only can people enjoy more
convenience in terms of shopping and services, but they can also have the chance to send
their children to elite schools. Viewed from another perspective, those who prefer a hectic
life tend to live in the city as it offers them enough hustle and bustle.
4. Where do people like to live, in the city center or the suburbs?
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Many people want to live in the city centre. This can be clearly seen in the case of Ho Chi
Minh city. Since a majority of companies and offices are based in central districts such
as District 1, District 3, people tend to live as close to those districts as possible, mostly
in District 2 and District 7.
1. To give preference to something (phrase): ưu tiên
Example: The city gives preference to job applicants who live there.
Thành phố này ưu tiên những người xin việc sống ở đó.
2. To dwell (v): trú ngụ
Example: She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years.
Cô ây trú ngụ tại những hơi hẻo lánh ở Châu Á trong nhiều năm
3. To feel a/an + adj + sense of something (phrase): cảm thấy cái gì đó rõ ràng hơn
Example: He felt a deep sense of relief after the phone call
Anh ấy cảm thấy một sự nhẹ nhàng rõ ràng sau cuốc điện thoại.
4. -driven (suffix): được gây ra, ảnh hưởng bởi cái gì đó.
Example: The company's policies are essentially cost-driven.
Những chính sách của công ty chủ yếu là bị ảnh hưởng bởi chi phí (chi phí là cái quyết
định chính sách)
5. Elite (adj): ưu tú
Example: Ha Noi – Amsterdam and Le Hong Phong are two of the elite schools in
Hà Nội – Amsterdam và Lê Hồng Phong là hai trong số các trường ưu trú ở Việt Nam.
6. Hectic (adj): bận rộn
Example: The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
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Khu vực này đã trở thành thiên đường cho những người mệt mỏi với nhịp sống bận rộn
của thành phố.
7. Hustle and bustle (idiom): hối hả và nhộn nhịp
Example: I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.
Tôi yêu cái sự hối hả và nhộn nhịp của khu chợ này
18. Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of
You should say:
What the gift was
Who you gave it to
Why you gave it
And explain whether this person liked the gift or not
(What the gift was)+(Who you gave it to) If I were to save up a significant amount
of money, I would love to splurge on an expensive gift for my mother - a dream
vacation to an exotic destination.
(Why you gave it) The reason I chose to give her this gift is that my mother has
always put her family's needs before her own. She's always been my rock, my constant
support, and I think she deserves a little pampering. Therefore, I have decided to
whisk her away to the Maldives, where we can soak up the sun and indulge in some
serious relaxation. I'd book us a luxurious resort on a private island, with all the
amenities to make her stay comfortable and memorable. As you already know, this
tropical paradise is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, pristine beaches, and
luxurious resorts. In the Maldives, there are plenty of activities to enjoy that would
make our stay even more memorable. We could go snorkelling and discover the
vibrant underwater world filled with colorful fishes and coral reefs. We could also take
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a sunset cruise and enjoy the breathtaking views of the ocean while sipping on
refreshing cocktails.
(Explain whether this person liked the gift or not) I'm pretty confident that my
mother would be over the moon if I gave her this gift. She's always wanted to travel to
exotic destinations, but she's never had the opportunity due to her responsibilities. So, I
think this gift would be a wonderful break from her daily routine, and it would allow
her to experience something truly extraordinary. All in all, I believe that gifting a
luxurious vacation to my mother would be worth every penny. She's been there for
me through thick and thin, and I think it's time I showed her a little appreciation.
1. Splurge (verb) + (out) on: dùng rất nhiều tiền để mua một món đồ đắt đỏ.
I feel like splurging (out) on a new dress.
Tôi cảm thấy muốn phung phí vào một chiếc váy mới.
2. Rock (noun): dùng để chỉ một người mà bạn cảm thấy rằng bạn có thể tin cậy vào họ
và họ sẽ luôn luôn hỗ trợ bạn.
"He's always been my rock," said his lifelong friend and teammate.
“Anh ấy luôn là chỗ dựa của tôi” - một người tri kỉ của anh ta nói
3. Pampering (noun): sự tự thưởng cho bản thân, sự nuông chiều
I’ll spend my salary pampering myself.
Tôi sẽ dành tiền lương để nuông chiều bản thân
4. Whisk + away/off to (verb): đưa ai đó đến đâu thật nhanh và bất ngờ
Her husband whisked her off to Egypt for her birthday.
Chồng cô ấy đưa cô ấy tới Ai Cập vào ngày sinh nhật
5. Soak up (verb): tận hưởng
I love to lie on the beach and soak up the sun.
Tôi thích nằm trên bờ biển và đắm mình trong ánh mặt trời
6. Indulge (verb): chiều chuộng ai đó/bản thân bằng cách cho phép họ làm gì
I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself.
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Tôi rất thích rượu sâm banh nhưng tôi không thường xuyên tự nuông chiều bản thân
7. Go snorkelling (verb): lặn biển
We went snorkelling along the Great Barrier Reef.
Chúng tôi đã đi lặn ngắm san hô dọc theo Rạn san hô lớn.
8. Over the moon (idiom): hạnh phúc
She was over the moon about/with her new bike.
Cô ây rất hạnh phúc vì chiếc xe đạp mới
9. Worth every penny (idiom): đáng từng đồng, rất đáng tiền
The operation cost £100,000 and it was worth every penny.
Chi phí phẫu thuật là £100.000 và đáng đồng tiền bát gạo.
10. Through thick and thin (idiom): qua bao thăng trầm
She has stuck with me through thick and thin.
Cô ấy đã đồng hành cùng tôi qua thăng trầm của cuộc đời.
Part 3
1. Is it easy for people to save money to buy expensive items?
Well, that's an interesting question. I think it depends on a lot of factors such as a
person's income level, spending habits, and financial responsibilities. For some people,
it might be relatively easy to save money because they have a steady income and don't
have many expenses. On the other hand, for others who have a lower income or many
financial obligations, saving money may be more challenging. Also, some people
have different priorities and might prefer to spend their money on different things
rather than saving up for an expensive item. So, in short, it really varies from person
to person.
1. Financial obligations (phrase): nghĩa vụ tài chính
Financial obligations are making it hard for John to save money.
Những nghĩa vụ tài chính khiến John khó mà để dành tiền được.
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2. Save up (phrasal verb): tiết kiệm tiền
It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.
Tôi mất vài tháng để tiết kiệm đủ tiền cho chuyến du lịch
2. How do you choose presents for others if you don’t know what they like? Is it
difficult to buy the right present?
When it comes to choosing presents for people who I don't know very well, I usually
try to figure out their general interests or hobbies. For example, if I know someone
likes to cook, I might get them a cookbook or some kitchen gadgets. If I know
someone is into fitness, I might get them a gym bag or some workout clothes.
Of course, it can be difficult to buy the right present for someone when you don't know
them well, and there's always a risk that they won't like it. In those cases, I try to
choose something that's practical or has a general appeal, like a nice bottle of wine or
a gift card to a popular store. And if I'm really unsure, I might even ask someone who
knows the person better for some advice.
1. Figure out (phrasal verb): khám phá, tìm hiểu, tìm ra
Can you figure out the answer to question 5?
Bạn có thể tìm ra đáp án cho câu hỏi số 5 không?
2. Be into something (phrase): có hứng thú với, thích
Jackie's really into classical music.
Jackie rất thích nhạc cổ điển.
3. appeal (n) sự lôi cuốn, sự thu hút, sự quyến rũ
This used to be a marvellous hotel but it has lost its appeal in recent years.
Nơi đây từng là một khách sạn tuyệt vời nhưng nó đã mất đi sức hút những năm gần đây.
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3. What do you think about people giving money to charity organizations?
Well, I personally believe that it's important for people to give back to their
communities and help those in need. There are so many people in the world who are in
need of help and support, and donating money can really make a difference in their
lives. In fact, I often set aside some money each month to contribute to various
charities that I feel strongly about. I think it's important to do your research and find
out how your donations will be used, so that you can ensure that your money is being
put to good use. Additionally, some people might prefer to 'give back' by volunteering
their time and skills, which can be just as valuable as monetary donations.
1. Set aside (phrasal verb): để dành
He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids.
Anh ấy đã để một số tiền trong tài khoản mà anh ấy đã dành riêng cho các con của mình.
2. Put to good use (phrase): được sử dụng đúng mục đích
She donated her old clothes to charity so that they could be put to good use.
Cô ấy quyên góp quần áo cũ cho các tổ chức từ thiện để sử dụng một cách có ích.
4. What do young people like to save money to buy?
Well, young people have various aspirations and interests, so what they like to save
money for can differ from person to person. However, I think there are a few things
that many young people tend to save up for. For example, some might save for their
first car, which can be a significant expense. Others might be interested in the latest
technology such as smartphones, laptops, or gaming consoles, and save up to buy
them. Additionally, some might want to travel and see the world, so they save for trips
abroad or backpacking adventures. And of course, there are those who save up for
college or university fees or to start a business.
1. Expense (n): khoản chi
Our biggest expense this year was our summer holiday.
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Chi phí lớn nhất của chúng tôi trong năm nay là kỳ nghỉ mùa hè.
2. Aspiration (n): khát vọng, mục tiêu
It's a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.
Đó là một câu chuyện về cuộc sống và hoài bão của những người nhập cư nghèo người
3. Gaming console (n): máy chơi trò chơi điện tử cầm tay
The early model was a $40 game console that plugged directly into your TV.
Mẫu sớm nhất là một máy chơi game trị giá 40 đô la, được cắm trực tiếp vào TV của
19. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where you would like to try it
-Why you would like to try it
(What it is)
Swimming is a healthy and motivational sport. I think swimming can endear itself to
many people because water-related activities always deliver a sense of excitement and
refreshment. During the hot weather, immersing yourself in the cold water is
irresistible. For me, I have been swimming since I was 7, but I have to admit that I’m
not quite an active person in the water. The reason is that I used to confront a lot of
difficulties in preserving my stamina and also in holding my breath in the water.
(Where you would like to try it)
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Next summer, I am planning to swim at large beaches or in the sea in my coastal city.
Swimming in the sea is such a pleasurable experience. I heard from many of my friends
that it provides more thrills than swimming in an enclosed swimming pool. They said
could swim over considerably longer distance without bumping into each other.
Hearing the illustrations, the desire to swim was so intense that I am dying to be in the
sea as soon as possible. In fact, I will have a summer vacation in Nha Trang and Vung
Tau with my family so that I can fulfil my desire.
(Why you would like to try it)
Well, I want to swim in the sea or sea beach for several reasons. First of all, it would
be a completely new and somehow adventurous experience for me. Moreover, I heard
that the sea water is all the more beneficial for health to some extent. Besides, I have
read recently that swimming in the sea is also calming and meditative, as the sound of
your breathing and the water rushing by helps you focus inward and drown out all other
11. motivational [adj]: encouraging, making people want to do sth: có tính động
lực cao
Eg: To most contenders, this intense competition is really motivational.
12. (to) endear [v]: sb/sth/ yourself to sb else: make sb/sth like you: khiến ai đó
yêu thích
Eg: The teacher’s kindness endears himself to most of his pupils.
13. refreshment [n]: the fact of making sb feel stronger or less tired or hot: sự làm cho
sảng khoái
Eg: Minh is trying to find a place for rest and refreshment.
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14. irresistible [adj]: so strong that it cannot be stopped or resisted: không thể cưỡng
lại được
Eg: As a matter of fact, Linh’s arguments were irresistible.
15. stamina [n]: the physical or mental strength that enables you to do sth difficult for
a long period of time: sức bền
Eg: It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon.
16. pleasurable [adj]: enjoyable: vui vẻ
Eg: The hotels were not so good, but on the whole the trip was a pleasurable
17. intense [adj]: extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong: mãnh li ệt
Eg: He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back.
18. adventurous [adj]: exciting and often dangerous: mạo hiểm
Eg: Instead of staying in the hotel all the time, we wanted to go out and be adventurous.
19. meditative [adj]: involving meditation (= giving your attention to one thing as a
religious activity or to relax): thiền định
Eg: She closed her eyes and went into a meditative trance.
20. distraction (n): something that prevents someone from giving their attention to
something else: chuyện gây xao nhãng
Eg: You can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.
20. Describe a movie you watched that made you feel depressed
You should say:
What it was
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
Why you didn’t like it
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And explain why you felt disappointed
(What it was) + (When you watched it) I remember watching the movie "The Road"
a few years back, and it left me feeling incredibly depressed. I watched it on a
Saturday night when I was feeling a bit down and thought a movie would cheer me
up. However, I realized that my decision to watch the movie was misguided. The
movie follows a father and his young son as they journey through a post-apocalyptic
world. The world they live in is bleak, with ash-filled skies, desolate landscapes, and
scarce resources. The father is desperately trying to keep his son alive while also
teaching him to be strong in a world that is cruel and unforgiving.
(Who you watched it with) I watched the movie alone, which I think made it even
worse. There was no one to talk to about how I was feeling, and the movie was a real
downer that hit me like a ton of bricks.
(Why you didn’t like it) I didn't like it because it was so sad, and there was no happy
ending to look forward to. I think it's important to have some sort of hope or light at
the end of the tunnel in a movie, but this one was just dark and hopeless.
(And explain why you felt disappointed) The reason I felt disappointed was that I
had heard so many good things about the movie. People had raved about it, and I had
high expectations going in. But instead of feeling inspired or moved, I just felt sad and
depressed. I think it's important to have movies that make you think and feel deeply,
but this one just left me feeling empty and hopeless. Overall, watching "The Road"
was a bit of a mistake on my part. I was in a vulnerable emotional state, and the movie
just made things worse. It's not a bad movie, but it's definitely not one that I would
watch again.
1.Cheer up (phrasal verb): làm ai đó vui lên
She was sick so I sent her some flowers to cheer her up.
Cô ấy ốm nên tôi gửi một ít hoa làm cô ấy vui lên
2. Misguided (adj): không phù hợp, không hợp lý vì dựa trên thông tin sai.
The company blamed its disappointing performance on a misguided business plan.
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Công ty đổ lỗi cho kế hoạch kinh doanh sai lầm là nguyên nhân dẫn đến kết quả không
3. Post-apocalyptic (adj) thuộc hậu tận thế
The landscape resembles a scene from a post-apocalyptic disaster movie.
Phong cảnh giống như một cảnh trong phim thảm họa hậu tận thế.
4. Bleak (adj) u ám, tối tăm, không có hy vọng
The economic outlook is bleak.
Tình hình kinh tế trông không mấy sáng lạng
5. Ash-filled (adj) đầy tro bụi
The sky was so thick with smoke and ash-filled that it looked like the end of the world.
Bầu trời bị phủ đầy khói và tro bụi đến mức nó trông giống như sự tận thế.
6. Downer (n) điều gì đó khiến người ta không hạnh phúc, không vui
You lost your job? That's a real downer!
"Bạn mất việc là một điều thực sự đáng buồn!
7. Hit someone like a ton of bricks (idiom): dội mạnh vào tim ai, làm người ta bất
ngờ, đau lòng, etc.
The news of her accident hit me like a ton of bricks.
Tin tức về tai nạn của cô ấy khiến tôi cảm thấy đau đớn và bàng hoàng.
8. Light at the end of the tunnel (idiom): tia hy vọng
As finals approached, she felt that at last she could see the light at the end of
the tunnel.
Khi kỳ thi cuối kì đến gần, cô ấy cảm thấy như cuối cùng cũng tìm ra chút tia hy
vọng cuối đường hầm.
9. Rave about something (v) ca tụng rất nhiều
She raved about/over the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows.
Cô ấy tán dương những bộ quần áo mà cô ấy đã thấy tại các show thời trang ở Paris.
Part 3:
1. Do you believe movie reviews?
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While movie reviews can be a useful tool for determining whether a film is worth
watching or not, I believe that everyone has their own individual preferences when it
comes to movies. It's important to keep in mind that not everyone has the same taste
in films, and what one person may love, another might dislike. That being said,
reading reviews from different sources and critics can give you a general idea of the
film's strengths and weaknesses, and help you make an informed decision about
whether or not to watch it.
1. Preference (n) sự ưa thích
Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
Sở thích của cô ấy là quần áo thoải mái hơn là quần áo thời trang.
2. Keep in mind (idiom): ghi nhớ một thông tin (đặc biệt khi đưa ra quyết định)
Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind.
Tất nhiên, công việc sửa chữa đắt tiền và bạn phải cân nhắc điều đó
3. Taste (n) sở thích, gu (âm nhạc, phim)
She came home from Europe with a taste for art and the finer things in life.
Cô ấy trở về từ châu Âu với sự ưa thích về nghệ thuật và những điều tinh tế trong cuộc
2. What movies do people like to watch in your country?
In my country, the film industry is quite diverse, and people enjoy watching a wide
range of movies, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie films and foreign language
movies. That being said, I've noticed that action and comedy films tend to be the most
popular genres, as they have a broad appeal and are often seen as entertaining and fun
to watch. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards watching
more sci-fi and fantasy films, which have become increasingly popular due to their
complex world-building and special effects.
1. Blockbuster (n): phim bom tấn
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We all felt the movie was a potential blockbuster.
Chúng tôi đều cảm thấy đây có khả năng là 1 bộ phim bom tấn.
2. Genre (n): thể loại
What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?
Thể loại của cuốn sách này là gì-hài kịch hay bi kịch?
3. Are historical films popular in your country?Why?
Yes, historical films are quite popular in my country, as they provide an opportunity to
learn more about our past and the history of our culture. These films often have a
strong educational value, as they can shed light on important events and figures from
our history that might not be well-known or widely understood. Additionally,
historical films are often seen as a way to preserve our cultural heritage, and to pay
tribute to the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors.
1. Shed light on (idiom): làm sáng tỏ, lý giải
As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem.
Là một nhà kinh tế học, anh ta có thể lý giải vấn đề này.
2. Pay tribute to (phrase): ca tụng, ca ngợi
The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.
Bộ trưởng ca ngợi người đàn ông đã chiến đâu với ngọn lửa.
4. Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more popular?
Yes, I do think that films with household names tend to be more famous, as these
individuals often have a strong fan base that will watch their movies regardless of the
genre or plot. They can also attract a wider audience to the film, as fans of the actor or
actress may be interested in watching the movie simply because of their involvement.
However, while having a big name attached to a film can help build up excitement
and anticipation, the quality of the movie and the story itself are ultimately what
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determine its success. A great film can succeed even without a well-known cast, while
a poorly made film with a famous cast will likely be forgotten quickly.
1. A household name (n) người nổi tiếng, ai cũng biết đến
He was a household name in the 1950s.
Anh ấy là một người nổi tiếng vào những năm 1950.
2. A big name (n) người nổi tiếng, người quan trọng
Are there any big names in the movie?
Có tên tuổi lớn nào trong bộ phim không?
21. Describe an occasion when you got lost
You should say:
When and where you got lost
and explain why you got lost
(When and where you got lost)
I am going to talk about an incident that happened to me, which I never forget. On a trip
organized to Bach Ma national park for all students in my high school three years ago,
with a view to raising students’ awareness of the importance of protecting the
environment, I got lost and could hardly find my bearings to get back to the class.
(and explain why you got lost)
In retrospect, climbing the mountain was great fun, although I was a little scared at first,
apprehensive to be exact. I still remember the route to reach the mountain peak was in
twists and turns, so students in my class almost felt the terminal point was
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approaching but it was endless. I got a little exhausted and had to lean against a tree.
My friends encouraged me to hold on, take a deep breath and only think about the
mountain peak to continue to climb. We were up at the furthest point as the sun was
starting to set. Too enthralled by the spectacular natural scenery, I decided to go a bit
further from our original reaching point to take pictures and forgot the time until it began
to turn dark. Suddenly, I realized that I was alone and I could not see any of my
classmates. Actually, I was truly scared at that very moment. Luckily, before I totally
lost my bearings, I tried my uttermost to find the trail again by using the digital map
on my mobile device to position, and managed to make it back after about two and a
half hours, by which time it was full night. I’m glad that I did overcome my fears then
to find the way back.
Part 3:
Do people get lost more than in the past?
I don’t think so. Nowadays, we have a lot of digital GPS tools that help people to
navigate so the chances of getting lost are lower than in the past.
What should we do if one of our family members gets lost?
If the people we love are missing, the first thing we should do is to contact the police
immediately. If you suspect something is wrong for instance, if your father does not
arrive home at his regular time, say at around 8 p.m. and you cannot reach him, contact
the authorities.
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22. Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information
You should say:
- Where you got the information
- What was it about
-And explain how you felt about it
(When and where you got the information)
Every time you're online, you are bombarded by pictures, articles, links and videos
trying to tell their story. Unfortunately, not all of these stories are true. Sometimes they
want you to click on another story or advertisement at their own site, other times they
want to upset people for political reasons. I remember that I was taken in by an
incorrect piece of information a month ago when I was surfing the Internet. It was from
a tabloid, which has recently been reported by many online readers.
(What was it about)
The information was about the sudden death of a well-known Vietnamese comedian,
who drew his last breath at the age of 49. To me, he is one of the most talented and
kind-hearted artists in the entertainment industry, and he deserves such great affection
from audience around the country. Therefore, I felt so shocked and appalled to then
verify the accuracy of the news and even inform some of my friends about it. Later, I
found out that it was just a baseless and malicious rumor, which is a way for nowadays
tabloids to captivate readers.
(And explain it how you felt about it)
At first, I was quite pissed off, but later, I felt quite relieved indeed, because such a
heart-breaking news was inaccurate. I also learned to be more careful when taking in
different sources of information from the Internet. These days, it’s easy to take a photo
from one event and say it’s from another. Images can also be altered for a certain story.
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Fake news is no exception, and many of the articles that fall under its umbrella are
designed to stir up emotion in readers and prey on their biases. It’s more advisable to
check whether news stories are based in fact, rather than sharing them.
21. bombard [v]: address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage: bị
tấn công dồn dập
Eg: We were bombarded with information and statistics.
22. political [adj]: relating to politics: thuộc về chính trị
Eg: He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.
23. (be) taken in by sth [expression]: be fooled, swindled, cheated, or beguiled (by
someone or something): bị lừa bởi cái gì/ai
Eg: You spent $1,000 on some cure-all pill you bought off the Internet? How could you
be taken in by that scam?
