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Joe Lampton - Obsessed

By Joe Lampton
How to make a woman obsessed with you.
Ruthless methods used by street pimps and webcam studio owners
Complete Guide that will teach you ALL you need to know about
retaining and correctly managing women.
A woman’s adoration for you is correlated to her desire to perform
actions aimed to make you happy. An obsessed female is a high-value
She will help you build your business, lie for you, give you all her
money, accept cheating, pay your lawyers if you’re locked up.
“Love” isn’t enough. Everyone can say the 3 words.
But how many men feel that their girlfriend is totally into them? Ready
for whatever. Ready to obey their commands.
An obsessed chick makes your life very easy. You can focus your
attention on making money, opening a business, networking, your
hobbies, other girls.
If a woman’s desire for you is very high, she’ll never have the courage
to dump you.
If she would break-up with you just because she found some DM’s on
Instagram, some pictures with you and other chicks, SHE DOESN’T LOVE
Having the ability to dominate the male-female dynamic has helped me
It's not a skill I've been born with. It's been forged through numerous
experiences, years of practice and an in-depth understating of female
psychology after 5 years in the adult industry.
Being a playboy is easy when you’re naturally gifted with height and
I’m a 5’9’’ man with average looks. I had to compensate with
knowledge and game. It wasn’t easy, but if I’ve done it everyone can.
Romania, the country I live in, is known for its beautiful women. Even
the waitresses here would be considered 8's in the USA. Managing a
webcam studio with beautiful women gave me the ability to correctly
understand how to persuade a woman into doing what I want.
Even before entering the game at 21, I’ve had fruitful relationships with
I used my skills to advance in life. In high school every girl with good
grades would write my homework, the pretty ones would cheat on
their 35-year-old providers with me. This while also having a loving
long-time girlfriend.
My first long-time girlfriend was the one that I used to open my
webcam business. She ''borrowed'' me 30.000$ with the promise I'll
give them back once I become successful. Of course, when I did become
successful I’ve dumped her. But we’ll talk about that later.
Since my childhood my mentality was this:
For a woman to be with me, she must serve a purpose, she must be
useful. She must be a soldier who’s gonna assist me in reaching my next
Also, I believe that a man is wired to have sex with multiple females. A
woman must be loyal to a man. A man must be loyal to his mission. And
his mission is to dominate his reality.
What men want is 3 things:
1. Family to be proud of them
2. Men to respect them
3. Women obsessed with them
 Chapter One – Baby You Know The
Name And Love Is About Pain
 Chapter Two – Rules Pimps Set
 Chapter Three – Playboy Tenacity
 Chapter Four – Execution
 Chapter Five – Conclusions
Perfect is boring. Exciting is the new perfect.
You can do anything to a chick. Except bore her.
No woman will ever remember the “perfect boyfriend”. You’ve been
manipulated all your life to think that women reward kindness and
No, it’s a lie. It’s a big discrepancy between her words and her actions.
The ingredients that make a woman obsessed with you: jealousy,
drama, temporary breakups & makeup sex, uncertainty, anger,
spontaneous decisions, tension, tears
Think. What kind of sex is more exciting. The one after a planned
date/vacation or the one after she’s found some lipstick on your Tshirt?
Yes. It’s the latter.
Women are programmed to be more attracted to promiscuous men.
On an instinctual level, they love to share a high-value male.
Because male promiscuity signals that he's a man in demand. More
women want to be with him. He's a high-value asset, he has options.
If she thinks she might lose you, she'll work harder to keep you.
Love is about pain. Love is about joy. Both.
Familiarity and tension. Warm cuddling under the sheets followed by
the uncertainty of your absence.
Few can understand this dynamic. Few can master this game and
Most men trade their time, money and loyalty in exchange for a woman
that says “I love you", performs oral sex and flirts with her boss at work.
It isn’t enough. The intersexual dynamic can be mastered in such a way
that the results would amaze you.
Romania is known for the fact that it exports the most girls throughout
Hundreds of thousands of Romanian women live off Western men.
Behind every machiavellian woman sits her boyfriend. Her PIMP.
I was never interested in street pimping, but I’ve always been
interested in understanding the mentality and methods of these men.
