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Course Companion denition The IB Diploma designed to Programme students of an way IB an and opportunities for books and mirror Each book students a variety are core given IB are each what subject and the IB the IB. encourage wider will a the help study content They in reect deep issues materials Diploma from presenting of to resource They expected while and philosophy the the in of use IB a the understanding and providing a learner theory wide the curriculum range prole of conjunction and Suggestions and viewing of of and the knowledge, in terms resources, IB the Diploma extended essay, (CAS). required book subject. is aims are two-year thinking. service used IB their particular of connections approach; resources. in a requirements, be the of the activity, can of of making mindedness, creativity, in purpose critical whole-course Programme the approach by of international study Companions throughout Programme The a of illustrates subject Course students understanding Diploma that each course gain philosophy of Programme support with other encouraged for additional suggestions for how materials to draw and to and indeed, conclusions further extend from reading research are provided. In on addition, the honesty being the specic Course course protocol. Companions assessment They are provide advice requirements distinctive and and and on guidance academic authoritative without prescriptive. IB mission statement The International knowledgable more To peaceful this end education These IB to and caring world the organizations Baccalaureate and through works develop rigorous programmes active, with their with aims to people develop who intercultural schools, challenging inquiring, help to create understanding governments programmes of and a better and and respect. international international assessment. encourage compassionate, people, young and students lifelong differences, can across learners also be the who world to become understand that other right. iii The IB learner Prole The aim who, the of all IB programmes recognizing planet, strive to help their to is to common create a develop humanity better and internationally and more shared peaceful minded people guardianship world. IB of learners be: Inquirers necessary learning. They to They sustained develop conduct actively throughout Knowledgable and global and develop their inquiry enjoy their They natural and learning In and They and show this love acquire the skills independence of learning in will be lives. explore signicance. curiosity. research so understanding concepts, doing, across ideas, they a and acquire broad and issues that in-depth balanced have local knowledge range of disciplines. Thinkers and They creatively reasoned, exercise to ethical of modes and of Principled and with They justice, act and personal traditions seeking from Caring of in applying and thinking complex express more than They work with integrity for take one skills critically problems, ideas and language effectively They and make information and and in a variety willingly in and are individuals evaluating a honesty, dignity of with the for a strong individual, their own sense of groups, actions and the them. understand histories, and the responsibility accompany other and the understand respect They that Open-minded in approach others. communities. consequences and They creatively communication. collaboration fairness, and decisions. Communicators condently initiative recognize and open and range of appreciate to the communities. points of their own perspectives, They view, and cultures values, are are and accustomed willing to to grow experience. They and feelings and act to show of empathy, others. make a They positive compassion, have a and personal difference to the respect towards commitment lives of others to the needs service, and to the environment. Risk-takers with explore new defending and emotional and others. Reective limitations balance They in ideas, and understand They experience. unfamiliar and situations have strategies. the and uncertainty independence They are brave of and spirit to articulate in beliefs. They and approach forethought, roles, their Balanced iv They courage give are order to importance achieve thoughtful able to the to and their intellectual, well-being consideration assess support personal of to their understand learning and for themselves own their physical, learning strengths personal and and development. A note on academic honesty What constitutes misconduct? It Misconduct is of vital importance appropriately when After have that all, credit to the information owners property of is used ideas rights. acknowledge owners To of in your (intellectual have an and result information in Misconduct work, it must be based on your original ideas with the work of others oral, Therefore, own used completed language or for all and referred assignments, assessment expression. to, whether must Where in or paraphrase, such or the your is work sources form of sources are Words assessment plagiarism dened of as the another some and support and or may unfair component. collusion. representation of the of person the ways as to your own. avoid The plagiarism: are ideas one’s of another arguments person must be used to acknowledged. direct must Passages that are quoted verbatim must be be appropriately more in, an written use ● quotation or results gaining fully ● or one that student piece following acknowledged. any individual ideas and behaviour or includes Plagiarism of is you advantage work. property) authentic in, enclosed within quotation marks and acknowledged. acknowledged. ● CD-ROMs, email messages, web sites on the How do I acknowledge the work of others? Internet, The the way that ideas of you acknowledge other people is that through you the have use used treated and any the endnotes to be (placed (placed provided at at the the when bottom end you of a quote of a page) document) or or The sources of another are not is need part do of not to a document, provided provide ‘body need assumed to resources listing should or closely summarize Works of of be in a another footnote for knowledge’. footnoted as document. You information That they is, are you include magazines, resources, means that accepted full of A you include used all in a forms work be maps, CDs of part list work. is works use one to how nd the a of of same in they data, material are graphs, must be not your own work. whether or visual music, lm, dance, arts, and where creative use of a part of must acknowledged. a work takes the place, that be of the Collusion of ● The is allowing for dened student. as This your work assessment by supporting misconduct by includes: to be copied another or submitted student duplicating work You Other provide extended that taking essay. forms gives results viewer information. the and/or different diploma assessment requirements. ‘Formal’ several must or for Internet- art. the reader compulsory similar including articles, presentation. as can bibliography and if programs, denitions formal your resources, newspaper should information your must journals. do another should that art, arts, components based media and the ● books, books paraphrase knowledge. Bibliographies the as photographs, and acknowledged theatre information all computer audio-visual, ● from electronic way bibliographies. illustrations, Footnotes other same of ● footnotes and in room, of you of misconduct an unfair another student. unauthorized misconduct falsifying a CAS include advantage Examples material during or an into an any action affects the include, examination examination, and record. v The location of case studies Option A to G 42 17 7 5 38 35 16 21 34 12 45 36 4 64 54 15 55 43 59 51 63 11 19 48 3 25 58 18 33 22 23 62 1 53 30 57 26 20 56 6 13 28 61 2 8 24 5 9 58 50 44 31 60 29 39 49 14 37 40 27 47 52 Option A – Freshwater – Drainage basins 1 2 3 4 Egypt – Aswan Dam Option D – Geophysical hazards 27 China – water diversion Europe – river regimes 28 29 6 7 8 9 10 11 Philippines – Typhoon Haiyan South China sea – geopolitics 31 32 Bangladesh – flow mitigation St Lucia – coastal management USA – oceanside littoral cell 14 Eastern Cape, South Africa – farming in semi-arid areas 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 33 35 23 24 25 26 vi 37 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Greenland – resource nationalism Nepal – Tourism New Mexico, USA – tourism Middle East – resource security Yamal Peninsula, Russia – Sustainable farming in Egypt Sahara – solar energy 47 48 38 39 40 42 43 44 49 China’s theme park Par ticipation in spor t in UK Haiti ear thquake, 2010 Food consumption in the Middle Changing dietary patterns in Brazil Famine in Ethiopia Oxford – tourism hotspot Option G 51 52 National spor ts league in Glastonbury festival Machu Picchu – heritage tourism 53 54 55 Monteverde cloud forest, Changing urban environment – Urban decline in Detroit Urban microclimate, Seoul, South Korea 56 57 Air pollution in Delhi, India Managing air pollution in Mexico City London Olympic Games Venice – urban tourism hotspot Gentrication and relocation in Shanghai Tourism as a national development Tourism in the Maldives – Urban environments Land-use in New York Cape Town, South Africa Killarney National Park 58 59 Costa Rica Urban crime, Iran and Nigeria Urban deprivation and regeneration in Barcelona 60 61 62 63 Protecting Lagos Masdar City Tokyo’s ecological footprint Environmental measures in Chicago Sahel – coping in semi-arid areas Nepal landslides, 2015 Food consumption in Cape Town – Leisure, tourism and spor t strategy – South Africa 41 Epidemiological transition in USA, East South Africa Rosemont Copper, Arizona, USA oil megaproject 22 Reconstructing Haiti HALE in Canada China and Afghanistan Landslides in Sri Lanka, 2016 Option E Switzerland – Gorner Glacier Sahara – climate changes 46 50 34 USA – floods Option C – Extreme environments 13 Urban Landslides, Kalimpong, – The geography of food and health Mt. Sinabung volcano, Indonesia Arctic – geopolitics 36 12 Soufrière Hills, volcano, Montsalvat West Bengal India Option B – Oceans and coastal margins Option F 45 2012 Nile Basin 30 5 Christchurch ear thquake, 2010, 64 Songdo International Business District, South Korea Unit 1 to 6 11 36 7 14 5 25 39 37 40 25 13 21 4 17 1 27 6 32 19 12 25 24 26 23 35 34 38 8 3 18 15 9 33 10 22 28 31 16 35 42 30 29 2 20 Unit 1 – Changing population 1 2 Population distribution in China Population distribution in South Africa 3 4 5 Unit 3 – Global resource consumption and security 18 19 39 Economic growth in Vietnam 40 Food, water and energy security in 41 Hindu Kush Megacity growth – Mumbai Forced migration from Syria Unit 6 – Global risks and resilience 20 Improving food security in Tax avoidance – Apple in Ireland Acid rain in Eastern Canada Maquiladora developments in Mexico 42 Water problems and flower farming South Africa Japan’s ageing population in Kenya 6 7 8 9 China’s one-child policy Pro-natalist policies in Russia Literacy and gender in Kerala Trafcking of Nigerian women to Europe 10 Ethiopia and the demographic dividend Unit 4 – Power, places and networks 21 22 23 24 25 26 Unit 2 – Global climate – vulnerability 27 China – a rising superpower Aid and Bangladesh The Tata Group The Apple Group NAF TA Incheon, South Korea Migration control in the USA and resilience 11 12 13 Negative feedback in Greenland Unit 5 – Human development and The retreat of Swiss glaciers Diversity The destruction of forests in the USA 14 15 16 Climate change and the UK Flooding in Bangladesh 29 30 31 Corporate change mitigation in the Empowering women in Colombia Mapajo Lodge, Bolivia Fair trade pineapples in Ghana The Rana Plaza disaster, Bangladesh Vulnerability and adaptation in Ghana 17 28 32 33 USA Cultural change in Tibet Cultural change in the Andaman Islands 34 Cultural diusion in Seoul, South Korea 35 36 37 38 Shell and Ogoniland, Nigeria Denmark’s immigration laws The “Jungle” in Calais, France Political change in Myanmar vii Unit 1 Contents 1. Option A Changing population Population and economic development Freshwater – Drainage basins patterns 1. Drainage basin 2. Flooding and hydrology ood and and geomorphology mitigation 3. Water scarcity water 4. Water management 388 2 2. Changing 3. Challenges populations and places 396 16 quality and opportunities 409 28 futures 39 Unit 2 Global climate – vulnerability and resilience Option B Oceans and coastal margins 1. Ocean–atmosphere 2. Interactions coastal interactions between oceans and Managing 4. Ocean The causes of 2. The 3. Responding global climate change 426 consequences of global climate change 436 the places 3. 1. 52 to climate change 451 65 coastal margins 79 Unit 3 management futures Global resource consumption 91 and security Option C 1. The Extreme environments characteristics of extreme environments 2. Physical 3. Managing 4. Extreme 1. Global 2. Impacts 107 processes and extreme landscapes 116 environments 3. Option D futures Geophysical hazards systems 164 2. Geophysical hazard 176 3. Hazard 4. Future risks vulnerability Option E and Changing 2. Tourism leisure and adaptation 504 at the 3. Tourism 213 local 1. Global interactions 2. Global networks 3. Human global sport at the international 237 Managing and and and physical global power ows tourism and sport for the future 530 inuences on interactions 552 Human development and diversity 1. Development 2. Changing 3. Local opportunities identities responses to and 569 cultures global 583 interactions Global risks and resilience 1. Geopolitical 2. Environmental 3. Local and and economic risks 615 risks global 627 resilience 639 Index 648 The geography of food and health 1. Measuring 2. Food 3. Stakeholders 4. Future food systems and and in health the food and health 266 spread and food of disease 285 health security 304 and sustainability Option G Preparing for the exam 1. Essay 2. Internal 3. Map writing guidelines 4. Glossary 5. Answers, sample exam papers and mark schemes assessment skills 320 of key terms Urban environments Available The 598 252 Option F 1. 516 225 scale 4. Power, places and networks and scale and stewardship 196 patterns sport resource 487 Unit 6 national in 186 Leisure, tourism and spor t 1. trends Resource Unit 5 resilience changing 469 143 Geophysical and consumption 128 1. risk of in consumption Unit 4 environments’ trends variety of urban environments on: www.oxfordsecondary. 331 co.uk/9780198396031 2. Changing 3. Urban 4. Building future viii urban systems environmental sustainable and 349 social urban stresses systems for 360 Additional see the 374 this case icon: studies are available wherever you O P T I O N A F R E S H W AT E R – D R A I N A G E This Key terms optionl physicl Daae geogrphy encompsses of freshwter the in systems The area drained by a river and its frmework, as tributaries. Feshwate Freshwater includes rivers, lakes, hydrology wetlands, groundwater, glaciers and ice caps. Hdca A conceptual model that describes cce the storage and movement of water between the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and the hydrosphere. Wateshed theme B A S I N S give nd rise It (nd to uvil process lso lnd including lndform the scrce mngement, such s nd dischrge geomorphology nd elements fctors bnkfull covers s the core lkes in study of including the wys the chllenges of tht ooding) (including wter on requiring river the creful freshwter quifers. which processes nd study). resource nd of This humns bodies includes respond mnging the to quntity Also known as the drainage divide, nd qulity of freshwter, s well s this is the imaginary line dening the consequences (whether intended the boundary of a river or stream or unintended, positive or negtive) of drainage basin separating it from mngement within dringe bsins. the adjacent basin(s). The Dschae importnce of integrted plnning is The volume of water passing a emphsised, in ddition to the geopoliticl given point over a set time. consequences Phsca Lack of available water where wate water resource development is scact approaching or has exceeded of growing interntionlly shred Through of students study will this develop pressures wter optionl their on resources. theme, understnding of unsustainable levels; it relates processes, plces, power nd geogrphicl availability to demand and implies possibilities. They will lso gin understnding that arid areas are not necessarily of other concepts including systems (the water scarce. hydrologicl Ecc Lack of water where water is wate available locally, but not accessible scact for human, institutional or nancial to tckle cycle), ooding) ood nd mitigtion wter (ttempts security. capital reasons. Key questions St A graph showing how a river hdaph changes over a shor t period, such 1. How do physicl dringe bsin processes systems nd inuence lndforms? as a day or a couple of days. 2. Fd How do physicl both increse nd humn fctors A discharge great enough to (excerbte) nd reduce cause a body of water to overow (mitigte) ood risk for different places? its channel and submerge 3. Wht re the vrying powers of surrounding land. different stkeholders mngement 4. Wht re the mngement in reltion to wter issues? future possibilities intervention in for dringe bsins? 1 1 Drainage basin hydrology and geomorphology The drainage basin as an Conceptual understanding open system Ke est A How nd do physicl processes inuence dringe bsin systems drainage which lndforms? basin wter trnsferred strem. It is n supplied to the re by precipittion ocen, includes ll of within lke the or re is lrger tht Ke ctet is ● The dringe bsin (precipittion (evportion n open vrying nd throughow, (including of s type system, nd trnspirtion), overlnd vegettion, ow soil, nd with ows bse quifers Dringe inputs intensity), (lso outputs nd nd the stores cryosphere). River nd dischrge chnnel nd its reltionship shpe/hydrulic to strem ow of River processes of erosion, Some rdius. trnsporttion nd sptil nd temporl including fctors chnnel tht inuence chrcteristics A.2 Afric. The formtion wterflls, of typicl oodplins, river lndforms menders, levees is bsins rther dividing like wter nother. bsins shows In occur of dringe nd in delts. the Some roof, – djcent the re extremely mjor lrge. dringe contrst, very smll bsins dringe good inlnd exmple. depression endorheic bsin in smll strems ner the sesonlity. including is or wtersheds their nd source ● gutter by divides) wtershed sloping dringe bsins opertion, divided seprting The tributries. deposition, for nd its (velocity) Figure ● re nd dringe lines the one river s A.1). top bsins known (Figure into ● by imginry (inltrtion, ow) drined on or Others for closed Figure A.2 is Arthur’s rivers do not exmple. Figure nd Pss drin rech These drainage n river. bsins iterranean ed M of region into the the se dringe basins . exmple A.3 n shows wtersheds The of New se but – strems Zelnd. the drin bsins re Okvngo endorheic some for Nile into n clled dringe bsin. S e a d e h s r e t a W Tropic of Cancer A Watershed Niger Nile Roof Key Drainage basin A Drainage basin B Gutter Congo-Zaire Equator Atlantic Indian Ocean The watershed is like the top of a Ocean roof – water that falls on one side of the roof ows in one direction, Zambezi into one set of gutters and drains (the drainage basin, its rivers Inland drainage B and streams). On the other House Watersheds side of the watershed (which is A Sahara B Kalahari Desert Tropic Orange 500 1,000 normally high ground), the water Desert drains in a dierent direction. Fe A .1: Drainage basins and watershed 2 Fe A .2: Major drainage basins in Africa km of Capricorn 1 D r A i n A g E b A S i n H y D r o l o g y A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y Fe A .3: A small drainage basin: Ar thur ’s Pass, New Zealand 39 C 38 695 m (6) 955 989 37 1310 36 1296 1669 1762 Activity 1 35 Compare the drainage basins of the rivers at A, B and C in A Hui 1846 Figure A.3. Spur 34 78 80 79 81 82 Key (20) Hut Native (bunks) forest Scrub Tramping track Tramping route Tramping route, Activity 2 Shingle lightly Scree marked 1. Identify three stores and three processes in the 0 1 2 3 4 5 drainage basin system. km 2. Explain why drainage basins are considered to The drainage basin as an open system, including the be open systems. major ows and stores The hydrological biosphere, – the cycle tmosphere, dringe bsin refers to the lithosphere (Figure A.4) – cycle nd of wter between hydrosphere. At the locl Fe A .4: Drainage basin hydrology scle the P P CP cycle hs (PPT), single nd two input, mjor precipittion losses P T P Soil (outputs), E evpotrnspirtion third output, (EVT) lekge, nd my run-off. lso A occur from bsins. The Rock Aeration Zone the deeper dringe s it subsurfce bsin llows the to system is other n movement open of OF system energy TF er at W ble ta River Zone nd of Saturation mtter Wter cross cn be its boundries stored t (Figure number of A.5). GWF stges Key or levels include within the vegettion, cycle. These surfce, soil stores Saturated P groundwter stores re nd linked wter by chnnels. number rock and soil Inltration OF Overland ow (very fast) moisture, of Precipitation T Transpiration Water E Direct TF Throughow (quick) These movement ows. evaporation intercepted CP Channel precipitation of precipitation GWF Groundwater ow (baseow) (slow) 3 1 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE PRECIPITATION BA SINS Inputs Channel Interception precipitation 1. Precipitation VEGETATION Stemflow & The min input into the dringe bsin is throughfall Overland SURFACE Floods Infiltration Capillary rise rinfll, nd snow, trnsfer Precipittion frost, of hil moisture includes nd in dew. the It ll is forms the of conversion tmosphere to the .5 Interflow 3. precipitation. EGAROTS LENNAHC 2. flow SOIL lnd. MOISTURE Percolation The ffect min locl chrcteristics hydrology of precipittion tht re: Capillary Base rise Evaporation 4. flow GROUND- WATER ● the ● intensity ● type ● geogrphic ● vribility. Recharge totl mount of precipittion Transpiration Leakage EVAPORUNOFF (snow, rin nd so on) TRANSPIRATION Transfer Output Storage distribution nd Input Fe A .5: Drainage basin hydrology – a systems approach Other inputs trnsfer could schemes include nd the irrigtion use of wter, deslinted wter wter. Outputs Evaporation Evportion solid of is solid wter) most nd the to wter losses be they Fctors will ffecting humidity the the nd most the colour in of which It the dry in ice ses. It is Evportion nd conditions. nd or nd tmosphere. Evportion semi-rid climtes include such speed. Of fctor. s temperture, these, Other vilble, surfce liquid conversion (snow, nd evportion wter the regions. inuences the is conditions rid polr wind of in clm importnt mount nd cold, be by gs. ocens wrm, greter meteorologicl is vpour under will precipittion from under decreses process into liquid importnt increses thn is chnged temperture fctors vegettion (lbedo or include cover reectivity of surfce). Evapotranspiration Trnspirtion escpes nd of from enters the evportion referred to represents is s the process living plnts, tmosphere. nd by which minly The re most importnt vpour leves, combined trnspirtion evpotrnspirtion the wter the effects normlly (EVT). spect of EVT wter loss, Pht A .1: Soil erosion leads to ccounting for the loss of nerly 100 per cent of the nnul precipittion soil compaction and increased in rid res nd 75 per cent in humid res. Only over ice nd snow overland ow elds, purely 4 bre rock slopes, evportive desert losses res, occur. wter surfces nd bre soil will 1 D r A i n A g E b A S i n H y D r o l o g y A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y Potential evapotranspiration (P .EVT) The distinction (P .EVT) lies in between the evpotrnspirtion unlimited exmple, becuse high there mm, In is of s of EVT in thn loss the 250 tht soil mm experienced be in of use rte rin Egypt, if dpted of to occur by in the Potentil if is less is rinfll 2,000 help ws ws mm. tht them s tht 250 given high wter. The ffect n For thn However, evporte those there vegettion. Egypt the to there ll evpotrnspirtion nnully. het rte include hve would for sufcient evpotrnspirtion plnts potentil availability. evpotrnspirtion would some nd moisture wter evpotrnspirtion ddition, such the wter less there potentil ffecting is ctul tempertures 2,000 the supply the ctul concept mm, the s, sy, Hence fctors evportion. reduce moisture loss, ccti. Flows Inltration Inltrtion soil. be The is the process inltration bsorbed Inltrtion by soil cpcity by which capacity in is given decreses wter the soks into mximum or rte is t bsorbed which by rin the cn condition. with time during period of rinfll, until −1 more or less constnt vlue is reched. Inltrtion rtes of 0–4 mm / −1 hour snd re some For rinfll my s Plnt it on picks roots vriety 10 up is (pre-existing levels rindrop nd size down soils hve ne the nd soil slope speed t similr orgnic for to mm/hour This which cids overlnd of moisture), from re common becuse t occurs, covered by it the surfce. inltrtion vegettion, wter on intercepts is rtes chemiclly vegettion nd soil. (percolines). run-off rinfll, soil is rrives Inltrted percoltion durtion it impct soils recorded. relted s 3–12 inltrtion. rin-splsh On been chnnels such of wheres where mm/hour. inversely fctors soils increses minerls provide of cly lso slows bre mm/hour Inltrtion nd rech 50–100 rich on Vegettion exmple, rtes of common soils. nd is inuenced ntecedent porosity, soil vegettion by moisture cover, ngle. Overland ow Overland surfce. It ow (surface occurs in two ● when precipittion ● when the In res run-off elds. high, of is By soil high contrst, most ow ow it to (lines to the (ll wter the occurs close pore nd clerly precipittion in prt to owing increses of the ows over the lnd’s slightly of low is through wter re res low nd the ow following It is nd river soil wet in wter). overlnd cultivted inltrtion is chnnels. in tht with cpcity, nd nturl between discharge river. lled inltrtion semi-rid strems river’s bed rte spces intensity concentrted into tht inltrtion intensity seen wter of the seeping lthough is where refers refers groundwter ow This overlnd percolines Base sturted is wys: exceeds precipittion common. Throughow nd is run-off) min is soil pipes horizons). provided reltively by constnt period. 5 1 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Stores Vegetation Interception There ● re refers three ● ● which down the Interception less from surfce cerels trees in wter – wter loss of or cught is retined bsorbed tht either leves, tht by flls twigs trickles with thn grss prticulr, intercept is nd stored by vegettion. by plnt the through or surfces nd which is plnt gps in the vegettion stems long twigs nd brnches nd nlly trunk. vries the tht wy from min tht components: wter grsses re in – drops stemow is – evported throughfall or wter min interception lter to different from shoots. From interception more thn types deciduous vegettion. griculturl increses deciduous of woodlnd trees with in Interception owing crops, crop winter, to the nd density. but this smller from Coniferous is reversed summer. Soil Soil moisture refers to wy, tht the the rnge occurs. is, of The refers to mount the of sturtion moisture wilting subsurfce wter or held ner content point in wter the sturtion. in which denes the in soil the soil. fter Wilting permnent pproximte Field excess point drins refers wilting limits capacity wter of to to plnts plnt growth. Aquifers Groundwter downwrds percoltion. very slow, chlk, it within or my solid in some be rocks of sesonlly. It precipittion. The out s known up hundred to 4 km freshwater dys or yers. hs by where up of the known winter zone. of is the s the table . following Most rock hs my phretic The nd been zone zone. wter The tble levels sesonlly is be nd sturted incresed wetted it s this limestone groundwter but slowly known permnently water surfce, into to It ccounts However, while tmospheric my the tking not be relling extrcted not The is the moves this crboniferous sesonlly importnt. refers – found found t of dries within depths of surfce. Erth. been is in is the groundwter or s ertion very the s loclly. tht evportion rechrge Aquifers nd is on Recharge renewble gret the such higher Wter bedrock permebility sediments metres weeks, dried is wter. the the known zone beneth Groundwter recycled is on fst, nd this into rocks, quite vries is subsurfce soil Depending lyer few to the upper 6 refers from by of 96.5 moisture wter per soil recycled humn plce, for some in groundwter within for ctivity. cent s long pores in ll my be mtter s where Hence, is of moisture the some considered of 20,000 wter plces, non- resource. (rocks reservoir limestone. tht of contin wter. The signicnt Aquifers wter in re quifers quntities permeble moves of rocks very wter) such slowly provide s nd sndstone cts 1 s nturl regultor in D r A i n A g E b A S i n H y D r o l o g y A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y Aquifer the recharge hydrologicl cycle by area bsorbing Major rinfll tht would Intermittent strems rpidly. In discharge area Months Unsaturated rech perennial otherwise ddition, discharge area zone Artesian quifers mintin strem ow discharge during wter long ow shown by dry periods. reches the the Where surfce dischrge res Minor perennial discharge (s area area in Years A.6) springs my be Y Figure found. De ca de s These my be substntil enough Ce to become or river. the source of ntur Millennia ies strem Aquitards Groundwter result ● rechrge occurs s (a) In humid regions of: inltrtion of prt of the totl Aquifer precipittion t the ground recharge area surfce ● seepge through the Minor bnks perennial discharge nd bed bodies lkes ● of surfce such nd s area wter ditches, rivers, ocens groundwter lekge nd Decades inow nd ● from djcent rocks Centuries Aquitard quifers rticil rechrge from Near irrigtion, reservoirs nd Millennia aquiclude so (b) In semi-arid regions on. Fe A .6: Groundwater sources Cryosphere The of cryosphere the of the is the snow freshwter world’s wter nd is in is slt ice the environment. form wter, of so snow there Up nd is to ice. 66 per (Over limited cent 97 supply per L TA cent world’s of Research and communication skills freshwter res my sesonlly vilble hve to to humns.) importnt produce stores mjor High of ltitude snow chnges in nd the regions ice. bsin nd Some of high this hydrologicl ltitude my melt 1. cycle. Reserch nd the ows min stores dringe River discharge River time re discharge (Figure of slopes A.7). river should Velocity rpids. lso is or the strem led Dischrge volume Dischrge to is by s of is wter found the higher increses for men velocities strem normlly pssing by given multiplying velocity of becuse moves expressed of from in the the pools cubic point the over 2. low per of grvity. 3. to how cquire Prepre physicl or nd the nd nmed bsin. informtion grdient second, Explin you Steeper inuence metres set cross-sectionl wter. of ny quntify this in mp the eld. showing bckground vribles tht 3 m /sec (cumecs). ffect in Dischrge (Q) normlly nd velocity. By The increse in tht of chnnel increses contrst, chnnel depth. downstrem, chnnel width Lrge roughness downstrem rivers with s does decreses is normlly higher width width, your nd chosen stores bsin. depth (Figure greter to ows A.8). thn depth (w:d) 4. Explin how ctivities the humn impct upon bsin. 7 1 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R Cross-sectional area Cross-sectional area Discharge bankfull stage DR A IN A GE velocity distance Velocity at = – × cross-sectional area (m) = = time BA SINS m /sec (sec) Upstream Downstream Discharge Occupied channel width Flow Water width n e L Bankfull depth quantity h t g Load . g . e Width particle size m 0 1 Load Channel Depth Wetted roughness perimeter bed Fe A .8: The Bradshaw model of channel variables Fe A .7: Discharge in a river rtio re since cpcity lod. more less efcient energy increses Although smller is nd thn spent nd river in smller lower grdients therefore rivers overcoming esier grdient is decrese to with friction. lower Thus required to downstrem, w:d the rtio crrying trnsport the lod the crried is trnsport. Stream ow Water ow in rivers Hydrulics to two is min frictional the do shape its ow eddying. llows ● the is not the lifting turbulent high ● cvittion best nd to pools in It or nd the uniform. support occur chnnel. bnk, of Wter downstrem which water mount of ow ow, is subject nd opposes the ow within chnnel energy strem nd hs to the of It is turbulent, upwrd ne motion prticles. in The chotic the nd ow conditions which necessry re: shpes nd which is lthough such s mendering chnnels nd rifes it ● smooth, ● low pockets ow is common cn conditions shllow for the in occur of ir explode movement groundwter in the lminr bed ow in of under wter nd the in high in pressure. series glciers, lower course of but of sheets not re: chnnels stright on ow chnnels the lone bed. occurred in rivers, ll of the sediment in river. velocities. lminr remin 8 bed volume ffect provides lminr lmine). ● If the in cuses velocities contrst, rivers, stedy chnnel ● The ow which the channel ow lternting (or with ddition, Turbulence complex By wter work. Wter for of In of gravity, resistance downstrem. the study forces: would 1 When wter visible to velocity more nd velocities the eye increses, turbulent. re (except the low, t turbulence the bnks). hydrulic Turbulence is D r A i n A g E is As rdius b A S i n reduced wter nd levels increses, therefore H y D r o l o g y nd product of not rise, the A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y redily men strem chnnel ppers roughness velocity. Velocity The effect of friction strem. Wter nerest the bout centre third resistnce). chnnels the bed; of mximum vries grdient the bnk The (t is number the fctors: depth is ffects deep implictions of it is thus velocity. nd erosion volume nd shpe of of In surfce symmetric slightly wter; mid-strem by nd in wter under deposition. roughness of chnnel. River Channel shape velocity while ffected bnk for of slowest, velocity surfce lso nerer width, distribution trvels highest the chnnel importnt strem; uneven nd fstest. down of n bed velocity hs with of crete the wy shpe This to to trvels the The surfce. Velocity is closest 3 level Flood – high friction 3 2 The efciency of strem’s shpe is mesured 2 by its re hydraulic divided A.9). The by radius, the higher the wetted the rtio, Bankfull cross-sectionl perimeter the more (low 1 (Figure – maximum efficiency 1 friction) Below bankfull – high friction efcient Shape the loss strem is. is The nd idel the smller form is the frictionl Stream semicirculr. A Stream 2 There is close reltionship between 4 velocity, m 2 2 Cross-section 4 B m Cross-section area = 24 m m m 2 area = 24 m 12 dischrge nd the chrcteristics of the Inefficient 6 chnnel include in depth, hydrulic is which good the wter width, geometry. mesure owing. chnnel The of is Very efficient (low relative the chnnel is lso determined by friction) Wetted perimeters friction) Hydraulic radius shpe Stream of relative nd rtio The (high m These roughness width:depth comprison. m A A: the 24 mteril Solid forming rock lluvium the llows llows chnnel only rpid slow nd river chnges, chnges. Silt forces. 14 wheres nd Stream B B: cly 24 16 produce steep, mteril being snd nd deep, nrrow cohesive grvel nd promote vlleys stble), wide, (the ne wheres shllow Fe A .9: Hydraulic radii chnnels. Channel roughness Chnnel wter. roughness Friction boulders, nd the trees bed is nd nd cuses cused friction, by vegettion, bnk. which irregulrities nd Mnning’s slows in contct n is the down river between formul tht the velocity of the bed, the wter Tae A .1: Channel roughness and velocity describes bed pe the reltionship between chnnel roughness 2/3 R v nd Sad ad Case ave ave bdes Uniform 0.02 0.03 0.05 Undulating 0.05 0.06 0.07 Irregular 0.08 0.09 0.10 velocity: 1/2 S = n where v = velocity, roughness. shown in The Tble R = higher hydrulic vlue of n, rdius, the S = slope rougher the nd bed, n = s A.1. 9 1 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS A B Key Mean annual run-off (mm) >1,000 600–1,000 400–599 200–399 50–199 <50 Fe A .10: Global variations in mean annual run-o/basin area Mean annual discharge Activity 3 A useful sttistic is the men nnul dischrge divided by the dringe Study Figure A.10 which shows bsin re. This gives depth-equivlent dischrge (tht is, how much global variations in the mean wter runs off the surfce for ech re). The vlues rnge from over annual run-o. 1. What is meant by the depth-equivalent discharge? 1,000 mm terms of for the Amzon river to 31 mm for the Colordo river. In 3 (Some bsolute 700 m dischrge, upstrem the from its Amzon mouth is it highest is 2.5 t km 230,000 wide nd m 60 /sec. m deep!) 3 Second is the Zire river t 40,000 m /sec, while the Mississippi is just 3 2. Describe the patterns 18,000 m /sec. Even in ood, the dischrge of the Mississippi hs only 3 shown in Figure A.10. 3. once reched 57,000 m /sec. Using an atlas, suggest Processes of erosion, transportation reasons for: a. the value at location A, and deposition and . the value at location B. Erosion Corrasion lod is or crried the result, mechnicl of the but strem. energy of Abrsion river. the of is is the terms re produced most rivers impcting s wering Techniclly brsion increses Attrition 10 In of the squre smller, impct effectiveness the abrasion by used by it is prticles velocity of is the the bed debris the eroding principl on the nd the increses mens resistnce bnk nd bed of of energy nd is the The hrdness is the bnks erosion. the by brsion Corrsion the concentrtion, (kinetic nd process interchngebly. the depends wy corrsion nd bedrock. proportionl velocity). the rounder wering wy prticles. of the lod crried by river. It cretes to 1 Hydraulic nd of in ir It of rock. to the force the uids n of up importnt ccompnied ir occurs velocities is of direct nd by of bubbles 130 on in the sides wter drops nd implode m/sec. process H y D r o l o g y owing pressure s to b A S i n wter force ccelerte, Cvittion with Cvittion generlly As form. wter is includes exploding. bubbles jets action crcks. D r A i n A g E nd my nd These rpids of nd cn A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y rivers the force cuse eject ir tiny dmge wterflls, solid nd is brsion. Hydraulic Corrosion especilly of or solution clcium. corrosion re The is the key bedrock, removl fctors solute of chemicl controlling the concentrtion of ions, action rte the Attrition strem wter, dischrge nd velocity. Mximum rtes Solution of corrosion occur where fst-owing strems pss over Abrasion soluble There rocks re such s number chlk of nd fctors limestone. ffecting rtes of erosion including: Fe A .11: Types of erosion ● Load – the hevier nd shrper the lod, the greter the potentil for erosion ● Velocity erosion – ● Gradient ● Geology esily pH ● Human the of – – the velocity, the greter the potentil for A.13) incresed soft, rtes of grdient increses unconsolidted solution impact nturl rocks the such rte s of snd erosion nd grvel re ow – re incresed deforesttion, of river nd when dms the nd frequently wter bridges end up is more cidic interfere incresing with the rte erosion. Erosion (plus greter eroded ● – the (Figure by the other upper river will wethered vlley sides) is provide mteril crried loose tht by the mteril. hs moved river s its This eroded downslope mteril from the lod. Transpor t The ● lod The is trnsported smllest downstrem prticles (silts nd in number clys) re of wys crried in (Figure A.12). suspension s the ! suspended ✗ ● Lrger Common mistake lod. prticles (snds, grvels, very smll stones) re trnsported Some tht series of “hops” s the sltted students cly Pebbles ● In re shunted long the bed s the bed or trcted of dissolved clcreous rock, mteril is crried in solution s the lod. Flottion is is erode smll very ● the process by esy to erode which mterils, such s it is so smll. lod. ✓ Cly res is lod. becuse ● believe in leves difcult becuse tht it to it is tends cohesive (it so to be sticks nd together). occsionlly The lod of strem crry, of bodies, river refers while the re vries to the crried with the dischrge lrgest competence on mount refers to surfce nd of the of river. velocity. debris tht dimeter of The cpcity strem the cn lrgest 11 1 OPTION A Aeolian airfall F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE and BA SINS Slope failure Bank caving Key material 1 Mostly clay and 2 Mostly sand 3 Mostly gravel silt and cobbles Suspension Suspended load Dissolved load Suspended dissolved Suspension 1 Settling and load plume Turbulent Ballistic 3 entrainment Deposition impact Rolling Sliding 3 Saltation 2 Bedload Fe A .12: Types of transpor t 1,000 prticle tht )ces/mc( velocity Particles is cn the be crried. lowest The velocity criticl t which erosion grins eroded 100 of given wofl between 10 size cn these Hjulström be moved. vribles curve is The reltionship shown (Figure A.13). by mens For of exmple, fo yticoleV Particles carried snd if Particles already cn be moved more esily thn silt or deposited eroded cly s ne-grined prticles tend to be more 1 cohesive. grvel High nd velocities cobbles re becuse required of their to move lrge size. The 0.1 criticl 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 Size Clay Silt of 10 particle Sand 100 tend to be n re rther thn 1,000 stright (mm) line on the grph. Gravel There velocities Fe A .13: Hjulström cur ves re three importnt fetures of Hjulström curves. ● The smllest nd lrgest prticles require high velocities to lift them. Activity 4 For Study Figure A.13 which shows of the HjulstrÖm curve. 500 exmple, round 100 mm/sec lift due cly to its to be 0.1 mm entrined, (0.01 m) nd cohesion, nd mm compred grvel grvel 1 (over due to its require with 2 velocities vlues mm). of Cly over resists weight. Describe the work of the river when sediment size is 1 mm. 2. between mm/sec to entrinment 1. prticles Comment on the relationship between ● Higher ● When those velocities velocity prticles re flls re required below for entrinment certin level thn (settling or for trnsport. fll velocity) deposited. velocity, sediment size and river process when the river Deposition −1 is moving at 0.5 m/sec There re number ● of cuses shllowing nd ● ● n River decrese in increse processes seson, nd width of such grdient s: which decreses velocity the in the vry when my volume friction of between sesonlly. the velocity increse. wter Some is in wter rivers greter, Monsoonl the chnnel nd hve depth rivers chnnel. cler increses erode nd Pht A .2: Erosion and deposition is highly seasonal at Myrdalsjohkull in Iceland 12 deposition energy wet of 1 tht ow it more ows in spring deposits nd sediment from its the vry the seson. river to snow in humn the longer rivers, such but lod hve Once brided ctivity dm hs H y D r o l o g y Icelnd, melt. reshping behind no Some glcier spring nd due deposition s wet the forming my increses downstrem in Solheimjokull following lod, deposition dms the b A S i n – the s g E o m o r P H o l o g y river drops, Prepre Erosion building of Communication skills high dischrge encourges to the very chnnel. the A n D L TA crry D r A i n A g E two-minute presenttion lrge Hjulström on the curve. erosion crry. The formation of typical river landforms Formation of waterfalls Key Waterfalls 1 Hydraulic 2 Abrasion impact 4 Soft Wterflls frequently rock rock soft hard fragments 3 Lack of 4 Weight occur Hard on of rock by River horizontlly support by soft rock 3 bedded rocks. The of water unsupported soft rock is 1 by hydrulic Broken ction brsion A.14). of the of the Soft rock lso be hard rock 2 (Figure nd Pht A .3: The Axara Falls at Thingvellir, support nd to retret. form formed Over gorge by Fe A .14: Formation of waterfalls Iceland wterfll collpse enough to pieces weight wter lck cuse to The the rock collapse of nd causes hard undercut the or thousnds recession, collpse of of yers such s t the wterfll Nigr my Flls. retret Gorges cn cve. Floodplain Line Oxbow of bluffs lake Levees Flood plains Terrace The min fetures menders, plins re when river generlly the size, cover s nd only low oods of the deposition oxbow of mixture outside deposition in levees, res of lkes relief (Figure of of nd nd brs. low-mgnitude smll prt of nd ood plins, delts. formed A.15). snd mender series re by The lluvium grvel, built Flood Flood deposition eroded up by plins chnnel vry high-frequency the ood is on gretly oods plin. Bedrock Silt and sand Sand and gravel Meanders Mendering is the norml behviour of uids nd gses Fe A .15: Flood plains in motion.Menders cn occur on vriety of mterils, from Pht A .4: The Por t Meadow ood plain in ice Oxford, UK tosolidrock. where chnnel sitution cn Mender slope, where spred its development dischrge mendering energy over is the nd the occurs lod only entire in conditions combine wy length tht of to the the crete strem chnnel. Levees One of A.17). ner the most These the re prominent formed chnnel, while by the deposits the re levees deposition ner deposits of (Figure corse re mteril crried out 13 1 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Development Bluff of a meander through time line (a) Bluff (b) (c) line Floodplain Former of Valley is positions point Sinuosity bar is: widened Direction Pool actual Pool by lateral erosion Riffles of flow Deposition on channel straight convex the B bank velocity length inside/ line distance where is Riffle least 2 In time the meander B migrates 3 –forms B down its floodplain in a point bar Original this course direction Pool formed concave and Oxbow adjacent bank erosion where are to outside/ the velocity greatest lake 5 times the Point B bedwidth one 2 bar B Former wavelength 3 B positions Deposition results the meander usually in of point bar 10 Erosion times former the bedwidth being from A river is exceeds three blocked main said 1.5. nature of to be The major off Pool river meandering wavelength factors: the bed channel and of when its sinuosity meanders width, is ratio dependent discharge, and on Line of the main current (THALWEG) banks. Fe A .16: Formation of meanders 1 into the the ood edge of ooding River level in of plin. river. the Levees They river. re re When rised formed the bnks by river t repeted oods its speed Deposition flood is reduced. This is becuse it is slowed down by the 2 vegettion it hs to hevier on the ood deposit some mteril rst plin. of its nd As lod. the its It speed drops ner, is reduced the lighter corser, mteril 3 lst. up This from while mens corse the tht over mteril, ood plin centuries such consists s of the snd ne levees nd silt build grvel, nd cly. The 4 levees thn on the the Yngtze ood river re up to 20 m higher plin. Levee Raised riverbed 5 Deltas When it 1 When the coarsest finer river load load floods, (gravel (silt and it and clay) bursts sand) further its banks. closer to It deposits the bank my strem form 3, 4. The This river continues has built over up a long raised and formed the time, banks for called stnding A.18). body For of delts wter to be river needs to Deposition is crry lrge incresed if volume the of wter is centuries. levees, consisting s Fe A .17: Formation of levees so rte of this cuses slt prticles to group together ( of process into (Figure away. slty, 5 ows delt its sediment. 2, deposition by they termed re slowing occulation) deposited. down the nd Vegettion wter, become lso process hevier, increses known the s bioconstruction. Deposition regulr (the bottom-set ngled the top wedges wide type exmple 14 beds). of tidl the of the deposits. rpid The beds), There or re uvil nd the strem re corsest vriety processes the in deposits deposits the wide including Nile) Mississippi). nd drop nest medium-grde shpes, exmple the of beds), mrine, vriety (for becuse (fore-set (top-set whether occurs succession projecting There removed deposited s steep- is of depending delts deposited Similrly, shoreline bird’s of foot is furthest mteril dominte. curving velocity. re there the t upon re arcuate type (for 1 D r A i n A g E b A S i n H y D r o l o g y Sea T op-set beds (coarse deposits) Fore-set beds or A n D g E o m o r P H o l o g y lake Bottom-set (finest beds material) Fe A .18: Formation of deltas Concepts in contex t In this section, processes include ow, hve in precipittion, seen re lso depends on The climte incresingly, nd of ctul These erosion, relief energy. Others, trnsport tht processes much trnsport overlnd interception. process geology, humn The mny bsins. inltrtion, processes deposition. how dringe evpotrnspirtion There nd we operte occurs In the in my operte Some s sections dringe such require deposition, hve lower in processes, evportion such upper grvity thn nd, or tht where greter lot require bsins s of less grdients inuence use erosion, energy. energy. re on steep, rivers sections. ctivities. Check your understanding 1. Dene the term “dringe bsin” 6. nd Dene (c) 2. Explin why considered 3. Describe dringe A.5) the to how be bsin differs hydrologicl n open systems tht of cycle cn pproch cycles of the Briey 8. With the (Figure is the evidence 5. (d) hydrologicl interception, (b) groundwter, evportion, (e) bse ow. explin the use the of formtion n of formtion of wterflls. nnotted digrm explin levees. grphicl of erosion in: () Outline the min processes in the formtion nd (b) Describe how the between upstrem lowlnd lod nd of delts. n 10. river () (A.4). of uplnd inltrtion, 7. 9. Wht following be system. hydrologicl from representtion 4. the chrcteristics: “endorheic”. Describe the min chrcteristics of n quifer. river? river vries downstrem. 15 2 Flooding and ood mitigation Hydrographs and variations in discharge Conceptual understanding Hydrographs A Ke est storm responds How do physicl fctors t (excerbte) risk (mitigte) for key or ood processes hydrograph of the shows hydrologicl how cycle. It river chnnel mesures which rin flling on dringe bsin reches the river the chnnel. is grph different on which river dischrge during storm or run-off event is nd plotted reduce the both It increse to nd speed humn hydrograph ginst time (Figure A.19). ood places? Rising ● limb: indictes the mount of dischrge nd the speed t which it is Ke ctet incresing ● Hydrogrph ● chrcteristics very steep response time, pek ow) nturl on sh ood or in smll dringe bsins where the rpid generlly steep in urbnized ctchments. nd inuences Pek ow or dischrge: hydrogrphs including geology How urbniztion, deforesttion chnnel ● higher ● steep ● t bsin, ctchments hve hve lower high inltrtion inltrtion rtes rtes, so more throughow nd peks. time: risk ● time ● inuenced dringe including distribution, nd bsins modictions ood within lrger ctchments lower nd Lg ffect in nd sesonlity. ● is dischrge, ● bse in (lg intervl between pek rinfll nd pek dischrge its by bsin shpe, steepness, strem order. frequency mgnitude. Runoff: discharge 3 ● Flood in mitigtion cumecs (m /sec) Peak flow or 50 discharge including structurl mesures (dms, 40 chnnel strengthening) levee Rising limb reviR nd ni modiction doofl fforesttion, nd 30 plnning Falling limb or recession (personl insurnce nd Bankfull ood discharge Rainfall peak preprtion, nd ood 20 wrning Attempts t ood ni chnges in forecsting llafniaR prediction, Lag including wether Runoff time 50 mm ● technology). Approach 40 30 or storm segment 10 Throughflow 20 Rainfall 10 Baseflow Time of rise nd 0 uncertinty in climte 12.00 (day 1) 24.00 modelling. 16 Fe A .19: A storm hydrograph (day 2) 12.00 (day 2) 24.00 (day 3) 2 Run-off revels ● where the reltionship inltrtion impermeble ● F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n nd is between low, overlnd ntecedent rinfll strong, ow moisture overlnd nd throughow high, ow surfce will dominte. ow: the seepge rocks ● A n D curve: ● Bse F l o o D i n g hve slow of groundwter high pore movement, into the chnnel – very importnt where spce nd the min, long-term supplier of the river’s behviour of locl dischrge. Recessionl limb: ● inuenced ● lrger by geologicl ctchments hve composition less-steep nd recessionl limbs, likewise quifers tter res. Hydrogrph size ● the higher ● the lrger (re the the under rinfll, bsin the the size, grph): greter the the greter dischrge the dischrge. The inuence of geology In generl, ow, so shorter The ood rivers hve Ock nd rocks lg nd nd Kennet climte. pttern wter time hydrogrphs similr similr pek impermeble shorter re The (nd soils) higher for longer regimes generte ow. river tributries river will pek This regimes of the River for the two more is overlnd true both (Figure Thmes. rivers for A.20). They show of ow in 10.0 ow nd in tht 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 pss 0.6 0.4 prt, 0.4 for 0.2 0.2 between 0.1 the the over ccount the vrition the two two cn, 0.1 J regimes. m 2.0 1.0 in 3 4.0 2.0 ces/ in 6.0 4.0 deguaG terrin rivers 8.0 6.0 lower summer. Differences 10.0 8.0 egrahcsid winter F M A M J A J S O N D 2 The River minly Cly is Ock ows impermeble increses overlnd nd drins n 234.0 km minly rocks, grvels. re It over 40.0 40.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 four tht times lrger drined River Ock. by thn m snds River ows tertiry area 3 over In deguaG Kennet run-off. the Abingdon: ces/ contrst, at cly. egrahcsid nd Ock over 0.0 J F M A M J A J S O N D 2 the Kennet at Theale: area 1,033.4 km Fe A .20: The inuence on geology on ood response 17 2 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS River regimes – the inuence of seasonality Activity 5 The 1. river regime is the sesonl vrition in the ow of river Describe the main (FigureA.21). Arctic strems hve mximum ow in spring, following variations in the river snow melt, wheres monsoonl rivers hve mximum ows following regimes of the Glomma and the summer oods. Vritions in river’s ow depend on mny fctors the Shannon, as shown in suchs: Figure A.21. 2. ● the ● sesonl ● chnges ● vritions mount nd nture of precipittion Referring to Figure A.20, explain how dierences in vritions in temperture nd evpotrnspirtion geology have aected the in vegettion cover river regimes. dringe in rock types, soil types nd the shpe nd size of the bsin. L TA Research skills Of on Find out bout river regime your home resons you for the for re. the identify. these, sesonl chnges in in nnotted climte generlly hve the gretest impct in Suggest pttern Present the in ow. typicl river your Shannon ndings chnges river form of n at Glomma Killaloe 40 40 20 20 at Langnes poster. Rhine at Basel 0 0 40 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D N 20 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D Rhine Loire at at Reas Montjean 40 40 20 20 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Guadalquivir Alcala del at Rhone Ri 40 40 20 20 0 at Beaucaire 1,000 km 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2 Note: All the graphs show specic discharge Fe A .21: River regimes in Europe 18 in l/second per km 2 F l o o D i n g A n D F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n Flood and drought Factors aecting ood risk Normal flow High A ood wter the it is trnsporting chnnel contined which when on occur onto the less river in its ood ood cn longer chnnel. plain. plin often, no close cover The Most to the lrger contin wter ll ows smll oods river. Lrger prt of the the out ecnerrucco of occurs re oods, ood plin. Flood hazard hazard fo Drought recurrence of certin size infrequently. exmple, once intervl occur. Smll is the Very events high-mgnitude every 50 yers, frequency lrge events hppen very with events low-mgnitude events very frequently. low-frequency wheres which hppen ycneuqerF The For might occur high-frequency Catastrophe events my occur every Catastrophe yer. Low Moderate Low Figure A.23 shows the reltionship between ood Magnitude frequency, tht most Dissters lnd ows re ctstrophes use re nd cused re economic contined by cused 200-year flood? 100-year flood loss. within extremes under of very In digrm norml oods extreme () we operting (or High mgnitude, drought) of event see levels. Fe A .22: River ows and recurrence inter vals nd conditions. The distinction a. egrahcsid 50-year (1% annual probability) Catastrophe flood Disaster Losses Resources reviR Drought Severe drought Losses (e.g. 2% (e.g. 0.5% annual frequency) annual frequency) Disaster Time b. 200-year Catastrophe Disaster 100-year 50-year flood flood flood line line line Losses Resources A 200-year flood line 100-year flood line c. 50-year River Low flood main line channel flow Key Residential Open space B Fe A .23: Flood Commercial magnitude, frequency and land use 19 2 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS between disster nd ctstrophe, in the cse of oods, is tht Activity 6 ctstrophes 1. hve higher mgnitude but lower frequency. Describe the relationship There re number of fctors tht inuence ood risk. These re between ood magnitude summrized in Tble A.2. (including drought) and frequency, as show in Figure A.22. 2. The hydrological impact of urbanization Describe the relationship Urbn between ood magnitude re and land use as shown in rods, Figure A.23. A long peak lag Infiltration > Overland Forest flow, time ● shorter lg ● steeper rising ● higher ● steeper overland T F S cibuc( tnuomA 0 0 (gutters, drins, hve: River area peak lag Overland flow > Infiltration Bare flow, time surface increased leads to overland flow flow 30 ,000 A 25 ,000 20 ,000 200 15 ,000 150 10 ,000 100 5,000 few trees left llafniaR cattle chnnels there pvements, )mm( fo dairy sertem 50 for rep 100 5,000 cibuc( tnuomA llafniaR fo sertem 10 ,000 urban short flow and becuse (roofs, limb. reduces Farmland: pasture dringe High trees ones res hydrogrphs of Interception rurl urbn (dischrge) recessionl retaw 150 W ow ni 15 ,000 more Urbn An deciduous arable s from in limb revir rep retaw )mm( ni 200 T well flow flow 20 ,000 different surfces time pek 25 ,000 M s (FigureA.24). )dnoces revir )dnoces River area re impermeble buildings) sewers) rural Low hydrogrphs more 50 0 0 S M T W T F S S Days R i Parent rock rock v R i v Soil e r Soil Parent e r Days Soil eroded. rock in steeper Large floodplain allows drain waters to River a channel flow metres of (can 15 ,000 per hold cubic second) River (can of channel hold 15 ,000 metres Fe A .24: Urban and rural hydrographs Tae A .2: Physical factors aecting ood risk a Town Bare places on slopes built: flow cubic per second) Factor Inuence on ood risk Precipitation type and Highly intensive rainfall is likely to produce overland ow and produce a greater ood. intensity Low-intensity rainfall is likely to inltrate into the soil and percolate slowly into the rock thereby reducing the peak of the ood. Precipitation that falls as snow sits on the ground until it melts. Sudden, rapid melting can cause ooding and lead to high rates of overland ow, and high peak ows. Also, intense rain compacts the ground and reduces inltration. Temperature and Not only does temperature aect the type of precipitation, it also aects the evaporation evapotranspiration rate (higher temperatures lead to more evaporation and so less water getting into rivers). On the other hand, warm air can hold more water so the potential for high peak ows in hot areas is increased. Antecedent moisture If it has been raining previously and the ground is saturated or near saturated, rainfall will quickly produce overland ow and a high peak ood. 20 2 F l o o D i n g A n D F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n Factor Inuence on ood risk Drainage basin size and Smaller drainage basins respond more quickly to rainfall conditions. For example, the shape Boscastle (UK) oods of 2004 drained an area of less than 15 km 2 . This meant that the peak of the ood occurred soon after the peak of the storm. In contrast, the Mississippi river is over 3,700 km long – it takes much longer for the lower par t of the river to respond to an event that might occur in the upper course of the river. Circular basins respond more quickly than linear basins, where the response is more drawn out. Drainage density Basins with a high drainage density – such as urban basins with a network of sewers and drains – ood very quickly. Networks with a low drainage density have a longer time before it oods. Porosity and Impermeable surfaces cause more water to ow overland. This causes greater peak ows. impermeability of rocks Urban areas contain large areas of impermeable surfaces. In contrast, rocks such as chalk and soils and gravel are permeable and allow water to inltrate and percolate. This reduces the peak ow. Sandy soils allow water to inltrate whereas clay is much more impermeable and causes water to pass overland. Slopes Steeper slopes create more overland ow, and higher peak ows. Vegetation type Broad-leafed vegetation intercepts more rainfall, especially in summer, and so reduces the amount of overland ow, peak ow and increases time lag. In winter, deciduous trees lose their leaves and so intercept less rainfall. Land use Land uses which create impermeable surfaces or reduce vegetation cover reduce interception and increase overland ow. If more drainage channels are built (sewers, ditches, drains) the water is carried to rivers very quickly. This means that peak ows are increased and time lags reduced. Urbniztion, oods ● in t for lest cretion of pvements ● smooth exmple, three highly surfces the (Figures impermeble (Photo underground increses wys mgnitude A.25 nd surfces, nd frequency of A.26): such s rods, roofs, A.5) served sewers with increse dense network dringe of drins, gutters nd density 20 ● nturl river chnnels re often constricted by 10 5 2 1 300 0 reducing 120 cibuc 100 r a t i 0 5 200 – 0 4 0 4 – 0 2 0 2 150 100 U n u r b a n iz e d 50 R aerA 2.5 – 0 5 o V a l u e 4 3 o f mrots egrahcsiD 5 40 250 ni( derewes 6 80 60 8 1 cpcity. 0 0 – fcilities 6 riverside 0 or – supports crrying )dnoces/teef their 0 6 bridge % 2 0 1.5 20 0.2 0.5 1.0 Flood recurrence 2.0 interval 5.0 (in 10.0 years) 0 Key 0 20 40 % 60 Area 80 100 Numbers on red lines represent percentage area impervious Fe A .25: Annual ood increments with increasing urban and sewer cover 120 Fe A .26: Flood frequency cur ves for dierent levels of urbanization 21 2 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Urbniztion hs lower This prt is lower of becuse prts conicting of greter dringe more urbn dringe impcts impct bsin on on thn res bsins. processes the re upper found in Urbniztion hydrologicl in the cn processes, the course. hve for exmple: ● incresed erosion due to more wter getting into rivers ● incresed due ● less to speed enlrged erosion due of ow nd trnsport of mterils chnnels to riverbnk protection schemes. Pht A .5: Impermeable surface in an urban area, and ooding from a drain Tae A .3: Potential hydrological eects of urbanization Activity 7 Urbanising inuence Potential hydrological response 1. Describe how urban and Removal of trees and Decreased evapotranspiration and interception; rural ood hydrographs vegetation increased stream sedimentation. Initial construction of houses, Decreased inltration and lowered groundwater streets and culver ts table; increased storm ows and decreased dier, as shown in Figure A.24. 2. Explain why urban and base ows during dry periods. Sedimentation rural ood hydrographs continues while bare ground is still exposed. dier. 3. Figure A.25 shows the mean annual ood Complete development of Decreased porosity, reducing time of run- residential, commercial and o concentration, thereby increasing peak industrial areas discharges and compressing the time increments with increasing distribution of the ow; greatly increased urban cover and sewerage volume of run-o and ood damage potential. facilities. The ratio R shows Construction of storm drains Local relief from ooding; concentration of and channel improvements oodwaters may aggravate ood problems the factor by which the ood level has increased downstream. (for instance, when R = 3, ood levels have tripled). Describe what happens Deforestation to ood levels as the Deforesttion cn urbniztion. As hve n impct on ood hydrogrphs similr to tht of propor tion of impervious Figure A.27 shows, the presence of vegettion increses land increases and the interception, reduces overlnd ow nd increses evpotrnspirtion. number of storm sewers In contrst, deforesttion reduces interception, increses overlnd ow increases. nd 4. Using the data in Figure reduces shorter time evpotrnspirtion. lgs nd higher This pek cuses ood hydrogrphs to hve ows. A .26, describe and This increses the ood risk in deforested res. The risk of higher explain the changes that mgnitudes, greter frequencies nd reduced recurrence intervls occur in the magnitudes increses when the vegettion cover is removed. and frequency of ood discharge as urbanization increases. Deforesttion in chnnel the of silt in high 22 cuse This However, for prts combintion unstble lso cpcity. chnnel. Himlys, is of the high terrin. irrespective of to in is ood n not run-off increse lwys ooding nd Gnges-Brhmputr monsoon ensures the due evidence chnges lower This incresed occurs the exmple, of of rins, tht vegettion steep run-off cover. slopes is in nd deposition conclusive. incresed re due nd rpid decrese the nd to In within the deposition the seismiclly sedimenttion is 2 Deforesttion is likely to occur over much F l o o D i n g broder a. A n D F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n Forest Precipitation re thn urbniztion. my occur for This lnd-use is becuse chnges (for deforesttion exmple Evaporation conversion to mke to wy for urbniztion more griculture), to tourist occur. widespred These my industril developments Hence impct on it is Interception development, nd likely to hydrologicl to llow hve Soil processes. include: Rock ● more overlnd ow leding to more frequent Water erosion runs ● rivers ● reduced trnsporting more infiltrates through soil sediment b. After clearcut evpotrnspirtion. Increased surface sediment Little low and flow enlrgement nd include chnneliztion, strightening. discharge to stream; evaporation more modictions run-off; production; interception Channel modications Chnnel and the tree landslides roots that due to decaying weaken soil strength Chnneliztion Soil my crete quite nd new stright. so time chnnels chnnels. This lgs speeds re through These up likely levees to re wter be likely be compaction movement reduced. (rised to bnks) Landslide Enlrging enbles Increase rivers to crry more wter. Thus the in ow my be higher. However, the purpose nd strightening is sediment to channel of Fe A .27: The inuence of deforestation on drainage basin chnneliztion in pek remove hydrology and ooding wter from ood. This levees on n re, works the nd up to so Mississippi reduce point. re the thret of The ble to Lake del with sized smll-scle oods severe but oods Hurricne re nd very medium- vulnerble such s those Ktrin in 2005, cused when Pontchartrain B to by over A 50 breks occurred in the levees. Floodwall along New Mississippi Hurricane river Orleans 30 Chnnel modictions my 30 protection lter & processes, especilly if the chnnel 23 is levee floodwall FT A 20 20 17.5 (culverted). mount tht speed up elevation ow 11.5 FT 10 Gentilly Normal lake 1.0 FT level ridge 0 0 P o b should of 10 t s h wter from the re k c h e 10 a r r e t l i n ip the a o ir remove L n v nd B 10 a Strightening FT design FT e chnnel hold. wter 14 n cn of should highwater r the river chnnel annual k the the the SPH Avg snoitavelE increse of nd ni deepening Widening teef covered e r a i n p Scouring of the chnnel is quickly. 20 20 s is s should more sediment lso llow wter, from the thereby its river iM (removing bed) to crry reducing the City From risk of Canal St of at New the Orleans Mississippi Ground river to Elevations the Lakefront at U.N.O ooding. Fe A .28: The breaching of levees in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina Flood mitigation There re These include s well s number soft hrd of wys in which engineering engineering the schemes, schemes, such ood such s risk s cn the be reduced. building of dms, fforesttion. 23 2 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Dams The number high) is tht of re incresing of lmost not just terms, of hs from nd is it Egypt, reching it control. the lso the hs risk the lower Nile benets On the re times on recretion, power. level The ood Dm m simple when High nd In 15 world dy. during nvigtion, hydroelectric every wter protects but thn the numerous ood bck Aswn ooding, griculture, re relese The Nile, to hold nd gone. River dms relted ood nd (more round completions of they dms built rpidly two dvntges lrge being for tourism other hnd, Pht A .6: Evretou dam, Paphos, Cyprus it evportion, chnnel erosion decline in such schistosomisis s sediments Reservoirs However, hs to been mke store this ny the tht signicnt nd rinwter be to Nile (bilhrzi) only estimted led incresed downstrem reching excess my cn in 66 impct nd the wter due erosion”), spred of to diseses mlri. the in billion on of (“cler-wter Delt, pproprite some loss upper dringe bsin. smll dringe networks. cubic mjor metres oods in of storge is It needed Bngldesh. Aorestation Flood abatement reducing of the reducing ood involves pek in peks. decresing dringe These ● fforesttion/reforesttion ● reseeding ● tretment the ● of of run-off sprsely slopes cler s protection cutting of There of re run-off, thereby number of wys res contour to increse ploughing evportive or terrcing losses to reduce clernce ● construction of smll ● preservtion of nturl of sediment L TA should of vegettion from wildres, overgrzing forests ● Afforesttion mount include: vegetted such the bsin. coefcient comprehensive nd nd other wter nd wter increse the debris from sediment storge mount holding zones, of hedwter such strems res s interception lkes. nd reduce Research skills themount Find nd out bout successes the of ims the TV A. of the evidence the Severn fter L TA ofn overlnd does not ctchment fforesttion. increse in ow, thereby necessrily (in Why the ws overlnd support UK) this? reducing this. sediment The run-off, result little the For lods is risk of exmple, incresed explined ground oods, by vegettion, in four lthough prts of times combintion young trees, Thinking skills ccess How nd why fforesttion routes llowed mount of in over cuse nd of re bre breks ground. nd wind However, breks. only All ve of these yers erosion reduced becuse the trees hd grown nd lter the were overlnd time? trctors, mount might more rinfll. The Tennessee Vlley Authority (TV A) used run- fforesttion off for lrge intercepting vrition 24 ood in the 1930s to combt soil erosion nd ooding in theUSA. 2 F l o o D i n g A n D F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n Sluice or Channel modication pumping Modiction (to up hold of more ow nd creting river chnnels wter), remove new includes strightening the chnnels wter s rising the river quickly (ood-relief s the (to speed possible) chnnels) station bnks to nd crry Embankments wter cn when lso them be less the river is in strengthened vulnerble to ood with (Figure steel or A.29). Chnnels concrete to 1. mke Flood embankments with sluice gates. The main problem with this is it may raise ood levels up- and downstream. erosion. Enlarged channel Articil levees engineering. incresed in re This is height the most when so common the tht bnks the river form of the cn of river river crry re more Enlarged wter nd nd sediment. restrict Over 4,500 Levees wter to km the of cn low-vlue lso lnd Mississippi be on River used the hs to divert ood channel plin. 2. Channel enlargement to accommodate larger discharges. One problem with such schemes is that as the enlarged levees. channel is only rarely used it becomes clogged with weed. Chnnel of improvements sediment will such increse the s dredging crrying the river cpcity of bed the Sluice Bypass river. channel Sluice Planning Flood-relief channel Plnning for oods includes hving personl insurnce 3. s well s being prepred for the oods. This my Flood-relief channel. This is appropriate where it is tke impossible to modify the original channel as it tends to the form of using sndbgs to protect homes ginst the be rather expensive, e.g. the ood relief channels around risk of ooding, seling doors nd windows, moving Oxford, UK. vlubles of upstirs, buildings moving rther thn electricl hving genertors them in the to the top bsement, Intercepting channel nd designing homes so tht the electricl fetures re t Old level higher thn Loss-sharing insurnce. the expected djustments Disaster aid ood include refers to disster ny id, river channel level. id nd such s New enlarged river Embankments money, equipment, stff nd technicl ssistnce tht 4. is given to community following disster. In Intercepting channels. These diver t only par t of the ow high- away, allowing ow for town and agricultural use, e.g. the income countries (HICs) insurance is n importnt Great Ouse Protection Scheme in England’s Fenlands. loss-shring strtegy. However not ll ood-prone Old households hve insurnce nd mny of those free reinsured income s re plins my be countries mny in underinsured. re unble residents the of to new Mny obtin homes people ood built development who in from flooding low- insurnce, on ood UK. Washlands Redeveloped 5. Attempts at ood prediction and area restored Removal of settlements. This is rarely used because of cost, although many communities, e.g. the village of forecasting During the wrning the becme most Valmeyer, Illinois, USA, were forced to leave as a result of 1980s widely nd 1990s more used ood ccurte mesures forecsting nd to it is now reduce the the 1993 Mississippi oods. nd one of Key problems Tributary Floodplain Main cused by ooding. Despite dvnces in wether stellites river nd of the ll of use of rdr unprotected for forecsting, dwellings in over 50 Englnd per nd cent Wles Urban hveless thn low-income six hours countries of ood (LICs) wrning there is time. much less In area most effective Fe A .29: Flood control measures 25 2 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE ood BA SINS forecsting. originte in Flooding from stellite more the the to new pst. hve According to the warning done to improve forecsts better nd of nd more they be predicted vilble to be of the 72 by people smrtphones members my oods bout the is nd societies lest in Bngldesh hours wrning. use of esier now, computers hve informed lest in s thn ccess terms of Ntions Environment there nd re These snow-pck Progrmme’s number of things publiction tht could be include: estimtes, better nd longer of rivers, collection of meteorologicl informtion nd chnnels more-current into shring gencies, ● poorest wrnings. infrstructure, better lso Most hve rinfll incorported ● ood guging better my television, assessment, rinfll of mpping ● to so United and improved ● Bngldesh. wrnings the nd is uthorities oods. Early ● ccess However, so rins Mking technology, impending exception monsoon imgery. people in An Himlys, of relief is elevtion ood risk nd informtion nd timely needed bout strem ssessment orgniztions complete informtion informtion is the shring mong of chnnels popultions; need to be models needed nd humn between generl forecsters, meteorologicl countries ntionl public within nd hydrologicl interntionl dringe bsins ● technology forecsting However, L TA Research skills become Reserch ood in bsin river nd risk result in be shred ssessment of globl forecsting. higher nd mong more In both climte some frequent, ll gencies in the bsins chnge res, involved there oods wheres nd in is re in ood round the incresed predicted other world. res, to rinfll mitigtion ptterns s uncertinty should of my become more errtic. On the other hnd, s more people your hve ccess to ICT, they my be ble to keep up to dte with wether choice. wrnings. Case study ● Protecting the Mississippi lterl dykes to divert wter wy from theriver For over mpped, ows of the century protected through USA. It 10 the Mississippi nd regulted. sttes contins nd hs The drins some of been river ● strightening one-third the USA ’s griculturl regions. A number hve been used to control over ooding controlling river, nd its effects, stone nd erthen the levees to rise the bnks river of ws rin not holding levees dms to hold bck wter in 26 wter billion hs Mississippi, been nd spent nnul costs re nerly $200 million. But April collpsed The In 1993 nd llowing dmge following July, mny the ws river of to hevy the ood estimted to its be times over ofood $10 the enough. between oodplin. ● remove including: it ● to in mintennce the chnnel of on methods the most Altogether importnt of speedily. $12 billion yet only 43 people died. Over 2 F l o o D i n g A n D F l o o D m i T i g A T i o n Case study (Continued) 2 25,000km only engineers its of lnd performing hd norml were its ooded. nturl modied function did the not The function chnnel occur river – so much often, levees ws people nd nd 1.5 m tht below thought they were sfe from the ooding. the oods Orlens Some cused (see 50 by Figure breks occurred Hurricne during Ktrin in New were left hve been to to some its geogrphers, own creted devices by the if the the ports t New river New level Orlens nd 5.5 is m level! relief mesures include: Bonnet Crre to Pontchrtrin Lke new chnnel mid-1970s, Atchfly Mississippi so cent would much Wterwy from nd New then to Orlens the Gulf of Orlens nd Bton of the River, which Mississippi crries up to 25 per ow so ● tht Pontchrtrin. verge Mexico A.28). ● According ood the effects ● of Lke so Flood people but below Dredging of the Atchfly nd Mississippi Rouge Rivers would be defunct. However, river protection ● schemes hve prevented this. For exmple, Morgnz oodwy between Mississippi nd t Atchfly. New Orlens 7 m levees nk the river nd 3 m Online case study Concepts in contex t We hve seen fundmentl climte, how to geology, intensity of loction every plce. humn will be to plces ccidentl, study level physicl every Different hydrogrphs the interct on intercting or humn unique with other plce. Plces type interct ech As other. the This of in in lnd Flood is terms use, unique type be intensify, nd in nd in for deliberte popultion mitigtion Bngldesh of wy chrcteristics my humn will Place vry geogrphicl environment with with impct, These negtive. the vry Geogrphy. processes. produce positive impcts of of or increses, more plces plces. Check your understanding 1. Dene 2. How the term “ood hydrogrph”. 6. Outline the hydrologicl effects of urbniztion. does river regime differ from ood hydrogrph? 7. How does deforesttion increse the risk of ooding? 3. Exmine the mgnitude reltionship nd between ood frequency. 8. Outline the 4. Explin the mening of the term 9. In wht the Outline ood the risk. physicl fctors tht chnnel of modiction cn ffect ooding. “lnd-use zoning”. 5. how impct wys impct of cn forecsting help to reduce oods? increse 10. How cn impct of individul decisions ffect the ooding? 27 3 Water scarcity and water quality Conceptual understanding Ke est Wht re the vrying mngement powers of different ctors in reltion to wter issues? Ke ctet ● Clssifying tht the ● physicl control these distinction between Environmentl qulity, to nd economic including cuses wter consequences include pollution wter nd quntity of scrcity, impcts nd nd of wter griculturl nd fctors nd qulity. ctivities (eutrophiction) the droughts; on wter irrigtion (sliniztion). ● Growing humn including ● pressures economic Interntionlly on growth shred rivers, nd wter lkes nd popultion resources s quifers, migrtion. source of conict. Physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity The level wter Fe A .30: Physical and economic water scarcity Physical scarcity Economic Little Not or will more of scarcity estimated Indicates that scarcity no countries import than their 50% cereal consumption 28 in 2025 of wter vilbility, scrcity in popultion country growth, depends demnd on for precipittion wter, nd ffordbility of 3 supplies types ● nd of infrstructure. wter Physical scrcity water Where wter W A T E r supplies re S C A r C i T y A n D indequte, W A T E r q u A l i T y Freshwater two resources in the world exist: scarcity , where wter consumption exceeds Oceans 60percent of the useble supply. To help meet wter needs some 97.5% countries oftheir such food s nd Sudi Arbi invest in nd Kuwit desliniztion hve to import much plnts. Fresh ● Economic water scarcity , where country physiclly hs water sufcient 2.5% wter to meet its needs, but requires dditionl storge nd trnsport Permafrost 0.8% fcilities. This mens wter-development hving to projects, embrk s in on mny lrge nd expensive sub-Shrn countries. Ice and sheets Ground- glaciers water 68.7% Activity 8 30.1% Describe the distribution of areas expected to experience physical water scarcity in 2025. How does this compare with those expected to experience economic Surface and atmosphere water scarcity? 0.4% Vegetation 1% Drought Freshwater Drought is extreme dryness. n extended period of dry wether leding to conditions of lakes 67.4% Wetlands Absolute drought is period of t lest 15 consecutive 8.5% dys with lest 29 not less 0.2 consecutive exceed Some thn 0.2 mm dys of rinfll. during Prtil which the drought verge is dily period rinfll of t Rivers Soil Atmosphere 1.6% moisture 9.5% does 12.2% mm. drought is sesonl, wheres some cn be linked to El Niño events. Water (rivers, The severity how severe of the drought wter depends shortge is. upon The the length impcts of of the drought drought cn abstraction lakes and in crop humns bns, yields, (linked bn on incresed to niml dehydrtion), wtering privte mortlity, n increse grdens or n in increse forest wshing sector include Rivers, reduced by groundwater) nd in res, and illnesses lakes groundwater hosepipe crs. Water quantity and water quality Agriculture Wter quntity which include: (supply) depends on severl fctors in the wter cycle, Power 67–8% 10 –11% ● rtes ● evportion ● the ● river of rinfll Evaporation from use of reservoirs Domestic other 3–4% wter by plnts (trnspirtion) Consumptive abstracted Less nd thn 1 reminder groundwter per is cent locked of ll up water use by of sector ows. freshwter in and industrial 19 –20% ice sheets is vilble nd for glciers). people Globlly, to use (the round 12,500 Industrial Agriculture and cubic kilometres of wter re considered vilble for humn use on n 93% domestic nnul If bsis. current This trends mounts continue, to bout only 6,600 4,800 cubic cubic metres metres will per be person per vilble in 7% yer. 2025. Fe A .31: Availability of The world’s vilble freshwter supply is not distributed evenly round freshwater supplies the ● globe, About less either sesonlly three-qurters thn third of of the or from nnul world’s yer to rinfll yer. occurs in res contining Activity 9 popultion. Comment on the availability of ● Two-thirds qurter of of the the world’s world’s popultion nnul live in the res receiving only freshwater shown in Figure A.31. rinfll. 29 3 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS L TA Thinking skills Water stress In some prts of the world, When most wter is re by women per cpit nd impct suffers is tht hve on their level wys tiredness. is thn 1,700 cubic metres per yer, n “wter mny of stress” these nd res is subject wter to supply frequent is wter ctully less shortges. thn per cpit, which cuses serious problems for food 1,000 production economic this development. In 2016, 2.3 billion people lived in wter- of res. If current trends continue, wter stress will ffect 3.5 billion In people wht from in metres stressed nd less physicl nd development, helth is likely cubic to supply children. Currently, Wht wter collected – 48 per cent of the world’s projected popultion – in2025. unjust? Water use The world’s incresed Colordo in the USA, hlf ● 20 ● mny importnt ● wter tbles 2040. – the per wter By will world’s cent live Middle of Est nd no wetlnds to of Asi. so. disppered the re severe Disputes se, in the endngered world hlf our the wter such use s hs the sme or period extinct depleted increse – while reched Moreover: being of people conditions south re 1922, once species prts projected do hve quifers billion since tht longer mny is 4 under tripled rivers freshwter in use 2025, hs Some ● World Activity 10 popultion sixfold. by the re flling bout 50 world’s wter over n per lrming cent by popultion stress, scrce t especilly wter t in rte. round tht time Afric, resources the my Describe the trends in water led to lck ccess n increse in rmed conicts. Currently, bout 1.1 billion people use, as shown in Figure A .32. to sfe wter, 2.6 billion re without dequte snittion, nd Which sector has the highest more thn 4 billion do not hve their wstewter treted to ny degree. level of consumption? These numbers re likely to get worse in the coming decdes. Water quality Online case study Wter Wter lso needs to be of n dequte qulity for consumption. footprints However, in developing countries too mny people lck ccess to Fe A .32: Trends in global water use Forecast Forecast Forecast 3,200 Agriculture Domestic use Industry 2,800 2,400 raey 2,000 rep mk 1,600 cibuC 1,200 800 400 0 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 Extraction Consumption Consumption The grey band consumed. 1900 represents Water may be 1925 the 1950 1975 difference extracted, 2000 between used, 2025 the recycled 1900 amount (or of returned 1925 water to 1950 1975 extracted rivers or and aquifers) 2000 that and 2025 actually reused Extraction several Consumption can Extraction 30 times extractions now over. have exploit Consumption increased water. at Only a a is final much use faster fraction of of water, rate water is an after which indication extracted is lost it of can how no longer much through be more reused. That intensively evaporation. we 3 sfe nd ffordble Orgniztion wter (WHO) supplies estimtes nd tht W A T E r snittion. round 4 The million S C A r C i T y World A n D W A T E r Helth deths ech q u A l i T y Tae A .4: National water footprints yer nata wate re from wter-relted disese, prticulrly choler, heptitis, mlri ³ Ct nd other prsitic diseses. Wter qulity my be ffected by ftpt ( / orgnic pe capta) wste from hevy metls ffecting ● sewge, nd ccess fertilizers cids to sfe from vilbility ● wter infrstructure ● cost pesticides industril drinking wter of nd wter from processes frming, nd nd by trnsport. Fctors Brazil 2,027 China 1,071 Ethiopia 1,167 India 1,089 Saudi 1,849 include: wter. Arabia Urbn res Americ of Asi, in the more nd In nd (s Indi or to in rely 60 per bottled cities in rurl better were however, on mjor thn re lone over systems, people served Cribben 2000, wter mrkets better the Chin yer piped re nd of not wter up the Colombi, countries Africn of some region’s meet for nd thn mde cent do res, off wter personl Indi, 2.28 totl Asi, billion criteri, which Mexico, In is Ltin the Mny South 1,255 Africa Spain 2,461 UK 1,258 USA 2,842 World 1,385 leding bought Thilnd, cse people popultion. qulity use, in countries. in Venezuel Yemen). some rich. For cses poor exmple, households $1.00per in cubic metre, mobile ctully py more Port-u-Prince, connected wterfrom cubic the to the wter while vendors for Hiti, from wter surveys system unconnected pid their hve typiclly to average the shown pid customers $5.50 thn tht round forced stggering to purchse $16.50 per metre. Environmental consequences of agricultural activities on water quality Eutrophication Eutrophication phosphorus nutrient blooms is n nd s plnts exmple plnkton result of res scle close There in re rivers cuse of results to of Third, lge. humn helth; develop. the wter levels led to This leds of (oxygen n the off lge, nutrients the to in in vilbility. the light in wter in “ded cusing lgl This lge supply especilly the of increse increse strvtion formtion nd/or groundwter, nutrient cutting growth nitrogen nd However, below, of of lkes incresed anoxia resons effects Second, high for A.33). prolic in mounts strems, feedbck. groundwter frmer. in in nd the the for utumn higher wter). zones” in On costl mouths. min undesirble growth my my river three nd the The incresed to incresed (Figure respond shde they to crried positive plnts. tempertures, lrger leds re enrichment submerged s tht re in the the nitrte why the high problem. qutic loss of First, nitrogen ecosystems, fertilizer concentrtions exmple, concentrtions in is n of compounds especilly economic drinking methemoglobinemi wter (blue nitrogen loss my bby cn excessive to the ffect syndrome) Pht A .7: Eutrophication – algal bloom caused by excessively high nitrate levels in freshwater 31 3 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Fe A .33: The process of Time eutrophication Sunlight 1. Nutrient load excessive are flushed rivers or up: 5. nutrients from lakes by from the Death fertilizers land of oxygen into where rainwater. Fish algae 3. Algal blooms, algal bloom, reaching and oxygen is no and reach life is other a point possible. organisms die. depleted: preventing in ecosystem: layer oxygen other the levels plants. the sunlight The water plants is die depleted. decomposers nutrient material 2. Plants these of flourish: 4. pollutants algae, cause duckweed aquatic and other plant Decomposition growth dead plants. even Tae A .5: Global variations in plants bacteria further are more depletes broken decomposers, oxygen in down using the oxygen: by up water. Dealing with eutrophication eutrophication There re three min wys of deling with eutrophiction. These include: Pecetae f akes ad ● ltering the humn ctivities tht produce pollution; for exmple, by ese vs se using lterntive types of fertilizer nd detergent etphcat ● Asia and the Pacic regulting nd reducing exmple, Europe 53% Africa 28% Nor th America 48% South America 41% in phosphtes ● restoring Possible sewge from wter mesures northern Source: UNEP/ILEC surveys tretment t plnts the point tht of emission; remove nitrtes for nd wste qulity to by reduce pumping nitrte loss mud re from s eutrophic follows (bsed lkes. on the hemisphere). ● Avoiding the September pollutnts 54% Pht A .8: The use of bales of barley straw therefore use nd it is of nitrogen fertilizers mid-Februry more likely when tht between soils fertilizer re will mid- wet nd wsh through to reduce the eects of eutrophication the ● Preferring in ● soil. the utumn-sown soil Sowing nd up conserve crop crops – nitrogen utumn-sown mintining crops cover s nitrogen to ● Avoiding pplying nitrogen just ● Using less nitrogen hve difcult Avoiding s conserve the possible, utumn nitrogen previous nd yer. nd winter to nitrogen. pplying ● roots from erly through Avoiding is their left ● would 32 use been to fertilizer wshed ssess elds next before fter wy in hevy dry the to yer strem rin is or forecst. becuse previous yer. less (This precisely.) ploughing up grss s this releses lke. nitrogen. 3 ● Using bles of brley strw to prevent the W A T E r growth S C A r C i T y of green A n D lge. W A T E r q u A l i T y It TOK uses lso nitrogen locks up s it decys, with up to 13 per cent less nitrogen lost; it Is it fair that consumers should phosphorus. pay for the clean-up of polluted water? What should the role Stakeholders and responsibility of the other There re mny people who benet from incresed crop yields nd food stakeholders be? production ber the nd cost there of re mny clening up who suffer from eutrophiction? eutrophiction. The stkeholders Who should include: Ex tension work ● the frmers ● the chemicl ● the government ● the customers who pply the fertilizer nd hve incresed frm yields Visit www.chesapeakebay.net compnies tht prot from the sle of fertilizers and investigate the tht my begin to chieve food security environmental issues in the bay, the potential solutions, who receive more relible food supplies nd benet and how progress towards from lower prices restoring Chesapeake Bay by ● the wter Ultimtely, on by the compnies the cost wter of tht provide clening compnies to up the the wter eutrophic to consumers. wter is likely to 2025 is progressing. be pssed consumers. Activity 11 1. Choose an appropriate method to show the data in Table A.5. Comment on your results. 2. Describe the human causes of eutrophication. 3. Outline the ways in which it is possible to manage eutrophication. Fe A .34: Types of irrigation The potential eects of irrigation SURFACE People hve ncient times: irrigation 6,000 irrig te d in yers. the r e Egypt Wter cr op s is ev id ence going fo r rivers, s ince b ck WATER lakes, GROUNDWATER reservoirs aquifers of ne rl y i rr i g tion c n GRAVITY be tken from sur f ce s to re s , such DRIP SPRINKLERS s FLOW lkes, from rnge cse dms, reserv o i r s groundwte r. from of totl pddy nd Ty p e s o o d i ng , eld s , to r iv er s , of or ir r ig ti on s dri p in the ir r ig ti on, Siphons where precise mo unts re to ech A.34). individ u l Irrigtion m y p l nt led for ( Fi gure to e x mp le pivot open system ditches Perforated in pipe networks Single-point unwnt e d Whole-field consequences, Central me s ure d and out SYSTEMS pulse system Weeping lines r el tio n flooding to groundwter q u l i ty ( Fi g ure A. 3 5) Low-energy precision-application nd salinization (Figure A.36). system Impacts of irrigation Irrigtion s occurs developing in developed countries. For s well exmple, Wastes lrge prts of the USA nd Austrli re water; promotes waterlogging, irrigted. The dvent of diesel nd in the mid-20th century led for and salinization; inexpensive the rst time to systems tht could supply water to crop Efficient; water supplied directly to electric erosion motors Efficient; matches needs; expensive individual plants; expensive pump 33 3 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE 15.5 60 Na + K CI + BA SINS groundwter 200 ± 600 out of quifers fster thn it ws NO 3 rechrged. This hs led in some regions to loss of CI Mg ratio SO 4 CO + CO + quifer HCO 3 Ca 50 cpcity, decresed wter qulity nd other 3 HCO 3 500 3 problems. In Texs, USA, irrigtion hs reduced the Sample wter number I/stnelaviuqe 40 tble s much s 50 metres. By contrst, Description 1 Normal good groundwater 2 Slightly contaminated in aquifer in 400 the fertile 3 Moderately 4 Injuriously 5 Highly contaminated contaminated contaminated Indus Plin in Pkistn, irrigtion hs groundwater rised 30 by the wter tble by s much s six metres groundwater since groundwater groundwater 1922 nd cused widespred sliniztion. 300 6.6 (near seashore) Irrigtion gu 6 cn reduce the Erth’s lbedo (reectivity) Seawater by 20 s much s 10 per cent. This is becuse reective 200 sndy surfce my be replced by one with drk 2.8 green crops. Irrigtion precipittion. 1.3 10 cn Lrge-scle lso cuse irrigtion chnges in in semi-rid res, 100 0.5 0 such s the High with incresed Plins rinfll, of Texs, hs hilstorms been nd linked torndoes. 0 Under 1 2 3 4 Water sample 5 nturl semi-rid res hve sprse 6 vegettion number irrigted Fe A .35: Changes in groundwater quality with distance complete from an aquifer greter nd conditions vegettion mounts the Texs common over of cover. irrigted dry soils res in hve Evpotrnspirtion summer Pnhndle. nd these rinfll In cross ddition, res summer. moist rtes Knss, hilstorms compred with However, soils in increse, Nebrsk, nd nd resulting in Colordo torndoes non-irrigted when summer re more res. Salinization Irrigtion known the it Some As on surfce tht is cly sndy where irrigtion, increse. of nd it silty my n increse occurs this my soils be especilly This chnges chrcterized rtio soils evportes Chemicl is In to This be it within is less. evported, by chlorides in lso re n to the pddy hot occurs lso rice, sun, mount three leving of slt levels metres Cpillry importnt. increse requires the behind in of forces behind huge slinity lrge In in re the bring ny the soil, close to surfce, wter soluble mounts levels to slts of the of wter. remining dms. Slins, dissolved slts Cliforni, nd n sliniztion increse in the bicrbontes. Poor of salinization on drainage irrigated water leave arid regions, evaporation the water soil rates table is drainage are high is often and land. contains behind evaporation Even some tonnes dissolved of concentrate good-quality salt salt per and hectare poor, low. root and salts level, are soil eventually resistant washed salinity kill plants. off down will all below stunt but growth the most Irrigation a metre salts can of from raise the the groundwater surface, aquifer, bringing subsoil levels up and to more root within dissolved zone. salts irrigation and Unless 34 the groundwter Fe A .36: The process In in when crrying. wter wter leds sliniztion. surfce. wheres the frequently s can each year. 3 W A T E r S C A r C i T y A n D W A T E r Growing human pressures on rivers, lakes q u A l i T y Activity 12 and aquifers including economic growth and 1. Explain how irrigation can both: population migration a. As popultions continue to grow, there will be incresing pressure on raise groundwater wter levels, and resources. pressure growth The Popultion in certin re likely quntity of kilometres per two-thirds of 1960 uses wter bout bout 10 wter for Urbn the currently drwn crop cent cent. uneven res is from Popultion ll rivers, will wter, user, lkes by nd incresed economic wter exceeds per cent. municipl urbniztion nd cubic 2. quality of groundwater with Since distance from the centre of Industry sector Study Figure A.35, which shows changes in the lmost an aquifer in California. uses industriliztion a. hve incresed the use of wter in these sectors. As lower groundwater levels. 3,700 groundwter. 60–70 . stress. consuming nd the be rpid in purposes risen growth, there increses lrgest hs vilble so experiencing for the irrigtion of nd gretest used Agriculture wter per is experience yer. use per loctions. to ll 20 growth world Describe the popultion dierences in water nd industril output hve incresed, wter use hs ccelerted, nd this quality between is projected to continue. By 2025 globl vilbility of freshwter my “normal” groundwater drop to n estimted 5,100 cubic metres per person per yer, decrese in the aquifer (site 1) of 25 per cent on the 2000 gure. with that nearest the Growing rech tht pressure the do, Hwng se, they He for on rivers exmple my rivers, be hs the hevily mking ment tht Colordo polluted, them river. such unsfe number for In s of rivers ddition, the of Gnges, domestic no coast (site 5). longer those . Yngtze consumption. nd How does the relative composition of (i) Cl The and (ii) CO and NO 3 Rio Nuevo (New River) tht ows from Bj Cliforni into Cliforni 3 and HCO 3 is now It is contminted the most regulr which lgl hs sewter with polluted blooms. become nd griculturl, river The of its river feeds incresingly there hve been size industril in the the sline mjor USA. inlnd over sh nd municipl wste. The pollutnts cuse Slton time. deths It is due Se now to in distance from the centre of the aquifer? Cliforni, sltier Suggest reasons for thn these changes. incresing 3. tempertures, slinity nd bcteri present in the vary with Explain the causes of river. salinization, as shown Overuse of 9 per of cent believed levels. the Oglll since tht it 1950, would Another quifer vst nd tke 2 in per 6,000 quifer is the USA cent yers the hs resulted between to Nubin 2000 rechrge t Sndstone in nd decline 2009. current Aquifer It in Figure A.36. Visit the is website to view a case rinfll study about the eects of System agriculture on the Aral Sea. 2 under offers the gret Lkes 2016 Shr nd the relted using potentil rivers Flint to Rpid wter for wter qulity. levels of Some the cent is the their vulnerble 70 in per tht unsfe Est nd to USA, of cent hs of people ws km in even for the the do from the supply, not sfely hve into cuse but in country’s with city nd re nd of it 2014 nd chemicls Flint begn resulted of hs only rivers be to 1.4 s in led cent of high wter. of the contins per such river use in declining drinking clen He The blooms region hve used Hwng uses. lgl (MENA) widespred ccess the griculturl Afric popultion Between polluted resulted cnnot dischrges North million residents. wter be 2 pollution. Authorities Chin the to thn drinking-wter number million world’s more region. ctivity. believed is Michign, griculturl wter Middle of 300 nd griculture The Over This the lso growth pollution Industril mde in for in lrge economic wter. re river industril river poisoning Desert. hve fertilizers Ti over its in Lke. 6 per freshwter. 35 3 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE As to the BA SINS popultion intensify. MENA region. System would nd ccess to conict, the this within pressure world’s to importnt nd s my to of wter the the more to rivers pln conict, is for or it my likely re in Sndstone Mn-mde freshwter countries, to resources countries Nubin Gret mnge Filure led the ccess different country. between on wter-scrce use such region include sme resources, is, is 15 creful chnnels MENA my the tht the Nevertheless, plnning Sometimes users of irrigtion enble Integrted increses, Twelve Aquifer River Project resources. different my be result including the in users. different unequl geopoliticl countries. Internationally shared water resources as a source of conict Case study The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Ethiopi dm, (GERD), it is to currently Grnd on Its Blue will reservoir volume produce thn it of the 6,000 double building Ethiopin the nished, wide. the is the Nile be (Figure 170 will be entire m tll ble to Blue megwtts Ethiopi’s Afric’s nd of current It When 1.8 hold thn designed electricity, the more dm’s experts This for Egypt. this out of opportunity wter. on three The Egypt trety is no four for Nile with enough in nerly of Sudn to the could two-thirds signed longer Ethiopi provides clims it people ll in (1.8 per cent stisfy growth sector. Annul wter fllen by well (UN) hs over hlf wrned since of of the Egypt’s some tht bsed ow However, used ow stkeholders Egypt, Ethiopi Ntions the nd supply 1970. looming people leders protection reltions Nile of Bsin. trety over hve their with per well will the with which, upstrem been other The s the mke of other, Egypt of United of hve gives Mrch it the the for more of Egypt, Sudn signed construction 36 of the declrtion dm s long tht s the will during lte dm’s produce its to correct ultimte reducing only turbines storge) Egyptins resonble If concern lled signicntly ffect its own the fer will it use. power (less ultimtely will lso downstrem too is over the quickly, it reduce Egypt’s be supply. dm’s would wter electricity-generting Aswn government on its Dm. fces investment. self-funded, will Some experts seven yers. Sudn the hs dm, greed But become veto receive But pressure The cost sy s long which the the to for supply cpcity round the Ethiopin see project, lling some to sided is it of hs the the prevent with some potentil cler, stbilizing quick which $4.8 is return mostly billion. reservoir could tke Egypt 20 km benets bcked power Nile’s to opposition its Sudn Ethiopi. produced ow, ooding, in from it will hve Sudn by lso consume to border. the will dm. llow more wter Ethiopi nd nd over it pushing irrigtion, reservoir. time By leders wter evportion nother projects. 2015 tht downstrem. Sudn In too dm the soured shre dismissing clims, be the person in hs tht them my tht hlf-nished, United use forceful This countries most ech very supply. so Alredy study crisis. governments s who wter However, cooperte old the the Sudn, stlling to Egyptins nd wter. Egyptin to include nd Some growing 2015) of The it uncertinty nd nd Ntions is disster hs tht insists lrge griculturl worry is ccompli. Ethiopi 1959. the in impct. Ethiopi fit countries. commissioned which A popultion downstrem drk. spell tht to were problems. There leves rms potentil tht becomes ny hrm” French believe km more is output Two Dm A.37). Nile. “signicnt lrgest Renissnce pproved there is no increse griculturl output. Currently much 3 W A T E r S C A r C i T y A n D W A T E r q u A l i T y Case study (continued) of the country’s lloction of wter under the Med. Sea IRAN IRAQ 1959 trety is ctully consumed by Egyptins. much wter Sudn uses in the future, N i l How nd e Cairo LIBYA vribles such s chnges in rinfll EGYPT nd S Aswan should determine how the Dam dm A A R U A D B I I A e qulity, operted. nd Tht will willingness to require more compromise. coopertion a is e S d wter R other Disgreement SUDAN CHAD nd Sudn over such things s l Egypt B between ERITREA u of “signicnt hrm” bodes ill. YEMEN e denition e l i N the Khartoum The Grnd Ethiopin Renissnce Dm is merely C.A.R. of countries’ willingness to shre plns could to build further other ffect dms on the C.A.R. downstrem Dam L which Renaissance I Ethiopi SUDAN river, Ababa Grand A SOUTH wter. Addis W h test t e ltest eliN the ETHIOPIA A M 0 UGANDA supply. Sudn hs promised foreign investors n CONGO bundnce uncertin of wter future for over irrigtion. its wter Egypt fces 500 O km KENYA n Fe A .37: The location of the Grand Ethiopian supplies. Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile Lrge-scle wter developments crry dul thret – conict TOK with neighbouring displcement GERD s militry thret of lrge thret threts is to in through. countries countries, ntionl Nile to lso communities. its disputes Greter likely but Egypt security. but is coopertion be the internl most views Egypt unlikely between fesible conict wy the hs to due building tended be Egypt to ble nd forwrd to to the of investigate water disputes in follow other for Visit the following website to the use the Middle East: http://journal. the Nile georgetown.edu/stemming-the- Bsin rising-tide-the-future-of-water- Egypt. conicts-in-the-middle-eastA UN-bcked pln suggests using the Nubin Sndstone Aquifer, below and-nor th-africa/. the estern hve prt greed wter the of the pln. Shr The UN Desert. Egypt, suggests there Sudn, could Chd be nd 400 Liby yers worth Suggest why future “water of wars” are very likely. there. L TA Research skills Activity 13 Use the First Chinese Wter 2013pcgb/merge1.pdf Chin. Visit (The for informtion Census n in t updte English http://www.mwr.gov.cn/ on is wter in the quntity second nd hlf of Develop a case study to show an qulity the in international conict over water, census.) based on your own choice. http://www.thegurdin.com/environment/gllery/2011/sep/09/ chin-south-north-wter-diversion-project-in-pictures essy on the impct of the diversion project on for Online case study photo resettlement. Mnging in wter resources Tunisi Case study nd Water diversion in China consists designed Chin’s controversil South–North Project chnnels wter from the Hebei province to Beijing in the north. diversion project cost 44.8 of cnls billion nd cubic tunnels £48 from the wetter south to the metres north of (Figure Some 350,000 people were relocted due The to south–north divert km south A.38). of 2,400 Wter wter Diversion to of the building of reservoirs nd cnls. billion 37 3 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Case study (continued) Some complin tht the scheme hs South-to-North excerbted poverty in Hebei, diversion forcing water project HEBEI (middle wter-hungry nd polluting route) industries 500 to close rice nd some growing but lso less for frmers less to wter-intensive protble mize. Also, SEE over hlf of Chin’s km forske 50,000 rivers Beijing hve INSET r 70 per cent of i bout v nd e disppered R w re polluted. l ones l remining o the e Y CHINA The not extent in of doubt. reservoirs Beijing’s In were June predicment 2008 down to is Yellow Sea Beijing’s tenth of Hebei Beijing N Reservoirs their cpcity. Beijing drws two-thirds Danjiangkou of its nd wter the supply wter from tble is underground dropping by reservoir Baiyangdian Wangkuai Lake Xidayang metre yer, thretening geologicl Three disster. Beijing hs been trying to Gorges reservoir site Baoding reduce triffs. demnd Beijing’s recycling 15 by industries per consumption incresing cent of compred re their with Dangcheng wter Gangnan now Huangbizhuang zi g an Y Shijiazhuang 85 per cent in developed Chongqing wter Fe A .38: The south–nor th water diversion scheme in China countries. Concepts in contex t Wter mny scrcity nd processes, induced. These lnd-use chnges, increse, wr scrcity mny led nd nd prts to the spred reduced for economic qulity world of qulity – inuenced some climte wter, re mjor chnge, popultion reduced Wter Countries wter tht reduced how poor in their ccess crop yields to powerful develop countries ccess people wter more or poorer with could re resources wheres they issues potentilly by humn development. disese, of re nd climte, demnd nd the qulity nturl include wter of wter some thn to often richer freshwter wter my wter. hve to people. round be We my forced hve py to lso more There the seize resources, is cope seen for unequl world. life. Check your understanding 1. Dene physicl wter scrcity. 6. On which river Renissnce 2. Explin wht is ment by economic Explin wht is ment by the term the Grnd Ethiopin wter scrcity. 3. is Dm? “wter 7. Outline the process of sliniztion. 8. Explin the process of eutrophiction. 9. In stress”. 4. Explin their why wter mny thn poor richer people py more for 38 Explin wht is ment environments is sliniztion most people. 10. 5. which frequent? by virtul wter. Suggest supply different my be wys in reduced which in Egypt’s future wter decdes. 4 Water management futures Costs and benets of a dam as a multi-purpose Conceptual water scheme understanding The impacts of the Aswan Dam (a megadam) Ke est on the River Nile Wht re the possibilities The number of lrge dms (more thn 15 m high) being built future for round mngement the world is incresing rpidly nd is reching level of lmost in completions Akosombo every dy. (Ghn), nd the Grnd The dvntges Exmples Tucurui Ethiopin of such (Brzil), megdms Hoover Renissnce Dm include (USA), (pge Krib dms re numerous. In the of Ke ctet the Aswn Incresed on the River Nile, Egypt, they ood for nd drought exmple, in control: Egypt in llow nd good crops in dry yers s, nd irrigtion: irrigtion of ● the 60 per nd desert ech up re hydroelectric cent to of 3.4 the wter million from hectres the Aswn (4,000 Dm squre is used for benets The kilometres) integrted bsin this the costs they bring. growing importnce irrigted power: nd 1973 ● ● wter include: dms 1972 building multipurpose schemes, ● dm High for Dm bsins? the 36–37). cse dringe (Zimbbwe) ● of intervention two ccounts for 7,000 million kilowtt mngement (IDBM) hours the yer of dringe plns, costs nd nd benets theybring. ● improved nvigtion ● ● recretion nd Growing mjor It is estimted economy is tht bout the vlue $500 of million the Aswn ech High Dm to the Egyptin efforts yer. wetlnds to the other on hnd, there re numerous costs. For exmple, in the nd protect including wetlnd On pressures tourism. them, Rmsr restortion cse schemes/projects. of the Aswn High Dm: ● ● wter losses: the dm provides less thn hlf the mount of The importnce wter of strengthening expected prticiption ● sliniztion: re crop irrigted by yields wter hve from been the reduced dm due on to up to third of the sliniztion locl to communities improve wter mngement ● groundwter chnges: seepge leds to incresed groundwter my cuse secondry in levels different nd of economic sliniztion development ● displcement of popultion: up to 100,000 Nubin people hve been contexts, removed from their ncestrl including homes sustinble ● drowning Nefertri increse of ● of t in ncient seismic hve rcheologicl Abu the decrese, sites: hd humidity of to the the be tombs moved re hs of to led Rmeses sfer to II nd loctions, incresed nd the wethering the cused so too erthquke by does the nd to nd of Aswn seismic November Dm; s 1981 wter is believed levels in the wter efciency, ensuring clen, sfe ffordble monuments stress: been Simbel use ccess nd wter. to dm ctivity 39 4 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS 4,000 ● Annual variations concentration and 3,000 at after station in closure Gaafra in the of deposition within the lke: inlling is tking plce sediment Nile the (mg t before High per rte of bout 100 million tonnes ech yer Dam litre) ● chnnel the erosion chnnel: over 18 (cler lowering yers, wter the modest erosion) chnnel by beneth 25 mm mount 2,000 Before ● erosion rte of of the bout Nile 25 delt: mm this is tking plce t yer 1,000 ● After loss of $100 nutrients: million it is yer estimted to buy tht it costs commercil 0 J F M A M J J A S O N fertilizers D trpped to mke behind up the for the nutrients tht get dm Fe A .39: Changes in sedimentation along the Nile ● decresed sh ctches: srdine yields re down 95 per cent nd 3,000 Valley jobs in Egyptin sheries hve been lost. Tae A .6: The logistics, benets, costs and prospects of the Aswan Dam Logistics Benets Side eects General assessment and prospects Land development was a It controls high oods and Water loss through The Aswan High Dam is hard necessity to cope with the is a source of water during evaporation and seepage engineering work; more huge imbalance between the dry season, saving is likely to aect the impor tantly, it is fullling the country’s population Egypt from the costs of the water supply needed a vital need for 40 million growth and agricultural damage from both high for development plans; people. production. Agriculture and low oods. studies show that the is basic to the Egyptian water loss is within the economy. predicted volume. Egypt had no option but to Land reclamation Loss of the Nile silt All dams have problems; increase the water supply allowed for an increase requires costly use some are recognized while to meet the needs of land in the cultivated area, of fer tilizers; it has others are unforeseen at the development policies. and increased the crop also caused riverbed time of planning. production of the existing degradation and coastal land through conversion erosion of the nor thern from annual to perennial delta. irrigation. Building a dam and Nile navigation improved, Soil salinity is increasing A lesson learned from the forming a water reservoir and changed from and land in most areas is Aswan project is that dams in an Egyptian territory seasonal to year round. becoming waterlogged due may be built with missionary minimizes the risks of to delays in implementing zeal but little careful planning water control politics drainage schemes. and monitoring of side on the par t of riparian eects. countries. 