24. kind-hearted [adj]: a kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and
always wants to help them: tốt bụng
Eg: Kylie was friendly and kindhearted by nature.
25. verify [v]: to prove that something exists or is true, or to make certain that
something is correct: xác thực
Eg: These numbers are surprisingly high and they'll have to be verified.
26. malicious [adj]: intended to harm or upset other people: ác ý, ác độc
Eg: He complained that he'd been receiving malicious phone calls.
27. captivate [v]: to hold the attention of someone by being extremely
interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive: lôi cu ốn, thu hút
Eg: With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.
28. (be) pissed off [adj]: very annoyed; angry: bực tức
Eg: He'd kept me waiting for an hour so I was pissed off to start with.
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29. prey on [v]: to hurt or deceive a group of people, especially people who are weak
or can easily be hurt or deceived: dày vò, làm ai đau khổ
Eg: He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
30. advisable [adj]: if something is advisable, it will avoid problems if you do it: thích
đáng, khôn ngoan
Eg: It's advisable to book seats at least a week in advance.
23. Describe an exciting adventure you would like to go on
You should say:
Where you would like to go to
Who you would like to go with
Why it is a great adventure
How the adventure is
And explain why it is a great adventure
(Where you would like to go to) If given the chance, I would love to go on an
adventure trip to the Amazon rainforest in South America with my closest friends.
This would definitely be a trip of a lifetime that I am sure we would never forget.
(Who you would like to go with) (Who you would like to go with)
One of the reasons why this adventure is so exciting is the fact that the Amazon is a
vast and incredibly diverse ecosystem that is home to some of the most unique
wildlife on the planet. Exploring the dense jungle with its towering trees, discovering
rare plant species, and spotting wild animals such as monkeys, toucans, jaguars, and
anacondas would be a thrilling experience. In addition, we would have the
opportunity to interact with the indigenous people living in the rainforest and learn
about their culture and way of life.
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(How the adventure is)As for the adventure itself, I would expect it to be physically
challenging and demanding, but also incredibly rewarding. We would have to trek
through thick jungle undergrowth, navigate through rivers and rapids, and camp in the
wild. But I believe that the sense of achievement and adrenaline rush we would
experience from overcoming such challenges would be well worth it.
(Why it is a great adventure) In conclusion, going on an adventure trip to the Amazon
rainforest with my friends would be a dream come true. It would be an opportunity to
disconnect from the modern world and immerse ourselves in a truly natural and aweinspiring environment. I believe that this adventure would create memories that we
would cherish for the rest of our lives.
1. a trip of a lifetime (phrase): chuyến đi đáng nhớ cả đời
Going on a safari in Africa is truly a trip of a lifetime.
Đi săn bắt ở châu Phi thực sự là một chuyến đi đáng nhớ cả đời.
2. incredibly (adv): đáng kinh ngạc
The view from the top of the mountain is incredibly beautiful.
Cảnh tượng từ đỉnh núi đẹp đáng kinh ngạc đến không ngờ.
3. diverse ecosystem (n): hệ sinh thái đa dạng
The Amazon rainforest is home to a diverse ecosystem.
Rừng mưa Amazon là nơi trú ngụ của một hệ sinh thái đa dạng.
4. dense jungle (n) : rừng rậm
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The hikers got lost in the dense jungle for several days.
Những người đi bộ đánh lạc trong rừng rậm vài ngày.
5. thrilling experience (n) : trải nghiệm li kì
Bungee jumping is a thrilling experience that many people enjoy.
Nhảy bungee là một trải nghiệm ly kỳ mà nhiều người yêu thích.
6. towering trees (n): cây cao
The towering trees in the forest provided shade from the sun.
Những cây cao trong rừng tạo bóng mát khỏi ánh nắng mặt trời.
7. indigenous people (n): người bản địa
The indigenous people of Australia have a rich cultural heritage.
Người bản địa của Australia có một di sản văn hoá phong phú.
8. rewarding (adj): bổ ích
Volunteering at the local shelter was a rewarding experience.
Tình nguyện tại trại nuôi thú địa phương là một trải nghiệm bổ ích
9. trek (v): đi bộ đường dài
The group decided to trek through the mountains to reach their destination.
Nhóm quyết định đi bộ đường dài qua núi để đến đích.
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10. navigate (v): điều hướng
The captain used a map and a compass to navigate the ship through the storm.
Đội trưởng sử dụng bản đồ và la bàn để điều hướng tàu qua cơn bão.
11. awe-inspiring (adj): gây kinh hoàng
The Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring natural wonder.
Thung lũng Grand Canyon là một kỳ quan thiên nhiên gây cảm hứng kính sợ.
12. cherish (v) : trân trọng
I cherish the time I spent with my grandparents when I was young.
Tôi trân trọng thời gian tôi đã dành với bà ngoại và ông ngoại khi tôi còn nhỏ.
1. What kind of personality should a person have to be able to take risks?
Taking risks means that you have to overcome the fear of failure and embrace
uncertainty. So, in my opinion, a person who is willing to take risks should have a
certain level of confidence, optimism, and open-mindedness.
For example, let's think of a professional athlete who is competing at the highest level.
He or she must be willing to take risks in order to perform at their best, even if it
means risking injury or failure. They must also be comfortable with uncertainty, such
as changing weather conditions or unexpected moves from their opponents.
However, it's important to understand that not all risks are created similarly. The level
of risk involved can vary depending on the situation, and what might be considered a
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risk in one context might not be in another. For instance, taking a risk in a high-stakes
business negotiation is very different from taking a risk while bungee jumping. So,
in different cases, the personalities required will also be various too.
2. Will a lot of adventures expand your horizons?
My answer is yes, I believe that a lot of adventures can expand your horizons. When
going on adventures, we are exposed to new experiences and ways of thinking that we
might not have encountered before. If someone travels to a foreign country, they may
learn about a new culture, try different types of food, and interact with people who
have different beliefs and values. This exposure to new experiences can broaden their
perspective and help them gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world
around them.
Furthermore, adventures often involve overcoming challenges and pushing ourselves
out of our comfort zones. This can help build our confidence and resilience, as well
as teach us valuable skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and communication.
3. Why do they like to read adventure stories instead of experiencing them?
People prefer reading adventure stories to experiencing them because they want to
enjoy the thrill and excitement of the adventure without actually having to face the
danger or risks involved. Besides, reading about other people's adventures can also be
a way for them to escape from their hectic routines and get involved in something
new and exciting through their imaginations.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
For example, a person who enjoys reading adventure stories about exploring ancient
ruins in far-off lands may not have the financial or physical ability to travel to these
locations and explore them in person. However, by reading about the adventures of
fictional characters who do embark on such journeys, they can experience the
excitement and thrill of exploration from the safety and comfort of their own home.
1. embrace (verb): đón nhận
It's important to embrace change in order to grow as a person.
Quan trọng là đón nhận thay đổi để trưởng thành hơn.
2. optimism (n): sự lạc quan
Her optimism and positive attitude are contagious and always brighten
my day.
Tính lạc quan và thái độ tích cực của cô ấy rất lây lan và luôn làm cho ngày của tôi
sáng sủa hơn
3. open-mindedness (n): tính tình cởi mở
Having an open-mindedness is essential for learning and personal growth.
Tính cởi mở là điều cần thiết cho sự học hỏi và sự trưởng thành cá nhân.
4. perform at their best (phrase) : thể hiện hết khả năng của họ
The athletes have been training hard in order to perform at their best during the
Các vận động viên đã tập luyện chăm chỉ để thể hiện hết khả năng trong cuộc thi.
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high-stakes business negotiation (phrase) : cuộc đàm phán kinh doanh quan trọng
The company's CEO is skilled at high-stakes business negotiation and has closed
many successful deals.
Giám đốc điều hành của công ty rất giỏi trong các cuộc đàm phán kinh doanh có tính
quan trọng và đã ký được nhiều thỏa thuận thành công.
be exposed to (v) : tiếp xúc với
Traveling allows you to be exposed to different cultures and ways of life.
Du lịch cho phép bạn tiếp xúc với các văn hóa và cách sống khác nhau.
encounter (v) : gặp gỡ, đối mặt với
I didn't expect to encounter my old high school friend at the coffee shop yesterday.
Tôi không ngờ sẽ gặp lại người bạn cũ của mình ở quán cà phê hôm qua.
8. comfort zone (n) : vùng an toàn
It's important to step out of your comfort zone in order to grow and experience new
Quan trọng là bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của bạn để trưởng thành và trải nghiệm
những điều mới.
appreciation (n): sự đánh giá cao, sự cảm kích
Showing appreciation for the people in your life can make a big difference in their
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Thể hiện sự cảm kích đối với những người trong cuộc sống của bạn có thể tạo ra sự
khác biệt lớn trong hạnh phúc của họ
10. resilience (n) : khả năng phục hồi, sự kiên cường
Despite facing many hardships, the people of the town showed remarkable resilience
and were able to rebuild their homes and businesses.
Mặc dù gặp nhiều khó khăn, người dân trong thị trấn đã cho thấy được sự kiên cường
đáng kinh ngạc và có thể xây dựng lại nhà cửa và doanh nghiệp của họ.
11. hectic routines (n) : nhịp sống bận rộn
As a busy executive, she has to juggle multiple responsibilities and deal with hectic
routines every day.
Là một giám đốc bận rộn, cô phải đối mặt với nhiều trách nhiệm và phải đối phó với
nhịp sống bận rộn hàng ngày.
12. ancient ruin (n): di tích cổ đại
The ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru are a popular tourist attraction and offer
visitors a glimpse into the fascinating history of the Incan civilization.
Những di tích cổ đại Machu Picchu ở Peru là một điểm thu hút khách du lịch phổ biến
và mang đến cho khách tham quan cái nhìn về lịch sử hấp dẫn của nền văn minh Inca.
far-off lands (n): vùng đất xa xôi
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She dreamt of traveling to far-off lands and experiencing different cultures and ways
of life.
Cô ấy mơ về việc đi du lịch đến những đất nước xa xôi và trải nghiệm những nền văn
hóa và cách sống khác nhau.
24. Describe an important decision
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make
(What the decision was) I was fortunate enough to not have to make lots of difficult
decisions in my life so far. But there was one which I’d consider a dilemma and I
was reluctant to decide on. It was my decision regarding what to study in university:
whether to pursue my childhood dream of fine art or to stick with English which is
my strength.
(When you made your decision) As high school students, we all had to decide what
we wanted for our life at some point during those years. Some people were at a
loss, luckily I was not one of them as I already knew what I wanted and what my
strength was. However, they weren’t the same and thus my problem started there.
(How long it took to make the decision) I didn’t really think about it in my first
year of high school, but the problem became clearer and clearer afterwards. And it
was not until my final semester in high school was I able to make up my mind that
I’d go with English. So, I’d say I spent two years thinking about it.
(Why it was difficult) It was indeed a tough one. I was torn between my dream
and the reality before my eyes: fine art was what I had always wanted to do, but
there wasn’t much place for it in the market as far as I know, and the competition
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was intense; while English was not quite what I dreamed of, but it was more realistic
and easier to get a job. I ended up studying English to make a living and chose to
let art stay by my side as my ultimate hobby. I have no regrets regarding my choice,
at least until now.
1. Dilemma (n): tình trạng khó xử, lưỡng lự
The president is clearly in a dilemma about how to tackle the crisis.
Tổng thống rõ ràng đang ở trong tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan về cách giải quyết
cuộc khủng hoảng.
2. Be at a loss (phrase): không biết nên nói gì / làm gì
I’m at a loss to explain what happened.
Tôi không hiểu chuyện gì đã xảy ra.
3. Make up one’s mind (phrase): quyết định (= decide)
I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.
Tôi vẫn chưa quyết định sẽ đi đâu.
4. Be torn between (phrase): giằng xé giữa 2 bên, khó để quyết định 1 trong 2 lựa
She’s torn between her loyalty and her desire to tell the truth.
Cô ấy bị giằng xé giữa lòng trung thành và mong muốn nói ra sự thật.
5. Make a living (phrase): kiếm sống
You can make a good living in sales if you have the right attitude.
Bạn có thể kiếm nhiều tiền bằng việc bán hàng nếu bạn có thái độ tốt.
Part 3:
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1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
Our lives are basically us going around making decisions: what to eat, what to
wear, where to pursue higher education, where to work, whether to go to this place
on holiday or not, etc. Everything from big to small are decisions, and a great
number of things we meet in our daily lives are the result of the decisions of one or
another human being.
2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after
group discussion?
Social interactions greatly affect the eventual outcome of a decision. This can
make deciding something even more difficult regardless of the person’s stance on
the matter, as the decision then would involve some kind of peer pressure – the
personal feelings of the participants of said discussion. On the other hand, making
a decision by yourself can be challenging when you don’t have enough knowledge
about such topics of discussion. So I’d say none of them are easier or more
difficult, we just have to use them both wisely.
3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?
Being young and inexperienced, combined with the generation gap in both
knowledge and lifestyles, most younger people would think that they know better
than their parents. If their parents approached them with an imposing tone, they
would tend to take the advice as the parents saying “You cannot do this, but I
can”, therefore triggering a rebel response from them.
4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?
As far as I know, middle-aged people have been through a lot more than younger
people. They have seen the world developing for a longer time, and their life
experiences hence are way more complicated. It is natural that they tend to
consider everything more carefully, as they have more memories to reflect upon.
1. Interaction (n): tương tác
There's not enough interaction between the management and the workers.
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Không có đủ sự tương tác giữa ban quản lý và người lao động.
2. Stance (n): quan điểm
The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.
Lập trường của bác sĩ về vấn đề phá thai ai cũng biết.
3. Peer pressure (phrase): áp lực từ xã hội / những người xung quanh
There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.
Có áp lực lớn từ xã hội về việc mặc những trang phục thời thượng.
4. Imposing (a): uy nghiêm, hùng vĩ
He was an imposing figure on stage.
Anh ấy là một nhân vật hùng vĩ trên sân khấu.
5. Complicated (a): phức tạp
I had to fill in this really complicated form.
Tôi đã phải điền vào biểu mẫu vô cùng phức tạp này.
25. Describe a job you think is interesting
Tham khảo bài: Describe a job you would like to do in a foreign country for a
short time. You should say:
Where you want to work
What the job is
How you can have the job
And explain why you want that job in that country
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(Where you want to work) While many people from developing countries want to make
their American dream come true, my dream country is Singapore, a tiny, landconstrained city-state. Singapore has always been my most favourite country although
I’ve visited many countries around the world. It is the hub of the headquarters of many
big countries in the world, offering lots of well-paid job opportunities.
(What the job is) Majoring in hospitality, I would love to apply to one of the top-tier
hotels in Singapore, including St. Regis, The Fullerton, and Raffles Hotel. Due to my
interest in communicating and helping others, I think I would end up being a front desk
clerk. Hotel front desk associate responsibilities include registering guests, managing
reservations and providing information about rooms, rates and amenities.
(How you can have the job) I have acquired the essentials of hotel and restaurant
management. As a member of the International Exchange Club of my university, I have
had the chance to meet and participate in cultural exchange activities with students from
countries around the world. Such participation in those activities has helped sharpen my
social skills, including communication and problem-solving skills, which, I believe, are
the must-have competencies of a front desk receptionist and will help me land the job.
(And explain why you want that job in that country) As Singapore is one of the most
developed countries in the world, endowed with a lot of talents in Asia and home to
headquarters of a large number of corporations, it can offer me many chances to improve
myself and expand my social circle with outstanding individuals. Also, I am familiar
with Singapore, its culture and people thanks to my Singaporean friend network and my
previous visits to this tiny city-state.
Hub (noun): trung tâm
The City of London is the hub of the UK's financial world.
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Thành phố London là trung tâm tài tính của Vương Quốc Anh.
Top-tier (adj): hàng đầu
The nation's top-tier business schools exceeded their expected sales growth this year.
Những trường kinh doanh hàng đầu quốc gia này đã vượt được mục tiêu tăng trưởng
trong năm nay.
Front desk clerk (n): nhân viên lễ tân
Front desk clerks are the representatives of the whole hotel.
Nhân viên lễ tân là đại diện cho toàn bộ khách sạn.
Essential (n): thứ căn bản
When we go on holiday, we only take the bare essentials.
Khi đi du lịch, chúng tôi chỉ mang những thứ cơ bản cần thiết.
To sharpen (v): mài giũa
Sharpening your computer skills can help you find higher-paid work.
Mãi giũa kĩ năng máy tính có thể giúp bạn tìm việc lương cao hơn.
Competency (n): kĩ năng cần thiết cho công việc
Managerial competencies
Kĩ năng quản lí
To be endowed with something (idiom): có cái gì đó
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Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.
Một số người may mắn có cả trí thông minh và sắc đẹp.
26. Describe a historical period you would like to know more
You should say:
When it was
What you are interested in
What you already knew
And explain why you would like to know more
This is such a tough question because our country, Vietnam, is rich in history with
resounding victories and well-known historical events…but to single out a particular
period to learn more about it, I would choose the Air Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
(When it was) To the best of my knowledge, this battle took place in December of
1972. 51 years have passed but the echo of ‘Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory still
resonates from generation to generation, illustrating national strength and representing
every Vietnamese’s pride.
(What you are interested in) Since secondary school, I was taught about this event
during my History lessons. At home, I often watch documentaries to have a deeper
understanding of this unexpected victory. Back in the day, the world believed that the
US would win because it was such an asymmetric confrontation with the superiority
of the US’s air force and modern technology. However, contrary to all expectations,
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our military won the battle, successfully preserving our independence and keeping the
(What you knew) Through some online articles and books, I have read the biography
of some heroic and intelligent soldiers who sacrificed their lives to shoot down the B52 bomber which was considered the most advanced weapon at that time to save the
lives of innocent civilians in Ha Noi. I’m so grateful for their supreme sacrifice in
saving our nation.
(And explain why you would like to know more) But that’s not enough! I wish I had
more opportunities to visit some museums or buy some books to learn more about the
tactics and strategies that our military applied to achieve such a resounding victory.
1. asymmetric (adj): bất cân xứng
Some of the rugs have regular geometric designs and others are decorated with
asymmetric shapes. (Một vài tấm thảm được thiết kế thành hình học thông thường
còn vài cái khác đựơc trang trí bởi những hình bất đối xứng.)
2. confrontation (n): sự đối đầu
Some couples seem to like confrontation, but Josh and I hardly ever argue. (Một
vài cặp đôi hay đối đầu, cãi nhau nhưng Josh với tôi ít khi cãi lộn)
3. superiority (n): lợi thế
The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the opposition. (Đội
Úc nhanh thể hiện lợi thế áp đảo đối phương)
4. biography (n): tiểu sử
He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill. (Ông ấy viết tiểu sử của Winston
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5. resounding (adj): vang dội
The remake of the movie was a resounding success (Sự tái bản của bộ phim này là
một thành công vang dội)
Part 3
1. Should everyone know history?
Absolutely, there’s no doubt that history plays a pivotal role for every nation and its
citizens. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, cultures, and
technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich
history of the world helps us to paint a detailed picture of where we stand today.
Moreover, the more we understand the history of our own country, the deeper the
gratitude we feel towards our previous generations.
2. In what ways can children learn history?
In the national curriculum, children are taught about historical figures and events quite
early but most of the lessons are quite dry and boring. Besides, students can read
books on history or watch movies, and documentaries to have a deeper understanding
of national history, hence promoting patriotism. In addition to that, parents should
spend time taking their children to some museums to explore history with them and
help them broaden their knowledge.
3. Is it hard to protect historical buildings?
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Yes. Since historical buildings have stood the test of time for centuries plus the
ravages of wars, they are quite vulnerable. Preserving and maintaining these buildings
usually takes a lot of time, effort and budget. A country should invest a funds in
restoring these relics, hiring skilled masons and experts and accepting the risks
involved in the protection process. Besides, some historical buildings now serve the
purpose of a museum for visitors to come and learn about history. The authorities also
need to ensure such a huge influx of visitors doesn’t harm the structure of the building.
1. stand the test of time (idiom): trải qua sự thử thách của thời gian
many of her recipes have stood the test of time (Vài công thức nấu ăn của cô ấy mãi
trường tồn cùng thời gian)
2. ravages (n): sự tàn phá
The ravages of war reach my conscience.(Cảnh tàn phá của chiến tranh thấu đến lương
tâm tôi.)
3. mason (n): thợ xây
He does his job as a mason. (Ông làm thợ nề.)
4. How do museums teach people history?
Visiting museums could give people first-hand experience of learning more about
history because they could observe some historical artefacts and antiques, listen to the
stories of the guide and gain a deeper insight into the history. For example, when
visiting a War Museum, people, especially the young generation could get an
opportunity to access the belongings, hats or weapons of some martyrs and then they
would understand how brutal war is and recognise the need to preserve national peace.
Besides, with the advancement of technology, most museums nowadays apply
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technology to better visitors’ experience. People could visit a 3D Museum, watch
movies or use their smartphones to discover the story behind each artefact.
1. first-hand experience (collocation): trải nghiệm tận mắt
Most of us have firsthand experience of teaching. (Hầu hết chúng tôi được trải
nghiệm tận mắt việc dạy học)
2. artefacts (n): cổ vật
The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times. (Bộ sưu
tập của bảo tàng bao gồm các cổ vật từ thời tiền sử)
3. martyr (n) liệt sĩ
5. Will museums be replaced by technology someday?
Museums will not be substituted by technology in the future because they play an
integral role in defining and preserving a country’s culture and tradition. Although
most of the artefacts have pictures taken of them and posted on the internet with
detailed stories behind them, visiting museums and beholding the objects give people a
sense of patriotism and solidarity, as well as arouse their love for history. In
addition, because museums often promote the development of tourism by attracting
tourists, this does not only introduce a country’s rich history to international friends
but also generates a stream of revenue for the government.
1. patriotism (n): lòng yêu nước
Vietnamese people are well - known about patriotism.(Dân tộc Việt Nam được
nhiều người biết đến về lòng yêu nước.)
