UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA Department of Mechanical Engineering Fluid Power Machinery CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS IN SERIES Date: April 2023 Sean Harrison 1 Table of Content Title Pages Objective and Background………………………………………………………..............1-2 Apparatus…………………………………………………………………………………..2 Procedure ……………………………………………………………..……………………6 Results…………………………………………………………………………………….7-9 Graph 1: Depicting Manometric Head against Flow rate…………………………………10 Graph 2: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 60 Rps vs Flow rate…………………………………………………………………….10 Graph 3: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 70 rps vs Flow Rate……………………………………………………………………..11 Graph 4: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 80 rps vs Flow Rate……………………………………………………………………..11 Discussion of Result and Conclusion…………………………………………………….12-13 Reference………………………………………………………………………………….14 Sample Calculations………………………………………………………………...……14-15 2 Objective To determine the characteristics of two identical centrifugal pumps operating at the same speed and in series, in comparison to a single pump To investigate the effect of varying pump speed on delivery pressure and discharge. Background Centrifugal pumps may be arranged either in series or parallel. Pumps are considered to be connected in series when centrifugal pumps are arranged along a single line to supply one another in series increasing the discharge pressure over time. For the series configuration, the discharge of one pump feeds into the intake of another pump the total head will be the combination of all the pumps connected. If there is a case where two unidentical pumps the total head will be a combination of both pumps regardless. Figure 1: Pumps connected in Series Efficiency of a machine is how well its input energy is converted in to meaningful output energy for work. Volumetric, mechanical, hydraulic, and overall efficiency are all efficiencies related to dynamic machines. A type of dynamic machine is a centrifugal pump. A basic definition of a dynamic mechanism is one in which is kinetic energy of a flowing liquid or gas is transformed into the energy rotating a shaft. 1 An application of centrifugal pumps in series would be if you have water at a lower elevation and wanted to pump water to a higher elevation while maintaining the same pressure flow. Apparatus Cussons Hydraulics Bench P6100 Stopwatch 2 Stilling Basket Wattmeter Thermometer 3 NOMENCLATURE Q: Volumetric flow rate WSH: Shaft Power/Brake Power g: Acceleration due to gravity ρ: Density ηem: Combined electrical and mechanical efficiencies ηo: Overall efficiency ηm: Maximum efficiency Hm: Manometric Head Wi: Power Input (Electrical Power) Wh: Hydraulic Power P1: Discharge Pressure 1 P2: Discharge Pressure 2 RPS: Revolutions per second pv: Vapor pressure of the fluid Vi: Average velocity of the inlet 4 Figure 1: Showing basic schematic diagram of experimental setup 5 Procedure The wattmeters were connected to the pumps under test and the pump inlet valve fully opened. the water level in the reservoir tank was checked. The experimental apparatus was then mounted onto the working surface of the bench. The bench flexible water supply hose was connected to the apparatus with the bench regulating valve set in a closed position. the speed control unit was then adjusted to approximately mid-range. The electrical supply was then connected to the bench and turned on. The pump flow was adjusted using the bench regulating valve and the Pump Speed Control Units was used to correct any pump speeds, ensuring that the correct pump was selected on the P6102 Pump Speed Display Unit. The speeds of the pumps were maintained at the required values. The test commenced with the regulating value fully closed and with the pump speeds being 60 revolutions per second (rps) for both pumps. The suction and delivery pressures