40 Egypt perceived the Aswan Electric power generated Increased contact with As a result of the new semi- High Dam as a multi- by the dam now water through irrigation capitalist policies and also purpose project, basic supplies 50% of Egypt’s extension schemes was the technical and monetary to national development consumption, but the dam expected to increase aid that Egypt received from plans. was not built primarily for schistosomiasis several western countries, power generation but for (bilharzia) rates; evidence it is expected that several water conservation. exists that rates have not of the dam’s problems will increased due to use of be eciently controlled and protected water supplies. monitored. 4 Logistics Benets W A T E r m A n A g E m E n T Side eects F u T u r E S General assessment and prospects The new lake has The Nile water quality has Dam-related studies have economic benets, been deteriorating, but it recognized problems including land cultivation does not yet constitute a and provided possible and settlement, shing health hazard. solutions. The dam will meet and tourist industries. expectations providing that research ndings are utilized. The development potential and economic returns of this water project are expected to be rewarding in the long run, if the project’s developments are systematically studied and monitored. Ethiopi is building huge new dm on the River Nile, the Grnd Activity 14 Ethiopin Renissnce hydroelectric nd the is course plce. scheme locted of Egypt Egypt’s close the min the the of it is so with tht new s GERD). completed. border Nile tht source (known when to Blue fers Dm It It will Sudn. In construction dm will will cost 2014 of restrict be lmost ow could of lrgest $5 builders GERD the Afric’s the billion Table A.7 provides information diverted about the Aswan Dam. Identify tke the need for the dam, its costs Nile, and benets, and evaluate its overall prospects. freshwter. Integrated drainage basin management Ex tension work In the pst, reduce plin is impct in nd vriety its bsin of holistic of the Components wter of supply, the to on of mngement ginst it, but it effective bsin. in t to Lnd the USA Authority recognized reducing the nd bsin. embnkments tht ood (TV A), the of my the mngement Nevertheless, since ood- risk, functioning wter to integrted 1930s which with dopted the Visit the International Rivers Network at https:// www.internationalrivers. org/resources/we-all-live- downstream-2700 and watch the video slideshow called “ We all live downstream”. mngement. dringe river the bsin energy hs hs used incresingly dringe Vlley qulity, recretionl, is consequences operted river frequently usully the integrted wter It dringe hs mngement industril, chnnel while dverse Tennessee pproch hs ooding. focused mngement cretion thn of ssocited incresingly nd engineering embnkments, result river the river in nd tended often bsin mngement chnnels, ood reltion to ecosystem to work focused griculturl, needs. with on include control, the smll Recent river prt rther of the river. In of the USA, the griculturl exports. people bsin. Over re Mississippi products hlf the produced Nevertheless, dringe nd goods with there 92 per nd wter re bsin cent of services from threts the to produces the $54 country’s consumed by Mississippi the billion frm US dringe Mississippi nd its tributries. Pht A .9: Reser voir development, Antigua 41 4 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE ● BA SINS Rising demnd for wter cused by popultion increse nd increses Activity 15 in consumption hve plced gret stress on wter resources. Evaluate the eectiveness of ● Floods on the Mississippi nd its tributries threten people nd large dams. economic ● Globl L TA Communications and ctivities. demnd increse for pressure crops on such wter s cotton, corn nd soy bens will resources. social skills ● Divide into nd Pln on B. the two for lrge A is in dms, B of nd lrge fvour is A debte dvntges disdvntges dms. groups, of ginst them. Much The civil six reduction, s gol these Wtershed vilbility, societies mesures infrstructure genertions. Mississippi One wter Gret wter future nd the the Americ’s increse for of to It key res nd is to support provide The nd bundnt wter for the provide qulity cross The nd nd the run-off industry nd in sh The in from is the AGWI ooding lso nd bsins or businesses incresing plin in The the USA ’s grin nd condition, nd investment deteriorte, nd some forms 42 Fe A .40: AGWI Repor t Card of in in the in on the one most over is ood investment losses of from in the of the country’s per cent for hs will been of the poor lck As become seek of globl mny reltively my USA ’s routes. infrstructure. delys bsin the 60 products crriers ood the oods. lso there cpcity communities commercil re hypoxi thret nturl when However, dms of high nd drmticlly reduced nd res. of reduce The locted crries exports to ooding is importnt consumption. locks their Mississippi rivers cuse Nevertheless, Mississippi frm nturl result developments control 2011 most The s of increse. ood the re risk the river Mexico. risk. nd The bsin. of griculture increses wter The of turn vried prt to ttempts lose store very the mjor ood to plin. in services. Mississippi is risk ecosystems, dringe from Gulf ooding when is threts nutrient A.40) nd which estern qulity mnging recretion. ecosystem gretest wter of productive Lower use businesses (Figure nd Mississippi to its control ecosystems the the Poor ood industrilized bsin re Crd vegettion, mny of project sfegurd chllenges economy nd replcing. cdemics, Report helthy wildlife is nd ecosystems, supply, needs (AGWI) qulity AGWI enhnce sh, nd government, concern: trnsporttion, its solutions bsin. of ging Inititive improve involves help dringe is of fcilities longer, lterntive trnsport/lterntive routes. 4 Demnd for popultion demnd, groundwter increses long with nd n nd surfce stndrds ging wter of will living increse improve. infrstructure, W A T E r will s The m A n A g E m E n T F u T u r E S the increse the Tae A .7: Ecosystem services provided by drainage basins growing pressure Provisioning services on wter millions resources. of people, hydroelectric production. becoming Another im the sh, bot, helps for relible of from Wter Demnd recretion-bsed nd nd power. less lke Wter is in AGWI is jog or lso is to economies used provides some for cses but per the cent nd wter of the for ntion’s supplies the qulity recretion. nd Every rivers. This of domestic use, and agriculture re and industrial use). life is for people enhncing yer, Water (quantity and quality) for consumptive use (for drinking, industril contminted. mintining long 25 drinking irrigtion incresing enrich by cycle bsin produce some wetlnd-ssocited hike, to wter or the nd riverine, millions of people multi-billion Water for non-consumptive use (for generating power and transpor t/navigation). dollr Aquatic organisms for food and recretionl economy tht is vitl to mny smll communities nd medicines. businesses. Spp t se vces Costl wetlnds in Louisin enjoy vried biodiversity, provide Role in nutrient cycling (role importnt storm protection from hurricnes nd se surges, nd re in maintenance of ood-plain nursery for the commercil sefood industry. However, Louisin’s fer tility), primary production. wetlnds ccount 80percent 12,000 of the squre wetlnds re for bout lost 40 per wetlnds. kilometres growing. of On cent Some wetlnds the of 75 USA ’s squre re whole, the lost wetlnds kilometres nnully. construction of but of Lousin’s However, dms on some Predator/prey relationships and ecosystem resilience. the Regulatory services Mississippi hs river reduced the nd its tributries, mount of nd sediment rising tht the reches levels of costl the levees, Maintenance of water quality wetlnds. (natural ltration and water treatment). Wetlands A wetland There 6 per for re cent those viewed is dened wide of the who s vriety world’s live on fvourbly, “lnd of hbitts them. nd with wetlnd for soils nd of re n wetlnds the permnently These provide However, much tht hbitts. 20th ccount importnt hve century not ooded”. for bout resource lwys they hve been Buering of ood ows, erosion control through water–land interactions and ood control infrastructure. been Cultural services destroyed, ltered, settlements, incresing of trnsport pressure sustinble level nd drined t s nd nd removed industril result mngement of of mke wy developments. globl wrming. wetlnds regionl/interntionl to show level to for griculture, Wetlnds re Nevertheless, tht it is mnge possible wetlnds under exmples t locl Recreation (river rafting, kayaking, hiking and shing as a spor t). sustinbly. Tourism (river viewing). The Rmsr Convention, denes wetlnds nturl or or owing, fresh, nine marsh, permnent brckish there re subdivided humn-mde interntionl of or or ones, 30 such Thus, costl, to conserve with inlnd of reservoirs, nd or to wetlnds, wter, wter ccording ctegories s trety peatland temporry, slt.” mrine, into fen, tht the whether is wetlnd brrges nd satisfaction from free-owing rivers). Rmsr mn-mde nturl sttic Existence values (personal types L TA wetlnd, n “res rticil, clssiction, of s nd grvel Research skills pits. Visit Wetlnds now represent only 6 per cent of the Erth’s surfce, of view 30percent re bogs, 26 per cent re fens, 20 per cent re the website cse cent re ood plins nd 2 per cent re lkes. It is study estimted dringe 1900 there ws twice s much wetlnd re s there ws in for benets. provide These protection, retention include ood of mny importnt wter mitigtion, crbon, socil, storge, shoreline nutrients, economic groundwter stbiliztion, sediments nd nd environmentl rechrge, erosion pollutnts. the 2000. Murry-Drling Wetlnds bsin tht mngement in on swamps, integrted 15per to which bsin in Austrli. storm control, Wetlnds nd lso 43 4 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE produce BA SINS goods opportunities Wetlnd importnt for beds the very Pht A .10: Wetlands sh, re for Wetlnds the re bout s in big humn for remove wter highly of three qulity. regulte re nd clen wter, resources. min over-top exmple, toxins s Wetlnds wter lso such wildlife types: re Flood-plin their bnks, wter known excessive qulity. s nutrients the increse in droughts conditions believed to be evportion on for ecologicl including sport niches ecosystems wter construction, the nture lso for pet hunting, oods. rise nd nd to nd For cent per for cent so such chnges will of be nd provide drinking, nd fuel birdwtching, intensity exmple, levels of in precipittion, specic rnge is North such chnge Americ per on uncertinty events, of will wetlnds. dependent there +/−10 in long-term extreme the for chnges s highly Nevertheless, precipittion, for nd function dpt pre-industril per levels, vilbility, chnges. frequency from wter wter se-level these +/−50 of wetlnd shing, ecosystems nd +/−20 nd timber ffect on of number of consumption dependent wetlnd lrge sports. tht extent include temperture, nd storms, climtic nd by roofs, uses inuence bility rte into rivers Wetlnds plnts, they nd when components thtched conditions increses The Mny direct for photogrphy hve since chrcterized Recretionl climtic wetlnd nd production. quntity wter vlue pet grouped nd downstrem. regultors reeds wood. wter store economic timber, be hbitts, of other diverse. resources signicnt sheries, wter. Wetlnds re risk nd generlly of exmple, ood importnt from cn provision regultors wetlnds, reducing hve tourism, functions regultion, Reed tht for cent in re for run-off. The Ramsar Convention The Convention Wterfowl the plce of its instruments The ● convention of mintin ● orgnize in re excess wetlnd ● of 30 thn s 500 1971) This is Importnce Rmsr one trety of the lid wetlnds especilly Convention most the nd importnt bsis more s fter for thn 60 Convention. signtories interntionl chrcter so s nture to to: importnce for inclusion in list of their chieve listed the Rmsr wise use of sites ll of the reserves. wetlnd hectres signicnt or the the territory million fun in s conserving the plnning their Irn to sites interntionl support in ecologicl wetlnds more of peculir 44 on Interntionl wetlnds. to of Rmsr their designte There requires the wetlnds up wetlnds so-clled ● ● signed of referred in conserving coopertion hve designte Wetlnds (usully rtiction for interntionl countries on Hbitt of sites importnce, popultion or on the wetlnd of site Rmsr hbitt. To list, be covering considered must: wterfowl, thretened species, or 4 ● be ● be physiclly regionlly protection representtive nd nd exmple dministrtively mngement of cpble type of of W A T E r m A n A g E m E n T wetlnd beneting F u T u r E S from Tae A .8: The value of wetlands Functions mesures. Flood control A distinguishing chrcteristic of the Rmsr Convention on Wetlnds is Sediment accretion and the doption of the concept of “wise use” s prt of the ide of nture deposition conservtion. for of the the The benet nturl of wise use mnkind properties of wetlnds in of wy the is their sustinble comptible ecosystem. In with this the utiliztion mintennce context, Groundwater recharge sustainable Groundwater discharge utilization is dened s the continuous “humn use of wetlnd so tht it my yield Water purication its gretest potentil Wetlnds nd the to re meet one totl of benet the needs the most economic to present nd spirtions productive vlue genertions (TEV) of of future ecosystems wetlnds while hs in mintining genertions”. the often world, Storage of organic matter Food-chain suppor t/cycling been Water transpor t underestimted. This TEV includes: Tourism/recreation ● direct such ● use s vlues of recretion indirect use provided nd vlues by products such s sh nd fuel wood, nd services Products trnsport such s ood control nd storm Fisheries protection mngroves Game ● option vlues, which could be discovered in the future Forage ● intrinsic vlues, the vlue of the wetlnd “of its own right” with its Timber ttributes. Water A study of the lrge Hdeji-Nguru wetlnd in rid northern Nigeri Attributes found tht grzing the wter lnds yield of in nd the wetlnd nturl wter being crop yielded irrigtion diverted from prot tht the in ws sh, 30 wetlnd rewood, times into cttle greter costly thn Biological diversity irrigtion Culture and heritage project. A provided by different per rinforest. ttempt hectre Much of to put ecosystems per this yer, dollr worldwide seven vlue vlue times comes on put more from ood the ecologicl wetlnds thn tht top of services t the lmost tropicl L TA $15,000 recent Research skills prevention. Visit Nturl nd cuses other humn for storms, wetlnd nd interference, wetlnds Other of nd cuses pet, dm include erosion. either the grvel, se-level However, direct construction include col, loss or cuse conversion phosphte nd the indirect. the for rise, min The gretest drought, cuse been reclmtion loss quculture, other hs mterils, of of t re hbitt. wetlnds In other cses it hs been down to humn Rmsr investigte closest plces re to website you sites you hve interested or tht in visited or in. groundwter Visit bstrction. the http://www.rmsr.org/ nd of wetlnd mining nd hurricnes the website t conict. http://www.ces.fu.edu/ riverwoods/kissimmee.php Community-level responses to water management to According ccess to Nerly 2008 WterAid sfe hlf live people to wter. of in with the Indi sfe there This people nd is 748 roughly who Chin. wter. re There one gined Since re million in ten ccess 1981 vrious people to of in the wter WterAid world world’s to lern bout the without restortion of the Kissimmee River. popultion. between hs pproches the 1990 provided wter 21 nd million mngement. Water saving There wter. re mny Tking wys of shower sving rther wter. thn Smller-cpcity bth sves wter. bths hold less Wter-efcient 45 4 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS showerheds re. Tps sinks. Tps short produce with low with time less tht Products Lbelling wys of off re tps sving minute. yer, wter wter A tps when tps nd be used energy tht be feel tted mechnisms thn fr to greter thn bthroom tht trditionl efcient, not A they nd utomticlly screw mnufcturers in use running dripping so only cn tps. hve To ctully kitchen turn help Wter off fter identify Efciency Scheme. when wter should wter wter. wter promptly ows rte push-down use products Turning wter ow tp nd tp cn should be strt drip. to when xing cn wste turned they dripping wste more off full, nd litres litres wshers wshing lwys importnt six 5,500 nd nd re thn thn properly Dishwshers re tps more on the of of chnged mchines most efcient settings. Customer pricing In mny in some res loctions especilly true subsidized. of Domestic they dilysis) they my the Wles. compny the prices help nd It wter to n it py Services supplies be some they of the wter prctices this cre hospitl’s wter bill the nd would use. nd However, wter. my be led the hs of the be for ble llow for the the proved (for wter This is hevily to the decline wter of For stff, but use. in wter choose new meters. kidney skilled (Ofwt) greter of controversil. they pricing to use mount exmple nd wter Authority provide wter through home use rules to to t for Regultion them, in cost customers cses consumers this full mesured chrge chnging believes innovtion to medicl reduce ll wter where wsteful cn incresed ws the of sources. in hs mount regions, encourge who wnts tht not frming However, tht mrket. do the compnies Wter It for consumption fce nnounced nd my person would 2014 people wter use. py some other wter exmple, In nd enbles wter in This quifers This people the the in UK Englnd wter suppliers competition, to enter lower sector. New technologies These include sewter wter nnotechnology deslintion, processing nd Nanotechnology mtter by using chemistry hir. cost Recent of helping to osmosis kilowtt wter mke tht to of ltered hve over tretment minlnd removes be still consuming energy for the wste- microbes, bcteri nd puried. times credited world, yers. from New The ner with $1 nd other Membrane pores thn forcing per cermic of humn down cubic the metre membrnes ffordble. extremely vst every deslintion chemistry, irrigtion, contminnts. 3,000 been ve more is re membrne intelligent fcilities. destroy round $0.50 desalination hours recycling ultrltrtion wter nd technology rst-ever ions brekthroughs $0.80 Seawater 46 in deslinted between 4 used mobile inltrtion, monitoring, inltration silver enbles membrnes smrt cubic plnt expensive, mount ws of metre with energy: of opened wter. t the reverse round Britin’s Thmes to re 4 Gtewy in Wter Singpore, 2005, is science cn processes, for In only costly of nd leks griculturl to hve dischrged, wter. resource for lern to being processes using miniml mimicking cn these explored plnt by in which energy. biologicl potentilly be derived cent in estimted tht distribution networks. will million on help compnies re to not wter to ensure instruments, wirelessly llow cubic Leks stretched Electronic connected systems 45 networks. pressure technologies of the in urbn such centrlized compnies to detect nd into res, rivers promise re irrigation even to in is used pproch systems dvnced treted, nd nd now turn, freshwter intelligent by to the wter could bring countries. dequtely genertion in world’s more precision developed sewge re, is nd esturies trnsform source removing reducing by of or used to s drinking 50 to per is into wter. be cent still often irrigtion wstewter nutrients up economies, wstewter used the Sludge s energy tretment. by-product and tret tretment biologicl increse supply deploying industry treatment they Applying exmple, unexpected frcturing solution deslintion F u T u r E S quicker. per energy for One solutions in sensors, technologies nd An 70 living fertilizers it dy monitoring by digesters, required lone, wter much their for the effectively every untreted, New of 2010. sewter sewter engineering coustic frmers people not extrct monitoring industry. mngement Mny wy lost their Approximtely benets sh compnies, cloud-bsed pinpoint do is Smart pressure in rst mimicking countries for qulity nd its m A n A g E m E n T deslintion. wter resources. the nd nd developing of – innovtive sewter metres s plnts Works opened biomimicry mngrove If Tretment which W A T E r hs from been recycling high the explosion demnd for facilities . volumes of wter, As it of highly these will the globl mobile hydrulic water technologies led to cheper, develop more nd potble systems. Zoning Zoning in reltes order dry to res rechrge. of in of the zones there strems, been or to for lso ws high thereby wter Qulity chnce incresing Between 66 per s to the the 2004 stble cent of im The nitrogen nd or nd be 2007, reduced nitrte t groundwter 70 is imed t vulnerable these The into elds the policy concentrtions per risk strems. to wshed eutrophiction. the Directive Nitrate rivers some to reduce legisltion fertilizers would of quifers Nitrtes (EU) development feture nd qulity. to from llow 1991 Union next of to qulity nitrogen risk been is wter elds pply protected hs wter Europen such remined t The improving not re This mintin of nd dvised tht qulity. over-bstrction. identied, were res, decdes. pieces pollution successful. surfce sites. due or wter my erliest were Frmers zones, USA Zoning controlling s the subsidence one to sfegurd cent monitoring of hs in monitored points is stble improving. 47 4 OPTION A F R E S H WAT E R – DR A IN A GE BA SINS Water purication Wter is t puriction for purpose. biologicl include is the contminnts ltrtion, processes such s Orgniztion, tht for wter since successful Snow hd use used it spred it rpidly is nother livestock of n in It is 1 nd 1854 to mny exmple to is the still hrmful of wter people disinfect tret This occultion. wter being ccess puried lso in to of ws s mde t World lter The rst John London, of tht disinfectant Deslintion nd lter. Soho, chemicl the when type it solids, drinking used type common tht puriction re to been supply microorgnisms. so According hs supply most of there common wter the lck Snd most wter suspended methods distilltion; qulity. the from chemicls, Physicl nd billion still chlorine choler. kills over impurities include gses. cceptble 1804. of nd chlorintion supply of my sedimenttion Helth is removl Impurities of for s sewter humn nd consumption. Rainwater harvesting Wter harvesting drins wy chieved in or mny ● irrigtion ● covering refers to evportes. of wys, for individul expnses mking of use Efcient of use vilble or storge wter of before wter cn it be exmple: plnts wter rther with thn plstic whole or elds chemicls to reduce evportion ● storge reduce of Substntil cost Wter into use In soil, nd vlley grvel-lled bottomlnds recession ims to frming cpture conserve dringe trp Check in reservoirs (gin to losses). re suited involves the for irrigtion plnting of with crops low- fter nd moisture chnnel in the root greter zone shre where of rinfll crops cn it. llowed less of Flood hrvesting the directly nd underground recedes. mny cn res pumps. ood wter evportion lrge to to eld, re sediment constructing run-off, in smll-scle nd through during £250) of stored percolte dms thn bsins, mounts tnk the ood. typiclly or tht They lst to re for cross cn smll soil dms dms which chep to ve hedwters chnnelled for the designed bout be reservoir rechrge re strem either lter use, or groundwter. to trp construct yers. wter (generlly Some re Pht A .11: Water butt built entirely from mnufctured locl debris, while others my be built from bricks. Activity 16 Gnsu province Explain how a water butt and a rinwter check dam can capture water. tht ll 48 Chin hrvesting new residents. in In nd projects. construction contrst, in north-est In Brzil Bermud, includes Colordo, it sufcient USA, is hve the legl rinwter wter lrgest rooftop requirement hrvesting hrvesting ws for its restricted 4 by lw those until who 2009 hd – it rights ws to believed tke to wter reduce from the the W A T E r vilbility dringe of m A n A g E m E n T wter F u T u r E S to bsin. Concepts in contex t There re wter scrcity. such s mny the individul schemes locl. It World plns, my is through possibilities These Bnk, for be for from to to restore ctivities. mngement strtegies multi-government smll-scle exmple for interntionl possible humn vry in community borehole scle wheres environments River or is plns wter others tht restortion to reduce orgniztions, hve or butt. re been possible Some very but hrmed expensive. Some lrge dms re very expensive nd my led to Pht A .12: Check dam, Eastern unforeseen Cape, South Africa consequences, wter losses for due exmple to the spred of diseses nd incresed evportion. Check your understanding 1. Outline wys in which it is possible to sve 6. Outline the dvntges 7. Identify n 8. Identify one 9. Outline 10. Briey of wetlnds. wter. 2. How 3. Dene the 4. Briey explin my cn pricing term promote help reduce “rinwter how two greter wter integrted dringe bsin scheme. loss? lrge dm scheme. hrvesting”. new ccess the dvntges of lrge dms. technologies to explin the disdvntges of lrge freshwter. dms. 5. Explin why mny wetlnds hve disppered. Synthesis and evaluation ● The mteril humn prts. led ● Wter scle the ● For to in There re from such cn by shown the in tke the lower plce Authority, how nturl dringe in the mngement perspectives interntionl World frmers cycling grphiclly of t my bsin upper prt prt of the vriety cover wheres of processes my of ffect bsin nd other my bsin. scles. wide individuls Lrge- re, my such s collect butts. the s hs deforesttion Vlley different nd prt dischrge bsin wter rnging Wter chpter one mngement dringe Ntions ● in exmple, Tennessee users this incresed wter – in ctivities nd wter mens of wter development orgniztions Bnk, nd on to other ntionl such s the governments schemes United nd end consumers. systems ows nnotted cn be sketches represented nd systems/ow digrms. 49 1 E X Am PrACTiCE E C I T C A R P The mps totl show vilble wter withdrwls in 1995 nd 2025 s percentge of wter. M A X E 1995 2025 Water withdrawal more than (a) as a percentage 40% (i) of total from Stte the wter, in (ii) Describe (iii) Outline (b) Explin to wter the from 10% withdrwl, nd in pttern chnges 1995 why water 40% Chin two between (iv) available 20% nd ccess to 20% in wter less percentge 1995 (2 nd withdrwl withdrwls 2005. to s Indi of to of than of totl 2025. in over 10% (2 1995. 40 vilble mrks) (3 per mrks) cent mrks) freshwter is importnt to humns. (3 mrks) Either Exmine benets. the (10 view tht the cost of dms outweighs their potentil mrks) Or Exmine 50 the role of humn ctivities in incresing ood risk. (10 mrks) O P T I O N B O C E A N S A N D C O A S TA L Key terms Coasal Oceans cover surface and over are of 70 per great cent of the importance Earth’s to humans All areas from the deep oceans to inland in agns M A R G I N S a number of ways. This optional theme areas that are aected by coastal provides an introduction to the physical processes (for example land–sea characteristics and processes of the oceans breezes) and that aect the coastline with particular reference to the atmosphere– (for example sources of sediment). ocean ENSO – A reversal of the normal atmospheric El Nño circulation in the southern Pacic Soen Ocean, bringing warm water and low Oscllaon pressure to the eastern Pacic, and role link, that concentrating oceans conditions. resource This play Issues bases theme also help the important inuencing arising are will in on from the climatic oceans as considered. develop an cool water and high pressure to the understanding of the concepts of place, western Pacic. It occurs once every processes, power and geographical 2–10 years. possibilities. La Nña An intensication of normal atmospheric processes, for example increased ooding in normally humid areas and increased drought in areas concepts belts There including and coastal (exclusive will also systems landform economic be more (ocean systems), zones) and specialist conveyor the territories Global commons. that are relatively dry. Esac Eustatic changes are worldwide and changes in sea level caused by the sosac growth and decay of ice caps, thereby sea-level locking up and later releasing water canges from ice. Isostatic changes are localized Key questions 1. How do Earth’s changes in the relative level of the land 2. How physical atmospheric are coastal interaction and sea, caused by the depression processes with and places the link ocean shaped the systems? by their ocean? of the Earth’s crust, such as due to 3. How powerful are different stakeholders the weight of an ice sheet. Following in relation to coastal margin management? deglaciation, the crust beneath the 4. What are the future possibilities weight begins to rise again, and relative for managing the oceans as a Global sea level therefore falls. commons? Ad vancng Coastlines that are growing/getting and larger either due to deposition or a fall in eeang sea level are called advancing coasts. coaslnes Retreating coasts are those that are getting smaller/disappearing either due to erosion or to a rise in sea level. Global Resources that are outside the coons reach of any one nation, for example oceans, the atmosphere and Antarctica. Global commons may be exploited or degraded and so need to be managed carefully. 51 1 Ocean–atmosphere interactions Conceptual understanding Key qeson How do physical processes link the Earth’s atmospheric and ocean systems? Key conen ● The operation nutrient and conveyor ● of ocean energy Niño and economic ● The ● The La interactions Niña) and their distribution margins, changing dioxide the their distribution, importance of oceanic associated climatic, with ENSO cycles environmental and effects formation, coastal including and belts Atmosphere–oceanic (El currents, transfers (CO ) including role of and and oceans the physical storm as impacts a impacts of hurricanes on surges store of and ocean source of carbon acidication on coral reefs 2 Ocean currents Surface ocean blowing surface ocean pattern of these circumpolar in the is distribution to on piles cause the water western bucket. The such the as Stream is relatively cold ocean equator. western Europe Current and are why the rather as across the British west hemisphere rotation like in exception from this of water to is gyres is water slopping in a currents transports mild the east. the up Atlantic. have and earth fast-owing North of The because of the piles particular Isles ow. hemisphere circulation narrow Stream the the winds pattern circular main westward; occurs Gulf The Antarctica of prevailing northern northern effect of dominant roughly the Within push eastwards the move move Gulf second. would move Stream, be more for for it, like to the the the cold masses instance, the the of from from huge Current dragged important away away Without Benguela waters water water currents warm per nutrient-rich The the basins often in is The The heat Gulf winters and summers. major The in sea. to ocean reason currents metres currents then main gyres) around The oceans of as inuence B.1). hemisphere. and dome. ow the clockwise current Stream. currents The distances. cubic and cool ocean edge Gulf the a by (Figure ows land the return northwards Warm in is that of into sea (known equivalent up caused the southern current of water are currents There the no across currents anticlockwise 52 currents steadily of surface of by lands The Africa offshore energy and contrast, over transports sub-Arctic. In towards water temperate south-west transfer equator. regions 55 of the long million north- cold Peru bring in winds. Ocean nutrients. 1 O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E i N t E r A C t i O N S JANUARY t f i r ro d C a il f o r in a n Equatorial Equatorial N o i m r o u K u G N . E q u a N. t Current o r i a l C u r r Countercurrent e n t N G u i n . E. o n so o n D ri Equatorial Cur rent ft Equatorial a . Current e r r u E q u a to ri a l C l u B l r h a a z C rru tne s i g A C u r r e n t C u rr e n t . C m b o l d t ) S o u th eB ugn ale n ( H u t P e r u Equatorial M Countercurr ent e C Southern w S a e r t S f l C u r r e n t Northern h t r o aL Current S i A ar b Pacific w o .C N. O y a D c i t n a l t Current C ir c u m p o r la An tar ctic Ocean currents Cold Warm Speed Less (knots) than 0.5 JUL Y D t u i c a Over S i l o 1.0 N o w C t A h t r aL c t 0.5 –1.0 n ar b fi en t O y a ro d ci Pa . N rr f i w o .C r iS o r u t S r m a e K f l u G N. N o rt rn e h to a u q E ri al rr u C en t Equa torial Curre nt N. S Equatorial Current . W Equatorial . M Equatorial Countercurrent o Counter current n s G Equatorial u in o o e n a C D r . S. i f Current Equato rial Current t t u r B e n g u le a e P Southern r u r H e ( n b C ru r e ) tn u g A B t r C ent h l a u Curr a z t n e r r to rial Equa s i o l l h . C C m u d Sout Circ ump ol ar Current An tar ctic The effect they raise are of ocean cold the westerly or temperature winds). example, the North Europe. average their as the areas the that Labrador reduce to for summer eastern ocean currents of to Peru, support the the of areas the Drift areas the temperatures, is by the the more (Figure only if aid of winter than ocean upon the winter. warmer contrast, currents. coast in temperatures 24 °C By whether regions prevailing noticeable B.2). north-east but depends equatorial only raises are colder off from (with effect latitude made Current oceans move surface. California important coast pages polar Some temperatures currents of Cold North wind For of than there the are currents such America blows from may the sea land. Many oor of Atlantic line are on Warm However, north-west other currents warm. Fge B.1: Ocean currents of Peru, experience upwelling cold rich Such and water, upwelling south-west sheries. disappears The in currents, nutrients, currents Africa. best-known periodically are These where from found off the ocean the nutrient-rich upwelling during the El coast waters current, Niño events off (see 56–58). 53 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S 0 12 8 8 4 0 0 4 16 0 24 8 24 12 8 20 20 12 16 8 12 8 4 12 4 8 4 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 8 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 Solid lines southern indicate positive hemispheres properties of land and and values, also water the in and broken land/ocean relation to lines show contrast absorbing in negative the and values. northern losing Note the difference hemisphere. This map between illustrates the the northern and different energy. Fge B.2: Global temperature anomalies Specic heat capacity The specic heat temperature does to land is heat B.3). With a capacity body. land. hotter (Figure night. of It is the takes However, than the Places sea that increasing it by are heat from the states 15 C Coastal cooled (warm) sea east heat In slowly Land absorbs heat sea the takes up water than are sea it heat this Ocean to the cool two lose sea by effect to raise water heat. by day, is the than it Hence, night but mild by reduced. The west with the other rst is main cold is warm atmospheric surface warm surface water surface water in water the with both cold cases, from the surface the water warm in the in the surface west. causes low quickly low heat for colder the Pacic pressure. Outgoing to air (cool) absorbs but to exist. the east; region by energy longer from the of energy sun in Sea day, distance Summer 10 C takes close In Incoming amount more As pressure air blows there is from a high pressure movement of to water Earth Winter from the These Coastal 0 C region warmed by sea warm to the warm warmer surface area. water region, exposing colder into deep water air (cool) behind Sea area push (cold) the 5 C colder winds loses heat them, and so the process repeats. slowly Land loses heat rapidly In addition, This deep, there is the grand-scale ocean conveyor circulation of the belt. ocean’s Fge B.3: The eect of the sea on temperatures in coastal margins waters to effectively colder regions, transfers such as heat from northern the tropics Europe. The ocean conveyor belt In addition there 54 is to also a the transfer transfer of of energy energy by by wind deep sea and by ocean currents. currents, Oceanic 1 convection occurs from polar regions where cold O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E salty water sinks i N t E r A C t i O N S into Activity 1 the is depths found and in the temperature left behind sweeps the from the around much bring reverse the ocean at a depth to waters the the give North of the the conveyor is of up about 4 and their km. the heat This to form It then spreads sinks Describe the temperature anomalies shown in Figure B.2: into a. across the equator b. about 60° Nor th. Surface Indian winds then 1. a water Ocean. the cold at seawater dense Indian water water ice the cold from to densest hence This Atlantic ocean belt freezes denser. Pacic Atlantic. The freshwater, North deep equator. seawater ice therefore Atlantic, convection the and water These across Here The the and which and blow 2. How do you account for these anomalies? starts current. operates in this way, the L TA Because of towards area. −2°C. saltier warm Oceans. Canada way Antarctica basins currents Pacic is its Antarctic of round deep makes North Research and communication skills Atlantic more salt is warmer evaporation in it due to causes it to where it mixes in the sink. Temperature, than the the North North Atlantic. evaporation, Eventually with more salinity and Pacic, the and and pressure there The is its is water therefore water water so it is left affect the is behind much transported density proportionally has denser, into the more which Pacic reduced. density of Use or a search other investigate water masses of different densities are important the of oceanic in contrasting conveyor in the Give a the ocean water (denser water sinks). As temperature becomes less dense. As salinity increases, water pressure deep mass water mass densities increases, of water is less meet, is water very dense. the becomes dense, When denser large water denser. whereas a water mass slips A cold, warm, masses under becomes highly less with the the two-minute outlining importance ocean belts. saline, saline, surface different less of denser. conveyor As belts of increases, the water parts layering presentation of to importance seawater. world. Large engine resource dense Activity 2 mass. Describe the movement of cold These responses to density are the reason for some of the deep ocean and warm water in the ocean circulation models. conveyor belt, as shown by Figure B.4. Driven by changes in temperature and salinity, Cold deep Warm ocean currents are moving to latitudes moving from the and cold toward the Known as Some that back this which northern climate. scientists speculate Equator warming weaken circulation some includes Stream, global could upper ‘thermohaline moderates Europe’s atmosphere the then phenomenon Gulf current to equator. circulation,’ the release motion, heat equator surface in Heat constant current large this and regions leave relatively cooler. Fge B.4: The ocean conveyor belt 55 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S El Niño and La Niña a. High-altitude flow El Niño – eastern Rising air Descending flow “Christ that Child” occurs – at is a warming intervals of the between air two Surface Low the Pacic High and 10 Originally, years, El and Niño lasts for referred to up a to two warm years. current that Equator pressure pressure SOUTH appeared off the coast of Peru, but we now know AMERICA AUSTRALIA Several up to degrees 1m Pacific warmer higher than in that Ocean this current is part of a much larger system. and Eastern Pacific Normal conditions in the Pacic Ocean 120 180 120 60 Upwelling cold encourages water growth brings of nutrients plankton and and The Walker that occurs circulation is the east–west circulation fish in low latitudes. Near South America stocks winds cold, High-altitude b. blow rich Fish catches down pushed Rising contrast, warm of the flow into the western Pacic. surface water Normally temperatures (SSTs) in the western sea Pacic air are Surface By upwelling 20% surface air High waters. causing flow is Descending offshore, over 28 °C, causing an area of low pressure and Low producing Equator pressure high rainfall. By contrast, over coastal pressure SOUTH South America SSTs are lower, high pressure exists, AMERICA AUSTRALIA Drought in Australia’s Pacific green Ocean and in bush are dry. belt Floods Increase conditions in fires Peru and Chile El Niño conditions in the Pacic Ocean 120 180 120 Warm 60 currents force fish to During move El Niño episodes the pattern is reversed. Water of temperatures in the eastern Pacic rise as warm Fge B.5: Normal conditions shown in (a) and El Niño water from the western Pacic ows into the eastern conditions in the South Pacic Ocean (b) Pacic. During ENSO events, SSTs over (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Source: NOAA the Pacic. over the west. America, pressure whereas Some Niño is In event estimated July 2015 (NOAA) return than El In on US in and any general, storm on the Coast experience could oil believed Niño countries have over Pacic further high coastal The 21,000 across pressure South experience disastrous. than and air warm, 1997–98 people over and caused the El 40 Niño decreased 26.5°C due beneted to were 1°C higher needed began events. Atlantic by 2°C to for in not benet prolonged production and its if an El drought, higher the hurricane form Farms milder as Increased storm – more Pacic activity, in the US and as $15 so Niño intensies. coffee production. The billion in Indonesia production, Forest the Midwest temperatures. much affecting hydroelectric the years. hurricanes. yields and declared event. a dry El Administration and temperatures Pacic cyclones previous from Atmospheric temperatures surface tropical fewer higher to may experience palm by be more and sea SSTs six occurs much Pacic, damage. Oceanic sea the experiences can extend eastern western equatorial benets matched is Other in of 28 °C the rainfall the killed July July day economy El in pushed generally 1997–98 have central 12 USA is and worth During This heavy National the over conditions changes single activity East US Niño. Pacic. formation, than the to billion reported of these believed $36 expected eastern Indonesia of of develops Consequently, conditions. an 56 Low res US the 1 would be 2billion more 5percent Scientists In of rice almost in events Africa reductions in China. can the also oods complication further stored rising heat. of children El could This gas soya release is the bean crops up for harvest, that to equivalent emissions concluded world’s 10 in area the wheat between were affected 1998 heavy of year. in 1984 by El difcult, Niño event more if harder the in be one had suggest to rate be rains in breed. difcult can release greenhouse just a plateau 1997–98. 0.04°C were the to a lot of effect Since is 1999, decade in rains need in may likely the not and Up of was to in to million heatwaves able by to breed over spread in) while history. of scale, happen. 1 America strength global areas were treatment by South food rural increased virus droughts the in Africa affected maize Zika Given water years. mosquitoes severe or 35 were of of people southern for heavy predict may in year for cause million price why most such of the 40 Asia the impacts. what for more apparent since Africa in water to event the areas The reason its a driest people its Niño enhanced Some its impossible, prepare at Southern of it to 1990s. urban stagnant one El events said 2015. mosquitoes making that the Niño Zimbabwe therefore to to with was of with more not and difcult much to was America and Millions In strong people. and insecticides. increased people thus believe El during event compared (there Central quiet Africa considered easily a experienced shortages. cent that 1997 allowed roads and million million East is In that nets have Niño 100 The water per is study disease. associated 0.18°C malnutrition. were It for nearly affected. 50 with 2015–16 shortages and Indian the pools scientists relatively temperatures compared bring bed Some temperatures result global for greenhouse 2014 of and atmosphere. the damaged A and in A stagnant medicines, The conditions, the one-quarter distribute the dry into human-related created addition, of the carbon i N t E r A C t i O N S events. Niño East of total and 2004, Niño El of warn Australia and likely tonnes O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E This the it is El even makes it events. La Niña La Niña the is whereby of an intermittent equatorial South Pacic (just strong has the south temperature into been of cold Ocean. easterly America and to Pacic the the is winds with that ows from intensication push Sahara in an western linked patterns current It cold upwelling Pacic. unusual desert) of Its and water impact rainfall in the off extends patterns India, east normal and in across conditions the coast beyond the with the Sahel unusual Activity 3 Canada. 1. Managing the impacts of El Niño and La Niña Compare the conditions in the south Pacic Ocean a) under normal conditions Managing the impacts of these events is difcult for many reasons. In and b) during El Niño the past, El Niño events could not be predicted with much accuracy. conditions. Now in there are advance. and to affect They relocate large sensors have people parts across of the enabled away the Pacic Peru from globe, not to that stock vulnerable just the predict up El with areas. Pacic. Niño food months resources Nevertheless, Some of the they countries 2. What were the impacts of the 1997–98 El Niño event? 57 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S China Philippines Drought Drought 20 million ha reduced land in rice Parts of by 15% USA had normal 200% for this harvest time threatened of in year by Record flooding rainfall north above Grain north-west of harvest arable USA affected snowfalls in south Rocky Mountains Hurricanes El Niño Africa Damage crops in to corn sub- Saharan Africa Typhoons Colombia Indonesia World’s coffee Fish third largest Cold producer’s catches down Humboldt 20% Current Australia crop down 25% Dryness belt in Australia’s threatened grain wheat Peru production Floods Warm currents, forced Warmer to anchovy move in Peru 5 °C and offshore and above Pacific to Chile normal, cooler sardine waters, Drier beyond Warmer and the range of small Peruvian drier fishing boats Wetter Fge B.6: The eects of the 1997–98 El Niño event affected do impacts on not have other the parts resources of the to world cope, and through there trade are and indirect aid. Hurricanes/tropical cyclones “Cyclone” These are is “typhoon” Tropical strong and ! Common mistake the the called is the winds and mudslides. areas they Some students in the are used in in South the the high waves, affect. This rainfall of and also is to cause deliver due up systems to 500 and and north-west low-pressure Hurricanes Pacic Atlantic Pacic that other in and B.7). rainfall, such as ooding quantities of water over millimetres Pacic; heavy hazards origin Ocean. (Figure bring enormous their Indian north-east moist 24 tropical hours to seas. invariably confuse cause tropical used term cyclones High-intensity ✗ term “hurricanes” cyclones ooding. The path of a hurricane is erratic; hence it is not always with possible to give more than 12 hours’ notice. This is insufcient for proper tornadoes. ✓ Tropical very cyclones wide evacuation measures Hurricanes develop that oceans. spiral of narrow systems that develop over very to land. 58 may water central systems area over known tropical as the oceans. eye. the whole hurricane may be as much as 800 km, The although strong belt, winds up to that 300 cause km most wide. In of a the damage mature are found hurricane, in a pressure as low as 880 millibars. This very low pressure, and the may strong normally to spouts. in pressure between the eye and outer part of the hurricane Some lead water low-pressure calm weather contrast over a are fall tornadoes intense around In tornadoes narrower very as rapidly develop the contrast, implemented. are diameter over be weather Winds systems to to strong gale-force winds. form produce Hurricanes normally move develop excess in the heat from low latitudes westward-owing air to just higher north latitudes. of the They equator 1 O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E i N t E r A C t i O N S Fge B.7: The distribution of hurricanes 3.0 and 1.0–2.9 0.1–0.9 more per (known as an depressions, These trigger develop 118 km into per wave). areas tropical ever hurricanes mph). become to form, a low that storms, (74 They of thunderstorms hour disturbances For easterly localized begin life pressure persist which for have However, as that at small-scale cause least greater only hours wind about 10 ● Sea are needed temperatures depth large this of 60 quantities is the heat number (Figure of be heat of up of tropical to of 27°C water when drives An upper atmosphere pressure area helps away rising high- pump B.8). over (warm that rise. may hurricanes. must metres to and cent 6 conditions air speeds per it the to gives is air in the storm Pre-existing The low-pressure area has a condensed; hurricane). to be far enough 4 Air up to about 5,500 Pre-existing winds not by created from the equator so that the needs Coriolis to be humid as it (the force caused by the rotation into the storm. extra water vapour earth) mass; is if it creates is too insufcient rotation close to rotation in the and the rising equator a latent same the storm and speeds Conditions tropical must be unstable: low-pressure but not systems all of The why some do develop them, but close to avoid ripping the air needs so to it be Pre-existing winds Pre-existing winds will rising some and into W inds need to be coming scientists together unsure at all will 2 hurricanes, at apart develop. continue are direction same there hurricane unstable ● – nearly energy air 3 not heat those storm from supplies altitudes more the – coming The to of be is the pulled force the m should away winds off 5 ● year tracks tropical warm 24 year year per Average per others do not. near the – converging – surface Impacts of hurricanes The the Safr-Simpson National scale, Oceanic and developed 60m by Warm Atmospheric 1 Ocean water amount Administration, assigns hurricanes to ve categories categories are of based potential on wind disaster. above water 28ºC to is needed evaporate. for Warm the proper water must one be of of water The intensity. about ocean, 60 m deep bringing up because cold storms water from stir up the below The Fge B.8: Factors aecting the development of hurricanes 59 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S classication Pacic; is other used areas for use hurricanes different forming in the Atlantic and northern scales. table B.1: The Sar-Simpson scale tye hcane Daage caegoy pesse Wnd So sge (b) seed (ees (k/) above noal) Depression – – – <56 – Tropical – – – 57–118 – Hurricane 1 Minimal >980 119–53 1.2–1.5 Hurricane 2 Moderate 965–79 154–77 1.6–2.5 Hurricane 3 Extensive 945–64 178–209 2.6–3.6 Hurricane 4 Extreme 920–44 210–49 3.7–5.5 Hurricane 5 Catastrophic <920 >250 >5.5 storm ● The unpredictability management Hurricane of Ivan of hurricane hurricanes (2004) paths difcult. suddenly It makes was changed the effective fortunate course for away Jamaica from the that most Activity 4 densely 1. In populated Describe the distribution hit. contrast, of hurricanes as shown in Hurricane it parts was Charley of the island, unfortunate (2004) moved where for it had Florida’s away from been Punta its expected Gorda predicted to when path. Figure B.7. ● 2. The strongest Outline the main changes six that occur as hurricane taken intensity increases storm” lives were by storms lost Jeanne and had to do always Hurricane when not not it yet was cause Frances still reached the in greatest 2004, categorized full but as hurricane damage. 2,000 just a Only were “tropical strength. (Table B.1). ● 3. Suggest reasons why the The distribution hurricanes. impacts of hurricanes vary exposed to of Much the of population the increased increases population sea levels and lives the the in risk risk coastal of associated with settlements and is ooding. from place to place. ● Hazard to mitigation natural planning, schemes events. evacuation and ● depends This the LICs on measures distribution hazards preparation. greatest in Australia, By as effectiveness urban and of (low-income natural the includes relief food aid result contrast, high-income where the laws, clean such to inadequate insurance countries, multi-million costs such dollar response as rehousing water. continue of human emergency operations, and countries) a of planning lose lives to planning and continue to as the USA waterfront be or homes proliferate. Typhoon Haiyan: how does it compare to other tropical cyclones? Typhoon to make winds landfall of strongest the poo B.1: Damage in Grenada following Hurricane Ivan 60 Haiyan, 314 described in km/h typhoon strongest to as recorded and ever reach the strongest history, gusts of up recorded landfall. hit to the 378 (Table tropical Philippines km/h, B.2) cyclone but the with fourth- 1 O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E i N t E r A C t i O N S Case study Typhoon Haiyan Storm Tropical Storm Food Category Programme Haiyan Tropical Tropical Category Category Category Category Category Depression Storm 1 2 3 4 5 <39 39 –73 74 –95 96 –110 111–130 131–155 156+ mph mph mph mph mph mph mph mobilized $2 45ºN million) aimed 40ºN some million to tonnes aid and deliver of biscuits (£1.25 in 40 fortied to victims 35ºN within Nov 14 11 Nov dead (confirmed) 7 days. The 11 dead economic cost estimated to was (confirmed) 30ºN be about $15 Many countries billion. 25ºN Hanoi Guangxi pledged Nov aid to 8–9 20ºN LAOS 1,774 Hainan dead (confirmed) Over 10,000 dead the (confirmed) Philippines, including the UK Danang 15ºN Manila PHILIPPINES THAILAND ($131 million), Japan $53 million), Tacloban 10ºN VIETNAM Canada Palo ($40 CAMBODIA million) and the 5ºN USA ($37 million). 0º 95ºE 105ºE 115ºE 125ºE 135ºE 145ºE 155ºE 165ºE 175ºE Satellite images showed Fge B.9: The track of Typhoon Haiyan At least green 10,000 people were killed in the patches province of Leyte after of one of the strongest struck the storms Philippines ever to Winds in up to during 315 the km/h (195 mph) super-typhoon off buildings, knocked out turned roads into rivers electricity full path 70–80 of per Haiyan Tacloban, the cent in of Leyte the of of buildings province provincial over capital 200,000. in were of The buildings streets the seawaters to rise by the Leyte, had no future typhoon mobile hit. Power phone was signal, so cut only by or many was provinces areas, impossible 6 m damage and there to – Government million had in the Visayas, hardest-hit were Philippines. Many among had little – so the typhoon population and job at even put an already greater risk of insecurity. island, where killed some a 7.3 200 magnitude people were successfully in October evacuated was communication of the storm. However, because the island’s was left such without and as know power airports Tacloban, the full in In power supply the closed, extent of too it or to provide badly gures showed that been directly affected. residents Tacloban, much stadiums comes from neighbouring the for and were without sheer some force electricity of evacuation churches, and the storm centres, they or water. was such as collapsed. the Philippines experiences about 20 typhoons needed more The year. In 2012 Typhoon Bopha killed more than than 4 living eastern the residents every aid. through held when The storm’s wading possessions radio. telecommunications, hardest-hit in food Bohol Leyte, With TV surges, a main possible storm surge ahead no huge families their Those the savings vulnerable destroyed. storm above as poorest 2013, the and with water. such earthquake caused of debris. On population images pylons or About brown local tore the and into a were which areas, roofs up where November above recorded ripped Tacloban, make ooded 2013. in broadcast attened landfall, debris Typhoon channel Haiyan, vegetation central squares Philippine of normally 1,100 people and caused over $1 billion- World worth of damage. 61 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S table B.2: The strongest tropical cyclones in world history Se Yea Wnd seed pesse (k/) (b) 346 882 yoon L TA Communication skills Nancy 1961 Landfall Made landfall as a Category 2 in Japan, killing 191 people Use the data in Table B.2 Violet to produce a scatter 1961 322 886 Made landfall in Japan as a tropical graph. storm, killing 2 people Use the Spearman’s Rank Ida Correlation 1958 200 877 Made landfall as a Category 1 in Coefcient Japan, killing 1269 people to test whether relationship strength and the Report your of there between a class a the Haiyan 2013 314 895 Made landfall in the Philippines at peak strength, Category 5 hurricane number your is of deaths. ndings using Kit 1966 314 880 Sally 1961 314 895 Did not make landfall to either Made landfall as a Category 4 in the a Philippines poster or a presentation. NB: Some of the data from the 1950s and the 1960s may have overestimated wind speeds. The role of oceans as a source and store of carbon dioxide L TA Oceans Research skills carbon sea. Visit the largest Over that the geological National settled (USA). time, on Earth; release more into than 90 more the per than air is cent 25 per absorbed of the cent into world’s of the the Haiyan (or in the carbon any into dioxide the deep in the more well as and such as carbon photosynthesis, into organic ocean. The material. upper Gradually, ocean organic therefore has a carbon lower of carbon than the deep ocean. If carbon on the ocean was lifted to the surface (as in a thermohaline circulation) the information ocean maps processes, search oor for Biological other concentrations hurricane) ocean. Enter settles as sink 2 Hurricane turns Center box CO humans www.nhc.noaa.gov has for are dioxide satellite could become a source of CO rather 2 than a sink. images, photographs. During cold around 180 glacial phases atmospheric CO levels may have decreased to 2 much of ppmv this interglacials, (parts was stored CO is per in million the released by oceans. from the volume), In and contrast, oceans, and in it is the thought warm atmospheric CO 2 levels may have that 2 been around 280 ppmv. Current CO levels are around 2 400 ppm, indicating The major a substantial warming. 12 reservoirs of carbon dioxide are fossil fuels (10,000 × 10 kg 12 of carbon), the atmosphere (750 × 10 kg of carbon) and the oceans 12 (38,000 × 10 kg Photosynthesis dioxide. to the Some ocean destroyed the at by of The carbon). plankton this oor where plates. transfer Oceans it passes zones carbon a key organic through decomposes Carbon of play generates material subduction continental activity. of where into ocean dioxide dioxide is role the compounds the food later are to of cycle. carbon and sinks Eventually subducted released ocean carbon chain sediments. crusts from in during it is beneath volcanic atmosphere Activity 5 happens 1. over a very long timescale. Describe the main stores of Up to half of the carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels carbon in the carbon cycle. since 2. the early has been absorbed by oceans. Absorbed CO 2 in Identify the main ows of seawater forms carbon in the carbon cycle. moreacidic. 62 1880s carbonic acid, which lowers the water’s pH and makes it 1 O C E A N – A t m O S p h E r E i N t E r A C t i O N S Ocean acidication Atmosphere 750 The pH of seawater (CO ) 2 Acidity is measured Freshwater Surface has a on pH seawater the pH reading had a scale. of 7. reading of 0.5 8.2 a has century dropped ago, to but 8.1 now this because of the Vegetation 610 60 5.5 60 amount been this of carbon absorbed may by seem dioxide oceans. like a that has 121.3 1.6 Although relatively small Fossil fuels & cement change, the pH scale is production logarithmic, 4,000 and so a 0.1 difference Soils actually 92 1,580 represents of 30 per surface an increase cent. By seawater to 7.8, which in acidity of in 2100, could 150 pH have represents about acidity the an per 90 Rivers of dropped increase Surface ocean 1,020 50 cent. 100 91.6 40 The oceans are thought to have Marine biota Deep 3 ocean Storage in GtC 38,100 absorbed about 50 per cent of the 4 Fluxed in GtC/yr 6 0.2 extra CO put 2 into the atmosphere Dissolved organic 6 carbon in the industrial lowered mildly its pH age. by alkaline This 0.1. with a <700 Sediments has Seawater is “natural” pH 150 Fge B.10: The global carbon cycle of about 8.2. However, the (Intergovernmental Panel will 0.14 to fall the between present cause of decrease ocean made) sources power stations, extinction, areas are – Climate of 0.35 0.1 cars sheries to as and is carbon during since believed Many eradication, forecasts the 21st pre-industrial emissions planes. face Change) units units acidication such starting on and to species and be from ocean anthropogenic now reefs pH adding times. industrial are coral that century, (man- Research skills plants, threatened that L TA The by IPCC protect Visit with http://news.bbc. co.uk/1/hi/uk/7053903. coastal stm erode. to see world’s Some of the carbon that mankind emits remains in the 30 causes per it cent to of heat up, carbon driving dioxide is global warming. absorbed However, oceans More coral acidic reefs stocks will where of oceans and sh. reduce it turns are to carbonic beginning shellsh beds Increasing calcication and ocean in to acid. kill more or less 8.15 8.10 8.05 8.00 7.95 More acidic acidic Arctic Ocean off threaten acidication corals resulting 2 7.90 Less and other North organisms, CO about North calcifying the now by 8.20 the are atmosphere absorbing and whether oceans in Atlantic Pacific slower Ocean Ocean growth and Scientists weaker estimate skeletons that oceans absorb around Indian South a million tonnes of carbon dioxide every Pacific Ocean Ocean South hour. As a result, they are now 30per cent Atlantic Ocean more This acidic than increased they acidity were last disrupts century. reproductive Antarctic Ocean Antarctic activity and carbonate, adversely which affects forms the Ocean calcium shells and Fge B.11: Variations in pH levels in the world’s oceans 63 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S skeletons 1 Atmospheric carbon Less More acidic acidic of some of many species of sea creatures. coral has The declined growth by 14 rate per dioxide cent on the Great Barrier Reef since 1990, either CO 2 due 2 3 to both. temperature Other reef stress areas or ocean report acidication similar or results. Dissolved Hydrogen carbon Carbonic ions dioxide Water Early acid warning signs that have been noticed include: + H CO 2 O H 2 H CO 2 3 ● the failure of commercial oyster and other Bicarbonate shellsh ions beds on the Pacic coasts of the USA Carbonate –1 ions HCO and 3 Canada –2 CO 3 ● coral reefs – already bleached by rising global Deformed temperatures shells Up to half of the carbon dioxide (CO many regions at poles – have suffered disintegration in ) released by burning fossil fuels 2 ● the and high latitudes, tiny shellsh since the early 1800s has been absorbed by the world’s oceans. called Absorbed CO 2 in seawater (H O) forms carbonic acid (H 2 CO 2 pteropods – the basis of the food chain ), 3 for sh, whales and seabirds – have suffered a lowering the water ’s pH level and making it more acidic. noticeable reduction in their numbers. This raises the hydrogen ion concentration in the water, and limits organisms’ access to carbonate ions, which are needed to form Ocean hard par ts. three of Fge B.12: Ocean acidication coral these will is thought changes. be By affected by to 2050 local be involved over and 90 per global in L TA http:// climateinterpreter.org/ threats. 1. Study Figure B.12. Explain how ocean acidication is changing the carbon cycle. 2. Compare the location of areas that are becoming more acidic with those that content/effects-ocean- are becoming less acidic, as shown in Figure B.11. acidication-coral-reefs for a series news and of articles, videos acidication and on Concepts in contex t ocean coral We reefs. have oceans seen how (currents; there How is affecting coral widespread is can be done and the processes as El Niño; carbon operating in hurricanes; the of these processes such as the cycle carbon for example). cycle are affected by human in processes activities, natural and which systems, ocean in turn has and it acidication. an may appear There impact that is human a ne activities to are manage many atmospheric balance What interactions; such it? on ● natural reefs? being How many processes acidication However, ● are weather ocean–atmospheric ● upsetting the equilibrium. problem? Check your understanding 1. Outline the main causes of ocean currents. 7. Outline Niño 2. Explain the 3. Outline the main causes of ocean impacts of the main coral Explain energy the inuence of ocean currents Outline Identify the main 64 of factors needed for a tropical cyclone. the main hazards associated tropical cyclones/hurricanes. the with Explain how transfers. Explain how ocean currents transfer Distinguish between El Niño and La oceans nutrients. sink 6. El on 10. 5. of reefs. 9. 4. impacts ocean development on economic events. acidication. 8. main acidication all cent Activity 6 Research skills Visit acidication of Niña. of carbon. may be a source and a 2 Interactions between oceans and coastal places Conceptual understanding Key qeson How are coastal places shaped by their interactions with oceans? Key conen ● Physical inuences sediment wave ● The of processes The and spits raised ● The (littoral and dune and of landscapes, vegetation, drift, hydraulic formation of including subaerial action coastal including waves, processes and abrasion) landforms wave-cut tides, and as a platforms, result and poo B.2: Skellig Michael, o the County Kerry coast, south-west cliffs, Ireland beaches identication including beaches, role coastal deposition, formation coastlines, on lithology, characteristics erosion stacks, ● supply, isostatic of and advancing eustatic and retreating landforms (relict cliffs, fjords) coastal processes, wind and vegetation in coastal sand development Coastal environments Coastal environments physical and landscapes. ● human For Lithology basalt in give Geological the Dalmatian ● strata Processes England, rapid – and a at for Rocks or such off and great of as shaped variety the the as and Causeway south-west sands around coastal following: granite Giant’s by in and Cape coast of gravels Cod off the B.3). (Pacic) the the angles a the such example concordant right rocks rocks is account example (Photo to factors, there on hard for soft Croatia of for Pacic the for occur example coastline coastlines to coastlines coastline, occur shoreline, of the where for where the USA, the example the Ireland. landscapes, rapidly example for example retreating the the cliffs, Netherlands, east coast whereas contain of areas many of sand ats. changes interact advancing relative – parallel many coastal produce and/or of many vary (Atlantic-type) erosional contain Sea-level to are – lie coastline deposition, dunes ● strata by result Skellig America coastline south-west the landscapes, of discordant geological (rock) whereas structure geological whereas at a landscapes or B.2), coast As landscapes, Ireland low, north-east inuenced properties rugged (Photo produce ● example, Northern Ireland are processes. fall in with erosional coastlines sea level) (those or and depositional growing retreating due to processes deposition coastlines (those poo B.3: Cape Cod, being eroded and/or drowned by a relative rise in sea level). Massachusetts, USA 65 2 OPTION B OCE ANS Long Low AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S wavelength Short wavelength height High Shallow Elliptical height gradient orbit Steep Circular • Depositional • Also • Long • Low • High • Swash • Low • Low called “spilling” wavelength, waves low height • Erosional • Also • Short gradient • High energy • Low • Backwash • Steep • High frequency period gradient orbit waves (6–8 (one greater per every than minute) 8–10 seconds) backwash waves called “surging” wavelength, frequency period or high (10–12 (one every greater “plunging” per minute) 5–6 seconds) than waves height swash Fge B.13: Constructive or swell waves gradient energy Fge B.14: Destructive or storm waves Activity 7 ● Human Compare the main Cape characteristics of constructive are impacts Cod more (Photo are increasingly B.3), natural, for are being example common – extensively Skellig some coasts, modied, Michael (Photo for example whereas others B.2). and destructive waves. ● Ecosystem and rocky type shore such add as mangrove, further variety coral, to the sand dune, salt marsh coastline. Waves Most waves although are some generated waves tsunamis). (a) are by wind caused Tsunamis have blowing by tides over and reached the sea surface, earthquakes heights of up (for to 15 example m and can Land travel Shoreline Wave down Depth this decreasing to movement in shallow causes the is slowed water, wave at speeds of ● wind strength ● fetch or ● depth up to and 600 km/h. Wave energy is controlled by: duration and front distance of open water, and break onshore Waves in of the open sea bed. water can reach heights of up to 15 m and are Wind Unimpeded fast movement in direction deep water break causes parallel to waves each to capable of travelling huge distances as swell waves. These are other characterized (Figure by B.13). very By long contrast, wavelengths storm and waves are a reduced generated height by local winds Sea and as (b) travel only destructive a short distance (Figure B.14). They are also known waves. Land Dispersed energy As the wave movement A1 breaks, of water its energy up the is transferred beach is known to as the the shore. The swash. The Concentrated A1 energy effectiveness on of this is controlled by wave energy, size of beach B1 B1 flank material water and down beach the gradient. beach under The the backwash force of is the movement of gravity. Wave refraction Wave front Sea Wave or refraction are at an complete, B.15, a). A A B Fge B.15: Wave refraction 66 B causes Wave headlands occurs oblique and when angle. wave fronts refraction dissipates waves approach Refraction to reduces break concentrates energy in parallel energy bays an irregular wave to the onto (Figure coastline velocity shore the B.15, sides b). and, if (Figure of 2 i N t E r A C t i O N S B E t W E E N O C E A N S A N D C O A S t A L p L A C E S Land Longshore drift Direction steepest Swash Refraction For is drifting direction rarely to complete occur parallel to the the and swash consequently carries prevailing material wind, longshore up whereas the the drift beach of slope occurs. in a backwash Backwash Longshore operates Prevailing wind drift at right angles (Figure B.16). to the The shore result due is a to net the steepness transfer of of the sediment beach along slope a beach. Sea Drifting by is not always less-regular straightforward. secondary waves, and Secondary refraction drifting around may an be caused island may Fge B.16: Longshore drift cause drifting to occur in converging directions. Tides Tides are regular gravitational inuenced of In the by of the shoreline, the size the in moon and the and shape Coriolis of force sea’s sun surface on the ocean and caused oceans. basins, the by the Tides are characteristics meteorological conditions. general: ● tides ● in ● during are the every The greatest northern decrease from almost bays in the ● It ● Weathering ● Velocity controls the is scouring high Bay on is deected systems, and in of Fundy, water to coastlines the levels right rise 10 of its cm path for by tide is seas called such Canada. the as The tidal the tidal range. This Mediterranean range has processes. range biological inuenced low enclosed coastal vertical and water funnel-shaped millibars. nothing inuences along weather 10 between m and hemisphere of almost 15 important in low-pressure difference varies to movements pull of erosion activity the is tidal and affected range deposition. by and the has time an between tides. important effect. Sediment supply There The are many coastal model that (Figure sediment coast. and outputs The concept are of states sediment coastal operates Swanage California concept It of system, examines B.18). example sources Bay, Each at UK, or (Figure littoral processes a variety to littoral a cell and of is a system, patterns scales regional cell B.17). from scale, for is in a a a simplied given single example self-contained cell, in area bay, the for south which inputs balanced. dynamic that any equilibrium system (or in is important this case to littoral littoral cell) cells. is the This result Online case study of Oceanside the inputs inputs cliff (for the drift). processes example collapse) longshore in and and drift, is a has as in within sediment knock-on transport, (such balance operate increase there or landforms The an that or beach stabilization changed, effect the on on cell. the the protection) of hence cliffs or Change shoreline processers and a beach dynamic one of littoral cell the following (such resulting as change enlargement down equilibrium 67 2 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S 1 Mass movements amounts beaches Rivers 2 of and protect mostly carry (fine-grained to 3 the is and shingle derived from 7 silts, large which may bury cliffs. sediment clays and sands) coast. Glaciers the provide material, the periglaciation on beaches from last in – much the frost-shattered cold periglacial of British lsles material era. 4 3 4 Erosion large of cliffs amounts building. This by of the sea produces material may for protect the beach cliff from 2 further erosion. 6 1 5 The sea may bring sediments shorewards 5 forming offshore 6 Wind erosion 7 Volcanic bars and activity and beaches. transport. – dust and ash. Fge B.17: The main sources of sediment in coastal areas Lithology River sediment transport Lithology Dredging Dune and sand refers to the characteristics of rocks mining such erosion as resistance, permeability. The bedding, jointing well-developed and jointing Dellation and Longshore drift Cliff Internal Inlet bedding certain harder limestones, erosion for biogenic example, creates a geometric cliff prole lling input (shells,etc.) with Articial of a steep, angular cliff face and a at top beach (bedding plane). Wave erosion opens up nourishment Offshore transport these Onshore Litteral drill Littoral transport drift lines of weakness, causing complete out blocks in to fall away and the creation overhangs and cave of Marine Solution (dissolving angular erosion of well-jointed processes and bedded rocks, a canyon whole Marine In sediments) other Submarine shapes. Sediment input and variety of features is created by wave output erosion, and such as caves, geos, arches, stacks stumps. Fge B.18: A small-scale littoral cell Many as cliffs are composite factors such nature of there is overlies is more composed cliffs. as the The strength waves limited and percolation where more rock, water than shape If and one and structure involved. impermeable likely of exact rock form of of rock, impermeable so water builds the cliff may up is soak at the type. the relative rock more into These cliff will hardness overlies stable. the junction are cliff, of If and on the permeable rock permeable rock and the known depend slope two failure rock types. Subaerial and wave processes There (Table 68 are B.3 many and subaerial Figure and B.19). marine They processes may operate that operate together to on coastlines produce 2 landforms, a different There are each way a process (Figure number weathering that of occur i N t E r A C t i O N S contributing B E t W E E N O C E A N S A N D C O A S t A L p L A C E S in B.19). types in of coastal zones. B ● Salt by weathering which sodium compounds is the and expand process magnesium in joints ABC and = Material by cracks, thereby weakening rock mass removed movement (rockfalls and slides) structures. Wave-cut cliff ACD ● Freeze thaw weathering is = Material by process whereby water eroded the wave freezes, Beach expands and degrades jointed Wave-cut rocks. notch C ● Water layer weathering relates A to the tidal cycle of wetting and D drying ● (hydration). Biological out by weathering molluscs, urchins and is sponges very is carried and important in Wave-cut platform low-energy Wave coasts. base Fge B.19: The contribution of marine processes and subaerial processes to a Mass movements are also a common cli and wave-cut platform type of cliff degradation. table B.3: Summary of the main processes on rocky shores leading to erosion pocess Descon Condons condcve o e ocess mecancal wave eoson Erosion Loose material is removed by waves Energetic wave conditions and microtidal range Abrasion Hydraulic action Rock surfaces are scoured by wave-induced “Soft” rocks, energetic wave conditions, a ow with a mixture of water and sediment thin layer of sediment and microtidal range Wave-induced pressure variations within the “ Weak” rocks, energetic wave conditions and rock cause and widen rock cracks microtidal range Frost action and cycles of wetting/drying cause Sedimentary rocks in cool regions Weaeng Physical weathering and widen rock cracks Salt weathering Volumetric growth of salt crystals in rocks Sedimentary rocks in hot and dry regions widens cracks Chemical weathering A number of chemical processes remove rock Sedimentary rocks in hot and wet regions materials. These processes include hydrolysis, oxidation, hydration and solution Water-layer levelling Physical, salt and chemical weathering work Sedimentary rocks in areas with high together along the edges of rock pools evaporation Bo-eoson Biochemical Chemical weathering by products of metabolism Biophysical Physical removal of rock by grazing and boring Limestone in tropical regions Limestone in tropical regions animals 69 2 OPTION B OCE ANS pocess AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Descon Condons condcve o e ocess mass oveens Rockfalls and Rocks fall straight down the face of the cli Well-jointed rocks, undercutting of cli by toppling Slides waves Deep-seated failures Deeply weathered rock , undercutting of cli by rock Flows Flow of loose material down a slope Unconsolidated material, undercutting of clis by waves Coasts ● are eroded Abrasion the ● is by the waves in wearing a number away of of the ways (Figure shoreline by B.20). material carried by waves. Hydraulic impact or quarrying is the force of water and air on 2 rocks ● (up to Solution by ● an is acidic Attrition actually is 30,000 the wearing water. the erode kg/m in away Organic rounding the severe of base-rich acids and coastline, storms). aid the reduction but erodes rocks, especially limestone process. of particles the – so it does not sediment. Vegetation Vegetation It may or the coastal increase mangrove forms in by and reducing the has deposition, forests destructive increase areas rate on wind such sand of as in (and salt It functions. marshes may and protect potentially tropical biological important dunes. speed impact of many cyclones), land erosion or it may weathering. Features of erosion Bays may be rocks form rocks are bay eroded spreads wave sand are to wave energy beaches eroded in headlands on form the two of weaker protrude, bays. energy formed between beds that Wave around anks when of the the The the bay, but headlands. such as in it the focuses Bayhead waves at harder weaker refraction constructive headlands, rock. and deposit Maracas Bay poo B.4: Saltmarsh vegetation rapidly increases and deposition Tyrico Rapid weakness. sea caves stack is These in the anks Faults meet, formed, features rock of an erosion the arch and are and the in if Bay rock is in northern occurs may be formed. this largely is If eroded in wave rocks eroded the a determined variations on Trinidad. to roof where form of the stump is location energy formed caused by is a caves. arch by the there sea (Figure of If two collapses, B.21). weaknesses refraction on headland. Wave-cut (shore) platforms Wave-cut platforms, 70 platforms high-tide (also called platforms shore and platforms) low-tide include platforms. a intertidal Wave-cut the 2 i N t E r A C t i O N S B E t W E E N O C E A N S A N D C O A S t A L p L A C E S Headland Human activity Durdle • can increase • sea defences runoff and Promontory erosion Subaerial • surface runoff • rain • weathering • mass wash by wind movement landslides, – and soil frost creep, slumps Corrosion • salt • blue-green crystallization weaker down Biotic • disintegrates Stack layers Man algae help o’ War rocks break rock factors burrowing and browsing organisms Stump Bull, Cow, and Abrasion/corrasion Calf • wearing material hurled away of (rocks, against cliff rocks High by sand) Hydraulic it • compression air and tide pressure of sudden trapped release Arch Durdle Door Low tide Currrents • generated waves and by Wave tides • pounding shock waves up to 2 30 tonnes/m Fge B.21: Features of coastal erosion: arch, stack and stump Solution • dissolving other acid of limestone minerals in by and carbonic seawater Attrition • wearing smaller, down more of broken rounded materials into particles Fge B.20: Erosion and subaerial processes Cliff 1 2 3 4 5 Sea Wave-cut Fge B.22: Shore platforms platforms are most level platform through cli recession frequently found in high-energy poo B.5: Headlands, bay, stack and stump, Praia environments an angle of evolution replaced (5), by about (Figure by a are 1°. periods to action, of A model B.22) salt lower how steep and wide with de Rocha, Por tugal shore-platform cliffs have (1) than been biological different m are lower-angle rather might or 500 and and processes platforms levels than cliff- platform weathering sea less of shows subaerial Alternatively, frost typically lengthening subjected forces. and cliffs marine formed action during climates. Clis The prole of a cliff depends upon a number of factors including: ● geological ● subaerial ● amount structure and of marine processes undercutting poo B.6: Arch, Praia de Rocha 71 2 OPTION 1 Removal > B supply: OCE ANS a steep AND cliff C O A S TA L 2 Supply M A R GIN S > removal: a gentle 3 cliff Low Horizontal beds 4 Vertical beds 5 Sloping beds water mark Low water mark Fge B.23: Types of cli ● rates ● stage Rocks of of of support of removal development. low an resistance overhang. weaknesses control are the also in the shape of important. bevelled cliffs are are easily Jointing rock, the In just cliff areas eroded may as and are determine the (Figure affected angle B.23). by of unable the dip Past to location may processes periglaciation found. Stacks Wave of poo B.7: Wave-cut platform headlands. eroded to eroded and side and weathering leaving an refraction of of a If form concentrates there a geo enlarged headland the arch upstanding to form cause (Figure lines of widened merge, may stack are (a wave an arch B.24). on weakness, crack caves, the energy and is roof if the the may Geos caves to be may on Further arch eventual anks these inlet). formed. of The or the be either erosion collapse, erosion of the Activity 8 stack Describe the coastal features at produces Etretat in a stump. northern Good France examples and at of arches Dyrhólaey, and stacks southern can be found Iceland. shown in Photos B.6 and B.7. Features of deposition Deposition (Figure ● a creates B.25). large supply sediments, of longshore ● an ● low-energy ● bioconstruction, the in suppliers Beach tidal in mid are of form range winter in steepness In reduce turn, high wave in and beach the deposits, cliffs for work latitudes sand. the by This are is spits offshore and and beaches deposits, river headlands) example river mouths and size, more mostly to pebble, the shape angle As whereas contribution and prole. is a whereas produce composition storm important summer angle gradients plants. of those rivers in as tropics. the beach of due characteristics. waves winter low coastline, namely and swell wave it. their from including include: coastlines affected and and features, (beach eroded indented mostly differ waves material sediment is of requirements drift irregular, tropics number material ● Beaches 72 a Essential in gentle are summer, The two-way shallow waves of many relationship affair. Steep constructive water which materials, more between destructive waves in frequent beaches increase turn increases 2 i N t E r A C t i O N S B E t W E E N O C E A N S Storm Plan view Side A N D Two caves in a beach – a noticeable, p L A C E S Berms – small-scale beach view semi-permanent 1 C O A S t A L headland found the at the highest ridges ridge, level spring levels of built of up tides by or successive storms tides Cusps – semi-circular scalloped embayments found in at shingle–sand the the shingle or junction Ripples wave – formed action or by tidal currents 2 A natural arch Fge B.25: Beach prole 3 A sea stack table B.4: Beach proles and par ticle size maeal 1 Wave refraction Weaknesses forming 2 Caves until concentrates such as joints or erosion cracks on in the the sides rock of are headlands. the and eventually arch angle Cobbles 32 24 Pebbles 4 17 Coarse sand 2 7 caves. enlarge Continued high Beac exploited, are the eroded caves further from back each side and mass into meet the and headland an arch is formed. 3 Daee () erosion, and cause standing weathering the roof of the arch movements to collapse, enlarge forming Medium sand 0.2 5 Fine sand 0.02 3 Very ne sand 0.002 1 a stack. Fge B.24: The formation of stacks wave steepness. beaches Sediment (Table size B.4). the is sand than because cliff on the spring beach source of eroded from Beach, river areas reduced the gravel size are tides cliffs up a is an coastal then has to a be rear inltration backwash a rate and will next be shallower angle is important made average and more Large, only and on a the the By allows sand products rounded during conditions. attrition If occur. complex particles, beach. reduced. swash. may supplied frequent gentle beaches. deposition Largest of by the more pattern with steeper percolation impede probably is the On the common, smaller. varies headlands, and and beach. the is more material and The unaffected is size that likely at beach sediments, is is varies action beach of beach is not with its rapid swash will beach. and particle source a it associated through allow of are associated backwash found upper soliuction greater pebbles Backwash wave consequently The a recession, highest lower on waves are prole impact than sediment material and the is waves beach produces percolation. beach of hence stronger contrast, less affects backwash swash plunging surging Shingle percolation, As Hence, whereas considerably offshore periglacial important sediment and supplies and beach contributor. (beaches) includes such Globally, than as deposits. material at Chesil In Arctic rivers erosion by are the a sea. 73 2 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Spits A spit is a beach shingle linked land. is of at sand one or end to Milford on It found on indented Sea coastlines For where Salt marshes at river along headlands common The Longshore or example, and mouths. a coast and near bays are mouths Solent drift (estuaries Recurves energy is examples (Photo Hurst 0 1 castle have mile (the Wave refraction Isle 1 include B.3). a rias), thin, wave Excellent Cape Spits attached proximal Cod generally end ) end and a of larger, Wight 0 and reduced. km distal recurves end (Figure with smaller B.26). Fge B.26: Formation of a spit; Hurst castle spit, Hampshire, UK Spits waves undergo occasional storm formation. Walvis spit is Bay, or sediment but it The very change in the trend around is the very water seaward steep. is mudat These mud the and marsh salt being a are trapped spit of moves However, there the in the smaller coast. and of hooked sand drift occurs, the and marshes this as or is a coastline. causing the eastwards. shallow salt is side, Within curved body the irregular refraction On main along waves bend the additional Consequently, to assist is Longshore northwards is may has recurves. become Cross-currents example Namibia. coastline sudden waves good curved, hooks, the A often refraction. slope to deeper curve of the considerable is water spit, area exposed at low continuing to grow by the marsh the of water. as vegetation. poo B.8: Spit Case study The The Palisadoes, Jamaica the The Palisadoes is one of the largest Palisadoes coastline. features in the Caribbean. Located of Kingston, Jamaica, the 13 km grew times may has been during be its 4,000 formed history. years and re-formed Scientists drift believe that it old. occurs east to islands) The region west on For coast of Jamaica. The sediment comes dunes. from 74 rivers, cliff erosion and bend carries in sediment offshore extends it linked the up length with a of the spit. number of turning the spit into a As cays tombolo. is affected These by can example, in tropical seriously 2004 storms damage Hurricane and the Ivan the eroded south and longer, hurricanes. from sharp many coast. Longshore a long (small feature at drift just it south located deposited westwards, coastal is Longshore sediments. up to a metre off the 2 m high sand 2 i N t E r A C t i O N S B E t W E E N O C E A N S A N D C O A S t A L p L A C E S Beaches and sand dunes The largest sand environments Their dunes (Photo formation is a ● high ● low precipitation ● low humidity. A large beach supply onshore tidal provided by of sand wind range gradient is found favoured ● large are mid-latitude storm wave by: on the beach speeds will low. steep, in B.9). expose Large, actively more fresh sand, especially supplies eroding of sand if the are rivers. poo B.9: Sand dunes Two types Free of dunes dune are are commonly formed in the described: absence of free and vegetation impeded and occur dunes. largely TOK along desert margins. where vegetation strong prevailing development of is Impeded essential wind and extensive dunes for trapping large dune are supply common sand. of A in humid large sediment tidal are areas How do we know that levels of range, important in land and sea vary? the systems. Advancing and retreating coastlines The a level result localized is as are simple ● the land tectonic change known Canada A of of in the isostatic sequence of varies or level to sea of rise relation the or at level decrease, in following change continuing Temperatures fall also uplift the land to relative isostasy. rates of change glaciers the up can and sea. removal be ice to Parts to of the of 20 Land an may ice rise sheet. level of the Scandinavia as The sea and mm/year. described sheets as follows. advance and sea levels eustatically. ● Ice ● Temperatures ● Continued thickness increases rise, ice melting and the melts releases land and is sea pressure lowered levels on rise the isostatically. eustatically. land and the land rises isostatically. As a result of global warming (the enhanced greenhouse effect) A sea D V A N C I levels are rising, and this is impacting low-lying communities in erosion N = 400 m 300 m 200 m 100 m G uplift classication (1952): O Valentin’s A to tfilpu According C particular. retreating coasts include submerged coasts and coasts where the X rate exceeds the rate of emergence/deposition R S erosion T A of S ● coasts include emerged coastlines and coasts where E advancing B rapid (Figure B.27). R is These shows Valentin’s classication of advancing and retreating T B.27 coasts. balance of are partly erosion and the result of deposition. sea-level On the changes, diagram, and points partly A and the X both N I Figure A E deposition ecnegrembus T ● G C Y deposition A S experienced at A, uplift reducing the of around effect of 100 uplift. m. However, Similarly, B erosion and Y has have taken place T S experienced Fge B.28: Advancing and retreating coasts about 100 m of submergence. However, Y has experienced = submergence O deposition, 75 2 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S so the level overall is Features ● of raised UK emerged beaches, (Photo ● coastal ● relict River position relative to sea rias, such as the include: Portland Raised Beach, such as those along the Fall Line in mudats, for example the Carselands of the Forth. coastlines such river coastlines USA Submerged the its B.11) cliffs, raised ● in plains eastern ● change negligible. as the valleys land include: River caused Fal by in the rising UK sea – drowned levels or due to sinking poo B.10: Fjord, western Nor way ● fjords Oslo page ● Activity 9 1. Describe the characteristics of the fjord shown in Photo B.10. 118 fjards or B.10), such Norway for the – as formation drowned Milford caused glacial by of Sound, drowning U-shaped New of Zealand, U-shaped and the valleys (see valleys) lowlands. The role of coastal processes, wind and vegetation in sand dune development Initially, height sand above surface. 2. (Photo Fjord, As is a moved by surface. most the The grains wind. belt of protrude However, no wind above is this wind only 1 height, speed mm they varies above are with the moved by Distinguish between saltation. The strength of the wind and the nature of the surface are advancing and retreating important. Irregularities cause increased wind speed and eddying, and coastlines. more 3. material is moved. On the leeward side of irregularities, wind Explain how a) stacks and speed is lower, transport decreases and deposition increases. b) spits are formed. For 4. dunes to become stable, vegetation is required. Plant succession and Examine the relationship vegetation succession can be interpreted by the fact that the oldest dunes between coastal process, are furthest On the from the sea and the youngest ones are closest to the shore. subaerial processes, shore, conditions are windy, arid and salty. The soil contains lithology and landform in few nutrients and is mostly sand – hence the dunes nearest the shore two contrasting coastal are referred to as “yellow dunes”. Few plants can survive, although sea environments. couch and Once the level. The such to as Once belt of the back. 76 As sand. the dune Thus no it is is tolerate dunes supply of higher, marram with covered However, gets may marram pace the these established, wind and keep established, established, As of couch they sand. supply can vegetation sea grow, more marram dies it sand the out. reduces increase need to to be deposition. grows should once it conditions. – In so of the and continue and wind to the addition, as of by so sand wind is mm. fresh to As sand ground grasses in grows, it order traps on. as dune, growth close 10 marram grow younger fresh speed height buried As more, another supply a of a long fore the are there dune, dune reduced speeds as to – is is a becomes reduced. dunes reduced, further 2 evapotranspiration moister. to the In The soil, the which slacks, are vegetation may to system the nature shells By Here, the on acid-loving can be quite has in is been such on more of as are old the soils, of found. dunes out, and neutral the due climax on and gravels. heather acid the proportion leached sands p L A C E S is grey The on C O A S t A L dunes, of – largely high found favour rear a A N D marsh rear soil. O C E A N S nutrients the grasslands are plants the the depends soil B E t W E E N acidic. and formed the outwash trees found at are there dunes more between Towards calcium), acid Pine If the some moister, dunes here sand. and adds becomes humus calcium vegetation is of less points occur. found based dominate. oak low (providing dunes turn “grey” the contrast, where on of are marram noticeably presence vegetation in the conditions dune losses decaying i N t E r A C t i O N S and ling whereas soils. sand-dune Thus the poo B.11: Raised Beach complex variable. Fge B.28: Succession across a sand dune Yellow Embryo Strand Embryo Yellow dune dune dune Embryo dune dune Semi-fixed dune line Sea Sea Sea a As the and of is the litter A tide beach called small behind easily goes blown is the a the the line dune strand destroyed sand beach. of strand embryo the out, up At line. unless dries the seaweed out Sea top and line. This in the dune colonized shelter can by the over 1 m at be couch bind the forms a b sea grass sand. high, couch. 10–20 marram m colonizes Once the marram A high forming grass yellow with a and dune good helps Once grows to sand replaces dune the c dies forms to long-rooted sand the to trap. is Fixed dune becomes can grow Marram 3 (or grey damper on the grass is dune): and as richer. dune. They replaced by time form a dune is over behind it and thin are on, have the mosses layer. dune. high, This As new As to soil grow kind the less grass begins on of the dune original embryo and formed. soil and continuous 10 m marram able dandelions. developed, dunes fescue humus plants semi-fixed has goes Lichens, red a (a) yellow 4 a other including called dune up form form, dune plants. yellow builds a b develops flowering cover over and plants the sand. grass. Semi-fixed dune 2 Yellow Dune dune Silica sand heathland (acidic) 1 Wet Dune Dune slack slack slack Slack Shell sand 5 Embryo (alkaline) dune Dune grassland Strand line Sand flat Peat Beach Peat est Old Yo As the the dune back Marsh of system a plants dune. and un gets ge du older These small st ne willow s and damp s ne du larger, hollows trees can water are can known grow here. collect as towards dune slacks. Climax grasses small willow and trees vegetation flowering succeeds plants as mature. 77 2 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Concepts in contex t This section process, has examined including transportational, and take a place animals in weathering. vacuum including and, importance but increasingly, affected geology, human not local plants, they are coastal do by is, places (mass Processes are climate, (that of depositional, gravity-inuenced movements) conditions the erosional, of affected by processes, evolution is are shaped unique many of that and is factors and in coastal the by their turn the they place. result and place). Many interaction of Every the with inuence the coastline interaction processes that they produce. activities Check your understanding 1. Distinguish destructive 2. Briey 3. Outline between constructive and 6. waves. explain how the Outline process littoral cells of longshore drift. function. 7. Explain 8. Distinguish changes 4. Distinguish processes between on a subaerial and Explain formed. how 9. Identify wave-cut (shore) platforms be required for beach the in process of between sea sand dune isostatic development. and eustatic level. two ways in which raised beaches formed. are 10. Distinguish “grey 78 conditions marine cliff. can 5. the formation. between dunes” in sand “yellow dune dunes” and succession. 3 Managing coastal margins Conceptual understanding Key question How powerful margin are different stakeholders in relation to coastal management? Key content ● Coastal erosion including ● cliff and ooding stabilization, population preparedness. Conicting pressures land use (tourism, on management sea walls, coastlines, industry and strategies, managed including housing) retreat and commercial and conservation measures. ● Management different ● Sovereignty along of coral stakeholder rights coastal reefs and mangrove perspectives of nations margins and in on relation exclusive swamps, their use to and including value. territorial economic limits zones. Coastal erosion and ooding management strategies Cli failure Human of pressures coastal coastal may long operating on increase areas; and Defence a short a ● maintain ● improve ● managed nothing; growth shing, of help to for the to rise living activities tourism and Successful processes likely people variety strategies unsustainable. of a prevent management are of need owing in such as to coastal industry recreation. include: that is, existing the or Pressures numbers the developments, the defences Coastal understanding greater and sea. create sustainable coastline. temperatures; do Coastal the detailed particular options by term, population; energy ● be or environments strategies. ooding requires in rising trade, and term management an coastal management erosion be on level retreat; let the levels of of cliff is, the area ood defence defence that erode/let provided protect some areas but allow other areas to eroded. poo B.12: Coastal management at Brunei Cliff defences schemes include revetments, of the can as waves be sea divided walls, shown and so in into cliff gabions, Photo protect the rock B.12. cliff base cliff armour, They base and Cliff-base offshore attempt from face. to breakwaters absorb erosion. the Cliff-face and Norfolk . Top to bottom: Cli drain, and energy measures Norfolk, UK; Sea walls and groynes, Norfolk, UK; Gabion and sea walls, Pantai Berakas, Brunei; Revetments, Norfolk, UK. 79 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S L TA include cliff drainage, regrading (making the cliff less steep and so less Thinking skills vulnerable What areas types are of most coastlines/ likely together, hold the cliff nothing” and coastal protection? moisture and schemes, reduce which overland help to hold the soil runoff. will be these change activities protected locally . depends For on example, its value there is a and the major value of energy at the gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk, UK, which is protected How by might vegetation forms development of in and managed properties retreat/“do failure) to Whether experience to gabions and concrete blocks, whereas cliffs (and housing) further down over the coast at Happisburgh have been abandoned to coastal erosion. time? Cost-benet analysis of coastal defence Superstorm Sandy, which 14foot storm surge; New 12foot storm surge. The Newdefences, costing hit New York’s surge $19 York in defences caused billion, $20 may October were billion protect 2012, built to worth New brought withstand of a a damage. York. table B.5: Cost-benet analysis of coastal defence Coss • Benes Cost of building • Protected buildings, roads and infrastructure (gas, • Maintenance/repair • Increased erosion downdrift due to beach starvation or reduced LSD (longshore drift) • Reduced access to beach during works • Reduced recreational value • Reduced accessibility • Smaller beach due to scour water, sewage, electricity services) • Land prices rise • Peace of mind for residents • Employment on coastal defence works • Disruption of ecosystems and habitats • Visually unattractive • Works disrupt natural processes table B.6: Costs and benets of coastal protection strategies tye of anageen As/eods had engneeng To control natural processes Sengs Weaknesses Cli-base management To stop cli or beach erosion Sea walls Large-scale concrete curved walls Easily made; good in Expensive. Lifespan about designed to deect wave energy areas of high density 30–40 years. Foundations Porous design to absorb wave Easily made; cheaper energy than sea walls Rocks held in wire cages to absorb Cheaper than sea-walls wave energy and revetments may be undermined Revetments Gabions Groynes To prevent longshore drift Relatively low cost; easily repaired Rock armour Large rocks at base of cli to Cheap absorb wave energy Lifespan limited Small scale Cause erosion on downdrift side; interrupt sediment ow Unattractive; small scale; may be removed in heavy storms Oshore breakwaters To reduce wave power oshore Rock strongpoints To reduce longshore drift Cheap to build Relatively low cost; easily repaired 80 Disrupt local ecology Disrupt longshore drift; erosion downdrift 3 tye of anageen As/eods Cli-face strategies To reduce the impacts of subaerial m A N A G i N G C O A S t A L m A r G i N S Sengs Weaknesses processes Cli drainage Removal of water from rocks in Cost eective Drains may become new the cli lines of weakness; dry clis may produce rockfalls Vegetating To increase interception and Relatively cheap May increase moisture reduce overland run-o content of soil and lead to landslides Cli regrading Lowering of slope angle to make Useful on clay (most Uses large amounts of land cli safer other measures are not) – impractical in heavily populated areas Sof engneeng Working with nature Oshore reefs Waste materials, for example old Low technology and tyres weighted down, to reduce relatively cost eective Long-term impacts unknown speed of incoming waves Beach nourishment Sand pumped from seabed to Looks natural Expensive; shor t-term replace eroded sand Managed retreat “Do nothing” solution Coastline allowed to retreat in Cost eective; maintains Unpopular; political cer tain places a natural coastline implications Accept that nature will win Cost eective Unpopular; political implications Red-lining Planning permission withdrawn; Cost eective Unpopular; political new line of defences set back implications from existing coastline 1. 2. L TA Activity 10 Research skills Study Photo B.13, which shows a groyne/rock strong point. Longshore drift is Use taking place from the bottom right of the photo towards the top left. Using a Change sketch diagram, suggest the likely changes to the distribution of sediment your 50 years after the construction of the groyne. Suggest reasons to suppor t understanding your answer. protection the USGS site Coastal to increase knowledge as many of coastal and of coastal schemes other (as well features For a coastal area or inland sea you have studied, describe how the coastline processes and is being protected, and comment on the eectiveness of the measures used. landforms). See http:// pubs.usgs.gov/circ/c1075/ poo B.13: Groyne/rock strong point change.html#g1. L TA Communications and social skills Divide and on into the “The groups a benets of debate topic: coastal always outweighs costs”. Each of for following defences the two prepare group three their has a minutes maximum to present case. 81 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Case study water Protecting the Palisadoes spit from waves. Regular storm surges and coastal ooding years have led to the massive rainfall 10 m erosion of peninsula’s natural the harbour manage the problem, the Jamaican with the Company (CHEC) China Harbour repair and protect degraded At a cost shoreline of over of $65 have withstand the on of the rock revetment peninsula and walls on October the road on the was m to raised from 2.4–3.2 m its previous above sea the drainage roadway – this facilities is were needed been designed level to placed remove Coastal wind sea over that is, the shoreline storm surges average, once only in 2012 Kingston Sandy. This was Following that Hurricane businesses Thames at of protecting otherwise and tides. been sea clay local result for the can 2–3 times from risk a levels for it could the protection along ooding may and be caused tsunamis. However, sea walls Fukushima-Daiichi topped have passage suffered scheme of the times each had 50 times. until between It due to several hours surge, Barrier believed year. and is in water the 10 m by The will most in to the 2014 sea only and it 2070. by storm experts Kingston in rise generated to surges walls. in have the south-east, and operates advance and river closed. was is it be used closed remain ows, When would it very form up surges abstraction Barrier to a the Currently, expected 2060 be to years. signicant (storm common protect tsunami high hurricanes aim London system tide the proved might high reasons: subsidence the that central early-warning each year, than of affected massive hurricane, completed with ooding in expected of speeds) was exceptionally from the was from number An B.14) million, levels gradual predict time built, used (Photo £500 subsidence exceptional giving of London shrinkage. which was cost Flood rising level, and 82 Barrier a is 100 Sandy, along The Thames Barrier 1982, the 100-year anticipated every caused Case study in a damage and that the effective. excess wall. 2011 The for level. during Additional The along Caribbean Harbour 0.6–1.0 works harbour. claimed The peninsula. CHEC surges. side the Palisadoes million, Hurricane constructed of protective the In peninsula. side and period, reoccur, extensively by constructed Engineering to to was Government return partnered overtopping dune. peninsula To from boardwalk the rehabilitative Palisadoes and wide over on the A 6–7 more operational poo B.14: The Thames Barrier surges of a of and high protection certain over is height. 