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Japan & Germany: Country Exploration Worksheet

INT 315 Module One Worksheet:
Preliminary Country Exploration
1. Identify the two foreign countries you will be researching:
Country 1: Japan
Country 2: Germany
2. Complete this table comparing the two countries selected above.
Country 1:
Country 2:
Economic System: What is the
economic system in each of the
A highly developed and advanced
social market economy, ranked thirdlargest in the world by GDP. Japan
has a mixed economy based on a
mixture of government control and
free market elements.
Highly developed social market
economy, fourth largest in the world
by GDP (almost tied with Japan). A
mixed economy, including private
freedom and centralized economic
and government regulation.
Political System: What is the
political system in each of the
A constitutional monarchy with a
parliamentary government – referred
to as a democratic monarchy. The
emperor has no political power, with
the prime minister being the
prominent leader.
Organized as a federal and
parliamentary democracy. Power is
divided between the federal and
state governments. The Federal
system comprises the head of state,
the head of government, the cabinet,
and the chancellor.
Economic Risks: How might
the economic risks in those two
countries impact the company
Strong competitive market, high
operating costs, market saturation
with specific industries reducing
demand, labor market shortages
making it harder to supply workers, a
strong taxation system could increase
resource and operating taxes, and a
unique culture.
A declining working population
could make it hard to find workers,
sanctions between the EU and other
nations could impact resource trade,
limiting production, and higher
operating costs like fuel and power
could pose a risk of increase in
Political Risks: How might the
political risks in those two
countries impact the company
Labor laws and regulations, high
bureaucracy levels, and mixed
support for Japan’s new prime
minister, Fumio Kishida.
Russian invasion shifted all three
parties’ political stances opposite of
their ideology. Complex
bureaucratic requirements and a
high degree of regulatory oversight.
Germany has some of the strongest
employee protections in the world.
Research Data: Is there
sufficient research data available
for each selected country?
Support your response with at
least three scholarly resources
you intend to use for this project.
As one of the leading economies in
the world, Japan has a vast amount of
data available when researching the
nation. While I found various sources,
here are a few I intend to use.
Gaunder, A. (n.d.). Japanese Politics
and Government. United
Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
International Trade Administration.
(2023). Japan - Market Overview.
International Trade Administration |
TMF Group experts. (2023b).
Challenges of doing business in
Japan. www.tmf-group.com.
After extensive research, I have
concluded that sufficient research
data is available for Germany. Here
are a few sources I intend to use.
Coface For Trade. (2023). Germany.
Overseas business risk: Germany.
(2023, March 7). GOV.UK.
Research Guides: Germany Legal
Research Guide: Government and
Political Structure. (n.d.).