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2. solidarity (n): tinh thần đoàn kết
They are promoting international solidarity.(Họ đang thúc đẩy tình đoàn kết quốc
3. arouse (v): đánh thức (cảm xúc,..)
It's a controversial plan that is sure to arouse strong opposition. (Đó là một kế
hoạch gây tranh cãi, chắc chắn khơi dậy sự phản đối mạnh mẽ.)
4. stream of revenue (collo): dòng lợi nhuận
We have been successful in developing a whole stream of revenue from non-core
businesses. (Chúng tôi đã thành công trong việc tạo ra các dòng lợi nhuận từ các
doanh nghiệp không cốt lõi
27. Describe something that you did with one or more people
Tham khảo bài: Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it and who you did it with
And explain why you think it was enjoyable
(What it was)
Today, I’m going to describe one activity I enjoy doing with my group of close friends,
which is yoga. Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines
which originated in ancient India. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and
meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness. While some deem yoga as just
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another fad and associate it with new age mysticism, others vouch for how amazing this
form of exercise feels.
(Where you did it and who you did it with)
We took up yoga a year ago and have been practicing it together in the sports center
since then. The yoga club in this center is in the vicinity of my neighborhood, so my
friends usually gather at my house before coming there. At that time, after completing
our first year in university, we all felt exhausted because of the demanding workload and
continuous exams. Most of us could not do physical activities on a frequent basis. I
had to endure a lot of bodily discomforts, such as intense backaches and headaches.
Then we decided to do something less exhausting than hitting the gym and eventually
enrolled in a yoga club.
(And explain why you think it was enjoyable)
Well, doing something beneficial with your close friends is such a rewarding
experience. Yoga as a practice has countless benefits that positively affect you both
physically and mentally. When you practice yoga regularly, the blood circulation in the
body is enhanced. After adopting yoga for a month, we all felt more invigorated and
flexible. Yoga relaxes our mind so completely to work on unnecessary tensions, thus
facilitating better sleep. Most importantly, doing this together gives us a tremendous
incentive to maintain this good habit in the long term.
1. meditation [n]: the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a
religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed: sự thiền
Eg: She practices meditation every day to maintain good health.
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2. associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or
something else: liên hệ, liên tưởng
Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality.
3. in the vicinity of [expression]: in the area that is close to (a place): ở lân cận
Eg: He lives in the general vicinity of the school.
4. discomfort [n]: a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or
something that causes this: sự không thoải mái
Eg: You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after the operation.
5. on a frequent basis [adj]: frequently: một cách thường xuyên
Eg: Slightly over a third said they took their children to libraries on a frequent basis.
6. hit the gym [expression]: to go to the gym: tập gym
Eg: Tran has hit the gym 4 times a week since last year.
7. rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you
have done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng
8. invigorating [adj]: making you feel healthier, less tired, and more energetic: tiếp
them sinh lực
Eg: These yoga postures are invigorating and good for balance.
9. facilitate [v]: to make something possible or easier: tạo điều kiện
Eg: The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
10. incentive[n]: sth that encourages you to do sth : sự khích lệ, cổ vũ
Eg: There is no incentive to continue doing this project.
30. What kinds of job need people to work in a team?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Nowadays, most professions will necessitate
teamwork in one way or another. (Give an example (often a personal example)) The
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field of market research is one example. As a market researcher, you’d get to work in
teams with sales, marketing, and product design to analyze large data pools for studies
and to drive business initiatives in a variety of industries including pharmaceuticals,
software, and consumer products. Besides, working in information technology also
involves working with clients or other teams within the organization or business.
31. What can parents do with their children to make them happy?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, parents should be a companion for their
kids. (Explain your reason or reasons) No matter how busy they are, the most important
thing is to build a strong relationship with kids, as this would increase the sense of
togetherness. Most importantly, showing love in a proper way is also crucial. Showing
love and affection decreases the likelihood of psychological and behavioral problems
and makes the child more resilient to stress.
32. How can children improve their social skills?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Firstly, children should be taught how to be
assertive when they talk to people. Besides, empathy is another important basic of
social skills. (Explain your reason or reasons) If children have a better understanding
of how others feel, they are much more likely to feel connected to other people and form
positive bonds.
33. What are the benefits of boys and girls playing together?
(Give a direct answer to the question) There are a lot of compelling benefits when boys
and girls play together (Explain your reason or reasons) First, this can help kids work
together more effectively later in life. They learn coping skills from being exposed to
and compromising with others who play differently. Besides, if there's no separation
between activities, both boys and girls will feel more confident to explore the things
they're drawn to, regardless of the gender the activity might've originally been
associated with.
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11. necessitate [v]:to make sth necessary: làm cho cần thiết, đòi hỏi
Eg: Increased traffic necessitates the broadening of this road.
12. initiative [n]: a new attempt to achieve a goal or solve a problem, or a new method
for doing this: sang kiến
Eg: The defense secretary announced a major initiative to upgrade our military
13. companion [n]: someone or something you spend a lot of time with or travel with,
or a friend who lives with you: bạn đồng hành
Eg: The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
14. togetherness [n]: the state of being close to another person or other people.: sự gắn
Eg: The sense of family togetherness was strong in the past.
15. resilient [adj]: able to improve quickly after being hurt or being ill: kiên cường
Eg: Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.
16. assertive [adj]: having or showing a confident and forceful personality: tự tin
Eg: I've had to train myself to be more assertive at work
17. empathy [n]: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another: sự đồng
Eg: He loves children and has a certain empathy with them.
18. compelling [adj]: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully
irresistible way: hấp dẫn, thú vị
Eg: She gave a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.
19. compromise [v]: to agree to give up something you want if the other side, which
has different opinions from yours, gives up something it wants: thỏa hiệp
Eg: Republicans were refusing to compromise on health-care legislation.
20. regardless of [expression]: irrespective of: bất kể
Eg: We recruit all qualified employees regardless of race.
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28. Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
When you found it
What it is about
How often you visit it
Why you like this website
(When you found it)
The website that I love to visit most is ‘Americanliterature.com’. This website came to
my knowledge while I was searching for a story to introduce to a friend and I have
fallen in love with the site ever since.
(What is it about)
The site is like an online library which offer free access to thousands of works of
literature. There are reading materials of all genres, ready to satisfy the most eager
fan of reading.
(How often you visit it)
As I read as a means of relaxation, I pay an almost daily visit to this website. It may
seem repetitive and boring, but actually it’s not. The website is updated everyday with
new works from numerous authors in America, and for this reason my curiosity and
interest in this site is never-ending. I can’t help but be engrossed in reading new
stories for hours each day.
(Why you like this website)
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The first thing that attracts me to this website is the diversity of content that it offers
readers. In this website all kinds of stories can be found: so anyone can really broaden
their literary horizons by reading up on everything from bedtime stories to the
classic works of a literary genius like Mark Twain. The variety of genres available on
this website keeps me constantly thirsting for more. Moreover, reading the stories
helps me enhance my passion for literature. To fully understand the stories, I have to
practice reading between the lines for subtle meanings, which consequently
sharpens up my literary appreciation. I think this is also the reason why this website
also comes so highly recommended by many others.
Từ vựng chủ đề Reading:
1. to come to somebody’s knowledge
Meaning: to become known by somebody
Example: If it comes to the knowledge of your manager that you are honest and hardworking, your promotion prospects will be improved.
Ví dụ: Nếu được nhà quản lí biết tới là một người chân thành và chăm chỉ thì khả năng
được thăng tiến của bạn sẽ tốt hơn.
2. to be engrossed in
Meaning: to be completely focused on something
Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed
in their work, their family life may suffer.
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Ví dụ: Việc cân bằng tốt giữa cuộc sống với công việc là rất quan trọng vì nếu quá mải
mê với công việc, cuộc sống gia đình sẽ bị ảnh hưởng.
3. to broaden one’s literary horizons
Meaning: to increase the limits of your desires, knowledge or interests by reading
Example: Schools should broaden the literary horizons of pupils by encouraging
them to read in class and at home.
4. to read up on
Meaning: to find information in a book, or other written source, about something
Example: When deciding which university course to choose, it is essential to read up
on those subjects in which you are interested before you decide.
5. bedtime stories
Meaning: stories told to children before they sleep
Example: Parents should spend time with their children, for example by telling them
bedtime stories every night.
6. a literary genius
Meaning: a person with exceptional and rare talent for writing
Example: Although a literary genius like Shakespeare is rare, it is important for
governments to subsidise creative writing classes for all ages.
Ví dụ: Dù một thiên tài văn học như Shakespeare là rất hiếm có, nhưng chính phủ cần
phải tài trợ cho những lớp học viết tài năng cho mọi lứa tuổi.
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7. to read between the lines
Meaning: to look for a meaning that is not openly stated
Example: Reading between the lines, the report of recent international conferences
are not optimistic about obtaining agreement on climate change.
Ví dụ: Hiểu rõ những gì đang xảy ra, các báo cáo ở những hội thảo gần đây không lạc
quan lắm về việc đạt được thỏa thuận về thay đổi khí hậu.
8. to sharpen something (up)
Meaning: to become or make something better, more skilful, more effective, etc. than
Example: The opportunity to do an internship with a company enables students to
sharpen up the theoretical knowledge gained at college.
Ví dụ: Cơ hội thực tập ở một công ty cho phép sinh viên hiểu lý thuyết được học ở
trường sâu sắc hơn.
9. literary appreciation
Meaning: pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the qualities of a good
piece of writing
Example: Children develop literary appreciation if they are encouraged by parents
and teachers to love reading.
10. to come highly recommended
Meaning: to be praised by a lot of people
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Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but work by
new and talented writers should not be overlooked.
Ví dụ: Sách viết của các tác giả cũ thường được đánh giá cao, nhưng cũng không nên
bỏ qua những tài năng mới.
Tự vựng chủ đề The Arts:
1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature
Meaning: a painting, sculpture, book, play, piece of music etc
Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of
literature in the English language.
Ví dụ: Những vở kịch của Shakespeare được coi là một trong những tác phẩm văn học
bằng tiếng Anh vĩ đại nhất.
• genre [noun]: a particular type or style
Eg: My favourite genre of fiction is horror stories, like Dracula or Frankenstein.
• to thirst for [phrasal verb]: to have a strong desire for something
Eg: The fans of Manchester United are thirsting for success after the
disappointments of last season.
29. Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
You should say
- what is this technology?
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- how did you learn about it?
- how often do you use it?
- and explain what differences it brings to your life
(what is this technology?)
I’m going to talk about virtual communication tools like SKYPE. Skype is a
telecommunications application software product that specializes in providing video
chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, and smartwatches via
the Internet. It is very user-friendly and anyone can soon master it if they have some
basic computer literacy.
(how did you learn about it?)
This app was applied in my English online class. With the spread of English in recent
years, I think it is a must to be able to use English fluently, but I live in the countryside,
which doesn’t have any English class, and I can’t commute to the city centre every week
due to my busy schedule. Finally I can solve my problem by using Skype and attend an
English class with no need to travel from my place. Online learning through Skype and
other telecommunication apps is a new wave in our education environment, and it has
made many educational courses and a wealth of material accessible to anyone in the
(how often do you use it?)
This app has supported face-to-face communication and encouraged interactive
learning between students and teachers. At first, I used Skype to attend my class twice
a week and have a personal meeting with my tutor once a week. But then I made friends
with some foreigners via Skype, so I can put the knowledge gained into practice by
talking with them. Therefore, I use this app way more often. I even have some video
conferences with my colleagues, which helps me a lot in my work.
(and explain what differences it brings to your life)
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As I said already, I use Skype for studying and now in my work as well. This app makes
a significant contribution to my life. It gives me opportunities to learn and to interact
with other people, and helps me to save a lot of time.
Tu vựng thuộc chủ đề Communication and personality
1. to be user-friendly
Meaning: to be easy to use, without the need for advanced skills.
Example: One feature of modern communications technology is that, in general, it is
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề Language
1. the spread of English
Meaning: an increase in the geographical area where English is spoken
Example: Some people believe that the spread of English may lead to the extinction of
other languages.
2. to interact with other people
Meaning: to communicate or react to others
Example: Language is important because it is one of the main ways to communicate and
interact with other people around us.
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề Education
1. interactive learning
Meaning: Refers to a method of teaching and learning in which teachers ask questions
in class, assign and check homework, or hold class or group discussions.
Example: With or without the aid of technology, interactive learning helps students
strengthen problem solving and critical thinking skills.
2. computer literacy
Meaning: the basic ability to use a computer
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Example: University and college courses require students to have an adequate level of
computer literacy.
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề Work
1. to put the knowledge gained into practice
Meaning: to put to practical use the knowledge that you have acquired
Example: Vocational training courses enable students to put the knowledge gained
during their studies into practice.
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề Technology
1. video conferencing
Meaning: to see and discuss with people in different locations using the Internet.
Example: In the worlds of business and education, video conferencing has enabled
people to exchange ideas without travelling across the world.
Other vocabulary
1. virtual [adjective}
Meaning: made to appear or exist by the use of computer software
Example: Ann has a lot of virtual friends on the social networking sites, but she has
only met a couple of them in person.
2. a must [noun]
Meaning: a necessity
Example: It is believed that communication skills are a must for students to be able to
find a good job.
3. a wealth of [expression]
Meaning: a large amount of
Example: The new manager brings a wealth of experience to the company.
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30. Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time
You should say
Where is that place
Whom you will go there with
What you will do there
And explain why you would like to visit for a short time
(Where is that place) Well, to be honest, I get itchy feet so there are many places that
I would love to visit, but if I have to choose one place to visit for a short time, it would
be New York City, which is a vibrant and bustling city located in the northeastern
part of the United States.
(Whom you will go there with
What you will do there)
New York City not only has the reputation of a city that never sleeps, but also the
paradise for shopaholics. So, I will definitely visit this city with my beloved sister,
who is really fond of shopping. We would surely go on a shopping spree and explore
the shopping hotspots like SoHo and Fifth Avenue to pick up some cool souvenirs.
As you know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!
(And explain why you would like to visit for a short time)
New York City has been on my bucket list for a long time, and I truly believe that it's
a city that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. I just want to visit it for
a short time as I think it's a city that you can never get enough of. If we want to
explore all the different pockets of the city and learn about the people who call it
home, we have to re-visit it more. There's just something about the energy and vibe of
the city that is truly indescribable. From the culture to the food to the people, there's
so much to explore and experience, and I can't wait to be a part of it all.
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1. get itchy feet (idiom): cảm thấy háo hức muốn đi đây, đi đó
After being cooped up at home for so long, I've been getting itchy feet and am ready
for a vacation.
Sau khi bị nhốt ở nhà quá lâu, tôi đã rất háo hức đi đây đó và sẵn sàng cho một kỳ
2. vibrant (adj) : sôi động, sống động
The city's nightlife is always vibrant and full of energy.
Cuộc sống về đêm của thành phố luôn sôi động và tràn đầy năng lượng.
3. bustling (adj) : hối hả, tấp nập
The bustling streets of the city are filled with people rushing to and from work.
Những con đường nhộn nhịp của thành phố chật kín người hối hả đến và đi làm.
4. reputation (n): danh tiếng, tiếng tăm
The restaurant has a great reputation for serving delicious food.
Nhà hàng có một danh tiếng tuyệt vời về phục vụ các món ăn ngon.
5. shopaholics (n): những người nghiện mua sắm
The mall is always packed with shopaholics looking for the latest deals and trends.
Trung tâm mua sắm luôn chật cứng những người nghiện mua sắm đang tìm kiếm
những ưu đãi và xu hướng mới nhất.
6. paradise (n): thiên đường
The beach resort is a true paradise with crystal clear waters and white sand beaches.
Khu nghỉ mát bãi biển là một thiên đường thực sự với làn nước trong vắt và những bãi
biển cát trắng.
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7. shopping hotspot (phrase) : điểm nóng mua sắm
Tokyo's Ginza district is known as a shopping hotspot, with its luxurious department
stores, boutiques, and restaurants.
Khu phố Ginza ở Tokyo được biết đến là một điểm nóng mua sắm, với các cửa hàng
bán lẻ sang trọng, các cửa hàng đặc sản và nhà hàng.
8. one’s bucket list: danh sách những điều muốn làm trong đời
Visiting the Eiffel Tower is definitely on my bucket list.
Tham quan Tháp Eiffel chắc chắn nằm trong danh sách những điểm phải đến một lần
trong đời của tôi.
9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (idiom): Nhập gia tùy tục
If you want to fit in with the locals, you should follow the old saying "When in Rome,
do as the Romans do."
Nếu bạn muốn hòa nhập với người dân địa phương, bạn nên làm theo câu nói cũ
"Nhập gia tùy tục."
10. indescribable (adj): không thể diễn tả bằng lời được, khó nói nên lời
The beauty of the sunset over the ocean is simply indescribable.
Vẻ đẹp của hoàng hôn trên đại dương đơn giản là không thể diễn tả được.
1. Do people prefer planned travel?
Well, I think it depends on the individual's preference and the purpose of their travel.
Some people prefer planned travel because it gives them a clear itinerary and they
feel more organized and in control of their trip. On the other hand, some people prefer
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
spontaneous travel as they feel it brings more excitement and a sense of adventure.
For instance, some people may prefer a package tour where everything is pre-arranged
such as accommodation, transportation, and activities, while others may prefer
backpacking and making spontaneous decisions about where to go and what to do.
Ultimately, I will say it's a matter of personal preference and travel style.
2. Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?
Historical attractions provide insight into a place's culture, heritage, and identity,
which can be a major tourist attraction. So, in my view, when a place has historical
significance, it creates a unique selling point for that destination. By investing in the
development of tourism around their historical attractions, places can generate
economic benefits and create jobs in the tourism industry. For instance, the Angkor
Wat temple complex in Cambodia is a major historical attraction that draws millions
of tourists each year, and the revenue generated from tourism helps to fund the
conservation of the site and supports the local community.
3. Why do you think people usually travel?
Well, there are various reasons why people travel. Some travel for leisure and
relaxation, to escape the monotony of their daily lives, and to experience new cultures
and cuisines. Others may travel for business, education, or personal growth. For
instance, a businessperson may travel to attend a conference or meeting, while a
student may travel to study abroad to gain new experiences and skills. And, I also
think that some people travel to visit friends and family who live far away.
4. Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?
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One of the transparent reasons is that tourist cities usually attract a high volume of
visitors, which means more people, more vehicles, and more noise. Additionally, the
tourism industry itself generates noise, such as music from bars and restaurants, and
noise from tour buses and other transportation services. Living in a tourist city can be
challenging for residents who are not accustomed to the noise levels. For example,
cities like Las Vegas and New York City are major tourist destinations, and the
constant noise can be overwhelming for residents who live there. However, some
people may be willing to tolerate the noise in exchange for the economic benefits and
cultural vibrancy that tourism brings to the city.
1. a clear itinerary (n) :lộ trình rõ ràng
I have prepared a clear itinerary for our trip.
Tôi đã chuẩn bị một lộ trình rõ ràng cho chuyến đi của chúng ta.
2. spontaneous (adj): tự phát, bất ngờ
Our journey had many exciting spontaneous experiences.
Hành trình của chúng tôi đã có nhiều trải nghiệm tự phát thú vị.
3. heritage (n): di sản
This is a valuable cultural heritage of my country.
Đây là một di sản văn hoá quý giá của đất nước tôi.
4. historical significance (n): ý nghĩa lịch sử
This place has historical significance for our country.
Nơi đây mang ý nghĩa lịch sử quan trọng đối với nước ta.
5. selling point (n): điểm mạnh
The diversity of cuisine is one of the selling points of this country.
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Sự đa dạng về ẩm thực là một trong những điểm mạnh của đất nước này.
6. economic benefits (n): lợi ích kinh tế
Tourism brings many economic benefits to the country.
Du lịch mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích kinh tế cho đất nước.
7. draw (v): thu hút
The beautiful nature of this region draws many adventurers.
Cảnh đẹp thiên nhiên của địa phương này thu hút rất nhiều nhà thám hiểm.
8. conservation (n): sự bảo tồn
9. monotony (n): sự đơn điệu, nhàm chán
The monotony of his daily routine was starting to wear on him, and he longed for a
change of scenery.
Sự đơn điệu của thói quen hàng ngày bắt đầu đeo bám anh, và anh khao khát được
thay đổi khung cảnh.
10. transparent (adj): minh bạch, rõ ràng
The government needs to be transparent and provide clear information to the public.
Chính phủ cần phải minh bạch và đưa ra thông tin rõ ràng cho công chúng.
11. tolerate (v): chịu đựng, tha thứ
We need to learn to tolerate and forgive each other.
Chúng ta cần phải học cách chịu đựng và tha thứ cho nhau.
12. cultural vibrancy (phrase): sự sôi động về văn hóa
This city has a unique and diverse cultural vibrancy.
Thành phố này có một sự sôi động về văn hóa đặc trưng và đa dạng.
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31. Describe an unusual meal you had
You should say
* When you had it
It was around 2 years ago when I was tied up in revision for my university entrance
exam. Fortunately, after that highly-pressured time, I passed the exam with satisfactory
* Where you had it
Later that day, my dad decided to reserve a table at a fancy restaurant downtown as a
reward for my efforts. At first, I was very shocked as my family rarely had dinner
together as my parents were always busy at work till night, but I then felt like on cloud
nine for the rest of the day.
* Whom you had it with
That evening, my dad even called a taxi for my mom and I to enjoy the ride to the
restaurant. That dinner was a little unusual to my family because we had never eaten in
such a luxurious place, so my mother and I were very surprised at that time.
*And explain why it was unusual
This Italian restaurant is located in a well-trodden area, so it welcomes numerous
guests every night. The food here, therefore, wasn’t very budget-friendly. Actually,
it cost my family an arm and a leg, which made this dinner even more special to me.
Indeed, I really enjoyed this dinner because it really helped me to relieve everyday
stress and chill out after long hard-working days. Besides, this unusual meal was also a
very good chance for us to strengthen our family bond because we have all been so
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busy for a long time. In the future I will try to earn a lot of money to take my family to
wonderful places like this to try different outstanding dishes of different cultures.
1. Be tied up in (phrase): bận rộn
My mother is tied up in the preparation of my sister’s wedding.
