सं युत वे श परीा (मु य) Joint Entrance Examination (Main) JEE(Main) APPLICATION NUMBER 240310050554 DO NOT SEND THIS PAGE TO NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY (NTA). THE CANDIDATE IS REQUESTED TO RETAIN THE PRINTOUT OF THE CONFIRMATION PAGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. यितगत योरा (Contact Details) वतमान पता (Present Address) पता (Premises No/ Name) NO 17 थानीयता (Locality) SRIRAM ENGINEERING उप-थानीयता (SubCOLLEGE Locality)(Optional) ईमेल पता (Email Address) BINDHUPRADEEP2000@GMAIL.COM NA दे श कोड (Country Code) +91 दे श (Country) INDIA राय (State) TAMILNADU िजला (District) Thiruvallur मोबाइल नंबर (Mobile Number) +91 - 9952996061 वै किपक संपक सू (Alternate Contact No.) (Optional) 9677253794 िपन कोड (Pin Code) 602024 थायी पता (Permanent Address) पता (Premises No/ Name) NO 17 थानीयता (Locality) SRIRAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE उप-थानीयता (SubLocality)(Optional): NA दे श (Country) INDIA राय (State) TAMILNADU िजला (District) Thiruvallur िपन कोड (Pin Code) 602024 यितगत योरा (PERSONAL DETAILS) अयथी का नाम (Candidate's Name) P MADHAV अयथी की जम ितिथ (Candidate's Date of Birth) 26-06-2006 िपता / अिभभावक का नाम (Father / Guardian Name) PN PRADEEP माता / अिभभावक का नाम (Mother / Guardian Name) KN BINDHU िलंग (Gender) MALE राटीयता (Nationality ) INDIAN पहचान के कार (Identity Type) CLASS XII ADMIT CARD ISSUED BY THE BOARD पहचान संया (Identification Number) 214267502419 राय / केद शािसत दे श जहाँ से 12वीं / समक उीण / उपिथत (State/ UT TAMILNADU from where 12th/ Equivalent Passed/ Appearing) े णी (Category ) GENERAL या आपको मधुमेह ह (Are You Diabetic ? ) िनवास की जगह ( Place of Residence RURAL ) NO यिद आप एक Pwd उमीदवार ह , तो या आपके पास ब चमाक िवकलांगता है (If you NA are a Pwd Candidate, do you have benchmark disability)? वािषक पािरवािरक आय ( Annual Family Income ) योयता परीा म कू ली िशा का तैयारी का तरीका ( Mode of Preparation Tutorial Classes in School मायम ( Medium of schooling in ) qualifying exam ) 100001-200000 English परीा कद िववरण (Exam centre Details) के िलए आवे दन (Apply For) B.E./B.Tech परीा के स के िलए आवे दन कर (Session Of Exam Apply For) Session 1 & Session 2 िपता / अिभभावक यवसाय (Father / Guardian Occupation) MEDICAL िपता / अिभभावक योयता (Father / Guardian Qualification) Matriculate माता / अिभभावक यवसाय (Mother / Guardian Occupation) Business माता / अिभभावक योयता (Mother / GRADUATE Guardian Qualification) परीा राय-पहला िवकप (Exam State TAMILNADU 1st Choice ) परीा शहर-पहला िवकप (Exam City 1st Choice ) CHENNAI परीा राय-दूसरा िवकप (Exam State TAMILNADU 2nd Choice ) परीा शहर-दूसरा िवकप (Exam City 2nd Choice ) VELLORE परीा राय-तीसरा िवकप (Exam State TAMILNADU 3rd Choice ) परीा शहर-तीसरा िवकप (Exam City 3rd Choice ) KANCHIPURAM परीा राय-चौथा िवकप (Exam State TAMILNADU 4th Choice ) परीा शहर-चौथा िवकप (Exam City 4th Choice ) TIRUVANNAMALAI न प मायम (Question Paper Medium) English 10वीं या समक योयता िववरण (10th or equivalent Qualification Details) उीण की िथित (Pass Status) Passed उीण / सिमिलत होने का वष (Year of Passing/Appearing) 2022 योयता परीा (Qualifying Exam) 10 th or equivalent कू िलंग का थान (Place of Schooling) Urban कू ल / कॉलेज का कार (Type of School Private Unaided / College) योयता परीा राय (Qualifying Examination State) TAMILNADU योयता परीा िजला (Qualifying Examination District) कू ल बोड (School Board) CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION का 10वीं की माकशीट/माणप के अनुसार िवालय/कॉलेज का नाम MAHarishi vidya mandir (School/College name should be as senior secondary school per Class 10th Mark sheet/certificate) कू ल / कॉलेज का पता (School / College Address) melpakkam , poonamalee taluk कू ल / कॉलेज िपनकोड (School / College 600077 Pincode) रोल नंबर 10वीं माणप के अनुसार (Roll number as per 10th certificate) 20193771 पिरणाम मोड (Result Mode) Percentage पूणा क (Total Marks) 500.0 381.0 ितशत (Percentage) 76.20 ातांक (Obtain Marks) Thiruvallur th 12वीं या समक योयता िववरण (12 or equivalent Qualification Details) उीण / सिमिलत होने का वष (Year of Passing/Appearing) उीण की िथित (Pass Status) Appearing योयता परीा (Qualifying Exam) The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized Central/ State Board, such as the Central कू िलंग का थान (Place of Board of Secondary Schooling) Education, New Delhi; Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi etc. 2024 Urban कू ल / कॉलेज का कार (Type of School योयता परीा राय (Qualifying Government Aided Private / College) Examination State) TAMILNADU योयता परीा िजला (Qualifying Examination District) CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Thiruvallur कू ल बोड (School Board) का 12वीं की माकशीट/माणप के ADITYA VIDYASHRAM अनुसार िवालय/कॉलेज का नाम कू ल / कॉलेज का पता (School / GURUGRAM CAMPUS (School/College name should be as College Address) E TECHNO per Class 12th Mark sheet/certificate) कू ल / कॉलेज िपनकोड (School / College 600077 Pincode) रोल नंबर 12वीं माणप के अनुसार (Roll number as per 12th certificate) avadi , chennai NA अितिरत जानकािरयां (Additional Details) या आप जु ड़वा ह और दोनों जे ईई (मे न) - 2024 के िलए आवे दन कर रहे NO ह (Are you a Twin and both applying for JEE (MAIN) – 2024)? आपातकालीन संपक िववरण प (Emergency Contact Details) दे श (Country) INDIA दे श कोड (Country Code) +91 मोबाइल नंबर (Mobile Number) 9952906938 ईमेल आईडी (Email ID) daredevil26062006@gmail.com उमीदवार ारा अपलोड की गई छिवयां (IMAGES UPLOADED BY THE CANDIDATE) PHOTO SIGNATURE शु क भु गतान िववरण (Fee Payment Details) भु गतान का कार (Payment Mode) Online लेन-दे न आईडी (Transaction ID) IGAQKGFLR2 परीा शु क (Exam Fee) 2000.0 शु क जमा िकया गया (Fee Submitted On) 04-11-2023 20:45:13 PM लेन-दे न की ितिथ (Date of Transaction) 01-01-1900 00:00:00 AM घोषणा (Declaration) I declare that information furnished by me in the application form is true in all respect and nothing is concealed. In case any entry or information is found to be false, this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such actions as deemed fit by the University. I hereby undertake that I have carefully gone through the eligibility conditions prescribed in the prospectus for the programme. I am applying after satisfying that I meet the eligibility conditions. If at any stage it is found that I do not fullfill the minimum prescribed criteria, my admission, if granted, shall stand cancelled and I shall have no right to admission whatsoever. IP Address : Date of Downloading : 01-12-2023 18:11:00 PM