11 m a The which 3 m A N A G i N G C O A S t A L m A r G i N S Conicting pressures on coastlines: the Soufrière Marine Management Area (SMMA) Soufrière St Lucia. island’s shing is It most have However, industry, a a small at no its a by with that limited often focus to which of the of area) and/or lacking. and of the or The generally 1995 took led resources In St with Lucia, poo B.15: Soufrière Bay, St Lucia enforcement establishment of themselves users. established required in and tourism consultation. the (SMMA) management users were of the income. found tourism-related regulations island supports agriculture employment capacity, Area Caribbean development education severely the shelf stakeholders and nancial approach on variety rules Management stewardship a of Traditionally, of users conicting in reefs. sources traditional awareness, with were main coast submarine productive basis managing west narrow increased (the daily Marine central a two approach island Soufrière the and the public capabilities of to on efforts or diverse provided due top-down little on bordered shermen competing Past located is of to the the within success the area. Activity 11 The Soufrière Marine Management Association is a self-sustained Describe the attractions of not-for-prot NGO authorized by the Government of St Lucia to Soufrière, as shown in manage the SMMA. Mandated to conserve and protect the natural Photo B.15. marine and environment, development tourism The SMMA areas consists zones mooring were conict among of community The of areas, the of per cater and along cent the of problems, which waste from land- infrastructure the human on practices, Hurricanes are Research has there clear no is a as a sustainable the shing such the result a divided shing of marine uses use and the into in is areas, areas. the have process ve priority resources. authorities of natural to benets, the or in of the the These area, From reduce the learned vital for that the has use expansion of in general, sources, In recognized. coast in sites for remote areas, nearly compared by with is those case low in tourism solid construction area, adversely the include and addition controlling conicts the east nearshore given located sand, stewardship been been target coast. also derived often the long prime often for beach. force coastal resource On mined beaches has become are water-based be as they west disasters are stability have difcult. being natural that actions coastal since affect beach benet the critical coast along and major 1980s of is multiple-use multitude stages for east dynamics shown perceivable activities, During the natural all were beaches both and management at and reserves, areas the protect activities beaches Other affects within coastline marine to activities surveillance of of recreational beaches sand-mining 6.5 ensures management. illegal cent km SMMA, resource importance per also particularly B.29): participation beaches 15 area, 11 to users Many making of (Figure designed experience success the association sectors. different yacht of the which to impact beach with turn destructive beaches. change. successful involved. in of If when there are beach-monitoring priority. the area sector, increased dramatically technological changes 83 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S in the shing industry, and an increase in N negative Anse Jambon Anse Mamin notably These impacts agriculture, conicts increased Anse land-based industry manifested competition and activities, construction. themselves between seine in shers and Chastanet yachters Grand from Caille regarding disputes between the pot use of shers shing and areas, and recreational MRA Soufriére Trou divers Diable Rachette S o u f r i é r e The in respect SMMA of the provided use a of new reefs. zoning plan (shing r i v e r Point priority areas, marine reserves and multiple- MRA use areas), (user Anse Malgretoute fees, a range of incentives management and so on) measures and a new Mitan institutional it was clear arrangement. that there However, were by difculties 1996 in the Caribbean implementation of the SMMA. In 1997 the Sea Petit Petit Piton Piton SMMA 2,460 began a thorough review process, which ft MRA involved all relevant stakeholders. Jalousie A ● number All of lessons stakeholders were must learned. be involved in Beausejour Gros Piton planning and negotiating stages – one group MRA that Gros Piton 2,619 had who been lived in overlooked nearby were the agricultural shermen communities ft and not where in the the coastal regular town of shermen Soufrière lived. Anse I’Ivrogne ● Stakeholder from 0 1 shermen, Allows Access and Reserves fish to Fishing stocks the area Priority Commercial to is regenerate by permit and and protects can be marine enjoyed flora by and divers has over all other activities and in areas Yachting is Effective ● When snorkellers. these Fishing, allowed in the SMMA. Moorings are provided in these areas only. snorkelling and other legitimate uses are carried Natural are variety far of hotel operators is difcult. out in a analysis is participatory an fashion, instrument of resource management processes are and constantly allowed. After the SMMA was formally areas created for a resolution. evolving. Areas operators, representation development areas diving, Recreational are areas. ● not Multiple-use communities there fauna. dispute Yachting tourism stakeholder precedence – farmers. ● Areas fishing and 2 km Marine groups homogeneous public recreation – sunbathing, in 1995, a hotel and an agro- swimming. processing factory closed. These were two of Fge B.29: Land-use zoning at Soufrière the main reef areas Lenny ● Conicts cannot challenge, that are capable emerging The the ● SMMA resolved; of changes, is to were evolving they destroyed can only conict equitably, issues establishes the area. by Also, several Hurricane 1999. establish responding agreement in in and ve be managed. management effectively new and The institutions efciently to needs. different types of zones within area. Marine reserves: extractive approval 84 be therefore, employers these activity by the is are designed allowed Department and of to entry protect into Fisheries. a natural reserve resources. is subject No to 3 ● Fishing priority sustaining the ● these areas activities, are which designed take for priority maintaining over any other C O A S t A L m A r G i N S and use of area. Recreational (swimming access ● areas: shing m A N A G i N G and Yachting areas: and include terrestrial snorkelling) areas (beaches) which are and marine reserved for public recreation. areas: the SMMA only provides moorings – yachting takes Activity 12 place outside the SMMA. 1. ● Multiple-use areas: these are areas where activities are regulated Explain the need for by planning and management existing legislation, notably the Fisheries Act and by provisions of in the Soufrière coastal the SMMA Management Agreement (2000). Activities that may take zone. place in these areas include shing, diving, snorkelling and other 2. recreational Describe the land-se activities. zonng in Figure B.29. Recent surveys suggest that the SMMA has seen an increase in the How does this help reduce amount of sh caught and in sh biodiversity. Moreover, there has been conict? less damage to coral reefs resulting from human activity. Managing coral reefs and mangrove swamps Coral of reefs their are rich often although most a species million world’s Some Reef, and sea of is sh the many the described biodiversity. less of plants world’s of than breed, the and largest and as the coral 10,000 grow, reefs Comoros, Some believed years animals, spawn coral around the “rainforests is the Coral and and reefs Lesser old. 2 25 sea” per cent in and the of Indonesia, old, nearly the coral Great Caribbean account years contain Australia’s Philippines on million predators include in the be reefs about evade Antilles of to reefs. Barrier Tanzania (Figure B.15). Environmental and economic value of coral reefs poo B.16: Coral reef o the coast of Antigua Coral reefs 4,000 been species users. rely billion economic global ● reefs and 800 tourism. generated per is biological Countries annually of the of coral of The reefs is over have more be off year, reefs provide ( net of corals Reef prots is and thanks Saint for than biodiversity, g/m simply but to the amount tourism. and coastal These a include breeding primary the ground following. for productivity ) many of coral 2 /year and existence also that Lucia tourism the some about suggest largely sheries, and for worth Estimates 2 2,000 have Seychelles large About billion. advantages. NPP Barrier alone. terms $375 the Martinique each in importance. reef-building generate Great reefs reefs many species of reefs the economic Barbados, Queensland to Biodiversity: sh. as kilometre estimated provide Coral coral coral and species such by to square value protection major sh on value $50,000 Coral of Tourism A$4.6 The of discovered. Maldives to are to the its biomass value; human they is 2 are kg/m . Coral important population. There not are reefs only many advantages. ● Seafood: total sh alone. sh If and in LICs, catch, properly other coral reefs providing managed, seafood contribute food per for reefs square up can to about 1 one-quarter billion yield, kilometre on people average, per in 15 of the Asia tonnes of year. 85 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND poo B.17: Coral and tourism, C O A S TA L ● M A R GIN S New Jolly Harbour, Antigua of medicines: the array of self-protection. chemicals viruses, ● Other ranging are reefs offer difcult to inhabitants. ● ● snorkellers, wave by of action and are the impact case tropics, the Overshing, reefs, problem, causing which lead occurrences 1997–98 2010. the The killed richest of in grafts, for for and treating other economic jewellery aquariums, and and sand industry. industry services, of buffer and and some importance 16 began The of to which nearby are and rst per in 2015 may only this of highly as is local often the reefs. pressures are a on both three with The coral longer-term oceans, been corals. have draw from supporting nearby warming of from where, coincided cent major shorelines to gases have fastest- a maintenance short-term There the are shers. wetlands by of reefs benets from harbours, acidication about one adjacent greenhouse The is Coral recreational range pollution bleaching. which of into enormous sheltered bleaching. off of storms. and are levels oceanic coral coral third, world’s The to of and and and ports these growing bone useful host used economy. sheries around tourism whereas a made corals reefs widespread, built yield tourism coral economies for because organisms tumours. shells are hope these include: divers mangrove used environmental global productive in of of appear construction they the the protection: protection the but scuba and and range value: being and particular many species cancer sh offer by ecosystems services sectors Coastal live wide already several corals quantify, Recreational for to used These growing of a reef species produced are skin from curios, limestone reef within leukaemia, tourism Coral Corals found products: goods, and coral chemicals El global Niño second affected 38 in was per in cent of corals. reefs are in the “coral triangle” in South East Asia (Figure B.31). 2 This and area of more than anywhere The face popular run-off corals are Resources beaches need. to The use in two-thirds reef the changing vary livelihoods In to sh to to the on are in – of the twice as world’s many of and reefs kill Sea, beyond hence largest region: and the coral as are species found of Indonesia, in the must Papua Philippines, to get be people all of off of in up methods to the and harm shing adapted to the for giant recovery. who these coral fertilizer that Colombia and New all most herbivorous shing of reefs of the light regard building of addition, the Some possibility policies In block without cent quarter those shermen island the per a number control. sh are water. which blast number Trying the 60 about shape into reduces out China reefs. gets about 2016, worst example, stun that to blooms, grow spatially, Indonesia depend years reefs For some with estimates 50 algal to South coral-triangle Philippines. that close harmful. In the suncream vegetation countries the In leads dynamite problems three of Institute reefs Fishing reefs. are species where farms allowing clams 86 The particularly done contains threats. died. from Tanzania all 3,000 immediate has km else. World cover sh, 86,500 sh locally. on Guinea 1 reefs and million people on The are the people’s board 3 with conservation prove measures approach Coral is to C O A S t A L m A r G i N S will difcult. reefs Marine One m A N A G i N G Protected give Areas ecologically sensitive status, as areas (MPA) special Oahu Pacific such marine protected South areas (MPAs). In theory, Ocean Coral China activities Triangle Hawaii (US) Sea that as are shing, can then with The Aichi on for the at water mining, or UN 17 and banned, agreed Equator I N D O N E S I A in Convention Diversity, least such rule-breakers. Targets, under inland and restricted Biological have harmful, drilling be penalties 2010 to deemed per 10 seek cent per of Great cent Barrier AUSTRALIA of coastal under Most marine conservation countries However, the and less ocean’s areas by have Reef 2020. signed up. than 3 per surface is within cent of an MPA. The of Fge B.30: Coral reefs and Marine Protected Areas in the western Pacic Ocean most urgent action shing vessels would declaring an area Bush, is regarding help protected George W . marine monuments then to shing identify does president not of vessels. necessarily the A wrongdoers. USA, global register Moreover, safeguard established it. In three simply 2009 national 2 islands and vessels entering are a role. (NOAA) has $500, making photograph In acidity poor them rogue or cent economic far of In as by rm, manned as an of already each have and However, on a Satellites could drones play that around drones ocean are coral stop Administration cost been those of to robots Such monitoring surveillance MPA. hard Saildrone, boats. km stretched. sailing They that waters, it Atmospheric months. well methods is 518,000 makes future, and species territorial protected the private for than vessels low-tech are a endangered Malaysia’s zone, with remoteness Oceanic regions cheaper shing tracking countries, 0.09per ocean nearly coastguard MPAs. National working remote including Their Hawaii’s police USA ’s been roam to Pacic, areas. illegally; used The could and the surrounding sometimes larger in could temperature tagged. needed. within Just its national exclusive programme poo B.18: Mangrove trees requires have then shermen permission spot charges when visitors to to paint sh their within a rogue to enter vessel a vessels according the nearshore has strayed. coastal In to area. how Other Barbados, far out they shermen a pilot can project MPA. Mangrove swamps Mangroves the tidal muddy are salt-tolerant estuaries waters, rich home to algae. Mangroves largest a huge being and in cover of 570,000 ha 25 of and tropical cent shrubs areas decaying worms, per the trees of from sponges, about of zones nutrients variety the forests coastal that leaves and crustaceans, of the Sundarbans tropical in grow (Photo in B.18). wood, molluscs The are and coastline, the Bangladesh. 87 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Mangroves and the fuel, have Philippines also protect They also sewage many building can yield coastlines act as uses, materials 400 by natural such and as kg of sh absorbing lters, providing medicine. and the 75 force absorbing large One quantities hectare kg of of of shrimp. hurricanes nutrients from of food mangrove in Mangroves and storms. farming and disposal. Pressures on mangroves Despite and their shrimp increase, value, farms. the fate South Pacic South East many As of mangroves mangroves Asia mangrove population have have lost half areas growth looks have in bleak. disappeared, of been coastal Already while lost areas to is most India, rice set paddies to Caribbean West and Africa and theirs. Managing mangrove forests Mangroves products poisons, both provide such and as food such commercially swamps and provide humans fuelwood, protection beds from many shellsh farmed seagrass Nevertheless, as with charcoal, and as and over-exploitation farmed of services. thatching crustaceans. for nurseries. tropical ecological timber, storms Many subsistence, In addition, and mangroves act has as led These materials, sh use species, mangrove mangrove sediment to include dyes, trees traps. signicant declines 2 in their extent produce the poo B.19: Mangrove (Sarawak, Malaysia) for as of Singapore, coastal population and some Rapid beds requires Attempts unless in bark occurs of on have is are year, aside for been the have and Sabah, to heavily of sh. mangroves 40 per In In to other urban cent of many make areas, way such expansion. Urban waste-treatment facilities, polluted. of mangrove Coastal between and over forests. Integrated Conicts conservationists, of of removed allow mangrove km production. been other destruction development 2,000 woodchip expansion becoming the in removed squeezing and and forests crabs over and human sustainable seagrass Zone use users of of mangroves planning. mangroves that was species. of for its Intensive cycle to 1760 could tannins – so not and In India most planting of cut King for was 1759 José other of uses obtained mangroves since cases, and when be fuelwood management 1902. of back trees Bangladesh since 30–year date mangrove used Malaysia a set techniques. and Sundarbans Metang each exceeding the Indonesia, prawns, growth protect valuable the is areas (ICZM) forests ensured its for mangroves growth to was In mangrove development careful Portugal Asia prompted mangrove woodchip ponds population has decades. area East coastal Management less of mangrove South aquaculture Rapid recent 250,000 total parts in and sustainable has in from occurred the silviculture harvesting. Restoration and aorestation There are including roong erosion (in Rio have places afforestation material, control, de been Middle 88 numerous sheries and introduced mangrove programmes protection Janeiro) East. where from produce tropical enhancement, even to to the as fodder Marshall trees the storms, aesthetic for have planted, Nypa mangrove timber, fuelwood, appeal livestock. Islands, been around Mangrove French for landll trees Polynesia and the 3 m A N A G i N G C O A S t A L table B.7: Examples of mangrove restoration Managed realignment As a result of rising mangrove are to inland. migrate mangroves farmers to are sea being is continue unwilling mangroves levels to and constrained This continue the as provide see to coastal by known to to m A r G i N S their subsidence, coastline managed ecological land many and need realignment. services. holding areas to It be allows However, reduced in of size Geogac allowed Noes locaon the Australia – 11 ha; approximately Brisbane 50,000 plants along a airpor t drainage canal, par tial many to allow ourish. oset for losses during runway construction Flow restoration The Diawling population. National However, Park due in to Senegal the was established construction of a mainly dam for its upstream, bird Bangladesh 148,500 ha the Pakistan wetlands began to dry out, the mangrove suffered, and the area 19,000 ha; 16,000 ha became of plantation and 3,000 saltier. Prompt management led to the articial ooding of the wetland, ha of assisted natural the recovery of the mangroves, and the restoration of the local sheries regeneration and bird population. Thailand Mangrove restoration in Generic protection A number and Tanzania, Brazil, all abandoned shrimp ponds countries, have coastal such as introduced vegetation Brazil, Mexico, legislation is to protected Cambodia, protect (in El Salvador mangrove theory) and trees. tourist L TA In of and Research and communication skills aquaculture strict rules developments over the are regulated. establishment of In the Philippines aquaculture ponds. there are Australia and Visit the USA operate a “no net loss” policy, while in Kenya and Malaysia, http://wwf.panda. all org/about_our_earth/blue_ mangroves fall under state ownership. However, not all of these schemes planet/coasts/mangroves/ have prevented exploitation. mangrove_importance/ and http://www. Protected area endangeredspecies Some 1,200 areas worldwide, accounting for about 25 per cent of the international.org/ remaining mangrove, are said to be protected. The sites range in size coralreefs5.html from just a few trees to the vast Sundarbans. Permitted activities the from conservation to sustainable and use range information to give forestry. a brief your presentation class on mangroves the and to value coral of reefs. Sovereignty rights of nations Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) Exclusive economic sovereign rights and subsoil, extending international on the of nautical management recognize ocean the all be in found right space. conserve zones over up and of are of to mile the Coastal waters, sh on states are or the in which nautical 1.852 km). conservation states – areas economic 200 is coastal resources the all to free oil, to over and the a nation the 38 coast develop the impact they square and or has seabed (the since million nodules in sea, profound resources gravel, oor of from “exploit, or coastal have ocean control gas ocean miles They of a resources manage sulphur subsoil miles of an – and to area, Online case study extending almost all oil 200 nautical miles from its shore.” Almost 90 per cent of Geopolitical known reserves under the sea fall under some country’s EEZ. So Falkland do the rich shing areas – up to 98 per cent of the world’s shing conict: The too Islands (Las regions Malvinas) fall within an EEZ. Ascension – an EEZ in the South Atlantic? 2 The UK has claimed surrounding ownership Ascension Island. of 200,000 The km of mountainous the Atlantic ocean oor seabed up to 89 3 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L 560 M A R GIN S km from the isolated island in the South Atlantic is believed to TOK contain To what extent can any country states extensive are mineral unlikely to deposits. challenge the With no near neighbours, other claim. have a claim over another 2 Ascension Island is small, having a land area of around 100 km , but in the middle of the ocean? due to its isolated location it generates an EEZ comparable to an area Comment on the UK’s territorial 2 of more than 440,000 km . As mineral and energy prices have risen, claim over the Falkland there has been growing international interest in exploring the seabed for Islands (also South Shetland, increasingly scarce reserves. South Orkney and the South Sandwich Islands). The waters Pacic However, vents around and the that Atlantic, to claims and beyond mid-Atlantic help preparing, Ascension probably in Island ridge concentrate to the of generally deeper technological contains valuable underwater Bay are current similar minerals. territories limits than for volcanic Britain around the extraction. black has Rockall smoker lodged, in the or North Biscay. Concepts in contex t There many power and so power may of of countries, on. of How these require countries economic their forms a TNCs, stretch different large-scale, may be power own than territories. Economic territorial rights. In territorial and afford These Zones. is territories addition, is some around have Some into conict countries the once more rights oceans over had the events poorer have sovereignty the wealth, on physical nations extend those nature, depends Powerful Some often of individuals’ management. this. Nations There power managed forces. expensive to the industries, coastline others. rights including different of users unable Exclusive claimed power, within to form competing colonies and places. Check your understanding 1. Explain term 2. the meaning “managed What is meant of the 7. by “land-use What 8. Outline walls Identify the benets some disadvantages zoning”? 3. are two causes of of sea walls? retreat”. as a of the of form using of sea coastal storm management. surges. 9. 4. Explain the term Explain the term “beach economic zone”. nourishment”. 10. 5. Outline the advantages Dene the term of “geopolitics”. coral 6. reefs. Dene the term management”. 90 “coastal “exclusive is 4 Ocean management futures Developing abiotic resources Conceptual Many people minerals. nodules, have for Roughly usually a years believed quarter about the of the size of that ocean an the seabed oor apple, is is paved strewn which with with contain manganese not understanding just Key qeson manganese technically and it stirs The is up but also cobalt, difcult, not mainly popular sediment economics with that of copper because nickel. most Gathering of them lie environmentalists since the kills mining and everything has in the 4 nodules km of is water, necessary dredging for are though. Industrial the future managing global nearby. changed What the possibilities oceans as a commons? commodity Key conen prices are much higher than in the 1970s, and technology has advanced. ● That means it may now become protable to exploit the Causes and increasing crusts and other minerals recently discovered. Since 2004 China, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and a consortium of countries have all been awarded licences by the for of the resources of oceans, east including European demand France, abiotic Germany, consequences manganese minerals, oil and International gas. Seabed Authority seabed. The deep-water ore oil mining containing north of to explore Canadian company copper Papua mining company New and to gold Guinea, possibilities Nautilus start production. from using on Minerals the Its bottom technology the deep-ocean hopes of to plan the is be to the Bismarck developed by rst bring the ● up Sea offshore Trends biotic (sh the viability to industry. in use and of overshing, aquaculture, areas and resources mammals) and alternatives including conservation quotas. Deep-water discoveries ● Hydrates Hydrates trapped 1960s deep are in a and compounds cage then, beneath together of in the contain that water. the 1970s, ocean more usually They on surface. energy consist were the rst slopes Some than all of methane found of the molecules permafrost continental scientists of in believe known in these as a possibility Japan and that India, makes with little them or highly no oil or attractive gas. The to oil manage pollution, including strategies oil and are cautious. Hydrates occur naturally in countries The strategic and possible unpopular very because difcult. And they clog methane, the ow though it of oil. burns lines, Extracting more and value a wider range of wavelengths of the Earth’s them cleanly CO . Therefore, it traps more heat, making it outgoing an oceans for even conict including or the would than ownership and coal, of islands, canals and radiation transit than of sources they control absorbs plastic companies, fault contested be and such insecurity, are local radioactive waste. international though, for of ocean fossil ● fuels, weaknesses to materials, hydrates of and initiatives global the shelves deposits Strengths choke points. more 2 pernicious contain greenhouse less energy gas. than Some the scientists energy argue needed to that release methane and hydrates secure them. Oil All is over a Sea of the major and world, activity the North widespread oor of the platforms spills The effects Sea British regularly regions Sea. toxic North in oil in in and such as threats on the vary. benthic vicinity Norwegian contaminate the Gulf There (deep of of the waters. coasts. Mexico, is sea) Oil the growing exploration South communities 500-plus oil Meanwhile, China evidence on the production oil exploration 91 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S in Case study the deep threatens acoustic Oil pollution in the Gulf of waters of the endangered prospecting disorientate some North Atlantic, deep-sea for corals. hydrocarbons marine north-west There in is these also of Scotland, evidence waters may that deter or mammals. Mexico – Deepwater Horizon Shipping In April 2010 the Deepwater oil, the is also dirtiest a of huge cause fuels, that of pollution. means not Since just ships more burn CO but bunker also 2 Horizon oil collapsed. in total, of oil rig Estimates up to 4.9 entered Over 160 affected, exploded of suggest million the km and Gulf of that, barrels Mexico. coastline including more was oyster particulate 60,000 deaths cancer. Most South rarer Asia. since shrimp farms. The cost to operated the rig, of year these Some 2010, from occur action when is all may chest near be responsible and lung coastlines being taken. single-hulled diseases, in Oil for Europe spills ships and have were about including East and become banned. are also being made to prevent the spread of invasive BP , species who each which beds Efforts and matter, reached through the taking on and discharging of ships’ ballast $20 water. Similarly, a UN convention may soon ban the use of billion. tributyltin, BP’s by attempts pumping mud into three huge the were plug the oil quantities blowout on of almost and well attempts using a total ships’ toxic hulls chemical in order BP to of heavy of mud. made pressure forcing was at the International the seabed. See the mud. included to try to in safety robot activate lowered the Previous using the concrete but the for Seabed with icy well’s BP Visit built- Nautilus the to use leaking This was a also container container crystals. only Dispersants the oil the US use, as and over And collect partially but used BP they to could marine to to at http:// Mining also Code http://www.cares.nautilusminerals. Minerals community accountability and responsibility. guyots break limit a map of cobalt-rich crusts on seamounts http://www.isa.org.jm/les/images/maps// Sulphides_Global.jpg for polymetallic sulphide deposits. the sea the distribution oor. Suggest of polymetallic reasons to sulphide account for their deposits on distribution. in up by their even in for and TOK Is the oil producer BP to blame for the Deepwater Horizon accident, or is Transocean, the owner of the rig, responsible? Who should be in charge of maintenance of the rig – the owner or the user? more Gulf The environmental, economic and attempts were the oil. ordered cause life tool the Mexico. BP’s website about it successful. was government out became insertion to were slick, damage of riser pipe Authority nd http://www.isa.org.jm/les/images/maps/Crusts_ Pacic_3D.jpg the tried and attempts Describe clogged used algae force submarines mechanisms. a leak, the were oil than environmental of prevent paint However, the greater or the 30,000 com/ upwards kill to Research skills for the to added block www.isa.org.jm/authority barrels once barnacles. Look the all highly preventer unsuccessful. separate leak L TA (BOP) to a to eventually plug the oil leak geopolitical consequences of overshing successful. World sheries L TA Thinking skills World sheries tonnes In what ways does of seabeds 92 and in aquaculture 2012, valued at contributed over $215 almost billion. 160 million Over tonnes were used as food for 136 people. international (Figure inuence of sh the million map of the B.31) development polymetallic sulphides? The world’s 1961, with compared supply an of sh average with a as food growth growth rate has rate of of 1.6 grown 3.2 per per cent dramatically cent per per year since year for the 4 North O C E A N Atlantic m A N A G E m E N t F u t u r E S 11.4% Anchorage Dublin Brussels Odesa Seattle Marseille North New York Pacic Athens Lisbon UNITED JAPAN STATES 28.2% Pusan Algiers Los Angeles Gibraltar Kuwait City Shanghai Miami Taipei Muscat Doha Central Atlantic Abu Hong Kong Dhabi Mumbai 4.3% San Kingston Juan Dakar Channai Manila Djibouti Central Central Caracas Pacic Guam Portonovo Accra Pacic Abidjan 9.6% Mogadishu Colombo Cayenne 9.6% Libreville Singapore Dar es Salaam Jakarta Luanda Indian Ocean Rio de Janeiro Maputo 7.1% Port Headland AUSTRALIA South Cape Town Perth Atlantic South Pacic 3% Sydney 10.9% Auckland Antarctic 0.1% Fge B.31: The world’s main shing grounds, showing percentage of global catch world’s of 9.9 was population. kg per lowest capita in Africa, consumption. which 42.8 Although in annual has been capita sh supply Globally, of their Overall, marine 94 sh million record The still and of of tonnes. more in 7 Pacic catches. Sea the Asia for 2012. for reached consumed is increased in 85.4 million average of total tonnes, of China. products considerably an consumption two-thirds outside of from Fish lower has grown than in steadily high- narrowing. much of the substantial production increase increase grew from in in 7 world per aquaculture. per cent in 1961 again 3.0 billion people with almost 20 per cent protein. sheries production environments) Global than north-west kg accounted still the about animal capture more Black sh supply 19 consumption is gap to to 2010. freshwater growing Catches world in global and owing provides intake it the in was capita but sh Asia responsible in to35percent tonnes per China share food 1960s while countries, countries, China’s the Consumption million low-income income World in catches million and The western showed tuna tonnes North south-west of in and is, sh caught relatively tuna-like stable species in at about set a new 2012. central Atlantic shrinking and (that remains Pacic areas catches south-east and for Atlantic have the the largest and Mediterranean 2011 have and 2012. been recovering recently. 93 1 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Fish stocks Total global capture second-highest Moreover, tonnes) 2012 when production ever, slightly showed the a highly of 93.7 below new million the 93.8 maximum variable tonnes million in production anchoveta 2011 tonnes catches of (86.6 are was the 1996. million excluded. The decline of sh stocks Fishing sh eets further cod, which now down tend less-desirable human Larger, catch the to sh. be predatory numbers fall, overshing the of sh not it need and most affects change to of predatory The predators, only could numbers cod large chain. top-level This consumption, fewer food eat other type of important sh more sh, of increases. species, example smaller, available for smaller This total smaller for leaving ecosystems quantities sh but food declining marine large smaller are the sh prized is sh for ever. sh. why As their despite catches have poo B.20: The Tokyo sh remained high. However, the type of sh being caught is changing. market – unsustainable demand for sh (shown here are tuna) Despite are larger falling. even boats World become and sh extinct. better stocks More technology, have and sh declined more catches rapidly ships are – of species some chasing like species fewer cod have sh, and Activity 13 prices Comment on the propor tion of for have risen example quickly. through Despite quotas and many bans, attempts there has to save been the little sh industry, success. marine sh stocks that have Nearly 70 per cent of the world’s stocks are in need per cent of management. Cod been over-shed since 1974. stocks in the North Sea are less than 10 of 1970 levels. Fishing 160 Fge B.32: World capture Aquaculture sheries and aquaculture, 2012 production 140 Capture Source: The State of World Fisheries and production 120 Aquaculture. The Food and Agriculture sennot Organization of the United Nations, 2014. 100 noilliM 80 60 40 20 0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 12 Year Fge B.33: Global trends in the 100 state of the world’s marine sh Aquaculture. The Food and Agriculture skcots Organization of the United Nations 2012. dessessa Source: The State of World Fisheries and At Overfished 90 stocks, 1974–2011 biologically Within unsustainable biologically levels sustainable levels 80 70 60 50 Fully fished fo egatnecreP 40 30 20 Underfished 10 0 74 78 82 86 90 94 Year 94 98 02 06 11 4 boats from Africa and waters. the EU South More regularly America, than half of sh to in other make the sh up parts for the consumed of the world, shortage in O C E A N of Europe is m A N A G E m E N t for sh F u t u r E S example in EU imported. Strategies for the European shing industry A World per year world $2.2 Bank is trillion. of capacity due has more The to in to report poor report is puts the showed total technology since nd catch is loss Due the Fish up continues to each $50 1978 to The amount are billion overshing and 2008 increase. boat has over-capacity, stocks remaining to and between However, wasted. 2006. that inefciency capacity slowly. technology. changed and 2008 shing increasing improved in management, industry’s new barely effort to The vessels investment FAO due sheries. number sea and lost of The greater much sh depleted, of caught so in at it the at takes sh. Fge B.34: Fishing grounds under threat North west: Iceland: Cod gone from lrish Sea World’s Haddock most successfully overfished managed fishery throughout Black Canada, Sea: Newfoundland: Mediterranean: Grand Banks collapsed in Pollution led to the extinction 1992 Most species seriously Eastern Bigeye depleted of 14 commercial species of fish Fishing Atlantic: tuna now can endangered by West African Fishing by for With and satellite radar, locate dwelling cod it and and within to own shoals satellite coast: bought compensate lost fisheries technology is possible catch fish EU rights trawlers locate to bottom- such as haddock a wide radius Case study Grand Banks 2.0 Once a sh for it to Newfoundland to The years have cod’s taken it recover. three cod, 1992 not – over by to was but yet niche had It The once the be the other Grand closed Banks and it ecosystem such off richest to to numbers, species, very world’s expected sh recovered in is allow be closed especially is still has as closed. erutpaC for recover. was it ni stocks In overshed 1.5 North-east stock .llim shery. is sennot difcult stock 1.0 North-west stock 0.5 been shrimp and 0.0 langoustines. 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Fge B.35: The decline of Atlantic cod 95 1 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Table B.8 there are suggests no politically, some simple possible solutions economically and to strategies the for the problems future, associated environmentally sensitive but clearly with such a industry. table B.8: Strategies for the European shing industry for the future Acon tye of ease Objecves Conservation of resources Technical measures Restrict catches Limit number of vessels Surveillance Small meshed nets, minimum Protect juveniles and encourage breeding, landing sizes, boxes discourage marketing of illegal catches Total allowable catches (TACs) and To match supply to demand, plan quota uptake quotas throughout the season, protect sensitive stocks Fishing permits (which could be System applicable to EU vessels and other traded inter- or intra-nationally) countries’ vessels shing in EU waters Check landings by EU and third- To apply penalties to overshing and illegal country vessels (log books, landings computer/satellite surveillance) Structural Structural aid to the eet Finance investment in eet modernization (although commissioning of new vessels must be closely controlled) whilst providing reimbursement for scrapping, transfer and conversion Reduction in Inclusion of zones dependent on To facilitate restructuring of the industry, to unemployment leading to shing in Objectives 1, 2 and 5b of nance alternative local development initiatives to an increase in productivity Structural Funds encourage voluntary/early retirement schemes Minimum impor t prices, To ensure EU preference (although still bound restrictions on impor ts under WTO) Markets Tari policy Other measures Restrict number of vessels Fishing licences Large licence fees would discourage small, inecient boats Increase the accountability Rights to sheries Where sh stay put (for example shellsh) of shermen – sections of the seabed can be auctioned o – Where a whole shery is controlled, quotas could be traded which would allow some to cash in and leave the sea L TA Research and communication skills Visit http://ec.europa.eu/sheries/cfp/index_en.htm about the Prepare Common a brief presentation ● What ● When ● What happened ● What are is the was Fisheries Common it the Policy with of the details Fisheries European about Policy of the the and nd out Union. following. European Union? introduced? to North arguments Sea for cod and stocks against in a 2008? common sheries policy? Visit and a 96 http://ec.europa.eu/sheries/cfp/shing_rules/tacs/index_en.htm research map of TACs TACs by (total species allowable and catches). countries. Scroll down for a link to 4 O C E A N m A N A G E m E N t F u t u r E S Illegal shing Activity 14 The scale of illegal and unreported shing is difcult to estimate. The Maximum Sustainable Yield Pew Charitable Trusts, an American research group, believes that (MSY) is the largest yield that around one sh in ve sold in restaurants or shops has been caught can be taken from a natural illegally. That may amount to 26 million tonnes of sh every year, worth resource without long-term more than $23 billion. This illegal trade, though not the only cause of depletion. The formula for overshing, is an important one. As well as the economic cost, there calculating MSY is as follows: is an environmental one – since the 1960s one in four sheries has S collapsed. = S n + G + Where: S A new monitoring Applications system Catapult. It has uses been data developed from by various the Satellite sources, R − M − C n−1 = stock size now n notably ships’ S = stock size one year ago n−1 automatic identication systems (AIS). These broadcast a vessel’s G = growth or biomass added identity, position stations, and and other information to nearby ships and coastal by sh stock also to satellites. An AIS is mandatory for all commercial R = recruitment or biomass vessels, shing boats included, with a gross tonnage of more than 300. added by young sh However, a enforcement legitimate protable reason for of AIS is turning patchy. it off, so Some as captains not to alert believe other they boats have to M = biomass lost by mor tality shoals. C = biomass caught A virtual watch room can track vessels anywhere in the world. It When MSY is achieved the sh uses AIS data, satellite data, radar, photographic images and radio population remains stable. transmissions, and it gives alerts when a vessel enters prohibited waters What is the maximum tonnage and slows down to shing speed. It can also see when a vessel’s catch is of sh that can be removed in transferred to another vessel. one year without damaging the Nevertheless, support tackle come a of the illegal from. powerful There is this system industry, shing. an irony require well combat this as may pressure to in as Firms Customer weapon will government retailers be able and to and illegal restaurants trace satellite funding where and if their technology it is sh may ocean’s ability to recover its the stock? to have prove to be shing. development. Overshing is the product not just Ex tension work of human nding is now greed, and up but also catching to the sh task of of far technologies more catching such efcient illegal in as sonar recent shermen that have decades. as well as made Technology Watch a shor t video clip that explains how the Vir tual sh. Watch Room operates: http:// worldmaritimenews.com/ Aquaculture Aquaculture contrast, shing sh a or sh to species Salmon North raising hatchery raised was up by 85 and a sh cent Baltic seas are of when commercially, juvenile species’ farms per introduced Atlantic sh releases supplement makes Farming archives/150115/video-eyes- involves sh natural total carp, sale populations declined into the numbers. salmon, the usually due of to of for wild The tilapia, for most Atlantic on-the-seas-xated-on-pirate- In recreational shing/. important catsh Norwegian wild food. and sh cod. farming. salmon in the overshing. Global aquaculture Between 8.8 per 1980 cent estimated at Aquaculture and and per 66 2010, annum. million tonnes, production environmental world World is aquaculture aquaculture worth vulnerable conditions. $140 to Disease grew by, on production average, in 2012 was billion. adverse impacts outbreaks in of recent disease years have 97 4 1 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Fge B.36: The Vir tual Watch Room 2 3 4 1 TOK The Tragedy of the Commons is an idea which states that a commonly held resource is over-exploited. Nobody owns the high seas, which are therefore vulnerable to a perfectly legal free-for-all. Much of the overshing occurs in territorial waters that stretch 12 nautical miles from a country’s coastline, as well as so-called exclusive economic zones that stretch to 200 nautical miles beyond coastlines, over which a more limited sovereignty exists. Visit https://www.theguardian. 1 com/environment/the- Vessel to a Monitoring fisheries Systems, or monitoring VMS, centre via aboard vessels broadcast GPS coordinates, speed and other data satellite. coral-triangle/2015/jan/14/ 2 Synthetic Aperture Radar, or SAR, satellites circle the globe day and night, independent of weather indonesias-new-marineconditions, and can detect vessels in remote areas. laws-threaten-sustainable- sheries to read a case study 3 Automatic by on the problems of managing VHF Identification radio Convention to for nearby the Systems, or vessels Safety of and life at AIS, broadcast coastal Sea stations for all a vessel’s and are commercial identity, mandatory vessels position under larger than and the 300 other information International gross tonnes. Indonesia’s shing industry. 4 Optical and Fge B.37: Growth in Satellite can Sensors continuously provide cover one high-resolution small imagery and oceanographic and atmospheric data area. 80 aquaculture Sea-based aquaculture 70 Source: The State of World Fisheries Inland and Aquaculture. 2014. The Food and Nations 60 sennot Agriculture Organization of the United aquaculture 50 noilliM 40 30 20 10 0 80 85 90 95 Year 98 00 05 10 12 4 affected shrimp In farmed 2012, 13.5 China million have Atlantic farming in produced tonnes reduced competition salmon several their from of in Chile, countries over 40 aquatic in lower in South tonnes Some output with oysters Asia, million algae. aquaculture countries in Europe, America of HICs, O C E A N food recent years, production and and sh notably m A N A G E m E N t F u t u r E S poo B.21: A Brunei sh farm marine Africa. and the USA, mainly due to costs. Characteristics of aquaculture Technological to keep sh programmes farmer, costs and are to salmon as it be 2–5 species, like herring, for costs into of wild Organic escaped parts wild native The the sh but sh – and the high on a Salmon It is protein 1 kg 85 of as antibiotics Breeding per hectare per for and are uses per and food supply most to Fish produce leads to the the environmental farmed food, salmon faeces and surrounding other so non-carnivorous markets. from uneaten and farmed contrast, salmon contaminating steroids In Other spread that global used of scale. by carnivores the domestic that (created in cent) anchovy global are possible salmon. production diseases with can sh salmon Atlantic affect wild local is that an alien environmental them – chemical species into farms, gene waters. waste, of can sh genetic farms the In threaten British introduced a non- ocean). removing huge. when variations. example, Pacic not are from (for their genetic inadvertently the pools reducing escaped has benets in sh non-natural have industry salmon wild populations, introducing farming growing of grow salmon) with world, as such waters. of salmon positive type, drugs growth. are sh. catsh, so and potentially species stocks, and other (about and the Outputs loss to species interbreed of net pollution this coastal and Columbia of a using improve damaging. sardines treat to from sh lice and to be tilapia sh include high. production sea escape sh diversity, native the debris Accidental wild as other used contaminate can salmon, stocks, chemicals also made mackerel, include some of such farmed depletion is represent kg and steroids expensive. effects aquaculture sh feed also pellets actually takes global fed high, and efciency Environmental need are healthy, Wild sh from populations wild are Atmosphere allowed to provides breed and maintain stocks, whilst the farmed – 33% variety Runoff food. and discharge – land-based 44% Initiatives to manage oceanic pollution Every year, worldwide, posing millions turning of it tonnes into environmental, Marine-based industry, offshore mining (for and of pollution world’s economic, activities shipping the that lead example health to and pollution transport, extraction, ends biggest illegal up in the “landll” aesthetic include tourism, dumping at ocean and thus problems. the shing shing), sea and Maritime discarded shing gear. The main sources of marine litter include Offshore transportation land-based activities such as discharge from stormwater – Dumping industrial beaches outfalls, and untreated rivers. In the municipal North Sea, sewerage, half of the littering litter production – 1% 12% drains, of comes – 10% Fge B.38: Sources of waste entering the sea 99 1 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S from ships. depressing The amount reading. ● approximately ● in 2014, For 80 marine plankton; that of per cent water is, pollution in the sea, and its sources, makes example: out of marine samples of 7 kg, litter contained there were is land-based six 6 times kg of more plastic plastic and 1 than kg of plankton ● each day sewage and ● cruise from 250,000 kg litter for €60 coastal year, revenues of into the 5,420,000 the to to serious oceans m³ of shing ocean the around sewage eet. of was 95,000 from and North damage: assessed losses at sinks, litter include changing may m³ of galleys for coastal across €630 amount 1 per be year. one of million to cent the almost of the total fastest- oceans. recycling, the each cost almost could approximately world’s Sea Potential industry Marine the the shing. shing dumping energy and represent health from economic cleaning to would the removed shipping cost EU saving are beach the which Alternatives benign cause and threats products, waste tourism, while million, growing of can communities, per release and showers Marine EU ships toilets producing dangerous less-wasteful material into more waste. Radioactive waste Radioactive and 1992, successor, still the and Arctic the containing and research was the also of place carried its for across for at the 18 into by the the unwanted the and Fukushima northern waste industrial uses. Daiichi, Pacic is power Following in Between Union, nuclear nuclear decades. oceans. Soviet Radioactive from radioisotopes station way used fuel. comes radioactive power was nuclear usually use makes Ocean resting their remains nuclear waste and as oceans usually the efuent the its also several dumped process, in medical waste explosion Japan, 1958 Russian reactors, Nuclear the Ocean or of radioactive towards Canada USA. Very Low low impact impact Medium impact Medium high High Very impact impact high impact Fge B.39: The human impact on the oceans 100 4 O C E A N m A N A G E m E N t F u t u r E S Plastic Activity 15 More alarming still is the plague of plastic. The UN Environment 1. Programme reckoned even as far back as 2006 that every Outline the main sources of square ocean pollution. kilometre it was, 100 of of and is, million garbage sea held in the tonnes over an nearly central of 18,000 Pacic, plastic area pieces where jetsam twice the of are size oating scientists suspended of the plastic. believe in two Much as of much separate as 2. Study Figure B.39. gyres a. Suggest reasons for USA. the locations of very high human impacts. About wind seals 90 or per water and study of 560 that pieces in become The of from birds found enter cent out each. land. of 20 in food formed in takes eat up had Moreover, marine GPGP It picked concentrated the plastic inadvertently fulmars 19 the the has decades it, and dead plastic when sea in in in the other up it tiny there or sink. Pacic. around stomachs breaks and carried decompose just countries their plastic barnacles to not been – the an by Turtles, A North average attracts Identify, and suggest and reasons for, a region Sea of toxins, organisms b. Dutch of very low human 44 impact. which thus chain. due to the concentration of marine pollution by Ex tension work ocean currents. surrounded by accumulation Ocean. the the of in US the other North carry about Approximately GPGP is six 80 20 Environmental large, debris cent cent of the from Protection the debris slow-moving Circulation countries from and relatively gyre. from years per per a Pacic pollutants Currents gyre and The west from waste of coast Asia comes of in in 2011: gyre the about from a to America ve to Visit http://www.greenpeace.to/ publications/dead-zones.pdf for information on dead zones and red tides. years. report primary the Pacic land-based to “The leads North North shipping. According Agency the bordering mass, sources from source the of Case study marine and debris is the manufacturing improper products, waste disposal including or plastics management (for example of trash littering, The Great Pacic illegal dumping) harbors, vessels, Pacic, docks, … and stationary US EPA, Debris storm is generated drains. platforms November and on Debris cargo land is at marinas, generated ships” at ( Marine ports, sea from Debris in rivers, shing the North 2011). Garbage Patch The is The size of the GPGP is unknown, although it is known to be Estimates vary from 700,000 km more than 15 area garbage 2 to an million km GPGP is also estimated to contain about 100 million (GPGP) marine located Ocean in the roughly tonnes between of of . Pacic The Pacic Patch very 2 large. Great Garbage 135° and rubbish. 155° 35° Photodegradation of plastics west and GPGP Plastic never biodegrades. It does not break down into natural it goes through a photodegradation process, splitting has into smaller 450 years particles that are still plastic. It takes a plastic bottle photodegrade, and a disposable nappy takes 500 The extremely concentrations and other of rubbish about that to between north. smaller plastics and 42° substances. high Instead and years have been trapped to by the currents of the photodegrade. North As a result of photodegradation, much of the plastic particulates in Pacic currents GPGP are too small to be seen. A 2001 study counted 334,721 pieces particles per square kilometre. The United Nations suggests that each square mile of ocean water pieces of oating garbage. The overall concentration of seven times greater than the concentration of that the zooplankton. from deeper points found much lower in debris America, Hawaiian Asia islands. consists concentrations mainly of small Samples particles collected pulls North plastics It was These circular contains and 46,000 a Environment from Programme create of effect plastic gyre. the of in the upper plastic water layers. particles. 101 1 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Eect on wildlife Due to the fact photodegrade, end up in Midway (coral the (also It the million 1.5 of is has plastic their in up in die. of this Marine plastics An debris plastics partly as Atoll fed also of to a that 20 is on year an of atoll Most the about tonnes to plastics Pacic GPGP . nest and time animals. North the albatross the long small Islands) by every enable and the system, estimated is birds affected albatrosses take degraded Midway middle digestive Midway can the marine the Laysan quarter of severely their on of these known been chicks washed of situated Ocean. have many stomachs Atoll reef) that some island one-third plastic and of debris about one- chicks. spread of invasive poo B.22: Eects of plastics on albatrosses species. region Some and species drift long may attach distances to to oating colonize plastic other in one ecosystems. L TA Research skills and social skills Use the following prepare a presentation possibilities in the sources for world’s Chinese expansion in the South China Sea to on managing The pollution oceans. is now the United Nations Law the of Sea Convention (1982) on regulates in numerous a comprehensive maritime and the in by which controls deep the the the limits of way In western 2015–16 for China insists organizes to It built resources seabed also articial area, and (Sea-bed Asian of Nuclear and the Treaty) of the 1971 Thereof In http://www. and-ocean-oor-and-subsoil- thereof-seabed-treaty/– nuclear mass Ocean bans weapons, health destruction, index in the to on years have of £3 for trillion American installed Woody claimed its Paracels virtually all some coral rocks and Island right are of to also the reefs reefs construction, China sea. Islands signed in China to in two in about value. naval launch the limited China supremacy in claimed by belongs the Spratly batteries Paracel and sea in also like in claimed the 2002 which has create including oil and China archipelago necessary Vietnam to self- and Taiwan. it. the Islands, by the missiles, with the parties creating Philippines, outs the spirit Association promised to of Taiwan of a South “exercise East self- built land over with 4 km of facilities articial that could land be mass utilized in for an air strip with a 3,000 m runway. The region gas. delegates archipelago also UN Convention of claimed cannot to by on sustain territorial accorded visited in the China, the human waters, but habitable the Law Itu of the China Philippines the life, not Aba, South so the biggest Sea, and Vietnam. Sea (UNCLOS), it entitled 200 is mile natural garrisoned to Itu 12 exclusive island by Under Aba is a nautical economic in Taiwan the rock miles zone islands. the or 2030, on current trends, the South China Sea will be virtually a any on the oor. http://www. oceanhealthindex.org/. 102 alleged (ASEAN), but today. ocean in Spratly Chinese of is The The that use, rich 2016 the By or on Nations Spratly that weapons-mass-destruction-seabed- seabed 70 accounting over Ocean Subsoil nuclear-weapons-and-other- weapon than artery, passes, the treaty-prohibition-emplacement- of trade trade Weapons nti.org/learn/treaties-and-regimes/ placing over land declaration national Prohibition Sea-bed in vital 2 the and more China that Vietnam. also the a missiles facilities. military Floor China B.40). restraint” Emplacement on is world’s Pacic. surface-to-air (Figure the on Sea the the jurisdiction. Treaty of threatening defence relating mineral international beyond – UN activities seabed’s this issues. https://www.isa.org.jm/ means – China the http://www. un.org/Depts/los/index.htm South 30percent lake, as the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico are for the USA is 4 Three approaches are being tried to O C E A N m A N A G E m E N t F u t u r E S moderate CHINA China’s behaviour – legal, diplomatic and military. TAIWAN The legal UNCLOS case that is show to “nine-dash line” sea B.40) the Philippines that on China’s maps brought historic to the claim encompassing most – of a the HAINAN (Figure has no legal basis. Diplomatically, Approximate China prefers to negotiate with ASEAN location members oil Woody of Island South rig China individually. As for military deterrence, a marked Duncan increase defence years still spending leaves the across USA as the the region The a of USA standing also military up wants training to to only power turn ground. two Pacic Tinian and islands Pagan into are Islands territories that form part of the the Northern Mariana Islands. Thitu cay Island two Eldad Reef* Reef Commonwealth Itu of Manila Southwest Subi US PHILIPPINES Paracel China. MANTE capable Sea Island in V recent in The US Navy has Spratly Aba Islands Island Mischief Gaven proposed using the two islands for live re Reefs exercise Reef Fiery for at least 16 weeks each year. Pagan has Cross been Hughes Reef Reef largely uninhabited since a volcanic eruption in Cuarteron Johnson 1981, and would be used as a training ground for a Reef South potential conict in the South and East China Reef Seas. Reclamation Swallow China Reef Vietnam BRUNEI work Malaysia Philippines Extent A Changes in the Arctic and the global by: Taiwan of I China’s S E 250 claim N 0 Airstrips O geopolitical oppor tunities and challenges D MALAYSIA km *Unconfirmed I they bring Fge B.40: Geopolitical conict in the South China Sea The fact that Arctic sea ice is disappearing has been Sources: www. amti.csis.org; www. janes.com; www. lawfareblog.com known trade decades. routes, reserves and This also believed is opening giving to lie up access to beneath potential the the vast oil and L TA gas for Arctic. Research skills Find L TA Research skills out about complaint that Philippines Look at http://www.geopoliticsnorth.org/ for an article on the High North, and add to your lodged with Geopolitics the in the the UN Permanent Court notes. of Arbitration, China says engage it with and will the why not case. Case study According The Arctic hold Canada is establishing a year-round on Denmark part of is the land and trying to sea as prove underwater well that as a extension of Lomonosov Greenland, quarter in the oil Russia submersible has titanium In 2008 the USA divide ag to staked some Canada, met up the plant in 4 a which a the world’s Survey, it could This undiscovered amounts to 90 gas billion barrels of Nearly 85 oil and Ridge is claim per vast cent of amounts these of natural deposits, they gas. believe, is offshore. The ve countries are racing to Danish by the limits of their territory, stretching sending beyond their land borders. corrosion-resistant km below Denmark, Greenland resources Geological air. far a of reserves. establish territory. US detached are an the Arctic and presence a to of the North Norway, to the discuss Arctic Pole. Russia how and to Ocean. There At the was is also Arctic increased Frontiers announced animals such as that, potential for conference increasingly, copeopods and shing. in 2015 it planktonic krill were 103 4 OPTION B OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Case study (continued) abundant that in and could primary cod feeding survive on the productivity population. As the Arctic smaller winter. could water plankton The support a temperatures increase treaty similar which bans Under the are being found as far rise, scramble unique for groups the animal have north Arctic, criticized saying habitats, and it will have regulating activity the and Antarctic, mineral mining. as UN Law of the Sea Convention, states own the seabed beyond existing 80°N. of the damage called 1982 cod 370 Environmental that larger coastal populations to military for a km zones shallower shelves’ have if it is waters. outer created limits a part of While on tangle a of a continental the clear rules aim geological overlapping shelf to x basis, Arctic they claims. Concepts in contex t There are oceanic Much many of the commons, country. for ocean and is will Therefore, to be they the is is by a humans. any or in remote pressures and that economics ocean degraded. be are single and may it be areas, on such resources. pressures on contested. and may between management. may Even populations, Global danger careful consensus managing of the over-exploited need achieve of owned there for benet part not However, resources Trying possibilities resources as In be different close resources The battle environment well Antarctica, areas is are large greater, between likely complicated there to by to intensify, conicts countries. difcult. Check your understanding 1. Identify two oceanic abiotic 7. resources. Explain the sheries 2. Explain the terms “quotas” and Outline the main sources of ocean pollution. 8. Explain what 9. Explain how sh 4. Name two 5. Identify strategies to manage ocean ocean area in which as well there 6. Identify the conict countries conict/insecurity source of or the the Virtual technology as protect Watch has Room helped to is. catch them. Outline the environmental problems is associated international capture pollution. 10. one between aquaculture. “conservation areas”. 3. difference and with aquaculture. insecurity. involved (question 5) in the and the conict. Synthesis and evaluation ● Changes margin parts. in one may This part bring can be of an about ocean change small-scale or in and small-scale coastal other in the case of groynes, or policies. The benets large-scale as in the case of El Niño The exploitation also vary of scale aquaculture The 104 in of to management oceanic from resources highly large-scale of oceans may localized capture also large-scale cost and effectiveness depends on the of perspective events. of ● to and management natural, reserves articial, ● as nature sheries cases sheries. varies from the stakeholder developers, have different should be – industrialists, conservationists opinions managed. as to and energy shermen, how oceans prACtiCE 2 M A X E E X Am E C I T C A R P Tower Middens Faha Lo RS64 Faha Faiche Ross-Behy 274 2 0 0 275 257 256 Curra 250 208 150 The map (a) (i) shows Identify coastal the (ii) Explain (iii) Outline such (b) a as landform. landform how the this shown landform conicting that shown on on has the been pressures the map. map. on (6 (1 mark) formed. (3 marks) managing a coastal area, marks) Either Examine than the local view that the management. ocean (10 requires more global management marks) Or Evaluate coastal the costs protection and benets strategies. of (10 two or more named and located marks) 105 O P T I O N C E XT R E M E E N V I R O N M E N TS This Key terms optional kinds Sstaiabiit of theme extreme, considers terrestrial two different environment: Social, economic and ● cold environmental use of resources and (polar, in a way that allows future high-altitude glacial mountains generations to maintain their areas; in environments periglacial non-tropical areas; high latitudes) standard of living. ● Arid ad Arid areas receive less than si-arid 250 mm rainfall per year hot, arid environments semi-arid These (hot deserts and areas). environments are relatively inaccessible whereas semi-arid areas receive and tend to be viewed as inhospitable to between 250 mm and 500 mm human habitation. Despite this, they provide per annum. numerous Ifr tiit opportunities for settlement and A lack of nutrients or bases in soils, economic activity. This theme examines the caused by low weathering rates, essential landscape characteristics of the two a lack of biomass; insucient kinds of extreme environment, together with nutrients to support arable farming. Priacia Snow and ice cover on the fringe of glaciated areas (“peri” means edge) usually associated with permafrost or ground that remains frozen for at least two years. These regions the natural the way the opportunities in adapted and for the processes to which people they extremes challenges management operating of them, responded how weather these and have offer, in they and to have climate, environments pose sustainability. include high mountain and tundra This theme will develop an understanding areas of northern Eurasia and North of processes, places, power and geographical America. possibilities. Prafrst More specialized concepts include Permanently frozen subsurface. To glacial systems risk and adaptation (in relation be classied as a permafrost the to climate change) and resource nationalism land must have been frozen for at (in relation to land ownership). least two years. Watri Weathering is the breakdown ad rsi (denudation) of the Ear th’s surface in situ (on the spot, that is, without a moving Key questions 1. force) whereas erosion is the Why can extreme some places be considered to be environments? breakdown of the Ear th’s surface 2. How do physical processes create unique by a moving force, for example landscapes in extreme environments? glaciers, rivers, wind. Dsr ticati The spread of desert or desert-like 3. How from People native to an area and pp who have been there for many generations. Rsrc The use of a country’s resources atiais to benet that country rather than allowing a TNC or another country to benet from the resources. 106 the stakeholders conditions. Idis does 4. power to extreme What are managing the of extract different economic environments future extreme communities? value vary? possibilities environments for and their 1 The characteristics of extreme environments Conceptual understanding K qsti Why can some places be considered to be extreme environments? K ctt ● Global-scale (polar, glacial tropical Relief ● cold periglacial and climatic hot arid and high-altitude areas, high environments mountains environments characteristics (including environments How of (hot in non- deserts and areas). and extreme arid areas, latitudes) semi-arid ● distribution relief, and climate, remoteness the present that unreliability the resulting human make and risk discomfort, challenges for environments intensity of ash of rainfall inaccessibility human in oods). habitation and and resourcedevelopment. ● The changing time, distribution including the of advance extreme and environments retreat of glaciers over and natural desertication. The global distribution of extreme environments Cold and high-altitude environments The distribution of cold environments is very uneven. In general, cold environments are found in high latitudes and at high altitudes. Fir C.1: The distribution Polar of ex treme environments N Anchorage Arctic Circle (Alaska) Tropic of Cancer Timbuktu CARIBBEAN (Mali) MIDDLE CENTRAL EAST AMERICA AFRICA Equator INDIAN OCEAN OCEANIA SOUTH AMERICA Tropic of Capricorn AUSTRALIA Mountains Tundra/Periglacial Ice/snow Desert and semi-desert 107 1 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS (a) environments where North levels located towards insolation (solar the North radiation) Pole are and very the low. South In the Pole, northern Pole hemisphere, Polar are of there is a belt of periglacial environments. This zone is high generally not found given relative in the southern hemisphere except in small areas, Subtropical the lack of land mass at around 60°–65°S. high Heated air Other cold extensive areas of high are associated ground in Asia, with high associated mountains. with the There are Himalayas. Colder Subtropical air high sinks high air South Other high-altitude Americas. Warm Polar environments rises On areas average, include the temperatures Andes and decrease the by Rockies, about 10°C located per in 1,000 the m, rises so Pole high-altitude areas will be cooler than surrounding low-altitude areas. Deser t and semi-arid environments (b) Boundary of Desert and semi-desert areas cover as much as a third of the Earth’s Cold hot desert surface. offshore They are generally located around the tropics and are associated currents Sahara Desert Increasing Increasing Increasing Fog with temperature range continentality distance from permanent formation. Four high-pressure main factors systems which determine the limit the location potential of the for world’s rain main 23.5˚N deserts (Figure C.2). ● location They include: ocean Decreasing cloud the of stable, high-pressure conditions at the tropics, for cover example the Sahara and the great Australian deserts Marine influences Boundary of ● hot large distance thecentral parts south-west ● Fog the sea (known Sahara and as continentality), Australia and also such parts of as the effects, as in Patagonia (South America) and the Gobi disperses Desert over air the of USA rain-shadow (c) Subsiding from desert warm in central Asia land (warm) ● proximity of Fog air bank in cool to moisture America, cold held upwelling in helping the to air, form currents , for the example Atacama which off the Desert, limit west and the amount coast off of the South west coast beneath Atacama Sea of breeze southern Africa, helping to form the Namib desert. temperature Desert inversion Cool Conditions in extreme environments sea Heated land surface Cold and high-altitude environments Upwelling cold of water Cold Upwelling inversions water on and west environments are very varied in their characteristics. Mountain temperature coast hot deserts environments They may also can be characterized receive large by amounts warm of days rainfall and due to very cold relief nights. rain. In (d) Air cools on rising, contrast, and is warmed descending, has lost its some mountain areas receive low rainfall because they are in on but a rain shadow. Polar areas generally receive low rainfall. They are, in rain effect, cold deserts. Precipitation Pacific Atlantic Activity 1 Activity 2 Study Figure C.2. Explain how the 1. Study Figure C.3. Outline following factors inuence the the ways in which this development of arid and semi-arid environment may be areas: considered an extreme Patagonia environment. 1. Atmospheric pressure 2. Ocean currents 3. Relief 4. Continentality 2. Fir C.2: Causes of aridity (a) subtropical high pressure, (b) continentality, (c) cold In what ways can the environment in Figure C.4 be considered extreme? oshore current and (d) rain shadow. 108 1 Owing are act to their difcult as barriers Soils are high rates areas – to often erosion. of In or thin, and and only a e n v I R o n m e n T S they 98 from and – the are low rates of 97 frequently growing season temperatures few e x T R e m e periglacial low soils The short: and suffer regions produce o F (FigureC.3). run-off in C h A R A C T e R I S T I C S mountains on, transport tundra waterlogged. for nature, build overland evaporation, 6°C to contrast, temperatures relatively steep areas T h e months of is are the above year. 96 Nevertheless, support there some large may adjacent numbers be to periglacial of important some areas people, and settlements high-altitude 95 environments. Deser t and semi-arid environments 94 In desert to the lack for areas, Gulf of of water such Aden acts throughout absence almost 500 areas the adjacent Red major Sea, year In mm, so but, are in farming between there is 93 the is semi-arid varies the constraint Temperatures freshwater, rainfall and a the impossible. annual mm of or as development. high as areas, 250 some 92 possibility where are for water used. of especially conservation On guarantee farming, the other warm, methods hand, dry the conditions 91 could be excellent developments, areas such Egypt. as Other for tourism especially the Red desert in Sea areas coastal coast may 622 of characterized slopes, ash at by a areas, oods mixture seasonal (Figure of 623 624 625 626 be Fir C.3: Zermat and the Gorner Glacier steep streams and Tab C.1: Climate data for Anchorage, Alaska C.4). Month Rainfall (mm) J F M A M J J A S O N D 20 18 13 11 13 25 47 64 64 47 28 24 −11 −7 −4 3 9 13 15 13 9 2 −5 −10 People in extreme Average environments temperature (°C) Extreme environments characterized densities include square Iceland by low (Figure densities kilometre and C.6). of in are population three people central northern Tab C.2: Climate data for Timbuktu, Mali Examples Australia, Canada, Month J F M A M J J A S O N D Rainfall (mm) 0 0 0 1 4 20 54 93 31 3 0 0 22 25 28 31 34 34 32 30 31 31 28 23 per two Average people per square kilometre in temperature (°C) Namibia and just one per square 109 1 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS 0 6 Fork 0 2 5 5 E Copper can Copper Canyon be in put the western down to the Sahara. Much extremes of of this climate: 0 Fork 0 kilometre W insufcient heat insufcient water in Iceland and Canada, and Oljato Canyon 000 5 0575 0 0 5 5 largely 5 2 5 0 is to blame. particularly outside the None other of these “comfortable”; the three recognized areas are environments they all fall “comfort a long zones for human habitation” (Figure C.5). r e p p o 6 0 0 0 005 5 C E way in factors are important, too. Iceland is r C Other relatively 5 7 5 0 remote communications increases the imported, and costly, cost such isolated. of as and This often materials, timber for makes difcult. which It have building. also to be Similarly, Fir C.4: OS map of Monument Valley region of Utah, Namibia is a long way from the economic core USA of imports and exports. southern Coastal areas Africa, are and better this off increases than the inland costs areas of but Activity 3 are 1. still relatively undeveloped. Plot the climate data for Anchorage and Timbuktu presented in Tables Coping with periglacial environments C.1 and C.2. Make sure that you use the same scale for temperature and Traditionally, rainfall for both locations. Canada or 2. and hunting the Inuit peoples Greenland caribou. have The of the used Inuit Arctic regions periglacial tend to be of pastures migratory, Alaska, for herding moving north Describe the main dierences in into the tundra during the brief months of summer and heading climate between the two places. southwards 3. to the forest margins in winter. The Sami of Scandinavia Suggest reasons for the dierences also follow this pattern. that you have noted for question 2. To make people up important Peninsula At for have in lack to Siberia, other of pasture and the of are the an on For important scale, land, oceans. environments. sh end good rivers periglacial in the the turned shing many Fishing the Nenets extremely of supplement and indigenous is the to Yamal their sh-related diet. products X Impossible accounted for up to 70 per cent of Iceland’s GDP . To cope with the environment 45 Limit of cold conditions protects light them Inuit from populations the extreme have evolved a layer of fat that cold. 40 July sedentary activity 35 Sept ) C°( May 25 Nov July Mar 20 15 May Building on permafrost Building the it permafrost permafrost sinks, that by the raising cold air is underneath damaging problem so on challenging. them. building buildings can ow it Once the supports. above under Heated the them permafrost Engineers ground and buildings stop on a can thaw thaws, solve steel this frame, thepermafrost from Nov zone 5 New yrD 10 Comfort blub Sept Jan erutarepmet 30 thawing. Another way to stop damage from thawing permafrost is York Mar Phoenix, to thaw the to build on ground rst. This method makes the ground more stable Arizona 0 Jan because the structure keeps the ground from freezing. 5 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Activity 4 Relative Note how outside the the climates comfort of zone humidity New in York most Fir C.5: Comfor t zones 110 of and the Phoenix six fall months 1. Describe the conditions of the comfor t zone as shown in Figure C.5. 2. Explain why conditions are impossibly uncomfor table for humans at X. plotted. 1 Arctic T h e C h A R A C T e R I S T I C S o F e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Circle Siberia Alaska Moscow London Paris Chicago San Beijing Francisco New York Seoul Istanbul Tianjin Philadelphia Los Tokyo Tehran Angeles Delhi Sahara Tropic of Cairo Chocgqing Shanghai Karachi Cancer Dacca Desert Kolkata Bombay Mexico Bangkok City Equator Jakarta Tropic of Capricorn Great São Australian Paulo desert Buenos Aires 2 Inhabitants Over per Urban km population Over 200 10,000,000 5,000,000–10,000,000 100–200 1,000,000–5,000,000 50–100 6–50 Under 6 Fir C.6: Ex treme environments have low population densities Water supplies In places with permafrost, People lakes they can and supply that rivers in to ground get the the water continuous water sometimes cannot ground large, nding or by get water inside around the the pipe of from ice or pipes have pipe lot to does does out but of the the water protected not not nearby from be of effort. snow, directly Water buildings stretches a water melting liquid winter. takes freeze so and the thaw. Transpor t Transport bridges need water roads and repair be better may be keep such damaged can drains roads heat be constant under or infrastructure may to by keep replaced and is and heave, with white cooler. roads them there painted them as frost safe. gravel less to and Soil so frost reect Acooler that heave, more road surface helps prevent frozen ground from thawing underneath. In some Pt C.1: Thingvellir, Iceland – places a periglacial region in which the with permafrost, the top layer of ground thaws during the summer, Nor th America plate (left) creating marshland, so people can only drive on these areas during the is pulling away from the winter, on ice roads at least a metre thick built on top of the frozen European plate marshes. Trucks and supplies haul Alaska. Ice summer weighing roads the to are roads up mines also melt, to and built and 64 tonnes drill on they sites frozen must can in drive northern lakes be then for rebuilt across Canada winter each them and travel. In winter. 111 1 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Coping with arid environments Relief Many The hot, steep mesas and of arid slopes contain make Monument plateau even areas been Speedway tops track travel Valley, there. attempts is at an a mixture and for area on speed of rugged transport example, Movement world of salt difcult. contrast the plains records. ats in slopes For Utah The with is and buttes the easy – is the used for slopes. and at plains there example, that at have Bonneville racing. Rainfall L TA Rainfall in desert areas is unreliable and very low. In Timbuktu, for Research skills example, Research and at environments human adaptation http://ameeta.tiwanas. com/les/presentations/ physical/Environment_ and_Human_adaptation. pdf and areas at Alpine protected http://www. alparc.org/index.php. is less the than greater than 250 between of the 500 mm. the 125 mm large erosion to 660 dry than rather disruption the is. of areas than of in with ash in distinct economic 50 30 in total example, about result while rainfall about Moreover, these mm, For of whereas variability mm). 210 lower variability surfaces, areas severe the mm), annual and the 375 less variability annual and surface and an an is general, inter-annual have Due rainfall In have 340mm deserts. over 30 mm mm around average an is, rainfall (between may channels) less (that annual ow it year) with cent cent oods sheet (per areas per per Cairo occur in (water and owing lead to activities. Climate and human discomfor t Hot arid areas extremely temperatures cover Like allows the to loose-tting be very in early migrants travel through and of to and – desert close cope and into areas, areas a are the late since the are Night-time lack of the afternoon. to cope USA to inhabitants and extreme the cloud Their of the clothing high Europe not are of temperatures with are Fulani middle reasonably or fatalities due temperatures summer. desert during remain the and areas, Peninsula rest to in freezing, them them Daytime night. with helps get to at Arabian taking also to arid extremes. uncommon periglacial the allows trying hot in of morning garments sweating by not low, peoples sun is reradiation learned direct fatalities 40°C Bedouin Some the can have the travel reduces characterized over maximum The example, avoiding tend – traditional migratory. for are high also Africa, by day. – They long, temperatures. It comfortable. may be forced uncommon. to Most of dehydration. Pt C.2: Oryx-Antelope crossing red sand dunes at Sossusvlei, Inaccessibility Namib-Naukluft National Park Many hot desert permanent along is the much wadis, Nile as due Some the to are Where Valley, easier. such difcult areas water. the inaccessible. there providing river Grand are is settlements valleys Canyon narrow This in desert and nature partly permanent of and to of transport areas Wadi due sources form Rum. the of such as infrastructure canyons Here lack water, and transport is thegorge. Remoteness Many desert Sahara Europe. are 112 areas Desert So, away are covers remote many inevitably, from the some coast due to countries and areas the sheer and will habitable be is scale larger remote, areas such of than the the desert. USA especially as river The or those valleys. that 1 T h e C h A R A C T e R I S T I C S o F e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S The changing distribution of extreme environments Inputs The advance and retreat of glaciers Accumulation Zone of zone excess Equilibrium A glacial storage system and is the outputs. balance Inputs between include line inputs, accumulation of Ablation snow, main avalanches, store is that debris, of ice, heat but and the meltwater. glacier also zone The carries Outputs debris, losses and moraine due to and ablation, sublimation (Figure The meltwater. of the ice to The melting vapour, outputs of as snow well are and as the ice, sediment Zone C.7). regime of the glacier refers to whether the glacier is of deficiency Fir C.7: Accumulation and ablation in a glacier advancing or retreating: ● if accumulation > ablation, the glacier advances ● if accumulation < ablation, the glacier retreats ● if accumulation = ablation, the glacier is Glacial systems can be studied on an steady. annual basis or over a much Activity 5 longer timescale. balance and between rate supply wind of is erosion, and size rate The than (for at by the depends amount will so on) can altitudes its of positive (melting, so the into generally, ice and regime glacier that the and and two an so is of the thicken greater the the during the late Pleistocene with and that of today. than glacier an Compare the distribution of ice in the nor thern hemisphere calving, sections: area is, amount when will wasting today) divided regime, evaporation, the when glacier be on supply a and occur Rhône of have ablation will glacier high glacier and regime Any a and loss example retreat. of glacier avalanches ofaccumulation the the loss. Anegative supply thin ice greater advance. the The will area ablation at snout. Natural deser tication Deserts also change in their Activity 6 distribution. This is partly due to long-term 1. changes in climate, for example increasing aridity in today’s Briey explain how bare desert dunes and xed dunes help areas compared with wetter “pluvials” (rainy periods) which occurred to explain climate change. around the same time as glacial advances in temperate areas. Part of 2. the evidence for changes in the distribution of deserts is shown Outline the evidence for in climate change in the Figure C.8. The xed dunes were formed during arid conditions, mm rain. but Sahara. are located over is in 150mm able to areas of that rain stabilize receive have the over some dunes. In 150 vegetation contrast, of Areas that which the bare 20°W dunes are only located in areas that receive receive 0° 20°E 40°E less 0 than 150 mm of rain. area is a now much range of evidence occupied wetter in the by the past to suggest Sahara (Figure that Desert the was C.10). edutitaL There 20°N 1 5 0 mm 20°N m m Fixe In addition, variations expand, there in and are annual rainfall. This at times other and can form of d du nes decadal cause contract. deserts This is to a natural 965 km 150 Fir C.8: The distribution of bare and xed dunes in Nor th Africa desertication. 113 1 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS TOK 180º To what extent does physical Pacific Ocean geography set limits on human activities? Cordilleran Explain how we know that harsh ice sheet climate, high altitudes and dicult terrain are no longer East barriers to human habitation ice Siberian sheet because of technological advances. Arctic Ocean Central North ! ✗ Many that students all recent climate and Asian Pole 90ºW Common mistake 90ºE ice cap believe change due to is global Fennoscandinavian ice sheet warming. ✓ Climate change has been Greenland happening ice throughout cap Laurentide ice the Earth’s past, and sheet geological there is Alps Atlantic evidence both for longOcean term climate recent change climate and change 0º 0 (as shown in Figures 2,000 C.9 km Modern and alpine C.10). ice sheets glaciers Fir C.9: The past and present distribution of ice sheets and ice caps in the nor thern hemisphere N Granary for 0 ancient Approximate 1,000 Rome km northern limit today Fossil and Fossil ergs years possibly laterite water soils 25,000 — old formed Numerous by water as well Ahaggar T assili Mountains des Egyptian as by wind Relict radial wadis in Ajjers desert drainage River Nile Approximate River southern limit Pollen today Ancient from and civilization cedars. left Small pastoralists crocodiles who oaks Garamantes Niger cave found in paintings Tibesti Lake mountains Chad 2 Once 300,000 km Forests and Lake large enough in flow southwards early Drought up Lake 114 since 1974 headwaters Volta is of has the dried River decreasing in Volta, size Fir C.10: The evidence for climate change in the Sahara sea, dried 50 m is up. now Lake high farmland 20th into now the and to Volta virtually terraces desert century 1 T h e C h A R A C T e R I S T I C S o F e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Concepts in contex t a Mali Chad There Mauritania are many types of extreme environments. There Sudan are considerable differences in places in extreme Sahel environments. dry Departure and some Some very are wet. cold, In others addition, hot, some some very extreme from Burkina Ethiopia average rainfall places Faso 2ºC are located 2.5ºC 3ºC located in rich countries and some are 25% in poor countries. 30% 40% How a with extreme at b population their learnt disposal. to extreme live some community nature environment. and richer conditions by varies Indigenous with environments in or conditions cold peoples and This is in have true the an they to have both generally in In avoid environment cope resources adapted environments. communities, living manages with to the hot, arid contrast, the extreme modied Drought by areas or to technology – this may include air conditioning prone desalination for example. Moreover, economic drought activity varies farming This and creates in extreme shing, great environments some variety mining, in places and – some others among have tourism. extreme environments. Check your understanding Famine famine 1985 1. Name two 2. Describe types of cold environment. at levels arid 3. the main characteristics of a hot, climate. Outline reasons for the location of hot, arid environments. 4. Dene 5. Name the an Describe “permafrost”. indigenous periglacial 6. term population that live in areas. the method of farming used by those Desertification identied in question 5. severe very severe 7. Name an indigenous group that live in a hot, arid environment. 8. Describe your 9. the answer What traditional to climatic clothing question pressure worn by those in 7. system are hot, arid Fir C.11: The relationship between rainfall variability, environments associated with? drought, deser tication and famine in Africa (a) The Sahel and (b) the relationship between 10. Name one similarity between hot deserts and drought, deser tication and famine in Africa periglacial environments. 115 2 Physical processes and landscapes Glacial erosion Conceptual The understanding of amount the character K qsti How do unique plucking physical processes landscapes in and glacier, of the and rate the of erosion weight load and carried. depend thickness The on of local the methods of geology, ice, and glacial the the velocity amount erosion and include abrasion. create extreme Plucking environments? This K ctt It is As ● Glacial processes of occurs most the and ice moves, deposition, features in including lakes, peaks/horns, troughs, and the glacier or those meltwater seeps into the and to an extent weakened joints and by at the side. freeze–thaw. freezes to the which is then ripped pressure out caused by by the the moving weight of glacier. the ice Plucking and involves downhill used for Once the material has been ripped out of the bedrock, it can abrasion. pyramidal arêtes, lateral, terminal of rocks cirques/ be corries, base glaciated movement. areas, the jointed and downward landscape at in erosion, rock, transport mostly effective glacial Abrasion medial moraine, and The debris carried by the glacier scrapes and scratches the rock, leaving erratics. striations, ● Periglacial thaw, soliuction heave, in processes and of and landscape periglacial permafrost, areas, freeze– scratch the frost features and rock. down or to grooves, groove As ice form in the the rock. movement a rock rock. The The coarser ner continues, material material the will glacier will scrape, smooth load will and be polish worn oor. including thermokarst, Other mechanisms patterned ground and pingos. Other ● Physical and mechanisms weathering weathering of erosion include meltwater, freeze–thaw chemical in hot pressure release. Although neither strictly glacial arid nor environments, and and erosional, these processes are crucial in the development of glacial erosion, scenery. transportation by wind and and deposition Although water. a ● Landscape areas features including in hot, dunes, year – glaciers the force move of slowly gravity – and usually the at sheer rate of a weight a of their pedestals, mesas centimetres ice arid wadis, Bergschrund rock few and meltwater Pivot buttes. of rotation allows to seep Pyramidal in peak Arête Freeze–thaw on exposed rock Extending ow Rotational e ri r o C ow lip Abrasion Compressive ow and 116 plucking Fir C.12: Processes of weathering and erosion in a cirque give 2 P h y S I C A l P R o C e S S e S A n D l A n D S C A P e S Tab C.3: Factors aecting glacial abrasion Relative hardness of par ticles The most eective abrasion occurs when hard par ticles at the glacier base pass over a and bedrock soft bedrock . Ice thickness The greater the thickness, the greater the ver tical pressure exer ted on the par ticles of rock at the glacier base and the more eective abrasion is. Basal water pressure Up to a point, presence of water at the glacier base speeds up glacier movement and leads to an increase in abrasion. However, basal water pressure may “lift” the glacier above the levels of par ticles at the base, and may reduce abrasion. Sliding of basal ice The faster the rate of basal sliding, the greater the rate of abrasion. Ice frozen to the bedrock cannot erode. Movement of debris towards Unless par ticles at the glacier base are constantly renewed, they become polished and the glacier base less eective at abrasion. Movement of sediment from the glacier surface, via crevasses, decelerating ow and plucking brings fresh sediment to the base of the glacier. Removal of ne debris Meltwater at the base of the glacier may remove ne debris, therefore leaving larger, coarser, angular debris in contact with the underlying surface. Debris par ticle size and shape Large angular debris abrades much more eciently than smaller, rounder debris. Presence of debris in Pure ice is unable to abrade solid rock . The rate of abrasion will increase with debris basal ice concentration up to the point at which basal sliding is reduced. Tab C.4: Rates of abrasion Location Abrasion Ice thickness Ice velocity French Alps Glacier (d’Argentiere) 36 mm/year 100 m 250 m/year Breidermerkurjokull (Iceland) Marble 3.4 mm/year 15 m 19.5m/year Basalt 0.9 mm/year 40 m 9.6 m/year Marble 3.75 mm/year 32 m 15.4m/year them the thaw ice tremendous ice picks up weathering. (supraglacial (englacial). As power and Some and sediments form of glacier sediments till, erode the moraine), the fragments to transports melts a erratics, landscape. fragments material under in the rock the and can ice be moraine it carried (subglacial) retreats, process As called and it moves produced leaves on or downhill, freeze- top of within behind deposition. other by The depositional the the these rocks ice rock and features. Landforms produced by glacial erosion Cirques A cirque scooped cirques (or out are corrie) by is an erosion generally amphitheatre-shaped at the found head on of north- a glacier. or valley In the east-facing that has been northern slopes, hemisphere where accumulation 1. A is highest preglacial hollow by 2. Ice and is ablation enlarged is by lowest. They nivation are formed (freeze–thaw in and Pt C.3: Glacial landscape stages: removal snowmelt). accumulates in the hollow. 117 2 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Arête, e.g. 3. Striding Having depth, English Cirque lake or Lake reached the Blue Lake e.g. Lake Veil eroding the oor by plucking and the Matterhorn, 4. Wood, Meltwater trickles down the bergschrund District valley Falls, and rotational Alps Truncated waterfall, a abrasion. (a Hanging in peak, Australia spur, Glencoyne English weight out District e.g. Truncated critical moves cirque Pyramidal NSW, ice tarn, manner, e.g. a Edge, e.g. crevasse glacier spur ice that forms separates when from the the moving non-moving with ice Bridal Yosemite, Glacial U-shaped valley (trough), above), allowing the cirque to grow by freeze–thaw. USA Glenridding, Ribbon Lake e.g. e.g. English lake, District After and glaciation, Nant Ffrancon, armchair-shaped hollow Wales Lake District Deposits (boulder of Keswick, remains, frequently example Blue clay), with a lake, Lake cirque in New for South Wales, e.g. Australia, near and the Cirque de Gavarnie in the English Central Lake lled moraine Braithwaite, an Ullswater, English Pyrenees, France. District Fir C.13: Landforms of a Arêtes, peaks, troughs, basins and hanging valleys glaciated valley Other features (horns) more and the cirques. at the Glacial oors. and further glacial by In interlocking phases, with troughs mass troughs plan the view of on movement) include the by (or of passing the are valley. surfaces ice. has taken place they During present since the have warm there of last truncated will of as or sides interglacial most (such peaks two steep stripped form activity of have conditions, geomorphological that since previously The pyramidal back) valleys) straight, periglacial and (cutting U-shaped preglacial rock arêtes recession they the return of material depends erosion headward spurs weathering weathered or of caused be their glacial weathering glaciation. The Activity 7 sides 1. Describe how cirques are of many contain glacial hummocky troughs are moraines covered deposited by by scree the while the retreating bases ice. formed. The 2. ice Explain why rates of glacial lakes. erosion vary. rivers, may do not suspended the also Hanging cut and down For Bridal the deep are down above. Ribbon metres carve valleys side rock to the Veil falls the by level example of basins formed in of the valley National involve valley. lled glaciers, main Yosemite both main frequently tributary drops They are with but Park, of ribbon which, are California, several usually unlike left hundred marked by waterfalls. A roche vary in moutonnée size from are Arête Pyramidal a (or few sheepback) metres smoothed and is a bare hundreds polished on mound of metres their of rock high. that These can rocks up-valley side (stoss) down-valley side (lee) peak byabrasion Medial to but plucked on their as moraine ice Lateral accelerates. They can be several kilometres long. There moraine are examples Bay, in the Cairngorms in Scotland and Glacier Alaska. Ice Activity 8 1. Subglacial Terminal Briey explain one form of weathering likely to occur in cold environments. moraine moraine 2. Identify two landforms of glacial erosion shown in Photo C.3. Explain briey how one of these landforms was formed. 118 Fir C.14: Glacial landscape during glaciation 2 2 P h y S I C A l P R o C e S S e S A n D l A n D S C A P e S Glacial deposition The characteristics of glacial deposits Till is often moving retreating ● subdivided glaciers, poor ice. Till sorting boulders, ● poor ● mixture ● striated ● long ● some and has – till the and till, following a till, deposits material dropped dropped by by stagnant actively or characteristics: large range of grain sizes, for example clay stratication rock lodgement contains pebbles, of into ablation – no types regular – from subangular a sorting by variety of size sources particles axis orientated in the direction of glacier Pt C.4: Medial and lateral ow moraines on the Gorner Glacier compaction of deposits. Lateral moraine The characteristics of moraine (a of Moraines are loose rocks, weathered from the ridge a at the side valley) valley Hanging sides a and carried by crescent-shaped It represents character was is the than The the USA, is mound the down-valley a ne by speed ice-contact At or maximum determined carrying, retreat. glaciers. of ridge of of a a amount in the is glacier and the rate always valley is Section moraine. load and Cod terminal the glacier, of (up-valley) Cape of terminal movement slope of snout advance the slope. example the A its glacier of steeper Massachusetts, moraine. Drumlin Terminal Lateral moraine is a ridge of loose rocks and sediment Boulders running along the edge of a glacier where it meets moraine the Clay in side. The Switzerland lateral are moraines good on examples. the Gorner Where two sertem valley Glacier glaciers 5 merge the and middle the of two the touching enlarged lateral glacier, moraines the ridge merge is in known as Angular a unsorted medial moraine. examples of Again, medial the Gorner Glacier contains many Section moraines. A enlarged Fir C.15: Depositional features after glaciation The characteristics of drumlins Drumlins example One of over the As are the the largest 10,000 ice the and small oval drowned the They underlying continues to are up of concentrations drumlins. glacier mounds drumlins to 1.5 Clew is in km Bay New deposited causing advance it a and County York as geology, long in State, result the of glacier streamlines the 100 m Mayo, where high, there friction to for Ireland. drop are between its load. mounds. Activity 9 1. Describe the main The characteristics of erratics characteristics of glacial Erratics local are glacier-transported bedrock, and may size from be rock fragments embedded in till or that on differ the from ground the deposits. surface. 2. They range in pebbles to huge boulders. One example is Identify the features of the glacial deposition shown in Madison Boulder in New Hampshire, USA, estimated to weigh over Photo C.4. 4,600tonnes. Erratics that have moved over long distances – some more 119 2 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS than 800km– grinding types can glacial These be of features axes to can be place brought used to pinpoint pebbles in of rock transport. their that Erratics of consist glacial traced movement movement. long generally effects resistant Erratics of origin, them to glacial till origin are the of the indicating their determine the to composed resting the of material; orientated in and distinctive direction rock of place. direction the shattering of the glacier drumlins direction and of the glacier movement. Periglacial environments Periglacial than areas one-third conditions at which Ph C.5: Drowned drumlins in Clew Bay, County Mayo, Ireland of Earth’s time. usually soil near types alpine and of the land hundreds rock these the edge the of of surface glaciers has ground deep, surface (frost-shattered environments are and so rock) briey ice masses. experienced environments metres or rise periglacial characterized freeze–thaw that are More large quantities common. above by action, Summer freezing, so ice in surfacemelts. periglacial Arctic temperature periglacial in on Periglacial alters fractured temperatures Three the continuously angular, the found some permafrost, of are region maritime. and therefore processes can These the be vary identied: in frequency terms and Arctic of continental, mean intensity annual with which operate. Landforms and processes associated with periglacial environments Periglacial relate to processes the environments the action include warmer of mass seasons, geliuction, frost show a wide permafrost and movement, which creep a usually and range of different freeze–thaw common occurs in processes weathering. phenomenon four forms: that These during soliuction, rockfalls. Freeze–thaw Freeze–thaw weathering is periglacialenvironments. above and below 9–10 percent. rock, which slopes most in may Photo effective supply of freezing This can be C.6 point broken and extremely occurs place have where water an It to created are jointed the many water on of of it expands especially scree. freeze–thaw cycles in uctuates freezes rocks, fragments by process temperature When pressure angular been there (0°C). great important when The scree weathering. freeze–thaw by jointed each It is year, a rocks. Mass movements See on also mass Option Soliuction soil, particles. over the them 120 Geophysical literally causing inltrate D, hazards (pages 163–211) for more details movements. In means expansion spring the soil the ice because permafrost further of it owing the melts of the carries downslope soil as a soil. and and In winter, segregation water ows impermeable segregated U-shaped soil water of freezes individual downhill. permafrost. particles soliuction It As (peds) lobe or in the soil cannot it moves and deposits terracette. 2 In periglacial are well Soliuction saturated Frost and is creep is water, the however, a type The of occurs water surface soliuction process at begins right As the ice contracting is liquid when is only when available sediments in surface inuenced by to cause thaws that with angles temperatures expand. soliuction free are P R o C e S S e S in A n D l A n D S C A P e S temperatures the poorly active layer. drained and water. particles cold and common thawing. because zero with elevating and environments, above P h y S I C A l occurs the the water the drops gravity, because freezing slope. of of frost the The particles inbetween particles warm the season, particles causing the turning in heaving ground rise to freeze back elevation. particles to surface, up to This move drop, slightly downslope. Pt C.6: Scree slopes and clis – an alpine periglacial environment, Rockfalls occur when fragments of rock break away from a cliff face, Silent Valley, the Italian Dolomites often as a result of freeze–thaw weathering. Activity 10 Permafrost 1. Permafrost is permanently frozen ground. It has been estimated Outline the main that characteristics of the mean annual temperature must be as low as −4°C for permafrost to periglacial environments. develop. Approximately 20 per cent of the world’s surface is underlain by 2. permafrost. Three types of permafrost exist: continuous, Describe two forms of mass discontinuous movement that occur in and sporadic, and these are associated with mean annual temperatures periglacial environments. of −5° the −50°C, permafrost thaws the to out active Siberia Latitude active and rock ● aspect is – presence ● the nature 0.5 at of or with are the 70°N the factors to highly intense amount to 0.7–4 main −1.5°C, respectively. mobile mass layer movements. of heat m at50°N. factors which it receives, controlling the Above seasonally The depth of and varies in depth of the a thaw slope more faces quickly has than clays considerable effect on the received absence the a 0° include: gravels direction the Active m and layer, on insolation ● Latitude associated coarse the of −5°C, active altitude – to depends Other type amount the 0.2–1.6 and layer. ● is layer from −1.5° of an vegetation 75º “insulating” peaty cover. Latitude layer Active m soil 65º layer 1.0 –1.5 m Latitude Active 60º layer 1.5 – 3.0 m 10 45 m m Permafrost Scattered 400 m Talik (unfrozen Continuous permafrost zone patches ground) of permafrost Discontinuous permafrost zone Fir C.16: Types of permafrost 121 2 OPTION Open C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS system Closed system Pingos Lake A pingo to Pingo 90 is an metres isolated, high conical and 800 hill up metres Talik wide, which can only develop in PERMAFROST periglacial Lake Talik converted ground water creating into a seeps body into of upper layers of areas. Pingos form as a ground, talik result of the movement and freezing ice of water are under generally pressure. identied: Two types open-system Talik and closed-system source The talik is gradually surrounded by of the pingos. water is a Where distant the elevated permafrost source, open-system pingos form, Pingo Ice wedge whereas Water the supply of water is local, movement Ground ice and Talik the As the and talik pushes becomes the pingo expansion pingos frozen, surface up it are expands into a of in as a result permafrost, form. found arises Nearly the of the closed-system 1,500 pingos Mackenzie Delta dome of if Canada. When a pingo collapses, Fir C.17: Open- and closed-system pingos ramparts Scree and ponds are left. slope Thermokarst Dry valley Thermokarst refers to a landscape of Loess hummocks and wet hollows resulting Patterned from Tor subsidence caused by the be because melting ground of permafrost. of broad This may Braided climatic changes or local rivers environmental involved in changes. creating The processes thermokarst include: ● the thawing elongated ● the thawing circular ● Solifluction and ice wedges to leave of pingos craters the removal the subsurface of with to produce raised vegetation rims causing lobes terracettes Coombe or of depressions rock to become exposed Pingo head Asymmetric slope ● re ● climate Fir C.18: Features of the periglacial environment warming. Patterned ground Patterned garlands formed ground that by a refers may be variety to the found of in array of stone periglacial processes stripes, areas including polygons (Figure frost heave C.19). and They (which are brings the Activity 11 particles 1. Briey explain the formation of pingos. or thermal intense the surface), contraction, frost Iceland. 2. to On action, steeper for cracking and mass example slopes, stone of the surface displacement. on the stripes slopes due Soils of replace to drying, are Kerid stone heaving subjected crater, circles and Describe the variations polygons. Their exact mode of formation is unclear, although ice sorting, in patterned ground, as differential frost heave, soliuction shown in Figure C.19. widely 122 to southern held to be responsible. and the effect of vegetation are 2 P h y S I C A l P R o C e S S e S A n D l A n D S C A P e S Hot arid environments Various processes deposition shape topography it is an desert and is of erosion, desert carved important erosion by water: climatic features. mechanical weathering landscapes. although factor As a in the result weathering and Their also of distinctive rainfall the play is formation an low, of dryness, wind Stone important polygons part in desert vegetation erosion in erosion. make the deserts The wind than in lack a of moisture more humid and powerful scant agent environments. of Garlands Sand Stripes and sediments rocks and are other blown objects along with the surface, which they eroding come into Fir C.19: Patterned ground – “Seldom has so much been contact. However, wind lifts the sand only up to a written about so little” (Price, 1972) metre above eroded by the ground, so higher features have been water. Weathering in deser ts ● Salt crystallization of salt. There in areas where sulphate 300 per ) 4 This and main and the are of salts around salt in (Na joints, crystals expand frequent temperatures on hot cause of crystal carbonate pressure the salt uctuate evaporates, rises, high decomposition types sodium creates water mechanisms rainfall ● 2 when causes two temperatures SO temperature Both the (Na cent. Second, the are and salts to by 26–28°C, CO 2 ) solutions 3 may First, sodium expand forcing exert desert rock growth. them be left about crack. behind. pressure regions by to on where accumulate As rock. low just below surface. Disintegration large diurnal is found in temp e r a tur e hot de s e r t r ange . In a r e as m a ny whe re d es e rt t he re a re a s, is a d ayt i m e temperatures exce e d 4 0° C, whe r e as at n i gh t t h ey ar e l it t l e Pt C.7: Patterned ground on a b ove the side of the Kerid crater, Iceland freezing. a poor Rocks conductor This causes that moisture moisture, break as of peelin g is up down. It by he at, or e s s e nti a l is a nd s tr e ss e s fo r this cha ng e p o s s i bl e calcium , da y tha t to to by only occur. ha pp e n. a lone the p o ta s si um c on t ra c t oc c u r exfoliation tempera tur e sodium, the hea t doe s in t he In n ot th e of ro c k s howe d a bs e nc e r oc k s m a ny ca n of to sa l t s be is la yer s . (19 3 6 ) ca us e ma g n es iu m As out e r Griggs e x pa n s ion a nd nig h t . su c h l i nk ed wit h exfoliation. Tab C.5: Rates of weathering Ara Rat f watri (/ar) Arid Egypt 0.00001–2.0 Semi-arid Australia 0.6–1.0 Weathering above may the be produces solid used to rock. regolith, This erode a supercial material other is easily and unconsolidated transported and Pt C.8: Salt weathering layer eroded, and materials. 