Mẹ tôi đang bận rộn chuẩn bị cho lễ cưới của chị tôi.
2. On cloud nine (idiom): rất hạnh phúc
Helen was in cloud nine when getting that job.
Helen đang rất hạnh phúc khi nhận được công việc đó.
3. Well-trodden (adjective): phổ biến
We followed a well-troden tourist route from Paris to Chartres.
Chúng tôi đi theo một tuyến đường du lịch phổ biến từ Paris đến Chartres.
4. Cost an arm and a leg (idiom): rất đắt đỏ
I’d love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg.
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Part 3
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
Admittedly, eating out has become a popular aspect of the modern lifestyle. In my
opinion, this trend offers both pros and cons for each individual and the society as
well. On the bright side, having meals in restaurants are more convenient and
comfortable for customers as they are served food within minutes and carefully taken
care of during the time in the restaurant. Moreover, eating out can contribute to
boosting overall consumer spending, leading to the growth of the economy. However,
there is no doubt that enjoying a meal in a restaurant is not budget-friendly, which is
a huge barrier for the average and low-income groups. Furthermore, if people go to a
restaurant too often, they will definitely skip meal preparation which is a key factor in
cementing family ties and bridging the generation gap.
2. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
Well, for me, the answer would be yes. Home-made dishes are usually more hygienic
because we know how and when they were processed. In contrast, although eating in
restaurants may be less time-consuming for people who are too busy at work or study,
if the food they eat in restaurants is not hygienic enough, it will do harm to their
health. Moreover, having dinner with family members is a very good way to ease
stress and find happiness after work. Therefore, having a cozy dinner at home is very
3. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
I am of the opinion that this will depend on what kind of people we are talking about. I
mean, to those with a sociable personality, spending time with friends is not only a
good way to have fun but also a time to cultivate friendships which will help them at
work. On the other hand, family-oriented people prefer staying with their family
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members because we all know family is always the most important thing. There are
many kinds of young people, so I think their options are varied.
4. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?
Having dinner with other people offers a great number of benefits. One of them is this
is a good way to refresh our mind through talks with our family or friends. Indeed,
there might be nothing more silent and tedious than eating alone. Besides, people have
a habit of sharing their happy and sad stories they experienced in their workplace or at
school, so I think we can learn a lot during our meals.
5. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days,
compared to the past?
Yes, I think most people nowadays lead very hectic lifestyles so they get used to fast
food, meals that they can easily find at restaurants or food vans. What I mean is that,
cooking requires careful and time-consuming preparation which is almost impossible
for those nine-to-five workers. Therefore, after a long stressful day, they will be
reluctant to stop by the supermarket and buy the ingredients for dinner. Instead, they
would prefer takeaway to spare more time for relaxation.
1. The pros and cons (phrase): lợi và hại
We're just weighing up the pros and cons of moving to a bigger house.
Chúng tôi đang cân nhắc lợi và hại của việc chuyển đến một căn nhà lớn hơn.
2. Budget-friendly (adjective): rẻ tiền
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One of their favorite stores is IKEA, known for budget-friendly, modern furniture.
Một trong những cửa hàng ưa thích của họ là IKEA, vốn nổi tiếng với những nội thất
hiện đại và rẻ tiền.
3. Nine to five (adjective/adverb): công việc từ chín đến năm giờ
She is tired of working nine to five
Cô ấy quá mệt mỏi khi phải làm việc từ chín giờ sáng đến năm giờ chiều.
4. Takeaway (noun): đồ ăn mang về
We were too tired to cook so we ordered takeaway.
Chúng tôi quá mệt đến nỗi không nấu ăn được nên chúng tôi đã đặt đồ ăn mang về.
32. Describe the first day you went to school that you remember?
You should say
* When it happened
The first day at school or college can be nerve-racking, especially when you are not
acquainted with anyone who is already there. Such experiences often leave a lasting
impression on a person. Although I don’t have a definitive memory of my first day at
college, I can recollect my first day at high school like it was yesterday.
* Where the school is
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The name of my school was Bac Lieu Gifted High School and it is located in the
center of Bac Lieu City.
* How you felt about the experience
It is engraved in my mind quite well in that I felt the mix of excitement and anxiety
that day. On the one hand, I was like on cloud nine as it had always been my dream to
study English in a specialized environment. On the other hand, my head was
engrossed by fear and nervousness as I was not familiar with a single person in this
new place. I remember sitting on the first bench, being at a loss to find my class.
However, a kind teacher named Hanh who was on the way to the morning assembly
noticed my state and tried to console me. She then held my hand on the way to the
assembly spot, and I remember feeling a little bit lighter as my classes started after the
morning assembly.
* And explain why you still remember the experience
There are certain reasons why this first day had a long-standing impression on me.
First off, it marked an important transition for me from a village schoolboy to a gifted
pupil. There is nothing that can make me more proud of myself than that event as it is
so meaningful and even life-changing. Furthermore, it is also the first time I met my
dear teacher, Mrs. Hanh, who not only helped me that day but also taught me for the
whole 3 years. Therefore, even though there have been many significant events in my
life, I can never forget the first day I entered Bac Lieu Gifted High school.
1. Nerve-cracking (adjective): căng não
The job of a theatre actor can be quite nerve-cracking.
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Công việc của một diễn viên nhà hát có thể khá căng não.
2. Be engraved in one’s mind (idiom): khắc sâu trong tâm trí
That last conversation we had is engraved on my mind forever.
Cuộc trò chuyện cuối cùng giữa chúng tôi đã khắc sâu trong tâm trí tôi mãi mãi.
3. Engrossed (adjective): bị thu hút, bị xâm chiếm
She was so engrossed by the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.
Cô ấy quá tập trung vào cuốn sách đến nỗi quên đi những chiếc bánh quy trong lò
4. At a loss (idiom): không biết
I’m at a loss to explain what happened.
Tôi không biết giải thích chuyện đã xảy ra như thế nào.
Part 3
1. What are the reasons for job change?
In my opinion, there are many causes of job-hopping. Firstly, young people are still
seeking out their passions. As many are unclear about their career path, they try out
jobs to discover what they would enjoy pursuing professionally. The other key reason
is young people want to be equipped with a diverse skill set. As a result, in the future
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when a new job is offered to them, they will be better prepared and easily keep up
with the work assigned to them.
2. Are big companies better than small companies? Why?
From my viewpoint, the answer would be a yes because of these benefits. To begin
with, large companies can offer their employees more merits because they have more
resources such as high salaries and bonuses. Furthermore, while small companies can
find themselves on the wrong side of the economy, large enterprises tend to be stable.
The odds are pretty good that your position won’t suddenly disappear one morning.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?
Admittedly, the rise of job-hopping in recent days can offer both pros and cons. On the
positive side, changing positions often comes with a salary increase as part of a
contract. Besides, it can grant you opportunities to learn new skills, gain practical
experience and expand your responsibilities. On the other hand, if you change jobs
every time you encounter a problem, you may miss opportunities to learn how to
handle challenges skillfully. Needless to say, job hopping can also cost you benefits
such as insurance or retirement income.
4. What would parents prepare for their kids when they first go to school?
There is no doubt to say that the first day at school can leave a great impression on a
child’s mind. Therefore, parents always try their best to prepare their children both
physically and mentally for this important event. Firstly when it comes to necessary
items, a schoolbag containing textbooks, rulers, pencils and an eraser cannot be
forgotten. Then, for mental preparation, parents will instruct their children how to stay
independent and behave properly away from their home comforts.
5. How do children socialise with each other?
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I am of the opinion that this will depend on what kind of children we are talking about.
I mean, to those with a sociable personality, they can easily form or join a group to
play together. On the other hand, it will take shy children a little more time
befriending with others, at least until after some days of talking. Neverthelesss,
socialising is not very difficult for children as they play and engage with each other
innocently without any intention.
6. Is socialisation important for children?
Of course, it is vital for children to socialize with other people for several reasons.
Firstly, socialisation helps children to form their personality as the surrounding
environment plays a crucial role in deciding what kind of person they will become in
future life. Furthermore, being able to socialize with others at a young age is a step for
children to build confidence, which is a decisive factor in determining a person’s
success. In fact, a confident child is believed to perform more outstandingly than a shy
1. Job hopping (noun): nhảy việc
Many graduates view job hopping as a quick way to develop their career at the start.
Nhiều sinh viên mới tốt nghiệp xem nhảy việc là một cách nhanh chóng để phát triển
sự nghiệp lúc sơ khởi.
2. Keep up with (phrase): bắt kịp
Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.
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Lương đang không thể bắt kịp với lạm phát.
3. Needless to say (idiom): không cần phải nói
Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.
Không cần phải nói, anh ấy sẽ nghỉ việc trong một thời gian.
4. Befriend with (v): kết bạn với ai đó.
Shortly after my arrival at the new school, I befriended with all of my classmates.
Không lâu sau khi đến trường mới, tôi đã kết bạn được với tất cả các bạn cùng lớp.
33. Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
You should say:
* What happened
I’ll be honest and say that when I have a lot on my to-do list, I neglect certain other
responsibilities. During this time, I often fail to pay attention to a number of crucial
details. Given this, I’d like to share a story about the time I was late for a club meeting.
* When it happened
It occurred the week before, when I was frantically trying to complete my thesis before
the due date. I had completely forgotten to meet other members at 4 o’clock since I
had been so preoccupied with other matters for the whole day. It was at that time that
I was needed for the preparation of the Year End event.
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* Why you missed/were late for it
That day, I was saddled with an overwhelming quantity of tasks. I had a meeting at
noon to discuss with my thesis advisor after having completed the draft for the thesis
first thing in the morning. In my haste to have my thesis completed, I neglected to
keep my scheduled club gathering.
* And explain what happened later and how you felt about it
However, at approximately six o’clock, a notification about the meeting popped up on
the Google calendar app on my phone. The next thing I knew, I was calling my club
manager to ask about the details. Fortunately, he told me that the club planned to meet
again the next morning, which was a stroke of luck. Then, I promised to be there the
following morning at eight o’clock. I felt terrible about missing that day’s meeting.
Despite the hectic speed of our lives, I’ve learned how important it is to be punctual in
all areas. I vowed then that I would never again be late for a meeting, so I set an alarm
on my phone to remind me of any future commitments.
1. Preoccupied (adjective: bận tâm
She's been very preoccupied recently because her mother has been very ill.
Cô ấy gần đây rất bận lòng vì mẹ cô ấy đang bị bệnh nặng.
2. Be saddled with (phrase): gánh vác, chịu trách nhiệm
I was saddled with the cleaning-up after the party.
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Tôi chịu trách nhiệm lau dọn sau bữa tiệc.
3. Haste (noun): sự gấp rút
In her haste to get up from the table, she knocked over a cup.
Trong lúc gấp rút đứng ra khỏi cái bàn, cô ấy đã đánh đổ một cái ly.
4. Pop up (phrasal verb): hiện lên, nhảy lên
She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on
Cô ấy là một trong những ngôi sao điện ảnh xuất hiện ở khắp nơi, trên TV, trong tạp
chí, và trên đường Broadway.
Part 3
1. Are you a punctual person?
In general, I always try my best to be on time in all occasions as I know it will be very
annoying for other people. But, to be honest, sometimes, there are events that appear
out of the blue and I end up failing to be there as scheduled.
2. Do you think it is important to be on time?
Yes, I think it definitely is, because it’s basic manners to be punctual in every situation
from normal appointments to important meetings. I think you’d go along with my idea
that it’s pretty impolite to keep people waiting, and so it kind of leaves a bad
impression on other people.
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3. Do you always avoid being late?
Of course, as a person of punctuality, I would rather arrive 15 minutes earlier to make
other people wait for me. Also, not avoiding being late is a costly lesson I learned
many years ago when I missed a flight. Since then, I have always put every effort to
appear as early as possible. In short, it dawned on me that being punctual helps to save
time and opportunities as well.
4. Why are people often late for meeting or appointments?
I suppose it's mainly caused by disorganisation and bad habits. Of course,
occasionally, it is as a result of external factors which are beyond an individual's
control, such as a particularly bad traffic jam, or unfortunate set of circumstances
which have contributed to the lateness. However, I think that persistent lateness is
really just due to poor planning and personal organization.
5. Why do people miss important events?
In my opinion, there are subjective and objective reasons that lead to the missing of
crucial events. On the one hand, the lack of careful organization will make people
confused if there are too many activities in a day. As a result, they may forget some
important ones in the to-do list. On the other hand, some unexpected incidents can
prevent them from attending those events. For example, if they have to stay in the
hospital due to certain illnesses, there will be no likelihood that they can make it to the
event. Therefore, it can be either one’s carelessness or unwanted factors that makes
them fail to attend significant events in their life.
6. Are people in your country often late for meetings?
Well, I wouldn’t say that they are always on time every time. But as the saying goes,
“time is money”. They are starting to be educated to have the same attitude with
people in the West. Of course, it really is a bit of a hard habit to break, as the style of
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life has not been that of arriving right on the dot. However, when industrial working
culture is becoming popular, people are required to be punctual for meetings;
otherwise, they will be badly judged.
1. Go along with (phrasal verb): đồng tình
Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.
Kate đã đồng ý rồi, nhưng sẽ khó khăn hơn để thuyết phục Mike đồng tình.
2. Put every effort to (phrase): cố gắng hết sức
Make every effort to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
Hãy cố hết sức để tự chăm sóc thể chất, tinh thần và cảm xúc của bản thân.
3. As the saying goes (idiom): có câu nói rằng
As the saying goes, time heals all the wounds.
Có câu nói rằng thời gian sẽ chữa lành mọi vết thương.
4. On the dot (idiom): đúng (giờ)
The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.
Máy bay hạ cánh lúc 2 giờ đúng.
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34. Describe a sport you enjoyed when you were young
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain how you felt about it
(What it was) When it comes to this topic, I would say that I’m quite a sports
enthusiast, so that’s the reason why I have taken part in many sports since I was a
child. However, the most engaging one was swimming. I learned to swim when I was
a 11-year-old girl.
(Where you did it) At that time, my dad took me to the swimming centre near my
house and taught me how to swim. I would say I didn’t have a vast aptitude for
swimming, I found it hard to breathe under the water, and I was a little bit petrified of
water, too. I was about to give up as I thought this sport was too tough, but at that
time, my father always told me: “Hang in there! You can do it! Just try your best and
then you can achieve everything you want”. Finally, I found my feet and began to
swim alone.
(Who you did it with) Then, I used to ask my besties to go for a swim in a bigger
swimming pool in my town. We went there on a weekly basis, as Sunday is our day
off, which meant that we didn’t have to go to school.
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(How you felt) While swimming, I was over the moon, as it was a great chance for
me to get together with friends and stay in shape. As I have got older, swimming
has helped me to unwind and temporarily forget all of the pressure of life, which is
the reason why I still hold the habit of swimming on a weekly basis.
11. Sport enthusiast (n): người đam mê thể thao
Ex: He was a sport enthusiast: anh ấy là một người đam mê thể thao
12. Be petrified of (a): sợ
Ex: I’m petrified of snakes: tôi sợ rắn
13. Find one’s feet (a) = be comfortable (a): dần cảm thấy thoải mái
Ex: I only recently joined the firm so I’m still finding my feet: tôi chỉ mới tham gia
vào doanh nghiệp thôi, nên tôi đang cố gắng thoải mái
14. On a weekly basis: mỗi tuần một lần
Ex: In 2006, a physician, nurse or aide flew into the village on a weekly basis: vào
năm 2006, một bác sĩ, y tá hoặc phụ tá bay đến ngôi làng một lần trong tuần
15. Day off (a): ngày nghỉ
Ex: I took a day off in June to go to a friend’s wedding: tôi nghỉ một ngày ở tháng Sáu
để đến dự đám cưới một người bạn
16. Be over the moon (a) = be happy (a): hạnh phúc, vui vẻ
Ex: She was over the moon about her new bike: cô ấy hạnh phúc vì có chiếc xe đạp
17. A great chance to get together with friends: một dịp tốt để tụ họp cùng bạn bè
18. Stay in shape: giữ dáng, khỏe mạnh
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: You don’t have to spend a fortune on gym membership to stay in shape: bạn
không cần phải chi quá nhiều tiền vào việc làm thành viên của chỗ tập gym để giữ
dáng đâu.
19. To unwind (v): xả hơi
Ex: A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work: một ly rượu có thể
giúp tôi xả hơi sau giờ làm việc
20. Temporarily forget all of the pressure of life: tạm thời quên đi những guồng quay cuộc
Part 3
1. Is it important to have a break during work or study?
-> I would definitely say yes. According to some research, if people continue working
or studying for a very long time without relaxation, then their brains may not function
productively. And I’ve read a report saying that we should spend 20-25 minutes
concentrating 100% on what we’re doing and after 25 minutes, we should have a 5minute break. It’s more functional. For example, people can listen to some kinds of
music or watch a video to unwind for a short time. Moreover, with longer durations,
people can choose to do meditation to calm themselves after such a hard time.
2. What sports do young people like to do now?
-> Well, for the most part, I would say young people nowadays are becoming more
conscious of their health, which means that they play sports very often. Almost all of
the young love playing outdoor sports like football, swimming, basketball,
volleyball… simply because they want to get fresh air outside after a tiring day at work
or school, and these types of sports don’t require expensive facilities or equipment.
Moreover, extreme sports like parachute jumping or windsurfing are gaining
popularity among youngsters, as they’re a big fan of adventuring and exploring.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
3. Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
-> Honestly, I don’t think they have changed significantly for the last 20 years. In my
point of view, I haven’t seen any new activities for the young, like they still play
sports, extreme sports or just do whatever they like in their leisure time. However, I
think youngsters these days pay too much attention to social media and networking
sites, which leaves them less time playing outdoor activities or doing the things they
used to do in the past.
11. Function productively: hoạt động một cách hiệu quả
12. To do meditation (n): thiền định
Ex: she found peace through yoga and meditation: cô ấy cảm thấy bình yên nhờ vào
yoga và thiền định
13. Be conscious of their health: quan tâm về sức khỏe
Ex: Consumers aren’t as conscious of prices as they were last year: người tiêu dùng
không còn quan tâm về giá cả nhiều như năm trước nữa
14. Do not require expensive facilities or equipment: không yêu cầu nhiều về những dụng
cụ đắt tiền
15. Parachute jump (n): nhảy dù
Ex: She agreed to do a parachute jump for charity: cô ấy đồng ý nhảy dù cho hoạt
động thiện nguyện
16. Gain popularity: được ưa thích
17. Be a big fan of adventuring and exploring (a): ưa thích mạo hiểm và khám phá
18. Extreme sport (n): môn thể thao mạo hiểm
Ex: She loves to travel and take part in extreme sports: cô ấy thích đi du lịch và chơi
các bộ môn thể thao mạo hiểm
19. Leisure time (n): thời gian rảnh rỗi
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time: rất nhiều người chỉ có
một khoảng thời gian rảnh có hạn
20. Pay too much attention to something (v): dành quá nhiều thời gian cho cái gì
Ex: You weren’t paying attention to what I was saying: bạn không chú ý vào những
gì tôi nói
35. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
You should say:
What party it was
How you met this person
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her
As a university student, I have joined many volunteer projects and had a chance to
meet some celebrities at those projects, too. So, let me start by telling you about a time
when I was a volunteer at a big party and was destined to meet my idol – Quang Hai.
(What the party was) If my memory serves me well, the night party took place at
the Landmark – which was one of the most well-known beauty spots in Ho Chi
Minh city. It was simply a party after a conference between Vietnam and Europe,
discussing the upcoming plans for using renewable energy, where many delegates and
famous people gathered around.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
(How you met this person) At that time, I was a receptionist, whose role was to greet
and take them to the right room. When the party began, I was astonished, as I saw
Quang Hai coming in. I have already seen him on TV sometimes, but this was the first
time I met him in real life.
(What you talked about) He has always been renowned for his talent. He’s pretty
good at playing football. Also, his characteristics really hand down the best and that’s
the reason why I’m his fangirl. To kick off, he is a soft and gentle man. The moment
when I met him, it was quite crowded as people began to move toward him. He wasn’t
arrogant, but he was blissfully happy to sign and then he said thanks to all the people
there. I was lucky to shake hands and talked to him a little bit. We didn’t talk too
much, I just showed him how I admire his hard work. And in the end, he gave me a
quote that: “there’s no shortcut to success”, which left me with a lot of thoughts and
emotions after hearing it.
(Why you enjoyed talking to him) Well, I have nothing but high admiration for
him. And the conversation was really meaningful to me, as it inspired me to try harder
during my younger years. All in all, he’s always been the best football player in the
Vietnam national team.
1. Be destined to meet: gặp ai một cách định mệnh
Ex: She is destined for an extremely successful career: cô ấy được định mệnh sắp đặt
cho một sự nghiệp thành công
2. If my memory serves me well: nếu tôi nhớ không lầm…
3. Take place (v): diễn ra
Ex: the story takes place in the 18th century: câu chuyện diễn ra vào thế kỉ 18
4. Be one of the most well-known beauty spots: một trong những địa điểm đẹp nổi
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: the restaurant is well-known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service: nhà
hàng này nổi tiếng về không khí thân thiện và dịch vụ tuyệt vời
5. Delegate (n): quan chức
Ex: Congress delegates rejected the proposals: các quan chức cơ quan đã từ chối các
loại hợp đồng
6. Be astonished (a) = be surprised (a): bất ngờ
Ex: The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes: trực thăng hạ cánh trước những
ánh mắt bất ngờ của chúng tôi
7. Be renowned for = be well-known for = be famous for (a): nổi tiếng về…
8. To hand down the best: tuyệt vời nhất
9. To kick off = First of all: đầu tiên, bắt đầu
Ex: What time shall we kick off?: Chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu bao giờ?
10. Arrogant (a): kiêu ngạo
Ex: He was a rude, arrogant young man: anh ta là một người thô lỗ và ngạo mạn
Part 3
1. Under what circumstances do people meet new people?
-> There are quite a variety of situations when people meet their new people. For
example, on public transportation such as bus or train, in a coffee shop, or even when
people go shopping, they may get the chance to meet others. To be specific, whenever
people go to public places and are in the same area, they are able to encounter people.
