Rising Real Estate Group is a real estate investment, construction, development, management and brokerage firm owned and operated by Joseph and his son Jonathan Giahn. Joseph took root in Corona when he opened a Hardware Store on the comer of Junction Blvd and 41st Ave in 1977. Since, Joseph and Jonathan have continued to invest heavily in the community. With the addition of the newly constructed 12 unit building at 40-53 Junction Blvd Joseph and Jonathan now provide housing and business units to nearly 100 residents. In addition to the properties in Corona we currently hold investment properties in Tel-Aviv, Israel and Cancun, Mexico. In addition to real estate investment, we are licensed and insured general contractors, certified property managers and a NYS real estate brokerage. Rising's construction division specializes in comprehensive renovations and ground-up construction which then delivers the property to the Management team that handles all operations. Construction Experience Queens,NY 40-53 Junction Blvd- (Subject Property) Ground-up construction of a 12 unit, 11,142 Sq. Ft. mixed use building. 101-01 39th Ave. - Ground-up construction of a 5 unit, 6,550 Sq. Ft. residential building. 96-06 43rd Ave. - Gut renovation of all 7 apartments and 2 commercial units. 97-07 43rd Ave. - Full Renovation of all apartments including new plumbing, electrical, and partitions. Paving of driveway and sidewalk. Roof repair and maintenance. 40-56 Junction Blvd. - New construction of a new brick three car garage. Conversion ofretail space for restaurant use. Work included plumbing, electrical, fire stopping, and fire suppression. Complete renovation of apartments. 40-54 Junction Blvd. - Preventative and corrective maintenance. Preparation of apartments for lease, 41-06 Junction Blvd. - Converted one retail space into six, each with a separate bathroom. One of which was converted for restaurant use. Roof repair and maintenance. 95-42 41 Ave, - Preventative and corrective maintenance. Preparation of apartments for lease. Cancun, Mexico 30 Carlos Salina St - Ground up construction. 8,051 square foot 1 family house. Two stories, three bedrooms with two full bathrooms, below ground parking and swimming pool. Octagon shaped building with 4 balconies. Parquet flooring throughout. Total lot size is 27,750 square feet with a 6 foot stone wall on the perimeter. Rancho Viejo Ave. - Ground up concrete construction built for rental use. 16 residential units comprised of 8 studios and 8 one bedrooms each with full kitchens and bath, 4 commercial units, 2 on the ground level and 2 on second floor. Two story construction covering the entire 8000 sqft lot. Table of Content 1. Access Agreement 2. Sidewalk Shed 3. Roof Protection 4. Underpinning 5. Rear Yard Acess 6. Site Monitoring 7. Engineering 8. Foundation Encroachment 9. PhoneITV/lnternet Wires TEMPORARY ACCESS AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT and ROOF PROTECTION PERMISSION This Temporary Access and Easement Agreement is made effective this XXth day of January, 2023, by and between 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC and Jonathan Giahn (jointly herein referred to as 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC) owner of 40-54 Junction Blvd Corona NY 11368 and Jaime Humberto Nieto and JHNL Enterprises LLC (jointly herein referred to as JHNL Enterprises LLC) owner of the property located at 40-52 Junction Blvd Corona NY 11368. AGREEMENT: JHNL Enterprises LLC which owns 40-52 Junction Blvd hereby grants to 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC, Jonathan Giahn, its agents, representatives or invitees an easement over, on, across, and through the Easement Area for ingress, egress only for purposes associated with construction, development and improvements of 40-54 Junction Blvd. 1. The Easement shall be used only for ingress and egress and construction of the Improvements. The term of this Agreement and Easement shall commence upon the full execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Improvements shall be constructed by Grantee and its agents in a workmanlike manner. 2. 3. Sidewalk Shed. JHNL Enterprises LLC shall allow for installation of a sidewalk shed, as required by the NYC Department of Building so as to protect the public, pedestrians, driveaway and residents of 40-52 Junction Blvd. Such sidewalk shed shall cover a portion of the driveway at 40-52 Junction Blvd but will NOT hinder the usage of the entrance or driveway. 4. Roof Protection. 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC hereby agrees to install, with permission from JHNL Enterprises LLC expressed by signature of this document, roof protection to 40-52 Junction Blvd in accordance with NYC Department of Buildings codes and regulations. 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC hereby agrees to assume all costs associated with the aforementioned roof protection. 40-56 Junction Blvd hereby agrees to take full responsibility and shall immediately correct any damage that may occur as a result of this work. 5. Underpinning. JHNL Enterprises LLC shall allow access to underpin their property so as to allow 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC to excavate for the basement as designed and approved by the NYC Department of building. 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC hereby agrees that the underpinning plans, means and methods will be reviewed by the NYC Department of Buildings, NYS licensed Engineers and Department of Buildings approved Special Inspectors and that the subsequent work will conform to the approved plans. 6. Rear Yard Access. JHNL Enterprises LLC shall grant access to 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC access to the rear yard solely for the purpose of passing through construction material and equipment when access through the main entrance of the site shall create a major disturbance to pedestrian traffic. 7. Roof Access. JHNL Enterprises LLC shall grant roof access for the purpose of finishing work to the North facing elevation of 40-54 Junction Blvd. 40-56 Junction Blvd shall install, as per approved design, on roof protection, scaffolding. 40-56 Junction Blvd hereby agrees to take full responsibility and shall immediately correct any damage that may occur as a result of this work. 8. 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC shall assume responsibility and bear the cost of any damage to 40-52 Junction Blvd that has been caused as a result of work performed by 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC. 9. Compensation. In consideration for an execution to this access agreement 40-56 Junction Blvd shall compensate JHNL Enterprises LLC a lump sum amount of $5,000 (five thousand dollars ) payable upon signature and execution of this access agreement. In the event JHNL Enterprises LLC at a future date hinders, impedes, blocks, obstructs or otherwise breaches agreement a full refund will be due to 40-56 Junction Blvd. This agreement shall terminate when all work described will be complete. Such date shall be noted by an email from 40-56 Junction Blvd LLC to JHNL Enterprises LLC documenting with photographs that all work has been completed. 10. unction Boulevard LLC. JHNL Enterprises LLC 1/26/23, 1 :34 p~ . J3 Sidewalk Shed 1.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/geeigotit"/o40aol.com/KtbxlwgxBijvMplmNLvQtqJWGQMPPjlgtg?projector=1 1/2 1 /26/23, 1 :35 P' 40 '\ ed Sketch - Option #1 .JPG - - ~0-5~ ~,Jif > VCVJ J unttOV\ B\vJ• ~o; so 1\✓ /,-:i: o" ~) -~ v::' (_) ~ \61±# fol~; I\J to' H~ -7 ~it.<> -?lf~S '3 +3 [t,,itf· _ , 1i ~f \()ll}J ~ 1 10 -3/ B X l ls ijt' o·~~i ~;) ~r? Ju~-t(Oll B 1 ~ \"d. I https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/geeigotit%40aol.com/KtbxLwgxBjjvMpLmNLvQtqJWGQMPPjlgtg?projector=1&messagePartld=0.5 ,~'HO ~ \'1.\\1' 'l~'w 1 l~} 1/2 1/27/23, 10:14 AM IMG-20230126-WA0025.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/QgrcJHsTkxjhdPtpGrKcKJHGvDvdvNZxfqb?compose=GTvVlcSDZqqlxDdFrcGLGWDbfCKJjvsxsKjjxqsgZcjF ... 1/1 1/26/23, 1:33 PM 40-55 Roof Protection.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/geeigotit%40aol.com/KtbxLwgxBjjvMpLmNLvQtqJWGQMPPjlgtg?projector=1 1/1 ) ) ) l:lllllUWllJ. TRI BOROUGH Scafroltling & lloi,tin~~ Inc. ~~~=--- 35-06 Farringhlll Si I ' 1 lloor ::i.