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Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The power of cell and organ regeneration:
A handbook and guide to self-healing processes
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
INTENTION............................................................................................................................................. 7
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................11
THE PRINCIPLES OF HEALING .............................................................................................................13
THE JOURNEY FROM HERE TO THERE ...............................................................................................16
THE INITIATION ...................................................................................................................................18
THE PROCESSES ...................................................................................................................................20
ROOM CLEANSING PROCESS ..........................................................................................................20
THREE SHADOWS PROCESS ............................................................................................................21
REMOVING BLOCKS PROCESS ........................................................................................................23
MEETING YOUR SOUL .....................................................................................................................24
SPHERE OF LIVING MATTER ...........................................................................................................27
ADVENTURES WITH ENERGY ..........................................................................................................28
SIMPLE ENERGY HEALING PROCESS ..............................................................................................29
YOU ARE NOT ALONE......................................................................................................................30
THE CONVERTER .............................................................................................................................35
HEALING STREAM PROCESS ...........................................................................................................36
HEALING STREAM VARIATIONS .....................................................................................................37
TREATING THE TREATMENT ...........................................................................................................38
ABUNDANCE PROCESS....................................................................................................................41
WEIGHT CONTROL PROCESS ..........................................................................................................42
GREEN CROSS PROCESS ..................................................................................................................43
THUNDERBIRD PROCESS.................................................................................................................45
WALKING IN SUNSHINE PROCESS ..................................................................................................46
CONVERSION OF NEGATIVE ENERGY FORMULA ..........................................................................47
BECOMING YOUNGER PROCESS ....................................................................................................48
DNA PYRAMID PROCESS .................................................................................................................50
UMBRELLA PROCESS .......................................................................................................................52
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
NUMBER CODES ..................................................................................................................................55
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This book is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for
medical attention or other professional care. Results are not guaranteed and may vary.
This book is offered to allow interested individuals to gain some preliminary knowledge of cell
and organ regeneration modality processes, for their own information. There are no rights
given, or implied, that this book may be re-sold, used as a teaching tool, or distributed to others
through any process without the express written agreement of the author.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
My intention in presenting this book is to share the concepts of cell and organ regeneration,
and the associated life-enhancement properties, with as many people as possible to enable
them to heal their own life and be an encouragement and positive example to their neighbors.
In time, everyone in the world will have the ability and belief to self-heal.
I also intend that you and I will be co-creators of a community that has freedom. Never again
need we be powerless victims of illness. We will know and share the information that we create
our own reality, and that in every day we have the power to make another choice from a series
of probabilities.
The worldwide movement to explore the concept of organ regeneration is coming from several
directions. The Russians have been working in this field officially since the early 1990s, and
possibly much earlier. Their movement has passed through different stages of mysticism –
through science and the use of electronic devices for healing, to the present day when their
leading figures in this field are clairvoyants and scientists (spiritual scientists, in their
terminology), who now work through consciousness. The main impetus for the spread of the
Russian concepts comes from Germany, and the translation of the written works from Russian
to German to English tends to be controlling and pedantic regarding the use of particular
words. Their processes for healing are actually called “controls.”
There was a separate movement in Germany that absorbed some South American influences in
the exchange of settlers between countries. It began with natural farming and food production
and started to become involved with natural healing, but there are now very strong advocates
of electronic devices for healing and behavior modification.
In North America there have been significant advances, but the medical and pharmaceutical
industries are in control of the healthcare field. Native American and Canadian shamans have
practiced “medicine” of amazing sophistication and results. There are various electronic healing
methods that have been successful, as well as an array of religious organizations that practice
forms of healing. In addition, there are channelers that bring us the words of Seth, Ramtha,
Kryon, Abraham, and a range of other sources that often propose healing possibilities and
realities we might attain.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This handbook offers a middle course. It begins with the proposition that our intentions are the
most important factor in healing. No matter how precise the words are, or how delicate the
movements, or how accurate the numbers – it is your intention, aligned with your belief and
acceptance, that is the catalyst for healing. The processes we use are methods of focusing the
intention. It also is necessary to understand that no single person or group owns the concept of
organ regeneration – it is our birthright. As with most spiritual awakenings, this is not a new
idea; it is us remembering.
We believe that each of us is an aspect of the Creator, having a human experience. So we,
rightly, say that we and the Creator are one. We also believe we create our own circumstances
and are able to change them, and that everything is energy. Regardless of whether it is animal,
vegetable, or mineral, it has consciousness and some communication ability. We believe that
we live in the now – simultaneous time – which means we are not victims of the past but
creators of our experience, not subject to cause and effect but open to an infinite number of
Seth (the nonphysical personality channeled by Jane Roberts) offered these encouraging words:
“There is no condition that you cannot change, except one indisputably physically accepted at
birth within the realms of creaturehood, such as a liability in terms of a missing organ, or a
functional lack. You are given the gift of the gods; you create your reality according to your
beliefs; yours is the creative energy that makes your WORLD; there are NO limitations to the
self, except those you believe in.”
“The true power is in the imagination, which dares to speculate on that which is not yet. The
imagination, backed by great expectations, can bring about almost any reality within the range
of probabilities.”
We are working with expanded consciousness toward harmonious development. The illnesses
and events were first produced in consciousness and then appeared physically. This work solves
the problems in the consciousness, and the improvement manifests physically. This approach is
not necessarily going to provide instant physical healing, although we do not discount that
possibility. Our “work” is done in a “place of no time.” We are, as an aspect of the Creator,
raising our awareness, expanding our consciousness to bring about a situation that was planned
before this life adventure began.
There are wider benefits that accrue from this work. When we work with an individual, we get
the result we mention so often: My healing blesses all of creation. The individual coming to the
Creator’s standard will be in harmony with their environment. As the environment is brought
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
closer to the Creator’s standard, the world changes. Each of our healing adventures is a positive
step toward changing the world.
We also may use the processes in this handbook for expanding our consciousness and raising
our awareness to bring about changes in our world. To reiterate Seth, “There are no limitations
except those you believe in.”
Our intention, which we refer to as “a light from my soul,” is enough to launch the creative
healing process, but it is our ability to believe in the creative source (identified by whatever
label we choose) that allows visible effects to manifest.
In the practice of this healing process, we enable our self to grow in an understanding of
conscious creation, which is a “whole of life” blessing. We can move from being a victim of
circumstances to being the creator of our circumstances.
We can change our life at any time, if we realize that our current life is a picture we have
created from an infinite range of probabilities. The specific features of your other probable
pictures will still be you and no other person. You may not choose another person’s life, only a
different experience of your own.
The various abilities and strengths that you wish to demonstrate are already available to you. If,
for example, you are unhealthy and you desire good health, you do not need to try ignoring
your present situation; simply accept that it is a probable reality you have materialized and
begin the steps toward bringing a different probability into existence.
You begin to effect the changes by concentrating on what you do want. This is not a
contradiction; each probability is simply a reflection of your beliefs in daily life. It will have
taken some time to build your unhealthy picture and likely will take some time for that to
change. Concentrating on the present unhealthy situation only prolongs it. Do not look where
you do not want to go.
