Uploaded by Anas Qabbani

English Learning Reflection Speaking Task

Speaking Task: Reflecting on Your English Learning Journey
Task Description: In this task, you will record a 3 to 4-minute reflection on your experience in the
English course. Reflect on what you've learned, what you liked, and what you disliked about the course.
Provide detailed examples and personal experiences to make your reflection engaging and insightful.
1. Introduction (Approx. 30 seconds):
Begin by introducing yourself.
Share your name, where you're from, and something interesting about you.
Briefly mention the English course you're reflecting on.
2. What You've Learned (Approx. 1 minute):
Discuss specific language skills you've improved, such as speaking, listening, or writing.
Share a detailed example of a lesson or activity that was fun/helped you improve your English.
Talk about how you've applied your language skills in real-life situations outside the classroom.
3. What You Liked (Approx. 1 minute):
Describe activities in the course you enjoyed, such as discussions, presentations, or language games.
Mention a friend you made in the class and something you both enjoyed doing.
Share how you felt when you understood something new in English.
4. Overcoming Challenges (Approx. 1 minute):
Mention the difficulties you faced during the course, like difficult grammar concepts or time
management issues.
Explain how you overcame these difficulties, whether through teacher support, extra practice with a
friend, or online resources.
Do you feel more confident now?
5. Conclusion and Closing (Approx. 30 seconds):
Thank the people who helped you throughout the course.
Express your excitement about using English more in the future.
Take notes to organize your thoughts, but do not write a script or read directly from it.
Practice speaking naturally and clearly. Focus on communicating your ideas rather than memorizing
Remember to pause and breathe naturally. Don't rush through your reflection; take your time to
express your thoughts clearly and thoughtfully.
Use https://vocaroo.com/ to record your reflection. Upload it to BlackBoard.
Evaluation Criteria:
Content (comprehensiveness and depth of the reflection, specific examples provided)
Fluency (smoothness of speech, lack of hesitation)
Pronunciation and Intonation
Language Use: Vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate for A2 level.