for each pump was recorded. The regulating valve was gradually opened to fully open, and the pressures recorded again. The pressure difference was calculated between the Discharge values and these readings were used to determine the range. The regulating valve was closed, and all parameter was recorded for power input and pressures. The pump was then re-opened to allow the produce a discharge flow with pump #2 discharge pressure about 10% of the pressure difference less than the initial stagnation figure. All parameters were recorded again including flow rate. The Speed Control Unit(s) was adjusted to maintain the pump speed of 60 rps in all cases. Finally, the test was repeated for pump speed of 70 rps. Data for the pump operating at 80 rps was also recorded. 6 Pressure (PSI) Power (W) Pump #2 Discharge Pump #1 Pump #2 Discharge Volume m3 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Suction Pump #1 Time (s) Time (s) Suction Reading 3 Reading 2 Rotameter (m3/h) avg time Volume (l) 6 0.2 0 111 120 5 9.31 9.47 9.39 1.6 7.5 0.25 0 106 115 5 10.5 9.88 10.19 1.35 9 0.39 0 100 113 5 10.88 9.75 10.315 1.02 10.5 0.4 0 90 99 5 14.12 13.27 13.695 1 12 0.43 0 88 96 5 16.45 15.43 15.94 0.85 13.5 0.59 0 77 84 5 22.33 21.77 22.05 0.59 15 0.6 0 61 71 5 42.43 41.25 41.84 0 16.5 0.62 0 47 65 5 60 61.75 60.875 0 Rotameter (m3/s) 4.444E-04 3.750E-04 2.833E-04 2.778E-04 2.361E-04 1.639E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Corrected discharge Pressure Corrected total Pump 2 suction Pressure Volumetric Flow manometric total hydraulic Total Shaft (kPa) Pump 2 (kPa) Rate, Q head (m) power Power 48.97 8.98 5.325E-04 9.12E+00 47.36856656 196.35000 59.31 9.32 4.907E-04 1.12E+01 5.363E+01 187.85000 69.65 10.29 4.847E-04 1.32E+01 6.254E+01 181.05000 79.99 10.36 3.651E-04 1.53E+01 5.463E+01 160.65000 90.34 10.56 3.137E-04 1.74E+01 5.336E+01 156.40000 100.68 11.67 2.268E-04 1.95E+01 4.301E+01 136.85000 111.02 11.74 1.195E-04 2.16E+01 2.513E+01 112.20000 121.36 11.87 8.214E-05 2.37E+01 1.896E+01 95.20000 η0 2.412E+01 2.855E+01 3.454E+01 3.401E+01 3.412E+01 3.143E+01 2.240E+01 1.992E+01 Tabl e 1: Depi cting resul ts acqui red for pump operating at 60 rps 7 Pressure (PSI) Power (W) Pump #2 Pump #1 Pump #2 Discharge Volume m3 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Discharge Suction Pump #1 Time (s) Time (s) Suction Reading 3 Reading 2 Rotameter (m3/h) avg time Volume (l) 7 1.6 0 145 169 5 7.44 6.65 7.045 1.9 9 1.9 0 156 169 5 7.88 7.33 7.605 1.8 11 0.2 0 147 157 5 9.14 8.33 8.735 1.6 13 0.31 0 139 157 5 9.75 9.37 9.56 1.4 15 0.4 0 129 148 5 11.71 11.57 11.64 1.3 17 0.65 0 118 139 5 14.72 14 14.36 1 19 0.78 0 102 120 5 20.69 19.95 20.32 0.55 21 0.8 0 87 106 5 35.08 34.08 34.58 0 Rotameter (m3/s) 5.278E-04 5.000E-04 4.444E-04 3.889E-04 3.611E-04 2.778E-04 1.528E-04 0.000E+00 Corrected discharge Pressure Corrected total Pump 2 suction Pressure Volumetric Flow manometric total hydraulic Total Shaft (kPa) Pump 2 (kPa) Rate, Q head (m) power Power 55.86 18.63 7.097E-04 9.55E+00 6.607E+01 196.35000 69.65 20.70 6.575E-04 1.22E+01 7.798E+01 187.85000 83.44 8.98 5.724E-04 1.62E+01 9.039E+01 181.05000 97.23 9.74 5.230E-04 1.89E+01 9.661E+01 160.65000 111.02 10.36 4.296E-04 2.17E+01 9.093E+01 156.40000 124.81 12.08 3.482E-04 2.44E+01 8.271E+01 136.85000 138.60 12.98 2.461E-04 2.71E+01 6.502E+01 112.20000 152.39 13.12 1.446E-04 2.99E+01 4.217E+01 95.20000 η0 2.412E+01 2.855E+01 3.454E+01 3.401E+01 3.412E+01 3.143E+01 2.240E+01 1.992E+01 Table 2: Depicting results acquired for pump operating at 70 rps 8 Pressure (PSI) Power (W) Pump #2 Discharge Pump #1 Time (s) Pump #2 Discharge Suction Pump #1 Time (s) Volume (l) Suction Reading 3 avg time Rotameter (m3/h) Reading 2 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 0.18 0.4 0.43 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 213 206 204 190 179 160 229 228 220 218 203 193 183 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.39 