REGISTER FOR WORKSHOPS AND MASTERCLASSES 1 OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة ENHANCING CONFIDENCE IN SUPPLIER’S ASSURANCE PROGRAMS Dr. Mohammed Mohammady 10-12-2023 10AM- 12 PM , Dubai World Trade Center This master class at the conference is dedicated to equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance confidence in supplier assurance programs. Focused on the specific context of food establishments, the session delves into establishing a systematic process ensuring that all food, raw materials, and food contact equipment suppliers adheres to stringent quality and food safety standards. Topics include: Overview of the importance of supplier assurance programs. Establishing a Systematic Process for selection, approval and monitoring of suppliers Procurement process for food, raw materials, and food contact equipment. Documenting materials needs and specifications. International requirements and best practices. Suppliers’ development initiatives. Click Here to 2 OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة Register GFSI 101 Trainers:: Erica Sheward, Anne Gerardi, Lalaina Randriamanantsoa 10-12-2023 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM, Dubai World Trade Center 1. What is GFSI? Busting some myths about what the Global Food safety Initiative does and what is doesn't do 2. Benchmarking and harmonisation - a GFSI masterclass in how and why GFSI benchmarks 3rd party food safety standards against its requirements - what does this mean for the global food safety ecosystem? 3. Food safety capability building 4. Public Private Partnerships 3 The sessions will be highly interactive and provide a unique opportunity for attendees to hear from GFSI first hand Click Here to Register OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة NEW ERA OF FOOD SAFETY- TEA & TALK Frank Yiannas Conversation with Frank Yiannas – what is the future of food safety? 10-12-2023 4 4 – 6 PM, Dubai World Trade Center OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة Click Here to Register PEST MANAGEMENT- ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Trainers: Sophie Thorogood Tahir Rashid, Mark Wenman, John Stewart 11-12-2023 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Dubai World Trade Center Target Audience: Pest contractors/supervisors Cost: AED 300 Register using the link The full day session is specially designed for operators of Pest Management Companies that support food businesses in Dubai. The session is focused on enhancing knowledge and skills in the following areas: • • • • 5 Cockroach Control Fly Management Rat Control Bird Management OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة Scan to register Considerations for Operating a World-class Internal Audit System in Your Business Trainers: Helen Taylor & Nic Sherman Cost : AED 1000 Register for the workshop separately using the link 14-12-2023 9AM – 4:30 PM, Dubai World Trade Center This is a full day workshop designed for food safety professionals who want to conduct Internal Audits in Dubai. The workshop will focus on enhancing your understanding on how to set up and operate Internal Audit process in the business. The session will also help you to understand who will operate and benefit from the IA Process/ system and how the business will optimise the outcomes from IA for continuous improvement and links to Food safety culture. This will be an ‘activity based’ session 6 OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة Scan to register ICMSF Workshop: Microbiological Sampling Plans for Foods 15-12-2023 4: 00 PM – 6.00 PM, Online Event Introducing ICMSF and key concepts/tools Dr. Leon Gorris Pre-read: ICMSF Cases Concept; Anatomy of a Sampling Plan; ICMSF Spreadsheet Tool Click Here to Register Statistical basis and residual risk. Prof Marcel Zwietering Pre-read: Microbiological Testing and Distribution of Microorganisms in Food; Microbiological Testing and Performance of Sampling Plans ICMSF sampling plan tool applied to some practical questions. Peter McClure Pre-read: ICMSF Spreadsheet Tool: Typical details for a 2-class count plan; Using the ICMSF Sampling Plan Tool to assess the performance of Microbiological Criteria. Part 2: MC for Listeria monocytogenes in RTE Foods not supporting growth 7 Discussion on Microbiological Sampling Plans John Donaghy, Wayne Anderson, Prof Marcel Zwietering, Peter McClure, Dr. Leon Gorris Bobby Krishna (Host)OPEN DATA / بيانات مفتوحة