123 2 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS The work of water in deser ts Not only it also is is water weathering rainfall, an dry rains the the for the the There table development operation are (which a of number may of many mechanical be of desert and sources exposed by landforms, chemical of water deation in to deserts: produce rivers. may and desert carrying and for deserts. water ground, down At in the oasis) Desert vital important fall as there short is mountains large bottom amounts of transported the a in of rock of of build an run-off. channels, fragments mountain to downpours amount networks desert material torrential high that the have fan. the normally ash gullies streams alluvial over The or great spread oods erosive out, Channels rush canyons, in power. depositing the fan Pt C.9: Deser t landscape carry any water that has not sunk into the ground or evaporated, along showing evidence of weathering with ner washes lake, silt, down which Rivers that endorheic Exotic or wetter Egypt to to the the then ow or toe through equatorial exotic over deserts rivers and river, are then semi-arid Increasingly humid (grasslands to the a can spreads basin, few out where days be Victoria, as those ow being fed are Endorheic & then to it form classied as still more may a salt form as a it playa pan. exotic (exogenous), that have through by the the Blue a their White Nile source desert. Nile, and The in another, Nile which Atbara, in rises which in the rise in Ethiopia. 2,500 Arid of It ephemeral. Lake monsoonal fan. part evaporates exogenous an the lowest environment is of rivers are those that drain into an inland forests) lake or )ry/ah/sennot( Dead 2,000 sea. Sea, is Ephemeral 1,500 The a good rivers noisore after storms, high sediment overland River and ow Jordan, drains into the example. are those often levels. can which that have Even on generate ow high seasonally discharges slopes as gentle considerable or and as 2°, discharges. 1,000 fo This is a result etaR ● an ● limited ● rainsplash of factors impermeable including: surface (in places) 500 interception (lack of vegetation) 0 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 turn Rainfall erosion displacing ne particles, which in 1,600 seal off the surface and make it impermeable. (mm) Fir C.20: Rainfall and soil erosion Wind action in deser ts Wind Many Dust of the world’s great deserts are dominated storm by subtropical areas are winds high-pressure affected are by important trade too. systems. winds, Wind Large while action local is cm important in areas where winds: 1.0 0.1 124 ● are strong ● are turbulent ● come ● blow (over largely 20 from km/hour) a constant direction Fir C.21: Wind action in deser ts for a long period of time. 2 Near the surface, wind speed is reduced by P h y S I C A l friction (but P R o C e S S e S the rougher A n D l A n D S C A P e S the Activity 12 ground the more turbulent it becomes). Study Figure C.20. Sediment is dry, more loose forces, in is but and likely small. reduced pressure on the by to be moved Movement particle windward of size and if there is sediment and a is friction. leeward lack sides of vegetation, induced Drag of by results grains drag from in an and and it 1. lift Describe the relationship between the rate of soil differences erosion and the amount airow. of rainfall. There are two types of wind erosion. 2. ● Deation is the progressive removal of small material, Suggest reasons for the leaving relationship you have behind larger materials. This forms a stony desert, or reg. In some described. cases, deation may remove sand to form a deation hollow. One of 3. the best known is the Qattara Depression in Egypt, which reaches Describe two types of a weathering that occur in depth of over 130 metres below sea level. hot deser ts and semi-arid ● Abrasion act like is the erosion sandpaper, carried smoothing out by surfaces wind-borne and particles. exploiting They weaker areas. rocks. Tab C.6: Peltier ’s classication of regions and their distinctive processes Semi-arid Aa tp (°C) Aa raifa () 5–30 250–600 Prcsss Strong wind action, running water Arid 15–30 0–350 Strong wind action, slight water action Canyons Plateaux Very Large, flat deep exotic at high gorges, usually dry. If there is a river, it is usually areas (e.g. the Fish River Canyon in Namibia) altitude Wadis Butte An Dry isolated the peak, remnant mesa or of a often gullies Heavy former that have rainstorms torrents on steep been eroded (100–250 mm) floods. rushing slopes Pediments relatively plateau plateau erosion large that isolated slope flash plateau Mesa A by create has from of Shallow become the either or area at main the steep slopes base of formed a cliff or hill by through retreat Wind direction Inselbergs Also known kopjes or isolated rock. or by domes They parallel as bornhardts can of be retreat resistant formed of exhumation surface is surface stripping slopes where exposed as a by (pediplanation) the result basal of Yardangs Zeugens Salt pans Sites of soft (playas) former occasional rock rock or lakes Alluvial Cones fans of sediment deposited abrupt their a hard by loss rivers of that energy mountain are owing as channels plain to Oasis an Formed when they leave bearing rocks and enter the surface. done by the are This water- exposed is deflation Barchan at commonly Sand speed is a or crescent dunes is formed high large and supply dunes where constant of wind and there sand Fir C.22: Landforms in the arid landscape 125 1 2 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Activity 13 1. Distinguish between the processes of weathering and erosion in arid and semi-arid areas. Refer to specic landform features in your answer. 2. Distinguish between the terms exotic, endorheic and ephemeral in the context of rivers, and give two examples in each case. (Note that making a distinction means picking out the dierences, not just dening the terms.) Features of the arid landscape What differentiates is only not their the surfaces. dunescape, wadis, The but features a salt of and landscapes but also assumption fth pans, arid arid climate popular only canyons, typical deserts extreme of deserts alluvial the is are fans from that deserts covered and other landforms are with plateaux ecosystems scattered sand. are across largely Pediments, among other environments. Dunes Sand dunes may cover 500 metres high. They and a slope on types steep according of sand, of vegetation. which hold are the shaped main wind leeward slope where wind the in to is of in Variations can by be is a or include topographic wide as 30 the supply presence rocks, but are crescent- is and a a ridges abundant, barrier, dunes, which there slope to side crescent barchans is up many and dunes limited sand on large windward where as or Barchan sand into surface, barchan be windward depends shrubs gentle forming checked Barchans a size are the and classied ground place. where on are and the types kilometres slope but around have 33°. latter ow cover. dune They up the side, shape form areas square gentle common the supply. ridges, vegetation of a of nature They found transverse Their wind, most part are have leeward shape. of The all the U-shaped. and constant steep to direction thousands or and and increased metres. Yardangs and zeugens Wind erosion only takes place when the wind is loaded with loose Pt C.10: Wind action in deser ts materials, especially sand grains. Dust particles are ineffective. The – Finger of God, Tenerife wind or throws corrasion transported worn the the (a by sand-blast the fragments wind will landforms grooved, natural 1. are for of effect). are called and and from against Large worn the In wind the areas by erosion, faces, of with too windward abrasion heavy side homogeneous However, joints forming creating fragments, on surface. weakened honeycombed, rock rock down ventifacts. polish example result sand or rock if the faults, faces towers, – to be these rock, rocks some are dramatic etched, pinnacles and pedestals. Distinguish between zeugens and yardangs. Yardangs rock 2. will uted rock wind, smooth heterogeneous, Activity 14 particles and strata zeugens are are removed, wind-eroded leaving the landforms more where resistant the layers to softer form either Outline the main features mushroom-shaped features (zeugens) where strata are horizontal, or of sand dunes in hot, long ridges (yardangs) where the strata are vertical. These deser t areas. be 126 as high as 100 metres and stretch for many kilometres. ridges could 2 P h y S I C A l P R o C e S S e S A n D l A n D S C A P e S Wadis Activity 15 Wadis are river channels that vary in size from a few metres in length to 1. over 100 kilometres. They are generally steep sided and at Contrast the landforms bottomed. that result from erosional They may be formed by intermittent ash oods or they may have been and depositional glacial formed during wetter pluvial periods in the Pleistocene. The relative processes. infrequency suggest that frequent been on of ash they and alluvium were more enlarged by and oods in formed intense. repeated solid some In at a areas time contrast, ooding. where when wadis storms arroyos They are are are found were in 2. more channels common could that Outline the impor tance of wind and water in the have semi-arid development of landforms areas in one named extreme rock. environment. Mesas Mesas sides. rock. and (the They As Spanish word represent the mesa is the for table) remnant reduced in are of size a by plateau-like former cliff features extensive retreat, it with layer retains of its steep resistant at top altitude. Buttes Buttes nal are stage eroded. similar of to mesas, development Water has eroded but of much erosion most of smaller. before the rock, These the represent resistant leaving a rock thin the is nally pillar. Concepts in contex t In this that section operate we in environments. include occur water cold The erosion, transport and exhibit action have seen environments processes are weathering, deposition. power. show The and their hot varied mass Glaciers, immense times processes and movement, processes wind power that action at and and in power different they to deposition. in present-day of water change Processes hot action present-day places. their from the there past, areas they work change deserts periglacial When from over is and there lose time erosion – evidence in is some evidence of glacialactivity. certain Check your understanding 1. Identify two forms of glacial erosion. 7. Outline arid 2. Briey of explain glacial 3. Give an 4. Describe 5. Outline two factors that affect the abrasion. example a of pyramidal Identify the hot areas. of weathering in hot arid main types of wind erosion in 9. Explain the formation 10. Outline the factors of alluvial fans. drumlin. the Distinguish endorheic forms peak. formation of a between needed for the formation pingo. of 6. main rate 8. a the areas. exotic rivers barchan dunes. and rivers. 127 3 Managing extreme environments Agriculture in arid areas Conceptual Hot arid areas understanding Hot is K qsti arid an season. How does the power of areas In areas value from to extract extreme of a number heat where and of opportunities sunlight, water is for favouring available agriculture. a (either lengthy due to There growing exotic rivers, different desalination stakeholders offer abundance and/or irrigation), the potential for farming is good. economic environments vary? The main nomads search type of wander of water farming with and in their new most herds hot, of pasture. arid areas camels, is goats, Semi-nomadic nomadism. sheep True and/or movement cattle may in occur if K ctt there ● Agricultural is Oases, challenges arid and in semi-arid the desalination agriculture. gs between aridity access to technology and use irrigation, be salinization, and exotic rivers provide opportunities for The oasis at oranges. Date palm Douz, is Tunisia a (Photo particularly C.11) useful produces crop the and for thatching or fencing, the leaves can be made – the into bark ropes mats, and the dates can be eaten. and Rivers, risk such supply land of issues. and and used of a as the water oil-rich provide Human plants infertility, and ● season. distinction can ownership dry areas, dates, of and hot settled of wet opportunities and including a so Nile, that countries, plentiful provide there is water for enough such as Saudi supply of water. in Arabia With farming. the dry and such Dams UAE, a can season. In control a desalination plentiful the number supply plants of physical water, opportunities and hydroponics (the growing of plants in water rather than soil) challenges ispossible. for mineral cold extraction environments, inaccessibility, resource in including permafrost and There in an nationalism. are most arid Human and saline overgrazing, mineral arid and environments, political and also make including climatic The shortage the of factors. Opportunities tourism and in local is dominated sunlight, water, limited of strong very dry low by arid lack rainfall winds, poor areas. of or soil Agriculture freshwater, a short rainy structure, technological development. Poor transport can challenging. water areas have a and the processes of in their negative high arid soils water temperatures and and semi-arid determine areas ecosystems. balance. That All means as well arid the many as and of many semi- outputs challenges evapotranspiration including populations. (pEVT > and stores of water exceed the input from ppt). the Desert soils are arid (dry) evapotranspiration. ● a ● being ● lack ● not low organic of clay They content generally very (the generally salts 128 areas hot, extreme environments, of and characteristics precipitation role or agriculture characteristic the from for soil and in in arid ● heat agriculture challenges extraction inaccessibility and semi-arid of for physical opportunities for challenges and abundance season, ● many remain the to low thin with of due the few increases leached soil rainfall infertile because amount being in due are and high low levels of biomass minerals with because could and to: be of rainfall) the toxic low to rainfall; plants. hence soluble 3 Salinization 250 in may occur millimetres. the large continental amounts below 8.5. plants by result of cotton, of The are on ● reducing ● using solar ● using animal ● planting ● using in herd of size run-off soils water and arid and See precipitation like affect by the roots, crops, Option A e x T R e m e is oors and less and leaves salinization growth by Some also valley evaporates affected uptake osmosis. tolerant. hot of adversely rate reverse salt agriculture pH annual locations surface The irrigation where drained soils the and more areas interior, saline wilting in poorly salts. reducing information Thus, In m A n A g I n g of and such is most behind crop date Freshwater than basins usually plants as e n v I R o n m e n T S die as palm for a and more salinization. areas could pressure on be made limited more sustainable amounts of by: vegetation panels to produce energy rather than using animal Pt C.11: Date palm farming at dung Douz oasis, Tunisia than dung vegetation more lining ● building ● using irrigation check more fertilizer to efcient whole-eld ● as provide types of fodder for irrigation animals (drip and sprinkler rather ooding) channels dams with (Photo salt-tolerant concrete C.12) and (halophytic) to reduce diguettes seepage to collect water plants. Semi-arid areas Pt C.12: Check dam to collect water and soil Case study ● The establishment of drought-resistant although low production in in protein, it increases milk cows fodder Pastureland Africa is in especially overgrazing. and In Transkei, population of land crops, pear, The for to used for compounds) been used number as of for for soil in the goats reduce aloe C.13) kraals and of 10 used for used for soil conservation years it produces fencing or a pole that can be building of ● it ● the can act as a wind break decrease of juice of the aloe is used in the production tequila. herd the An fodder prickly gwanish. has traditionally (animal conservation, times after be absence unsuccessful. indigenous (Photo fodder but drought. It it has has a advantages: ● it requires ● it is not aloe to ● can Ciskei drought-resistant American the fencing, and and it and prolonged and ● South problems During trying of drought sometimes, sheep produce and to homelands, policies. cattle, example saltbush due region additional and, unpopular American been are However, been is of Cape former there levels alternative fragile pressure signicantly. has Eastern the ownership drought, size the little moisture attacked by any insects Pt C.13: American aloe 129 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Case study (continued) Saltbush provides eaten sheep by thrive water and on remains can saltbush. that once other goats. It green to such year propagate and which no than half year the require, irrigation. and However, needs is particular, lucerne the fodder. in less as requires throughout all fodder Goats, requires crops established provide difcult protein-rich and It therefore it varieties used other, are common fodder which in needs to yields at comparable prices Pruning is of one, of be sprayed with apples per while to fruit. annually. fodder insect-resistant, drought, high-quality needed tonnes – times damage, 100 is as reduce The and This fruit per insect is sold oranges. provides hectare is the up to year. high-quality In the former Cisk e i r e g io n of the Ea s t e rn management. Cape, The spineless features cactus or prominently prickly in the pear (Photo agriculture of C.14) many drought government prickly order to pear, to of region in the are fruit carminic of Pt C.14: Cactus and prickly pear soil has countries, such as Mexico, Peru and it is for used more 2–3 as a fodder months widespread in each crop the year. Eastern is O ne pe a r it is at is of l ow t he t r ia l s a lo e th e its ve ry i nte ns iv e as of m ai n l ow w at e r s ui tabl e a nd to u n re li a bl e . ir r ig a t i on schemes Ke is ka mma h oe k, i na pp ro pr ia te to wi t h in the t he s e a r ea acid it pear is for is also the described mainly used dye used for the industry and Nevertheless, by as a fodder production as a prickly development of means pear planners as a Tunisia and It and prickly crop, as a the plant of the poor, a ag of misery … fruit inconsistent crop suc h s e ri e s f od de r. r a i nf a ll ar e a Ame r ica n ma ke s conservation. been “weed, where a nd pr ompte d people. Although and on p r i ckl y Thi s where region, the mo r e there expensive and 1 980 s em b a r k the requirements. Although the saltb us h create advantages the in with progress”. becoming Cape. Two Activity 16 1. Outline the advantages of the American aloe plant. 2. Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using the prickly pear. Case study Globally, Essential oils around About 65 per cent of the world production the $10 essential billion oils is produced by developing as India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and Morocco. oils industry the South mainly to has The only African South recently essential developed African industry economies such as Currently exports cent), the US (24 per cent) and products that essential per cent). The most signicant by South 130 and Africa buchu. are at expansion. productionof the range of Africa an attractive include: Europe much of the demand is in the northern Japan essential eucalyptus, and seasonal effects make oils citrus, attractive geranium extending South market southern produced and make oils hemisphere (4.5 huge increasing grown. Factors ● (49per include essential emerged. oils valued Mexico, crops Egypt enjoying – countries existing such is industry of Opportunities essential – oils hemisphere suppliers globally 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Case study (continued) ● having traditionally Europe as a major strong trade importer of links ● with many fragrance the materials ● South class culturally Africa is being agricultural established producer in a as a wide ● world- range in of Eastern oils to industry, sites are Cape contributors is with currently set South in of 10 to become Africa’s Six Project Hogsback, one of the burgeoning these form throughout part of ● main for approximately of communal land is being production considerable agricultural region of materials industry essential potential as a development the Eastern present, and unemployed The of and essential it is holds form in Cape. but would oils Not a utilize of the only underemployed oils industry sustainable former large has a be are these as the are plants not used by therefore are very not very valuable so stolen looked upon regularly well essential species require be an such too are the supply is raw Its used in as as weeds. improves supplying oils as raw grazing materials industry. geranium, much land, best a Wilde peppermint labour at has a strong when the the end results. second als mountainous deodorants summer the as successful. oil in autumn of people. number very indigenous colds. Ciskei labour-intensive a and are and and water used. to The and eight sage hectares known Oil Some where the state they to species potential the theEssential and Removing trial already medicines, natural unlikely many essential government-sponsored development province. of their are as acceptable palatable, products. The plants people It crop. It terms of planting, and is relatively used medicinal and soaps. plant of is ( artemisia shrub the is requires tillage, season being minimal pest and in yields cultivated input control and cropping growing growing increasingly is treat fragrance Double still afra) to and in so on. of it easy to establish and manage. advantages: Moreover, ● it is a new many or additional source of income for elds people The and local especially ● it is labour intensive and local in it can slopes stabilize where population given the many soil are very right of the erosion is maize a problem. enthusiastic, economic incentives. nature Activity 1 7 1. Suggest reasons why the essential oils industry has developed in the Eastern Cape province. 2. Explain the extent to which the essential oils industry could be considered a form of sustainable development. Mineral extraction in hot, arid areas There hot, is huge arid west USA potential and and that size housing need to miners and and be the in and in have that exploitati o n remote, for gas occur and TNCs/countries However, are in Oil Australia, riches signicant the potential areas. basic uti l i tie s at hot, the arid be in mining to mineral copper in resources in Chile, Australia Many of generate illustrate these large in south- the deposits earnings are for them. di f c ult be c a u se tr a ns por t s uch of East, areas. potential develop ma y Middle uranium the in v e s tme nt provid e d development the as mi ne s is w a t er, and in many of e xp en s ive . ene r gy the and In these wa s t e s ett l e m e n t s a re a s a ddi ti on , di s pos a l wh e r e live. 131 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS The shortage built the or water groundwater inaccessible resources some of impacts. species. a the arid The major coast In many to be to desalination be tapped. addition, hot, arid exported mineral given areas, is resource plants This to could the be cause remote transporting difficult and and the expensive. infrastructure has been In the a c t i v i t y. in movement mines source require decline. exploitation The may reserves of areas military Resource to nature to hot, target be of groundwater and of hot, of areas vehicles their dust arid and wastes that is can people can linked have be to an an adverse can environmental introduce eyesore, increase and in exotic mines can respiratory problems. Case study Tourism Rosemont Copper, Arizona nearly Rosemont Copper is a copper mining Pima County, Arizona, an undeveloped 50 km south-east of C.23). In general, Counties. three copper mines opponents pollute argue surrounding known or water other regional supplies elements with and mercury, that the argue that the lead, mine project generate will damage tax on revenue foreign and will reduce sources of over the proposed revolves environment, around with water being ore tonnes of waste Rosemont in an $7 Copper billion in Mine prot is over to major lifespan and become the concern. course third mine in the in would frog, the United also sh expects an by States. threaten and to bat mine additional rock. massive aural various species. Most of 550 1.3 this million billion piles called rock tailings. would be Intended and visual the buffer between tailings could the rise mine several feet. Arizona’s to other gallons of of copper water for mines every consume pound of around copper earn but Rosemont’s usage could be less its one-third that amount. The trade-off is a largest more copper middle Copper than 21-year the used the projected the and thehighway, produced, about in The 25 The falls corridors American copper. risks a site create Rosemont potential Copper of hundred mine jaguar cactus, tonnes and controversy mine wildlife destruction Rosemont as dependence for and arsenic heaped jobs, Cruz air tourism. Proponents account Santa that endangered and The important only Habitat open-pit in Tucson the (Figure recreation annually area of approximately outdoor billion project Pima in and $3 energy-intensive process that would cut USA. into the prot its company’s but show commitment Tucson to corporate social 10 Coronado responsibility. Benson National Industry Sonoita and Forest Valley 19 mining make up scenic overlook about 83 5percent Arizona’s total of water 82 use (approximately Sonoita Santa Rita 126 billion mountains per 83 N 82 Sonoita Fir C.23: Proposed mine at Rosemont Ranch, Arizona 132 year). gallons 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Case study (continued) Tab C.7 The arguments for and against Rosemont Copper Arguments in favour of the proposal • Arguments against the proposal Copper is an essential component of a • Open-pit copper mines such as that proposed by Rosemont clean-energy economy. For example, pollute the air and nearby water supplies with mercury, lead hybrid cars contain twice as much copper arsenic or other poisons. as conventional cars. • • The mine would impor t 105% of the The mine structures would be visible from Arizona State Route 83, a designated scenic route. water needed for operations and leave • The economies of the Santa Rita Mountains communities are a 5% net water gain to the Tucson Active largely driven by outdoor recreation and tourism. Even modest Management Area basin. impact from the Rosemont Mine could discourage tourism to • • The used land will be reclaimed from the the region, and destroy more than the number of new jobs the beginning of the mine’s operations. mine would create. The mine would create a much-needed • Mining jobs represent a small percentage of total Pima County economic boost to the region, employing jobs. Jobs created by the proposed Rosemont mine would 400 people directly for at least 19 years represent just 0.3% of total employment in Pima and Santa Cruz and suppor ting 1,700 indirect jobs. counties. Historically, mining jobs are among the • Destruction of habitat and individuals representing nine highest-paying positions in Arizona, endangered and threatened species, including the only known and experienced workers in the copper jaguar species living in the USA . industry in the south-west can earn an • Complete loss of 85 historic proper ties that include Native average of $59,000 per year. American remains and prehistoric sites, and resource- • The project would suppor t ancillary gathering locations thousands of years old. industries – contractors and vendors • Degradation of air quality throughout the region, including providing goods and services to the mine Saguaro National Park East and West, from mine vehicles, dir t operation during the nearly two decades roads, crushers and conveyors. of operation. • Signicant trac increases along Highways 83 and 82, as the mine would generate 55–88 round-trip truck shipments daily. L TA Research skills Visit the websites of Save scenicsantaritas.org/ and rosemontcopper.com/ Rosemont Ranch is the Santa Rosemont and good, discuss and for Ritas at http://www. Copper http://www. whether copper mining at whom? Activity 18 Outline the climatic challenges of arid areas for the provision of infrastructure. Mineral extraction in periglacial environments Pt C.15: Rosemont valley prior to development The exploitation of periglacial areas The exploitation fuel resources development of periglacial creates can both improve areas for their opportunities the mineral and economies of and challenges. these fossil Resource regions, but it can also 133 3 OPTION Natural C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS vegetation put their conicts Cleared environment local under pressure and create communities. area Stripped (moss fragile among and earth peat) (bare earth) 0 Fragility of periglacial areas Periglacial 10 )m( Active areas are fragile for three reasons: layer ● the ecosystem htpeD because ● the of is the highly limited extremely low susceptible number of temperatures to interference species limit involved decomposition, Permafrost and hence lasting pollution, effect on especially periglacial from oil, has a very long- ecosystems 40 Original 10 yrs permafrost after ● permafrost problems. is easily Fir C.24: Permafrost disruption changes and Heat in Thawing the of pipeline above posing to buildings vegetation signicant pipelines, rapidly increases settlement engineers and cover permafrost subsequent structures permafrost from the Consequently, Unstable disrupted, disturbance of the have the soil had to and destroy active causes build it. layer, subsidence. special cope. ground Frost heave Radiators cooling for ammonia Fibreglass system and polyurethane Close insulation, pumpable to in keep oil winter war m to rivers, owing to an abundant supply and of shutdowns water, can lift frost piles heave and is very structures signicant out of the and ground. Steel Piles for carrying oil pipelines have therefore pipe Oil needed to to be overcome embedded mass deep in movement the in permafrost the active Teflon-coated shoes pipe allow to layer. In Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, they are slide 11 metres deep. However, this is extremely expensive. Active layer The human impact on Pipe Pipes for liquid anchored every cooling system – 250–550 heat, m. periglacial areas disperses Zig-zag summer only ammonia line allows retains pipe to expand and The permafrost contract Slurry backfilled around vertical in range) and hazards and adjust periglacial to areas include permafrost (i.e. where block pipeline above-ground caribou buried pipe Earthquake other would by mass thermokarst of Automatic close, Refrigerated to pumped an soils, of may be human impact. movements, Problems ooding, subsidence, short low growing temperatures, season and a lack average spillage For of example, the Nenets tribe in the Yamal through pipes ground a light. barrels of oil Peninsula small – of Siberia has suffered as a result keeps frozen of the exploitation subsidence Fir C.25: Problems with pipelines vegetation, of breeding directly remote 134 use valves limiting brine 15,000 the and and pipe poor Insulation with diverse fractures migration) Oil are earthquakes support intensied Unstable associated (temperature or grounds indirectly and and as a inhospitable reduced result of of of railway decreased caribou human environment. oil and lines, sh numbers attempts gas. Oil leaks, destruction stocks, have to of pollution all happened exploit this 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Beaufort Prudhoe Sea The case of ANWR Bay The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is the Arctic largest protected wildlife area in the USA, with National CONTINUOUS Wildlife 9 million hectares in the remote north-east of Alaska. Trans-Alaska It includes a range of natural habitats such as Refuge PERMAFROST Russia Pipeline tundra, r e barrier islands and coastal lagoons, and Canada i forest, v boreal R Fairbanks n to many rare birds and animals. There has u long-running political controversy over the Y Bering been DISCONTINUOUS k home o is PERMAFROST Sea Anchorage SPORADIC future of ANWR, because oil companies active Valdez in PERMAFROST Prudhoe east Bay along protected to the the west northern want to coastal drill plain, for oil further within N the area. Gulf of Alaska 0 500 km Fir C.26: Periglaciation and the primary economy Case study streams. Oil mining in Alaska Alaska, has at 60° some north and remarkable covering periglacial 20° of 80°C as –50°C conditions range from wet in north. the south The to region arid and covers 40 surface and is rich in and very cold of per of cent an possesses 20 per cent of primary the gold and abundant the sh exploitation of the the technically difcult and allow oil, as possibility of tectonic timber these extensive created permafrost difculties for be The and of these Heat as is central the Dark for have vibration the water it, causing with the generates melts hot causes below and materials oil also infrastructure heating, layer tarmac by systems permafrost active pipeline about 3 sits on metres The for pipeline is displacement also of built 6 on metres 1.5 Any metres vertically disruption or oil during leakage In Alaska the and ecologically tundra ecosystem to the and the biodiversity boreal and forest short to food the east chains. have These inaccessibility are fragile and slow to recover from but justied by kind of trauma, and oil spillage is particularly the and long-lasting. benets. generated sewerage low cold developers, resources the support environmentally destructive economic as prevent by any exploitation To reserves. ecosystems have ow. resources compounded activity. and earthquake. limited climate, to well north-west the needs permafrost, ground. to damaging. is oil resources; USA ’s and pipeline drop the would However, the in of an as the insulated horizontally it through temperatures maritime sleepers USA ’s air landforms. mild, above the pumped latitude, top and is because melting Climatic Oil at albedo effect. frictional to of disturbing permafrost, leads and melting the subsidence. low same such heat, and permafrost such as Drilling which drilling breakage. The trans-Alaska pipeline Construction was of began completed $8 billion. pipeline in The crosses mountain 1975 1977 1,300 the ranges in at a cost kilometre Brooks and and 800 and rivers Alaska and Pt C.16: The trans-Alaska pipeline, on the nor th slope of the Brooks mountain range 135 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Greenland and resource nationalism – on hold The melting political countries with the looked UN as 2014 could from The Greenland Denmark. The of companies, such exploring beneath in as has geographically land just no mass and has 130 been years Americans was support on a who in long of cusp territories country, rich in of the Arctic accordance Greenland, and of a it independent. rare resource underwrite of earth from a its Cairn has “nation deposits around and boom the Cairn for a the population building”. has attracted world. Energy, Energy that independence scramble Greenland process Statoil political the lacks most Major have discovered both obstacles hostile the Nuuk, Ilulssat of of mining 1987. Greenland and in It oil been traces of oil Some about and 80 a 5,000 a The country human per has and Greenland. provided in development. cent of the population each. single There of are ship serves was mined island. during used Greenland’s the to Earth. capital, communities side and the have on physical development. ice. Copenhagen control 1990s, quite seas. the scattered 1857 thawing the prompted its and of rapid history the 2010. western occupied in in and by Since their one and decades. thick the the between processed remained in the and Shell, and Sisimiut connecting settlements There for to covered 16,000, roads the is in gold some isolated For had and physical are on companies for out become future ice waters mirrored Arctic. turn. still Dutch major waters infrastructure ore, region Sea. itself is mining the Greenland’s It the mark to a melting Greenland’s Greenland taken Greenland iron and the economic people. discovery of been of to about found its beneath 56,000 was have prospectors is it has parts agreed Convention things ice some largely transform just Arctic in though resources of the have However, In of tensions the a First until asset World aluminium resources Cryolite useful the for War. the Cryolite production. Denmark 1990s. Pt C.17: Nuuk, the capital of In 2009, Nuuk achieved full home rule, including control of natural Greenland resources, L TA This leaving resource in nationalism, charge that is, of security when a and country foreign affairs. maintains Communication skills control Identify the arguments against oil in the and or cold both for your through of minerals arguments discussion exploitation, collapsing debate by roles, indigenous price on an annual such and conservationist. of a of crude country saw nancing oil has for from the this full as great Minister that in springboard Greenland’s term. Denmark, a bring independence. frustrated short to Prime to 2013 for on is still over to a mineral However, hopes Greenland amounts benets of the becoming dependent $600 million. oil price collapse and not in 2014 has worthwhile. made Three Arctic oil exploration companies – Norway’s too Statoil, as France’s GDF in Thus Suez and Denmark’s Dong Energy – returned their licences a 2014. the provided expected the Greenland is bonanza not that oil happening – and at other least minerals in the would short term. a Write of other, non-conventional sources of oil and natural gas a may make exploration in Greenland less attractive than in less extreme arguments environments. draw of way subsidy Development and a and expected elected corporation, government summary platform, was was or have a resources, Hammond adopting people, transnational and independent expensive different own an The formal its Aleqa pro-independence and exploitation other over Greenland. different environments. Present For the Greenland population, they face conclusion. dependent 136 Denmark on Denmark to subsidize their development. a future still 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Cold and high environments: tourism Clean air, heroic breathtaking potential international increasingly holidays the in has biking, pristine Tourism poorest is a means through capacity and are The as thin in sometimes about has in E, remote to of as the that of and have the This issues success low means of that the easily. countries the which such 1970s. but are for that steep benets, sport of carrying regenerate since brings and through because not world’s resources a mountainous social Indigenous regional social primary does tourism been mountain rafting. reduce dramatically and have mountain disparity impact therefore Leisure, as some fragile. landlocked grown environmental Option social human tourism for adventure skiing interest. and economic vegetation many mountain also tourism and by such environments referred damaged in the and management Mountain soil growth become for many generate development effect of white-water also generate However, Himalayas of (See can see. easily contentious resolve. it careful to sites have and and popular looking trekking activities and interest most They tourists economy other multiplier industry the development some the erodible tourism those is include cultural second coasts. to tourist economic and on come environment the paragliding effect. depends tourists of after the Whereas archaeological trickle-down tourism slopes, to species, zones attractive landscapes. diversied countries, disparity the and attractions, and rare destination, snowboarding, populations the tourist scenery, mountain accessible traditional areas make The presents difcult more to details areas.) Environmental degradation around Mount Everest The Khumbu region MountEverest, peak tourist Supplying can season local mountainous and showers put is infrastructure include tents In 2008 a even changed the far-reaching unrest Closing no is about population in longer down population make effects. the Sir but mountain the ve A of global as for 700,000. hot and discarded glass, in water resource generation, cans, during as problematic Increasing rubbish but many tourists Hillary is the from per the on clothes, Nations as of of Everest papers, be a to Everest Norgay major have consider a Environment Mount Tenzing likely the 10-year a even of far as the local summit GNI. their of to political issues. Sherpa Everest Trekking income, of more strategy era had rst cause environmental the capita part to to that reaching signicant is willing now solution Sherpa and found warming region no United landscape was attention is the the Edmund times most by that government distracting $1,600, waste plastics, Tourism Everest concerned. with signs 1953. The of is and people, be water pressure. tonnes food, can demands sponsored since the there and increasing The 40,000 equipment. found problems, the Kathmandu about valley further by team, in hold electricity but under electronic trekking is with equipment, peak containing lower inadequate. (UNEP), environmental manage this signicantly conquered the country, geological Programme Nepal, matched is climbing and in people this consumption of comfortably will provides and so this closing 137 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS the area say it is around no Everest surprise back tourism in each team seven Nepalese of the that would the region: be devastating Nepali even climbers to must to authorities set pay foot a their have on the royalty economy. no plans slopes of of £50,000 to Critics scale Everest, to the government. Case study Tourism in Nepal January 0 –15 Nepal’s development has been restricted by 16–39 its remote and landlocked location, difcult 31–45 April terrain and shortage of natural resources for 46–60 industrialization. Traditionally, its economy has 60 depended in world as a on agriculture, trade major until industry with tourism in the little began 1980s. July participation to develop Tourism’s October annual it contribution employs and is 5 Nepal’s unique increasing These per predicted world, cent to such of the physical the as GDP grow numbers include to of 10 at is 6 working 4 per per have since per It is year. 0 attracted the also in 20 000 with two major religions – ethnic – existing side by side, culturally Hinduism and 12 Maoists, The the in 1950s; Nepal, only Nepal in 1961 almost after has 1990 increased 4,000 all of that erratically tourists them Nepal’s were trekkers. tourism ● was benets until the global ight from of an to the the decline. growing brink. The Kathmandu in 1999 Royal Maoist massacre insurgency Following the of of a to tourism Nepal for with Nepal many opportunities: recognition and integration into economy a rise in foreign revenue to help clear debts it and improvement employment, to especially peace to Kathmandu )s000( Namibian Global Namibian independence terrorism polio epidemic ● improved in local income generating big and towns a and multiplier and cities effect, such as Pokhara cultural understanding as a result 1200 of the locals learning new skills. stsiruot 1000 800 The costs of tourism in Nepal lanoitanretnI 600 Increasing tourist demand for Nepal presents the 400 following problems: 200 0 ● 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Deforestation and road construction patterns and may cause excessive Fir C.27: International tourist arrivals in Nepal by country run-off of origin, 1990–2008 disrupt 2008 drainage 138 and recover. caused 2001 pushed signing government began Indian ● it the demand increased hijacking national Airlines of presents international the ● dramatically, between since recorded It 2006 tourist major Tourism in in and groups. Tourism 80 000 arrivals for Nepal, 2012 the Buddhism 60 000 the agreement diverse, 40 000 Fir C.28: Age structure and seasonal trends in tourist 1960s. mountains Everest. cent, population cent features tourists highest Mount now and ooding downstream. 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Case study (continued) ● Landslides, from on the mudslides and destabilization steep slopes. torrential This monsoon September, when is rock of soil falls and between slopes become Trails regolith compounded rain ● result Mountain and trekking wildlife can destroy now and unstable. line especially camps. Inadequately makeshift have toilets most tramping routes, and ● litter mountaineering, by June of around a and the trekking mountain covered pollute become of toilet streams serious base pits and health and rivers, issue. vegetation habitats. Tourism and climate change – threats to Mount Everest Climbing Mount the of focus extreme tourist ● Everest trekking topography destination. Sherpa being ill-treated. was exploitation. become and is monsoon are other the Chris The warm-clothing climate reasons groups Porters’ Bonington IPPG banks. helps in build These to for its as these are as porter a become as porters) paid Group Its a to health reduced are and (IPPG) response shelters, have has result. threats. badly Protection It a resilience (traditional who 1997 facilities popular. suffer reduce Sherpas ethnic International by increasingly beginning several Gradually, by The founded and There threats: replaced has activity this posts Nepali and porter deaths. Pt C.18: Changing patterns of ● Increasing use of resources: In the Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar tourism on Mount Everest there is a demand new for showers over-burden March more ● Pollution: area of the pipeline and local October, but ush bring toilets. stream the to This during provision water will the of to avoid peak hot satisfy sewage tourist water tourist will seasons in demand fuel. buried ● and ve-mile in Raw large with toxic Road-building: in-ow of garbage pits is where taken down inevitably it to the will lower settlements threaten the and surrounding leachates. The tourists road and programme has regulations. Processes had network their to be rapid such is wealth. as and rapidly increasing Unfortunately, little attention cut-and-ll have led to the is ensure given to the road-building to erosion safety and landslides. ● Congestion: made the contributed destination $50,000 clothes of for and planning Everest 2073, is the Four ascent. to for people It the tragedy. exotic better now died been extreme this no has an one Everest tourists easy the infrastructure supplies and the in 2014 afford what trafc an to Technological make when human become can accessible daring on day that has who experience. oxygen longer on claimed mountain it once could Pt C.19: The queue for Everest – a two-hour wait $10,000– changes, was people jams overcrowded pay adventure. achievement 150 took The in better years ascent 1953. include a of By helipad 139 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS on the South meantime, climbers base ● Col they and the 2050 change: and 3°C the a by region, source third have of a in risks The of the the largest glaciers trekkers increase century, regions as for oxygen. rescuing heading predicted there and may as by be countries at an is impact in in disasters Asia evidence In the both far as 1.2°C by far-reaching adjoining often of in them cross threaten a recent turn and for the almost glaciers and is This likely biodiversity, give rise oods water property the provide decades. outburst boundaries: lives lifeline regimes in lake outside they Himalayan supplies, These glacial – ow drinking-water agriculture. glaciers reserve; that rate freshwater threat of freshwater systems clear on and may a unprecedented changes country concentration are river There potential cooperation of outburst of such combination Himalayas Everest of mountainous industry Such rivers the end major major shrinkage major bottled potential of to an (GLOFS) from people a in country. Regional term nine the one another the numerous temperatures these dramatic occurring. in breathing the meltwaters. have melting hydropower, increase for their but for causes have lake more the humanity. been trend to fed Himalayas polar far If by consequences The tourists transforming camp. Climate and bringing are is needed oods and Himalayan as of the formulate waste-water glaciers Indus, climate under to will Yellow change threat, but and strategy to deal management severely River the a and tourism stress is issues. reduce the is with both Long- run-off from Mekong. putting the concentrated whole on the region. Developing tourism in hot, arid areas Case study Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, USA Zuni Pueblo is the largest of the 19 New with more than 1800 needs with maintaining sense km of land population of over 10,000. It is of traditional of all the New considered Mexico a unique language, culture and in a in remote part from area of populated regions Zuni the its one of geographic of the the most on in ways of the stops in Indian itinerary country. At its heritage and its physical present share Its Zuni its climate. because of Many the visitors attracted and 140 the arts to and the crafts. Visitors dramatic of sandstone the are of are is a natural and cultural double-edged than to not tourism destroys what enhance. of of art. the population There income are from efforts derive to agriculture their increase Tourism is an attractive and option because the relatively high low capital economic investment returns. and the However, familiar are many long-lasting negative impacts Zuni also Zuni mesas. and there, geography, reputation landscape the Tourism out most unregulated, jewellery, exists attractions there with currently conserve often set from potentially including that as of include that Zuni. More tourism. one of originally income tourist compatible lifestyle isolation sparsely USA. south-west ways the history the is in Pueblos, it resulting tourism enhancing the sword. with and community resources most develop and and a to Mexican 2 Pueblos, Zuni river valley hasty tourism development. of 3 m A n A g I n g e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S Case study (continued) Check-in with the Visitor Center before star ting your • fragile archaeological structures or adobe walls. an active community of residents’ daily lives and Removal of ar tifacts or objects from these areas is a homes – not a museum or theme park . Federal oence. Consider capturing visual memories instead of • Exercise common sense by not climbing around • visit to Zuni Pueblo. Remember, you are visiting Respect our community by not using alcohol or • photographs! Assume that ALL “cultural” activities drugs and not bringing weapons. within the Pueblo are o-limits to photograph, Hike only in designated areas (check at Visitor • video or audio record or sketch unless specically Center) and not around archaeological ruin sites. informed otherwise. Always inquire rst and ask permission before photographing any activity involving people. Gallup N NO photography is permitted of images inside the Old Mission. Ramah W E Sanders Zuni Observe with quiet respect any • Hanlibinkya El Morro S Nat’l traditional dances and events that Park ZUNI Kothluwala RESERVATION you may encounter. Applause is Zuni as inappropriate as in a church St Salt Zuni Lake lands Towns Johns 0 25 miles State roads Lakes/reservoirs State boundary Mesas setting. 0 ARIZONA 20 NEW 40 km Rivers MEXICO Archaeological sites Fir C.29: Responsible tourism in Zuni Sociocultural particular, concerns water Zuni needs to control the development in order to safeguard against the that could affect the basic is issue limited. in Zuni, Some as its domestic developments social allowed. For example, big-game hunting negative by consequences a of are tourism is supply non-Indians is allowed as long as there is a and Zuniguide. cultural limited the life there. external demands have and been golf to As a result involvement develop proposals courses, for none there and tourism. motel have has been inuence Although complexes, been very in there casinos implemented. Overall, largely in Zuni and the has and culture social within continues traditions the USA. For in to retain spite of example, its its or video recordings, documentation of Zuni of has evolved will in to almost tourism been a has been controlled. way survive. certainly that allows become a Zuni society, been careful drawings religious or and to in the consider early the stages social, Zuni soil events is environmental Look costs. at http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/handouts/ and easily to see concerns biodiversity are affected by the Zuni council wants to develop tourism resources and be has economic other how air, of existence Tourism%20at%20Zuni%20Pueblo.pdf can part ERDT%20101315%20Item%207%20 Environmental that culture Nevertheless, photographic, prohibited. Water, limited Tourism integrity and audio it environment tourism Zuni impact because tourism. Water, the also the issues they have over a gravel pit in (dated 2015). 141 3 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS L TA Activity 19 1. Research skills Using Figure C.27, explain the changes in the origins of international Use tourists arriving in Nepal. images a search of physical 2. engine Zuni to nd Pueblo, setting and its its culture, Describe the trend shown by Figure C.28. (Remember to quantify your for example traditional dress answer by referring to the data given.) and 3. art. The following websites Using the information given in both graphs, describe and explain the may be of interest: characteristics of tourists visiting Nepal. http://www.ashiwi.org/ 4. and Suggest how the characteristics of international tourists to Nepal may http://www.zunitourism.com/ change in the future. the homepage of Zuni tourism. L TA Research skills Research pro-poor uk/16_stats.pdf, tourism and here http://www.propoortourism.org. summarize one case study in an extreme environment. Concepts in contex t In this some section, extreme managed. of have the these use whereas TNCs extreme and others are some not, to communities. why attempts be such as shareholders, interests are and TNCs, conservationists, and different of how need stakeholders, stakeholders example seen communities, governments example, about have Different indigenous national we environments and environments. very Some powerful, national for for concerns governments, example There develop sustainably. Not all are many extreme users sustainable development power it that pressures increase as for to to in can the population climate offer. develop future and are interested but is want likely extreme due growth, change It challenges to rising resource in environments the that in wealth/ the environments varied forces, standards of will such living, depletion. indigenous Check your understanding 1. Distinguish between aridity and 6. infertility. Outline the 2. Explain why essential oils may be a better the 3. semi-arid State a areas named development than and in a livestock located hot, Outline the arid 5. the main development environment. 7. Explain 8. Describe associated mineral resources State a in hot, 9. Briey hot, named and in a located mineral periglacial with in areas the term “resource nationalism”. the in problems cold associated with environments. with areas. development 142 problems of resources resource tourism 4. associated mineral farming. mineral arid problems of use periglacial of main development resource environment. 10. explain arid Suggest the advantages of tourism to areas. how tourism environments can be in hot, made arid more sustainable. 4 Extreme environments’ futures Conceptual understanding K qsti What are the future environments and possibilities their for managing extreme communities? K ctt TOK ● The causes, acceleration, consequences and management of How does classication desertication, including land use, conict and climate change help our understanding in ● Increasing international competition for access to resources in Geography? extreme civil environments, society militia including organizations, the role transnational of indigenous corporations groups, (TNCs) and Figure C.30 categorizes the causes of deser tication into groups natural processes and human ● New technology and sustainable development in extreme activities. There are many ways environments, including greater use of solar power and of classifying the causes of desalination deser tication, and you might ● The impacts and management of global climate change on think of alternatives. Do we extreme environments, including adaptation by local populations need to classify at all? DESERTIFICATION initiated by NATURAL HUMAN PROCESSES ACTIVITIES Dryland Energy agriculture demands Drought Urbanization Reduced vegetation Pastoral Fuelwood Population cutting concentration Irrigation Arable cover Soil Carrying capacity Removal of Poor irrigation Stress on Deforestation erosion of land exceeded natural vegetation practices land Sedimentation Deterioration Poor agricultural Soil Degradation of Salinization of pasture practices erosion vegetation cover Waterlogging Soil erosion Soil organic matter Soil Reduced lost soil aggregate Soil fertility erosion Soil breakdown erosion Soil erosion ADVANCE OF OF DESERT/CREATION DESERT-LIKE Fir C.30: The causes and development CONDITIONS of deser tication 143 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS The causes, acceleration, consequences and management of desertication Desertication areas of – that is, biological variability activities. colour heat, rain and and absorbs economic less, and if its – it natural there will not where removed and changes. It convectional general like semi-arid involves unsustainable is Desertication the events less and It occurs (albedo) be humid areas. it with cover reectivity is and coincides surface in (arid) productivity drought. occurs extension prolonged surface reects more less discontinuous deserts droughts, loss human the heating, in of the climatic as in as a China in 2000s. Desertication leads to soil wind and erosion affected. world 16 degradation non-desert the so more patches of land rainfall) lighter, possibly isolated as including example, becomes and dened (especially For consequence the is not by Desertication today. per a cent At of water, is present, the reduction one 25 world’s in vegetation lowering of per the cent the major of population carrying and global land threatened accelerated capacity environmental the are cover of territory by the issues in and area the nearly desertication. Causes of deser tication Desertication All the highly areas variable desertied Natural high causes believe of that when land; nutrients; after ● use as and Vegetation large to Fencing, is is act as major both of the as water points Boreholes while and and itself trees of to wells the soils have to of to graze being then arid by on a exhausts standing erosion. trampled become reduces more inltration, wind and severe the in worldwide. locations, led human become crops left of Many caused soil increases lower periods land are in lands specic also by rainforest and to be prevent and trampling wells can animals to Overgrazed animals fragile growing few or animal desertication compaction run-off, connes the too the aridity. drought overuse many grazing livestock. erosion of of already windbreaks cause in too of drought towards increasing where activities. characterized techniques. effects This when parts temporary when allow the change of the is human and erosion. the localized water table, causing salinization. decreases leads season cultivated by simply to Reducing also maintain used to salinization. and to diminishing season, investment. degradation 144 the greater of occurs deforestation, Overcultivation be causes over-exploited. to this include by marginal farming combination pastoralists lost to overgrazing. ● is intensied are to climate overcultivation, which provision soil a which numbers vulnerable leading is rewood Overgrazing by exception long-term it areas xed soil An desertication and overgrazing, of process desertication Desertication semi-arid area natural inappropriate numbers, severe. a by following population more be rainfall. magnitude people and can affected maintain fallow by the but an all lowering and return the of on contribute fertility and yield the the introducing these soil where expansion same periods output, erosion returns, requiring areas irrigation to to agricultural further are soil promoting 4 ● Deforestation the area where trees increases easy Other ● are removal mobility the the soil of some for their concentration by in and the wind has of The the of of cleared urban to extend areas vegetation root F u T u R e S cover systems allows following: limited and by crossed permanent population of e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ water. routes provide been loss absence been migratory has surrounds and including to land the rewood. people Attempts where and erosion involved, where boundaries. obvious stripped of are especially to most cultivation rainsplash factors The is under e x T R e m e governments, international settlements animals, with have led undesirable consequences. ● Weak or non-existent protection ● Irrational for ● of of International encouraging and marginal use salinization created water have land by failed to provide preventing resources has or caused environmental controlling water its shortages use. or soil. trade cash a laws Activity 20 has promoted crops shortage for of short-term export. staple This has exploitation disrupted of local land by 1. markets term “deser tication”. foods. 2. ● Civil strife and war diverts Suggest a denition for the resources away from environmental Outline the main natural causes of deser tication. issues. 3. ● Ignorance of of the inappropriate consequences techniques of and some human equipment, actions, have and the contributed to Briey explain two examples of deser tication use caused by people. the problem. 4. Comment on the eects of deser tication. 5. Consequences of deser tication To what extent is it possible to manage deser tication? There are some serious consequences of desertication (Table C.8). Tab C.8: Consequences of deser tication Environmental Economic Social and cultural Loss of soil nutrients through wind Reduced income from traditional Loss of traditional knowledge and and water erosion economy (pastoralism and cultivation skills of food crops) Changes in composition of vegetation Forced migration due to food scarcity and loss of biodiversity as vegetation Decreased availability of fuelwood, is removed necessitating purchase of oil/ Social tensions in reception areas for migrants kerosene Reduction in land available for cropping and pasture Increased dependence on food aid Increased sedimentation of streams Increased rural pover ty because of soil erosion and sediment accumulations in reservoirs Expansion of area under sand dunes Combating deser tication There are perceived many ways causes of (Table combating desertication, which depend on the C.9). 145 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Tab C.9: The strategies for preventing deser tication, and their disadvantages Cause of desertication Overgrazing Strategies for prevention Problems and drawbacks Improved stock quality: through vaccination Vaccination programmes improve survival rates, programmes and the introduction of better breeds, leading to bigger herds. yields of meat, wool and milk can be increased Population pressure often prevents these without increasing the herd size. measures. Better management: reducing herd sizes and grazing over wider areas would both reduce soil damage. Overcultivation Use of fertilizers: these can double yields of grain crops, Cost to farmers. reducing the need to open up new land for farming. Ar ticial fer tilizers may damage the soil. New or improved crops: many new crops or new Some crops need expensive fer tilizer. varieties of traditional crops with high-yielding and Risk of crop failure. drought-resistant qualities could be introduced. Some methods require expensive technology Improved farming methods: use of crop rotation, and special skills. irrigation and grain storage can all increase and reduce pressure on land. Deforestation Agroforestry: combines agriculture with forestry, Long growth time before benets of trees are allowing the farmer to continue cropping while realized. using trees for fodder, fuel and building timber. Trees Expensive irrigation and maintenance may be protect, shade and fer tilize the soil. needed. Social forestry: village-based tree-planting schemes Expensive. Special equipment may be needed. involve all members of a community. Alternative fuels: oil, gas and kerosene can be substituted for wood as sources of fuel. Increasing international competition for access to resources in extreme environments The North Pole Approximately 15 per the cent estimated remain As ice USA caps are The Council: the Russia’s Russian in melting, are are of the the barrels of by 40 world’s Arctic. is a military competing is opening worth erce, But oil and race for up trillions per cent since undiscovered the 47 majority, trillion is also extremely two of especially Denmark, president has naval bases major dollars. among Norway, to of for Arctic the oil the strategy. full 2017 would Russian accelerate for from that specically protection its called development” attempting 146 lie decreased 1979. natural 84 per cubic gas cent, metres and of of gas shipping The the building in valuable lanes, potential eight Iceland, the and for members Finland, region. resources in oil The the and economic of the Sweden, Arctic Russia USA. allocated in has cent billion Canada, economic part oil region competition the 90 Russia reserves and its cap per offshore. and Arctic. gas of ice 30 be government to home defence and 2020, gas of to ships national facilities construction of funding including in and a more “socio- of submarines interests the for system that Arctic. involve Russia icebreakers to is also take 4 The Russian Federation has staked a claim in the e x T R e m e Sea of e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ Okhotsk for 2 52,000 km Russian are 2 , oil and decline – Arctic region. In Kara rights Fleet, the the Arctic, provided part Russian of is in oil water claim signicantly companies energy large a giants, hydrocarbon to to for the 1.32millionkm country’s actively Gazprom deposits in revenue, explore and the Rosneft, the . were Pechora and military there the once of Arctic the warships airborne is a only and its a from troop part lanes, albeit of of Russia’s Northern exercises. its Russia’s increasing strong a will to host harsh to USA behind military wants that in the – Canada budget falling region stability, claims Russia, while is Russia region hands-off and resources defence Circle a more cooperation USA region. the Arctic holds environment on and has in the as activity rst world the the by the Canada that a that subject USA. ships planned in the evidenced Arctic economic of now and presence be is armed environment must be for and Russian but this a must international longest be lanes shelf continues will strategy is patrol of its preparations. a potentially established competition that by to makes of have with the and in a the dominant and it primary difcult to support is are Oceans part and resources.) shipping and signicant would the produce claims B, be presence cooperation elements, to security has it security it vital provide deposits, Federation that ocean up Russia international providing gas difcult Option over Arctic, wide and Russian open to Since it areas also conicts melt oil make (See cooperation coastline coupled and world’s this, area. shipping. to the location hydrocarbon discussion Federation of Despite disputed commercial the the shipping efciently. for region mass remote continental margins, elements a and developing Arctic claims and region presence part country’s the patrols, sovereignty quickly focused coastal powerful resources. extreme the was new Although energy seen Arctic developing shipping extract the which competitive force has bomber However, Russia If contribute develop in allocating own. of Arctic globe. for increasing its an Russian international race now 2013 Arctic strategic around a which forcing to militarization of prepared seas. Already The has elds, in granted F u T u R e S such lanes, rescue territorial natural in the in as for region, commercial search and rescue. The USA future Ocean. the It has Sweden NATO According the our the to Arctic ability to announced which was be of it of in leader via a relations and to “a join by in the a ofcial, constant on It has our the called keen to stewardship. lack of in US 2013 presence of the through also sovereignty fall in Arctic establishing been contrast, the force NATO, has to and the armed after and view USA In driving militarize NATO. protection attack military the to Canada with economy”. a as keen with NATO stunning the is However, strong of itself Denmark government resumption abandoned sees USA conservation, Alaskan develop The Arctic. for represents the its Finland the and Arctic. Norway need one a the do and agenda emphasize in to to participation upon a wants planning the in activity and Russia the Arctic, USSR. 147 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Case study the The Yamal megaproject and the Nenets tundra’s leading to a freshwater decline in lakes sh to drain, which is supplies. of Siberia The Nenets herders over is a who 1,000 from are have years. Northern remote, Yamal during residing The The in the to Nenets the winter. towns nomadic Yamal Yamal Siberia during the used Peninsula Kara region graze summer and for Russia’s move future by reindeer are semi-nomadic, to during the winter. cross, Some Nenets abandoned traditional Following of energy oil Gazprom and gas the adapt for history for a the risk. reindeer threatening The developing in puts considerable freshwater. is gas (tcm). the project the Russian region’s known as of life. collapse many left large have to is largest the metres in difcult reserves K a r a Rusanovskoye Many and at of their way adults villages herding are world’s) cubic project pollution pasture the estimate have communism, young (and An trillion pipelines and of oil 55 nomadic corporation huge is largest and quality Russia’s reserves. here of Roads in south Some gas reserves Yamal underlain holds natural extends Sea. their Yamal reindeer Peninsula the wind-blasted permafrost. the indigenous cities. failed life S e a their to away from Leningradskoye nomadism, have been and Malyginskoye there reports of high Tasiyskoye Severo- levels of unemployment, Tambeyskoye Syadorskoye alcoholism and mental Zapadno- Tambeyskoye health problems. For the Yuzhno- Kharasaveyskoye Nenets who traditional retained ways, Gydan Bay Tambeyskoye their their Verhne- Tiuteyskoye lands and their herds are Kruzenshternovskoe Zapadno- Seyakhinskoye Bovanenkovskoye vital to their existence. Vostochno- Bovanenkovskoye The Nenets are now Nerstinskoye facing threats from Neytinskoye climate also change from oil and and Arcticheskoye gas Tota-Yakhinskoye exploration. The Arctic YAMAL PENINSULA Baidarata is changing fast. As Semakovskoye Bay Antipayutinskoye Sredneyamalskoye Tchugoriakhinskoye temperatures rise and Severo- Nurminskoye the tundra’s Kamennomysskoye permafrost Khambateyskoye thaws, and it releases carbon Taz methane dioxide Bay Parusovoye into Kamennomysskoye Yamburgskoye the ice atmosphere. melting With earlier in more Obskoye the Novoportovskoye YAMBURG spring and not Severo-Urengoyskoye freezing Ob Operating gas Comprehensive until much later, the processing Projected herders are being forced and gas under to change gas old Melting Wells, well unit clusters construction centuries migration Shelf fields fields patterns. permafrost is Fir C.31: Yamal oil and gas elds also 148 causing some of gas pipelines pipelines Continental Bay pipelines TAZOVSKIY 4 e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ F u T u R e S Case study (continued) According Built to a pipeline spokesperson Proposed pipeline Bovanenkovskoye from Barents Survival Sea Novy International, Urengoy “Gazprom’s website calls the Nadym NORWAY Teriberka Yamal Peninsula NADYM-PUR-TAZ Murmansk a strategic oil REGION SWEDEN and Peregrebnoye gas bearing Surgut UKHTA region of Russia. Yugorsk This sums they R U S S I up view how the A FINLAND Nenets’ ancestral homeland”. Helsinki NORD Tyumen Vyborg The statement STREAM Tallinn Saint-Petersburg concludes, Perm Gryazovets “The ESTONIA Nenets Riga TORZHOK have Kazan people lived on Ufa LATVIA Astana Moscow and POCHINKI LITHUANIA stewarded Voskresensk KAZAKHSTAN Vilnius the tundra’s Tula Minsk fragile ecology hundreds BELORUSSIA No of for years. developments Fir C.32: Yamal Peninsula – a region of “strategic impor tance” for Gazprom and Russia should on the in Yamal the from Megaproject. 1990s, the and the The rst Bovanenkovo project of its eld gas was was initiated supplies produced without fair A 570 km railway line from Obskaya (the world’s most northerly was opened in and a in of the Oil Yamal will 22 gas they need damages to receive caused”. on Russia have, suspension of in the past, economic led to activity the Yamal. In 1998, exploration on the 2011. tcm tcm of of will proven expected be built infrastructure Peninsula, require aviation and 16 pipelines Transport region and over further 2,500 gas. has attacks temporary Yamal Yamal and any rail in line) for to the Bovanenkovo consent, place land in Militia 2012. their compensation take their so is to gas reserves reserves. to were as Russia’s consuming too war many efforts in resources. the developed development developments Chechnya abandoned Over transport poorly was the of the railway networks. operations in the Yamal Peninsula 2 destroyed over 64,000 10years of Ob decreased, have been catch; Ob exploration. polluted. 60per cent routes of nearly have The the 30 been have reindeer km Fish River yields Ob Former sheries used Soviet on in on to River have provide Union’s tributaries by just the grounds Reindeer’s bisected been tundra spawning destroyed. been have sh of sh of the migratory railroads, and Pt C.20: Traditional Nenet tent (choom or mya) some shot. 149 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Oil conicts in the Middle East There for are many example, South which gas China. have assets. valuable the over The lack for Such leads has Sudanese is and a on a become and on of War oil-rening some access countries. to the and and countries, export The many group It that is a caliphate ISIS in for income stage. in natural of other world Iraq. Islamic facilities and and ability factor extremist an oil important energy, struggle recent Gulf War of 1983–2005. northern expensive. for and disputes, energy-centric, for East; East production 1980–1988, of the historic their the the Middle valuable power and the Ukraine, source control recurring War Sunni and in most vulnerability Civil creating is has to major that inuence been Syria a control world’s reserves, Iran/Iraq (ISIS) to the strength energy them Sudan, in controls Iraq. This, controls well-armed the key in areas it oil-producing part, allows it to military. conicts oil. reduced constitute the intent all, world of long-standing desire and Nation-building its the of after resources western Syria Eastern into all South are, surplus State of organization of result provides the not corporations resources and Islamic parts the economic including 1990–1991 areas and oil, Nigeria, disproportionate energy controls. of with have conicts, large gas resources Countries often are commodities whereas pay and over Syria, developed governments energy The conicts Iraq, Many Oil distribution. to in make Losses it difcult from investment is Libya, for countries Iraq threatening and that Syria future depend have on reduced Middle supply, while supplies. 0 200 km Mediterranean Sea Shahat Tripoli Derna Mellitah Beida Khums Marsa T U N I S I Zawiya A G Misrata S Nalut re e n M o u n ta in el-Hariga Benghazi Gharyan R E B Tobruk Rajma Zintan R E B Jebel Nafusa Sirte Brega G Ras E Ajdabiya Sidra Lanuf Pumping Y Border station T P crossing Marada Hun Mislah L I B Y A Sarir Sebha Oil pipeline/field Gas pipeline/field Rebel-held Oil refineries Clashes Oil storage Ghat Fir C.33: Major oil reser ves and infrastructure in Libya 150 4 e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ F u T u R e S Oil in Libya Activity 2 1 Oil reserves in Libya are the largest in Africa and among the 10 largest Study Figure C.34. globally. Libya is Libya 1.5 2011. over considered production over has and 2016 years highly proximity million In a 70 barrels production reserves attractive to per of oil European day was at area current due markets. (MMbpd) 360,000 to Oil before MMbpd. production its low cost production the Oil Arab rates. of 1. oil Outline two reasons for the decline in oil production in was Spring Libya. of infrastructure has 2. been sabotaged. Groups claiming to be afliated with ISIS also Suggest why this would damaged have a major impact on pipelines and vital equipment. In 2015 attacks by gunmen on oil elds European countries. prompted oil the National Oil Corporation to shut down operations at 11 elds. L TA Resource security in the Middle East There has conicts ghting both is Red with have Sea in included a and major and the Al-Qaeda Egypt oil Middle as of by Yemen. became producer, and East triggered such Gulf Eritrea the those countries Arabia not Yemen, 2002, conict within Saudi Yemen the been Aden, Djibouti it a Visit for the millennia. Arab Due to involved is Spring in the major a transit narrow and conict. route analysis_includes/countries_ faction long/Libya/libya.pdf location, located investigate Although adjacent for passing oil. https://www.eia. gov/beta/international/ Recent Yemen’s strategically create Research skills of to Libya’s the oil to importance industry. Along point. In attacked 1.8 a French super-tanker off In mid-2013, widespread protests and 1.6 Civil the south-east coast war begins strikes of (February 2011) led to a sharp security environment loading ports, deterioration and the of closure the of 1.4 yad Yemen. an Yemen opportunity and other for terrorist gain stronger in the hold a region returned 1 level, 0.8 0.6 to there to but affected its it by power problems ports and situation pre-war and close oil fields continue sporadically, remains and to the precarious. was sporadic labour-related and open protests supply at oil fields. area. 0.2 has so 2004, the Loading oil pipelines. -t Since destabilize war, almost and li v ic 0.4 and civil fields ra w to the production noilliM organizations After 1.2 p u -p m a r ISIS in slerrab is situation rep The oil P been ghting between the 0 Jan Yemeni the government Houtis, There a have protests, in increasing In 2015, the facilities. A month on its the the air Saudi the and took strikes that political it on government expanded and presidential refuge against Arabian and attacks have government president mission aid and Houtis attacked Yemeni humanitarian western violence the launched later, completed to 2011 Houtis The 2012 Jan 2013 Jan palace changing dialogue. The and Saudi Houtis government was buildings inuence, pro-government in the their war to key Arabia. and its actions Houtis still government Visit http://www .aljazeera.com/ In news/middleeast/2014/08/ their announced 2015, supporters. that to Research skills it focus control and on much yemen-houthis-hadi-protests- 201482132719818986.html had of http://www.bbc.co.uk/ news/world-middle-east- 29319423 break out in the region, oil supply could be reduced in a number of countries around the world could to nd out conict in more Yemen its implications for the also wider be the and and security 2015 supporters. Yemen. were energy Jan and resulting about If 2014 Fir C.34: Crude oil production in Libya, 2010 to 2015 minority. attacks Arabia Jan 2011 L TA Since Jan many escalating facilities. Saudi Shia been 2010 and Middle East region reduced. and oil security. 151 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS L TA TOK Organize a class debate called “ The benets of the Yamal megaproject outweigh the Research skills Visit the websites of Survival survivalinternational.org/ International and the http://www. Gazprom megaproject http://www. gazprom.com/about/production/projects/mega-yamal/. needs of the Nenets people”. New technology and sustainable development in extreme environments Sustainable of living development without technologies have the such ability communities. beyond the is development compromising as to desalinization, increase However, means the of levels some many of that needs solar of of power, wealth these improves future and basic standards generations. wind power development technologies are New and for ICT many expensive, and communities. Sustainable farming in Egypt The Nile goes to water provides is putting population land production. for into building the likely to However, his is farm an the is the grow native the olive the Each Egypt trees organic waste sh to to be layer of scraped, of of tank and of that is being outside and a to for per of cent the share of tonnes the the of the for Egypt’s is upstream have rst been Ethiopia Blue on food Nile were matter, on which pressure from pesticides Dam of Egyptian pesticides Nile, is which Egypt. sustainable has (Arabic agriculture. developed for originated growing in Central and One of aquaponics orchard). plants a basil, at Aquaponics America. farming mimics sh The to tanks lies sh as pond olive natural It sh in sh a and in are the to pH irrigate oil. 90 that nitrogen tanks, large that which used processes and per results and enables cent of from covered plant that protein. the absorbed ammonia-free pond oating trays peppers sh, then provide vegetable Water variations is ammonia into kale, tilapia slight tanks the nutritious the the Egypt. lettuce, resisting The in hydroponic thousand high-quality back farm through from grow. sh highly to annual who transformed sent the fed about system naturally duckweed, a reused. need sh Water produce closed 95 bulk million aquaponics known water. by cucumber, contains are that to cent demands system. containing including of Farrag, “Bustan” commercial tanks forms to per increasing the compound water yields Up and a 85 increased chemical 1950s, To farming increase plants dried called Egypt’s Since water, and for Renaissance Faris its Delta, pollutants fresh freshwater before Just is and of early developing to and breathing healthy. the of accounts itself. Ethiopian efciently nutrients plants in Cairo temperature This the is vegetables tomatoes. contains all growth resources. Valley environment. rst from water area Egypt form closed almost one-third individuals farmers on Nile supplies Egypt circulates it Grand outside same and the with population same from integrated Bustan the Egypt cut leading enables 152 to released the in The Although and introduced but strain irrigation, countries is a lives resources. used Egypt agriculture, is with by and a slimy regularly 4 Bustan Egypt. uses It 45,000 90 per produces heads Hydroponics a of is methods, inputs. for method of Inside mainly were to intends 20 and to would year grow grow farm traditional per to just per uses kill a a of than sustainable in methods potentially type faster aphids, on farming could single cent establish feed and to permaculture compost and in yield vegetable. average. biological order pest- avoid system produce by natural farming the Farrag it could as is well quite pumps has serve as a costly, used to invested as a means means of especially lter more water than of income education for for those require $43,500 on a to generation for hydroponic kitchens. water Vertical and cutting food units and crisis, could be rooftop is transportation also costs, established farming, an in effective emissions for light way a low source of develop and rooftops, of to the income. Find energy, sustainable this organic out options balconies country’s grow Research skills sustainable scheme. Small f u t u r E s soil. However, oil. than sh ladybirds that women, Bustan, as Farrag the unemployed farming. it of E n v i r o n m E n t s ’ L TA This such chickens water lettuce labour-intensive introducing fertilizers if make control less tonnes lettuce can Bustan chemical cent 6–8 E x t r E m E more in about farming Egypt, sh farms and rooftop in the including desert farms in cities. and serious food while waste. Desalination Desalination or desalinization removes salt from seawater. More ! generally, from desalination seawater water t for and may from human also soil. refer to Seawater consumption the is removal of salts desalinated to produce (potable water) and for and Common mistake minerals fresh ✗ irrigation. Some there hot, Due to high generally available and According to population needs, were 66.5 energy higher but Global by people. The cubic Arabia, 2014. In 2004 relied By seawater The main water energy to enough new The is that force to let Sorek a single one on to per is cent. any of in per from desert as there of water rivers, oases day in little 250 occur as water. include in long Sources exotic groundwater, and water. in is does areas desalinated However, rainfall there (less is than mm/year). seawater country. and to there producing Al-Khair metres comes world’s million Ras that areas. ✓ Agriculture hot, daily 2011, 300 is cubic one which expected for always the worldwide, project water of their In desert think agriculture are not locations. cent meet water groundwater running, per to million domestic contribution plants 14 are certain operating desalination of 1 water providing over cent in around plants seawater alternatives problem around day, desalination regarding it costs desalination too much. water against fresh water through plant is bringing produces Desalination countries. to salt technology world. is but no rain; Sorek it is account now the for has four largest. 70 per cent supply. criticism technology per entirely desalination 2050, rise per largest desalinating desalinated produced seawater ofIsrael’s will 40 of Intelligence, on largest over the Israel reserves desalination metres which Israel desalination, In it world’s Saudi of Water 16,000 costs alternatives, dependent 2025, around the the depletion are million input, than students is Australia, is the the The membranes while cost of Singapore more and the use uses that holding water salt from popular, several of a have desalination cheapest becoming and process reverse-osmosis great deal pores ions of small back. However, down. seawater especially countries in in the among the wealthy Persian Gulf 153 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS L TA are already heavy users of seawater desalination, and California is also Research skills starting Visit to embrace desalination. https://www.youtube. A major desalination plant is planned for San Diego in the USA. The com/watch?v= Carlsbad RYRuQCMG1Uk to short video on the desalination in San Diego county will soon be the seawater desalination plant in the western hemisphere. At a cost Al of Kha Project watch largest a Desalination $1 billion, there are not many communities that can afford such a plant. development. After three cannot When of the operational, gallons Still, years irrigate: of water that’s only assuming Seawater come is reduce In and Saudi well as and the there a plant the is critical 3 available as up million water is 50 water. million residents. Many much cheaper conserve. global Renewable a farmers than to needs. to conventional process. mud provide conservation resource but more county’s water stress, will region’s water drought-plagued contain freshwater desalination energy supplies is offers an a chance to emissions. Arabia plant. polycrystalline California, Diego of that energy-sucking desalination storage argue increasing costs 2015 San cent that in reservoirs Carlsbad to per becoming under expensive, the daily 7 environmentalists option, drought state’s solar other announced The plant cells. The efciency desalination will of the development have project systems a 15 includes to of the megawatt energy complement Al solar Kha array recovery, the solar using energy array, as seawater. Solar power Case study largely Using the deser t to power the world the A plan to use the Sahara Desert to with solar energy has of been several North African a protable solar are still going ahead despite from a their Germany, small to sustainability. amount produce Her data how was the Germany of the enough much power Nadine used of the world, (Figure In May, and to for a power be that be the map would example, the only needed world. suggesting needed Europe, to and just C.35). article In of part, from the the world’s sun than deserts that, receive humans and the in it “in just more consume in 2006 global Desertec new have 2009 the Desertec Foundation was aim was businesses from the to as supply possible world’s as many with deserts. people renewable Also in and to 154 Industrial Initiative was and also in reduce Europe, dependence response 2009, crisis targeted to fundamental to the issues Russian–Ukrainian fears of the of 2009. address technology addressing these peak However, crises, structural overcome change, gas oil, causes. these critics if arguably To problems issues of argued, was inequality. energy a year”. Moreover, they argued that large-scale “solutions” like Desertec established. to present climate change as a shared and problem with context. Such no political or socio-economic energy 2009, a view ignores the historical the actions Desertec was supply six tend Its a the food wanted should was change, engineering-focused In Desertec energy security Desertec conicts not hours, energy climate use states business. diversify Russia. without For to researcher would energy produce Sahara a suggested Sahara solar to 2005 with concept concerns on over initiative Desertec power promote projects sector the abandoned, attempting although private transforming power into Europe German-led aim formed, as a of western countries and energy TNCs, 4 e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ F u T u R e S Case study (continued) the problems the differences and the of the capitalist between periphery. The energy countries spread of model, in the solar and initiatives core energy energy this is utilizes just detracts to scarce provide from water for resources. rich sustainable it If the consumers, development. happened, fall in solar wind EU the of and turbines led in Desertec conclude that price panels As the in the to 2013 Europe could World produce most of its EU G renewable from energy within its own borders. 0 250 500 750 1,000 km Fir C.35: The amount of the Sahara Deser t needed to power the world, the European Union and Germany Solar in energy Tunisia, in the Northern Morocco and Sahara Algeria. is The still Tu going Nur ahead, project in with projects Tunisia will Activity 22 send 1. power to Europe in 2018. This seems inappropriate as Tunisia Explain one advantage depends and one disadvantage of on neighbouring Algeria for some of its own energy. The Moroccan desalination in extreme government has attracted funding from overseas lenders to develop environments. the world’s Originally it promoted However, argue was as a the that in project of to Morocco and be an solar export increase is in the control a Morocco’s exerted threat to on (CSP) project company sustainable, focused power by projects for Spain, supply has of on at but Ourzazate. it is Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of the energy. criticism. electrical 2. now renewable attracted TNCs national providing to plant Deser tec plans for solar Critics power in the Sahara Deser t. energy sovereignty. must the be grounded energy needs of in local L TA to as TNCs increasing development communities concentrating planned role the production For largest Research skills local Visit communities. In the context of the recent upheavals in the MENA http://www. region nurenergie.com/tunur/ (the “Arab Spring”) and the demands for national sovereignty, social to justice, freedom and improved access to food, projects involving nd solar which have a top-down approach increase the risk of and guarantee that pollution. Without schemes will community reduce involvement, poverty Tu Nur projects there is prospects and for the and UK no from such about energy displacement, the alienation out TNCs unemployment Tunisia http://www. or bbc.co.uk/news/science- preserve the natural environment. environment-29551063. Find out about the world’s The impacts and management of global climate largest change in extreme environments solar Ourzazate, energy plant Morocco at here: http://www.theguardian. Climate change and food security com/environment/2016/ The predicted 1.0–2.75°C, rise and precipitation is in arid likely temperature conditions to for will increase. the Sahel probably Higher area is worsen likely even temperatures will to be where raise feb/04/morocco-to-switch- on-rst-phase-of-worlds- largest-solar-plant. 155 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS evaporation hazards Sahel, likely levels such as causing to climate reduce and disruption reduce insecurity and oods and food in to will Poverty and will effectiveness. become agricultural production hunger. change precipitation droughts more systems. availability therefore These and Environmental common hazards increase exacerbate the in the are prices, food impacts of Sahel. Coping strategies adopted in Senegal Activity 23 Senegal has a projected 20 per cent reduction in rainfall and a 4°C increase Study Figure C.37 Rainfall in in temperature from a baseline of 1961–1990. Climate change will reduce the Sahel region. food 1. Describe the trends in leading rainfall variability shown. by to 2050. soil 2. yields by up approximately to an additional Overgrazing, erosion are 25 4 per cent million over-population leading to in relation people of desertication. at to risk marginal Senegal current of food lands is yields, insecurity and natural investigating various The rainfall as an average coping strategies that can be applied at the household or local level. for the period is shown as Theseinclude: 0 on the graph. Describe the value of using an index ● improving soil fertility ● improving the efciency ● adopting by the careful use of fertilizers in this way. 3. of irrigation systems and pest control “ The extent to which water and soil conservation techniques using diguettes countries accommodate (stone rows) to reduce run-off on slopes climate change depends ● developing the Great Green Wall of the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative more upon human factors (GGWSSI), that is, a massive line of trees across the southern Sahara than physical factors.” and Sahel to combat the combined effect of resource degradation Discuss this view. (deforestation and soil erosion) and drought/desertication. Case study more Coping in semi-arid regions – are common bartered in with the drier periods. sedentary Their farmers for animals grain. the African Sahel The indigenous region, the located humid adapted by a to make Sahel, areas of water later. seasonal that livestock income herds in and the diversication use of a for doing for market, also – allows variety of of so, they will to tend need utilize are and pastoralists to available because the animals have and sometimes, rainfall it to kept patterns. varies The with diet of the conditions. for for Herd make 156 in wetter periods, as the the both implications and far-reaching, international of in the can bring in climate enhanced climate projections that are likely socio-economic Sahel climate they global the and 1970s, frequent, changes temperature and and of Current in the 1980s, normal However, more These result environmental individuals since specically effect. The of in are Sahel. become famine. increases have and change threaten households, and beyond. are the serious lives also security. vegetation primary environmental effects of climate different include: indigenous More milk reduced with meat agricultural is food consumed more consequences, ● people be drought of changed have and may change, change grazing has droughts The resources pattern and climate and predict The consumption. the greenhouse arid goats the rainfall of devastation the migration cattle sheep the have conditions cultivation. diversied and Africa, permanent they patterns features pastoralists, by more subsistence also desert resources when suitable are greater In around meat meat As Unreliable Sahel environmental limited times not Sahara over-grazing migration are the semi-arid sub-Saharan growth. for the strategies. the vegetation Such areas of of combat sources of extreme use and leave milk the of between subtropics combination they to people being insecurity production and increased 4 e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ F u T u R e S Case study (continued) N 0 2,000 LIBYA EGYPT km ALGERIA SAHARA DESERT ETHIOPIA SUDAN SENEGAL Darfur Hyper-arid Arid NIGERIA Semi-arid Dry sub-humid GAMBIA Moist sub-humid Niger Delta KENYA UGANDA Humid Mt BURKINO Areas most at FASO from climate Kenya Rwenzori risk Mountains change Gulf of Guinea Mt Kilmanjaro Fir C.36: Areas of Sahel at risk of deser tication 4 3 2 xedni 1 llafniar 0 lehaS –1 –2 –3 –4 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Fir C.37: Rainfall in the Sahel region, 1900–2010 ● additional pressure accessibility and on water water availability, water ● demand loss to of territory transborder resources, ● ooding ● changes of low-lying humidity likely to encourage of disease by example disputes and the due pressure conict on between mosquitoes and tribes in Sudan the ● spread border areas Darfuri in for and migration environmentally induced migration, often other resulting in urban overcrowding vectors. ● The secondary change may sociopolitical effects of conict over energy supplies resulting from deforestation and competition international political for charcoal include: ● ● tension climate over resources such as water tension which cannot be and resolved without global arbitration. pasture Study Figure C.37 Rainfall in the Sahel region. L TA TOK Research skills Research case • How reliable is statistical data? • How can we draw conclusions from a limited sample? and Who collected the data and how reliable was their method? • Can we draw conclusions from such a small timescale? for the change population hot, develop management climate • and study arid in of on one a impact a local named environment. 157 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Coping with water shor tages in dry areas Some solutions environment. are “natural” Adaptations ● increased ● management ● exchange of ● increased use ● utilization ● windbreaks ● irrigating ● dune ● land mobility of of species wind silt-laden stabilization enclosure to using to the natural include: of herds species tree crops erosion of water straw bales wind adapt products river reduce to way) livestock and farmers shortages composition and reduce with water drought-tolerant wild to require traditional and livestock of to (the size and bare to soil restore and soil xerophytic plants erosion. The impacts of climate change on cold environments Any increase where Very the cold below mean L TA Until annual areas even changes temperature risk temperature glacial freezing greatest at in of is just recently, they likely below degradation as in to is occur the paid have only central experience to 0°C. and Canada likely temperature (such if are is Up in to a a greater little major rise periglacial 40 per attention to will in of areas freezing remain where point. well the permafrost thermokarst its in temperature. areas cent of impact below Antarctica) development little a northern The mean areas are (subsidence). region. Only Research skills about Visit http://www.psi.org. 100,000 factors are of now the country’s forcing them 33 to million pay people attention to live the north of 60°N. Two north: uk/ehb/projectskeenan. ● html on for the effects of Tuareg change climate has – just and tourism people of made when prices accessible of minerals minerals that are were high, once the warming locked in the ice climate ● change climate information on the the the a Sahel. There have people say is in who their no live question increased in the north are demanding and getting more of future. at that almost the Arctic twice the is warming. global Arctic average rate temperatures in the last 2 100 are years. to disappearing village of Chukchi be Up Sea. The completely climate change rise in level and warming sea rising ice can It on Army sea is sea not a by of area news. and a about The narrow Engineers 2025, The (an good remote Corps levels. ice victim villagers the of of Ireland) north-western strip of predicts may size sand that melting become to Kivalina ice, the Alaskan next the will coastal USA ’s rst refugees. Melting sea built US settlements bridges A is of uninhabitable and islands. km annually. Kivalina erosion Many 70,000 are located permafrost, due to at river coastal climate mouths, erosion, change will river conuences increased take a toll ooding on or and buildings, a ports, roads. climate be fatal. brings Life is many problems becoming more for the Inuit. expensive: Unpredictable snowmobiles must Pt C.21: Kivalina village, take longer routes, buildings are weakened by melting permafrost and, nor th-west Alaska, at risk of coastal erosion and ooding due to global climate change 158 ironically, the conditioners local in council 2006 after in Kunjuaq, temperatures Quebec (Canada) reached 31°C! bought For many, 10 air the 4 the hunter-gatherer environment make existence their is proving traditional way difcult of life as e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ changes F u T u R e S L TA traditional e x T R e m e in Research skills harder. Use Rising temperatures may have impacts on economic activities. or may become more productive as net primary productivity a search increases and other source of the growing season increases. In some places, forestry, forestry, may be possible. As ocean temperatures change, been what extent migration of sh species. People relying on shing will in to go further to catch the same sh, or alter their shing to take changes in species composition. For those that rely on seals may also nearly The changes be of exploration traditional economy Alberta. were zinc, climate – may life, by of mine. looking nickel, visit change on 6 iron and cent, and example, mining, and shing. second from Others ore For the In only to opening seeking in it Greenland of the gold, and Conduct a class debate. The gas motion is: “Local populations can and should do something to manage and adapt to climate oil-rich in change. TOK Inuit’s territory’s Nunavut to global had 2014. Nunavut’s that of oil the adapt the There during and with 2006, operating were effects. accommodation shipping, companies uranium. copper, paid far-reaching environment came 130 have tourism. in more the per boost the – may for stay hunting nearly the Of for and threaten based grew distribution possibilities tourists Much diamond their increased 80,000 effect in manage and climate whales, can into and/or account local extreme either environments have research there populations has to especially to coniferous of the information length engine Farming rst 2009, diamonds, 32 silver, change”. The alternative view is that “Local populations are unable to manage or adapt to climate change”. sapphires. The impact of climate change in the Himalayas If temperatures century, regions The there and region. headwaters of been melting major industry glacial in turn of people Regional both in in to an Experts have lake risk of rate in ow by for their of Asia that the a outside they recent the lifeline is for This likely biodiversity, the almost glaciers decades. and the provide Himalayan regimes of meltwaters. glaciers – end mountainous reserve; supplies, has been impounded in occurring. in one an increase behind the Such in the terminal potential country water a needed of a have trend to have a hydropower, threat disasters threatens often the number moraines. of glacial cross lives and size These lake boundaries: and properties such to formulate oods Himalayan as the and glaciers Indus, a with strategy water may Yellow to severely River deal effectively management and reduce Mekong, issues. run- with supplies. identied 25 worst-case system management is outburst Punakha-Wangdi warning in evidence water increase (glofs) a rivers on the 3°C by freshwater freshwater retreat shrinkage predict fed systems clear drinking or concentration a river is and another. impacts and on in forming, rise the major are 2050 consequences them unprecedented cooperation with largest major glacial from Long-term off of oods water by agriculture. lakes give outburst the and the There an 1.2°C adjoining changes impact result of at by far-reaching glaciers nine humanity. dramatic One have These for third causes be countries Himalayas polar increase may for plans, potentially scenario valley. glacier and of UNDP lake dangerous massive is working outburst improve the glacier ooding to oods, at lakes any establish an strengthen preparedness of local in Bhutan, time down early disaster risk- communities. 159 4 OPTION C E X T R E M E E N V IR O N M E N TS Tab C.10: Factors enabling adaptation to There climate change change Factr Communications Dtais The presence of diversied media and accessibility of information about weather in general and hazards in In number Table of level dangerous detailed of in will problems, an plan effort, as a will project Such training valuable China, a a evacuation and provide such that Thorthormi, country. surveys, engineering project Lake the factors enable adaptation to climate C.10). has glacial been lake controlled plan and in case to Pakistan, as drainage the evaluation. experiences Nepal, launched ranked lake Once lower effort of and most requires collapses, with the the a completed, countries India to one sound the similar Chile. L TA Research skills A system which functions even during extreme events Finance a (see unprecedented water par ticular Transpor t an are Access to Use a search climate engine change thefactors climate in in or one Table other source, named C.10 to extreme help to plan investigate management environment. for and How manage the far of can impacts of change? banking, credit and insurance The impact of climate change on the alpine ski industry products which Up to half of Switzerland’s ski resorts face economic hardship or spread risk before, bankruptcy because of global climate change. Low altitude resorts in during and after Italy, Germany and Austria may also have to move uphill in the future. extreme events Others Economic have diversication may have to rely on snow-making machines. Climate scientists Access to a range repeatedly warned that due to emissions of greenhouse gases, of economic and temperatures could rise by over 5°C by 2100. The European ski industry livelihood options is Education a multi-billion dollar industry. Basic language Climate change will have the effect of pushing more and more winter and other skills sports higher up mountains, concentrating impacts in an ever-decreasing necessary to number of high-altitude areas. Since 2000, some patches of permafrost understand risks that have existed for tens of thousands of years have disappeared. and shift livelihood strategies as Switzerland necessary now Organization and Right to organize snowline representation and to have become access to and reliable” voice concerns could through diverse $1.4billion has classied is around as above rise to at m. m, drop with and the below to which compared resorts. Over altitudes would 1,800 ski reliable” 1,200 unreliable resorts 230 “snow 63 next m. to In a per in 30–50 cent. lead 85 are 1,500 per could the Only these cent areas years, The one of these where snow could proportion scenario, tourism loss of are the of the “snow- snowline nearly present. public, private and civil society Knowledge The social and generation, scientic basis L TA organizations Research skills Muir Glacier, Muir, planning and to learn from learning experience, has Glacier, visible is named retreated retreating from its after by at visitor the about a pioneering 5 rate miles of centre. 50 Visit environmentalist since metres these 1970. a Another, year websites and to is no nd John Portage longer out about the proactively most recent changes to Alaska’s environment: identify hazards, analyse risk and develop response University of Alaska: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment at www.acia. uaf.edu. strategies that are Kenai Fjords National Park at www.nps.gov.kefj/index.htm. tailored to local Glacier conditions 160 Bay National park at www.nps.gov/glba. 4 e x T R e m e e n v I R o n m e n T S ’ F u T u R e S Concepts in contex t There the is are the races change of some change is to 5°C open opportunities example or to 2°C more. possibilities tourism, be for limited extreme will possibilities or transport positive, for such farming as and and whether vary of have at of change. much their an The – more Some impact indigenous but be negative TNCs possibilities than may the and some not way, traditional as erosion will governments sustainable on such coastal economic command environmentally have will desertication, stakeholders populations. the increased tourism, impacts risk with power farming Some the sea-level TNCs climate mineral and environments. of increased One whether Such for some regarding environments. change, ahead may of extreme change extraction, in number of scale climate it a future also and political indigenous operate and in this lifestyles an may of populations. Check your understanding 1. State the Arctic 2. Identify exist 3. name of the eight members of the 6. State the 7. Outline in Which the the two main Arctic resources identied as the mineral resources the group name who Yamal 5. of the Yamal Megaproject. in hot, most of live environmental in the Yamal impact of oil region. Ocean. arid likely areas to have lead to 8. Dene the for indigenous part of the the 9. Outline 10. Outline term “desertication”. been the main the likely causes of desertication. future change State the exploration that conicts? 4. purpose Council. on impact Europe’s ski of global climate industry. population year in the Peninsula. Identify group the resources makes use that this indigenous of. Synthesis and evaluation ● People in and economic, ● The scale pressure role ● places isolation, of There but of the processes exerted, indigenous Glacial by inputs means of a and of perspectives managed and are political) with challenges the on the civil TNCs, other in exist (social, places. terms environment of the and the societies. ways these not varies, extreme TNCs, do interactions in which include economic the extreme views migrants, governments. best and spatial and communities, systems showing and resilience are conservationists, ● environments by governments, many environments of extreme affected environmental national are in are represented outputs. climate graph by Climatic (bar a systems data chart and are diagram best line represented graph). 161 3 e x Am PRACTICe E C I T C A R P Study the 1:50,000 map extract of Zermat and the Gorner Glacier. 