Each condition, healthy or unhealthy, is as real as the other. You have a range of choices within
the boundaries you have chosen for this life adventure.
What you think of as your past influences your present based only on your beliefs about it. The
past contains moments of joy, strength, creativity, and generosity, as well as instances of
unhappiness – perhaps even despair, turmoil, and cruelty. Your present convictions act as a
magnet, drawing to you memories of those events that reinforce your conscious beliefs and
ignoring those that do not.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The memories activate your body to merge past and present into a one seamless picture. This
joining of past and present, in that fashion, predisposes you to similar future events as they are
the probable picture you have of yourself.
If you make a change now, you are changing both the past and the future. Alterations occur
within your body to reflect these changes. Our present beliefs govern the actualization of
events, and our creativity and experience are being formed moment by moment. The present
moment is our point of power. If we assign all our power to our past, we will feel ineffective
and powerless.
Take a moment now to try this exercise. Sit quietly with your eyes open and realize that this
moment represents the point of your power through which you can affect both past and future
events. The present that you perceive is the result of other such present moments. Do not be
intimidated by the past or the future. There is no need at all for any undesirable aspect of your
present reality to be projected into the future, unless you use the power of the present
moment to do so.
If you learn how to grasp this feeling of “power in the present moment,” you may use it to
effectively alter your life situation in any way you choose, within the life boundaries you have
chosen. That is having a “creative consciousness.” You may then have the blessing of knowing
that you are creating your life situation in an amazing area of freedom.
Then, if something seems to go wrong, you know there is a lesson for you in the situation or
you would not have brought it about.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Cell and organ regeneration is not a new idea; it is part of the sacred literature of most of the
world’s religions. In different words (but with similar meanings), we have been offered renewal
and the potential to be remade. Many of the world’s indigenous peoples have practices and
beliefs around healing and prospective miracles. The concepts of healing and renewal are part
of our birthright.
This book is an explanation of, and a guide to, using a series of processes that have been
demonstrated to work effectively in bringing about a regrowth of missing organs, dealing with
serious illnesses, and positively changing a person’s life experiences. Reading this book does not
replace studying the processes with others in a workshop and having the shared experiences
that may lead to establishment of a healing and teaching practice. The concepts and processes
are disarmingly simple, and they do work. To quote Seth, “The only limits to healing are our
My background in healing began in 1956, when I was sixteen years old and my prayer for the
healing of a boy in a youth camp was dramatically answered. I have pursued a healing pathway
since then, with many twists and turns that have included studying the class material for
Christian Science, being a priest in the Orthodox Catholic Church, and practicing a wide range of
modalities. My studies have taken me to different parts of Australia, North America, and Asia in
the quest to find “my healing path.” I have found that linking my previous studies and intuitive
guidance with some of the concepts of cell and organ regeneration has taken me on a stillunfolding path that is bringing excellent results in healings and is easy to teach and share to
achieve the goal that everybody in the world should be able to self-heal.
Though the “big ticket” healings draw the most attention, every healing brings positive change
and is a blessing to all concerned. Examples include the woman from Norway who found that
her surgically removed ovaries had regrown, as well as the people in hospitals and hospices in
Turkey, several American states, and Ireland who went from having only days to live to being
sent home well. People who have regrown teeth, been released from diabetes, put aside their
glasses, or had a clear X-ray result are testimonies to the effectiveness of these processes and
the healing intentions.
The book will take you to a place where quantum physics meets the spirit world, where there
are answers for spiritual inquirers, rational-focused materialists, and those somewhere in
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
In the 1990s Russian “spiritual scientists,” using the Holy Bible as an initial text, began to
experiment with the possibilities of organ regeneration. They first used computer programs to
bring about results and later began to see results by working with consciousness. Their results,
which included replacing gall bladders, appendixes, and in one major case, replacing a womb
and seeing the mother have another child, demonstrated that organ regeneration is not just a
nice idea but that it can be a practical reality. There have been similar results in China, Tibet,
and South America.
We believe that if one person can do something, potentially anyone can do it. This is a very
motivating concept that we see in practice almost daily. English scientist Rupert Sheldrake
described the multiplying effect of continued healing success as a morphic field. This concept is
related to the “100th Monkey” fable, where a new experience in one place suddenly appears in
other places, without any obvious communication occurring. We recognize this phenomenon as
evidence of our connection – that “we are all one.” As more people practice, share, and teach
cell and organ regeneration, the results are increasing dramatically as yesterday’s “miracles”
become today’s probabilities.
This book will teach you concepts and processes that will enable you to self-heal. What that
means, for you and others, is best introduced in our next topic, The Principles of Healing.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The practice of healing is not separate from our daily living experience; it is a fundamental part
of who we are and what we do. We start with a core belief that the universe is a friendly place
and we have a role to play within it. Our feelings about that role have been shaped by our
genetic, family, and society history, yet are open to change and development.
In the practice of cell and organ regeneration, we have adopted some guiding principles, which
experience has shown us allow healing to happen.
1. We each are an aspect of the Creator, having a human experience. We are having
experiences that the Creator is not able to have. Everything the Creator speaks comes
immediately into existence, which is not our usual experience. We learn through
disappointments, having to make changes, experiencing illnesses and injuries, finding our place
in society, not recognizing our power, and interacting with others. The words written in bold in
the following processes are intended to be read aloud, as this will involve more of your senses
in the healing experience as you see, speak, and hear these words.
2. It is not us doing the healing; our role is to facilitate the possibility of healing happening. Our
first step is to acknowledge the connection with the Creator. We do this with a simple yet
profound statement: I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator. As we speak and experience this
statement, we are able to go into a meditative state that we refer to as our heart space. Just
thinking this phrase alters the spiritual environment and your awareness.
3. There is no selfish healing. We all are aspects of the Creator having a human experience, so
healing for one allows healing for all. We remind ourselves of this situation with our second
healing statement: My healing blesses all of creation. We also put all our healing processes in
first-person statements, as a healing client is simply a part of our self, manifesting as a healing
need. This principle applies to humans and animals.
4. Then, we come to the truly significant part of “this” healing. Our intention reflects an
underlying belief that we come into this life with a specific plan or path, and that an injury or
illness may be a consequence of us not following the path but going our own way, which our
free will entitles us to do. For people that worry about the form of words they use, we have the
saying, “If your intention is right, you cannot get it wrong.”We have a wide-ranging form of
intention that is our main focus for every healing encounter. My intention with this healing is
to attain the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual standard the Creator and I had
planned for me to have in my life now. This will cover most of the items on your healing
shopping list, but there will be situations where your intuition will guide you to use a very
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
specific intention. These situations may be emergencies or cases of people with illnesses that
have labels that cause a lot of fear.
5. Time is an illusion. This concept works for us in several ways. One important way we use time
is to “travel back in time” to an hour before the event that was a trigger for the illness or
accident. You do not need to know the exact time; your soul knows. From that place and time
you can make a new choice – instead of the illness or accident, you can elect to “follow the path
that I and the Creator intended” rather than “going your own way.” You also can disentangle
your experience from other people who may have been involved in the situation by making the
statement that, “Others involved followed their own path.” It is a metaphysical truth that
“changing the past” allows your present experience to change. At the metaphysical level, we
have removed the cause of the illness or accident so you may release the effects.
