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Obstetrical Suite Design Guidelines & Space Requirements

A simple thumb rule for determining the size of an obstetrical suite is 2 labour rooms and one
delivery room per 20 postpartum beds.
Admitting Room: In this room the patient is examined to determine whether she is in labor or
not. This room should have an area of 17sqm.It should have the following facilities:
Labour room should be of single occupancy with an area of 12 sqm.
Each room should be designed for either one or two beds, with a minimum clear area of 120
square feet (11.15 square meters) per bed. Each labor room should contain a hand-washing
Delivery Rooms
These should have a minimum clear area of 300 square feet (27.87 square meters).
Cesarean Section Rooms
There should be a minimum of one such room in every obstetrical unit.
These should have a minimum clear floor area of 360 square feet (33.45 square meters)
with a minimum dimension of 16 feet (4.88 meters)
It should have all the facilities of an OT complex.
A minimum clear floor area of 40 square feet (3.72 square meters) shall be provided for the
infant resuscitation space in addition to the required area of each delivery or cesarean/delivery
Infant resuscitation space provided in a separate but immediately accessible room shall have a
minimum clear floor area of 150 square feet (13.94 square meters).
Postpartum Unit
An airborne infection isolation room is not required for the obstetrical unit. Examination and
Treatment Room should have a minimum clear floor area of 120 square feet (11.15 square
meters). When used as a multi-patient diagnostic testing room, a minimum clear floor area of 80
square feet (7.43 square meters) per patient should be provided. An adjoining toilet room should
be provided for patient use.
Nursing Station
This should be ideally located within the suite. It should have table, desks, shelves, filing
cabinet, bulletin board, and a couch. The ideal space is 12 sq.mt.
Doctor’s Room:
Formula room: A space of 12 sq.mt is a deal. It should heating arrangement and facility for
preparing feed for neonate
Operative Delivery Rooms
Recommendations for operating rooms intended for use by NICU patients (Standard 8) shall be
followed with these exceptions:
A minimum clear floor area of 80 square feet (7.5 square meters) for the infant shall be provided
in addition to the area required for other functions.
Three oxygen, 3 air, 3 vacuum and 12 simultaneously-accessible electrical outlets shall be
provided for the infant and shall comply with all specifications for these outlets described in
NICU Standard 9.
The infant space may not be omitted from the operative delivery room(s) when a separate infant
resuscitation/stabilization room is provided.
Infant Resuscitation Space
Infant resuscitation should be provided within cesarean/delivery rooms and delivery rooms or in
a separate but immediately accessible room.
A minimum clear floor area of 40 square feet (3.72 square meters) shall be provided for the
infant resuscitation space in addition to the required area of each delivery or cesarean/delivery
Infant rooms (including airborne infection isolation rooms), staff work areas, family areas, and staff
lounge and sleeping areas and the spaces opening onto them shall be designed to produce
minimal background noise and to contain and absorb much of the transient noise that arises
In infant rooms and adult sleep areas, the combination of continuous background sound
and operational sound shall not exceed an hourly Leq of 45 dB and an hourly L10 of 50 dB,
both A-weighted slow response. Transient sounds or Lmaxshall not exceed 65 dB, Aweighted, slow response in these rooms/areas.
In staff work areas, family areas, and staff lounge areas, the combination of continuous
background sound and operational sound shall not exceed an hourly Leq of 50 dB and an
hourly L10 of 55 dB, both A-weighted slow response. Transient sounds or Lmax shall not
exceed 70 dB, A-weighted, slow response in these areas.
• To achieve the required noise levels in infant rooms and adult sleep rooms, building
mechanical systems and permanent equipment in those areas shall conform to Noise
Criteria (NC) -25 based on manufacturers' noise ratings with allowance for other sound
sources and adjustment for room loss if less than 10 db. Areas in open communication
with infant rooms and adult sleep rooms shall conform to NC-30. Building mechanical
systems and permanent equipment in other areas specified in the Standard shall
conform to a maximum of NC-35. Building mechanical systems include heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) and other mechanical systems (e.g.,
plumbing, electrical, vacuum tube systems, and door mechanisms). Permanent
equipment includes refrigerators, freezers, ice machines, storage/supply units, and other
large non-medical equipment that is rarely replaced.