I have used their knowledge in order to become a legit businessman, an
internet PIMP.
Every PIMP, every playboy, is known for his dominance. For his
authority. Pimps are authoritarians. Women say they despise them but
end up doing exactly how they taught them. Why?
Because a pimp doesn’t compromise. My way or the highway.
“Comply or goodbye” like Andrew Tate would say.
Setting firm rules is essential in order to create a correct dynamic.
An “Islamic” scent to your relationship can only be beneficial for you in
the long term.
But are the most important rules a man must set? What rules must a
woman religiously follow?
1. No male friends
Even if you’re the most successful man on earth. Even if you’re not
afraid your woman would cheat, why would you risk it? Why would you
put yourself in a position where she can make reckless decisions.
Male suitors around her don’t put you in an advantageous position. Not
at all.
The lower you are in the hierarchy, the more chances she’ll have to find
out that she has better options.
If she’s around men all the time, how much time will it take until
somebody competent gets to know her? Until some charming
millionaire cracks funny jokes with your woman?
The result of her interaction with men will be more demands coming
from her. She’ll realize you’re not so tough as you try to appear. That
maybe you’re a fraud. She’ll question your worth. Give her no chances
for wrong moves.
The game’s already fucked up since everything is online. She already is
bombarded with pictures of rich, ripped men, actors, singers.
Save what you can by keeping your woman away from danger.
2. No men in her social media
Do you know what's the next step after your break-up with her?
She starts liking the photos of the men she already follows online. She
watched their lifestyle, she decided who’s hot and who’s not.
Why let your woman follow other men and like their pictures. Are you
stupid? No, you are not.
She can’t follow men on social media unless she’s earning money from
her online presence.
Yes, if you’re with a camgirl she will talk to other men. She is allowed to
do it.
But if she’s a regular chick, she isn’t.
3. If a man tries to talk to her she must report immediately
Your woman must be trained in such a manner that she knows she
should immediately tell you when other men try to approach her.
Maybe it’s a guy from work, maybe it’s an ex-lover in her DM’s after he
got drunk.
It doesn’t matter, you need to know every move other men try to
perform. This way you’ll be prepared, this way she is indicating that she
is really into you and would not want to be with another man.
4. She isn’t allowed to entertain conversations with other men,
because men would interpret it in a wrong way
We all know men would fuck anything. Nobody wants to be friends
with women. When a man is conversating with a woman, he believes
she's attractive and would fuck her.
“We’re just friends” type of answers must not be allowed with you. She
can use it with the losers she’ll be with once you dispose of her.
5. She must not have promiscuous girlfriends.
If her friends are hoes, they must no longer be her friends.
Imagine you’re in a relationship with a woman. Her girlfriends are all
single. She goes out with them. What topics of conversation will they
Yes, you are right.
They will talk about the men they fuck. One night stands, future date’s
with men from Tinder, how one of them fucked her boss because he’s
handsome, how another got so drunk that she made the “mistake” of
fucking the taxi driver on the way home
This kind of damaged women has no place in your girlfriend's universe.
No matter if she knows them from her childhood, no matter if she's
protesting about it, you have to make a decisive move and remove
those women.
If you ever break-up with your girlfriend, one of the first moves she’ll
make is to call her hoes and arrange a meet-up. The hoes will come
with men. Those men will have a crew. So your girlfriend will find a
replacement sooner than you.
But if you’ve made sure the hoes hate her, she won’t have who to call.
The perfect friends for your girlfriend are your friends' women. Women
that you can persuade to behave to your advantage. To cover up for
you. To tell the right things.
6. Your privacy is your privacy. Her privacy does not exist.
She must not be allowed on your phone. She must not try to check your
messages, DM’s, emails. It's your space. You need your intimacy. It's an
essential rule in order to have fruitful conversations with your friends
and hoes.
You’ll never be able to cheat and have a pleasant experience on earth if
your girlfriend starts reading your texts.
It’s a recipe for disaster to give your passwords to your woman. Never
do it.
It kills sexual tension, it kills the possibility of you having other women
Even if you’re not into cheating, it’s a bad idea.
On the other hand, you, as a man, must always have access to her
Don’t ask for her passwords. It’s too much. You would be a dork to spy
on her.