97 96 M A X E 95 94 93 92 91 621 622 623 (a) 624 (i) Locate (2 and this (c) the area. Explain an identify 626 two features 627 resulting from 628 glacial erosion. marks) (ii) Identify (b) 625 (2 three extreme map evidence that suggests tourism is important reasons why environment. the (2 + area 2 + in 2 the map can be considered marks) Either “Mineral to those resources who live in extreme there.” environments Discuss this rarely statement. bring (10 benets marks) Or “Agricultural leads 162 in marks) to development desertication.” in hot, Discuss arid this environments statement. (10 inevitably marks) O P T I O N D G E O P H Y S I C A L H A Z A R D S This Key terms optional hazard Haard The occurrence (realization) of a v hazard, the eects of which change demographic, economic and/or environmental conditions. events. internal and as ows. Geophysical activity, theme and focuses processes, landslides, The impacts Dsasr earth volcanic such theme on hazards such and as mass rockslides, also It include earthquakes movements debris includes responses. geophysical the considers or mud human the A major hazard event that causes concepts of risk and vulnerability, resilience widespread disruption to a and adaptation. community or region, with signicant demographic, economic and/or environmental losses, and which the aected community is unable to deal with adequately without outside help. You will read geophysical be or case studies hazard interpreted locations as severity with about events of different contrasting (contrasting impacts can and/ socio-economic realities): Rsk The probability of a hazard event causing harmful consequences ● (expected losses in terms of death, two earthquake magnitudes injuries, proper ty damage, economy human but hazard with events very of similar contrasting impacts and environment). ● Vra two volcanic hazard events in contrasting The geographic conditions that increase plate boundary locations the susceptibility of a community to ● two mass movement hazard events with a hazard or to the impacts of a hazard contrasting physical characteristics (fast/ event. slow; Haard The degree to which a hazard is r considered to be a threat by dierent solid/loose). people. Key questions Sdar Indirect eects or secondary eects haards of a natural hazard occurring after the 1. How do geophysical geophysical events processes of differing give types rise to and initial primary hazards. magnitudes? Haard A threat (whether natural or human) 2. How do geophysical systems generate that has the potential to cause loss hazard risks for different places? of life, injury, proper ty damage, socio-economic disruption or 3. environmental degradation. Rs How does the geophysical different The ability to protect lives, livelihoods varying hazards local power affect of people in contexts? and infrastructure from destruction, 4. What are the future possibilities and to the ability to recover after a for lessening human vulnerability to hazard has occurred. geophysical Adaa hazards? Ways in which human activities/ actions are altered to take into account the increasing risk of hazards. 163 1 Geophysical systems Conceptual understanding Key question How do geophysical differing types and processes give rise to geophysical events of magnitudes? Key content ● Mechanics of convection plate movement currents, plumes, including internal subduction and heating, rifting at plate margins ● Characteristics ● volcanoes varying secondary hazards Characteristics wavetypes) and human associated and of (shield, earthquakes caused by lahars, (depth types building, hazards eruption, ows, varying (dam composite volcanic (pyroclastic triggers of of cinder) associated landslides) focus, plate resource (tsunami, and and epicentre margin movement extraction) landslides, and and liquefaction, faults) Classication (physical of types secondary transverse ● of formedby and of mass movement human), liquidity, types speed according of onset, to cause duration, extent frequency Mechanisms of plate movement The theory number of of plate layers tectonics (Figure states D.1). On that the the Earth outside is made there is a up of very a thin rigid Figure D.1: The internal structure crust, that is composed of thicker continental crust and thinner oceanic of the Ear th crust. Underneath is a owing but solid mantle that Atmosphere Continental 12–40 (20–60 miles (0–5 makes up 82percent of the volume of the Earth. miles Seawater 0–3 crust km) Deeper still is a very dense and very hot core, the km) outer core being liquid and the inner core solid. In Lithosphere Oceanic crust 30–125 3 miles (5 miles these concentric layers become increasingly km) (50–200 Uppermost general km) more dense towards these layers is the centre. The density of mantle Asthenosphere Upper controlled by temperature and mantle pressure. 250 miles (400 km) 310 Transition zone miles (500 The ow of heat from the Earth’s interior to the km) surface (that comes is, from radioactive two main decay of sources – materials radiogenic in the Lower mantle 1800 mantle and crust) and primordial heat (that is, miles (2900 the km) Outer heat lost by the Earth as it continues to cool core from 3200 its original formation). Earth heat transport miles (5100 occurs km) Inner by convection, due 3963 conduction and volcanic core advection. to Most mantle of the Earth’s convection, internal with the heat ow remaining is heat miles (6378 164 the km) mainly originating in the Earth’s crust. Only about 1 1percent is due earthquakes Almost all to and of volcanic mountain the Earth’s activity, internal l a t o T heat t at the through surface the Large-scale is by e in r r i o w o n conduction fl e a t h crust. convection currents ) r e p p U occur S y S t e M S building. i loss G e o p H y S i c A l the Earth’s interior. Hot ( 2 2 % e l t n a m magma to the rises through surface and the then core spreads ) r e out at mid-ocean ridges. w o L The ( 3 2 % e l t n a m Heat cold solidied crust sinks transport back mechanism into the Earth’s interior because h t r a l a t o t ) . ’s x h o t r r p a p E a , E f t o it is heavier and denser than i v i s surrounding material. The cause of i o f o w o fl % ( of movement uranium is and radioactive potassium ( decay in Advection Convection ) t a e h the r O n D e u s the 2 2 % e r o C I the e n n r Conduction mantle. Subduction of one plate refers to beneath the plunging Fgr D.2: Global internal heat ow another. Source: Percentages based on review in Dye, ST. 2012. “Geoneutrinos and the radioactive power of the Subduction zones form where an Ear th”. Reviews of Geophysics, 50(3); and Arevalo Jr, R, McDonough, WF and Luong, M. 2009. “The K/U oceanic lithospheric plate collides ratio of the silicate Ear th: Insights into mantle composition, structure and thermal evolution”. Earth with another continental plate or – and Planetary Science Letters, 278(3). Pp 36 1–69. whether oceanic. The density (a) of the that oceanic of the plate is similar aesthenosphere , Upwelling a to so convection in mantle easily (lithospheric) and therefore into upper crust than the melt mantle. remains surrounding Asthenosphere mantle, for millions subduction carries of years; on, so driven, once the subducting crust. The in part, by subducting the weight plate (b) Lateral tension pulls at A the the plume ow. is, rest refers Plumes the of mid-ocean to or outward the plate ridge a but small hotspots ow of behind cool area can as of Plates are move unusually cause viscous it. they to move. and the of create drag Most they may crust. lava, a force plumes be are the high movement, rock from the Hawaiian plates found responsible However, the on for world’s Hotspot, and the near the is on the block; rift faulting magma and intrudes downward along surface faults, lava hot heat centre them rifting abundant not causing Lateral movement original rift continues with further intrusions parallel to faults margins original most central that cause plate develops, the away. (c) may of drags giving or Asthenosphere initiated, movement of form Lithosphere the oceanic denser to reppU cooler, down crust eltnam Subducted pushed oceanic tsurC be the it Partial can causes ridge of source plate margin. (d) Rifting occurs example the Thingvellir, and the other. be East each of Africa Iceland, main consist constructive Eurasian In the at Plate case, cause rock are is Valley the boundaries, or North moving hotspot of that Rift where plate hotter The and is rift rift from less dense rifting colder plate. Hot material wells up to ll the gaps created by the repeated periodically as upwelling to created than the Key Movement beneath spreading of rising Movement of lithosphere Dykes material Solid gabbro-like Solid peridotite crust Basalt lava the Solidifying ridges is Plate mantle older, sequence continues each believed valleys Main at American away activity rifting. the for gabbro mantle plates. Fgr D.3: Rifting 165 1 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L Vas Activity 1 1. HAZ ARDS There are Three of many types of volcano formed by various kinds of eruption. Describe the main internal the most common are shield, composite and cinder volcanoes. heat ows within the Ear th. 2. Explain how convection Shield volcanoes currents may lead Shield to rifting. no volcanoes ejected basaltic builds crater This Loa lava. up Because shield and type a of which 110 km height oor lava ph D.1: Mount Etna showing at from is 500 ows a of hot, is so be the which no are lava have The Loa 16 is explosive formed can activity, from ow gently the sea 20th is oor is Hawaii, side km summit volcano the in and The on found crater Mauna during is it can level. base km. there volcanoes shallow sea its when very great sloping therefore hot, runny distances. sides, a It shallow circumference. volcano has up Shield volcanoes, large circumference is build fragments. still for with a whereas 4,171 is m 9,750 active the of Mauna just 6°. diameter above m, and example slope and sea its there The of level, the but diameter were many volcano the on total the sea large-scale century. Composite volcanoes many craters and a restaurant Composite and by lava the of are (or by outows. summit this strato) formed and type, for The main blow a secondary very as for off violently the cone and cooled a of a may explosion, base. Mount layers crater. cone are most of common fragmental characterized The Etna and highest and lava, for large a type by in of volcano material slopes volcanoes Vesuvius of a a fed in followed of the Italy, period of of larger 3° near world are Chimborazo crater builds 79. ad blown main cones The up and The which grow can pipe pipe, may within volcano inactivity. in was a the explosion crater parasitic gas Vesuvius from large Sometimes pressure the lava, cases, much Etna. example part and Frequently, long the ash some form Mount after of In develop. on eruption with violent in example violent plugged a top the the Mexico. consists accumulates the sides, near in are eruptions volcanoes example Popacatepetl cone These 5° and which volcanoes alternating on the suffer a becomes the result volcano is erupted away. Cinder volcanoes Cinder volcanoes accumulate L TA shape a depends are formed steep on the by conical nature fragments hill of around the of the material. solid vent It is material to form usually which a cone. concave The as Research skills the Use to a search nd the engine images volcanoes text. of Describe of the at usually in main cones contrasting in spreads on very Guatemala the high which the out size (up is of to near the 300 3,350 western USA m the base material. m) with and such all as and the ash. Big has Cinder a steep and ash exception There Cinder are Butte angle cones Volcano many and of 30°–40° are Du ash not Fuego and Inferno eruptions are violent – lava is ejected into the volcanoes. breaks up into cinders, ash and other fragments. atmosphere in cinder Cone. least The two material depending the mentioned characteristics 166 as and 1 G e o p H y S i c A l S y S t e M S Icelandic Volcanic eruptions Lava eruptions The amount between of the continuously) are and infrequent continents more them Icelandic (Figure and the a but and lava in in Japan violent). Lava silica-rich block eruption Iceland the is what and Hawaii and the vents until the where This the causes enough difference Hawaiian erupt Philippines released sediments. makes (which (where oceans the meet lava pressure eruptions has to the become built up to Strombolian open. lava D.4). horizontal in those absorbs viscous break silica volcanoes eruptions Large plains. On Columbia are characterized quantities a large of basaltic scale these by persistent lava may have ssure build formed up the eruption vast Deccan Plateau Plateau. Vulcanian Unlike vent. than the Icelandic Occasional the volcano lava and lava eruptions, pyroclastic eruption. gases activity Runny escape Hawaiian occurs, basaltic eruptions but lava this ows is involve less down a central important the sides of the easily. Pyroclastic eruptions Vesuvian Strombolian rock. from into eruptions Eruptions the the air, Vulcanian gases in crust of spews are crater. and when eruptions explosions are lava. quantities blast out gas these magma solidied explosive commonly Frequent viscous large are marked settle violent Often of and and a cool occur the eruption ash sticky or that white blast of steam of runny the cooled the blow clears into form a the the lava of trapped overlying blocked vent atmosphere. lava. emitted cone. pressure off (Sub-Plinian) pyroclastic cloud they to produce quantities when sufcient volcanic plugs by explosions becomes of eruptions and Violent Fragments gas build up Plinian the cone of Vesuvian push ash cover clouds and eruptions clouds the Plinian ash are high are pulverized characterized into surrounding eruptions of pumice. the sky. by Lava very powerful ows also blasts occur. of Ash gas falls that to area. extremely rock and violent ash that eruptions are characterized kilometres thick. Gas by huge rushes Fgr D.4: Volcanic eruptions up through the sticky lava and blasts ash and fragments into the sky in and their eect on relief huge of explosions. the Large volcano of after viscous with may quantities Named Gas the of be lava away magma Mount forming ows, and blasted viscous 1902 magma, pyroclastic clouds also during are Pelee glowing which can the erupted eruption, ash produce rush the slopes. Part eruption. in Pelean these (“nuee down are eruptions. violent ardentes”) steep-sided conical eruptions associated volcanoes. Volcanic hazards There are volcanic a number eruptions. eruption, for of primary The example and primary lava secondary hazards ows, ash are fallout, hazards the associated direct impacts pyroclastic ows with of and the gas ph D.2: A pyroclastic ow, Soufrière Hills, Montserrat 167 1 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS emissions. material Secondary reacts rainwater to snow ice Ash is and and as especially to cause – The to the – trees up the are occur – occur around on debris eruption Mt people trail can are risk and the at the join the air and be ejected with volcano may melt particles powerful Some of large away lungs. thick are also ash is enough havoc to are with knock extremely km/hour. vary spatially. of debris, ows have ground Also be them fragments may the enough 500 pyroclastic ows can cause of over to dangerous, people’s eruption from fallen very ne speeds debris that may from can destruction. Further mudows and volcanic at gases. of way ash centimetres ows travel with heat damage few Dust the may an Close ash prove impact on more settlements. Landslides the a and or These can a Pyroclastic associated and only collapse. leave – particles to (jokulhlaup). through deposits. layer due example, ood travelled ash to poisonous hazardous, distant to 700°C volcano and ne be For (lahars), glacial fall patterns. and to has small building hazards falls a climate down hot as a that a may form. mudows trigger pyroclastic heavy global to hazards changes form debris known fairly or St also associated avalanches the to same occur. Helens in time One 1980 with and as of volcanic lahars. an the which activity. Debris eruption, most was Two avalanches and famous triggered they is the by an main types commonly may also massive help landslide earthquake. The 3 landslide ank blast of contained Mt from Lahars heavy the are rain serious towns of just swept The at gases debris are of 3,000 cattle however, heavier animals dioxide over of 70 (mass the and released responsible over 2,000 a as of in for pressure the on the horizontal per all than so of it on One Casita owed It of particularly Volcano from down in 50 magma, m the in Hurricane towards the of and was number tectonic the to were source and km. travelling suffocated, Because beneath lake 25 killed. deprived The deep up thick dioxide. Cameroon large from of area cloud a result people carbon m a escaped 1,700 50 as distance to hazard. contains gas asphyxiated. of combination primary a up life was the or for were gas were A lahars. rainwater formed Some animal chamber as Africa. volume oxygen, they direct valleys The with Nyos, gas other unaffected. basaltic of of deposits people a hour. risk Rodriguez. West Lake huge clouds km the saturated Rolando such movement). volcanic example and denser a on 1986 oxygen, was partially neighbouring died, were and material, increases equator lakes, into ash and an the August of of was became killed ground-hugging speeds km landslide Porvenir north In of unstable lahar down and occurred The El 1 volcano. form deep-crater activity. Helens and The of Volcanic lies a lahar Nicaragua. Mitch. St over Plants, it people of is and carbon Cameroon. ear hqaks An earthquake originate tension 168 from or is a the series focus compression the point the earthquake. on the of – seismic the suddenly surface of the vibrations point at which (Figure Earth or shock the D.5). The immediately waves plates epicentre above which release the their marks focus of 1 Shallow-focus earthquakes occur relatively close to the G e o p H y S i c A l ground S y S t e M S surface, Fold whereas deep-focus earthquakes occur at considerable depth Sea the ground. damage as Shallow-focus less of the earthquakes energy released have by the greater potential earthquake is mountain under to level Epicentre do absorbed by 0 overlying A large material. earthquake can be preceded by smaller tremors known 100 as Shallow-focus foreshocks and followed by numerous aftershocks. Aftershocks earthquake can 200 be particularly been travel weakened along the by surface the of rst the they damage main Earth shock. and also buildings Seismic through that have waves the are body able 300 Oceanic of crust htpeD to because )mk( already devastating 400 the Earth. 500 Wave types Deep-focus earthquakes 600 When Two an earthquake main types (FigureD.6). of occurs waves Body it creates occur: waves are body different waves transmitted types and of shock surface upwards waves. waves towards the surface Fgr D.5: Shallow- and deep-focus from the ● the focus of the earthquake. Shock waves inside the Earth include ear thquakes, and the epicentre following. Primary (P) through waves solids and or pressure liquids – waves they are shake the the fastest earth and can backwards move and forwards. ● Secondary and are move When (S) waves unable to horizontally, P-waves transformed and into Body or move shear causing S-waves surface waves through much reach move liquids – with they a sideways make the motion ground damage. the surface, some of them are waves: waves P-wave ph D.3: Lahars, Montserrat S-wave Surface waves Love wave Rayleigh wave Fgr D.6: Body waves and surface waves 169 1 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS ● Love ● Rayleigh Love they waves waves cause P-waves surface. waves and the and By cause P-waves felt is faster in it the are 1. are some fastest By semi-liquid a rock transmitted (up to The core. waves body vertically. (It explosion when 6.1 move liquid the in the up and down. through that they the crust, the it air, in but which the rst can and the refracted because compressing which ground create the the movement mantle, S-waves in the to by surface. the waves, direction makes focus ground down than sound the the is slowed faster like in reach wave are travel same earthquake hence, the waves the the produced once surface, compresses from km/sec); P-waves reaches also sideways. slowly are waves deeper contrast, and P-wave to travel condensational/compressional, When move ground waves surface P-wave. travels. expanding Activity 2 a of to damage. S-waves travel the Rayleigh contrast, from ground cause most transformation the they move. move, the they and mostly sound of an Describe the main an earthquake occurs.) dierences between P-waves and S-waves. S-waves, shearing 2. by contrast, motion, are distortional. making them They slower move (they with travel at a side-to-side 4.1 km/sec) and Outline the dierences are unable to travel through liquids. They make the ground move both between Love waves and vertically and horizontally. Since buildings cannot withstand much Rayleigh waves. horizontal stress, S-waves do far more damage than P-waves. Ear thquakes and plate boundaries The of movement the deepest When to the warm creates time into In oceanic up. the the crust can of namely into descends, However, a it mid-ocean the up the it subduction to 700 hotter distorts subduction has small slid km uid and is several way rate of a and brittle The are zone creates below mantle cracks relatively hundred size brittle 1.5 However, metres, the it and fast, some ground. takes time eventually so by kilometres caused by the down the the and occur as and of rate magma from cannot 7.5 the cm occur few pressure the of a extend every created rocks release of and energy, upon the Along solidies and Earthquakes more by deform depends cools, a centimetres movement. below. of earthquake earthquake could earthquake the magma is chances last large rocks, snapping of cm a which on the the movements stress faults activity since between The slab faults time than the snap. upwelling the of of few rather descending to earthquake growth). increases earthquake. due a of length earthquakes because kilometres. at years This the lot ngernail ridges cracks a the movement give of is as move Many the thickness there grow of plates. eventually then slab into recorded, slides cracked hundred year. moving 170 has Plates rate involve each crust the where (the couple crust mantle. increases. are As earthquake year oceanic earthquakes. areas an of earthquakes than a here few 1 A. Human triggers Earthquake G e o p H y S i c A l S y S t e M S frequency 90 Nevertheless, many earthquakes 80 a long boundary. as the to of human nuclear fracking are activity, of and plate such large the dams, testing of weapons. example, waste any these construction mining, For Some from water during from the the 70 60 rep/sekauqhtraE related way htnom occur 50 40 30 20 1960s 10 Rocky 0 J Mountain Arsenal Colorado, was underlying The contaminated warfare agents, were off for site decided March deep. 1962, chemical the costly dispose well to of it transport soon it was down was Disposal and toxic Thus that M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D over began Contaminated waste was a series of in an of in J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 6 5 4 3 2 1 afterwards fluid injected 0 minor area earthquake J 7 F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J previously 1962 free M A M 8 J earthquakes F injected No there J 9 had snoilliM 3,500 m too disposal. to disposal by and B. into water rep/snollag wastes a injected rocks. F Denver, h t no m been in activity. 1963 1964 1965 None Fgr D.7: Ear thquake frequency and underground liquid waste disposal of the earthquakes damage, but Between the injection reactivated a the long larger was a of time. the of Man-made least 1755, According study over sea) liquid of The 700 more of disposal minor the article in 8,000 between earthquakes waste minor have in the earthquakes linked the to and The events been lead UK that were monitored known Guardian 2012 well in (9 year (Figure was in activities in the about in a result under that in were in UK 1991 the at human UK in link the at ground. least three activity. (excluding more recorded well, the sharply. since 2015), the and fell shook of inactive the When 1966 area the and been down D.7). lled September as had pumped Derbyshire recorded found lubricated which was detected mines every human bedrock faults earthquakes earthquakes 1970 the water stopped. collapsing occur into underground earthquake earthquakes an waste deep number when to of the minor earthquakes the real alarm. 1965 series discovered, number A caused and any area. The for they 1962 caused than the 40 UK. Activity 3 But Study Figure D.7 which shows with the gradual closure of the deep coal mines, the number of tremors the relationship between has fallen by 95 per cent. ear thquake frequency and Since 1970, at least one in ve earthquakes under the UK have been underground liquid waste disposal. Describe the man-made. relationship between the two Fracking (also known as hydraulic fracturing) is a process in which variables. Suggest reasons to water, containing certain chemicals, is injected at very high pressure explain the relationship. into rocks in order to open up their pore spaces and release natural 171 1 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS gas contained triggering 2.3 To of within magnitude date, the biggest magnitude the man-made be greater under In Nevada device people km Earthquakes large land tests been associated fracking a led by with to the a of a any is believe rocks are that unlikely damage. earthquakes in carried In cause series Polynesian island. earthquake Experts Tremors people. earthquakes producing 2014. shale-bearing triggered has fracking in rarely felt testing the the of UK’s which has France on on of the out 1966 a area over island of a over 80 number tonne fallout of bombs the in following underground Moruroa. 120,000 radioactive in 1,200 tonne which More than nuclear was measured downwind. can be caused surfaces. by the 3, minor 1966, live reservoirs dammed 30 has 2011, occurred usually testing detonated, 3,000 stable over Since was in underground explosion 120,000 over off days. nuclear nuclear not In example which magnitude are UK. Lancashire. published 2 Fracking the in earthquakes 1968 set in Canada, than Underground three in magnitude places. rocks. earthquake 4.4 to the earthquakes can the For by adding example, trigger Hoover increased the weight earthquakes. Dam to form In Lake loads of on water 1935 the Mead. previously behind Colorado As the lake river was lled, and 3 the of underlying water, than strong adjusted long-dormant 6,000 events rocks minor were to in earthquakes recorded enough faults to be up felt to the the over 1973, by new area the were next about residents. increased 10 of over reactivated, 10 per None load years. cent caused km causing Over of 40 more 10,000 which were damage. Resultant hazards of ear thquakes Most earthquakes occur with little if any advance warning. Some places, such L TA Research and as California and T okyo which have considerable experience of earthquakes, communication skills have developed increase Use the “How New Scientist fracking earthquakes in Most UK” (https://www.newscientist. com/article/dn21120- article full Guardian discussed transport many that earthquakes-in-the-uk/) the problems In action about structures. above the associated (Table and some follow frequent are systems injuries services. how-fracking-caused- and “earthquake awareness plans” what to and do in information an programmes to earthquake. article caused the public cases, earthquake the may more are main be The and it damage collapse also more tremor. completely as to of affects damage earthquake, Aftershocks than D.1). deaths, main with is buildings, building the caused they by shake subdued but Buildings destroyed work the structures of the and causes emergency aftershocks already longer partly by the the structures lasting damaged weakened and more during the aftershocks. (http://www.theguardian. Some earthquakes involve large-scale earth movement, generally along com/environment/2015/ fault lines. This may lead to the fracture of gas pipes as well as causing sep/09/uk-experiences- damage to transport routes and lines of communication. The cost of three-earthquakes-a-year- repairing such fractures is considerable. due-to-human-activity- study-says) short class 172 and make presentation called to “Outline of the evidence for causes earthquakes”. of the a your human Transverse the faults fracture TheSan North is occur vertical, Andreas American intermittently Fault and where and in movement are California Pacic following the they the plates. the is It build-up a horizontal of transverse does of is product not fault move pressure. but earthquakes. between smoothly the but 1 Earthquakes landslides, may cause other liquefaction and geomorphological tsunamis. For hazards example, such the G e o p H y S i c A l S y S t e M S ta D.1: Ear thquake hazards and impacts as Good prmar Friday earthquake (magnitude 8.5) that shook Anchorage, Alaska, haard March 1964 released twice as much energy as the 1906 San and was felt over an area of nearly 1.3 million Loss of life Francisco Ground 2 earthquake, imas in km . More Loss of livelihood shaking than 130 caused. people It were triggered amount of as California, killed, large damage. It and over avalanches also caused a $500 and million landslides series of of damage which tsunamis was caused through Total or par tial a the huge Pacic Sdar destruction of buildings haard Interruption of water far as Hawaii and Japan. Ground supplies failure The relative importance of factors affecting earthquakes varies a Breakage of sewage and soil great deal. For example, the Kobe earthquake of January 1995 had a disposal systems liquefaction magnitude 7.2 and caused over 5,000 deaths. By contrast, the Northridge Loss of public utilities earthquake that affected parts of Los Angeles in January 1994 was 6.6 Landslides such as electricity on the Richter scale but caused only 57 deaths. On the other hand, an and rockfalls and gas earthquake of force 6.6 at Maharashtra in India, in September 1993, Debris ow Floods due to collapsed killed over 22,000 people. and mudow dams Why did these three earthquakes have such differing effects? Kobe and Tsunamis Release of hazardous Los Angeles are in known earthquake zones, and buildings are built to material withstand earthquakes. In addition, local people have been prepared Fires for earthquake events. By contrast Maharashtra has little experience of Spread of chronic earthquakes. Houses were unstable and quickly destroyed, and people illness due to lack of had little idea about how to manage the situation. sanitary conditions Another that earthquake damage withstand many poor killed same or often time in their blocks planning not serious villages wealthy concrete without area ground when many an most or people injured high-rise built is shaking in noted where and people the In inner the city mud-walled were collapsed – seismic buildings movement. old, for killed some of are 1992 not of had to earthquake, Cairo collapsed. injured these shows designed Cairo slums homes or activity when were At the modern actually been permission. Mass mvms Mass movements surface glacier that or are include not ocean any large-scale accompanied wave. They by a moving very ● fast movement, such as avalanches ● dry movement, such as rockfalls ● very A range occur, are of large be and and processes vary in occur more classied type ● speed of ● water content ● material. such (for terms of as as number movement: ows, movement agent the such Earth’s as a river, creep mudows. example, infrequently, a soil overland magnitude, continuous, in ● of such movements, slope which smaller can uid movements, of include: ● slow movement notably such of as slides, (Figure rockfalls, soil different ow frequency creep. and and mudows) scale. whereas The types Some others of are processes ways: slumps (Figure D.8) D.9) ph D.4: Mass movement– landslide 173 1 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Flow Wet River Percolation baseflow Throughflow Mudflow Surface run-off Creep Earthflow Streams Solifluction Landslide Earthflow or mudflow Debris Solifluction cm/sec avalanche 1 ry/mm ry/mm 1.0 1 Extremely slow Causes of mass movements likelihood of a slope failing can be expressed by its safety factor. Estimate the speed of a) This is the relative strength or resistance to it. The of the slope compared with the ear thows and mudows, force that is trying move most important factors that determine and ) soliuction. movement 2. are gravity, slope angle and pore pressure. Classify the following mass Gravity has two effects. First it acts to move the material downslope (a movements: soil creep, slide component). Second it acts to stick the particles to the slope (a stick soliuction and rockslides. component). of the cases The particle lls pressure. the downslope and slope spaces Pore movement angle. between pressure will Water the is particles. greatly proportional lubricates This increase to particles forces the the and them ability of weight in some apart the under material Activity 5 to 1. Explain how shear strength move. material This on factor is low-angle of particular importance in movements of wet slopes. and shear stress aect a Slope failure is caused by two factors: slope’s potential to fail. 2. ● a ● an reduction in the internal resistance, or shear strength, of the slope Outline the main primary and secondary hazards associated with increase mass in shear stress – that is, the forces attempting to pull downslope. ear thquakes. Both can occur at the same time. ta D.2: Increasing stress and decreasing resistance Far exams Factors contributing to increased shear stress Removal of lateral suppor t through Erosion by rivers and glaciers, wave action, faulting, previous rockfalls undercutting or slope steepening or slides Removal of underlying suppor t Undercutting by rivers and waves, subsurface solution, loss of strength by exposure of sediments 174 Loading of slope Weight of water, vegetation, accumulation of debris Lateral pressure Water in cracks, freezing in cracks, swelling, pressure release Transient stresses Ear thquakes, movement of trees in wind a 0 1 0 1 slow 0 ry/mc Very – – – 1 1 0 1 1 yad/mm yad/mc Slow 1 9 8 – 1 0 1 0 Moderate 7 – – 1 0 1 1 yad/m ces/m Rapid 6 5 – 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 rapid 4 – – – ces/mc Very 3 2 1 1 rapid Fgr D.9: A classication of mass movements by speed The 1. 1 1 Extremely Fgr D.8: Types of mass movement 0 ces/m 063 Fast Activity 4 1 Slide 0 Rockslide Slow 1 rh/mk creep 0 1 creep Talus 0 1 0 Dry soil Heave 2 3 5 Seasonal 0 Landslide 1 Far G e o p H y S i c A l S y S t e M S exams Factors contributing to reduced shear strength Weathering eects Disintegration of granular rocks; hydration of clay minerals; chemical solution of minerals (that is, the weathering of cer tain chemicals, notably calcium carbonate), in rock or soil Changes in pore water Saturation, softening of material pressure Changes of structure Creation of ssures in clays, remoulding of sands and clays Organic eects Burrowing of animals, decay of roots Case study Nepal landslides, 2015 Landslides are common in Nepal. The and ice, The vertical shearing its young geology, seismic activity, and intense cloudbursts, has a earth-moving events. Factors that include seasonal rainfall, on its descent. m over distance of 2–3 km. The valley a below severely like obstructed the threat of and covered landslides by will debris. It continue trigger to landslides rock 700–800 history looks of was steep was slopes more region, horizontal with off distance exist in this impoverished and vulnerable road country. construction slides. and slopes Unfortunately, contributed to huge weakened all of landslides Nepal during the Gorkha 2015. One the largest of avalanche loss of at life landslide Langtang. as entire consisted these in This an a ice caused large previous some earthquake was settlements of by factors of and of April of buried. freefall contrast people on The the to live managed rock substantial were mass In parts up that or to North slow-moving ensure Nepal, on a in near many point. Island, The New earthow. the town parts landslides of that town of Zealand, world be Taihape is Monitoring remains the can built is on used a to safe. rock Concepts in contex t There are many geophysical term, core, such as helping Others are although processes hazards. the operating Some of radioactive these decay to drive convection very short term, their impact may such be to are in produce very the long Earth’s currents. as long extremely whereas and Some the powerful, others soliuction Human earthquakes, term. are are (types activities frequency including not, of can landslides of be many such such as as mass seen a supervolcano, soil to be geophysical and creep movement). increasing hazards, earthquakes. Check your understanding 1. Identify the three main layers within 6. theEarth. 2. Outline within 3. Describe 4. Outline the main internal heat ow is 7. main an of subduction. differences composite between between shield between the focus and epicentre earthquake. Compare (S) process and Distinguish volcanic the Earth. the volcanoes 5. of what the Distinguish primary (P) waves and secondary waves. 8. Dene the term “mass movement”. 9. Briey explain the term “shear strength”. 10. Briey explain the term “shear stress”. volcanoes. primary and secondary hazards. 175 2 Geophysical hazard risks Saa dsr f ghsa haard vs Conceptual understanding Ear thquakes Tectonic hazards include seismic activity (earthquakes), volcanoes and K qs tsunamis. How do geophysical hazard of the world’s earthquakes occur in clearly dened systems linear generate Most risks for patterns (Figure D.10). These linear chains generally follow different plate boundaries. For example, there is a clear line of earthquakes places? along the Atlantic centre Ridge of (a the Atlantic constructive Ocean plate in association boundary). with Similarly, the Mid- there are K distinct ● The spatial distribution geophysical hazard (earthquakes, of cases events volcanoes, mass movements) these The eastern of the belts earthquakes linear chains along Pacic beneath relevance of earthquakes Broad ● lines is the are west associated South of around quite coast with American earthquakes Pacic broad. of For South the Plate, are the Ocean. example, America subduction a of destructive associated In with the and the plate some line of around Nazca the Plate boundary. subduction zones hazard (where magnitude and recurrence intervals a dense ocean plate plunges beneath a less-dense continental frequency/ plate), for whereas narrower belts of earthquakes are associated with risk constructive plate margins, where new material apart. Collision boundaries, is formed and plates management are ● Geophysical hazard risk as moving of economic associated of technology), (education, demographic boundaries, and factors broad belts of earthquakes, whereas are conservative such belt as of California’s earthquakes San Andreas (although fault this can line, still give be a over km wide). In addition, These may there be appear due to to be human isolated occurrences activities or to although there isolated (population structure) factors narrow earthquakes. plumes political with gender), of density Himalayas, social 100 factors the development relatively and in factors plate (levels as a also product such of rising magma known as hotspots. and (governance) Volcanoes ● Geographical geophysical impacts, hazard including location, degree factors of time of affecting event rural/urban day and isolation Fgr D.10: Spatial distribution of ear thquakes 176 Most some volcanoes are exceptions, hotspots. About found such as at the plate boundaries volcanoes three-quarters of the of Hawaii, Earth’s 550 which are occur historically over active 2 volcanoes lie along the Pacic Ring of Fire (Figure G e o p H y S i c A l D.11). This H A z A R D R i S K S includes Activity 6 many of the world’s Philippines), Mt St Mt Helens active Unzen (USA) vulcanicity Nyiragongo most in recent (Japan), and Mt Nevado include the volcanoes, Iceland, Democratic Agung del Ruiz such (Java), Mt Mt of in the Congo. Pinatubo Chichon (Colombia). Montserrat Republic as Other 1. (Mexico), areas Caribbean Most (the and volcanoes ear thquakes. Mt that 2. are studied are above ground, but some submarine volcanoes, Describe the spatial distribution of of such Identify and locate: as a. Kick ’em Jenny off Grenada in the Caribbean, are also monitored a constructive plate closely. margin Volcanoes are found along the boundaries of the Earth’s major plates. . Although the deeper levels of the Earth are much hotter than a destructive plate the margin surface, the However, which rocks along feeds are the the usually plate not molten boundaries because there is the molten pressure rock is so high. . (magma), volcanoes. 3. a collision zone. Distinguish between continental and oceanic The volcanoes in the Pacic Rim or Ring of Fire are caused by the crust. subduction in the such oceans as the beneath crust Plate provides the North The Andes, are are of chains Islands the for beneath volcanoes example, the are found of Plate. example, the the South at or volcanic by islands the crust, have the of as fold formed Subduction island arcs, subducting subduction of an oceanic mountains where the are Nazca Plate. boundaries. the Plate young been crust. known Pacic American plate middle continental Where continental formed in oceanic formed American beneath subducts all either Aleutian occurs formed. Not beneath ocean. Those The in Hawaii, Hawaiian for Islands Fgr D.11: The Pacic Ring of Fire a line islands west that have the These been volcanic stretch across Ocean. older north- Pacic volcanoes caused by ASIA the movement of plates Kamchatka above a hot part of Katmi the Peninsula (Novarupta) uid mantle. A hotspot Kurile Mt or mantle plume – a Mt jet of hot material Rainier Islands rising St Helens Mt Japan Shasta Lassen Peak Fuji from the deep within the Popocatepétl mantle – is responsible for Taiwan El Chichón Hawaii the volcanoes. There are Philippines Fuego Paricutin a number of hotspots Santa in Nevado Atlantic and they are Pelée del Ruiz Irazu Equator the Mt Maria Celebes New New Galapagos Cotopaxi Islands Guinea associated with Hebrides volcanicity Chimborozo Indonesia Samoa El in the Canary Islands, Tonga- Kermadec Azores and Iceland Misti (Figure San AUSTRALIA Pedro Chain Ojos D.12). Hotspots can also Easter Taupo found beneath del be Salado Island continents, Ruapehue Osorno as in the case of the East PACIFIC African Rift Valley, and OCEAN these can produce Mt isolated Burney South volcanoes. These hotspots Sandwich Deception can play a part in the Buckle up of continents and Island Islands breakIsland Graham Land the Peninsula ANTARCTICA formation of new oceans. ANTARCTICA Mt Erebus 177 2 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Landslides Jan GREENLAND Mayen Landslides are phenomena on Earth, naturally in every including occurring environment the tropics, the Iceland temperate and also regions, the the ocean. high latitudes However, fatal Heimaey Surtsey Submarine reported landslides tend areas have: ● eruption that active to be tectonic more common processes that in lead to 1884 high rates seismic of uplift and occasional events Azores ● Canary high levels including high Cape precipitation, high annual short-term totals and intensities Verde AFRICA Islands ● Equator of Islands St Peter St Paul a high population density. and Rocks East Rift African Where absent, Ascension one or two of these factors are Valley the risk of fatal landslides is Island reduced. St The Helena map of fatal landslides (Figure Trinidade Tristan Gough da D.13) shows occur in Island in ● place. the schemes Those ● central fatal landslides countries are less locations southern mountain Fgr D.12: Volcanicity in the most low-income mitigation Cunha that edge of where likely to the Himalayan chain China Atlantic and the East African ● south-west ● along India Rift Valley the Japan, Fgr D.13: The distribution of fatal landslides, 2006–2007 178 western Taiwan ● central ● the Caribbean ● the western boundary and Indonesia, and edge the in the Philippine sea plate through Philippines particular central of of South the island of Java Mexico America, especially be include: Colombia. 2 There has Europe, also been tropical a scattering parts of Africa of fatal and landslides North G e o p H y S i c A l elsewhere, H A z A R D R i S K S ph D.5: St John’s Cathedral, through Antigua – rebuilt after a America. devastating ear thquake in 1843 th rva f haard magd ad frq/rrr r vas fr rsk maagm The of recurrence occurrence events have have a very interval in a years high low for an return event destructive Figure D.14). events versus earthquakes These are events a is period period. many into the most expected size. In there ones frequency general, whereas Thus minor large are (Table small events fewer D.3 and high-frequency/low-magnitude high-magnitude cause the particular return return but generalized low-frequency high-magnitude period of frequency/short frequency/high highly greatest or events. destruction Low-frequency and require the management. ta D.3: Annual frequency of occurrence of ear thquakes of dierent magnitude based on obser vations since 1900 Aa Dsrr Magd avrag Haard a Great ≥ 8 1 Total destruction, high loss of life Major 7–7.9 18 Serious building damage, major loss of life Strong 6–6.9 120 Large losses, especially in urban areas Moderate 5–5.9 800 Signicant losses in populated areas Light 4–4.9 6,200 Usually felt, some structural damage Minor 3–3.9 49,000 Typically felt but usually little damage Left side of the required to produce chart shows the the energy magnitude released of by the the earthquake earthquake. and The right middle side of represents the chart the shows amount the of high relative explosive frequencies. Energy Magnitude (equivalent release of explosive) 123 trillion lb. 10 Chile Alaska (1960) (56 4 (1964) trillion trillion kg) lb. 9 Japan Great earthquake; near (2011) (1.8 Krakatoa destruction, massive loss of life New Madrid, Mo. impact, large loss severe of kg) Francisco eruption 123 World’s 3 San earthquake; volcanic (1812) 8 Major trillion total largest nuclear test billion (56 Mount St Helens lb. (USSR) (1906) economic billion kg) eruption life Loma Prieta, Calif. (1989) 4 7 billion lb. 20 Kobe, Strong earthquake; Japan Northridge, ($ billions), loss of (1995) (1.8 billion 123 million kg) damage Calif. (1994) life Hiroshima 6 atomic bomb lb. 200 (56 Moderate Long property million kg) earthquake; Island, N.Y . (1884) damage 4 million lb. 2,000 5 Light earthquake; some property Average (1.8 tornado million kg) damage 12,300 4 lb. 12,000 (56,000 Minor felt by kg) earthquake; Large humans lightning bolt 4,000 3 lb. 100,000 (1,800 Moderate lightning 123 2 kg) bolt lb. 1,000,000 (56 Number of earthquakes per year kg) (worldwide) Fgr D.14: Ear thquake frequency and destructive power 179 2 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Ear thquake frequency and magnitude In 1935 Charles developed The scale scale is more the is 10 Richter Richter logarithmic, times powerful more than For and every increases energy produces increase by over of to an California measure of 3.0. Scale on one which that the Every than M are of 5.0 4.0 are the of on 0.2 Technology of the and earthquakes. Richter 100 times increasingly measures similar scale increase of magnitude of Scientists (M) gures Institute the earthquake powerful 1 30. the so one MomentMagnitude released of scale to the the amount using amount Richter of a of energy scale. energy represents the released doubling of the released. Measuring volcanoes The strength (VEI) (Table explosion, caused. of the Any a volcano D.4). This height is of explosion is measured based the on cloud above by the it level the creates 5 Volcanic amount is of and Explosive material the considered amount to be Index ejected of very in the damage large 3 and violent. material, about 10 A VEI times 74,000 8, or supervolcano, more years than a VEI 7. ejects The more last than eruption 1,000 of a km VEI 8 of was ago. ta D.4: Magnitude and frequency of volcanic eruptions Vei cassa Dsr Hgh f Vm f Frq r maras f r m rd <100 m <10, 000 m 100– 10,000 m exam orrs as 10,0 0 0 ars 3 0 Hawaiian Non- Daily Kilauea Many Hekla, Iceland Many explosive 3 1 Hawaiian/ Gentle Strombolian Daily (2000) 1,000 m 3 2 Strombolian/ Explosive 1–5 km Weekly 1,000,000 m Unzen, Japan 3,477 (1990) Vulcanian 3 3 Vulcanian/ Severe 3–15 km 10,000,000 m Yearly Nevado del 868 Ruiz (1985) Pelean 3 4 Pelean/Plinian Cataclysmic 10–25 km ≥10 years 0.1 km Soufrière Hills 278 (1995) 3 5 Plinian Paroxysmal 25 km ≥50 years 1 km Mt St Helens 84 (1980) 3 6 Plinian/Ultra- Colossal 25 km ≥100 years 10 km Krakatoa 39 (1883) Plinian 3 7 Plinian/Ultra- Super- Plinian colossal Plinian/Ultra- Mega- Plinian colossal 25 km ≥1,000 >100 km Tambora 4 ≥10,000 Toba (73,000 None years BP) years 3 8 180 25 km >1,000 km 2 G e o p H y S i c A l H A z A R D R i S K S t a D.5: Selected catastrophic landslides of the 20th and 2 1st centuries and their impacts yar la ladsd trggr imas cmms 3 vm (m ) 9 1933 Diexi, Sichuan 150 × 10 M7.5 ear thquake 2,400 killed; Min river Draining of the lake by dammed for 45 days over-spilling Heavy 2,000 killed; rockslide A 100 m wave of precipitation and led to a catastrophic water over topped the high lake levels ood hydroelectric dam; Province, China 6 1963 Vaoint Dam, Italy 270 × 10 possible reactivation of a relict landslide 6 1970 Nevado M7.7 ear thquake 305 × 10 Huascaran rock 18,000 killed; city of Average velocity 280 km/ Yungay destroyed hr; same peak aected by similar failure in 1962 debris/avalanche (4,000–5,000 killed) (Peru) 9 1980 Mt St Helens Volcanic eruption 2.8 × 10 5–10 killed; most people Rotational rock slide; evacuated; destruction average speed 125 km/hr of infrastructure; Spirit Lake dammed 6 1985 Catastrophic lahar, 90 × 10 Nevado del Ruiz Snowmelt lahar 23,000 killed; city of Peak velocity 50–80 km/ triggered by Armero buried (40 km hr; economic losses $1 volcanic eruption away) billion 27 killed; losses of $400 Velocity over 300 km/hr 6 1987 Val Pola landslide Severe rainfall 40 × 10 million (Italy) 6 1999 Malpa rockfall and 1 × 10 debris ow (India) High-intensity 221 killed; Malpa river Former landslides at the rainfall dammed; followed by same site outburst ood 9 2007 1,000 casualties; Failure of 450 m high, rockslide/debris Guinsaugon village forested rock slope avalanche, Leyte buried under 4–7 m Island, Philippines deep debris Guinsaugon Heavy rainfall 15 × 10 6 2014 Nepal Heavy rainfall 5.5 × 10 156 Creation of many temporary lakes 6 2015 Guatemala Heavy rainfall 220 × 10 220 Some villages were covered by over 15 m of earth L TA Ghsa haard rsk as a rd f m, Research skills sa, dmgrah ad a fars Use Environmental Although is only areas The that the of cause the for are the of school people by Poor people live of living structuralist poor the occur. result example, occur when hazard explanation. hazards behavioural hazards by, the part hazards in of why or of at they foot social – people live on risk. biological, in this hazardous themselves By out a search about landslides their engine the in impact to nd Ashcroft Canada on and transport routes. system of slopes at risk contrast, constraints steep at places? slopes. political as are environmental put the or live such that steep stresses and such in People of property geophysical considers events. the areas be and because do thought prevailing unsafe may is thought natural on school the So It people placed the or on country. oodplains 181 2 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS – because of they thought are prevented provides underdevelopment countries. may be more Katrina than The Even at were on of hazard number in a risk but of especially hazardous factors ● of housing afford in City. of classes class Construction Sichuan ● poorly Access are to to areas. of many USA, This hazards populations impacts population of the developing certain the school and the of Hurricane affected region of not people events. in, of This and people’s Aside depends their the physical property in a the large effects the vulnerability from on the this car to simple of a affected natural fact number were earthquake poor people in located. inuences ownership world’s 20,000 fatalities was only of of living factors. following: 1976, the ravines Most was have were of the the and no but to to live Guatemala gorges middle widely in of ability option killed and quality their where and recognized upper as having a impact. and building that schools codes: whereas were there was government destroyed criticism buildings (suggesting that during the remained the schools built). technology: issued black development: Many styles many the example, increase the live earthquake standing were and housing survived. markedly as includes status can include the For vulnerability In better society. the people in environmental dependency poor, catastrophic towns. Most the of also insurance. low-quality ● on living such others. factors wealth that shanty economic countries than area, Economic Levels from between vulnerability area. hazards, and sections natural A link rich greater other concept in a people communications in via are Japan, earthquake smartphones; better able to and people keep up tsunami with to date warnings greater with access to warnings Fgr D.15: The process of and forecasts. vulnerability 1 ROOT 2 CAUSES 3 DYNAMIC UNSAFE PRESSURES DISASTER HAZARDS CONDITIONS Fragile physical environment Lack of Dangerous Unprotected Local locations institutions Earthquake Training Appropriate Local buildings and High skills Limited access (cyclone/ investments Fragile to local hurricane/ Local markets Press freedom economy Power typhoon) Structures winds infrastructure Ethical Livelihoods Low at public = risk standards Resources in RISK Hazard income + Flooding levels life Vulnerability Volcanic Vulnerable Ideologies Macro-forces R = H + V eruption society Political Rapid population systems Special Lack groups Landslide growth at Economic Rapid Arms Debt risk urbanization systems Drought of local expenditure institutions Virus repayment Public actions of schedules Deforestation Decline Lack disaster preparedness in soil Prevalence productivity of endemic disease 182 pests and 2 ● Insurance cover: cover they their Social ● and housing factors also have natural ● Public a can the to poor be who affected have in a no insurance natural hazard as a better education better-quality understanding generally housing of the and nature have a higher vehicles. and the They may potential of events education: the is R i S K S poor. with greater it likely H A z A R D following: afford hazard reduce is the people and most quality include Education: income generally are G e o p H y S i c A l educational number of deaths programmes as a result of in Japan have helped to earthquakes. ph D.6: Vulnerability to ● Awareness of hazards: the 2004 tsunami in South Asia alerted many hazards is increased by proximity people to the dangers that tsunamis present. to features such as volcanoes; ● Gender: parents In many and some even if they Population especially Age: 65 were ● Migrants: ● 2011 was Cultural scientists or networks; may the not for have children them the and/or following means to their an leave pictured here is the former church event. an at Plymouth, Montserrat area following. number urban to areas natural those who move hazards mortality that some warnings has; responsible large people twice other the their of rapidly such as growing cities Port-au-Prince are in in Haiti are hazards. died in the Japanese tsunami in 2011 of the of an area the in cultural extent gures; control perceived they that disabled normal the authority the of the are: amount and rate of to present or may in the unaware of Japanese tsunami population. factors of trust the that in extent autonomy hazard be environment. inuence public government, and that success a of social L TA to it of factors: response feels a large natural the for 60. when the Disability: of ● of cent feel include vulnerable over carers to. density: per are women want areas; aged some may factors hazardous ● they societies, Demographic ● women Research skills community level. To nd out more, visit http://webra.cas.sc.edu/ Political factors include the following. hvri/, ● The nature of society: the failure of the Burmese government the Hazards Vulnerability allow aid to the victims of Cyclone Nargis in 2008 increased of deaths from disease and from Effectiveness (China) which the in of lines 2008 of communication: brought mobilized a 100,000 swift troops the response and earthquake from allowed the in Sichuan overseas aid Carolina. the government, into Availability few deaths successful Survey) and readiness from the prediction who had of emergency eruption of the of Mt eruption monitored the personnel: Pinatubo by the volcano in there 1991 USGS site Type search the includes Vulnerability box SOVI at the webpage. were due (US South (SOVI). the of of The Social Index into country. top ● the malnutrition. University ● Research the Institute number and to to the Geological Activity 7 closely. Describe the distribution of Many of these much more factors help vulnerable to to explain natural why hazards less-developed than countries industrialized are countries. social vulnerability to natural hazards in the USA. 183 2 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Ggrah fars ag h mas f ghsa vs The impacts of geophysical events depend on a number of interrelated factors. ● The magnitude stronger of 6.0 4.0; ! the the frequency earthquake, the Richter more the scale aftershocks is of more 100 there events: damage times are for it can more the example, do. An powerful greater the the earthquake than damage one that of is Common mistake done. ✗ the on and Some that students the most geophysical and those greatest are destructive events, causing loss those think of of Earthquakes underground (deep-focus more eruptions life, occur are absorb the that earthquakes) greater of of potentially the VEI impacts 6 than 7 of the (such VEI to the 0 as (for surface damaging earthquakes) energy or close more since deep-focus Krakatoa example, (shallow-focus than earthquakes overlying rocks earthquakes. and Tambora) deep will Volcanic will have Kilauea). largest ● Population density: population density, a geophysical event that hits an urban area of high magnitude. ✓ The impact of a far geophysical event depends many such as on factors occurred quality buildings, Type the the event of buildings: buildings 2010 despite hits deaths the a area rural in the focus underground, as well as of Japan, area 1985 being of low 200 inict population Mexico over could City km and earthquake away. have countries been built to generally be have earthquake better- resistant. of the New earthquake Zealand destroyed earthquakes more although buildings they were than of close/ magnitude. People in high-income countries are also the more magnitude high-income that Port-au-Prince 2010–2011 comparable likely to have insurance cover than those in low-income event. countries, ● Time of cause Activity 8 so day: more industrial 1. that the Tokyo (submarine/ the distant) city, one of the location The deep in than Most in of quality ofthe damage density. as population ● density, more building such recovery an earthquake deaths and after than the during one commercial event at a areas a easier. busy quiet on is time, time. such There Sundays; at as are night rush hour, fewer more may people people in are Work out the total number of at home. Time of day is less of a factor in the case of volcanic eruptions, global deaths for each hazard and these do not generally have such a sudden onset. over the 10-year period shown in Table D.6. 2. ● Distance from decrease with the geophysical distance from event: the the volcano, impact of whereas a volcano the effect may of an Work out the total number of earthquake may be greater further away from the epicentre. Most deaths from geophysical events damage will occur where there are the most buildings and people, in each of the years. Comment particularly if structures have not been built to strict construction on the trend in deaths as a standards. result of geophysical events. ● 3. Types of rocks and sediments: loose materials may act like liquid Work out the average number of when shaken, much safer, a process known as liquefaction. Solid rock is deaths for each hazard per year. 4. and buildings built on at areas of rock are more sediments solid are at Identify the natural hazard that earthquake resistant. Unconsolidated volcanic high caused the greatest number risk of landslide compared with solid geology, for example the Casita of deaths. volcano 5. in Nicaragua following Hurricane Mitch. State the natural hazard that ● Secondary hazards: these may cause more fatalities than the original caused the least loss of life. event. 6. Compare the number of deaths by main cause of death in 2004 and 2012. 184 the For example, Pinatubo volcanic more eruption eruption. contaminated and Other water, people died Nevado secondary disease, del due to Ruiz hazards hunger and lahars than following during include the tsunamis, hypothermia. res, 2 ● Economic better services, will development: level be of better more responses effective to high-income preparedness access funds the than to to and technology cover the Christchurch the responses countries more cost effective and of better coping earthquakes to the in will G e o p H y S i c A l generally emergency health with New Port-au-Prince have H A z A R D R i S K S a response services. disasters. Zealand There The were earthquake in more Haiti. ta D.6: Number of deaths attributed to geophysical hazards, 2004–2014 (worldwide) 20 04 20 05 20 0 6 227,290 76,240 6,690 Mass movements 610 650 Volcanic eruptions 2 3 Ear thquakes and 20 07 20 08 20 09 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 780 87,920 1,890 226,740 20,950 710 1,120 662 1650 270 620 690 3,400 310 520 280 N/A 5 10 20 N/A 320 3 N/A N/A 55 tsunamis N/A indicates that no data is available L TA Research skills Visit Activity 9 http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/chrr/research/proles/ natural disaster subnational weighted product areas by at risk for risk mortality (GDP) combined proles from and impacted. from key 13 countries, natural others by hazards. the Multi-hazard hazard showing Some proportion disaster maps of maps 1. for information With the use of examples, examine the risk posed by on natural hazards and their are gross show likely impacts in rich and domestic poor countries. the groups. 2. Visit http://www.cred.be, Epidemiology of the Disasters Centre for Research on Comment on the impact of hazards on mor tality and the economic loss. (CRED). Concepts in contex t Some geophysical distinct locations, earthquakes others for powerful whereas are along appear location, hazards such to as plate be example powerful common. in are whereas geophysical hazards is that it geophysical affects. example Very rare, hazards interval very of characteristics their quite recurrence impact in and movements. hazards The geophysical varied mass low-magnitude more occur boundaries, more geophysical mainly volcanoes long. of The are of Some parts the vulnerable and geophysical place the of varies the elderly, to and geophysical may affect vary in with the places population, inrm rescue/relief hazards to hazards population development buildings from the women, more level of and hazards. the quality operations. power for young, and The of Hence, impact place. Check your understanding 1. Describe the distribution of the world’s main 7. earthquakes. 2. Briey describe “Pacic Ring of the meaning of the On average, have a scale or Explain how Fire’. 4. Describe hotspots 8. cause chains of the distribution of of Moment earthquakes over 8.0 on Magnitude the per year Richter Scale? State the range of annual deaths attributed to deaths attributed to 2004–2014. volcanoes. 9. the many term volcanoes, 3. how magnitude landslide State the mass movements, range of annual fatalities, 2004–2014. 2006–2007. 10. 5. Explain the term “recurrence Identify had 6. Explain the term the geophysical events that have interval”. “supervolcano”. greatest impact in terms of loss of life, 2004–2014. 185 3 Hazard risk and vulnerability Vra Conceptual Vulnerability understanding of a has community, effects of a Risk Hazard been dened system or as asset the characteristics that make it and circumstances susceptible to the damaging hazard. K qs How does the geophysical in different varying hazards local power affect = people Vulnerability of contexts? the range of psychological they K ● Geophysical proles, hazard including secondary live The generally a hazards. varied impacts of cause hazards aspects of Vulnerability is the human economic, factors dimension social, that shape of cultural, people’s disasters and institutional, lives and the is the result political and environment that is the and complex. poor who It consequence people to live in is tend of not to simply suffer disaster unsafe about most risk locations poverty, from because and although disasters. economic conditions. it Poverty is is both pressures multidimensional factors and drivers that create Poverty and the vulnerability mean on that different × these other geophysical Exposure in. Vulnerability event any force ● × of susceptibility to the impacts of hazards is often, but not always, human associated with certain groups, including women, children, the elderly, well-being. the ● Reasons why levels disabled, migrants vary within including hazard communities, spatial variations perception , and relates physical factors, buildings, in others. to a number of factors, including: for example unregulated land poor design and construction of use social factors, social exclusion for example poverty and inequality, marginalization, preparedness. and ● age economic that are factors, as a result environmental addition, vulnerability and environmental Many Disaster of urban in risk and not people or of people and the example is resource that and depends economic assets exposure) it to the is to and resources, a that resulting the or explain supply of so chains cultural, the social existing including in of on. political, shape themselves poorly vulnerability world. hazard reection loss areas economic decline and vulnerability, severity also suffer help nd of disability on uninsured, facing change, historical, increasing, regions on but of so environmental natural people the business processes drivers are of status, and communities; workers poor by in rural climate determined countries exposed, of services, underlying only (and industry; social factors, working globalization for natural gender, vulnerable single conditions the assets vulnerability a development, many of people sector; ecosystem institutional increasing of factors, and managed example on by psychological over-consumption risk-regulating within. for factors) (unregulated) management, In discrimination other dependent pressure ● and (among informal 186 among personal ● knowledge populations, between ● and displaced of Vulnerability vulnerability and of damage. why some or the the number susceptibility Levels of non-extreme 3 hazards events A can do lead and environmental, pressures of extreme impacts and disasters, while R i S K some A n D V u l n e R A b i l i t y extreme not. vulnerability of to H A z A R D that different capacity create a diagnostic ● a planning ● a risk ● a tool tool tool to to assessment for social, vulnerability frameworks. ● assessment economic, A VCA and can understand prioritize tool to empowering and is be considers approached applied through their actions specic mobilising wide and range political a number as: and sequence assess a institutional problems and help (VCA) cultural, underlying and causes inputs risks vulnerable communities. Rsk Risk or or disaster destruction Disaster risk between a current that Managing ● rapid then the ● the the urban can insurance at the and resist the in a of loss given consequence that make of life, period of of the people injury, time. interaction and places of be increasing may increase loss shared sector, so will across that exposure, and to dangerous increase a wide rms high levels environment may to range be levels. $415 of able It billion is estimated by sectors, to of degradation 2030. for recover example: from sector, so that buildings are built according to and urban takes level, management of a and account an and risk community, recover the (DRM) disaster from sectors, the so on that likelihood understanding decisions procedures of planning into of the of can be (DRR) organization or events including of new event can life-saving facilities. thought reduction disasters of location hazard hazard preparedness, location a of as and society through L TA risk capacity with, as development inuence implementation the risk community evacuation Disaster likelihood codes land-use inform the disaster characteristics annual construction developments ● a losses building ● the patterns disaster disaster as from recognized and average risk expressed exposed. global global is damage widely and inequality, grow, is hazard vulnerable If risk and the includes to anticipate, activities Research skills building related cope to: Visit org/ the ● prevention: generally ● ● the less mitigation: example respond costly the preparedness: avoidance than reduction the and adverse disaster of the knowledge governments, to of recover relief and adverse and the of and impacts hazards of of out about Nations (UN) is hazards interested individuals of (which nd United Plan of Risk Reduction Action on Disaster response) impacts capacities communities from impacts http://www.unisdr. and hazard to parties, for Resilience. for anticipate, events or conditions. 187 3 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Ear thquakes Case study shacks Haiti’s ear thquake, 2010 a On 12 January 2010 an earthquake on the Richter scale occurred just 25 of Port-au-Prince, at a depth unstable, in the steep suburb ravines. of After Pétionville of the capital’s mayor said that 60 per in cent km of west on collapsed measuring 2008, 7.0 perched school its buildings were unsafe even under normal only conditions. 13 km were below A below as the third surface. as 5.9, surface, of 230,000 injured the strong the and 56 km population people were around Further and just south-west was killed, a aftershocks occurred affected: 250,000 million people 9 of km the The city. about more were aid. were made homeless. Red athird people. sniffer island of Hispaniola (shared by Haiti days had dogs, Dominican Republic) sits on the a small between strip the of the North tectonic plates. Earth’s to Dominican in 1946. Fault, side But which of during the of its makes city shanty a so 2 earthquakes. a serious plates been century of the the Red of the densely Bank Haitian inactivity. buildings, a million around it are overcrowded, hopelessly shaking. stress What position populated residents 0 lived mainly of in doctors, blankets countries, United and trained food including – was Mexico, Britain, Crews France, of Germany, Dominicans, engineers, were telecoms among technicians the rst to and join the effort. led Port-au- assistance with pending the released $10 and Yet most of thousands this capital, UN 200 aid institutions the (which 0 of its from were Because the pledged too their government, has been trying 3 The UN $13.7 late in for fund, million. the rubble even quake organizations World or injuries. weak the The emergency trapped for in. commitment, board. its arrived were treatment disaster. poured million countries who the also $100 million governmental tin-roofed a approval European Haiti’s badly ill-suited Many Cuba. Cross, awaiting region China, and Financial Garden the was the 200,000 The quake accumulating power to on tents, other of only it shallow. withstanding Prince’s the close settlements constructed to had destructive so and violent suffered Enriquillo-Plantain than its and but separates epicentre, capital The the border, more magnied rare Republic form to – and relief vulnerable the earthquake, food people emergency crust American This in million needed and the Caribbean the 3 – Gonave including squeezed after and from Canada microplate, – that population delivered Help Venezuela, the estimated Haiti’s Seven Nations pledged The Cross of before devastated many non- (NGOs) to create Toussaint and a the viable Louverture Roads International km ATLANTIC Airport km Port-au- OCEAN Prince Bay CUBA Cap Haïtien N ISRAELI Seaport Gonaïves SPANISH DOMINICAN Port-au-Prince HAITI REPUBLIC Delmas Champs Santo du Port-au-Prince Mars Pétion Jimani Domingo San Isidro Ville Jacmel Club Barahona Pétionville WFP Field EPICENTRE Caribbean 12 Sea hospitals January Fgr D.16: The location of Haiti and the 2010 ear thquake 188 distribution hubs Urban areas RUSSIAN 3 H A z A R D R i S K A n D V u l n e R A b i l i t y Case study (continued) government losing Haiti and in Haiti buildings is it one was of and the since 2004) essential world’s were poorest overpopulated destroyed, and plastic more staff. Months countries, vulnerable tarpaulins, durable after even crowded, two the so suspended on poles, were a option. the disaster many the families camps could were not still claim 2 before re the disaster. stations was and abolished do anything an already many no in for country army 1995 itself. feeble hospitals The – The health and – the and had only Haitian it was clinics, Tens powerless earthquake service army by to degraded destroying centres run by including Médecins sans all m of that and NGO. Crowded and Haiti has corruption, people ecological long suffered extreme month working Food the again, had streets in in the disaster though died Programme people 1989 of their (WFP) capital hospitals not before aid to rescue changed to withstand normally and rice nearby were Around and relief providing the begin hurricanes rains in that were The to was cleared of it killed phase, (and million Most of the shock. 63 There robust May, from and June gathered almost aftershocks to recycled as in many never enforced so of these that and had But San are Francisco mainly designed venture into their survived. relief Some workers were of illegal But Haiti’s onwards. effective. to in Haiti’s, because to of is ideas withstand to t for concrete Haitian codes, cheap rubber pads blocks as government and can has hardly do in will Many Haiti schools, take roads between Dominicans into their unless fear country and $8 a due reconstruction is billion ood to the swift and of long-term strategy for rebuilding Haiti is vital. sleeping many before the earthquake Haiti was poor, were houses that the homes, migrants poverty issued reckoned one building billion. the hundreds continuing, back plenty between infrastructure $14 degraded, aid dependent and even few basic services. “Building back better” with must tents. For away. now. other enough were tyres absorbers. had if electricity. years magnitude people, are environmentally scared near similar there shock Even too on riverbeds, rubble. focus landslides) in follow people camps; With just buildings from A rough. of earthquake-proong: World 2.5 areas. shelter earnest may 550,000 makeshift is or from thousands injuries. gave Port-au-Prince the without housing earthquake Rebuilding After still squatting slopes stress. after survivors were proper were steep inequality the A people necessary. three most and of deemed Frontières, but squabbling workers dangerous thousands most California an aid thousands potentially The aid 12 be more than just a slogan. simple Case study The Christchurch, New Zealand, ear thquakes, 2010–2012 Christchurch urban The area 2010 is New with a Zealand’s population Christchurch magnitude earthquake second-largest of earthquake which was struck a the earthquake which 386,000. 7.1 of New Zealand at 4.35 am (local 4 September 2010. Aftershocks 2012. The strongest 2010 2010 aftershock was a earthquake, 2011. On which account of occurred this Christchurch, on being so was 185 just people it was one being much killed. more conrmed In fatality epicentre was 40 km west from the at a depth of earthquake 10 km. Insurance were conrmed being between NZD2.75 billion and NZD3.5 close (New Zealand dollars). Private insurance destructive, contrast, of attack the 22 and with heart with earthquake earthquake’s Christchurch, billion to a 6.3 at February to continued claims magnitude due associated time) of into another been earthquake). The on (and have South The Island may the individual costs were up to NZD4 billion. there 2010 189 3 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Case study the Fault earthquake Kermadec a Saturday morning, in when the early most hours people of were Trough movement asleep, per happened N line Relative many of them in timber-framed homes. year Kermadec Moreover, building standards in New Zealand Trough Auckland are high. and NORTH 47 ISLAND Following 1855 the Wairarapa 1848 Marlborough earthquakes, which mm both seriously affected Wellington, building Hikurangi standards NEW were introduced. These were further ZEALAND Trough strengthened following the 1931 Hawke’s Bay PACIFIC Magnitude of PLATE earthquake. In contrast, Haiti had much lower earthquake Wellington building 6.3 41 standards, which were poorly enforced mm and many buildings were made of hand-made, AUSTRALIAN Christchurch non-reinforced PLATE vulnerable populated less to concrete, seismic areas strong than of which damage. Canterbury for the Haiti is extremely Ground was shaking also in generally earthquake. SOUTH ISLAND 37 Sewers mm 0 were damaged and water pipes were 300 broken. The water supply at Rolleston, south- km west of Christchurch, was contaminated. Power Fgr D.17: Plate movement and the Christchurch to up to 75 per cent of the city was disrupted. ear thquake Christchurch International Airport was closed Source: Guinness, P and Nagle, G. 2014. London, UK. Hodder Education Earthquakes property capable damage of and causing loss of signicant life can occur in following the of cancelled. it were area on average every 55 100 fault lines have been identied region, some as close as 20 km from stages However, the 2010 quake a previously unknown fault. The response of the Pacic was located about current surface location boundary (Figure 80–90 of km August magnitude including 2012, 2.0 26 over or over 5.0 efforts of emergency the services response. Over managed 40 search the and personnel from and three sniffer the North Island the earthquake to dogs were Christchurch the the day of Australia– The 2011 earthquake D.17). 11,000 more relief south-east The By and earthquake on epicentre out occurred brought on and central rescue Christchurch. in in early the ights years. Christchurch’s Around and the Emergency Christchurch earthquake had aftershocks been magnitude a of the recorded, and 2 over 6.0 February powerful city, killing earthquake local magnitude. 2011 natural time on earthquake 185 struck Christchurch event people. the Tuesday was that The region 22 centred earthquake severely at 6.3 km magnitude 12.51pm February 2 was damaged west 2011. of The the port Impacts town There was a relative lack of casualties of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The also occurred in similar 10 km south-east of the of Christchurch. The earthquake was Haiti probably earthquake and compared centre with Lyttleton an aftershock of the September 2010 proximity earthquake. to an urban area, also at shallow depth and of The very similar strength. The lack of casualties earthquake across New 190 Zealand was partly due to the fact caused widespread damage in that Christchurch, especially in the central city 3 H A z A R D R i S K A n D V u l n e R A b i l i t y Case study (continued) and on eastern account suburbs. of aftershocks. the eastern the The 2010 Signicant suburbs, damage was earthquake liquefaction producing intensied and its of foundations the in from victims. the the more Over six-storey building, which treated than half 20 of deaths Canterbury Between for countries the collapsed earthquake. were to minor were Television and caught 6,600 among occurred 80 per and Soil (CTV) re destroying cent of the people injuries. to total cost to insurers of rebuilding severely occurred liquefaction occurred. during 6,800 was damage be signicant many infrastructure. water and and Around that not rebuilt be some sewerage Road hampered surface 10,000 and of rescue houses efforts. would in building bridge also need damage Christchurch Nevertheless, stringent and ooding liquefaction parts on. Zealand’s damaged. and demolished, meant New The and caused undermining silt. system People liquefaction movement, 400,000 Up tonnes increased ground affected around The could Christchurch, codes limited was thedisaster. originally by April escalated have estimated 2013 to the NZD40 estimated economy 50 to it at NZD15 total billion. will 100 billion. estimated take years Some the to cost However, had Infrastructure New quake, deadly smaller the for in completely magnitude earthquake a number was of than more At 5 80 per pm local cent ● The The epicentre earthquake underground, quake ● The was was the 2010 damaging was whereas on 2011 a the at 10 within two within weeks. had district (CBD) at 5 km September km 2010 deep. when was Many by buildings previous had throughout were brought toilets occurred the from at Emergency the was 2010 full of already been weakened than earthquake, over ve 80 days, per However, and severely establish cent to 95 and of per cent sewerage damaged that emergency and New 5,000 latrines. Zealand with 20,000 order from chemical and more the toilets overseas chemical manufacturers. management greater causing 400,000 within response a signicantly earthquake, more in, on emergency place was National management two hours. immediate Emergency Fire Service The programme was and was government signicant declared. coordinated and The search New and than Rescue efforts continued for over a week, the then upwelling the busy. rescue. during of power. central earthquakes. Liquefaction no Waste-water portaloos placed Zealand ● day had to so to 2,000 in ● been had Over A business the Christchurch. earthquake weekday on city restored households and systems shallower measured February lunchtime was to the recover. reasons. closer time of households ● support Zealand power Although and economists tonnes of shifted to recovery mode. silt. 191 3 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Va rs Case study Soufrière Hills, Montserrat Montserrat and it The cause has is a small been of island affected the by volcano in a is the Caribbean, volcano the since plunging 1995. of ofces the American Plate and North American market, of the the Caribbean plate volcanic melt Plate. and the Rocks rising at the magma hazard July being 1995 Part the dormant in caused of of risk Hills 1996 Soufrière for the nearly gave the dome off and Hills 400 steam For example, up of ash nally nally collapsed, it At rst and boiling risk ows. out and a new dome was and Sewage often of the and rocks inhabitants agricultural on were 50 people was just one Montserrat. other had were hurled out, to leave the part Plymouth, of the with For hazards. to share a was covered in ash This has Plymouth had a severe contained all The the on people weeks water is and greatly live in shelters end. the The spread increased of when overcrowded, conditions. ash southern third (Figure of the D.19). island All to the health north and of had public to be services education) the island. of had to be Montserrat’s fell from 11,000 to 4,500. Most ed just nearby Antigua. Some “refugees” (Photo living in tents. Montserrat government Fgr D.18: 1:25,000 map of Soufrière and Plymouth on largest abandoned impact of in cholera of temporary for the population and the forcing south, island. a in ph D.7: Destruction of Plymouth 192 as created. Montserrat as such cinema. volcano there emptied as numbers unhygienic to D.7). to tanks not such population settlement, 4,000, the contamination diseases large It lava rocks the steam. erupted. emitted were after moved main services, forms erupted years. clouds volcano mudows thrown of by people (government, all and and experienced displaced evacuated Ash, posed the the The were ofce shops islands. Soufrière Then post the edge toilet. In of Plate aspect under most the The South and ph D.8: Hazards in Plymouth stayed on in 3 H A z A R D R i S K A n D V u l n e R A b i l i t y Case study (continued) The northern new homes, part of the hospitals, island has crèches, been redeveloped upgraded roads, with N football Davy pitches and expansion of the island’s port. The population Hill has Northern Zone risen again to over 5,000. 0 St The risk of eruptions continues – scientists do St Peter’s km Central know when the Montserratians current are activity learning to will live cease. with For the Zone now, Salem volcano. Exclusion The volcano has Nevertheless, was, it however, been relatively continues an event to in quiet emit May since sulphur 2006 Zone 2005. and that 4 John’s not ash. was There relatively Soufriére Hills Plymouth volcano (abandoned) unreported. that The affected Harbour Soufrière some and Jolly coastal dome areas Harbour in collapsed of causing Guadeloupe Antigua. The a and tsunami English Guadeloupe No Exclusion tsunami was 1 m high whereas the one in Antigua was Zone admittance scientific and 30 cm. No one was injured in the tsunami but ights were between Venezuela and Miami, and to and from Central Zone state means All Aruba due to the large amount of ash in the national Residential in cancelled except for monitoring 20– of of security area only. alert. exit residents matters. All 24 All have hours must a have residents rapid day. hard hats atmosphere. and dust masks. Significantly lower-risk, Northern suitable for residential Zone and commercial occupation. Fgr D.19: Volcanic hazard risk in Montserrat Case study Mount Sinabung Mount Sinabung Sumatra, the on Lake the active the 2010 by the active and the it was of Eurasian is Fire is the volcano 40 km has currently there. It is some due has area to located one erupted until volcano The from 120 2010. was Indo-Australian Plate. The northern Indonesia and The populated the in about dormant active. subduction that of volcanoes been volcano volcano located Sinabung then has the plateau a supervolcano. Ring volcanos. it under Toba Pacic most 1600, is Indonesia, of the The medicines National in food blankets, by Plate was fertile to homes. created face that doctors masks. crops a and person problems. had and failed In the and Agency were the ash up; provided One was the provided set were suffered it Over their provided Agency. 2013 to 2010. evacuees, tents who due in from Health the Kitchens mats government – of to Management sleeping reported began evacuated Department and respiratory activity were Disaster and the volcanic villagers Since surrounding helped recent 30,000 fatality from reported fall. form. In of February at least occurred 5 km their just from was increased 2016 people. in the eruptions people. after in One that the The were positive tourism living aspect deaths eruption more allowed and the this of to than return the to volcanic sightseeing had area. Sinabung erupted victims western caused Ironically, residents Sinabung homes. activity In 2014 16 were province again, from of killing Gembar, North seven a village Sumatra. ph D.9: The eruption of Mount Sinabung 193 3 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS L TA L TA Research skills Visit http://savethehills. blogspot.co.uk/ more the Visit for landslides the following sites to watch close-ups of volcanic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-shWVW1UBc information about Research skills used in to lm a volcano erupting eruptions and drones https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=zFIWWM0Iv-U. Darjeeling-Sikkim Find Himalaya out about recent volcanic activity on Mount Merapi – see http:// region. volcano.oregonstate.edu/merapi. Mass mvms Case study Managing urban landslides Kalimpong Bengal, is a India. overlooking hill It is the station located located Teesta at a river in and The West height of 1,250 overlooked m summit of Khangchendzonga. Dumsi shows an area of comparatively low wealth main town. This area shows how people in steep terrains of for the residents. number steep problems, of with Dumsi can lead small houses catastrophic Pakha has sitting on a But large the like but problems the are disruption. above town, into The water gullies and extensive This is is is side this the monsoon. while in run dry of in is being Small the anks. slip into channel, the a anks to of the is These have briey catastrophic are the the ow channel. large during the houses, potential it and the retaining elsewhere more local. terrace a mini-terrace There been by the are the Some a behind in settlement houses excavating to build terrace, also reactivated as on, and cases of a are into that old built the a the on then steeper rst of not risk wall that hazard, to so close – to is not cases for passive they example, try to they stabilize particularly human problems in exceptional huge. such management are very or a hazardous. of Landslide settings the unless slopes. unusual – Dumsi these types commonplace. blast the the lack only during buildings, enlarged now In the ow elds to have have sliding is into the them Large into causing impact natural problems on eroded unable Erosion landslips. the not noted. drains. been slopes the problem, been ows. extensive are the is monitor storm rainfall, It reduce unregulated storm there to serious and gullies triggering – a is to instability addition increased gullies is heavy paddy as slopes option when approaches, hazardous. steep sewers water downstream. the the road of of channels is monsoon extremely management a volumes to that carry gullies Adjacent are channel in and to – actively which will are creating is made instability. that the south-west cause further Close to have activity. waste the of in the an erosion. town, an active stability the dumping uncontrolled problem. Adding landslide problem prevented. 194 are many creating By slope increases landslides result problems by the inevitable become greatly to develop. slope. of are deforming But slope better possible with is the As Water dry many to a the problems and developing blocking debris manage scale is slopes control the by threaten slope slopes There transport slips and Pakha. of exacerbated has larger channel end Pakha In the Kalimpong any garbage. the landslides cases In Dumsi Dumsi many cause the factor. the with on on without towards the allowing key through channel some a discharged instability that is that management management choked instability ows elements water Pakha that channel key poor Water Dumsi season, two of accidents of ways, in problems. to built Pakha communities in outcomes hill. affect completed to there Landslides living these trying section landslide was urban have mismanagement which movement. below are the of Pakha victims is centre, signs by The the community 2002, extra will worse. of manner weight construction is inevitably Such adding to the make practices to top the should be 3 H A z A R D R i S K A n D V u l n e R A b i l i t y L TA ta D.7: A range of costs commonly Research and communication skills associated with landslide problems Use a search engine to update the statistics for Sri Lanka’s landslides. prsa ss Find out about the villages of Aranayake and Bulathkohupitiya. Fatal accidents Why were these vulnerable? Make a Has two villages there presentation been on affected any why by landslides? Why were they Injuries reconstruction? Sri Lanka is vulnerable to Psychiatric problems landslides. immda ss Concepts in contex t Evacuation and provision of In of this section, power and we have impact. seen how geophysical Geophysical hazard hazards events can vary be in terms temporary or replacement housing divided Mobilization of relief workers and into high-magnitude low-frequency events (the ones that cause emergency services most loss events life). of (the We life and damage) common have also events seen and that that the low-magnitude do not cause hazards high-frequency much with the damage/loss greatest of Transpor t delays impact Costs of investigation are not necessarily the most powerful – the Haiti earthquake was Cost of repair not especially For many low, in powerful, geophysical particular for but it hazard affected events volcanoes. a very the vulnerable annual Earthquakes loss and of population. life tsunamis is quite idr ss have Compensation the greatest impact Nevertheless, mortality, even there in terms for are of loss geophysical “hotspot” of life and hazard areas damage events where the to with risk is buildings. relatively low Increased insurance premiums greater. Depreciated proper ty or land values Costs of legal actions Check your understanding Costs of public inquiries into causes and responsibilities 1. Identify 2. State the main plates that inuence Haiti. cs f rv the following number the of 2010 people in Haiti that needed emergency aid earthquakes. Research into the nature and extent of landslide problems at universities 3. State the magnitude Christchurch and number earthquake and (b) of fatalities the 2011 of (a) the 2010 Formation of planning policies related Christchurch to development on unstable land earthquake. 4. Identify the year in which the Soufrière Hills volcano started Coastal protection schemes erupting. Design and construction of 5. Outline the range of hazards associated with the Soufrière Hills 6. Briey explain why Kalinpong, West Bengal, Costs of monitoring potentially experiences unstable slopes landslides. 7. Outline 8. (a) the State main the Identify State is 10. the of one Sinabung 9. factors number eruptions (b) preventative measures including drainage and regrading volcano. time Mt people Sinabung positive since of of responsible who since aspect of for landslides have been in Sri killed Lanka. in 2010. the ongoing eruption of Mt 2010 year when the landslide problem in Kalimpong greatest. Identify the type of plate boundary on which Mt Sinabung is found. 195 4 Future resilience and adaptation Ga ghsa haard ad dsasr rds Conceptual ad fr rds, dg v frq understanding ad a grwh smas K qs The What are the future frequency 1994 for lessening human and geophysical 2013. geophysical In contrast, disasters remained population growth broadly and constant economic between development vulnerability have to of possibilities varied considerably. Earthquakes (including tsunamis) have killed hazards? more the people most than deadly all other natural natural disaster. disasters Asia bore put the together. brunt of Tsunamis natural were disasters, K notably ● Global and geophysical disaster frequency hazard trends predictions, and including and burden future Geophysical through hazard increased planning and measures Research on personal adaptation 1994 natural this zoning) preparedness, countries huge require of bear disparity signicant Disasters a disproportionate in death rates. improvement (CRED), (Centre 2015). and 2013 an period, an and Pre-event strategies use average for adoption mass slope megadisaster of of include average Some 218 of 1.35 million almost million people 68,000 people were died affected during deaths. and is an event that kills more than 100,000 people. Three occurred during the period 1994–2013: new ● the ● Cyclone ● the Asian tsunami, Nargis in which 2008, killed which over 225,000 people killed 138,000 in in 12 countries Myanmar movement 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which was responsible for the loss of stabilization), over earthquakes annual year. of management include every Megadisasters technology). design, LICs Epidemiology disasters megadisasters insurance (to within a resilience A (to the including government (land-use (increased ● Low-income hazards, estimates. by ● China. population Between growth and natural Migration for event India of 220,000 lives. tsunami building tsunami defences), 450 volcanoes (to include GPS World crater monitoring and lava 400 Africa diversions). Americas 350 ● Post-event strategies Asia management Europe rehabilitation, Oceania 300 (rescue, reconstruction) 250 to include use of the enhanced 200 communications technologies to map hazard/ 150 disasters, promote locate survivors continuing and human 100 development. 50 ● Impacts of hazards/disasters 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 Fgr D.20: The number of disasters worldwide and by continent, 1994–2013 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 9 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 9 9 9 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 6 of 1 events. 9 196 show 9 geophysical to importance 5 included 1 been relative ones 9 the geophysical 9 have than 4 other 4 F u t u R e R e S i l i e n c e A n D ta D.8: Number of people aected and number of deaths by disaster type, 1994–2013 A D A p t A t i o n ta D.9: Propor tion of occurrence of natural disaster by disaster type, p ad – rag nmr f dahs – f a (as mr) rag f a 1994–2013 Dsasr (as mr) prr f rr, Floods 55% (2.4 billion) 12% (160,000) Drought 25% (1.1 billion) 2% (22,000) Storms 15% (660 million) 18% (250,000) Ear thquakes 3% (121 million) 55% (750,000) 1994–2013 (%) Floods Extreme temperatures 2% (93 million) 12% (160,000) Other (mass movement, <0.3% (13 million) 1% (20,000) 43 Storms 28 Ear thquakes 8 Extreme 6 temperature volcanoes, wildres) Earthquakes high and numbers Asian tsunami earthquakes 1994 of and are casualties and and the in rarer a Haitian tsunamis than short oods period earthquake. were the of It deadliest but time, is they for clear can example from natural cause Table disaster 5 Drought 5 Wildres 4 Volcanic 1 very the South D.10 that between activity 2013. Urbanization recent tsunamis Landslides within decades. highly Slums and seismic zones squatter has increased settlements signicantly frequently expand over TOK onto Discuss the limitations of the data high-risk areas such as slopes and embankments. used in Table D.9. (Hint: length of a drought/ood versus a landslide; ta D.10: Propor tion, mor tality and people aected by geophysical disasters and their magnitude/strength.) relative percentage of the global total, 1994–2013 prr ta dahs ta ad orr (%) ta dahs (%) ta ad (%) Ash fall 105 721 2,099,075 16.0 0.1 1.7 Ground 525 497,097 118,328,863 80.2 66.5 95.9 25 250,125 2,898,178 3.8 33.4 2.4 655 747,943 123,326,116 100 100 100 movement Tsunami Total People are becoming susceptible largely as to a more natural result of ta D.11: Number of disasters and number of deaths per income group, 1994–2013 disasters, Dsasrs (%) nmr f dsasrs Dahs (%) nmr High income 26% 1,700 13% 182,000 Upper middle- 30% 1,992 19% 252,000 27% 1,751 35% 474,000 17% 1,119 33% 441,000 population f dahs growth and Disastrous to outcomes increase ways and of globalization. unless preparedness are beyond to and input Lower middle- income resilience Low income disasters and cultural, from forecasting Solutions natural scientic political, income community developed. related likely improved mitigation, warning, are go technological sociological international and agencies, approaches, psychological national and include approaches. governments, economic, That NGOs includes and local communities. Some natural although events some may be geophysical increasing events in might frequency not be. A and more intensity, likely 197 1 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS explanation for the increasing impact of geophysical events is that there L TA Research and are increasingly more people in high-risk areas. In addition, human communication skills activities Use or a search use impacts engine tsunamis http://www. unisdr.org/les/8720_ summaryHFP20052015. pdf to nd Hyogo Action out about Framework and the Framework for the for Sendai operate Reduction and is evidence be changing landslides over features that long are increase to climate The largely timescales. intensity. due the example. unchanged the and decreasing for volcanoes very largely frequency in on in by frequency long-term, the use, of leading occurrences inuenced impacts Indeed, land major The a improvements and tectonic and global impact of is and forces which of There due volcanoes forecasting greater earthquakes, intensity scale. earthquakes to of to these is no greater may even be management. Disaster In Risk may of addition, the concentration of people in large urban areas, combined 2015– with environmental degradation, makes communities more vulnerable 2030. to In what help to ways deal geophysical do these with hazards? natural hazards. development are built more on of active vulnerable Environmental of mangrove been the made to the to the shanty of large 2004 have also increase tsunami. been most of Tehran population increased In built undercutting. landslides, urbanization earthquake Lanka Asian towns by of can Sri Iran including Increased impacts in in cities, lines. degradation unstable number example, fault swamps communities Cameroon, For several which led to the megacity), size makes that Tehran activity. vulnerability. the the in has in of coastal south-west base result occur Destruction vulnerability Limbe at The has (a of slopes been the an rainy that have increase in season. Impacts of extreme events The potential crises, consequences thousands environmental food supplies, and pollution. and collapse Africa they It is only events of not there world has – also been problems, by the (HFA) progress of national, 2010 in Los the the potential Angeles, international, this of risk a global East stress unrest and already, North although to global the is there Action in that the promoting Earth, or a Tokyo volcanic to signicant this agendas. the the exposing (Amended for that Likewise, Istanbul and around communities and role national A – 2004 environmental and fact the causes people Protocol nations slim. the refugees reduction, signicance. of Framework impact are of geophysical before Nevertheless, decisive and Tehran, or Kyoto highlights regional ows some the Hyogo played of this extreme events. tackle disaster chances Middle of of climate political example, migrants resilience has from For increasing Review in 2005 have The under not by to disruption understanding Protocol, and the international, eruptions if 2015) Mid-Term HFA eruption. earthquake 198 made the action Building public geophysical Montreal the economic events. economic of of threat The global megacities, disease, glimpses interest. little of communications, parts been the events. threat the HFA across Volcanic 8 The that public tourists, Agreement, was adoption VEI as 2005–2015: progress the include degradation, and famine, some have relatively as the In fuel geophysical international such Paris disasters. a to may recently tsunami whether people by events destruction transport there into was of of order. caused extreme possible environmental turn region moved management in social relatively has tsunami, more refugees, This of deaths, disruption (MENA) were of especially large could eruption have of 4 Vesuvius extreme cope could devastate events better frequency is with that Naples. they are, high-frequency high-magnitude One by problem denition, F u t u R e with rare. low-magnitude R e S i l i e n c e trying to A D A p t A t i o n manage Communities events A n D than can low- events. Identifying areas at risk Although known the to suggested Peruvian risk was coast), not areas, of it behind scientic powerful Although impact science the tsunamis the not possible earthquakes, and mitigate formation the to tsunamis off had the predict to the it when those exact is an the who to well predictions coast science needed timing, possible was been Sumatra communicate example, impacts of there occur sufciently to for and would mechanisms communicated is the community, the the know. magnitude identify earthquake and to that (and and high-risk occurs. Population growth and urban growth The in world 2050 2015 population and and 11.2 2050 concentrated Republic USA, The of half in the nine and concentration poverty its own and of of set 2015 inequality, by ● UN DESA ’s 54per By ● which Today, with Asia of this the 2.5 nearly ● Close eight UN by 2030, report. growth is 9.7 billion Between expected Pakistan, Republic the the it to be Democratic of poorest more and systems, cent Tanzania, the countries difcult to malnutrition, and success to of provide the half and In new eradicate to expand adequate sustainable in the less the the 28 the 24th have round been of prepared following. in in rural areas, urban and urban and other areas with in 2014. Asia urban have are in reside in more by to 2050, and with Africa. small around 10 to 2050. relatively than and projected by only rural, Africa projected Asia while and mostly are population inhabitants, that and respectively, concentrated dwellers cent) remain urbanized. regions urban, America (80per urbanization world’s increase North respectively, cent megacities than Caribbean Africa the 500,000 the residing include the cent, than world’s than and growth the areas was that cent. regions 64per to reported urban contrast, and of It 66per 48per people of to faster cent cent of in Prospects projections population America population billion live live rise cent). and Division. urbanized Latin 56per settlements in could 90per to hunger Population world’s urbanizing Continuing add in making to estimates people most 40per are a Nigeria, United growth health World the (73per become ● of more (82percent), Europe billion to population the combat crucial Population cent 2050, to and are population Globally, 8.5 agenda. Revision UN reach India, Ethiopia, challenges, of ofcial to according world’s population of housing, The 2100 Uganda. enrolment all by countries: educational development expected the Congo, Indonesia presents is billion one million inhabitants. 