6. In every illness there was a first cell that actually accepted the illness, and other cells that
then followed that “leader cell” into a full illness experience. We, through consciousness, find
that leader cell. Using a process we call the Converter, we convert that distorted, sick cell back
to glowing good health. The other cells that followed the leader cell into illness may quickly
follow it back into good health. This concept in practice allows healing to happen.
7. These processes are about our freedom to be – no longer are we victims of illness, perceived
lack, or the past. We will understand that (in the words of Seth), “The present moment is our
moment of power, and we are able to change both the past and the future.” We are able to
make another choice from a series of probabilities and bring our life back into alignment with
the best possible outcome.
8. The results of this healing work do not come from our personal knowledge but from the
soul’s knowing. Becoming aware that we really know nothing is another pathway of freedom –
if we do not know “how,” it obviously is not our job to fix something. We approach the healing
situation with a sense of wide-eyed wonder that we don’t know how, but we do know that if
we get out of the way, it can happen.
9. These principles give us a “template” that we can use in formulating healing processes that
help develop our intuition and assist with the experience of effective healing:
I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to attain the physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual standard the Creator and I had planned for me to have in my life now.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Then, deal with the trigger for the situation and convert the leader cell. Complete your part of
the process with an expression of gratitude, as if it was already done.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
In the good old days before paved roads, if we wanted to make a journey, we would try to find
someone who had already done it and lived to tell the story, and would ask them for directions
and advice. This handbook is your advice for the beginning of the journey. Soon you will pass
the places I can advise you about; you then will be moving on to your journey and the personal
side trips, deviations, and new destinations you will discover. It’s not always easy travel, but is
full of excitement and new possibilities.
Of the series of processes in this handbook, some are very new, written specifically for this
book, and others are modified from workshops we’ve held as experience has revealed different
or easier ways to achieve the desired outcome. Other processes we have been using
successfully from the beginning. There is not only one way to achieve your healing intention;
hopefully you will be writing your own processes as you become comfortable with the concepts
and make this modality your own. Your purchase of this handbook has made you one of our
“family,” and you may ask questions or receive additional help and advice simply by emailing.
We would like to hear about your results and will be happy to learn new ideas from you.
While this is new to you, let me suggest that you immerse yourself in the healing process. If you
are working on a healing issue, each time you shower, visualize the water flow as a flow of
healing that removes negatives from your cells and organs. Adapt the Healing Shower process
from this book. When you plan to read a process, decide exactly where you will be when you
read it and intend that the piece of furniture you are on is a “sacred space.” These can be highenergy processes, and you will be more comfortable in a sacred space. Before you start the
process, read the Room Cleansing process to eliminate any negatives in the room. If you are
planning to offer healing in a hospital room, it is imperative that you cleanse the room first.
(Medical staff are trying to prevent the worst-case scenario and are at war with the illness, so
there is a lot of attention given to negatives.) We don’t look where we don’t want to go, so we
focus on the positives.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
“Ken and Ann did a marvelous job of presenting the material in an easygoing, flowing manner. I
observed shifts in others, as emotional blocks were lifted accompanied with tears. I was also
fortunate to be in the group with Cynthea when she went through a very large shift. She looked
so different afterward, as if a huge weight had been lifted off her. A youthful softness came into
her face. In my own case, a knee I had worked on feels the best it has in years.”
—S.H. San Diego California, USA
“In three sentences you gave me the missing parts: I am in spirit. I am one with the Creator. My
healing blesses all of creation.
Finally I understood! Healing myself is all I am here to do. In healing myself, I heal all.
Thank you again.”
—C.L., Nevada, USA
“I would like to share another gain. During one process I mentioned I have been having some
pain in my tailbone for several months. Sometimes it goes and then come back. This time I drove
6 hours straight and no pain whatsoever. I was blown away. Wow, this really works!!!!! I love it.
Thanks again to Ken and Ann for making this possible NOW.”
—M.C., Los Angeles, California, USA
“I thanked you and Ann publicly on Facebook, but I wanted to extend another Thank You to you
as well as to Ann for all that you have done for me. Your gentle yet powerful gifts of healing,
virtually and in person, have been and continue to be such a blessing to me. I am certain that
you have played a key role in my ongoing quest to allow and be open to all that I am meant to
learn, receive, and share with others. My hunch is that I don’t even yet fully know what lies
ahead, but my intention is to continue to ask for and expect The Best Possible Outcome for
myself and for all of Creation. Methinks I have been one of "those" individuals who for whatever
reason(s) have had some challenges with accepting all the healing that is available to myself
and others, but I feel those veils rapidly evaporating. I want to be a part of this New Knowledge
and everything else that the Creator and I had planned way back when.”
—K.F. Colorado USA
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Certain processes are foundational. They serve as an initiation to a style and form of healing
that may be quite different from, but still complementary to, other modalities you have
studied. A significant difference is in our ability to make intentions (with an expectation of
seeing them fulfilled) for replacing organs or teeth, removing serious illness, and experiencing
totally positive, life-changing outcomes.
Healing involves change. If what you are doing makes you sick, then you need to change your
actions in order to become well. Changes may be physical, mental, emotional, or sometimes all
of these. It has been said that to continue doing the same thing but expecting a different
outcome is a symptom of insanity.
You are reading this book because there is a call to your soul for you to receive this knowledge
and because you know you are a co-creator and this information will enable you to create
healing situations for yourself and the other aspects of yourself appearing as bodies needing
healing. This is a path of joy and service, of laughter, tears, and great satisfaction.
As part of acquiring knowledge about organ regeneration, my wife Ann and I attended a
seminar overseas. It was part of the seminar package that once we had completed the course,
we could use the material to teach the processes. Some of the processes in the “initiation” are
loosely adapted from the Russian material, which was translated into German and then into
English. We have kept the healing intention, which is at the heart of the processes, but adapted
the wording to make it much more accessible to an English-speaking community that values
freedom. The excellent results obtained by our students are a testimony that we have been true
to the intentions of the original Russian authors and the other sources of knowledge about cell
and organ regeneration.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
For each process, make the listed statements aloud or silently.
Following is the Room Cleansing process:
1. I am in spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. All of creation is blessed by this healing.
3. I intend to clear this room of all negative energies.
4. Visualize a large silver sphere in the center of the room, with a stream of energy going
straight up from this sphere to the Creator.
5. Visualize placing a smaller sphere in each corner of the room. (As you watch, all the
negative energies in the room flow from the small spheres to the large sphere in the
center of the room.)
6. Command that, “All negative energies from this room rise to the Creator and
immediately become positive.”
7. I send a light impulse from my soul and fix this result with the light of the Creator
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This process relates to a theme in Gregg Braden’s book, The Divine Matrix (Hay House, 2007),
that there are “three shadows” over us that can prevent healing. These shadows are that:
1. We are separate from the Creator
2. We are not worthy or good enough
3. We cannot trust the Creator
Following is the Three Shadows process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing process is to step out of the shadows and achieve the
peace, confidence and ability that the Creator and I had planned for me to have now.
