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For-Your-Chapter-III (1)

This chapter presents the research design and the methodology to be
employed in the study. It outlines the research design, method, data collection,
the selected sample, the research process, and the statistical treatment of data
for the analysis and interpretation.
Research Design
The study employs a quantitative type of research through a survey
questionnaire. Quantitative research deals with quantifying and analyzing
variables to get results. It uses and analyzes numerical data using specific
statistical techniques to answer questions. It also describes the methods of
explaining an issue or phenomenon through gathering data in numerical form
DJS Research (2019). It will determine if a relationship exists between teachers’
financial literacy and their online shopping behavior.
Through this research design, the study will attempt to determine the
level of teaching and non-teaching financial literacy and money management
practices using the weighted mean, ANOVA, and Pearson’s-r. Hence, the study
will make use of descriptive correlational study where the financial literacy of
teaching and non-teaching personnel will be correlated to their money
management practices. A correlational survey is designed to determine
relationship between or among two or more variables and to explore their
implications for cause and effect (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2010). In the current
study, correlational approach will assess the degree of relationship between
financial literacy and money management practices.
Sampling Technique
The respondents will be determined by employing a stratified random
sampling technique. A stratified random sample is obtained by dividing the
population elements into mutually exclusive, non-overlapping groups of sample
units called strata, then selecting a simple random sample from within each
stratum (stratum is singular for strata). Every potential sample unit must be
assigned to only one stratum and no units can be excluded.
Respondents of the Study
Slovin’s formula will be used in determining the sample size.
n= N/(1+N〖(e)〗^2 )
n = sample size
N = population e = degree of error
standard (0.05) n= 105/(1+105〖(0.05)〗
^2 )
= 105/(1+105(0.0025))
= 105/(1+0.7725)
= 105/1.7725
n= 59.24 or 59
Respondents of the Study
Teaching Personnel
Non-teaching Personnel
The table presents the distribution of the respondents of the study. It shows
that the respondents of the study are the one hundred three teaching personnel
from the junior and senior high school and twenty-one non-teaching personnel. The
study will make use of one hundred twenty-four (124) teaching and non-teaching
personnel of Leuteboro National High School. Ten of the total teaching and nonteaching personnel shall be excluded as they will participate in the test-retest of the
validity of the questionnaire. The profile of the respondents includes age, sex, civil
status, position/rank, years of employment, number of trainings or seminars
attended, and the providers and sponsors of the said trainings and seminars.
Research Instrument
The study will make use of the three-fold part of the self-made survey
questionnaire which were crafted in reference to questionnaires from previous
studies. The first part contains the profile of the respondents in terms of age,
sex, civil status, position, years employed as a teaching or non-teaching staff,
and number of seminars or training attended related to financial literacy. The
second part is referred to the perceptions of the respondents regarding the level
of their financial literacy. Ten statements each for financial knowledge, financial
skills, financial attitude, and financial behavior. On the other hand, the third part
focuses on the respondents’ money management practices in terms of
budgeting, cash-flow management, investment, and savings. Respondents will
identify their degree of agreement and disagreement using the four-point Likert
scale with the verbal interpretations of strongly disagree, disagree, agree, and
strongly agree with numerical equivalent of 1, 2, 3, and 4
The study will use a survey questionnaire as means of gathering primary
data among the public secondary school teaching and non-teaching personnel
of Leuteboro National High School. Secondary data will be sourced from books,
journals, published materials, and the internet which will be used as support
after the interpretation of the results.
Reliability and Validity of the Instruments
To guarantee the reliability of the instrument, the researcher will conduct
a test-retest. The questionnaires will be administered to the respondents who
were not included in the actual sample of the study. This test will be
administered again to the same respondents after a week. To compute the
reliability of the questionnaire, a t-test will be used.
The formula for the t-test is as follows:
In terms of validity, the questionnaire was forwarded to a branch
operation officer who has an extensive knowledge about financial literacy. Prior
to this, the questionnaire was given to a master teacher in Social Studies, a
Master Teacher in English, and the school’s assistant principal who had been
teaching social studies for over twenty years. These were validated in terms of
content, grammar, format, visual appeal, and congruence according to each
Data Gathering Procedure
After the questionnaire is crafted, experts will be asked to help the
researcher validate the said questionnaires concerning relevance to the
content, social content, applicability in the locale setting, language mechanics,
and other related concerns. The validators will be asked to go over the
statements to determine if the questionnaires are valid enough to capture the
research topic. The validators are also expected to check the construction of
the statements to ensure that common errors like leading to answers, as well
as confusing or double-barreled questions will be checked and corrected.