2. Where do you think people meet new people?
-> In my point of view, people have opportunities to meet new ones when they
travel to other places. For example, when they go on a trip to new places, not only will
they have a chance to do the sightseeing, but they can also interact with local people
there. And as a result, a new relationship can be made easily. Moreover, with citizens
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
living in the same metropolises, it is common for them to connect with new people as
big cities usually have a high population.
3. Do you think it is difficult for foreigners to communicate with Vietnamese
-> Vietnamese are extremely approachable and attentive, so having a conversation
with them is not pretty tricky. I can observe many foreign tourists travelling to
Vietnam usually asking us for help. For example, they often ask local people about the
location, food, or even translation. However, in some certain circumstances, when
some Vietnamese rush to work, then they tend to be not very helpful, as they are late.
1. Encounter (v): gặp gỡ
Ex: We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week: chúng tôi đã gặp rất
nhiều khó khăn ở tuần đầu tiên
2. To do the sightseeing (v): thăm thú cảnh quan
Ex: Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing?: Bạn đã có dịp đi thăm thú cảnh
quan chưa?
3. Interact with (v): tương tác với
Ex: Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child: Giáo viên có
ít thời gian tương tác với từng đứa trẻ
4. Metropolis (n): đô thị, thành phố lớn
Ex: Barcelona has all the amenities you would expect to find in a great metropolis:
Barcelona có tất cả các tiện nghi mà bạn có thể tìm thấy ở một thành phố lớn
5. Be approachable and attentive (a): thân thiện và hay giúp đỡ
Ex: Despite being a big star, she’s very approachable and attentive: mặc dù là một
ngôi sao lớn, cô ấy vẫn rất thân thiện và hay giúp đỡ.
6. Be pretty tricky (a): khá khó khăn
Ex: The equipment can be tricky to install: thiết bị này có thể hơi khó khăn để lắp đặt
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
7. Rush to work: vội vã đi làm
Ex: She rushed to work this morning: cô ấy vội vã đi làm sáng nay
36. Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place
(Where it is) I’m quite an introvert, so I would say I spend most of my leisure time
at home. I can say that my house is like my dream house, as it is a beachfront house
and it’s hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the city. What I really adore
about my house is the balcony, where I usually find respite in my mind.
(What it is like) To talk about this in detail, the balcony is on the second floor of my
house and is covered with flowers. You know, my mom is passionate about flowers
and green trees, so she waters them every day. And as a result, the flowers bloom
gorgeously. Moreover, there’s a classic bench in the middle of the balcony, which is
used for admiring the beauty of nature. Not only can I overlook the blue beach from
the balcony, but I can also view the picturesque mountains to the west of my house.
(What you enjoy doing there) So, every time when I’m feeling blue or exhausted, I
always choose to sit on the bench and chill with the breathtaking view. The natural
light is the main point, as I love the sunshine and usually read books there. It really
makes me calm. Furthermore, it is also a great place to get together with my besties.
We usually gather around the balcony to have a BBQ and chill out whenever we’re
free. I really miss those nights with my friends.
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
(Why you feel relaxed) It's quite sad to say that nowadays, I am rarely at home, as I
have had to move to another city for higher education, which means that I no longer
unwind at the balcony like the good old days. However, it is still second-to-none, as
it has a great view from its vantage point and brings a lot of sentimental values.
I’d wish to live at my house for good if I had a wish.
1. To be an introvert >< to be an extrovert (a): người hướng nội >< người hướng
Ex: He was described as an introvert, a reserved man who spoke little: anh ấy được
miêu tả là một người hướng nội, dè dặt và nói ít.
2. To spend most of my leisure time at home: dành đa phần thời gian ở nhà
Ex: I spend most of my leisure time at home: tôi dành đa phần thời gian ở nhà
3. A beachfront house (n): ngôi nhà hướng ra biển
Ex: A house on the beachfront: nhà ở hướng biển
4. Be hidden from the hustle and bustle of the city (phrase): tránh xa những ồn ào vội
vã của thành phố
Ex: I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace: tôi thích sự náo nhiệt ồn ào của
khu chợ
5. To find respite in my mind (phrase): tìm thấy sự bình yên trong tâm hồn
Ex: we worked for hours without respite: chúng tôi đã làm việc hàng giờ mà không
nghỉ ngơi
6. Be passionate about something (a): đam mê, thích cái gì
Ex: Joe is passionate about baseball: Joe rất thích bóng chày
7. Picturesque mountains (n): những dãy núi đẹp như tranh
8. To feel blue (idiom): cảm thấy buồn
Ex: She is feeling blue today: hôm nay cô ấy thấy buồn
9. Breathtaking view (n): cảnh đẹp đến nghẹt thở
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
Ex: the view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking: cảnh quan nhìn từ đỉnh núi
thật đẹp đến nghẹt thở
10. Be second-to-none (a): có một không hai
Ex: The conditions that these prisoners are kept are second to none: những tên tội
phạm được giam giữ trong điều kiện có một không hai
11. To have a great view from the vantage point: nhìn thấy cảnh đẹp từ chỗ đấy
Ex: From the restaurant, we had a great view from our vantage point: từ nhà hàng
nhìn ra xa, chúng tôi nhìn thấy cảnh đẹp
12. Sentimental value (n): giá trị tinh thần
Ex: This watch contains a lot of sentimentual values: cái đồng hồ này ẩn chứa rất
nhiều giá trị tinh thần
13. For good (a) = forever (a): mãi mãi
Ex: she’s gone and this time it’s for good: cô ấy đã đi mãi mãi
Part 3
1. Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
-> Well, some people find it tough to unwind for several reasons. First of all, they are
under a lot of pressure, for example, for work or school, or even family. These
troubles are still in their mind, and they cannot find peace of mind. Secondly, young
people nowadays are too up to their ears in heavy workloads, which leads to the fact
that they spend less time doing relaxing activities. And as a result, they cannot feel
2. What are the benefits of doing exercise?
-> One of the first and foremost advantages of doing exercise is to keep fit and stay
healthy. When people take up a sport, then it is beneficial to blood circulation and
helps them to get rid of some diseases such as heart attack or diabetes. Secondly,
according to some research, doing exercise can help people release stress. Sometimes,
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
doing exercise is just having a walk or a run, people don’t have to do bigger ones but it
will go a long way for their physical and mental health.
3. Do people in your country exercise after work?
-> I think it depends on their own time. Some people may find doing exercise before
work can help them be more focused and energetic, so they choose to do morning
exercise. However, for some people who are quite busy and cannot wake up early
enough to do physical activities, then they’d rather to exercise when they have finished
their work. All in all, no matter the time they exercise, it is all advantageous for them.
4. What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?
-> It’s quite a tough question, I think, as it really depends on each person’s
characteristics and their ages, too. However, based on my own opinion, I think
youngsters tend to spend most of their time in their own rooms since they prefer
somewhere private and silent. In contrast, the elderly usually sit on a comfortable
sofa in the living room and watch television. Additionally, with those who are
introverted, then they don’t really want to stay long in a communal room like the
dining room, kitchen or living room.
1. Be under pressure (a): áp lực
Ex: He is under a lot of pressure at the moment: hiện tại anh ấy đang bị áp lực khá
2. A peace of mind (n): thanh thản
3. Be up to ears in the heavy workloads (a): bận rộn với khối lượng công việc
Ex: I'm up to my ears in work: tôi đang bận công việc
4. To keep fit and stay healthy (v): sống khỏe
Ex: Doing exercise everyday helps you to keep fit and stay healthy: tập thể dục mỗi
ngày giúp sống khỏe
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
5. Be beneficial to blood circulation (phrase): có lợi cho việc lưu thông máu
Ex: A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health: một cuộc sống ở nông thôn
sẽ có lợi cho sức khỏe của anh ấy
6. To get rid of some diseases such as heart attack or diabetes (phrase): tránh xa một
số bệnh tật như đau tim, tiểu đường
Ex: We finally got rid of my little sister by telling her scary stories: chúng tôi cuối
cùng đã thoát khỏi em gái bằng việc kể chuyện kinh dị
7. Release stress (v): xả stress
Ex: She reads a book to release stress: cô ấy đọc một cuốn sách để xả stress
8. Be advantageous for something (a): có lợi cho…
Ex: How can we make economic growth more advantageous for small communities?:
Làm sao để phát triển kinh tế có lợi cho cộng đồng nhỏ nhiều hơn?
9. Private and silent (a): riêng tư và yên tĩnh
37. Describe a character in a film or TV show
You should say:
What character it is
Who acted the character
When you saw the film
And explain whether you like this character
(What character it is) Well, there are so many things I wanna talk about when it
comes to this topic, but I suppose I’m going to tell you about Bella – one of my
favourite characters in Beauty and the Beast. Moreover, this role was played by my
role model – Emma Watson.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
( Who acted the character) So, Beauty and the Beast was actually a renowned fairy
tale written by a French novelist, and it was then remade as a film in 2017. And I was
surprised by the news that Emma Watson was chosen for Bella. To be specific, Bella
and Emma seem to be on the same wavelength about several topics and it turned
out to be really suitable. First of all, both Bella and Emma are knowledgeable and
generous, as I have seen Emma Watson take part in many volunteer campaigns,
especially about gender equality. And I was curious about her acting in this film.
(When you saw the film) I watched the film in the cinema near my house with some
of my friends. The time when the film was released, we were on our summer vacation,
so we decided to chill out for a while. And Beauty and the Beast stood out to be a fine
choice since we all supported Emma and loved magic. We enjoyed the film to the
fullest and were satisfied with every detail in the film. We just couldn’t stop talking
about the film when we were in the coffee shop after that.
(Whether you like this character) There are a variety of reasons why I’m into Bella
really much. To kick off, Beauty and the Beast was one of the common fairy tales my
mother used to tell me every time I was about to sleep when I was a toddler. So, it
marked a significant milestone in my head about being a strong and powerful
woman. Additionally, I highly regard the love between Bella and the prince, although
he was the monster, which left me with a lot of thoughts and emotions about true love.
1. Seem to be on the same wavelength about several topics (phrase): có vẻ giống nhau/
hợp nhau về một số điểm
Ex: Members of the team must be on the same wavelength: các thành viên trong team
phải có quan điểm hợp nhau.
2. Be knowledgeable and generous (a): uyên bác và tốt bụng
3. Gender equality (n): bình đẳng giới
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Ex: Gender equality means that men and women should be treated equally: bình đẳng
giới nghĩa là cả nam và nữ nên được đối xử như nhau
4. Enjoy the film to the fullest: tận hưởng bộ phim đến giây phút cuối cùng
Ex: She certainly lives life to the fullest: cô ấy sống một cuộc đời không hối tiếc.
5. Be a toddler (n): trẻ lên ba
Ex: When I was a toddler, my mom used to take me to the zoo: khi tôi còn là một đứa
trẻ lên ba, mẹ thường dắt tôi đi sở thú
6. To mark a significant milestone (v): để lại một dấu ấn quan trọng
Ex: Being in the final of the U23 Championship has marked a significant milestone
in the football history of Vietnam: vào được trận chung kết giải U23 đã để lại một dấu
ấn quan trọng trong lịch sử bóng đó Việt Nam
7. Highly regard (v): đề cao/ ngưỡng mộ
1. Is it interesting to be an actor/actress?
-> Yes, I think everyone loves fame and becoming an actor or actress could be a great
way to get everyone’s attention. When being a celebrity, not only will people be
famous, but they can also make money from their own fame. However, being wellknown has its own demerits too, since everyone is watching you all the time, watching
your very first steps, and sometimes it turns out to be quite irritating. I can say that
when being an actor or actress, people have to work really hard and have a good
image in front of the public.
2. What can children learn from acting?
-> In my point of view, children can build confidence from acting classes. As they
have to act in front of a lot people on the stage, then they must learn to control their
emotions and be confident. And slowly, they can step out of their comfort zone.
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Moreover, I do reckon that acting helps children learn several soft skills such as public
speaking skill, teamwork, or communication skill, which makes them become a better
version of themselves when they get older.
3. Why do children like special costumes?
-> I think most children are fond of wearing special costumes because they see these
costumes are colorful and catchy, which attract their eyes. Moreover, children find it
interesting when it comes to something extraordinary, I mean costumes are
uncommon like clothing worn on national days or spectacular ones which are usually
worn on special days. So, they want to find out more about the costumes and get
interested in them.
4. What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those
who earn little?
-> I think the vital difference between those who famous and not famous is their skills.
Although they have the same knowledge of acting, it is the experience that matters. I
usually hear people say practice makes perfect, so actors or actresses who earn a lot
money have acted in lots of roles and movies. Additionally, personality traits also play
an important role in being rich and famous. Moreover, some people are endowed with
a gorgeous appearance, which is a plus point when choosing an actor or actress too.
5. What are the differences between acting in a theatre and in a film?
-> I’m not really an expert in this topic, so I would say I have little knowledge. But, to
talk about this, I think the effect would matter the most. In a film, the raw input will be
cut and processed professionally, while in a theatre, audiences can experience the
real thing without any frills. They can see how a scene works, or how a logistics
process is made…
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1. Be irritating (a): khó chịu
Ex: There was one irritating delay after another: lại thêm một sự trì hoãn khó chịu sau
lần trì hoãn đó nữa
2. To have a good image in front of the public (phrase): giữ hình tượng tốt trước mặt
công chúng
3. To step out of the comfort zone (v): bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn của bản thân
Ex: It’s time for you to step out of your comfort zone: đã đến lúc thoát khỏi vùng an
toàn của bản thân
4. Practice makes perfect (idiom): có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim
Ex: Finally, Mr Shapiro points out, practice makes perfect: cuối cùng, Mr.Shapiro
chỉ ra rằng, có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim
5. Be endowed with (v): được trời phú cho
Ex: She was endowed with attractive appearance: cô ấy được trời phú cho ngoại hình
hấp dẫn
Be cut and processed professionally (v): được cắt ghép và chỉnh sửa công phu
38. Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something
Tham khảo bài: Describe an experience when you taught someone to do something
You should say
When and where it happened
Whom you taught
What you taught him/her
How that person felt about it
I’m not very good at teaching. However, I was once successful at teaching my nephew
a new skill: reading.
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I started trying to teach my nephew to read about a year ago, having him sound out the
titles of books before we read them, having him sound out words within the books here
and there, and following along with my finger so he’d be able to see where we were.
However, it didn’t work. He was constantly frustrated, wanting to get to the fun part,
and it seemed like we never made any forward progress. I mentioned this to my friend,
who happens to be a primary teacher. She lent me some books thatcame highly
recommended, with repeating patterns (“I see the cat.” “I see the dog.” “I see the bird.”)
paired with pictures that help little readers grasp the meaning of the story. The words
and pictures stuck in my nephew’s mindand his reading moved on by leaps and
boundsin a matter of weeks. The books made him feel good about himself – they
moved him forward incrementally, because they were designed to make kids feel
confident in their abilities while gradually introducing new concepts. I’m glad that my
nephew approached reading for enjoyment, not as a task he must do without fun or
CÁC TỪ THUỘC CHỦ ĐỀ: READING (sách collocations)
1. (to) come highly recommended [expression]: to be praised by a lot of people
Eg: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but books by new
authors should not be forgotten.
2. (to) stick in one’s mind [expression]: a memory or image which is remembered for
a long time
Eg: Some of the stories that I read as a child still stick in my mind today.
1. frustrated [adjective]
Meaning: feeling annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want
(khó chiu)
Example: Are you feeling frustrated in your present boring job?
2. (to) grasp [verb]
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Meaning: to understand something completely
Example: The talk was interesting, but as the topic was new to me, I did not grasp
everything that the speaker told us.
3. by leaps and bounds [expression]
Meaning: very quickly
Example: Since she has started doing exercise, her health has improved by leaps and
4. in a matter of weeks [expression]
Meaning: in a short time (several weeks) (chỉ trong vài tuần)
Example: The government will introduce the new environmental law in a matter of
5. (to) approach [verb]
Meaning: to start dealing with a task in a particular way
Example: We must approach the exam by making a study timetable of what to do each
Part 3
Why do you think some people like doing new things?
Obviously, humans are curious by nature. Besides, most people do new things
because of their thirst for the unknown and the unseen. Practically, first-hand
experience never fails to offer new insights and perspectives. Trying something new
will enliven our seemingly repetitive routine. However, there are some other people as
well who are reluctant to do new things and are introvert by nature.
What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first
Well, certain problems will crop up when people try new things for the very first time.
It is usually expected that there would be some challenges for anything to be done for
the first time, and it is important to take sensible precautions. One’s unfamiliarity
and inexperience can sometimes lead to failure, injuries or accidents when people
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decide to take up sport, for example. Yet, more often than not, noviceswill get better
with time.
Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people?
I think this varies from person to person. Some people like to do things on their own in
order to meet different people and extend their social network, or maybe to experience
the activity by themselves. Other people only do things with their friends or family
because they feel more comfortable in the company of others. In my case I don’t
mind, I’ll try something new on my own or with friends if they are interested in doing
it too.
What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young?
How important are these things?
When children are young, they mostly learn through the actions and reactions of their
parents and family members. Appropriate social practices from their family will
enable children to establish long-lasting relationships and good behaviour. On the
other hand, if children are neglected at any early age, they will be slow to pick up vital
skills such as walking, speaking and literacy.
Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way?
How is their learning style different?
Personally, I think children and adults have different learning styles. Children have
much less fear and they just try anything new without worrying about the result. As
adults, we are much more rational and tend to consider things carefully before doing
them. The benefits, risks or opportunities involved are always taken into account.
Meanwhile, children have a much more adventurous spirit naturally and are eager to
experience new things
Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now
than it was in the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?
Well, I disagree. We should always learn new things in life. Maybe nowadays it’s
more important to learn new things quickly, faster than before, because the pace of life
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and rate at which new things are introduced is increasing, thanks to technology and
science. Without the desire to adapt to changes, we will lag behind in the rat race and
our personal development will suffer as well. Thereby, capacities should be increased
to learn about new things and this is crucial for everyone, I believe.
to take sensible precautions [expression]: to do something in advance in order to
prevent problems or to avoid danger
E.g. Anyone engaging in an extreme sport must take sensible precautions and seek
expert advice
2. to take up sport [expression]: to start doing sport
E.g. Governments should provide more sports facilities to encourage people to
take up sport.
1. curious[adjective]: having a strong desire to know about something: tò mò
Eg: They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.
2. insight[noun]: the ability to see and understand the truth about people or
situations: sự thấu hiểu
Eg: With a flash of insight, I realized what the dream meant.
3. repetitive [adjective] doing the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring
E.g: Housework is never finished, because there are always some repetitive chores to
4. (to) crop up [phrasal verb]: to appear or happen, especially when it is not
expected : nổi lên, xảy ra bất chợt
Eg: I'll be late because something's cropped up at home.
5. unfamiliarity [noun]: the fact of having no knowledge or experience of
something: sự không quen thuộc
Eg: Bob admits his relative unfamiliarity with fixing electrical appliances.
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6. (to) extend [verb]: to make something longer or larger: mở rộng
Eg: There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.
7. company [noun]: the fact of being with somebody else and not alone: sự dồng
Eg: I enjoy Jo's company when travelling.
8. appropriate [adjective]: suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular
circumstances:phù hợp
Eg: Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.
9. to pick up [phrasal verb]: to get information or a skill by chance rather than by
making a deliberate effort
Eg: She picked up a little French when she was on holiday in Paris.
rational [adjective]: (of a person) able to think clearly and make decisions
based on reason rather than emotions: lý trí
Eg: Linh is a rational girl, she knows how to handle problems properly.
11. (to) take sth into account [expression]: to consider particular facts,
circumstances, etc. when making a decision about something : cân nhắc, xem xét
Eg: Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results at the end of the course.
12. (to) lag behind [verb]: to move or develop slowly or more slowly than other
people, organizations, etc: bị bỏ lại phía sau
Eg: We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.
13. capacity [noun]: the ability to understand or to do something: năng lực
Eg: Mary has an enormous capacity for hard work.
39. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you are familiar
You should say:
What it was
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When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it
(What it was) When I came across this topic, I found a number of things to talk about
as I am always stuck by thousands of news by my friends. However, I’m going to
talk about a time when I heard wonderful news about my idols from my buddies.
First of all, I would like to brief you about my favourite singer – Jaehyun. His English
name is Jay, and he’s a singer in a famous group in Korea – NCT. He’s a talented and
successful singer, which is the reason why I think the world of him.
(When you hear it) As I have known him for donkey’s years, I always nail down
more about him and NCT on social media. However, there was one time that I was
down in the dumps about an examination, I had just finished my entrance exam to
win a place at university, and it turned out to be not as good as I expected. Then, I
made a decision to stay away from social networking sites for a while to rest and hide
from negativity. At that time, NCT came up with the breaking news about their world
tour, and what really surprised me was Vietnam was on the list. (How you know it) I
didn’t notice this until my friend told me about the world tour. I was full of the joys of
spring and temporarily forgot about the sadness.
(How you felt about it) Needless to say, me and my friend were determined to join
the concert held in Ho Chi Minh city the next month. Luckily, we booked the concert
tickets successfully and started planning for our trip. I would say the news thrilled me
to bits, and it pushed my mood up. And my mother also said that going to the concert
was a great way for me to chill and unwind, as I had been working so hard on the
entrance exam. It was the most wonderful concert ever!