---- flu,hing. >.:Y 11 J54 0. '1~-886-t,00 F. 7 I 8-886-7~00 m-55 JUNCTION BOULEY ARO, QUEENS ASIF JAMIL R.A. ASIF JAMIL 15 MAIDEN LN, NEW YORK, NY, 10038 L)C.,0I16I1 IQt • SEAL 1 +/-14' LEGEND : 40-53 JUNCTION BL VO , QUEENS NY. NEW 5 STORY PROPOSF.D S'H SIDF.WALK SHF.D : SHF.ll / OHrrAuF.F.Q-01: I':'. o ':'. o ':'. o J W%1/M 1 I IJOBSITilllOll£SS • t0-53 JUNCTION BL VO, QUEENS NY. OUWIIGPAGl TllLE 1 ROOF PROTECTION PLAN, ANO KEY MAP +/c36' llOCIC • LOl 1 )605 19 IJH11 ZOIING OISTRICT 1 , ~,~ ZONlNG "AP 1 C9t, R68 '°' 4010211 9d HH:!!le • APPROVED STAl1P : om, 08/03/2020 a. u.,, 351 •U-SM DRAWN ■, , Y.S. CHECKED 1, 1 DHWINS f1 JUNCTION BLVO ~ E Q - 006.0 I 60f 11 001 NOW JOB I• Q00374001-Pl PLOT PLAN : ) ) ) 0 f ASTI\f Al9J THRF.AOF.D ClllWWIIJ. KOU 0 0 0 TRI BOROUGH 0 0 Scaffo lding ..~ ll oi, linj.!, Inc. _,5.01, fumngtun St l ' 1 n ..or 0 Flu,hing. ~y 1135-l 0. > I R-RR6-l JOO PLAN.@_ RIDGE CONNECTION : 0 j• ASTM A l 9J r. 7 I R-RR/i-78011 UGIN,HIARCKIUCT 1 TiffiRAOF.D ASIF JAMIL R.A. ROD ASIF JAMIL 15 MAIDEN LN, NEW YORK, NY, 10038 LJC.1011611 IGN• SOL 1 ROOF PROTECTION SECTION (TYP.) : J09 sn, ADDMSS1 A0 -53 JUNCTION BL VD , QUEENS NY. 0 OI HJIO PAO( TITLE1 f .'\STMAl9J 'Jllltl:J\l)til) ROOF PROTECTION DETAILS ROD 2 x 9SOUV flllPLANX. IL DClt • SECTION THRU 4x4 C0NNECTORE (TYP.) : STYROr'OAM J\Pf'L Y UQUW NALLS l U:A VY UUTYCONSTltuCl'ION LOI • 1605 19 I INII ZONtNG OISTRICT1 SECTION THRU PLANM + PLYWOOD (TYP.) : ADHE!<l lVe TO STYROF<>AMAl'\0 PLAC E !X9 SO LID FILL PLANK<> ZOIUNG "" I • 4010211 ca,, IOA R68 9d IEVISEO,c.AN APPROVED STAJ1P : BX ISTl l'\<i ROOF om , 08/03/2020 1.u .,, 351 - 7'- SM ouw1•,•• EQ -007.01 7of 11 ROOF PROTECTION SECTION (TYP.) : 008 NOW JOB f l Q00374001-Pl ) ) ) ~ TRI BOROUGH ScarroltJing ..~ lloi,tiog~ Inc . 35..C)(l Furring.ton St I"' Fluor Flu,hmg. 1'.'Y 11354 0. 7 I R-886-1300 £ ! I rnatrn • • • • • • • ~ l . . . . .I. . . . . .,ma~s "" 'I aoo\ • r. 7 I 8-88/i-78()0 2X9 SOLID FILL PLANK l:NGHIUJ/ARtHJUCT 1 ¾" STM A193 0 RIDGE • I I VIF LENGTH I•••••:••••: . ..l:. . .I~ t :: ASIF JAMIL R.A. 4X8' PLY WOOD 4 X 4 TIMBER, ASIF JAMIL 15 HA IDEN LN, NEW YORK, NY, 10038 LIC.I 011617 9 i I 9 IGH4SUL 1 I ~ l <!) JOB SIT£ AODRESS 1 .Q. lI L A0 -53 JUNCTION BL VO, QUEENS NY. DIHINGPAGE 11TL£ 1 ROOF PROTECTION DETAILS c co .! ~ PLANK/PLYWOOD OVERLAY: ILDCIC • ,a,, )605 A9 ••••• I ca,, ADA ZOIING DIITRICT 1 I I I I I I I I I I I~.-'=='='=======!,='='=='="----- ROOF PROTECTION ANGLE PLAN : AOA021 I R68 9d ZOKING NAP • • HVISEQ PUN APPROVED STA,-. : DATE• i.lOJ/2020 a.u .,, 351 ·7A·SH OIAWl•C t• E Q - 008.0 I 8 ot 11 DQB NOW J(lt t i Q00374001-Pl r What is underpinning? Underpinning is strengthening and reinforcing an existing foundation of a structure, typically by extending the depth and breadth of the foundation. L Underpinning gets its name because the underpinning procedure is performed in stages so as not to compromise the entirety of the structure's integrity at once. The excavation of the soil is carried out in phases referred to as pins. (*Note - whether it is mass pour or beam or mini pile underpinning, all are completed in sections). I like to think of it as sticking pins into a corkboard to keep a piece of paper in place or clipping on clothesline pins to keep laundry up - the important idea to take away from this term is multiple pins provide stability. ~ Reasons for underpinning? There is a long litany of reasons why underpinning needs to be undertaken. Here is a shortlist to help us understand underpinning's unique utilities. A structure might require underpinning if • The original foundation isn't strong/stable enough to support the existing structure • The initial use of the structure has changed, requiring foundational reinforcement • The soil is not competent to withstand the weight of the structure • • • Another story is being added to the structure, requiring deeper foundational footings to help support greater load-bearing capacity It is cheaper to repair/reinforce than buy new Seismic activity, drought, flood, or other acts of God have compromised the structure's structural security A simple way to think about underpinning is this: any outside force that compromises the ~ strength, integrity, and functionality of your foundation/footing is a reason to underpin (provide reinforcement/structural support). Note - If you're not sure your home requires underpinning, you should look for the tell-tale signs and symptoms of foundation settlement. History of Underpinning ,,...--...__ Underpinning is old-school, and I mean real old - older than dirt. Underpinning, in terms of structural & architectural engineering, has been around for well before the 15th century. In fact, the great Italian Renaissance humanist and architect Leon Battista Alberti outlined the extensive benefits of underpinning his comprehensive treatise on theory and practice of architecture De Re Aedificatoria ( On the Art of Building) published in 1452. It has long been a tradition to restrengthen bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers, and homes by use of underpinning. A more modern example of underpinning is the story of the antiquated Hotel Commodore (designed by the highly celebrated Homer G Balcom who also designed the Empire State Building). The Hotel Commodore, built in 1917, was erected right above (and, consequently, supported by) the Grand Central Station subway structure. In 1979, the Hotel Commodore underwent an extensive refurbishment before resuming business under the new appellation Grand Hyatt. ~ This renovation proved extreme and required space to be opened up for an increase in headroom at the subway mezzanine level (intermediate floor) to improve passenger outflow. This required extensive underpinning and significant load transfer of the hotel above by temporary support, sequencing, and jacking. In short, underpinning allows for modern architectural miracles. ) ) ~~~'f~. ADJACENT 3 STORY BUILDING (LOT 33) __ --·-- ---------~~ ., ,..,. CH 4: CONC. ~ ! _ N G I INTER-AT Sl:iEFflNG (SEE DET"IL'. ~ ·~ s.., ~ (1) . • -0 REAR YARD ~ 30 -0--~~~~--TIOH .:: j ....,..., ~ J 0 41st.Avenue ...... PLOT PLAN lfilNNC NlEX 'l. SHORING PLAN c-10/J/ SCAU : 3/U" •1 '-o" ~JIR0P05[D COfC U'IOEAPNffiC(ffll.) Jr,l,U., PLAN M)JM'.;EHt lOT«J& 2U'. '-11 / GE0.+60.0, - r,a 0/f COIC t -- ~•,J_ ,r INTER-PIT SHEETING DETAILS 'l. -0--0- -~ PLAN -~~ SECTION PlAN --- ~ - ::r:-~.,,._fM', TYPICAL SHEmNG DETAILS Ill)/ SCALf : Nl'S AOPOl<O U, . , . _ . . 'l. -E.C '9i(-Tr4")- 'l. 3\ SECTION B-B' SCALE : J/ 1,•• 1'-0" 4\ Ii SECTION D•D' .,ooJ SCALE : 311'" • 1'-G" - - -, -I'll' STAGE 1 E.Cii'Aii-6'·7") SCAll : l/1'" •1'-o'" !:= A_~ =~,..,... -·- - M 1'>9 1 """"""'" e,~~ SECTION A·A' l rl>} -=:_ J',tO"u.aaft ... .,. I--titU-~... e~~;- ) ",W.nt«JI """"' "':l,.~ I -~•M - AOJAiCENTLOTt:13 t EXIST'Oca.t.AR EL SECTION 7\ 5 STORY MIX BUILDNING NT 2 STORY BUILDING ( IIX-H101 - • - 11X-te1-f - • - - IIX-tOIJ •--I -· ~ t ..., SCALE : 1/ 1'" • 1'-a' ~I 11M26-M95 J08TTl\.f : 1I .:: ....::, --....... 40-63 JUNCTION BOlA.EVARO CORONA NY 11368 T~ a:i CJ """ ~ JONATHAN GIAHN "'"' > .0 t UCIJFll'IN!M; - ~ J6'-1o¾" ::, , .,WUlWOOO"°"' YCWfCERIMYt0710 T....,._711.7S721115 c8 21 12=r::.,."-1 CORNERSTONE DESIGN LLC I l SECTION ,_CU.Of!TWI ~~- fl, 00 NOT CUI' l.NTk POUR 11 ~ r..::..a~ ■ 2Dl'l1'90l.DIWO~KUIDfn''MXfD -..... OONOT0LlflMTI.POUR l2 ■z o.r.YIOUJIHJHAIIEENDln'PNOa!:0 ------···----- ii h~ =:- I 40-54 JUNCTION BLVD QUEENS NY 11368 UNDERPtNNING, OETAA..S.NOTES Pt..OTPl.AN i~ ==~~ F-300.00 STAGE 2 = 'l. ~,,J ::~~:INNING DETAIL 5 \ SECTION C-C' ;-100} SCAll : 3/1 6. • 1'.0- Q00725494-P1 ) ) ) ~,--:.: .........c.::.....,._,...11.- ..... --·-··"'-""...... - ... . -·- ·•---···....."-..alalllo&.I.-.U.imo--.-,,.. ---• ....__.., .............. _,.,. ,_N_,.,..,.,_. ua • .,. ,.,._.__.,._,....,,. • ....., .,.., · - - • • r• . - - rl(lltwll>,..~M>Ql Al...,IT JoaalhaGiahn <0-56 -•W ;r;Jlll\'"'f J11n.."UU\ Rhd()urffls~Y 11361 ~ 1'11:Ull')JU.¥1■ 1W\ U< . IIL tu.! .,&• ..................... .;, .-..c'MI Tl'Cr. cue Coruenrooe Design u.c 20 WC1iwuod Ru.ci Yunltn1 NY 1117 10 C ...,> ,...,,,,.,~.,.,. . ., m r [....e: ........ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ _ l.l lY l'l . 