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Planetary Networks, Climate Change & Sustainability

Planetary Networks refer to the
interconnections and interrelations among
the various elements in the natural
environment enveloping and affecting Earth
as well as elements beyond Earth’s
surface. It includes the rain, the wind, the
sun’s rays, gases, and other climate-related
Big Idea: The concept of
planetary network emphasizes
that everything on Earth are
Whatever happens to one
element on Earth has the effect to
the remaining components.
Global Warming is the rising
of global average
temperature of Earth’s
surface due to the
thinning of the ozone layer
in Earth’s stratosphere.
These also cover natural resources such as
forests, mineral deposits, lakes, oceans,
hills, and mountains as well as the flora
and fauna and other living organisms
which when heavily exploited and
exhausted shall cause detrimental effects
on Earth’s natural cycle and functions.
This ozone layer depletion
is caused by human
activities primarily the
burning of fossil fuels
(coal, natural gas, and
petroleum) which emit
carbon dioxide and other
dangerous gases called
greenhouse gases (GHG).
These gas emissions join the
atmosphere and disturb the
natural carbon dioxide
production of respiration and
photosynthesis. Greenhouse
gases include nitrous oxide
(N₂O), methane (CH₄), sulfur
hexafluoride SF6,
perfluorocarbons, and
Ozone is made up of three oxygen
atoms (O3) while ordinary oxygen has
two (O2). Down the
atmosphere, ozone is deadly but does
not last long. Ozone stays high up in
the atmosphere where it
is formed, and its huge quantity is
enough to form a shield for Earth
against the sun’s ultraviolet (UV)
Ozone is made up of three oxygen
atoms (O3) while ordinary oxygen
has two (O2). Down the
atmosphere, ozone is deadly but
does not last long. Ozone stays
high up in the atmosphere where
it is formed, and its huge quantity
is enough to form a shield for
Earth against the sun’s ultraviolet
Earth, as seen from the
International Space
Station, is teeming with
human activities evident in
the illumination of
Global warming is causing alterations in the climate
patterns and weather cycles of Earth.
 Climate change refers to the major changes in the climate that last
for long periods of time, up to decades or more. It is easy to relate that
global warming causes climate change.
 Climate refers to the prevailing set of atmospheric conditions such as
temperature and humidity of a place within a span of time.
 Weather is the atmospheric condition involving hot or cold, rainy or
dry, cloudy or clear sky, and stormy or calm in a short period of time.
Weather is easier to forecast that climate.
There are now erratic natural conditions, abnormal
conditions that occur such as El Nino, La Nina,
flooding, soil erosions, landslide, skin cancer caused
by UV rays, forest fires, severe water and
power shortages. All these as well the abnormal
conditions of the global environment. These all
signal the existence of climate change.
HARPER (2001)
1. Reduction of agricultural yield which can lead to food
2. Rise of sea level which will endanger the population
living in the coastal areas, submerge rice
farms in the river deltas, and will push high tides and
storm surges further inland
3. Decrease in freshwater supply caused by reduced stream
flow and water salinity will make an
upstream movement
4. Increase in human health risks posed by heat stroke as
well as wider and faster spread of tropical
5. Consistent warming patterns mean an increase in
energy consumption for air-conditioning,
hydropower shortage, and diminished revenues from
fisheries and tourism.
6. Enormous cost of prevention, rehabilitation and
adaptation to climate change can take a heavy
toll on the global economy.
Such are the scenarios that have occurred, will
continue to occur, and will worsen if climate
change is not abated.
LEARNING TASK 1: Reflect! Expound your
answers to the following questions. Write
them on your answering notebook/ or a bond
1. Why do you think you should help in keeping the ozone
layer from thinning?
2. Who is primarily responsible for the occurrence of
climate change?
3. Why is the burning of coal dangerous to the environment?
4. What are some hazardous gases that triggered global
5. What are your thoughts about climate change and global
Food consumption and production have a
considerable impact on the environment. Food
production contributes, for example, to climate
change, eutrophication and acid rain, as well as the
depletion of biodiversity. It is also a considerable
drain on other resources, such as nutrients, land area,
energy, and water.(https://www.luke.fi/en/naturalresources/food-and-nutrition/effects-offoodproductionand-consumption-the-environment-and-climate/)
Consumption patterns involve the use of economic
consumer goods and resources. It can be
categorized as individual, family, company and government
consumption. This is considered as the key
driver to the use of resources. Ecosystems and landscapes are
influenced by consumption patterns.
Ecosystem resiliency, the ability of the ecosystem to regenerate,
sustain, and adjust what was lost,
destroyed, or added in the environment, is affected by the way the
land is utilized. Overexploitation and
depletion of land resources can diminish the resiliency of the
Spatial planning (the methods or
approaches used in the distribution of, among
others, people and activities in spaces of various
scales) is central to the management of landscape
and ecosystem resiliency. Zoning or dividing the
town or city into sections for various purposes
(such as commercial, residential, educational,
government, recreational, and botanical and
zoological) is salient to the spatial planning. This
can be initiated by governments in cooperation
with private firms.