Minimum Space, Clearance and Privacy Requirements for the Infant Space:
Each infant space shall contain a minimum of 120 square feet (11.2 square meters) of clear floor
space, excluding hand washing stations, columns, and aisles (see Glossary). Within this space,
there shall be sufficient furnishing to allow a parent to stay seated, reclining, or fully recumbent
at the bedside. There shall be an aisle adjacent to each infant space with a minimum width of 4
feet (1.2 meters) in multiple bed rooms. When single infant rooms or fixed cubicle partitions are
utilized in the design, there shall be an adjacent aisle of not less than 8 feet (2.4 meters) in clear
and unobstructed width to permit passage of equipment and personnel. Multiple bed rooms
shall have a minimum of 8 feet (2.4 meters) between infant beds. There shall be provision for
visual privacy for each bed, and the design shall support speech privacy at a distance of 12 feet
(3.6 meters).
Unit 14 - Self Assessment
Assignment not submitted
Self Assessment Questions for Practice (Non-Graded)
Number of Questions: 10
Attempts: Multiple
1 point
What should be the size of obstretic suit for the 20 postpartum bed
2 labour rooms and 1 delivery room
2 labour rooms and 2 delivery room
3 labour rooms and 2 delivery room
3 labour rooms and 3 delivery room
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
For the one obstretic suit in an hopsital there must be 2 labour rooms and one delivery room
per 20 postpartum beds i.e. the rule of thumb
Accepted Answers:
2 labour rooms and 1 delivery room
1 point
In Sweden What should be the size of obstretic suit for the 28 postpartum bed
3-4 labour room and delivery room
5-6 labour room and delivery room
6-7 labour room and delivery room
7-8 labour room and delivery room
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
For the one obstretic suit in an sweden hopsital there must be 3 labour rooms and 4 delivery
room per 28 postpartum beds i.e. the rule of thumb
Accepted Answers:
3-4 labour room and delivery room
1 point
What should be the size of admitting room in obstretic unit for patient examination
10 sq.mt.
17 sq.mt.
5 sq.mt.
3 sq.mt.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
In admitting room the patient is examined to determine whether she is in labour or not. This
room should have an area of 17sqm
Accepted Answers:
17 sq.mt.
1 point
The size of the labor room for the single occupancy of patient must be
12 sq.mt.
17 sq.mt.
5 sq.mt.
3 sq.mt.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Labour room should be of single occupancy with an area of 12 sqm. It should be comfortably
furnished and tastefully decorated.
Accepted Answers:
12 sq.mt.
1 point
What should be the area of delivery room
300 square feet
100 square feet
50 square feet
150 square feet
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
The delivery room must have atleast 300 square feet for comfartble delivery.
Accepted Answers:
300 square feet
1 point
The obstetrical unit should be located and designed to exclude non-related passage through
the unit.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
When delivery and operating rooms are in the same access and service arrangements should be
such that neither staff nor patients need to travel through one area to reach the other. It should
always be in the same level of the
Accepted Answers:
1 point
There should be a minimum clear floor area of 360 square feet (33.45 square meters) with a
minimum dimension of 16 feet (4.88 meters) in the cesarian section room.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
For performing the cesarian comfartably and to provide ergonomic structure for patient,surgeon
and whole operating team 360 square feet size is required.
Accepted Answers:
1 point
The NICU shall be in close and controlled proximity to the area of the hospital where births
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
The NICU shall be in close proximity at the obstretic unit which will make immediate avalibity of
critical care for the new born if new born infants require, it will also reduce mortality rate among
new born infants
Accepted Answers:
1 point
The private room in obstretic department for the patient family must not be less than--------------square feet
300 square feet
100 square feet
50 square feet
165 square feet
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
The Private room in obstrectic department must have atlast 165 square feet of area for
occupying one patient, newborn infant and one relative alongwith the IV Stand, drug trolly etc.
Accepted Answers:
165 square feet
1 point
An airborne infection isolation room shall be available for NICU infants, and shall provide a
minimum of -------- of clear floor space, excluding the entry work area
150 square feet
300 square feet
100 square feet
50 square feet
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
The airborne infection isolation room must avalialbe of 150square feet to have comfartable flow
of traffic.
Accepted Answers:
150 square feet