199 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Predictions, forecasts and warnings Scientic time, predictions place statements and about probabilities. well as are of a future Effective forecast, remain although main ways of ● better ● improved ● establishing used They most that and and are for “at statements are more commonly on science people’s difcult are precise Forecasts depends systems preparing building provide event. events. the areas forecasting to future warning communications Earthquakes The size natural risk” are earthquakes to hazards well the expressed and ability on general as technology, interpret to predict as them. and known. include: warning design emergency and building location procedures. ta D.12: Monitoring for ear thquake prediction There are a number monitoring isrm prs Seismometers To record micro-ear thquakes Magnetometer To record changes in the of ways earthquakes, measurement of predicting which involve and the of: ● small-scale ground ● small-scale uplift ● ground ● changes ● micro-earthquake surface changes Ear th’s magnetic eld Near-surface or subsidence To record larger shocks tilt seismometer Vibroseis truck To create shear waves to in rock stress probe the ear thquake zone Strain meters activity (clusters of small To monitor surface earthquakes) deformation Sensors in wells groundwater levels Satellite relays ● anomalies ● changes in radon ● changes in electrical in the Earth’s magnetic eld To monitor changes in To relay data to the US gas concentration resistivity of rocks. Geological Survey One Laser survey on equipment intensively the fewer capital following Andreas site Fault. is Parkeld Parkeld, in with California, a ● strain ● two-colour ● meters caused That all was laser by of stress the and The gap seismic one part a part that plate of the has at the Montserrat Volcano successfully Obser vatory segment of measure people, world. It is claims to heavily be the population earthquake monitored by the that the detect changes with but the on not theory in plate at a measure moved a single the point slightest movement all is of an that the that over has to can Earth’s magnetic occur without earthquake, scientists a by did not prolonged almost moved move The was Loma the and next. earthquake Fault. the eld not warning. which know was not existed. time. move likely Andreas in crust. Northridge fault must that the earthquakes boundary suggest San that alterations 1994 states boundary not to deformation plates occurred helps, of the monitoring, case Technology parts of 50 geodimeters tectonic the predicted D.10: Use of seismographs that magnetometers Despite than instruments: between 200 San movement of ph studied To measure surface period same others This in time have, theory likely Prieta of amount. the has all Thus then been Loma earthquake if the used Prieta occurred 4 in 1989. seismic Two Following gap the earthquakes November False at in 2006 alarms the uncertainty signicant led before it South Kuril a major to the and and 2007 problem 8.2 for evacuation place. warn of of the on is a R e S i l i e n c e geologists Richter Central scale Kuril geophysicists. good 70,000 people systems approaching for for a trench. occurred 1976 Unrest three in crisis and months. tsunamis wave A D A p t A t i o n segment. The example. A n D identied Kuril-Kamchatka the the many Warning an tsunami of within Guadeloupe, took can Asian segment 8.3 January Volcano, eruption sophisticated 2004 measuring and are Soufrière the Central F u t u R e minutes are if No quite not hours arrives. Ear thquake prediction – using animal behaviour In Japanese are its folklore, messengers. earthquakes. the Tohoku In sick major and When cause an large to This could the the kill the could sh of leak to be or the on The beaches the of the peroxide, them the most into area gas that to builds the which is leave a can is up affect that make occur the This toxic sh electricity. which water. the where damage. possibility rocks to in oarsh impending emissions the Another in and is monoxide small enough sea, oarsh caused released force of dead carbon dying. hydrogen the up later pressure ions god by oarsh. before occurs, of washed quantities charged formation either dragon brought tsunami like themselves earthquake the oarsh and earthquakes electrically to 20 creatures beach lead rise release deep-sea before 2011 is message earthquake Earthquakes large Ryujin The can can compound. deep ocean and surface. Animals sensing ear thquakes In A 1975, day reports the In of area the a 7.3 before snakes in In April the 5.8 in Italy 2009, quake toads the of breeding the before National or made struck city city of based hibernating months hiding, together suddenly Chinese example, shelter out huddled studied the For Smithsonian’s came the evacuated hideouts sought magnitude amingos struck ofcials winter animals copperheads and Scientists a at city behaviour. their 2010, DC, before like treetops animal abandoned USA, earthquake happened, strange Washington, minutes magnitude it the part snakes on in normal. Zoological distress moved Park calls region. apes Haicheng. in in in the Nocturnal into the tightly. behaviour abandoned the of the common shallow pools toad. in which ph D.11 : Oar sh coming to the they bred. Five days later a strong earthquake struck the region. Tectonic surface is taken as an indication of stresses ions in into the the they oxidize may irritate Earth’s lower water or be crust send atmosphere. to form toxic to huge amounts When hydrogen certain these ions peroxide. species of of primarily reach The a positive body resulting of air a for thcoming ear thquake water, compounds animals. Predicting volcanoes Volcanic certain ● eruptions signs. seismometers, magma ● The are easier main to ways record to of predict than predicting swarms of earthquakes volcanic tiny since eruptions earthquakes that there are include: occur as the rises chemical sensors, to measure increased sulphur levels 201 4 OPTION ! ✗ D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS ● lasers/GPS, ● ultrasound, Some people think possible to the the size, the physical swelling of the volcano/crater of a However, eruption there suggest are it not predict large VEI it will will or eruption for. Most when in the magma happened at resulting Pinatubo, St El Helens such as at Gunung Agung (Java). not always happen. possible The USGS to state exactly successfully when predicted a volcanic the Pinatubo in 1991, and evacuated the area. However, eruption they of wrongly a volcanic in USA, eruption and the at Mammoth prediction Mountain reduced visitor Ski Area numbers in to the resort on how will the long go terms on of and caused It also economic distress to local business people. a how predictions stated as to erupt, be the are waves rock, volcanic exactly scale, molten imminent, possible volcano low-frequency and signs California, is is will predicted are and observations, Mt events gas volcanic event. that of and ● ✓ Although monitor predict duration magnitude to surge Chichon it detect it from is to Common mistake is may difcult erupt for predict few while erupted for erupted continuously small a to days, quantities. hundreds of weeks, Mt the timescale others while between Etna in go the on an Soufrière 1997 Sicily of and has eruption. erupting Hills 2005, been for Some years. Mt volcano and still erupting volcanoes Pinatubo on Montserrat vents ash in intermittently for years. probabilities. In general, volcanoes more-explosive produce more at destructive volcanoes, frequent plate whereas but boundaries those at less-explosive tend hotspots, to such produce as Hawaii, eruptions. Ghsa haard adaa Preparedness Land-use zoning Different is land known to buildings, line are or in be at evacuated, codes be can to for insurance events are not to much occur. New It inform in is far to from One the be about of case used of events. a built Mt of close an to the fault residents Sinabung, of that populated and Montserrat. are adaptation. zone areas, even if an Building adequate to industry it is as is an of with of out God”, LIC has that so it is might happened. volcanoes GPS and residents addition, event event swelling phones take most In an well to geophysical “acts that on not is some available. after the mobile geophysical factor money money record generally However, spending and are preparedness Another spend chemistry, be volcanic buildings insurance justify to that the hazard in densely not some slopes in method insurance, easier should community available. to locations event. hazard by geophysical example, In the as ensure hazard not can water agencies services of from For landslides. formed, against afford is re events. harder technology changes a considered unable always hazard. example be aspect prevented international rare cover a of enforced cover are insurance and may the be of risk survive and prepared at important may risk for zone Nations an hospitals areas exclusion standard is uses can be and used to changes. Tackling volcanoes: the result of lack of preparation in Indonesia In 2014, poor 202 Indonesia preparedness was left affected by two communities volcanic near Mt eruptions. Sinabung In more February, vulnerable 4 than those Nearly weeks More 20 later, than experts with 2014 the Kelud 130,000 to the to level of eruptions contrast, volcano in in from including despite Sinabung, because it the is is and many of dormant for eruptions, to cope there. that oods. live are In saved East in there. behaviour hundreds two board were the A D A p t A t i o n seven. found places who with A n D month. than prepared are and lives people unfamiliar mostly in the two management living earthquakes number were that in Less killing the adequately volcanoes good, later Following people R e S i l i e n c e erupted. ruptured, disaster million large been of volcanoes, people had country national preparedness eruption Sinabung province dozens 100 Kelud Mt displaced. the the around Java were whether Mt when East Indonesian are disasters, the larger killed people events there much were questioned (BNPB), prone by Mt similar According Java hit people F u t u R e of the In of the years. Volcanic eruption without warning In September ash 2014 and Japan’s rocks. Mt The Ontake bodies of erupted more without than 50 warning, hikers were L TA spewing found Research and communication skills near the west of top of Tokyo. popular the volcano. About beauty spot, 250 but The volcano people most were got is around trapped down on 200 the km (125 slopes of miles) the Visit safely. http://www.emdat. be/disaster_trends/index. html Japan is one of the world’s most seismically active nations – but for website have been no fatalities from volcanic eruptions since 1991, people died at Mt Unzen in the on interactive disaster trends, when and 43 an there http://www.emdat. south-west. be/country_prole/index. html pr-v maagm srags to proles create by hazard country. Managing landslides There are a landslides. number These ● the ● drainage terracing them ● ● erosion forces Other over steep methods, at the reduce the risks associated with and build-up such as as rock base as form slopes of making water them in more slopes and secure thereby makes gabions and stone walls keep the failed structure such the such the to fail structures control in the to behind acting them of likely restraining ways include: reduces less material of the of of armour and revetments minimizes the cliffs. diversion bridges are of roads also away important from active (Table areas, or D.13). ta D.13: Principal methods of slope stabilization Arah Mhds Excavation and lling Remove and replace slipped material Excavate to unload the slope Fill to load the slope Drainage Lead away surface water Prevent build-up of water in tension cracks Blanket the slope with free-draining material 203 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L Arah HAZ ARDS Mhds Installation of narrow trench drains aligned directly downslope, often supplemented by shallow drains laid in a herringbone pattern Installation of interceptor drains above the crest of the side slope to intercept groundwater Drilling of horizontal drains into a slope, on a slightly inclined gradient Construction of drainage galleries or adits, from which supplementary borings can be made Installation of ver tical drains which drain by gravity through horizontal drains and adits, by siphoning or pumping Restraining structures Retaining walls located under unstable ground Installation of continuous or closely spaced piles, anchored sheet or bored pile walls Soil and rock anchors, generally pre-stressed Erosion control Control of toe erosion by crib walls, very large boulders, rock armour, revetments, groynes Control of surface erosion Control of seepage erosion by placing inver ted lters over the area of discharge or intercepting the seepage Miscellaneous methods Grouting to reduce ingress of groundwater into a slide Chemical stabilization by liming at the shear surface, by means of lime wells Blasting to disrupt the shear surface and improve drainage Bridging to carry a road over an active site Rock traps to protect against falling debris Managing the risk of ear thquakes Most places enable with people earthquakes reducing design, More It is in a to stop involves controlling of of lives, impact an minimizing in is the and developed reduce the money. earthquake largest plans effect The that of ways prediction, the of building and fastest-growing cities are risk. from happening, prospect high-risk to information. earthquake earthquake building have aim buildings public world’s high The include and the earthquakes them. save prevention third of with thus regions difcult (Figure history earthquake normally by a deal and ood than located to areas, of so death, and using prevention injury or aseismic damage designs D.21). Building design Buildings in an can be storey structures buildings are raised pillars. sink on down mounting the the to areas. underlying withstand with a “soft collapses and this move under isolates strategies bedrock, and for in an a the the the at the building building use is on – is from bottom, so widely the such that used in a occurs multi- tall car park upper oors isolation which – allow earthquake- Building foundations steel-constructed as the mounts tremors. that than Some Basement rubber on suitable reduced. impact. building of the more earthquake, building include ground-shaking are swaying storey” cushions of the buildings potential foundations This reinforcement the This it to Single-storey as built onto ground prone 204 designed earthquake. built frames deep that into can 4 withstand way of shaking. reducing Land-use earthquake planning is F u t u R e another R e S i l i e n c e A n D A D A p t A t i o n Earthquake-vulnerable important Structure risk. with vertical structures steel Vertical A reinforcing Upper rods only deck collapsed on lower deck Safe houses In wealthy making cities in buildings life. Concrete and some fault zones, earthquake walls are buildings the reinforced even added resistant rest on expense has with of become steel, elaborate for a fact of instance, shock absorbers. Collapse Bay B Bridge roadway Strict of building lives when codes a were credited magnitude 8.8 with saving earthquake hit thousands Chile of upper (cantilever) lower onto roadway in February2010. 150 But in less-developed countries, earthquake engineering is earthquake in a like often Haiti, unaffordable. The C Haiti was reminder that m conventional billions of Inexible joints people Pipe live in houses houses and can old that be tyres, cannot built for withstand cheaply example – – using by shaking. straw, applying Yet safer reinforced a few adobe general Earthquake-resistant principles (Figure structures D.22). Structure with spiral reinforcing rods In Peru many of them. dried in 1970 whom Heavy, brick buckle. – an earthquake died brittle cracked Subsequent Existing when walls adobe their of can houses when brought be around traditional instantly shakes walls killed collapsed adobe the – people, around cheap, ground roofs reinforced 70,000 thundering with a sun- started strong to down. plastic Golden Gate Bridge (suspension) mesh installed crack but to do escape. for not mesh walls engineers plaster collapse Plastic concrete Other under in are – in an earthquake immediately, could Haiti also and working allowing work as a these walls occupants reinforcement elsewhere. on 1300 methods that use local Flexible materials. concrete Researchers house Indonesia with bags strong but it as rests of would India reinforced on sand. one in also Such on cost in of stone and mud, resilient and also with a house more much Indonesia. In but A be sophisticated less and straw, be is – old only a shock more Pakistan, which tested model dampers might northern warmer successfully bamboo. ground-motion built adopted have third joints a house tyres for lled as Fgr D.21: Aseismic design absorbers, likely to be traditional readily m houses available, is far are built more inwinter. Controlling ear thquakes In of theory, by greatest earthquake would of it altering stress in events otherwise controlled reaches the the may build uid fault be up a create nuclear deep series triggered. to underground critical pressure line, This a of underground small could major and release event. explosions at the the energy Additionally, might point less-damaging relieve a stress that series before levels. Controlling volcanoes It is possible successful of dry to on manage Mt channels, Etna. lava ows by Lava ows can explosives to divert diverting be the them diverted ow near – this either its has by been the source, or use by 205 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Pakistan Most destructive quake Location Magnitude Fatalities 8 Haiti October Northern 2005 Pakistan/Kashmir 12 Peru January 2010 Port-au-Prince 31 area Indonesia May 1970 26 December Chimbote Sumatra 7.6 7.0 7.9 9.1 75,000 222,500 70,000 227,900 2004 (including tsumami Light In the global deaths) roofs Haiti heavy Crown concrete roofs on homes; many sheet-metal roofs on Corner wooden more beam collapsed trusses column Bamboo are resistant. Mesh Light walls and Lightweight gables structures Reinforced are subject to and are less when the reinforcing need likely to fall of ground walls smaller The forces not metal. be rods made Natural shakes. materials such as eucalyptus Shock or bamboo absorbers Quake-resistant houses are being work built in Pakistan – well too. Tyres filled stones straw. The compressed Small windows In Peru the walls of Confined or are held together Small, regularly spaced some adobe houses In Indonesia nylon netting and openings create fewer have been reinforced elsewhere, brick weak spots in walls. with a plastic mesh can be framed and foundation walls can between and between and floor by sandwiched sand masonry fastened bales with of serve as cheap and ground-motion layers of plaster. But the bigger problem to prevent collapse. connected to the roof absorbers in Haiti was that walls by corner not properly and reinforced. a crown beam concrete. In the quake moves as a of many building. of reinforced a for columns types were structure unit. Since 2007 some 22,500 houses in Peru have been strengthened with plastic mesh or other reinforcements. Fgr D.22: Safe houses pumping carried water out in six-month from Mt onto period. pyroclastic Pinatubo the Heimaey, There ows and the lava front Iceland, is little other in that than Soufrière to cool 1973, to Hills can it. This but be it done evacuate was successfully required to pumping reduce the area, use of as the was over a impacts done with volcano. Tsunamis Tsunamis warning of the are generally systems. wall protection that and managed However, can will cost be built. not stop through the constraints Walls bigger can only usually provide sea walls dictate a and the certain early- height amount of waves. ps-v maagm srags Shor t-term, mid-term and long-term responses after an event In the immediate people. dogs. This Thermal wreckage. after 72 The hours. surviving 206 may for aftermath involve sensors may number of Although nearly 20 of the a disaster use be of used survivors there days, to nd main and reports number is to teams alive very from was priority rescue people decreases were the the search among quickly. Sichuan extremely rescue and Few of low. sniffer the survive people 4 Rehabilitation live in them unable to return thousands Desmond of of This the after can major be a of human also the recovery well plan to Asian was and of to over a of their rainfall to The recovery process, timescales (Figure During many parts of taking up The and to the 2015 north was decade aim promote not necessary. shown overall to and storms was a are A D A p t A t i o n were December rehabilitation involved level, homes people when (rebuilding) D.23). pre-disaster their some homes Orleans, reconstruction safe 2007, year. from New drawn-out their make A n D is for in to get continuing study as looks dealing of place at the the in Soufrière event, Hills the and Before Indian region It to the aftermath future is just the volcano, impacts improve of and the safety a and in disaster, This event, Ocean. developed part of events. rehabilitation the tsunamis. the of 2004. in rescue, agencies hazards with impacts tsunami in on Montserrat the (pages post-disaster reconstruction. reduce not future case which emergency aid back so in to oods R e S i l i e n c e development. 192–193), As and projects. disaster for record residents long, able UK evacuated brought very being the homes were some construction model people their Katrina, communities See to Eva For to Following people and England. possible refers again. F u t u R e a was governments seen tsunami Following the system progress to the try event, system well as governments reduce needed as to the to South early-warning reconstruction, a after and impacts reduce the of impact theregion. Rescue, rehabilitation and reconstruction in practice Following the produced a dened and government for the reconstruction affected rescue, plan by Maximal Asian the gnipoC It region South Indonesian master rehabilitation the 2004 ytivitca tsunami, the of tsunami. rehabilitation and Minimal reconstruction in the following ways: 0.5 Disaster 1 2 3 4 rescue can – saving survive people despite so life in 10 weeks 20 30 following 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 disaster they having only Sample Completion indicators minimum 5 event Time ● and of search Restoration rescue urban of major Attain services pre-disaster levels of capital stock End of emergency Return of of and rehabilitation – restoring process of that public needs services, one or feeding Rubble projects cleared the Clearing functions major construction refugees activities shelter ● Completion necessities or a main rubble from arteries two Fgr D.23: A model of disaster recovery for urban areas years reconstruction infrastructure ve – rebuilding and the governance public system, functions, economic predicted to system, take two L TA ● Research skills to years. Visit http://www.usindo. org/publications/Blue_Plan_ In practice, the Indonesian government provided the following rescue Aceh.pdf and research, services: in ● immediately helping the disaster detail, the immediately burying the victims’ immediately enhancing basic dead for bodies facilities and infrastructure to be able the rehabilitation adequate services for the of and areas affected to by provide the government reconstruction ● of survivors Indonesian ● plans the tsunami. victims. 207 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Case study Reconstructing Haiti Following were the earthquake discussed for reconstruction challenge to has over of failed poverty, of the the (see rescue, Haiti. 188), Reconstructing international decades corruption page to lift and plans rehabilitation Haiti community, the island violence. and is a which state out this emergency Expectations living after in a they and 2010, more than $4 billion has to rebuild communities and 4: by hurricanes, oods as and mismanagement, lack of the by global coordination institutions to testbed efforts. A are foreign believed debt of use to Haiti have $1.5 as down the be 1: rst government was and clear sanitation of to self-help and youth 1–10 2: teams communities rubble, and prevent to groups, restore disease. NGOs, that working rescue water Haiti recovery UN, and charities with to government little 5: needed Ports, were 6–10 donors, to a piped area a faith the been severely been lost, or extent of understood as well Stage The had been aid at a for pause, was Bank and beyond injured since and of was on the the that race institutions deep is one of the Hampering corruption, between government. bypassed the a poor donor Aid agencies government, adding chaos. and Realistically, it will the It is country. and 1–40 years aid groups already programmes in have Haiti. take likely decades that the to rebuild international up a to and of 2004 or to to help. was a duplicate in, the example The and be of The the fund to set reconstruction; coordinate aid up it set efforts. are affected by a number of factors. include: the magnitude the of the greater hazard the – the greater the reaction the predictability are annual of also There ● needed but ● damaged, of was their random the level the in the event whereas – hurricanes earthquakes are time ● the perceived the needed is – ● the to of risk be of of can raise whether a not, its and provided event, level index) size in of the event, taken hazard codes, – or the government explosivity information to much national erupt (volcanic of degree building how organizations probability measures that – level likely VEI level media wasting wealth household, international volcano on was of individual other risk key, events, fully was danger impose manage was killed. weeks real to multi-donor agency records begin. Coordination efforts. follow the communities. 1–10 level. rush were tsunami there NGO could rural now government pipes Port-au-Prince, Jacmel a engineers planning capital, and will where exclusively event land-use preparation zoning, – drills own ● even personal factors – awareness of alternatives, at ability 208 the reconstruction and Coordination, and it states. there government needed 3: national ideas, of the capability doctors, recovery hundreds the and mistrust countries reaction. Carrefour lesson in order as disasters of record schools state, Pumps teachers, devastation in be than like been and major more cities Haiti’s groups, World what electricity capital. damaged, and professionals Attention poor, Many ● rather people weeks houses, dreadful water in had to million number mobilize the know hospitals, in had needed rebuilt. Reconstruction, event, The 3 infrastructure trapped ● and be is administrative These business the aid-dependent increasingly Responses was suggested, effort. The roads to have service, Aceh, and weeks and has unions, helped Assessment, remained. Cross money most community Stage 1–52 weeks emergency brigades emergency home. problems. has Stage people, their to people palaces economy. Rescue, step lead get frustrated billion have The destroyed can rehoused, had community Stage to an civil weighed has this term. and its all Red country world’s economic not, expect Rehabilitation, to handling attempts event do long managed: landslides, the but sometimes think be infrastructure needed devastated to to been If, spent was needed Between Stage 2000 slums hazard When stage, also to afford such alternatives, and so on. 4 F u t u R e R e S i l i e n c e A n D L TA Using phones to track missing children RapidFTR is the brainchild of a New York A D A p t A t i o n student. It is an Research skills open-source Visit app designed to reunite children with their families in rapidly http://www. developing rapidftr.com/ disaster situations, and it is being actively developed by UNICEF . The at processes information about missing children in disaster situations, the helped to reunite homepage family tracing android phones and laptops, the app enables to register information about missing children, which is about to a database accessible by those responsible for child mapping quicker children are found, the less vulnerable they are to to reduce welfare. disaster The UNICEF’s then digital uploaded and app. humanitarian Read workers the families. reunication Using look of and rapid has and app risks at http:// violence, www.unicefstories. exploitation and trafcking. org/2014/05/20/digital- One of used the and central advantages adapted data children, over main by system time. It could different means vulnerable of be app teams that families even the a or being on range in range of women used a of cases, at place open risk of source is different such from as that those birth can platforms. violence, traditional it be mapping-technology- The involving can be to-reduce-disaster-risks/ and tracked registration. http://i1.wp.com/ unicefstories.les. wordpress.com/2013/11/ urp-1.jpg of to see a environmental map issues Using phones for hazard mapping identied The use scale of and location mapping. young are In a people very able communication to of to problems in the in map competent alert the project technologies hazard Rio social with home to be UNICEF environmental phones, such region, information distributed, Janeiro, and their authorities, their de allows as UNICEF UNICEF , and so and has risk. a aid been As with young people. the hazard training many believes about initiate so about by that natural teenagers they will hazards be and response. Concepts in contex t Geophysical people more by in the people choice or preparations change with of depend is on offered, (for to cope lack with aspects of the and example, will is areas level the of continue due at of to risk choice. lifestyle cooperation population). community The a hazards where are and hazards, and will organizations leaders/local vary to whether need they number the due of will to make have to live/work/interact of possibilities. will aid/assistance different will number reconstruction country, possibilities large growth they a and between multi-government NGOs, – a Communities There of affect geophysical rehabilitation wealth to population of geophysical environment. post-event governments, resident This in through natural the events future. living certain the Much hazard that stakeholders (MGOs), national government from place and to the place. 209 4 OPTION D G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Check your understanding 1. State and 2. the proportion 2013 State the that proportion low–middle 3. Suggest income two impact 4. What is 5. Identify 6. Identify an predicted Identify largely Outline 9. Identify 10. the the the the one that of a false main main How GPS hazards between 1994 for. natural income hazards that occur in groups. growth may increase the hazards. “safe are house”? said volcanic to predict eruption earthquakes. that was successfully alarm. volcano for that hundreds methods of differences natural from population term dominant to can by Indonesian responses low why natural accounted geophysical example and world’s deaths and animals been 8. of meant two the of reasons likely 7. of earthquakes slope erupted of in 2014 having years. stabilization. between short-term and long-term hazards. systems help to manage the impacts of natural hazards? Synthesis and evaluation Hazard risk human and for at is physical example risk a result processes than distribution women, other – in low-magnitude how accept of 210 risk the simple risk interactions such the as tectonic young, groups. addition, or managed adapt graphs, – can processes and of be People example, it. of Risk shown is by generation) Some the vary produce events. different wealth processes. elderly events for because but in scale/magnitude low-frequency be the Physical the between inequalities high-frequency can line spatial example, processes, high-magnitude on of (for in their events more have are varies, damage they shown proportional more spatial different whether often people, poor, and than views should by the use symbols. The map shows global ows of heat from the Earth’s interior to surface. 1 E C I T C A R P the pRActice M A X E e X AM –2 mWm 23–45 45–55 75–85 55–65 85–95 65–75 95–150 150–450 -2 Global map of the ow of heat, in mWm , from the Ear th’s interior to the surface (a) (i) Describe Earth’s (ii) Explain (2 the one (3 variations in the ow of heat from the marks) impact of rising heat in some parts of the Earth. marks) (iii) Using examples, magnitude (b) global interior. and explain the frequency. relationship (5 between hazard marks) Either “The impact hazard and of geophysical more on hazards human depends factors.” less Discuss on this the natural statement. (10 marks) Or “Geophysical managed.” hazards Discuss cannot this be controlled statement. (10 – they can only be marks) 211 O P T I O N E L E I S U R E , TO U R I S M A N D This optional S P O RT theme focuses on ways in which Key terms people Lesre a Any freely chosen activity or make experience that takes place in join non-work time. It includes spor t, disposable recreation and tourism. in use the growing of their “global number leisure middle incomes tourism, and Recretn in different types time. class”, allowing including of global As more they sport. people have participation international of contexts Sport travel can be an A leisure-time activity under taken important use of leisure time for people on low voluntarily and for enjoyment. incomes who cannot afford to participate in It includes individual pursuits, tourism. organized outings and events, and non-paid (non-professional) spor ts. While areas Spr t tourism provide often has another an urban important focus, rural geographical A physical activity involving events setting for touristic activities including walking, and competitions at the national enjoying the wilderness, doing extreme sports and international scale with or visiting heritage sites. The uses made of professional par ticipants. places Trs Travel away from home for at least one night for the purpose of leisure. vary greatly depending geography, history and the on level physical of economic development. This denition excludes day trips – Through study of this optional theme, you some of which may be international will develop your understanding of processes, trips. There are many possible places, power and geographical possibilities. subdivisions of tourism. Subgroups You will also gain an understanding of more include ectrs – tourism specialized concepts including consumption focusing on the natural environment (of landscape), (in relation carrying capacity and threshold and local communities. Sstnble Tourism that conserves primary trs tourist resources and suppor ts the to environmental sustainability (in management of relation touristic to stress) and long-term resources). livelihoods and culture of local people. Glbl Resources that are outside the Cns reach of any one nation, for example oceans, the atmosphere Key questions and Antarctica. Global commons 1. How have human development processes may be exploited or degraded and given rise to the concept of leisure and so need to be managed carefully. leisure Nce Special interest tourism catering for trs small numbers of people who are 2. How activities? do places physical into sites and of human factors shape leisure? crowd intolerant. It is usually more concerned with sustainability than 3. mass tourism. Ectrs do the variations different countries in tourism global in affect and power their of participation sport? A “green” and “alternative” form of tourism that aims to preserve the environment by managing it responsibly and sustainably. 212 How 4. What are the management tourism and future possibilities of participation and sport at varying for in scales? 1 Changing leisure patterns The growth and changing purpose of leisure Conceptual time for societies in dierent geographic and understanding developmental contexts Key qestn Leisure may In of terms dened more list sports time, be as or dened can denition exercise, as terms activities leisure dened in leisure specic thorough would can as be may activities, state of time, seen as activities, free time. conventionally reading, a be of be based such as watching mind, or Leisure thought on what watching movies, meaning states of the TV , and of can as mind. also majority of participating so engaging on. in How be “leisurely”. A people of human leisure given and Finally, leisure Leisure are undertaken entertainment, is enjoyable The growth associated outside improvement with the time work of that is for the purpose knowledge, free from and work societies of relaxation. and care activities (eating, washing, sleeping and so on). of and groups, than such they as the would unemployed perhaps and the retired, have and developmental The categorization eating is a biological going out for a meal more (cost, range from informal subset of leisure is hobbies necessity, it can also be a leisure activity, and or cooking as a form of entertaining. (cost, generate satisfaction and short-lasting which and to formal and are undertaken for often result in the The link between may be indoor or outdoor activities and may involve of leisure new activities. Factors affecting with and observation. the development The of range of societies leisure to and development, For some lling, fullling may people such as Figure activities E.1 their includes the share of comparatively Canada, category, use, time personal “Leisure” 18 care, for as nd OECD visits in is expanding stage and includes a per is care a 43 sports, of games, cycle, place of residence. personal and participate There are spend “Personal time- in also these per on of next of per total television and Variation is in inFrance. time across the viewing, friends largest time cent largest average with etc.). countries cent 49 the care” medical hairdresser the socializing to informal to household, high time lead people across of typically cent hobbies, gardening, other doctor, to that gym. activities. low Norway leisure 22 and life partner. countries the personal the in activities. choose life and afuence, enthusiasts. passive, to a care to from are going to drinking, ranging Mexico accounting recreational and spent small, such those leisure Others personal (hygiene, Sweden, Following regions. eating services in serious activities people across time particularly as television. help that their sleep, personal in of leisure pursuits, that shows proportion hobbies, considered watching health-enhancing leisure be sports including personality, Substantial in collection, activities support personal skills. gender, rapidly participation interest. tourism competition economic and long-lasting. personal acquisition site). Leisure participation They sporting popularity, for ● They touristic free in A of duration, like. development pursuits contexts. However, ● example for geographic other activities Although time different destination) time changing leisure in activities some concept or ● personal the activities? activities. activities pleasure, to leisure Key cntent purpose Leisure development rise in ● pleasurable have processes and 18 computer family, Pt E.1: Magic Kingdom, Walt attending events, and so on. Leisure time is greatest in Norway Disney World, Florida, USA 213 1 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M Fgre E.1: Share of time AND 24-hour in 18 SPOR T breakdown OECD of time spent in main activities for all respondents aged 15 and over countries taken by leisure and Key: other activities across Leisure Personal care Paid work or study Unpaid work Unspecified an average day 0.7 2. 2 2. 5 0.7 1. 5 5.4 0. 8 0. 5 1. 5 1.7 0. 3 0.6 14. 9 14.7 0.9 1.0 1.1 1. 3 15. 2 14. 5 13 .6 15. 4 2.4 1. 4 0. 3 10 0 Source: OECD. 2009. 10. 2 13 .0 90 "Measuring leisure in OECD 16 .1 16 .7 14. 9 2 0.6 14. 8 17. 4 13 . 8 14. 4 15. 8 14. 4 17.6 15. 3 16 .0 countries". Society at a Glance 80 21.6 2009, OECD Social Indicators 14. 9 2 0.7 15. 2 15.6 16 .6 18 . 3 17.0 15. 3 12 . 8 17. 4 15. 9 16 .6 16 . 5 15.7 13 .1 70 2 0. 3 60 % 50 4 5.1 4 5.7 4 9. 2 4 8.3 18 . 4 18 .7 4 6.8 4 5. 4 4 4. 8 4 5.0 2 1.1 2 1. 4 21.6 2 1.7 4 6.4 4 4.0 4 3. 3 42.8 4 3.8 4 3.4 4 5. 3 4 5.6 4 6 .7 4 6 .1 40 4 2 .7 30 20 10 18 .0 19.6 18 .7 2 6. 5 2 5.0 2 5.0 24.7 2 3 .7 2 3.4 2 3 .1 2 1.7 21.6 15. 8 0 1 l r C w D a a E O N F B G i o n e e e K S i C n w l r g e g a S n m n a i d d a u e o d y 8 y n m n m a d p d i d t w A Z u P S o K t o a a t i e r l I a t s J F T t u l r a r r a e n n s a l d y l k i e a y a a p n n c d e a i n c e n t i U N n U (27 of per and a cent leisure Mexico higher more is equal “Paid work, time household family The in than paid work” in paid work and in (chores, growth of leisure where 15 cent the On paid average full-time and part-time and home. workplace, commuting In members, been the contrast, cleaning, to volunteering, facilitated by a the length of the working day ● a reduction in the length of the working week ● an increase in wages ● an increase in disposable ● the ● more ● an ● developments early Similarly, an and the looking school, and includes children of margin in and and so all other on). factors: activities technology enable leisure people greater in in to for machinery and disposable is as less such as machines time on TVs and freed up time for necessarily emerging income washing and chores, the and Internet, leisure. has not exitime spend technology, activity HICs and (such people opportunities agricultural many time in which in breaks income self-employment provide increase For in developments which OECD18, the retirement increase other the work” number in leisure but from for Japan report spent shopping, reduction leisure time and a of jobs, “unpaid caring and across leisure, ● growth work than Amounts represents countries less from time). Finland. work other in of and paid while of time. cooking, has per slightly and at (16 Germany leisure, All work is school work non-family countries than work to Mexico Belgium, Korea. includes spent paid in in two time commuting freezers) 214 only of least high shares in time spent and also the time spent workplace, for are leisure time ne. time) are proportion represent the of time a economies, allows them some farmers, but result. to having take more part in leisure more 1 C h a N G i N G L E i S u R E P a T T E R N S Activity 1 Tourism 1. Dene the terms “niche tourism” and “mass tourism”. Niche Mass Tourism Tourism 2. Find an example of each of the types of tourism shown in Figure E.2. 3. Suggest why most geographers prefer niche Ecotourism Heritage Medical Adventure Silver tourism to mass tourism. Fgre E.2: Types of tourism leisure activities. However, in poorer countries, and in countries where TOK there is political turmoil, there is less opportunity for leisure activities, 1. and not the “state of mind” of being “at leisure”. For some Explain how gender indigenous inuences leisure time in populations, leisure activities others, quality may include story-telling and music. For societies at dierent stages their of life and standard of living is so low that it limits of development. the amount of leisure time and leisure activities. 2. Gender differences can also be observed. Men generally have Present an argument more that suppor ts the idea leisure time than women (in Europe and the USA adult men normally that technology does not have between one and nine hours more leisure time than women each increase leisure time. week). This difference responsibilities, households closely Undoubtedly, of in engaging expensive various As life to the there LICs leisure in is leisure equipment. of industry a link less between income are make universally, and of the progressive in society and leisure therefore this involves pursuing the in can needs of in chance culture and activities benet aspects population less purchasing the difcult. leisure adults spiritual is activities. and if parenting have. differences Older and more status comparisons accommodate cent some they income there that cultural to time particularly important. per In household Women’s leisure However, 25 their changing. of leisure had to disposable emotional, has due shared. pursuits, more comprise is are increases becomes social, who this amount have expectancy physical, group although perceptions retirement usually responsibilities linked Societies is of the leisure. over-65 many in from the The age HICs. The categorization of tourist activities and sporting activities For much of history, uncomfortable strong. people not Nowadays and more more and Tourism the and local many often. more makes scale tourism travel is people As travel people use (for and dangerous, of so travel the considered expect to becomes travel and primary example, a and local a less a difcult, to travel natural travel for was desire at part least difcult greater secondary on and expensive, had of an of resources, attraction) to the be for very some annual more variety to life basis if affordable, reasons. ranging global scale from (for 215 1 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T example, the a hotel pre-existing built specically indigenous from chain). for people, secondary accommodation, There vary are example, needed. and Pt E.2: Water park in Florida the drink cost. and contrast, L TA for Research and communication skills a days. a holiday for example and Choose two two be very purpose), of of and or tourism mainly to are cater tourists tourism of tourism Costa form of del is Sol, tourism. expensive, be tourism such as for for most to In often are not wildlife, include to the much tourism For equipment of imported, week it last the food increasing (although can for found achieve between in coastal ecotourism some watching, of periods). contrast, Nevertheless, gorilla be one frequently Spain. due because holidays those distinguished types areas, shorter cheaper are destination. expensive skiing go is, scenery, which These and has resources (that shopping. E.2). tourists go may may Mass and mountainous the generally residents scale. type for in These resources , duration generally climate, sites. (Figure cost, occur recreation including heritage entertainment their holidays local the tourist/recreational tourism forms since it of is 7 and areas, largely ecotourism costs a great two deal adults This low-impact can Plan types mass of for tourist/recreational terms they Most the cultural catering, needed economies 14 in skiing As nationals In many greatly Primary attractions to get to the remote locations in which they occur. children. contrasting Categorization of spor ting activities types of tourism, and q research would how cost much for two Tble E.1: Groupings of spor ts it adults Group 1 Athletics and rugby and two children, American football; archery; curling; Gaelic possible spor ts; gymnastics; lacrosse; orienteering; destinations and length rugby league; rugby union; track and eld of holiday. (If you choose athletics; triathlon grey (silver) tourism there Group 2 Dancing and yoga will be no children.) Keep t; aerobics; dance exercise; pilates; Make trampolining; yoga a two-minute to your your class, presentation outlining Group 3 Outdoor spor ts ndings. Angling or shing; BMX; cyclo-cross; mountain biking; climbing/mountaineering; cycling for health, recreation, training; cycling to get to places (e.g. work , shops); hill trekking or backpacking; motor spor ts; rambling/walking for pleasure; shooting Group 4 Swimming, cycling Health, tness or conditioning activities; and gym swimming or diving (indoor or outdoor); cycling for tness or pleasure Group 5 Racquet spor ts and Badminton; horse riding; ice-skating; jogging; running cross-country; road running; squash; table tennis; tennis Group 6 Bowling Bowls – lawn/outdoor; bowls – indoor Group 7 Cricket, football, pub Cricket; croquet; dar ts; football (indoors and spor ts and tenpin bowling outdoors); golf; pitch and putt; putting; skittles; snooker; pool; billiards (excluding bar billiards); tenpin bowling Pt E.3: Tourists at Geisir, Iceland, waiting for an eruption 216 1 C h a N G i N G L E i S u R E Group 8 Boxing, mar tial ar ts Boxing; judo; karate; other mar tial ar ts and weightlifting (including self-defence); taekwondo; weight P a T T E R N S training (including body building); weightlifting Group 9 Minor team spor ts Baseball/softball; basketball; hockey; netball; rounders; volleyball Group 10 Water spor ts Any other water spor t; canoeing; rowing; waterskiing; windsurng or boardsailing; yachting or dingy sailing Table E.1 shows a categorization of sporting activities. Some sports are Activity 2 very popular – such as football, shing and jogging. Some are very Choose any two activities expensive such as horse-riding and yachting, whereas others are cheap, from two dierent groups, and such as running or football. Some take place in a particular place such comment on their likely cost, as a swimming pool or a golf course, whereas others can be played in popularity and site. almost any space available, such as jogging. The link between economic development and participation in leisure activities The level and range of economic of leisure leisure facilities groups catered and leisure domestic means As countries of to the able enjoy poor rst to the to afford money in home. so the leisure In that time listening In to addition, stage E.2 can in the in they afford to to a radio that life in have It it. investment than investment will to quality and all age survival expenditure in tourism is on a in range to also be will long limited number televisions and it as be so is not many large to spend particular of newly leisure activities, to long and free sending time more and of potential due For income time numbers their trade. more about the Their only as become just having hours. of such watching not accommodation, choose of a appliances about example, there work a afford However, is activities for improve, share may leisure occurs purchase, it For may countries, participate. may combination see the widespread important the able develop, watching people in activity. qualify cycle, affect have Government This activity; some greater or be they having the limited. incomes whom to less although not activities can wealthy family assumes (NICs) of is change leisure addition, leads the that can HICs LICs. people’s also countries/communities leisure may partake many but a country The government residents. leisure countries hours, studying, as small is their or of a it. leisure some people activity participate working for important workers, is there of deal extremely appliances an industrialized migrant most However, becomes being are of within LICs provision develop, by Very televisions. TV great the development undertaken one a In facilities leisure of reasons. with for. development activities wealthy more other than TV . leisure Table activities E.2). The the time available shows how the type vary model for of with age shown leisure leisure (and in Table activities, activity and varies with Fgre E.3: The four ages of age. spor ting life Source: Jane Upton 217 1 OPTION q E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Tble E.2: A traditional family life cycle and its impact on leisure and tourism Stge n lfe cycle Byng r bevr ptterns 1 Bachelor stage: young, single Few nancial burdens; fashion opinion leaders; recreation-oriented; buy basic people not living at home kitchen equipment, basic furniture, cars, equipment for the mating game, holidays. 2 Newly married couples: young, Better o nancially than they will be in near future; highest purchase rate and no children highest average purchase of durables; buy cars, refrigerators, cookers, sensible and durable furniture, holidays. 3 Full nest I: youngest child Home purchasing at peak; liquid assets low; dissatised with nancial position under six and amount of money saved; interested in new products; buy washers, dryers, TV, baby food, sleds, skates. 4 Full nest II: youngest child six or Financial position better; some wives work; less inuenced by adver tising; buy over larger-sized packages, multiple-unit deals; buy many foods, cleaning materials, bicycles, music lessons, pianos. 5 Full nest III: older couples with Financial position still better; more wives work; some children get jobs; hard to dependent children inuence with adver tising; high average purchase of durables; buy new, more tasteful furniture; go on motoring holidays; buy non-necessary appliances, boats, dental services, magazines. 6 Empty nest I: older couples, no Home ownership at peak; most satised with nancial position and money saved; children living with them, head in interested in travel, recreation, self-education; make gifts and contributions; not labour force interested in new products; buy holidays, luxuries, home improvements. 7 Empty nest II: older married Drastic cut in income; keep home; buy medical-care products that improve couples, no children living at health, sleep and digestion. home, head retired 8 Solitary survivor, in labour-force Income still good but likely to sell home. 9 Solitary survivor, retired Same medical and product needs as other retired group; drastic cut in income; special need for attention, aection and security. Source: Page, S. 1995. Urban tourism. London, UK . Routledge Children combining work and leisure in Sudan Activity 3 Cindi 1. Katz’s study of children living in the village of Howa (a Study Table E.2 which shows pseudonym) demonstrates Children expected how work and play are inseparable. a traditional family life cycle are to work from an early age. This may involve tasks and their buying or behaviour such as: pattern. Describe and explain what types of holidays are ● collecting ● running ● weeding ● herding water likely to be taken at each of errands to she shop these stages. 2. plots Comment on the likely usefulness of the family life sheep and goats. cycle model for leisure in (a) When doing these things, children introduce elements of play into an HIC (b) an NIC and (c) a LIC. their activities. For example, when boys are out herding, games such as Suggest reasons to suppor t shedduck are played which is play ghting where participants have to your answer. hop 3. Comment on the dierences between the leisure time the with one herds, more leg boys behind can them. make the By combining work more games enjoyable with and overseeing the time passes quickly. activities for mothers and Children use scrap metal to make dolls, tractors, houses and models and agricultural of fathers in Figure E.4. local 218 shops. They then use these to act out domestic life 1 cycles. An awareness exemplied out of in broken their of how acting trade out of and wage payment labour for C h a N G i N G operate crops using L E i S u R E is P a T T E R N S Average money made number different leisure of hours per week on activities china. 17.5 Society despite in much this of sub-Saharan pressure on their Africa time depends children are upon still child able to labour, 14.7 but combine work 8.3 7.4 and play. 2.6 1.4 TV Leisure in BRICs Growth of the and other Social Sports media leisure industry in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Note: based on adults aged 18–64 with own child(ren) Russia, under 18 living in the household (N = 4,822). Other media India and China) has been accelerating due to economic and social includes computer, games, radio, etc. changes. These include: ● rising ● a disposable Fgre E.4: How mothers and fathers spend their leisure time income Source: Pew Research Center analysis of 2010 surging middle class American Time Use Survey ● rapid ● greater ● an BRIC urbanizaton aging on such and as Across India, 2.9 the in Russia particularly resorts, India They anything is have services theatres, in a gaming seen that cater halls, and rising rapidly; a 15 for the cent the percent spent recreation to gardens holidays. pastime. world with attendances online have entertainment, attendance. of for them the elderly exhibitions 132 package cinema cinema per and other market for favourite led Although substantial concert is by services stationery cinema grow household durables cultural Bollywood, 2013. TV , all aging up the for to BRIC from and books, visiting appetite to expected average recreational relative make are the magazines, China those spas, 2013 attendances population 2013. to countries, and services In recreation, TVs insatiable cinema BRIC in and and BRIC beenfalling 65 2030. newspapers, withits Brazil, recreation and leisure radios billion The and 2014 pets, connectivity population. leisure between $287 online such and were leisure as over industry, health cruises. Changes in leisure in the USA Since time the that week. been that 1960s most This has especially many work alone. or More is households grown has of be the accounted to over 20 for per The 10 wage the of their and amount extra working commuting, the free low 4–9 weeks. time up to leisure per has has away 25 of hours This Research – in of of 1960, cent wage/more time low-wage per cent in an earners. much proportion USA some shorter between higher increase for shown from per cent of person. wage/less meals. in to low spent single made a large have, spending is high spend rising a a due among are time the been adults largely case takeaway Inequality has can and may buying the consist distinction population workers been Americans households A there American of wealth. workers. their group the free The income is less but in on 1 to per the wage eating likely wealthiest wealth, time high out eat cent 2010s out. of that Pt E.4: What does this suggest about young children’s use of leisure time? 219 1 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND There SPOR T has games, Leisure use been but is an about 5 There is (for hours of some size the TV the within the home to of the spent leisure media of 15 related by TV with was a has was clubs. people while watching they TV , was 13.7 The of and and theatres inches the sports towards – now of Even In 1968 there prevalence of are DVD theatre”. in the sought matches. more 71per are theatres. home Americans at cent dramatically. “home in per online by wealth. and increased the 56 and and Going reported and increased more trend many ethnicity. cinemas provided restaurants team health alone week education Cinemas inches. century is a games) multiplex development there example, in to activities. to screen going essentially hours play changing. leisure For are playing and African-Americans be 100 people activities or televisions 20th at and organized cent over century, the in colour much theatres, 21st in also size are during cinemas, is allowed while century, of that has Overall, the players replaced Trinitron screens players per of jogging individualized. social likely being home, Sony is facilities increasingly the use number number average, week 60 This of on the the MP3 variation to whites, Hispanics. The per in in more and Students, example, cent decline becoming headphones exercise. in a increase In leisure 19th leisure the in early being part provided environment. Factors aecting participation in sports and tourism The decision range age, of sex, in time live and are to of a and and tourism available spatial sporting affected ethnicity, as a health, Other child stage location a wide including in inuences and by factors, life cycle, include (that is, peer where facilities). variations success. population is socio-economic responsibilities. participation signicant proportion sport circumstances, other relative international in demographic involvement, people There participate economic available group to physical, that The takes in the participation participation part in a rate specic in sport refers sporting to and the activity. Physical factors A number and of tourist physical activities. factors For have an impact on participation in sport example: Activity 4 ● 1. skiing the Comment on the gures and Alps, winter that sports have are regular associated and with reliable mountain snow in areas, such as winter shown in Table E.3. ● 2. size for each country, and coastal for Find out the population areas surng, ● hilly ● rivers ● it areas with such can large as in plunging Hawaii promote breakers and mountain produce ideal conditions California biking, as in the case of Wales work out the average tourist and lakes promote shing expenditure per person for each of the countries. at 3. has been high suggested altitude that favours the increase long-distance in red blood runners in cell the concentration high-altitude Comment on the variation in regions of Kenya and Ethiopia average tourist expenditure between countries. ● areas (that with is, Miami 220 wide hot and Beach, sandy dry) beaches, will Florida. and favour a reliable climate coastal/beach in tourism, summer for example 1 C h a N G i N G L E i S u R E P a T T E R N S Case study be Changes in China’s leisure activities in In 2015 the consulting rm Daxue too that among China’s adult – physically activities. or mentally Moreover, they – to do engage not have they have Consulting much reported tired leisure and disposable income, especially if elderly to send some of it to their family. population: Leisure ● 22 per cent of people spent 1–2 hours a activities changing. on leisure 16 per Surveys Chinese of children students show are that also the activities most ● for day cent spent 3–4 hours on popular activities were doing homework, leisure doing extra reading, taking part in academic activities training ● 12 per spent cent more spent than 4–5 5 hours, and the and rest that hours. programmes, watching students Saturday About one-third of people spend their reading and one-sixth watching TV . in has developed and people become more people are spending About one-third of Chinese or on the laptop. include table up, and adults in tai public Chinese especially China have are chi, free also by mobile women, and tables courts. to summer all common parks. eastern camps are signs China are in Western the largest part the in Chinese sports and middle leisure that swimming, camping classes rock grown (that theme park such time to for many engage workers work in Chinese these they activities. extremely long do of the in the country, by schools or In property Wanda 2016, in that Chinese) China’s is a to the Wanda City indoor an home- Disney, Wanda an eastern Nanchang, it rival in activities developer, Shanghai. park, activities leisure City complex is, in with and a includes shopping a mall cinemas, largest restaurants ocean and park. hotels, Also in and 2016, the Disney climbing. not Many hours, part as opened However, highly are activities and Leisure be especially leisure world. opened world’s cycling, to organized converging private Group, with taking tend children, Chinese-themed Increasingly, operate. time when organizations. entertainment playing are vacation developed There and badminton jogging 1995, phone parks table-tennis mahjong, to after spend activities Numerous free chess, dancing their leisure-time badminton. there Kite-ying, cards, and through popular shopping, tennis throughout set Internet Other the Most community time ceased friends leisure time go online. increased of richer, more increasingly with amount As organized. China have school playing The leisure activities time TV . have the migrant and may its own Disneyland Resort the in resort the (“Mickey world’s most in Shanghai, world. Mao”) The is visited Shanghai expected theme up a to year. 330 less car 19.3 in Disney attracting in guests Some people three the Walt Florida million 2014. million than Disney contrast, World from largest become million In attracted visitors to park, 50 Disney t the live hours by Shanghai Resort. Pt E.5: Par t of Wanda City: China’s new theme park revolution 221 1 OPTION q E LEISURE, TO U R I S M Tble E.3: Biggest tourist AND SPOR T Human factors spenders, 2014 ($m) Human 1 China factors relate to economic, social and people 2 USA 145.7 3 Germany 106.6 who home, Many that 4 UK 79.9 5 France 59.4 6 Russia 55.4 There 7 Canada 33.8 8 Australia 31.9 is a on they take visit place physical strong most to a travel place in golf as that they the between as are large the found number in of HICs golf Italy 28.9 11 Japan 28.6 12 Belgium 26.4 Political, social and cultural factors 13 South Korea 25.9 There 14 Saudi Arabia 25.1 15 Singapore 23.9 for Vietnam is tourism the Hong Kong 22.0 17 Netherlands 21.4 is a also Social the Most Switzerland 20.2 19 Norway 19.3 expensive. 18.5 have the are in Paris tennis their experience. courts, might of not wealth sports and football be as development An that of and the facilities. NICs. courses is a and origin For obvious may golf clubs). Brussels with be located courses in Polo is in Some people sports. and in include instability cannot Golf associated University another 2015 participation Examples in the region. certain generally Oxford inuence infrastructure. (MENA) important. sport factors sporting Africa also (although boxing The political of associated Boxing population that North fees as from example. attacks factors tourists. provision and membership 18 of evidence and East benet good terrorist Middle 16 the normally economic provision 10 Sweden issues. distance factors Brazil LICs not such human 9 in large do venues Thus, well courses is relatively factors. E.3) this a sporting pools. correlation (Table exception holiday swimming as tourists example, 30.0 is, and important of go sports pitches 20 political 164.9 and sport afford clubs with a is largely the often working-class Cambridge that are University the each preserve of wealthy. Source: The Economist. 2015. Pocket World in Figures. London, UK . Prole Books. Cultural as Activity 5 factors Lourdes affects and can Mecca participation Muslim women women to in also inuence attract in sport. athletics many A good and tourist destinations. pilgrims each example swimming. is year. the The Places Culture low such also participation convention for of Muslim Using information in this section, remain robed means that successful Muslim athletes, such describe how par ticipation in as the Moroccan middle-distance runner Hasna Benhassi, receive much spor ts varies with (a) gender, (b) criticism at home. age, (c) ethnicity and (d) socio- economic conditions. Socio-economic factors that aect par ticipation in spor t Suggest reasons to explain Participation in sport employment status varies according to socio-economic conditions, these variations. own their living in sporting house rented housing is housing more tenure. likely to accommodation. activity swimming and are the for people most living popular For example, participate Going in sport to the rented for in people sport gym is than the most accommodation. people in all who those other In popular contrast, forms of tenure. Access to a car People those walk 222 with access without more to access regularly. a to car a have car. In higher rates contrast, of those sports participation without access to a than car 1 C h a N G i N G L E i S u R E P a T T E R N S Case study activities Spor t par ticipation in the UK ethnic While men and women are equally likely for health and recreational aged are more likely to cycle or to take sport. Participation in sport is people also younger and people, those in those higher with a in managerial positions sport more frequently than tend to take time to groups, employment cycle people. Three for The of are health most the top more and those ve are cycling. However, than sports sports swimming, in people in for health female in as and as likely and by sex. men of and tness, health while male participation is more analysis play temporarily who who likely shows sport is sports However, those just and also over in keep have while, who Women heavily in who are on sick, disabled relatively or low participated to in participate sport as an as a adult. that the majority of adults played sport as children. 5 take per are t for more own example, part cent and their of in weight men likely and proles. 85 per training actually than aerobics, gender nearly men over weight to 75 take per cent are male, train. part cent of and q tness, or people People are Specic retired vary both and those people full- participation swimming qualications; occupations; other twice recreation popular women concentrated and no routine part who socio-economic minority authority bands. The in and local car, income child People with or permanently incomes. students black greater injured; among over; part are in and pensioners; purposes, semi-routine men 75 lone to tenants; walk are (BME); more Fgre E.5: Spor ts par ticipation in the UK by gender widely Source: Depar tment for media, culture and spor t. 2011. “Adult par ticipation in spread across a range of different activities. Time, spor t”. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ expense and commonly health cited problems reasons for are not the most data/le/137986/tp-adult-par ticipation-spor t-analysis.pdf participating Football in sport. Participation in sport also Golf, according to personality – some people pitch and putt, sports such as mountaineering climbing, whereas others may training sedate sports such as non-participation pool, billiards 77.9 sex, it does by other does not demographic to factors. participate in any Those most cultural tennis 71.0 for or to health get and to places 68.9 recreation 31.1 68.3 31.7 likely trekking or backpacking 62.7 37.3 sporting Climbing/mountaineering q 29.0 and Hill not 23.2 vary Cycling socio-economic 22.1 76.8 bowls. Cycling by 15.7 prefer Table While 14.0 84.3 Darts more 9.2 86.0 and Snooker, rock putting prefer Weight high-risk 90.8 varies 61.7 Tennis Pt E.6: Tennis is a spor t that is enjoyed by both genders Badminton Jogging, cross-country, Bowls road (lawn) running [outdoor] Martials arts (incl self Bowls Health, Swimming or Swimming or 53.7 46.3 52.9 47.1 52.5 47.5 gym 51.0 [outdoors] diving aerobics, 40.2 45.9 chi) fitness, diving 39.1 39.8 [indoors] Ice Keepfit, tai 60.9 60.2 54.1 bowling defence, 39.1 59.8 Skiing Tenpin 38.3 60.9 48.9 skating exercise Yoga 51.1 47.7 [indoors] dance 49.0 52.3 42.7 57.3 24.1 75.9 17.5 82.5 Percentage Male Female 223 1 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Case study (continued) participants more and are likely over those likely in activities women two-thirds more reected in than of than the to are take cyclists men to proportions female. part are go of in Men are The cycling, male. Women swimming, as most For play also football football participants. popular example, age is outdoors the group. the sports also vary 16–24-year-olds most Health gym) is (over 20 popular and a 10 by age most per sport tness top are cent), among (that activity group. likely is, this going for to and all to age 90 groups 80 and highest for those aged 16–24 73.9 73.6 73.7 (over 20 per cent) and 25–44-year-olds 70.0 70 (18 63.7 per cent). The 16–44-year-olds are the 62.1 most 60 egatnecreP 75 48.3 likely and to over swim, are the while least people likely aged to. Golf is Walking 50 Sport a top 10 activity for all age groups except 37.5 36.4 40 Cycling 16–24-year-olds. 30 t Fgre E.6: Spor t and active recreation, by age 16.7 20 14.4 12.1 Source: Depar tment for media, culture and spor t. 2011. “Adult 9.3 10 par ticipation in spor t”. https://www.gov.uk/government/ 5.2 uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/le/137986/tp0 adult-par ticipation-spor t-analysis.pdf 16–24 25–44 45–64 65–74 75+ Employment Concepts in contex t q Tble E.4: Spor ts par ticipation by socio-economic status (%) The Sc-ecnc stts Wlk Cycle Spr t n is demand affected ctve people recretn time Managerial and professional 74.3 13.2 62.7 Intermediate occupations 67.4 10.0 51.7 with are lacking Small employers and self- 64.2 9.6 a able leisure, many recreation processes. disposable to either activity in for by afford factor options. participation income such have There in In and are major sport tourism free activities. reduced leisure, and short, People leisure differences and tourism. 55.9 However, it free There is not just based on wealth and employed Lower supervisory and 66.7 9.9 time. are major differences based 49.4 on gender, ethnicity, marital status, age and technical occupations composition Semi-routine and routine 62.0 10.3 53.6 Never worked and long-term 67.0 10.3 53.6 Leisure leisure the to household activities wealthier. unemployed of There activities. Internet, follow change has is enabling similar as been This (family life countries some interests become convergence illustrated people status). by around wherever the use the they of of world are. Check your understanding 1. Distinguish 2. Briey between leisure, sport tourism. 7. and Suggest how participation has explain inreased three reasons why leisure Explain 4. Briey how 8. inHICs. leisure time is affected by in sport in family and life cycle affect tourism. time Identify are 3. changes the social excluded characteristics from participating of in people sport in who the gender. UK. explain how a country’s level of 9. economic development affects participation Outline the differences in the number of hours in that mothers and fathers spend watching TV sport. a 5. Briey explain the variations in demand activity. for 10. tourist leisure Distinguish between tourist/recreational 6. 224 primary and destinations. Explain the concept of the “family life cycle”. resources. secondary as 2 Tourism and spor t at the local and national scale Rural and urban tourism hotspots Conceptual understanding Hotspots above are areas average of intense numbers of sporting or leisure activity that attract visitors. Key qestn Tourists are attracted to these hotspots because they have primary How and secondary resources and are accessible. They are also do shape to be will ● free put of off tourist deterrents visitors. natural Such hazards, which deterrents such as the may not would be long-lasting in places political unrest and terrorism, such as the human sites of factors leisure? Key cntent Haiti 2010 ● Human and explaining ● and into but include: earthquake physical perceived events in physical the factors growth of rural and Paris urban tourism hotspots including in2015 the ● disease, In order both the to become include historic festivals. include as the a To for scenic buildings, cater ebola for outbreak “successful” infrastructure attractions and such accommodation, and landscapes, tourists, West hotspot, tourists different in an the and 2015. needs resorts, to have ● Tourist arts, utilities. city include external linkages (ports, to linkages (roads, allow tourists airports, to parks, gain access services). to the location, Accommodation reect the demand, whether it is low–cost sphere kinds touristic stadiums Factors of of facility, and inuence sporting including parks affecting and national and national gyms, parks. sports the geography league, of including local location of its hierarchy of development teams will in rail the car secondary Transport a termini) and resources. neighbourhood ● developments primary different and and of Variations for developments public role touristic heritage performing infrastructural transport area in attractions. coastal cultures, Africa and the distribution of accommodation supporters. or exclusive means public that accommodation. local utilities Finally, national investment, governments destinations, training. By as typically in of water labour play supply, and an private tourist expectations governments infrastructural contrast development q or such The will important is is accommodation role more and and to in the and tourists provide ● electricity. important. improvements initiative many have sanitation promotion of cultural National promotion Large-scale of or temporary associated sporting, religious sites costs of musical, festivals leisure, and as and their benets. employment prominent in the attractions. Tble E.5: Some factors aecting the growth of a tourist or leisure hotspot Natural landscape Mountains (Nepal); biodiversity (Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica); coasts (Mediterranean); forests (Amazon rainforest); deser ts (Tunisia); polar areas (Iceland); rivers (Grand Canyon). Climate Hot, sunny, dry areas are very attractive to most tourists; seasonality of climate leads to seasonality of tourism. Culture Language, customs, clothing, food, architecture, and theme parks. Examples include recreation (Paris); religion (Mecca); education (Oxford). Spor ting events Events such as the World Cup (Brazil, 2014) and the Olympic Games (London, 2012; Rio de Janeiro, 2016) lead to a shor t-term boom in tourism. Government investment The creation of new resor ts, improved infrastructure and new attractions, for example and planning theme parks. 225 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T 45,000,000 Activity 6 40,000,000 Figure E.7 shows the 20 most 35,000,000 srotisiv popular tourist attractions in the world by the number of launnA annual visitors. 1. Describe the global 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 concentration of these 5,000,000 hotspots. 0 U , e n e h m r e l u d S G ' i P o k l a d e s T l P a S i u a c c G w r t a é M C r a k o r f r e e o u , t e r , t n B S e a H s l t t a l i o t o i , c g a F E a n d a s i D t n e l y a T r o k e e s H m N a a i a w i s T o n y F e n s i D and Tourism in an urban hotspot: Oxford the visited Oxford as a Although Oxford is the three most Nearly the half of university popular Church, Magdalene Tourism generates a tourist a number the is it large and choices New is around tourist multiplier the visitors colleges, were Christ College. at economically £300 directly about active travel-to-work £200 sector, effects nearly estimated the million, and value million. and 7,300 with to The indirectly or 3–4 population in spent linkages the city’s number by of tourism per cent of the Oxford the area. of of the groups both visiting from the sustained Most tourists into economy jobs destination, attracts directly and heavily promoted within and Oxford the were UK of historic city. as Tower. more famous university not or is and world Carfax one adult only from (85 abroad. per cent), Outside and a very high London, Pt E.7: Oxford at dawn proportion Oxford is from of the most important visitor destinations the UK, attracting over 5 million visitors groups. each Eighty year. Tourism a large Oxford, providing Most the one of or visit. a of attractions Old of most 5,000 Oxford’s the Oxford included Bodleian source surveyed popular Gardens, number over people more The Botanic 226 is of intended attractions attractions Ashmolean colleges. A Blackwell’s Library, employment full-time the per cent in of visitors in social were jobs. to visit during their included Museum number of Bookshop, Sheldonian highest in social the were one the and other the Theatre ABC1 and groups (managerial professional) compared national about for 45 that to a average per of cent group. Pt E.8: Tourist information board, Oxford S , K o P l p c r a , k P , k y o S P m e n g l l r G a n d Fgre E.7: The 20 most popular tourist hotspots in the world Case study A r n i g s i a d a a r F F s i D r n a e y c n a C t a h e n r d a D a i l r t o e T c a o k y o r G a n d s i D n e l y a z a , r a n , d , l a r o i S s n c e c e a o s i r a o P k y o T a n b l u t s I B d B e n r k F i k n e m r t n l a e C U i n o n r o i b d s i D t g p d l o a n c , n e e O , l y r t i C , y d l B a a o n t n o d P o n r a , , s N e w i j i e n g S U S . . . , k A A U r o k F Y s l l a i m n , l a a g r a a T r e t S i t a o , n i N , k W s a i h N e w n t g o Y r o w P r a these tourist hotspots. n k Y N e C e r t n S l a q u r a , e V e i T m secondary resources at s e attraction of primary and g L Comment on the relative s a 3. r o i r t s s a shown. k Explain the distribution p 2. 2 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E L o C a L a N d N a T i o N a L S C a L E Case study (continued) A survey of (30 per the colleges and visitors cent), the (14 general revealed history per cent), atmosphere attractions for the particular city, buses, in the and value viewed most (22 for as (9per money said cent), cent), and too as the architecture (17 the of the nightlife City Council terms there city of was was who levels of range, in and toilets, standard were not improvements, too much trafc overcrowded expensive (5 per also could coaches cleanliness are that biggest trafc There percent), accommodation In the well number and of that that as the city However, and favourably. that the were the signposting, visitors per tourists. availability pedestrian of to stay the a is and upon the to visitors Avon, city. the are free university ideal and of time example or Council is visitors, business and use for or Stratford also that in trying is, The students in with money visitors. this the visitors money compared Woodstock university to more jobs, day vacation opportunity bring little the independent journeys, to spend Oxford high-spending more route benets example, catering, Nevertheless, attract coach and on economic These create who of For targeting overnight. city coach number increased. accommodation colleges cent). be not on Oxford during provides an accommodation for The Oxford Tourism Strategy conference The Oxford Tourism Strategy aims to ensure Planning visitor satisfaction, encourage an increase spending within the city, and environmental is problems which just result fall In particular, the strategy provide street a larger parking coach park and increase the and as enforce on- regulations up of to use as part City of public means the Council show the major ● of a encourage buses and publicity sends transport of routes walking getting into material out locations coach of there the and and the tours, the that are park to provide most for encourage main which rides, bus registered to places of the liaise with visitor is able increase routes sightseeing improvement In addition, present to reinvest fabric, to and lesser-known language conict number spread the schools their of annually, attractions Centre For making in that it Oxford! the attracts one It is Information meet demand and provide the also in provided boards the the is need famous and on- there signposting attractions churches on and to of be for been more its colleges. has attractions. varied. university been attracted through TV Many and visitors lms made attractions about students visitors tourist money generated infrastructure support to Oxford Oxford, include of Oxford Inspector Morse/Lewis and long-term and in lming scenes from the the Harry the lms. cause off-season groups of people, notably the in are increasingly cared for. This includes load interpretive ● experience. information disabled, order will Strategy interest foreign the visitor satisfaction information Particular ● people visited is street Potter congestion tourism Tourist Information Information use ● money, Oxford the Oxford required. in and the information At visits the park have to If Oxford maps and on-street visitors. city; cycles comprehensive their enhance the buildings, ● take Thus, 500,000 the Centre ride the to: vital ● include from intends example, ● to off. attempts tourism. also minimize soon the must in aim tourist delegates. by tourism facilities of into the the hearing, facilities, and ramps loop for systems people in for the hard of wheelchairs. city, sustainability Activity 7 1. Using examples, explain why tourism is impor tant to Oxford. 2. Outline the main characteristics of (a) visitors to Oxford and (b) the attractions they visit. 3. What are the main issues related to tourism that need to be addressed in Oxford? Evaluate the ways in which these methods are being tackled. 227 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Managing tourism in Killarney National Park , Ireland Killarney in an heavily Park renowned on amount has National area of tourism paid increased, dramatically. intensied illustrates as a the excellent scenic source of of the way managed: in by income visiting policy which placing in the transport Killarney and and emphasis management region revenue has the risen have conservation on as infrastructure National rmly relies and economy Killarney tourism the land-use and and environment management of However, employment tourists between example beauty. disposable number Conicts clearly an its holidays, although successfully is for Park can be conservation. Pt E.9: The Gap of Dunloe, The scenery of the Killarney area, including the National Park, is world Killarney renowned. tourist ! is venues a major in attraction Ireland. Over a and the million area is visitors one of travel the to most Kerry visited each year Common mistake bringing ✗ It Many that are students all believe national managed in parks parks different rules regulations in including some (Photo the USA, are owned In other as the E.9) national by the parks state. countries, shores, oak Under tourism quality rapidly and of grasslands; religious resident the includes low owing historic in need Killarney bare last to the is Ireland, for over rivers; herd buildings up three rugged native and these 14,000 where of a the majority over arises visit 4,000 between protection rocks deer of physical Killarney; and sandstone bridges, and conict variety of glacially red the of the considerations. lakes cliffs; surfaces; of of other made the Of conservation, limestone rock area. population precedence with the million legislation It some woodlands; a and takes sometimes and £160 with landscapes. moorland and town for scenic tarns In countries, a heritage human different estimated rooms! need The have and countries. Ireland tourist natural sameway. ✓ National Killarney, the the an islands; mountains eroded in cottages, and lake waterfalls, with valleys; Ireland; and secluded native landscaped monastic and ruins. such The National Park have UK, national many Killarney owners, including private residents, the Commission, Parks parks the Defence, and and of of makes the of been Park are national managed a areas communities to is designated Ireland purpose, and Biosphere that the “exist scenic importance enable by to Ofce Reserve to under visit of by conserve landscapes and, public the Works UNESCO. natural which conditions and Public are National plant both and extensive compatible appreciate (OPW) with that them”. farmers. The This in animal local Ministry has Parks National Authority, councils, and Forestry National basic ve objectives for the National Park are to: management parks very ● conserve nature ● conserve other difcult. ● encourage signicant public features appreciation of and the qualities heritage and the need for conservation ● develop a harmonious relationship between the park and the community ● enable the park monitoring Of these, any and nature conict to contribute to science through environmental research. conservation takes precedence over the others should arise. Management strategy 228 Pt E.10: Congested Killarney Nevertheless, street does not Killarney comprise a National Park self-contained is not without ecological unit, its problems. consequently It it is 2 inuenced place in by the changes and surrounding T o u R i S m a N d developments area. To S P o R T that a T T h E L o C a L a N d N a T i o N a L S C a L E take successfully manage 0 the interests National of Park conservation has and developed a tourism 5 Killarney management plan, km in Killarney which land use is controlled and potential conicts Lough Leane N reduced. The Killarney identies National four main Park zones Management (Figure Plan E.8): Key ● Natural zone: where nature conservation is the Middle Lake primary objective. Cultural zone: Natural zone (land) Natural zone N71 (water) ● where the primary objective is the Upper conservation of noteworthy features resulting from Areas Lake of particular significance human activities including demesne natural archaeological and historic sites, in landscapes, buildings zone and Cultural zone structures. Intensive management ● Intensive management other than where conservation basic are park 1 7 N objectives zone: emphasized, zone Resource restoration provided park resources are not adversely affected. zone ● Resource restoration plantations mainly zone: in the comprising Muckross conifer area. Fgre E.8: Zoning in Killarney National Park In addition, buffer and the zone around change developed Management will in be the park Plan within inuenced consultation identies in with a which potential development positive Kerry a manner. County This Council, has Activity 8 been Killarney Urban Study Figure E.8 which shows District Council and other relevant bodies. land-use zoning in Killarney Within the National authorities have have been National are is to is maintain replace to the the most of of in also been Demesne, a and in ha and of 75 areas. park’s per cent Another the and of have of priority other natural zones the ha facing native cleared infested is the zone. the park this help conservation? the woodland and removal Here park, National Park . Describe the pattern of zoning. How does plans the woodland vegetation, of the Rhododendron of been the which development challenge restoration with priorities 11,200 hectares plantations of eradication resource into number conservation the 240 of a Conservation biggest the areas plans and have folk-life with road development of complex. of in this the car Ross a and of the aim and forestry aim and is to ultimately principally craft entrance has been area. former of parking Castle The Killarney, areas, been to had the the A folk It farm redesigned the Kenmare has plans of adjacent to restoration which internal landscaping undertaken, built mansion. widen restoration features has of workshops. plans town also much 19th-century Council’s formal has for late programme, many programme park County planting development restoration to is exhibits N71) close tree established House The Kerry (the situated farmyard been Muckross developed. major pathways, area 900 these displays, access include the cleared park. conjunction main Control clearance these the contains has tackling. are zone. Development fabric to situated integrate natural Up there Approximately achieve plantations up. perhaps Park. infested. to been drawn population Park, of the the house work. A improving car 229 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T parking, service toilet for footpaths in allocated and to the National managed in an the other congestion, of scenic National time they of has Kerry roads and cause the Way. way in In that conservation the such area, as be they bring whereas trafc vegetation and ruining amenities. The Killarney reconciles of can hand in was Park. tourists one problems of €250,000 National the tourist information long-distance 2016, the employment of an the which On destruction plan and develop within serious provision a to area. generate footpaths, the the sensitive developed to the as can through priority plans illustrates money landscaping also improve Park erosion Park gives such and hand views facilities, are ecologically much-needed on There area, repair Killarney in boating visitors. these yet at the same nature. Variations in the sphere of inuence The an sphere of attraction threshold sphere of It sports will have The purpose main facilities the are number in sports catchment area, are threshold An of a facility – a UK, hole golf elds pool, has a and be In and correlation Salt A For a simple a is which its their the the order facilities a a a small stadium much of about between for for the range and many of The the sports greater sports have a small Higher-order and have place. sports larger is of a and to 10 higher courts a km. it team million the top greater about In 3 the possible becomes fan visits a of a the distance. for ha of an In 18- playing baseball population to suggest viable. per be sports stadium/ USA, threshold is a may – end athletics a be there activities population that a could providing level, and people. addition, one At from have sports km, outdoor and 1,000 scale 1 threshold people, In the complex the every which At of about population that tennis of In season the is franchise. it has been shown population New 1 up sports larger York Pittsburgh hierarchy of respectively. USA, with indoor 30,000 and bottom children. of population example, City a the with with million size a 2.4 people outlined of that a region population million had below. there had one of is and a clear the over three a wider opportunity that spaced, or low have larger areas. population. widely will from Hence, market higher it facility have sports much provide people. sporting the support a a may hence contrast, to inuence range provided the at suggested baseball franchises, Lake the more top-level serving 1,000 for nine a populations necessary clubs. within of young for be threshold France is of threshold place variety (“diamonds”) 6,000 range, In inuence, facility provide small sphere a been course threshold USA, may should pitches of it of from playground derive number number, for with providing there swimming the to provided, sports with facilities/activities scale, in a area small area). sphere sports the small very located a to A populations. example centre a likely for places and fewer playground, sports a sports Low-order facilities of sports centrally of is greater population. participate and team a refers support. (catchment threshold to 230 its population inuence top-league area. inuence draws 17 positive number million franchises, franchise. of had while 2 q T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E L o C a L a N d N a T i o N a L S C a L E Tble E.6: A hierarchy of spor ting facilities in dierent settlements Cnty sze Recene fcltes Village 500–1,500 Community hall actvtes ere Badminton, keep t, yoga, football, cricket Community open space Mobile library Small country As above plus tennis, netball, gym, hockey As above plus: town 2,500–6,000 Tennis cour ts Spor ts hall Swimming pool Town As above plus bowling, golf, skateboarding, judo, As above plus: karate Specialist spor ts venues Golf courses, skateboard parks, bowling green City Spor ts stadia As above plus home grounds of spor ts clubs (football, rugby, hockey, athletics grounds) Athletics grounds Capital city National spor ts centre for selected spor ts As above, but for national teams Urban–rural Central Cinema; theatre; area library; Transition historic Tenpin leisure pool; zone bowling; centre; local houses; bingo School hall; social community combined swimming leisure allotment; park; bookmakers; parade guest clubs; fringe Suburbs etc. local with centres centre; library; video/DVD local bookmaker; with play local clubs, area and fields; centres; shop centre; sports and park pitches; park; sports garden shopping district and Specialist craft country hotels with leisure complexes; nature reserves Catchment e.g. over-60s and served public house; etc. with farm nature shop riding Serving the town surrounding trail, and centres and rural population Serving largely the neighbourhood Serving the suburban population town and surrounding particularly for population, weekend recreation Airport Railway F Main station roads C A–F Hotel sites: C B C Central B B A City B Railway C Main centre B business B locations district A E A F roads E C C C A D Historic F Medium-sized hotels city in pleasant locations D D D D E D Large in modern transition hotels zone of CBD t F Large on modern edge of transport Fgre E.9: Distribution of facilities hotels town, in an urban area intersections 231 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Intra-urban spatial patterns Figure E.9 small or there is the shows a numbers area of The cinemas, Finally, distribution town. concentration central parks. the medium-sized of the sports some community leisure centres while leisure area and leisure facilities on the the facilities be such and garden do parks, dispersed around into a typical medium-sized tourist there centres not cities attractions are and concentration that as and periphery main facilities facilities small centres, contains other may of most leisure city, and central theatres of In recreation country of require in increasing restaurants, much space. grounds and neighbourhoods. Tourism facilities in urban areas Urban areas are ● destinations ● gateways ● centres ● bases for of for important in their tourist for own tourism because they are: right entry accommodation excursions. Factors aecting the geography of a national sports league Most teams in the top league of their national sports derive support from L TA Research and a wide area. This is true for football teams such as Manchester United communication skills and For (or your home another you are interested research clubs in the a to your about Make telling and Tottenham in results. Red the base may Sox. They Some league do many fans become have Hence, are and Premier their teams not there Hotspur teams clubs follow interest. cities English However, baseball only lower national) towns them and can inuence. even a fans contrast, of of Boston the In in), presentation class, your of that hierarchy league. two-minute the country country Barcelona a have tend the to a to of on much or more such as their fan university or for a sphere international Chelsea, base many Internet. localized. London, and although the narrower generate is in Yankees following, a to clubs, of York television have United to New global support Some go the success their Ham League. as “team” number West move such all is of (or some Arsenal, whom very job, In play localized. and so the fan broader. Case study National spor ts league Currie Rugby The in South Africa Cup Currie Cup competition Rugby is one of South Africa’s big three soccer and cricket. The traditionally fared extremely the premier Africa, provincial and was rugby rst in 1892. The format of the Currie Cup country varied has is South sports, contested alongside in well on from year to year, and nals were held the intermittently until 1968, after which the nal worldstage. became For the disadvantaged people of the South Africa, rugby was the game, and even more so to and the game Afrikaner. Traditionally, most black communities played soccer while, communities, rugby was the winter of the the most successful Currie (Western Cape) Cup with was 33 followed by the Northern titles Transvaal/ Bulls with 23 titles (four shared). Since rugby sport a professional sport in the early 1990s, choice. single 232 Province shared), became of 2015, history for Blue white the and (four coloured including in of Western the event. white province person’s annual old Up apartheid an team has dominated the Currie Cup. no 2 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E L o C a L a N d N a T i o N a L S C a L E Case study (continued) For many African and the 1990s years rugby Blue this the was biggest Bulls. was rivalry between During superseded in Western the by early a and South Province the to of mid- three-way South Natal, the Lions and Western Currie July into and Cup takes October. eight place The Premier roughly format Division and six 14 North and First and Cup Vodacom State KZN Cup has become an on the South It Super competition and a 14 takes nishing platform in for place at – – in and time late thus advancing place in the to matches nal. of the The Pumas, Golden South’s are teams Cavaliers, Cheetahs, province, Falcons, Lions, Eagles, are largely the Border drawn of Mighty Province, Natal). from some Bulls Bulldogs, Western (KwaZulu although Blue within the fan base as have moved work away or for from their home for marriage. the February creates talented 20° 22° young teams cross-section rugby same starting mid-May two important African the a up Wildebeests university, calendar. made Boland Supporters may competition is Griquas. Free Division the The for Leopards, Elephants, teams teams. Vodacom top playing Province. between divides the and one-versus-two Griffons, The with rivalry The between – semi-nals players who E 40° Z I M B A B W E E S might B O T S W A N A otherwise not get a chance M O Z A M B I Q U E Northern to It make has their also Province mark. been a fertile g n for strong g n t ground a e Pretoria breeding u l from r t h W e previously s m G players o t u p Soweto M disadvantaged a a a N S WA Z I L A N D backgrounds, N A M I B I A F thanks to the r e e S t a t e enforcement N Kwazulu-Natal of quotas. Quotas, Northern Cape L E S O T H O successfully Durban implemented S O U T H A F R I C A Indian lower down, through the now higher levels Atlantic Eastern Ocean Cape 0 of South African Ocean extend 450 rugby, km including the Super 14. Western Cape Over The Vodacom Cup is Port divided 1,000,000 into two sections – Country people boundaries Elizabeth 50,000–1,000,000 35° Province people boundaries S North Fgre E.10: South Africa and its provinces Case study L TA Gaelic Games in Ireland In Ireland, are (26 the arranged counties) national merit, Gaelic at whereas Games county and league knock-out a Northern and the within from their each county Ireland knock-out semi-nals from (there and county, of Teams knock-out competition All-Ireland (hurling, level. Gaelic from (6 competition nal. four some birth/residence The league based for for the may work, camogie) of compete provinces), Support although is and Republic counties) competition. are football the on a Ireland in is on provincial counties is moved university by the largely away and Research base for your based followed have a Research skills so sport the a home that may How base different sport country you elsewhere). support support named clubs in a know does vary in (or the between different areas? on. 233 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Going down leagues This not a is are partly want lower travel the the to for large into far to distance two fans to of the and reasons see whereas national many regions practical travel league, a top hierarchy, divided – fans teams are support lower counties. will play prepared a club in to that is in league. Costs and benets of large-scale sporting, musical, cultural or religious festivals as temporary leisure sites Large-scale religious sporting, festivals musical, may be cultural temporary or sites of Pt E.11: Competitors at the leisure, but they provide many costs and benets. Some events may star t of the Blenheim Triathlon take of L TA Research skills the leagues may in there is location be as the that as not normally Glastonbury temporary such is the events in Triathlon Music areas at used for Festival that are Blenheim leisure in the for UK, associated Palace, the rest whereas with leisure Woodstock, the only countries a a such tourism, second form in year, others and Sports place certain largest triathlon in the UK. where level of The Glastonbury Festival development, and people certain of with wealth Find out leagues South free about in Republic a and the of level time. sports Congo, and Mali, example. The Glastonbury and is globally tourism Democratic the Sudan among sites, ne for is which and gaining the embraces exploring arts drama and listen to to to to the It across see be a activities The the of the with open-air under religious world. music including festival and Europe heritage festivals are This maintain in cultural attending performance culture. and of visiting and concerts of festival heading Festivalgoers type friends the buildings music particular part socialize largest comes and festivals. popularity opportunity is many historical opportunity performer Festival recognized. music, industry attracted or will a by particular present friendships as an well as music. Development Glastonbury began exception 2001, of The festival 800 acres. is held This site as it in the has a Pilton been huge now Pop held open Festival every air arena accommodates in year up 1970, since which to and its covers 250,000 with the inauguration. approximately people. The impacts of the Glastonbury Festival Economic Mendip Mallet, Street hinterland, west region nancially nancial Pt E.12: Glastonbury Festival, one of the world’s largest annual music events 234 impacts local services authority and Bristol Wells and and Bath, and the UK from the festival, support is area, in essential. the all Shepton their the rural south- benet but their provision of 2 Each visitor income to from the the festival festival T o u R i S m spends makes on a N d S P o R T average substantial a T £293. T h E L o C a L a N d N a T i o N a L S C a L E 200 The contributions 150 to charities such as Water Aid, Greenpeace and Oxfam Number and may also be used to support local projects such as hand, with and of school and Glastonbury huge crime has numbers such of sporting negative tourists, facilities. impacts drug On the other including and Ticket dealing substance visitors (thousands) 100 provision of the price £ 50 abuse 0 astheft. 1970 1990 2000 2010 Fgre E.11: The growth of visitor numbers and the increase The growth of Glastonbury 1980 in the price of attending the Glastonbury Festival q Tble E.7: The growth of visitors and increase in price of attending the Glastonbury Festival 1970 1980 1990 20 0 0 2010 Number of visitors (thousands) 1.5 18 70 100 135 Ticket price (£) 1 8 38 87 185 The it is of festival is not associated June, festival from the is a wholly with rebellion activities burden hosting a welcomed of for global and local them. event. by the the local hippie residents are also offers culture. severely Nevertheless, It community some local During because the restricted civic people pride an weeks and is the derived employment Pt E.13: Glastonbury Festival opportunity. continues late into the night, sometimes to the anger of local Environmental impacts residents Air pollution CO emissions 2 festival is exibility, public have increase running. but Waste dramatically transport attempts transport. been Car Green have is been coaches during still made using June most to when popular the three-day because encourage of its supporters environmentally to acceptable use fuels encouraged. disposal Activity 9 The creation consists The mainly tents them behind for In the tents waste of present enough 2011 of were at is human an the charity of the waste, enormous end of the greatest empty problem festival problems plastic water because and their at the site. bottles many of condition and the is This tents. fans not 1. Referring to Table E.7, describe and explain the leave trends in ticket price and good number of visitors. use. Association left one of Independent Festivals found that one in six 2. Outline the potential conicts between visitors and behind. residents that result from the Noise pollution Glastonbury festival. Many of the disturbance Provision Energy, performances to of water disposed local continue through the night, which causes residents. resources and food need to be supplied and residue has to be of. 235 2 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Concepts in contex t There are leisure human and so factors on. develop how as the greater be are for is the include sphere able a size, case in wealth, Venice) There tourism physical visitors congestion of for of investment, more draw to people range are and or it many facilities and but and and will they also pollution. may be short possibilities as on to likely watching of a country afford the to sports. inuence to than or Larger smaller provincial participate pressure on in urban clubs generally clubs. Some level. leisure and and rural areas to increase. Check your understanding 1. Explain the interdependence of primary and secondary tourist resources. 2. Explain why sporting 3. Briey and how facilities explain the sphere of inuence of different varies. the term “range” in the context of sporting activities. 4. Why do tourist 5. Describe 6. Explain why 7. Explain the purpose 8. Outline the main the distribution Management 9. Compare a 10. city Comment Strategy. 236 the with hotspots Oxford on has of a develop? of hotels become buffer objectives of in a model tourist zone the a urban area. hotspot. around Killarney a national National park. Park Plan. leisure those the to managed. activities, them may relation in by many Glastonbury. be arranged people in (as attract access, attract Hotspots activities tourism-related provide of may that inuenced climate, will term case areas may places are problems long much more areas hotspots. leisure a leagues As in these Some have be of These including many may term, types Some into generate This many activities. facilities likely main to be likely found methods to be on used found the by edge the in the of a Oxford centre city. Tourism of 3 Tourism and spor t at the international scale Conceptual understanding Key qestn How do the variations participation in in global power tourism of different and countries affect their sport? Key cntent ● Niche national inuence, ● tourism including and heritage The role of strategies adventure with a global tourism, sphere movie of location tourism tourism. TNCs in expanding international tourism destinations, for different including the costs and benets of TNC Pt E.14: Mass tourism involvement stakeholders. Activity 10 ● Costs and including benets of economic tourism and as a national social/cultural development strategy, 1. effects. Suggest examples of mass tourism and explain why ● Political, economic and cultural factors affecting the hosting of it is likely to have adverse international sporting events including the Olympics and football environmental impacts. World Cup events. 2. Discuss the ways in which cultural tourism might be benecial to an indigenous Niche national tourism strategies community. Niche tourism refers to special-interest tourism catering for relatively 3. small numbers of tourists. There are many types of niche Discuss the benets of tourism, mass tourism. including heritage-tourism, medical, adventure, tourism. In which decisions novelty are at travelling wilderness, contrast, itineraries a mass are made by the large grey tourism xed, minimum, in ecotourism, stops is are safety (or “silver”), typied by planned organizer. and agro-tourism, and tribal, the and Familiarity business, and package guided, is at a companionship dark tour and all gained Identify the conicts arising from pressure on major maximum is 4. in tourist resources. and from crowds. Adventure tourism Adventure to a remote Adventure Adventure Mount tourism area tourism Everest environments, all adventure $3,000 for economies an the level is eight-day so of for a suggests that case sector person study but 66 remains For per the real) in will also C, to climb Extreme Nepal). pay local Tourism revenue destination. Not around supports Adventure of risk. example, Option people cent travel decades. tourism tourism The in involves recent (see on many tourism. about in customers. per Adventure mass that (sometimes popularity expensive, than tourism perceived in $50,000 holiday. tourism niche high-value 138–139 more of increased around tourism adventure form attracts pages (ATTA) a some has costs much Association in and tourism is Trade spent Adventure tourism also encourages sustainable practices – it involves Pt E.15: Hiking among the f jords local of Greenland 237 3 oPTioN E LEiSuRE, To u R i S m aNd SPoR T communities, supports protection for future According to local businesses, and promotes environmental Activity 11 1. use (and ongoing economic benets). Suggest another term for the UNWTO, in 2014 over half of all adventure tourists “other ” in Table E.8. were 2. Identify the type of women, education, over and one-third over 10 per had cent spent had a four or more professional years in higher qualication. adventure tourism in Photo Adventure tourism in Greenland E.15. Outline the reasons why the environment Greenland in Photo E.15 attracts Adventure adventure tourists. other has recently tourism (Table can begun be to develop divided into its adventure three tourism categories: soft, sector. hard and E.8). q Tble E.8: Types of adventure tourism actvty Type actvty Type Archaeological expedition Soft Hunting Soft Attending local festivals/fairs Other Kayaking – sea, white water Soft Backpacking Soft Learning a new language Other Birdwatching Soft Orienteering Soft Camping Soft Rafting Soft Canoeing Soft Research expeditions Soft Caving Hard Safaris Soft Climbing (rock , mountain, ice) Hard Sailing Soft Cruise Soft Scuba diving Soft Cultural activities Other Snorkelling Soft Ecotourism Soft Skiing/snowboarding Soft Educational programmes Soft Surng Soft Environmentally sustainable programmes Soft Trekking Hard Fishing Soft Walking tours Other Getting to know locals Other Visiting family/friends Soft Hiking Soft Visiting historical sites Soft Horseback-riding Soft Volunteer tourism Other Greenland accounts and 2014, offers Sightseer Nature a targeted 25 per adventure range of the cent of North American visitors tourism attractions grew for to the by market. country. 195 adventure per This Between cent. tourists. 