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MFC to Qt Migration Walkthrough

17/01/2023, 11:51
MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
Goals for this Walkthrough
A note about MFC's memory leak detection
Getting Started
Plugin extension
Linking against Qt
Replacing the MFC event loop
Replacing a Dialog
New Functionality with Qt
Creating Qt widgets
A new Qt Dialog
Removing MFC
Using the Qt build system
Replacing the ChildView
Replacing the MainFrame
Replacing the MFC application
Cleaning up
This walkthrough covers the migration of an MFC based program, generated by Microsoft Visual Studio's MFC
Application Wizard, to the Qt toolkit using the Windows Migration Framework.
Goals for this Walkthrough
The original application, located in the step1 directory, is a trivial SDI program with a main window including a
menu bar, a single child view and an about dialog. The walkthrough will demonstrate how easy it is to gradually
replace the MFC code in an existing application with multiplatform Qt code, while being able to extend the
program with new functionality based on Qt. The final step will be a complete replacement of the Windows-only
MFC code with a single source that can be compiled for any platform supported by Qt, including Windows, Mac
OS X, Linux/Unix and embedded Linux.
A note about MFC's memory leak detection
MFC contains a checkpoint-based memory leak detection mechanism. This mechanism does not handle well Qt's
system of allocating global static objects. The result is that when running applications that combine Qt and MFC
(like the examples below) from within Visual Studio, one will get a report about leaked objects upon application
exit. These warnings can safely be ignored.
Getting Started
Load the project file qtmfc1.dsp into a Workspace in Visual Studio and make sure that everything is set up
correctly by building and running the project.
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
The MFC application has an interface to use dialogs provided by an external DLL that will be explicitly loaded.
The interface is fairly simple: the DLL must export a C function called showDialog that can take a window
handle parent. The DLL must show its dialog modally, and when the function returns the DLL is unloaded again.
The code that does this in the MFC application is in the OnAppAbout command handler.
void WindowsApp::OnAppAbout()
HMODULE mod = LoadLibrary( "qtdialog.dll" );
if ( mod ) {
typedef BOOL(*pShowDialog)(HWND parent);
pShowDialog showDialog = (pShowDialog)GetProcAddress( mod, "showDialog" );
if ( showDialog )
showDialog( theApp.m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd );
FreeLibrary( mod );
} else {
CAboutDlg aboutDlg;
If the DLL can be loaded and exports the showDialog symbol the exported function is called, otherwise a default
MFC about dialog is displayed.
Plugin extension
The project in the qtdll example directory implements the plugin interface using the QMessageBox class. To
use this class a QApplication object must exist in the current process, and the Qt events must be processed in
addition to the standard event dispatching performed by the running MFC application.
The DLL also has to make sure that it can be loaded together with other Qt based DLLs in the same process (in
which case a QApplication object will probably exist already), and that the DLL that creates the QApplication
object remains loaded in memory to avoid other DLLs using memory that is no longer available to the process.
All these issues are handled by the QMfcApp::pluginInstance() function. This function creates a QApplication
object and installs a message hook that merges the Qt event loop with the existing standard Win32 message
pump of MFC. If an instance to the DLL is passed as a parameter the function will also increase the DLL's
reference count so that it is not unloaded before the process exits.
This function can be used in an implementation of the DllMain entry point function when the DLL is loaded. A
static bool variable is used to remember whether this DLL is responsible for the QApplication object, and when
the DLL is unloaded the QApplication object, accessible through the global qApp pointer, can be deleted.
To use the function and the other Qt classes involved we also need to include a few header files.
#include <qmfcapp.h>
#include <qwinwidget.h>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <windows.h>
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID /*lpvReserved*/ )
static bool ownApplication = FALSE;
if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
ownApplication = QMfcApp::pluginInstance( hInstance );
if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH && ownApplication )
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
delete qApp;
return TRUE;
The DLL interface is then implemented using an exported C function called showDialog. The QWinWidget class
is used to provide the proper placement and stacking of the Qt dialog.
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool showDialog( HWND parent )
QWinWidget win( parent );
QMessageBox::about( &win, "About QtMfc", "QtMfc Version 1.0\nCopyright (C) 2003" );
return TRUE;
Linking against Qt
To use Qt classes directly in the MFC application we must link the application against the Qt libraries, and add
the location of the Qt header files to the compiler's include directories.
