CLIENT CARE PLAN Student: Amanda Neidrauer Date: 11/17/23 Assessment (Nursing Diagnosis) Worded Correctly Plan (1 Goal & 3 or more Outcomes) Age: 71 Diagnosis: Hypernatremia Implementation Rationale (Expected Nursing Care) Priority #__1___ Acute Confusion r/t electrolyte imbalance aeb alert and oriented x1 to person, difficulty initiating purposeful behavior, and combative behavior Goal: Improved cognitive function Outcomes: 1. Patient will be oriented to person, place, and time, and following commands by discharge. 2. Patient will verbalize importance of repositioning every 1-2 hours by discharge. Head to toe assessment every 12 hours Assess patient’s mental status every 4 hours Assess risk factors and underlying conditions that contribute to an altered mental state upon admission. Assist in correcting fluid and electrolyte imbalance by administering fluids as ordered. Monitor sodium level daily 3. Patient will be compliant with staff by letting them perform necessary hygiene care and assessments every 12 hours. Daily weights Constantly reorient the patient during hospital stay. Provide a calm environment while admitted. Implement seizure precautions Reference: & Pg. # Nursing Diagnosis Handbook pg. 242-247 -establish a baseline mental status and perform cognitive assessment to be able to identify subtle changes in cognition and behavior -Identifying risks and possible causes will help formulate a care plan that can prevent confusion and changes in mentation. - Fluid and electrolyte imbalances can cause acute confusion, therefore addressing and correcting can help resolve acute confusion. -Ensure adequate fluid intake -Confusion can cause agitation and cause a safety issue. -Prevent overstimulation -while correcting a high sodium level, there is a risk of overcorrecting. Low sodium can cause seizures due the shift of water into brain cells. Evaluation of Each Outcome State if met, partially met/not met & why 1. Not met – Patient is only oriented to person and not following demands 2. Not met – Patient does not reposition himself in bed, and refuses help to reposition from staff. 3. Not met – Patient tried punching staff during routine hygiene care Assessment (Nursing Diagnosis) Worded Correctly Plan (1 Goal & 3 or more Outcomes) Implementation Rationale (Expected Nursing Care) Priority #__2__ Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume Risk Factors: Inadequate fluid intake, glucose level of 119, and having a double amputation of lower limbs. Goal: Maintain fluid balance. Head to toe assessment every 12 hours Monitor vital signs every 8 hours Outcomes: 1. Patient will drink 4 ounces of nectar consistency fluids every hour between 7am and 7pm. Obtain a nutrition assessment upon admission Assess skin turgor/ mucous membranes every 8 hours Monitor fluid input/output daily 2. Patient will have blood glucose between Offer 4 oz of nectar consistency fluid every 70-99 by discharge. hour between 7am-7pm 3. Patient will comply Monitor BUN/CR levels daily with being repositioned/turned Monitor sodium levels daily every 1-2 hours during admission. Montor glucose level every 6 hours Administer insulin/dextrose as ordered to control diabetes -Obtain a baseline -Assess for changes from baseline -Learn what is normal nutritional intake for patient -Assess for dehydration -Ensure adequate fluid intake/not losing too much fluid -Prevent dehydration -Assess kidney function -Assess hydration status -Assess if hyper/hypoglycemic -Control blood sugar Educate patient on importance of turning/repositioning every 1-2 hours during admission -Encourage movement/prevent pressure ulcers Turn/reposition patient every 1-2 hours -Prevent pressure ulcers Reference & Pg. #: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook pg. 427- 430 Evaluation of Each Outcome State if met, partially met/not met & why 1. Not met – patient drank a few sips of water during wake hours 2. Not met – Patient did not have a glucose test before being discharged. 3. Met – Patient allowed staff to reposition him and turn him onto his side to relieve pressure off of his coccyx. Assessment (Nursing Diagnosis) Worded Correctly Plan (1 Goal & 3 or more Outcomes) Implementation Rationale (Expected Nursing Care) Priority #__3___ Deficient Knowledge r/t high sodium level aeb sodium level of 151 caused by inadequate fluid intake, refusal of medications, and refusal of health assessment Goal: Efficient knowledge Educate the patient of importance of intaking 2000 ml of fluid per day in order to remain hydrated Outcomes: 1. Patient will have a Offer 4 oz of nectar consistency fluid every sodium level of 136- hour between 7am-7pm 147 by discharge Monitor sodium level daily 2. Patient will take all medications as Educate the patient on the importance of taking prescribed during all prescribed medications as ordered to hospital stay maintain stable 3. Patient will allow staff to perform a head-to-toe assessment every 12 hours Administer medications as ordered Educate the patient of the importance of a headto-toe assessment Perform head-to-toe assessment every 12 hours -Knowing how many mls of fluid he should be getting each day can help him set a goal for himself and recognize when he is not getting enough fluids -prevent dehydration -Assess hydration status -Knowing the risks of not taking prescribed medications and the benefits of following the medication regimen can encourage the patient to take all meds as ordered -Teaching the patient in order to obtain a baseline, to be able to spot changes or improvements in his health, we need to perform a head-to-toe assessment -Obtain baseline Reference & Pg. #: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook pg. 614 - 616 Evaluation of Each Outcome State if met, partially met/not met & why 1. Met – Patient had a sodium level of 143 by discharge. 2. Not met – patient refused all medications on 11/17/23 3. Partially met – Patient allowed one head-to-toe assessment over a 24-hour span before discharge.