6.62 6.94 7.51 8.69 10.09 12.28 5.71 5.82 6.76 7.14 8.09 10.09 11.72 6.05 6.22 6.85 7.325 8.39 10.09 12 2.34 2.16 1.95 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.25 23 0.8 0 154 166 5 15.77 15.09 15.43 0.9 Volume Rotameter m3 (m3/s) 0.005 6.500E-04 0.005 6.000E-04 0.005 5.417E-04 0.005 5.000E-04 0.005 4.444E-04 0.005 3.889E-04 0.005 3.472E-04 0.005 2.500E-04 Corrected discharge Pressure Pump 2 (kPa) 69.65 83.44 97.23 111.02 124.81 138.60 152.39 166.18 Corrected suction Pressure Volumetric total total Pump 2 Flow Rate, manometric hydraulic (kPa) Q head (m) power 8.84 8.264E-04 2.08E+02 1.678E+01 10.36 8.039E-04 1.98E+02 2.018E+01 10.56 7.299E-04 1.88E+02 2.400E+01 11.74 6.826E-04 1.71E+02 3.086E+01 11.74 5.959E-04 1.51E+02 3.820E+01 12.43 4.955E-04 1.31E+02 7.451E+01 13.12 4.167E-04 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 13.12 3.240E-04 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.005 1.667E-04 179.97 13.39 2.618E-04 0.005 0.000E+00 193.76 14.15 1.342E-04 Total Shaft Power 196.35000 187.85000 181.05000 160.65000 156.40000 136.85000 112.20000 95.20000 Total 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 Shaft Power 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 196.35000 η0 2.412E+01 2.855E+01 3.454E+01 3.401E+01 3.412E+01 3.143E+01 2.240E+01 1.992E+01 η0 2.412E+01 Table 3: Depicting results acquired for pump operating at 80 rps 9 manometric head (m) vs Flow rate, Q 4.50E+01 total mano manometric head total mano total mano Series8 Series3 Linear (total mano) Linear (manometric head) Linear (total mano) Linear (total mano) Manometric Head 4.00E+01 3.50E+01 3.00E+01 2.50E+01 2.00E+01 1.50E+01 1.00E+01 5.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E-04 4.000E-04 6.000E-04 8.000E-04 1.000E-03 Flow Rate Q Graph 1: Depicting Manometric Head against Flow rate total mano 60 RPS 7.00E+01 total hydro 6.00E+01 efficiency 5.00E+01 4.00E+01 efficiency 3.00E+01 manometri c head 2.00E+01 1.00E+01 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 -1.00E+01 hydraulic power 1.000E-04 2.000E-04 3.000E-04 4.000E-04 5.000E-04 6.000E-04 Flow Rate Graph 2: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 60 Rps vs Flow rate 10 1.20E+02 70 RPS total mano 1.00E+02 total hydro 8.00E+01 Total efficiency 6.00E+01 Efficiency 4.00E+01 Single Hm 2.00E+01 Single Hydraulic 0.00E+00 Pwr 0.000E+00 1.000E-04 2.000E-04 3.000E-04 4.000E-04 5.000E-04 6.000E-04 7.000E-04 8.000E-04 -2.00E+01 Flow Rate Graph 3: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 70 rps vs Flow Rate 80 RPS 1.60E+02 1.40E+02 Combined series head 1.20E+02 Combined Hydraulic Power 1.00E+02 Series efficiency 8.00E+01 6.00E+01 Single Efficiency 4.00E+01 Single Manometric 0.00E+00 Head 0.000E+001.000E-042.000E-043.000E-044.000E-045.000E-046.000E-047.000E-048.000E-049.000E-04Single Hydraulic -2.00E+01 Power Flow Rate 2.00E+01 Graph 4: Showing Hydraulic Power, Manometric Head and Efficiency at 80 rps vs Flow Rate 11 Discussion In this lab the two pumps were connected in series and were later compared to the results of an individual pump to determine the characteristics between the two. The values different speeds of were all obtained and recorded. Due to a difference in height 7.6kpa was added to correct the discharge pressure. Graph 1 shows the manometric head plotted against the volumetric flow rate for pumps connected in series while also displaying the single pump characteristics at the same speed. Analysing the pumps, manometric head and volumetric flow rate is inversely proportional. From the graph we can see that the shut off head for the pumps in series were significantly higher at corresponding speeds of that of the single pump characteristic curve. Also, for the pumps connected in series at various speeds of 60, 70 and 80rps graphs showing the hydraulic power, manometric head, and overall efficiency versus the volumetric flow rate. Here