4N z 0 6z ::, -, ~ :-.-.~~: .... , U'l'l l(.r,"ff O, lll'<'CJM: OHAIN<iAOt! OI. UUNO <:U'ISl'tll .CrJ U, : I~-----------:l!';TU'IX .r.>l . l •.2C~ ~ ~ V""l.l•t'!' 'O~ -~ ~ ~ c.in.~,u~~.;'-..O ~TYll~:t,,r t,,.::tut. :. ' z:f ~r:.,'.7,,.,~:," ":~~~j"-- ~ •r::-. -~n ,c,·..... ).. ~Vil.(~TO ~'~ ) - t,\f, lll'O.' !• CO-'~ ·~;,,;, -.lll'-.,, ::»,.s,Q. :-:,o.Tll:f~ '\..,,:~ ...,_,_'\l' ~ J .C•'DtM '.M - J f P.t: . o , , ~ < r. "lf'I' X.-11::.,.j ~ ll":lllot'D ~ IY.t 6,:-C: W'~J,,o,o ';.C';) t:.a.,,L•"" " l' - 'C..'"'..6Jl."'-:1t\t tifCN"C'C:111'.t lllll,"'C:f! ).' 'Oll• W,,.·•·'.. -eo. "Cll• lJC.t .. Z ~ H u t . . 1,",-;-..'J'IC'lllil .... . : • " -" '" " -"' 0 .,,·1.:'1'...._ =---.:--:,; .,:n, -.,w..:> "~:lael• -- ~~!~~~: ~ RASP.E. ~1·.l> - - - - - - - - - -1:w,r,::11rc !10.,r, !,l o,.u r .~ i=l o•" "'' 0:IIIMGl'c.t 0 ,.,,.0.'U. fll"""°Jr,11)'5 o•'(; ~ 1'1.ClMI. -' ~.-A.ft:1 ,..,• ·10'1:r-~11c,., o· ra:: ru: 5 ::ic: :::11 • 'ftnc• r.c. e;,_.., !11.,tc °"""' 111! 1• 1 c::;»1,iv,cn::.. ':>Vl'tl"" .. \O \ll.:tC-.SO'lf,.r. 1,01t.YG,1. 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" • ~ ,. , -,""' .ru:'"•-rar,..., n'nl llnl\"... ..... ,. .._ _ R . ..,., - N'l'l m.. _,.w,n, ·,..T. ,ll' ■ l"II NUT.IL OW~ t!l.tX' rtuPOSGDNn,-' l l.l.DU'CJ llUltlPClR.11.M,,\ ......,•-nv. ~ I ~ "''L'UHllllut.."tlUf,I )l. ll\l ~ _ , OUl..'- Ml "N r AJJ . l ~ISn \o L'O'OI rM..»Q, l'ttll'Wlffl A..'("(Mtl'JlNn T'l'ffl ._M _nn-O WID. ,m,.....,,a&11A11 .n,n,,:'T!ll'11•:..n" ,.,.,....,,...,__,....,,,,,.._,. ,__. "r. 11-~ 5CA1.f ; ~ .T.5 . ., . . .... . , ., I SECTXJNM SHORING LAGGING DETAIL SECTION: ,_ :-. -:iXTr::»o~ ......... ~ :. i,1•u1i:1 : c M'X""URtlO TYP. TIMBER LAGGING DETAL """~ ... ka!!!!!. ,.,_. ., u,~ cn.,M•n.--•1111, aiw.: rr,.,1 TYPICAL SHORING 3-0IMENSK>NAL VlEW 0EJ_All,;_ CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THI ENGINBER FOR ANY DEVIATIONS/ DJSCREPAN'CIBS TO THE DRA1IDfG PRIOR TO CONSTRUCl'JON . NYCl!C'CC\.nuia:cN,:.,. \·i.n. 0tyEJ...m c,.n.%'....., c,• tO Tl-t! leSt CP M'l' ~l!leil9'ANO "'°'r:S9QolAI...M:IOle(f. M.L WCRKi..Qlln91 N'f'UC:AnoM l5 VIU IPTHIOMTNltn'CtGC" l"I ACCORONICl! N1 Hl ~l'OU.OMNG.fflf: 5COPl!!Ol'~ oct:SNOT N1'FCTT HEEJIEIIOT USE~ TIC.IUI.CINl1 0 = ::::.11 ) ) ) CH CORNERSTONE DESIGN LLC ,_,._:a'.C.• ,owem.,oo"""' YONKERS NY 10710 Tllleclhorle711.7572865 FOUNDATION FILING IN CONJUNCTION FOUNDATION WALL SCHEDULE MARK I I FONWAL12 I 'W ~ THICK RBNFOllCEMENT IT H: #SCIT EF SUE lltCKNESS Fs l LX:r-0' Z-0' SEEPlAN 2ru,· Z-0' Pl V: #601T EF rvv """" ~LHtLJULt ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING= 3 TON/SQ. FT.} MARK ~ FQ]JJ'!l)ATION_f'l,AN_lWIES: WITH NB 420665417 I. FOR GENERAL NOTES, SEE DRAWING S·OOI . SEE DETAll RBNFORCEMENT SH00:#6017 IT/81 LONG:3#6@£<l IT/BJ #7@ i, EW. 11/81 12#7 14@1TSIIRRUP 2. FOLNOATION CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE NORHAL WE IGHT CONCRETE (4,000 !"SI e28 DAYS) ON 6" COMPACTED GRAVEL fill . SEE FOUNDATION DETAIL FOR REINFORCEMENT INFORMATION. 3 . TOP OF S,O,G ELEVATION TO BE -10'-0' RELATIVE TO FIRST FL EL :t0.00(60 .06'), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THUS t lNDICATING DISTANCE ABOVE OR BELOW TOP OF SLAB. 4 , SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE 6" NWT CONC. (4,000 ,s1 e2e DAYS) WITH 6x6-W2 .9xZ.9 WWF OVER HIN. 6" GRAVEL. 5. BOTTOM OF FOOTING ELEVATION SHOWN THUS { ) INDICATING ELEVATION RELATIVE TO FIRST FL EL t0.00(60.06'). ACCEPTED o.te:oe1rwH11 ~~-1 """' ..-i..~"i:,_wt~""='..y,.. """"""" NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 40-54 JUNCTION BLVD QUEENS NY 11368 \ ~-~~. >'-UM~-} CEU.AR FOUNDATION PLAN -· oiio FOUNDATION_!'LAN F-HIJ.00/ 1/4" • 1'-0' F-100.01 Q00725494-P1 1/27/23, 11 :12 AM 20230127_ 103039.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/KtbxlxgBxfJBrZqFXXvzLwrVMFcTFRQdMg?compose=GTvVlcSDZqqlxDdFrcGLGWDbfCKJivsxsKiixosn7r.iF 1/1 1121123, 11 :1e ,r https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/QgrcJHrjBQfrkzGmCBTqGcrSdbhdNZWRcdg?compose=GTvVlcSDZqqlxDdFrcGLGWDbfCKJjvsxsKiixqsgZcjFSNrmQqNqbBCFwkvkLRGNdsJDGBCzJmBSK&... 1/2 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/KtbxlvHkRZRGnjfGwThlQJHJwCWWjvqjHL?compose=GTvVlcSDZqqlxDdFrcGLGWDbfCKJjvsxsKjjxqsgZcjFSNrmQqNqbBCFwkvkLRGNdsJDGBCzJmBSK&pr... 1/2 ) ) MONITORING PLAN LEGEND ► ) MATZEN MONITORING LlC zu lAke Shore Rd Metrose.m12121 ADJACENT 3 STORY BUILDING (LOT 33) Optical Prism (Pl c:ng> J6.l-01n CONC, UNDERPINNING & INTER-PIT SHEETING !SEE DETAIL) M Vibration Sensor ..... (S) ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ·•.q "'-0" ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... OWNER JONATHAN GIAHN ►P ◄0-53 JUNCTION BOULEVARD CORONA NY 11388 Telephonr. 36'-io¾" ~ "O REAR YARD I ~ cj ~ ., 71M2&-M85 JOBTifi:£ : 5 STORY MIX BUILDNING :::,. (l) ~ 0 ~ i:o ........,..,. ...... ,.,,. ~ .....0 ~ l !. -+-,) C) ~ ~ 1-:) [ ►P ADJACENT 2 STORY BUILDING (LOT 35) PM::Ql9Pli[CIIJIDJl$$4,l'e1)' A. Monitoring summary & Action Protocol ,_.10STMJ'Of /l,JfflXCAVATIONOlOlWATDINGWOM..N(<OH5Tlll.lCT10fDISTWGCDNOm0NSOOCUMOfTATDllstWl IE PClllfllOMCOrOfl S'T1IJCl\lllCS ...,.,.N6IIOIOUING M SITL ASAMNMUM.. TH( PM-O>HSTM.OION C0frl0mOH5 DOCUM£NTA1IOHWC- SHAU. IHOUO( TH( fOUOWING A PMOTOCiAAPte OOCLMHTATIOH OF W:UCT ACCB5al UlUIOft I INll,_. f.t.CAD(S. U)i.NIO UIIJ NllA5 Of 1UOUHGS ~ M SfTl:NfO ntl AmtiClHT 51llUTSNIOYOCWAUS. Threshold Instrument I ~':;' Reading Frequency Level Protocol for Exceedanc:• of Action Level Protocol for Exceedance of Threshold Level MallWT't'9tATX>NMOHrTOltlNGstWL.PlillfOIIIMEDOJIIURANDIIGHTYDlSOfl'M>JECTSffENCNllSTTOM:~11Aou«a. CMC&GM.IGlS5W.ll8EINSTM.LOM:IIOSSSlUCTOIKJMOCAM:U. Aa,,.s(IJNC ft£MllNGWlll H """10lD fOlAU.tiOSloa«i , _ . fOC(JMM(HC(M(NT 06 CONS'IIIUCTION. Selsmogn,ph ff§IlllMMlATIOt(KJUP I >LO ln/S I >2.0ln/s I Conthuous/Weeldy ,oport ~lOJtAS'fCW NffUCAYATION0a0£WAIITT-.GWO.,N(~IN'iSTM.ICTlMf. ~OM«iNmlllMCNA.noNStWl K lSTAIU5HlDAHD Ali_.. SHAU K IUJOIIIMl0 Put Otl M1MM1.M lllQUlfl(MOfTS NllCAllD ICLOW AM> Cl.SlWUf. ON lMlSf. OAAWIHG.S ANO AS Sll'[Clfl:D If Otl ,-:)l(CT Tw,ce weekly during TKHNIC'Al.!Wllanu.ncws. 1161Ail ~ Al 5lllCT I.OCATD/5 Al W.llCT WU.IION5 ON un ANO ..-..0 SIJl CW '910JlCT Sill frViNST T O ~ 5TIIIICTUIICS TO COHTINUOUSlY MOHIT011 6'IOIJHO ~TICM TMH5Htll0 TO not: 5UUCl\llU roR lHl OIJAATION Of THC UNOU1P1NN1HG. DICAVAnoN ANO I0UHCWHION COH$TMJCTION AClMTU StJ5MOGIW'H WU.flON!i SHAU IC AS INDICATED OH lHl PIIOJlCT ..,..TOIIIMG Pl.AH A IIWCIMI..M"1MATOflltll£SH0lDlMlOIUl~C0HOANOMAl!ATJHflfSl«)tDlMlOILOM>«S/S(CONOStW.lKINOWlYUTMIU5MfOFOfl THC AOW::00 111.11.01NGS. THlSf NIE TUfTATM YAU.ID; NUGHICJfllfifG ll.llOING OCCVPANT\, CJ1"Y AGlNCU 0111 flllD OJNOfTIONS MAY MQLW AQllM,l[HTSLOWt~IFHlCOSMY.l0l'ROllCTIOWffl .. THlNllGHIODNG~5A.Hl)fmTHf.llMDIHCiSA.HOSlllUCTWSTHlMSO.\/lS. Opllcal Targets b. Crack Gauge• °" OlN«i~(Ml[IICAYATOIUNTilfOUHOilllONWAUS,.CCIHSlWJCTlOANOIIIACtO.MOOEWMl(JINjj•IICOlMUIIISSTOPPEO.P(#OlM MOMTOIWfG MOfli 'lllQU[Jffl.'1' f' M0YCM£Hf OCCURS M If 0111(010 l'I' OWNll:HW. Tl4llll lNGINUIS 011 lffCOOI. IIECOIO AHO llt:POltl lllVATIOMNCI t.AltJIAI. POSITIOH Of' UOI IIEHCHMMkAT UAST TWICI A WllK M«.1 JffST.wATION IS .. Pll0GIIU&. .. MOHrTOMGl'Ol#f ~~TCAOISl'\AOMOfTOfO.J2SINCHl£TWElHTWOCON5lCVTM IICAOMi5011ACUMLIATMDt51UClMlHT OCllON60.l51NCM,HAl.lDCAVA'OOHMOOICAVAT1NSlMOIITCONSlaJCTIONOP(U.TIONSUNTilCOIIIIECTM;(ACTlONHASlf.[NIWJ'.'I0[0 l'I' tMl COHTIIACtOII AHO IS ACCf.PlMU TOM OWMA. OWNUt CNGINUIIS. AHO M AMJCAllf AOlAClHT l'ROl'f.ffl OWttlRS,. TH( AIKM nw.sHOlDCflJf[IISA Ml TlNTATM. ANO loOW: mllNGCHl lllO.alMOf1l MAY IC UTAIUSHCO IASlOON COfQTIOHS; f t ~ K THC 1. nu.o 2. 3. 1St»SlM:O.lf~COH5{WTJY(JICAOING50flMMIMll(AS(OfACIACI.OIIOl«ACACINGOfJMM("-1/IIH04) ■«MAS(OfACMClll5<m(IMD,TI« CNGIMDIOfllCCOMIAHOt'.ONSTMJCTION loU.MAG(IISHAU N HOQ'ICDMMCOIATCl'l'TOASSE.H M COHOmCWII AHOTA.ll MmGATNG ~ II CUMMI.AAlMM011lM(NTOf6MMM/41NOf1150tiDM.0TKNCON!oTitUCTlONACTMtl£SSHAUCL'5fANOCONST-.cr10Nwn«:l05WlllNAS6USiD ANO MOOlfl(DACCOIIOINGtf; ~ ACTMIIU Will NOT llSllM[ UWTll MlAStJROAII( IMPUMlKllD 10 l'MV£NT ,Ulffifl'.II Wl)(NING Of TH( ""'11. /Jr. > 1./8 '" I fl> 114 '° I underplnring, once wffkty through fouodalla1 If mowment 6 greater than 1/6 Inch the construction manager & engineer shall be notified i'nmediatety I 3mm I 6rm, I Once weekly du.ring demoUUon, excavation & betow g,ode ccnsuuctJon Construction manager & engineer of record shall be notified lmmedlatety to assess If ttveshold level is exceeded the construction manager & engineer of record are to be notU1ed lmrnedlatety cW'ld work wll stop. Wak ~ re--.ArnO upon apptoval by the construction manager and apprOYed remedlat measures and/or modfMtd con:strucUon procedure by the engineer ot ,e,:c,,d condition ~ caffUCf01fSSOUlleSl'ON5alJT'lr0MOMTCaCONDITIOftSDUIIWGTHCIRWOIIJCTOUCSUIU:JMCPfl01'tcnON~SPlor■(DH(Jl(tN Mf.MAlrfl'MN[D. TWTAllCJWJl:GM.IGlSSHM.lKINSlAU.