4. I go to the past, my soul knows when, to one hour before the trigger for the first event
that gave me any reason to believe that I was separate from the Creator.
5. From that place and time, I make a new choice, I will not go my own way, I will follow
the bright and shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they
went their own path of the Creator, our paths did not cross.
6. I am in this place of peace, this sacred site I have chosen. In the quietness of my mind,
the Creator speaks, “You are the part of me, that I cannot be. You are an aspect of the
Creator having a human experience. We can never be separated; we are one.”
7. Once again I go to the past (my soul knows when), to one hour before the trigger for
the first event that gave me any reason to think I was not worthy or not good enough
in any situation.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
8. From that place and time, I make a new choice: “I will not go my own way; I will follow
the bright and shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they
went their own way of the Creator. Our paths did not cross.”
9. Once again, this feeling of peace surrounds me. The sacred site comforts me. Out of
the quietness, the small gentle voice of the Creator speaks, “You are unique –
together we made you for the plan we agreed upon. Without you, the plan is
unfinished. You are like the one shining facet of the diamond that completes the thing
of beauty and wonder. You are good enough; you are worthy; you are unique. You are
that part of Me that we are waiting for.”
10. Once again, I go to the past (my soul knows when), to one hour before the trigger for
the first event that gave me any reason to believe I could not trust the Creator. From
that time and place, I make a new choice: I will not go my own way; I will follow the
bright and shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they went
their own way of the Creator. Our paths did not cross.”
11. In the quietness, once more I hear the voice of the Creator: “It is deep in your knowing
that we are one. You too are a creator. You have created the reality you are in now,
and know that you can make another choice. Together we are part of the process of
creation; we can never not be working together.”
12. I feel the gratitude, the peace, and the possibilities. My soul illuminates these
decisions in a burst of light, and they are confirmed and fixed with the light from the
Creator’s soul and sent into infinity.
The next process needed is a Removing Blocks process, which enables us to remove mental,
emotional, or spiritual blocks that may prevent us from accepting healing. It is wise to consider
using the Three Shadows and Removing Blocks processes before most healing sessions as a
work of preparation.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Following is the Removing Blocks process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this process is to allow healing and transformation into my life.
4. I go into the past (my soul knows exactly when), to one hour before the first time that
an event or a decision by another person caused me to give up the freedom to make
my own decisions. From that time and place I make a new choice – I will follow the
bright and shining path that the Creator and I had planned for me during this lifetime.
By changing my past I change my life now.
5. My choice for freedom of decision making, now active in my life, allows me to receive
healing and transformation, allows me to accept different pathways that help my
journey through life, and allows me to reach my full potential. I illuminate this
decision with a light from my soul. It is fixed with a light from the Creator’s soul and
sent into infinity at [date and time].
6. So it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Our first journey through our consciousness takes us into the structure of our soul. The soul is
the Creator’s invention; it operates, or vibrates, at a “Creator level” and we cannot add or take
away any part of our soul. However, it is in our power to restore it to the image the Creator had
in mind when it was created.
This book includes some pictures, but we are trying to avoid the impression that this is a rigid
process that must be done only one way. A picture of the soul that would work for me may just
confuse you. It could be a point of disagreement, and we would both lose something. Instead I
will give you a word picture, and the images you see will be unique to you. Your pictures will be
the ones you perceive and understand when you use this process in the future.
When we move through the structure of our consciousness, we arrive at the soul. There will be
pictures in the background that we will come back to visit. The heart crystal, the book of life,
and the human figures are all important. They are being projected by your soul, but we have
some important work to do first.
Visualize the soul as a sphere. Like the earth, it has two poles, an upper pole and a lower one.
The upper pole is the Construction Point and the lower pole is the Archiving Point, which is
where we will arrive. The Archiving Point is where the records are kept. These are the records
of our incarnations and access to the knowledge of the universe. We are able, in this place, to
access the healing energy of saints, angels, religious figures, and others who inspire us. How do
you see this archive? Is it one computer, or miles of library shelves? Beautiful books in neat
rows, or dusty scrolls scattered around? However it appears, it has been working for you to a
standard you could accept. This is a time for you to set the intention.
I now intend that this Archive will be able to serve my needs as my life comes into resonance
with the plan the Creator and I made for my life. So it is.
The soul creates a piece of information; the mind transfers the information. In this work we
activate and engage our mind, soul, and consciousness. As we enter the Archiving Point,
eternity (the dynamic future) is to our right. Infinity (the past) is to our left.
Flowing constantly from the Construction Point to the Archiving Point (from the top pole to the
bottom pole) is a stream of light from the Creator that never stops. We will find many gifts that
come from this ever-flowing light. From our position in the Archiving Point, we look to the left
and there is an array of nine firstborn cells. One develops during each month of pregnancy.
Located between the nine firstborn cells are eight screens of the soul. These screens contain
information and potential for healing.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
1st screen: Heart and blood vessels
2nd screen: Lymphatic system
3rd screen: Nervous system
4th screen: Hormonal system
5th screen: Liver and spleen
6th screen: Bile and pancreas
7th screen: Bones
8th screen: Connection between micro and macro world
This process imprints regeneration and reconstruction information from these screens and cells
into every cell in our body:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention is to begin a work of reconstruction and regeneration through my whole
4. I am at the Archiving Point in the light stream of the Creator.
5. I see my nine firstborn cells. I look at them from all sides. Are they clear and clean?
They should be transparent and sparkling clean. To clean them, I send a burst of light
from my soul. If I need to make changes to any of these nine firstborn cells I institute
the changes now, using the wisdom of the Creator.
6. Then I look closely at my eight screens. They also need to be completely clean and
clear. I send a burst of light from my soul to clean and polish them. If I need to make
changes to any of these eight screens, I institute these changes now using the wisdom
of the Creator. I illuminate these decisions with a burst of light from my soul and fix
the decision with the light from the Creator’s soul and send it into infinity.
We send regeneration decisions into infinity, as all of these conditions have a history and we
are seeking to bring about changes in the past, which appear in our present. If we experienced
difficulties during our development time in the womb, this process begins a work of
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
We may also in our healing work travel back to this time in the womb and make intentions for a
particular cell, organ, or function to be enhanced and resistant to an illness that has appeared
later in life. Changing the past allows the present experience to change.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This is a process that needs to be done only once. It bestows a gift that may be called upon for
healing as often as it is needed. This process enables us to access the material used by the
Creator in the work of creation.
Following is the Sphere of Living Matter process:
1. I am in spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. All of creation is blessed by this healing.
3. My intention is to access the Sphere of Living Matter, the raw material of creation.
4. I am at the Point of Archiving, the place where all the records of the universe are
maintained. To my right I feel eternity, and I open my senses to become aware of the
peace in this condition. To my left I sense the openness of Infinity. Moving as fast as I
can, I go to the farthest point of infinity that I can imagine. As I arrive, I send a light
impulse from my soul to eternity. This impulse carries all the information of the
Creator’s standards of structure and regeneration that apply to me, my soul, and my
5. Many small spheres develop around my body as a fine mist of shimmering light. This
relates to the number of regeneration processes, both my own and of the
environment, which would take me to the Creator’s standard. The denser this mist
appears, the more processes there are to complete.