A consumerist attitude contributes to the
depletion and exhaustion of natural resources,
which does create a chain-the more consumption,
the more demand; the more production; the more
extraction of natural resources.; the more
extraction of natural resources without
replenishment, the faster the degradation and
exhaustion of the resources. Running parallel is a
chain on consumption, the more demand; the
more demand, the more production; the more
production, the more use of coal or petroleum
being the most abundant and cheapest; the more
use of coal or petroleum, the more GHG
emission; the more GHG emission, the worse the
global warning will be.
LEARNING TASK 2: What have you learned so far?
Consumption patterns influence the use of resources,
including space. Efficient space utilization affects energy
consumption. DRAW A MAP showing the zones or divisions
of a town or city according to different purposes and uses
such as residential, educational, governmental, commercial,
and recreational. Rubric:
Relevance to the theme- 10 points
Craftsmanship/neatness and creativity- 10
Content and impact- 20 points.
Carbon footprint is another major cause of climate change which can be
associated with production and consumption patterns.
According to Wright, Kemp, and Williams, 2011, carbon
footprint is a measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide and methane
emissions of a defined population, system or activity… within the spatial and
temporary boundary of the population, system or activity of interest.
Greenhouse gases are usually expressed in terms of the amount of carbon
dioxide discharged. Most carbon footprint for the average households come
from indirect sources such as purchasing a product that has gone through
several processes from extraction of raw materials, to its manufacture,
transportation, and storage in stores. All these processes have contributed to
GHG emissions. The farther a product has gone through before reaching the
final consumer, the larger the carbon footprint it has.
The carbon footprint of a person, an organization, or
a nation can be measured through GHG
assessment or calculation known as carbon
accounting. It is useful to know the carbon footprint
of a population and an area so strategies can be
developed to trim down its size.
Process enhancement, product management, technological
development, and carbon offsetting are some applicable
Carbon offsetting is the reduction of carbon
footprint by using other options such as wind or
solar energy.
There could be ways to shrink the size of the
carbon footprint such as 3RS-reduce, reuse,
recycle, driving less, cutting down energy
consumption and minimizing the dependence
on carbon emitting
fuels, proper choice of diet such as eating fresh
fruits and vegetables instead of canned goods
and processed ones.
So how then can we
care for the
environment and
delay climate
Correcting the wasteful
consumption and production patterns is
one of the keys to a sustainable
environment and to prevent the worsening
of climate change. The responsible use of
energy, agricultural and food resources,
forest products, minerals, and aquatic
resources can slow down the depletion of
natural resources.
Other way could be; not polluting the
environment especially so by these
companies. Mining companies for
instance should install proper waste
disposal methods to avoid river or
ground pollution. Factories as well could
provide efficient exhaust system for
smoke to minimize air pollution.
 Individuals can should
demonstrate care for the environment while
students can get involved in environmental
projects in communities.
 Schools can include courses collectively
known as green curriculum for the care
and protection of the environment.
 Non-government organizations can push
for certain interests and advocacies.
 The government can provide legal bases of
programs, projects and actions for the
protection of the environment and the
 Various sectors are responsible for working
together in addressing the problem of
climate change and other environmental
Mitigation involves practices or to slow down, policies, and
technologies to prevent global warming from getting worse or
slow it down. Adaptation calls for the adjustment of lifestyle
and introduction of adaptive changes in the areas of industry,
health, and energy supply that can be easily carried out without
huge spending from the government. Everyone is responsible for
delaying climate change. Being an inhabitant of Earth, you have
an obligation to contribute to the solution of global problems
involving the environment.
Planetary Networks focuses on global warming
and climate change. These problems are
confronting the world and everything in it- the
entire humanity and all living organisms.
Humans caused the problems entailing climate
change by burning fossil fuels that can cause
GHG emissions and by maintaining detrimental
production and consumption patterns.
However, there are feasible ways to respond to
problems of global warming and climate
change. Concerted and sustained efforts among
individuals, NGO’s, schools, and governments
can help in the planning and implementation of
effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects
of global warming and climate change as well as
to adapt to the reality of the situation.
LEARNING TASK 3: Reflect on this! Expound your answers by
developing a thesis statement on the issue and by giving specific details
not just argument. You may write an essay or have creative illustration
for the answers. Use available writing or drawing materials.
1. The developed countries are the highest consumers of energy. How
does their consumption pattern affect the environment and climate
2. The problems entailing climate change are threatening human
existence. What can you do to prevent the problems from getting
worse? How will you encourage your friends and the
government to support you? Focus your advocacy on one dimension
(water, air, land, wilderness) of the environment.
Arrange the chain/cycle of demand, consumption patterns and
productions, effects and causes
of these issues by writing NUMBERS showing the correct
sequence of each of the situations.
LEARNING TASKS 5: Choose any of the following
options. Present creatively. Rubric:
creativity/content/relevance- 50 points
1. Singer/Poets
(Compose the lyrics of the song and give its melody. You may
adapt existing tunes.)
Our response to global warming, climate change, GHG and
carbon footprint
2. Speakers Creating advocacy campaign
“The mitigating ill effects of climate change and how each
individual can help mitigate these effects.”
LEARNING TASKS 5: Choose any of the
following options. Present creatively. Rubric:
creativity/content/relevance- 50 points
3. Artists
Draw a green character/ a human figure that possess
environment-friendly attitudes, values and actions.
4. The Writer: React and Write and Publish!
“The developed countries are the highest consumers of
energy. How does this consumption pattern affect the
environment and climate change?’’
Publishing/Reading/Sharing will follow.