(OATUOS'TN.iCAAalDCATIONSr, lltOOmfllOOt.-.r.THCPllt:COHmlUCTIOJICJ:lfllOlllCWlloona.tOflATIOft. CWICiAUGESWkl I( MOMTilMDTOMN.L.lNiCJO, •/4!MM WITHAIWG: Ol •I · ~ •l·lCMM. c.AUGC5 SHMl IE IIC.IO AT A ........ Of OHa W(Ul'I' DlMIH6 OlMOUJION. OICAVAtlON &- IClOW GMOl COHSUIUCTIOH. THUil Nllll GAOGU Will IE Ill.AO OM.Y • DCU5M IUlDiNG MOYlMIHT I WlltlalexcavaUon & corrpteua, (UVAnoNMOlATEAM.P051TIONCL'lfffllOI.POWT'5!1KW.lf:lST.f.lU5H£DATMlXISTWGAM>ADWDff~ASJOll.OW5; AS A .......... MOWIOIIIING ,own SHAU. • m~o ANO MOMTtwHG A.LONG M OCISIT"'6 fllQrfT fAtAO( NtO Al COltNCII Of Ht:~OUUNG mtUCTIMU. MONTOIIING POfTNS SHAU I( SPAU.D Al N'fllOXIMAfll'I' ls-foot SPACING Al.OHC'i THE OOUIIOII alCII.JNGIACAOES.MOIICSTIINGlNTMONITOMNG~Sl'AONG.Ql.aCM£Ht'SMA'l'KtrAAHOAT(Dl'l'N'f'CDOIAHOOTHCIIM:1.IVAH'TAGOCIU MSlO VTHN:o,lC Ccwc:mON5. UlMIU5HAHOMOfl'lOlAil(ll\lAUONA.HOlAflllAl."05110ilCOHJIIIOL,otHT5T0Mla.l,IU,C'l'Of.o05fOOT.MUWN.MOHl'TOftlNGtOlfl LOCAnoHS AHO lATUAl l'OSITIOHS Al llA5T TWIC( PH WllJ QUm,,IG HT\Al lCA\/All'JN I U N O ( ~ ~ NIO At llA5T 0NCl A WU& ConstrucUon manager & engineer of record shall be nolllled -~tely 4. ANY MOVEMEHT EXCEEDING THE A80VE THRESHOLD CRITER1A WIU BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. THE CONTRACTORS ENG NEER FOR STRUCTURAL STABILITY WIU MAK£ AN INSPECTION Of THE AffECTED BUILDlNG WITHIN 24 HOURS OF TWE REPORTED EXCEEOANCES. THE ENGINEER WIU PREPARE A REPORT ASSES~NG TH£ CONDITION OF THE AfFECT£D BUILDING ANOAH't REQUIRED REMEO&ATIOH. THE REPORT WJU BE SUBMITTED TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. THE OBIGN TEAM, NYCOOB EXCAVATION UNIT, ANO THE NYCOClB FORENSK UNIT WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE INCIDENT. IF THE BUILDING IS JUDGED TO BE IN AH UNSTABLE CONDITION, THE 008 SHAU BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. THE CONTRACTOR MAY ESTAUSH MONJTORJNG POINTS ON THE EXISITNGAOJACENT STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO THE BUILDING OWNERS' APPROVAL, TO ADEQUATELY MONfTOff AHO OTHERWISE KEEP THEMSELVES INfOftMEO Of THE STRUCTURES CONOfllOHS OURJNG THE -.voRX. ANY MOVtMENT Of ADJACENT BUILDINGS EXCEEDING 0.25 INCHES WIU RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE TERMINATION Of WORI(, ANO THE 008 SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. THE CONTRACTOff SHAU RESTORE.. TO THE SATISfACTION Of THE PROPERTY OWNER. BY REPAIR OR OTHERWISE, THE PORTIONS Of THE BUllDtNGS, OR THEIR CONTENTS, ALTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN THE FURTHERANCE Of THEIR EXCAVATION OR SUPPORT Of EXCAVA.TION WORK. RESTORATION SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE CONOITIONS WHICH EXISTED PRIORTO THE START Of WORK. 40-54 JUNCTION BLVD QUEENS NY 11368 -- ~.:./U/1922 PAGE1 40-54 Junction Blvd, Queens Rising Real Estate Group LLC WEEKLY MONITORING REPORT 1/15/2023 - 1/21/2023 ~ BRONX NEW (339)364-0177 YORK REPORTS@MATZENMONITORING WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE2 INDEX II. OPTICAL MONITORING Introduction 3 Project/Prism Layout 4 Weekly Readings 5 Ill. VIBRATION MONITORING BRONX Introduction 9 Equipment Specification 9 Project Layout 10 Weekly Readings 11 NEW (339)364-0177 YORK REPORTS(Q)MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE3 OPTICAL MONITORING INTRODUCTION r-'\ Matzen Monitoring has been contracted by Rising Real Estate Group LLC to conduct optical readings at the 40-54 Junction Blvd, Queens project. Readings will be conducted of optical prisms placed on structures & buildings adjacent to the project site. The results of these readings will be reported in feet. These readings are being conducted with a Trimble RTS573 Robotic Total Station, the cut sheet to this instrument can be found here: CUT SHEET Resulting readings shall be reported to project engineers and can assist in determining if settlement or other dangerous movements are occurring. For this project. the following action levels have been set: B Q O N X ALERT LEVEL THRESHOLD LEVEL 1/4 inch or 4 consecutive readings of 1/16 inch > 1/4 inch N E W (339)364-0177 Y O Q K R E P O R T S (a) M A T Z E N M O N I T O R I N C WWW MATZENMONITORINC COM C O M PAGE4 OPTICAL MONITORING PROJECT/PRISM LAVOUT Site Overview Prism Layout Figure 1: 40-54 Junction Blvd, Queens Figure 2: 40-56 Junction Blvd, Queens Prism Layout Prism Layout Figure 3: 40-56 Junction Blvd, Queens BRONX NEW (339)364 - 0177 YORK Figure 4: 40-52 Junction Blvd, Queens REPORTS (Q) MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE5 OPTICAL MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS Basellne Optical Readings lSeptember 2, 20221 Eo~ting Northing & Elevation values are pre-...ented ,n feet ~ t1< 1/8mch l1 > t/81nch Point Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 6 > 1/4 tnch - Northing (Yl Ea>tlng(XI Ba!.ctllno Read ing Current Reading Accumulated Change On> 39.483 15.263 -16.514 -19191 -0.178 39483 15263 -16-514 -19191 -0178 0000 27593 27-593 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Elevation (Zl Current Re&ding Accumulated Change Un) e~ellno Reading Current Reading Accumulated Change!lnl 131501 l)l,501 23-038 0000 129099 125992 0000 0 .000 0000 0 .000 0.000 0000 23038 129099 1Z599Z 153149 154987 157,675 23593 24-943 26092 23593 24943 26092 24,778 0000 0 .000 0000 0000 0000 Ba:.elino Reading 153-149 154987 157675 24778 23741 23741 Accumulated Change <ti) inch (September 13, 20221 Ba:ieline reading~ were conducted on September 2 Easting. Northing & Elevation values are pr11S1111ted in feet A< t /8 11 1d1 A > t/8 H\Ch Ea>tlngOO Point Pt P2 PJ P4 P5 P6 A > 1/ 4 lllCh - Elevation (Z) Northlng!Yl Ba!.eline Roadlno Current Readlno Accumulated 39,483 39_481 15260 Cha...,e!lnl 15263 -16514 -19.191 -0.178 -16.514 -19195 -0178 0024 0036 0000 0048 0000 27593 27-595 0024 Accumulated Ba:eline Readina Chana•Onl Sar.eline Readlno Current Readlno l)L501 129,099 1)1,501 0000 129097 125990 153-146 0024 0024 0036 154-989 157.675 0024 0036 125992 153-149 154,987 157672 23038 23593 24943 26.092 24778 23-741 Current Readina Accumulated 23,035 23591 24941 26.090 0036 0024 0.024 0024 24m OOlZ 23740 0012 Chanoe(ln) Accumulated Change <Al Inch (September 21, 2022) New Ba::ellne reading,: were conducted on September 2L 2022 E.l:bng. Northing & Etevobon vatur.; ore prr.;ented in feet l'i < 1/8 inch b.> Point Pl P2 PJ P4 PS P6 118 ,nch Ea!:.ting Northing Baseline Readino cwrent Readina Accumulated 49385166 4915 7370 48858685 49394579 49133616 48955018 49385166 49157370 48858685 49394579 49133616 48955018 Elevalton Cu"ent Reodina Accumulated Chonae(ln) Baseline Readino Current Reading Accumulated ChanaeGnl BasellM Readlna 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 49920287 49843545 49730654 49641654 4954-2821 49475152 49929287 49843545 49730654 49641654 4954z8Z1 4947515Z 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 113-0205 UJ-5744 1149236 1137237 114 7605 u60696 UJ-0205 11)-5744 1149236 11)7237 1147605 1160696 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 ChanoeGnl Accumulated Change (A) inch [September 27, 2022) New Ba::ellne re<>dong.; were conducted on September ZL 2022 E~:bng. Northing & Etev~tion v~lur.; ore pr~ented "'feet A< 1/8,rch A> 1/8 ,och Point Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 A> 1/4 n ch Ea~ing Northing Elevation Ba.ellne Readlna Curr""! Readina Accumulat~ Chonaelln) Baseline Current Readino Accumulated ChanaeGnl BaseUM Readlno Current Aeadino Accumulated Readina 4g385156 49157370 48858685 49394579 49133616 48955018 49385147 49157)46 48858680 49394461 49133594 48954941 00228 00288 00060 01416 499ZOZ87 49843545 49730654 49641654 49542821 49475152 49929252 49843485 49730636 49641731 49542793 49475139 00420 00720 00216 00924 00336 00156 11)0205 U35744 1149236 UJ7237 114 7605 11606g6 U3-0Z04 1135725 1149Z87 1137261 114 7610 1160721 00012 00228 00612 00288 00060 00300 OOZ64 00924 Chanoe(inl Accumulated Change ( ) inch [October 7, 2022) New Baseline reecf,ngs -e conducted on September 21 , 2022 Easting, Northing & El&vabon values are presented ,n feel .