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1. Be stuck by thousands of news (a): bị vây quanh/ bị kẹt bởi hàng ngàn thông tin
Ex: The boat was stuck in the mud: con tàu bị kẹt trong vũng bùn
2. I can think the world of him/ someone (phrase): thích rất nhiều
Ex: The children think the world of her: đám trẻ rất thích cô ấy
3. For donkey’s years: nhiều năm qua/ rất lâu về trước
Ex: I’ve had this jacket for donkey’s years: Tôi đã sở hữu cái áo khoác này rất lâu về
trước rồi
4. To nail something down (v): tìm hiểu về…
Ex: Two days isn’t enough time to nail down the details of an agreement: hai ngày là
không đủ để tìm hiểu về chi tiết của lời thỏa thuận
5. Be down in the dumps (idiom): buồn phiền, chán nản
Ex: She’s feeling a bit down in the dumps: cô ấy đang cảm thấy buồn một chút
6. To win a place at university (phrase): thi để vào đại học
7. (not) as good as I expected (phrase): (không) như tôi tưởng tượng
8. Be full of the joys of spring (idiom): = be happy
Ex: She's still full of the joys of spring: cô ấy vẫn cực kì hạnh phúc
9. Thrilled someone to bits (idiom) = be satisfied (a): cảm thấy thỏa mãn, thỏa mái
Ex: She was thrilled to bits with her present: cô ấy đang cảm thấy cực kì hài lòng với
hiện tại
10. To push one’s mood up (v): vực dậy tinh thần cho ai
1. Is it good to share something on social media?
-> I assume it depends on what types of news people want to share. For good news or
bad, then people should spread them on social media so as to set a good example to
others and help people to help in remedying bad situations. However, if something is
not sure or fake, then it’s not good posting on social networking sites, since people
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might get confused and follow those bad news items. So, in conclusion, people should
be aware when making a decision to share something on social media.
2. Should the media only publish good news?
-> I think social media should combined both good and bad news. On the one hand,
good news will encourage people to do the right things, and set up a perfect moral
on society. On the other hand, I do think news that contains bad things such as
robbery or wanted notices should be informed on in social media to make people
aware of it, so that they can do the right things to protect themselves and their family.
3. How does social media help people access information?
-> I would say social media is the fastest and the most convenient way of getting
access to information nowadays. With the advent of new technology, the internet is
no longer unfamiliar to people, and they have begun to get used to it these days. For
example, with just a quick click, people can keep themselves updated with the latest
news from all over the country, and all over the world, faster than any kind of mass
communication. However, because information on social media is usually quick and
not censored carefully, it contains fake news, and people should be alert to it.
4. What kind of good news do people often share in the community?
-> There is a variety of good news that people usually share in their local community.
For instance, when someone does volunteer work or helps others, then it is worth
sharing so as to set a good example for others. And personal rewards should also be
shared to others just to congratulate them on their success.
5. Do most people like to share good news with others?
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-> Definitely yes, I think many people love sharing good news as they want the others
to share happiness with them. As there’s a saying: the more, the merrier. So, the
more people that know the news, the happier the community is.
6. Do people like to hear good news from their friends?
-> I think yes. Most people are blissfully happy to hear excellent news from their
friends. Moreover, I suppose when hearing something that is delightful and joyful,
our emotions can also be affected positively as there’s a saying: laughter is the best
medicine. All in all, the purpose of sharing and hearing stories from others is to be
1. To set a good example to someone (phrase): làm gương cho…
Ex: You should be setting a good example to your younger brother: bạn nên làm
gương cho em trai
2. To get confused (a): hoang mang
Ex: Grandpa gets pretty confused sometimes, and doesn't even know what day it is:
ông nội hơi hoang mang và ông không biết hôm nay ngày nào
3. To do the right things: làm điều đúng
4. Set up a perfect moral on society: thiết lập một tiêu chuẩn đạo đức tốt
5. Robbery or wanted notice (n): trộm cướp hoặc truy nã
6. With the advent of new technology (n): với sự phát triển của công nghệ mới
7. To keep one’s self updated with the latest news (phrase): giúp cho ai cập nhật thông
tin mới nhất
8. Mass communication (n): phương tiện thông tin đại chúng
Ex: For the first time in history, technology allows two-way mass communication:
Lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử, công nghệ cho phép kết nối hai đầu phương tiện thông tin
đại chúng
9. Be censored carefully (v): được kiểm duyệt một cách cẩn thận
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Ex: They try to filter out offensive posts using automatic censors: họ cố gắng chọn lọc
ra những bài đăng vi phạm nhờ sử dụng công cụ kiểm duyệt tự động
10. The more, the merrier (idiom): càng đông càng vui
Ex: "Do you mind if I bring a couple of friends to your party?" "Not at all - the more
the merrier!": Bạn có phiền không nếu tôi dắt thêm một số người bạn đến buổi tiệc? –
Không, càng đông càng vui mà!
11. Be blissfully happy (a): cực kì hạnh phúc
12. Be delighted and joyful (a) = be happy
13. Laughter is the best medicine (idiom): một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ
Ex: You should smile more! Laughter is the best medicine: Bạn nên cười nhiều hơn,
một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ mà!
14. To be contented (a) = be satisfied (a): thỏa mãn
Ex: He seems to be getting more contented as he gets older: anh ấy có vẻ thỏa mãn
hơn khi anh ấy dần lớn tuổi hơn
40. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by air pollution (or not
You should say:
Where it is
When you visited this place
What kinds of pollution you saw there
And explain how this place was affected
(Where it is) I would say I’m a big fan of traveling, which is the reason why I have
visited a lot of places up till now. So, I’m going to tell you about a trip to a small
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village in Hue city, which left me a lot of depressing thoughts and emotions after
visiting it.
Well, to kick off, the village’s location is about 40 kms away from the city centre and
used to be one of the most famous beauty spots for its serene beauty, but things are
changing for the worse.
(When you visited this place) My friends and I made a decision to escape from the
hustle and bustle of the city right after we finished our examinations, as we all felt
exhausted. Moreover, there had been a lot of hypes around this place, as it has
almost everything: tranquil scenery, fresh air, accommodating locals and tasty food.
This seemed perfect for a peaceful retreat.
(What kinds of pollution) However, when we arrived, we were literally shocked at
how severely polluted the village was. The water and the air were affected negatively.
The river winding through the village was covered with black and greasy chemical
substances, which gave off a revolting smell. Even worse, the atmosphere in this
village was savaged by exhaust fumes coming from all kinds of stuff: domestic and
factory chimneys, dilapidated vehicles, and trash burning sites.
(How this place was affected) The distressing thing is that due to industrialization
and people’s ignorance, it seemed that any attempt to preserve the situation would be
an uphill struggle. But I look forward to seeing this place changing for the better
when I come back to this site again.
1. To change for the worse/ the better: thay đổi theo chiều hướng tiêu cực/ tích cực
Ex: Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job:
thái độ của cô ấy đã thay đổi theo chiều hướng tích cực kể từ khi cô ấy bắt đầu công
việc mới
2. To make a decision (phrase): quyết định
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3. To escape from the hustle and bustle of the city: chạy trốn khỏi xô bồ của thành phố
4. There has been a lot of hypes around… (phrase): có nhiều lời đồn đoán về…
Ex: There's been a lot of hypes around his latest film: có rất nhiều lời đồn đoán về
bộ phim mới nhất của anh ấy
5. Tranquil scenery (n): phong cảnh yên bình
6. A peaceful retreat (n): một nơi nghỉ dưỡng thanh bình
Ex: This village was a peaceful retreat: ngôi làng này là một nơi nghỉ dưỡng thanh
7. Black and greasy chemical substances (n): những chất lỏng màu đen và nhầy nhụa
8. To give off revolting smell: tỏa ra một mùi khó chịu
Ex: That tiny radiator doesn't give off much heat: bộ tản nhiệt nhỏ đó không tỏa ra
nhiều nhiệt lắm đâu
9. Dilapidated vehicles (n): phương tiện giao thông cổ lỗ sĩ
Ex: We still use dilapidated vehicles to commute everyday: chúng tôi vẫn sử dụng
phương tiện giao thông cổ lỗ sĩ để đi lại hàng ngày
10. Uphill struggle (n): vấn đề gian nan
Part 3:
1. How much air pollution in your country?
-> Air pollution is an alarming concern in Vietnam nowadays, especially in big cities
like Ho Chi Minh or Ha Noi capital. This is the consequence of overpopulation in
metropolises and exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles. And air pollution
severely affects people’s health, which leads to some diseases such as lung cancer or
respiratory disorders. However, some people aren’t even aware of this problem and
don’t pay too much attention to it. As a result, the issue is becoming more and more
2. Different about pollution in countryside and city? Why?
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-> There are some contrasts between pollution in the countryside and in the big cities.
While in the countryside, the air is fresher, the food is cleaner, and everything seems
perfect for a nice retreat, the cities tend to be crowded with people, lots of fumes from
transportation and factories. However, no matter how polluted the urban area is, people
always choose to move to big cities for job opportunities and have better facilities. I
could say both urban and rural areas have their own pros and cons, and pollution is one
of the main dividing points between these two places.
3. How can the government encourage people to keep their city clean?
-> Well, there are several solutions that the government could adopt to increase
people’s awareness. First of all, they could organize some campaigns online and
offline to help people be more focused on environmental problems. For example, they
could hold some competitions or cleaning days that people have to join and try their
best to win. And if they win, they get incentives. Moreover, the government can
produce some documentaries about the current environmental issues on television so
as to help them recognise the alarming concern.
1. An alarming concern (n): mối quan ngại báo động
2. Overpopulation (n): gia tăng dân số
Ex: And what had caused the overpopulation?: lí do nào gây ra sự gia tăng dân số
3. Exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles: khói bụi từ phương tiện giao thông và
nhà máy
4. Some diseases such as lung cancer or respiratory disorders: một vài căn bệnh như
ung thư phổi hoặc rối loạn đường hô hấp
5. Job opportunities and having better facilities: có cơ hội việc làm và cơ sở vật chất
tốt hơn
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6. to organize some campaigns (n): tổ chức một vài chiến dịch
7. Incentives (n): phần thưởng khích lệ/ động lực
Ex: Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder: tiền trả thêm khiến mọi
người có động lực để làm việc cật lực hơn
8. The current environmental issues (n): những vấn đề hiện tại về môi trường
41. Describe an interesting old person you met
You should say:
Who this person is
Where/when you met this person
What you did
And explain why you think this person is interesting
(Who this person is) I would say I was lucky to meet Steve Jobs – the CEO of Apple
once in a lifetime, and that was the most memorable memory ever. As you may know,
Apple is one of the tech-giants which have the best-selling iPhones from all over the
world. He was also known for producing animations and became incredibly successful.
(When/where you met this person) I met him during my summer trip to America in
2004 with my family. My father then took me to a big party and I had the chance to
meet the one whom I admired. There are several reasons why I’ve always looked up
to him. To kick off, many young people from all over the world, including me,
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honoured him for his hard work and effort, which made him become one of the most
influential businessmen ever. Additionally, what I really respect is his way of
thinking, which was very creative and modern.
(What you did) There was a time that Apple was rumoured to have an electronic flaw
in the devices and Steve Jobs came up with a smart solution. I was astonished by his
creativity, so I came and had a talk with him. I asked him about the reason behind all
of his decisions and learned a lot from him. And there was a saying that marked a
significant change in my mind that: “You must be willing to ask for things you don’t
understand. And like I said, always stay hungry, stay foolish”.
(Why this person is interesting) I have nothing but high regard for him.
Unfortunately, it was the only time I met him, as several years later, he suffered from
various diseases and passed away in 2011. However, he always had an optimistic
outlook on life and never failed to spread his inspiration and positivity to other
people. My biggest dream is to work for Apple someday and I’m doing my best!
1. Once in a lifetime (phrase): một lần trong đời
Ex: An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime: cơ hội này chỉ đến một lần
trong đời
2. Tech-giants (n): ông trùm công nghệ
3. To look up to someone (phrase): kính trọng ai
Ex: He'd always looked up to his uncle: anh ấy luôn kính trọng bác anh ấy
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4. To become one of the most influential businessmen: trở thành một trong những
doanh nhân có tầm ảnh hưởng nhất
5. To have nothing but high regard for someone (phrase): không có gì ngoài sự
ngưỡng mộ dành cho…
6. To suffer from various diseases: mắc một vài căn bệnh
Ex: He suffers from asthma: anh ấy bị bệnh hen suyễn
7. Pass away (phrasal verb): qua đời
Ex: His mother passed away last year: mẹ anh ta đã qua đời năm ngoái
8. To have an optimistic outlook on life (phrase): có một cái nhìn lạc quan về cuộc đời
9. Never fail to spread his inspiration and positivity to other people: không bao giờ
mà không lan tỏa năng lượng tích cực đến mọi người
Part 3:
1. Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
-> Definitely yes. Although there are certain generation gaps between the young and
the old, they can share things in common together. For example, some youngsters
nowadays prefer playing chess or massage like the old. Whereas some older people are
interested in social media and online shopping. With those interests, they can share and
teach each other to be better every day, so that they can strengthen their bonds.
2. What can old people teach young people?
-> Old people are those who have gone through many ups and downs in their life,
which means that they have a lot valuable experiences to pass on to their next
generations. So, I think young people can learn a lot from them. They can ask the
elderly for advice about some topics like marriage, business or anything they want to
ask. However, they should consider their own ideas against the old’s opinions, as the
old’s advice is not always right, because they’re not in their shoes.
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3. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?
-> There are a lot of upsides when a person is liked by someone. First of all, when
someone makes a good impression on someone, then they can easily get in touch
later on. Secondly, they are more biased towards people who are excited about them
when it comes to some certain circumstances like queuing, when being on the bus or
train. And I would say leaving a good impression on other people can help people get
higher promotion in their fields, too.
1. Generation gaps (n): những cách biệt về thế hệ
Ex: She’s a young politician who manages to cross the generation gap: cô ấy là một
chính trị gia luôn kiềm chế sự cách biệt về thế hệ
2. To share things in common (phrase): có cùng chung sở thích
Ex: We don’t really have much in common: chúng tôi không có cùng chung sở thích
3. Strengthen their bonds (phrase): gắn kết mối quan hệ
4. To go through many ups and downs in their life (phrase): trải qua nhiều thăng trầm
trong cuộc sống
Ex: Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that: như
những cặp đôi đã cưới, chúng tôi cũng có trải qua nhiều thăng trầm, nhưng đó là cuộc
sống mà.
5. Be in one’s shoes (idiom): đặt mình vào hoàn cảnh của người khác
Ex: I wouldn't like to be in Mike's shoes when the boss hears what he's done!: Tôi
không muốn đặt mình vào hoàn cảnh của Mike khi mà sếp nghe những gì anh ấy đã
6. To make a good impression on (phrase): để lại một ấn tượng tốt
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Ex: He was keen to make a good impression on his boss: Anh ấy muốn để lại ấn
tượng tốt với sếp
7. Be biased (v): được thích/ ưu ái
Ex: Of course I’m biased, but I thought my daughter’s paintings were the best: Tất
nhiên là tôi đang ưu ái rồi nhưng tôi nghĩ bức tranh của con gái tôi là đẹp nhất
8. To get in touch (phrase): liên lạc với ai
Ex: No-one could get in touch with you: không ai có thể liên lạc với bạn
9. To get higher promotion (phrase): thăng tiến
Ex: She got a higher promotion last year: cô ấy được thăng tiến cao năm ngoái
42. Describe a time someone give you a gift that you really want
You should say:
What it is
How you got it
What you did
And explain how you felt about it
(What it is) I would like to talk about one of my favorite gifts ever, a digital camera,
which was given by my close friend after I finished my national high school exam last
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(How you got it) As a photoholic, I have a passionate love for taking photos and
cameras. That’s the reason why I have always harbored a dream of having my own
digital camera and even planned to save up to purchase one. However, one day after
finishing my exam, Mai, one of my dearest friends, brought me a small present
wrapped carefully. I immediately raised my eyebrows. Inside the box lay a Panasonic
Lumix digital camera, which is also the one at the top of my bucket list.
(What you did) I remembered I jumped for joy at that moment. I was so over the
moon that I hugged Mai for a long time while saying “Thank you so much”. I slowly
took the camera out of the box. After reading the guidebook, I started to adjust the
technological parameters myself. The first photo stored in my camera was the picture
of Mai smiling softly. We also took lots of photos together as I wanted to capture this
meaningful and valuable moment forever.
(And explain how you felt about it) Mai said that she was impressed by the love I put
into photography and that was the reason urging her to give me that wonderful present
as encouragement and a reward for me as I had hit the books so hard for my exam. I
promised Mai that I would always treasure this camera and for sure, I will continue to
keep it as my favorite gift I received in my lifetime.
have a passionate love of: cực kì yêu thích, cực kì đam mê
Ex: She has a passionate love of scuba diving.
Cô ấy cực kì yêu thích lặn có bình dưỡng khí
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harbored a dream of: ấp ủ một giấc mơ
Ex: I am haboring a dream of becoming a famous model.
Tôi đang ấp ủ ước mơ trở thành một siêu mẫu nổi tiếng
raised my eyebrows: ngạc nhiên tột độ
Ex: She raised her eyebrows at the idea, but after I went through the details of the
plan, she agreed to support it.
Cô ấy ngạc nhiên tột độ trước ý tưởng đó, nhưng sau khi tôi đi qua chi tiết của kế
hoạch, cô ấy cũng đã đồng ý ủng hộ nó.
jumped for joy: nhảy cẫng lên vì sung sướng
Ex: On being told he had won, he jumped for joy
Anh ấy nhảy lên vì sung sướng sau khi được thông báo chiến thắng
hit the book: học tập
Ex: I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books.
Tôi không thể ra ngoài tối nay, tôi phải học bài.
1. Should employees have their own goals?
Yes, they definitely should. By setting their own goals, employees understand
thoroughly the work they are doing, which is one of the main points contributing to the
development of an individual’s career as well as the growth of the company they work
for. Besides, employees will be more motivated and enthusiastic after planning on
their own. However, employees also need to balance personal and organizational
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
goals to fulfill their duties towards the firm as well as build a good foundation for
2. How should bosses reward employees?
To retain talented employees, the boss should reward their co- workers in a
thoughtful and practical way. It could help if the leaders show respect and
appreciation to the employees and boost their energy to continue to be productive in
the future. For example, although being seen as an old-school idea, the rewards of
“The Employeeof The Year '' remain prevalent throughout the years, as it’s not only a
practical way to honor employees for specific accomplishments but also gives other
workers a sense of aspiration to emulate.
3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
It’s pretty hard to make accurate predictions but, from my perspective, youngsters
nowadays tend to prefer creative and entertaining rewards. For example, a vacation
paid trip after months of stressful work can be seen as a present that is both creative
and practical. Not only do the employees have a whale of a time relaxing with their
beloved ones but they also do not have to worry too much about financial problems as
the trip is fully sponsored by the company.
1. organizational goals (n) ; mục tiêu do tổ chức đề ra
Ex: My organization goals are too complicated to complete this year.
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Những mục tiêu do tổ chức của tôi đề ra năm nay quá phúc tạp để hoàn thành
2. retain (v): giữ lại, giữ chân
Ex: The store has introduced several attractive marketing campaigns to retain their
Cửa hàng đã giới thiệu vài chiến dịch marketing hấp dẫn nhằm giữ chân khách
3. thoughtful (adj) : suy nghĩ thấu đáo
Ex: You have to be thoughtful whenever you make an important decision.
Bạn phải suy nghĩ thấu đáo mỗi khi bạn đưa ra một quyết định quan trọng
4. boost one’s energy (phrs): tăng năng lượng của ai đó
Ex: Listening to music is what I used to do to boost my energy after school.
Tôi từng nghe nhạc để tăng thêm năng lượng của mình sau giờ học ở trường.
5. old-school (adj): lỗi thời
Ex: Your dress is old-school now.
Cái váy của bạn bây giờ đã bị lỗi thời rối
6. prevalent (adj): phổ biến
Ex: Lung diseases used to be prevalent among miners
Những căn bệnh về phổi từng khá phổ biến với các thợ mỏ
7. accomplishment (adj): tài năng
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Ex: Her accomplishments include being able to speak several foreign languages.
Những tài năng của cô ấy bao gồm việc có thể nói được vài ngoại ngữ.
8. aspiration (n): khát khao, khát vọng
Ex: Rose has aspirations to become a singer.
Rose có một khát vọng về việc trở thành ca sĩ.
9. emulate (v): tranh đua, noi gương
Ex: She hoped to emulate her mother’s success.
Cô ấy hi vọng mình có thể noi theo thành công của mẹ.
43. Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was
How you did it
How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it
(What it was)
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In the past, making a speech in front of at least 10 people was a nightmare for me.
However, fortunately, I was able to get over my biggest fear and that is one of the
achievements that always makes me proud of myself.
(How you did it)
Two years ago, I used to be painfully shy whenever dealing with public speaking.
Words were stuck in my mouth. One day, I was nominated to present my essay in front
of the whole school by my Literature teachers. I refused at first, but she kept
encouraging and supporting me to grasp the opportunities. I decided to have a go
and began to look for several tips and methods online as well as turning to my
teachers for advice.
(How difficult it was) The journey of becoming a fluent speaker was more
complicated than I thought. It took me almost 1 month to prepare for my speech. How
to control my facial expression, and how to make my voice attractive was not a piece
of cake. I kept practicing and learning new things although sometimes I even wanted
to give up. Day by day, I felt more confident and my speaking skills also got better,
(And explain why you felt proud of it) Finally, I made it and received lots of
compliments from my teachers and friends. But, those were not the significant features
contributing to my pride at all. What actually made me proud was that I could step out
of my comfort zone. Although I was so afraid at the beginning, I did not throw away
my chance.
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grasp the opportunity: bắt giữ lấy cơ hội
Ex: I hope that he will grasp the opportunity with both hands.
Hy vọng cậu ấy sẽ nắm lấy cơ hội này bằng cả hai tay.
have a go: thử làm điều gì
Ex: Next time you travel, think about the stories you can tell and have a go telling
them through photography.
Lần tiếp theo bạn đi du lịch, hãy suy nghĩ về những câu chuyện bạn có thể kể và thử
nói chuyện với họ thông qua nhiếp ảnh.
piece of cake: đơn giản, dễ
Ex: Writing a song is a piece of cake for him
Viết một bài hát là vô cùng đơn giản đối với anh ấy.
turn to someone for advice: xin lời khuyên từ ai
Ex: Sometimes I need to ask someone for advice.
Cũng có lúc tôi cần người khác cho lời khuyên.
step out of the comfort zone: bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn
Ex: It's time to step out of the“comfort zone”.
Đã đến lúc thoát khỏi vùng an toàn rồi.
1. Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?