2010 Greenland These can Culture broadly For Nature has for appreciator Culture be put into three categories (Figure E.12). example: appreciator Globetrotter ● Wilderness ethnophiles visit to gain a greater understanding of indigenous seeker Ethnophile Nature lover Authenticity Special people seeker and their culture interest Culture Extreme lover ● adventurer cultural tourists Economusee ● nature may be attracted by museums, Viking tourists are attracted by whale watching and Physical activity watching t in the 238 Sermermiut Fgre E.12: Types of adventure tourism in Greenland ruins, workshops Valley and Disko Bay bird 3 wilderness tourists wilderness areas are attracted (Photo by the a N d S P o R T opportunity a T to T h E trek i N T E R N a T i o N a L L TA ● T o u R i S m in S C a L E Research skills E.15) For ● extreme adventure tourists are able to cross the Greenland an choice, climb ice cliffs and go sightseers may do so of your choose one form heli-skiing of ● area icesheet, from the luxury of a cruise ship. adventure outlined nd out in tourism Table about E.8, its and impacts. Movie location tourism There are a number their attraction have attracted the lms. in a visitors. to Manchester, The detective the series. increase in to (see lm. (and in New popular number of E.16) had Lewis tourists the TV and and to series in point Game Northern out of sites used large many are it numbers tour. said locations Thrones, in after visitors Street Endeavour) and Hobbit visitors attract attracts lm The visit surge Coronation tours include to a Street a in Rings keen saw and Morse series used of television Coronation and TV Lord Zealand, Studios latterly Oxford, places as Photo Some Granada Morse the such programme and Other between Films tourists Wars UK tourism links Michael Star of boosted of fans. many Skellig appeared TV for The to have used leading in to an Ireland. Pt E.16: Skellig Michael being transformed into a set for a On a different scale, locations have been created to cater for people’s Star Wars lm desire and to the theme experience Wizarding parks lm/TV World based locations. of around Harry a Disneyland, Potter (Photo Universal E.17) have Studios created lm/concept. Heritage historic tourism sites and L TA Heritage tourism relates to indigenous travel to people experience of an area. It the is place, communication skills artefacts, sometimes Research and referred For to as cultural a lm or programme have Machu Picchu: heritage tourism costs and benets Machu the Picchu valley of civilization. along the It with River was a Cuzco and Urubamba centre of other bear worship archaeological testimony as well as to a the sites unique private family of Inca ruler Pachacutec. It is split into two enjoyed, the impact the tourism it the relevant urban World the of Taj Standing forest, at its it noted As the for the is It above covers in terracing temples, 2007 it with sites sea one was the on the diversity of Latin adopt ancestors. For a the and food squares as Wall royal one of of and tombs. the China, where was set. Make a short the to yourclass. is a seven Coliseum in the the hectares ora Machu America. example, of its of a tropical creations giant the mountain of walls, Andes, superb Picchu is one culturally lifestyle their of the empire terraces which is and also fauna. and Also traditional with slopes and Incas midst amazing diet is that architectural of the most signicant closely based on is and attractive that resembles potatoes, the that maize local of and llama area the It new the on in for areas: storehouses, and selected Great most eastern of importance, in level of 32,500 stronghold communities their m rich archaeological cultural of along probably situated its last up sacred and world 2,430 was It Site as had Mahal. height. ramps. made featured Heritage wonders and zone, zone has industry presentation agricultural you investigate Inca retreat major that of it the TV tourism. meat. Pt E.17: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter 239 3 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Benets Csts Social benets Social costs • Encourages civic pride. • • Provides cultural exchange between visitors and locals. • Benets also spread to the country as a whole. • Encourages the celebration of par ticular customs and Cultural conicts and abandonment of traditional customs ad moral values. • Increase in local crime. cultural events. • Encourages the learning of new languages and foreign customs. • Improvement of infrastructure (electricity, water supply, sewerage and communications) benets local people. Economic benets Economic costs • It attracts auent tourists. • It inates local prices of goods and services. • It provides valuable foreign exchange, which can be invested • Jobs in tourism are mainly seasonal. • Tourism is volatile and subject to downturns in local services and projects, connected to development. • Extra tax revenue for the government derives from as a result of external inuences such as accommodation, restaurants, airpor ts, sales, Inca Trail and world economic recession or terrorism. High Machu Picchu entrance fees at $20 per ticket. dependence upon tourism either locally or nationally can be risky. • It provides direct employment (accommodation, guides and visitor transpor t) and indirect employment (food production • “Leakage” can easily occur. This means that and housing construction). Tourism is a labour-intensive money generated to tourism does not stay industry. in the country but returns home. This occurs when local tour operators are not used. • Tourism can produce a “multiplier eect” whereby money generated in one sector of the economy benets another sector, and the amount of money circulating in the economy increases. Environmental benets Environmental costs • • Tourism has conserved natural and cultural resources that would have become derelict otherwise. Visitor numbers are increasing by 6 per cent per year leading to footpath erosion because numbers are beyond crryng cpcty. • Heavy rainfall, steep slopes, deforestation and trampling of vegetation can lead to landslides. • The local infrastructure cannot cope with recent urbanization, in par ticular hotel- building, e.g. Aguas Callentes. The Urubamba river is overloaded with untreated sewage and its banks are covered with garbage. • Helicopter ights introduce noise and disturbance. The number discovery its 240 in of visitors 1911. development to There and Machu are tourist Picchu both has positive attraction. increased and massively negative since consequences its of 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L S C a L E Managing tourist pressure at Machu Picchu Problems UNESCO authorities landslides, sanctuary. but so far the day Machu people of foot. has are But day new enter trafc “The for to been entrance build a only of to by the is at risk each of point. gates. and this endangered checkpoints Picchu of to thinking entrance follow be accessed from Machu to The get Only there list limiting is into 400 a limit one of to railway and a or cable on car Picchu of hire three limits by Picchu. Ministry have time Cuzco Machu the Picchu face the Huayna road top visitors and time the access Trail. could the Machu will Citadel Time for in clearly be and or at Culture an in ofcial Cusco, guide predetermined specic points routes to keep the of and Inca city and of be people”, will adopt public Machu based the require a on Picchu to plan. will previously regulations them use state. wear uniforms credentials. three clients tourist 20 guides to the manner most for limited of most Intihuatana, Temple at nalize into orderly visible their to will group established be to routes “expressly join through prohibited” another and/or the from divert to Inca “leaving a different person”. limits Picchu’s Peru visitors an groups organized guide urging procedures have They to to to Citadel, conducted and ● plans valley climb Inca Picchu complex, has Stricter an to the to Culture the at illegal site alternative congestion promulgated Inca organized ● offering the of limiting and owing. UNESCO be rules the for deforestation, adding Ministry and allowed are the visitors the through The hours Machu there so. alleviate are about development considered considering permits from allforeign ● done regulations Under concerned urban has three to recently, New ● to also daily running to not Picchu per 500 Until UNESCO pass ofcials are uncontrolled of prevent 3–5 signicant the the minutes Temple Sun. The bottleneck to and of stop sacred the appreciate points Condor, purpose trafc and of the some interest, Water of Machu including Mirrors and the the is jams, 600,000 the ● regulations “Keep Moving” guards blow tourists signs shrill stray increasingly say. and park whistles unintentionally restricted 500,000 when into 400,000 territory. Foreigners 300,000 Peruvians Supporters believe of that the poor overcrowding at new rules management Machu Picchu and 200,000 is 100,000 taking site. an Tour undue toll operators on are the iconic rmly against 0 the new restrictions. 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 Fgre E.13: Visitors to Machu Picchu, 1980–2014 241 3 OPTION q E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Fgre E.14: New restrictions for visitors to Machu Picchu ar tcle 19 – Prbte Cnct For all persons, national and foreign, who visit the Inca city of Machu Picchu, the following conduct is expressly PROHIBITED: 19.1 Carrying and consuming food and alcoholic beverages. 19.2 Climbing and touching the walls and other structures of the Inca citadel. 19.3 Leaning against or rubbing your hands or body against the walls and stone elements. 19.4 Igniting ames or building camp res. 19.5 Carrying canes of any kind, except as needed for age, physical disability or injury. 19.6 Smoking tobacco, cigarettes or any other substance. 19.7 Disturbing the ora, fauna and biodiversity. 19.8 Polluting water sources. 19.9 Writing on the ground, walls, stones, as well as the Pt E.18: Machu Picchu: Lost city of the Incas elements of natural heritage under penalty of legal sanction. 19.10 Practicing nudity and obscene acts contrary to morals and good customs. 19.11 Disposing of solid and liquid waste. 19.12 Carrying backpacks with a capacity greater than 20 liters (5 gallons) or 6 kilos (13 pounds). 19.13 Oering and selling products within the Inca citadel and the immediate surroundings, including the receiving areas for visitors and vehicle access. 19.14 Conducting fashion shows, exhibitions of swimsuit or dancing and exotic musical instruments, which distor t the sacredness of the Inca citadel. 19.15 Convening social events. 19.16 Bringing in pets. 19.17 Flying over the ruins in para-gliders, helicopters or any type of aircraft. 19.18 Launching drones or any type of aircraft to take photographs, videos or movies from the air, with the only exception to this prohibition being ights solely for scientic and cultural diusion with prior express authorization of the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco. 19.19 Using aerosol sprays that release repellents, colognes, sunblocks, or anything else. 19.20 Changing attire, clothing and garments within the Inca citadel. 19.21 Bringing in or using large umbrellas during the rainy season. 19.22 Conducting explanations in spaces or sites not determined for that purpose. 19.23 Leaving an organized tourist group to join another and/or diver ting to a dierent guide or person. 19.24 Going beyond the physical limits of the tour of the Inca citadel. 19.25 Filming footage for the purpose of marketing consumer products. 19.26 Any heavy lming equipment. 19.27 Any act that harms the conservation of the Inca citadel and its lithic elements will incur an administrative penalty and in addition may be the subject of criminal and judicial charges. Since 2011, exceeded number rst 242 of time the the average daily visitors ever in limit to daily of Machu 2012. number 2,500 of agreed Picchu visitors to by surpassed at Peru 1 Machu and million Picchu UNESCO. tourists has far The for the 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L The role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in Activity 12 expanding international tourism destinations In many and LICs tourism development. 13percent of It has the potential generates consumer over spending. 6 to stimulate economic per cent of Many LICs possess global GNP 1. urban sites. and resources 2. (such as beaches, warm climates, forests, mountains, wildlife, Dene “heritage tourism” and give two rural and two growth primary S C a L E Describe the tourist heritage attractions of a site such as features, indigenous people) and secondary resources such as hotels Machu Picchu. which tourists wish to access. It would be difcult for the individual 3. tourist to arrange their transport and accommodation To what extent do the independently. economic benets of Moreover, LICs may not have all of the infrastructure in place to develop tourism outweigh the their own tourist industry. So they have been forced to rely upon the environmental costs at this transnational corporations (TNCs) concerned with tourism to organize site? and in all market HICs. these For example, US-based been the companies. independent, has resources the and eight products. largest Although exploitation of hotel the their The LICs TNCs chains have resources are in usually the become by the based world 4. are the terms “multiplier eect” politically tourists of Explain what is meant by and “leakage”. HICs unsustainable. 5. Identify those in favour of regulating tourism at Machu Hilton Worldwide is an example of a TNC involved in tourism. It was Picchu and those against. founded hotels in rooms the in 1919 100 and is countries. brands and in Waldorf as been the with 1949. including the such has credited Francisco Conrad It international company Hilton by Hilton the of has the over US of such and as chain now in the on rst and world, rooms. airport 4,600 by Since 6. 2005, It has a in San number and service over Evaluate the recent restrictions for visitors to Machu Picchu (E.14). hotel, Hotels full Itemploys over Team. hotels. Conrad has the 750,000 the Resorts, Resorts. and Olympic concentrated hotels, and USA hotel with development Hotels Hotels in largest sponsor the luxury the presence, a Astoria Hilton is Hilton of Resorts Describe and explain principal types of regulation that might be introduced to control the tourist impact at hotels, 160,000 7 . people a heritage site. worldwide. In contrast, Thomas the cities rst of tours place in the Cook Thomas was Leicester, to Europe 1855 and Cook originally to Derby, Group is founded a in tourism 1841 Birmingham to and TNC take that has diversied. passengers Nottingham, in between the UK. Its took the National USA in 1865. In 1974, business Thomas Cook introduced chains “circular were notes” later traveller’s company to which Competitors Tourists become cheques. was also The involved Activist in military transport and Employees groups the was postal a late package In the service. arrival holiday UK, became a In fact, into it the market. Thomas Cook Tourism “vertically Government integrated” providing hotels, lines air transport, resorts, and a Residents Planners company cruise tour operator. Fgre E.15: The stakeholders in tourism planning 243 3 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Thomas stores, Cook Cook 97 was a appointed with a planners, the over 20 20,000 million London “affordable 2012 and people, has customers Olympic accessible nearly per year. Games, 3,000 Thomas and was accommodation” Games. in business around of provide the Stakeholders employs and sponsor to throughout TOK Group aircraft tourism can interest. leaders and include Examples local individuals, include residents who groups agencies, are and private impacted by organizations consultants, decision-making. TNC involvement in tourism is an impor tant feature of There globalization, and also has are airlines, many impacts associated been with globalization, notably the of tourist activities and destinations. travel around related the services cheques and of lines, TNC tour integrating Express companies largest city areas cruise American nancing this idea referring to a range main increasingly 1960s inequalities in wealth. Discuss ve hotels, agency globe. of the tourism travel business. agents. For cheques, computerizing ticketing. American the USA hotel, and Express airline computer has ofces now and cruise services, in in the shares, Express is important many other reservations, guidebooks – have buying every handles industry All example, travellers in cards, terms in and beyond American including credit their moved and involvement operators and travel- travellers passports. The costs and benets of tourism as a national development strategy Tourism as a development option has many attractions. Tourism is TOK apositive route especially when towards economic development for poor countries, There are many formal and they lack the raw materials for manufacturing. Tourism informal activities that are can be regarded as an export, but goods and services are notsubject to benecial for others in the the price uctuation of commodities sold on the world market. Tourism tourism sector. Even though can be an effective way for a country to overcome its problems of TNCs may control some tourist balance of payments. activities, there are many From the perspective of the host country and its population, tourism is advantages for independent, labour intensive and can overcome the problem of unemployment both in local workers. Discuss this idea rural and urban environments. The tourist economy provides jobs directly referring to specic activities (tourist welfare, catering, transport, guiding and accommodation) or and tourist destinations. indirectly provides catering (construction, opportunities and engineering to acquire and new food skills, production). for & repair in also languages, entertainment. Tourism maintenance example Tourism can create a multiplier services effect, which means that income accommodation gained travel agency by through duty free local the economy is circulated by their food/catering shop entertainment purchasing banking people of products within the services tour guides host Travel e.g. area. Tourism can redistribute airline wealth globally, nationally and rail medical service regional Origin Destination locally ship airline/rail/road provided that leakage is not travel bus allowed insurance banking services when the economy foreign-owned manage suppliers drain (as car services luggage to the business, companies reap the shops taxi/bus/hire car taxi/bus/hire prots to departure car from and repatriate them). arrival laundry/cleaning Tourism food/catering Fgre E.16: Tourist links export thereby foreign 244 adds base diversity of helps the to to stabilize exchange the country and its earnings. 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L S C a L E Tourism in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Online case study Small islands have relied on tourism as a means of economic South development, of the Caribbean high-density gradual many and resort Since authentic Caribbean, Polynesia islands, in the in the of 1990s, South brings and As been a successful. characterized short islands in visitor with preference remote Seychelles Pacic. both are attractions tourist on have relatively articial Maldives tourism they Mediterranean experience the cases complexes, replacement amenities. more and has and as theIndian and and shifted such St Africa islands large-scale, stays natural development benets by The the cultural towards Lucia Ocean, strategy for in a the and French these risks. The benets of tourism for SIDS ● A small land unlikely ● Tropical such as islands coasts, indigenous ● As ● Both an jobs area are direct narrow resource base makes manufacturing an strategy. well endowed mountains, with ecosystems, many natural heritage sites attractions and tribes. exporting for and development and local industry, indirect people, tourism is not employment many of whom in are restricted the by tourist quotas industry or tariffs. provides untrained. The risks of tourism for SIDS After the decades major core of mass tourist economies tourism, attractions, of Europe, isolation but North and transport America remoteness costs and are are high Japan is two and of access usually to the limited. Case study The Maldives – a Small Island 12,000 Developing State 10,000 8,000 International tourists 6,000 PPP 000s US$ 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Fgre E.18: International tourist arrivals and GDP in the Maldives, 2001–13 Background The tiny N its 0 Maldives islands, consist only population of of 200 an of archipelago which 300,000. are Located of 1,190 inhabited at by latitude 1000 3degrees north, monsoon climate the islands experience a tropical km Fgre E.17: The location of the Maldives conditions from most October to with of the April. hot (26–31 °C) year, For and the adry and humid season majority of the 245 3 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Case study (continued) 400,000 the tourists who sun-sea-sand ideal holiday visit the islands combination makes annually, Sea-level this where an above destination. sea planet. Economic accounts GDP for and 28 per more cent than of 60 by foreign cent exchange government receipts. Over 90 per The overall that tax revenue development comes of from tourism has growth created income the of the country’s direct and generation industries, indirect was once the the in recently so-called multiplier industry tourism has Agriculture assumed and play a constrained by cultivatable land lesser the 4.6 the Most staple much in the of which consists boat must be mainly building for only about and 7 cent the GDP in to Tourist and of but the average 2 and the per Maldives, external of or per external revenue 2009, rate cent like shocks, human badly are in affected December 12,000 2004, and which caused As a result of $300 the fell, and GDP contracted in 2005. Although numbers reconstruction recovered, as a result of high oil the prices of construction materials required world economic been recession stagnating for all of 2008, sectors. economy has a narrow base that The relies garment cent of on tourism, 70 per with cent of a limited source all tourists. Any area from changes in threats the this limited will market be the world at has grew an and 2010 SIDS, are whether activity, from and to internal limitations rapidly annual fallen between many serious. shocks rate is of resources of average tourist consumes more water and predicted and than the average Maldivian, and both 2020. expensive to produce. Almost all water is vulnerable by desalination. Groundwater supplies natural are causes islands were resorts. has provided to These and handicrafts, are The 2100. imported. energy to by of The cent, 59 cm domestic Depletion 1990 of demand grew Vulnerability 5per risen 2009. Vulnerability demand further damage. tourist import rebuild economy between has estimates greater to Maldives’ a threat. displaced and supplying accounted by zone tsunami property decit heavily production, active tourist national Industry, current economy, availability shortage foods rise another dead, per growth labour. will are rapid Since and and manufacturing role limited 20 cm, but to to level the effect. here, and importance. continue sea m on other trade more 1.5 country employment opportunities prime it Asian 100 was Fishing 1900s Maldives, only economy. by related lowest is fostered tsunami and the import has million It the early about tectonically left the the is to level cent by duties. it threat ground of a of real the per Tsunamis its a level; Since suggest Maldives’ is average importance globally Tourism rise the both are running short and are often contaminated beyond by sewage or saltwater incursion. All energy theircontrol. is produced Hulhulé by generator Islands. minerals and The except Maldives agricultural on Male have potential no is and economic very low. Pollution Solid EXTERNAL SHOCKS Pandemics Terrorism and liquid waste production by tourists NATIONAL OUTCOMES is also high, and matches their consumption. Flooding Erosion Solid waste is either dumped in poorly managed Economic recession Degradation landll sites, incinerated or dumped at sea. All Tsunamis Loss of resources Sea-level rise three processes How the are unsustainable. Loss of tourist revenue El Niño Unemployment The Maldives is responding to threats environment The Maldives are exposed to a range of external and unpredictable threats or shocks. Their lack of economic diversity and high All new tourism development sites must undergo dependence on tourism increases their vulnerability. an 246 Fgre E.19: The vulnerability of the Maldives environmental potential impact construction assessment carrying to measure capacity for 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L S C a L E Case study (continued) the area. plan setback of Developers against 20 from per building must be there is the cent must such imported, for by to as mainly a from all a 40 the m of and climate but neutral encouraging wind energy. cabinet commitment aggregates India, and Nasheed carbon means solar underwater level. demolition Mohamed Maldives which maximum buildings, and President mitigation tree-top sand recycling a include mark, coverage restriction materials scope produce This high-water land height Building must ooding. to change the In a to make decade, development 2009 meeting addressing and pledged within to the he held an emphasize problem consequent his of sea-level rise. and The economy buildingwaste. The The problem through the all pits bottle resorts. into resort the desalination reduced plants tourist the must for on now the of The sectors soak- all their nance own the of desalinated natural aquifer. as market attracting The goal to problematic the aims development is of by given a number of political, economic and cultural or be a the hosting World in a Cup. position of an Most international countries where they that can event bid to guarantee such host that as the such they in resorts, broadening the domestic China hence the Olympic Games tend to be event run hosted and employment, limited tourism, India. which resource is base of Research skills out in about the Games have the controversy around awarding the the to of 2022 event Football successfully, public that Olympic can reforming and Maldives. factors an and other investment Find affect and foreign from L TA are the diversify shing, manufacturing promoting visitors to and tourism include new increase Hosting international sporting events There between encouraging and aims tourism construction, Other and tourism substantially government beyond linkage such transport. new installation of Maldivian economy encourage and have also the compactors provision has addressed through plants. the resorts stress and discouraged, treatment is installation disposal is developments in management crushers Sewage aquifer waste-water water waste compulsory incinerators, in of HICs World Cup to and Qatar. NICs/emerging China (Beijing Olympic economies. Olympic Games) and NICs Games, South that have 2008), Africa hosted Brazil (Football the (2014 World events World Cup in include Cup and 2016 2010). Activity 13 Hosting such an event requires stadia, transport infrastructure, hotels and Study Figure E.18. other facilities for tourists/fans, and training facilities for the athletes/ 1. players taking part. Cultural factors may include the provision of Describe and explain the sporting relationship between PPP facilities – the Winter Olympic Games generally occurs in a country where and international tourist winter sports is a tradition. Political factors involved in the allocation of arrivals. the Games/World alleged Cup corruption of include lobbying organizations such by as national the IOC governments and and FIFA. 2. Suggest reasons for the main uctuations in the q Tble E.10: The advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympic Games and World Cup number of tourist arrivals in the Maldives. a vntges ds vntges Prestige – it is considered an honour There may be nancial problems – to host the event and if the games Montreal made a loss of over $1 billion are a success the host city gains in in 1976 and the debt took years to reputation. pay o. Economic spin-os – trade and A large number of visitors puts a strain tourism in par ticular. on hotels, transpor t, water supplies etc. 247 3 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M L TA Research skills Use out the Internet about the to AND SPOR T a vntges ds vntges It unites the country and gives a Large events are security risks – due sense of pride. to the international television coverage nd issues they are now prime terrorist targets. surrounding Janeiro the Rio Olympic de Games in 2016. For example, what was It gives a boost to spor ts facilities and If an event does not do well, the host other facilities. Cities build or improve country’s image suers. The host will their facilities to host events. have diculty attracting other events – the if, indeed, it wants to. Occupy and Golf why movement was it formed? The event may make a prot through sales of radio and TV rights, tickets and merchandise, as well as spending in hotels, restaurants etc. Activity 14 1. Consider the paragraphs above. . List the positive and negative outcomes of the Olympic Games, ranking them in order from most positive to most negative. 2. b. Were the London Games of 2012 a nancial success? c. Are there any other outcomes that are dicult to measure? Compare the outcomes and nancial costs and benets of two Olympic Games events held in countries at dierent levels of economic development. Case study project The costs and benets of hosting an funded Agency and by the London construction Development schools recruited and international event: the London 2012 placed 266 women directly with Olympic Park Olympic Games and Paralympic Games contractors. The London 2012 Olympic Games and The Paralympic Games were considered to be a UK government transform success for various reasons. The Games worldwide audience and helped to of London’s poorest areas. The some 12,000 new jobs, up to spent on upgrading homes sports in a were 1.2 per built. cent infrastructure The Games reduction and 46,000 people Olympic were rate in worked Village, previously more early at were in 2012. the than registered per Games encouraged a East End of More of and whom unemployed. such from the games, ethnic in End. women (BAME) construction Games. 248 East The employing as In and the black, people jobs the Asian “Women into converting than 2,800 neighbourhoods ats containing a third of which will be housing. Transport in for transport the 2012 London invested infrastructure games. now Ten connect in railway London £6.5 million preparation lines and for 30 new communities. There in been a £10 million investment to upgrade Westeld to the and minority employment connected more cycling routes. unemployed run-up found housing, space than Park cent developments London, centre involves into new residences, pedestrian shopping includes business major has the which centres, This Village additional bridges The to “Queen London’s Olympic 10 million the 2,800 affordable unemployment Park” health venues. Olympic 11,000 factor Olympic schools, with new £30 into £17billion the was site Games and created Olympic regenerate new one the attracted Elizabeth a invested great with the Construction” Sustainable by an global effort 90per and efforts independent 62 cent per as of “a in this great of waste operational were that success”. demolition cent project commission monitored rated More was waste the than recycled was reused, 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L S C a L E Case study (continued) • to regenerate poorest • to create a Games for diversity • to inspire young • to create There a for beyond many about the people legacy last were brought one of London’s into east reecting taking London part in sport which 2012. changes and world, that continue the to Games bring about. A Pt E.19: Crowds at the Olympic Park new recycled 300,000 Park’s trees or composted. plants were wetlands were encourage planted area. planted To in In in the addition, East biodiversity Nevertheless, there were 1,000 new from people not happy with the Games. Some the They April £11 billion (plus the cost of and received million, which could lottery have as people and businesses funding gone did but were forcibly not relocated. a development impacts too South East received the bulk of inequalities between rest of the moved per for cent local into Lea created of people. East 2013 the Copper Village Box the those Aquatic leisure Centre facility. opened pool. Transport as a infrastructure at to be improved Stratford ready – for in 2017 the Crossrail World will Athletics were London Another 7,000 ats may be built and 2035. In 2016 the football club West Ham funds, areas moved into the Olympic Stadium, and in and 2017 the housing community the swimming United increasing 50 the to by the and were elsewhere. want There – July local Championships. regional along units Park, of open move In 2014 continues Some Village Elizabeth 2013 housing residents 2013. spring local £675 January affordable new Queen infrastructure In developments) 1 the cost opened around on 2,800 Athletes were rst Park, who in were opened these London. many Olympic river. Olympic over was The the media centre reopened as “Here East”, country. a q transform London’s would and areas tech start-up hub. Tble E.10: Financial costs and benets of the London Assessing the legacy Olympic Games, 2012 The Csts main aims of hosting the Games were to Benets build Running the Games: iNComE host £1.5 bn new a sporting successful available for use facilities Games after and and the to infrastructure, make games. the to facilities Another aim Lottery £1.5 bn was to get more young people involved in sport. Olympic stadium: £560 m TV and marketing £560 m Athletes’ village and park: Sponsorship and ocial £650 m suppliers: £450 m Security: £200 m Ticket revenues: £300 m Redevelopment: £800 m Licensing: £50 m Transpor t and London Development infrastructure: £7 bn Agency: £250 m Council tax levy: £625 m Total £10.710 billion The London main aims 2012 for the Total £3.735 billion Olympic Committee had four Games: Pt E.20: Restored River Lea and Athletes’ Village 249 3 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Case study (continued) a e L 2015 2012 r e v i R GREATER LONDON Wheelchair training Waltham Hockey tennis & & tennis Forest pools 20 km Hackney Hackney VeloPark Velodrome Waltham Basketball Chobham Forest Hockey Manor Broadcast & Olympic Warm-up (2015) East East Village venue media Here Village (2016) centres East Stratford Int’l Wick (2017) Station Stratford Int’l Station Handball Copper Westfield Stratford Hackney Wick Hackney Westfield Wick Sweetwater Water Station Box City Station O (2018) l y m p i polo OLYMPIC Aquatics Centre Stratford Olympic Olympic Station Stadium Stratford o l i PARK BORDER Station Stadium Fgre E.20: During and after: t Orbit Orbit sculpture sculpture London’s 2012 legacy Running Warm-up track Source: The Economist. 2015. “ What (2017) Tower Tower venue have the Olympics done for east Hamlets Hamlets Newham Newham London?” 400 m 400 m http://www.economist.com/news/ Major roads Major railway lines britain/21659766-what-haveSports Sports venues Non-sports sites Other venues Housing Business Olympic olympics-done-east-london-goingSource: Source: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park facilities ODA bronze This aim Sport has not England, themselves between at once and cuts achieved: number least 2012 government been the a 2014. to of week Partly sports according Britons fell this centres by is and to exerting 200,000 down the to like. London relative for 22,000. the 2012 Olympic Games the London stated that from they British wanted Athletes an in even the Games, towards of elite and the so the British of sports, in focus not on rent). Games. elite than translate of the sports into and The athletes might local participation. The industrial sectors are continue coming East 250 tourism expected to grow years. London compared and to in to the However, area, the the when rich West London. 28 Much to The Hamlets housing more change waiting is the list around developments percent (dened as 80 are per Although and the Tower earmarked cent of to the unemployment Hamlets, government facilities Olympic needed Tower the only Newham participation particular the Parlaympic sports of in in deprived. is better billion upgrading new in to – development increased related £1 infrastructure, creation in extra sports, existing and an very rate 2016 higher provided Many “affordable” fell Olympic housing private market performance still 2012 be organizers is development inequalities social are After area, long-term Pt E.21: Par t of the Olympic Park London’s average. it is still 3 T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T a T T h E i N T E R N a T i o N a L S C a L E Concepts in contex t Tourism can and create economic develop very and have to World However, of earn Cup the very and the potential and can Many have in the Events sporting such potential benets has to that been as and a to can be tourism. They tourism also many development Games important events much as Olympic redevelop such this Nevertheless, events the – develop locations. social, attempt heritage to Both major countries ability many sectors. cause resources movie infrastructure. major there economic both particular adventure, transport income. – their developments and but problems. around power, the have important benets include tourism materialize sporting can sporting use two based immense much strategy not and support countries are economic environmental tourism manage the and varied TNCs sport major may bring corruption and cities. might linked to large bodies. Check your understanding 1. Dene adventure 2. Dene heritage 3. Outline and the role tourism. tourism. of TNCs in the provision of tourist facilities transport. 4. Suggest why 5. Outline the tourists are advantages attracted and to South disadvantages Africa. of tourism for the Maldives. 6. Comment sporting 7. Explain on the costs and benets of holding large-scale events. why many Small Island Developing States rely on tourism. 8. Dene 9. Explain 10. Examine or as “mass an the tourism” and disadvantages the role urban of outline of tourism regeneration its heritage as a limitations. tourism. national development strategy strategy. 251 4 Managing tourism and spor t for the future Unsustainable touristic growth Conceptual understanding The of concept carrying of sustainable capacity. tourism Carrying has capacity often can be used the thought of concept in three Key qestn main What are the future possibilities of participation for ● management and ways: physical space, tourism and sport on varying ● The for of in rural the capacity before and is the measure of absolute number of spaces within a car park – the level of environmental use that damage an environment can occurs perceptual tourism hotspots concept of including possible management capacity – the level of crowding that a tourist will urban tolerate carrying which unsustainable ● growth example ecological sustain consequences touristic capacity, scales? Key cntent ● carrying in before deciding the location is toofull. the capacity and Tourism in Venice – an urban “hotspot” increase site options to The resilience. historic protected ● The concept of sustainable the growth of a conict Factors inuencing tourism, media, including future greater international diaspora international use security of those social keep and for The growth. growing importance and cultural sport the inuences changing growing in numbers is trippers 9,780 on a to those increase the tourist down). tourists staying people. with buildings employed There in the in daily The who number industry (and optimum use non-hotel basis. the of tourists) tourist This hotel who carrying and to capacity accommodation, accommodation gives wish an annual and total 10,857 This is 25 per cent greater than the of over number in tourists is actually not arriving even. There in Venice. are clear However, seasonal the pattern variations of with agreements, gender increase importance in visitor numbers in summer and at weekends. roles Research and ha legislation. participation, international via 700 government between seek employed million an inclusion interest who tourists tourism including comprises by of of international not visitor 1,460 8 political of (and Venice day ● Venice ecotourism. industry ● of alterations tourism, is including centre from of has estimated that an average of 37,500 day trippers the visit Venice every day in August. A ceiling of 25,000 visitors a day Paralympics. has been There its long-term are the In 2000 days The large social and less on of economic and in the St Mark’s days visitors carrying carrying of There for the the other capacity for environment capacity capacity visitor who is with different economic Venice. and exceeded. have for have scarce been the local The values gain), The creates negative economy and Day residential for but from of and a range is people rides, even tourism are over of externalities society tripping local on 100,000. tourism night-time grafti, benets exceeded exceeded Venice complaints with was resources. while gondolas churches Thus to planners. centre’s important, visitors numbers travel for the stealing covering 25,000 the problems competition Square. the capacity stagnate bridges, canals, implications carrying benchmark. increasingly on maximum preservation, seven volume important. sleeping 252 with useful over-population becoming Pt E.22: Plastic pollution a if the economic carrying and congestion is the 200 of and concerned 25,000 as important preservation environmental (one suggested through is becoming of tourists swimming cooking in declining. 4 The of negative decline resident to stay in the of coach tourism replace city. A the day to the on Venice of by less visitors measures trippers city has contribute resident number by access who such T o u R i S m resulted to as have the it in a N d a local vicious less taken to F o R T h E gates Nevertheless, alienating around the the city local 120,000 than attractive control the as: unauthorized tour coaches via the main in the city continues population. the 1960s to and to charging market Indeed, 55,000 in the the visitors to enter. destination, local thereby population has fallen 2015. Since and 2.2 2000, million their The 2015, by do not an more Over €300 increasing than the large 650 same million. eat number quality especially seen boats period, Cruise meals number of docked, the Venice, do and of often over tourism not stay they Pt E.23: St Mark’s Square, Venice liners bringing value passengers in cruise in in hotels, have guide. excessive highlights has passengers. they own the In declined generally in Venice passengers. Venice F u T u R E circle economy becomes been S P o R T terminal building from of trippers, Venice denying ● impact day visitors, ooding ● as m a N a G i N G of the problems those in of day tourist trippers has experience. affecting many also This historic is led to a deterioration signicant cities in around that the it world, Europe. Tourism in a rural area – the Brecon Beacons, Wales The is Brecon one of Beacons the closest National national Park parks is located to people in the living south in of cities Wales such and as London, The Birmingham Llanthony They bring irritation and by is Valley little and large or about the passed a and to Farmers nd drive the of nd it they landscape that but bad slowly. at the or and the no heritage tourists. disruption, times For little about cause blocked, gain or is they difcult gates driving and all area their sightseers community, an to move are animals disrupted tourist, the trip understanding that they have through. attempt SPARC routes microcosm they pleasurable it to Pembrokeshire One a Pt E.24: Murano, Italy Bristol. benet problems. Nevertheless, One is no machinery, pony-trekkers merely and that local ● the possible to the Partnership action linked developments ● is involve in is of for Action sites. local communities community improved tourist many produce majority plan integrate local with in tourism Rural infrastructure, Residents become into is the tourism. South Communities footpaths involved (SPARC). and in tourism ways: used wherever visitors stay in possible locally owned and managed accommodation ● the ● local manufacturers gifts, souvenirs, service sector is locally are crafts owned encouraged and other to tap the tourist market for projects. 253 1 4 OPTION q E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Tble E.11: Environmental impacts of tourism Stressr ctvtes Stress Permanent environmental restructuring Prry envrnentl respnse Restructuring of local Change in habitat environments 1 Major construction activity: Change in population of species Expansion of built • urban expansion Change in health and welfare of humans environments • transpor t network • tourist facilities • marinas, ski lifts Changes in visual quality Land taken out of primary production 2 Changes in land use: • expansion of recreational lands Generation of waste: Pollution loadings: • tourism, recreation and leisure activities • emissions • transpor t • euent discharge • solid waste disposal • noise (trac, aircraft) Change in quality of environmental media: • air • water • soil Health of organisms Health of humans Tourist activities: Trampling of vegetation Change in habitat and soils • skiing Change in population of species Destruction of species • walking • hunting • trail-bike riding Eect on population dynamics: Population density Congestion (seasonal) • population growth Demand for natural resources: • land and water • energy Sustainable tourism Sustainable needs to ● of meet development the present their ensure faster own that than ● maintain ● recognize ● respect ● involve ● promote has without needs. rate biological and local local of the cultures, people equity in sources natural diversity value dened Sustainable renewable the been the are not development the tourism ability of therefore consumed that future needs at a meets the generations to: rate that is replacement (biodiversity) aesthetic livelihoods in as compromising appeal and development distribution of of environments customs processes the costs and benets of tourism. Principles of sustainable tourism Sustainable ● operates tourism within productivity 254 of is that which: natural natural capacities resources for the regeneration and future 4 ● recognizes and ● accepts that benets This ● the lifestyles of contribution linked people to the must of m a N a G i N G people tourism have an in the T o u R i S m a N d communities, S P o R T F o R T h E F u T u R E customs experience equitable share in the economic tourism. entails: using resources social and sustainably cultural – resources the is sustainable crucial and use of makes natural, long-term businesssense ● reducing over-consumption restoring long-term quality ● of and waste environmental – this damage avoids and the cost of contributes to the maintains biodiversity cultural and creates – diversities a resilient maintaining is essential base for and for promoting long-term natural, sustainable social tourism L TA and Pt E.25: Well-watered golf course in a dry area tourism Research skills industry “Urban ● supporting local economies – tourism that supports a wide areas resilient of local economic activities and which takes environmental values into account both protects these economies and to the more impacts of costs tourism and are range than rural areas.” avoids Discuss. environmental damage Either: ● involving local communities communities in the environment in general – tourism but the full sector also involvement not only improves of benets the local them quality of and the the tourism experience ● training work Present in staff – practices staff training along with that integrates recruitment of sustainable local tourism personnel of all into a the quality of the tourism marketing sites tourism during ecosystems full and social are and to local Or: an bring as reduce visitor marketing information, encouraging of numbers provides increases tourists tourists respect destination and for areas the visit rural tourism in a area. when with and to the natural enhances – ongoing collection benets to analysis monitoring is essential destinations, the by to the help industry, industry solve using problems tourists and the community policies, impact tourism and are planning viability information about tourist plans projects, of – integrated management better visitor into which assessments, long-term key to argument product such environments research data integrating The robust; – tourism city. satisfaction development ● periods most cultural undertaking effective ● off-peak responsible and customer ● responsibly urban levels supporting ● argument named Present improves an supporting this into that plans entails tourism national undertake and policies and and local planning environmental to increase the tourism provision destinations in – providing advance tourists and in situ, with such information as through centres. objectives ● quality ● maximizing of the for sustainable tourism are: environment the economic benet. 255 1 4 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Ecotourism Ecotourism It is generally operates related at to reserves, a occurs a ecology of planning ● being ● a However, between in of ecotourists has are include aims and density includes to to of game show tourists. tourism give that parks, people them tourism. a the It is nature rsthand importance of include: tourist are developments, local which must t in with by local or regional communities area and ecotourism access and Another for control conservation desire, their also to development, occurs visitors with there and between arises benet is often providing conserving conict own been more to mass but to closer be want track described get damage thought beaten contrast, and the where trying economy the low sustainable economics. total area. much example, off It of the conict landscape, when rather a them local than for with people the all plants and wish benet to of conservation. Ecotourism local they resource causing and areas the or to between allowing facilities animals of a These parks. environments involvement appropriate balance the forest control environment use ecosystems. and with Ecotourism characteristics and increasing animals areas, level. form conditions ● the “alternative” remote and reefs Its or basic natural conservation. local in fairly coral experience ● “green” to they tourists than the go the egotourism. the mass to all threat. the more best of prepared Critics environment tourism. greatest destroy use as to put As natural routes are Backpackers, They places. the argue and such that perhaps for little into the backpackers go environment. as the ones By bus toursfollow. Future international tourism International 3.3per 2030. at q cent By twice tourist a year 2030, the arrivals over arrivals rate of the in those worldwide period emerging in are 2010 to expected 2030 destinations advanced to are economies. to increase reach 1.8 expected The by billion market to by increase share of Fgre E.21: Trends and predicted growth emerging economies increased from for global tourism by region, 1950–2030 30 per cent in 1980 to 45 per cent )snoillim( Forecasts Actual in 1,800 1.8 Africa 2014, is expected to reach 57 bn per Middle and cent by 2030, equivalent to over East 1,600 deviecer 1 billion international tourist arrivals. Americas 1.4 1,400 Asia and the bn Pacific slavirrA 1,200 Europe Forecasts 1,000 940 mn tsiruo T International tourist arrivals in the 800 emerging lanoitan retnI 600 Latin America, Europe, 400 the economy Central Eastern Middle destinations East and Mediterranean and Africa of Asia, Eastern will Europe, grow at 200 double the rate of growth in advanced 0 economy 1950 256 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 destinations. Consequently, 4 arrivals in emerging economies are expected to T o u R i S m exceed a N d those S P o R T in F o R T h E F u T u R E advanced before2020. The strongest The global growth market 22percent decline economies m a N a G i N G in from 2010 51 by region shares to per of 30 cent will Asia per cent to41 be and per in seen the in Asia Pacic 2030, and will whereas the Pacic. increase from Europe’s share will cent. Case study area’s The Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica 471 of rich biodiversity. visitors. tourists 70,000 a to At specialists. Pt E.26: Monteverde zip wire per cent growth a time in agriculture Rica attracts about 1 million visitors and Well-organized a reputation Central as America and tourism unusual to its dispersed sustainable safest a European special-interest and the attract American is government in large that a groups, Costa large small-scale as part of cloud 1,700 of it is Rica New relates bird-watchers, nature Costa The is situated a at Monteverde was established covered 328 ha form of in now 1972. covers bars, are over 100 species of of birds, a 1,200 and Initially, around of The Santa established Elena in reptiles thousand Cloud 1989 and in the country to be the of local to community. spider It monkeys. is 310 spectacular views of the ha Arenal Volcano and the of the are often generally part of receive a in size, observation Arenal combined of tourists were mostly scientists from the USA of gardens 140 20 been was the small- hotels in rooms. created hotels, craft private bed stalls, in and supermarkets, reserves, galleries, a frog garden. hiking ponds The biodiversity four and and Buttery centre, a climate-controlled a leafcutter-ant are locally part-time there are effects. the colony. owned. jobs have Over 400 been created. full- indirect There are employment also canopy and walks bridges. food Local consumed farmers by provide tourists and markets every Saturday to the also is tourists. The Monteverde Coffee Tour tower a guided tour of the production of coffee the eld to the cup. All of the proceeds go Cloud supporting local farmers and families itinerary, visitors a in the production of coffee. year. many rural areas in developing countries, and Monteverde conservationists have garden, Farmers’ Unlike Early of Volcano. tour 70,000 cent controlled Monteverde around than botanical suspension involved and per rst towards Forest and addition from The development 70 less stables, these provides offers the own Reserve one directly The of their time, of attract home same some in came decline and area. by absorb workers including consists and much reserves tourism the about 400 species Forest was of for revenue. it and was tourist a and Forest multiplier insect. adventure long-term At a seek 14,200ha. mammals, species several and height Cloud In amphibians, to this hummingbird buttery time species a about mainly have accounts total Rica. restaurants, riding Many There of have breakfasts, buttery but able businesses medicinal Reserve was Costa example, Monteverde, trails, forest m. Much For Garden around now development agricultural scale. a of forest, at has North Rica’s ecotourism. Monteverde’s were tourists the Rica’s there in tourist there the in stabilized the just numbers in number such and was of entertainment, Costa when have were the promotions country visitors. of there 1990s each villages. year. 1974 beginning most Monteverde of at ecotourism In early nature interest The displaced Costa the between knowledge. 18 The Now general balance the Monteverde year. changed. more Since studying is not experiencing out migration. the Indeed, it has been quite the opposite. Because 257 4 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Case study (continued) of the developments increased has attracted growth has in placed many the a collection, such as price of there people. and strain electricity the tourism opportunities young resident great infrastructure addition, in employment tourist on the water and have and on However, has have been and benets income other to the cloud and as guides means the use of L TA the Centre at that not only are Information http://www. Increasingly, Some sport health in order to regenerate National Park Volcano at http:// costa-rica-guide.com/ has governments and Arenal and more informal been are be have businesses evenly education strengthened, even more and aware of the the of their they natural were resources farmers. But than the they were education the villagers learn from the is tourists just jobs monteverdeinfo.com/ the Formal small the tourists learn from the villagers. sport participation Monteverde Forest should have accommodation, communications in impact crafts Political and cultural inuences on international Research skills Cloud in visitor and locals as Visit jobs increase have of arts Controlled two-way: employed reduction Local than generation. forest, and The community when access a and income programmes value employment that distributed. In soared. is forest. food created. means refuse there the rejuvenated, been local There of transport, population existing supplies, but parts been the telecommunications. land created, been this benets to citizens, as that help it used wish could develop urban the been may country of and has by nations increase bring. part areas to Others their may a “feel world’s a variety wish economy, create the for participation in to reasons. sport host a particular good” attention of in factor during for the mega event tourism, among the or their event. nature/national-parks/ The evidence is far from conclusive. The economic benets from arenal-volcano/ mega Find out activities both on and about and the resources produce sustainable Monteverde a for report tourism and events are involvement in Arenal. The increase term. In occurs are has hard sport, to All is England been a or Lawn tennis actively is link many rise Tennis likely the between participation for seasonal summer playing and success participation there the quantify, and sports UK, during people Qatar in the Wimbledon in to in in sporting tennis is events following championship. correlate government sport, with The a unclear. is fact time short the that when this more anyway. improving its position in the international sports Online case study scene. The promotion International participation of sports it In signed years. In 2010 a deal the in to Middle National shown success that own xing 20European 258 to has of and the also than television World affect worth Paris de St and company cycling Al 2018 in million became Germain. France in Cup, €150 Authority Cups success Morocco, matches is for that a tainted over the ve majority Qatar Airways event, Jazeera and 2011 and bought 2022 to the the the and in sport. Sudan after the players and Arab feel Match analysis Tunisia Spring. they are all had One has greater explanation playing for their dictator. by match identied countries, club, Tour World Africa. forward be 2022 Barcelona, football Libya, been the Investment Football football rather continues Match the North put FC sponsor might in been nation French Algeria, rates has Sport and awarded Qatar newspaper pride that the the broadcast East was sponsor ofcial Qatar-owned rights to addition, shareholder became Qatar has in xing football, been linked and the cricket to use and of drugs. tennis gambling in over syndicates inAsia. 4 m a N a G i N G T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T F o R T h E F u T u R E The impact of social media Social has media has changed their made how experiences. Facebook huge Social (800 impact research Tourism recommendations. and a people relies on media million) on trips, such as customers and travel. decisions favourable sites allow tourism make and opinions and TripAdvisor to easily It share (50 share million) tips Activity 15 and Visit http://visual.ly/impactsuggestions. In one survey 92 per cent of consumers said that they social-media-travel-andtrusted social media more than any other form of advertising. hospitality-industry. Study the TripAdvisor, 890,000 not for hotels make the competitors. example, in top 45 was founded countries. ve in Similarly, its It was location, poor 2000, claimed it reviews in would have the and that be by if a 2015 hotel losing ability it listed impor tance of social media for business to infographic which shows the did damage to the travel and tourism industry. small Outline how and why social businesses with limited resources. Many travellers trust the comments media has inuenced the that are posted since they are generally written by fellow travellers. growth of the travel and tourism Another plans study after travellers said that showed using use social their their that over media to choice of respondents research smartphones vacation half abroad, was their and trip. over inuenced by changed Some half of 85 their per cent Facebook friends’ travel holiday sectors. of users photos. International security The impact long-term Any of terrorist many terrorism economic threats governments industries on in the and including the decline travel and industry TNCs. airlines, and tourism associated The are a effect hotels, social cause may of be restaurants industry and major felt and can lead economic in to impacts. concern for associated shops that cater for tourists. The success terrorism. of The highlighted and immediately of legitimacy Games, 1980s the is The shield reected it terrorist attacks travel. The from the attacks had an initial widespread tourists to achieve government attacks are was a Army not sharp (IRA) people and may values, countries. consumption of may in impact the of USA immediate drop concern in arrivals about lead to in an look the during very differ in views to and Islamic Munich and political the to mid- the Irish Similarly, many years due terrorism. economic are patterns cultural tourist for by enjoying Travel due England. hardship country, to Olympic During London caused tourists certain in social facing conict. the athletes. undeveloped was punish claims weak. Israeli which aims, strengthen tourism international example, pork 11 ideological and campaign people political For in was image local wealthy 1972 bombing Ireland When In killed decline negative local with new. gunmen Northern and ideological order the making Palestinian in in by inevitable their travel. worldwide 9/11 not (9/11) government, characteristics. co-exist safe on following country’s Tourists for does 2001 the Republican to tourism supporting there tourism need impact target for Terrorist and September travel. Terrorists people 11 the important safety travel values forced may of behaviours, drinking to luxuries, friction reect tourists such alcohol, as and the gambling 259 4 OPTION E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND and SPOR T Western dress styles can be at odds with local values. This theory L TA Research and may help explain Egyptian frustration with tourism in 1997 when communication skills gunmen Evaluate and discuss methods used The to killed impact of rapid growth of the tourist to the World Tourism at Egyptian resort of Luxor. the worldwide factors tourism including industry economic is due to growth, a a rise income, increased leisure time and promotion of in tourism as well as development by strategy. Travel the national level, governments can also do much to implement Council tighter website the industry. At and of interrelated governments, Refer outside terrorism disposable upon tourists reduce number the 71 the security. Despite tourism’s economic strength, terrorism and http://www. political turmoil present major challenges to the industry. Many experts wttc.org/. believe that certain sub-Saharan terrorism, Africa and so parts are limit of the Middle turning the out to potential East, be for Pakistan, the main tourism Afghanistan power centres and for there. L TA Research skills Diaspora tourism Use some of the following Diaspora websites (or nd and for a country that you in) to it is one the that often increasingly important form of niche tourism, has distinctive require different features forms of and potential value. accommodation and Diaspora activities with other travellers, and they may well spend their money in tourism. different Tourism an investigate compared diaspora is are tourists interested tourism some Ireland, world over ways. Diaspora tourism is an important sub set of VFR tourism Irish at (visiting friends they visiting and relatives). Diaspora tourists are “back home” when https:// are their country of origin, and so may not need the same www.tourismireland. facilities that make foreign tourists comfortable. com/Press-Releases/2016/ Diaspora tourists are more likely than most international tourists to May/Tourism-Ireland- have or make connections with the local economy. They are more likely launches-new-online-lm- to stay with relatives, or in locally owned businesses (for example, bed Tracing-M. and Caribbean diaspora breakfast to eat in local restaurants, go to local tourism pubs at accommodation), and so on. Although they might not spend as much money as https://www.idrc.ca/ international tourists, it is more likely to go directly to local businesses. en/article/familiar-facesThus, diaspora tourism can have a positive development potential. abroad-diaspora-tourismMoreover, diaspora tourism is not as seasonal as international tourism, caribbean. and Visit Scotland, may be Scottish start tourism within ancestral the year. a may lead country. to the The development Africa Diaspora or expansion Heritage Trail of tourist conference public Scotland”, and private investment in diaspora tourism, as well as journey educational, to throughout planning encourages your evenly roots facilities and more “Discover Diaspora your spread sustainable and ecotourism. www. Diaspora holiday visits to see family may well combine visits to family ancestralscotland.com. and UNESCO’s portal to friends Diaspora to other tourist attractions or leisure activities. tourism campaigns have targeted diaspora populations. For Heritage example, Trail visits the Some Africa with the Philippines, India, Taiwan and Cuba all have important http://portal.unesco. medical tourism campaigns that have reached out to diaspora org/culture/en/ev.phppopulations. In addition, business tourism by a diaspora population also URL_ID=32295&URL_ has development potential. DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_ Some forms of tourism deliberately target dispora populations. SECTION=201.html. Genealogy Migration Museum tourism (or “cemetery tourism”!) focuses upon researching Project an individual’s family tree. Increasingly, information is being made http://migrationmuseum. available on the Internet allowing org/ history 260 before making a trip. people to do research into their family 4 Governments by providing such as may kasbahs diaspora attract loans in and diaspora grants. Morocco investment The and m a N a G i N G into restoration paradors in T o u R i S m of the tourist historic Spain, has a N d S P o R T F o R T h E F u T u R E industry buildings, involved some investment. Diaspora tourism recession, and has there environmental been are shown less to be less disadvantages disturbances) than with affected (for other by economic example, forms of leakage, tourism. Gender and tourism/leisure Gender In 1966 By 42.2 2013 are this more have ● regularly ● actively an eat ● go out to is go social to 67 working per cent. age were Single in employment. professional Pt E.27: Royal Brunei airlines – strong growth is forecast for the Asia-Pacic region women the life theatre in and sport cinema (67 per cent compared with 50 per cent women) pub with number of regularly (41 per cent compared with 14 per cent of children). single increasing increasing to of regularly the rapidly women to: participate women The of increased active married ● cent had likely ● of per impact professional and on their and work demands for managerial patterns leisure, and women lifestyles retailing and aged will 25 to have 44 an housing. Inclusion via changing gender roles The world of considerable Muslim Islam women promotes cannot which UK, only 12.5 contrast, Middle East, Saudi and per are health sports cent health, Arabia, that are of Asian Muslim to there in has available been for However, also and need women to do 18.8 in face sport. exercise Muslim the be For for women environment considered. enough per countries, the often participate sports, with physical than women to challenges. tness. dress compared attitudes positive and and just additional mixed-gender traditional more facilities in dominated sometimes cent sport of among each white example In week women. countries Muslim in the in women to In the are UK. an increase women only. in the For number example, of the sporting L TA In in male good play their is there participate they benet much sport challenges, Research skills Luthan Watch Hotel and Spa is a women-only establishment in Riyadh. In the like there or are a sessions Louis Park, number to serve of swimming both Minnesota Jewish and pools and that offer Muslim Williamsburg, women-only women; for the movie Bend it USA Beckham. Discuss the sessions, example, in issues raised about female in this lm St participation Brooklyn. in sport due to ethnicity. 261 1 4 OPTION q E LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Tble E.12: Barriers to par ticipation in spor t for Muslim women in the UK Dress code Spor t facilities/teams and clubs do not always appreciate the need for modest dress. Facilities Facilities need to be clean and water available to thoroughly wash after using the toilet. Provision of a prayer room or quiet area is required as most Muslim women will observe prayer during specied times in the day. Lack of role models The visibility of British BAME will help to break barriers and make the environment more inclusive. Parental approval This is especially impor tant for young women whose parents need to understand the benets of spor t to allow them to encourage out-of-school activities and feel comfor table that the environment will be safe. Transpor t It is often more appropriate for women to access services locally as most will not have access to transpor t and will be reluctant to use public transpor t in the evening if they are on their own. Social side The traditional social side of spor t does not link in with the religious requirements of Muslim women who do not drink alcohol and will not par take in activity that may be considered inappropriate and incompatible with their beliefs. Communication Language is often a barrier as being unable to communicate causes anxiety and uncer tainty around how to approach and access services. Lack of women-only Most Muslim women will only play in a female-only environment. sessions Childcare Traditionally this is the sole responsibility of women. Although attitudes are changing, provision of crèche facilities will allow greater access for women with children. Socio-economic Statistically BAME people earn less than their white counterpar ts which limits access, dierence par ticularly for women who often give nancial priority to their families. Time Other commitments such as childcare and running the home take priority and spor ts organizers should consult with the community regarding the timetabling of events. Employment More needs to be done to encourage young women to access employment within the sector to help break down barriers and act as a resource to equip other sta with knowledge about the communities they serve. This includes the admin side of spor t. Environment Safety, lighting and security are impor tant to prevent racially motivated incidents. Information Information should be made available in other languages and services marketed in appropriate places, such as mosques and schools, to ensure women become aware of what is on oer. L TA Paralympic Games Research and communication skills The Use the Internet to nd out for the Invictus Games. When Paralympic athletes with initiated? What does the mean? How many Olympic in the Games? Who takes the Make Games? a brief ndings. 262 presentation international physical of after the Olympic Stadium and competition disabilities. Games other your rst took place in 1948, part Second in an of and It takes occurs place stadia. The in Paralympic countries Games compete is range word the “invictus” a were immediately they Games about World War veterans. and consisted of British 4 m a N a G i N G T o u R i S m a N d S P o R T F o R T h E F u T u R E Concepts in contex t Tourism to the can bring managed carefully. ecotourism. features by in greater growth more many environment, of One Ecotourism HICs. use It of is inclusive, as and and the possibility is being likely social diaspora. benets, society Tourism evident is in in rise cause are of needs tourism, many LICs will security be to Paralympic harm to be such but as also inuenced issues attempting the serious Tourism future Internet, sport the also sustainable tourism the and in can developed that media, it economy. and the become Games. Check your understanding 1. Explain what 2. Describe the hotspot’s is is meant conditions carrying 3. Why 4. Compare by that capacity ecotourism past perceptual and might has future exist been sometimes carrying capacity. when an urban tourist exceeded. referred international to as “egotourism”? tourism trends for theworld. 5. Examine world the different rates of international tourism growth by region. 6. Dene diaspora 7. Explain how 8. Explain what 9. On 10. Explain what tourism social is the media meant grounds referring have growing by can the to at least inuence two tourist “demonstration women been importance of excluded the examples. behaviour. effect”. fromsport? Paralympics. Synthesis and evaluation ● The leisure with other example, tourist ● scale. There places and are are and multiple place by its include used for views, mayors, national delivery of ability is inuenced activities in promotion to inuences wealth, different individuals’ ● one inuenced freedom to These gender ● are of Ecotourism by its interactions Monteverde, in rich for countries as a destination. People’s subject activities places. patterns for of perspectives leisure those sport Changes in tourism, especially visitor the work, in local the leisure scale growth to of activities the ICT, is global age, example. of TNC and numbers from on the activities governments leisure, participate from – – CEOs all costs these of and and benets perspectives their whom of how include shareholders, are engaged in city the tourism. suggest among an exponential increase in NICs. 263 1 E X am PRaCTiCE E C I T C A R P M A X E (a) (i) Suggest two ways environment (ii) Comment capacity (b) Explain (3 (c) + 3 on of two due the the ways in to which their impact beach. in (2 which these tourists methods of these of may be transport. tourists on affecting (2 the the marks) carrying marks) tourism on this beach could be managed. marks) Either “Participation development in sport issue”. is as much Discuss this a gender issue statement. (10 as it is a marks) Or Examine means 264 of the view that economic the potential development is for tourism extremely and/or limited. sport (10 as a marks) O P T I O N T H E F G EO G R A P H Y A N D O F F O O D H E A LT H This Key terms of Chc optional food and theme health. at the geography development by change is Long-term hunger caused by a often he lack of food over a long timescale. Pec Temporary hunger that is caused by he a short-term decline in food intake. accompanied epidemiological of poverty of afuence transition Maltt looks Economic transition, become more does dietary less in common. not which common apply and diseases and diseases However, equally to an this all sectors Having a diet that lacks proper of society. nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat or not enough good- quality food. Neither so are Epeml The study of diseases. Eemc (Of a disease) prevalent in an area. Epemc A fast-spreading outbreak of a food nor alternative considered. between, health. and The is There shared role governments health is indicators in considered. of easy of are food topic on, TNCs and health interactions inuences both “measure”, and many gender, This to food food and health considers and national provision alternative disease. ways Paemc of assessing alongside HALE agricultural sustainability A global epidemic. Health-adjusted life expectancy supplies possibilities and global for improving health over the food long term. – the length of time that an Through study of this optional theme, you individual can expect to live based will develop your understanding of processes, on adjustments made for years of places, power and geographical possibilities. ill health. You F ect Food security for a population exists when all its people, at all times, have access to sucient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an will also specialized barriers, gain concepts which production are systems Sustainability long-term an food is understanding such as applicable and the of diffusion to both spread considered in of more and food diseases. relation to production. active and healthy life. Food security for a household means access by all its members Key questions at all times to enough food for an 1. What are the ways of measuring disparities active, healthy life. (UN Food and of food and health between places? Agriculture Organization) 2. How do physical and human processes Food security includes, at a lead to changes in food production and minimum: (i) the ready availability consumption, and incidence and spread of of nutritionally adequate and safe disease? foods; and (ii) an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in 3. socially acceptable ways (that is, What have power to do different inuence diets stakeholders and health? without resor ting to emergency 4. What are the future possibilities for food supplies, scavenging, stealing, sustainable agriculture and improved health? or other coping strategies). (US Depar tment of Agriculture) 265 1 Measuring food and health Conceptual understanding Key question What are between the ways of measuring disparities in food/nutrition in food and health places? Key content ● Global Food patterns Security Index, person/capita, ● The nutrition food ● life patterns expectancy access ● transition, consumption Global to in and sanitation, The epidemiological poverty to and associated the of calories including Global per variations in the diseases and health-adjusted maternal between afuence), disease regional mortality, ratio transition, for Index, the choices. indicators, infant and diseases population Hunger including malnutrition. nutrition health people. global Global of (HALE), and of the indicators indicators, mortality, doctors/physicians continuum the (diseases implications of a burden. Global patterns in food and nutrition indicators The Global Food Security Index Tale F .1: The components of food security The Global Index Aalt Food consumption as a share of household expenditure Propor tion of population under the global pover ty line Gross domestic product per person (PPP) Agricultural impor t taris Presence of food safety net programme Access to nancing for farmers Avalalt Food considers affordability, quality of on 28 food availability, food countries. The across Index indicators security middle- and Suciency of supply countries. Public expenditure on agricultural research and development (R & D) beyond Agricultural infrastructure underlying Volatility of agricultural production food Security the in that and 113 is based measure high-, low-income The Index hunger to factors security looks study the affecting (Table F .1). Political stability risk Corruption Urban absorption capacity Food loss In 2015, region of income Qalt a Diet diversication afet Micronutrient availability food improved in security almost the world. countries dominate rankings, the but top every High- still of the lower-middle- Protein quality income Food safety 266 countries made 1 Score 0 M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H 100,100=best environment Score 74.2 to 89.0 Score 58.5 to 74.1 Score 41.5 to 58.4 Score 25.1 to 41.4 Fe F .1: Global Food Security Index scores, by country the biggest the largest gains. The strides in Middle food East and security. North Europe is Africa the (MENA) only region made TOK where How useful is the national food security worsened, as the scores of 85 per cent of countries fell. scale in the investigation of Diet diversication and access to high-quality protein are increasing food security? For example, the rapidly in low-income countries. Nutritional standards have improved map in Figure F.1 suggests that substantially in almost every region. all people in the USA , Canada, western Europe and Australia, The Global Hunger Index to name four areas, have food The Global Hunger Index (GHI) ranks countries on a 100-point scale, security. Which groups of with 0 being the best score (no hunger) and 100 being the worst, people in these areas do you although neither of these extremes is reached in practice. Values think lack food security? Give reasons for your answer. Overall North America index scores Sub-Saharan Africa Outer Central & South America Asia & circle Country population Pacic Inner circle Index score as % of Europe population Middle East & North Africa 100 80 )001–0( 60 EROCS XEDNI 40 20 0 0% 10% FOOD 20% 30% CONSUMPTION Household AS 40% A expenditure SHARE for food 50% OF 60% HOUSEHOLD plotted against its index 70% 80% EXPENDITURE score Fe F .2: The relationship between food consumption as a share of household income and food security (index score) Pht F .1: Food aid is a feature of many low-income countries Source: http://foodsecurityindex.eiu.com/Index 267 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD L TA lower AND than H E A LT H 10.0 reect “low hunger”, 10.0 to 19.9 is described as Research skills “moderate Use the link 49.9 http:// foodsecurityindex.eiu.com/ Index to access in the “Visual on the Figure variations in availability, to Click 1. a GHI a is percentage countries. computer Child Hover mouse proportional access the from the out on of a and data tool they (click to to in of the caloric – the proportion population (the of undernourished share of the people population as with intake). – the proportion wasting (that is, of low children weight under for their the age height, of 5 who reecting Child stunting from – the stunting proportion (that is, of low children height for under their the age, age of 5 who reecting undernutrition). Child mortality – the reecting mortality the fatal rate of synergy children of under inadequate the age nutrition of ve and in nd The data and 2010–16, terms environments). of projections reecting component the used most for the recent 2015 GHI available are data for for the the period four indicators. affordability, quality on nd refer indicators: to strengths security, charts “extremely choice. country its availability, safety as on security your challenges food described countries. food about component undernutrition). unhealthy Click is to circles interactive countries four acute (partially explore more 35.0 the 4. Use or hunger”, over chronic individual on wasting suffer to 50.0 “serious range 3. the and indicates and suffer of based insufcient affordability, Choose hunger”, 34.9 hunger”. Undernourishment 2. safety. to (see show quality 20.0 data F .2 analysis”). options “alarming alarming The shown is hunger”, the out to). and pie the See factors also http://foodsecurityindex. eiu.com/Country on global food for details security by country. Activity 1 Study Figure F.2. 1. Describe the relationship between food consumption Extremely alarming ≥ 50 Alarming as a share of household Serious 35.0-49.9 20.0-34.9 Moderate Low 10.0-19.9 ≤9.9 income and food security Insuficient Insufficient data significant data, concern (index score). Induztrialized 2. country Use the website in the Fe F .3: The Global Hunger Index Research skills box to Source: http://ghi.ifpri.org/ identify contrasting countries in Figure F.2. State Activity 2 their food security score and their food consumption as a percentage of Study Figure F.4. 1. Which region has made the greatest progress in reducing hunger since 1990? 2. Identify the regions that had the highest Hunger Index score in (a) 1990 and household income. 3. Outline t w or more reasons for the (b) 2015. countries’ 3. Describe how the composition of the Global Hunger Index score in the world position on the graph. changed between 1990 and 2015. 268 1 M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H Tale F .2: The components of the Global Hunger Index Thee me F cat Weht iaeqate f Undernourishment rea f cl 1/3 ppl FAO Chl Wasting 1/6 ● Measures insucient food supply, an impor tant indicator of hunger ● Refers to the entire population, both children and adults ● Used as a lead indicator for international hunger targets ● Goes beyond calorie availability, considers aspects of diet quality ett and utilization ● Children are par ticularly vulnerable to nutritional deciencies ● Is sensitive to the uneven distribution of food within the household World Bank ● Stunting and wasting are the suggested nutrition indicators for the Chl m talt ● UNICEF WHO Stunting 1/6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Under-ve 1/3 Death is the most serious consequence of hunger, and children are most vulnerable mor tality rate IGME ● Improves the GHI’s ability to reect micronutrient deciencies ● Wasting and stunting only par tially capture the mor tality risk of undernutrition Source: Global Hunger Index, 2015 60 Under-five 7.74 mortality rate Prevalence of wasting in Prevalence of stunting Proportion of undernourished in children Fe F .4: Developing world, children and developing 6.73 world regions Global Hunger Index scores, 6.02 with components, 9.01 7.31 0.71 0.91 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2015 0 .8 3 .8 2.01 1.41 1.51 5.11 6.41 9.51 7.81 5.81 20 2.31 1.81 IHG 7.12 8.62 6.82 4.92 2.23 30 2.83 34 8.93 9.72 9.92 erocs 6.33 4.53 40 6.44 3.74 4.74 50 10 0 ’90 ’95 ’00 ’05 ’15 ’90 World ’95 ’00 Africa the ’05 South ’15 ’90 of ’95 ’00 South ’05 ’15 ’90 Asia ’95 East & Sahara ’00 ’05 South ’15 East ’90 ’95 Near ’00 East Asia ’05 & ’15 ’90 North Africa ’95 ’00 Eastern ’05 ’15 Europe Commonwealth ’90 & ’95 Latin of ’00 ’05 ’15 America & Caribbean Independent States 60 Fe F .5: The Global Hunger Index 50 Cambodia score 2015 Rwanda 0002 Myanmar and the Benin Angola ecnis Togo 40 Ethiopia Cameroon Lao Nepal reduction in PDR Malawi erocs Senegal score since Niger Kenya Burkina Guinea IHG Tanzania Mauritania Faso Liberia 2000 Mali Afghanistan Djibouti Botswana ni Congo, 30 Rep. Uganda Guinea-Bissau noitcuder Lesotho North Korea Slerra Bangladesh Guatemala Leone Zimbabwe Phillippines The Gambla India 20 tnec Zambia Madagascar Côte d'Ivoire reP Swaziland Haiti Indonesia Iraq Chad Pakistan 10 Central Sri African Republic Lanka Namibia 0 15 20 25 30 2015 Note: The countries countries where included data were are those available to with 2015 calculate GHI GHI 35 Global scores equal to scores. Some likely or Hunger greater poor than Index 20, performers 40 reflecting may 45 50 score not either appear, serious due to or alarming missing hunger levels. This figure features data. 269 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND L TA According to H E A LT H the 2015 GHI, among regions, hunger is highest in Africa Research skills south Use the Index Global website Hunger http://ghi. ifpri.org/trends/ the of data on the to access proportion undernourished population, of wasting the in in GHI of of the Sahara 32.2, “serious while hunger”. (Central African Madagascar and South South The food Republic, and Asia. Asia’s is and is of the regions’ situation Zambia, still south Both hunger Chad, Afghanistan) Africa 29.4. in has scores several Timor-Leste, “alarming” Sahara GHI countries Sierra according a reect to Leone, the Haiti, 2015 GHI. a prevalence Activity 3 children Study Figure F.5. under ve years, the 1. prevalence of in under Describe the relationship between the GHI score 2015 and the reduction in stunting score since 2000. children years and the ve under-ve mortality rate. Choose range 2. Identify two countries with a high GHI score and a low reduction score. 3. Suggest two or more reasons why some countries have made more progress at reducing their GHI score than others. a countries the in GHI and has see over how 4. Using Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coecient, calculate the correlation changed composition total, of and time, for between the GHI 2015 and percentage reduction in GHI since 2000. in a. Assign a number, star ting with 1, to all the countries. . Select 12 countries at random by using a random number generator on those countries. your phone, Internet or book of statistical tables. • ! ✗ Test a null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the Z variables. Common mistake Many that people malnutrition refers to c. Calculate the correlation between the two data sets. . Test the level of signicance of your n values. believe hunger only and • Accept or reject the hypothesis. • Explain what is meant by statistical signicance. starvation. ✓ Malnutrition is any diet e. that has amount an of quality or Since quantity of Outline your conclusions about the relationship between the two variables. inadequate food, 2000, absolute well as those consume too Rwanda, Angola and Ethiopia have experienced the biggest as diets reductions in hunger, with GHI scores down by between 25 that much and 28 points and only in each country. The combination of high rates of hunger food. African a small reduction Republic, Chad in and the GHI Zambia score is a since cause for 2000 for the Central concern. TOK Are all forms of malnutrition Calorie intake equally serious? Which ones Calorie intake is the amount of food (measured in calories) a person are self-inicted and which consumes. Figure F .6 shows average daily calorie intake per person ones do people have little by country. The world average is about 2,780 kcal/person/day, and control over? How long does the minimum recommended amount is around 1,800 kcal/person/ temporary hunger last? day. However, physical include Austria respectively. 3,400 an it is the just intakes 270 In varies and and of the general, around intake 1,820 are as is with climate. kcal/person/day. intake Africa this activity USA, age, with In contrast, 2,600 down as type with 3,800 high-income and people in to 2,240 1,680 and In of the 1,590 kcal, amount daily an intake low-income However, and of intake kcal/person/day, have kcal/person/day Burundi work, highest 3,750 countries kcal/person/day. kcal/person/day. low gender, Countries in and Eritrea, respectively. of around countries have sub-Saharan in Central daily Africa calorie 1 Daily Per Calorie M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H Intake Capita Less than 1,890 1,890–2,170 2,170–2,390 2,390–2,620 2,620–2,850 2,850–3,050 3,050–3,270 3,270–3,480 3,480–3,770 No in data kcal/person/day Fe F .6: Daily calorie intake per person by country (Source: http://cdn3.char tsbin.com/char timages/l_1150_b831d4f831204d4d2416d625e3064607 Indicators of malnutrition Malnutrition with ● too means many) Deciency vitamins diseases or Kwashiorkor ● Marasmus ● Obesity ● Starvation ● Temporary ● a is is a a food in results lack of from refers to hunger occurs a There such lack population Famine nourishment, as are and many pellagra refers types result to of from a diet lacking (or malnutrition: a lack of specic minerals. ● to poor nutrients. in of protein is an when the diet. calories/energy. eating a in too limited a many or energy/protein non-existent short-term decline in intake the foods. of food. availability of food area. there is a long-term decline in the availability of region. Stunted growth/stunting Stunted is growth usually high rates Burundi number term 5 per of stunting of Eritrea. tend cent) to are and prevalence a be of (over In found 50 parts height cent) for found in rates Asian rates Middle also their Timor-Leste, of stunting Latin in Rates or stunting which and Very (chronic of East, Fiji, in age. countries. wasting lowest the malnutrition for high South than the and are very and of long-term in also higher Europe, per per are contrast, in to small African much eastern 3.7 refers child There sub-Saharan malnutrition). southern in stunting and stunting or identied a for short- (below America has a and stunting cent. Wasting Wasting in a is child (over 20 Lanka. dened with per are as low cent) There throughout a acute are also South short-term weight found high Asia for in their South rates and of malnutrition age. Very Sudan, wasting sub-Saharan in high and Djibouti a Africa. identied of and number The is rates of wasting Sri countries lowest rates of 271 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H % 40–over 20–39.9 10–19.9 5–9.9 0–4.9 Data not available Fe F .7: Global variations in wasting (< 2 per cent) are generally found in high-income countries under 5s stunting such as Australia Pakistan (2per and and also Mongolia much (both of less Latin than 1 America. per cent) Anomalies and include Swaziland cent). Undernourished According of to the undernourished the Central per cent where of Africa their between % 20+ 11–20 5–10 2.5–4.9 0–2.4 data Fe F .8: Global variations in wasting in under-5s 272 Hunger people of Republic, population 30 undernourished No Global and were 40 in Index, any country, Namibia and classied per Haiti cent of sub-Saharan as had with the over North highest 50 Korea per their population Africa (except cent. each undernourished. proportion had All were Zambia, over the classied Tajikistan). 40 countries The as same 1 M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H % >40 >20–40 >10 –20 >5–10 <5 No data Fe F .9: Global variations in the undernourished population, 2016 pattern occurs for undernourished the lowest South and proportion American Egypt, with or Egypt 22.3 of per This per with Iran, is to and Eastern. cent cent 20 Iraq 30 and of people per cent because under-5 cent Anomalies 1.9 surprising per of Afghanistan). undernourished Middle 1.7 undernourished. and countries (except year were population countries generally include South respectively South olds their The Africa classied Africa classied had as with European, 22.9 as per cent stunted. The nutrition transition As income increase generally the increases and a derive their contribution Bangladesh, with the in change for lowest of low-income in food food fats is GDP in energy small example, the the countries consumption mainly and that (LICs), patterns. from of there is People an in carbohydrates, meat and dairy LICs while negligible. In country analysis, Fe F .10: The relationship between GDP/head and energy consumption people derive 80 per cent of their (kcal/person/day) nutritional energy and cent 11 per high-income most carbohydrates average per taking shifting their human place, a in towards 40 nutrition more France energy cent nutrition The derives food which substantial dairy. US, per from from from have fats. shown transition people afuent are food l ano i t i r tuN of the instance, and worldwide a and Increasing auence and the use of natural resources”. Appetite generally energy with Source: Gerbens-Leenes, P W, et al. 2010, “Food consumption patterns and economic growth. in yg ren e Studies of fat, in for cent (HICs) food meat consumer carbohydrates is and from Denmark, 45–50 that their People y lp p u s and fats. countries of contribution from carbohydrates ) y a d /p a c / l a c k ( derive from 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 0 consumption patterns. The 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 nutrition Annual per capita GDP $ 273 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND transition H E A LT H began in developed countries 300 years ago. It coincided with Activity 4 great Study Figure F.10. a large not 1. increase lead Food GDP and nutritional energy to an in For calorie increase consumption period supply. 1961–73 consistently still Suggest reasons for the by relationship between the much higher cultural two variables. per (both higher lower in than income per preferences, concerns 3. growth. in LICs, a small intake, while calorie intake increase for HICs (see in income increases Figure may in lead income to may F .10). Describe the relationship between annual per capita 2. economic also play a capita in LICs, in has energy but HICs. capita the – increased and their The but substantially protein content). consumption transition food development in prices, of the since levels diet is per and chain”, rates capita mainly individual “cold the Growth are are inuenced socio- and other role. Suggest two other nutritional indicators In that would have a similar reduction HICs, the relationship to GDP . meat intake stabilizing: in main in dietary cereals, increased an reducing/replacing and it since mainly (Figure increasing environmental changes while part for F .12). of the 1970s vegetable the various oil Animal protein population reasons have and, to been a intake seems (ethical, the smaller to has be extent, been interested health-related, economic). Activity 5 In LICs the diet has diversied since the 1970s. Cereals, including rice, as Study Figures F.12 and F.13. well 1. Describe what each graph to shows. 2. is of health. Describe the progress made in protein oil, a sugar, although declining. strong consumption consumption as indicators 3. even There consumption and protein vegetable 1961–73, and Evaluate calorie as with staple total protein of in positive foods. In seem direction of to the HICs, of dairy per capita. that with sh the the F .13) and in a is is of compared is the stagnating share income negative are intake of intake level and LICs exception higher exceeds pulses Sugar diet are cereal also between (Figure dairy, intake periods cereals relationship LICs, suggest and recent share protein availability numbers more Their animal meat driving also in and relationship increases stabilizing. slowly HICs. evolving in These in the sugar. consumption in the Global patterns in health indicators developed and developing countries since 1961–73. Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) Health-adjusted life expectancy 450 (HALE) 400 Wheat (developed) Wheat (developing) Milk (developed) Milk (developing) overall is and 300 indicator health combines 350 an of and sennot data, of a single the both health sex-specic into of population. measures sex-specic age- a It age- data, and mortality statistic. 250 noilliM HALE 200 indicates expected to years years lived the of in number life full of equivalent health, 150 based in 100 a a on the average population. measure not experience Thus, only of HALE is quantity 50 of life also 0 but Unit of 1 quality for a of life. discussion (See of life 1102 6002 1002 6991 1991 6891 1891 6791 1791 6691 1691 expectancy.) Compared with conventisonal Fe F .11: Changes in consumption of wheat and milk in high-income and low-income countries Source: EU Agricultural briefs, 2015, No. 6, “ World food consumption patterns – trends and drivers” 274 life all expectancy, years as which equal, to considers calculate 1 M E A s u r i n g 3500 F o o d A n d H E A LT H 120 3000 100 2500 80 yad/atipac/g yad/atipac/lack 2000 1500 60 40 1000 20 500 0 0 1961–1973 1961–1973 Developed countries Developing countries Developed Cereals Vegetable oils Sugar, countries Developing countries sweeteners Meat Dairy Fish Other Fish Fe F .13: Changes in per capita protein availability in Fe F .12: Changes in per capita calorie availability in high-income and low-income countries high-income and low-income countries Source: EU Agricultural briefs, 2015, No. 6, “ World food consumption Source: EU Agricultural briefs, 2015, No. 6, “ World food consumption patterns – trends and drivers” patterns – trends and drivers” HALE, a years Health Health Survey expectancy ill of life Utility are Index data and weighted obtained was HALE used to gures by health from measure were status. 1994–5 In a survey National health compared status. to in Canada, Population Traditional estimate the life burden of health. The results showed ● The social ● It highest is a number burden of among ill of ndings: health those in is higher “early” for old women age, not than among for the men. very elderly. ● Sensory of ● ill problems and pain are the largest components of the burden health. Higher socio-economic expectancy and a status lower confers burden of ill a dual advantage – longer life health. Calculating HALE The World Sullivan’s that an HALE Health individual for assigned each data registration such on data, child major and number expect The type for data of to of live disability calculation of in and mortality are a life life the census and to a the from disability. death countries to the weight of containing used and age, compute severity For tables particular obtained WHO. sources analysed a includes the are at state) also for tables to expectancy years, healthy method adjusted annually survey uses remaining calculation reported adult (WHO) without information estimate life- tables. challenge mortality and problems with reported can available expectancy A (the countries. to Mortality Organization Method data with the morbidity, the from HALE indicator especially indicator health from include the is the lack low-income lack of of reliable countries. comparability of data on Other self- interviews. 275 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Case study HALE in Canada According Canada, to indicator of individual It is a the Public Health health-adjusted the is summary quantity and combines average expected life number to live measure quality mortality of Agency that life. and in of a is years other morbidity group, an group state. women it a single measure of used injury to in measure the population performance A of report life cancer) and by public by provides expectancy without and the health. of and provided Public disease of It socio-economic status Health in health-adjusted life 4.7 diseases with women and with income group had a loss of birth years, income income health- of 3.2 years for men. conditions signicant expectancy. expectancy status this blood and also loss The by period. with in the top In and/or for and in are health- estimates chronic of health- disease 5.3 cohort life high the to at the age for blood on the people mortality with results had of pressure of a 5.8 The for this in years cohort at age and the loss of 2002–5 study, the health- for of and (high period cancer 55 men. of 2004–6 expectancy years based hypertension without According adjusted and and associated with were experience diabetes diabetes males report pressure) people and (hypertension), and in morbidity women people 55 had a females and males, loss of a years and 2.7 years for 2001, The cancer cohort at age 65 had a oneloss third and a life without (income). expectancy. men for life respectively. Canadian years 70.5 one-third a at adjusted 2.0 loss expectancy adjusted and Agency (diabetes females is with and highest the ages. status bottom the and and with Low the years with can health-adjusted diseases for 72.3 efforts. conditions different of factors, Canadians chronic chronic are risk estimates socio-economic people burden health among selected Estimates for of published Canada the population, in associated life associated be of experience Chronic into birth Compared being was adjusted both words, at respectively. an that healthy combines In expectancy of expectancy health-adjusted in health-adjusted life expectancy of 10.3 life years for women and 9.2 years for men. Child and infant mor tality rates The per child 1,000 subject It is to mortality births rate a age-specic calculated The that number or child under-5 will mortality die mortality before rates of rate reaching the is the the specied probability age of It is are an of deaths Unit Pht F .2: Child graves, Eastern 1 older, number of age-specic not as readily for a their if from: in children under the age of 5 years × The 5, year. children rate, so available discussion chance of of under it the age compares as they crude survival are death of like for so 1,000 (‰) years with the rates.) increases, 5 like. crude However, death Generally, that, if they as rate. the data (See children survive also grow until Cape, South Africa their rst birthday, Extremely Chad child of the two contrast, cent) have 276 high are at rates Somalia. mortality all only and of All rates countries – their mainly least one in child of are with Afghanistan countries chances with the in a mortality are countries with child Sri very southern country survival sub-Saharan and a of low and with a – older in (see of not Europe, child per Figure over in age Angola, 10.1 7.5 increase. Sierra cent per rate (that although mortality rate; all for In cent is, Leone, (101‰) F .14). sub-Saharan mortality eastern low over rate are child an found Africa mortality Lanka to fact, (75‰), Africa. 0–1 per regions example, In 1 M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H ‰ >10 >7.5–10 >5–7.5 >2.5–5 >1–2.5 0–1 Data not available Fe F .14: Child mor tality rates of under-5s, 2016 and Middle Costa East, Rica and in Latin Malaysia America, in Qatar, Lebanon and Kuwait in the L TA Cuba Research skills Asia. Use The infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths in the website under the age of Infant mortality 1 per 1,000 live World Bank children http://data. births. worldbank.org/indicator/ rate (IMR) = SH.DYN.MORT the Total no. of deaths of changes 1 year old × 1,000 per year of live is an age-specic mortality rate, that is, it is comparing the death the same ages, and so is more useful than the crude death per thousand chosen the timeline mortality rates vary from a low of under 2 and 2‰ in Iceland, Japan and Singapore to over 100 the in Afghanistan the 24 next and highest Mali IMRs (Figure are all F .15). from After of child per has changed Afghanistan since (115‰), describe pattern mortality thousand to in how Monaco map rate. sequence Infant in countries. rates Use among 1960–2015 births your It describe (‰) mortality no. to child children < Total in sub-Saharan Africa. 1960, see http:// There data.worldbank.org/ is a very strong correlation between types of country and IMR. Countries low IMR, and indicator/SH.DYN.MORT/ with a high with a low human development index (HDI) have a those countries?display=map. Central HDI Africa, contrast, the have with world a high on IMR. average average was The an region IMR 37 per of with 96 per the highest thousand in IMRs is 2015. In thousand. Maternal mor tality rates The maternal deaths by per pregnancy considerable Sudan mortality 100,000 had or its live followed by found sub-Saharan In in contrast, Europe, MMRs the ≤3 per the MMR (1,100) lowest Australia of in highest Chad (MMR) births from management. variation the rate and As with and MMRs parts are F .16 deaths (1,000). South found in Estonia, number related mortality 2,054 of annual cause Figure Somalia Singapore. live the maternal Africa, 100,000 is any to shows, rate. per The Asia, In there 2016, highest Haiti and female aggravated 100,000 and high-income Greece of or is South live births, MMRs are Guyana. countries Singapore of all have births. 277 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H ‰ 80 and over 40–79.9 20–39.9 10–19.9 5–9.99 0–4.9 Fe F .15: Global variations in the infant mor tality rate, 2016 L TA The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000–2015 included Research skills the Use the CIA Factbook Figure World https://www.cia. gov/library/publications/ to discover and lowest ve top ve infant high and rates reducing shows, mortality and in maternal although Eastern Asia the and has Africa in by three-quarters been and much by progress, moderate 2015. there mortality in As is still South- Oceania. Research skills for the CIA World Factbook https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/ your to update the statistics for maternal mortality. countries. Use Use there sub-Saharan the-world-factbook/ chosen mortality mortality Use rates, of F .17 eastern L TA the-world-factbook/ the goal the United Nations MDG and more about Sustainable Development Goals Population (SDGs) Reference Bureau sites to nd out reducing regional http://www. to un.org/millenniumgoals/maternal.shtml discover MMR: and variations http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/health/. in the IMR: http://www. prb.org/pdf15/2015-world- Research population-data-sheet_eng. sheet pdf. eng.pdf. Fe F .16: Global variations in the maternal mor tality rate (deaths/100,000 live bir ths), 2016 >1000 500–999 250–499 125–249 60–124 30–59 15–29 0–14 278 changes in maternal deaths 1900–2013, using the PRB data http://www.prb.org/pdf15/2015-world-population-data-sheet_ Select at least ve contrasting countries. 1 M E A s u r i n g Africa F o o d A n d H E A LT H A sia L atin Ame rica and G oals and Tar gets GOA L Reduce by | Improve maternal three T he 5 N or the rn materna l mor talit y quar ters progress Target G ood Fair char t met or operates excellent on t wo Sub -Saharan E aste rn South - E aste rn Southe rn Weste rn Oceania the Caucasus Caribbean Ce ntral and A sia hea lth low high low moderate moderate low moderate low low mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y mor talit y levels . T he tex t in each box indicates the present level of development. progress . Poor progress . T he colours progress Missing or or show progress made towards the target according to the legend below: deterioration . insuf f icient data . progress . Fe F .17: MDG progress for maternal health Access to sanitation L TA Activity 6 1. Identify the regions of the world with the best and worst access to sanitation. Research skills Make le 2. Explain the meaning of “improved sanitation”. 3. Suggest two physical factors and two human factors that make good a sanitation using fact http://www. un.org/millenniumgoals/ endopendefecation.shtml sanitation dicult to achieve. and http://www.un.org/ sustainabledevelopment/ According to the World Health Organization, 68 per cent of the world’s water-and-sanitation/. population points now below people Some the globally 946million Saharan there the urban per cent no in in F .19 sanitation the done and Asia, In to better and areas. region, than to it was facility, 9 percentage estimated sanitation others. access The progress the to Due has disparities: improved population Africa, that a of that 2.4 facilities. billion Of them, in since over sanitation 80 made and the towards of sub- 1990. per facilities, sanitation America been combination people increased while without Latin has to number sanitation urban sub-Saharan the 2015 improved progress, access has sanitation open. slow rural rural shows by access without are improved target. in population do primarily Figure have growth Africa addition, an MDG had defecate regions population uses In cent only access of 51 lives Caribbean. improved 2000–2015. Fe F .18: Global variations in access to sanitation 91–100% 76–90% 50–75% <50% Insufcient not data or applicable 279 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Africa A sia L atin Ame rica and G oals Halt the and and Tar gets begin spread T he of G ood Fair reverse HIV/AIDS progress Target to N or the rn char t met or operates excellent on t wo Sub -Saharan E aste rn South - E aste rn Southe rn Weste rn Oceania the Caucasus Caribbean Ce ntral and A sia low high low low low low low low low incidence incidence incidence incidence incidence incidence incidence incidence incidence levels . T he tex t in each box indicates the present level of development. progress . Poor progress . T he colours progress Missing or or show progress made towards the target according to the legend below: deterioration . insuf f icient data . progress . Fe F .19: Progress towards halving the propor tion of population without sanitation, 2000–2015 Access to health services Access to health measured doctor or services per in 50,000 global (per 1,000 people) the L TA Research skills it capita, World Factbook people in Figure the F .20 610 it in merely is shows number in to Hungary are India people inequalities not in there and in per doctor Mozambique China 1,000 are but available while CIA 280 In doctor number person http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0934558.html the per in per health of 2011. health a question of 7 Fe F .20: Global variations in doctors per 1,000 people, 2011 Use people per services 0 one doctor. However, Physicians doctor variations doctors to and doctor per people Access one Iceland. 1,960 hospital. usually of from and per is number Burundi one people services the varies 100,000 per in would it is be wrong impossible to to consider assess their in merely of doctors also hospitals the or concern beds the and quantity per facilities clinics. of And resources per quality. to The epidemiological transition nd per on 1,000 bed for data people density ve or physician per and 1,000 more density hospital people contrasting countries. One of the infectious main or communicable of an diseases individual epidemiological development TOK illnesses changes contagious from a country’s that cause (degenerative transition. would be For and gradual example, diseases (diarrhoea a health to a have such prole diseases diseases). expected infectious gastroenteritis in communicable a as worsening This is country large By the in shift the known in an as of we from non- health the stage deaths diseases, contrast, to early number respiratory vomiting). is ( epidemics) of and measles would and expect There is a theory known as Har t’s an HIC to have more deaths and illnesses from heart attack, stroke and Inverse Care Law that states that cancers – diseases that are not infectious or communicable. The exception those who need health care the to this is the rise in cases of AIDS, and with it TB, in HICs since the 1980s. most – the poor, the homeless and other vulnerable groups – have least access to it. Those who need health The Global Burden of Disease, 2013 care the least – the well o – have The 2013 Global Burden of Disease study looked at 240 disease types most access to health care. To what for 72 countries. Its key ndings were that life expectancy for both extent do you think this is true or sexes increased from 65.3 years in 1990 to 71.5 years in 2013, while fair? How does the data in Figure F.20 the number the same of deaths increased from 47.5 million to 54.9 million over suppor t this view? 280 period. There was a noticeable reduction in age-standardized 1 death rates for cardiovascular M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H diseases 15.0 and cancers in high-income regions, GBD and super region Sub-Saharan reductions in child deaths from 12.5 lower respiratory in reduced life Saharan expectancy Africa. of For death, most in most both age-standardized for regions. HIV/AIDS southern rates shifts of decreased have of fell, non-communicable demographic sub- communicable numbers death neonatal deaths and whereas, South East South Asia North Africa Latin 10.0 2013 Asia, east and America Asia, Middle and and Oceania East Caribbean High-income Central Europe, eastern Europe, and central Asia 7.5 shtaeD causes low-income and )snoillim( causes infections 1990 Africa diarrhoea, 5.0 causes, increased numbers 2.5 deaths death but rates. Diarrhoeal age-standardized diseases, lower 0 0 8 ≥ 7 5 – 7 9 7 0 – 7 4 6 5 – 6 9 6 0 – 6 4 5 5 – 5 9 0 – 5 4 4 5 5 – 4 years. 