\ < 1/8 inch .1 > 118 P1 P2 P3 P4 PS P6 ..\ > 1/4 Eutlng Northing Point inch inch Elevation Current Readlno Accumulated Ba11llne Basellne Currant Accumulated Chanoellnl Re.a ..._. Cutr•nt Readlno Accumulat•d Readlno Cha-llnl Readlno Readlno Chanoe llnl 4938,5166 4915.7370 4885.8685 4939.4579 4913.3616 4895.5018 4938.5144 4915.7332 4885.8635 4939.4501 4913.3575 4895.4955 0.0264 0.0456 00600 00936 0.0492 0.0756 4992.9287 4984.3545 4973.0654 4964.1654 4954.2821 4947.5152 4992.9221 4984.3457 4973 0578 4964.1616 4954.2767 4947.5146 00792 0.1056 00912 00456 0 .0648 0.0072 113.0205 113.5744 114.9236 113.7237 114.7605 116.0696 113.0245 113,5810 114.9332 113.7259 114.7608 116.0763 0.0480 0.0792 0.1152 0.0264 0.0036 0 .0804 Baseline Note: Elevations & coordinates are assumed for monitoring purposes only and for potential future comparison. They shall not be used for layout or any other construction related tasks. BRONX (339)364 NEW 0177 YORK REPORTS @ MATZENMONITORING WWW MATZENMONITORINC COM COM PAGE6 OPTICAL MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS Accumulated Change ( ) Inch [October 11, 2022] New Baseline readings v.ere conduoled on September 21 . 2022 Easting, Na1hlng & Etevaba1 values are presented In feet L\ < 1/8 Inch ._\ > 1/8 Inch Point P1 P2 P3 P4 PS P6 Basellne Current Re ■ dlna Re ■ dlna ._\ > 1/4 Inch £a11tng Northt119 Accumulated Chlnae flnl 4938.5166 4938.5123 4915.7370 4915.7357 4885.8685 4885.8625 0.0516 0.0156 00720 4913.3616 4913.3592 4895.5018 4895.4983 0.0288 0.0420 Baseline Readlna Accumulated Current Readlna 4992.9287 4992.9237 4984.3545 4984 3483 4973.0654 4973.0611 U!Yeadable 4954.2821 4954.2808 4947.5152 4947.5179 Baaelln• Elevation Current Accumutated Chanae llnl Readlna Readlna Chlnoe llnl 00600 0 .0744 00516 113.0205 113.5744 114.9236 11 3.0239 113.5791 114 9228 0.0564 00096 0 .0156 00324 114.7605 116.0696 114,7630 116.0766 0 .0408 0.0300 0.0840 Accumulated Change ~ inch (October 21, 20221 N""' Baseline readings were conducted on September 2-L 202-2 Eastr,g. Northing & Elev~~on values aro p,escnted in root t» 1/8 nch t1< 1/Bmch Easijng Northing Point P1 P2 Curront Accumulated BnsoUno Current AccumuLat&d SmeUne Current Accumubted Reading Reading Chonge Un) Ro.ding Reading Change linl Reading Reading Change Un) 4992S.?87 49929233 49843545 49843509 49730654 49730618 00648 1130197 ooOQ6 00432 1130205 1135744 00024 00432 1149236 llJ-5742 114.9297 oogJ6 00876 1137237 114 7605 00456 116.0696 49385166 493851,42 00288 49157370 49157338 48858685 4885.8681 00384 00048 OlS,48 PS 4939-4579 4939.4450 4913 3616 4913-3611 00060 49641654 4964-1732 4954.2821 49542748 P6 4&.l55018 48955006 0014-4 4947-5152 P3 P4 Elevation BaseUno 4947511'1 11J7233 114 7603 1160738 00732 00046 00024 00504 Accumulated Change (Al inch (October 25, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easting. Northing & Eleva~on values are prosentod 1n reet Point - Roacing P1 P2 P3 P4 PS P6 fl< 1/8 Inch fl> 1/4 Inch 6 > J./B lnch Easllng Northing Elevation Current Accumulatod Basotino Current Accumulated Baseline Current Accumulated Reading ChongttGn) Reading R""ding Change(in) Reading Reading Change Un! 49929287 49929244 00516 1130154 00612 '1984 3545 49843424 4973-0654 4973.0550 4964.1654 4964 1616 01.452 01248 113 0 205 1135744 1135663 1149150 00972 49385166 49385136 49157370 49157335 48858685 4885.8615 00360 00420 4939-4579 4939-4502 49133616 49133555 48gs.s<>18 48854950 0.0924 00732 00816 ooa.o 49542821 495428o5 4947-5152 4947-5182 1149236 00456 00192 1lJ 7237 1147605 00)00 116.0696 1137132 114 7479 116.0665 0.1032 01260 01512 00372 Accumulated Change ~ inch (November 3, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted o n September 21. 202-2 Easing. Northing & Etovation valuos are presonted in reot 11>1/8nch 6<1l8mch Northing Point Baseline Current Reading Reacing /J. > 1/4 inch Easting Accumulatod Chang<>Gn) Elovatlon Bas.Una Current Accumulated Baseline Cumont Accumulated ReadJng Reading Change(ln) Readir,g RNding Change On! 00972 00828 113 0205 1130196 00108 1135744 114.9236 1135738 00072 1149223 113 7176 00156 Pt 4938-5166 4938-5196 00360 49929287 4992,9206 P2 49157370 49157344 4885.8685 4885.8677 00312 ,QgS.i3545 49843476 00096 4939-4579 4939.4563 49133616 49133627 48gs.s<>18 4&.)S.5023 00192 00132 00060 49730654 4973-0606 4964.1654 4964.1625 49542821 49542811 0.0576 00348 00120 llJ 7237 1147605 4947-5152 49475180 00336 116.0696 P3 P4 PS P6 114 7537 1160676 00732 00816 00240 Accumulated Change (A) inch !November 9, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on Septerrber 21. 2022 Eastr,g. Norttwng & Eleva tion values are p,esentod ,n reot Point - Reodi119 Pl P2 P3 P4 PS P6 .il<1/8mch A>V8nch 6 > 1/ 4 inch ElovaUon Easting Northing Current Accumulated Baseline Currant Accumulated Baseline Cumtnt Accumulated Reacing ChangeGn) Reading Reading Changelinl RNdlng Reading Changa(in) 00336 0014<1 1130205 llJ.5744 114.9236 1130114 1135638 1149167 01092 01272 o.oa.ze 114 7605 116.0696 lt.47509 1160610 01032 49365166 49385103 49157370 49157354 4885 8685 4885-8644 00756 00192 00492 49929287 49929259 49843545 '1984 3533 49730654 4973.0656 0.00Z◄ lJnr()il(lllblo 49133616 4913.3 585 4Bgs.so18 4895-5001 00372 00204 49542821 49542842 002-52 4947-5152 49475169 I 00204 01152 Note: Elevations & coordinates are assumed for monitoring purposes only and for potential future comparison. They shall not be used for layout or any other construction related tasks. BRONX NEW {339)364-0177 YORK REPOQTS@MATZENMONITOQINC WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE? OPTICAL MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS Accumulated Change ~) inch !November 16, 20221 ~ New Basellne readings wc;re conducted on September 21. 2022 Ellst,ng, Northing & Etevat,on valuc;s arc; prc;sc;nted in feet l» 1/8 tnGh 6< 118,nch Northing Point Pt P2 P3 p4 P5 P6 BnsoUn• Current Reading Reading EasUng Accumulated Change 49385166 49385<>85 49157370 49157313 4885.8685 48858612 49394579 49394444 4913.3616 4913.3570 48955018 48954973 A> J.141nch (In) ·00972 -00684 -00876 ..-0.162<> -00552 ·00540 ElevaUon BasoUno Curre nt Accumulated Reading Reading Curre nt Accumulated Change (In) BaseUno RH d lng Readlng Change fin) 49929287 49929172 -01380 u30205 1130096 49843545 49843433 49730654 49730538 -b1344 1135744 1149236 113.5631 1149074 -01308 • O;lJS5 ,-.0 1944 -01128 1137237 1147605 1137081 1147420 · 0.2220 · 007ZO 1160696 116.0569 · 01524 -b1392 -0 1668 49641654 49641515 49542821 49542727 49475152 <9475092 -01872 Accumulated Change ~> Inch (November 21, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on Septen-ber 21. 2022 Easting. Northing & Etovation valuos aro presented ,n feot d< 1/8 inch A>11'8nch No,tl,lng Point Pt P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 6>1/41nch Elovatlon Easting BaHline Current Accwnulat.ttd BaseUne Current Acc:umulabtd BaseUne Current Re ading Reading Change Qn) Reading Rending Change(ln) Reading R9odlng -01452 -01392 t,.(i.1284 1130205 1135744 1149236 1130083 -00756 114.7605 11606g6 49385166 49385110 49157370 49157293 48858685 4~8600 49133616 491J.J538 48955018 4B954952 -00672 49929287 49929166 -00924 -0.1020 4984 3545 49843429 -00936 49542821 49542758 49475152 49475100 ·0079i 4973-0654 49730547 Unraadabl<! ·00624 Accumulalod Change (In) -014!14 1135628 -01392 114.9154 -0.0984 114 7477 116.0610 "'<11536 · 0103,l Accumulated Change (A) Inch (December t, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on Septerrber 21. 