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English Literature Lecture Notes: Crusoe, Richardson, Gulliver

mercoledì 20 settembre 2023
english notes
- The middle class learnt good manners from the aristocracy, which in turn was
being modified by the strong Puritan morality of the middle class.
• This process “" a new social class refined but sober in its customs
• The middle class learnt how to behave thanks to newspapers and magazines
and clubs and coffeehouse became important places to discuss of current
events and to write about them.
Robinson Crusoe had a strong influence in the developing of the genre. It was a
great success, running to four editions in eight months.
- Robinson Crusoe is considered to be the first modern novel, since for the first
time we have a fictions narrative that the author tries to pass off as true
- The story is told by a first-person narrator
• that gives the reader a short profile of Robinson Crusoe’s life
• The place are described carefully and time is accounted in a precise manner
(since the protagonist even starts writing a diary)
Story of the novel
- Robinson Crusoe, born in York, decides to go to sea, despite his father's opposition, who
wanted him to study law
- For several years he’s a merchant and a sailor and leads an adventurous life
• (captive by Moors, planter in Brazil, salve trader)
- But during one of his voyages he’s shipwrecked on a desert island (south America,
Orinoco river) and he’s the only survivor.
• But thanks to his strength and intelligence he manages to build himself a house with
some forniture; he learns how to cultivate and how to go hunting.
• He also keeps a diary of his life and has a Bible which he reads everyday.
mercoledì 20 settembre 2023
- During a trip to the opposite side of the island he comes across a group of natives (who
are about to kill one of their number), using his gun he frightens them and he rescues the
prisoner. He decides to call him Friday as it was on Friday that he saved him
- …
Robinson’s Account of his conditions after the shipwreck
- After being shipwrecked on a desert island Robinson considers his situation by
writing down the cons and the pros what it has just happened
• Among the first there is the facts that he is alone on a desert island, with no
cloths to wear or weapons to use
• In spite of that Robinson is thankful to be alive and he notices that the ship is
near enough the shore to let him pick up what he needs to survive
- he’s grateful because of the absence of wild animals and because of the
favorable climate
- there’s always something to be happy about…
- He decides to stop looking for ships, thus he starts building his house
Friday has got long straight black hairs.
He’s got a large forehead, a small nose, a good mouth, thin lips and fine teeth
skin = olive color
Friday admits that if the Christian god could ear the prayers beyond the Sun that he’s
certainly more powerful that his god (benamuckee).
Most brutish and barbarous savages.
Richardson was the first writer to dramatize letter-writing. His epistolary novels combine the
urge to write with accurate descriptions and his letters seem to be written in spare of the
moment. The dialogues are mostly in direct speech so that to give the impression that the
protagonist is writing down his thoughts immediately after an incident has occurred.
They are indeed hidden, lost, found, interrupted ecc.
mercoledì 20 settembre 2023
Richardson in his novels on the one hand…
Sexual violence is always present or latent in Richardson’s stories; but the protagonist’s
feelings about their persecutors are not always clear-cut.
This ambiguity makes Pamela the first psychological novel written in English.
Pamela seems to be affected by the well known Stockholm syndrome, in fact in
some portions of the novel she seems to feel an attraction over her persecutor (Mr.
Story of Pamela
Pamela had been the servant girl of the noblewomen Lady B. and after her death Mr B.,
Lady B.’s son, offers her the opportunity to remain in the household and she accepts.
It becomes then clear that Mr B. wants to seduce her. He then gives her the possibility to
come back home, but the coachman, who is one of Mr B.’s men, drives her to Mr B.’s
country house, where she lives like a prisoner.
there she writes a diary like she is talking to her mum
Pamela resists to Mr B. advances until they get married.
The second part of the book is just a description of their life as a married couple
Pamela Refuses Mr. B.’s Advances
she writes the letter to her mother
Pamela is caught by Mr. B, after coming back from his journey to Lincolnshire, while she is
writing a letter. (she hides it in her breast)
“non mi saluti?”
Mr B. accuses her to have told about the improper sexual advances to Mrs Jarvis, and
Pamela defends herself by saying that she only told the truth
Mr B. then gets very angry he stands up and he starts walking while Pamela is crying.
(Pamela understands that Mr B. has discovered her letters and that she is no longer free to
mr. B says to Pamela that he will give her a good reason to attack him
Then Mr. B offers Pamela to seat on his knees and he tries to kiss her, but Pamela runs into
a room, closes the door and faints. (Mrs Jarvis will rescue her, mr b le dice di non dire
mercoledì 20 settembre 2023
Gulliver’s travels
Gulliver is in the empire of Lilliput and he hopes to get is liberty. Lilliputians gradually come
to trust him, they start playing with him and he starts learning their language.
dance on his hand and hide-and-seek in his hairs
One day the emperor decides to entertain him with magnificent games and Gulliver is
mostly impressed by the “rope-dancers”
people dancing on a slight thread
He points out that ministers and statesman are not chosen for their ability, but according to
how they can please the emperor with this trivial games.
The narrator specifies, with parenthesis, that this happens frequently due to common
murders of people in power. This highlight the thirst for power of Lilliputians.
The author is now clearly criticizing the corruption of contemporary politics.
Eventually Gulliver makes reference to two of the best rope dancers, this figures are usually
associated with influential British politicians of the time.