we can see in all pumps that the efficiency is much higher than a single pump with the highest single pump efficiency being just below 19% while the series pumps’ lowest efficiency is around 20% while also discharging more fluid at that speed showing that at any point the series configuration is more efficient. At 60rps the trend continues, as manometric head decreased, hydraulic power increased all while the volumetric flow rate increased. while the efficiency increased gradually alongside the hydraulic power showing signs that the pump did not reach maximum output. At 70rps efficiency and hydraulic power characteristics hit a peak and then decrease ultimately resulting in an almost flat horizontal line of best fit as the volumetric flow rate increased. at 80rps there was also a peak and then a descent but much more gradually and the pump maintained a smooth increase in hydraulic power and efficiency while the manometric head decreased more drastically in comparison as the flow rate increased. indicating that the highest efficiency was found but would be easier to 12 maintain that efficiency and discharge than the 70 rps operation of the pump resulting Finally, There were various sources of error which may have affected the accuracy of the experiment. One such error was that the measurements recorded from the pressure gauge was not precise and was experiencing fast repeated up and down movement of the indicator making it hard to have a accurate reading. Another source of error was the reaction time of the experimenter/s starting and stopping the stopwatch. This was when they were recording the flow rate of the water. Their reaction time were off so hence affecting the time recorded and used for the experiment. However, to reduce this error two-time readings were taken and averaged. Pumps in this configuration are very useful in everyday life due to their high head they can be used to overcome high static discharge and pump fluid over long lengths of pipe such as a community water system. They can also be used in industrial plants to pump slurry as this method uses less energy than one large pump. Other efficiencies related to dynamic machines include mechanical efficiency which is effectiveness of the system and casing efficiency. Conclusion In conclusion the total head discharge characteristics, of two identical centrifugal pumps operating at the same speed an in series were determined. And it can be said that two pumps operating in this manner greatly increases the flow rate while maintaining an acceptable efficiency range. 13 References Evans, J. (2017, November 28). Centrifugal Pump Efficiency-What Is Efficiency? Retrieved from Munson, B. (2006). Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons. Calculations 1. Sample calculation for Manometric Head: The water temperature was 26.667 Therefore, calculating the density of water at 28 degrees Using method of Interpolation: y2 − y 1 y − y1 = x2 − x1 x−x1 It was found to be 996.67991 At 60 rps Hm = (P2-P1)/ ρg 𝑘𝑔 Where ρ 996.67991𝑚3 at 26.667 degrees Celsius 𝑘𝑔 Hm = (48968.56pa - 0)/ 996.67991 𝑚3 ∗ 9.784 N/kg Hm = 5.021635487m Hm = (P2-P1)/ ρg 𝑘𝑔 Hm = (48968.56pa – 8978.95)/ 996.67991 𝑚3 ∗ 9.784 N/kg Hm = 4.100860524m Therefore, Combined Manometric Head = = 5.021635487m + 4.100860524m = 9.12m 14 2. Sample calculation for Flow Rate:Q = Volume/ Average time = 0.005/9.39s = 5.325E-04 m3/s 3. Sample calculation the Hydraulic Power: Wh1= Hm1*Q *9.784*996.69771 = 996.69771*9.784*05.325E-04*5.021635487m = 26.07484558 Wh2 = 996.69771*9.784* 4.100860524m * 5.325E-04 Wh2= 21.293721 Combined Hydraulic Power Wh = 21.293721 + 26.07484558 = 47.36856656 4. Sample calculation for Shaft Power: Wsh1 = (0.85*120) = 102 W Wsh2 = (0.85*111) = 94.35 W Combined Shaft Power Wsh = 102+ 94.35 = 196.35 5. Sample Calculation for Calculating Efficiency: ηo= Wh/ Wsh ηo= 47.36856656/196.35 15 ηo= 24.12% Values provided by lecturer 16