2022 Easting. Northing & Elevation vatoos are preoonted in feet fl< t/8 inch Point Pl P2 P3 P4 PS P6 A> t/4mch A>1/8nch No,tl,lng Elovatlon Easting 8as•llne Current Accumulated BaseUne Current Reading Reading Ctuinge fin) Reading Reading Accumulat.d luv ·0.2256 Chongo 4g385166 4938.5155 49157370 4Q15c7330 48858685 48858668 · 00132 -00480 4992g287 499211099 49843545 49843402 ·0.0204 •0~000 4973-0654 4973.0504 Unreadable; 49133616 49133623 48955018 48955086 00084 -49542821 49542669 49475152 49475003 00816 -01716 · 01824 -0.1788 Basetirw Current Accumulaaed Reading Reading Change tin) UJ0205 1130168 ·00444 1135744 114.9236 1135687 -00684 1149239 00036 114 7605 11606g6 114 7554 1160702 -00612 ooon Accumulated Change (A) inch !December 7, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easting. Northing & Elevation valuc;s ar<! prc;scntcd in feet A> t/4 inch 6< 1/81nc:h Easting Northing Point Elevallol, Baseline Current Accumulated Baseline Current Accumulated Baseline Current Accumulated Reading Reading Change On) Reading Reading Chang&Onl Reading Reading Change On) Pt 49385166 49385114 -00624 '49929287 49929109 -0.2136 113.0205 1130143 -00744 Pa ·01020 •0.2028 493Q..c579 4939.4466 - 01356 -01704 UJ7237 113 51579 1149208 113,7185 ·00780 · 00900 1135744 1149<!36 P4 P5 P6 49133616 49133542 48955018 48955015 -o.o888 •00036 4984-3545 49843364 49730654 49730485 4964.1654 •964-1512 4954.2821 4954l701 49475152 49475024 '"°-217' P3 49157370 49157'85 4885-8685 4885-8610 ·01440 114 7605 116o6g6 114 7496 1160693 •Q.1308 •0.0036 •01536 · 00336 -00624 Accumulated Change IAI inch (December 14, 20221 New Baseline readings were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easting. Northing & Etcvat,on vatuc;s arc prc;sc;nted rn rcet A>118n:h 6< t181nch Northing Point Pl P2 P3 p4 P5 P6 6> t/4 inch Easting Elevation Baseltne Current Accumulated Basetlne Current Accumulated Baseline CurTent Accumulated Reading Reeding Change Uni Reading Reading Change On> Reading RNding Change On> -01980 -01440 -0.1512 UJ0205 113 5744 114 9<136 1130069 113 56z2 - 0~464 -011!52 •01'48 •01044 UJ7237 1147605 1160696 4938-5166 4938.5126 ·00480 49929287 4992-9122 49157370 49157343 488&8685 48858645 · 00324 · 00480 4939.4579 4939,4476 49133616 49133612 4895-5018 48955021 ·0.1236 -00048 00036 4984 3545 49843425 4973-0654 49730528 4g64~654 49641533 4954.2821 49542717 49475152 49475065 1149126 1137085 114-7448 1160604 ,-0.16)2 -lMJZO -'0.>824 -0~8'84 · 0.1104 Note: Elevations & coordinates are assumed for monitoring purposes only and for potential future comparison. They shall not be used for layout or any other construction related tasks. BRONX NEW (339)364-0177 YORK REPORTS@MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORINC COM COM PAGE8 OPTICAL MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS Accumulated Change (A) Inch (December 21, 20221 ~ New 8aselne readings were conducted o n September 21. 2022 Eastng. Nortting & Elevation vlllucs arc presented ,n rcct t» 118 n<:h 6< 1/81neh Northing Point Easting l:J. > 1/4 inch EIOYallon Baseline Curre nt Accumulated Baseline Current Accumulated Basell ne Current Accumulated RN<lif1g Reading Changelln) Reading Reading ChangeOnl Reading Readir1g Changi,(lnl -00)48 Pt 49385166 4938 5077 -0.1068 .e9929287 4992-9132 -OJ860 113.0 205 1130176 P2 49157370 4915-7253 -01404 49843545 49843390 • 0.1 788 1135744 1135722 -0.0264 P3 4885-8685 4885,8631 -00648 49730654 4973-0513 -01~ 114.9236 114,92 31 -00060 p4 4939-4579 4939.4464 -011,40 4964.1654 4964.1514 -0.1680 1137237 1137212 -00300 P5 4913 3616 -0.0276 495428 21 49542664 -<>.1884 114-7605 1147573 -00384 -00024 4947,5152 4947.4967 -022,:0 1160696 1160732 00432 P6 49133593 4895.5018 4895-5016 Accumulated Change <tu inch (December 28, 2022) New Baselw,e readings were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easi ng. Nort hing & Elevation values aro presented ,n root 6< t/8 inch Ci.> 1/8inc:h Northing Point E.lovatk>n Easting Basollne Currttnl AccumulDted BaseUn• Currant Acwmutated Basellno Cu.mmt Accumulatod Rearung Reading Chonge lln) Reading Reading Change Onl Reading Reacfong Change(inl -00744 Pt 4938 5166 49385067 -01188 49929287 49929113 -02088 113 0 205 1130143 P2 49157370 4915,7217 -01836 4984 3545 49843394 -0.1812 113 5744 1135698 -0055,2 P3 488s.8685 48858600 -0.1020 4973-0654 4973-0541 -01356 11,4.9236 1149189 -0.0564 PS 4913.3616 4913.JSJQ -0092-4 P6 48955018 48954941 -0.0924 Unroadablo P4 f 4954.2821 49542684 -01644 114.7605 11475,20 -01020 4947-5152 4947-5037 -9-UBO 116o6g6 1160671 -00300 Accumulated Change Ill) inch [January 3, 20231 New Baso(lne readings were conducted o n September 21. 2022 Easi ng. Northing & Elevation values are prcsonted ,n root 6<1/8inch A> l/81nch Northing Point 6> 1/4 Inch Easting Elovatlon Baseline Current Accumulated eas..llne Current Accumulated Basellne Current Reading Reading Chonge(ln) Reading RNding Change Onl Reading R- ng Accumulated Change (in) Pl 49385166 4938.5157 -00108 49929287 49929171 -01392 1130205 113 0 104 -01212 P2 49157370 P3 49157353 4885-8 685 48858638 -00204 4984 3545 4g&.3457 -01056 UJ.57• 4 1135646 -01176 -00564 -00828 497J.0654 4973,0585 Unraadablo 114.9236 1149 163 -00876 P4 PS 4913.3616 4913.JS69 -00564 4954.2821 4954.2727 -01128 114.7605 1147487 -0,1.416 P6 48955018 4895-5018 00000 4947-5152 49475095 -o.0684 116.o6g6 116 .0610 -01032 Accumulated Change (6> inch Uanuary 11. 20231 New Base(w,e reoo,ngs were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easi ng. Nortting & Elevation values are presenled in reet A>t/8nch ll.<1/81nch Point --· Reading Northing Easting A> 1/4 inch Elevatlon Current Accumulated eas..lln• current Accumulatad Basellno Current Accumulated Reading Chnnge(in) Reading Reading Change0nl Reading Reading Change(ln) -00804 Pl 4938 5166 4938 5117 -00588 491)29287 49929167 -01440 113.0205 113 0 138 P2 4915 7370 -00672 4984 3545 49843~1 -01248 113 57•4 113 5692 -00624 P3 48858685 488586 00 -0.1020 497).0654 4973.0553 Unraadablo -01212 1149236 1149179 ·00684 49157314 P4 P5 4913.3616 4913.3573 -00516 49S4,2821 4954,2734 -01044 114.7605 114 7508 -01164 P6 48955018 48954983 -00420 4947-5152 4947,5071 -o.ogn 116o6g6 116 .0644 -00624 Accumulated Change <tu inch Uanuary 17, 20231 New Baseline read ings were conducted on September 21. 2022 Easi ng. Northing & Elevation values aro presented in ree1 A> 1/8 inch A< 1/8 inch Northing Point Elevation Easting Baseline Current Accumulot.«I &awUne Current Accumulated Basellne Cumont Accumulated Readmg Reading Chonge(ln) Rending Reading Change0nl RHding Reading Change(in) -00384 P1 4g385166 49385089 -00924 49929287 49929124 -Olgsll U3 0205 1130173 P2 49157370 4915 7320 -00600 49843545 49843413 -0.1584 ll35744 11.J.5700 -00528 P3 488s.8685 4885-8648 -0.0444 497J.0654 49730546 -01296 1149236 1149214 -00264 P4 4939A579 49394480 49 13.3616 4913 3551 -01188 1137237 1137182 -oo66o -00780 4964.1654 49641540 4954.2821 4954~ -01368 PS -01'824 114,7605 114 75,21 -01008 P6 48955018 4895-5001 -0.0204 4947-5152 49475030 -01464 116.o6g6 116.0659 -00444 Note: Elevations & coordinates are assumed for monitoring purposes only and for potential future comparison. They shall not be used for Layout or any other construction related tasks, BRONX NEW {339)364-0177 YORK REPORTS@MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGEg VIBRATION MONITORING INTRODUCTION Matzen Monitoring has been contracted by Rising Real Estate Group LLC to conduct vibration monitoring at the 40-54 Junction Blvd, Queens project. A system of vibration monitors has been deployed in accordance with New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) Code & Technical Policy and Procedures Notice (TPPN) #10/88 (applicable when within the influence of landmark structures). These codes set a standard of safe and permissible vibration levels on structures to a range from 0-5 in/s to 2 in/s. Specific trigger limits are set on each project determined by the greater of these codes or directed by a qualified engineer. Resulting readings shall be reported to project engineers and can assist in determining if settlement or other dangerous movements are occurring. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Matzen Monitoring deploys a monitoring system using lnstantel Micromate's with Triaxial Geophone sensors to monitor ground and structure vibration levels. Specifications of this equipment are as follows: General Specifications Mic:romate Channels Geophone · Range • Response Standard • Reso!ut,on • Frequency Range • Accuracy • Phase Response • Transducer Density • Maximum Cabl• Length M1c1ophone and Tnax,al Geophone (tSEE 01 DIN) ISEE Up to 254 mmls (101n/s) ISEE Seismograph Spec1f1cat1on (2017) O00788 mm/s (0 00031 m/s) 2 to250 Hz From 2 to 4 Hz and 125 to 750 Hz +5'%. to -3 dB of an ,deal flat response. from4 to 125 HL •5~or tO 5 rrwn/s (002 ..Vs) whet~"-" ,s lc11C)t'I Phase shift from 2 ~ to 250 Hz< HJ'\ of maXJmurn absolute value of 2 superimposed tiarmon c vibratlOOS 2 2 glee (137 lbs/ft) l 000 m (3.280 ft) DIN Up to 254 mmls (10 ,n/s) DIN45669 1 0 00788 mm/s (0 00031 1n/s) l to315Hz OI 4566Cl l standard 2 2 glee (137 lbslft) 1.000 rn (3.280 ft) Waveform Recording Rec:ord Modes Seismic Trigger Linear Acoustic Trigger Sound Level Microphone Sample Rate Record Stop Mode Record Time Auto Record Time Cycle Time Waveform Storage Capacity Waveform. Waveform Manual O 13 to 254 mm/s (0.005 to 10111/s) 20to500Pa(l00to 148d8) 33 to 140 dB (A 01 C) 1.024 / 2.04814.096 Sis pe, chanr,el (Independent of record time) Fixed record t,me. AutoRecord~ (see Auto Record Time below) 1-90 seconds (programmable in one-second steps) plus a pre-tr,gger at O25. O50. O75. or l Osecond Event Is recorded until actrv,ty remains below tr,gger le11el for duration of au o w·ndow, or until ava1'able memory Is full Rccord,ng unintcrr ptcd by event processing. monrt01Ing or commun,calion 1cro dead t me between events 1.000 !-second e11ents at 2.048 S/s (n m01y upgrade optronal up to 4.000 1-second events at 2.048 Sis) Histogram Recording Record Modes Histogram and Histogram-Combo~ (unit captures triggered wavcf01rns while 100'.lfdiog ,n Histogram mode) Recording Interval Histogram Storage capacity Histogram Combo Storage Capacity 2 to 30 seconds (I-second .ncrements). and 30 seconds to 30 m.nutes (30-second ,ncrements) 222,000 ,n ervals (Examples 5 days at 2-seeond ,ntervals. 150 days at 1-m,nu e intervals) 30 days of H1Stogram re<lO'd ng at 1·!Tllnute nterva s. and c,,er 900 l ~ waveform events BRONX (339)364 NEW 0177 YORK REPORTS(g)MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE 10 VIBRATION MONITORING PROJECT LAYOUT r-'\ The project site is located on the west side of Junction Blvd in Queens on block 1596. In accordance with NYC DOB Code, 2 vibration sensors have been placed around the project site. The units are located as follows: • Sensor 1 (S1): Serial No: UM17989, The unit is located on the left side of construction on the adjacent exterior fac;ade of 40-56 Junction Blvd. The Sensor is wall oriented and approx. 1 feet above ground. Sensor 2 (S2): Serial No: UM17905, The unit is located on the right side of construction on the adjacent exterior fac;ade of 40-52 Junction Blvd. The Sensor is wall oriented and approx. 3 feet above ground. BRONX (339)364 NEW 0177 YORK REPORTS (Q) MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORINC COM COM PAGE 11 VIBRATION MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS ,,----.,.,_ WEEK: SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM14070: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM14070: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o Exceedances Observed, see below readings: Geophone Ptak Plrtldt Velocity Zero Crou,n, FrequentY Tlme (Relative to Tncaer} Puk Acceleration Peak Olsplacement Sensor Chttk frequentY OverswtnJ Ratio PHk Vector Sum Tran 2.6690,n/s 2.8Hz 0.516nc l .878 C 0.210,n Passed 7.1 Ht 4.3 0.042m long 4.1975 ln/s 11.1 Hz 0 .480nc 3.949 I O.llS In 7.3 Hr 4'.S 7.3Hr 4 ,4 Vert 1.690611\/S 8.8 Hr 0.006,ec 1.3981 ✓ Passed ✓ Passed 4.303 7 on/s at 0.480 sec Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM14070: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 - OCTOBER 1, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: OCTOBER 2, 2022 - OCTOBER 8, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: OCTOBER g, 2022 - OCTOBER 15, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period BRONX NEW { 339)364 - 0177 YORK REPORTS @ MATZENMONITORINC WWW MATZENMONITORINC COM COM PAGE 12 VIBRATION MONITORING WEEKLV READINGS /\ WEEK: OCTOBER 16, 2022 - OCTOBER 22, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: OCTOBER 23, 2022 - OCTOBER 29, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: OCTOBER 30, 2022 - NOVEMBER 5, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: NOVEMBER 6, 2022 - NOVEMBER 12, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: NOVEMBER 13, 2022 - NOVEMBER 19, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: NOVEMBER 20, 2022 - NOVEMBER 26, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: NOVEMBER 27, 2022 - DECEMBER 3, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period BRONX NEW (339)364-0177 YORK REPORTS@MATZENMONITORING WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM PAGE 13 VIBRATION MONITORING WEEKLY READINGS ~ WEEK: DECEMBER 4, 2022 - DECEMBER 10, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: DECEMBER 11, 2022 - DECEMBER 17, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: DECEMBER 18, 2022 - DECEMBER 24, 2022 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: DECEMBER 25, 2022 - DECEMBER 31, 2022 ,..........___ The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: JANUARY 1, 2023 - JANUARY 7, 2023 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: JANUARY 8, 2023 - JANUARY 14, 2023 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period WEEK: JANUARY 15, 2023 - JANUARY 21, 2023 The following is a summary of all readings exceeding the trigger limits set for this project. Sensor 1, UM17989: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period Sensor 2, UM17905: Maximum Limit 2.0 in/s o No Exceedances during this period r'\ BRONX. NEW (339)364 - 0177 YORK REPORTS(g)MATZENMONITORING WWW MATZENMONITORING COM COM "JI in J : 212 377-2456 1&1 : 212-377-2457 The Firm RIZWAN A. SALAM, PE C01 -L'Llll\G f'liCINcnt RAS P.E. Consulting Engineers, is one of the leading Structural Designing firms in New York City, located in mid town Manhattan near Rockefeller Center. We offer complete /', structural analysis and design, drafting, shop drawing review and field inspection of buildings. Design services include design of concrete, steel and wood framed buildings, development of construction details, which are practical and cost effective, layout of plans and typical details. specialty Building Designs We specializes in designing and developing plans for all types of buildings including Commercial Plazas, High Rises, Industrial units, Residentail Houses, Town Houses, Condominiums, Mosques, Churches. Over the past three decades we have worked on thousands of projects of all scales. Our vast experiece and technical specialty allow us to devise a cost effective solution for almost any type of construction project such as new buildings, Renovations, Restorations, Alterations, Additions to the existing buildings, Repairs, Demolition, Excavations etc. Every Project is important to us regarldess of its scale. We assist our clients from start to finish of the project depending upon the scope by procuring building permits, periodic inspections and strategic advise at every stage of the project. Controlled Inspections We are a licensed New York Building Inspections Agency. We carry out regulated Progress status and Special Inspections. Some of the main categories of inspections we r----, cover are Strcutural Steel Inspection (Welding, Bolting, Details, Formed steel) Concrete Inspection (Cast-in-Place, Precast, Sub-stressed) Sub-Grade (Soil Preparation), Foundation Inspection, Deep Foundation Inspection, Foundation Footing Inspection, Underpinning , Masonry Inspection , EIFS System Inspection, Excavation & SOE Inspection, Mechanical Demolition Inspection etc. Our Commitmment The professional engineers of RAS PE Consulting Engineers, share a total commitment to excellence as illustrated by our reputation in the industry. We provide quality assurance for owners, as we strive to complete projects within a diligent schedule and thorough output. Our team draws upon a wide array of experience to provide an integrated engineering service on projects of all sizes. We take pride in serving our customers in a professional manner which is most suited to their requirements. we are committed to make the process as simple as possible for our customers and deliver the services in a timely fashion. Please visit our Speciality section to view a complete list of services we provide and to understand how we can ,,...