The step2 directory includes a .pro file that generates a proper .dsp file that has all the required settings. Run
c{qmake -tp vc} in the directory to generate that .dsp file, and check the settings necessary in case you want to
modify the Visual Studio project manually.
Replacing the MFC event loop
To be able to use Qt, we need to create a QApplication object. The QApplication class controls the event
delivery and display management for all Qt objects and widgets.
In the original MFC project the wizard generated WindowsApp class, a subclass of CWinApp, runs the event loop
in the default implementation of Run(). The MFC event loop is a standard Win32 event loop, but uses the
CWinApp API PreTranslateMessage() to activate accelerators.
In order to keep MFC accelerators working we must use the QApplication subclass QMfcApp that is provided by
the Windows Migration framework and which merges the Qt and the MFC event loops.
The first step of the Qt migration is to reimplement the Run() function in the WindowsApp class. We can either
use the wizard to add a reimplementation of Run(), or add the reimplementation ourselves to the class
declaration in the qtmfc.h header file:
class WindowsApp : public CWinApp
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
virtual BOOL Run();
// Implementation
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
The implementation of this function is in the qtmfc.cpp source file. To use the QMfcApp API we need to
#include the qmfcapp.h header file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "qtmfc.h"
#include "mainframe.h"
#include <qmfcapp.h>
BOOL WindowsApp::Run()
return QMfcApp::run( this );
The implementation uses the static run() function of the QMfcApp class to implicitly instantiate a QApplication
object, and run the event loops for both Qt and MFC:
The code in the plugin DLL does not need to be modified: Since we have a QApplication object created in the
application itself the pluginInstance() function will do nothing, and the DLL will open the message box in the
exported function just like before.
Replacing a Dialog
Instead of using the Qt plugin DLL we will now replace the MFC About Dialog directly in the application
source code. Using the Visual Studio integration toolbar we could quickly create a new QDialog with Qt
Designer from scratch. Or convert the existing dialogs from Microsoft resource files into Qt Designer .ui files
by using a conversion tool such as KDAB's KNUT tool. But for a basic dialog as the one in this example, it is
even easier to use the QMessageBox::about() function as we did in the plugin code shown earlier.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "qtmfc.h"
#include "mainframe.h"
#include <qmfcapp.h>
#include <qwinwidget.h>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
To use the QMessageBox API we must include the appropriate header. Since we need to create the
QMessageBox as a child of the MFC based main window we also need to use the QWinWidget class again and
include that header as well.
// WindowsApp message handlers
// App command to run the dialog
void WindowsApp::OnAppAbout()
QWinWidget win( theApp.m_pMainWnd );
QMessageBox::about( &win, "About QtMfc", "QtMfc Version 1.0\nCopyright (C) 2003" );
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
We can remove the class declaration and implementation of the CAboutDlg class from the source file, and use
the QWinWidget and QMessageBox API in the implementation of the WindowsApp::OnAppAbout() command
A QWinWidget object is created on the stack, using the MFC application's main window as the parent window.
The showCentered() API is used to make sure that the Qt message box, which uses the QWinWidget object as its
parent, will open centered over the main window.
New Functionality with Qt
We can now add new functionality to the MFC application using Qt. We will add a Qt based user interface to the
MFC child view, and add an additional modeless options dialog created with Qt Designer.
Creating Qt widgets
To be able to create Qt widgets in the initialization of the MFC application we must first create an instance of
QApplication. The current use of the static QMfcApp::run() API creates the QApplication object in the Run()
reimplementation of the CWinApp subclass, while the GUI is already being created in the InitInstance
BOOL WindowsApp::InitInstance()
// Standard initialization
#if _MFC_VER < 0x0700
#ifdef _AFXDLL
// Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
// Call this when linking to MFC statically
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored.
SetRegistryKey(_T("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications"));
// Qt initialization
MainFrame* pFrame = new MainFrame;
return true;
To create the QApplication object in the InitInstance implementation we must use the static function
BOOL WindowsApp::Run()
int result = QMfcApp::run(this);
delete qApp;
return result;
will then use that instance, which must then be deleted explicitly using the global qApp pointer.
MFC's window creation infrastructure is rather complicated, and we must add a message handler for the
WM_CREATE and WM_DESTROY messages to be able to add children only when the creation of the MFC window is
complete, and to delete the children before the MFC window is destroyed.