When I think of this I imagine an Asian, 5’5’’ hacker, stalking his
girlfriend and masturbating after reading the messages his girl sends to
attractive men.
It's enough to have access to her phone. But don't ask for her phone
unless you have proof something happened.
7. She’s not allowed to call you, only texts. Calls only for
Implement this rule fast. Say you despise talking on the phone and you
don’t want to be bothered when you work.
Create another justification if this isn’t ok for you.
The idea of this rule is that it will make cheating much easier if some
crazy female will not call you desperately.
You’ll go on dates with girls, you’ll turn off notifications, and everything
will go very smooth.
Calls make it difficult, you have to hide your phone. Sooner or later
your date will notice somebody is calling you, and the first thing that
will come to her mind is that your girlfriend is trying to get hold of you.
8. Your money is our money. My money is my money.
Never reveal how much you earn. Make it seem you earn more. Also,
don’t reveal when you receive money. Don’t give her access to your
If you do so, she’ll always question how you spend money. If she
doesn’t know how much you make, you can spend it and justify your
lack of money with some invented problem.
“My friend is in jail I sent him 1000$”
Train her in such a way that she’s always willing to share her money
with you. Buy you stuff, borrow you money if needed. Don’t create a
bimbo who spends all her money on designer clothes and hopes you
pay the rent and other expenses.
Make her a disciplined soldier, who would share with you her last
9. She’s not allowed in nightclubs without you
As I have stated earlier, a woman must not have hoe friends. She also
must not go to nightclubs without you.
Nightclubs are the perfect spot for her to misbehave.
Drinks, good music, handsome men, all you need for cheating on your
If you add up some little break-up, you create the perfect context for
your replacement.
Tell her: “Only hoes go to nightclubs alone. MY WOMAN is not allowed
to do it. If you want in clubs, I’ll pick up another chick and make her my
She’s not allowed to leave the city without you.
No “team-building”, no vacation with the girls, no shit like that. She
isn’t allowed to go to another town hoeing around.
“But but what if she’s going to her hometown to see her mom”, a fool
would say
Yes fool, it’s a perfect opportunity for her to link-up with her highschool
boyfriends and part-time lovers.
Get her new hobbies, leaving without is isn’t an option.
Do you think porn producers are stupid when they make videos with
chicks cheating on their men on vacation? No, they do it because it
I have women on social media because other men must
know I’m in demand. You’re not allowed to question it.
Force this idea. It is very important.
Instagram changed the sexual marketplace. Even if you have no
intention to cheat, you need to spin some plates online in order to have
You don’t want to start from scratch if you break-up with your main
You justify this by saying men will mock you if you’re hoeless.
I’ll frequently go out without you. Men rely on their
network. Women rely on their man, they don’t need a network.
Even from the beginning, you have to make her understand that men
rely on their brothers. Men need a strong crew.
As we all know, conversations are not the same once females are at the
table. You and your friends have to censor yourself, you have to bring
up female-friendly topics. That isn’t beneficial for you as a man.
In fact, you’ll look like a bitch for always bringing your woman with you.
Train her to accept you’re going out without her. Solo. You cook up big
things, you’re plotting with you bro’s.
Of course, in case you’re cheating, saying that you were out with your
friends is a very good excuse.
I may leave. Men must provide for their families. Never
obstruction this.
She must understand and accept your absence. You’re a man,
flexible schedule, different meetings. If you don’t have them,
invent them.
Don’t kill the flow.
“ If I am working you’re not allowed to disrupt my thoughts. My
thoughts affect my execution. My execution determines my place in the
hierarchy. I will not accept wasting my potential for a woman.”
Women tend to fuck shit up.
When you're trying to focus, when you're trying to think, when you
have a different kind of problem, they'll start complaining that you're
not giving them attention. Train her to understand you’ll withdraw all
of your attention when she’ll put herself in front of your goals.
Never start an argument in social settings. Don’t
undermine my power in front of my friends or associates.
Men want respect. Women want men to find them hot. A man who’s
woman disobeys is considered weak by other men. This is a capital
mistake, to allow a woman to undermine your power in front of others.
All arguments must be dealt with at home. Not in front of others.