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It’s hard to measure which one could be more essential. Business goals are important
as they are usually related to your own version of success. Having a clear working
target entitles people to be fulfilled in their jobs, then improve their life quality as
well as make other life goals more possible. On the other hand, good physical and
mental personal goals maintain healthier lifestyles and give people more opportunities
to explore and enjoy various life aspects.
2. Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
Of course. I have different goals in different stages of life. When I was younger, all I
wanted was provisional targets such as getting my homework over and being
excellent at school. But currently, I have a tendency to focus more on my long-term
development, for example, working hard to find a well-paid job, buying a house for
my family, and having a good working balance.
3. Does everyone set goals for themselves?
I would say, most of us will set goals for ourselves at least once, both intentionally
and unwittingly. Seeking a lucrative job or getting admission to a famous university
could be an example of purposeful goals, which are transparent. However, there are
various goals happening in the short term, such as trying to find an appropriate dress
that fits your body or completing a song without losing the beat.
4. Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at
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I partly disagree with that statement. It is undeniable that in today's real world, money
and financial support is one of the effective ways to inspire workers’ performances.
However, mental support such as paying employees compliments and commending
their achievements with respect contributes significantly to a stronger colleague bond,
which also elevates working productivity around the community.
5. What makes people feel proud of themselves?
I think it depends, mostly on your age. Young children feel proud whenever they have
good manners and are praised by their parents or teachers. In addition, what usually
gives adults pride is their accomplishments related to their career path or personal
improvement. For example, getting a promotion, finding a lucrative job, etc. Another
thing that makes adults proud of themselves is how much they contribute to the
community. My father always says one of the biggest sources of pride of his lifetime is
establishing charitable donations for homeless people in my town.
1. be fulfilled (adj): thỏa mãn với
Ex: With her family and her career, she is a very fulfilled person.
Cô ấy là một người rất thỏa mãn với gia đình và sự nghiệp của mình.
2. stage of life (phrs): các giai đoạn của cuộc đời
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Ex: At this stage of life, we don’t know how to deal with that kind of problem
Vào giai đoạn này của đời người, chúng ta không biết làm sao để đối với mặt với
kiểu vấn đề như thế.
3. provisional (adj): tạm thời, lâm thời
Ex: The law contained a provisional solution, however, that of the employer being
responsible for compensation during this period.
Bộ luật có chứa một giải pháp tạm thời về việc người quản lí sẽ phải chịu trách
nhiệm về sự đền bù trong giai đoạn này.
4. get one’s homework over : hoàn thành bài tập về nhà
Ex: Mom said to me: “You have to get your homework over before going out”
Mẹ nói với tôi rằng: “Con phải hoàn thành bài tập về nhà của mình trước khi đi ra
5. intentionally (adv): một cách cố ý
Ex: He intentionally criticized her.
Anh ta chỉ trích cô ấy một cách cố ý.
6. unwittingly (adv): một cách vô tình
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Ex: I apologize for any anxiety which I may, unwittingly, have caused.
Tôi xin lỗi về bất kì sự lo lắng nào mình đã gây ra một cách vô tình.
7. lucrative job: công việc có mức lương hấp dẫn
Ex: He always looks for a lucrative job to have enough money to build his own house
Anh ấy luôn tìm kiếm một công việc có mức lương hấp dẫn để có đủ tiền xây nhà.
8. get admission to: được nhận vào …
Ex: Getting admission to Havard is my goal this year.
Được nhận vào Havard là mục tiêu của tôi năm nay.
9. purposeful (adj) có mục đích
Ex: He desired to lead a more purposeful life.
Anh ấy muốn trải qua một cuộc sống có mục đích hơn.
10. transparent (adj) rõ ràng, minh bạch, dễ hiểu
Ex: It’s a transparent attempt to deceive
Đó là một âm mưu lừa đảo rõ rệt.
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12. pay someone a compliment: khen ai đó
Ex: My mother pays me a compliment as I have worked hard for my exam.
Mẹ khen tôi vì tôi đã học tập chăm chỉ cho kì thi.
14. commend (v): khen ngợi, tán dương, tuyên dương
Ex: His painting was highly commended by the competition judges.
Bức tranh của anh ấy được tuyên dương nồng nhiệt bởi các giám khảo của cuộc
44. Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall,
You should say:
- What is this development
- How could it help people
- What benefits it could bring
- And explain whether it changes your life or not
(What is this development)
I’m going to describe a recent development in my city, which is the establishment of
the Vincom center. Located in the city center, this giant 33-floor building is a complex
of shopping mall, hotels and offices. The project was initiated in September 2015 and
is now reaching completion. For a small province like my city, the advent of Vincom
is undoubtedly a welcoming development.
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(How could it help people)
As a shopping heaven and entertainment center, Vincom will cater to the spending and
recreational demand of local people. With a wider range of goods and services, overall
consumer spending will be strongly stimulated, which favors the provincial economy.
The center will also allow foreign visitors to purchase a greater diversity of goods, as
compared to other supermarkets in the past.
(What benefits it could bring)
Well, such a huge project brings with it innumerable benefits. Firstly, the construction
and operation of Vincom will offer numerous job opportunities for the locals. Secondly,
the Vincom center with its state-of-the-art offices will also provide a modern,
convenient, and professional working environment for employees. Most importantly,
the success of Vincom will lay the very foundation for other large-scale investments
in my city.
(And explain whether it changes your life or not)
Apparently, the arrival of the Vincom center should exert a far-reaching and long-term
influence on the lives of local people in plenty of ways, such as the economy, tourism.
As a part of the city, I feel really excited about this progressive turn and I believe the
center will enhance people’s living standards as a whole.
31. establishment [n]: the action of establishing something or being established: s ự
thiết lập, sự dựng nên
Eg: The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.
32. initiate [v]: to make something begin: đề xuất, khởi xướng
Eg: The government has initiated a program of economic reform.
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33. (be) reaching completion [expression]: nearing the act or process of finishing
something: sắp hoàn thành
Eg: The changes made to the education system are reaching completion..
34. consumer spending [expression]: the spending of the consumer: chi tiêu của người tiêu
Eg: Consumer spending this year has increased exponentially.
35. stimulate [v]: to make something develop or become more active; to encourage
something: kích thích, khuyến khích
Eg: The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.
36. innumerable [adj]: too many to be counted; very many: rất nhiều, không đếm xuể
Eg: Innumerable books have been written on the subject.
37. state-of-the-art [adj]: using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods;
as good as it can be at the present time: tân tiến nhất
Eg: The Physics Department of this university has state -of-the-art facilities.
38. lay the foundation for sth [expression]: set, start a principle, an idea or a fact that
something is based on and that it grows from: đ ặt nền tảng cho cái gì
Eg: Respect and friendship lay a solid foundation for marriage.
39. large-scale [adj]: involving many people or things, especially over a wide area: có quy
mô, kích cỡ lớn
Eg: This building is a large-scale development for our nation.
40. far-reaching [adj]: likely to have a lot of influence or many effects: có ảnh hưởng sâu
Eg: The advent of the Internet has brought about far-reaching changes.
41. long-term [adj]: that will last or have an effect over a long period of time: dài hạn
Eg: At the moment, long-term investment in education would favour the overall
development of this nation.
42. progressive [adj]: happening or developing steadily: đang phát triển
Eg: There is a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce.
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45. Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:
What place it is
When it is
Why it is noisy
And explain whether you think it will be quieter and why
(What place it is)
Today I’m going to describe a noisy place that annoys me. It is Tokyo- Japan's capital,
which is a dream destination for avid travelers. It is universally known that megacities
like New York, Beijing, and Tokyo are known for being exceptionally noisy and
crowded, yet they still attract a great number of tourists.
(When it is)
Last month, my family decided to choose Tokyo to as our holiday destination. Tokyo
is Japan's capital and the world's most populous metropolis. Today, Tokyo has become
one of the world’s most active major cities, home to cutting-edge technology,
information, culture, and fashion, as well as a high level of public safety.
(Why it is noisy)
The entire city is filled with loudspeakers, construction activities, commercial activities,
and factories. Therefore, it was too noisy sometimes for me, a person who prefers a sense
of tranquility. The most crowded place must be Shibuya crossing, the biggest and
busiest crossing in Tokyo, where sometimes 1000 or more people cross the intersection
at once. My family also experienced Tokyo’s crowded trains during rush hour once, and
the commotion was so bothersome.
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(And explain whether you think it will be quieter and why)
Well, actually, Japan in my eyes is quite a peaceful country, so the chaos in Tokyo made
me feel totally overwhelmed. Given a chance, I would like to discover some quieter
places in Tokyo to truly unwind in one of the busiest places in the world. I’m sure there
are a lot of spots like that hidden in this modern, cosmopolitan megacity.
Vocabulary from Holiday:
• holiday destination
Meaning: where you go for a holiday
Example: Many tourists have chosen Da Nang city as their holiday destination since
Other vocabularies:
21. avid [adj]: extremely eager or interested: ham mê
Eg: Steve is an avid runner and cross-country skier.
22. exceptionally [adv]: far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree: một cách
khác thường
Eg: The weather was exceptionally mild for the time of the year
23. cutting-edge [adj]: very modern and with all the newest features: tiên tiến
Eg: This is an ambitious book, which aims to pull together cutting -edge research
in formal semantics, lexical aspect, and event structure.
24. populous [adj]: a populous country, area, or place has a lot of people living
in it: đông dân
Eg: China is the w orld's most populous country.
25. tranquility [n]: the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.: sự yên bình
Eg: The tranquility of the forest helps me relax.
26. intersection [n]: a point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect: ngã tư
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Eg: If you remember back to an economics class you might have taken, much time was
spent on the intersection of lines in those graphs.
27. commotion [n]: a state of confused and noisy disturbance: sự hỗn độn
Eg: There was a lot of commotion at the bar last night.
28. overwhelmed [adj]: to be "overwhelmed" means to get so much of something
that it becomes a problem: bị choáng ngợp
Eg: We are overwhelmed with data from every quarter, and o ur capacity to filter
fact from fraud is limited.
29. unwind [v]: to relax after a period of work or anxiety: thư giãn
Eg: I’m just going to watch some TV and unwind.
30. megacity [n]: a megacity is a very large city, typically with a population in
excess of 10 million people: siêu đô thị
Eg: C urrently, there are 37 megacities in the w orld.
Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones? Why do
you think some people like noisy places?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, I think this approach is necessary to a certain
extent. (Explain your reason or reasons) From my perspective, cell phone usage should
be restricted in public places for the sake of the surrounding people. (Give an example)
For example, in a nice restaurant, it would be rude to answer your phone and talk to the
other person because it would interrupt other peoples' dates or dinners or get-togethers.
Or in places like the library, movies and especially in the class while listening to the
lecture, it can be very disruptive when someone next to you starts using their cell phone.
Why do you think some people like noisy places?
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(Give a direct answer to the question) We choose to expose ourselves to noisy things,
such as loud music at nightclubs because loud sounds make us feel excited, socialize
more and can reduce conflict (Explain your reason or reasons) It has been scientifically
proved that loud music is linked to causing a positive emotional state of mind, such as
enthusiasm and happiness. The more people want to interact and communicate, the more
substantial the amount of noise generated. Therefore, noise is usually regarded as an
effective way to alleviate our stresses and strains in life.
What harm does noise pollution bring?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Whether caused unintentionally or deliberately,
excessive levels of noise invariably exert adverse influences on the sufferers. (Explain
your reason or reasons) Firstly, those affected by other’s noise may be unable to relax
and take a proper rest. Secondly, noise could greatly diminish our concentration and
memory. Last but not least, long-term noises are said to pose serious health’s hazards.
(Give an example) For example, constant exposure to a high pitch noise can result in
auditory problems, and in the worst case scenario, hearing loss. As we all know, hearingimpaired individuals are very likely to experience difficulty in life.
How to reduce the harm of noise?
(Give a direct answer to the question) With such a frantic pace of life in this day and
age, noises are omnipresent. However, as the world is becoming more modern, people
have found ways to deal with the problem of noise. (Explain your reason or reasons)
Scientists have invented walls and windows that can block out the noise, which allows
individuals to focus on their work without being disturbed. Therefore, the problem of
noise can be reduced and there is no need for people to keep quiet.
1. for the sake of [expression]: in order to help or bring advantage to someone:
vì lợi ích của
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Eg: If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or
in order to achieve that result.
31. substantial [adj]: large in amount, value or importance: đáng kể
Eg: There are substantial changes since his arrival.
32. stresses and strains [expression]: difficulties and problems : sự căng thẳng
Eg: You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life.
33. deliberately [adv]: done in a way that was planned : một cách cố ý
Eg: She has been deliberately ignoring him all day.
34. excessive [adj]: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate: quá độ
Eg: They complained about the noise coming from the upstairs flat.
35. (to) diminish [v]: make sth weaker, smaller: làm giảm
Eg: I don’t want to diminish the importance of their contribution.
36. hazard [n]: a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage : sự nguy hiểm
Eg: Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking.
37. hearing-impaired [adj]: having problems or implications of hearing : thính giác bị
suy giảm
Eg: Hearing-impaired children were treated carefully yesterday.
38. frantic [adj]: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but not well organized:
cuồng loạn
Eg: H is frantic lifestyles separated him from others.
39. omnipresent [adj]: everywhere: có mặt khắp mọi nơi
Eg: Mobile phones are omnipresent in this day and age.
46. Describe a person you from know who is from a different cultures
You should say:
Who he/she is
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Where he/she is from
How you knew him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
(Who he/she is)
When I read the cue card, the first foreigner coming from another cultural background
springing to my mind was Hinata. We have been friends for ages and she even
planned to pay me a visit this summer.
(Where he/she is from)
Hinata was born and bred in Kyoto, Japan. Like every Japanese girl, she has long
black hair, a sweet smile and pale skin. At first, I thought we could not get on well
with each other as Hinata is actually a social butterfly while I often see myself as a
wallflower. However, after some conversations, we found out that we have so many
things in common and quickly became besties until now.
(How you knew him/her)
I and Hinata attended the same baking workshop when we travelled to Hue two years
ago. We spent most of our holiday in Hue together, walking around the lake and
enjoying the local traditional cuisine. Hinata told me various things about her life in
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Japan, about what kind of clothes she usually wears to the dishes she dislikes in Kyoto.
By contrast, I was her translator during the trip and even taught her some basic
Vietnamese. We still keep in touch after Hinata flew back to Japan. She even sent me a
Kimoto to congratulate me on my 18th birthday last year.
(And explain how you feel about him/her)
Meeting Hinata and being her friend was my stroke of luck. Not only could I learn
about the fantastic aspects of a Japanese teenager from Hinata but I also got to know
someone that could understand me and was always willing to stand by my side
whenever I needed her. I really treasure my friendship with Hinata and to be honest, I
am looking forward to her trip back to Viet Nam this summer. I can’t wait to meet her
1. springing to one’s mind: hiện lên trong đầu ai
2. be born and bred: sinh ra và lớn lên
Ex: Goitseone is born and bred in a village called Nkange.
Goitseone được sinh ra và nhân giống tại một ngôi làng tên là Nkange.
3. social butterfly: (n) người thích giao du, kết bạn bốn phương
4. wallflower (n) một người không tham gia tiệc tùng, hội họp
5. local traditional cuisine (n): thức ăn truyền thống địa phương
6. a stroke of luck: vận may
Ex: He had exactly the part that I needed so that was a stroke of luck.
Anh ấy có chính xác điều tôi cần, nên nó thực sự là một vận may.
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1. Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?
With the boom in advanced technology nowadays, I would say that the internet could
be a potential source for people to gain a certain level of knowledge. Just by clicking
and typing into the search tools on your computer or smartphone, you can access an
array of information about different regions in the world as well as their unique
traditions. Besides, traveling and making friends with local people are also fantastic
options as people could enjoy real experiences as well.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?
Talking about the benefits, I would say that, in today’s world, cultural diversity is an
opportunity for us to understand the different perspectives, traditions, and lifestyles of
the world in which we live in. Cultural diversity is also a great inspiration contributing
to the prosperity of global creative artworks. However, in terms of teamwork, the
cultural mix might cause conflict among members sometimes because of the
differences in their voices, their lifestyles as well as their perspectives on certain
3. How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?
In my opinion, putting cultures together requires lots of effort from people in that
community, especially depending on how they behave. Respect and sympathy are a
must to ensure that traditional culture is in harmony with the modern one. Followers
of each culture should not criticize others’ traditional core values as well as find some
effective ways to integrate these two things together. For instance, many young
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musicians in Viet Nam have combined traditional melodies into contemporary music
in an attempt to conserve “old but gold” Vietnamese songs.
1. The boom of advanced technology: sự bùng nổ của công nghệ tân tiến
Ex: The boom of advanced technology changed the way we live nowadays.
Sự bùng nổ của công nghê tân tiến đã thay đổi cách chúng ta sống ngày nay.
2. gain a certain level of knowledge: đạt được một mức độ nhất định về mặt kiến
Ex: After years at university, he has gained a certain level of knowledge.
Sau nhiều năm tại trường đại học, anh ấy đã đạt được một mức độ nhất định về
mặt kiến thức.
3. prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng
Ex: The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity.
Chiến tranh được nối đuôi bởi một thời gian dài của hòa bình và sự thịnh vượng.
4. in harmony with: hài hòa với
Ex: Humans live in harmony with nature.
Con người sống hài hòa với thiên nhiên
5. contemporary music: âm nhạc đương đại
Ex: Contemporary music is my cup of tea
Âm nhạc đương đại là loại nhạc tôi thích.
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47. Describe something you would like to learn in the future
Tham khảo bài: Describe a language you want to learn (not English)
You should say:
- What it is
- How you would learn it and where you would learn it
- And why you want to learn the language
(What it is)
I’ve always been eager to learn French. It is spoken as a first language in France; the
Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick; and other francophone
regions like Belgium, western Switzerland, Monaco, parts of the United States, and
various communities elsewhere. French has a long history as an international language
of literature and science and is a primary language for many international
organizations including the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO.
(How you would learn it and where you would learn it)
I would take a 6-month language course at a local university, which would hopefully
give me a good grip on the basics of the language. After that, I will take advantage of
online resources to further enhance my skills. Besides, I will hopefully also find some
friends from the language course who could help me to practice the language even
after the course is over. These are my plans to master the language, but I am sure that
over the course of time, I will be able to devise more intuitive ways of becoming
proficient at the language as well.
(And why you want to learn the language)
On the one hand, I am really into the idea of travelling to France because it boasts a
diverse range of literature, architecture, fashion, and cooking. A strong command of
French will equip me with the necessary linguistic capacity to engage with native
speakers. Plus, I have seen a lot of interesting French movies, which is another
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compelling reason to learn their language. Unsurprisingly, France is world-renowned
for its romanticism.
What are the difficulties of learning a new language?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, there are different challenges for
different people and for different languages. (Explain your reason or reasons) For the
language itself, grammar may baffle many learners, while others can’s pick up the
pronunciation and struggle to memorize vocabulary. (Give an example (often a
personal example)) For example, there are languages with totally different
phonologies, and people who are not used to tones will even lose heart. Alphabets can
be challenging, especially the complicated ones like Kanji or Tibetan. (Explain the
opposite or alternative) Besides, other obstacles like the lack of time and resources
generally present themselves during the learning process.
What can people do to learn a second language?
(Give a direct answer to the question) There are many approaches and methods for
people of different levels (Explain your reason or reasons) Beginner learners should
decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don’t feel overwhelmed,
like picking up 50 words of a language and start using them on people on a daily basis.
After then, learners should dive deeper into effective methods and materials, which
suit their linguistic ability and learning styles. (Explain the opposite or alternative)
Personally, learning a language also requires one to immerse himself in the language
and apply it in real life to get the best results.
What’s the best way to learn a new language?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, the answer varies from person to person.
(Explain your reason or reasons) For me, the best way is repetition. Starting with
basic sentences and grammar would be a good base. Afterwards, try to expose yourself
to the language according to your hobbies and interests. (Give an example (often a
personal example)) Watching movies with subtitles, reading books on your favorite
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topics or listening to music are classic examples. In my case, I’m interested in history
and my favorite show is Friends, so I searched for a Spanish podcast and am currently
watching season 5 with Spanish subtitles.
Is it popular to learn English in your country?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Yes, undoubtedly. (Explain your reason or
reasons) As a matter of fact, millions of Vietnamese people, irrespective of age, are
engaged in the learning of this language, which is made easier through advanced
technology and the interaction with foreign visitors. (Give an example (often a
personal example)) People in my country learn English out of academic, diplomatic,
commercial or other practical considerations because it is the preferred language
when communicating with most foreigners.
baffle [v]: to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain
something: làm lạc hướng
Eg: She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour.
phonology [ n]: the study of sounds in a particular language or in languages generally:
âm vị học
Eg: His early research established the linguistic subfield of metrical phonology.
complicated [adj]: involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to
understand: phức tạp
Eg: The rules are rather complicated to follow.
obstacle [n]: something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is
prevented or made more difficult: chướng ngại
Eg: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
attainable [adj]: possible to achieve: có thể đạt được
Eg: We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.
overwhelm [v]: to be too much to deal with: làm choáng ngợp
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Eg: The number of refugees overwhelmed the relief agencies in the area.
linguistic [adj]: connected with language or the study of language: thuộc về ngôn
Eg: I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children.
repetition [n]: the act of doing or saying something again: sự lặp lại
Eg: The job involved the endless repetition of two or three simple tasks.
expose [v]: to create conditions that allow someone to have the opportunity to learn or
experience new things: tiếp xúc
Eg: Kate was exposed to new ideas when she went to college.
irrespective of [expression]: without considering; not needing to allow for: không
màng đến, không kể đến
Eg: The rules apply to everyone, irrespective of how long they have been with the
diplomatic [adj]: involving diplomats or the management of the relationships
between countries: ngoại giao
Eg: All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been fruitless.
consideration [n]: a particular subject or fact that needs to be thought about when
judging something: xự xem xét
Eg: There are serious considerations to make, and they will no doubt come into
contact with our very words, feelings - and thoughts tonight.
48. Describe a person you know who likes to help others (or, who often helps
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know them (= him or her)
When you knew or when you first met this person
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Where this person lives
What kind of person he or she is
And explain why this person (likes to help) helps others.