9 ve 0 than – younger 4 children 4 4 3 5 – 3 death Age in 9 0 – 3 4 2 3 5 – 2 9 0 – 2 4 1 2 of 5 causes – five 1 top 9 1 the 0 still – are 1 5 0 malaria 4 and – causes 9 neonatal – infections, 4 respiratory group (years) The Fe F .21: Global deaths by age and world region, 1990 and 2013 most for important diarrhoea and rotavirus pneumococcus infections. substantially are between for lower Country-specific and within probabilities of death L TA respiratory pathogens varied Research skills regions. For For most countries, the general pattern of reductions in of mortality has been associated with a progressive shift towards a this of the remaining deaths caused by non-communicable disease 50 Assessing epidemiological convergence across version showing countries causes of the death, and 1990 injuries. interactive gure, larger top share an age-sex-specific and 2013, visit depends http://vizhub.healthdata. on whether an absolute or relative measure of inequality is used. org/gbd-compare/. 1990 1 mean Lower rank (95% respiratory 2 Diarrhoeal 3 Preterm UI) 2013 infections 1 2 diseases birth 4 Ischaemic 5 Cerebrovascular heart disease disease mean rank Ischaemic Lower Cerebrovascular 4 Diarrhoeal 5 Road Neonatal 6 HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis 7 Preterm 8 Malaria 8 Malaria 9 Congenital 9 Neonatal anomalies diseases birth encephalopathy 10 Congenital COPD 11 Tuberculosis 12 Measles 12 COPD 13 Drowning 13 Cirrhosis 14 Protein-energy 15 Road 11 injuries infections disease injuries 7 10 UI) disease respiratory 3 6 encephalopathy (95% heart anomalies 14 Self-harm Meningitis 15 Lung 16 Self-harm 16 Neonatal 17 Neonatal 17 Diabetes 18 Cirrhosis 18 Protein-energy malnutrition 19 Tetanus 19 Chronic disease 20 Lung 20 Drowning 26 Diabetes 23 Meningitis 27 HIV/AIDS 43 Measles 36 Chronic 69 Tetanus malnutrition sepsis cancer kidney disease Communicable, infectious sepsis kidney diseases Degenerative, cancer non-communicable Fe F .22: Changes in the top 20 causes of death diseases between 1990 and 2013 Injuries Source: www.thelancet.com, Vol. 385, Jan 10 2015, Fig. 10, p. 144 COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 281 1 OPTION F THE Communicable, GE O GR A P H Y maternal, Non-communicable neonatal, and OF FO OD nutritional AND H E A LT H disease Comparing changes disease in the USA, China and Injuries 1990 Ischemic heart ranking disease Lung cancer 2013 ranking 1 1 Ischemic 2 2 Lung % heart Afghanistan 1990–2013 35% cancer In terms in the 3 3 Alzheimer's disease 4 4 COPD Self-harm 5 5 Cerebrovascular COPD 6 6 Road HIV/AIDS 7 7 Self-harm disease violence 8 8 disease disease, Alzheimer’s 26% injuries 39% Alzheimer's disease infect Diabetes 9 9 10 10 use cancer use cancer 11 11 Lower Diabetes 15 14 Interpersonal disorders 46 30 were and causes the The in 2013 highest poor diet, risk high 11% disorders mass respiratory index and tobacco 425% infect 28% violence in The greatest mortality rate reduction from all causes 49% was Drug F .23). were smoke. Colorectal cancer 11% Colorectal Drug lung disease highest-ranking body respiratory death ischaemic 12% factors Lower States, 11% (Figure Interpersonal premature United 27% heart Cerebrovascular of 8% injuries Road change disease HIV/AIDS in males aged 5–9 years 76% (49.2 per cent). In contrast, Fe F .23: Leading causes of premature death in the USA, 1990 and 2013 females aged 70+ years saw the Source: http://www.healthdata.org/united-states largest increase in mortality rate (0.9percent). 1990 Lower respiratory ranking infect 2013 1 1 ranking % change Cerebrovascular 1990–2013 disease By contrast, causes 2 2 Ischemic birth 3 3 Road COPD 4 4 COPD disease 5 5 Lung anomalies 6 6 Liver Drowning 7 7 Stomach Cerebrovascular disease heart disease Ischemic preterm heart Congenital injuries cancer injuries 46% cancer 2% cancer injuries 8 8 Congenital 9 9 Lower 10 10 diseases high cancer 12 12 cancer 14 14 anomalies respiratory systolic cancer 15 66 factors aged 65% Drowning were pressure the and leading in 2013. Females 28–36 years (84 experienced per the greatest 79% preterm Diarrheal road diet, 87% birth in mortality rate from 89% all Lung blood and Poor 70% infect Self-harm Neonata disease, disease (FigureF .24). reduction Stomach heart pollution cent) Liver main 20% risk Diarrheal the death cerebrovascular ischaemic 40% Self-harm China premature 13% air Road of 22% were Neonatal in 1% diseases causes. 97% In 2013, the main causes of Fe F .24: Leading causes of premature death in China, 1990 and 2013 premature Source: http://www.healthdata.org/china were neonatal Activity 7 1. preterm and maternal risk factors. birth, and malnutrition, Females aged congenital air 1–4 years lower anomalies pollution, and (61.2 death per in respiratory (Figure poor cent) Afghanistan diet infection, F .25). were Child the experienced leading the Name three causes of greatest reduction in mortality rate from all causes. Females aged 70+ death with the highest years saw (10.6 per the largest increase in mortality rate increase and three with the cent). highest decrease between 1990 and 2013. 2. Explain the changes in road injuries and protein/energy The implications of an aging population on the global disease burden malnutrition between 1990 Of the total global burden of disease, 23 per cent is older. This accounts attributable to and 2013. disorders 3. Evaluate this graphical technique in terms of displaying the data eectively. 282 50 per cent of in cent the people of the to (over cent 30 per 60 health burden contributors aged in of burden low- disease years and burden the total and in high-income middle-income in older burden in people people countries countries. are for about and The 20 cardiovascular aged 60 years per leading and diseases older), 1 Communicable, maternal, Non-communicable neonatal, and nutritional M E A s u r i n g F o o d A n d H E A LT H Fe F .25: Leading causes of disease disease premature death in Afghanistan, Injuries 1990 and 2013 1990 ranking 2013 ranking % change 1990–2013 Source: http://www.healthdata.org/ Lower infect 1 1 Lower diseases 2 2 Neonatal respiratory Diarrheal Neonatal respiratory preterm birth 3 3 Congenital Measles 4 4 Ischemic anomalies 5 5 Diarrheal neonatal 6 6 Road Meningitis preterm infect 58% birth 46% anomalies afghanistan 45% Activity 8 Congenital heart disease 17% diseases 76% 1. Other injuries Identify the three most 26% common causes of death 7 7 Cerebrovascular cough 8 8 Other Tuberculosis 9 9 Meningitis 58% 10 10 Tuberculosis 59% disease 22% in the USA and Afghanistan. Whooping neonatal 61% 2. Tetanus Classify the conditions/ diseases identied in (1). Ischemic heart disease 11 Road injuries 12 17 Whooping cough 83% Measles 92% Tetanus 88% 3. Suggest reasons for the dominance of these causes Cerebrovascular 22 disease of death in each country. per cent), mental neoplasms disorders morbidity Although chronic and stroke, per per important chronic from for for the which The A to is and per chronic driving most of and occurs of disease long-term these in is at the costs data the disability health enormous. worldwide population fertility epidemic aging. middle-income century The and just – took 26 46 years are As all mortality. of “delayed disease and the middle-income than a and 68 in of a 65 years years in the with from USA, with 7 but pressure), heart study trends 2015 tool. using health from the Comment trends out the about levels 1990 to interactive on that the you have about. of as many the 20th population. to 14 will per take prevention epidemiological and heart disease countries disease the improves age-adjusted heart – persists For much ageing disease to aging slowly. over rapidly prevalent blood better high-income to nutrition diseases”, population increases and world’s main linked of the Brazil. high-income result strongly decreased over more (high countries, in aged common, as has leading years become degenerative ages UK 21 is is countries, expectancy decreases, more However, diseases mortality hypertension as life fertility and diseases decreases younger in China become to and population mortality controlled, strokes the years in Cardiovascular transition. fall countries, of chronic high-income to decreasing doubling cent In continues of burden visualization found The about http://www.healthdata. and outweigh more org/gbd is vision from Learn global of (dementia, and more of people. modify Research skills and objective disorders care disorders older to This diabetes arises (9 proportion epidemic exists health. disease, diseases neurological increased age-dependent which cost and worldwide potential age burden for and disease the untapped respiratory cent), substantial pulmonary the societal chronic (7 chronological obstructive mortality, expenditure. due ageing substantial between cent), diseases cent). mortality diseases, impairment), than (6 population relationship especially (15 musculoskeletal L TA malignant infections disease contributing advance into mortality and episodes and due the to treatment. are most age heart In occurring low- at countries. 283 1 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Concepts in contex t The availability place to pattern access each and to of place. of food take or which for food disease has in its access account indicators, access to but pattern. that health care changes There covers food also are to variations for to develop, all is no services occur single aspects of in vary their indicator each – but from dietary for many, strengths. isolation, reasons and countries health consumed into suggest their food Indicators of As related its in access provides inequalities not quality. a in to just to the Indicators health complete of care. picture quantity health None of may of access these but may access. Check your understanding 1. Distinguish 2. Referring nutrition 3. Suggest Dene value 5. of an or 6. Explain 7. Dene why indicator to the the ratio term of a of per life explain what is meant by the day may not be a reliable 9. Describe how changed between the reference in to assessing doctors level diseases leading 1990 and an mortality country’s between expectancy (HALE) and explain its health. between “infant Distinguish transition. of difference indicator With malnutrition. examples, calories limitations the 8. 10. more and nutrition. three referring 284 two health-adjusted as Explain an to hunger transition. reasons indicator 4. between nation’s epidemic rate” of health by and and a pandemic. explain its value as development. afuence causes and named of a people. of and premature diseases death of in poverty. China 2013. examples, explain the epidemiological 2 Food systems and the spread of disease Key terms Conceptual understanding These are not exclusive categories but Key question indicate a scale, along which all farming How do physical production and and human processes consumption, and to lead the to changes incidence and in food types can be placed. spread Aale of The cultivation of crops disease? such as wheat farming in the Great Plains of the Key content USA. ● A systems energy approach efciency relative (inputs, and sustainability water in stores, transfers, footprints different in outputs) food comparing production, and Patal places. Rearing animals, for example sheep farming in New Zealand. ● Physical and human processes that lead to variations in food Cmmecal consumption. Products sold to make a prot such as market ● Diffusion (including adoption/acquisition, expansion, relocation) gardening in the and its importance also in the in the spread of agricultural innovations and Netherlands. (including spread of physical, diseases, and economic the and role of political geographic barriers) in factors the rate of diffusion. stece Products consumed by ( peaat) the cultivators, as in the case of shifting cultivation ● How geographic factors contribute to the incidence, diffusion and by Kayapo in the impacts (demographic and socio-economic) of vector-borne and Amazonian rainforest. waterborne diseases. iteve High inputs or yields per unit area, such as battery A systems approach to food production There are many factors many types of farming (see the list of key hen production. denitions) and Ex teve that inuence farming (Table Low inputs or yields per F .3). unit area, as in free-range chicken production. Activity 9 nmac 1. 2. Farmers moving Referring to the key terms classifying types of farming activity, suggest seasonally with their the opposite type of activity to these three types: intensive, commercial, herds, such as the Pokot, pastoral. pastoralists in Kenya. Identify three physical and three human factors aecting farming (listed seeta Farmers remaining in the below). Rank them in order of impor tance and explain how they aect same place throughout farming. the year, for example dairy farmers in Devon 3. To what extent are physical controls on farming less impor tant now than they and Cornwall. were in the past? As a result farming types, a of the systems systems This allows us F .26 shows a Mexico and many are approach to compare systems for factors complex is used pig for aspects shifting farming in farming In showing different approach intensive inuencing operations. order inputs, of the and to types simplify processes farming cultivation in of farming, farming and types. Santa outputs. Figure Rosa, Denmark. 285 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Tale F .3: Factors aecting farming activities Phcal Hma Clmate: Pltcal: Precipitation Land tenure/ownership • type • frequency • intensity • amount Temperature • growing season (>6°C) • ground frozen (0°C) • range of temperatures sl: Fer tility • pH • cation exchange capacity • nutrient status Structure Texture Depth Pet: vermin, locusts, disease, etc. • ownership, rental, share-cropping, state-control Organization • collective, cooperative agribusiness, family farm Government policies • subsidies, guaranteed prices, ESAs, quotas, set-aside War •disease, famine Ecmc: Farm size • eld size and shape Demand • size and type of market Capital • equipment, machinery, seeds, money, ‘inputs’ Technology • high-yielding varieties (HYVs), fer tilizers, irrigation Infrastructure • roads, communications, storage slpe: Adver tising Gradient scal: relef: Cultural and traditional inuences Altitude Education and training Apect Ubac (shady) or adret (sunny) Behavioural inuences Chance Another is to way consider (Table F .4). compared of to energy as agricultural modied Agricultural with productivity, and analyse them natural ecosystems ecosystems biomass, efciency. nutrient Average systems ecosystems can in be terms cycling productivity 2 from agricultural comparable prairies. of and solar of humans that as is 650 temperate However, incoming crops, by with systems only about is less 1 0.25 per utilized per food. Pht F .3: Terracing on steep slopes 286 /year, grasslands radiation than g/m cent or cent by is used 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E Pht F .4: Rice cultivation can suppor t Pht F .5: Irrigation to increase food production in a dry area high population densities INTENSIVE Shifting SUBSISTENCE cultivation: Popoluca Indians, Mexico Natural vegetation allowed to Inputs the Clearning family–men cutting, hunting, the itself Seed Labour Whole seed do burning, and women trees. and e.g. do and yams, grown turtles plots by vegetation coffee, Maize farming small Most by are burning is left oregano, women. hunted used, 250 types of different crops used SUSTAINABLE squash. Game, by Over and sh, Some men trading surplus Fruit of and gathered AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT game. insects from Capital forest Maize seeds Trade for maize Land seed 3–4 ha INTENSIVE Pig farming COMMERCIAL in Denmark Labour Farmer and farmhand Intensive cereal February to cultivation, September. Dairying all year Stall-fed pigs round Commercial 9 million 43% 75% pigs of produced Danish annually agricultural output Prot Capital Large food of bacon exported inputs–expensive concentrates machinery dairying, for for breeding rearing selling pigs, cereals/ transport Subsistence services Cereals Dairy milk Land used as fodder. products–skimmed fed to pigs Fodder 10–30 ha average Fe F .26: A systems approach to two farming types 287 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Tale F .4: A comparison of natural and agricultural ecosystems Ectem natal Acltal Food web Complex – several layers Simple – mostly one or two layers Biomass Large – mixed plant and animal Small – mostly plant Biodiversity High Low – often monoculture Gene pool High Low, e.g. three species of cotton amount to 53 per cent of crop Nutrient cycling Slow; self-contained; unaected Largely suppor ted by external supplies by external supplies Productivity High Modication Limited Lower Extensive – inputs of feed, seed, water, fer tilizers, energy fuel; outputs of products, waste, etc. Photosynthetic eciency Activity 10 Agriculture 1. seeks to improve the productivity of ecosystems by applying Dene the terms energy subsidies (to remove competitors, apply nutrients, add or take (a) productivity, (b) away water, and so on). However, these produce sustainable systems monoculture, and (c) only when they are sympathetic to the local ecology. There is evidence energy subsidy. that 2. Compare the inputs and only in comparable exceptional to cases temperate do crop efciencies exceed 2 per cent – forests. outputs of intensive subsistence farming with intensive commercial farming. 3. selected crops Cp ectem Lcat gwth pe (a) Dene the term “ecosystem”. 4. Tale F .5: A comparison of photosynthetic eciency for types of vegetation and Using examples, suggest how farming modies Phtthetc ecec (%) Natural ecosystem Tropical rainforest Ivory Coast 365 0.32 Pine forest UK 365 1.95 Deciduous forest UK 180 1.07 Hawaii 365 1.95 the functioning and productivity of an Crops ecosystem. Sugar cane Elephant grass Puer to Rico 365 2.66 Maize (two crops) Uganda 135 + 135 2.35 Maize (one crop) Kenya (uplands) 240 1.37 Soya beans (two crops) Uganda 135 + 135 0.95 Perennial ryegrass UK 365 1.43 Rice Japan 180 1.93 Winter wheat The Netherlands 319 1.30 Spring barley UK 152 1.49 Energy eciency ratio (EER) The energy inputs into forestry and intensive 288 the system system hunting but efciency a the ratio inputs gathering pastoral returns be are may farming may (EER) compared very be or quite is a with measure the low. quite the In However, high. greenhouse low. of outputs. In amount a the contrast, cultivation of energy traditional outputs the may inputs be agro- from into very great 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E Tale F .6: Energy eciency ratios for selected farming systems Activity 11 (per unit of human/fossil fuel energy input) 1. Agro-forestry 65 Hunter-gatherers 7.8 UK cereal farm 1.9 UK allotment 1.3 UK dairy farm 0.38 Broiler hens 0.1 Greenhouse lettuces 0.002 Dene “energy eciency ratio”. 2. Explain the energy eciency ratios listed in Table F.6. 3. Estimate the energy ratios of activities such as prawn shing and sheep farming. 4. Explain the protein outputs in F.7. Tale F .7: Energy input and protein yields of four major agricultural systems Acltal tem Ttal ee Pte tpt pt (/ha) 6 (10 J/ha) Hill farming (sheep) 0.6 1–1.5 Mixed farming 12–15 500 Intensive crop production 15–20 2,000 Intensive animal production 40 300 Fe F .27: Nutrient cycling in a Nutrient cycling is often shown by the use of Gersmehl diagrams. Figure temperate deciduous woodland and a F .27 shows the differences between the nutrient cycling on a mixed farm mixed farm and in temperate deciduous woodland with the same climate. A Ecosystems also have energy ows, in which sunlight energy model Input converted F .28 to shows food the energy energy and ow of passed a along the food chain. of nutrient cycling is Figure in dissolved rain Fall-out farm. tissues as BIOMASS die Activity 12 LITTER Uptake Release 1. as by litter Outline is the dierence between intensive and extensive farming? plants decomposes a. What conditions are likely to cause intensive farming? . How do these dier from the conditions that cause extensive Loss in run-off SOIL Loss farming? by leaching 2. Dene the term “agricultural system”. Comment on the usefulness of Input using agricultural systems as a way of studying farming. weathered from 3. rock Compare the nutrient cycling in a natural ecosystem with that of a mixed farming system. Temperate Mixed Input farming dissolved in Input dissolved in rain fall, B crops, tissue B livestock woodland rain Leaf Harvesting deciduous manure decay L Run-off Uptake by plants L Legumes Mineralization, S humification, Fertilizers B and S degradation Biomass L Litter S Soil Weathering of rocks 289 2 OPTION F THE Land use GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD (ha) Market (GJ AND H E A LT H transactions food Farm population Inputs (GJ ) energy) Total work 20 400 hours Farmer's 125 household Domestic Wheat food 2.5 hours/week total – workers 138 supply 25 Cash – persons Farmer worker ’s crops 50 13 household 6 hours / week/worker – workers Total Barley 10 044 GJ 177 2493 Fer tiliser Fodder 4135 17 Cattle, Ley Fuels sheep, poultr y, etc. 856 grass Electricity 51 1099 Machiner y Cereals Permanent Cattle 202 18 700 56 Woodland roads, etc. 8 Sheep 60 Milk 55 Eggs Cash Purchased crops food 1 600 110 971 sesahcruP grass 31 Feeds 490 Seeds Key Markets energy Food energy Fe F .28: The energy ow of a farm Water footprints Water footprints activities, such embedded in are as a for food measure producing and of how food. manufactured much (See water also Unit is used 3 for in human water goods.) Activity 13 1. Identify the farming products that require (a) most water and (b) least water. 2. Identify (a) the crop that requires most water and (b) the animal that requires least water. ! Common mistake 3. Study Figure F.29. How useful is this infographic as an indicator of the amount of water needed for dierent farming types? ✗ Many that people the people believe only go reason hungry is Physical and human processes that lead to because of a lack of food variations in food consumption availability. Much ✓ There are many on why people can early climate even is food might on effect famine on and food hunger supplies, was and on in the the form of problems reports of storage term and food relief organizations. availability decit Such studies (FAD) , often which used implied the that available. food They its when umbrella there and go transport, hungry literature reasons not deciencies were caused by local shortages as a result of physical be factors. able to afford it unemployment wages, they heavily could 290 in be due or may debt, paying low be for fees and so back purchasing More and they medical on to caused food cut food. recently, economic hunger, the and only literature and production Ethiopia be the factors. that was, Sudan. cause of Sen in A has been (1981) increased fact, heavily observed hunger increasing. shortage of malnutrition, nor not occurred This available and inuenced that has food could all in been by food areas seen could not hunger be political shortages where in India, therefore related 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E WATER FOOTPRINT (Virtual water embedded in product) Barley 650 liters of for one pound for one package 650 (500 g) liters liters of of water Cane T oast 650 Sorghum Wheat water water 750 (500 g) liters of for one pound 1400 (500 g) Sugar water for one liters of water for Millet one pound (500 g) 2500 T ea package 90 (500 g) liters of water for one pot (750 ml) 840 liters Burger liters of Milk Beef water for one burger (150 g 4650 beef) liters of water for one steak 1000 (300 g) liters of water water for one pound (500 g) Coffee liters 2500 of of water for one pot (750 ml) Cheese for one litre 2500 liters of water for one big piece (500 g) Fe F .29: Water footprints for selected agricultural products Source: http://vir tualwater.eu/pics/poster_products_ani_600.gif only the to the distribution population important food the is to the factors (FED) . important also In a study of that political and about but also access, physical a that is, such trigger in in access food as analysis that it of was which not to just food entitlement accepted, factors, that, the included people’s consumption noted In clear system This been potential food (1990) poverty. became economic generally as affecting Musaiger their has degradation, and to it consumed. yield, alter work think factors Abdulrahman the and malnutrition, affecting Sen’s to environmental resources of distributed conditions decit of risk” consider produced, physical and “at although it precipitation is and offamines. Bahrain, despite the problems of Pht F .6: Food display – food climate, soil and land availability, Bahrain was self-sufcient in fruit and availability in an HIC supermarket vegetable 1930s. production Many labourers diving. This and increased of an wealth, more lead and and protein comes the fat, in role an less in and new working imported appliances women shaping of the oil and industry shing sheries foods. With fridges proportion of their He also Bahrain Iranian led food to In noted shish and impact consumption He found of for poorer of of from their migrants samosas, also to levels needs more Indian demand was pearl freezers, energy kebab). increased products the as and the production addition, (such in increased as in food the agriculture, carbohydrates. and of such sources. advertising in on dishes keema, in agricultural increasing from animal of development employment decline electrical get from Television important left the dependence and nashif increase foods. a more availability chapattis, the to households protein on before noted that convenience have an Bahraini households. 291 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Factors aecting food consumption The social “Food the psychologist gets on garden which and ows The Income refers to level availability For a the a “food them to the food under role of education a will stores to the women on may in 1940s, food the ow more healthy, larger The inuence of choice role diet, taste food and status. resources depending taste foods some The the nutrient-rich of and store, the into the vary than variety and food via may that grocery gatekeeper.” health, Diet a stated the channels of the as food. purchased. also of expense, purchase plays the such control inuence price be in selection higher-quality family, food is writing ‘channels’ The depended income low-income whether Lewin, through refrigerator. of of neighbourhood in of Kurt table purchase the in the type and available the through “gatekeeper” home. to and on food. quality carried people in may live desert”. Case study Food consumption in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa Since 1994 South number such is (the Africa), as of black associated diet with a and high This urban in changes is in and to a of of foods, enjoy the as as Cape found according women’s on that to scarce, the the as and about feel of about age. family’s food they University increase in quality They food needs. providers, responsible food even for The varied all family members have readily older of when making vegetables economic see food associated something men for saw themselves supporting the as family. eat. young women seemed to be is weight and therefore very the whereas could eat many of without the conscious selective younger inability in variety cheap and or to do have socio- to to urban afford unhealthy pig’s feet, Khayelitsha. with men is of meat status, associated Eating is associated while large with consumption with low portions of socio- food is affordability. for celebrations, guests. Food is rituals also used and for during occasions when people get together and of socially. Sweets, ice cream and cakes are about on happy occasions. Fatty meat is a about felt of generosity; lean meat and black tea are that often they improved to a necessary they a person Some sign food, it skins accessible only status. used consumed body resort eat migration an chicken to as People In meet the and seen geographic when their is sure to social responsible eat some, consumption welcoming contrast, can may tripe, consider For debt They as political, show socio-economic Food that are daily high that centred Women so, food. such to food friendship. Western found were they to body, and opportunities to factors, as lead of due standing. may food, the deprived much the acceptance opportunity, areas diabetes. perceptions gender perceptions satisfying themselves is from nourishing whether economic typical which Researchers to warmth, socio-economic diet. low an addition sign previously areas, largely favour fat the Urbanization leads II In in consequently, they type in food and, city, content. obesity by era increase Town. traditional the an living Cape poverty to carbohydrate of apartheid been Africans of with move westernized the accompanied Consumption levels of has Khayelitsha, commonly people end there eaten during mourning periods. restriction. Activity 14 1. Distinguish between the food availability decit (FAD) and food entitlement decit (FED). 292 2. Explain how people can starve even when their food supply is adequate. 3. Dene obesity. 4. Distinguish between being overweight and obese. 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E Case study Food consumption in the Middle East A number of factors in consumption patterns some in Arab income adversely States rice, by as from oil affected our Percentage of adults are inuenced world. a result revenues. eating and the in intake meat. beliefs, of changed the Food habits in of inuence food on region. Mass had factors a Arab preferences, big those impact education had a play on the an food in televised important Migration the women’s patterns especially habits. during and noticeable consumption media, dietary particularly sugar, also advertisements, modifying Gulf fat, have food subsidies the discrimination, employment this increase Sociocultural food gender food Food dramatically as encouraging religion, who Arab countries wheat such the have consumption 1970s, role in movements, have practices in also many countries. obese >24 18–24 12–17 6–11 0–5 No data Fe F .30: Global obesity prevalence Boseley, S. “Obesity exper ts call for stricter rules on junk food ads targeted at children”. The Guardian. 15 February 2015 Targeting obesity Some be of the unhealthy their No foods country many 4–5 The yet have poorer In obesity to stop drinks that 5 families olds kg more more – of are than so per child, age children or a in experts say commercial make its that controls companies children where third levels of should marketing overweight child or the In years 1970s and high. have olds obese. Some US very will year 30 the still children children from epidemic. like are 10–11 overweight than obesity countries overweight a heavier per average experts reversed slowed England, year average day and thousands adults. kcal has rates among a leading worldwide and stunt growth. obesity of world’s introduced and the would health but means not that problems than children and have UK, This more US, ago, childhood the a are consume done – or as fth on 200 kcal 73,000 year. cost 200 of more in food kcal a than the US, energy day is implies $400 their a about 56 cents spending year. excess With food an per extra about 50 100 kcal, $1.12 million consumption each a say day school- year 293 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H approaches 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 continue 70 for the $20 billion. A high over-consuming US food and proportion through beverage of these adulthood, industry worth children creating more a will market than $60 billion US annually. With such high sums at stake, the food industry is likely Kuwait to Scotland Qatar resist controls industries have. Children’s poor to stunting as in the same nutrition well as way that worldwide obesity. It is – not the tobacco including only in in poor and the alcohol UK – countries leads that Croatia stunting – caused by poor nutrition – exists side by side with obesity. England The Australia national children shorter Germany obesity Czech poor than Obesity Mexico in school measurement households children needs to be epidemic. from are not afuent reassessed While programme if only in likely England to be shows fatter but that also families. we individuals are to bear halt some and reverse the responsibility global for Republic their health, we must also recognize that today’s food environments Poland exploit people’s preference Portugal (for for example, biological sweetened marketing vulnerability foods), (for example, psychological techniques), and innate vulnerability social and economic Sweden vulnerability (for example, convenience and cost), making it more Slovakia likely for possible France with them to to break “smart eat the food unhealthy cycle policies” of foods. supply by It is and therefore demand governments, potentially for unhealthy alongside efforts foods from Bulgaria industry and civil society to create healthier food systems. Russia (Adapted from The Guardian, 19 February 2015) Singapore L TA Morocco South Research and communication skills Africa Visit Indonesia the resources website, Find at out section of the World Obesity Federation’s http://www.worldobesity.org/resources/. about regional variations and trends in obesity. Choose Fe F .31: Obesity world rankings one topic and give a two-minute talk to your class, or make a of men (%) presentation about time, or one way in which obesity varies by place, Boseley, S. “Obesity exper ts call for stricter rules on junk food ads targeted at children”. gender education. The Guardian. 15 February 2015 Diusion Hägerstrand’s diusion curve The the Swedish and security, of (Figure are food have been linked to rising obesity 294 that to other ever As do, to He including adopters. change so of of Initially, more and a new information make-up information and Hägerstrand incorporated introduction increasingly reluctant they the psychological F .32). reduced, Torsten innovations. factors, the proximity Pht F .7: Large por tions of fast of showed number is geographer diffusion people take inequalities a technique adopter, few more adopt long may chance regarding the very becomes (1916–2004) a time innovations, and people to develop interested in depended the idea. an and accept a in model upon a nancial new F .33). innovation often However, (Figure his physical adopt widespread, the was element the some cost people technique, if 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d affected by it, and disease effect closer of to sooner, into spread new out distance , the than source areas or are further 50 sretpoda be areas a disease ta to the frictional that of a rebmuN from The suggests of yna likely away spread fo more the fo source. decay, to incidences emit initial distance refers when evitalumuC an occurs sretpoda from It egatnecrep diffusion locations. d i s E A s E 100 Disease diusion Disease o F source. 0 0 Time Hägerstrand of is known innovation”. geographers, main Some and a physical water In The “wave” disease diffusion features bodies, there of as a for have is from barrier political been to diffusion, and disease. namely diffusion network and diffusion for central boundaries of identied, disease, a Fe F .32: A diusion cur ve medical diffusion hierarchal also and example, tends to source. including also limit the spread of disease. The economic diffusion of Rich-poor Large Small boundaries disease can as an S-shaped curve to show four phases: Time Rapid adoption infusion (25th used as land inection (50th percentile), saturation (75th percentile), to the upper limits. are several types of disease to pumps, etc. cannot 2 There a. diffusion: hence benefit Adoption by Expansion diffusion occurs when the expanding disease with has money. buy Land is seeds, fertilizers, government new seeds small at pesticides, farmers first. smaller farmers backed development b. ● farmers and HYVs, waning by and/or security irrigation percentile), farmers be plentiful identied gap farmers mountains 1 may Time “waves many spatial infectious spreading act while the diffusion, addition, fashion, basis diffusion contagious diffusion. diffusion. in of the map on noitpodA occur patterns to work fo mixed formed attempted diffusion, relocation pioneering sVYH expansion has his )%( Four This who for caused by: agricultural projects targeted for more a environments source and diffuses outwards into new areas. c. continued creating ● Relocation diffusion occurs when the spreading disease moves 3 Diffusion farmers. into new areas, leaving behind its origin or source of the population extra of new pressure demand for techniques Widespread more to food. most adoption. disease. Fe F .33: The green revolution, An example could be a person infected with AIDS moving to a new diusion and changing inequality location. over time ● Contagious the ● direct contact Hierarchical through cities ● diffusion to an urban Southern and Africa spread occurs sequence areas diffusion transportation the individuals diffusion ordered large Network of is to occurs social along with an a classes small when a through infected. places, for spreads example from areas. disease Again, routes disease phenomenon or urban networks. infectious those when of transport of is spreads the an via spread of AIDS in example. The Zika virus Zika, a mosquito-borne contact, arrived countries about from areas thought usually the in 400 to the m), be evidence in people the much just is virus Brazil Americas. but with with in that The are disease of mild it a that May can also 2014. mosquito threat: causes only rash, birth a joint be has is transporting (relocation fever, It a transmitted since poor the of aches defects in ier virus diffusion). fth spread by to (and red children 21 can Zika people eyes. and sexual other y travelling Initially, infected and through only to and was fall not ill, However, neurological 295 2 OPTION Zika F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H problems in Salvador, Colombia adults. In 2015 El virus UNITED STATES and Ecuador 2,767,337 recommended pregnancy that until women delay 2018. FRANCE In 404,525 UNITED October 2015, doctors in north- STATES eastern babies New Brazil born saw with a huge increase microcephaly – in an York abnormally small head – often consequent brain damage. with PORTUGAL Orlando Over the 411,407 next four months more than 3,500 Miami MEXICO cases Cancun in of microcephaly Brazil. than That 200 a were compared year in the reported with ve fewer previous ITAL Y 419,955 years. CHINA Figure 84,332 F .34 become shows endemic. air-conditioning, PERU and PERNAMBUCO mosquito where But Zika places screened control are could where windows the norm B R A Z I L Lima ANGOLA are unlikely up. With to see Brazil outbreaks hosting the are Olympic 82,838 Games in 2016, the increase in the CHILE Rio de Janeiro 614,687 São Risk of number of brought a the country Paulo greater spreading Zika to risk of the disease local transmission of tourists to more countries. Buenos Santiago virus Aires Montevideo Seasonal CHILE ARGENTINA Year-round 1,314,694 Malaria Travellers ARGENTINA from By Brazil country, Malaria Sep 2014–Aug Cities >1,000 from is a life-threatening 2015 with disease for humans plasmodium Sep caused by the travellers Brazil, 2014–Aug parasite and transmitted 2015 to Fe F .34: The spread of the Zika virus people via Anopheles the bite mosquito. of the Here female are some Source: Dr K Khan, St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto key L TA ● In 2015, 95 countries and facts territories about had malaria: ongoing malaria Research skills transmission. Find the latest information ● on the Zika whether increase of the the virus there in the disease Rio de to was 3.2 risk malaria. of billion people – almost half the world’s population – are at any prevalence ● Malaria is preventable dramatically following Janeiro About see reducing and the curable malaria and increased burden in efforts many are places. Olympic ● Between 2000 and 2015, malaria incidence among populations at Games. risk To show virus how spread March 2015, 2014 use the time, Ebola between and under the March BBC maps website rate malaria globally of new death among all cases) rates age fell in by 37 per populations groups and by 65 cent at globally. risk per fell cent 60 among the per same cent children ve. Sub-Saharan Africa carries a disproportionately high share of the http:// global malaria burden. In 2015 the region suffered www.bbc.co.uk/news/ malaria world-africa-28755033. 296 by At from ● the (the cases and 90 per cent of malaria deaths. 88 per cent of 2 Malaria s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E endemic Endemic no F o o d in longer 2000, endemic Non-endemic ongoing or no malaria transmision Not applicable Fe F .35: The distribution of malaria L TA Source: WHO, World Malaria Repor t, 2015 Environmental preferences The a malarial minimum parasite Using (plasmodium) temperature of Research skills 20°C thrives allows it in the humid complete its tropics life cycle. the WHO information this chapter, is a primary host and the human is secondary. The environment These is are stagnant usually water, found in estuaries, densely deltas and populated in an The sheet for use in a clinic. Do not assume irrigation that channels. produce mosquito’s village ideal given where information mosquito website and the readership has more agricultural than very basic reading skills. regions. The disease ooding They are sewers), or is often by triggered human likely which to live are by conicts in ideal natural such temporary breeding as events war, camps grounds such which with for as cyclones often results inadequate the and in refugees. drainage (open mosquito. Plasmodium sporozoites 1st Vector Initial Next human human host host Liver 2nd infection Vector Blood infection In utero transmission Fe F .36: The life cycle of the plasmodium parasite malarial parasite 297 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H The cost of treating malaria Global nancing million health 2001 of in 2005 service and and to to $2.5 owing preventative incomes in $900 to the 2014. such as the from Malaria in reduced individuals during increased million households measures Infected control billion of individual transmission. family malaria savings 2014, malaria for number bed estimated interventions sub-Saharan includes are an of Africa cases. The medication, nets, which unable to help work, $960 led to between direct doctors’ to cost fees reduce which can reduce attacks. The symptoms of malaria The rst days to symptoms after recognize progress to Children – fever, mosquito as If and not illness, severe headache, bite, malaria. severe with following the malaria symptoms: treated often severe chills they may and be within leading to frequently anaemia, vomiting mild 24 at – rst hours, appear and seven difcult malaria can death. develop one respiratory or more distress in of the relation Pht F .8: A microscopic image of the malaria-carrying Anapheles mosquito to metabolic acidosis, involvement L TA develop is also partial or cerebral frequent. immunity, In malaria. In adults, malaria-endemic allowing multi-organ areas, asymptomatic people infections may to occur. Communication skills Who is at risk? Comment of Photo eradicate on F .8 as as a in the images effective deterrent eradicate effectiveness malaria. alternative be the or in drive that more the malaria. to Suggest could effective drive to Some population malaria and infants, children with and HIV/AIDS, travellers. measures taking to into groups developing under as ve well National protect are at considerably severe as disease years consideration age, non-immune malaria these of than control population their higher pregnant of These contracting include women migrants, mobile programmes groups specic risk others. from and patients populations need to malaria take special infection, circumstances. Transmission In most cases, malaria Anopheles mosquitoes. Anopheles mosquito; All the important intensity vector, of the is around vector transmission human transmitted There host are 30 are species the than malaria bite depends and through more the 400 vectors between on bites factors of female different of dusk and related species major to dawn. the of importance. The parasite, the environment. Prevention Vector control transmission, – is as the insecticide-treated effective in a wide interventions protection be of most LLINs free behaviour 298 The of a to WHO charge, the and area across nets is ensure are residual coverage enough, the for LLIN way equal communication If malaria forms of vector spraying of vector then a control – are control measure of community. (ITNs) recommends reduce Two indoor high the (LLINs) nets cost-effective to and WHO. circumstances. mosquito most change of prevent by nets specic insecticidal settings, malaria. range conferred insecticide-treated In way mosquito within will Long-lasting main recommended to preferred public coverage achieve access for strategies all. are form health for this In all is of programmes. people by parallel, required to at risk providing effective ensure that 2 all people the net Indoor residual way realized sprayed. the risk when In travellers, at suppresses for least the 80 an LLIN every can blood per can be insecticides, malaria cent multiple entire medicines the under with reduce settings, malaria sleep (IRS) rapidly some Antimalarial malaria s y s T E M s A n d night, T H E and s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E that maintained. spraying to population malarial of properly powerful is at is F o o d of also be of in Its targeted rounds are DDT, full areas needed is a potential to are protect season. used prevented stage houses spray malaria including transmission. to prevent through malaria malaria. For chemoprophylaxis, infections, thereby which preventing disease. Insecticide resistance Vector class control of recent years, countries. for to been of to ensure a has timely and to the Plan (GPIRM)”, for of for four pyrethroids, ITNs has efcacy for in IRS or this of is of only In in many insecticides resistance LLINs, most the LLINs. emerged classes Fortunately, insecticides WHO all protection which settings. has used only continue Rotational recommended as one resistance. coordinated the “Global Vectors of insecticide resistance, develop of use pyrethroids decreased level the to detected. with classes manage to resistance been substantial on recommended resistance areas, insecticide Malaria dependent currently associated a different approach To some health provide use highly mosquito In public rarely is insecticides global worked Insecticide which was response with a to wide Resistance released in the threat range of of stakeholders Management May in 2012. Diagnosis and treatment Early diagnosis deaths. It available based also and treatment contributes treatment, combination to of particularly therapy malaria reducing for P . reduces malaria disease and transmission. falciparum malaria, is prevents The best artemisinin- (ACT). Antimalarial drug resistance Resistance of P . to antimalarial falciparum to medicines previous and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and 1980s, child The undermining is a generations (SP), malaria recurring of became control problem. medicines, such widespread efforts and Resistance as chloroquine in the reversing 1970s gains in survival. WHO recommends resistance, important and the supports area of routine countries monitoring to strengthen of antimalarial their efforts in drug this work. Sur veillance Surveillance data to zero of the deliberate measures of entails received. are maximize no Once disease is incidence eradication longer transmission, the the eradication worldwide efforts. malaria tracking Malaria reduction needed. In national of and dened of as malaria has been countries malaria malaria taking cases the infection achieved, with control and action based permanent high as a on the reduction result of intervention or moderate programmes aim rates to deaths. 299 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Vaccines against malaria ! Common mistake There ✗ Some students are human that malaria is parasite. there water is licensed vaccines against malaria or any other will Clinical be a trials vaccine are by currently 2020. In being October held, 2015, and two it is expected WHO disease. advisory ✓ Although no a that waterborne currently believe (a stagnant important groups malaria recommended vaccine) in a pilot limited implementations number of African of RTS, S/AS01 countries. for The WHO strategy the laying of mosquito The eggs, the disease is by vector-borne WHO Global the World Health Strategy Assembly in for May Malaria 2015 – 2016–30 provides a – adopted technical disease, framework transmitted Technical a for all malaria-endemic countries. It is intended to guide and by support regional and country programmes as they work towards malaria mosquitoes. control global and elimination. targets, The strategy sets ambitious but achievable including: Activity 15 1. ● reducing malaria incidence ● reducing malaria mortality ● eliminating ● preventing by at least 90 per cent by 2030 Describe the distribution rates by at least 90 per cent countries by 2030 by 2030 ofmalaria, as shown in Figure F.35. 2. Suggest reasons to explain malaria a in at resurgence least of 35 malaria in all countries that are malaria-free. this distribution. 3. Describe the life cycle of Cholera the plasmodium parasite, Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium as shown in Figure F.36. Vibrio worse also For 1. cholerae. There symptoms be than transmitted cholera There must be Fe F .37: The transmission of 2. Cholera must several others. by to occur, signicant by be It strains is a the present must breaches in the the bacterium, disease, some causing although it can food. there bacterium of waterborne contaminated outbreaks contamination are of be two water Vibrio conditions: sanitation leading to cholerae population. Vibrio cholerae This or Vibrio in infection causes about stream 5 per Open-air Water or There abstracted are asymptomatic domestic of infected However, dehydration which can kill persons and within 28,000–142,000 acute hours. deaths from for cholera sewers cent severe diarrhoea, leaking mostly gastroenteritis. cholerae develop defecation is mild every year. Even those who are use symptom-free in their faeces transmitted if can carry and the the bacteria disease sanitation is easily arrangements are inadequate. Contaminated Vibrio Risk factors cholerae water in used for Transmission faeces washing easy in areas inadequate curse of are small 300 cholerae of of poor housing displaced It is intestine is relatively populations camps. particularly and particularly Children the Cholera symptoms Vibrio sanitation. overcrowded Infection of hands vulnerable. living under the in ve 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E Clinical treatment ● Prompt administration treat 80 per ● Very dehydrated ● Antibiotics prolonged problem ● Oral cent are in cases useful treating oral need while can all vaccine prevention of rehydration therapy is sufcient to patients. treatment cholera adopt of V . cholerae lead to can control uids. is still antibiotic infectious (OCV) and intravenous being excreted, resistance – a but serious illness. be effective, measures as but it is important to well. Domestic prevention and control measures 1. 2. Drink 4. 5. use safe a. Drink b. Always boil c. Always put Wash a. 3. and safe your Wash water, or but treated hands you ii. before feeding iii. after using iv. after taking Do b. Use c. Wash d. If e. Dispose Handle b. Be Clean or hands do the in a with cleaning teeth and for making ice. water. clean and covered container. (or ash or sand): children latrine of soap seafood your care or toilet someone any body chemical soap have faeces ill with diarrhoea. a in of toilets and to dispose water latrine, plastic water. (or defecate bags at ash at of or faeces. sand) least collection 30 after m points defecating. away or from bury a body of water. in the ground. all the way hygienically. food sure in with not of food Cook water prepare defecate latrines a. for faeces. a. you it untreated often before not use hands. your of also disinfect i. Dispose a. water. to well, cook eat it hot seafood, and peel especially fruit and vegetables. shellsh, until very hot through. up. Clean up thoroughly the places where the family eat and work. The role of the World Health Organization The ● WHO Global support and Task Force implement on cholera global control strategies to works to: prevent and control cholera ● provide capacity a forum to for prevent cooperation and control and to strengthen a country’s cholera 301 2 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND ● support ● increase H E A LT H research the visibility of cholera as an important global health problem. 600,000 Fe F .38: Cholera cases repor ted to the WHO by year and Oceania Americas Asia Africa continent, 1989–2014 500,000 sesac 400,000 fo rebmuN 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 4 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 9 0 0 2 8 0 0 2 7 0 0 2 6 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 90(40), 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2015, 0 0 0 2 Record, 9 9 9 1 8 9 9 1 Epidemiological 7 9 9 1 5 9 9 1 4 9 9 1 Weekly 3 9 9 1 2 9 9 1 1 9 9 1 0 9 9 1 9 8 9 1 Source: 517– 44 Fe F .39: Areas of cholera outbreaks, 2010–13 Source: World Health Organization Areas reporting outbreaks, Areas 2014 reporting outbreaks, 0 1,550 6,200 2010–2013 3,100 km L TA Research skills To extend your understanding of Activity 16 cholera, carry out an into underlying investigation Study Figure F.38. the sanitation. Use “Preventing better by your diarrhoea water, hygiene” as problem source WHO 1. through sanitation the of Describe the trends in the number of cholera cases occurring in the four regions of the world. and 2. Suggest reasons for the trends described above. 3. Referring to Figure F.39, describe the global pattern of cholera (http://apps. who.int/iris/bitstream/10665 outbreaks. /150112/1/9789241564823_eng. 302 pdf). Summarize keep it concise. sections 1–6, but 4. Identify the physical and human factors which inuence this pattern. 2 F o o d s y s T E M s A n d T H E s P r E A d o F d i s E A s E Concepts in contex t Farming stores which time. with production and outputs. vary from Inputs to place such farming place as types. place, can be viewed Farming to place water, and energy Agricultural although not as systems all a type have a develop and of system number with fertilizers practices farmers may can with of inputs, processes, technology vary be spread afford over considerably the from cost of new innovations. Similarly, and via such diseases disease rather may than may barriers organisms, other a diseases human as spread be by be may spread limit between their mosquitoes through possible treating by the that poor Some spread water eliminating disease places, spread. diseases malaria, quality. the although physical spread whereas Thus, eradicating vector/unclean water itself. Check your understanding 1. Dene 2. Explain 3. 4. the term how “water farming intensive subsistence Compare the energy greenhouse lettuces Explain process the footprint”. inputs and and an efciency of outputs intensive ratio diffusion of with differ between commercial agro-forestry respect to an system. with that of agricultural innovations. 5. Describe 6. Explain 7. Describe 8. Suggest 9. Give how how the main in (b) may as be impacts which example contagious, changes diseases ways one diet of it is each infectious, of standards of living increase. spread. malaria. possible the (c) of to manage following malaria. disease degenerative, and types: (d) (a) non- communicative. 10. Explain the different approaches to the control and prevention of cholera. 303 3 Stakeholders in food and health Conceptual understanding Key question What power do different stakeholders have to inuence diets and health? Key content ● The roles of international Programme, Nations, NGOs ● The and Food the of Gender roles Factors the related affecting power of as Organization), insecurity and (agribusinesses to the the (such the Organization World of the Food United governments and disease. and the media) in shaping habits. production/acquisition ● Agriculture Health food TNCs consumption organizations and World combating inuence food ● in the food and and severity media health, disparities and of famine, access to including in food health. including governance, international aid. Tale F .8: SDG2: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and The roles of organizations and governments in promote sustainable agriculture” combating food insecurity and disease 2.1 By 2030 end hunger and ensure access Global food security is made difcult because: by all people, in par ticular the poor and ● a ● the ● climate signicant share of the world’s population is malnourished people in vulnerable situations including infants, to safe, nutritious and sucient global population continues to grow food all year round. change and other environmental changes threaten future 2.2 By 2030 end all forms of malnutrition, food production including achieving by 2025 the ● the food system itself is a major contributor to climate change and internationally agreed targets on stunting other environmental harms. and wasting in children under ve years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating The UN (Table has set out its goals for sustainable agriculture for 2030 F .8). women, and older persons. The main aims of the United Nations Food and Agriculture 2.3 By 2030 double the agricultural Organization (FAO) are the eradication of hunger, food insecurity productivity and the incomes of smalland malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the driving scale food producers, par ticularly women, forward of economic and social progress for all; and the sustainable indigenous peoples, family farmers, management and utilization of natural resources, including land, pastoralists and shers, including through water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benet of present secure and equal access to land, and and future generations. In addition, it aims to increase the resilience revolutionize the same and its activities, of people to threats and crises. productive resources and inputs, For example, the FAO set up a project in rural Honduras to promote knowledge, nancial services, markets, and entrepreneurship among rural youth. Over 2,000 young people were oppor tunities for value addition and non- trained farm employment. 304 in farming skills, marketing and developing business skills. 3 The result was more than 1,500 successful s T A k E H o L d E r s microenterprises. i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H In 2.4 By 2030 ensure sustainable food Khulna, Bangladesh, the FAO operated a project to improve food to minimize production systems and implement safety among urban street vendors. The aim was food resilient agricultural practices that contamination during preparation. Street foods are cheap and an increase productivity and production, essential source of food and nutrition to people on a low income, that help maintain ecosystems, that and also to schoolchildren. As a result of the success of this scheme, strengthen capacity for adaptation the project was extended to the city of Dhaka. to climate change, extreme weather, The World WFP Food focuses people. Its on Programme food planhas 1. Save lives 2. Support and (WFP) assistance four for aims the to end poorest global and hunger. most The vulnerable and that progressively improve land and soil quality. objectives: protect drought , ooding and other disasters, livelihoods in 2.5 By 2020 maintain genetic diversity emergencies. of seeds, cultivated plants, farmed and food security and nutrition and (re)build livelihoods in domesticated animals and their related fragile settings and following emergencies. wild species, including through soundly 3. Reduce meet risk their and own enable food people, and communities nutrition and countries managed and diversied seed and to plant banks at national, regional and needs. international levels, and ensure access to 4. Reduce undernutrition and break the intergenerational cycle of and fair and equitable sharing of benets hunger. arising from the utilization of genetic Food security analysis provides information to: resources and associated traditional knowledge as internationally agreed. ● identify the effective most food-insecure people to ensure the most 2.a Increase investment, including targeting through enhanced international ● identify the most appropriate type and scale of intervention, cooperation, in rural infrastructure, whether food distributions, school feeding or more innovative agricultural research and extension interventions such as cash or voucher programmes services, technology development, ● ensure the allocating most efcient funding use according of to humanitarian resources by and plant and livestock gene banks to needs. enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in par ticular in The WFP undertakes food security analysis in close collaboration least developed countries. with as partners the FAO, worldwide, UNHCR, including UNICEF , the governments, WHO and local UN agencies and such international 2.b Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distor tions in world agricultural NGOs. markets including by the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural National and multi-government organizations expor t subsidies and all expor t measures At the World developing agricultural subsidies Trade nations – including subsidies were undermining developing Organization’s in the articially small Brazil, US and driving farmers Doha and Round China EU. down and They 2001, India argued global maintaining in crop – that in the mandate of the Doha Development opposed the prices, poverty with equivalent eect, in accordance with many Round. high unfairly 2.c Adopt measures to ensure the proper many functioning of food commodity markets countries. and their derivatives, and facilitate timely access to market information, including Subsidized agriculture in the developed world is one of the on food reserves, in order to help limit greatest obstacles to economic growth in the developing world. In extreme food price volatility. 2002, industrialized Cooperation billion on and crop countries in Development price supports, the Organization (OECD) spent production a for total payments Economic of $300 and See more at: other https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/? farm programmes. These subsidies encourage overproduction. page=view&nr=164&type=230&menu=2 Markets are ooded with surplus crops that are sold below the 059#sthash.kXElTngm.dpuf cost of production, depressing world prices. 305 33 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD By AND 2013 many agricultural Indonesia in and $10billion Global ($19 other BRIIC have had at and doubled established countries increased estimated billion) subsidies in in theirs $160 EU just (Brazil, the fastest. billion ($67 in years, own India, China’s 2012, billion) three their Russia, now combined. and dwarf Brazil’s totalled about 2016. subsidies pesticides, and China) US countries The subsidies, the agricultural developing subsidies. agricultural those H E A LT H may which also can negative lead result in producers soil to overuse degradation, environmental fertilizers groundwater or depletion impacts. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) There in 1. were three basic principles behind the formulation of the CAP 1962: It was to be a single agricultural market within which goods move freely. 2. Products from 3. EU The outside member main increase ● ensure ● stabilize ● ensure Between existed of farmers dairy or more CAP 1. led fuel be bought in preference to those CAP . were productivity of living to: and for 1968 available these from introduced 1973 and their the EU poultry export self-sufciency farmers (or and prot is the the Concentration products is becomes Specialization proportion accounted of for more specialized in a centre of of a the provided a CAP were to market rules was This the encouraged guaranteed self-sufcient Imports single market production. introduced level of maintain The and and in cereals, subjected make EU beef, to duties products inputs specialization: inputs or butter process related output to to and increase included outputs their from the standards fertilizers, “mountains” whereby and production particular areas, concentration of particular concentrated it. set price. market. rising to fair of animal “wine feed, lakes” outputs. the is by were conned total it concentration Beef increased the as a implemented: unlimited vegetables. margins). machinery. At at common practically world sought a production was and the for consumers were and 1968. subsidies on farmers by to aims 1962 prices intensication, become the agriculture was maximize By typied 306 and Intensication living 3. for food was as to markets that to were nance standard competitive land 2. fair products, levies, states guaranteed to market. a EU EU. agriculture prices system the agricultural 1958 in in the priorities ● and grown a farm, product. in and region France For and of or refers or to farms. the country example, the particular regions UK as wheat has farmers have 3 The By need the for 1990s, guarantees wine cent, while and store The EU Soviet In also lost the To match 3. To support 4. To stop 5. To protect ● the years EU farm since in ● climate ● looking was at In some proportion Five competitive with because of A n d H E A LT H export EU the markets were agricultural by 20 per increasing funding on thereby objectives price cereals, technological further prices East, in cereals yields, subsidized Middle reformed. CAP surpluses sectors, improved traditional the the created overproducing larger its out of was world in the reducing used market. former demand . identied: base. demand. agriculture. develop the the potential formation of the of the CAP , natural the EU environment. has also to address of: – at order change after economy F o o d incomes. drift and a of Europe’s reform dropped. of parts was security double to storage surpluses production challenges food The had some CAP 2. the off and increase need improvements sell To the a Consequently, 1. In milk. and Union 1992 was intervention demand scientic surpluses. to there and i n reform and beef, s T A k E H o L d E r s the to and the global feed a the level, world food sustainable countryside production population of 9 management across the EU will billion and of have to people natural keeping in 2050 resources the rural alive. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) A number of NGOs help deliver food to those with insufcient access to Activity 1 7 food. such Many as of these Operation income countries reasons why are shown in Hunger such people in are in Figure as low-income in South the rich food and Africa, banks countries but in may middle-income others the lack UK. operate There food. countries, in are Some of high- 1. the Outline the main reasons why people in the UK use many food banks. reasons F .40. 2. Suggest possible reasons L TA why there may be seasonal Research and communication skills variations in the number of Working in providing to help groups, food them for nd out people provide whether in more your food there local and are area. any How distribute it organizations might to you those in be people using food banks. able need? L TA Research and communication skills Read the Smith, debate who Goodman, in says who the Wall farmers believes Street should that Journal stand subsidies on between their are Vincent own, important and for H. W . Robert food security: TOK http://www.wsj.com/articles/should-washington-end-agriculture- From what you have learned so subsidies-1436757020. far from this chapter, suggest Arrange a class discussion of the question: “Should the USA end why the presence of food agriculture subsidies?” banks in the UK is unexpected. 307 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Fe F .40: Some of the reasons for food banks in the UK The role of international organizations, governments and NGOs in tackling disease Health right. has In health is long 1948, a been the human Development for The Health World with health working ● in all 150 Providing Shaping L TA ● Setting (SDGs) all It has country the where is 7,000 on basic of are (WHO) people The action agenda standards is and of part more has the to a in of basic clear and Table of out the about WHO the the UN 150 number of and promote that Articulating ● Providing ethical and objectives: engaging stimulating about/who_reform/WHO_ technical sustainable promoting evidence-based support, institutional the generation, and monitoring policy options. catalysing change, and building capacity. Reform_map_2015.pdf. ● 308 Monitoring the health situation in knowledge. at http://www.who.int/ deals countries reform ● that F .9. implementation. Find human Sustainable lives than health a it needed. valuable and of and made healthy the critical is 3 shown from WHO need Rights Goal “Ensure goals matters joint human Human need. called The dissemination and a basic ofces. research and norms a ages”. leadership translation Research skills and Organization issues. partnerships ● at as Declaration right Goals well-being regarded UN and assessing health trends. their 3 s T A k E H o L d E r s i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H Tale F .9: SDG3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” 3.1 By 2030, reduce the global maternal mor tality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live bir ths 3.2 By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mor tality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live bir ths and under-5 mor tality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live bir ths 3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases 3.4 By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mor tality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being 3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol 3.6 By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road trac accidents 3.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including nancial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, eective, quality and aordable essential medicines and vaccines for all 3.9 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination 3.a Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate 3.b Suppor t the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non- communicable diseases that primarily aect developing countries, provide access to aordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which arms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Proper ty Rights regarding exibilities to protect public health, and, in par ticular, provide access to medicines for all 3.c Substantially increase health nancing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing states 3.d Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in par ticular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks There are AIDS, Tuberculosis extra LICs since other Overseas have HICs in 2. 3. The to University, Global of to that year in and allocate sector. order for 0.1 per at Total to be of gap the 15 and Earth Global cent should health these their for the many diseases (GA VI) a Colombia all by assistance health the become at Fund, Institute, health health be of on coverage. primary of Fight Immunizations through would per basic to the to Based control allow GNI of Fund 2002. the the channelled spending ensure of could which least in immunization cent nancing Global by in Vaccines for factors malaria, should per the provided Director 10 should LICs health Sachs, money AIDS, the Aid the launched improvements TB ght was Alliance donate close example, nancing following should order Half huge Jeffrey the For Malaria Development international According 1. and achieved 2002. provides initiatives. $60 LICs system. Fund Health domestic least for care Global Global 2025: to Fund. revenue per to person services. 309 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H 4. The world 5. The G8 should should antiretroviral 6. The the 7. world world The the Global neglected onchocerciasis, 9. The Global 10. The world should treatment) care, of mental the malaria universal access control. to million the Global Fund establish enable primary including sexual closing health for care and partly seven and trachoma. training workers care and controllable trichuriasis, (mass including disease Fund (UNFPA). mass health and obstetrical Health lariasis diseases, cardiovascular to nance the community introduce TB, ascariasis, lymphatic non-communicable health, access hookworm, should Stop emergency Population should Fund for including through Nations to year. funding services, Fund one to Plan per schistosomiasis, of comprehensive Global billion diseases: Health deployment for commitment partly United Health plan the $4 full health tropical the of contraception, through 8. gap a (ARVs). full should reproductive and full drugs should nancing The adopt and for Africa. prevention oral metabolic health, and eye disorders. National governments There care are in nature and of number a access Health of a HICs is care health care L TA curative. Choose any two where of has operations out why and MSF what organization Have a annual is the look 2015): is at to in of development health and to in the care the delivery relate unequal of directly health to the distribution of HICs clearly curative of many Primary this is health aims of PHC are and has based care the market medicine system LICs reects and the been on nature forces. use of In of is low-cost run. preventative health care, in terms health high-technology privately low-technology, (PHC) society, general, By contrast, preventative rather which than promotes the an acronym for: nd ● growth ● oral ● breast ● immunizations ● food ● female ● food monitoring there, rehydration the doing an review. link review is many on differences Patterns MSF and work important resources. Much The GOBIFFF , countries of LICs. developments based measures. its in techniques. Research skills in country’s to political care and there. MSF feeding Here the supplementation 2014 (published education in http://www.msf. fortication. org/sites/msf.org/les/ In theory, demand for health care should increase with more pregnant msf_international_activity_ women, elderly and very young in a population, namely the vulnerable. report_2014_en.pdf. It For a years video of of MSF , the visit early should those also who vary need it with most, the but types often of disease this is found not and be available to so. http:// Hart’s inverse case law (1971) states that those who can afford it www.msf.org.uk/foundingare those who least need it, whereas those who most need it cannot msf. afford 310 health care, and therefore do not get it. Moreover, health care 3 is increasingly insurance technological part, out health beyond schemes of equipment the care is the reach abound, market often of the medical continues to orientation inversely poor in salaries related rise. of to s T A k E H o L d E r s many countries increase, Such health those a bias care. in and the has i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H as cost arisen, of in Consequently most need. Case study An NGO: Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) Médecins 1971 a to new of Sans Frontières provide brand of Nobel was medical humanitarianism governments. the (MSF) emergency Peace MSF , Prize movement owned it medical which in and run by is and in aid in its over staff. 70 In provides health the worldwide more than 30,000, care, and other medical recent mostly local, professionals, experts, water administrators. and Private well per cent sanitation donors of the organization’s donations provide the annual budget of 1979, MSF funding, rest, approximately humanitarian 2009, MSF tackling such diseases, exclusion. been assistance employed issues epidemic has MSF’s in Sudan. as armed health work eld in to has also been involved Afghanistan, Haiti, in Côte Ukraine, In 2016 it Kenya and, provided an for the rst emergency programme were stranded in Europe. and in Thousands desperate of need, while giving Macedonia and other Balkan countries MSF strict border controls. The vaccinations $750million. providing 4,590 surgery about were Since MSF Yemen, (Ebola), Europe. imposed an and engineers, provide since corporate services as migrants 90 services reproductive Sudan. years Sudan, vaccination and support, counselling of interventions. health-care doctors, as time, logistical of countries d’Ivoire nurses largest range nutritional people South through a 2015 In provided organization’s including awarded a the MSF as independent was 1999, founded aid medical In staff camp provided on the at Idomeni, a makeshift Greece–Macedonia migrant border. March there, conicts, care and Sudan is social one of Fe F .41: Countries where MSF operates (shown in orange) 311 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Case study (continued) 8,250,700 outpatient consultations 194,400 32,700 women group babies, delivered including caesarean sections counselling or mental health sessions 511,800 patients admitted 46,900 81,700 people major treated surgical for cholera interventions, including 2,114,900 surgery, cases or of malaria obstetric under spinal general anaesthesia 1,513,700 treated people against vaccinated measles response to an in outbreak 11,200 217,900 patients severely malnourished children admitted treated medically for sexual to 33,700 violence inpatient or outpatient people feeding for 21,500 229,900 HIV patients under of treated programmes care patients registered at the end 75,100 people on against tuberculosis rst-line measles treatment vaccinated meningitis response to an in outbreak 2014 7,400 people 1,800 admitted 218,400 patients on MDR to patients on Ebola management centres rst-line tuberculosis in antiretroviral treatment at 2014 treatment, the three end of line of which 8,100 as having 2,200 on second-line 185,700 people treatment individual recovered from at 2014 mental Ebola discharged end (rst-line of treatment failure) Fe F .42: MSF’s activities, 2014 312 were Ebola antiretroviral the African 4,700 drugs conrmed patients West secondcountries, the main health consultations from and management centres 3 s T A k E H o L d E r s i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H The impact of TNCs on food consumption Case study Throughout have been human intrinsic history, to traditional social, cultural food and systems economic and dietary patterns life, and to policies and practices personal, Changing dietary patterns community and national identity. However, the of in Brazil, an NIC transnational companies (TNCs) are steadily displacing traditional food Traditionally, systems around the world. The term “big food” refers to the food TNCs that increasingly control the production and distribution varied dietary food and drink throughout the world. The products high in “rened” starches, sugars, fats and oils, the inuence are of generally native Amerindian preservatives populations, and other additives. They are generally packaged as “fast foods” Portuguese, or and “convenience African slaves processed foods, such as bread, have been part of the diet in since before industrialization. Others, such as burgers, cassava biscuits, energy bars and energy drinks, have become the 1970s. Since the 1980s, the transnational manufacture added long shelf-life snacks designed to replace meals – “big has increased market share in HICs and, increasingly, The sh main market interest developed for diets convenience rising for immense. family The life, HICs. its has and impact to be such this drinks” as China rural greater can to to have and market on money. TNCs satisfy looked areas India, for have the to where is as Their now demand LICs urban share nutrition, and of meat depended availability, price and LICs. make and increasingly leaving achieve that to have is plateaued, “healthy countries are shareholders largely TNCs people TNCs remains and HICs in many food TNC water” in foods, and potential a in “designer healthier are of penetration amount consumed income. The spices snacks” on – oils, of and packaged, beans common, popular herbs. since were chips, with sweets, Rice, many and countries and foods”. descendants. Some had pattern, of showing ultra-processed Brazil and a drink to sell incomes ones. The as traditionally meals TV Internet as and well as for would home- together – but advertising, changes (increasing of on eat cooked in lifestyle urbanization, example) increase therefore well Families in have the led to an consumption convenience foods. seen. It would suggest be simplistic that Brazilian the diet to traditional was good Global value chains whereas Global value chain (GVC) analysis focuses on the role of “lead rms” and industries (in McDonald’s), research has countries its are this and case how foundation located in global they in the agri-food interact world-system core, companies with periphery like local-level theory, and Kraft, which posits bad. economy, with their position reecting their potential to used to high salt theory focuses on nation states, its fundamental high rates intake that power GVC and trade analysis relations embodies are this based core on position principle but in of stroke. hypertension The diet powerful role of TNCs, which operate uidly across sugar stage scale, in and of these developed agri-business retailers. global the production connections countries. local segments levels are Within companies, These and food food of driven the connects by global the – the chain are countries chain to of are fast-food linked focus of calories F .10 gives some details on lead the a at three and food TNCs that to marketing the have where Brazil. and they a changing In NICs the rise, can huge still TNCs and for has are products there increase the and demand foods their in as has the a availability global food are Brazil. potential best major TNCs in convenience global other diet LICs, rms franchises each global F .43). about in to been Table high cheapest borders. practices value manufacturers, the (Figure system also global the drink Each traditional is principle Nevertheless, the a to develop. the shifts but related the source economy. sh, is that of in being one commonly preserve Brazilian World-system was GVC and global Salt PepsiCo companies. semi-periphery modern in is global the of snack foods impact. inBrazil. 313 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND H E A LT H Tale F .10: Selected global food TNCs Cmpa glal ale Emplee Ma a n. f cte Yum! $13 billion 505,000 KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut Worldwide McDonald’s $25.4 billion 420,000 McDonald’s restaurants 119 PepsiCo $63 billion 263,000 Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Tropicana Worldwide Interaction Developed Of Global and Local Food Value For Chains Global Global each of these international Countries TNC food Global over retailers 40 per companies, sales cent are of close their to total or sales. fast-food (supermarkets, agro- manufacturers Each franchises company adapts its products discount) business (kraft, nestlé) (mcdonald’s, KFC) foods, or wal-mart) its For marketing example, introduced Global value wider chain and Local Local food production 2000 of preferences. McDonald’s low-fat sh regional and desserts, chicken dishes (that a dishes, is, retailers system (supermarkets, stores, convenience street glocalization TNC franchises (fast-food Local – the adaptation of a global vendors) product Local local salads, range more in to Food chains) to a local discontinued the market). In super-size 2004 it option. consumption food In 2006, it began to put nutritional patterns farmers producers Local franchises (healthy (fast-food & and on their packaging traditional) unhealthy Developing information diets) with Countries icons for fat, carbohydrates protein, and calories, salt. Fe F .43: The interaction of global and local food value chains PepsiCo has two core brands – Pepsi Cola Source: http://www.cggc.duke.edu/pdfs/ in the soft-drinks brand and Frito-Lay in the packaged fast-food industry. GlobalHealth/Gere_Christian_TradeTNC_ PepsiCo also adopted glocalization. In order to penetrate emerging FoodConsumption_23Feb2009.pdf markets, PepsiCo sells chips (potato sells crab- or appeals to 2004, the promote a will often and introduced local less taste sweet these TV in 2007, around popular 13 per public biscuits, a cent Ps” relations. it Kraft using Mexico with Spot” while local in Mexico Frito-Lay in China suppliers, while and Frito-Lay also PepsiCo impacting Yazhou in China regional-sounding marketing products” and marketing: For was example, not a local are names. campaign, exercise an instant on Oreos events. Oreo the success. – In which campaigns When to It most into preferred Kraft also an wheel extensive to covers, distributed popular smaller, introduced students Oreo also product, Foods research was paid with the Kraft After There passers-by. became packaging, Chinese Kraft decorated to when cream. campaign bicycles of price, success. that fruit-avoured were market of realized grassroots Beijing, of By in “Smart “healthy China, thousands sporting tastes: avours, PepsiCo “ve with they and local sentiments Sabritas by its of the in chips. to lifestyle. preferences, distributing at use Oreos campaign cycle sold labelling chilli nationalist launched healthier promotion products with systems. brands PepsiCo included TNCs crisps) consumers’ popular its duck-avoured food-production both adapts them biscuit, with share. Gender, food security and nutrition In developing guaranteeing men 314 grow countries, food mainly rural security eld in crops, women their and men household women are play and usually different roles communities. responsible for in While growing 3 and preparing provides which most protein. ensures marketable workforce unpaid a of South workers food and women diverse products. in the Rural diet, East Asia in carry minimizes Women involved rearing also represent and small out livestock, most food losses and can about half the sub-Saharan subsistence s T A k E H o L d E r s Africa, i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H which processing, provide food-producing but often as farming. Inequality and discrimination against women According world’s and to estimates, chronically employment women hungry. and girls Women opportunities and face make up 60 per discrimination within cent both households, of in where the education their Pht F .9: Women working in a bargaining power is lower than men’s. Women also face discrimination ooded eld in access to land, training, technologies, nance and other services. Source: The Guardian Achieving gender malnutrition. preparation their a child’s the is on food of and described dietary women within their survival household security, is because childcare chances controls food This and income equality the increase tend by to instrumental be and responsible are needs. 20 Women and being family children’s budget. diversity as per thus children’s more Research cent play a when in for ending food likely has the decisive to spend shown that mother role in future health. Gender and food production in the developing world The positive impact of closing the gender gap in agricultural production Activity 18 cannot be overstated: Identify the positive and 1. Studies suggest that if women had the same access to productive negative factors aecting resources as men, they would increase yields by 20 to 30 per cent, women’s role in food production raising overall agricultural production in developing countries by from the seven points listed 2.5to 4 per cent. here. 2. Women’s of access nutrition. who have education to education Studies spent are from ve 40 a Africa years per is determining show that factor children in of levels mothers in cent Energy more likely to live beyond the diverted age of to 5. walking and Poor 3. Good nutrition and health No depend of the on the food safety can lead to Time a major cause No spent and Training and sanitation immediate in death women household dietary children. hygiene brings an health. in results and Inadequate young from knowledge wasting to nance improvement Malnutrition children in in access of caring illness to markets consumed. Contamination diarrhoea, access carrying education lack and stunted nutrition Food insecurity Low family status of leads to growth. Fe F .44: Factors aecting food insecurity 315 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD 4. AND Access most to for woman’s tending and to the Access land time is mean them per the cent of women This of is means their and nancial water, and their grain women time size fetching children wood, that less most of for world. very that holding limited they is in have only little large farming. spent needs 77 ownership and subsistence involving to land developing their the family leaving and the Tanzania, activities 6. of over enough A land parts control 5. H E A LT H cooking, livestock. energy and have energy services is water. to to expended grow as a and on and Ghana as HIV/AIDS caretaking prepare and in load-carrying such greater credit cleaning example, Diseases assume such washing, For in role, food. insurance is only Activity 19 available 1. Briey explain how gender farming to men in rural innovation for areas. This greatly limits food security and women. inequality aects: (a) 7. Women tend to be engaged in the production of traditional subsistence women’s nutritional health, crops of inferior quality and are often denied the opportunity to sell their and (b) the survival of produce at the market and engage of and poor in the cash economy. They are also infants. limited 2. by lack time access through limited transport. Design a diagram similar to Figure F.44, but identify Female carers the factors (either existing Despite the fact that many women have joined the workforce in recent or planned) leading to decades, their continued tasks in the domestic sphere mean that they improved food security in increasingly confront a “double burden” of paid and unpaid work. the future. Domestic roles dependents the Women children in caring at a It the has use growth of an been as noted ageing have well the only even does increasingly, is in HICs, domestic to not one HICs LICs. be In most the rather of the in in Ageing LICs in occurring household the bulk inrm the at and of is The trend childbearing required by may old to the provide aged The more HICs. is physical for and and impact of dependents and on mean frail women, daughters- towards or in where elderly wives much than NICs contexts nancial, LICs, increase. which NICs and in to disproportionately in-law. 316 set ageing dependents. particularly Fe F .45: The savings made by the Irish government due to family carers is support growth falls women’s numbers, live continues of emotional of limited. characteristics pace LICs in is industrialized absolute are has changed. people the populations carers reduce majority Moreover, other of withinit. family than of for equality than prime the main terms this rapid gender newly elderly caring maintenance necessarily but and and sphere outside expanded in children, day-to-day facilities population not as continue children roles rearing that, outside childcare fewer and, and countries of change, (NICs) elderly, pace Women’s demographic bearing the faster having role. countries as developing and Moreover, of such household. proceeded The include delayed that the care dependents 3 increasingly been of In caring for China, their “the their family decline their As a members caregiving children the end their may further of could and demanded generation children result marry parents and that own example, who four with sandwich” both for parents. children of coincides termed are caring child. compound responsibilities the may and children: their in the own bound policy, for the effects of A n d H E A LT H has after one-child people, of F o o d middle look two ve what i n parents. to Rural-to-urban number be by stuck legally one-child up one diminish is s T A k E H o L d E r s that is, migration fertility people with whom shared. Female carers in the USA In the care USA, needs assistance. and the billion have One An value to of older per cent care annually. USA, on and than and of also men, female they tend older provide are are to the outlive as Fe F .46: Some potential female, ranges long-term such caregivers for long-term to provide women have savings with friends caregivers that While they caring people family retirement study work 66 longer to of on informal the live national of the in access demands two-thirds billion care Women less to exclusively estimated $188 long-term own. up rely from major care their providers needs impacts on carers $148 of spouses, of their and TOK pensions. highlighted relatives. The the To what extent should the state conicting study found that: look after the elderly, or should the costs be borne by the ● 33 per cent of ● 29 per cent passed ● 22 per cent took ● 20 per cent switched ● 16 per cent quit ● 13 per cent retired working women reduced their work hours family of the elderly? up job leave of from promotion, training or assignment L TA a a absence full-time to part-time Communication skills employment For their jobs caregivers workforce They are raising are the pension toll that is about animation the likely less half to and spend likely the an caring to average for an receive amount that a of older 12 pension men years relative and, receive. or out of the friend. when women, do, caring and for other an takes is mental older toll visit not just nancial: higher levels of health relative or challenges are common on https:// watch?v=VVW858gQHoE. the on the message depression, that anxiety on work www.youtube.com/ they Moreover, unpaid Comment caregiving of early. children signicantly Institute Studies of Women an Development among you have seen. women friend. Factors aecting the severity of famine Famine region. refers There severity, ● the are length governance number – power the attention funds of severity greater where and the raise long-term a and the protected ● a decline of in the interrelated availability factors of food affecting a in a famine’s including: drought, ● to the the of for of the there risk of media the drought impact poor food – the public disaster is of – the governance, scarcity media the longer and more severe the famine populations are not increases has impacts great of power hazards, in and bringing the to ability to relief 317 3 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD ● AND access need ● to international population growth of and refugees of ● civil – aid are just unrest, as – rapid needs to population internationally famine unemployment food aid be directed to those who it impact ● H E A LT H in an and particularly people (IDPs), as a result increases the area entitlement vulnerable including growth, displaced to war to food famine – this as – people those disrupts who food unable cannot to pay grow production, for food food L TA Research skills supply and increasing For a land to programme grabs in decreases the the impacts number of of young workers, thereby famine about Ethiopia, go ● access to land and production of food. http://www.aljazeera. Emergency aid can help those suffering the effects of famine in the short com/programmes/ term, but long-term plans need to be put in place to mitigate the effects. peopleandpower/2014/01/ Food assistance interventions must be designed to empower poor people ethiopia-landto build productive assets such as water-harvesting tanks, dams and sale-20141289498158575. irrigation projects. Foreign companies should not be permitted to grow html. crops for export only. Case study Famine in Ethiopia March with Ethiopia has been plagued by famines since the to Sept. century. In recent times, famine struck the made in 1973 and around and between northern what in a is (40,000 55,000 1983 Ethiopia regarded century. died and and as starved in the 1985, Estimates Ogaden the north-east to region) impact areas were country’s of the when Eritrea the in affected worst number in famine of mitigate of harvests, of deaths compared Normal as a Wetter provision 35% country rainfall average government Drier 16th 2015 1981–2014 5 +5 +25% the poor 0 ERITREA SUDAN such establishing social net so security Aydora that Addis ranged from 400,000 to one million poorer people. SOMALIA Ababa farmers Dire Millions 1983–5 and of others famine received Band Aid were was much and Live made widely publicity. Aid destitute. reported It also can The in the led to media for access public such the as water concerts. 250 MILES funds E T H I O Dawa P I A works digging holes. Fe F .47: Famine early warning The In 2015, the seasonal rains that usually Ethiopian fall system: drought conditions in government between June and September in north-eastern, Ethiopia, March–September 2015 pledged central and southern Ethiopia did not million According to the UN, this was $192 arrive. Ethiopia’s for diverting drought in 30 years. Around 90 per cent emergency of money is harvested in autumn, after long rainy season, and the rest at the spring after the end of the short rainy days, early-warning systems (Figure and the in more government 2015 the quickly to when famine government the crisis was than in evidence that in 2015–16 the “international road community” further that $163 $600 million. million was Aid agencies needed. was caused by the El Niño weather and resulted in a 90 per cent reduction threatens, able to in crop of El yields. (See pages 56–58 for a discussion respond 1983–5. Niño.) The famine, though, was brought There by factors including poor governance and Ethiopian state 318 a drought about is The F .47) system, alert assistance, as season. The These other such end suggested of and projects the promised summer from cereal construction. production food worst neglect. The key factors driving the famine, 3 s T A k E H o L d E r s i n F o o d A n d H E A LT H Case study (continued) then and now, international – that that is, in than the grabs”. number a the selling of food A large on land in was the a the string coverage, 1983–5. hum a ni ta r i an such meant as that and so the S yr ia le s s in failure of in the r e Events the failure and of world, than more South and by This was Ethiopia, water to farming channelled Somalia, are burden was factor Ethiopia: from Eritrea of criticism relief in off industrial further refugees and for Another refugees Sudan places much military. 650,000 Sudan, this “land 1983–5 towards large include corporations wa s of the we re ra i ns , p r o ba bl y a ro un d S outh much p ub li ci ty Syria rains di s as te r s and less Su da n . m e di a com p a re d mor e wi t h dr a ma t ic al thoug h ca us e d the mor e deaths. land Nevertheless, a number of organizations are resources. working At rst, some claimed the drought about itself. severely In in co uld p e o pl e w i th even 50 and the 2015–16 c e nt wors t the of internati o na l by n e ed ad di t io n the ye t d ono rs Plan ch il dr en in to g ove r nm e nt a pp e al be second of losses be e n $100 In di st r a c t ed also a in million WFP Growth school the Afar plan dependent to meals region. the assist the and World Children to feed programme It had and (V AM). substantial FAO the government’s Transformation unit reported while the helping mapping Ethiopia the Save is supporting and million, including (WFP), The ve-year Children d a t e, c om e . and (GTP), To w er e FAO. vulnerability h as to Ethiopia, Programme the refugees said d ro ug ht. the co ul d is and th e in 40 0, 000 s up p o rted be fo r e per they we re Thi s Food g ove r n m e n t ha nd le De ce m be r, aid , people net than met, Ethio pia n malnour i s he d . 8million less the 10.2million $1.4billion safety in countr y in also the livestock mobilized announced agriculture- a Save and a $50 livestock- households. Concepts in contex t There are a production in terms as the of number and power FAO Monsanto, and of stakeholders health-care and the range WHO national in to – from large governments They NGOs TNCs and of food provision. vary such such as country with very providers a household/family. TNCs may through by providers health to individuals, gender. of food Women and the are main care. are associated with restricted access to inuence advertising, and increased mortality, and may be caused sponsorship by and LIC) members food consumption of versus variations important Famines of (HIC notable a complex range of physical and affecting food human marketing. factors. There are also production of important food by variations scale – in ranging the from type Check your understanding 1. Outline the 2. Comment subsidies 3. Dene 4. State main on in the three main the results of FAO. farm 6. Describe 7. Explain to “agribusiness”. advantages to of EU. term disadvantages agriculture the the function of TNC the and three involvement small Briey explain national how factors how issue Explain the 9. Suggest ways in inuenced food of 8. insecurity consumption. might be linked gender. main in the causes which of the responses Ethiopia’s media to food famines. has crises? farmer. 10. 5. the the TNCs have inuenced To what the extent event of a is international aid helpful in famine? nutrition. 319 4 Future health and food security and sustainability Possible solutions to food insecurity Conceptual understanding There are a insecurity. ke qet long-term What are the sustainable future possibilities agriculture and number These of possibilities include for short-term, reducing food medium-term and measures. for improved Shor t-term measures health? ● Increasing production and reducing set-aside: high ke ctet market ● Possible solutions to food waste reduction, to tackle food Food aid: Advantages and contemporary production, disadvantages approaches including organisms to of There food and in vitro The merits treatment including of in managing government Seeds and and means scientic if Managing the pandemics, epidemiology prior local and international the media, pandemic of and issues, risen action to forced sixfold reaches people, more and natural chronically disasters. hungry people world. as well as need needing help food planting to survive, next of in be to an eat end next fertilizer some to the food season’s (largely regions crisis. season’s seeds to dependent over the Millions survive, on course oil) of a has year. of Export bans: export bans drive prices higher and increase variability. including disease, Medium-term measures awareness, and lessons the role learned management in the of ● Free for in future. trade: the the trade USA EU’s focus students confuse and liberalization, undoing Common in the food some reducing of Agricultural future, prices but in the the the Policy direct farm subsidies protectionism should impact developing help could world, as of poor be to producers with fair to trade trade country. whose allows with It any any Biofuels: benets (often With country has a over LICs. In heavily HICs) negative contrast, that price fair farmers and are and that good their more per is cent of clearly hailed as a backlash American a clash of an against answer maize being to plant-derived global used to warming. make interests. are investment: up to fourfold experts with believe the right yields help – in Africa only 4 can per be cent of trade agriculture is irrigated, compared with 40 per cent in Asia. given average Asian farmer uses 110 kg of fertilizer a year whereas farming for average families. benets African uses just 4 kg. At least a third of the crops in the average to African season are lost after the harvest, It farmers provides 40 Agricultural an farmers triggered effect the conditions has originally Long-term measures The fair crisis and African ensures food were there increased on markets. countries is ● therefore the which ethanol, other agriculture subsidized western trade. fuels, ✓ Free on free ● trade 320 (WFP) desperate Common mistake Many a most conflicts urgently is price increase ✗ the fertilizer: been the farmers ! Programme the intervention. the global and from million poor there market ● 700 around rural have disease, marginalization priorities, and of vertical ● infection Food million meat. prevention social production. genetically (GMOs), crops ● World 80 refugees are scattered the farming food insecurity. ● modied the about mostly ● more and only attempts encourage insecurity, ● including prices LICs. cannot get them to markets on time. largely because 4 ● GM crops: agriculture F u T u r E experts at H E A LT H the UN A n d and in F o o d s E C u r i T y developing A n d countries s u s T A i n A b i L i T y do Activity 20 not expect trouble, GM they developing crops argue, crops on is for their that rich own almost to all countries radically the in improve research the has northern yields. been The main devoted to Outline the ways in which the Bangladesh government has hemisphere. attempted to improve food ● Sustainability: campaigners argue that the world cannot feed its security. population like if people China, in the West. western and The other only lifestyles emerging long-term and economies solution, want they to argue, eat is L TA rethinking India expectations. Research skills Using the Internet and/or Case study other why resources, achieving suggest food Addressing food insecurity in Bangladesh security Food insecurity in Bangladesh is affected by international scarcity, the natural hazards issue national, at made need and climate progress rice using production change. and in Food irrigation and by difcult. an Bangladesh security prove food, remains levels. food water nutritional security individual improving of has increasing high-yielding varieties. L TA of increase household signicant production to Bangladesh trade, may land in Thinking and communication skills Increased other emphasis foods. The on rice has government necessitated has also increased invested in imports storage of facilities Think for rice, and cold-storage facilities for meat, sh, eggs and about which Transport infrastructure has also been upgraded to enable faster you distribution Bangladesh is now meat and Food insecurity nearly of 50 whom rural sh. It is least declined to who including be in are said extremely are rice, in eggs, to food vulnerable to potatoes, wheat, considerably still in reduce food Discuss imports. self-sufcient people said dwellers food, self-sufcient has million are of can and waste. better ways potatoes. since be sugar the food and 1970s, insecure, insecure. the vegetables, Many annual of although for your cutting could class. food include the following: million these monsoon within Ideas waste pulses. 26 ideas ● planning ● eating your meals are oods. less-than-perfect looking fruit and vegetables Food waste ● In HICs, consumerism, excess wealth and mass marketing lead eating local, in-season to food wastage. each the In LICs, market/shops. storage food is Approximately year. and crops not of meet food may ensure and retail and and marketing thrown wasted practices that a customer standards for their the UK reaches ● transport, of the farm poultry the entire because physical they do of as tonnes size of Overall, and food appearance. waste wastage Globally, annually rates for in this vegetables retailers generate for grains. In the UK, a the potato crop, 46 per is not and one-third of half red that planning shopping trips million and buying you need only what way. and recently cent dairy fruit, dairy fruit are considerably higher published study has shown recycling delivered to the retail packaging that, and of sh have and – characteristics, 1.6 ● than on meat footprint meat ● such back red vegetables, produce reject cutting and Major often the it proportion behaviour. at in better However, expectations, vegetables away before and larger consumers. consumer fruit is be farming markets edible exacting of cent efcient meeting perfectly per facilities through in 80 More reaches wasted supermarkets, one-third to processing produced often up composting organic market. scraps. The details discarded in revealed on initial post-storage similar survey that 6 inspection, in per sorting, India 5 cent per and showed is lost cent 22 per that at is in the lost cent least is in eld, store, rejected 40 per 12 1 per per after cent of cent cent is is lost washing. all its fruit A and 321 4 OPTION F THE GE O GR A P H Y OF FO OD AND vegetables is H E A LT H lost between refrigerated transport, Most waste that $250 the of the the value billion produce is food globally. In rodents) local vehicles the regional are 80 per of cent of total as further national the loss and result, up travel country the example, entire is 180 and and of tonnes that example, material. maintained food-loss impact. from on roads. problem deciencies range depending at maintained largest rice show under food badly the with the of of poorly chain, million lack harvesting, mean (for from over losses primarily stored pests spill having production, about occur increases, supply the approximately Inefcient quantities simply of Estimates to infrastructure large infrastructure for to chain. mould vehicles a tends stage. amounts inappropriately degrade of waste poor because weather. consumer to supply foodstuffs level countries, The a least bruised moves and Asian stage. amounts or As at development generally East or poor wastage the handled conditions. the goes transportation destroy Substantial of consumer and at that LICs end and roads generated frequently unsuitable to is the farmer–producer inadequate As of grower poor in In 37 South per cent development annually. Contemporary approaches to food production Genetically modied food According Medicine, There is to no UK protect of all crops corn beet in the tolerant. traits. crop and the of make risk species, roughly per countries. ve corn, seems soya in the in help Agriculture a risk yields has is to by and consumption. wildlife. GM protecting since now per cent of US cent of all is now tolerance or crops were cent the planted of global the USA, be monarch in 175 – one USA GM of Brazil, reason is does 95 to not does 93 per the more and million majority Argentina, the weeds of in to modied 93per In per cent