6. At the same time, in front of my solar plexus, a Sphere of Living Matter forms. It is
filled with golden light and energy – the light of the Creator. I am able, at any time, to
take small spheres from the Sphere of Living Matter and place them on my body, or
the body of another, for regeneration.
7. I illuminate this process and fix the results with the light of the Creator NOW.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
In these processes, we do not “run energy” nor do we need to touch someone (or even be in
the same country) to share healing. There are, however, some energy programs that have been
found to be very useful exercises for building our confidence and leading into some new
1. In the first exercise, rub your hands together and feel the heat build. Then, hold your hands
about 45 centimeters apart and feel the compression and resistance as you move your hands
toward and then away from each other.
2. In the second exercise, visualize the energy as a beam you send from one hand to the other.
3. In the third exercise, still holding your hands about 45 centimeters apart, use the index finger
of your dominant hand and visualize drawing a “circle of energy” on the palm of your nondominant hand.
4. In the fourth exercise, use the energy to draw different shapes: square, triangle, circle, etc.
5. Visualize changing the color of each shape successively to green, gold, purple, and white.
6. Imagining the energy as a ball, toss it over your head from one hand to the other about five
7. Next, visualize the ball of energy as a purple ball of healing. Send the healing energy in a
complete circuit of your body starting at your right hand and moving down your right arm,
through your chest and into your left leg, across to your right foot, up your back to your left
arm, and onto the top of your head. You will feel energized throughout your entire body.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
When you feel an illness or uncomfortable situation developing in your life, place your hands
together in front of your solar plexus. Using your imagination, decide what shape best
represents how you feel, and then imagine what color that shape is. So, you have a picture in
your mind of the shape and color that represents your current situation. With the ideas you
have absorbed from our initiation processes you will be able, as an act of will, to change the
color to a healing purple and the shape to a perfect sphere. That will bring healing into your
current circumstances.
This process is designed as a “fast help” aid so that you immediately begin to feel better and
then can formulate the correct process to deal completely with your situation. Because we are
all one, you can do this process on behalf of someone else.
The ability to visualize situations is an important part of this healing modality. If you feel you
cannot visualize, try this: Imagine you are standing outside your home and see the front door is
open. Now, look at your home and see the front door closed. If you could see that difference,
you can visualize well enough to handle these processes. You will be pleasantly surprised with
the positive changes you experience in your life as you build your experience.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
One of the many benefits of our oneness is that if one person can do something, potentially
anyone can do it (making allowances for some physical limitations). If you are male, you will
probably not give birth to a baby. If you are one meter tall, the basketball feats of Michael
Jordan are, in every sense, out of reach – but in the mental and spiritual fields we may be equal.
There are many wonderful healers that can be an inspiration and source of power for us. On
the following two pages I have included a “Parade of Healers.” As they say in the television
cooking shows, “This is one I prepared earlier” and have used for several years. One way to use
this is that if a healing need seems overwhelming or is a situation you intuitively think you
should not “take on,” just “tap into” the healing energy of a healer your guidance tells you
would best deal with the situation. Perhaps touch the picture or direct a request to the healer.
You are not channeling the individual; you are sharing in their healing energy.
You may have others who are inspirational for you and may want to develop your very own
team of healer friends you can rely on. They are always available for you.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Testimonial: “I wanted to share a call I received from my sister today. She was so excited. She
drove, on the interstate, by herself – over an hour’s drive. Big deal, you think? I believe it has
been well over 30 years since she has done this. The reason she could finally drive on the
interstate after all these years? I did a process for her after attending Ken and Ann’s teaching. It
was the ’going back one hour before the cause’ process. It did not change her fear of driving
right away. First she noticed that driving no longer made her hypervigilant. Then yesterday she
just knew that she could do this drive on her own. And this was weeks after I did the process.
She said she stopped twice on the way there because she was crying, from happiness.”
—C.L., Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The Converter is a process for converting negative cells to positive ones. For example, negative,
diseased cells can be turned into positive, healthy cells by this process. Or, you may decide to
put gray hair into the Converter so that it returns to its natural color. There are many
How does the Converter work? It collects the negative cells you nominate or that it finds if you
institute a “whole-body scan” and takes the cells into the ground where they are bathed in a
bath of living matter of the Creator and then returned as positive cells. It can also “convert”
negative thoughts or weather events.
Following is the Converter process:
1. I am in spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. All of creation is blessed by this healing.
3. My intention is to use the Converter to transform negative cells [thoughts, hair color,
etc.] and transform them immediately into positive cells.
4. I time travel back to one hour before the “trigger” for the cause of my challenge.
5. I see the cause of this [illness or situation]. From this place I say, “I do not participate
in this, I choose the way of the Creator. Other events and participants have chosen
their way of the Creator; our paths did not cross. I send a light from my soul and
illuminate this with the light of Creator. I fix the decision now.”
6. I program the Converter to change Negative to Positive and Regeneration to the
Creator’s standard for me. I put the Converter on the leader cell of any illness.
Testimonial: “A lady was in a hospital intensive care unit. The chemotherapy treatment she had
received since her cancer operation had caused or aggravated her heart condition, and she was
given two weeks to live. After a remote healing session from Ken, she was well enough to leave
hospital in one week.”
—C.M., New York, USA
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Following is the Healing Stream process (which may be used in cases of breast cancer, as well as
many other conditions):
1. I am in spirit; I and the Creator are one.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is to remove all the negative energy of [the undesired
4. I visualize standing in a luxurious shower stall; above me is a showerhead of gold.
5. The walls glow with a lustrous mother-of-pearl. The outlet beneath my feet is silver.
The tap on the wall is gold and triangle-shaped. An elegant sign over the tap reads,
Healing Stream.
6. As I reach for the tap I make the request, “Healing Stream, please.”
7. Like water coming from a showerhead, a stream of rainbow colors runs down my
body, inside and outside all my cell structures. These colors reprogram my cells from
negative to positive.
8. I observe how small, dark-colored pieces [cancer cells, metastases, or other undesired
energies] are flushed down the outlet.
9. All negative energy is transformed into positive energy, which is collected into the
Sphere of Living Matter.
10. I look to the side of the shower stall, and in the full-size mirror I see a very healthy
human being.
11. And so it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The Healing Stream process may be adapted, as your intuition guides you, so that you request a
different stream for other conditions.
Creator Stream – a green flow, for multiple challenges, clients in a coma, or dangerous
Healing Stream – a purple flow, for any healing needs.
Abundance Stream – a gold flow, to remove a sense of poverty or lack and open to abundance.
Clearing Stream – a white flow, to remove blocks to receiving or a sense of unworthiness.
Relationship Stream – a red flow, to remove blocks to developing relationships.
Love of God Stream – a pink flow, to allow the love of the Creator to permeate the body and
the situation.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
We are aware that many pharmaceutical products and medical procedures include side effects
that can be dangerous, or at least uncomfortable or disturbing to patients. We never tell a
client to discontinue or vary any pharmaceutical or medical products or procedures. Only their
health professional should do that.