Knowing the rules that renowned pimps implement isn’t enough.
You need the force and capability to impose them on your woman. If a
nerd says he’ll beat you up, you’d laugh, if Conor McGregor says it,
you’ll shut up and listen.
Also, you cannot create rules for an individual who doesn’t worship
God created rules of conduct because the masses believed in him.
Worshiped him. You have demands when you’re in demand.
It all starts in the bedroom. Untill sex, a woman has power over you.
You want to fuck her, you perform actions in order to obtain sex. After
sex, the power dynamic shifts.
Only when you learn to provide unique sexual experiences you have
unlocked the right to be cocky and make demands.
Offer her pleasure, take in exchange all that you want.
Start small, tell her to make you something to eat. Tell her to do things
for you. Teach her than without pleasing you, there’s no you.
Your behavior and frame are essential. Perception is reality. To wield
power over a woman, SHE must perceive you as a high tier man. A man
that she would not want to disappoint.
You don't need to be an unquestionable alpha, just a contextual one. In
her eyes, you have to become an authority.
There are specific tactics you can implement in order to develop this
perception of you.
1. In social gatherings, your friends must talk with extreme respect
about you.
Train your crew this way. No silly jokes around women. No mocking
each other. If you’re a loser they can exaggerate your accomplishments
and stories.
Only idiots accept the ones around them to make remarks that would
potentially put them in a bad spot. They must overestimate your
victories and portray you as a man of great substance.
2. Create the appearance that you don’t struggle with life.
That you’ve got all things figured out. A bright future ahead of you.
Don’t talk about your problems.
Everyone has problems. Maybe your family isn’t the best one. Maybe
you struggle with money. Maybe you’re ashamed that you’re fat. These
things remain inside your head. No one wants to know about them. It’s
not ok to share excruciating experiences.
3. She must not sense any doubt in you. Only extreme confidence.
Fake or authentic. Fake bravado will always remain a better
option than humility.
A lot of men do very well with women without having any
Why? They portray the same attitude as winners, without having the
wins. They fake their confidence. It’s better than being humble.
Humbleness is associated with weakness. A woman is wired to
associate bravado with success and good genetics. Throughout human
history the best men where fiercely arrogant. They believed they rule
the earth and that they’re capable of bending reality. Even though their
views might have been subjective, who cares.
4. Create weapons of arrogance.
A body you can brag about, influential people you know, wealth, good
following on social media, relationships with other attractive women,
These “weapons” can be leveraged in different occasions and be used
to create the cocky-funny dynamic.
"Haha go cook me something, a body like this is created in the kitchen.
And a woman’s place is in the kitchen.”
"Haha block those peasants on Instagram. I roll with influential men, d
these weaklings that write to you are funny”
"Haha ok if you don't want to listen to me maybe I’ll just talk to X (a girl
from your Instagram who's sexier than her)”
The more tools you’ve got in your arsenal, the better.
Every little skill you’ve got and every little accomplishment can be used
in order to be funny and communicative.
Imagine if you like cooking. You'd say cooking isn't a masculine skill that
you can brag about. It actually is. Everything you're good at can be used
to your advantage.
“Haha, you can't even cook. What woman are you? I'm so amazing I
cook better than women. I'm good at everything. No wonder everyone
knows men are better than women"
You used cooking, which is basically a female skill and flipped it around
to make her subliminally understand that men are better than women.
That men must be obeyed. And not any man. You. Her master.
5. Life’s online. What wasn’t caught in a picture doesn’t exist.
Receipts say what words can't. In this day and age, the perception of
you is influenced mainly by your online game.
Losers say: “I’ll leave you, I can find something better”
Winners just have something better following them on Instagram.
They need little words. Their reputation precedes them. You need to
understand that we live in a world where a follow on Instagram from
another hot chick holds more value than 3 one night stands with 9’s.
She doesn’t know about those undercover experiences you got. But
while she stalks you online she’ll see there that attractive girl that
follows you. She’ll think “Look they follow each other, they might be
talking. Maybe he’s fucking her” then she’ll call her friends and stalk
that chick with them too.
Other losers say to their girlfriends “I’ll beat a man if he ever touches
They try to signal physical strength, toughness. With words. It isn’t
Imagine if you’ve got some pictures on Instagram fighting a killer. It
speaks a thousand words. Every woman will understand that you're
capable of protecting her.