(Who this person is) I would like to talk about a person who is always willing to give
a hand to others, his name is John.
(How you know them (= him or her)
When you knew or when you first met this person)
John is a close friend of mine whom I've known for almost a decade. We first met in
secondary school, and we've been close ever since. He is a truly kind-hearted person,
who always puts others before himself. John is the first person to offer help when
someone needs it, whether it's helping a friend move out of the house or volunteering
at a local charity. Honestly speaking, he really has a heart of gold and is always
looking for ways to make a positive impact on others' lives. I truly admire his
generosity and willingness to help others without expecting anything in return.
I remember when we were just 8-year-old kids, John pitched in with his neighbor's
yard work. His neighbor, who was an old lady with limited mobility, found it
challenging to keep her yard tidy. John took notice of her predicament and stepped in
to lend a hand. He spent a good chunk of his time assisting her in clearing out her yard
and pruning the hedges, and he did it all with a smile on his face. I reckon that John's
willingness to go the extra mile for his neighbor despite a very young age was truly
remarkable and serves as a testament to his kind and generous character.
(Explain why this person (likes to help) helps others.)
I think the reason why John likes to help others is that he believes in the power of
kindness and knows that even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in
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someone's life. He also believes in paying it forward, and that by helping others, we
can create a ripple effect of positivity that can spread throughout the community. He
is a shining example of what it means to be a good person, and his kindness and
generosity inspire me to be a better person every day.
1. give a hand to (phrase): giúp đỡ
Anh is always willing to give a hand to his colleagues whenever they need his
Anh luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ đồng nghiệp bất cứ khi nào họ cần anh hỗ trợ.
2. kind-hearted (adj): tốt bụng
My grandma is a kind-hearted person who always helps others in need.
Bà tôi là một người tốt bụng luôn giúp đỡ người khác khi gặp khó khăn.
3. puts others before oneself (phrase): đặt lợi ích của người khác lên trên bản thân
She is a selfless person who always puts others before herself.
Cô ấy là một người vì cộng đồng, luôn đặt người khác lên trước bản thân mình.
4. Honestly speaking (phrase): thành thật mà nói
Honestly speaking, I don't really enjoy attending networking events.
Thành thật mà nói, tôi không thực sự thích tham dự các sự kiện kết nối
5. generosity (n): sự hào phóng
His generosity towards charity organizations is truly admirable.
Sự hào phóng của anh ấy đối với các tổ chức từ thiện thực sự đáng ngưỡng mộ.
6. predicament (n): tình huống khó khăn
I'm in a bit of a predicament - I have two job offers and I don't know which one to
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Tôi đang ở trong tình thế hơi khó khăn - Tôi có hai lời mời làm việc và tôi không biết
nên chọn cái nào.
7. stepped in (v): can thiệp, giúp đỡ
When the teacher was absent, the substitute teacher stepped in and taught the class.
Khi giáo viên vắng mặt, giáo viên thay thế bước vào và dạy lớp.
8. pruning the hedges (phrase) cắt tỉa hàng rào, cây cối
On the weekends, I like to spend time in my garden, pruning the hedges and watering
the plants.
Vào cuối tuần, tôi thích dành thời gian trong khu vườn của mình, cắt tỉa hàng rào và
tưới cây.
9. serves as a testament (phrase): là bằng chứng cho
The success of the company serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication of
its employees.
Sự thành công của công ty là minh chứng cho sự làm việc chăm chỉ và cống hiến của
nhân viên.
10. ripple effect (n): hiệu ứng gợn sóng, tác động lan truyền
One act of kindness can have a ripple effect and inspire others to do the same.
Một hành động tử tế có thể có tác động lan tỏa và truyền cảm hứng cho những người
khác làm điều tương tự.
Part 3
Do people in your country like helping others?
Yes, I believe so. In general, people in my country, Vietnam, are known to be helpful
and friendly. They are always willing to help those in need, whether friends or
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strangers. During natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, people volunteer to
support affected communities by providing food, clothing, and shelter. In addition, it is
common to see Vietnamese people giving up their seats to the elderly or pregnant
women on public transport.
Why do some people not like to help others?
It is difficult to point out clearly the accurate reasons for that. Perhaps, they may have
had a negative experience in the past where their kindness was taken advantage of or
not appreciated, leading to feelings of cynicism or mistrust, which make them
hesitant to give a hand again to someone. Alternatively, some people may have busy
schedules. Or there could also be cultural or societal factors that discourage people
from helping others, such as individualism or competitiveness.
What are some ways that neighbors can help each other?
One of the simplest ways is keeping an eye on each other's properties, such as
watching out for suspicious activities or packages, especially when their neighbors are
away from home. They can also lend or borrow tools, share gardening or lawn
equipment, or even help each other with household chores like cooking or cleaning.
Another way that neighbors can help each other is by providing support during
emergencies, such as during a natural disaster or a medical emergency. They can also
offer to watch over each other's pets or children when needed, or even share meals or
groceries with each other. There are many ways that neighbors can help each other, I
can not mention it all here but I believe that these acts of kindness and support can
help to foster a strong and positive community spirit.
Do you think community spirit has increased (or improved) compared to
years ago, or has it decreased?
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From what I can see and be told recently, community spirit has decreased. In the past,
people used to live in close-knit communities where they knew their neighbors and
helped each other out. However, with the growth of cities and modern lifestyles that
are more fast-paced and stressful, people have become more isolated and self-focused.
So, nowadays, people are more likely to prioritize their own needs and goals over
those of their community. Besides, although the rise of technology and social media
has made it easier for people to connect with others online, it has also reduced face-toface interactions and consequently, caused the fall of community connections.
However, I believe that there are still opportunities for people to foster a sense of
community spirit. From minor acts like participating in local events and volunteer
work, joining community groups or organizations, and making an effort to get to know
their neighbors.
How can people have good relations with their neighbours?
I think having good relations with one's neighbors requires mutual respect,
communication, and willingness to help one another. So, let's try organizing
community events or activities, being respectful of each other's privacy and property,
and being open to sharing resources or helping each other out when needed. From my
view, it is not really a hot potato if we want to get on well with our neighbors.
What do you think are the advantages of having good relations with one's
Let me think, firstly, it does create a sense of community and belonging, which is
important for one's well-being. Neighbors can look out for each other, help each other
during emergencies, and even share resources such as tools and equipment. In
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addition, having good relations with one's neighbors can lead to a more harmonious
living environment. When people get along with their neighbors, they are more likely
to be respectful and considerate towards each other, which can reduce conflicts and
tensions. This can also result in a more peaceful and pleasant living situation for
everyone in the neighborhood.
1. take advantage of (phrase): tận dụng
She always takes advantage of her free time to read books.
Cô ấy luôn tận dụng thời gian rảnh để đọc sách.
2. cynicism (n) : sự hoài nghi
His cynicism about the government's ability to solve problems was apparent.
Sự hoài nghi của anh ta về khả năng giải quyết vấn đề của chính phủ rõ ràng.
3. mistrust (n) : sự bất tín
There was a deep mistrust between the two sides.
Có sự không tin tưởng sâu sắc giữa hai bên.
4. keep an eye on (phrase) : để mắt đến
I'm keeping an eye on my finances to make sure I don't overspend.
Tôi đang để mắt đến tài chính của mình để đảm bảo tôi không chi tiêu quá đà.
5. close-knit (adj): gắn bó, thân thiết
The community is very close-knit and supportive of each other.
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Cộng đồng rất gắn bó và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau.
6. isolated (adj) : cô lập
The small town was isolated from the rest of the world.
Thị trấn nhỏ bị cô lập khỏi phần còn lại của thế giới.
7. a hot potato (idiom) : vấn đề nan giải
The issue of immigration is a political hot potato.
Vấn đề nhập cư là một vấn đề chính trị nan giải.
8. well-being (n) : sự phúc lợi, sức khỏe tốt
Regular exercise is important for your overall well-being.
Tập thể dục đều đặn quan trọng cho sức khỏe tốt của bạn.
9. tension (n): sự căng thẳng
The tension in the room was palpable as the two leaders began to negotiate
49. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
How often do you do it
Is it easy to stick to that routine
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And explain how you feel about it
(What it is) I’d like to tell you how I have developed my morning routine to keep fit
and stay healthy, which is my regular morning walk. To be honest, I am not much of
an early bird, I mean I always burn the midnight oil and stay in bed late the next
morning. Last summer, fortunately, there was a healthy trend emerging in my town.
Local people, regardless of their age or gender, woke up early to walk for exercise. My
besties did take part in this activity, and of course, I was lured into it as well.
(How often do you do it+Is it easy to stick to that routine) At first, I was rather
half-hearted as waking up early in the morning seems to be torture to me. But then,
my family and my friend encouraged me a lot to maintain this morning routine, plus
my determination to better myself. And up til now, it has been nearly a year since I
went out for a daily walk at the crack of dawn.
(explain how you feel about it) After getting into this routine, I witnessed tremendous
changes in my physical and mental health. First, my morning walk has prevented me
from sleeping in. Instead of surfacing from bed at 12am, now I have the whole
morning to finish my homework, and assignments and hang out with friends, which
indirectly benefits my time management. Secondly, this routine has helped me
temporarily escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is because there haven’t
been motorbikes or cars so the atmosphere has been quiet and peaceful, and then I
have been able to immerse myself in a tranquil atmosphere, finding peace of mind.
Last but not least, a regular walk has stopped me from having a sedentary lifestyle and
has helped me keep fat at bay.
1. early bird (n): người dậy sớm
She isn't an early bird by nature, but she's been up before dawn every day for the past
month. (Cô ấy vốn không phải là người hay dây sớm nhưng cô ta đã dậy rất sớm hàng
ngày từ tháng trước)
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2. burn the midnight oil (idiom): thức khuya học bài
Chris is asleep after burning the midnight oil trying to finish his article. (Chris ngủ
quên sau khi thức khuya cố gắng hoàn thành bài báo)
3. lure someone into something (v): thuyết phục ai làm gì
She was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary. (Cô ấy bị thuyết phục nhận
công việc này vì lương cao)
4. torture (n): cực hình, một trải nghiệm không thoải mái
The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual. (Đường xá giờ cao điểm vẫn là một
cực hình)
5. sleep in (phrasal verb) : ngủ nướng
I usually sleep in on Saturdays. (Tôi thường ngủ nướng vào thứ Bảy)
6. surface (v): thức dậy
He never surfaces until at least 11.00 a.m. on a Sunday. (Anh ta không bao giờ dậy
trước 11 giờ sáng Chủ Nhật)
7. hustle and bustle (phrase): sự ồn ào náo nhiệt (của thành phố,...)
I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. (Tôi yêu sự ồn ào náo nhiệt của khu
chợ này
8. keep something at bay (idiom): phòng tránh cái gì
9. Exercise can help keep fat at bay. (Tập thể dục có thể khiến ngừa mỡ)
Part 3
1. What routine do people have at home?
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It depends. In general, Vietnamese start their daily routine earlier as compared to other
western countries, normally at 5:30 or 6:00 am. People working in the office spend
less time at home and their routine is fixed. After doing personal hygiene, having
breakfast and preparing for work, they will drive to the office and not arrive home
until 5:30 or 6:00 pm. Meanwhile, freelancers or people living in the countryside have
a more flexible routine at home so they can devote more time to recreational
activities, house decoration or sports.
1. do personal hygiene: làm vệ sinh cá nhân
Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene (Hãy thường xuyên tắm rửa để bảo đảm vệ
sinh cá nhân)
2. devote time to something (collocation): dành thời gian, năng lượng, cuộc đời, tình
yêu… làm gì
She has devoted all her energies/life to the care of homeless people. (Cô ấy dành cả
sức trẻ/cuộc đời để chăm sóc cho người vô gia cư)
2. What routine do the elderly have?
From my perspective, most old people have a humdrum daily routine. They will start
their day quite early, at the crack of dawn…then take medicine follow the doctor’s
instructions and do some exercise to promote health. The old generation also goes to
bed earlier than most youngsters these days and maintains a healthier lifestyle. This
routine is quite repetitive and rigid, which could lead to senior boredom and stress.
For those who have just retired from work, it could be hard to adjust to their daily
routine without the structure and consistent routine of working. As a result, they could
suffer from anxiety or depression, which could, later on, give rise to some serious
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1. humdrum (adj): tẻ nhạt, không có bất kì sự kiện nào mới mẻ xảy ra
Most of the work is fairly humdrum. (Hầu hết các công việc khá tẻ nhạt)
2. repetitive (adj): lặp đi lặp lại
Be happy to do routine, repetitive work.( Hãy vui lên khi làm một công việc thông
thường và lặp đi lặp lại.)
3. What are the benefits of having a routine for kids at school?
If parents and schools join hands in establishing a routine for children at school and
even at home, it could be advantageous to the child’s development. First, arriving at
school on time can develop punctuality in kids. In fact, some parents in Vietnam often
shrug off the importance of being on time so they often drive their offspring to school
late, ignoring the school regulations. This could gradually form a bad habit in their
children and negatively affect them in the working environment in the future.
Secondly, following the school timetable helps kids to be more organized and could
instil time management skills, which is essential when they grow up.
1. shrug off (phrasal verb): xem nhẹ, coi thường
You're a father and you can't simply shrug off your responsibility for your children
50. Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you remember well
You should say:
When and where it happened
Who you were with
What you saw or did
And explain why you remember it so well.
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(When and where it happened)
(Who you were with)
When I read the cue card, the first moment that sprang to my mind was when I went
on a camping trip with my family. I vividly remember that it was during the summer
when I was around 10 years old. We went to a national park in the mountains and
spent three days camping in the great outdoors.
( What you saw or did)
I went on this camping trip with my parents and my younger brother.
We immersed ourselves in the wilderness by indulging in various activities such as
hiking, fishing, and exploring the park. As the night crept in, we gathered around a
campfire, roasted marshmallows, and shared our favorite anecdotes.
(Explain why you remember it so well)
What made this experience incredibly special was the liberation and excitement it
instilled in me. Being able to detach myself from modern gadgets and immerse myself
in the raw beauty of nature was truly rejuvenating. Moreover, I love spending
quality time with my beloved ones while being surrounded by the picturesque
scenery was an experience beyond words.
To this day, I can still recall the crisp mountain breeze, the aroma of the foliage,
and the melody of the nearby stream. This camping trip was indeed a breath of fresh
air, allowing me to realize the value of nature and appreciate its grandeur.
1. spring to one’s mind (phrase) : hiện lên trong tâm trí của ai
Whenever I think of Italy, its delicious food and beautiful art spring to my mind.
Khi nào tôi nghĩ đến Ý, đồ ăn ngon và nghệ thuật đẹp là những thứ hiện lên trong tâm
trí tôi.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
2. immerse ourselves in (phrase) : đắm mình vào
Whenever I feel stressed, I like to immerse myself in a good book.
Khi nào tôi cảm thấy căng thẳng, tôi thích đắm mình vào một quyển sách tốt.
3. indulge in (v) : nuông chiều, thoả mãn
I like to indulge in chocolate ice cream on hot summer days.
Tôi thích nuông chiều mình bằng kem socola vào những ngày hè nóng bức.
4. liberation (n): sự giải phóng
The country celebrated its liberation from colonial rule.
Quốc gia ăn mừng sự giải phóng khỏi sự cai trị thuộc địa.
5. rejuvenating (adj) : làm trẻ lại, làm tươi trẻ
I always feel rejuvenated after a relaxing vacation.
Tôi luôn cảm thấy được làm tươi trẻ sau kỳ nghỉ thư giãn.
6. anecdotes (n) : câu chuyện vặt, chuyện lặt vặt
My grandfather likes to tell us anecdotes from his youth.
Ông tôi thích kể chuyện lặt vặt từ thời trẻ của mình cho chúng tôi nghe.
7. spend quality time with (phrase) : dành thời gian bên nhau chất lượng
I like to spend quality time with my family on weekends.
Tôi thích dành thời gian bên gia đình vào các ngày cuối tuần
8. picturesque scenery (n) : phong cảnh đẹp như tranh vẽ
The town is famous for its picturesque scenery.
Thị trấn nổi tiếng với phong cảnh đẹp như tranh vẽ.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
9. crisp mountain breeze (phrase) : gió núi mát rượi
I love hiking in the mountains and feeling the crisp mountain breeze on my face.
Tôi thích leo núi và cảm nhận gió núi mát rượi trên khuôn mặt.
10. the aroma of the foliage (phrase) : hương thơm từ cây lá rụng
During the autumn, the park is filled with the aroma of the foliage.
Vào mùa thu, công viên tràn ngập hương thơm từ cây lá rụng.
11. grandeur (n): sự hùng vĩ, tráng lệ
The grandeur of the palace took my breath away.
Sự tráng lệ của cung điện khiến tôi ngỡ ngàng.
Part 3
1. What do you think is the most important memory for children?
In my opinion, the most important memory for children is their early childhood
experiences with their family members. This is because the family plays a crucial role
in a child's upbringing and the memories they make together can shape their future.
Memories of parents or grandparents reading to them before bed or spending time
together on family vacations can create a strong bond between family members, and
these memories can last a lifetime. For me, my most cherished childhood memory is
when my family took a trip to the beach and we spent the whole day playing in the
water and building sandcastles. This memory reminds me of how much my family
means to me and has influenced my relationships with them as an adult.
2. What should adults remember?
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
I would say that adults should remember important events and milestones in their
lives, as well as important lessons they have learned. Memories of past successes and
failures can help them make better decisions in the future or they can use them as
opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. Adults should also
remember the people who have had a positive impact on their lives, such as friends,
family members, or mentors.
3. How can we improve our memories?
There are several ways to enhance memory skills. One method is to practice regularly,
particularly through repetition and rehearsal. This helps to strengthen the neural
connections in the brain associated with memory, making it easier to recall
information when needed. Additionally, how about engaging in mentally stimulating
activities such as puzzles, reading, and learning new skills? I think they can improve
our memory as well. Moreover, I also have read from some sources that adopting a
healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep
can also promote better memory function.
4. What can help us to remember our childhood memories?
One of the most important factors is emotional significance. Memories that are tied to
strong emotions tend to be more vivid and long-lasting. You know, that's why we have
the saying: "Memories came flooding back".
Storytelling can also help us to remember our childhood memories. When we share
our memories with others, it helps to solidify them in our own minds. Additionally,
hearing stories from others can also trigger memories and provide new perspectives
on shared experiences. To be honest, I have a memory like a sieve, however,
whenever my mother tells me about the day I first attended primary school, every
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
second in that story happens once more, and I feel like I can hear the voice of my old
teacher again vividly.
5. Why do you think some people can remember things easily?
Maybe it is based on genetics. Certain genes can affect a person's memory capacity
and retention ability. Another contributing factor is lifestyle habits such as diet,
exercise, and sleep. For instance, getting enough sleep and engaging in regular
physical exercise can boost cognitive function, including memory retention.
Additionally, I have heard that some people have developed specific memory
techniques or strategies that aid in their ability to remember things. Moreover, I also
believe that people who are more engaged in learning and have a greater interest in the
subject matter tend to remember things more easily. In other words, a person's
motivation and attitude towards learning and memorization can have a significant
impact on their ability to remember.
1. child's upbringing (phrase) : sự nuôi dạy con cái
Good parents always strive to provide the best for their child's upbringing.
Cha mẹ tốt luôn cố gắng cung cấp những điều tốt nhất cho sự giáo dục của con cái họ.
2. last a lifetime (phrase) : duy trì, tồn tại suốt đời
The memories of that trip will last a lifetime.
Những kỷ niệm của chuyến đi đó sẽ tồn tại suốt đời.
3. milestones (n) cột mốc quan trọng
Graduating from college was one of the biggest milestones in his life.
Tốt nghiệp đại học là một trong những cột mốc quan trọng nhất trong cuộc đời anh.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
4. self-improvement (n) sự tự hoàn thiện
He's been focusing on self-improvement by reading books and attending seminars.
Anh ấy đang tập trung vào việc cải thiện bản thân bằng cách đọc sách và tham dự các
buổi hội thảo.
5. recall (v) nhớ lại
I can't recall where I left my keys.
Tôi không thể nhớ mình đã để chìa khóa ở đâu.
6. stimulating (adj) kích thích
Traveling to new places can be very stimulating for the mind.
Du lịch đến những địa điểm mới có thể rất kích thích tâm trí.
7. adopting a healthy lifestyle (phrase) thay đổi lối sống lành mạnh
He's been adopting a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly.
Anh ấy đang áp dụng một lối sống lành mạnh bằng cách ăn uống điều độ và tập thể
dục thường xuyên.
8. adequate (adj) đầy đủ
Make sure you have adequate sleep before the big exam.
Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn có giấc ngủ đầy đủ trước kỳ thi quan trọng.
9. "Memories came flooding back" (idiom) ký ức ùa về
As soon as she entered her childhood home, memories came flooding back.
Ngay khi cô bước vào ngôi nhà thời thơ ấu của mình, những ký ức ùa về.
10. Storytelling (n) kể chuyện
She has a talent for storytelling and can captivate an audience for hours.
Cô ấy có tài kể chuyện và có thể thu hút khán giả hàng giờ liền.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)
11. trigger (v) gợi nhớ
The smell of fresh baked cookies always triggers memories of my childhood.
Tôi có một trí nhớ như một cái sàng và thường quên những chi tiết quan trọng.
12. have a memory like a sieve (idiom): có một trí nhớ rất kém
I have a memory like a sieve and often forget important details.
Tôi có một trí nhớ như một cái sàng và thường quên những chi tiết quan trọng.
13. vividly (adv) : một cách sống động
I vividly remember the day we first met.
Tôi nhớ rất rõ ngày đầu tiên chúng ta gặp nhau.
14. retention ability (n) khả năng ghi nhớ
Some people have a better retention ability than others.
Một số người có khả năng ghi nhớ tốt hơn những người khác.
15. cognitive function (n) khả năng nhận thức
Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function.
Tập thể dục thường xuyên đã được chứng minh là cải thiện khả năng nhận thức.
16. strategies (n) chiến lược
She developed some strategies to help her study more efficiently.
Cô đã phát triển một số chiến lược để giúp cô học tập hiệu quả hơn.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com)