This process also can be used to treat food and drinking water, and to deal with foreign bodies
in the bloodstream.
For this process, we visualize using the material from the Sphere of Living Matter, forming it
into a pyramid shape.
Following is the Treating the Treatment process:
1. I am in spirit; I and the Creator are one.
2. My healing blesses all of Creation.
3. My intention with this healing process is to remove any negative side effects or
unintended consequences from [this medical or pharmaceutical product or
4. I take some material from the Sphere of Living Matter and form it into the shape of a
pyramid. I visualize placing this pyramid on the medical equipment or inside the
medicine container. I point my fingers toward the pyramid, which pulses with light,
and state that, “This pyramid enhances every beneficial aspect of this treatment by
100 percent and this pyramid eliminates every negative side effect or unintended
consequence.” I illuminate this decision with a light from my soul and fix it with a light
from the Creator’s soul.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
“I have to offer up my story… I can only tell you that what is possible for me is also possible for
you. I have to share my experience with Ken Graydon and our healing session. Labeled with
breast cancer, which is removed within me now, I went through lumpectomy and lymph node
removal. I had one affected node. This moved me into the world of chemo and radiation. As we
all have our choices as to handle our own body, I have chosen both Western medicine and
everything else to get me where I need to go.
I have been involved in many aspects of different healing modalities throughout my lifetime.
This is a long venture and I believe we are resting on top of the cream of the crop with Organ
Regeneration and my favorite playground Matrix Energetics. I have now added the principles
taught with organ regeneration.
My set session with Ken and my direction was to grow back tissue on my surgery site, which is
the right breast. 30 percent was removed and I want to grow it back. After my session, my
physical body started to change overnight. My large scar that was bright red from the surgery
site and under my arm from the lymph turned dark brown.
Before my session with Ken, I decided to take pictures of myself so I can follow the progress of
regenerating my tissue. The darkness showed up first. That was approx. 2 days after the initial
contact with my remote healing. My session was a week ago today. Within a week, the tissue
from the breast that had been removed is changing. I am starting to see a change from the
front-most area away from my body starting to fill in.
There is no color change, just a thickening that is filling out to normal level, which before was
not there. The original picture shows a defined indent like I was sideswiped. Now I have about a
half-inch that is filled out. I am going to keep taking pictures and tastefully work with them to
not offend anyone who might want to see the progress. I find this remarkable, but I also must
add that I believe in this process for me hands down, and for anyone who will embrace it. This
process is meant for us, as many are. We have free choice to pick and choose what is best for us.
Can I tell you what my session was like? I cannot. I did exactly what Ken told me to do during the
day before the set time. When the clock struck the exact time, I was lying in my bed surrounded
with all the things I might use with my work. I could tell my room filled up with a loving energy
so intense I passed out. I woke 40 minutes later with tear stains on my face and hair. That is all I
remember. I lay there for another 20 minutes, then worked my way to my couch where I sat for
several hours.
The first sign of change came 2 days later, when I woke up to dress and my scars were dark
brown. These were fresh scars. I will continue to post my progress; it is important to share. I am
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
excited, for this process it is what my body seeks. I look forward to more changes on all levels of
this experience. I am very drawn to the concept and will share always with all of you.”
—K. G., Wisconsin, USA
“Ken, I had to send you these pictures! You have to see the changes; I made them proper for
viewing and dated them from the healing date 2010-11-07. If you want to use them, please do;
you have my permission. If I don’t share them with you, you will never know the change that is
going on with my personal regrowth of cells, tissue, etc. I shake my head every day, and I will
continue the process of recording. I am a new person, Ken – that is what I expected.”
With Blessings and Love,
K. G. Wisconsin.USA
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
It is surely is in the plan the Creator and I devised for me that I would be in a flow of abundance.
No less than in any other aspect of my life should I be content with anything less than the
Creator’s standard for me in abundance.
Following is the Abundance process:
1. I am in spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention is to allow abundance to continually flow into my life.
4. I go back in time one hour before any event that triggered any sense of lack or poverty
in my life. From that place and time, I make a new choice. I follow the bright path of
the Creator. The other events and participants followed their own paths of the
Creator. Our paths did not cross. I illuminate this decision with a light from my soul
and fix it with a light from the Creator’s soul and send it into infinity.
5. These decisions open my heart and mind to the opportunities for abundance and the
reasons for gratitude that exist in my life. Every day I am blessed. My life flows like a
river of blessings; positive new ideas come to me and the right people appear at the
right time. This is the Creator’s standard for me.
6. So it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This process enhances your prospects of achieving the weight and shape that you and the
Creator had planned for you to have now. It will not override bad diet, lack of self-discipline, or
consistent poor choices if you keep making them.
Following is the Weight Control process:
1. I am in Spirit; I and the Creator are one.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is that I will achieve the weight and body shape the
Creator and I had planned for me to be at now.
4. I go back in time to one hour before the first event that triggered the cause for my
weight to vary from the Creator’s standard for me. From that place and time I make a
new choice. I will not go my own way; I will follow the bright shining path of the
Creator. The other events and participants go their paths of the Creator. Our paths do
not cross. I illuminate this decision with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from
the Creator’s soul and send it to infinity.
5. My soul knows the cause of my weight and shape not being at the Creator’s standard
for me. I activate a process of rejuvenation that will travel through my whole body. It
will shine a light on every emotional chord; it will follow every memory. The
rejuvenation process also uses the Creator’s Converter so that in every place, in every
dark corner where there is a negative emotion or memory about food or weight, it is
converted instantly and painlessly into a positive emotion or memory. I can feel it
growing – that unfamiliar feeling of hope, peace, and contentment. I can feel the
blueprint of the Creator’s plan for my weight and shape glowing with me. I illuminate
this process with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from the Creator’s soul and
send it into infinity.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The process is used to restore our immune system to its correct activity level for us. Various
health challenges can come into our life, internally or externally, depending on the activity level
of our immune system. In this modality we consider green to be the color of the “Creator
stream,” and because there are four directions of challenge that can come to our immune
system, we have chosen the green Celtic Cross as the symbol for this process.
Following is the Green Cross process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is to bring my immune system into complete alignment
with the activity level agreed between the Creator and me for this time.
4. I go back in time (my soul knows exactly when) to one hour before the first event that
was a trigger for my immune system to get out of alignment with the level agreed
between the Creator and me. From that place and time, I make a new choice. I will
follow the bright and shining path of the Creator; I will not go my own way. This
choice changes my past and allows for new realities in the present moment.
5. I go back in time, to the time when I was in the womb and my immune system was
being constructed. From that place and time, I intend that my immune system will be
enhanced and resistant to conditions that may take it away from its agreed activity
level. This intention makes changes to my past, which allows me new choices in the
present moment.
6. I am at the Archiving Point of my soul where all knowledge is available to me. I see
before me an image of a glowing green cross that represents the activity level of my
immune system. A gentle hum may be heard as the cross adjusts each aspect of my
immune system to the Creator’s standard for me. I feel this activity in my body as a
very gentle electric tingle, and my heart fills with gratitude.