6. Replace misery with mistery.
Your life might be miserable. Your lifestyle may be boring. Your house
might not be fresh and clean every day of the week. You might be
working 10 hours a day.
These aren’t things to brag about. But if she doesn’t know about them,
they don’t exist.
If you’re working hard don’t say it, it’s not attractive. Just be mysterious
and don’t respond to her messages. Put her on read. Let her think. Let
her imagine.
“He’s not answering, maybe he’s with a chick”
“He doesn’t want me to come to his place, maybe he’s bringing
someone else”
“He is so hard to reach, he’s on a date”
This tactic is extremely important. Try to cover life’s harshness. It isn’t
appealing. A woman doesn’t want a man with problems. She wants a
man that can handle his business and after handle hers too.
You can transform every negative in a positive. Every bad thing you
experience can be used in your favor. And the best way to do it is by
using mistery, enigma.
Let her think. Let her imagine.
7. Don’t reveal the number of girls you’ve slept with. But indicate
towards a respectable number.
You can do so by mentioning girls from your past. But doing it
Her: Who is that chick that liked your picture?
You: Ohhh a girl I’ve met 2 years ago… I can’t say more about that, I
wouldn’t be a gentleman if I talked more hahaha.
Even if you didn’t fuck that chick, who cares? Who knows?
Only you know. Let your woman think you’ve fucked everyone and
she’s so fortunate to have you as her boyfriend.
If you're out and you accidentally see a girl you know from high school,
play it as if it was more than it actually was. Do it indirectly, know when
to throw that crooked smile. Know when to say: “Ok ok let’s change the
subject, I don’t wanna talk about her. Let’s talk about us”
8. The amazing future ahead.
You must create the appearance that your future will be phenomenal.
That you’re cooking a big move.
"Yeah, now I'm working this job. But soon I'll receive a substantial
amount of money to open that business. I can't wait… "
“Yeah I drive this Honda now but next year I’ll finally invest in that Audi
A7, I’m waiting for them to release the new model”
“Dreaming” about the future helps you switch the attention from your
current situation to a better situation along the way.
Every PIMP sells dreams to women. The dream that we'll live a perfect
future on a tropical island where life's going to be easy and we'll spend
millions on unnecessary material objects like the celebrities we see on
Give her a reason to dream. Hope. While hope’s alive reality can be
Don’t kill hope, don’t be a dream killer. Don’t portray a harsh future. It’s
a critical mistake only fools make.
9. Story-telling specialist
ANY man has amazing stories and funny moments that happened to
FEW know what and when to say it.
Have 20 different funny stories prepared. Stories that subliminally
indicate you’re spontaneous, you take risks, you’re a playboy.
Don’t lie, just funnily tell your real stories.
For example, a story I tell girls is the one where I've been arrested for
driving without a license while being drunk.
I tell them that I’ve been in the club with some girls, decided we should
swim in the sea and just went in the middle of the night with the
Mercedes I just bought and drove 200KM drinking champagne till the
police caught me.
It’s a true story. But why do I say this one:
It shows I make spontaneous decisions
It shows I owned a Benz
It shows I'm good at entertaining girls and go out
I have photos & videos to demonstrate the story is true. So it
increases the credibility
- It shows I had success young ( a conclusion they arrive to when I
say I bought a Benz)
- It involves police and breaking the law. Breaking the law is
appealing to girls, they portray the image of a bad boy. Bonnie &
Clyde dynamic.
Humans are designed in such a way that they can predict the future
using the past.
If you present information about your past, present only information
that would make a woman conclude you’ll be funny again, you’ll be
entertaining again. This time, with her.
Simps are stupid and say obvious basic shit like “We’re going to do X”
No, not this way. Tell a story when you’ve done it. And she’ll decide for
herself that you’re funny, that she will not waste her youth with you.
Inception. She has to decide.
Body Language
You may not be a tough guy, but that isn’t important. If you enter a
restaurant and sit like a tough, important guy, you signal power.
You may not be comfortable if you walk down the street with her and a
gang of dudes sit on the corner. But if you walk like you wouldn’t mind
engaging in a fight, you’ll display the body language of a strong man.
