Uploaded by Saad El addar

Fishing Sensitisation Report: Tangier Cable Maintenance

Cable Maintenance Ship: RAYMOND CROZE
Service Client: LASRY MAROC
| AMAOCEAN COMPANY | 23/09/2021
Day seven
The department of FLO, does all what it takes to explain this operation nature with every possible
detail that must be received at any expected moment of the entire 24 hours to the port authorities.
Technically, the provided daily awareness actions performed by our FLOs in the port are getting
promising results from fishermen and local authorized departments.
Summary of today’s completed work
The FLO listed a new part of the fishing skiffs that had been sensitised in the port (Tangier)
FLO today explained his movement in the port as a good promising outcome in terms
of the continuation of the daily campaigns launched a week from now.
FLO insisted on the idea of making you pretty much sure about the port general
feedback related to RAYMOND CROZE actual cable maintenance. He described the
overall situation of the port a “helping key” for the awareness campaigns strategy.
A direct connection had been put into fishermen use with our watch boats for extra
coordination concerning the RAYMOND CROZE zone of cable maintenance.
FLO reported that he is doing his best with all possible technics and methods of
sensitisation campaigns to maintain these promising results.
Watch boats updates
• The today update came to our knowledge from both watch boats about the current
RAYMOND CROZE situation is that one boat doing the watch for the floating
equipment, while the other one doing the watch around the RAYMOND CROZE
• The instruction and awareness speech today were to look out seriously to those
positions given to them as coordinates, including the one with floating equipment.
The distance between the floating equipment and RAYMOND CROZE POSITION is
unaccepted area for navigating.
This to be the major targeted issue for tomorrow’s awareness campaign.
The photo provided below is our understanding of the equipment position attached
to the RAYMOND CROZE position too of course accordioning to the watch boats
We will deal with this situation in a smooth way as soon as possible.
NOTE: generally speaking, we request a schedule update in connection with this particular
situation or in general, during this cable maintenance process for perfect follow-up and
Providing FLO services is key, as long as he is capable of understanding the mentality of any part of
fishermen at the port, he can smoothly find flexible ways to earn their trust and have them
collaborating with our company rather than just listening to his speech without respecting its
Mr. Saad El Addar