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
// ChildView window
class QWinWidget;
class ChildView : public CWnd
// Construction
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg void OnPaint();
QWinWidget *widget;
We can again use Visual Studio's wizards, or simply add the code ourselves. We also add a forward declaration
of the QWinWidget class, and add a pointer to that class as a member of the ChildView.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "qtmfc.h"
#include "childview.h"
We include the headers for the Qt widget we want to use, as well as the header for the QWinWidget class.
: widget( 0 )
We initialize the pointer to the QWinWidget member to zero. We cannot create it yet, since the MFC window
has not yet been created. This happens only when the MainWindow::OnCreate() message handler calls the
Create function, which then calls our ChildView::OnCreate implementation.
The message handlers are added to the message map.
int ChildView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
if (CWnd::OnCreate( lpCreateStruct ) == -1 )
return -1;
The implementation of the OnCreate message handler calls and verifies the parent class function and returns an
error code if an error occurred.
widget = new QWinWidget( this );
QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( widget );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( "Enter text:", widget );
QLineEdit *edit = new QLineEdit( widget );
hbox->addWidget( label );
hbox->addWidget( edit );
widget->move( 0, 0 );
return 0;
Now we can create the QWinWidget instance with this CWnd instance as a parent window, and use that
instance as a parent to the QWidgets we want to use to create the user interface. Since QWinWidget is a proper
QWidget it can be laid out, and we move the Qt GUI to the upper left corner of the MFC child and show() the
user interface immediately.
BOOL ChildView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
if (!CWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs))
return FALSE;
cs.dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
cs.style &= ~WS_BORDER;
cs.style |= WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_DBLCLKS,
return TRUE;
Since the ChildView class of MFC was not supposed to be a container for other windows we now see some bad
flickering whenever we resize the main window. The QLabel widget is obviously painted over by the ChildView
window on every resize before it has a chance to fill its own background. To prevent this we must change the
style of the window to include the CS_CLIPCHILDREN flag.
void ChildView::OnDestroy()
delete widget;
widget = 0;
In the OnDestroy message handler we delete the QWinWidget instance, which deletes all other QWidgets we
have created as children.
A new Qt Dialog
To add a new dialog we use the Visual Studio integration toolbar's "New Qt Dialog" button. We add a Qt
Designer .ui file "optionsdialog.ui" to the current project, and add the required build steps to generate a C++
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
class from that file.
MFC projects have the precompiled header option turned on by default, and since Qt or Qt Designer cannot rely
on the compiler used supporting precompiled headers the respective preprocessor directives are missing from the
generated .cpp files. We must turn the precompiled headers option off for those files, but we can just as well
turn them off for the complete project.
To be able to invoke the dialog we add a new entry to the MFC menu using the Visual Studio resource editor.
The menu entry is called "Options", and has the ID ID_EDIT_OPTIONS.
class WindowsApp : public CWinApp
// Implementation
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
afx_msg void OnAppOptions();
We add a command handler for that option to the WindowsApp class and add the mapping to the message map.
We also include the generated header file.
The implementation of the command handler once again uses the QWinWidget class to make sure that the dialog
is properly positioned and stacked. Since we want the dialog to be modeless we cannot create the QWinWidget
on the stack, since it would be deleted when it leaves the scope, and all its children, including the dialog, would
be deleted as well.
void WindowsApp::OnAppOptions()
QWinWidget *win = new QWinWidget(theApp.m_pMainWnd);
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(win);
Ui::OptionsDialog ui;
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
Instead we create QWinWidget on the heap, using operator new, and use the WDestructiveClose widget flag
when creating the dialog as a child, also with operator new.
Both the QWinWidget object and the modeless dialog will be destroyed when the dialog is closed, e.g. when
clicking the OK button.
Removing MFC
We will now turn the complete MFC/Qt hybrid application into a genuine, multiplatform Qt application. To
make our application compilable with different compilers for different platforms we need to remove the
dependency on Visual C++ and Visual Studio, and replace the Visual Studio project file with a qmake project.
Using the Qt build system
The project file lists all the sources involved.
