1. How do you communicate with Hearing-Impaired Patients? Speak clearly, be in eye-sight, be patient. Don't assume cognitive ability is declined Translator? 2. What is the primary purpose of Process recording? to evaluate your communication skills with your patient, how you can improve or things that worked well; IPR 3. What is the Purpose of nursing process? - identify pt health status - id actual or potential health care needs - change plans to meet needs - deliver specific individualized nsg interventions to meet needs (deliver individualized nursing care) - evaluate effectiveness of interventions 4. What is the nursing process with all the steps in order? Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation Each step is dependent on accuracy of previous phase, not always in order, may do phases simultaneously, interrelated 5. What is assessment? collect/organize data -interview/observation, physical exam Compare subj/obj data, validate conflicting data, double check! 1. Observation (Ex: inspect skin) 2. Interaction/Interview (Ex: mental status, pt reporting, hx taking) 3. Measurement/Exam (Ex: Intake and output, edema, skin type, vitals, etc.)