Revisions will be made based on the recommendations of the validators and
will be submitted again to the adviser for final approval. An initial survey will be
made on select participants to check the internal consistency of the items using
Cronbach’s alpha. Cronbach’s alpha is a convenient test used to estimate the
reliability, or internal consistency, of a composite score. It is considered as a
measure of scale reliability.
In adherence to Data Privacy Act under RA No. 10173, the names of the
respondents shall not be mentioned in the study. The data to be gathered shall
be held confidential and shall be used solely for the purpose of the study. The
paper shall uphold privacy as the fundamental human right as access to
communication and information is promoted. shall also be ensured by
maintaining the anonymity and confidentiality of the participants. The research
process, including its objectives, shall be explained to the respondents without
influencing their responses to ensure the reliability of results.
Ethical Considerations
Permission to conduct the study will be requested from the Schools
Division Superintendent of Oriental Mindoro and the Faculty of the Graduate
Studies of the Divine Word College of Calapan. Prior to the distribution of the
survey questionnaire, the researchers will secure informed consent from the
respondents. In addition, the researchers will orient them about the features and
objectives of the study. For their protection, the researcher will make sure that
the data to be obtained from the teacher-participants and their respective
identity will be held strictly confidential in compliance to the Republic Act No.
10173 also known as Data Privacy Act of 2012. Only the researchers will have
the access to the data to be gathered.
Sources of related literature, studies, and theories that will be utilized in
this research will be acknowledged accordingly through proper citation and
referencing. Lastly, the researcher will ensure that there will be no conflict of
interest in conducting this study. Since the study will be conducted during the
pandemic, the researcher will adhere to the health protocols being implemented
in the area.
Statistical Treatment of Data
Weighted means of the responses, frequency counts, and percentage
scores will be used in describing the data. Weighted means will be ranked to
determine the significance of the responses. A 4 – point Likert - scale will be
used to gather the information required from the respondents. Data for financial
literacy and personal financial management will be analyzed and interpreted
using the table below.
Table 1. Financial Literacy and Money Management Practices of
Teaching and Non-teaching Personnel of Leuteboro National High
Statistical Limits
Verbal Interpretation
3.50 - 4.00
Strongly Agree (SA)
2.50 - 3.49
Agree (A)
1.50 - 2.49
Disagree (D)
1.00 - 1.49
Strongly Disagree (SD)
Percentage. The percentage will be computed by dividing the class frequency
by the total frequency.
The formula for percentage is:
P= f/n x 100
P = percentage f = frequency
n = total number
of respondents
Frequency count. This tool will be used to organize the responses of the
respondents into frequency distribution for better analysis of the data.
Weighted Mean. This will be used to determine the overall perceptions of the
respondents regarding financial literacy and online shopping behavior.
X = (∑x)/n
x =
arithmetic mean
score per item n
number of respondents
Ranking. This tool will be used to establish the order of the responses of the
Pearson’s – r. It will be used in determining the relationship between the level
of financial literacy and the extent of teachers’ online shopping behavior. The
researcher will also use Pearson’s Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation
to determine the degree of relationship between financial literacy and online
shopping behavior of the respondents.
= Correlation between X and Y
= Sum of Variable X
= Sum of Variable Y
∑XY = Sum of the product X and Y
= Sample size
= Sum of squared X variable
∑Y2 = Sum of squared Y Variable
Scaling and quantification of data
A numerical scale will be used in scoring and quantifying the data. The
extent of the respondent’s online shopping behavior will be guided by the
following table:
Table 2. Interpretation of Numerical Scale
Verbal Description
Strongly Agree
Very high extent
High extent
Low extent
Strongly Disagree
Very low extent
The table above was made through the frequency distribution where the
interval was based on the quotient of the range and the number of classes.
Table 3 Table of Correlation
(Blay, 2013)
Degree of Correlation
Between ± 0.80 𝑡 ± 0.99
high correlation
Between ± 0.60 𝑡 ± 0.79
moderately high correlation
Between ± 0.40 𝑡 ± 0.59
moderate correlation
Between ± 0.20 𝑡 ± 0.39
low correlation
Between ± 0.01 𝑡 ± 0.19
Negligible correlation