7. So it is done.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
An overactive immune system may react to an internal threat by producing diabetes,
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, or lupus. It may react to an external threat by
producing hay fever, eczema, asthma, or sinusitis.
An underactive immune system may react to an internal threat by producing cancer, HIV,
shingles, or tuberculosis. It may react to an external threat by producing viruses, bacteria, fungi,
or parasites.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This process helps optimize the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine system (the name
comes from two Greek words that mean “inside secrets”) is a series of glands and associated
organs throughout the body that work together to maintain an overall state of wellness.
The Thunderbird process is one of a series of wide-ranging processes developed to bring about
attainment of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state that we and the Creator had
planned for us to have now. The Thunderbird name came from the old television program and
the slogan, “Thunderbirds are go!” indicating that a solution was immediately possible.
Following is the Thunderbird process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this process is to bring healing to my entire endocrine system to
bring it to the standard that the Creator and I had planned to be at now.
4. I journey to the Archiving Point of my soul. I am able to see my body in my mother’s
womb – I make the intention that my entire endocrine system will be strong and
efficient for my entire life. This intention changes the past and creates new and better
probabilities now.
5. While I am still at the Archiving Point, my attending angel touches my “third eye” and
I can immediately visualize a golden stream of light traveling through my body,
touching each gland and associated organ, bringing healing, strengthening, and peace.
My whole body feels as if a very gentle current of electricity was tingling through me. I
am filled with gratitude. This healing has created new probabilities for me, with
glowing good health, as each of the activities in my endocrine system is brought to the
best possible state for me.
6. The Creator blesses this outcome for me now.
7. So it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This is a process for special people – sometimes we say, “special-needs people,” but they come
into this life adventure with a plan, agreed with the Creator, for their physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual state. We want them to have the freedom to accept the best possible
outcome. “Walking in Sunshine” is visualizing these special people being at peace and enjoying
their journey.
Following is the Walking in Sunshine process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is to attain the physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual standard that the Creator and I planned for me to have now.
4. I visit the Archiving Point of my soul, where all knowledge is available to me.
5. I go back in time to visit my mother’s womb. I see the progress I make there and
intend that every part and process in my body is made to the highest possible
standard, so that I might fulfill the plan the Creator and I have agreed for me. This
intention changes my past and creates new probabilities for me now.
6. I journey back to one hour before any event that was a trigger for me to have any
incident or illness to reduce my physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual standard.
From that place and time, I make a new choice that I will follow the bright and shining
path of the Creator. This intention changes any negative causes and allows me to
accept positive outcomes now.
7. I intend to follow the path and the standard of the Creator. I let go of all negative
emotions, thoughts, and activities that I have entered into or taken upon myself. My
new path is to gain knowledge without entering into negative events. The Creator
blesses this intention for me.
8. So it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Е = Energy
I = Amount of Information
S = Speed of perception (of the information)
E = IS –the formula of the transformation of energy, from negative to positive
This formula we can apply very broadly, for the conversion of all negative information
concerning the body as well as any events, including psychic attack. If we recognize negative
information in the physical body, we can use this process to release it (or at least to lighten it).
We mentally place the formula Е=IS into our solar plexus or into the Point of Creation of Space
(Thoracic Vertebra 8) for the body. If we are able to identify the source of a negative energy or
dark entity, we can put the formula directly into the appropriate point. The total volume of
negative information is immediately transformed into the energy of life (the negative event is
converted). This includes everything and everyone who wants to take energy from us – often
unnoticed! You also can write this formula on your skin. Following is the E = I S process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. I recognize the source of negative information and I place the formula E=IS onto my
solar plexus (or directly into the point of impact of negative information). All negative
information is immediately transformed into the energy of life according to the
Creator’s standard.
4. I illuminate this decision with a burst of light from my soul and confirm it with a light
from the Creator’s soul and send it to infinity.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Many people wish to look younger than they do today. Our intention is to help them attain the
physical standard they and the Creator had planned for them to have now. The following
barcode is a simple method for transmitting the energy of these number codes into your
consciousness. Simply hold your left hand (usually that is the receiving hand) over the image.
One part of the process is to have the person find a picture of their younger self on a happy
occasion. Making the intention that they will be able to look, feel, and act younger, they write
the number codes for rejuvenation on, or above, the photo. The number codes for rejuvenation
2145432 and 2213445
While focusing on the photo, which should be done at least three times a day, the person
brings to mind their happiest memories. Ideally, the client does this for five days before their
appointment for a Becoming Younger private session.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Following is the Becoming Younger process:
1. I am in Spirit; I and the Creator are one.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is to look, feel, and act younger.
4. I go back into the past ( my soul knows exactly when) to one hour before the first
event that was a trigger for me to look, feel, or act older than I would prefer to.
5. From that place and time, I make a new choice. I will follow the bright and shining
path of the Creator. The other events and participants, they will follow their path of
the Creator. Our paths do not cross.
6. I journey to the Archiving Point of my soul. This is where I have access to all
7. I intend that my DNA will be recharged and activated to enable me to look, act, and
feel younger. I stand in a beam of purple light, which heals and rejuvenates all my
8. The purple light moves slowly down my body, and I feel the activation occurring.
9. I visualize a huge calendar with one year on every page. I see myself tearing off
12 pages, one for every year, as I become younger in my body and mind.
10. I illuminate this decision with a light from my soul, and it is fixed with a light from the
Creator’s soul and sent into infinity.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
This process recalls the original DNA energizing ceremonies that took place in the Great
Pyramid at Giza as a preparation for priestesses, priests, prophets, and high healers to take
their positions of authority in the community. We use it as a process of positive activation for
DNA and a release of potential that enables us to fulfill our life purpose.
Following is the DNA Pyramid process:
1. I am in Spirit; I am one with the Creator.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. My intention with this healing is to fully activate my DNA to enable me to achieve the
life purpose I agreed with the Creator.
4. I go back into the past (my soul knows when) and journey to the Great Pyramid at the
time of its greatest power. I walk to the entry and begin to climb the stairs inside the
building. There is a deep hum of vibration that comes from the earth.
5. The two flows of energy, which spiral around me, one rising clockwise from the earth
and the other descending anti-clockwise from the peak of the pyramid, remind me of
the shape and structure of my DNA. A single flute plays a series of notes that vibrate
through my body.
6. I reach the main chamber. One tall figure in white waits for me. I am aware of other
bodies around me, although I cannot see them. The figure in white reaches up and
places a gold chain over my head, which holds a beautiful heart crystal pendant that
sits over my heart and gently vibrates. The hidden figures begin to sing. They sing a
language that seems familiar, and it brings tears to my eyes.
7. The tall figure in white speaks, “Activate DNA,” and the choir sings a chorus.
8. He speaks again, “Release all limits,” and the choir repeats the chorus.
9. I feel changes happening as the limits from other generations and from my past are
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
10. The choir continues to sing. The figure in white says, “Accept all healing and greater
11. The heart crystal pendant begins to glow with a deep red light. The choir sings more
12. I know that my DNA, my immune system, my nerves, and all my organs are being
healed here.
13. The figure in white holds both hands toward me and offers a blessing. The choir sings
triumphantly. I walk slowly down the steps, feeling the energy swirling around me.