Your body language must be adapted accordingly to what you want to
If you want to be perceived as strong, display specific traits.
If you’re caught cheating and want to be forgiven use different tools.
Of course, sometimes in life, you'll feel like a loser. Or maybe you are a
Do others need to know that? No.
You know how to be perceived as strong and sexy. You know what rules
must be set. All you need is dirty tactics to use in order to make her
obsessed with you.
What do playboys do to keep their women loyal. What do they say.
How do they act in specific situations. Situations that all men
Pimps and playboys differentiate themselves from the masses because
they can pull off what most men can't. They can subdue women and
make them do all that they want.
I. Pornstar
You don’t need to have sex with your woman daily. Maybe you don’t
want to. Maybe you have other women you want to fuck. The essential
aspect is that when you do it, you do it right.
There are 3 aspects of sex that most men don’t understand:
1. Length – Make sure you don’t cum fast. Women know that men
who cum fast are weaklings.
Her friends laugh about these types of experiences. Every girl had a
man who wasn’t able to last in bed. If you’re not capable of doing this
naturally drink every time you have sex. I recommend red wine.
Whiskey/vodka may damage your capacity to have an erection. Drugs
If you’re having problems just drink a coffee and some wine. It doesn’t
have to last all night long, but having an orgasm after 2 minutes is lame.
2. Force – Women watch porn too. They know porn stars have
stamina, fuck hard and are perverts. Try keeping a high pace.
Train, develop good cardio.
Let their sugar daddies fuck slow and boring. You need to perform
savage sex. Women always laugh with their friends “haha he’s so boring
I almost fell asleep", they'll never laugh if you rip them apart and
produce some damage down there. They'll usually message you the
next day
“Baby I don’t know what you did to me, it hurts”
3. Dominant sex – Everyone knows women like 50 Shades of Gray.
You don't have to build a room with sex toys and sex infrastructure like
in the book.
But you have to use sexual fantasies that display that you’re the man. If
you come with some cuckold fantasies to your woman do you think
she’ll have any respect for you?
Or if you're licking her pussy and ass every day you think you'll be the
man that she'll always remember?
No. women always laugh about men who have strange sexual fantasies
and men that perform submissive actions. There’s nothing to laugh
about when you’re fucking her doggy style and piss on her before
cumming in her mouth.
Do pervert, dominant shit. Actions that say “He’s the man. I’m his
II. Sneaky Authoritarian Moves
1. If you’re afraid of losing her, you don’t deserve her.
Your fear will be sensed by her, you’ll communicate it with your body
language, with your general behavior, with your exaggerated need to
please her.
A man who’s in charge is never afraid of losing a woman. And even if
her loss would produce damage, he’ll never make her aware of it.
Imagine a street pimp, or myself as a webcam studio owner.
We’re afraid of losing girls. Even if she’s away for a few days that means
thousands/tens of thousands of dollars lost. Or if she decides she’ll
pursue another career, think of the time invested in finding a
replacement, training her. But we never make the girls aware that
they’re important for our abundance.
2. Faking sadness is better than showing appreciation.
In fact, faking sadness is an old school tactic that every playboy knows
how to effectively use.
It is more beneficial for you to create the illusion that you’re unsatisfied
with her behavior, forever questioning her love for you, that to say
“Babe I don’t know what I would do without you”
Women interpret appreciation as neediness.
“Oh, wait, he’s right, without me he’ll struggle. I’m important, time to
demand more”
Of course, she’ll probably never rationalIze it like that, but this is how
she’ll feel.
A woman who knows her worth is dangerous. A woman who's been
persuaded that she's underperforming will try hard to finally reach her
man’s standards.
3. Past as a weapon
I always use my past as a weapon designed to make a woman
submissive and productive.
I mention past relationships and my ex's behavior.
I exaggerate their qualities and don’t mention their weaknesses.
If I’m with a camgirl who’s from a poor/average family I’ll say “I’m used
to girls with a lot of money, like my ex. It’s hard for me now with you”
"Her family always helped me when I needed it. Of course, this is not
the case now...."
