Uploaded by Abdinor mose nor

refetion Embedding system

Embedding system
1. Differentiate between embedding system and arduino
2. Differentiate between microcontroller and microprocessor
3. Differentiate between arduino uno R3 and arduino omega
4. Is there any another IDE for coding an arduino
5. Elego star kid tool contains a set of tools so describe aout
a. Passive buzzer and active buzzer
b. Jumpers
c. Various of sensors
d. Battery adapter
e. Breadboard servo motor LCD
6. Hor serial monitor work
7. What does mean serial.begin(9600)
8. Identify the different between lEDs in supper star kid tool
9. When building blink LED what are the required components
10. What are the voltage need by arduino uno R3
11. What components required when building RBG project
12. What components required when building various sound
13. What components required when building motor project
14. What is an ultrasound used
15. How to display the distance between the object and the sensor
16. Write arduino code to build turn of ar on LED
17. Write arduino code to motor and object like fan
18. Write arduino code to result of register while register has various values like
19. What is an internet of think IOT
Components of of this course
1. Jumpers
2. LEDs
3. Breadboard
4. Buzzers
5. Ultrasound
6. Sevo motor