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Radu Jude's Media Critique: Film Analysis

What do you think Radu Jude is trying to say about contemporary media with
his multiform approach? Carefully analyze at least one scene to prove your
To truly understand the meaning behind Radu Jude's approach to contemporary media we
must look at the film in two of its three different parts. In the first part of the film, we are shown
Emi walking the streets of Romania. During the first half of the film during Emi’s trip to the
mall.. We are then shown a shot of the board that advertises the mall. We then get a quick cut to
a close-up of the company advertising items for Paw Patrol outside of the mall with a quick cut
to the surrounding markets. Some might just say that these shots are setting up the location of the
scene. However, from the previous ten minutes of the film, I don't believe that to be the case.
Radu is trying to make a point to us about how society has changed to be full of areas that
require us to consume. The director chooses to focus his attention on buildings with advertising,
leading me to believe that the director is commenting on the consumers of society and how the
pandemic has made us disconnected with a constant need to absorb new media. The third part of
the film focuses on Emi and her battle against the parents of the school. The specific part of the
scene we should focus on is the third of the ending. Emi turns into a superhero resembling
Wonder Woman who shoves dildos down the parent's throats.. Emi’s costume resembles how
women in society today are forced to be seen as role models, it's saying that they need to be
perfect in the eyes of everyone. For example, in Emi’s situation, a video of her gets leaked online
that she believes to be private information. This situation has happened in real life on a multitude
of occasions. The director is saying with the access to social media and the internet that we have
today people (women in particular) have to appear as saints in both their public persona and their
private as people from all over the world now have access to our private information.