= QtMfc4
childview.h mainframe.h qtmfc.h stdafx.h
childview.cpp mainframe.cpp qtmfc.cpp stdafx.cpp
Until we have completed the transition we must still link against the Windows Migration Framework, compile
the Visual C++ resources, set the preprocessor define to pull in the MFC DLL, and turn off UNICODE to avoid
library conflicts with the non-UNICODE MFC version. We must also remove the qtmain library which
implements the WinMain entry point function to call the multiplatform main entry point.
Running qmake -tp vc on the .pro file will generate a new .dsp file that we can use in Visual Studio to
compile and link the application.
Replacing the ChildView
The first MFC class we will move over to Qt is the ChildView class. We replace the old class declaration with
the declaration of a QWidget subclass.
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
class ChildView : public QWidget
ChildView(QWidget *parent = 0);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
We don't need any creation and destruction message handlers anymore, and the QWinWidget member is obsolete
as well. However, we will keep an event handler for paint events as in the original class.
ChildView::ChildView(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this);
QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(widget);
QLabel *label = new QLabel("Enter text:", widget);
QLineEdit *edit = new QLineEdit(widget);
widget->move(0, 0);
void ChildView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*e*/)
QPainter painter(this);
The implementation of the class creates the user interface elements directly in the constructor and sets the erase
color property to white. The paintEvent does nothing, at least for now.
Replacing the MainFrame
The next MFC class we will move over to Qt is the MainFrame class. We could use Qt Designer to generate a
main window in a visual environment, but it's just as easy to add the few elements manually.
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
class ChildView;
class MainFrame : public QMainWindow
MainFrame(QWidget *parent = 0);
protected Q_SLOTS:
void editOptions();
void helpAbout();
ChildView *view;
The class implements the constructor, and keeps a reference to the ChildView object. The Q_OBJECT macro is
used to allow this class to declare signals and slots. We add two slots, editOptions and helpAbout.
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
MainFrame::MainFrame(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
QMenu *filePopup = menuBar()->addMenu("&File");
filePopup->addAction("&Exit", this, SLOT(close()));
QMenu *editPopup = menuBar()->addMenu("&Edit");
editPopup->addAction("&Undo", 0, 0, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Z);
editPopup->addAction("Cu&t", 0, 0, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X);
editPopup->addAction("&Copy", 0, 0, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_C);
editPopup->addAction("&Paste", 0, 0, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_V);
editPopup->addAction("&Options...", this, SLOT(editOptions()));
QMenu *helpPopup = menuBar()->addMenu("&Help");
helpPopup->addAction("&About QtMfc...", this, SLOT(helpAbout()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F1);
view = new ChildView(this);
The implementation of the class creates the menu, instantiates the ChildView as the central widget, and adds a
status bar.
void MainFrame::editOptions()
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(this);
Ui::OptionsDialog ui;
void MainFrame::helpAbout()
QMessageBox::about(this, "About QtMfc", "QtMfc Version 1.0\nCopyright (C) 2003");
The slot implementations are identical to the application command handlers in the Qt/MFC hybrid, but of course
don't need to use the QWinWidget class anymore.
Replacing the MFC application
The final step is to remove the WindowsApp class completely, and handle the application startup and
initialization in a multiplatform main entry point function.
= QtMfc5
+= childview.cpp mainframe.cpp qtmfc.cpp
+= childview.h
+= ../step4/optionsdialog.ui
= qtmfc.rc
We can delete the qtmfc.h header file and remove it from the HEADERS section in the qmake .pro file. We can
also remove the linking against the Migration Framework library, and the modifications of the preprocessor
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MFC to Qt Migration - Walkthrough
Then we rerun qmake to regenerate the .dsp file. Since we added the Q_OBJECT macro to the MainFrame class
declaration we have to make sure that the meta object compiler, moc, is added to the build step for the MainFrame
class, and this is also done when running qmake.
The qtmfc.cpp file is completely replaced.
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "mainframe.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainFrame frame;
return app.exec();
All it does now is to include the required headers, and to implement a standard main entry point function.
Cleaning up
Finally we edit the resource script (with a plain text editor, Visual Studio is too powerful for this) and remove the
obsolete entries. The only entry we keep is the application icon.
Now we can delete the files that are no longer needed:
StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp, qtmfc.h, res/qtmfc.rc2, resource.h
The code we have now does the same job as the MFC based code, is much smaller, has less files to maintain and
will compile with different compilers for different platforms.
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Corporation and/or its
Qt Solutions