The sentence above makes the camgirl girlfriend feel ashamed that her
parents are not rich, ashamed that she isn't able to satisfy my needs as
my ex did.
This way she’ll work herself for money and give it to me.
She subliminally understood that I put a value on a woman's finances
and she'll feel the need to compensate for her lack of status.
If I’m with a girl who’s not a camgirl I’ll say
“Well you know my ex’s who’s been a camgirl, she was making tens of
thousands a month, you’re just an average girl, you’re not allowed to
have opinions haha”
I say this in a cocky and funny manner.
The sentence indicates that I've been with a very productive girl. So the
average girl thinks:
“Well, he’s been with that girl, maybe I should talk less I’m not as
attractive and rich as her”
For me, these statements are true. But this doesn’t matter. You can lie
to your target, as long all she’ll believe it, it’s all good. All is permitted in
love and war. And love is war and joy all mixed up.
4. Network as a weapon
You can use your network as a weapon of persuasion. If you have
influential friends or contextually influential friends, don't forget to
appear in pictures with them. Have their number, talk to them
Make your girl aware that you’re connected.
How is this useful for you?
You can say: “Look at John. His girlfriend is making big money, she’s
sexy, she’s helped him while he was in jail. Wow, what a woman”
Your statement might be false.
She won’t know exactly. Because she’ll never hear John’s truth about
his relationship. But you’ve set a high standard. You’re around men
who are worshiped by their females.
She’ll have to keep up. I use this with camgirls. I give examples of pimps
whose girlfriends make a lot of money. I provide an example.
This way she’s thinking 2 things:
A. He might want to find a girl who’s gonna perform for him this way
B. I need to perform for him in order to not be replaced.
5. Judgemental friends
This tactic is very useful for you if your objective is to cheat. We all
know it. After a few months, you get bored with your girlfriend. You
want her love but you're sexually into other women. You need room to
The tactic I’m about to present gives you the room to maneuver.
You’ll say "Look, I need to follow girls on Instagram. My friends will
make fun of me If I'm inactive there. They'll see my lack of activity as a
sign of weakness. Like I'm a bitch who's controlled by his girlfriend"
This way you have a justification for your constant online activity. We
all know that a woman's go-to move is to question the importance of
your social media
“You’re with me now, block that hoe. Act more mature”
This tactic is also useful to counter her classical move of telling you to
post pictures with her.
She’ll say “You never post pictures of us”
You counter “You know what? I'll never do it. You want me to look like
a bitch in front of my friends? I have to fake toughness, you need to
understand how the game goes. I need to portray strength."
Chapter 5. Conclusions
Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wasn't for the rain. Joy wouldn't feel
so good if it wasn't for pain. Your presence won’t be fully appreciated
without moments of absence.
Your flowers won’t mean much without inflicting doubt into her soul.
Your “I love you’s” won’t generate any emotion without some tears in
her eyes. You need to understand this dynamic. Mixing good and bad.
If you’re a lazy fuck, create the illusion that you’re always busy. Always
cooking something up, always into a new business, new opportunity,
can’t talk on the phone, business meetings.
This has 3 effects:
⁃ If you’re always busy your presence will be cherished more
⁃ You have room to pursue other chicks
⁃ You have room to be productive, she'll know not to bother you
Maybe today you're busy, you're working on something.
Train her not to interrupt the flow. Not to kill your enthusiasm with her
small talk.
Tomorrow maybe you’re free. But she doesn’t know it. She thinks
you’re busy.
She won’t call, so you’ll have the time to date another woman. Also,
this type of dynamic is appealing for women because of its usage in
pop-culture, Holywood The man who’s always gone, but comes back to
his love
Like Odysseus in the greek poems.
Gone to war pursuing glory, while his wife Penelope was waiting for
him at home in Itaca. A pattern that’s been effective since the dawn of
time. A pattern some recognize, but very few can utilize.
After you’ve correctly implemented the rule and tactics learned from
this book you’ll create an obsessed girlfriend, who’s always going to do
whatever it takes to please you.
This type of woman will tattoo your name on her, give you her money,
wait for you 10 years if you’ll be in jail, never break-up with you if
you’re caught cheating.
Nobody wants a complaining woman. We all want to feel the pride of
having a genuine DOWN ASS BITCH.