--....._ help you in achieving your goals. th RIZWAN A. SALAM, PE CONSULTING ENGINEER Pro osal # 221003 20 East 49 St., 4th Floor• New York, NY • l 0017 Phone: (212)-377-2456 / Fax: (212)-377-2457 Email: info@salamcons.com www.raspeconsultingengineers.com Pro osal Date 10/3/2022 Please mention our proposal # in all your correspondences with us. This Proposal is three pages, please sign page # 2 & 3 and send it back to us along with tbe retainer. To: Jonathan Giabn 917-363-2789 J onathan.giahn@gmail.com; Ref: SOE/Excavation, FO/Earth Works, STR, excavation design services for a 5 story building at 40-54 Junction Blvd, Queens, NY 11368. The client and engineer hereby agree to the following with respect to the property mentioned above. Revised: 10/4/22 Scope of work and conditions to include the following: 1. Study survey, architectural plans and borings. 2. Document existing conditions and incorporate them in the proposed design 3. Study architectural plans. 4. Answer NYC DOB audit with Sam Engineer. 5. Coordinate with NYC DOB Engineer for audit release. 6. Take over as EOR. ,,,---. 7. Prepare SOE/Excavation, FO/Earth Works, STR plans. 8. Reply to NCR items and guide the contractor. 9. Presently the job is in NYC DOB audit. 10. Check floor framing designed by previous engineer and amend if required. 11. Obtain NYC DOB NOW approval for PAA. 12. Prepare NYC DOB paperwork, filing/expediting to be done by the client's expediter. 13. Job filings are to supersede existing job numbers/applicants where applicable. 14. Coordinate with the client and architect. 15. Time frame: To provide drawings/plans for the aforementioned jobs within 2 weeks for owner and submission to NYC DOB for review after receiving of the retainer. Additional: 1. Any other unforeseen work/extra work shall be agreed upon between the client and Rizwan Abdus Salam P .E. Consulting Engineers. 2. Client to inform engineer 24 hours in advance for a site visit. 3. Retainer is non-refundable. 4. Changes in architectural plans after completion of the structural drawings that result in revision work to the structural drawings will incur additional charges and will be billed at the timecard rates listed on the second page of this proposal. 5. Amendment(s) in plan after DOB approval will incur additional charges and will be billed at the timecard rates listed on the second page of this proposal. 6. The engineer is not responsible for any damages to persons or property due to negligence of the /', contractors. FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING NEEDS Make checks payable to "Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E. Consulting Engineers" Invoices are due upon receipt. Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E. Consulting Engineers 20 East49th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Please reference the invoice # in the memo section of your check. Please note that failure to pay will delay services. 20 East 49 th St., 4th Floor • New York, NY • 10017 Phone: (212)-377-2456 I Fax: (212)-377-2457 RIZWAN A. SALAM, PE CONSULTING ENGINEER Email: info@salamcons.com www.raspeconsultingengineers.com 7. Department of Buildings (DOB) expediting is not included in this proposal. Special and progress inspection items will be identified on the tr 1, but responsibility for those items will not be taken by Rizwan Abdus Salam P .E. unless specified by the client or architect. 8. Controlled inspections are not included in this proposal. 9. Additional charges will apply for DOB audit work. DOB audit work is not included in this proposal. 10. Additional charges will apply for FedEx, messenger and mailing fees (in excess of $5.00 (five dollars)). Consideration: Client' s total consideration for the aforementioned work shall be $27,500.00. All invoices are due immediately upon receipt. Failure to follow the payment schedule will result in the delayed processing of our service. Payment Schedule: 1. 1st payment: $10,000.00 (retainer before the start of any work). 2. 2nd payment: $10,000.00 (due upon completion of plans). 3. 3rd payment: $ 7,500.00 (due upon lifting NYC DOB audit and plan approval by NYC DOB). Note: Construction stage consulting services are not included in this proposal. Agreed & Accepted ~ --::S01v11!~T--! Print Name 10/3/2022 Date Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E. Terms & Conditions: Rizwan Abdus Salam P .E. Consulting Engineers agrees to perform the work detailed under the scope of work at the professional fee listed on the proposal. The client is responsible for making the payments outlined and listed under the payment schedule section of the proposal. The project will not move forward to the next stage until the scheduled payments are made. The signed proposal must be returned to our office along with the first payment before the start of any work. By sending the retainer check the client has agreed to what is written in this proposal. Proposals must be signed before any work is to begin. The retainer is nonrefundable. Checks should be written out to our principal engineer "Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E." Balance shall be paid as invoices are submitted to your office upon progress of work. Additional charges to scope of work: Any condition that may result in additional services or other additional charges will be brought to your attention as we become aware of them. Additional work will not begin without your authorization. Any unforeseen work, extra site visits, NYC DOB expediting services (if not included in the scope of work) will result in extra charges in addition to the professional fee. The fee for any additional services not mentioned in ~ the scope of work above, when authorized by you, will be charged as a negotiated increase to the basic fee, or will be charged on a time-card basis using our standard billing rates as defined below. If additional services are required, clients must inform our office in a timely fashion. 20 East 49 th St., 4th Floor• New York, NY• 10017 Phone: (212)-377-2456 / Fax: (212)-377-2457 RIZWAN A. SALAM, PE CONSULTING ENGINEER Time C ard Billi D2 R ates Site Visits NYC DOB Visits Engineering Office Work General Office Work Coordination Between Office $750 per visit $300 per visit $300 per hour $250 per hour 10% of total hours Email: info@salamcons.com www.raspeconsultingengjneers.com S.NO 1.0 2.0 3. 4. 5.0 6. ITEMS RE UIRED Latest Surve with NAVD elevations Preconstruction Surve Preconstruction R rt Soil Boring Report with TRl(initial & fmal TR4 & test ACP-5 ( As 8.0 Termination: Failure of the owner to make payments to the Engineer in accordance with this agreement shall be considered substantial nonperformance and cause for termination. If the owner fails to make a payment when due, the Engineer may, at its option and without prior notice, immediately suspend performance of services under this agreement. In the event of such a suspension of services, the Engineer shall have no liability to the Owner for the delay or damage caused to the Owner because of such suspension of services. In event of termination by Owner, the Engineer shall be compensated for services performed prior to the termination. Collection: The client will not be subject to finance or interest charges on past due invoices. R.A.S. P.E. Consulting Engineers reserves the right to call an attorney to collect money on past due invoices. The cost of collection ~ will be paid by the client in addition to the past due invoice. Validity: This proposal is valid for 1 year from date of issuing. Conclusion: If you have any questions regarding this proposal please contact our office. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Rizwan Abdus Salam, PE By signing below, I, the signatory agree to everything that is listed on this proposal. I also have read and agreed to the attached terms & conditions. Print Name FOR ALL YOUR STRUCT ENGINEERING CONSULTING NEEDS Make checks payable to "Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E. Consulting Engineers" Invoices are due upon receipt. Rizwan Abdus Salam P.E. Consulting Engineers 20 East 49 th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Please reference the invoice # in the memo section of your check. Please note that failure to pay will delay services.