14. I know that my life has changed, and I vow to accept all the good that has been
offered me.
15. So it is.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
The Umbrella process serves in a similar way to Harry Potter’s “Cloak of Invisibility” in the
J.K. Rowling stories. The items we cover with the umbrella become “invisible” to things or
people that might cause them harm. It is infinitely adjustable for size. You might cover your
house so that it is ’invisible’ to a burglar – or cover your car so it does not attract a car thief. You
might put it over yourself at the airport so you do not attract unwarranted physical checking, or
put it over your pet animal so it is kept from harm. It could be used to cover your children or
grandchildren as they go to school or travel in foreign lands.
The potential of the Umbrella process is unlimited. While it will not protect you from the
consequences of wrong actions, you can place the umbrella over your car so you do not attract
unwarranted attention from the police, as well as to avoid weather hazards.
Following is the Umbrella process:
1. I am in spirit; I and the Creator are one.
2. My healing blesses all of creation.
3. I take the Umbrella of Protection and place it __________ to provide protection from
[specify the protection intended].
Once you have used the Umbrella of Protection, you may instantly apply it to any situation by
speaking the words, “Umbrella now!”
Another use for the Umbrella of Protection is to place it over clients or friends who are in the
hospital so they are protected from negativity and the ’worst-case scenario’ that medical staff
are trained to look for.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Testimonial: “A farmer used the Umbrella process over his farm during violent thunderstorms.
His neighbors on either side had lightning strikes which started fires. He only received muchneeded rain.”
—B.S., Queensland, Australia
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
“SUDDENLY” is an attitude we like to adopt. It was an inspiration from the book Manifesting
Michelangelo (Simon & Schuster, 2011) by Joseph Pierce Farrell, who is able to bring people
facial reconstructions through consciousness alone when they are in his presence. Remember
that if one person can do something, potentially anyone can do it. We like to be open to the
concept that these things can happen – so quickly that we gasp with surprise. You will, with
practice, get to know when “suddenly” is the right button to push. Other times we are using “ It
is done” or “So it is,” or whatever phrase confirms for you that your process has done its work.
It also stops us from being overwhelmed by the scope of a healing need or thinking “this will
take a long time” if we are aware that time is an illusion and results can appear suddenly. Make
it so.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
There are a series of number codes, some intuited by Russian scientist Grigori Grabovoi, that
may be used as an aid to healing. Generally the number code is the formula for a body that
does not have that particular issue, so it is a way of helping the consciousness achieve a correct
state of alignment. The number-code material is copyrighted; books about the numbers are
available for sale through Internet bookshops.
The numbers are not magic; they are not nearly as effective as your applied intention. There is
no reason why you could not intuit your own numbers for any healing situation. Canadian
engineer Lloyd Mears has a completely different selection of numbers that he develops through
dowsing for very specific situations. His system is very effective.
Following are the meanings Grabovoi gives to the individual numbers. If you elect to accept
these meanings as part of your healing intentions, you can develop very specific numbers for
your situation. Repeating a number means building up the results. For example, 5555555 is a
number that enables you to really understand this work (you are taking it into your inner reality
– your very being).
1 – Beginning
2 – Activity/Action
3 – Results
4 – Interaction with the outside world, changing your environment
5 – Inner reality, cell level
6 – Optical system of the information, you will see it when you believe it
7 – The platform or aspect of the soul’s development (power of love)
8 – Time-space aspect
9 – Number of the creator, which includes all previous elements
0 – The zero is a specific structure that marks a special space, when a number changes
its quality (zero space)
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
For example, I intuited a number specifically for a client who wanted to attract a partner (be
careful what you ask for!). It worked for her and has been very effective in mending
relationships as well. The number I intuited was 147023. This was the logic behind the intuition:
1 = Beginning (you have to start)
4 = Connection with the outside world (you actually have to leave the house)
7= Power of love (this is the intending for its “stage”)
0 = The power to change (being ready for a partner)
2 = Take action (no explanation necessary)
3 = Completion or fulfillment
So, we have a number (147023) that is for a person who wants to create the possibility of
finding a partner. You then have to determine that a person is a suitable partner.
Your date of birth, written dd/mm/yyyy, is a very powerful personal number to draw to you
spiritual assistance in seeing your intentions coming into reality. If there is only one digit in the
day or month, do not add a zero as that changes the whole formula. Another possibility with
numbers is to use a single number. For example:
Number one
See it as a hollow number. You will write your intention inside the number, so make it much
larger than the figure on this page. For instance, describe a new car in detail, writing your
specifications on a piece of paper. One represents new beginning, so you are initiating a
process. Then, either visualize squeezing the number – as coal is squeezed to make a diamond –
and placing that diamond into your solar plexus (your point of spiritual power), or crumple the
paper and hold it against your solar plexus. Then, burn the paper. This will begin a process to
attract the new car into your life.
Do the same type of action with number three, which represents “results” (beginning 1, action
2, results 3). Write inside the large number 3 your desired outcome and then squeeze it. This
enables the universe to begin the process to bring the desired result into your life.
Grigori Grabovoi has organized numbers and meditations for each day of the month. Members
of our Facebook Organ Regeneration Process group (open to new members) have access to
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
these descriptions and the guidance for their use. It is reported that doing these meditations
regularly helps people develop their psychic and clairvoyant talents. The purchasers of this
book may request a pdf file “Codebook Grabovoi” which has a listing of many of the number
codes relating to specific illnesses or conditions. Email the author.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
I trust this book will be both an inspiration for you to explore the healing opportunities that
come into your life and a new beginning, as the revelations and understandings that unfold in
your life open up possibilities that are positively life-changing.
This work goes way beyond the simple, ”getting over an illness” type of modality to enable you
to make new choices in many areas of your life. Do not let the title “Cell and Organ
Regeneration” be a limitation; see that as just scratching the surface of the life-changing
journey you are about to begin as you allow the blessings that have been waiting for you to
pour into your life.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
About the Author
Ken Graydon has been practicing healing since 1956, when he was sixteen years old and his
prayer for the healing of a boy in a youth camp was dramatically answered. Ken’s background
includes studying Christian Science, being a priest in the Orthodox Catholic Church, and
practicing a wide range of healing and transformational modalities. An Australian by birth, he
has traveled throughout Australia, North America, and Asia. Ken combines his extensive studies
and intuitive guidance to facilitate excellent results in healing and transformation, sharing his
skills and knowledge to enable others to realize their ability to self-heal.
Ken Graydon
Email: ken.healer@gmail.com
Private Sessions
Remote or in-house healing (Mandurah, Western Australia) may be arranged by email directly or
through website contact page. Allow three days’ notice so that your specific process can be prepared.
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Any book is a result of collaboration between people, and I have several people to thank. Firstly Ann, my
friend, wife, and “reality-checker” who has been a constant support. Alexi Paulina, who has applied her
many professional editing skills to make this book so much better than it would have been. In addition, I
thank the many people that have shared in teaching, healing, and endorsing the cell and organ
regeneration processes and are co-creators of this successful healing modality that is growing
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
Healing Intention
Ken Graydon
Copyright Ken Graydon 2012
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